f A V A- G Continualron First Pate. A THE LAW DEPARTMENT. - The President speaks of tlit. Attor-v-General'8 recomuendations that a 8ufficI?nVaai be appropriated by Con gress fui the payment of Deputy Mar shals. Ha also recommends that Con gress pass some till authorizing the . establish meut of some intermediary , court between the United States Cir cuit Court and the Supreme Court for the purpese of relieving the extraor dinary pressure of business under which the latter is struggling. The - most pronounced feature ot the Attorney-General's report the President does not discuss, and does not mention in the message. Atterney-Ueneral Deveus, in one elaborate chapter, urges n Congress the propriety of National supervision of the ballot in all Na tional elections. Gen. Deveus recom mends that Congress take the pe-sitian that iu National elections State lines are sot te be considered, and that Na tional authority Le directed to protect the ballet-box from fraud and intimi daliofriii all sections ef the country. The President while agreeing with Gen. Deveus on this subject, did not think it best to incorporate this rec ommendation iu his message. AGRICULTURE. - Following the review of the depart ments, Mr. Hayes has a specially good , word to say lor the work of the Com missioner ff Agriculture. He speaks of the Buccess of Mr. LeDuc in his ex periment for the establishment of the growth of tea in this com try and the manufacture of sugar from corn-stalks. The President thinks that through the work ef this one man the country will be able to produce all of the tea and sugar consumed by it, thus s.tviny millions that are annually sent away from heme in the purchase of these two staples. EDUCATION. The next to the last chapter in the message following this relates to the Commissioner of Education, Mr. Ea ten. The chief point of this is the President's recointivml.iti.Hi thai the remainder of the public lands of the country be set aside fur the education of the illiterate of all sections. 1 his would result, the President says, in " giving the most of it to the South, where the greatest illiteracy prevails. The education of this class, both white and black, would have a tendency to 1 'Intellectual level, and consequent! in a closer bond ef union. IN CONCLUSION. Then follows the closing chapter of Mr. Hayes last annual message. This relates entirely to District affairs. N'o President has taken more interest in the District than Mr. Hayes. After dwelling upon the necessity to the health and beauty of the National Capital to make this improvement, he calls upon congress to appropriate in one sum enough to do the entire work in one year. The President estimates 811.000,000 as ample to do this work, lie calls upon Congress also to mase the necessary appropriations to con tinue the work of the Washington monument. lie then dwells upon the necessity and advantage of taking uu the two railroad depots of this city and re moving them from the Government reservations that they now disfigure, and then consolidating them into a union depot nutside of all proximity to reservations or public parks. "Tue Railroads and the Peo ple." Mr. k li. Thurbur, of New York, furnishes to the December Scribner. a paper which will b widely read, and which bids fair to create considerable excitement. It is entitled "Hie Railroads and the Peo ple." and it presents most forcibly tne recent exposures of conuption iu the gseal railroad monopolies of this coun try. The December number of ftCRiB "SEit contains aiso many sinking illus trative as well as literary features. The November usue was the largest number ever printed; it contained one hundred and seventy pages, and was crowded with brilliant pictures and articles of more titan usual interest. Ot the sucess of sx.kib.nkrs in . England, Mr. Jennings writes as fol lows to the New York World: "What I was going to tell you about was the wonderful way in which American magazines are getting on in London. Scrisxer s has had a yery largo sale here for some years past. and its ciiculation must now be, 1 think, fully as great as that of any Eimlish Magazine, and it would not surptis me to hear that il is greatei. Its illustrations have marie its way- easy for it. A very distinguished wood-fimraver once told me that no work done in England in his line now adays, is worthy to be compared with what he saw every month in iMKiBXKR. If I mentioned his name, there is no one on either side the At lantic who would dispute his fitness to pronounce an opinion on such a subject. The rapid advance of ScRin kes's is easily accounted for, and is thoroughly well deserved." The price f Scribner's Monthly is $4.00 a year, and new subscribers who begin with the November num ber may secure, by the payment of 31.00 additional, nine back numbers, containing all of part I. of Schuyler's now famous serial history of Peter the Great, of which Rev. Edward Eg gleston recently wrote: -lt is indeed a wonderful story, needing no aid to the imagination to make it one of the most curious in human history." Tor $3.50 txtra, the two richly -bound volumes of last year maybe had in connection with a year's sub - acription. Booksellers every where, or tthe publishers. Scribner A Co., 743 Broadway, New York, will supply ' the numbers and volumes. issi. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Thi popular perielie:il i .re-eininciill? a Jdiiriml lor the linuHrlioil. ETfry Nuiiirer funiifhes the latest inforiiia tion iu retard to Kahioim in rlrr.s aiil vnia inenl. the iipwi-st and inixt t'rrovi it pnttrni. with tlMiriptive articles ilrlven trom autlion tic ami iiriKinal sources; lil'f its tiiri", poem, and riay on serial and deini-suc top lc. give variety to it celiinias. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. UARI ER S MAGAZINE, Otic V:.r $4 HARPER'S W EEKLY, One ear liARI'EH S B.1ZA1 One Year i0 The THKEE nbove jmblirations Oue Y'r..i0 i-g Any TWO above named. One Year 7 Ou UARl'ElfS Yol-NG PEOPLE. Ouc Year. 1 50 - Povju; fna te all ulsoribi-rs iu the I'niteU States or Canada. Thi-f Yolumrs of the Itazar benin with the first Number for Jamiiuy of e.icli year. When ro time is meiitinned. it will hf. uiulerlo,d that the subscriber w ishes to etniinienee with the Nmnlier next after tlie re ii ot order. le last Eleven Annua! Volumes of Harper's Bazar, in oeat elotli binding ' wili be sent by niail, postage paid, or by express, free f pene (provided tlie freigi't iloes i:"t exceed one dollar per volume), lor T.OO each. Cbdl-Cs.es tor each volume, suitable for binding, will be seat by mail, postpaid. "O re ceipt ci fl.eo each. Remittances she-ild be made by Post-OfTlce - Moirt-v Order or Draft, to avoid chance ot los. Newspapers are uot to copv tin advertise ment wiitmut the expre onler of Haufek & Bkothkuo. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. New Terk lSSl37th Year. Eclectic Magazine ... OF foreign Literature Science and Art. Enlarged and Improved. The Eclectic Magazine reproduces from for sien periodicals 'i those articles which are Tamable to American readers. Its field of se lection embraces all the leadirft Foreign Re view. Magazines, and Journals, und the tastes of all elates of readers are eetistilted in the articles presented. Its plan includes Science. JUsavs. Reviews. Sketches. Travels, .Poetry. - w wau ww ata BUVUV TWO Bl'KDRKU PAGES OF A DDITIOVAL REA D -IXO-MATTEB DVRl.tQ THE YEA 2$. This inrrease of space will afford tlie oppor tunity not iiierly for an increased quantity bat ,orJ P.mch ereater variety of reading matter : ana the imblinlier coiiliUently promises that the opportunity shall be so utilized that the eclectic will be more valuable, more readable, and more satisfactory than ever before. The same pains will b taken as hitherto to exclude article which are trivial iu character, or of merely a transient interest but larger a;, ace L " ... Asiiir'u 10 arueies 01 a popular ana entertaining-cast, and with anfple materials of the bent quality at roinniand. the Eclectic will be made the ideal Family Magazine. The following list of contributor to the peri odicals from which the Kcleciic is selected ill give some idea of the value of its contents: Rt. Hon. W. E. (iladftone. Alfred Tennyson. Professor Huxley, Professor Tyndall. Richard A. I'roctor, B. A., S. Norman Iickyer. K. R. Dr. W. B. C'arpeuter. K. B. Tylor. Prof. Max Muller. Pn.f. Owen. Matthew Arnold. E. A. Freeman, O. C. I- , .lames Anthony Trolloie. Win. Black. Mrs. Olipbant Turgenieff. Miss Thackeray, etc. tThe knulixn jcrifMlien are the great ttitte house from uhirh are drawn many j the Ijttt and mart jxifiular lunik of the time. Tie Eclectic reprints thin mat rial freah fnnn the au thor' hawtm. mud at a $riee fat timer than it ewt in lunik-form. TERMS: Single copies. 45 cent : one copy, one year. S3 ; tve copies, fJO. Trial subscrip tion for three months. $1. The fcC'LEC'l'lC and any ft magazine to one address, $8. Post age free to all subscribers. E R. Fulton. Publisher. 25 Bond Street, New ork. THE"SUN FOR1881. Everybody reads The Sun. In the edition of tbi newspaper throiiicliuut the year to come everybody will find : I. All the world's news. so presented that the reader will get the greatest amount of inforiua tieu with tne le;u,l unproiilable expenditure of time and eyesight, i he Sun lsng ago discov ered the golden mean bet ween redundant ful ness and uns.it laf.utory brevity. II. Much of that sort of news which depends less upon its recognized importance than upon its interest to mankind. From morning te morning 1 lie Sun prints a continued eiory of t lie lives of reial men and women, and of their deeds, plant, loves, 1 ales, and troubles. This story is more varied ami more interesting tbau any romance thai was ever tiei;ed. Hi. i;mi1 writing in every col mini, and fresh ness" originality, accuracy, and decorum in the treatment of every subject IV. Honest comment. 1 he Sun's habit is to speak out fearlessly about men and tilings. V. Equal candor in dealing with each politi cal party, and equal readweas to commend what is praiHwortliy or te rebuke what is blam alile in Democrat or Republican. VI. Absolute independence of partisan ,.r ganialions, but unwavering loyalty (ne true Uemocratie principles. The Sun believes that the (lovernmeiit which the Constitution gives us is a good one to Keep. Its notion of duty is to resist to its utmost power ttie ef.orts. of men f;i the Republican pailyto sc. uf another lorni f ovcr.-lnnut in piace of ili;tt .vuicli exists. T!i: )etir!sl and the year iini!iet!;;iio!.v follow .ill,: ill pr:il.tly 4'.-iJ! mi aupreiuri v impor tant coiili-Kt. The Suu I e l -n- :!i:il the victo ry will be wan I lie people us .mau'-i H.e Kings (nrraira:iiwlT. the Hi:igs (or pluiuter. acd the Rings lor imperial power. ,ir terms are as follows : For the ' S'i'.ily Sun. a for.r pae sl.eet of tweuty-eii!lit columns, the pin e ov iu,til, i.t fiaid', is 55 ceiil a month, or .-.6..''0 a year; or, iicliiriinjz tlie Suiwiay paper, an cilit-pae sneet of fifty-six columns, the price i.-, &.' cents a month, or ST. 70 a year postage paid. The Suudav edition of Ihe Sun is uNo fur nished separately at 1.'J0 a year, postage paid. 1 he price ot tne Meekly sun. eigtit pages, ty-fx columns, is fl a year postage paid. r clubs of ten snding Sl we will bend an extra copy free. AddreA 1. W. Kxi;i.mi. 3ylo Publisher of iheMuu, .New sorK City. "-yraryitehar'aCast-xrJt. Tiejrlibe . .iDrncia it i sweet; SSsKiarf like) .-.toria 'becane it f 4t kealh m ' 3 child t aid nrieim, treiaie eoatains io raerjKla ft r mineral. i TLfinre's rm2r for Assimilating . i'ooti. It euros WimaT Celle, Wte - isii-jj ef Soar Cnri miA 7 irrhops, ."i.iy 3Foeeriiiic- ad Kills ovui. T bus the Chi'-d Ui kealiss , :ii the Mother etaias rest. Pleas" ,.iit, Cicap, and Reliable. The mo?t effective Pain-relieTiurc agsssj for MAX and BEAST Uie world lias ever known. Over 1,000,000 Bottles seld last year! Tie reasons fir this unprecedented poa Isrl T, are evi!i-r.t: the Centaur XUal jnotit.T are m .1 1 lo deserve confidence ilir are a'flsarlMil in. a the a.rueture: th always e.vre si: J tevtr dlsappoisrt. No pjuoa i.cc J loiijtr iuJwr with PAX2T in tie BACK, naeamatiiai or Stiff Joints, for the GOfJTAOS. Liniments Trill e-r.TT'y exftrsUnate th;aln. TJiireis Jte Strain, Sprain, Cnt, Scald, Bars, Brsiiee.Stias, Crali or X,avaoess t wniek Kanlfiad 99 Iii2i j ' rutes are sntject, that does r. -t p.v';fi:l ta tMi Ssotoing eaxou A h o Ceataor LIHIIV1ENTS not enly relieve yin, but thty ineite Uoiltby action, iclil is iaflamnaation, I eT". ' 'let'.iir the syuiptoms proceed .'roin wouads t-f t'" feshr 5eura!ia ef the I?erest 'ron c siract" Verdi er a saaldod lod from a inrained aaUe er a (asnod foet t wbethr from di.-uftiai PIMPLES a alABrj TACS er a strained joist en a Kerse's The arocy produced by a Eura er .-cald; TSortineatiom fria Trott-bites: weOJ iags from Strains; t'i tor tares efRksn natlsiml Cripyled for life, by oB-e neilc. tf l a;ci.leut: a alcal.Ie Verse or a Doeter's Bill may all be tavti fiuia One SottTe ef Centaar X.inimeet. ?To Tlossisksepsr, Farmer, Plaster. Teaeuter. er Livorrm-ii, earn aCord to be :tLnut these woiiderful X-iaimonln. Thry cnu be preeurcii is aay par cf she rlote fir 50 cts. and tl.OO a bolt!.. Trial Lotties 2S ets. $10,000 PREMIUMS ! FOR SCRSCRIBKESTO WEEKLY) IX rouse Funxisuixo noons. AGRICULTURAL lMPLEMEXT), SEiriXQ MACHIXES, SILVER WARE. JEWELRY, BOOKS, AND 6EVERA.. HVMUlKI) OTilKV. Valuable & Useful AIITICI.I. One l'rrntluiii aitd a Vein SubKvi iptiou, a,co. EVERY SUnSCIilRER RECEIVES PREMIUM. The C'heopest Weekly and the Most Magnificent List of ''reia'ams Eer Offered to the Fublic. The Grand Distribution WILL TAKE PLACE January 10, 18Si THE OMAHA WKEKI.T I'.Eri KLH AH j Is a large seventy-two column, twelve ! page uewspaptir, devoted to the. immi gration and agricultural interests of Nebraska, and to the advancement of the Republican party. It is the oldest and leading weekly paper in the State. It is printed from clear, handsome new type, and its col urns will be filled with the test original and-selected matter, the latest telegraphic news from all parts of the world, and full reports of all leading local events in Omaha and throaghout the several counties of the State. ALL OZP SUBSCRIBERS. UHI can avail themselves ef this offer. For each year paid up, a receipt, good for one award iH the grand" distribu tion, will be given. All remittances should be made at the rate ef $1.50 nr year. - SaiHjd Copies, w-ich ls Centain Fall List ef Tre Miunts; heat Free to Any Address Q Application. The distribution will be fairly and publiclv conducted. The responsibil ity of THE REPUBLICAN in this particular is unquestioned. Send remittance, by tneney rder r registered letter, payable to OMAHA REPUBLICAN. Omaha, Nebraska, and premium receipt will be returned to subscribers by mail. All articles that can be sent by mail will be ferwarded postpaid te the sub scriber's address. Articles to be ship ped by express or freight will be for warded to their destination with freight payable by the consignees, OMAHA REPUBLICAN, J5H OMAHA, NI3RA5KA. .TRY THE NEW YORK OBSERVER THIS YEAH. The Largest and Best Fam ily Paper in the World. Krnd fur Fample Copy Frte. i:vf to fi si oeisi:rve:r, 3612 ST IVtrk llovv, Aow York. 1831. 1881 GLOBE-DEMOCRAT in lssum us pi"i (ilnbe-DeliiOcr; secti for 1881, i. :.i;i iuak no the plIlii.-e tor tlie- lli-I'.le iii.s it 13 llvt rtus.iiiatiy tim e t f u!li;. tn i:t, jmlgitig from iia !ii:)i in tir i-i't. In tlie i. iesiJeiit ial pouted rl.iseii it was recoii:7.-iJ t ii:e it-;, i i ii fl.nnipion f Ihr it iuWii .in C'ltt.e in Uie west, ad vocating the men and the i rincipiesof the great party i f rct-dum and nation ality, and always thtt exponent of its advanced thought. We shall continue that course unfalteringly in the fu ture, so long as the republican party remains true to the mission on which it set forth twenty years ae- Tho election ef James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur as president and vice-president of the United Slates by an unquestioned Majority of the electoral votes, secures peace and pros perity te the country for four years. We blive the new ail ministration will sotjn ifaiii, and u ill steadily hold the confidence, not enly of the repuli licati party, but of the nation, by its wisdom and integiity, as well as by its loyalty t the principles of tlie organi zation which placed it in power. The (ilebe ! raocrat (irmly hopes to be able to give to 1'iesi.ient (iaifield a cordial and earliest support. It believes thai he will U the rilil. as he sees it, and that he wiii brii't; to i lie discharge of his presidential duties a clear head, an honest heart and a determination to serve his cwuniry lo the l-st of his ability. Certain it is that no man ev er enttred the White House better rU lori limn he by aa'.nie, cdueatin and experience to furnish all that we ex pect trom a good president. The republican par! is now aiuie thoroughly united and h... tiionious than it has been in many ytais. There are no iial "vr itijis" to it and iio op-p-.ir-iii t'netiwi.s in i-- The campaign I ha has v i'.-f i d p rided it together in a o!id iii.i-r, a.in.si. the cnuimon toe, atid thete ate ;iow no sins of pos bible division. We believn this unity a;:d haiinwiiv vi i 1 continue through out Gen. Gaiiiehi's nduiinistration, end wiil result in a Ions continued lease of power to it. Th.'! democratic party is broken and demoralized defeated under the best- candidate it has had iu twenty years and not likely ever again to present the unbroken front which the republican party had to meet mil the 2d of November, 1330. While nati ual rathrr than local in its conduct and purpose, the Globe Democrat w ill devote special attention to the subject of immigration, doing its bst to invite the thrifty farmers and mechanics of tlie East and of Eu rope to settle on the fertile lands of the southwest, and especially of the State of Missouri. This subject iias engaged our attention in the past, and .iow ili.il iker aie four years ahead of us flee from the turmoil and exciie nieut of a nai'onal political contest, we shall be enabled to give it addi tional thought and euery. There is room in the territory tri.'i.it.iry to the great City of St. Louis for uiillioiisf now inhabitants, and (here is land j enough now muilia ta feed the world j if cultivated to its capacity. To in vite thoae in pursuit of homes in the wet to the facts capable of being shown on this subject shall bo one of j the special aims and features of the Globe-Democrat. j No newspaper, east or west, it better j equipped than the Globe-Dsinoctat for i the collection ano publication of news j from all parts of the world. Our list of spei-iai correspondents covers an the nows center in this country atid in Europe, and they are ail instructed to spare no labor or expense in procur ing the latest and most reliable infor mation, and transmitting- it promptly by telegraph. Our special telegraph service has been greatly increased and improved in the past year until it ranks amonji the most liberal in the ' west, and it is our intention to contin ; ue ill this direction, availing ourselves ' of every opportunity to improve this ! journal as an impartial record of ciir j rem events tlie world over. Our Week ,' ly readers will get l he full benefit of j this service in selections from the ! most important ot th dispatches sent i to the Daily Gld-Democrat. In its commercial reports the Globe : Democrat has always been unrivaled awtwrtg its cotempor.uies. No journal in the est pays a min-n at ten' ion io : fullness and aceiiraev iu giving a ! faithful refhix of th-- markers tr;a day to day and fl win. e Jr. ta vet K. In t I:is M'p ir. meut we sh di a! .o Kp ii:i--e wiiii 0e grov.::u demaiids of M ' .ill : Wefi Id ;; t iiat is to 1 lifU sti'pi-r pi! ! !' 'in a c the i 'ill it: eit i: n;e (ii: i:,e.io;.fii ti V., We .shai! aitn, i;i III if! iy ie;'"i);"I of Ci:i r nt cvi'ii' t i pn-r' tiC oi;r ra.lei with a newspaper t"'-r i!.i 1'ann , t!:s- Family and tl-o riisii , p.Ti:.i a telilioH will Ve ci v n to these I several dojiar, men s, wkicli have bet-n I conspicuous features of the Globe- Democrat in th past. DAILY. Incluiliu; Sundav. per year $12 00 Without Sunday, ter year H 00 Including Sunday, in clubs of ' three ael up wrd Witiinui Snij.la?, in clubs of three nd tip rtttls 11 CO io oc TI!I WI'.KKLY, Tiieslays. l'li-.lays -fid Sundays, pr ear 5 00 la club of liv a-id upwards 4 50 fKMI-WF.EKLT. Tuesdays uful Fridays 3 00 In clubs of five and upwards.,. 2 50 EKLY OXE DOLL A It P1.R YEAR PayKbla in advance. Special rates ta agents. BetcUtances should b taadeliy t'ni ted States Post Office Vf uncy Order, bank drafts r reistrxl Utten, wi.eo aver it can bm du. tit actions sliouUl av aada aliiiulr, ivinj a.ui ef Post i Office, County and SUta. Address all Utters "Gltfae rnntini NEW Livery, Feed & Sale Or mn Old Stable in new Ttatids entirely. The Nen Firm ef K0L3IRS & DIXON, pes tlie eld STRHISUT XATtN -ea the Certier ef 6th and Pearl Streets with a Rw Livery Outfit. GOOD HORSES AMI) CAltKIAGKS at all 1 linen WORSES FOR SALE. HORSES BOUGHT AXD SOLD, HORSES KEPT ST THE HA T OR fVEEK. Call and see MOLMES & DIXON. llCKKEADACllt POSITIVELY CURED BY CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PILLS. VYa Mean Cured, Not Merely Relieved And. Can l'rove Whnt toe Claim. iyTjiewsieiio fnllnres nnl norflaap Holnlmema. If you arc tfouhlea wllb k It" HKIII4 J11 l-y oit can herul l, ,,,iU QnleLly eurei. tin liunilwlii h:ivt"lMTli Ireoily. We ahull tw pleawl lo inoll a sheet of testimonial to nny Inlfiynlvil . CARTER'S LITTLE LIYER PILLS Alaocuroull formsof Olllousies, prevent Cousli potion and ryspep9ia, rr moto D'getior, rellt'v: dlstr-ss from too bcartv eatin-?. correct Disorder of th". Stomach, tlmnlute the Liver, and ItotruUto the Bowels. Th y do all this by taking last one little plllat a dose. They are pirely vcgctatle, do not tripe or purr", and aro as nearly perfect as ! Is possible fr.r a p. 11 to I c. I'rlco 15 cents, 5 f jr fl Sold I y rutrK evcrrwhero or scrt ty m-.I!. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. as il is certain in its effectv uinl (lops not blis ter. Also excellent for human lle-h. HEAD 1'lvOOK BKI.OW. From a Prominent . Physician . Wasliingtonville, (Jliio. Juue 17th. 1SW. I)K. B. J. Kr.MiAt.L 4Co.. ientf : Reading yeurailveitiseinent in Turf. I'U'ld anil Farm. if Kriidall's Savin Cure, aiul having a valuable and epeedy Horse iiioh lial lieea line from upavin eighteen mcintlis. I Kent to yon for a hott!e by express, which ill iix weeks removed all lameness ami enlargement and a larc splint from another horse, and both horses are to-dav as soiiinl as coH. The or. buttle was north to n e one hundred dollars. ltesDeoffully ynnis II. A. KKnTOi.t.rv, M. D. Send for iihistrstod circular givni!; I'o-itive Proof. l'iice?l. All di nanivts have it orcan ft it. for you. IV ii. .1 Kendall i Co., prupii tors Knoohnrgh KaUs. Vennont. 53 W 5 55 A. G. HATT JVSt tiPKXKD AMAIN. Neic, Clean, First Chins Mat Shop. eMain Street Ccrrrr of si!,. ' I !:J.ttniioiHh EveiTliodv on hand for fiesli. tenrier rucat. j -l.ro iEOROE A, CLARK, -SOLE AGENT. The BUST and JIOST POPV'lulU fHevrlr.g Thread of Ttodern Tim. BEWABE OF ISLITATIOXS. Fur sale tiv E. Pi.reT Son. Solmnon A Nvhiin. W'liHin l.l. W. ll. linker & o.. L. -Liitm FAMILY SOAP MAKER: 5 S3 VIZt CXST. PTJIiS. (Patented.) RXELT rOWDEEED. niGULT PEHPOtTD. ' The .tmn;et ti1 pnreat I.ve mile, "i'l icul&u 1J iiouutii f tLe l' i"f i".iir,l Sup In 0 immiu-i vitlaocf buitins;. Ttie bert wrucr-!ceucr f -.. Trie lM-f.t clitiint'eria.iit. 1 :e f)i!'n a;o ame of th fl-rnntnare ebtttiiual bjr ufcintf i.i' S3 F&tT Cent. l'owicrvd l4'i 'a K'm or removable 11, 1. aialy tjikeii oif tana leaving tne coiiteutaeifOK.fl.uiere by savim? Uie troult!."., anTioyarce. aud wiui ethrr J.ye. nitT.. i-eiuir purl in mo cana, tumi re lin.lrrn with a "" '""-r to rot tae Lye out heronit. it rctn? a una nnM-i!iF. vflti M:i rfrr,,v flin I: i an I pour out all tl:e c."n tont. Ixia always reaay lot Third. A tnaaroonf a! or more ean bs niNKl, ail iu waU'r-ac-ltfct.inr, fK-rubOine, etc, and ttilid retnmd to the oan.ai:i thereby aave de baiapco of contents. lm ointrLyi nil ii.u.-t i liitHOi'.ea oiice aud used iu a aaurt t"i, or tha i l-'n.rlli . AlMolnta Hnl,. FrM froTn ail adul.eruin,a Vlfrh. The best S.iap ean be mails in from tea a twenty minutes with tbia I ye. Haxth. ICo failure ia aiuih'e In Tr.aVIr.ir Cian ariLh xixim I.ya aovn the tiup-e aircL-Ui.UA given af folioweX eVevenia. Otis ran of 1Mb row1er-l t.-o is egnal to twenty pouuds cf bal bU-Ui vr TuuiHjr fftjrfctfc. Odb ean of th'j I-ye -"! eaoor-ifr ott aouad uoreof area. thuu ai rtiu-C jxtra'd lUya, Bali Povcah, Saii,iner. tnUi. This Lye ia xi jh ceci. r-ri -cr tliia any oths Lye or Potash. Ten ill. Otm to two t- r '. -i v sr a top of the kardeat wat-r. ueventh. Cms tua(Vnnfi't l'-'r ' '7 ieAnse Sinks, Drains. r t !',"; Ipyalnable f T t'ii:n' F j ;:. . " V . t ! VU UMt arudo (or i . . . mtArOTmamiitM m. 7 PHTTaASr.. ' aj-jfor ; iv E. (J. 1 VEY 5HV, CJUK UaN WEf!KBArH.F. fL WHIIK. Mlis 1 s u nil i i I: Iff n i X ? e ; - O . 1 ti'H- tr- ... C s- "S J tilt "2 i I M 51 ill 3 w E -1 c5 ""ess J- C-S S t .-'.- -V,-r 15 1 S ZEci IWiTW XSS?TR AD E W' Wlil last a Life- KMig- C m Jo wk m till, ram a. f 1 1 - l X t M r ' r v t 3"Sw J. C CHAffiBERS, Manttlaeturer of and IVuli r iti HA-28-tailSSS, SADDLES, COLLARS, HALTERS, WHIP ETC.. ETC.. ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatnessl Dispatch. I e ii;i!y place in town where- "Turh-v's n;it eut "elf iiiljustatile horse cullarsnre fold " VM-IH U Mathews, 1)EALKK IN Hardware, Cotlery, Fails, .. on orU, arm iliun tncni. STO VLS and TIX-WAKK, Iron, Wood Stork, P,unp .1!;iJkIi;;.r and t:tpalr:i, liilXK WITH NEATNESS & DISPATCH All h'orU Wo minted. 44tr T.- ii t" TUt NO CHANGING CARS t Km -m i CM AH A, COUNCIL ClUKFS. NEBRASKA CITY or PLATTSMOUTH lo CHICAGO, V lnr' itiip"f iniiiic: iiu.-i ;i r, tun i! iv ; ' i Ihiongii Sleeping Car Lines; sew vor.ic. r.csTus". i iiii..vi)i:r.rinA, 15 A LT1 MOliK, WAMUMI ION, AND ALLt EASTERN CITIES. 2J7ic SIioi -L JLie Via PEOatA fcr 1XMAXAPOL1S. Lnri.VIl.l.E. f.Vf.V XATt. c i-.ilrll yfi,i.i i.i the SOUTHiiiAST. Tin: n!r i.iw. ton ST. LOUIS, Where l'iioci Conin'cl S'l.s are made i'i ti e t'NliN I'liro'i v. iih 'Ihrnunh Mccp:u Car Lines for oil iiamts Mil l U. Tlie Sliortot. itpe.'diet snd most t'ouiiort ihlts via HANIS:3AL tj Ft. SCOTT. OEXrSOX. JiAf.LAS. l!tUST'X A USTIX. SA X A XTOXHK HA L 1 TOX. in all ;mil.W ii. I'u'.lltiati lr.-W'heel Palace Sleep' ti (";!ls. ( .. IS. t J. Pal.'ce 1 Ha in--l:.ri!ri I nr.. Wilh Unilon's r.oiliiniitr t hins. No i:iiu t h.aijtf fur Scai-v in K'-:ir.it'r! t liaiis. '1 he i..ni.us '., H. ti t;. I'alace iii: ,i H.'iii-' . Fast Tiioe. Siel Ualt Tniek and Superior KMUiNnieni ci'niHio 1 w illi H'cir i;-.i.' ' ht o'.fi ' or A yyar.itt inr, t. nv r 1 1, -. : c i 1 , tlie la oi ite Ko.iie to the e.AST. ii r-.fc).: til-V. X:- '. TBT IT, and :i will Bn.iTftVKI.INvi Lux ury in icail t -j, Wiici.tuii'U All liiformatseu about Ita'es S K. is. sr p iri; V'.tr Ac'-oitiir-iMial iis. and 1 tne l;-t.;i -, will h- il ici fully t;; veu by .'.iiplyin; te JaiiieK it. Vi'ooci. C.e;ieral Tassciicr 't, f '!iicap,e. . v . i ii. MARCH A L & T.T aeo'l.rit: direct from factor to Lufh. alrt incie lotiaE. oiivl w iiiut Ammunition, &sJL FIELD & GARDEN EET)S. ROPE, f.5l. ipTK&b AND ALL KINDS (F SHEET I HON WORK, Kfpt in SM;. k &-T M'rW&FZ5ZUL I I 1 WSPSi n c are deter miura laki citt u uaatu out an tpjiTiamir u u t inn m4uiutwii a tbfirrrepijtttir iirice t $rjO, ut sand tn Fifteen Days' Trio- Wo tua vrrv ori.au iSllrUL, SLblt au4 IftMsiLI fll,t b(na, t-(ta: .n Hwc ( rutin t. Ordi-r ut UnfCs iH-ioittue kmiuc vim uur Dsui r au? re,H)nnujc nierciiaac. woepaua w na i r ,i 'A.H isi j.n-ii.ctArT. at ( ho cKtutuid lo tuu i f ifrcao la rt:turu-ti m ua. Oura.. thrt Only HOUSe in mehCa 6--Ijre frgan,, 4 arte ef Arret, Ibiiti'jQ vpif . 4 r nt f.'r iU O an',or &tOa Oi 'icT direct or a d4 for full le acripuco. MAlaCllAL. A feMlXU, Yc i.ctJb. street, ew York. Si. Y. SKvU -i. . i:...t s v:j-jr t"ir i frj) fhllr will be wanied. l.v.rmrn TTcn I 1 fa arwl,'.. Oaa K.- .11 Q Aericulturtal Imntements. A Ttr pit a. cr rnarr. and if he has not Rot It, wa - a will m! ft K. mple prepaid t npon wp-pt of e 0 V tli ei JtiMuiiiacturcrs. Publishers. FARM ft FIRESIDE, Springfield, Ohio. WHO IS UNACQUtMTEr V,'ITM itm T';c &ES RY .-."AlfilitlhO rr . . i Fan t CHICAGO, ROCK ISL.ANB & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE GREAT COXNEtTIXS I.iNK Its main tin rant tior.i h-.eiuw t .twa T,lurf4. naa.inff through J!iPI. imuw.. A .- Cooeaoo. Moiliie. IUH.lt Island. Dartmpot I. We.t LiuertT. Iowa Cily.i Mar?:.t . r j.tl'ii. t.rinncll, IMS Moines (ths capital ol Iowa-. Mutrt. Ailau sic. and Aoca ; Willi brancliea f r.:u 3uro?,a iaacvion ta Peoria ; Wilton Jurr'li'.n 10 Muses tine. WasbinEtoa. ranai'ld, Klrt.m. Btl.niio, Ceatreritle. Prmreton. 'I'reolon. Gallavln. Curae ron, Ianwort.i. Atcliia-in. and kin.a V irr; fVaabuiaten te bionriief, .skaioo-. a.id Rn. vllls; Kwokua to Karrutnaloti. Bonaiurt44. Hen iflDsport, lDOependaBt. -Bido-i. OltjaiTa. E-ior--nila. Oakalocaa. eella. Tdnarea. and ln-a U'ioa: fieatai te Monroe; Des Mnntea m ln;iMi.laad Vmuntt; Atlantic ta Lewis and Au.liiua; and Avoea to Harlun. This is aeailivel? the oi.jT aaUroad. whica eirna. and openttoe a troua sVae frova C'taioate inta tua Svtte of ivan.ua. Throusk Krpresa ra.-an;;er 1 rtiir.t. witri Pail, sssa Palace Cars attaclieo.aie ruu sch trur da-.ij' kaitweea Chicago and Pioria. Kansas ( itt, Cockcil BLcrrs, Uatinwurih aul AitB". BO!t. Tarousaears are a, 90 run batwen Mtlaaa hae and hlunaas V Ht. Tta tua "Milwaaaee and a.ea ialnnd Kbort Line " Tae " Grant Kook Island ts mainiiriceripf euipped. Its road bed it iimpl- aerfect, sua r srsek is laid with steel rails. What trill pleiue T- aie.t will bs tha pleaanre ef enjoyine ?aur meitla. wtails pass.e.g ever the seautif ul prainva ef llliasis and lews. Ii ant ef 5'ir maxninoeat Diaina Cars tht aecowpanT all arouab Kapress I'ruine. Taa tret a.i entire Bieal. as gooal aa la served u aay arat-slaas boval. JurseTentr-tie cents. Appreeiating the fast tbtrt a najorltf ef t people prefer separate Boarwteata lor difTrefit arposes (and tue imnteDte paaaeoeer business of tnis line warranting iti, wa ore pleated to aa oancetaattbisComoaar nuts full-nn pimitc bUrpxng Cars for sleepuig p-aapeess. and Paioct mLMAK PL4fi: C An OL-r COtNClL BLtri. KWAH Clf r, ATtitlvi, ar. l.t.)Vr.WOBTK, Tickets wt this I!.ie, fcnatwn as ths "Crtnl llucU I4uil jUijua-c," ro auld kg lO TteRet Acenta tu the ited ftJtca and (unil. aa? laToraaatUam sal ottatiaa.u at jreua' itoano ticket rrice, addreaa. JL. KIMBALL. K. rl1 .IOHK. Gea'l euperiiioliU Oou i rit. aod earn er Art, . --r -i .- . , - VtSWD, lib SiaX, CARRIAGE AND ORXA MENTAL PAINTER, ASHLEY. Shop over tin- I5iit k lilock next t U. r,ic- k"s. I I.ATTSMOt Til. - r.y - - XF.H. jeai.i-:i; i s W m 2f i 2L i? e. SAFEi. CL.AIES. arc. FT'., ii ., Of All l: rij.tivtts. !aiTALLICBjilIALCAS2S i wooden copfins ! ' ,B - MY FINE HEARSE -.:.uv. i;:-.;i iuu iUiut, V. iih ni;.!, !i..:..V. f.T - i-; palioi.a. I 1'ivite ail lo .I'd e:.nuiii . : i y . ;:;:: .s'i t i; . ! ! ;;. s i si ii ':;: ! t uj-nx O. P. JOHNSON, ii:.i.i:i: in Drugs? Kedicines- AN t- T T'-r V i 1- TT? ''-?' ; - '...; - -.., '. -t '-''i Ail Paper Trimmed Free d Charge. ALSO DKAJ.F.ll IX T""'- f?f Stationery, ngazirie& t a r r , If-sierir.t!ss 'nret:!!- ( oi.i pounfleii l' an Lipcririircil rruj;stt- j:kmi-:?;i;i:i: 'i ni-: i-lacf.. 6tu st.. 2 nooi; .or"i-;i of main ' tQnafA RKOfiTH! A3Srl T23f ! "VLl.' j 7 3 .,'iiln '''-. lnlt.MV..H.lntnn. j free. A J.JAS I..U:ISQ, UltJi. MJlPTrn ,a-" :.!, of svhioh I ISrtjl I LI) imk! BarJwsr, 1' . . '.. :nuuiKW3.TBoh.dn 1 AJtU W.TL ItaAJ. t-'. i.h. 'l 1. v,iT. Mo. -v .r r..' ,-r !.' I. tf.iltrfff V til r.'lf -ev '.'!!. ;' . , ; .... jM-.'frr l:u! ' ii l :;-': -.1 :: : . -f : . m ,k n -,.1 "i ! S'l -' - "j "..! !oi: : - .- , t:it-, l ie U. . ; ' iv r; Outfit. ne-ff 5i ei?fT rPl wp. .l 1 'Jiii-M Bi.alnaah v i-s sl 3 ULj ...., i. i. . M.i -rla(i: r liw. lr L.u.,i.z" 1 km: .tlwi. t.rn I Uial 'J1 Ha.hrw ... ( a meauw ,iiiiArsjAt. Hiii. e.-- s,ki. i. uri A.. if t-;Z-ot . v-. . ; ' 1 '.-.! Ti. -' m ' -,. f. I 1 : v. SMITH i orcan co.v cen I ihi. buiiful Hr..c. TO liMibea (Villi l,ui.. 4 "M'ti, of lirvla. I VW poTcha - "r, can el I i eaa. & ociavra, lUfiaa IEW PREMIUM CORN S HELLER. OSIT CHEAP PKACTirl.F. f1AD TOH.N PWFLIXU MIDI. tllMIUAUimAHAM &UVLLAJt Mil LI i: l.N 'liU Si At KIT. TW3 IMPORTANT ADVANTAGES. TIB -Si . 't de not Irjnre ilic c rn, sod in therelnre just the tirnir to u-" fur hull'Tig tern for se.il. , , v - MI'ma KlV eim anu uun v ... u , . r .. t, v r,l. ami 1 10 hfKir of tfapearlMO ai'Othr". i v hich iian im-iietiaecnvrtii' i.ee, as many laruieis plant only thoromfomthemiddleof ibeeur. i vT Farmer wants this Mieiler for Flirllirtrcorn for ponl t'v.ior meil, for 6-ed.or f,.r ar.v ln.ilsr purpose, no a.aiur Low ra' rl,-r. -..h-p'leed thel.e-. r..y have. II As'ill ray For Itself Many Times Over on Anvl'arni. ... ,. Sun Irani I h d av . w hpn once imroucfa no . . . nr.jia jt f.'T... cr.n,..w . o . . . - Webelleveilii. lal.p ilie beat HaiHU'oni Mn-.n-i t Rfe.lfka. I'nlllll'V Sti.rpf ftDQ lelf 111 H ard WftTC MTil ococrivrHY or ti TII3 MAS. T . -.T nETWEEN THE EAST & JUL Yi ESI'I i lnuins Cm f-.r eaiiug !mrp. onlr. ne other rr. SAUniN WII.T3 T''U 'l'0 I1J' sj jonr "Havana" at 1.1 no'Trs or too :mr. Miiiiiii'-cnt lr-m 3ri.lees span tse Mtesiastrtjj and Mia nn rivrrs:.t ll iwtnls croased Lr tfali ll-io. a. id i.ru.nf.'ia are avoided, at Copneil Ulutfa, KaTina 1 itr, I-fiiv enir- rth. and Atchtaun, cura. ne.'.i'jna l.;'i::u niH.-c ;n Voion 1-caota. hik : ii'ai. t:. k. o:-nk .Tiorrj or Tins o:.i;.vr iun-jLv,:! j.i-ss: Aiiii as llil.l.OV,f : At 1 ::i-tio with all iir-iag lines for li-e Ei-t nra . i-.itn. At I N'.i.i.v iuu, with tha I.. S. & al.S sna P, FU w . . U Iti.a. At Wap a l.N.. to IIeisets, with P., C 4 as, U K. II. At I. a S.M.I Z. with lit. Cent. K. R. At I'i . mi v. tto'1 P. P. A. J ; P. 1. A E.; I. B. a 1:1. slid.; and T. P 1f Kda At Kikk ifUMi, rrua "jiiiwaskee Boa lt:ai l h.rt I.ine." ji.u Keck Ial'd Peo. Hue, At Dai tiMiKr. uie Uavcot'ort iivlsie C. M. . Su P. R. i:. At W riT liberty, with theft.. C. R. If. 7L a At I.KIXXELL with -rurmi lm R- R. At I'K M..I.NF-. w-.Vi II. M. & r. r R. R. At oL-SfiL K!.t.-rT!i witn I aien Puaitc R. B A t Ox a n a. w 11 ii B. A H . R . R. a. ta Neb) At V'OI.I'M Bl'S JI-NTTXav.with B.,1. R. A N. R IV. At flTTI-JtWA. witu ( nHttl i.jarak- K. 1 et. 1- a rtc. ami t . r.. jc vj. rt. nna. At ivtUKI r.i'h ji. Peo. A War.: Wtb I Louis i Pr.. and 5-u I, . Ko. S.-VV. K. lids. At A a F ws. win n m. i. K. K. At ATCUiroN, wita Atch.. Topcka k 8ant In jLtch. A el.. and en. Hr. U. P. Rjtda. Al 1 eav fs orth. wilaKao. Pac, and Eae Cent. R. P.da. At Ka.vsas Crrr, wua ail Xccs for the West and $omJie,t. riu thi-io tiitr:. to PEORIA, HT. MOTseaj QR, BUTTS' DIES XitiUiifcdl8i7 it 13 V. 85i Street, ST. IZZO, it. , JIHC PhTicin hi cherv f tkn )! nd M kiti itH tutton are rcf lar frnMlusiic mtMncint mrterf. f ra BmprirsM tm th tratoiBt ( ChrMt iM t miAr Uxir a4ill abilriv mi sftwcli upstrictr l ltil of iht rdinarr prvcritjtar, tbt ltt bav acquired m uitttal rejiuuiwifi Ureoth fherr fealmenl nf ritMplicateJ e. I N DtSCff ETt ON r EXPOS URE iMnaiiHsmMMsnHanai ciHch Bt.Uin 4 . -ft.K i.arrtx. . tKi irtsirr, Grrili., all tssraat, skla ar haaf, irtmitd HK itctru, aa ! iftc praa clple. withotil ukinc Mcrcvry ar aUtar Pibou Mrdicitie. YOU NO MEN kn4 UkOM w ar u yMBflHaHssssssnMssSBssB arir rra tH sfeci r KaifalT iW temnm H r.)- Hea rasalt a( Mif-a-iiu is vouth r tirin hi Kturd ers arc ftnrmmA y aarci. T 1 1 4ia proelucea tarn oi I ha felowinf rBrt caimii . btotrr-aa, sjtitiMCM, aartattsiitvcvat 4aitM ii tuhr. iirttccsia, artnahpatir-a, laiir,y, "4min mi r!c., tfirtiM lo ao-cm-iv, avfrcttvc ufmTr, aaiu( cy tw torn oi Hiii4T ipeir, H''k iwftu t-trp f r kuttM-i at mirriaji, PATIENTS TREA3JEDtT-,l"J,s",rr-r-: aaiii aaii.lPAyijiVrSsisvf aaa but bkI-U. al. l-f m4 qiMe4tTa a nvart4 a nfi eWtrtu treat-! Miat maiiri) tr- m im'r-w mm aps-t xartM. AlVtasM aa sWlac IVwaa kteyt mwy mmm4 a-vva OtUr aMra, ajt4 Wrm. MMieAt la ifcow sti. m (a mt irws. CejaTi..ricf 'oafc'i 0 twa -iei k0 twi if m raal ? A m M v Mm v.-s ves? u fc i i ' "".,rv-- - - Is not n Vliirator nor an Apron MachlseJ TS wrn1irfully funpUi fcud almirahly crfoct In itji Utfdunmr sna ii"ti'iK qualities. Nnvee pit ije irHin, and eleuni It rendv for uiurtiei. lHr ei!jr. w etntruUHt aurably, U uuilMi L,tjlli4'. i tj mvit economical, Vat esjH mvs, id mott saliMractery machine In the k Hi. vV.ll Luudl'' prin u well mm drv. lKmMual iu UiraHlnns' flux soil timothy, thre-iu iaf iv'm! jiari1utr tVj as wWl and nrariy mm rajiidi a.'wtiiife:. slid re.'juirrs no churira exuetc thaiuevtt, Hh mart v ir ft iff trytarating ud etrtmwig ur li,ii aiv othrr tnarhtnm f,aftf, aid rrm mt im omerUiiJft 1 hth ovrr- nntl-'r b nt O-s - (XofKlt nt '.IilM". ATTAftliMKNT i autl wrv rtir::i. Ixnw the wirk mors sfrvdly and Lcttjr Uiaa an Cfcclmjvely HuiUi-i SI'l'A It ITftllS of Hw vnrtoni elxcs JMtd ftp 9c- r ffitr P.tT. as fe,-tivd. Jrn !mro-il I'ltwi Fon pr, an Imnrev4 wkMrjr Power, and the l.Tvuvrd ICijuii:. i I'nwrr, H iuOTtel on mr wlieeiu, TJS:-.:fie-v-4 U7 um. w4 rr mc4 Mt4W by .f iV are Tjrfcrvi to fjiHH-h flrnt-oiiii) P.rtafel Knjrues ith ear irfepantura. , 1'cr Price-List aid Oirea&ra, addresa SEVMC Ht, 8AN & CO. ' WfrnifRolumiii, S4)viriter, Mlr. 17 C.f.arTes Stroc-t, eU.LooisVo. r-a,; ':. haa bt fii lottsa .1 r.u .1. t-.:t i- a., , f ..M:xU4l L. :': n:v o'ht-r IM ro;aii in ii. -s. -jr. r:i a: oxi !-: ila know. ) t-. ft. ci: M-in, e.O.chitif. at ti Is ne- -n LdU fay i.h.t . . flvTiii:;i. T- vi i.e . TTueti. ns c I tlie Threat Si.' m crlt v an trr ;'t d w -th nnr:aI!fleU muxaa. Ui'-ft ti .t'liiiH- pfiii ?o.'v y. l-r.s.itfij. ht(:i,: o.mmi i. r- x'-al 1 b-'is-v find Tinpt-te-i.- . C" ti-.1 r. tiii uf iS. it-ASja- ra jraittli, acxusl ce s'- ii. i; itnrr , a . or uli'ct ciuim, und arLi4.l1 prrxJuaa K-nii-ot lii'- f i..ni 'Jt liirtM i!, rvtm.Mti!i, at-iititiaJ cina iv i ., t i.M'.y. d 11. it - ot h phi d U' tc nrii,jr, ninfiaa on t lis- Ii .'.(: v-,, 41 (Vr.iy. a r t. nwit -y uf & iita, rwi.t' -.tjit vt .is, lu-a 1 1 aotvjl .t-t ric., rrtitlvn B.ai r.: ffw 1 r cr .r.i pvy. ie ptrmaiarrv turrr. Ci5ui;i .'ii at cM,'-, rr by i'iail T?r, and invited, Wi.'-W it i int f!.-f '!ie-nt 10 vi H ti e fi'.y (r trrainit it, nw tii.-iTir can l V'th hv c nil or -x prt evr v whrre. C :r It'.r cat j:ubi .'. f:i v(, v "nv fl. tilt x ;f jt ta fiai.kly ftasd f:r;-:: i:: 1.5 . 1 i ax?: f:r 7T;xz;a. 1 uacj : P a-i. fzr l 2 Z-.iz.Zi Ci Fs; t. pjaSls. GUIDE. ;i- i ri h nvA Unriitue OiintAH K KWa, in KiMjif or currency. iar imp womtrrttil pen pt U to i.fi : a-t ;- vn t fo i'twirc uhscti : TTh I. V:itrraniiao4. Vhytmk 4iMV ab.'-tj ll tniiri ; f;4i ti 'T lift fa.,d hut) IS hvfirhrraa nsssf DMra. I m.a (; i d or rii ), , .hh( iriarrifte akfUW ri it. tlicn k- iil imii r r.. V d V lVpukir rUiV)W aam? ai biiv. b it i-jk r rw r. i.Ji r-je -s. Ur.b cia h naiL i3 i'i"TS t ro-L,- t. Lo:-' : ' .Jj' 7prif in Amarira. Usr merer iv-ti. t :.r t :ii -.u jc t r t iv ofiir, PRESGRip mm mm I'r tii pef'dr vrure r.t enifoiil i!ctvm. Ixt WsiiaiMi, 1 rUi nturr ! It.iitr. Nvfs . Mi-.it .. Ivs,Kiflya-, ( oit. uD af jiivis, A vrifc.nn to I.'if'ihf JuITiK.iv. n i a;; L'ij-.rtltra li'.-MV'ittri ht -t. rdLtftviM Ux- tai, j. A;, clru'.'l lis t-e-i'i,r- ..in , (i'l-'n, i)B. JACO 'B;. W'Aj...,n.tSt.. St, -nii..ila V J -e .!' t .K Irtf-fnl jmxJ ' ni (.'.. j-. ; is ',. -ics.! v-aoao4, itjlX.aUws. ' -'t , cu-".a'",--v-bla r. i .. ,i;nii'iv a W ttT, (aut at, 1 ttaa'aci.f, : i '-- ti Hi i.'tTtHii. A - -ae rtta'ii-l-, Aiv fe 'tvr, C."Mi;i.nii, tt rn.-, ( r.i iiei Mtrnno.y er-ameirnj, (.v,u lK.il . i. ft m. -t, I tei C.aajTS' 'f.. levpt 4trta Iflar HI . (."- (:: K-1m. tw ,i, ti. r)tt fj(v 'w .rlr tar. ( Ursmft uel 1 v- tr, Lt'- r .-bu rf -Jrrt-v' ruikesl, (M , n;i.i t Iarsa p-l41 ut-.u:, he. i- tevua as! :u .utsat 4 -o fur r ( s:e,4 fMm.t rvft 4 (, .'b fel i-tstr AugiSTiuc, hrj suvaU , 4, tfatca, 4 TH E PRIVATE WCPfCAL ADVISER' O" tj.iiiiij, OicnoTi haM, Gi'-st, tricT.ie, vinco eric. it?., a .- Kpttmatei rhoto. Sexual Pfc1ttjr. aiii Il'i potent!', Iivrtii r.l-AlM- ant i-.ir. u'ii S.m-n; .u.... r. .r i!iMf, A-sioei'V,li. e,Vim. .-i. h 1 . f.aniv .M- m re. tt. im I cet. iW., msliif v.ar m ;:p.'wi r ur.h' p. i .e-ri" t.1 rtai I aitai. ra rj..a fvt -f ll. 4 - lapi, - fa.W artrta, McV.tr:l5Ti ' Irrti-o en Ktjca t '.-ramtc-S. 10c fjtj C3 f J E D O LiM?'"! !1 J - y- -l i:. . , , . tui.j 6U farca. arq .t ( lBBBB ir .,eHi', ff s i ji.iw o. i ; ? a.ir,r Wk .TT-j ..r,i , Ti.Trr.e-", ju.Ti 3 , rt.uriiiijj a i. PM if- j: ' v c.a"-. act I Abut- a T'a' eif eii-a. f'r-j '.-(Vf I imii ai -I far sm. V' hr )'lc, par- 1 ( -..H.iMllti . I - nf-ree.,; ,i:tt, t ftfa, i.Vi'ed. t, -e. If It -f M"ve--J (a-t It'.t- . tic tr trrl' ail.tr ;eej sS al f liC-tt: f. rr li-k r Irraiauv : ,.: lK, I? I rT. " North 14th tt. IalA. Mo, - - . .,''s'Ut.. Voattklr1 I Gil? r ilimE, JDrt. Hxsvott's Lrvas l5r:.;onAroi:J Jin ii Ss-ciu-.Lr I Fa:Biljr R-raaotly tt Sda-a--s of t:i'3 L:wr, Stoiauch jaui BoY-ela. It i? 1'iutJv l4 Ve2t.ih!e. It never .... - id 3 af4t IVijj 5''v ai"ra tin- SiJ jfi-.j-s.J jr-i with BnprecsleT,t4 iwm,-s.JJ ,'-' SEN!) FOR GICOULAR .TV 12, . X. .7 Bu.i w, a ... cr . f-M.,.. . . ir?, j-kk )r a CAv SBARAMlESaaeine, tm X tl'.l -.'i'ory. EaCArsedbyaseeoas -1 10 AA, A SAM 5 Vi & DAK3T fi-i::g;af-o. V.iTl.:8..LU.lia, -i iJ. i' i . 1. 1 . . v . r nam tan. "i i . -,, bw"ii 10 k eh 1 ' ' ? .;- ( 1 , . , eel rtrt : 1 S.er .r-'al- : . x.im i. .. r ; 1 f L-'f rrM.I : I? fii" I'-rvri-.- t:.e It e-r ; I 4 , j Heed thit (ni focm. J C 4 J ac'.Tf ac- laarn. A f a. f i'a; . t Loaia. Xia, 4 T f-vaaaar a.-yaf-i- sra as. aa pp,Tr?iy i fr1 iwsaf UsLiMrion si 0 Fraa to Me- aalila.-iMi' i w rt. a I.e-w K-nwUi wt It. WUuil Of MuisMfcat 1 a - "a.i i fr-i1i'c't 5t-r ".: 1...: 1 tj 1 - .' t. Jj vi s -i.. .? L.'i r ..'.Jf!i r-. ''a I. -1 .1 ,1 C. t-utir O la W HI- C rl'.jt ii- 1 oi 1 1.1. .a.r; r.-: ia.ef ji 41 --.r . 4 lt ,T ia r-7 it . It Rfc- ; - t- ,a. if,....-s I ' -ft-t .i . l ! UlmmV a , u. . tew r j -- , r- IV'M a v i - - - V - e- t efaj, aa- bmba, eat a- --- r. . a -. f a - w - ' - . r.-, ,.-!. eaepre-a. . o.. 1 ai . aa ' "t - ' rre. - -.-I 1- aa.a - a r . e . -s.-i r w- i ' . - era, 1 kt rc Ir rUt.. . ... - . r-;rri. t-T. f.iZs 3a a. -7r-a4;iH0 sffSt fc-WKeV it; laaraatf ".? tt tut . . . . i ... r.-r.e ir wreV;rj okcHtxtt' l--;:-jJtA'ta.l. .-V- ll, w;,.- (Ta t ..it w ! rl-a4 fcU - -- vuUsl's,v,s;'fr:i' ,'hi"1"!, cft. I !. i r.fived a irat! ft Vran . tf f ; .-.i-itin it. a-mt ( rr m ix-usr (t-. a ai .w.-; tji UaJ mT, ,erI V -.. .'i-.E',, ts..i t,iTa r.cri mpj-uT rf --.fi -; ? i-if aa (Vt-r wi-rt at fi-ta 1 i . I r---i.t (rew. t r! re M wraViM , 4 a -: - - - ?T-v3.i'Vj - V '- a "a. v-. ! - . 1 -' J I 271 al-f a-T'ta al aotss. fM - . I .i w -ft.e 1 ivi-0 a c-iraii h r. ) a at ;t. --ii t.T, a - i I -riafc- - t'ie- I rai il ... i - I tyi-'iz'- t. at ibera M a bar aac . Isd.i ! V : r fi,r, j; ';,tM ';:- m-., - 1 . 1 r-triYatl Jwff Wnrir, -i .. r. . . iic.ff vi.ir'i 1 ata -tt tfcMk(t. la 1 . I 1, i v -.c 1 aae tetfttt trr aamhrr Ur ' r . f . . I -1 s VS baja gtmM uvuu Cm aa. - I r k- ii, .ari net- ai ora iMHfa.ia 1 i f! I iiej aj.; , - -. - fc n-KW.riu.k- aii . linMissi?iisLS I I JDsbiliUtca It is e3f l";V ff 1 ' ( IS?flf GENERAL MERCHANDISE I ltll5?1 1 ist-GIass General StorCwl 11 BWt5i!&l 5 M.V?'o:ffi.. Jfef-t- V L?- a ly tiia public sV. . V w-'w a i BENNETT DEALERS IX staple and Faney (HroccricsJ IFriiMSj (Confccti6ery9 (DIg:ar & .Tobsicco. ! AGENTS FOR THE CELEHRATED LI:AV.ENW0IITII -o- Tlne clioicest stocls f grocer ies iu tlae city. Cash Paid far Butter and figgs. 0 a Here We are with a Complete Stocl mm liLAXKETS, COMFORTS, SHAWLS. SKIRTS. FLAyXELs CASSIMERhS, JEAXS. VJL1SKS, PRESS, UOODS, RUCIUSti lUIiBOXS, LACES, CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTH. JfATTIX! WINCOW SHADES and FIX'l URES. ilV, dr. BOOTS, SHOES JlsTJD ABCTICS: c-Hats, Caps, and IIoods,0 UXDEIiWEAK, ALL COLORS AM) SIZLS Al PJUCES TO SUIT EVi:UYLOIY. 1st AiJ91i J a i GLOVES & MITTENS TO FIT EVER YhOD V, hoth in SIZE & PR1C1 Also the host Select Stock of si i icily firM-cIass (Iro eeries, Canned and Dried Fruits, TohaceoQuceiig ware and Glassware in th City. All ol' which wi g larautee to sell as 1.,av as anybo ly. to close Cash Buyers, and fo large (juantities. S .S. MAIN STREET. W. H. BAKER & CO. 2iie Old. Reliable f ALWAYS AHEAD! CKKATKK UAKGAINS THAN EVIAl. o Wc show the largest and best, .elected f-tock of "Trra WEST OF WE A in: Real Genuine Bargains! This .Season in every vU'i'arlinciit. , We will luplieiie assd IDI- eousif all Fncc JLinim )by 3.0 per cent. Call at the Philadelphia Store, make your Purchase, and you will he happy. SOLOMON & NATHAN. ' WTHMANN & We offer SPECIAL BOOTS -A.l) as we are- going out of that line of business. Our stork ii ttill large enonglu TO suit tiii: i s: ti:. . TOUR PATROTAG-S I3 Oiirnehtly solicited. I5e sure and c;tll, atid lo conviin.-i d v)f Fair lU'iiliy o $v always pay lEie H-Sig:llBcft Market Remember the place Soutli East corner Main ami Third t'a, I'I itisiii'iiitli GUTII3IAXa Ar XS'VA h ISACll. THIS is re&civ. cil fssv MITH, BLStSfr-& s TO GIVE THEn C-A-XjT- & LEWIS1 'ta.KaUA. Abasia S.slUp 9 21 GIUQA& I GIVING WMGKBA H, HAHC'rAIN'S in TD SHOES, f-1- 1 v, t1 o I -X. -a.0