V THE HERALD Our Temperance Column. KDITE0 BI IHE WOMAN'S CITKISTIAN TKM l-XJtACK UXION. " For God. and Home, and Native Land." Introduction or Temperance Text Books. The more w enter upon the varioe phjites of temperance work, the more thoroughly are we all convince that fermatioa is better than re-fermatien, and the more we are impressed that this cam not begin too early and that we must pre-eaapt eTery power against this fearful fee of drink. The time has passed when we thought that children an youth were safe; that girlhood was impregnable; that this was a temptation incident only to young men. Our eyes are epeaed to the awful pitfall3 spred for young hoys; te the nets set fer the feet of mere youth; to the fact that at a restaurant we see young girls quaff ing beer at public reserts they drink it; that families father, mother, down to the prattling infant all share the glass on the excursion or pleasure party. So are ear efforts di rected to educate every faculty, just as soon as the feet are set on the path way ef life against the terrible seduc tions of the vice ef strong drink, mind and soul, brain and heart, must be forlifiud. To reach an immense class, the effort has been to place Temper ance text-books in our schools; and in this, wonders have been accomplished. . Richardson's Temperance' .Les son .Book has been introduced into the scliouis of London, Lenl.-s l.i vnruei, iiu nuLa.iiii, Kdiuburgti, n:;d raauy suiailt-r places, and iul U:o KcLocId of 2s w York and iioolicster. It would tee 11 ihrtt iheift is haixh prospect lor Uit success of I loiiiL-u-ery amendment, iu .Micliigj.ii, judging by the howls of the "il. L. D. P. A." (Michigan Liquwr-Dealers' Protect it e Association). It is out with circulars calling upon all who have any interest in the trade, to see that no man re ceives nomination for any office who is not in every respect with them and their business. September 21st was the day for the meeting of the saioon-keepers and liquor-dealers of Illinois in Convention fcfhicago. The State W. C. T. U. appointed to observe the same day as a day of prayer. That, with Mary Queen of Scots, the saloon keepers fear the prayers ef God's children, is evi dent from the blasphemous utterances in reference to these prayers, claiming that the "harmony and unanimity of the meeting" was due to the power in voked by the Christian women of Il linois, appealing for their families and their hemes, fer purity and Christian ity. That they fear women's work under God's guidence, is evident from the official expressions of the Conven tion "that they will prevent the elec tion of men either too cowardly to resist the allurements of Temper ance women, or too stupid to compre hend the vicious effects ef sumptuary legislation." Also, calliug upon "the saloon-keeper to organize themselves in every Senatorial district if possible, so that the politicians who now fear the "blue stockings and water saints may be brought to the point where they will fear the saloon-keepers They must show the people tney are in fact the supporters of true Temper ance. We earnestly trust the people may be brought to the true fear of the saloon-keepers, and to learn the mean ing of true temperance. Yi instead, Ceun. The citizens of Winatead are most thoroughly aroused in the temperance weru, and are determined that the s;v loons about thirty in number, shall he closed: aed while the real work falJa OA a few, many stand by with open pnrsis, ready to aid in the narrate Though the town has voted license for two years, the rum-sellers are veo strong and defiant. Detectives have been employed, and last April on hundred cases were bioufht against them, at the Superior Court, aud they were beaten. They paid between i?2, 000 and S3.000 fines, and promised to give i:; the business; ten have actual lr closed their doors, and the rest have violated their pledges. er Union. GoaJ Company Number Jkirti-ea. Good Oompay, Number Thirteen, (8i.OO a veai. eisriuutb 14. Mass..) be gins a new volume and subscriptions are therefore due at eac. The fea ture which many will welcome moat, perhaps, is the opening installment of a new serial story by Ellen TT. Oiney. It is entitled Hose and the Doctor; and while it will as may he judged by the opening chapters by no means be with- oet a love affair, the ftot lunges but in part on that. The principal complete stories of the number are That .Letter, by-Edward Bellamy, anther of A Nan tucket Idyl; one by Horace E.Scudder; and Our New Editor by JJiss Lonise Stockton. Maurice Thompson has a contribu tion, Au Idyl of th Longbow, which besides having the full flavor of the weeds and bow-shooting piques corie-s itv a3 to a certain eminent editor whose name is withheld. The nnmber abounds in sketches of travel and foreign lands. Henry R. Elliot, who was for considerable time a resident there, writes of Tokie, the immense Japanese capital. Mountain Folk tells of experiences in Switzer land housekeeping, with some account ef the government. Days in the Island of Capri is by li. F. DeCosta. E. S. Gilbert has a graphic word picture of Niagara; there are some reminiscences of the author of Home, Sweet Heme; Mary Ii. Ferry and Lu crece have peems; and among the shorter articles are included Boating on the English Thames, and The Whis pering Ghost. UAHPEIt'S YOUNG FOLKS. An Illustrated Weekly 16 Pages, suited to beys and girls of from six to sixteen years of age. Volume II com mences November 2, 1880. Now is the tisae to subscribe. Within a year of its first appearance. Harper's Young People has secured a leading plact among the periodicals designed for ju venile readers. The object of those who Lave the paper in charge is to prvide for boys and girls from the ge of six te fuxttea a weekly treat iu the way cf entertaining stories, poems, historical sketches, and other attract ive reading matter, with prcfuss and beautiful illustrations, and at. the same time tv make its spirit aud influence harmonize with the moral atmosphere wh'ch pervades eTery cultivated Chris tian household. This important de sign they endeavor to carry out by combii'ing the best literary aud artis tic tiiltat, so that Gction shall appear in bright and innocent colors, sober fact3 ii.: 3unie such a holiday dress as t h no longer d:y or fiuil, and mental exercise, in ths tutin of pwezles, rroVils-irn. and o'-r devi. become a i.i priu .-- '"-.v ir.ii'jftj, I- r- i- -aily iu Isovetaber, prico 5S.0v; post- age prepaid. Cover for Young People for 1880, 35 cents; pestage, 13 cents ad ditional. Remittances shonld bo made by Pest-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are net to copy this ad vertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address Harper A Bros., N. Y. County Commissioners' Proceedings. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present James Crawford, Samuel Richardson, Isaac Tf lies, J. D. Tutt. Clerk. After which the following was dene, to-wit: Order allowed S. M. Davis, super visor road dist. No. C, ou II. A. Wa terman & Sen for three sills for bridge such as he may select for use of dist. The following claims were then al lowed on peer fund: U..V. Mathews, naiis, &c SI U. W- Montgomlry, work on jail 0 Bridge fund: S3 00 U. V. Mathews, nails, &c 4 e; Poor fund: U.V.Mathews, fixing gutters, pipes, &c, peer house 17 83 Johnson Bros., wind mill and pump for poor farm Ill 50 Board then adjournea to meat at S o'clock, Monday morning, Oct. lit!;, 1830. Monday a. in., Oct. 11. Board met parsu.int to adjournment. Full board present. Settlement with tin county treasur er, still being in pr V' the board a-l-jurr;ed to meet at i o'clock Tuesday morning, Oct. 12th, 1880. Board met the intervening days, and immediately ad jenrr.ed, as ttift settle ment with the county treasurer was still in progress. Thursday a. in.. Oct. 21. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Full board present. After which the fallowing was done, to-wit: The following claims were then al lowed on general fond: II. M. Busnnell, for printing reg istrars list, Ac, $92 less $25. . C7 00 Mr. Wiles dissenting from the above allowance. Omaha Republican, books, Ac. . F. H. Wilson, assisting com'rs settlement with Cd. Tresis James Crawford, services as Co. Cora'r iSam'l Richardson, as Co. Ccm'r. Isaac Wiles, as Co. Oni'r Bridge fund: 21 85 28 50 . 44 50 . 4D 00 . 42 00 .123 50 D. Dean & Son. , The following claims were then al lowed on general fund, for the refund ing of taxes eironeeusly paid en school lands: E. M. Hutchins, 1873 23 52 C. n. Parmele, 74 and '75.. . 110 64 John Muz '73, '74 and '75 94 89 Official bond of Win. Gilmour was then approved as supervisor of ixad dist No. 16, with J. W. Conn and N. T. Cole as sureties. Order allowed L. ). Hunter, super visor road dist. No. 44, for one thous and feet of lumber, .-.n II. A. Water man & Son, also order for 500 lbs ef spikes on J.Chase fc Co., Weeping Wa ter, for use of dist. Settlement with the county treasur er still bping unfinished the board ad journed to meet Tuesday i oniing, Oct. 2Sth, 1S80. Attest: Jas. Crawford, ) J. D."Tutt, S. Richardson, Co. Com i s Ce. Clerk. Isaac Wiles, Mcrxdu? cf tLe 'JttJle. Osi the Vu:teeiif,i t' -'nir 1,1 tho rear llb'J, tin; f V n k- r'3j iu their isiiut and io-k ilii Ji clte. It was an ebullition f p.j,;j!ar cnti inciit. against the tyr.t!Jtf llm ';iy, and til? old prison h-.d ioi'j:Jio oJioM-j on ac,o!int of tin political tecrc:s wh'.iii Jitd boon buriei witli living vi ."t:.';M vridiin its walls. On that dny tlio true .Hid cloriou.s com-uic-iiccnipnt of the French revolution took j)l:ice the prostration of the monarchy and th9 in.ni;u ration of tho rule of tho people. An incident of tho storming of the Bx-Uile ocour to n as we record the above fact, which is, perhaps, not verr generally known to English rcaoers. It is a bit of tho romance of history which will bear recording here, illustrating tho saying that fact is stranger than notion. A girl ot sixteen, and of remarkable bcanty, Mile, de Mousogriey, daughter of the" coinman iant of artillery of tho Bastilff, lodging in a neighboring quarter, learned by tho regular dis charge of the cannon that hor father's life was in danger. lie was her idol, and instinct drew her toward, his side nt onco. She rushed through tho crowd with dishevelled hair, calling her father's name, and asking only to bo permitted to die with him I At first the crowd fell back aud made way for so lovely a vision, and respect ed the iiiial affection that actuated the soldier's daughter; but suddenly a nun of the pcoplo. drunk with fury and the carnage of t'l? scone, shonte'l to his comrades: ".Let tho monster who is firing hi", ca.-inon upon usceuse, or let him behold hi, own daughter devoured by iho flames before his eyes I" and while this leader hold the defenceless child, a heap of straw and chips were hastily got together in the muttilc of tho court yard. Tnc terms were shouted to the artillery ofllcer; but no reply coming to the ears of Iho mob, tho match was applied, an i Mile, de Monsegney was ruuely thrown up on the biazing pile I Aubin Bonne mere, a gallant young citizen, saved her at tho risk of hif own life, and ahe was restored to consciousness in a neighboring house. ilr lather Lad just before been killed by a pistol shot. L'ti Joanna v, governor ot ttie JJasuIl-, liin-liii' the lurtress-piison ttackoi Lv tlie people uno. tu-j regular sulttiers comoiticd. ttiipiaye.l n wiiiie liaud- ! ko. chief, surrendcie.t an I wa. brutal Iv mui'i'A-rud. Liaii. ti.vj sixviks of hsnitUns: buoh ui ih-j death of . lie Luuuay. Tua victim of honor. h'j uii.y cui iciiucri'vl u ilu his hlat breutli the swonl kthich his master li.tu co.iri .ed to lii:'. The court, the army, iie royalists m tho pooplo h.ive ot-lioiijly cast u.i m:U their liu provi.icuue, ilieit eowar lice and their Oij'J t. His la 11 It WiU that of tho court, 01 Marshal do lirogli'S ana M. lie liuzuuval, who knew not how to succor niui or re;ke hli-i of hid on ly." With Dj L.uu i: .y' death onded ttie fatuous duy of ti;u f juruicnti: of July, tue beiniiin; of the French revolution, wUicii icpubiicau i''iiico lias no.V jnau:j;i:r;'.i't as u 1. hoi 4 :.-y. Truly, ti-.e pgv hjtory L.'-.::. iiii vivd pic i.: : . ... t Ufj r.tto Iti'-y.:') i CGcrrtc SiniUi, hii'i on ! tl'M'.-aU'J Million of Mothers cxpmm tWr W Bht over CsatorU. It is nature's rsmedy for assimilating the food. Unlike Cm tor Oil, it is pleasant to take, sad nclike Morphino SyrP. it is harmless. Caatoria regulates the Bowele, destroys Wertng, Cures Sour Curd and Wind CoHo, and allays Feverishneos. What sires health to the Child, promotes rest for the Mother. Children Cry for Pitch er's Castoria. It is the meet reliable, effective and popular article dispensed by Druggists. Slaeo Healing remedies tare ieea used hy SUFFERING MAN has there been known sueh absolute Pain" relieving agents as the Centaur XjINIments. They soothe, heal, end cure. They IIEAL-Cuts, Wounds. Galls, Old-Seres, Brc-ken-brcaats and Sere Kipplrt ; CCKE Pia in tho a sck. Rheumatism, FcU tica. Lumbago, Keur.iljia. Car-Ache, Tetter, rinspies. Iteh. Eolt lUicnm, and all Fl-sh, Bene and Muscle ailments of Ar.iro.-.l : 8URDITK Infl.fsnm.ttiop. and dwelling?; RELIEVE Doi!., IV.eu.vUk-erf.Sore Throat, ErenehitK Creep end Quinry : KXTKAfcT-rain frin Earns. Sealds, Sting, Frost-bitec, Sprains flnd Bruises. The experience ef centsrie" has in ado the CENTAUR Liniments, the most spoedy and effeertr curative agents for MAN and BEAST the world hss ever known. Tho Centanr m NTS hare relieved moro feed-ridden Crip ples ; hca-ed more frightful wounds, and raved more -valuable animals than all other liniment, ointment, oils, extracts, playfcrs atd M-r.llcd "pain iiileis" aad "skin enrcs" ecmhir.ei. Physicians sud Vi-tiTiuar? KurirtoBi en dorse thoCrntar-T I.iuii.r.'ls ; raillicxrA cf men, oarn rud c!:!iif.n in r.!i c-nsnrri. ase them, nn i Ilmi" !.'cpcr Turiucr?. Planter. Travelers", Livt-rj K-rr, T'-nm-ters ssd St.ck-frrocr, are their p-.tror... 'fht-y aro clean, thcr ar La-d. tbi y art- cieaj, and they are rcir.LIe. Thi-re i. r.o ac?io, pix,ors-wolllrg: which tbr-y will cot alle riate. suhilue, or cure. So'd ihroosbout THE HAP-ITAKLE GLOTiS for SO ct. ni ?I 03 a ! o!i;.. Ts-tel 3IOKH1S O'KOUUKE, once more conies forward with an entire new Stock of the finest Tiece Goods ever brought Into riattsmotitii ! ! EVERY GARMENT CUT IS WARRANTED to FIT ITur.drcils go there and they are ALWAYS SUITED. Shop opposite the Couit House. Give him i & call and exaiiiina for yourselref". 4tf NEW BRICK YARD. I am going to iTvTKlIE BRICK, this sriiig and want to MAKE THEM CHEAP, that people e:in build BlUCK HOUSES INSTEAD OF FRAME. 1 shall contract and Build BRICK Houses, the coming year and would like those Intending: to Build to givo me a call before looking elsewhere JERRY IIARTMAN. At my place ou Vraihiiitou Avenue or at F. 8. White's Store en lalu Street, riattsmouth, Nebraska. 451113 MIEB SCHNELLBACHER, B1.J1 CKSJISi TH HORSE 110L1N, ANP I WAGON KEPAIRINO All kind3 of FARM IMPLEMENTS mendeJ Neatly & Promplp. :0- norse, Mule & Ox Shoeing. In short, we'll shoe anything that hr four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and seo us. .isriErw" shop n Filth St between Main acS Vine Streets, ust acr.s coruer fnim the nkw UEliAL OFKH-lt iov" O. F. JOHNSON, DEALER IN Drugs Medicinesj AND All Faper Trimmed Free of "r Tii 1 1 if r. iii-n n f . Charge. ALSO DEALER IN BOOBS, Stationery. Magazines, AND Latest Publications. Prescriptions OarernU.r CeEipo4uit by ivi: Erfcpfrlenfed Irasist. . DOORS SOUT OVMAIN rLAXToMOrjTH. NEB. mm mm if fMAAfLIN CABlNEt J AMES rETTEE DEaLKU in Musical Instruments, Sole Appointing Ayent for Tlis I'nrivnlleiJ iuiri &. 22:ii;i)in CABINET ORGANS. Also Stntn Ajrpnt for the llt-ury F Miller an-i V. C. Kineixiii t'hiiius. .SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at ofileo. Sixtli. one Unor south of Main St. 1-I.ATTSMOUTH. NEB. Will do well to examine our New Mnson Si Ifinliu TAKR THK NO CHANGING CARB .) fj;im ( OMAHA, COUNCIL D'-UFFS. NEBRASKA CITY or PLATTSMOUTH io CHICAGO, Where diiect eoniieftions are made. with Through Sleeping- Car Lines TO NEW YOKK. 150.STON, rillLADEI.rillA, I5ALTIMOUE. WASHINGTON. AND ALL EASTERN CITIES. !7.Vie SlhOJt Liixa Via PEORIA for IXDIAXArOUS. LOUISVILLE. CISC IX- XAl'I, it ltd oi! )ioi(fvt Uc SOUTHEAST. TllV. IJiCt4T 1. 1 S FOR ST. LOUIS, Where Direct Connections :t u,mh in tL a UNION DKIO'I with Tititigh sieepiaj; Car l.ii.es lor oji pouiLt s J . The Shortest, Spe.'dlect and moit t'onifci pibi via HAPINI3AL t Ft. SCOTT, DEXISUX. DALLAS, HUVSTOX AUSTIX.SAX AXTOXIO, GAI.VESTOX, an al! points in rullman 16-Wheel rahtc Sleepwij Oars. C.. H. & i). TaliifB Oiawitii-haori! Car. With Ilorton's Keclinints Chairs. No' Extra Chaig lr Scat.s in Lccliiuns Chairs. The famous C'., B. & i). Taiaee 2iulnj;jC;tr. Fast Tiir.e. Steel IS ail Trwcic and Superior Kitiipmnicwiittia"l wt! their Great Tluauyfr Car Arrunfjemrat. makes thif, at.ovj a'l fitheru, tho favorilo Route to tho ilAST, SOf ril SSUfH-R.lT. TIJY IT. and an nil find TR AVKLI NG a Ltis- urjrjiustead ej p Jtseo.nfort. All information about? Rates of Tare. Sleei)- Ing Car Accommodations, and Tim Table.-, will be cheerfull ylgiveu by applying to . James R. TWood, Geueraill'assenger g't, Chicag. c. w. snrni. Tratlio Manager, eiD m bi urns, diseases of tho Li fef. Stoaa.-vei rvsS iie;.vgrTrO 3 v-'i. - 13 bt rZa e-i-v.; CW n D,.Y SSAKArl1XlBm m M?S 'V V2U. & la jaod ! . A N v 1 V W J l 4 I r--t - . Tf 1 Ass. .VI mr'T''-r ' AuiAXS Vr.. Jan. S-tli. lso. t-''t'U f ji-t'i--- rPt'''K Dr. B. .1. Kendaii it Co.. f;rit : In reHy to Ti;-' f..vr . ...'irtjrjv'l your letter I will s :y that- iiV exoenence with ZF.trs Zl ' " ! t . -C ' J .V.;fe KeinlidrH Soavin Cure lias lieeu very satisfau- fk .-' '..'.'.' : -..-,.-'v :' i'i.' .(il"-." lory indeed". Three or four years asto I proeur- t '''' V-1'" -w-X' -' - jf1 S ed a l-ottie of your Ktrer.t, awl with it cured a g j V-"-5it'''t-A-r'vr.'-' ? :yii?' i '? i fA hrse of iaiiieiiec-s ci.used a spavin. Last 'V'.' -OVV;? r4' ' ''v V-;'5 ..2 season mv lior.e liecame very lame, and I turn li''-"r.5''t?'?.r '- X'i.'Crjd edliiinout for a few weeks v.l:en lie became iS-sXifili 5' r 'd?; better ; bi;t when I put li in on the road he got Rvy;' iv;.;rVi'',i r'-'' w'-l worse, when I discovered that a ring-bono was SWi Tr-?; '.-";i.VC-?.S2 forming, i procured a bo't'e of Keiidall's fe l:fl.Sm lavin Cureaud with less tli:. a bottle cured -A-V;.-.'5'-..V'"" llLj.? til in so tli:'.t he is not lame, neither can the I ?l.ivilS C. F. Goodman, a Jnd Bowola. It ia c.O'.V i Arc h if J,,.,,., Mid 1 rncticn Cninos. -1?ii --'--' 4 TH fTATiO.'.r.O of "icoi:iK- hr,-J.j1,out Iht ; te&Sx4i Z&1 4 . rATChi.M Cr-;:n-SUTin. TUno-Snrant. Per- 'ttkZ'&i -ST r C'TViT F$ T O ." A A A 3 1- c in C'"'-'y of iUxLpftttitm. ..IJii-C5 -'2C S ? - '.--j t ' .-t-.'-- THr.mnr ra liit, I -ui(K:i,T. LI.:vr. Mill .1 othtr NelMji. AMtOr-ifX J 'f'.-'j'' "1 wrr.-ln't'lH $iir-fA. u.inff iak iltan hiJf tho un&l cyfcrs and belts. rORTfiuiV irtAf". , asd 9ri?AV-3!?aiC STEAM-ENCIsfe8,with npncial fatuF. vf Pvofsr. r'.:r.'.:i: 1- fy. Kconrrr. tire! 35."t;iy fin.riv unkutni iu other make. StCRtn F'w-r ClAi ((-. 'nwrr "'V'I" a .rrii,liv. lour sires of Sepuxatont, from to tw t-.:- i Tr; -iro rm ylr i rd AioisTIftl Hrsc Powers. Thlr?-T i-rj ..' " ' - pwro-i rmJ O.'ptinucua SuairsecTJ by Hi Uouae, without chngo w -'i ..-r l..'..- r;.r;i:. m lag ta b 'iii fcj r y c -;. ;. ejr iC4i:T, BICEt-i. SSZVLZZ CS . iarti Gtcck. 3 STORE. rtock of li?rd- s 3: savt bc: nar Next ; door west of t'liapinau & Smitli's Dru A Full Line of SHELF II A KDWAH O , SHOVELS, HAKES. SPADES ana ALL GARDEN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, by the Kef or J'oftn'i ROPE. POW Dlili. SHOT, GRIND STONES, WHEEL-B ARROWS. A FwM I.iup of ITIMIV. Sjiet i;l Rates ti 'tuihh'rs and CuO t factors. AH irooil soM'as ln t thry jjOsnibly can be ami live. 4lv frffX KENDALL'S 'C'l SPAVIN yf' .ra:j '3'l'-f .liosT Sri'fP KHriil ft r t Jivyr discovered. 'l i cert a .tin hi its effects ;iiid elites no, blister. liBAD moor r.KLow. From Iov. P. X. (granger. rrenidiii;.' Llder of Hie M. AllnnV Hisli iet. buncli he found. Itespectfiiliy Yours. I. N. Gkaxei:. I'rice SI per bottle, or six hot' les for S". All druKistf have if or can pet it tor you, or it w ill lie sent to ::nv address on rc-ijit ot price by the proprietors, I:. ' KENDA LL & V J Ei.. J sif-'h rails. Yermont. l i.!iiah:i. Neb. r w t5 P3 A. G. MATT JEST OPENED A.:.VIN. New, l:na, I f .''. .t?7 Shop, on Main Sirt et Curlier Everybod.i vii hi'.r.d for i I'lattMiiouth ier meat. iieTl.CS l rtS. J ' . tr.'.: . - A ;i ' Jr i.-i-T J i - T"ii a V-r.rt:i mrtr i j -i ' tr--i f .-a fvti 'tr';!,. f Wl mv-Hs5. o J t W" ft . ' -t r-- ac .4 I'm --..;.. jJ MiJnl, 1?, I iCr iwdivrt'il jt:-C' ftfrj Tl:9 -f? 1 't i . rtft' . i v at I r-Ti m ,n in r. . ,n r c-c. Tan u'o U.'.g li'i.?ijV?---iir'i !,:3s' re:Jf tl,ro':o-M-eh.. Jan 55, t I ; y--r ffV:rs ff r., -f!. '-ri ? ."Tr-r't (niri!, !. I ?V t :s j ri'-; ) ; t : J -i. T v t.v '-r.'.T ).V erp. i-a urn jt. tr- of i rrv. ii-'-M. i.t" t..:'.e Vii be cue fir a-- r Zen :.i i"''.st-.'"'-f J ! il r r I i .f. f t wriir I sn rrv Ihar.kfs!, U- ' - 7-. fr ( I'i'rI. V'o Aoc a rrcii fer la. 3 f -fjur:. jf-'C! n, ' "2. I Icsw I.-rwarj .p at of annt"t T of f ' r-."-'"!- t. Tre patif ri on wt! I tfJ iir f - - m 't-j ti a nmn'f bar, i fpt rrcotiT.g( till y.-t-:ji 2, l79. ! J ..-; r a frii Tfi a fct r y-itif rc;fT. r err .1 or ft;'rjjr, ntl it rj n '.-ff.j! ciKt m hn:. V." r'c anWcr t-'"itr tir tl5'5-'; '.t pt.T V'JjCA A - 4- ' r. ) tr' C is VM- WLA 'W. r-- .1, vi' c.-o t.'-a, 4.-e 1'tl tiJ-- ' '" lJ" ; f "r'pr1 i3:'.fl-r!actl. "B-l i cna.Miff'.d, ri-r. m T?fnB-r.. cuntr I (r'r.-t;l, Idtire t CitrfMi( A. yte to h!', Arire n V- tv9( f rmtttiiria, rt r'irft, tfe .-! trr- cmprr-I, Uvnjucal DMdrv. I o- f ! ' jAijiawi i llkr- at. ftnmf tCrtrttj ff V rW-w " Vrrr"rr avTsa, Lrc r-rffcw f ri "', . r;' jJ f Icrw j-rr-iir la W-f.cn. ssVr oM -.1-1 r-yV'"" A r C' rrv twavUita-. t J rn, wi'k fan i'pcrac, n'fr. Ma. TH E PRIVATE W2CIAl. A7ER,, l Sypbtli. GonrrrhfA. r:ect. -m fSirft. Taric eclo, AO.. a. a SpfcTnterravi. Prsriftl Tfe lily, ai XispolrQnr, r fr .-Ahbit r.i Lirt. munnf Initial RnvsM.srtNMNi, .',- w-s -.c--'.t. -iTmi Artlins of rvki. irfm sS!airr. 7 rf S ' ti I'-". .. rJstr ftr Lkmyrvpf i7 utitufT. '' a-.rr i r "t wttCu im ky7f tt wf a.i .riT3- Z4 mR aa, 0 we fr't all tre the a- trf -Vrrrihc! bc-lr, tire- r. re, and eer 100 cur'iiT 1 Tbtn i r.i.ti vef j the BOit Sr4 f!iT"c-4a of c.ar.T jr rracl'Cf. e is well krnw) sAl (L adtMW ro. arj rulf f-r r- r-eT.t -j wiH b f,ii.d r -Jitiic ftw .rr-r'. i-.if c Trcri, afr ft-ia, Tk'C irwi'fi U.iHlrif,MMM!i tfr 4 at " P V ATK SJt liMn:r xil -wiiw. s. e.f .1 u i r .cut HZ'tli... rVKHit. .reteJ lv oisil t-xp-e. (.Mail-'. p.,. IW.J CMItUltJlliV l.rt f-rrj. .ic- . fi-e-fci ikV.1.4. C"r. bin. Is he s.in-jr.rt. i I. tlHcl-l" d..w-!it tr-taiDnl n.,.l" lir l af i'tre- 'o i..i tj-f-Tit t a.,L, '-r lie.ln.itt Ult. !;!;f"Vx It 'i.ci'ji ;i:i J.-. .l.oul Mo. 0B.BUTI errfOi? a tern XtUi!iedl347 at 13 Eii S'-s:t, ir. MR3, V3. mctiiioir, tka hav iniioiiii rcfutiUja o 1 8 c t o f-j ..- p r ' -lyas CMftvlle. A-.a,'ii.l , JrttT. r. "-fiaiiiAajMAl.. All XitMKTj Tni::ilrt iw- i -Tf k ' jtrr'tl &iM.-b 1 ir. thml, kUn bMt,t.. .A m ou : . I. tc J-rta- ei. wadi.t uki r-: f r P-7.-viu Umiimi lUrHi KH iK.in--,.. .-.- .bavimr ' V eV,i- . . ri - r fr.ia . t . f ttyrulnr rpj-.-i.: : t-,.. lk ..: rrf-lur IB u:li cm. Ui mat-iMMl an r.aw.v . m 1. Tbi, riis- prtoa'u-. aia M aaloiriaf . bUti-Lca, f itinTH arTbaM, iMa.aa. trf k-l. ..uft. i.i.riaQ. daaaav. ftVMla 04 .V ... araj.A to o iHrT .iaW-i-wa ia4arf. t w. iai,..i.m. uptcfc- or luaa O hir beVfllWt T f':JLt- nci.-et . awti:bMiwah.M-. ut ... wij j,it. xiwaaaaalutiMl HjKiaa r.-f-,,V CJJ yliCaal in luSr Ktxi.o. .. .1 f lrL..f ij32Ti.-ii.i. iicii. fii. -.u. . i.. 1:0. E5 jf if 5 ." . - & ft? - T Ey ilSt.Vi ? -- . .iw ,(, K35 rZi f". s-.-c. i n R5vTT"? WANTS D '" " w r"' i iiHii I M r-a w.is ,-! Jj!-. rri:;!. j ;ft- it.aa n car h f . i. - :i t. j ; .iw -.-.-. i. - . t - vl a.-Ji ii i w- - r' r.vj K-iiii. i rjTSSSWWMi rrn. Zl. Sr. Lcutr, a Jt . i.:ire n.' fVS-v1? i';. h-; ' ft tS -- f irVTi-t it t -- t. T rtr t ' i. -:-- Cj rr : tr -.-t. Th i-'f I'T.l-r-Uh- t X'-J .-.-. ; S- 7 '- r'. .' -a. Emm ORIOINAU AKii ?;4LY GENUINE Threshing Machinery and Porta bio ynt?YLOU3 raHv npt ijr work in all kiruU frr'Tj j'rV if' 3:eh. t.'V- SOLE AGENT. Tlic BEST and JSOSTT PwPCLAE t-evt la Tliroal ef Modern Timea. For sale liv E. !. Pnvev & Son. Solomon A Nathan. Wmlfpiold, W. 11. Baker & Co., L. Kaliskv & Son. GEO KG E 1BSGERT0N. N i ne s, Liquors AND OIQARS. Main Street, opposite ths Court Hoiife. This )I.ice is Just opened, neie, good goods of All kinds. We want to keep a good house and please our customer. HEME JIBE It THIS. 01 v, Cf HERE! iq fer D ols. -vi- " IS nalumble r..o-..T-i'i,ir heerett ; 10 Hioh fi. t.r, ; I Mtfie rf.ntaia Pro: i M.el Pern: I b.lv.r tiUtc! h.iHeri I llaiS Huliirr; I Ri:l'i-r t:p Pencil; li fine Etirel. li th.tti Hn Piper; I tlT.1l Kaak tht fucnr Puem, nd Chin.&a Secret fur elnssm. linen, (b.f money ehinp cn.M Ail sect far Fit'tr Cents, riuniu liken. AdJrtv IfiiUb. 7.J t.NtoSi tt0 t o, llorOeutownr Sew Jerw. ZFOTTHSTIDIEi-Sr MACIIIXE SHOPS! I'LATTsiMOL TII. XF.B., Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Jlilh OAS AXI STEAM PITTltS. rrniigtu Iron rijie, Foree and Litt Pipes. Steam uaur-. j-ati-i - nive iioveriinrs, una all kii.Jstif Hrass K.-ijrine I'i I tines. re!:iireil on short notiwe. FARM M A C H I N E K "V Kew Firm ! at the Brick Livery Stable plaits:,! out 11, NK UK A. SK A. The okl Uoti!i(r StsMs. in P-ti: tmnouUi. are now leasfd by .Icmes & Ainievv. a;:ii tliev liave onlnnd New and lituniHouio aeeoivtmoiial ions, in the of HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, i-.n-J SADDLE IIORSES. Ve p.re prejiarod to keep IIOK.'ES FOR SALE TRADEI Ai.d will Train and Break Colts On JteHiniiliIe Terms. also ke3ii:mbe:r, That with plenty of room (that every one knevys r.'ii;ive ii; our tttilile, we ean cet l-'ai rn r' lk anil nai-ocs, lii:ls of hay, ic, uudr cever, n r-e;e tliey -.v i i 1 Koep dry. Tnar.kiii all tiie old pat ions for their interali tv.wesoiii M their trade lor the fiUuic, f.ii i.-Iied tii t we ettn tit-ennnnd:--t them lu ttt-rand do better by tkein than ever t.t-fore. 501 y .JONES & AGNKVV. IEKRY BCFCK IHALKK IN SAFES, CHAIRS, KTC, KTC, KTC, Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES 9t all sizes, ready made ruidsoM clieap for cash. 21 Y FINE HEARSE IS NOW ItEADV FOR SEUVIC1C Willi iiiaii thanks for p;ist pationa invite all to eall and examine my LARGE STOCK OF 13tf. FT II VITUS! Atl l Ol'IiXK K';';.W.;v:'-rif a-:y..r r:,pmf1mH jC.); 9""f Taaaf CS aW a,I O TVjCCtOV TOT Op ."POTl i ! fcfcs f. l Tjr- .iCsliiUv iuiii.)', c .d a Jp;ijUj' r-'-r-- ai its rX sa ok J t leu r.t, H reil for uiottn. Ka: a id .ij tj-.i -hinif fisimj timotli y. UiavwU. t-y So iKB aw v-Bj! and iu-aW-1 :-i(l!y ea fuw nf Krparn':i.a c,,;i elcuninj sur. W aii o.'"r- 7i.'-i- lauar'A, cr4 ril mil rsi-fci-v' i l-tb I'-'.r- " i nnrter-b yt Our SVX :i I.?.IN4J ATTAI HMENT i-a Rit earl verr cwliiuX Do tlii orft mora KkrmC. v:-: liU'iin w. arrnui ai aroJ orv. i arc. , . . j 1 1 ... i- ifriui a. wu 1 " or a better uiaa sa cxcliudvtly Uuillmr ABVTORSI of ih Trio--j rtx-x Jtit4 Jar 4& ?y-ro-rr-l Pfit Poww, a TtnnrT4 rmtCrCrf Totrrr, ha Klwarrf V..,oat. f-4,T f-r, i.d moJit, -! ou lour hw, nro r?.jrfP-Vc? L 11, es;i at-'C not tmrptwed b'j ar.f in J. -' .... V . t- " T-r- siv4 to fnn?lKh ttrKC-c!tu9 F?.ti'"i3 i f.v nv vilil our tt-araiUifs. 5vr rrtet-Iiet vd Circulars, 1 dress ."S, tASf?l & CO. f.'Ei.v'cviiJsrt, ':;vater, Minna i -. . ' . ' ' . . . . ' . v - t 4:i' r, '""j. m .T TT tfQM Wi GER80E OLflBtC, 'Tsff'lK WHO fS UNACQUA?T5D V-'tr-- ; - fT.'i fJY EXA'-.-,.:!t:ri VeTr7rc,"v-,v -s. V ..' r i-.V T--r - r, -i-o-J- w.T ' CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND PASIFSG R. R. IS THE GREAT COXXFCiTMf r.i.tK IU niaill lin rnns fi rm bi:tu l ( .-nn .1 Itlutr. ptuiinic tlsrouKh .l.-iel. (ittuw.i, I. a .-!:).'. tiftneseo. Molrne, It-els IMutul. IT.-rrrt. ' i I.iherlT. Iown t ity.Mar'ir.-". Jirotil.lvn. .i:i-i i:. 1B Sloines (the cu; ital of lmw, Stin.rl. Ai::,- tic, and Athoii ; witii biunriu fr..tti .'l-.t.-.i: Junction to 1'Ofirta : Wiltou Juurtjur. t,i .M tine. Vanbinston. lairh.-IJ. 1.1 ! n. M.:'i.:i 11. Cenlrovilie, i'rin'cton, '1 renti.n. i.uUni in :.rn-- ron, I.caTuworth. AtL-lnsi'ii. mid Kan ns r.i; Wn?hinsln to !ii:ourncT, (.'.tal -5n. ii:m! ,f. :ir - Till; Kuokulc to ! Rruain-ton, ll'inatii '.r ?.,!- tonsport. Independent. KMim, o: 1 ::rrnv a. l'. : i: - Vllle. oskaloora, feliH. Sluirn". uul :;!: Newton to Monroe; Ki-n M'i:ics tn In :., 1 Winterset; Atlantic ti 1-wii .11. t Ai'l ii.i.; ai:-. Aroca to Ilurlao. this is piwitivt iy .'. .:t..y Railroad, wlnca tiwus, nml !irr:U'"- f.:; r-r-..r: t line from t'lnraso int ttie St ir-cf TUrough lCxress Pa-smiii-r I';.:. :; ! 1. : Man lalnne I am attioliC'1. :n n:i! . 1 ktwen CBICAfiO ami I-i:oi:ia. a ' . Council. BKcrra. Lmnswuinu an.l A-.t on-. Tlirounncani areatfor-intietTi-.il M:.v..n: ea anil Kansas t. itr, via iiio "2iiiivuRi.es ocklsland f liort l.w. Th "(iri-it HiK-k I!.tn:I" Is mn.-1iJ,- quipped. Its roafl LerJ is ia;;lr pi f, i-.-.-i triii'it i iin witn itieiii rails. What will oleaaa too mist will be t'.o rl- :t-.ir 1 of enjiiytnu jur ni:ils. nhlle fi:s.-.ftiii; on r the beautiful prairies of IHiniisaiit 1-mtu. inr.i-.cr.f our uincuifleetit Uiuine t'uu that ni;roi-i;i.i.' ;y till Throu(?n Lxpress Irairs. Twi hi-l nil enure meal, us (rood as is served in r.ny i?i-c !.- iioto!. XorBeenty-nve eenis. AppreciatiiiK tlio tact tlmt a r-a.lT.tv if tho coplo prefer separate uparCVV" it u i.vi' Hi-ii'nt urpisen (and tbw iiumeiisn rA..eiw-ir li'fla-ti 11s line warranting 1-a. nvi .rftftjr-.ft t an ice that this Oinpuny f-io FMmt-.i .;- in a t'urs lor sleepiiiii pu,v A, a.nl l auii TlrUMl ru-Urta lm thla 1. !: '- n Jim All t rkrt -I tr.-nt 4 la llu- l i-ite 1 t.: if for Information uai clltuu!.iu :.t JL. KLMIJAI-Ii. Ucn'l Superintciiilt uU 2thitvr tt Grahter. ALL KINDS OF fainting, raining, Chsing, AIco, Deeoratioiis of all kind. Painted in Good Style. FIIESCOING A SPECIALTY. ItEFEKEXCES : A. P.. TAYI.OK, J. Vali.j-.uv, Sit., K. Hui.mks, E. IIkki;.m:i:. Hit NEW Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE, Or an Old Stable imuw hands entirely. Tlie New Finn of HOLMES & DIXON, open the old STR EIGHT BARN :!.e Corner of tth and rear) Streets with a Hew Livery OulfiL GCOD HOUSES AND C'A ltUIAO ES tt in t imes- IIOKSES FOR SA tf,'. uonsEs Hour.ur axo sold. ocs rar;rm;airo '. Call and see HOLMES A DIXOX MONARCH BILLIARD HALL! In the basement of Merges' Stoic, l'EATTSMu IT n , - - - NEURAfK A. Ope door east irf Uto T. O. Rooms Newly Fitted up With ! n: n m t - i cigars & i ump;ran(T3 Hfi miis Oil hand ai the eountvr. It Is a widu and spaeious IIa!l ; plenty of rim lor players j.u.i se;Us lor i.-itnig. El). Ol ivnt. r. U. MLT.rH Y Manager. 1 1 tf Vvt j Or nrrt!ir Vini, tci c...:i f.' yovrw.' v-h owl i -Wir Ji hitir sn lli .t it -. . ,h t I Ji-r. li.v' l. i-ih will nil n ir.iin of ".r-.l ., nnd Kkitp, fifllfr!H Ifll(ll((i;.S( 11,-7 p-u-t i.ft'.i" I inl.-.l Kt.it.... Jiiu-.t.ta 'ii(ilr dwi A uHt -ftf rrl ii cict-w rut ntrj a nrl ' '" We hv h-;-'i rf l t'ers from m-n cur iii JiUiw win. r.ij-t.i. y noulj i.. i t , r J i r : : . ti. wt,-i. new zrmuioI liJlr.V.'tlAopa or 3ial.-itVep t.-. ;r-i i. t;- r.r.'.,f i.f i i'; . ui f-Rl. Sifc-ual U-'iclti. '.; .u j f--' i ' t;.n:i ct v .i-kT I'l.y ' n iu Si. Lonii. c v p-'i .". !- a.i cid rr j., c.ij c aw- Hernia, or iT :- , . : tV-n, i.-- 1 i.id 6yfhii!ric cr 1 -i. ct tt? rj ';rcot g.in cr Bun'', a.- t- J v n m -.rj'r.-irti nx-cen, a ltrt -:cliT:tit' rr;:!. ; . Sr.' V . 1'; i . nJ. iy. Brcrr.-'i'.u.il-', fc . y i'vi-'hy i,r.a Tmpo- taSjr.CV.fl" t' T' -l'.; '-f lv .I-AT. ,;. yjij??i, pt jiu.-jl --M-h'. ii. irp vri f,-rt:!... - . ujj'i u u ftMM tlJIHi'Ct t i'1 fi.'.DJ t!l ' i: i -jat.-..i -ii, (MtMliai fLw Vit'i."'. -t Li: ay. ti ii. i l - . i. 1 1. ni y . j'in.; Ji-t tiJ iiif face. -fty " '.. ''a V, uwuni!'. f- ri-y 4 r-juiijt. Otiliitivtoil tl it! -!, i I Utr l. .5, v.'i"., rruti.-i-r;"K I..nriiC f.. ? : c: r tr i j. , . $ i- j,rn.rj.iu C1."T l C ui.civtii'. i--li ! t'li- 3-, j I. , U'Ui 1 a ih! j- wi'iT, V' U U in. rn. . .i j.t I .- .ftieti'ytor l;-tUti.' : t, Hiri:.'ii.r nrWk ut l-vi. f i v rv)i'rc. ("t!r aij!? -j.i- s;ui : ;;;. i, v i- i . -J. u: i . .-. i 'r il .5 fi rn !-.; etxwl i-cc.ils: :.r Lc-. 1 r . . ; t-.S, 1 .iz ; ii. ps;i't- or ciirr-7K. j.--- v .--Tlijt zi-. tua t r.f 1-, s i?. t . -: . y:-z ji..'f t ; w;u. njr -A K-. ....... ; . , Iutj.;;: J. 5U.;Tr.y-,. ' .-! .11. ..:7TV 10 '! It., I .- ..ii , . -. ;- y fc'i-itt il T.tu.'t L.t.'i f . r :- - .vl. Lm it - iilM.K, ;e;-'- - 1-. ; . ,.. tr i.U, rv ri'-' r; -' : : - -- . - . H i v, f- ft; ' 1-f . ,' r- '-V f'H--t..i-.;'-f.-. . .: ; .... .... li.;.' . t i--. - . .. r ... v i-.t .. lfr r.iT'i. Tw. F-.- . A .-. j r."-r a- --Pi (I'" -fer-I i r litfini'.i s'litii'.l 'JVrr M c'rf. '&f fr.e 1 i w. fcet -Um '- m rSjrr-t r"ii!n. tfJ rt f.-r . r- r ; iVrol lfEt lo A, !-. f ii ' 9 'uv fCw p i rf ? - :0'rAt-r' rr TfJI-J COUfiTRY, WILL. .,-,h;aT 7!!!-: ili i VVI . '5'HS HAf.T & THE WEST J :-.-! .-. r : ::-.f i ; i"ir; i.nly. tie.l:rr . u -i.r .f r .r 1 .ill . . nr is a F-M KlN'ii i ..! c.iu ei.j y joi.r "iiinar.a" : . . i.i i.-o .' i ;..'!. . i I .1 1 ' !. -. : 1:1a IV.ff JU:i 1-.'iii :: :.i ; . : . -'I t-. . 1 1 t rro.s.t i.t l. . !. : .;. t i.i-il ut 1 oitncil lilu:TK, , 1: .-. ;. ".. i" rth. nn. Ateliiaon, con nr t,. !.. ta L'num lep.H. ; 1 I . 1 . 1. .'.I. i: :. t ' N N' Ki 1 IONS OP J ' I'A't' 't 1 i 11. l O II .Liii2 AKK Aa ; lt''..i.;; ' t 1 1:- ami v.ali u:l diverciiiir line lor tli) I !'.. : 1.1 ".. . t.oi. with th It. S. & M. Od P ; ft. . . . it. . ; -ti . . it Hi liimj, with P., C. A St. j I. 1.. t . .: i'i t'!. ''int. It. It. At ; !. , ! 1 . ; ! i' I', .v J ; I". l. A E.; I. H. A . m ; : i; ' .' 1' V. ftiU. ,t :.. tt ;. v 111 Milwaukee & Rock ui - ! .- :t I ' ' Itix it litru A le. It.la. - -t , 1 r. . : .1 inn nave npurt uivistom ci..'. . ' t 1 .1 1 . ,m -. . i 'i.i.i... v 1:1 v-t it. r. u.a s.ll. nt:r ; .Ut ; :,"..n.ii -iiir.,i luira tt.il. tu : I.- v. r!i l. M. ,v I. li. It. n 1 y- ' 1 - 1 :. ( 1 1 1 1.. iiu 1 nn'iiiatiiii:ii.K. j.t( .. : 1 .1 ; M t KiN.w all It ..'. It. A N. H ft At 1 : 1 i" .1 h a. v. ittt Cint-.H I jiviiU. K. W., . 1 . .'v !'..i' - tei l ( ii .'i li. liii-. At Kii'i: i v. i!i Ti l.. I n). ,v Wnr.t Wrt, et, mt.s & i' . umt Sjniv A N.-W. K. LiU. At a ! n. win II. J. It. It. t . 1 ;- 11 i: 11 lv . i-i-i. r. u. It. 141 rb.i A' A.;i: --s. .i'i .ti-n., 'liw-lui fc Panta Ho ' A!' :. a ' - ' ' I ' lir. t . I". U li.lB. ' At 1 .::a ji: 1 I . utth Kou. I'uc, untl Kan. - i teni i. t.i.t. ! At :tA .--.iS ' r:v, r.-.r'.t i4!l Ihtes for tho West a-.. I i.u:!i.. u "On-.il '-.; JLiult,-,' ui c MiM li n'-.ti t 111. ij.i. yu'tr Uutsia ti-I tf ntt!ip, mlilri-.., f i j .TOM NT. UuU 1 'li.t. a.U I'us tr JiU CLti, 111, NEW FIRM. . ISTEJ-W GOO DS ! I JNO. vim & SON, V i.i 7v'i' 7W .-1 .V7 C O.V FECTl ONE RS., '. At O. :uthii.a'i'.s .!d sti.iv. ( A FL'LI. mm; or v Staple and Fancy Groceries, '- , new AM) ri:;ii. j BREAD STUFFS, of every lr- riiition. Choice nnd Vinvy V:nillvs and till kiml.s of Canned Goods. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, of ilic 1m:M l.;;i.n.s. CHRISTMAS TOYS. d-C, dC. in ei:ul(.sr. fjt:;i:.'tilii s. Frcsli IJiv:!i Diiily. Don't f;;il to C.i!!. 88Iy J. I'.OXS & SO.X. I'rops. JOHN SHANNOTiN . LIVERY SALE AMD FESB I j ; Carriages always &u Uaurt i anj' ; HEAUSE , FUNERALS TA-irZ3 1TOTICT1 ! I want all of my ai-eoii'its -t!!i l In dV, aii'l I shall ttt t'O iimrn i-reilit lia'im h. All aeeomits must Ue dcttli d up. and no now o'7 M ill be made. I hlc m-h ,i ronn ! nirii " shnrtly tbey will lit .in d. V I wish t a st i n-tl.v v-li luisiiii-s in f ut i e- .If.'MN lt MV. S I'lai minoiti h. !. x .l KayTH! r3a2 i-'-'-jmi trwirj-arAwu.-Tia la,fK If. IU.l.1 l!I (KhTW, of .hi,,, I . . W - - , - ..... www-. .niwil drH rA. JUB.-Va wrt it;... , Iji. J. N. 'I j j.-c. M. 1 i-.. . Ma J. VF, B A U M E I S T E r; Fi:n.I!ies I'i-.Ii, l ine Milk, l r, f4 3 ? e; j: S5 ' t.' . ? 3.1 . Speeial r; 1 1 - aftum: d ti. and I'r. !i jh,a fiojii same i:cv f urs.'iej vtIicu aii.tii 4!y BEST 13 CHSAPDST! LEWIS3 GGS.QESED J lllSil ' STUICIXT ! ITo tvill ylvo & V'Ht.(Xf for any Alum or Other atlulirrrtiiort. 'nnTl titia J'VH ftJr.lt. IniVirsed iiT thfl BrooMm f Heaitli. a;i-l liv tlej Lut cLcudli ;.. rf He In t.li In T I'nlt.il alll HV H 13 ft! UOATiKTl th-n rr- z-J - Ik... .... In it XKvrrt i-'Ati.s to .Intake li.';Iit tirrJ v.'.iLU au.ii-il 11 i.iri-i-il. V Uj It U c O 1 M II)KD hy every - : - hOUs4elLt.-i)i:r vlio L-a fluu it. a -f It ! an en t '.i-rljr ITW I VVK"V- 5.-.-. TIO.V,rl:aii'i',al,J"(t!.n!j:.lC'.i.l. i'-iq tl"3 of pr:;i cr -.!!': I u.;, .U .T " It LiiH la it if a t-n-1.' ivy Xi25sto KVs: Ji" '- t'-.'-j Goofl foo-l m.-J if.s r,r"l heoIMi; rnl i)or1-ix Is imjirovcJ or la-circJ Jn jiii-.-xt.oa uiali.'j tOf'd v, e eot H nutritl i;i r fitlKTwi.Av Levin' I Ai..'.'' l'ov Lt.Lt ...bv i ra-i!;.; frouU food. One can cf tli!a Is v jrtli t .vo cf ti. ct'.i -r bftklxi? coir.:;ouiiL h maKes b.-v-ad whlttr antl r'.-''-.- -. Jlore Duiiialf tU- a. -I.-inra t f 1 -: i ;'-p Bit from the us t ( ,. i, .vr -r J-.-i-s, rlil8h cltoa i-o u bjat tf iio'r tura KiX dark bread. The mo4t d. llcatT p-rj.-.n!? (-t fool j-r';;ar?l with it, nKaaot I;a'.,t ,-. K-arly ev-rr n.rr haki;"- i,.,w-i.r is adu'teraool and js u winter i jt'.i,:;: ltiiSUltiadO fniai nt-Ci5 (;iiierrfsni r Tartar, arid U PKUHJCThV I'l'ltK. It makes tbe liiaT, llht-.i, and uoit utrl(iotm CREAD, BJ30UIT, CAICE, CaUI.!.E3L E'JCXWHEAT, 1WDIAM, AKD PIIZAI;laPliiA. 'iirmii- i ! '.(. . h .V I. V M (,l rr t i i:i..a i! i - v . . , . u - KEIt b to, an-: drtU-ii Iu iit;ral. A if tiU I ov, jcr. i lfATTTPAfTCI-aUa OITTT T.T LEWIS iv f.rivZ!3 CO, 9; A t 1