Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 18, 1880, Image 3

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I.OCA1. JkDTEKi'lMtltKSlrt
"r;!iit- r.t. i' e.- s & fine. K-i'. ii.its
II. .1! x per hue.. No J l IM-lbal.1 i. ; rt -
f I lor ! lean
f rfi: I IH-tice Hi '
A eeute.
j Au 'iii' 7 onj otlo-crs Hi t
. .:.. i-i:iie all el n't'f-
V ! 1 .
. tut'tu lni.vvtii..c v ' V :.'-
,'i" on If osucti llolic.
I Aa our space I
lulls! t-u brief n-i
lli:iitc-!, ol rr.-r-uin'.r'.
to Hie HJli'.t. :th fce -..
l WC.S.
The. ichkm-i iersfins!Me f tt the ei-T-e',e-.s
4ecoroin-. to copy of paid rtiHtter iuiJ it;l l-e-'
i 1 Any penon Htm taken tha rr rii'n-v
J .. In a --uice. whether ii!v:if l h:s
' iar. or wtiether lie I a ulorier r l U
et poiuub'.e fur tha y.
2. If uny person ordm his paper 4','-nn,i;-jfl,
lie must pay ail rrr:tr:-a. r -:e aa'.tjteb
a mav continue to eiid K mm'. piot t
i4i:Hle."a:it tdlU-n the uliola ama'V:t. .t)
the paper is Wktu fio:n i:ia i'ti sr met.
J I. 1 he court hTe tld-4 !, rrf :em; m
take newsnaporn and pi ;o4 ,f al fr tue p, or leinovini; n. l living ! r ivin(lr
for, is prima uclt vid.enee ! I ini iist
- Wescott sells the btst buckskin
, :ves. 29tf
' -Dance!
j -Thank-yivir.s; night.
-At Fitzgerald Hall!
Fine Silverware at Sciilater's. 1
- -Go ti the Catholic Fair t -night.
' Next Thursday is ThankSiriTing-
Will. S. Wise sella Ileal Estate, tf
! Court pens, oh yes! oh ys! h
- Tht ice ii coming dwn th rirar
I - I'll i I Youiu received new goods
Th;-.t new elevatar is gi"g to b"5
--For fine, job werk go to the IIer-
i A! T
tine line or shawls at i reu
k lf. . i'ni:Lnn s o.JL
Organs cleaned and repaired 'y .
J.--n-s Pe'.tef. tf 1
-Alumni's preparrd mince meat xt ;
r, i.uftt & Lpwis j
-Manufacturing and Pvepairing r.t ;
ATfrtres siioo store. "'-tf
This is th h.'.rdt tune in
tl.e vear to ge' locals.
The bi juest line r buckskin ; Xo trouble t she w goods. Ed. Wes-cl.-.vcs
at Wescolt's. 2Utf ! COXT. 1
S. & C. Mayer will prbftl ly meve
ti t; first of next week.
T. M. Marquette of Lincoln is in .
town, attending court. bargains in Iwls and shots j
at the W. W. "hoe store-.
I-ter Merges lias an
) slock of goods on hand.
Plat'.smouth is r.eavly
immense j
- ;
overrun !
wiili lawyers this we ek.
Head J. 1). Simpson's advertise
ment and profit thereb;. .
J. IJ. Strode took in Omaha last j
Friday, on Legal businej. j
li. C. Gushing, f Lincoln, wns in J
town the first of the weeK. j
A new lot o' handsome C!o;:ks.
J vi-c-TVe-.l at Si-niaivrs. i
" T!:. Bayou is fr-.u over, and the
lovers of ska:i..g arc happy.
Mr. Janus IVitee to"k a trip down
to Factory ville last Sunday.
-Tickets to the Happy Hour Club's
1) i!;ee, Thanksgiving night, SI.
rj xbe Drummers have almost taken
nosicssion of the town this week.
. , , , c.
A be lot of cracker?, Junioles occ
j us. ie
eived bv Bennett A; Lewis.
The C, Ire Club meet at Leonard's;
now, and a very line place it is ton. j
('.olden, my boy, hurry- up -them j
. ....!! ..-1.1
ar masons, or your woes u gci i-viu.
a naw
The B. vt M. at- building
cjai shed, south of their present one.
Kev. Mr. Burgess returned from
his trip to Omaha and Ashland. Monday.
Agood all wool uit of nifns'win". fc '
clothing for ST.50 at the Great Fed
Store. ltf
The Vfiing Ladies should ask
sioit!. t shw them bis latest
The largH mill lately built at Fac
toryvilie is now running and deing
fine work.
If you want, to see the finest thing
out in the way of npkia rings, go to
The work on the new htel has
been much delayed lately ou account
of ' lie cold weather.
There was a trial before '1' -
Vi vi an. Tuesday
which created eon -
"iiier.tb'e amusement
A large ijoantily of snevt cider at j
.. B u:s A; S-ei's 'Ahieli l hey will sail j
ll,c barrel in gallon. 35tt j
Jake Mevers w;.s arreted for!
s;ea!;:ig two revolvers
i'nrran and got 30 Jays.
-Go to Fied. Herrmann's for yur i Than,!, not much bigger than a dough
V! as. Cloaks, shawls. Winter Gloves. ! nut now the l.aveu of inc.oase and the
...,. . ;t. .,, ,1. i Jft'st of nourishment will no doubt
lV.,,inr...u-,u k,
P. B. Murphy has juat had some;
v ry fine cards piin'sd at thia office.!
v, : i: a o!
l it I are on the bacn, lor nik
l - v l.Uliai-i ball.
.'n-. Llo'ii Son h ive just leceiv-
a large and ciudc-. stock of Canned
rrntis tl y t belli purchasing
s'-wheir. 35t'-
' - i .. -.-e lec-ivi-ii; invitation? to H e
it i ,:tuxt ' ie.-ei; ; J-t :n at the ticket
: I:
and we hye
Y 111.
a;i o:;
w 4 nil
ig etse
35 fi
;?H Ti'i.ti. o :
V; t . . !, X i
oil wii:l
. 'i au t
..- ''. .-i e .;s .-, ti-;Ji ::
- ; : o :'itr :.!''-...
lid no; I erii stepp..; aiij
wl.irh, if it
ht have tin-
i.l.xJ one man.
liev. Mr. Storms p; cached his
fust sermon, as pastor of the Babtist
caurch but Sunday ; listened toby a
fair sized congregation.
John Jennings has moved into
tile Newton house and when th boys
want to seranade hiia, they'll know
here to find the Captain.
- Good Overcoats fr S'3 00 nt Ws-
e-.!t.- Boss Clothing Store, cheaest
and beet in town. Come to the Boss
1 f
. Personal .
Mr. Asher Coley of LonisvilU U in
town "courtiBj."
Prf. Frank SUdier cine dow.n
ficro Lincoln Mrnday evening.
Mr. V. Lathaat and Mis. James
Pette taok a flying-trip U Oajaha,
Friday Ust.
1..- T U' T). ....... .... ..,..
in the city last weak, the gueat of
Prof, and Urs. Wise.
Mrs. CO Newton lft Plattsmouih
Wednesday of this wafk to pend the
winter with relatives aad friends in
Indiana and Illinois.
Mrs. Livingston, Miss Aana, Miss
Fulrner and Mrs. Hamlin want up tn
Lincoln .Saturday to hear Miss Ainler
som, returning Maaday.
Mrs. Dectar of Decatur, Burt Ce.
aad Mrs. ThorniHion, of Bfllvvua ara
Tisitingin the city, tha guosts of Mr.
Win. Gilmour aud Ur. Uaciiurpliy.
J. S. White, tha graial steward of
t!it!i. &M. traiufer, YUf President
left fr Iiuilinglan Suntlay afleinotfti
to iake a short visit among his rela
iiras and friends tl.t-rr.
Mrs. Cainphell and son, mother and
Hrolher of Mr. I). A. Caraphell. arriv
ed in l'lattsiuoci h l:t werk, from
Ohio, with the intantion. we believe,
of making this their future homa.
Christmas will sun ie here.
Don't fargrt the dance the 2.jth.
Money to loan en Country Peal
Estate by W. S. Wise. tf
T.t win Jeary, af (Jreen weI, called
ea tlm Uiciiii.e
Dr. Uasemeier, of LauisTiile, was
in town Wednesday and call ad on the
Is your life worth 2 cents? If it
is do not neglect a Cough or Cold.
Use Dr. Hull's Couli Syrup at onco
and be curad by that never failing
Sage Bros, have a large and excel
lent assortment of stoves, tin-ware.
iuess during holiday time.
Mr. niMt Mrs. Ilerolu, and Miss
Josje stajei,u;lnn went up t0 iAncou
;ist wfek to attP;u, llie fllI1(.rai of Miss
Clara Stadeliaann leturning Monday.
Aiiil c ri tiling cipu tji in it
Bo.vj Clothing Stoke.
! The Episcopal fociahle will be at
i Mrs. F. Eathaiuri Tuesday evening.
Xov. 2i.
-Step into P. 1?. Murphy's new
lucli lloosn.s; read that Bill of Fare,
md if you don't get hungry on the
spot, we don't want a cent for saying
It was reported on the street Mon
da that the Pay Car would be a week"
late this time, and the II. H. bojs be-
gan to look kind of down in the
- WanTb t t A bhoeaoaker at
Weeping Water, Neb., by Marshall &
Son. 3olf
-t'apt. Butts and the crew of the
j Vice President are in town. The
j boat has been laid up for the present
! :if X"ilii-:iaf .- I'ltr i
charge of Mr.
Arrived at the residence of O. W
Ciutter, a new tooth puller, it's a girl
and as a matter of coursa they are all
happy. Mother and daughter are
both doing well.
The Merchants are commencing to
get in their holiday goods, and conse-
! quentlv, the small bovs aud girls lika
i H - " - ,
10 iaoK in inr snow miiuons, urn
! some ef the big onen, tea.
Tel! it t your Neighbors and
I friends that Ed. Wescotl has the rst
i titting and best made clothing in the
t !:inib and will never never no nev-
I r be undersold. Ed. Wescotl, Boss
Henry Tan Nortwick. of Toledo,
Ohio, says: A friend prevailed upon
me to try an "Only Lung Pad." aud I
ebtained immediate relief from a
j wa".
j Mrs. S. Swarrs has removed her
! roillinory store to the reoia next door
i west of Solomon & Nathan's, where
she will be pleased to see all in want
of millinery goods, of any description.
Call and see her.
Tha invitations are out for a
Grand Social Hop. given by the Ilap
pv Hour Club, to which, it is hoped.
all receiving invitations wiil attend;!
a first-class baad and caller are engag
ed and a good timo is promised by tne
-!!dv. J. Chanev delivered a lecture
i T,r,,,,..nce. last Sundav evening
1 ... . , .....
l dime. Air. Chaney has been engaged
by the Dis rict Lodge to canvass this
county for the teniarauco causa we,
A httle BaKer has come to town.
; we are iaformed. Ii is s.:u? rehiti 'i
to Billy, that is by his wife's folks.
, f.,i, ....f .,.
' AJ'.illU llOU I.. IV C. .
I t!ie days.
Mr. Fred. SU'.delni-.nn announces
.i - t i. .ii :.;....!.. . I - . t.:
; ...
' Iiouse l loaiUais too r.rsi or opcpiii-
bsr. Mr. Stadolmanb lias kept his
I lions. open, how ever, much longer than
he intended, as there was no hotel, and
we presume docs net care to continue
itito cold weather.
Co'.d! Colder:! Coldest!.'! This
was wiiiteu Wednesday wit;: the ther
'. rfjonieu-i twelve or rit'teeo degrees he
i v t iei z n-x p'iut. which is certainly
cold enoo:l lor NovtinV. and if it
k:is l ii I. nine; down at' this r:i tf
wi.i '
soon leaon the supetlttive degree.
La-st Suiiday evv'-ing four or five
immigrant wagons were c-tmpd out at
tins tnd of tl.v avniue, ai d it UokeJ
like pretty coi I imsiutss. One of the
.agons however carried a regular lit
tle house which seeiaed more comfort
able, but even with i-icli accoraraoda
tions we are glad wa are not an immi
grant. Our easiness man will now be in-
1 terviewed far advertisements, for our
! Almanac. Ee ready t give us a page
or as much as you can afford.
! Capt. Marshall has got a new
clerk, his naune is Gesrge S;ott. who is
! always ready to pass mat letters es-
Catholic Fair to-night. ' -
Julius Pepperlerg left 'lvr New
York Cityjast week, to buy stack, " Ac
Mr. W. King, a brother of Mrs. Shea
iff IJyers, with a sister and niece, have
been visiting our Sheriff, from Illinois.
Came with the excursion. -
Mrs. J. B. Wilson, Tiffin, Ohio,
says: I have' worn an Improved Ex
celsior Kidney Pad. and received more
relief than from all remedies I have
ever tried. I chterfully recommend it
to all sufferers. ee A v.
Two young Pock Bluffers were
arrested for stealing a c;n of lard
from Mr. Ilendi ick(-on.
Correct your habit of crooked
walking bv using Lyon's Patent Me
tallic Peel Stiffeners. 32i4
There h not one article in the line
of 'medicines that gives so large a re
turn for the laoney as a gned porous
strengthening; plaster, such as Carter's
Smart Weed and Belladonna Ba-k-ncha
Plaster. For sale by Smith,
Black & Co.
Any amount of lumber and all
kinds at Dean & Son's Lumber vards.
Ashland and South Bend. 34t2
Bennett & Lewis sent us a can of
prepared vegetable soup last week.
Oh! wasn't it good, liiv some and try
the critter.
All cases of we.ik or lam? back.
back-ache, rheumatism, ivc wiii lind
relief by wearing one of Carter's Smart
Weed and Belladonna Back-ache Plas
ters. Price So cents. For sale bv
Smith. Black & ('0.
Cash buys cheaper than credit at
the W. W. shoe store. 3t.f
Fresh oy sters received daily from
Baltimore, and for sale wholesale and
retail, at F. S. White's oOtf
Select oysters. 45 cents a can Stand
ard 35 cents.
Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia,
aud too heavy vating is relieved at
once by taking one of Carter's Little
Liver Pills immediately after dinner,
don't forget this. For sj'.e bv Smith.
Black & Co.
0.0 to the
You can positively do yourself some
good. yttt"
Look here! If you want a puir of
boots or shoes, or anything in that
line, go to the W. W. shoe ?tore and
you will get ywur money's worth, tlltf
Young Halm, in Kalisky's store,
had a narrow escape last Friday. The
elevator fell down on him and only a
miracle saved his life. The impetus
of the falling was so great thaV llahn's
head broke through the boards in the
cage and thus preventid actual crush
ing of the skull. Though severely
bruised, he is not dangerously hurt.
Dropping into Hubert Sherwood's
Boot and Shoe emporium the other
day, we were surprised at the large
amount of siock he canied and glad
to se how much business he was do
ing. Sherwood keeps a very good line
to, and deserves the patiouago of the
public, for his enterprise ami judge
ment in selecting goods ;'ud disposing
of the same.
Mar flea.
1IOO I-: It -I. A.N H AM At Jiid Sullinn' of
fice. Tlnir-iliiv. Nov. Iltli. .J. 11. Huovuk
to Maky Lan ham. Ixita of tun county.
KOl'I'EL V.AI.TKItS- On Siiiulny. Nov. 1.'. ly
Inline Sullivan, Jacob Koi-i-i-.l. to Ax.a.v
Jake 1 cr. 2k er ami now begins his wedding
2 er.
sri.LlVAN- At I'latrsmcuta. Ne!.. Tlinrsilny,
Nov. li ! li, l-o. tu iliptlu rii:c i iiiup. N k.i.i.i k
AUKI.1.VK, tlauliter o! Jiuln nml .Mrs. A. N.
Snlli van. tl t-in'i t yoat s cili t iimnlli iid
three days. The funeral took place from tin'
lHinily lesiitenre. l-'i iri.1T. .N ov. li. at 2 p. in.
The lireadi'il i!i;n'aeiia. that deadly enemy
of cliildhood. Un been, as the careful pare .t
thouiiht, i-u-.-cosfuIiy Tantjuisia d. after days
of watchii;;; and care, ami ttieir child was ou
j the liih roail to recovery. Inn a slitit chainre
la the atmosphere, a litt.e r- Oil. opened the
dears again lo the enemy, and neakeued by
previous suft'ei in the liitle one as unable to
withstand a second attack. Many are the
hearthstones over the laud left des ilate by this
fell seouiLi;. some niouinin.; for all tic: liitle
oi.e ef their lloc-k. ltelme tlie sile-.t iraper
dealh we all Maud powerias.s, and can only of
ter the sliyiil li-.eeJ. of sympathy to tlioe l:o
fuirruu. No lonf r a sutleivr on earth, she haa
found, let us hope, the tieiter land.
A nut her Fatal Accident.
A man by tha name of Samuel Nix,
came to town Tuesday to see about
getting his boy relca.sed, from a charge
of theft. Ho became greatly excited
over the matter, and left for his home
near Rock Bluffs about 4 p. m. On
the road home, near Jp'XeKl's slaugh
ter house, he somehow fell from his
wagon aud both wheeis passed over
his head, crushing in the skull. He
was found by Mr. Lambert, a is s'ui
and others and brought back to Bob
erts' drug stole in town, where Drs
fiiehuiod anl Livingston dressed his
wounds. He died during the evening,
find before his family reache-i here. A
post mortem was held and the coro
ner's jury brought in a verdict in ac
cordance with tho above facts.
3S1Y AAI I'll CI I
Every woman who suiters from
Sick Headaches, and who dislikes to
takt-. bitter doses, should try Carter's
Little Liver Pills. They are the eas
iest of ail medicines to take. A pos
itive cure for the above distressing
complaint: prevent and core Constipa
tion and Piles. As easy to take as
sugar. Only one pill a dose. 40 in a
vial. Price 2 cents. If jou try them
you wid not ! without thc-ni. For
sale bv Smith. Black & Co.
See Our I'rict
8'j pounds granulated sugar for.
. .05
o -
standard A
extra C " . . ,
" . yellow " ..
" new currants "
packages Arbuckles coffee
pounds good Bio eolVee ..
bar White IJiK-i i;i .-.
pound-, of I IoillMi.V
of g:
every thing eie lo pi -.ipoi t ion.
c!.o:cv.i and n:ot c-uupl .e s:ock
i.e-.-ii-s n tiiecitv. C--.ll and see
tJ5tf Bknnktt A: Licwts.
Lai ge s:ck of boots md shoes at
-be W. . shoe store, waich tliey are
seiiii l; clfltpor Ciish. Sixt
11, i-caves TVr t.'ie Helli-s."
Of lie native of iberi.t, are the
leaves of the Arnica jibint. to
lie found in all their healing p iwer in
Bkown's Aunka Salve. For sale
eveiv where. 31tf
See the
Beats anvthing you ever saw f jr 85.
Save Your .Money.
-A large stock of Boots and Shoes
just arrived at Merges, which will be
sold cheap. . - 22tf -
A man was driving across the
railroad track Wednesday afternoon,
in front of an engine, when the cow
catcher struck one of his boises, break
ing its front and hind leg. -broke his
wagon badly and hurt the man some
but not seriously.
We regret to atnmnnce t!-e death
of Clara St?.delm:iii, daughter of Mi
ami Mrs. Win. Stadelmann, which oc
curred at Lincoln, Friday, Nov. 12th
of typhoid fever after an illness of
long duration. Clara's matiV friends
heie will sincerely sorrow that death's
cruel hand should strike one so young
and just merging into a beautiful girl
hood. - FKANK CAKRU1H.
Wis store
Is Naw Open
Where you can find every kind of
Jewelry, Silver ware. Clocks. Watches,
and handsome holiday goods without
n umber.
Tl.e very elegant, commodious, and
artistic store of our tnw-i prising neigh
bor, Mr. Can utii, U r.-iw fully opened
and he is fair-y .srl l'fd down to bus
iness in the new iilsce. By the aide
of the buildings of a few years ago in
I'lattsmouth this may be called a pal
ace, aud GId wiiit precious wares. No
such t'tiilding, ;n point',
of beauty, or adaptability has ever
been put up in tl is tewn before, nwr is
its equal likeiy to be built in so.n
time. Willi every advantage" of tine rooms,
magnificent display shelves and coun
ters, show-cases t.- u:.itcl:, and conven
iences of all sorts to ci resptnd, a new
and varied linn of jewelry of all sorts,
silver ware that is hard to excel, and
clocks, watches, &c. of tndiess varie
ties of style, workmanship, and price
meets the eye of the customer, and
from which no on;; can turn away dis
satislVd for lack of enough lo chosti
from or pi ices to sui' eveiy purs.; and
po.-ket. In the evening when the
store is iit up by gas, it rivals a Chi
cago or New York emporium.
Ill the 1 ear of t he sale.s-ro-'!ii is the
Photographing room, where ev-iy con
venience of inodetfi art, in the taking
of real tnd life l:ke pictur-. s, is found
and where Mr. On ruth and a-.sis;ants
expect to transfer the likenesses of
many a neighbor and friend. Alto
gether thu establishment is a metrop
olitan one deserving the patronage r.f
the public 1 uliy. in both branches of
the business. Hoping Frank will re
member us w'noii Christmas conns
round we bid him good ni.;ht and gord
luck in his ii.v tpi irti i s. Ei. Ukr tliiirch Notice.
Elder C rus Alton will p
t he McNurlin School House
Sunday in November.
each at
the last
More of "Km.
in addition to the premiums published
iast week, we should have had T. W.
Thomas for -d premium on Bee Hive
"Sweet Home," which was overlooked.
Mr. Thomas proposes to manufacture
said hives this winter.
Found Dead.
About 2 miles west of Chapman,
Merrick County, Nebraska, the body
f a Siianger, about 35 years of age, 5
feet lo inches high, weighing about
175 sounds, light complexion, brown
hair, blue eve:-, heavy moul;u he col
ored black, high cheek hones, broad
face and prominent forci;ad : had ou a
navy blue woolen shirt, with wide col
lar; light blue necktie; Jiiit gsey
woolen undti s'uirt ; light cassimei e
pants, with dark stripe ; dark led socks
with black ti e, sole ami heel, blue, cord
along the rijht side of foot: No. 7,
leather tongue boots, sewed. Napoleon
taps, naiied w ith round headed nails,
partly worn; large gold ring, with gar
net or amethyst seal, indented with
figure of a man's head, worn on httlo
finger of right hand: upper front tooth
on left side gone, and oii adjoining it
much decayed. Information concern
ing his identity should be. conveyed to
Dan Hopkins. Sheriff.
Central City, Merrick Co.. Neb.
November lOth, liO. -v
A raying Occupation.
Tiif :ppToa."li of the lenp winter evenings
rails all put inn lo the matter of a lamp, for wii Ii
out a 1:00.1 lifcht h ilfthe pleasure or profit is
tak-ii froiTi reading or study Coal oil is now
in general use tor illuminating purposes out
side of eos or laiL'e t.. jih v. !:e:e e:.a! lias is
used, aud h n a prop-i lamp i i,st d it is ;).e
ln-st suh-tiiiiip l'r suiditit yet disroverei! .
I he pil-.' ip'.e .-c plaa upon '.hn-h ie Mudt'nt
l.-niip -s i 01: '';p-l mav le s:iid to !e t!ie hr.ti
in ii', nut curl itself !--s rila1 s had si v-
roii t-'ojee: ion i'le ft-atiiies v.lurn ul;d
;o set are t-'-.. d me i-y v. ii a in 1 he new as
pirant for fi.vor ea'.'ed the -' i r. toil',"
ma 11 11 1 ae! ur- -.i ! v t he 1 !o;in- amp Co.. of ( in
eninali. I ae uie ol.ji-eii-ui lo most. i.Tln r
lamps i . t lie:r h it-ili; y I o !t iiom-i. ire t ren Lie
( k'-ep I !-..:. ii ordii-. :;!nl the poor lilit iri.en
iiytheiu. i i.i' Xr IK. me 1 amp is ni.-kel plal
ed.and almost a fa- -.iasile of the Stm.eiit
Lamp; it has a baiid-.omr rrnameiaed clamp,
hy m-ans of hh-ii t ':e i;o; p ran 'oe a! ea
sily adjusted t" anv jK-sttion ufion ihecenit-r'ile. piaiio. rest, sewing maeliiiie. ih'sk.
or oy means vi a InitirNoiLie hi.u-ket. w hieii no-s
it It t tie lamp, can C" placed Uioa the wali.
and J'.t whale' er p;ist i :ua it is placed it is abso
lutely safe. This is ! ; tiv;:i t, atiire of excel
lence. lo;t tin- New Ilon.i- i.anii eoiubine al-o
the patei-.l Arcwil l.iiraer. a tilliat: indieator
ami match lox. No !ami ha- ever tt fere teeti
tecived v.iMi -'.ieli nuusinil fmor w rect ive j
Mieli str uct ithui-j from tl.e iPedi'i-'
jei'i na'.s of t'ineii:i,;:ti. it is aiso endoised !v
site Ii men a toe nu.yi r a. id p-st!iu;s!er. .i'Tfr
al insurance i-ri-si'iei.t s unit rxi-rrs-; ;t;:i-nt.- of
tha' city as the :i:c-I. mo-t c-nveaient and
le st l anp made i tit- o:up:.iy ilesires agouti
in thi locality, and any -i t lady or ;;ent!e
in:'.n can mat '. !c:hsoiii ir.eoine 'dnrii't; tl.e
pext six inoiiti-.s by e:iiiv:tSilog for its sa!.
There are ba. .!y a dozen famines in the eouoiy
who will net .i!i! one. ilntl Us price is so low
as to Priiij: it waliiii ths- reach of :di. l'or far
t!n r i: formatit.-:i address ll-ime luup lotn;i;i
ny. Cincinnati Ohm. i u-nt ionin our paper,
aiid they will ;:iveyoa f : 1 1 1 particulars and ex
elusive territory to canvass in. iillt
i'rcia ;u i ins of Autumn.
Titeiv wa i it i.'u-r s j.i.i l exe-ept tin:
son ! I Ii-. C i-'l k- I
a. el l do .-itiio'js-; j
i, e l an 1 a .a: i i.
W.iicu Is bill ail
i'jr id. j.i h ii 00 very
vet lit lilio 1 iloes
1 1 ;;j I !oiili-.l, oO en
not l iko n oi
l.ndv doc it niolloaa ; io-c us liidl liily am :ig m c-.c. i'tic-j of
colli. ug All! it ::ll. Al is
It, Oil fat) -lis- i si,
li.c an 1 i tV v.i
1 r . ;! t.-u:ii-.1
vcr i i-. 011
i!c.. s, ilu loli-
agj of t iio
as : 1 1 en ;
alor.g ...c
li. e i.c-.lg
;-.-.: i as do it -i! :n ev:r, and
lite ibj.cis arc :;biiii.aai
.1 l. .,1.1 oi l-.C. liV'.'i', :ll i Oil
lo v-, .ui ic-', autong lie
w;i...d-; I in:
i 1. s, 1 1 , a.c ..s iei-vi.1 as
lhe. woi-o a i:i.j..1.i a 1. 1 vet ill
ec";-v b.-.iih o; wiul and in every
bo. 111 j. iooro is an autniuii
i.l .nilii.-iioe. I kno.v no. uo'.v lj dc-8ji-ii.e
it. Meiiii.iKS t tiero i- a sort of
c jidnCi.s ami all mo i-e it, and a m.kl-
UCsd ill ,llO Ol'I.Oi.JS:. of tdO Sd.lMillll-'.
A otecz cil.inoi stir wiiin.'Ut lorilliu
mo witu the b.e.uii of Auttiiiiii, aud 1
b. hold the pensive glory in the far
golden gleam am nig thJ shadows of
the trees. The lion crs, even the origiit-c-31
of incm ihc gjl.icii rods Hod tho
gorgeous car. iiiiais have tlc-ir gciulo
siuliiCjS an.'vl their pomp. Pensive
Auiuuiu is ei. jiCssed iu liio glow of
every one of tueia. i have fell this in
fluence ear. icr iu some years than in
o.hcrs. sjoiuciiiuos Aututua may bo
perceived iu the early days of July.
Tnoro is no other , feeling thau that
caused by tnii fa.ut, dou jiful, yet real
perccyiion, or ratner prophecy, of tnis
year", decay, o deUciojsiy sweet aud.
sad at tue same urn-.
Our Temperance Column.
"For Cod. an 1 . oine. and Native Lam'
3IKS. IIAY1.S' ricit'Ki.
Ihe Woaiau's Christian lemperaucc
I tiiou Uaise Fuudi to lluvc
it Fainted.
Sj reial Coiienpoiiiieuee to Tha lnlr 0 can.
Boston, .Mass, Nov. 2. An am us
ing episode of the convention occurred
yesterday" alternoon in connection
Willi the Lucy Hayes luud. Tnia is
the result of an impulse feat all over
l lie laud to honor Uio f the
White House for her limbic attitude on
the total abstinence question, aud has
taken the form of a testimonial to her
record in l he shape of a tine portrait
to be placed in tke White House for a
perpetual reminder to future incum
bent). Cireat enthusiasm has prevailed dur
ing tills convention regarding the
movement. Mrs. Livertnore started tho
"boo..." in a financial way in one of
the earliest sessions, and $300 was
raised on the spot.
Yesterday alternoon Mr. II. II. Fax
on, one of the wealthiest men in Mas
saciiusetts, who makes it a point to
"stand by" the women in the temper
ance w ork, offered to give dollar tor
doilai with the W. C. T. V. in railing
the balance of 31,000."
No -joontr s aid than hni. Five
doliar pledges hvg.tu to l..-il in tjjion
tne secieuii ies, until they Weiecbliged
to cai!-.i lialt fin- lie minutes lo bring
up the lists, when somebody uiada a
ne w depart ure by giving .5 a- the
descendant of one l ti e original Bos
ton tea party. Love of country, love
of ancestry, love of Mid. Hayes and
temperance struggled mightily for
exidessiou from that fateful moment.
I! ai f a liuzeti Women were shouting in
aa m my different voices, "Five doliais
Iroui a fruit of the first marriage in
Plymouth Colony."
"Five dollar.-: from a descendant of
Joliu Alden, v iio set foot a
Plymouth Bock."
"One dollar fiom a descendant of
the first ciiild Perigrine White."
"One dollar from a descendant of
Increase Mather."
"Five dollars froti Wm. Bradford's
"How well des. -ended we temper
ance women are," chimed in Miss
V il right here, and then some
poor man in the audience, wi o hadn't
been able to rake up an ancestor of
Plymouth Kock celebrity, shouted out;
"Five dollars fivm a deseendent of
"Well, who?" said .somebody.
"O. of Adam." replied the sarcastic
individual, for w hose sarcasm nobody
cared since tin & was forthcoming.
Another live dollars was given foi
Willi. tm Penn, and so on, tili finally a
liitle Danish woman, who has made
herself a warm place in the .heart of
the W. C. T. I", in the Northwest, rose
and said in her broken English:
"WII, everybody is girling for pen
pie dat, liuc de. potatoes, hal de pest,
part unter de ground. I rill gif 85
for lucin Albeit Lea W. C. T. I'., a
lineal de--.cei daut of de National
Woonian's Chi isi ian Temperance I'n
ion." The irrepressible search foi ances
tors wt-nt on, however, and the giving
with it, until it was found that, with
Mr. Faxon's generous offer, the Lucy
Hayes fund, was t-tWO the richer for
this hour of genealogy hunting.
I n promising to sketch in pen and
ink the prominent woman of this i,o'
ab'.e gatheiing I fear I may have eeck
oneil without my host. When all are
so prominent, it s.-cn.s l li: possible to
sinigle out aiiy ran- .-prciuicns.
1MIN io!Tl:AITS.
However, lo'i n--' and sj.iihty of
character and experience, sound wis
dom and womanly discretion, dare
s ands foiemoat among women the
Nestor ia of the- assemlilyvM is. tiover
nor Wallace, o-f Indiana. Having
brought up to years of discretion and
positions of eminence two generations
of children, she justly feels cntilled in
l.fe's af'tei noon, which with her is
langiheued out into . most IUfllovv
and golden period, to go about in tem
perance work. She is a Christian rad
ical, if not a radical Christian. Her
convictions are on the side of equal
suffrage, because she regards ihis as
the most ellicient arm of secular tem
perance service. She has, ii.e- coinage,
both aggressive and ui : i.sivi- of ti.n e
convictions, bnt wisely wa: the on-
coining of slower womanhood io her ;
own height of vision and hopefulness.
Whenever she speaks, sound sense aud
strong argument ia heard, but so gen-
tl v uttered that it coinntlls assent
even beyond our previous thought.
Miss Willard long ago christened
her "The Temperance Deborah," a
name s!ie creatlv likes
.I. . i i.,i i,
sioKullv to relieve Miss Willard. and
most appropiiatelv. as she is president
of the Massachusetts Unum. She is
pct hapi the most eager) v iisleaed to
of any member of the convention.
iici p.i:-naris.-ut;1,luij sufsnir
of noble, womanly character, and her!
itlur-iiict-si -in. wo clo-i- iiol . I
utterances aie bo t lea. and umompio-
misit.g, it is si wonderful relief after
straining one's ears to catch the faint
spcrches of some timid delegation, to
hear Mrs. I.ivermore rise and state '
their case as if it weie Per .own with I
so great fairness and so much of sym
pathetic participation. It has many
times during the deliberations turned
;i doubtful case to certainly, this
strong, decisive manner jind kindly
earnestness. 4
Then among not al ways "writ
ten tip," a lay member of the conven
tion, without office, ami a late coiner
into the work, is Miss Elizabeth
Greenwood, of Brooklyn. She is the
daughter of a New York lawyer of
wealth and family, slight and girlish
in figure and face, hut wilh a clear,
emphatic voice and goad sense iu all
she says, and never fails to leave a
pleasant impression on the mind of
those that hear her. II er summers are
spent in a Connecticut village where
a little union chape! enjoys her Sab
bath ministrations, and the villageia
enjoy her chee-y preseties throughout
the week.
Mrs. Dr. Ilibbard. tha President of
the New York W. C. T. U., is another
of the m.uked as well as
VENTION". She is the wife of R-v. 1 G. Ilibbard,
who has given a long and earnest life
of service to the Methodist Church in
this stale. He is the author of several
theological works of .standing authori
ty, and his wife lias kept wen pace
with him in both literary ;md spirit
ual attainments and culture. She is
the mo.-t notable classical speaker in
the society, if by such designation;
one unders'aiids that she is gif cd:
withgrea- elegance of style and put-:
it v of dictii n. Quiet audinassuiniitj;. j
her -'gifts make -room for her" tar'
mole eii'ectu..i!y! ban any tricks of or
al on or ass'i t ion of manner. A'eit i
and ready in debate, but most effect- :
iveand lues! iiottd for spirit!:.:' pow- '
er and insight is Hat'tnth Wi.ita! 1
Smith, of Phn.i'ii ';i,i.i. She a d- ;
act-tided lroni an old Quaker family of
CSt; U'ils.!. !.:C:
Fl ielu'.S. r. olort i
ill ihe CitV
I with wi.;!b and
iLiiiuiiiii.: i:i:,n ...ui oine. sue;
lavs it all at the feet wf Hint who is
to" her an ever i r. sei.i ir
and friend. Souiebod v said, al'tfr ne 1
of her "consecration nicfliugs," where
th? spiritual life of believers and its
high privilejie had been most earnestly
presented and vividly portrayed, "I
leiW-fe the realest person in the
world to Hannah Smith is Jesus."
Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, our Iowa law
yer f Foster & Foster, at Clinton, i3
on of the most lively members of this
ri.!v- Tier Ipt:iI litre ist cf imnlpiisd
adva itaoe to a people not versed in
, the .ftV!l of la. anil ,h ..aaAv u.j. h-
1 vlb or wisdom atxiemanrL sj
llrf. Mary II. Hunt, of Boston, is a
woman of tine appearance on the
platform, and is a new 'star" there,
havinff w ithin the past few- years de-I
veloped remarkable ability m present
ing to audiences the claims of scien
tilie instruction as to the physica? ef
fecta of alcohol and the evils of .in
temperance. The homes of Boston have been
mo3t bountifal in their ho.-pitality
aud welcome. The pulpits no less so,
and the newspapers have descended
from their critical platforms, and
come down to appreciate, and not to
carp. Their notices of reports, have
been most bro: herly and sympathetic
The Advertiser of this morning pays
Miss Wiilaid a complin'.s'jjt lot often
exceeded by her most ardent admirers,
and speaks of the calm, self-poisad
manner and tla wise rulings which
have invariably characterized her as
presiding officer of tha convention.
We of Chicago have nevei onco failod
to be proud of her. as she appears here
in what her own words characterizes
as "the dome of American thought."
in a paper on me origin of mep.ow,
Dr. Taylor stiie that the first agri
cnUural implement seems to have
bet n a pointed four or live feet
long. s many savage tribes still
cai i i'r tin? purpose of digging roots,
knot-Ling down iVuils and unearthing
aoi. i als. At u later i.ay the stick was
i i. and used as a hoe, the point being
hardened by lire. In the southern part
of s tden large tracls of laud givo
eviden e of early cultivation, which is
a it r. i i u us 1 to a preu.siorie. people call
ed oy toe names "(he hacker, who
oi l- al .u 6 associated with ll.c giants
of my ii.oiogy, unit who.-e rude hoe
n;i. a .'ir po.e wilh a sliori projecting
be-in h. i'lu re came into iuc after-
ai ds a larger instruu.eut of the saina
k iul, wliis. li was not used like the hoa
. in dr gs.ed by mctioroxen. iutiiiices
i . iii.j.a- lobe tound in obi Egyp
h - ii pic.uies and bas-iclieis, and it
. as pi oh ibiy the . pnuiilive iuea of
tl.e plow w Inch is oi prc-historic or
i-;iu, c idcucea being found of im early
i-.-e an Oi g 1 he Cir-eks, Egyptiaus aud
(Jtiinc c. It ha. 4 lrni Hie earliest a icligious i-aiici.ou. The next
. 1.. oi in ei ,u ut was a wooden hook shod
v.uii iron; and in the tune oi Virgil a
w . et ie.i j ,uw was iu u- w hich niUur
cd out uttii; iioui the bcsi iu Europe.
The 1 rii lid of Delicate I.ailies.
Wnihel's Safe Kidin y and Liver
Cure is the remedy that will cure the
many diseases peculiar to women.
Ileadacb s, neuralgia, disordered
nerves, w eakness. meiit: 1 shocks and
kindred a.iuients are effectually re
moved i, :is use. The Motheis Mag
azine, oltltl
Te whom it may concern: I hereby
jiive nonce tliat I will pay no debts
con traced bv my wife, Fanny C'.
shall, at i have left her and wiil nt
iive with her as her husband.
J. W. M.u;a.u.L.
Novesaber 17th. If-jO.
iid Vou Lvcr - j
Know any person to be seriously ill j
without a weak stoma-h or inactive
liver or kidneys? And when those!
organs ai n in jood condition d,- you I
not find their possessor eiiii' ing gocil i
healJh? Parker's (.ii tiger Tonic alwavs 1
regulates these importun! organs, and!
never tails to make the blood rich and j
pure, and to strentt hen every part of j
the sj stun. . It. Im cured i titrli i i', fd' ;
despan ing inval 'ds. .sk imir t :eigi- :
bor about it. i e aiifithef ce-hium. i
.1:14 :
TJie Winter of t our Itifeor.teo " ;
Is made (iloriou ninmcr. b taking j
IIhoiV.v's I'l.rsiN Tomi ; liy it. F r j
sale by ail druggists. -tf i
Come and see im. We arc
mined to. sell lower than any
House. Great lletl Sion-.
ileler- j
it her i
Tlie l'iilvei-al Vi-idict.
Of all who have taken Bkown's
I'KFSiN Tonic, is it never tails to
cure. Ask vour druggist tor if. tf
AUI-'.XT AM ( tl . '." ,
Make from sr, in f 11 per eeU wl : itiir iroods for j
K. li. lilllFOl T S CO.. lo Uarchiy Ueet. New 1
York, hen J for catalogue and terms. uiy I
They aif -pl!iiig the best c'.o.hing
at the ii out Bed Store, at such verv i
I o-.v pi ices, and you have evi-rv thing
j oi-.aranteed as 1 epre.sen led or money i
refunded. That is whv vou should i
go there for all you need.
" iVan A: Son of Ashland ; a 1 .
: .South Ben 1 are just piling no the !
j lumber in their yards, then tliey
! can hardly keep up with the dein;i:id.2
Notice to 1 eaciicrs.
' Examination of persons wis!, ing to
! teeh m Cass county, wul be al the
j foUovving times and places:
! At Pttsniouth s 1- nday sa.
! u,u; em .r.,, .
- ' : T -. t i.r;,i.4v m i! S dnr
weeping j i.d.u dial ..tur
dav 111 March, dine :lmt September. Ai
u. i...i(i.iv ..,,.1 ;.,, ,,.,1.... ;.,
V , ' , . atn.d.i 1.1
-v " ""' i"' -o."e .
other examinations will iv given
No one trill be t:viimucl t:i" yt at
the rnjnlur tj-ituinntiius ; un I ?.- -tiji'-atts
from otit.r ('(juntas trill be
E. II.,
42tf Superintendent.
I is.Ii Ever) body to know.
Bev. GeoiLte 11. Tha er. an old cili
izeu f this vi iiiity known to every
one as a most influential citizen, and
Christb-n Minister of tl.e M. E.Chuich
just this moment slopped jn oar store
to say': "I wish even body to know
that I consider that both . myself and
wile owe our lives to Si.iiob's Con
sumption Cure." Ills h.tvi'ig a tie
ineiidoii.s sale o r our cwui'.tc:. and is
giving perfect s;:t isl :.(' i -: in a 1 ca.ns
of Lung D-seaficx. ::uli us ntiij!tjr -lse
has done.
BoujU.f,. 5ml.. Mav 15. T.s'. Iist. M lich
en cv: Prance. Sold by Smith & Black.
No Dt'CejMinil I Mil. j
It it! strange so manv people will i
continue to soiffer day afier tbtv with
Dyssjiepsia, Liver Compl.'.mt, ('onstipa- ;
tioll, Sour Stonaell. (ieueral I -! It t y .
when thev can jnociue at our stoic
Shiloh's Vital ier, lree of cost if it
tloes not cure or lelieve them. Price .
T5 cents. Sobl bv -tsiirli J5!ack & Co.
marvelous Cure for Catan iMiinhthcria,
Canker mouth, and Head Ache. With ;
each bottle there is an ingenious nasal '
Injector for the more snccesf ut treat ;
tnejit f the comjilai:'. v- it lam I extra j
il, .UiTe. 11 ive ."U ui. : s lleowtf.
Produce Dsal&r, j
; Dealer m Can tbwii. -:if, ct iotierr,
()v rteijt, Ceiel v, 'a:.. Jtc.
C r, Jumbhs, Cnam 7?-v a'.v, dr.
TO 15 A CCOS fl
I want rouHry. Ess', Re.tter au J Produce,
J Bt m i&:r: it H g rk.'
Beit rates paid. Always rtvly and
want lots cf Cvstomtrs.
VSmB ' J i U. SlsMI'sfON.
-Buy only the self-thriadiiig (at top
and sliuttlo) Ne.v Arueiican Sewing
Machine, which for simplicity in con
struct ion. light running, aad for dura
bility cannot bo excelled. For sale by
Pt.isgorshek Bros., Merchant Tailors,
Plat tsmouth. Neb. 23m3
-Heme Garden Farm.
and Tou r.-y be fw."
Hecauae we havo
aad ThouKaniifl of (1. '
ITlRiaanJ Subreptions ,'.- -to
taink, plan, And work te :
r.iei ra r.- rr.if iV .'. li I
v. ife.RnJ rl o.-iiuuiItQ-ir .
the CldWrca. Iti'l'i.rtr.:
cc.1 evrry Mn, ivcnia". s. .
I hl'.d la at: r.u-4 t. -
CjM l.Ty JUiTllt to t:e ir."
K Will Help Vust.
Vol IO ...HSM.
ODO Isstrcotive,
Oriias.i, f loasiny,
Spleuill-.l ITeniiuios
t no t'ost.
S-r.l your rf..'-f.v em fttil
Card for Frrr CrJ of 4
p.i i:tuc!ra:eJ Uexiripliom.
Lie.'ul Ln-r.viurs,
Oer,n-. ,IM .tnn0RiCE STtiH (0
i lMl:'!i-'s.
. 5 Brca ;.v ;em VOiT
Giaerr. Kirln. Kaailrake, Slllliarla and
ma.-iy ot;;er f i:isit BiHiu-iiia ksuowuara ao
skillfully coi:;'.iiael in 1'iKsiu a Cumb Tonic
as lo in tto it Ite rr5l'i oiaoa r-yrmr ana
lUa Httl UfikltB a iraj(iB atmerir '
kfr ( Md.
fio tsrfnet is tha composition of PARaxit'a
GiNOiu tluit no discasa caa kinj; exial;
whero it ia usod. IT you kave Dti. rid-
ha, fihi-umjtim, Kearalgia, Oumtl, Kidy
r I ivrr ar if Ton nttsl a rui'.d fclira
ulant. or ai;K-lizi-, tho Tonic is Just tho mcl -;
lCIIlt I-iv yo.l, ca 1 - '.isviu - auu u.-
viporaiin,'' 'ut iiover iis?o.ieati;V-
If vou s'.owly wiuitici; cw.iy i:h Con-
Mimptio or f.ny sii kBess, it you tr va a eair.tul
ICoL-g! crali.vif C:s. i'aitKEit'a Uiwinrt Tonic
will tare: 1:o:t) tou. It gives new ma nn
Titror to Cia iF.i, and iacprUuii
euro for r.:-.c j.-natir-i a:i4 Chaiera Inftntura.
It llaa tsftod Hanilri-N of LItos; It JJ
Sum l.iurs.
! ir you am fec-Ut:i uiiiscmljlo dor.'t n!t until
yon are dov. n Risk, bnt usj tto Tonic to-Jav.
mutter li-st voartiL-raiwor 6J Ujlloiusuiiy
k.. it T-.-ai iriro iromr-t rt-licf.
1 Remember 1 l'AKi;i:r'a Ginoi-ii Tonic is not
a rum drink but lha tlesl and Prrfst Family
Medii-ino ever in.o.i-, cr,niponui-u oy a new
Ipnxsesn, raid entirely !ilT-rt-nt frotn ltitters.
einrer r-rep:inTioria Anil all otber To".ies. Try
la 50c. bi-cdi-. Your druKfci.-it can supply you.
The Drtt and Jiust Kconomlral Hair Pre,Inj
axquisilc!y p-rfii.-ncJ ar. J perfectty nannleia.
Will Alnam ritore Cray or KJd Hair
iu original yo.itMful cnlor ant .-ipptirancc. and U
rrantr-i to step its filunj, fc"t iu growth and
mrvvent liaici:c?is.
A few applicitioni of t!.e Bisam vi.I softrl the
kair, cleanse all dandruff and cure itchin; and hu
awurt of the icaJp. Sold ty all druauu at . sorts.
& - - -f A $ i? L r.
r rMivriY mm by
' ft t '
i 'fi- 1 ir.i ui.
..... C-ca.
:..'- ;::--.,-. "t'v-i.ti
.: I-, -i casJSt flt.9
t -r-.':-e.lsi ... I.
J.--- J-.-.J .- l.nlt t
- r
t : S ,
um pins
s, erovent Cousti.
. : i, j r c.ot.i) .:'tt'-,Te:i'Te
' ' -cr.' r. , .rreet Disorders
-;":...!;;'? t'-- I.iver.r.nd
-y do ; t'.:.i r tal.rg just oriO
.-. V - - ;-::r. p-: - e'7 Tcri-'ta". lo. ao
; l . ei r . -.r'r i'-Tf rc-. as ti
; ': --. I'r!-.: j, 0 f Jr f-L
- t -. rr- iei-j or se: t by roufl.
::;'.iNE co.. nbyorjc
C.'tti !
ev. r - - . ' '.1
nii w'isjfv.iVJLil i j
.i"--;- 5 ?- fs tt, f :-i 2a
is ii.fli fr-m a Sin.i.le Tropical loaf of Hare
Value, ie.i-1 is a l'oili vc lirmt-dv for all the
i!i-e:i5-s iUat ( iiuse p.ii;;s ill I In; lower part of
lie-b.iy-tor loipal l.iv.-r lie -niacin 1st till
dice In. Yiiiess. tlravel. Malaria, and all diiti-
1 I ! in- Ki.l'ieys. I.iver ai.ii I I'liiary Or
I'er l eiaitle ni,eiiii's, Mont lit v .Men-
i Mnmltoa. ami diain- !.-cgsian--y. it has no
j t..U;t!. it ,(.,t,. u,e ..i-.;:,s that iof..- the
: bl I. . ben e is the be-t ISIoo.l Pnriner
it is the . civ kn.,Mi rnx-.iv that cur.- that
s,.4(ll, ui iehf- iies,e. iv.r i.iabetea,
-; -.i V-r .ar.. iii.i .et
For Sale tv IM ii-'su ;nn Healers at S I -
per bottle. i..ti.': bottle in the market. Try it.
ii. )f. WA UN Fit & CO., Kocliealer. N. Y.
(imwl-Mo!n r' '7i-i:r.
I'..;a:!.ir. V- onis ; i nisie.
"ei lin I'mit),!." Mmrli,
'ery in-pit ' . ii
Ti ir!i : in nr. F i i t.
I in no tliiMle
Al.l. 4 I-IKCKS
.t.'die'f ,,11 r, (Cl'if of
1- our .1 eens.
S..e:i il.l. o ..i,,s c iiui-lt-
AUM. fiui , j. 2. sr:::Ai t :
.S01 uht'.v am: plea-ii ' l'lnladelphia.
-Ss Harness, ts .JlrS.M
i-fi'&'4-iS 6at, Sew-3 Kic'.-f j
' A V- - s - r . . ; ,
fci iEes. U.
' ceries, ti-
s, I
itgaiichb is t-s-y. o.a- .
Istactieii caexactc.'f!. Sj
&1h S Co., 227 &. 223 Wa- 3
besta av., Chicaso, III,
' - r 5 T f : 1
T i ft 5
i V iJ 1 1
i A ' " riV .' -. 'V .' .',', . r,u
sc- c: 1 1
It I- a .MA'.YEI. cf Itr.AI.fN.; sn.I KKI.I KF.
Simple, Sensible, Direct,
Painless, Powenu!.
tica or direct application, as i.ppo.-rd tn unsat
isfactory Intel nal meilicii-c . Mend for our
treat ise"o Kidney trouiib-s. nont free. Sold by
dn-;'nst. or Reut by mail, on receipt i.fpi ioe,
54. "Address
! Origins: and iflj b'Ui; f fill ' 1 CU LO..
I C.i-;inii;eKid. '
i nev I'ad. Ak Wil'lams Rioolc.
j jgj;tki' lETBOir, Micb
IS: , ir
$i$ Tcrim l-r Vol. 4u"f!?
I i U I 'j'f-i 3 " u -' 1 uur- " '
f IPf. 7 frTjii l V,Krt if fUUyrar let c
?f'5 jTsQf Hf &'" Sr C. Corn.
n i
.i yrt; r, I
6 P!es8e writs tw 0 i
Z$r?iir J oar Prlco List, h j
r?&TZKjP ?r.t free ta .ny fj
f I Slw address. Cin-g i
f Ailf ta'i9 priefs ari i! !
' 7 iy5" scripticiii cf a!! cos j
:iSvVitn cencra! tse, tn-tt
---I-' Jt i C!othifj2. B'Vils.S-iG-3,
l r.. -
- Ufrman Catarrh Core.
Cures Catarrh; Try it ; tf
To the Citizen's or tl.e County aud State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish-
1, ,,;t.l ., n....r.ur i.e.. .on luifnn I
niii n uic-univi iaisusjv, . ,
a r I
the comet comes down, call on J. T. A.
ii,,,.,-, ,. t ..,,;-in., vv.r-..i.-- litf
. I
I'urMIrk HraditrbrH, , I
Use Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills;
r or sine ov an ueniers in uietiiciiiw n
Plat tsmouth and East I'lattsmouth.
' -Pepperberg's cigars aro tl.e most
reliable for puritv aud fineness in qlal-
itv I ,,n, f,r snn,.ii1,r t. -inv it tier
it. and are lar supei lor to any
make. Ask your dealers for thein.25tf
.Money to Loan.
On good farm property on longtime.
Apply to J. W. Jennings.
ltr Plat tsmouth.
ia m
Very Droll to Tliiuk or.
If not aluwr being tauyht by a man, use Pob
jius's Electric Snap uext wasli day. I'aed
witlmut auy wa-li boiler or l ubblns board, and
used (iitlcrciitly from any other soap ever
made. It aeeius veiy droit :o tliiuk of a qtilet.
ordeiiy two hours' liht er on wash day.
uli no ileal and no sit-ani. or so. ell of I tie
wasliinc tliloucli liie house, instead of a Ioiir
day's hard work ; hut hundreds of thousands
i. f women Iroin Nova Scotia lo Texas have
nroved for themselves ( Ihis i done I y us-
i ii af Dol.l.iiis s Klt-ctiic Soap. lon't buy It.
iioMi'vcr, if too set iu your ways to use It ae-i-ordiUf;
to dil'fCtious. that are as simple a to
i-eeni almost i hllculous and fo easy lhataclrl
of twelve years caud.i a laiKe wash without be
itiX tired, it posii iveiy w ill not injure the (hi est
fabric, has been lefore the public for fifteen
vears. and its sale doubles every year. If your
ioofer has not not it, he will j;e it. ao all whole
s-ale troecrs Keep n.
I I i KAins & Co., rhiladt'lpWa.
KEKIi linos., Sole Aneius.
3-eoly eepinu Water, lcb.
Fresh Lime.
Fresh Lime bv the peck, bushel, or
wagon load can be had at tha Kiln.
nu:ir u-osf tool .if I Iio liriilrrA T .i 111 r al-
wiivs on h:nd and of auirior duality. I
Inquire of Mickklwait & SdiAur,
on premises.
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Scluegel & niemann s,
opposite P. 0. 7tf
A Load or Oat .Straw
in good condition wanted at the Her
ald Office.
A YF.11. ApruM wanted, ituat-m-s
loplttniate. Particulars free.
1aT 2 r V-rrirJir;
.fi i i aa. Ui.
: i h
Estrdy Notice.
Taken up by the subscriber, at his residence
iu Concord precinct. Sepl. Mil. IssO, live calve?
lour sieei s .iii-l one heller. 1 he owner can
have the same by provin;: properly and payinj;
t-iiarur-ttts icnuneu uy law.
Jiilo .Ioiin II. Yllf.Vll,
Estray Notice.
Taken no by tio- stibserilier, oue-lialf milt
s.iiaiiiit Ucepui at i , on I he Jd tlay ol le
toher. one ii. ln keai li'.m lieiier. 1 he
owner is heiebv leoiuietl lo come lorw.ird.
prove pvo'ie-rl v, pay clianp s, lilul take her
V.o S. II. ('OOI.I7.FK
Estiay Notice.
r.ikf-u no i.y lb" ,.il.-eriier :u lil-i latin m
L.bei ly pi-.ti-Pi, !. on n-j lel'.iaiih road, a vear
im;-, l.i-i-.- e.iii. 0:0 i. 1 1 -e 1 r.i,-. a w hue sn ipe
under his bi-iiv, i ii.l Inn. I loul half wnite, slai
oi l.Mi iii'.t.l, can be luund b intiuii n.t; of lieo.
i.ntv,". 1 11.' owner can iia-, e n,e same o
i-iovei;; propel ty and paving charges as rr.juir-
.1 ov i.;.v.
:ll -f 11. 1'. Wll.l.ltltANT.
Probata Notice.
.V-ti o is aereby.-iv. 11 that Alva Iirew ba
ril' ii aa inct: unn-nt in writinir piironrtiiii; to he
a 1 1 1 1 1 , eil copy tii 1 ne last vwll and test., mem
nl il.l 'iiil.r. ileeea s. -il. lair ol Uvomiuif K ill
loiy, and Ihal. ujt c-ms' is set for liearini; a.
llir oiai'c el ll.c I ouii!' .l.i'le onth- ,ih ila
01, A. 1. ls.o, ai one. o'clock p. m., al
winch 11. ue ami place all persons iutei csteii
may appear and slue, cans.-, if anv thev have,
why said 111st 1 unient should not lie taken a
t ne last will aad test .et.-nt of -aid ueceaj-ed.
ami admitted to prooate.
3413 A. .. Sl. l.l.l VN.ColllOv .lllih-a
Notice to Purciiasers of
School Lands.
Okkick oi' Com mission Fit or
Lincoln, Nkii , ocr. A. I. ls-s,.
Wlnieas f'e toilow inj; named persons, whose
niaccs ol residence are to tup suliscriber nil
known, have severally violated the covenants
,.f ihclr resp-'ctive c.mtiacls with the State of
Nebraska, lelatnii; to tue pureliae iy tln-ui ol
llie traeis or parcels of school lands, situated
ill Cass Com, IV. Nebraska, hercinaflerdesrriri-
ed.aud which appear opKiste 1 heir respective
names, said violations eoi.sisiini; in ine 1. inure
of said nari ns to nav Interest uionev to III-
Male of Nebraska, when by the terui f said
contr ici's it becaino t ne ; o-, therefore. In
pursiiaiK'" ol the -tal ule, in such caei made
Vint pioviil'-'l. nolice is hereby (jiven that un
less said .leliinmency is leinovcd within Ihirtv
d tvs fro. 11 the date hereof, by the fullillmeiit of
the covenants of said contracts, then said land"
shall revert to, and tin- title thereof be revest
e.l in llie stab- of Nebraska :
-. X
WM !
S n ,c rr : I
x t t, I. 7-
f f. y
m f- Jb
J3 '
! I
l-y ord. r of the r.ear-l of i: b.-:.ibin il Lauds
,d Kniiri-.. I-. -1 . 1 VIS.
--,ii.i.i-si.iiel- Public Lauds and l.tiiidhii;ii.
J. M. I'ATTEHSON. o. T'eas'r, Aljcllt..
i:s(!;!'r!O.N (Nature's way
h it ,lx-
ii)Jritr I roubles.
It lrive into the (.y;iiW curative aiienU
a'"l rte i;e,ii'..i,
It Ilri4 li-oiu tlie ill-cased parts the
poi-pns itiat rause death.
Thoil -aiids Its virtues.
: Yob cai De Rfefl & Carel!
Tlor.'t ilestl!tir 11 .it il I'nll h.'ivtf- tried 1 1. 1 slrtaif .1 m
F.-isily Miiplied ini'i Kidi.--ally KfTertaaj
Mold (jf liriij:'.;!-!- or "ent by mall on receipt
lif price, tit. In
.a-,ra-Ti3 "Oiilj" LmiiFalCo.
Ill Ij.rl'ff,
Thr.-c Mil
l'ou a Veir,
rat frvJe. wly
Vv dil -m- f5loc.
DETitOIT, Hich.
V: by A
at.F ;p. 1 .. -I-
Ail i,vianiel K
fieally TTasKoigmii.i
WANTED To cure a cae- of CAiAltKA iii
eacli nati;lit)rliai)l. wltli lr. Karnfr
I umn v to Introduce It. bainu'a irec.
1 1 1. ton. n
III.TUN. riiltsutirs, l a.
MB A K M r.
- . u , i (
. ., e i. . u i a f . s 1 l I If I
rl-t-r uiouiti. Uuiini; Fall and Winter. Ill ev
rrv county. Intaitln and valu;illo la-
.ii..ii.ii? n.-i' IM .TS 1 llf
w -e
l.nii.linn ..III. fn II i.rilrulai. free. Adrlresa.
t oner. j. C. Mi rcuov Si 'o.. HI. Ui." .
Ot,1 tonvta ur
Europe atri America.
2Sverexprrlenr in tlieVecrot X1rv'';'.1.V,,
ivlelir.itad llrlt l ives. In all purl of V'"ViV,,
tf Z1 "fi '
n pros t new iiiuitr ife l boi.u- .' tr ,
uucciiientx oll'-ieil. For irrnn ,Ul,,'-,,, v
,u u & , n;l,iforu. i t. or iii.wifOii'i, . v
KOWRKAl.V. 4fj
hkst cAUirET on rAK-
OUOKliAN tu Ihewtirld.
ti icnv ,nKsr rxuir ki v .r,,T
AN tlunat Kvitm w oi '
' 11 1 III UK N foil .THIJ" K f
II A jl lil ?l !ss"fro'i'.ti .!anil upward.
Foreasv paymeww,
ou(iAAii?,:f.,n,wMAs)v ;
iHAMl-IN OtKlAN '.. V
Treinont St.. BSTN ; hi Fast 14th St... t riihju
Square. NKW YtJKK : 1 Wnba! Ave..C III-
r vt-o.
A brilliant laaHaallat n 'V''lf ""'A
l.lsjrt. ..i-s..i,o" of the 1'hj.leml
ui w.maa. riin t i-ni.t.-.l inJ ful'T
Aildtw Yi. U. Als.l.Al, J'Moiu, l"w- ;
1)H. 0HL DAliLlNO;
in general. " v-s..... .
Dr ItarliiiR N ul.o a l'ractising I'liyiklati mA
can always be found at his Olllee tn
the Drugstore.
Special attention paid to
First clas lA)di;iiiu Kooms.
First Class Boarding.
(iood Sample Rooina
Evot j thins and erery comfort
(Joo(l Hotel can Funiisli
Mso, C.ood Winea. Ciiiul Iteer. Ooorl l.biior.
Hood Lemonade, (iood I'iltars,
Kept at tha Cit) Botel.
141y FKKI. ;Pia. I'ropiletor.
Retail Liquor Dealer,
Milliard Hall and Haloou on Main Street,
ilooin from Sixth at Nevillo'i
old place.
Ilomciaoer Hie .'tAiae and Place,
James Grace.
dealer in
231'attbcs, Slacks, leliulnj,
Silver Ware, Toys, Pictures.
.Uusical InslruisiciUs and
m nncn A NDISE,
I'artieular attention paid to all kltid. of Fin
llepu irin.
.Main, near Fourth Slreet,
1ITT!S?!I.'TT8, - -
Eight Mile Grove, Neb!
Having opened a New Store at the above pla-i-,
1 call at lent ion to in v flock, mm as tin
patronage of my Iriends the
J'ublie iu Keiieral.
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Tiuwairo $ Wooden vj re.
and (leneral (tornH of all ftuis.' tjf''
Call awl sc. our St-ck before l . l: v
34 ly
Waltf.k Jknkin
--SS. ,
Wwjim, Buggy, 3fachtn and Ploxo re
pairing, ami general jobbing
I am now prepared lo do all kind f repalriui
of farai and other machinery, ivi tbjre
ir a koou lame iu my miop.
The old Reliable Waon Maker
has taken cliare of the wagon shop.
He is well knew m k " f ' "
Jew WaarouM Bnd liunie made t '
Shopon Sixth stieet ninoite H'rel-ht'n SOible
Can be found at the old
Rowland Blacksmith Shop,
Coiia rof ine M.d Sixth Slreefs.
I'lattHiuoulh, - Xebraxkii,
He will do kiit'l of
HOUSE siioi:i,;, &
hi hi- line. The fo!bo ia :,re !.; j rlcc :
II true Shniitig, ni ' ii shorn -,.-IO :j
R-si I ting Fh'fx r . . .20 "
I'tors ShnrjK iu'1 . . . r . . ,2 "
shoe h jfiinlt'l, jilt m l ...... 2.b3
Warranted (is gxd n ia r.
I!e to do all work Iu a v. ork m:;tillk
Ct. TcT5h.. XsCo.
Is ewriib.iefeil by an expert nccoii'itHitt n1
successful leacher lusi nictton thorough ni,(
practical. 'I uilioiilo vci- liiuu else.vhere. ('nil
p. in icuuirs to a:.y a-eir.-o,.
-I f I HOS. .1. HRYANT. Prn.
4. ,
V a t : r -
Ui. s
m a -
s Ea eil
mi 6
A eerala enra ta tt--
"; i
r Wis, ESI i
Dblllrv. SemleiMi .. -;.'
'' '4bs - , ' " " " "
Tue Ee!petod in my n,,u
id .uiliai.u.t-xIbooliofeOpsBe, rivln fallV
'doom forMif-trmtnent.
is f
toll I
'- '""V .
. . . ... V--.- ' " s"" ;
t f