Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 28, 1880, Image 3

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    The Herald.
r, a i " I" RTISKM EXTfi.
:.!ln. Regular adven:-
; r t Nil advenrscmanl inna: t-
,1; i! ;; r at Statute ratM.
Ai!"i'f i-i I .ri j -rj jf the law will b nMd
f' ' u' ! , :1 notices tlipjr hand in,
' i i r i . - ;! a proof of puliliea-
ti.tts of .' . ! ! -' w ill be u-til far the publica-y:-.ii
f-.-e T such notice.
.4..,ir .i-.-e ! limited, nil ccn!nnnlraions
' Ur.-f a::i to Hi point, with no waste
rise ;.:m-. r is -finnil!tfe for tha eorrectn'M
:' .; c.. ;' d paid matter and Le-
i i i -.. . .-. .: ; the :'?ror rpji:lhr)y
f'.i : -;.:".". V. iieiher MHfCtfd tO IliS
' i; "i-i:e N sjl-'erlrur or nut is
r. , ' : L.rth jv.y.
' ri ii .r perrn orders nts rrwer disronlhi
l !c n-iisi pny all wwratM, or the publish
vi .r.-v icr.tiaue to send tt until payment Is
c i..r.')i 'id collect tlie whole amount, whether
thfl jv.prr is t.iicn from the ofliee or not.
s I J- roitrt nave Ercnle " tht refusing t)
rvn ix w::i;'pi" a'"""! periodicals from the post
r-V re r i.M'iV.vint; and lavinn them uncalled
Utr.xi i riitui jucii evidence of intentional
Wescott sells the
Election .
November 2d.
Sam. Long is in town.
Will. S. Wise sell Ileal Estate, tf
Remember to vote early Tuesday.
-Tote th Republican ticket, straight.
Sen Povey & Son's local, as cor
rected. Vote the Republican ticket entire
New Buckwheat Hour at Bennstt
"& Lewis'. 1
Marquette will sneak here Xe 1st.
Go to the "Boss" clothing store for
your clothing.
X fina display of Ladies' Car l
Cas-;5 at Sehlater's. 1
-Manufacturning and Repairing v.t
Merges' Shoe Store. 22tf
The higgest lino of buckskin
gloves at Wescott's. 29tf
That Speech f Laird's at South
Bend, was immense.
The Liederkrantz had a concert
and lance last night.
Money to loan on Country Real
Est tie by W. S. Wise. tf
I 'ust us a card with the votes in
every precinct at once.
- New Nats and Trimmings at Miss
es Herrmann & Willi's. olt3
-S.aple and Fancy Groceries, a full
line, at Chittenden Bros. 32-tf.
Sciilater is receiving a line Holi
day stock. Go and s? it.
Fred. Iferrmnnn's immense win
ter stock is just rolling in.
' Tuesd.iy is 'lection day, get regis
tprod and bt sure and rota.
Sciilater is receiving an immense
stock of goods for the Holidays. 1
Frank Carruth will probably move
into his new building next week.
- Oysters by the quart at
UMf. Chittenden bros.
Fred. Herrmann movsd into the
new Stadelmann house last week.
Dr. Black's Rheumatic cure sure
cure for sa!e by Smith, Black & Co.
-Gnthuia:) & Weckbaoh are daily
receiving their winter stock.
You will always find I'cppcr berg's
must popuhT Cigars at F. I'
Misses Herrmann & Wail have a
largt; assortment of new zephyrs. 31t2
' Bi'st stock of Gloves and Mittens
in the city at V. II. Baker & Co"s.3U2
The best mad and best titling
clo.'Uing at Wcscott's. he will not be
Teisold. 1
B,iy a hanging lamp of Smith
: ?ck & Co ., the latest improvements.
it VGo and see that i:n:nsnta stock of
ups. Lashes, fctoCi's, xc, at .J.
Chambers. olta
C. R. Dovey has been doing some
fins painting in Smith, Black & Cos.,
Drz stere.
warmers will tiud ii to their nd
vautga to call at Chittenden Bros.
.V good all wool suit of mens
clothing for $7.50 at the Great Red
Store. 31tf
Loiexzi's Face Powder and all
others first class brands at Smith,
BLvk,S; Cov - 32t2
1 -Afva Drew is going to put up a
grand Brick Stable on the site of the
praent building.
On Boats and Buck Gloves I can
suit you. Prima goods for the Isast
money at Wtscott's. 1
B ready for the last Grand Rally,
G. & A. Guards and come out in full
xorce, Manaay ingns.
Coiivct your habit f crooked
walking by using Lyon's Patent Me
tallic Peel .Stiff eners. 3214
Beware of fale tickets on election
day. Examine every , ticket look close
for the type may be counterfitrd.
If you want an assorted case of
canned goods go to Btnnett & Lewis',
thpv have the lartrest stock in town. 1
Wanted: A sliot.g, c;:p able gill
to do go:i?ral housework. Inquire on
Sixth slr-vt, of Mrs. R. R. Livingston.
UlrmkH, Cm forts, Shawls,
skirts. Hosiery Slc. in great varieties
at 1 Ltrm prices at W. II. Baker A
Co'i. 31 12
About thirty of ths Plattsm&uth
G. ; A. Guards went out to South
Be?;., last Friday nijlit and had a bos
Parties wnnting choice Michigan
appU'.s can have the diffsrent varieties
by leaving their orders in time, at F.
S. -White's. 30t2
Senator Saunders deserves well f
C.i5S Cou-tty, fnrhe came a good ways
and put off other engagements to speak
for ns Monday.
Phil. Young Uk twenty-five sub
scribers for the State Journal. Menday.
It gts h-" before ths Omaha papers
mornings, now.
Fresh ojsters received daily from
R.lltimorp. aul for sits wlinlfsaip inH
retail, at F. S. White's SOtf
Select oysters. 50 cents a can;Stand-
ara 40 cents.
Mrs. John Hobbs. ef Omaha, is vis
iting friends in the city.
F. M. McDonagh was in Plattsmouth
the first of the week and once again
his voice seunded n the street corners
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. E. Abel of W. W,
called Friday and took a look at the
mechanical part af the IIekald office
after leaving us the wherewith for the
Heuald and Inter Ocean for a year.
Mr. M. A. Mckinnon received a tel
egram from St. Paul Minn., Monday,
stating his brother died that morning.
Mr. McKinnen took the afternoon
tarin fer that place, and will probably
go to his home at Prince' Edward's
Island betere returning ta Platts
mouth, Mac. has the sympathy of his
friends in this city, in his trouble.
Life is but short, and we should
do all we can to prolong it. Check a
CougL or Cold by using an old and re
liable reaiedy such as Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup. Price only 2 cents a bottle.
Goods are an fresh and good as money
will buy.
expenses a he lowest,
and -we
can save yu money every time.
C. E. Wescott,
The Boss Clother. 1
Buy a Bull Head cigar f Smith,
Black & Co. 32(2
A magnificent line of overceats
and ulsters at Wescott's. 1
Pure Vermont mapla syrup just
received by Uennett & Lewis. 1
Phil Young has a new paper rack
which shows his papers off well.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wentworth
returned to Cfalumbus Friday last.
Hon. S. M. Chapman returned
from Saunders County, Monday morn
ing. Frank Pallenger holds forth be
hind Jim Woodson's counters nowa
days. P. B. Murphy will move his Bil
liard Hall into Harold's new building4
when completed.
Seme late styles and nobby suits
just received at Wescott's 1
A second hand wcod stove and a
small soft ceal stove for sale. Inquire
at the Herald office.
Ladies desiring a fragrant and
lasting Perfume should buy Jxia-Lis
of Smith, Black & Co. 32t2
The young people of St. Luke's
Guild are to have a social dance at
Fitzgerald hall, next Thursday ev'g.
Messrs. Sullivan and Campbell
spoke at Buck's school house last Fri
day evening and had a good audience.
The P. esbyterian Sociable, at the
residence of Mr. Parker Wise, last
Tuesday evening, was very pleasant
and largely attended.
Dean & Son, at Ashland and at
South Bend, too, are receiving an im
mense quantity of lumber and selling
it out again a3 rapidly. 3012
Mr Mat-Murphy and wife and Mrs
Cooper, beside the GIse Club boys,
went I rem here to Weeping Water to
hear Senator Saunders Monday night.
Brothers McFarland and Streight
did everything thoy could to make the
toys feel at home Friday, and in fact
the whol town laid itself out to make
it pleasant f i r us.
J. G. Chambers has just re-painted
and re-arranged the sales-room of
his Harness Shop and now makes the
finest display of Harness, Saddles
Whips, &c, in the city. 3112
Mr. Chas. Brown of Elm wood, 111.,
brought 50 head of thorough bred cat
tle into the coRr.ty, hist week, to feed,
he will move his family here next
spring ani mako Cass County his per
manent home.
Go to C. G. Ilerold the Id reliable
in his new building lie will sell you a
good winter suit fer from 85.00 to
SG.00, and a good overcoat for $3.00.
Consult your own interests, a dollar
saved is a dollar made. 29t4
The Woman's Foreign Missionary
Society will give a Reception and Tea
Meeting at tha Heme of Mr. and Mrs.
B. Spurlock, Nov. 1. Reception from
3 to 9. Tea at 5 p. m. Members and
friends of the society are cordially
They are selling the best clothing
at the Great Red Store, at such very
low prices, and you have everything
guaranteed as represented or money
refunded. That is why you should
go there for all you need. 3Uf
A social hop will be given by the
young people of St. Luke's Guild at
Fitzgerald Hall, next Thursday even
ing. Being the first of the season, a
large and pleasant attendance is ex
pected. Tickets for sale at J. P.
Look to jour interests, buy. your
winter suit, over coat, boats, cap,
gloves, shirts, underwear, &c, at tha
Boss Clothing Store, where prima
goads are said at prices which render
satisfaction ta the purchaser. Na old
snide woods, no big expense, we can
and will do you good for a solid fact.
C. E. Wescott the Boss Clother. 1
Senator Saunders wa astenished
at the- growth of Weeping Water.
About 1809 lie drove across this coun
ty to the Salt Basin, with Senator
Hitchcock, and stopped at Wrn. Keed's
log-cabin (then) and the change from
then te now is wonderful, iiideei.
Oire of Plattsmcuth's bys was
out in the country bugy riding, Sun
day, the horses were not used ta
hating the lines lay dwn on the dash
boa: d and turned a corner too short,
and an a natural canscquence there
was an uwt. Take warning boys,
and ktp hold of tha lines.
We were most handsomely treat
ed at Weeping Water on tha night of
the Rally. All tha beys were taken in
and done for (especially "Bush" and
Bi. Clark) and Messrs. Thomas, Cen
tral 'Committeeman, Reed, Fleming
and others deserve credit for the en
deavors to make the meeting a suc
cess. Also Landlord Thorp, who staid
up to do us honor, and threw in an
early breakfast to Loot, to pay for the
Eel story.
Go to thes
You can positively do yourself some
good. 3itf
Beware 1 !
The Democrats have a new man at
the bellows. Look out for fraudulent
tickets. Believe no lies told en elec
tion day, they are only campaign stuff.
Any honest facts about our candidates
or the action of the Republican party
would have been told before. If not
it is net of value enough to interest
any honest voter for a moment. Re
member this'all the time.
The G. & A. Clab
Meets to-night for important business.
The last meeting, probably, before tho
campaign closes. Be prompt and see
that there is a full turnout.
By orb?r of the President.
The B.&yi. Trains
Now run as follower
Leave Plattsmouth at 8:15 a. m.
2:45 p. m. going North. fj
Arrive at Plattsmouth 10 a. in. and
7:25 p. m.
Going West 9-20 a. in., going West
G:50 p. rn.
Arrive 9:20 a. na., arrive 6:50 p. ra.
Hon. T. M. Marquette will speak here
ou Monday evening, November 1st, in
Fitzgerald Hall. The Loui3YiIle baad
will be down, we expect a full turn out.
It is the last Grand Rally of the Cam
paign. The next night will tell the
story of who rules thi3 cauntry. and
whose principles shall govern the fu
ture of the United States. "
Mr. Marquette will undoubtedly
make us a good speech and tur wind
up should be as brilliant as we can
make it. We want the G. & A. Guards
out and every men that has a torch and
uniform must be there. A number of
lacal speakers in the ceunty will be
Thus far all our great Rallys hava
been well atteaded and never has Cass
Caunty been better canvassed r mero
We ought to pell a large vote and
Ox our apportionment in the next State
Convention at a good figure. Turn
out then the last time this campaign,
boys, find give Mr. Marquette a rouscr.
The G. & A. Club must positively
meet Thursday evening to make ar
rangements for Monday, to kaise funds
and transact important bnsiness. We
want the boys out, but we also want
and need the business men and those
who can bear the burdens of duty as
well. The Oflicers and Committees as
far as possible must be there. Please
remember to-night.
"The Leaven for the Ilealius.'
Of the native of Siberia, are the
leaves f the Arnica plant, to
be found in all their healing power in
Browns Arnica Salve. For sale
eveiy where. 31tf
There is something peculiar about
flour. When wheat go3 up 10 cents a
hundred, Hour finds it out by telegraph
but when wheat goes down, Hour gets
Ihe news from the east by canal, and
a mighty slow canal at that. The
city shculd appoint sne ene to notify
flour when wheat goes down. San
Francisco Post.
The bad appearance of the Her
ald last week and for several weeks
past was due to the non-appearance
of our supply of winter ink, which has
now arrived. Our readers may not be
aware that the ink which is used in
printing offices in the summer
too thick in cold weather, and a thin
ner article has to be substituted. We
have always been proud of the clear
printing of the Herald heretofore
and shall not have the same thing hap
pen again if possible.
-The Winter oT Year IIcontenr
Is made Glorious Summer, by taking
Brown's Pepsin Tonic; Try it. For
sale by all druggists. 32tf
HI TLER. At VfpepinR Water. Neb.. Monday.
October 251 li. lso. ot cony;etion i taa lunjrs
and whooping coukIi. Mattu I... daughter
of Dr. M. M. and Stell.i liutler. aged 2 yours
ami 8 mouths. t ,
After a lingering illness of three wenks ttie
litile darlins, the light of the home, succumbed
lo.tlie fell destroyer. Death, and left desolate
hearts to mourn her los. The funaial took
place Wednesday, October 27th.
For Sick netularhes,
Use Krown's Vegetable Liver Pills;
For sale by all dealers in meaicina in
Plattsmouth and East Plattsmouth. tf
To Whom it may Concern.
Notice is hereby given that we will
not be responsible for any debts of
men employed in our work in con
structing approach to the Plattsmouth
bridge or pay any bills created by
them unless orders are previously
given by us.
31t4 S. Dwionx Eaton.
Belcjier & Stranahan.
October 14th, 1880.
tier-man Cntarrli Care.
Cares Catarrh; Try it tf
For Sale Cheap.
A gcod young pair of
will weigh about ten
dred, and good travelers; also a good
double harness and buggy. Enquire
of the Proprietor, James Pettee.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Tho Universal Verdict.
Of all who have taken Brown'
Pepsin Tonic, is that it never fails to
cure. Ask your druggist fer it. tf
To the Citizen's of the County and State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Tire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; patties wish
ing to build a fire-proof house, before
the cornet comes down, call on J. T. A.
Hoover, Louisville, Nebraska. 14tf
Elegant Tattern Hats.
Mrs. Johnson and Sweeney have jus
returned from the grand eastern open
ings where they have seen and studied
all the latest styles in millinery and
dress making. They have also brought
with them some elegant
tattern hats,
and a full assortment of the latest
hats, bonnets, trimmings, fancy goods
of all kinds, which they invite all the
ladies to come and examine. They
will be pleased te show them.
Democratic Testimony as to his Gooi
Alexander II. Stephens
"As to the Credit Mobilier matters,
with which General Garfield has been
charged, I belie've he is altogether in
nocent of then. It will not do fer the
democratic party to throw raucl at
General Garfield, because if they do.
they will elect him. . . I am not
here to elevate our candidate by drag
ging down those opposed. Although I
don't thing they can ever reach the
elevated platfurm occupied by Han
cock and English, I don't wish to en
gage in this kind of a--, .in It. Garfield
1 have known vroil since tho s.-ssion
of eengres3 f 1-7:3, a ad I have always
regarded him of irrepraaeaaLIe integ
rity and moral c'iaactci, distinguished
for anility and rchoiarship, and one of
the greatest inic-liects in th caantry.
I do not oppose him en account, of any
moral defect or intellectual incapabil
ity." Tne New York World
"In the ruidit of the organized car
nival of corruption whk-h lias been
going on now s many weary months
and years at Washington, it is really
satisfactory to catch glimpses, now
anchen, of honesty for henesty'ssake
and without consideration of party Gen
eral Garlleld, of OSiio, is a republican
of republicans, but it is his simple dna
which we gladly pay him to admit
that he has done more than any other
single member ef his par y, during the
present session of congress, to show
that it is not impossible; for a man tr
act with a congressional majority and
yet to keep his self-respect and the re
spect ef honest men."
H. B. Pavne
"He lives ecsnoisically ; the present
improvements on his house at Mentor
which may cost $3,000 invalve the
mest considerable expenditures his
neighbors are aware of. No, no!
With General Garfield's political creed
I am utterly at variance, but this does
not counsel me t an unconsidered as
sault upon that candidate's private
Donn Piatt
"Garfield holds to-day tho honored
position ef being the only poor man
among the political leaders."
Henry "Watteron
"He would not do a dishonest act.
Tue meeting at Weeping Water
Monday evening was a grand success.
Senator Saunders mad? a syund prac
tical speech, that interested everyone.
It was really jnst what he said he was
going to make it, a plain sensible talk
about practical affairs from the busi
ness side of palitics, and as such hit
the mark exactly. The audience first
assembled in ths school building, but
seon found that place would be too
small fer the crowd, and they a'.l ad
journed to the M. E. church, which
wa3 crowded.
Four members of the Plattsmouth
Glee Club, Messrs Morrison, Bushnell,
Clark and Taylor attended and sang
some very good song, "Ukl Shady"
among Ihe rest. After the Senator
had finished Mr Beeson spoke a few
moments and made so:n; effective
points. Altogether, it wa as good a
meeting in attendance and general
( ffct as we have had yet.
The general campaign seems to be
progressing finely for the Republicans
everywhere? People from Indiana
say that the state is sure for Garfield
and Arthur. Ohio will increase her
majority, white Connecticut is counted
almost certain for us, as well as New
Jersey. In New York they remain
confident f carrying the state Repub
lican. We say it looks favorable, bnt
all the papers and leaders charge, and
ask that there be no let up in the
work and that no over sanguine guess
es should make u.s remic one particle
of care and caution. The issues are
made up and Tuesday toils the title.
. SPKAKiNO-of the tariff matters, it
seems Germany knows how to protect
herself. The timber merchants of
Berlin have protested against the in
troduction of American pins which is
harder and better than German pine.
The petition to the Chancellor . sets
forth that they have been pained to
sea American yellow pine used in the
construction of public buildings in
Berlin to the prejudice of domestic
weeds. And so it is that human na'
ture is the same all over and German
and American alike demand protec
tion when their personal interests call
for it .
As a last resort, here a3 well a3 in
the National campaign, ws are inform
ed that the Democrats are about to at
tack our candidates and prominent Re
publicans at the last moment, either
in the paper, by bills, or bv message
to their friend- at the polls. So far
this has not been a campaign of slan
der, but if it is now turned into one,
be ready, Republicans, to meet it.
The candidates are honest, are irre
proachable; what Tom, Dick or Har
ry may have done years ago don't
count now.
Nothing can beat us now but
treachery and deceit on the clay of vot
ing. Let no false atones be circulated ;
see to it, Republicans, committeemen
and voters that ihey ar nipped in the
bud. No honet objections to men or
measures are rvcr muden ection
day, or in post or bill; just before
election. Th.! is lhiinst, mean
est of campaij-i d-j-ti-ts. M?sl ill such
6tuff at once, and brand it as it
Trecincts ?! -id localities whoro
there has not b??u Spca'-.iig should not
blanio tlie coi.-imit.tee," nor the chair
man, as he has r.ov. ullgd ucmIt doub
le the places i; :irkvl out by the com
mittee, and in every instance ha filled
the places spo'n fr in tim and ask
ed for by the committeo according to
WrE have received a letter from
Cedar Creek in response to a recent
communication from H'old. H'er.gland
which must lay over until next week
owing to press of political matter and
scarcity of printers.
A reward vi' five thoi.ft.-rid Jollars
has been offer:-:! f r the discovery of
the writer of tne V'.ney letter. r,nd it
is said one Kenwrd Philp, a writer for
the New York Truth, iu which the
letter first appeared, is the party.
This is our last issue before election
we aa intended to issue n rousing
Nine Column paper, as we expect to
do hereafter but, owing to a mistake
in ordering paper we could not get it
out, sa have to be content with tho
old size and a supplement. ' However
it is full of good news and brings
cheer ta every Republican in the land.
We hope that all our candidates will
have a full vote but we also hope and
urge that Mr. McKinnen has the full
positive vote of the Republicans of
Cass County, for being the Float can
didate from Cass this year, should he
lo beaten in Sauadsrs by the opposi
tion, they would g?t the "Float" now
and also, by custom, next time. Please
remember this and do net let Mr.
McKinnon bs beaten her$, for Saun
ders is rather uncertain sometimes.
From South Bend.
Oct. 2fl, ',80
Ed. Herald: The Democrats had
their grand blow ont last night. I
waited to hear it, but ns the train w.-.s
late concluded there was to be no
speaking and went home. Livingston
come, however; there were twenty
Democrats, and about the same num
ber of Republicans out. The Hector
went fer the Ilepubticans heavy, but
the boys say his whole tiraa was taken
ap in explaining his reasons for leav
ing the Republican party.
Grand Prairie Items.
Ed. Herald: Wo are having a
few days ot nice weather since the
snow, i arners are getting rtauy to
commence on their corn harvest, some
few have commenced. Carn is a good
crop but not as good as last year.
Most of the small grain in tins com
munity is threshed, wheat yielded all
the way from ten to twenty bushels
per acre. Oats from thirty to forty
bushels par acre.
Jesse Merrill is sick with a sore
throat, he has been low enough to re
quire the professional services of Dr.
Gibbon. Win. Ceen's children are
very sick with the whooping-cough.
Edward Newton died Tuesday Oct. 19,
and was buried on Thursday. Geo.
French has sold his farm to Matt
Lanham who will probably take peses
sion this fall. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jen
kin, from near Harvard, have been vis
iting in this neighborhood for two
w.eks and returned home last Mon
day. There was a political meeting
at the Grand Prairie school house last
Monday night. But as it was only
advertised through the Herald and
we are sorry to say many do not tase
it there was nt so many present as
there would, had it been better known.
Dr. Root and Mr. Thornton were the
speakers. Mr. Thornton handled the
democratic party without gloves, and
showed that the democratic party is
ei.e of unfulfilled promises and broken
pledges. Occasional.
Plattsmouth (Jaeries.
Ely. Herald:
As an auctioneer va3 selling an old
Virginia ritle on our slreot, a promi
nent democrat remarked, "buy it and
send it to Longstrfet." We would
sugcest snd;ng it to some such man
as Hampton or Hair-burg But
ler, if they did not u?e it they have
charge of a crowd that does and will.
But the former has behaved himself
so well that hs has benn read out of
the Democratic party since the war.
Come now, Frank, did these. Republi
cans drink all the whisky, when you
went duck hunting; they are ungrate
ful wretebes if they did, especially if
you brought it. You should hereaf
ter take two bottles, or get hold of the
bottle first, or else keep out of such
company. But don't you feel a little
mean for giving them away in your
political speech, the boys don't like it
and feel pretty sore, and say we can't
yote for him after that ; hope you have
not told their names out of town, .bad
enough as it is, and we think those
Repablwans need Reconstruction.
Which way doc3 the wind blow.
From what we can loarn the 6950.00
raised for campaign purposes has not
b;en divided right, and wo den't blame
the Courant far going back on them,
and we think the paper has done all it
could do to carry on a party that spends
more money to keep on the right side
of men who sell whisky, than they
give the printer ; but we must ecor.e
naise, is thir motto; economy will win
in such caes.
The Ceurant says Hartigan used to
be a Republican ; ho hasn't been hero
long; he says hi3 father and brothers
are all for Hancock, wonder if they
nsed to be Republicans, all changed
over in one fall. From what we have
seeu and heard he can soon change
back. It is all because ho and Han
cock both came from the eld Buck
Tail State. How docs tomb stones
sell out west ? Ask some of tho boys
that were at his maeting out there.
Guess he has one spoken for, as tho
party will soon be in need of a Epi
taph. Grip.
A Load of Oat Straw
in good condition wanted at the Her
ald Office. "
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on long time.
Apply to J. W. Jennings,
ltf Plattsmouth.
More Goods at Drey-s.
We beg to inform our friends that
our Fall stock of dry goods and no
tions si now about complete, and so
licit an inspection f the same.
Our stock consists in part of a fine
line of gentlemen's, ladies', and misses
knit goods, underwear, nubias, hosiery,
comforts, etc. Ladies' miases', and
children's knit hoods, shawls, bed corn
forts, and blankets.
Jeans, flannels, linaeys, balruorals,
and felt shirts, yarns iu all colors,
cotton battings, cashmeres, alpaca,
and American dress goods in great va
rieties. Gents and ladies' fleece lined
kid gloves, ladies and misses' hosiery,
supporters, buttons, laces, ties, ribbons,
belts and every thing els in the no
tion line.
Our stock of ladies, misses and chil
dren's shoes, men's and boys' winter
boots, arctics and snow excluders,
mon's and boys hats and winter cap3.
&c, is full, all of which we off at the
lowest prices for first class goo'. Wo
have also received a nica line of glass
and bronze lamps, glass sets and deco
rated ware, &c, &c. Give us a call.
29U .E. G. Dovey & Sox.
Save Your Money.
A large .stock of Boots and Shoes
just arrived at Merges, which will be
sold cheap. 22tf
Pepperberg's cigars are tho most
reliable for purity and fineness in qlal
ity, and are far superior to any other
make. Ask your dealers for them.25tf
Make from m-5 to per week selling goods for
IC. U. RlDhOl.'T & ID., 10 Barclay Street, New
York. Semi for catalogue anil terms. i!y
Buy only the self-threading (at top
and shuttle) New American Sewing
Machine, which far simplicity in' con
struction, light running, and for dura
bility cannot be excelled. For sale by
Rasgorshck Bros., Merchant Tailors,
Plattsmouth, Neb. 23m3
See the
Beats anvthing von ever saw f jr .?".
Fancy Goods ! Fancy Goods !
Novelties in fancy combs and pins
far the hair:
Pearl, silver and gilt pins for fasten
ing white ties ;
Jetted girdles with spike ends, the
latest, novelty;
Now style of neck handkerchiefs;
Jet necklaces; Polka dot ties; fancy
jet ornaments; bracelets and fans.
Cream colored net for neck handker
chief and ties ;
Invisible frizz nets:
Feather braid and books of designs
for making it.
Net for darning linen fluss ami book
of designs for darning canvass, worst
ed and patterns
at Mrs Johnson and Sweeney's.
Call and see them, and also their
stock of millinery advertised else
where. 30t3
A Word to Mothers.
Mothers should remembwr that a
most impoitant duty at this season 13
to look after the health of their fam
ilies and cleanse the malaria and im
purities from their systems. There is
nothing that will tone up tho stomach
and liver, regulate the bowels and pur
ify the blood so perfectly as Parkei'a
Ginger Tonic, advertised in our col
umns. The wonderful cures of long
standing cases of rheumatism, neural
gia and malarial disorders is the rea
son why this pure and excellent family
medicine is so generally esteemed.
Post. 30t4
Teachers, Attention.
The County -Teachers' Association
will hold its second legular meeting at
Eight Mile Grove on Satuulay, Nov.
13th at 10 a. 111. and 2 p. iu. The fol
lowing essays will be read: Past,
Present and Future of the Public
Schools, by Prof. Love; Composition
Writing, by O. F. Norton; Grade for
Country Schools, M. Searle; Responsi
bility of tlie Teacher, J. II. Berge.
Essays by several others may be ex
pected. A full attendance is desired
and a profitable time will result.
30U O. F. Mortox, Pres.
.Notice to Teachers.
Examinu? ion of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following limes and" plans:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Ft,lay and Sat
urday in January, February, May. Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March.. Tune and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
No one ?cill be examined except at
tltP regular examinations ; and no cer
tificates from other Counties irill be
E. II. Woo ley,
42tf Superintendent.
Come and see us. We are deter
mined to sell lower than any other
Ilou.-e. Great Red Store. . 31tf
New Millinery ! ! !
New beaver hats in all styles, Che
nille cord and tassels and jet feather
trimming. Cashmere ribbons, new
varieties of flowers, jetted feather
bands, and plumes;
Plushes, velvets, satins, gilt braids
and plush bands.
Wool felt, camels hair, and felt hats
and bonnets in ?11 shapes and stvles.
Velvet caps, trimmed and 'untrimmed ;
Turkish caps;
At Mrs. Johnson and Sweeney's.
Call and examine them. 3013
Bet I or Times.
The Democrat' New Orleans, La., p.nys : ''Stif
fci in itinoii? Mich as have been troubled with
(ibcaHCS of the kidneys and liver, has been per
cept ibly better since the Introduction anion?
of Warner's Sale Kidney mil Liver cure, lot
How to Make Soap for a Cent a Pound.
Shave into small pieces five bars of Dobbins'
Electric Soap, and boil in three quart of water
until tiic soap is thoroughly dissolved, so that
upon eiraiuiii through a sieve nothing re
main ; add to the solution or "suds" three
gallons of cold water ; etir briskly for several
minutes to mix. and set it away to cool. Al
though it wili look like nothing but soapsuds
while warm, a chemical reaction will take place
and 111 twenty-four hours' time will develop
forty or lilty pounds of mairiiiliccnt and while
soft soap, cos 1 injj less than one cent a pound,
and as good as many 01 the adulterated com
pounds cnl'eil soap. and sold at 7 to 10 cents a
pound. How Ijhk would it take for any other
soap used the same to become anything but
s'oap-f udsv". Any housewife knows that it
cannot be dune with any soap she lias ever us
ed. See if it can be doue w itli Dubbins' Elec
tric. I'oi sale by all grocers.
Ki:i.i I'.itos., Sole Apenls,
4-eowly Weeping Water, Neb.
IFe Challenge the World.
When vre say wo believe, we have
evidence to prove that Shiloh's Con
sumption Cure is decidedly tho best
Lung Medicine made, inasmuch as
it will cure a common or Chronic
Cough in one half the time and re
lieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping
Cough, Croup, and show more cases of
Consumption cured than all others.
It will cure where they fail, it is pleas
ant to take, harmless to the youngest
child, and we guarantee what we say.
Price 10 cents, 50 cents, and 81.00 If
your Lungs are sore, Chest or Back
lame, use Shilah's Porous Piaster. Sold
by Smith & Black.
Do yon Believe it.
That in this town there are scores
of persons passing our store every day
whose lives are made miserable by In
digestion. Dyspepsia, Sour and distress
ed Stomach, Liver Complaint Consti
pation, when for 75 cts. we will sell
them Shiloh's Vitalizer,' guaranteed to
cure them. SoM bv Smith Black.
We have a speedy and positive Cure
for Catarrh, Diphtheria. Canker mouth,
and Head Ache, in SHILOH'S CA
TARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector
free with each bottle. Use it if you
desire health, and sweet breath. Price
23 cts. Sold by Smith & Black.-ieowtf
Wednesday, Oct. 27, lSsti.
.. '
. 60
3 50
...lT'i'S S!0
v beat, No.2.. .
Com, ear..
" shelled....
Barley, No. 2
1 v:
Native Cattle...
1 ' s
Ns'.v YoiiK, Oct. 27, lm
Money-"fl.OC-'i.Vl '
v. hvat .
K o
. :-r ,
1 ltl
ClUO.vr-.o, Oct. -7. !..
W neat ..
s 1 50 w
1 m t
0:us CSS.
Re 83
Rarity M !
1.1 VK STOCK. - '
Hojr. shipping ? I "'"'-? .
Cattle. " 3 !o (,-4 30 I
Si:ce: 3 4 CO I
Fresh lame.
Eresh Lime by the peck, -bushel, or
wagon load can be had at the Kiln,
near west end of the bridge. Lime al
ways on hand and of superior quality.
Inquire of Mickelwwit S: Sharp,
7 tf- on premises.
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Sclilogel & Niemann's,
opposite P. 0. Tt f
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the subscriber at his farm iu
Liberty precinct, on the telegraph road, a year
ling horse colt, dark iron Kruy. a white stripe
uyTler his belly, right hind loot half white, star
iu forehead, can be found by inquiring of Cieo.
Oiavn. The oiMier can have the same Im
proving property and paying charges as requir
ed bv law.
311". II. P. WILI.HKAJ.T.
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the sum i cr. ;:t his residence
ii, .'oueorJ precinct, fcieni -'Mil. ls,-, live caU e.s.
fe'..r !eurs and one lieUer. Ihe owner can the tame by proviso proptvty and pa) ing
chi.iKcs as required by la.'.
Mo Jon- II. YoLNft.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing under the lirtu name ot E.
A. Ryder and I-. A. HacKi.ey, is iieucby dissolv
ed by mutual i:oucut, ail debts due an. I owii.i;
said partnership are to be collected by E. A.
Kvder, and ail indebtediK-s due and owi.ij; by
sa"id linn will be settled by E. A. Ryder.
E. A. itnir.i;.
L. A. llAi KEY.
Done at Grccuv.ood, Sept. 23, lsso.
Legal Notice.
In the District Court of the Second Judicial
i'lftrici, wiiiiin and lor Cass county, "cl.
Iu the mailer of the etate 1
oi Minnie Adams, int. on. "-Order of Court,
.lacoi li. Yahery, glial tli.u 1
And now comes the said Jacob R. Yallery, by
. ise, his aiioino , and liles ins pi tnici
lit tut cause, wiui the s ii.ciii,,., , J miai: i uu
idairict C-iiirl ot 'be Sw-mI .)uuieii itrici,
i :i uii'.l loi riff, i :iu: v. V-!rsivi, praying loi!iii'rllnU',i:.i.' j tlie loiunnuy ita
rn.eil real i - pc. lu- t:
t!l.lU l.ll-i'.MOl !!
t:on t etily-e..,ai. v.
ter f ,;e n..i liiv. ; , ; i .
Cllil l-'S), ill' I'l t!. .VC!l:
1 iC .l' l 1 ' li :'D I !
f..iihi;, .N i !! .-. - . ., r : io'
be ioi" uie besi i: i r i.-.-l .i
: A n untiii !:eil one
least quarter ol see
the southeast quar
r ot section twmiy
: twelve 02) noun
! be Mil p. III., ill Cas;
reason t hkI it would
!iis minor ward, the
s" ; i l tnrue jit,i';'s the juiiM: ' t i!;- ' irt beinu fully advis
ed iu liio premises, it, is nereby ordered that
J .ub R, VaSk-'y, Ileniy iV Vallcry, Christine
j.u ier. Annie tiunt, Peter P. Vaiiery. Tuco
!o..i Val'.i y, oni ;nt V.-iiiery. niiil Minnie Ad-a:,is-.
and all other persons Interested, in said
e.- ia'.e, ilo nclore me at my chamber.- in
the City oi i'iaiunioulu. Nebraska, at the ol-Ib-
of the Clerk (I the liistrifi Court, on the
10. h day of November, A. I). b-sO. at 4 o'clock
p. in., of said day, to show cause why a license
should not le granted, to the guardian apply
ing thertlor, iu sell said v" estate.
Ml 1 .s. i,
vA&? t A MEiiii.
Is Leaded to
With tUeii- immense stock of
immtln IT all iLrice
i .
MJrnii"J"aT I'ower.
Tha Foiest and Stream ha It : "To prrief vo
health use Warner's Safe Remedies. Tiune
are inmost of miraculous power In returning
disease for which recommended. The woa
derlul curative qualities tiiey are possessed ol
of is vouched for by tens of ihoui-auils. aula.
Tlilrt y of th brftt oran makers of the
World are competitor at tho Purls Exposition,
a cable dispatch to the Associated Picks says
two highest gold medals have tweu awarded 10
tho American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
V0 will pay Agfitu r-itmrjr ol prr luoiuh
tod tipeniei, or 1 iaw a Iftrge) cumniUatr.u, to aLl ur
BiniJ woa'Jr!l lit nuaan. K ir4d( m iv
fcovmpU Addr mciMMii 1 Cx Miah,
Is conducted by an expert accountant and
successful leacher. Instruction thorough and
pra. i leal. Tuition lower ILau lUcwheic. Eull
particuiars to any address.
.Mtf Til os. J. PRYANT. Pies.
3 I
it I.
EJiS r-i r- 1 C -
p a r
Can be found at the old
Howlancl Blacksmith Shop,
Coiner of Vine :;tid Sixth ttrcetc,
Flat tiomou (Ii, - rVclinsR:i,
lic will do all kinds of
j our, i?; a.
ssousi: siioi'i.w;, x
iu bis line. The following are hi' prices :
Horse Shoring, new shoes -10 -ts
Resitting Shoes 0 "
Plows HJiarpcned .25 "
iSliOCt Is 2'Otnted, per set 2 .03
JVaririntt d as guo l as n'ic.
He cuarauteos to do all work iu a workinai '.!.
A certain enra fbr HorvO'J'i
Debility, Seminal Wn?:.
nets, i mfioianoi, etc.
O he Recipetned iu ur pri-tiee for oj Vr.--i
cr.d nn illustrated hook of 60 pe plv!rft full m-r.-etions
fornelf-trautniest, sent froo. Addr-v a
I'll. T. WILLIAMS. 435 H. lst?r St., iiiltra.ii, IV.
-All holders of B. & M. It. It. Contracti
for Land purchased of that Company dur
ing tho year 1879 ntnl prior to that dato
are liable for the 1879 tax.
Tliev became duo January 1st, 1880,
were delinquent after .May 1st, 18S0, nnd
if not paid by the first day of .November,
18S0, the land will be sold for taxes.
The Company's Agent, for the purposn
of paj-ins Delinquent Taxes on its sold
lands, will visit the County SeaU tho last
of October, and all purchasers of K. It.
lands should pay their Taxes by October
15th, if not before, in order to save addi
tional expense.
Land B. & 11. K. P.. la Ncl.
Jiii.-' -SiA L-xitJV i.'. -
f - i 14 f.4 N n
JUI n U i n r I
. 1
it t
ir - c J. s- -e -
M H 2.1. p' -jriLJ i
J. A.
; '
; )-.
1 ..
: 'i
If i