Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 16, 1880, Image 3

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i 1 TTT7 UtTTA T T
inn, LE,LtLjU
::. .?. i.-nf. i e.-n's h line. Itxatilnr advents
-v 1 . :. i pi-r line. No adveriuHsuivul iruuirt
1 lor tn. m 2i ceula.
nv M iiiHcti at Statute rate.
A ; . -i i y- .mil otlu-ers jf the law will be field
'j- astine hir all lesrai nolices tliey hand In,
.I ...i i:til:f dciu iodine a proof of pi.hlioa
11 ( any notice will be ,clii fur tlie vutilica-
iii lee ol mu ll notice.
A space I limited, all cornninn1ra!oni
i. .-t I Intel mil to the point, with do want
.1 Uol.l.t.
i lif i''!irr is iepoiisihle for the correctness
.. er-l-.ig to cojiy of paid matter and paid i-e-
.':-'. only.
. ry itersnn wlio take th paper rejilarly
'.r-. lite pm'-f!lre. whether luec;ed to his
G.-nr. or w nether he Is a subscrluer or not ia
rtf-niiMiiic for tu pay.
2. It any person order his paper dlsenntln
ued. he must nay all arrearages, or Hie publish
e may continue to end It until payment la
sarnie, and collect tlie whole amount, whether
toe i;t-r is ttk?u from the ofliee or cot.
3. 1 he court have decided that refusing to
tnke newspaper and periodicals from the post
nce, or leiiiuviui; and leaving tlit'in uncalled
for. in prima facie evidence of IMTEMTio AL
Wescutt 9ells the best buckskin
gloves. 29tf
Fair t-night at
Fitzgerald's Hall Dec. 16.
Will. S. Wise sella Ileal Estate, tf
Jim Grace had a smash up Friday
See additional locals on editorial
Sam Lung was in town again last
John Duke took a trip to Omaha.
last week.
Debate ta-nigHt at Good Tui-
p'ar's Hall.
Cloaks from 82.50 to 23 at Fred
Herrmann's. 37t2
Pat. Murphy went over to Glen-
wood, Sunday.
Organs cleaued and repaired by
James Pettee. tf
The Herald office is just full of
Business nowadays.
-Manufacturing and Repairing r.t
Merges' Shoe Store. 22tf
G. A. R. next Tuesday, old mem
bers wanted there.
Red ribbons are all the style in
PUttsiuuutti again.
The biggest line
gloves at Wescott's.
The Cornice was being put on the
new Hotel, Monday.
Money to loan on Country Real
Estate by W. S. Wise. tf
There was a party up to Mr. Tuck
er's last Saturday night.
If you want a aood accordeon go
te the P.O. News Depot. 1
Go and help the folks along and
have a good time to-night.
Photograph Albums and pictures
to fill theui at Leonard's. 37t4
They think they have found a
Mica bed, near Dakota City.
Fancy Cardboard of all kinds at
Mrs. Johnson & Sw eer.ej 's. 38t3
Smith, Black & Co. are receiving
a large stock of holiday goods.
Latest -Style of Handkerchief Ti3
at Mrs. Johnson & Sweeney's. 3Si3
Work on the new buildings, was
rushing during the fine weather.
Candies and candy toys in all va
rieties at the P. O. News Depot. 1
-Fred Lenhoft's building is nearly
completed, and a fine one it is too.
l)o not fail to call at Leonard's
befoie purchasing Christinas presents.4
Bennett & Lewis have just put in
a new show case filled with candies,
they arfl good and fresh.
Bargains at the P. O. Xew i Depot
in toys, dolls, holiday goods, albums,
&c. 1
Another Are in Omaha Saturday
night, riattsuaou'h's turn will come
Just see these handsome boys and
children's Suits at S. Jt. C. Matkk's. 1
Everybody that had a horse aad
buggy were out buggy riding, Sunday
Wagons, Wagons, to be sold cheap
at once at Fred Gorder's coin right in.
The two Glee Clubs have been
practising all the week for the Presby
terian fair.
New and full assortment of
hoods, at Mrs. Johnson & Sweeney's.
And still the Sixth street bridge
remaitiS in statu quo and the dark
nights are coming.
Leonard copies old pictures and
makes ihem any size desired. See
specimens at gallery. 37t-t
TUey do say that Temperance
lecture Sunday night pretty nearly
got away with "Pot."
Phil Young will not nor cannot be
undersold in toys and holiday goods
and don't you forget it. 1
The annual meeting of the State
Board of Agriculture and Horticul
ture will take place at Liucoln Tues
day, Jan. 18, 13S1.
Come aud see us. We are deter
mined to sell lower than any other
House. Great Red Store. 31tf
The workmen commenced putting t
in the front of Gorder and Ilartuian's
two story building Monday.
We saw the biggest Weed from j
South Bend the other day. It wasn't J
Jimpsoii, either. It was M. O. j
Lace ties, jet necklaces and brace-;
leis to "li. fancy pius, &o. &e. at i
Mrs. Johnson & Sweeney's. 3S..3 j
Th inyitations for the annual
Masonic Festival were printed at this
ffice the first of the week.
Nearly half ofjy .!s went
skating Saturday ifiht aud the rest
jnt to the Temperance lecture.
Five or six of the boys took ad
Tantage of the riyer being frozen over,
to drive over to Glen woed, Sunday.
Fr your nice oyster stews, lunch,
hot coffee and confectionery call at the
Monarch Billiard Hall Restaurant.
-Jno. Dillon is imbibing so much bad
whiskey that his managers have been
b'.igM to cancel all his engagements.
Don't pass by the P. O. News De-
Tpot without stopping to look through
Jfhiis large 6tock of toys and heliday
'goods. .-.-.'. 1
- Alex Schlegel was down tolsoend
Sunday with his family.
Rose, Seaman's traveling man as in
town the first of the week.
A. Sheldon, brother of Lawsoi Shel
don, and living in Otoe 'Jounty.called
Mr. Alex Campbell was in tb city
last week, en business connected w ith
the Tallon case.
Llewellyn, the famous U. S. Detec
tive was in itwn yesterday, Uiking
fine and fresh as a daisy.
Phil Young has been on the; sick
list with symptoms of diphtheri-l but
we are glad to see is about agaiil
Hon. J. C. Covin, of Omaha, was in
the city last week, as attorney jwitl
Mr. Chapman, in the Tallon casej
Mr. Huebner, of Omaha, formerly of
Plaltsnioutht with Williams, gaieral
dry goeds, made Plattsmouth a flying
visit last week, and took the IHkald
te keep posted tn Plattsmouth news.
E. Si. Child, of Afton, the pioneer of
Frentier county, is visiting tie eld
burg once more. What Child doesn't
knew about the Great West there's
no other fellow can find out.
We are glad to hear it. Our tlrug-
rrwt. illfurtrw IK tliit 111 f!l!la rnrrli
r - - . J tlia.v ' ' 4 . . t UUfll
Syrup sells better than any other ined-
i.llirf auu ill n rt 3 K1'"3
It's very chean too. costs only 25 cents
a bottle.
-Trade was good Saturday.
Paid locals are scarcethis reek.
Potatoes- Best "Peach Blow" at
White's. I 3
Jno.' R. Clark, of Lincoln, name
down Friday afternoon.
G. A. R. meeting next Tuesday.
Regular, Come ut.
For vour fine Cigars call at the
"Monarch BiMard Hall. 3lml
Read President Hayes' Message on
First and Fourth pages. j
For the best brands of tobacco go
to the P. O. News Depot. 1
Remember Carruth's when I von
think of buying Holiday Goods, i
Lyon's Heel otiffeners keep new
boots and shoes straight. 3t3
Look out for Smith, Black & Co's.
list of Holiday goods next week, j 1
See Carruth's Ad. in our third
column. Read his Ads. carefully.
.Mr. liain win lecture ;u lowrj to
morrow night. Go'and hear him. 1
A good all wool suit of mens'
clothing for 87.50 at the Great Red
Store. 31tf
Hay is $S per ton, ice is 12 ctj a
peck, taters are scarce and coin is
plenty. Turnips are down andeggs?is"
If von want a doll you can get the
5ame at the P. O. News Depot, at any
price from o cents up to 3.00.
They are going to have a dance
at South Bend New Years eve, the in
vitations are being printed at the
Herald Office.
New Assortment of cardboard
match safes, card receivers, wall pock
ets, watch pockets, lamp shades Su-.
&c. at Mrs. Johnson & Sweeney's.
Col. Woodford has crowded 'hous
es every night, he is a first class speak
er ami handles the subjpct of temper
ance well.
You will find the largest assort
ment of toys, holiday goods, dolls, al
bums, Ac. at the P. O. News D- pht
and prices to suit everybody. 1
Seme ef the great weather proj h-
ets say we i re going to have eleven
feet of snow tha 22d of this month.
How is that for high?
C. Brekcnfeld, of South Bend, was
in town the first ot the week and had
his name put dnwn on our sb. list,
and had some cards printed.
Snow to Tiie north of us, snow to
the south of us. snow to the east of us.
snow to the west of us; and here sum
mer weather, all the time lately.
You can find almost anything von
want at the P. O. News Depot in the
toy and holiday goods line, and if you
din'v see what you want ask for it.l
Mr. Scanley the man accused of
shueting at Mr. Wilson came in with
the Sheriff last week and gave bonds
for Uis appearance at Court.
If you want to save vour meney
call early and secure the bargains in
clothing now offered bv
S. & C. Mater.
Next duor to C.-trruth's Jewelry
store. 1
F. S. White has just received a
fine invoice of crockery, &c., lie also
has some of the finest buckwheat flour
in the city, and ifyou don't believe it.
get some and see for yourself 2
Two boys aged 9 and 10 years
broke through the ice at Nebraska
City while skating aud were drowned.
Eveiy winter Old Muddy ge;s some
We understand there is a poker
room in town, on Vine St. The Mar
shall should roust it immediately as it
is a nuisance to the town and should
not e allowed.
The Happy Hour Club hail a meet
ing Monday night, and straightened
up their accounts and had some talk
of having another dance about the
middle of January.
Fred Gorder wishes to inform his
many patrons and friends tlit he can
be found in his new buiiiliiiir next to
J. Buns & Sou after Dec. 16; h. 18S0.
office up stairs. ;.9t2
Col. Liinlsey, the gentleman who
is to run ihe Perkins House, was in
the c..y 'he first of the wenk and we
hope soon to see bim here permanent
ly and the hot 1 runnrng in fuil blast
full to oveill ivving.
Old Napoleon's team ran away
last week, dumped the old gentleman
out, and parlez vmvs-franrai-A the
wagon all to swash. "Nap" is alive
yet and is almost as well as ever.
All parties indebted to Smith,
Black & C-. are hmebv notified to set
tle by January 1st withou fail, pleas
keep this before you; we must have a
settlement by that time.
39t3 shth. Black Jt Co.
Mr. P. J. Hanson has bought out
Fred Herrmann's entire stock of gro
ceries, and will occupy Jerrv Hart
man's new store room as soon as com
pleted, and Fred Ilerraiann will here
after run a strictly dry goods store.
Dvspepsia in its worst ferras will
yield to the ua of Carter's Little
Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's Little
Liver Pills' They not only relieve
present dis'ress bat strengthen the
stomach and digestive apparatus. Ftr
sale bSmith. Black & C.
Col. Woodford.
Col. Geo. Woodford of Illinois came
down on the evening train from Oma
ha Friday and gave his first lecture in
the Presbyterian Church which was
well attendtd, and the Col. made a
very telling .speech, noi withstanding
he was tiled anu diu not know that he
was expected to make a sieech that
evening; his funny anecdotes and
good sound sense kept the audience
bound for an hour.
Saturday evening he lectured in the
M. E. Church and the house was
packed to ovei flowing. After giving
a most eloquent lecture, Mr. Woodford
orgamzrl several committees, one
composed of ladiws from the W. C. T
U. to go am ng ihe audience and get
signers to the pledge, and another
composed f young ladies to pin rib
bons on, &.c, aud the Col. went among
the audience and helped, and made
nearly every word count while the
choir sang Temperance pieces.
Sunday night the ecture was given
in the Hall, opened by Rev. Gallagher
whiread a few verses from the Bible
amPthen Rev. Beard led in prayer;
Col. Woodford took the rostrum and
inadtt one of the v ery best Temperance
speeches ever made in Plattsmouth, to
about 500 persons, and some left for
want of room. During his remarks
ho told how manv young men have
homes and how their mothers pray
for them, &c, and there was many a
mother who had to use her handker
chief; did we say mothers V If we are
not much mistaken we saw a good
manv fathers who wanted to use
them. The pledges were then taken
aud a good many wives and mothers'
hearts were made happy by that
Monday and Tuesday nights Mr
Woodford lectured in the M. E
Chinch to crowded houses. About
two hundred pledges were signed and
most of them by men who took a glass
now and then.
On Wednesday a meeting was held in
the morning and evening both.
.. mi
- Wm. II. Pullen. Fowlerville
Mich., savs: I have not rested better
for months than I did last night. The
"Only Lung Pad" has helped me won
dei luli y. -See Adv.
There is an old shoe down at Phil
Young's, that somebody lot in the
late lire. The can have the
same by calling and proving property
""has. L. Rossiter, 19" Summit St
Toledo. Ohio, says: I would not take
one thousand dollars for my Excelsior
Kidney Pad, if I could not get another.
I have gained in three mouths thirty
pounds. See Adv.
Fied Kioehler was hauling wood
acaoss the river Monday and broke
through, the wagon going clear down
and it came near being over with
Fred and his lam. In the afteinm n
Johnny Stevenson broke in, but not
enough to hurt anything.
Dyspepsia in its worst forms will
yield to the use of Carter's Little
Xerve PiJls aided- by Carter's Little
Liver Pills. They not only relieve
present distress but strengthen the
stemach and digestive apparatus. For
sale by Smith, Black & Co.
The Board of Trade met last week
and is to meet a'ain soon to take ac
tion on public affaiis. Among the
things considered at the last meeting,
in .conjunction wall Guthman
Bi os., the naming of t he new Hotel. A
piettv general sentiment supported!
"The Perkins House" as about the
Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers and
others whose occupation gives but lit
tle exercise, should use Cartel's Little
Liver Pills for torpid Liver and bil
iioiisness. One is a dose. For. sale by
Smith, Black & Co.
The Silver Helicon Band have
co.oe to life with a large Band; they
played for the Temperance lecture
Tuesday night and it seemed like old
time.,. As soon as they have prac
ticed their new music a lirtle, it will
be better than ever before. The citi
zens will have a chaiiee of hearing
what they chii do shortly f-s they will
be out serenading some evening if li e
weather stays good.
Relief from Sh-k Headache.
Drowsiness. Nausea, Dizziness, Pain
in the Side. &c, guaranteed to those
using Carter's Little Liver Pills.
These complaints are nearly always
caused by torpid liver and constipated
bowels. Restore these organs to their
propei functions and the trouble
ceases. Carter's Little Liver Pill
will do this every time. One pill is a
dose. Forty in a vial. Price 25 cents.
For s.le by Smith, Black & Co.
Col. Woodford will be with us
over Sunday. He is without doubt
the ablest temperance worker in the
west, and our people were fortunate
in securing his services. He has set
g ing a work for th" relief of the des
finite of this city which will be tho
means of relieving a vast amount of
suffering The C1. is a most
energetic worker and is doing
more real good ihan any lecturer we
have ever had with us. Come out and
he:ir the following lectures, you can't
afford to miss them.
The ball of the Masonic fraternity
on Monday a week is coming
fas. The invitations will I e out
th's week, you have next week to get
ready, anil then for the gay waltz, the
delicious galop, the staid quadrille,
and the' glorious polka. So think the
young folks, any way. They are going
to h.ive the music and callers in the
centre of the hall on the west side so
every one can hear. Full particulars
about supper, &c., next week.
While, we Uk". to see the buildirg
going on there is no use nor any need
of allowing Main St. to look like a
hrg-!io!e in the meanwhile; to allow
all the ashes, all the sand, all the dirt,
all the old papers, all the old iron, all
the rubbish of the entire town to ac
cumulate oh Main St. and stop the
gutters and imike life miserable and
existence a query when the wind
blows and all because we bappen to
be making some improvements. Get
her cleaned up. Mr. Mayor and Coun
cil. Jacob Vallery, Sr., our "Uucle
Jake" called in to see the Herald
Monday, had a pleasant chat, and
signed up the article" and minutes of
the Diiving Park Association, of
which he is Vice President. We are
always pleased to see Uucle Jake as
he generally has a fund of information
on some subject cf interest, to impart.
IIo has a little farm of 120d acres only,
keeps from 150 to 200 head of cattle
on hand and raises 40 or 50 calves
yearly; and yet sometimes Uncle Jake
like all the rest of u3 thinks be.'a poor
and badly .bused by the world in gen
eral. .- S '
-t - -
- Presbyterian Entertainment.
In addition to the other attractions
of Thursday eve, will be an assem
blage of foreigners who will be in the
city for that night only, comprizing
Persian, Italian, African, X. A. Indian
Squaw. Hindoo, a Morman with four
wives and a lot of children, and
small specimen from China and
one from Japan.
Cut Flowers.
Order what cut flowers you want
for ihe Holidays immediately and
shall be aide to furnish just what you
want, .will furnish flowers either loose,
or arranged, ai all prices from 25 cents
lo as many dollars. A splendid lot of
Smilax 10 to 30 cents per yard accord
ing to the densitv of foliage.
39t2 ' L. A. Moore.
The large and elegant store of Mr.
Carruth is filled wall choice goods for
the Holidays.
Presents ! Presents !
At Carruth's new Jewelry Store you
will find a great variety of goods suit
able for Holiday Gifts. Photographs
and Jewelrv ! Silverware and Toys.
Notice. -
The P.esbyterhHi Sabbath School
will meet at the Chinch this evening
at 6 o'clock, when tickets for the en
tertainment will be distributed to
those entitled lo tlrein.
In or near Plattsmouth on last
Thanksgiving day, a large M. E. hymn
book wivli music, had my name on fly
leaf with date of purchase. Any one
returning the same to the Herald Of
fice will be suitably rewarded.
B. Austin. 1
Ton ii g Stock.
Five hundred calves and yearlings.
for sale. Some fine grades and all good
stock' Chas. Holmes.
39t3 Plattsmouth, Nfcb.
Collection Notice.
All persons indebted to the firm of
Ruffner & Black are neieoy nouneu
that such accounts must be settle, by
Jan. 1st 18S1, or the expense oi coi c
tion will be added thereto.
Rl'kfner & Black,
43t3 Plattsmouth, Neb.
I. U. O. F.
Theiewi'lbea special meeting of
the PiatUmoutn Lodge Xo. 7. Jan. 13,
1881. Q. C. Ford, tiranil nepreseiua
tive to the Sovereign Grand Lodge
will be present. All brothers in good
standing are eoruiany invueu io ai
tend: Lodge Room Lower Main St
lattsmouth. Neb.
S. H. Richmond,
39t3 Noble Grand.
Sir. E. sge
Has succeeded the firm of Sage
Bros, in the Hardware line, as see
advertisement elsewhere. Mr. Sai:e
will no doubt make many improv.
inents, and keep a large and r.snful
stock of goods in the uture.
Prof. J. A. Mitchell T. B. Mc
Phoi son. Gen'l agents for Fayson, Dun-
tou and Scribner's System of Penman
ship have bm n in the city several days
visiting our schools. The 1 ayson.
Duiilon and Sciibner's Penmanship
was formerly adopted in this state by
iw and took the Gold Medal at the
Teachers and school officers want
ing the best system of penmanship in
the world should use P. D. & S. Prof
Mitchell is one of the best penmen in
the United Slates. . Any leacheis
wanting lessons by mail in pen 'nan
ship and Drawing or nice specimens
should address us at
St. JosKrii, Mo..
Care of Woolwoith & Colt.
Schlater's !
Mr. Schlater sfiil keeps adding to
bis large stock f goods suitable for
the coming season.
Among his other beautiful things
are lockets, rings, new silver sets, and
a great variety of new toys, notions,
pocket cutlery, and chairs of till kinds
and prices. His stock of watches will
be found t be very large and we;l se
lected to suit every taste and at prices
that all can afford.
Alain clocks, mantel clocks, anil
bijouterie for ladies. AH goods shown
with pb asure whether you purchase or
not and the prices placed on all goods
will be the lowest they can be gold for
at a living profit. Remember the
place next door to Matthew's hard
ware store on the. north side of Main
St. 39t2 Jos. Sciilateu.
The celebrated "Bell Tower" is a
goin up at the foot of jth street on
M -tin. If the Counc il don't order the
sidewalk straightened out and fixed,
we shall "injunct agin that Tower'
Can't stand that boys, to be shut off
entirely from our view of Main St.
and get no compensation in equity.
What Every body Wants.
Is a pleasant, reliable medicine that
never does any harm and prevents and
cures disease by keeping the stomach
in erfect order, the bowels regular,
and the kidneys and liver active.
Such a medicine is Parker's Ginger
Conic. It relieves evejy case, and we
ave seen stacks of letters from thou
sands who have been saved aud cured
by it. See other column. Tribnnt.
Bargains For The Holidays.
I have on hand five different styles
Mason Si Hamlin's organs that I
will sell at lower prioea than they
were ever offered before. I have no
time to attend to the business and
would like to dispose of them at once.
James Pettee.
At Leonard's Art Gallery. ".8t3
Save Your Money.
A large stock of Boots and Shoes
just arrived at Merges, which will be
sold cheap. 22tf
See the
Beats anything vou ever saw f jr ?5.
m Sltf
.17 JJ RIMES'.
Mv equipments are all new, and of
the latest designs. I use all the new
processes in the production of my
wnrk and guarantee it superior.
37U V. V. Leokahd.
Wagons! Wagons!!
Several No. 1 Lumber Wagons for
sale risjht now, cheap for cash as I
have no storage room.
38t2 Fred Gorder.
For Sale.
Pour lead of good liorsns, t-hap.
Inquire of T. Adamg. South of Lou,
isville. Neb. 38t4
"New is Tonr Time!
"Great Redactions in Boots A Shoes
at Marshall's, Weeping Water. 88tf
Dissolution Notice.
This is to give due notice that the
firm of McLlwaiu x-Dovey is this day
dissolved bv mutual consent. All
work taken hereafter w.ll be taken by
eacu separate! v, anu on incir own ac
Plattsmouth. Dec. 4th, 1SS0.
M. McElw.un.
38t3 - C. R. Dovey.
For Nick lie adar lie.
Use Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills;
For sale by all dealers in medicine in
Plattsmouth and East Phi' tsmouth. tf
Go to the
You can positively do yourself some
good. 31 tf
"The Leaves lor Ihe Ileali.ii'-"
Of the native of Siberia, are the
! leaves of the Arnica plant. to
be found iit all ttoejr healing p-vcr in
Brown's Arnica Salve. For sale
eveiywhere. 31tf
The Friend r Delicate Ladies.
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver
Cure is the remedy that will cure tne
many tliseases .peculiar to women.
Headaches, neuralgia, disordered
nerves, weakness, mental shocks and
kindred ailments are effectually re
moved by its use. The Mothers' Mag
azine. o4tl3
The Winter of Yoor Oisiooiiicn
Is made Glorious Summer, by taking
Brown's Pepsin Tonic; Try it. F r
sale by alS druggists. 32lf
The I Hi versa 1 Verdict.
Of all who have taken Brown's
Pepsin Tonic, is that it never t;ii!s to
cure. Ask vour druggist for i,. tt
AUItXT. AM V WASsl its
Make lium s.'j r s"ii jut -t k selling u-m il '
K. tt. UliiKtiL' l .K CO.. 1, l;;n-l:iv Mi,-il, N.-w
York, semi lnr i;il:iloue uml terms. 'v
They are selling the b.-st clo.hing
at the Great Red Store, at such very
low pi ices, and you have e r ' hiti
guaranteed as represented or uioiiev
refunded. That is why yon
go there for till you in -ed.
Collection Notice.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to me are hereby reipiesti'd to
settle the same by January 1st. lsjs;',
either by cash payment or note, or the
account will be left for collection.
3?tf Dr. W. IJ. Scmii.kk nia nr.
l.t'rnian t'ntai-rti I'iiit.
Cures Catarrh; Try it
.Monarch Billiard lUMl
If ot coftVfl and lunch alwtvs reudx
at the Monarch Kestaur.Mi
Frank Carruth's.
Pepiierber's ci:irs are ti e most
reliable for purity and fineness in j!a!
ity, awl are far superior to any other
make. Ask your dealers for t liein. 2"it f
Money t l.oati.
On good farm property on buiijtriie.
Apply to J. W. -Tknmncs
ltf Plattsmouth.
. Cigar Clippings, 35 cis. i?er
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite P. 0. 7lf
To the (jtizen's ofthe County ami Slate.
I have in,v ready for markf: ho, io(i
White and Firebrick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a fire-proof lions before
the comet conies down, call on .1. 1'. A.
IIoovkk. Louisville. Nebraska. 1 ltf
Notice to TPiicIicrs.
Lxaminat ion of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At l'ialtsiiiotith. 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weepinjj Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June aud September. At
Louisville 1st r rnlav ami .satuiuav m i
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
No one iriU Le tz-i):ihiil e.v. ipt al
ifip re'jithir t.rnim'nirt i'lUx ; an ' iio ar-tij!i-atts
from othtr Vvtiittits trill be
K. II. Wool.!;',
42tf Supei i.Mtt in!- !.!.
A Payinif (it-ctijiation.
1 tie aiipi et Hie Iiiii; !iil-i- (:vt iiinc-'
i-.itis all fill l' I tie mat ttr of a laHi f i r t Ii
out a triioil li-.:iil li iil'ttie pli-a-un- it iirmii i
lak'fii from rcaitin or i-niily Coal o.i i. i:o.
in L'fiieial use for i-iiiiniiial ina pui'ji ises oui -
Mile of rii ies or lare towns nln-i a! ta- is
tfeil. ami ttlieii a 10)11 1 l;uri! i- i.i-il it is liie
liost enlist for sunlight y-.-! lii-envered.
liie rini'ii!e or plan upon rloi-li I lie S:uii-nt
I. imp ts eonstntrtfil may he saiil lo 1 . : llio!n st
ill use. lint thy lamp itcif lias alays In. I v.'v-i-ral
olijeel ioiiaiilo teattli es wlm-h r';nl
In soe are tioii.i! ilmie a ay i ii Ii in tin- i.e..- as
pirant for favor caiti'.l 'the ilo'.u-: I..-.V.I-."'
inaiiulai't u:- il lv t!i; ilmne l amp Co.. of Cin
cinnati, 'ilieiireat oi-.J-'t! ion to most oili.-r
lanipH is tlieir liaiiiliiy In le lipsot. Hie
to keep t linn in ordi r. ami t lie pour hirh? i-. i-n
ly litem. Tlie New Home Lamp is nn L. i i'lal
ej. ami almost :i fao-siaiile of t lie .siiulv'i.i
Lauiji; it lias a liainisonie oiiiaiii. nti-il vtaiiip.
Iiy means of wliieii ti.e Ir nipiaii L'e at on. i- ' a
ily nljii"teil in any pi siiion upon tin- i -::ii r
taiile, piano. mi!-i; lest, sewing n:a.-!iiai'.n--k.
or Iiy means of a hamlsiitue hr.- rl i t. n;
Willi tlie lamp, ean be I-o p I nnoii ti:o v.-nil,
ami im m haii' er postiimi it is pi:.n-ii v ;s ;.lio
liitelysale. Tl.'s is the real f- at ure ofrv-i t
lonce. Inif ilii' Ne'.v Home Lanp rt 1 1 1 1 T 1 c t-o
the patent Arcai;.l hunter, a liilintr iKii .cut . r
anil luati-h lox. No tamp has ever hen je In-eii
teceiveil with lli'll lllltlsual favor or iv.-eiveil
siteli strouir reconiiiit'titlai ions from t l.e leadui
Journals of Cineiniiatt. It is aiso etnloi-nl hy
such men a the mayor anil poi masler. sever
al iiisurani'e presiilenls ami express agents ot
ihateiiyns the salist. lint cniiVetiient
best l imp ma'le The Comptuty desires a-'ent ;
in this loeatit y. a to! any s ait lady ot 'i;ll''
man ean make a handsome iio-oiiie duties the
M-xt six linn, l;is l.y eanv;is-i:c f .r i.s ,a!e.
There are hardly a diMeu lau.iti. s in the eouni y
H Im u lit 110: anl one. :nul lis pi h e is so hi -.
as to l.t in il u i; Pin 1 In-ie;n Ii of all. l or I ii
therii loimation addre-s ll-.nie l.anio 'mripa
i.y. Cincinnati Oliin, ntttni i;tnii o;,r p.itier.
and I hey n ill ti u you tn!l p..i I .-ttiar-. a.t.i e
elnsive ierntoiy 1.1 canvass i. 3'".
VcrJ I'l uli So Think of.
If not,;! hove ht-iit I ati'tit h. ;. lean, '.m- Did.
iiins's Kleetrie ,s:.ij next uasii il.-y. l.'.-e.l
itlioul any nas'i holier or i-iii-hye i-n-.-i.
used aliifereutly from any otl ir so.-;. 1 ver ;
made. 1 seems very d toll loil'hr. itaipii'i.
oi.ieriy to houi v.-ork ee -.'ash . i : 1 v .
Itli no Ileal .n.d 110 ste.-ft;. 1. r i '! ..f !-e:
najuiii-: llnoi-ii '.tie i'l.iw. insl'-:'-; oi a Iriif i
day's hard uci k ; nut htnoltf.ts ci ; 1m:,s mi i s ;
of wottten fro. u Nova seoii i 10 is have-
proved mr 1 henise! ves that ti i- ilio-o 1 y Its- j
in' 1 i.itihiits s l.ieelrie .sriii. lioii't 1 :,y it.
howevrr. 11 loo set inyi nrunvs 1. r-,- tr ae- '
1,01.10.,' lo i,ij-f : !..!-, ,i:e ;.- -!,.!,. ;t to
M'-!ti ai.iio.f I nl 1..;;"-.. u ,
hat a f ill 1
I .-tout !-l - !
ol twelve y ears can do a little ;i-h . il
itiii tired, 'it jiosii ively ill not inj'ti e I
faldie. lias heen I. elote t lie pniite io
years, .tin) ils salt dot. Lies c cry ' cat .
"fit nei r ha- nut o! it. l e i.I ! li . a- ;
sale yioeers keep il.
I Ll KAfilv o., l'hitjd,
Eekii Ki:os.. .Sole Aueins.
3-coly Weeping V. a!' '.
!l v.
I Hisil livcr.OMHly lo kna'.y,
Ilev, Ge 'l e II. Th tj er. an old cii;
izen of lies vi'rinity known to every
one as a m-ist inrliu nl ial ciii.t n. Mini
Cliristimi Minister oi the M. I'.. Cti urcli
just this inoment stopped in 01:1 .-tore
lo sa : "I v everjbody to !, i;iv
that I const, It l that both Ill's' .! and
wi'eoue our lives to Sfil'.i "s t on
siiinplii'ii Cure." It is hinli-o t iie-
tm-iidoiiM safe over our eouctriA
Rivino perfect satisfacli"!! in :c
t I. uny; Diseases, sti.-li ;is in.-il.i
.1 .1
ci:ses :
i: !.-e
has done.
Bouib. n, Ind., May 15. TS. I).-.
ett & France. Sold bv Stnir!: !i
'y Decent jo'i I'setJ,
It i-t fetraii:'' no many people will
continue to sniffer day afier d tv w ith
Dyspepsi.i, Liver foiiiplaint. Count i pa
tion, Sour .Stomach, fleneral Iebil;ty
when tbev can procure at our store
Shiloh's Vitalizer, free of crest if it
does not cure or relieve ibem. Price
"5 cents. Sold by Smith Black & Co,
marvelous Cure for Catai -rli.iiiplitliei ia. t ir
Canker rnouili, and Head Ache. With i
each Utltie there is an insertions ictnai !
Injector for the more successful tivat
ment of tlie complain, without exria j
charge. Vrice CO csntA. 6t?owtf. I
Fresh seuvci vet daily from
Baltimore, and lot -t!e wholesa.e :nnt
I retail, al F. S. White 30tf
.Select ovsti is. 4j cents a can ; Stauir-
ftrd ') cents.
3 "t
-vv 1 iai I'.ni w.ilV,-:; from 1 lth-
fcp-tw- 51 1 :a C. :i.e. a.;; telf'to sU
S SENS 'El r? f t! t.'.!v. while the
Jf? )ot.-.fnl nift.c:4rsXnw..l
i- wi irrr, Wttti lit; hi
laytrsJ 'ct ' r"i sJ c-r:c -t-.i-. iila cuy, duMLfe
LGUlXbTO J TEVr.5 C3., Ciiwso. I'd-
iii:.!.n: in
H A U It XV A IlK.
m 'res 'k::.
t:i5.. -. Mt i.
V Ciml 'I int. i'.- a w:i i !'. ti.ui'l. 1
itniii :n';ti!y. mni'liy Mil -1 1 -E.iM
-tMiiiiiii't; ;n ii lo -i -1! i .r :i!
iit, no ! enter.
I i mi ! ; 1 1 1 e I ;At r ;ii ' ; r,'th lVi:(S. Ni-ln ..-.Km.
V I r.
CI. ATI'S il! I II. NEii.
i-'ilM ctn.-s t.Oflill Kimmms.
Ells! Class l'n:iilii!C.
f. tt.mj s.('.i,''- Ho ii i
lt vri i tii.ii; ari -w;y i-.i:if-ri
A (ir.otl ilotel i nn Fir- mi-fi
Also, rfutl Whit1, floi K;cr, ('.nod l.tini s
Kept at the ; it rJotc!.
I iiy rUKIV CO : fr.,'.vi,-
Fcr Heme Garden Farm.
cutd You may It oo."
wnr? now?
Because we hava
The Americm
ar.J lid Tlmusdnda cf
Hints and SusscstlonA hri.
to t!ilnk(p!uDtinU wur t.. f
more prc.luiM". Ill :
. If i mvl r.!':i.pii i:nt ! n t v.
rr 4 "C-l t!ia Hit 2 rt r..
It Will Ilt.'p Y j-j.
Term for Vol. 4-J i;-:
S ; I lirce, 51 ; Eoiir.
; it t of thin j-ar ;
Speri'iutt or ft t-;
Est t'ilithed In
Vol. -10 ISril.
BOO IastrncUve,
Original, Flci-iin,
Useful Engravings.
Oerman Ed tion
Ir'Oip.'i.'f l it y I "a
f ,-n " (' r V-f.'r'O.
SpJiuiiid Prrmiuius
tit n t'ofct.
Sfrnl your wi'-rex on rotnl
C'iril ftr fief Copt of 4-1
pi-jei IUuiftitf,i lff-criptictt9.
OR IXC. E .11 BI) f 0.,
-it-i nr.w t r" rr-
FACTO tvo:
fii c'iJ SriCI.
rtnr:--. Tt:
ir... y . r
1. S-;..n.:mke. ftilltv-'s ar.M
. -1 1"--' n itt kiiov. ii r.r fco
s;I in 1'Atrxcn's ,iK.r.u Ionic
as 1 i-:
Tito H:
i ii t a' rfx.-o-f r. Liccd Fur.i tr snJ -t
l.t--i' h r.;:J i jnt.cii iuc-hturor
Her 1 .-a.
r.n ivrfeet. Is Ih-J 'iroM-s;y f rAr.KTt's
GiMSi.i IV.ic t i. t r.o u.-.ii.- e:. luip exiew
where it is Il havv L.- f. ps., h Hi,
I-: :e-i:-n. t-i.-ui-oU.ia. f.-ow. I. K.(in.v,
or Livsr bej.i.-o-j., or if vou ie cd a itiiM Ftim-j
ulant, i.rn'iitBli-tiS'. th 1 s'o I r-tsx ina m. 11
teinu f v you, en ft i i l-r'.:y ta.tits au4 in-vipo-aiiai
hut ivrrr rtw-:...-ati..)f.
if viei :- Eto-.vlv v. :l.;'.i: (.' tv f.r T. !'N Crn-
enum;.!; 1 1 r any m.-k;i- 11 rr.-t r. tis r. f i tii
Counh or :il '.-.i :. I'jri.i tt w: : s iokkk
will t.- :! vou. Il mv 8 lew 1."b : r'1 ,
vir.r i C!j r,..t 1.' f.n.l rv h cm Is n e-ruii,
rnra f,r I,.. ;a;.i.ui3:n r.'i v-.Tiiora Ici.t.:.tKm.
1, it,. 1; .1 I7t:nlrv;i r:i I.lvea: Ir. Hit
N;.ve Icdiri. 1
If you f r- f.-V'-(r I:.!-- ..' !!. r'o-A't v. c'.l vnti'. f
yoa are hi- la:t ti o 'iv:-:'- t -:-.-.)
No tnaifer v :i it .cv:n:.-i erfor MWKkiat 1
Vk it v. ill irivu pr.c-:t n t...f. 4 . J
Ken. '- I 1 .lilnbit fl Vil..ii..i - -' J -
a runt vr;..-z hut ivrs. 1.1. 1 1 -.- i ri.,
M.-du ino te-r ta.f, . -- l - ." ,
proi-e1, i-.i.-t ort-:l' ri ;:.-:v::i fr; -4--is.i
'im'-r pi oara HirscwI i-o other ! e-s. To,
dooo. Ij...l:.e. Vivur Uraj j-'-t mpr yoa. ,
TJie Ei -.t aud Ei-u3ilial Hilar Ii .-;, .! us
ev4u"v.iy -.-rfi-r-cJ i--"t T-"':-'i' l'-
Will A!n; s ItrstiT? f.r::y rr Frt.-.l Hnir
to its o-' ;-r..-il you;' it - r r.r 1 nr '-rnf
wmTantcd 10 t i s (J.Mi, ' e. y.
prrvrnl i.aljne-, .
Af.-w .-.pnlk-.tirr.s tf t'r P.IM-t vil ::- t.i
lia.r, tlcir.rf all .ijniirrU :,:id loi,; ia ii:.-.- J i,u
wuis wt ihscJp. by itliuiu-L.i.a: -.-y sot u.
F;e;'.-.i v il3 io-
f:r rnco Lit.
aislrcss."' C-::'i- U
lL.y-.-T ta?s prices mil c:e- 1
-.-''I ' cr:p::orri0fallGcc,'3 4
V.i: j in rcntrcl es. tin-g
V: -'- Ibracir.a Crv Cjcii. -J
fbracirtfi Ory Coci j, ?
i -I ClnlS?--. r -..c .
v.! Harness, Si'.:i.':.s. -2
t;iC8, Si-IM. x:.-t l.i J- 'J
li.lii.Lj, . .. ... , 1 . u- s;
ccries. cf. tr.-5;.!e3
'f-.i 1 lia--.tioi.s to t:-y. Sat-
fcm -I t KoctacTfcry Ware &
''J i Co., 227 L. 22J Va-
'-, b&ih av., Chicaso, III. U
. 1 : i i .
Sii?K lo, 5. cr;$.ibSo
.: iiiil II I.
Painless. Pnverri!!
It f I tt? wj
it . i e ::tii-. .'. f-
linn a: o e v :
tli-n Of ol: ,:t ..p
If facto:-.- r.r
; 1 ioi
: i-i i, i . ,'.
IT' l it '
l: If
i l i-
ti y. !
t IT"-t:
- .... Ki'
:i't-. or .
d 1
I I. K , ! f
' '
r.!',! ', .!!
C- ' Hr,
Id.:- Si!-
V y,t'
if d. .
V.'iv:-e-- ' 'rW.
! t.
Di.Ti.oir, Mie .
J rj'.hi.
f f . Hi
9 - v.---lLt- - f
I '-V, AV-V--
Is !.;; if 1,: r. - I -oMea: i i-af of ii'ir''
aloe. .-, : ; a I "i: . I . ve 1 1 . o . il v I : t' . 1 i . 1
lli-i :t-c- i i .:: : : : -e t, :! -s i ii : i-e io-.C -p .-t.-, .,f
the ly- i ..-,,jt. :.:V .,- . , :l ',(,. .a,,
ill,--- 1. 1, . (,,-ev .. M:. I. fi.i. I .1;..,
eultl-i-or ll.- Kid-es. I.iv.-i- ii:, 1 r:i:-'V no
fans l'oi I-filial i- IH Mo . i e 'v't.n -slrn:iti
ii. cniiii! ru ..;i:i;.. v. it ,'ia n,.
Ct;::;'. it ! -1 : f- J I tie i.;-..,. c'.il ni.ll.r I iie
blood, ami iu-i.e . ii tin- he t til.i el Cm i," r
Il is the i ', ly kr.i . a r no- v ih.-o cure- til t
S. Olilue. it, i ;;SH -so. l l f i;il,e.h
Use ilav-K-l',, "X lfo (,.-: . 4 ure
l-'of s-iU- i.v iuil..-,'i-l . :,:al il.-a! --s i'l t '
1 r o I ..r.e- I. -Ml. in itie t. Tiyit
ii. I. V. i. ! !:,. l:. t, r. N. V.
( r,iu'-M-'i' I V tii'i, . I
V .i:'j-r. W etr . h.ti r. Vi; t.i ',i.sie.
:it.t YV. i'i.." It. Ail. I'll, l s
in; i' I iriiii "If n7 I i, . . , , ( ,,f
Tr::L i.h..nt i mil.-- 1". a;- : e.-t t
Sj 'ft: !iil '- "I d- n I ie S' .!.
a!i h.hi.r (.n'. j. X rr. . ::.
-ri::i.; v : no r;t :i I'a i;: I. I i:t.
. I '
V ' -; A .- 2 n-.r Frir.A I i i. 1 I
i 9
:-.-:i ' 'V - i . A " tor !'- -.
f-- :'-s " '
i- , vx i LJt(
' : ' ' i ' I l : .;
I'U i C-r;. A ;; r.i. t,-v-- v.v
Notice. J . . ...
All prisons indebted to V. II. Ua
if r A l'o. are ' rccpiested tti Call hi.d
el tie before January Isi.aml oblige
OSt t V. il . JlMii i; & Co.
i.ttiKv in.ui::
See Oar P. Kv
poumls pi'.iiiiil.ited for..l.ft
ttiauuai u .v i.oo
extra C " l.oti
yellow . " l.tK)
' new enn a.its " 1.0D
packages Arinickle ciilTee. .. !'0
iolitiils yoi il ii io coffee 1.01)
bar White soap.. ... .0"
pounds of Hominy
every tiling else in pioportion.
choicfs; .-mti niosi coin pi 'i e stock.
ol M
oci-i n-s in ; he citv . 111 and see
o."itf IJksni tt .V I. i:vi-.
" Lost.
Our IVs; O'liee Key It has a
s u k" in ii. Send lis word w b-ii iyi
ind it and oh litre
Hi i: a i (i - ivc.
Legal Notice.
Vol ire brrrliy iv-ii that iny w iUv I'liH l
llllUill IlilH i'Il tti hfil U..;, v U I i i ' 1 1 1
u-( rail 'r jn ivr.t! ion. Ail irivti" .11 1 !!
tdiliMt 1 1 ru-. lice it v -.f, Tiiur, 1 1 n- I u ill
1' 1 hr rrpoir-ihlr I tr ;t 11 i.vtii -j! iirui ril'.
l tl'. 1 ' li-'li i
Probate Notice.
.. :.r .M f .r of i:.r : '.Ii.' ,.; MeNiif i.I.
i le.-e le.i. in I lie 0..1.1 ( ,.1 : 1 .1 C.iss 1 ot..i -
ly. Ne'.i-i.ska.
I 0,0. lail, tt .1 11 .1 fi i-; li.. lint;. Vell'ie.l p..
.1 io.i oi 'r.,oni;,s 1. ; li 1.1 1,11, 1 i.i tne tail ad
,0101 r.u an ..I i i,e 1 ;.o oi i. iiru..
-.eas it. I..- 1:1.0. .en lo .las ,. IMh-r-nn ;
ae 1 u '.ti-li-'it la L.e .uv. , III It in. :i
no ,-ai,e; , p: i. ,!,-,!. i,,i!:. -Ii. d. and io
, -aei.11 ei. 111 t-1011 1,1 s.ii,. e tie.,, I line
fseet.: , e v ee.v tin; ;., iu-.n-.l'.i ot
-a;,i lain-,, l-o i-el f;.r,li. s. it ,i..- oi .I.n,iiai,
l . I l. i -s , , .0 en i (!, u a in. ;.l 1 he I -litre e.
in-Co nil v .i .i.I a. 1 'i . 1 1 , at , i ,i . al i:eli
i'i..- and pi Co. a, I ..-is .us i .i- i -:. d laay ,'p
,il a'l I liiiv. l- 'l,--e. il . n ih-- ::. '. '
. OHM 11 I .: t li,-: . mi el iM,.i.' si., I. Id iie
.laa'.ed to i he - u I .li- M i'i. i-i .u i, aeeor.l
n;' lo tlie .r..ycr i t ,i i : . l.ii .1..
a". . si i.. i n . Ci.n . y .f a.' :c.
I'la: I -lor.nt a. C-,-. io e. 1 o a. i -. .:oi.-.
Piobatc i.otice.
. .la; m. titer, ft)
deed .ol.
t sT.i: e ' i .loll n I lettl -not :
Ni-iii1.! is It I i-l.v .-li, r.l i'll perso: s h .'. io .
I . s -i : i is I :,e i: .,: e oi .1 . i , 'n I i . e
.-l-l" I --i . ! '. (:.e I . e s ,,,, oa .,- Oeie' e ;i .
. ,y nl .In'..'. ,i. !'. I'M. in ihe oi .-e r,I ih,
- i : 1 1 1 . lit i, -..,. i sini.o! ti. i ;is- c"i.i.l
A. N . II I t1., V .ritlL'e
"il 1 1 -it i - II i l.'.-e. I. I--i). :.-:.
Guardian's 8rle.
;iee i p.-lrl.v ;;;ti il C-lI ;.il, -a, nit o rt 1-
'rti i.;.!,-. ..!,' i.i. I i'i ti.. l'i-.ii. i i i i .
: as. ill' V. .Nel.i.-isK .. i.I tlie Nr-veieoe.
.- i.-'-i-.'i !"". v.-.:-
:.m ot:n IU'. . s., ;,i wx.
iul . oti ..t. i ti iij i t :ti I', A . 1
i--. i .i ' nt i k'cl.i'i i it. ..-i-i j. . i 1 . i i .
. -Ui , iii uv.i i!it. ici oi Ki ink hiu ,mith
il ..'. T-ii. i-i il i- 1 1 t n - , !! IIIIM'U 4Tf
j.r-rti . ill A 1 1 i ; i (;:!;. !-. v. i i.; ) - i m-d jtri:-i
' I.J UliM f il'l I -- V ! I , i ilr.'i'l .ilHJ I ll 111
. i'! -lt'.I M' ,1 ! -Al:t lit- 1 O '!:l:t:U M,
-.71 ;t l K 1 I- S' ' i i ' i , a . ( 1 1 1 ; t h ii
Hotiuej lor t'ubiiCutioij.
I. a M ilrrii-r vt I. : , u.v. " i t:.. .
.V ie. nil I I'I. 1,- I.. I
:n-c i k.-i-i-y j'i-u i!i..i 1 1 1 . - fo;!.,e i.i;
I aied -el i Iff ila- iie d nol ,ee oi In llileltMo,
mahe pr-M.t iii s i, p .r, el i,:s e.atin. -i.,.
ill.. S .ld ..l ie, I i! . ( ,,, ,,(.. , , , !,. ( ( M
" l-f.. ' -. ' O.l I ol C .-s , .... .Nee;., i,.,. ,,
: if; iii l'oi' :.-iii,'ii; :. i iii if:, ,..,t ..i -..,..
irt .y . l.ii i i,e -li :i i!,i i.i .1 .ii ii.'i: i , 1 v. . i ;. .
-i..! nil A. 1. Hies. U....I'-, e i I pn.ieai to.,
-. IM s.; I .rint- .i-;::i,'.i ; .; i -.: i- i . s ,. 4 ,
si . 1 1 : a i I.i . s iv i4 . -...-tii.ii mi , -.,,n , T ,,
a I mi t- '. i j i.i ; t .: oi lai.e t..,ve ( i
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- Probate iNOiiue.
No ice vs lie: sir. -:eit Mrs. I.. ..;;, v A
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i. pre .s i ,vj .i,'. i a e I . ..i; 'a'.i ii oil -red l''..r ;et ad !:c-s .1 I.
lit tin X o. Hal lioiu. I t. oi Chiea ', If.-.
New ami vkrv Ainanio.',ML i . . ,.
sow in t .
MASON 'olaV;,; .l:i:v
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AND , i io.i at i- v i; M .o.-1 i. .. : 4 !
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li' '' V. i.-' '.
lie neoihi i- i:,,- Van: .- 111 .
James Cr.ici:
J. SCH t .AT EH,
lll III
OCli-cbt,, f loch',, ; r
ihri VtliC, i'i ! i' ..
M Kit cha.n ihm:,
FOCKEP CUfLHiiY ? Ty. r-.:, !
Pai-tientar ;i!i-Hii'ii paid !o all kia-t 1 I ... I
IP p: tii'a'.
.Miti'i, nrai inn 1 1 i-'tn-f, 'i . v
i,i.'iT'iii,'i'! t i:'. - - i :;.
Eight Mile Grovo, No),.
Ila.i.:.: "e :i -I a Nev- V i.e. -. if-- o 1
I ee.i .Of T l.-ll I" '"I V -I . .1,1 -
en a' I -I. V 1 1 a I - l - . '
1 i:b I, i a 1 . :
Dry Goods, Qvoc:iy.z
iili'i ' .eoe ;i! I'-n 1 oli..: ,
Cull "11 .v r it'll' ',' .'-'',.
i-l.s- rif fi'
:ty ' Wa i. i ; i; -. .
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