4 THE HERALD HOLD II ENGLAND ! Liverpool and Other Points. Stalham, Norfolk, Eng., Sept. 23th, 1880. Editoh Herald: On arrival in Liverpool the traveller is presented with innumerable pieces of pasteboard by innumerable smartly dressed men. These pieces of pasteboard describe, in glowing term9, the many advantajr- es of the respective hotels which they represent. Your correspondent asked utmim, u- a policeman to direct him to the most vlsor dist- 15 for 500 fe8t of larfl respectable hotel in that part of the ber, such as be may select, on II. A. city, and was referred to the "Amen- can Arms. Thinking I should find the botel conducted in the American style 1 wended my way thereto, enter ed its wide portal, was met thereat by odors of "Barclay's Beei." villainous tobacco smoke and the landlord in re ality. "iiin Host" of the "American Arms" is certainly not a believer in Tanuerism, to judge from Itis two hun- dred and fifty pounds of humanity, and the happy smile that illumined his broad countenance. I asked the indi- vidual if I could have a bed room to myself for the night, and being answer ed in the aflirmrative, I requested to be shown into a rotvn where I could do some writing before, retiring, and was taken to a roem which was occu pied by some nine or ten men, who were drinking beer, stout, brandy, so da water unci gin, and making a great deal more noise than 1 thought con sistent in a "respectable" hotel. It is perhaps unnecessary for me to add that 1 did not sleep at the "American Arms" that night, nor any other place in fact, for 1 eoncluded to take the very tirsfc train that kit Liverpool, jo ins in the dirrctJon I wanted to which 1 foui.J un i?::::;iy wou'l ri? leave until four i.uiiut?-- ui'icr two Tn. Ih the iiH-;tt:!jVi I U-rr.i :ni nd to sre as much of Liveiptioi lift: as the time between ten o clock p. ic. ,uui uvu o cluck a. in. would admit of. The street, which are exceedingly narrow, are brilliantly illuminated with gas, and the sidewalks are tall of people of all ges, sexes and nationalities, lei surely sauntering along, apparently go- j ing nowhere and in n hurry to get there. Here could be seen the gaudy uniform of the British aoldier, and the Pea Jacktt and loose trewsers of the British mariner, the half naked, little street wanderer, offering matches and other "unconsidered triiles" for sale, and the "swell" dressed "to kill." I do not think every other house here is an hotel (saloon) but nearly so, and I. will say right here that 1 saw more drunk en men and women, especially women. in the few hours I was here than I saw in America during a residence there of eight years and a half. Vice immnrulitv run ramnant here, and long before the time for my departure arrived I had come to this conclusion: that England was making a gross mis- r ' 77 could spare a few of the right sort for Liverpool their efforts to christianize and civilize it could not but be attend- ed with goed results. The tim having arrived for me to purchase my ticket, I do so, and enter a well 1 hardly know what to call it, but they call it a carriage here. I he comDartment I entered would accom modate eicht persons comfortably sit tincr, as our Greenwood barber would say, a la tete-a-tete. The carriage was verv nicely cushioned and padded, but rather dimly lighted, and shriek goes the whistle and off we go; I say we; I suppose there were others on the train, but I could not swear to it, as I could se no one, I w the sole occupant of the compartment. I was constantly annoyed at the fre- quent changes and "layovers" between Livernool and Norwich, but it being Sunday I suppose was the cause of the freauent "lavovers 1 nail to wait at Kuebv about three hours. "Tr-m Brow ;. at liugbv" has been read by a go d manv of the American people, and those who have read and remember, know within a little what kind of a place Rugby is. Again we made a long 6top at Cambridge the city of Colleges, finally arr-ving at Norwich about 10 o'clok p. m., tired, dirty, hun gry and sleepy. The English people have become so extremely pious( .-) that it is almost an impossibility for a traveler by rail to obtain anything to eat on .Sunday, for it was almost elev en o'clock a. rn. before I could obtain broakfast. and nlv then ly dint- of cjre'.t importunity; from that t :;:.! ui: til I arrived in Norwk-h 1 hau U ta.-it not ly choice, by any means, but compulsion. Being eil Known in Norwich I succeeded in abtainiug everything 1 wished and was well con tented to stay here until the stage would leave of the following day for my former home at Stalhaeo; ar rived there the following evening and found my father, mother and all well. My next letter will contain a brier dis- cription of the old city of Norwich, rich with aucient edifices, and historic reminiscences, witn otuer items or lnterest that I think may be interest ing to your readers. Edwin Jeaht. Couaty t'ommissioncrs' rrocewiins. KEQCLAR SESSION'. THltnn of CI W TTnrm.an ft ftl for ., , .. , the location of a county load, com- mencing at the northeast corner or section 14, 10, 12, running south four miles, terminating at county line. Pe- . tition rejected. Order allowed G. XV. Young, super- Yisor read dist. No. 35, for 1,000 feet f lumber, such as he selected, on H. A. attrroan & ben. Order allowed J. Lynn, supervisor diet. No. 59, on II. A. Waterman & Son, for 500 feet of lumber, such as he may select, for use of dist. Ordered that Mrs. Burtnett be al lowed to take two or three of her chil dren to the poor house, to become county charges. The order heretofore made in favor oj Mrs. Thomas Owens, allowing her the sum of five dollars per woek, on VT. II. Baker & Co., is revoked from and after this date. Ordered that Mrs. Thomas Ovva.i and family are psrniitted to go to the poor house and become county charg es. Petition of Chailes Bielefeld fc, and also his band wrw ag;iiu taken up and pnition granted, approval and lie is a ; hoi izd to sell si;i'Uumis or malt liquors for llit period of,::;,'iit months. Ordtr allowed Walter J. White, on bridge furi, for one.thousand dollars, to bo drrtwn in. sums of 6230.00 o:ich, au iTU't pay w Ivi -,'" co:iti;tct. Aujust Cru4;' v,"; ' J' i Nenrhaw, super- ; Ti.i' if. .id disi. No. 43. fwr lumber -uf- : th-it-iit-io l.'iuid two luidses. one 2 ) aad one 1 "2, a"l .iijLi.'rvji' '.. s.-' i i..'.i . iuuii-er ha m.'.y ue-.-'i i'r oarue. i Order allowed fohi Albeit, super- ' visor road dist.Jo. 3, for 163 feet of lumber, on H. A. Waterman & Sou, such as ho may select, also order on J. S. Duke for 10 lbs of spikes, for use of district. The following claims were the:: al lowed on general fund: IL A. Waterman &, Son, lumber for jail and court house 15 31 Order allowed J. J. Roberts, super visor uist. Xo. 5, fur 800 feet of luia- ber on D. Dean & Co., also for oO lbs of spikes on Hey Bros., South Bend, rnv f . ,. " . - .t Waterman & Son. Board adjourned to meet Oct. 6th, at 8 o'clock. Oct. 6th, 1SS0. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Full board present. After which Iht following was done, ta-wit: Application of John Magney for ex- tension of time on payment of school land, satisfactory proof being given of , , . . . lawful improvements being made, pe tition was granted. Order allowed Ii. Schuka, road su pervisor dist. No. 7, for two bills f lumber on Quackinbush Bros., Green wood, and one keg of spikes on Ilohan Bros., same place, for use of dist. Petition of Albert Benars ct al for location of county road in South Bend precinct, laid over until next regular meeting in X vein ber, IStsO. The fvilowing claims were then al Iwwc-d on Lfiif;i;il innd. for tho rrfusul ' -i taxes crro::?vU5;v paid on schuoi v;J., ico5 1-10. John Lwiines for the year 1873. . J3 6 iio. P. Weidman, for the years 3 '74 '75 and '76 . 48 70 41) U Geo. Levings, for tliw years 'To 'li, '75 and '70 Phillip Horn, for the years '73. '74, '73 and '7C 3G 12 Al. Meisinger, for the years 74, '75 and '70 48 06 A. P. West on, for yeais '73 and '74 37 04 Order allowed Mrs. C. Kennedy on XV. II. Bakar & Co., for three dollars per week for the periwd of two weeks. On motion of Mr. Wiles, Wm. Gil- man was appointed supervisor of road dist. No. 16. Order allowed Lewis Eikoff for 61.39 en road dist. No. 10, from dist. f mnds. - . I . 7 !.., 41. A . 4 , "iu"lu ,'"c i.ts.uiei be. and ia hereby instructed, to assign to XV. J. White tax sale certificate of Cass county on lot 6 in block 4. ef White', addition to P.at.smouth, and als0 allowed to pay back tax on same at ou per cent on tn dollar. Board then adjourned to meet Sat urday. Oct. 9, 1830, at 8 o'clock a. m. Attest: Jas. Crawford, Jas. Crawford, ) r, S. Kic haiidsox, r. Isaac Wiles, ) c Co. J. D. Tutt, Com is Co. Clerk. Ah Old Glasgow Theatre. The first Glasgow theatre, eroded in 1752. was nothing more than a wood- en booth ulacotl nsrunst the old wall of the bishop's pahco, adjoining tho cathedral. Whitclicld, who was one of the greatest enemies the st;ige has ever known, is said to have spurred on some of his followers to destroy the "Devil's house." They stacked it with stones, and, but for the !-uild- ing against which it stood, wmkl speedily have wrecked it: as it va?, thov were dispersed oolore any mis chief was done. Bub a day or two afterward, llie preacher told the con gregation that on tne proceeding night he.ii id Tuvamed he was in hod, and Lucifer was making merry over tho opening ot tne House. Ills nearcr3 rushed out of the incetuitr-hou-e ot the thcatrc,and, this time lighting Sa tan wiili his own clement, set it on fire. Only the etago, however, wa3 burned, and by the assistance ot some planks, the proprietors contrived to temporarily re, air t!c dam ijje, and open the house according to announce ment. A f.-w ye irs !-.', ; nl eortiin more ei'.ii-.'i!ic!il phonic he--' :i to coni ser '.; t . ir:v.5or;aur activas Glasgow sb'jihl ;;!!"". t better aeconinio.lai.iou t'-v the drama. 6;ich, hovcverf was not Hie opinion of the governing pow ers, lor no person within the jurisdic tion ot tne corporation was bold enough to let a piece of ground for tiiu purpose. At length a plot was found at too west end of t:ie town, the proprietor of which was induced to sell it for five shillings tho square yard an enormous price 111 those days. This was in 17G2. About eighteen ycais afterward, the theatre thus erected, was again destroyed by incen- diaries, upon which Jack&ou, the inau- ager of the Edinburgh house, after much dimculty, and attcr being threatened with law suits, succeeded in securing a site for a new theatre in Dunlop street, the first stone of which w as laid in the year 181. m 1 imsSsOOaSW - M Guns of the Brazilian Indians. Whilst visiting Brazil, I saw for tho fim lim3 thc blT ' f the Jua;ail3 of the country, called by the Spaniards ca-uatuna, by tho Portuguese yuat a- tuna, &ud by tho Iii,iian? pecuua. It is made of an-long, straight piece ot wood of which bow, clubs and spears are usually made. The poll or stall' is about eight icct lu length and two iiJC'l;8 i". diameter near the month, and tapering down to halt an inch at tlie extremity ; it is divided longitu- dinally ;a canal is hollowed oit along the centre ol eich part, which is welt smoothed and polished by rubbing wiu hue siiiid and wood, lhe tyo parts are then brought together, nice ly molded with a resin of the forest to make it hard. A couple of boar's teeth arc lilted to each side of the mouth end. and one of the curved lee ill of a small animal resembling a cross between a squirrel and a hare is oiaced on tho top tor a siirnt. 'lhe arrow is made of any kind of light wood, mostly of the wild caito, or tho nil tine n ore oi a sj ecies oi paiui le;u, winch is about a lci m ieugtii, una tlie thickness of a m nci. The end of ttie arrow, which i. ;;:cl neit the I mouth, is wrapped ". u!i u very liiil kin i ot cottyn, vfui. -i ii'j'.vj iuu poa ispvu quite a large :iw, :id is called by tle i.atius kuiinrui uad the other c.id, very sharply t.oi:ite.i, is dipped, i.i a vegetable po.iro.i preiared itoiii lh: ju.ie uf a be.ititi cr eper called Oijuco de lauji'uuuscu, nnxcu vvita aji, oi' ;i ti'uii red iiCj. e., oi' whatever fel.:.'e(.:ill-e liiU lliUi.liij kUo.V lol0 ( C- letei'ious. The lnurkairrtii, v. iu'u ur-in his jcc Uitu, iii.iuad of r.ire'.-.'hii;g tii ;ei't hand aiuiiij tiie b ly o:' liic tuoe, plucks ; t. hi- in in y-i'.t-pin it, Wtiil bol .1 ti Hi-'. t c ; I; ;. .. i ,u ihe IUuu tii-picv'.', i.i - a l-.-iiii' it IX'(p.ii'e.- ';. I -' "I '- Jl'i.i i lo lioiu it out u li' (etl liif I'C lo iK.) i it ste-d-ilV. il tt ('.'!'.-. ii::-t l::;U'k- forty liiiciis j Cry for Fitter's Castorla. Tiey lllz it because it ia iwMt ; Mothers like Oaatoria because it givae health to f o child; and Physicians, hcamM it contains jio morphine or mineral. 7s nature's remedy for assimilating tho food. It cores Wind Colic, the raising of Soar Curd and .Diarrhoea, allays Feveriahness and Kills Worms. Thus the Child has health and the Mother obtains rost. I'loas" ant. Cheap, and Reliable. ES3S Tho most effective Pain-relieving asU for MAN and BEAST the world has ever known. Over 1,000,000 Kottlca sold last year I Tho reasons for this unprecedented pops larity, are eri.lcnt; the Centaur Lici" monts arc undo to deserve eonfidenoe they aro alsiorooil into tbe structure; they iiIwBys ccra anl never disappoint. No pci.cm need longer tutTer with PAIII in the BACK, Rhonmatizsi or SUIT Joints, fur the tho p&In. Ttro is jl &Ta&-.i, r.prala, Cnt, Scald, 33 rn, Enls. SJtin, Gall or iairiness "l -rrhich KanUrad I?UKt"a JiST.tss ara snljeet, that does Alio Cciici-r TS f CPS fh ' 5 3 .-a r s a c a a B U A U not or.'.y tsIIsto j-a?, Int tlicy ineit Le.tlth7 ne'.i'-.n, e-.1ixl.ia ii'.r.rinEic.tic2, nnA oit. whether t'uo rj tiiptoms procood from vc:i-ia.3 of t!io f"s'fcv'r X intra??!. cf the Korvc-J ? from e -uiractcl Cordn or Ecal&cd hacil : from a trained tnl-ilo or a zrashed foot : wUeLicr from disu:liaa cn a LADY'3 TAGS or a stra.i3i?ilirint on a Ileroo'a Ic:. The njfay proujocj ly a Earn or fcula; jsnTtiFicatim from rrost-bUcs; tIJ in 11 oO cia. nnl C1.0O a botl'.e. Tri-1 lottl-.t 25 cte. M0KIMS 0'KOUUKE. oacc ti.ore com?: forward v it'u an entire new ' FALL t?' -W'lTr-X'IEIEe Stock of the finest Viece (JooJs ever brought into riattsuiouth ! ! EVERY (JAKMEXT CUT IS WARRANTED to FIT Hundreds go tliere and tliey are ALWAYS SUITED. blioo opposite tlie Coia t House. (live him a call and examine lor yourselves. -Wit NEW BRICK YARD. I am going to MAKE BRICK, this spring and want to MAKE THEM CHEAP, that people can hnild BRICK HOUSES IX STEAD OF FRAME. 1 shall contract ati.l Build BRICK Houses, the coming year and would like tho-o Intending to Build to -give ni: : c:'.'l lit fiiio lookisji elsewhere Ji:iMtY IIAIiTMAX. At ;ny plnee on Washington iveiiiit! ,r at 1". . 'White's i-'t'iru or. Jliiiii Sirett, I'hti 1 3'iioiit I, Xrlin.'-ka. 4"iir.:; MIKE SCHNBLLBACHER, F a. JP - a, &. f Jl if HOUSE :()I'1NV3I, A N I w a ( : o x i : e r A 1 1: 1 . c All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly & Promjrfp. : 0 ITni'fin Hflaiii AV rW- Clmomoi -a-a-vra nxuiv u VArjuutltlgt In short, we'll shoe anything that bar four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. jstsj-w shop Fi'.t'; between Main ard Vine StiftH. nst atio.v' o corner from tho nkw llEKAl. i OKHCK Ifiy' O. F Drugs JOHNSON, deai.ei: in Medicines? AND- favVYS'S'lf 3Sai?S505 lyv&'ffS 4U All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IN iw i54 Lr .t, ti-y tationery, rviagazines, Latest Publications. Prescription Carefully CompaaUaale by an lixperieneed frassit. HKMI'MEER THE TLaCE DOORS SOUTH OF MAIN FLATTSMOUTn. NEB. dsElsE IHK IS Iff .1 10 iiirra; CripploJ. fr life, ly ooje r.j :;-; V.V -v "V fi 33octsr SHI car u!l Lo saved f-oa pj vvV 'Ar,::i---i f No Tlossckccper, Farmer, ri.mtcr.To.tTiifter, isV'y'-V-'--'X-ivi thce TT&ndrr:il tinisioata. They e.-ii SQ:P"''''. -':';,-i:ivy3Vjf4 7 James Pettee UEaLEU IX Musical Instrumenls, Sole Appointing Agent for Tho i'nri vmIIimI 3a.un & Hamlin CABINET ORGANS. Also Staff AiriMit fr the Henry V Mil'or and W. (.'. Kmorsiiii Co. I'iiinos. S A M l'LE I NaT R UMEXTS :tt oflit-e. hixtli. one door south of Main &t. rLATTSMOUTH, NEI1. 33ii.ic Siolui ! Will do well to examine our xev 'Mason & Iltnniin OI-.&AisC I2TSTEUCTOE zs.g ISasSj TAUD Till? .4 NO CHANGING CABS ) FROM ( OMAHA, CO'JNCiL ELUFFS. NEBRASKA CITY or FLATTSMCUTH lo CHICAGO, Where direct connections are m:vtle; witli Through Sleeping Car Lines TO SRW YOIJK. IIOSTOX, rHILADKLrillA BALTIMOKE, WASH I XC.TOX, AND ALL EASTERN CITIES. T7l.C S7OTt Ltrta Via PEORIA for IXD1AXAP0LIS. LOUISVILLE. CIXCIX XATI, and all jioiiiWin the SOUTHEAST. tjii: lir.jvr i.ixr. for ST. LOUIS, WlitM-i Jiirft 'or.nretio!is are iiiiido in tl: I'XION l)i:i'Oi" with ThroiiLii Mtfiiimr :ir l.incs ior on iioiii:s.k& i n. The Short est. Siir.lict unit nif'sl Comfoi t;ibi Ft. SCOTT, IEXISOX. DALLAS. HOUSTOy A L'STIX, SAy A XTOXHt, CA L VLSTOX, sn nil points in rnlim..n ln-Wlnel Pnhict. .Mori.iner Cms. It. it J. Talacf li:oiii-j;!Oin Cms With Uorton's rirciiiiinj; (. hairs. Sfti Extra Charge Ir .r;it.t in r;ci-inilni; riiair. Tho tiinirtii.s C, B. & V- J'iiiaco liiaiHijjCar!. Tast Tiire. SteH Kul! Truck and Stmeriwr j'.iuipmeHS couioiaej wmi tneir iirtnl l Urowjh ur Arraiijnntiit. inakt s ihi", ;,:o ail ctlieis the Xavonio Koute to the TKY IT. fiKdijon will fiudT7AVEI.lXj a l.ux- urrusiruu 01 a I'lsconifort. All uifoi'tKKtian about' Hates f Fara. Sl.'sn- luir car Accommoiiiiiions. :itnl l!nif r:ille. will be chcerfully5t;iveii by apjilyin to Janiem R. Wed:, Uenera'.irasser.scr A.g't, Chienyo C. W. SMITI3. Traffic Manager. iia fi SfnJ.io..J fm-.Il ?- ...1.. ... . j j, n-..J Jr4? . T. .'I.J 1UJ J? jlissases of tlie Liivt-r, Stoiil 35 rand Bowels. It is I'tLaT vSlf fVeaetable. It nevor -i'u L M 'Ja ma "s-tv 'v.',, 5rL-?rf? ,8r -J w 0V - . T am I! " .a' e.S t A3' . - m ,5 . a 1 A rv. -t . . orun pn i t t. ... a, wnw. a-wrt x. i c a. A rv J jS. I a .1. b i'Jt Ei.U,, ir2Wys jtei-ryV J V Iiaf ttlaVLTBiai. TS I COTTPaVHOaV J t DAY GUABANTETiJJ urtrtjj X&f .--itTr. Coaerx j fry Qrworrio ot IOWA, ARKAKSAS &CAXiTS --". '.i :.: : .v ' '. --" .-- .r-;-i.-rf4 vT. -'' -i - ---... - a .i,.-7,:. w.V -;,.v -i.. -xr' St4 r ae .pC SlN 2 jE'rfeR aB bj the publi tSiOKQ- LB. SHSPARD & O.BaffleCreetKIciL r.taMtfiet DRICIHAL JLh'O CMLY erMUISir r.r-.-:r?- -??t :H r?:' C w-' -iZy iHoHr-- ' r r 1 n,Ti'f.-v HlCH'LESi or r.rnii-SBe. Tinsel -.IACc-'-V- 4 i -Zt. RVStOJS t vully tvt-irlor work is mil -- . -- Tlimr in Flu. Tboothr. t'lovc-. aad an otiur Attoi!!!!!' ' 'y Di von'trrr''iUv tiMtvU, un-ur 1wh tuAn bmf tue neaal min and bolt. POfCTA3L, TRACflOM, and CTRAW-3URNINC STEAM-ENCINES, with pMia! attuw of lw-r. Dtirs'fv. .iry. KciT-frT., ani BoaiiTy entirely UDlunwa ia other make. Steexin Pwfr (luim. anil tr . m - Vovrrr trw nnitari a oppclnlly. Foar aiM of Separature, boat six to iwcir anr p-.tw.T; to slv!-" lMTVvi"rt .HouiiK-d Horse Powers. Thirty-Two Years of Pros;."rcN! ard Csminuous business by this homte, without ohsno ef name, ioc&t.D, or ii2i;ti?t.TKnt. i'.:r-itt.LK aaranUe (or superior ti,is .:ml l,;in-n':o inac&iae. to th &;i; fiance vartd tR n:nv(t r lug la bui.J ani raoa i! ii a t ai:n.-r. ur fauKinj goo 1.. at ML t tne MrtlM.l ul tt.e Menulnb from CFot foil iurtls?irn call on our wler9, to u fur IUuttrat-a Circulf. vhih we mail free. ITTnTTAT o r-rr-r-n T T . nt r .ui. r siiiiui4D, cxL.Xaiieir c. w.j oatuo ruer lif HARDWARE STORE. J. S. DUKE H:i just oieued an cutire new stock of L?rd ware. on Next door w est of Oiiainiian & Smith's Druf Store. A Full Line of SHELF HARDY ARB, SHOVELS, RAKES. SPADES ana ALL GARDEN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, by the Kt or I'ound ROPE, POWDKR, SHOT, GRIND STONES, WHEEL-BARROWS. A Kill! Line of ri'TMlHY. Special Hates tc Guilders and ton- ti actors. AM sjoix'i :iMd live. s;M';iS !o s tliev ioHiblv ean b( 4iv KENDALL'S SPAVIN Vi -x a Slant r- fnl Hi ith1 fa' 111! Ill Its 1 i',i.t.. ) iiicr, KKAI i-HOOi- V.l':l. r.Y. lev. 1' . S olraiiaer. Fl'Oii I're!riw:'.g KUcr f Use St.. i::.aii' DLstrift. St. A t.i ans, Vt.. -Jan. 2oth, 180. Dr. H. Kenilall & t'o.. ieii: : In reulv to vonr 11 J hi I will s'iv I h.:it in v t vnprii'iirp wllh Kemlairs Siiavid Cure '(' very satisfac tory imlf'd. Tlirue r foi;r ' -'s aji! I proeur el a tioit!'"" of your astent, ?":. ..'itli it cured a horse of Iiuikmics caused by a spavin. Last sea-son my hor.e became vt : j h-me, and I turn ed him out for a few weeks wl-.en he became better ; but when I put l-im ov he road he prot worse, wb.vi'. 1 discovered !! rin-bone was forming. I irocure bo't xr of Ketidall's Spavin Cure, arid with iss Ciun a bottle cured liim 8o!::'.t be is i: t lann-, either can the bunch be found. Kespec'.:r.;iy V''l'rs. T. V. GrtANflF.K. l'rice 51 fiei t't!le. or six .( : les for 55. ATI drutiRist'' !:ae il er e:.n j,et :l icr yen. or it will be sent ti ;iiv address oa Wf.'it of price by the proprieto'is, .r Kl. ,'1mLLs C3 Kii: so irj.!i : il ls. Vermont. C. F. GdOHMAN, AQ t U:r-lli' Xeb. iiltAV r?l J, 4 .SmA 5 -a' A. G. HATT JUST'OI'KXED ACAl-V. New, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on Main Street Corner of .ML. riattsmotith Evfiybody on liaurt for frosli, tender meat. 2ST1.06 U llal A.ia.-MU '. i. la:rrf?rt rT-Cj.y U-xfiW rV. aVfg ct iMtmrut k- tx-l fl) ftfi 1b Ttr7 K-var iw, v k t. frjrja rtor. Tl.r ft ''rt.-lf rirvT' Clil fc a rfru ff-rWV rrrtrVS. tt It ct ttj5 7 tSe Ma. dts-t ri-A ft ff.? t-fi nval utaut yet d-w-r-er.l of reMnt and n.-t ko W r-i.Mt t--t,inn. kncly Hal bni of (t t-a bHaA. f V t' . .. : .'ct j a-;, t."- hrM ia by aail, Mld all ! a,-rJ.-it f,.. Ar.-' I (I -.t rT.V . aim! t" tb-F rn r-- -V '. r rta1. aaJ ill. l "3 Chicrv A-r. 1!, I am t'.orcrt'lyTifH fi? ffc:! r- ?-'i$tTi, frrt. ki'.' I rr:- t.: r-. r h-fCl p, ". f j -t rr-nHir I'-it i ra?( lu i. v m i.-t ,t r i j. Mica.. J-v... 7". I?T? t j - t.s... - - p pirVj r.f pr.. f a h1 i!; a -- t ( t' t ; v : y -, ; 1 1 v.;.j ,-, .."--.r''C '-.-5 '12 1 a- ! l,':V it I: i ire, f - t wJ:'' j m err tlj nk 1 I. !n- j'-ti-.l pia1- ; f .r iiir -.--- i fiethrr ts . J f-.r . r-f 1 r t v t tv.-- a b. - it Wilts V!roy.-i. . - c T A-) ff: jr c at m;. i;p .f H.c I ?.'.. T.. pirrl jtt . " katf Hirl nnx' ; f . irfj:T,Sr. . H-7?.--I.iit J,a.-e;. frnm Ton . . .- ttti i f, fr r. .- our et;'"-. mM H Lw n nrt . t;:? .WKa-', Wwr.n 171" . t "Vw1 ec h o. 3 be mtn'-' . nnh .tt .eri- the fcl- Mil it.uu.i' -k. .-is, Blm - m t .e Ml txsalmctt, Adttct to li-t-4rM, A Aanc to Wtvts, Prtttut4fM, its ciusm, t itHcj ir,J Xirtm v rmn rd, GmjuaI Vvtivai. r2'.,.ttr f.t, f j: eUl Oiv '.ppi" mis Ur Mtvr rtf.lifoaaRwi'kiwift fiiV Lfcw f MwrNtt nd ZTxrtM, Lt" rjbW e-4 wavjt . I -".! y mh fkeculvkr ndln. ofM-t pj, with fuVt Phtt fcr'ir'.fc, : , aifl, tvice.iVO ota. TH E PRIVATE M2DWAL ADVISER" n ftypniUi, Gonorriiwc, Ottt, t,1. ,clre. vanco Ct?l, Sic. a. so priiatiirkv..i. tirzuol lteitty, and Jmpotf?", front 5''f ASl .i--; ?.ycfcara. Mkias.ng ftcatSKi fuW)ai. "S rT-i-iWrti i, AtwMt.''F il WMj PcSabV, liaO BPtU of Nfbt. lVleUT VWf . f B :i P(e- r. BMBUif war- kAjt:mprpr untarry, r f:r mm .t.aJ. -atva..f mmU r a fa t car cf!. jKiaM 4 4i ; ii -e M pfcaua. Ot aanta, ' Ksd.eal Al?i Letrc ITarhxi k V.'ccarhced. 10a. al?J:'i?6' described book, iee- taaic. '...- .. nr : mi, aad over 100 ! p. i.-i:i.1 vniu.e t toitteir the moat wvfutlw Mvti'iai Br.ik publiaHMi. Ti ::hor ia as eifri pbyaioiaa ff matV practice m ia wU kt.oi,, ad dt kUnca ai.i ..mm P-r trimtsi la 4 i wall a faniaa if KlI valua ff-i..f rreia niaf fi T !.. ajI tmit, vmv. r aars f rta u-wuUlea .iot un-'ef ti fc-4 ef FT-aV ATil CilKo " rfiwaaw. P-anacc iiicpi Uia it pajBia for WokJL D RVB U T T 3TCIS P E MS A Y , 2,,fc,"hH 4-1 c Jru 4. ana osn..'.td iis'i, at. . j.iraa retultmg ttmwm impure mzui! iat,(n., arlf-aLua rr irvual eireises. I'atrents treated kv mt al exprM. Where roihic. ir r- ouaJ cnaultatiti ia rfrrd, li.eh ia free m4 invilrd. (Jwri. iion to b anawert-d bj rv'iei.t drtn trtarmekt adrd to mj atlJrass r apt lieatiriv. tor D'mi.i r reatrt addrrta UK. Ill i tK 14 tiarth Stli fiu U Iiul, Uo. DR. BUTTS' Oiffl Xjtattishfrl 1847 at 12 IT. Sti Stosot, ST. L37I3, Itt. fflHE Pbyaicli ia charge of ttira eld mad weH know imH- thiiob are regeiar frantamioa m mpneiric ane awry rrr. jmr Xa Mriaaveo ia the treatibatt of Ckroaale Ulaeaara hav matt (tfeair akiH aa4 abalrtf aiuctl jorar ! Hiat W a erdiaiarj kmctttiooer, that they have acaHiixrd a aataeaal reuta4ata &rot;h their trearinaat of caafHcatad taMi. I i II ill I aUTl Ml I Hi utxaeca tiTatiWi as bblt4ia, GArVatu, Mr4. OtfiriMar TUefataia, aJI CViaary Tpeaabtea avtd 1m phi li tie er Xecviat4 adaceeM mi thm iaroel, akia er keaee, Creiicd w'rtk eitecoaa. oa Mtatouac avrta ilaa, wtifwxif osair Jn wciary r outer rsiaeM Meeaeiaee. &aa or rWAiMaU KeiUvatM. the reaiUa e4 aeaf-aba ta vetata. r eaeeta ia aaatated jeara, are f araainalf caed. This aae aroducoa aeote of tfee (Wiowtaf eflaitla aaiatiaai, aioCcaea, 4aaiaeaa, aarfamataa, diaaMeea f aicb. ceaafi. amdaeatioav eaipattpalina. deapeadoaey, coauataa el adeaa, afawai ie a aaer deCerMve maatorr. aevaal Haaatan, iaapoteaov ar laos of aajatiW vumr, tM ula ahe nni f-r lAvaear mjatriaxa. PAT I EriTSXC. A T ' a awiiUa, t.N of aueetauaae la ka k ataiaed Ve w af UaU- iw4 aaaWliw rai jrj 'f S M WL'tlTO WANTED f XSS.it I O kxi rwj s. liBJ fai a. WatianX rt WAITED .V.r.:- ,' la i.niui. ,ii rB PaiW.a . a. J t W l w iMk 4sj9 t.nMurinsi. rrs. i . T ' J Jl 1M r- r.Tr.ii.; -t i iiaai ia JraaUna,v i m irm.F 11 4TtV (Mte C.tT fill fcs MMMmmMm Thflims r.Tc!i;nsry and Portable and Traction Engince. THt: STANDARD rf oxcnllcnoa thrtvfnU Om ring. Per- mafia 8wk a ar-:9 I'whfit:. .... .m-r w it;libpt. "jK'VT'lVfft fciir-.--; : i-i'Ha llia f aT-j'-v vii'''';ri. ;"""J , t ?ri:i3'tt,:i-r m. - -22" RV x or write vV A ! J r c yg-.y.. ; 'Tj vnv'-t, I. bia ...... ---.,vXiir -'ji nncn. .ii1lli j "O" 3 SOLE AGENT. Tlie BEST and HOST POPl'LAR Bewlns Thread of 3Scdern Times, DEWABE IP IMTATfOm For sale' by E. !.'Jvev & Son. Solomon & Nathan. Wm Herold, W. If. J?aker Co.. L. niiusRv v nun. CEOilGE SDGE1..T0N.' i ne s, Liquors OIGAE;S. Main Street, opposite the Court House. This place is just opened, new, good goods of all kinds. We want tokeepagood liouse and please our customers. REMEMBER THIS. 9y. X HERE! & fa HOBS f U cli. J,, S.Hm.IlM thurtrr. foi T HlbS IhW Diancr. trr; I Mrx r.anlnn Poi: 2 Sl.nl F.a, : I Sil.tr platnt Il..d.r; I rl.:m llol.r I ..lh.r r. P..,.l . S. ... it I M o ih.,, iiii .,.ih,.inc annii Kill rim. PVl-l ,"" Paper; I ftl.MI Itauk i th.t fvanr Fcai, mod Chm.s. S.er.l for floM-nc i'.en, bir nioa.y aching . er.ui All Beat for Fifty Cents. Slump, taken Aijrea. ' .tab. loTU.j VaTos lieoa tvj., Dor0rklowD,-4irw hnrf' machine" SHOPS ! rurrsHoiTii, sf.h., Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mil If AS AM) STEAM FlTTl;. froiisht Iron Tipe, Force and Lift I"iies,Steaiii v..i, n,unj. lime tiovci 'iiors, ami alt ki..J!s of Tiniss Knine I'ittings. repaired on .short notice. FARM MACHINEK New Firm ! jom;s & AOXEW, at the Brick Livery Stable. t'LAHMlUtJ'H, - - NEIiltASKA. TI, . . . 1 1 T. i . . . . , . . inr.i.u l.iilllll-r .11,11111'S. Ill J laitsinoutii, ill'S now leased ly Jones & Ajrnew. and they have onuanu .evr ana iiaiuisonio aceoininodatirtns. in the shape of HORDES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, nd SADDLE HORSES. We are prepared to keep HOUSES FOR SALES TRADE! And will Train and Break Colts On Keawona'ule Terms. ALSO RI'MESIBER, That with plenty of room (that every one know we have; in our stable, w e can rct Farm ers etwek and wagons, loads of hay, &c, under -wvn. iifif iney win Keep ai"y. i iimi.m'j'; mi ine uia pairnns mr their liherali- 'naTenl'herS bettei by them than ever before. 601y JONES & AG.VEW. HENRY EOTCK ni:Af.i:i: in SAFES, CHAIRS, KTC, ETC., KTC, Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES WOODEIT COFPIUS f ail 8iZ4?s, ready made ar.d sold cheap for cash. MY FINE HEARSE 13 SOW HEADY FOR SERVICE. With mai) thanks for pa.st atrona. r. invite il to call anil examine my LARGE STOCK OF I3tf. jaiWTI KK A3W OFFIXH Kjk cm tj. aBa1 elcnna U reaulr for ixj im k aVaa aaxi-, ia enoatniotad durably ia baiamS afVnut'a-. Is uaa tpnt eonoaoucaj, least r . imi expan- mm nvni laiinanvrj aa Will baadia wee gra macbina la l Urn (rraia as WftU aa ctc i anal timothv. ih m laaaewnta in threahinr Cax ana timotby. th aMaai aaaianiny oota aa wau ana nearly aa papi UWaaM. jaul rwavna no aiaauam aaanul tha ei atat a.t.pittr botb aa wail and nearly aa rapieLay it tna arievea. Jhaw w. avauara yaaf qf irparmtwiff mnd cleaning .up. a.,. aa auw aVAar awaAiaia auuM, iat ran ao( fr. Is tytn erar- ani nnder-Bls for U-I.II,ti ATTAl'UJIliVr in try ti.-jiirwM. IoaB the work nuiA feaUnr tb&u aa axelcidvety HuiUU av aaW w ""eplaLiTeua of the nuloaa tAxat Jkud St aa r &r fowr, mm oKlred. veal Hiltai Power, an ImproTcd rower, and riae Mwarrt tAtuwUm hp tat. r g r . all ueantavl on four whwla, m Srft.OT3ctr.i by ua, avai or not turpatfd by minj ye sfa algo tjTvparcd tt fiimtih fir)t-cliua F.Tirxsris Kwgiaea witb our Separaiora, Par Prtoe-IJM and Gtrctuara, address SEYMC JR, SATIN & CO. r;arAMtaTrs, 8tlitwater. Minn. SssiSQaL iris - ir 25- f? f?-" i' F.VS i - 4-uLjiAiiii?.- r t r- '"-' KS7 TifRgSHER WHEEiS ie n YibrnXnr nor Bjt Apron 3lachia. .&alav3y auiii.to axiil adinLritbiy prfMt la ira mGhaw aaiat aeuaratirur aoaiituai. avtavaa mM WHO 10 UNACQV'itvrvy Cfl J?Tm' infill ; CHICAGO, ROOK m.. IS THE 0K7.AT CO.Tf Ti. 'i f I.:: Itsnmin line rm: 1 1 !n t'ni- BlutTs. passinc ttiroiiuh .K '.it. t'l i '. ! Ucneseo. Molme. H'K lt IsIiiii.I. 1 ' i. '. '. Libertr. Iowa 'uy. Marei.. jir.,l;i . n. . Ies Moinvs (t)ie ci'ital (f Ka Set tle and Avoca ; with .ra:-'i- li :. Junction to I'eorlu ; Wi!i"ii Ju.n imv. l tine. WnHbiniiton, FinriK M, 1.1. 1 n. ( Ontroville. I'nnt cton. Treiilon. eli.:i 'a. ' ion, LeaTenworth, Atelnson. ami K:.: -i. Washington lo Sitf-iurix'y. tr-talMii.-!. : Tille; KeokuK to Karminrton, l"ii:ipm 1 -. tonsport. Independent, tklun, )lt: t; .. ville. kal(oa, Telia. Monroe, mid !'. '. Newton to SI onroe; lies Moines to .' : ' . Wintered; Atlantic to U'n :im 1 A"' -i- Arora to Hnrlun. This it pn-niv'") '' Railroad, which owns, n-nl oi' r. : line from C'hicairo into tlm Si'iic .i !..n. Through Kx press Tassenxei- 'rrai'V . v nan I'alaoe arBattaclinfl.aieriin hr. . fcetween Chicago anl I'koima. Ka:. - COUKCIL ULCFFS, LKAV KNWOT!I in. i K SON. TnrouKhcars areulao run i ' .. .ocklsland hliort I.ino." The "Ureat HiKlt lalan I " t ri";:!.- -r.tlv quipped, lw road unci i Miiiply i rl; . :..!.::.! n. track ia laid with ateel rails. What will please you most will ho tin r Irn-urn ef enjoyinit your meals, whilo ur.s.nr" over tho beautiful prairies of Illinois nd Iowa. In on? or maffnittraint. rimliiff f 'iiPrt flint. !lf!fr. Ml :,rt n ? II 1 1 Throuun Express 'l'rains. Yu pet an entiro meal, aa good a is served m uny lirrt-rlais hotel, fnriAp.nl v-tire cunts. Appreciating the fact that a n:;rJoritr of the people prefer separate npariBeiiw lor il.fT.irent purposes (and tbo immense pasi-eoirur husincss f this lino warrantlnu it, we are i!ea?nd tv an nounce that this Company rujia Fullm-in M'cr Sleeping Car$ for alceping uriis, and Faluce PrilMAX P.IIjiCE fI? COl'MIL ULVIPa. iv.V.-vr.r (H I vt t'l T V. Ti.b.n vli thla Line. Known n 11 Ti.iirt Awnu In the l ulled Misie For Information not vbtuiuuldc i t Ucu'l bupcrintcadcat. T'ttinler Oraiuer. ALL KINDS OF Jitintmj, raining, (Shsing, w piper Ipnpitje Also, Decorations of all kind!1. HSiniDovus., &c.a&c.a Painted in Good Style. FRESCOING A SPECIALTY. KEF E It EN C KS : A. B. TAYI.OH. .1. Vai.i.mv. Si:.. I1(JI..VKS, K. IlKKfl.NKlt. 4ltf NEW Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE, Or an Old Stable in new hands entirely. The New Firm of HOLMES & DIXON, open the old STR EIGHT BARN on the Coiuer of Cth and Teal Streets with a Kgw Livery Outfit. GOOD HOUSES ANI) CAKKIAJES at all 1 imes HOUSES FOR SALE, HORSES liOUCIIT AXD SOLD, HORSES KEPT IIT THE DAY OR WEEK. Call and see HOLMES & DIXOX. MONARCH BILLIARD HALL! In the bxsomeut ot Merges' Stoic, r I .V T T S M u L" T H , - - - NEBRASKA. One door east of the 1 O. Rooms Newly Fitted up Witk ! XKW HOXAHCH TARLIiN. I P 0. rn -n:i-. ! On hand al the counter. It Is a wi.Je ami spaeious Hall ; plenty of fiont ior iiiayeis scats lor visitor. Ei. Oi.ivi:ir. I". V,. ML'iU'HY. Manager. lltf J'rop. it Ot mf Mhr k!n1, vna r,-,..i C!. iidKrta .rTti r liVff. 'Iii ta- th will all rniMNin of .- .. rJl t or th l n.ti-d M :!!. I; Itiali nmd l :n:tl.lr, ftj. WfV. A i.fr. . a JJ. 1C31 H ,t rynP., Art Cjc- rrw.e lmra V- ' rf 1. tfors f.orn mrti o!rg nir 3i jchiua iio . y ILl v v. oiilj u jt t.ii.i- tr it. n balk iras VUl rrvP f. v F. wl.tia a uw rrJ'-aoI HMr.X LVItei ot HOMvaar wnuitiiy pr.MjnCfl Ki irfoivt-a Co., S Clinton j?lioe, Ksw Tork. t ot. CLrjrles fetivttt, St. Louis, Ma. A njri:iiti i,i' t o M i.i. ai CuiU'zn, hai bwn lonfw jf "J ii. ip ;. , u. t, iiriKi,t of a,l V eufcreal, Hexunl cuia. u. city v uiu r i w. a.:d ai! old rul..Mf. a a phii.M. C -.?.(., l ';.;:. Oct. stricture. QrehlUa. Hnia. or l;i;;uure. ail Urina-y H:tAiizev and tyfhi'.Atc or lilt : curi.l A.C'Jtiona of t!io Throat l&ui cr Tories, arc riPhrd wxh uutMaraJluled uoca, aa IY- wiof.tirir prait-ij)!:1.. ff.-U-. krivu!ar. kar-err Ietibo- fJ.ry . row l OI rtiM-iiUi 1U yoaltn, acxin M ::i ni.iu-tr- ,('.'. or oilier u.iw., ailU arliKll) rr-ill-aa tne lt;.f wii'X li'ftti : Pic-rvoiiAita, abinnutd er Loiti, -rti.l.ly, (J.u;:h'f.ii ai si a.1 lit. tjrfli vc monitor v rana-ra 4i tip t;ift', p!'.y-;rui airuj', t.V;-ia;jll to aUMrifty tf fluZljL Qpkfuiiun gt iilri-it, lotia of aricutil fwva, ate, reH'serlxl? turr:a4f - l:i rvioj.f r c- ual rpy. 4j-tf pcnaaiatfr yai' CuiaulU;i'iU et or U tiioil ire, aitd iavitm, V"i t ia inpfnivrniciit lo int tlie t-:ty tr treat ie lit, Qkaiii.-i:r can fin bv im'.il or cpn:' vt"rT whre. Cur- itnja.15: i.r I'.ct, 1 s-jt;: f:r V7tuif 1 .c : a . : t a n a o VjJSK t aiH e-. Til ''..ty 'fi ard P':t l.;r.d:i. ealf d far HOn. lftl.!.iLfi .irtumD':.. I Jvai- :m J wutidt rfiil Iwn Ki... . lilc ; . t-.n,a U-f .. V"rin.r aiililpa: II fio , lio n. u hv. I.u:.ty.j. Voivallat, 'Yr-"V trtni. 'I h. l'l:v w f-3-.liirt.uu. aiiTiiiir a. j r.o.c uit-1 1. i ,r Kn i'i, , v:y niirM una . it.tlieat k.j.l i.L.iur !-k :J k.r. pJ;,!Vj- ttKn. i ti itwii-. .ui ci-r TO.ir.J.inrj Si cl. bTT.ml. 1 WjaaX-' V.'. .aa. Avar.iou lu Socy B. JACQUES, CaaaUiutSt.. St, 1-.. . .U AGENTS I ViAa -T SC w ante d I sjarjAGSESf TI. I.l.a WM(rna Oallaaa. Br K... J. a. Dmcl fli.D. a traa aaa thrtljioc ac-nijal f II la.fr.lrl af ...air Ufd op.ra ai.. ar li yrtrt in 2t Slat.. a4 Territonmm. tamtnr rfcr-tirea aad A.,.la of ah. law. Ilt aWIUniy ftoofe a. INaaar. laf.ooo avla m fhr anatln. AO aa. .ur .'St : 91. i for aau.f.la raa LJK.rsl laa. I. 4rto. THOHI'MII A COb. J-iOltaJbara, 60 flae street, T. IXriX HUl WOT T A IT. to r)4 fw our Irl- ut t,r lWfl. Flic t aky a,Qiaa UDnn it ywTl",ona o v0av- ailah over l.SM Ill..tr:rr,a. V? to3 3 raa!liul.:,yi pnvd la ( iiunlrft u -a, a i Uajlb i!": & x& Wla Ave., .Mtajo. I1L Tnrrvr Nl X'1J V OP T!!'S COUMTRY, WILL r " 4 I ; St 1 .. - ' ' .... -'.si J jMAv PACIFIC R. R. V': ! !!! KAST&TIIE WESTI f.ir eitluitf iMi!-tci only. Onootbnr i f o!.r I'ulf.ru furs Isn SMiritlNd m mi injuy your "iiavaua" i ! i;reloi ppan tlie Misalsslngl .ri ail points cronioil by tliH : :: .! uvo.ded at Council UlutTs, i.i;i"rt'i, and Atcbisou, cou inr; i:i I loon Ix-pots. Al. i!. II. CONNKCTION3 OF uiuui'viii una Aim s 1. i riUi all diverging Uucf for tbs ;'.t;i. n iili the L. S. & M. 8., and PH . ': Hr.t!snT3, with r., ( & St. . - , l i ' ' i ! til. Cent. H. R. f i1. . i ; 1. u. 4E.j LB.I : r. i' .v v. Kds. v. :cli "Milwaukee t Hof i-id Hock lsl it Too. Krta. r. itii tho iiaveupurt thvlaluB 1. I !. ; ti. t .i : -r i.i 'ji n rv. wit'.i tlioB., C. R. Jt N.R. It i -i .mv.i.i.. with t eniml lows R. R. , .-1 : . - ' .- r.s. n nhl) M. A. V. li. It. R i ;'. i'o i ik. wuh I nl.n I'naiCa R. IU M ' ': Ml . r nli K. A. M v K. H. 11. In Nb. I All mh; s Ji'NC-iioN.wiih K..;. IC N. R H At ohI'Miva, u li i cihtkI lKR.K.i V. Si. I.. 1'jU!.. mill '. H. ft C It. K1. j t KMk i u. with '11 l'eo ,V War.: Wb, a i'al- I'eo. i War.; Wuh, I I,..Ko. ft N.-W.ILUds. i I.ou I':!C and St. At i t 'mkiio . with II. M. J U.K. .'. ! AivcwiS, with At''h.. Topeka A EantS Fsj Ateh. -V. Neli. ntnl en. Jlr. b. 1. Iljtdu. At J.'.a v i-s on i ii. wuh Kau. I'uc, anrt Ka& C.int. It At 1vas'- CTT, with nil Imcs for tho WoSI and ;-oulliv. est. run through to r rOTJIA, pE MOTX'E, .1 'r-LiJ. and I.KA VrVHOKTH tin; "(Jivnt HutU luiitl Xiuute." avre Mi and ':n:il. your uouiti tlcioCt ollice, nddresa. T. JOHN, Ucu'l Tkt. and fuae'irr iuU CLicuaio, XJaV NEW FIRM. GOO DS ! I JN0. 1J0NS k SOX, BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS. At O. Culhinaii'.H old stori. A FULL, LINK OF Staple and Fancy Groceries, new AM) F!:;:sii. BREAD STUFFS, of every description. Choice and Fancy Candies and all kinds of Canned Goods, CIGAHS AND TOBACCOS, of the l;cst brands. CHRISTMAS TOYS. (!., dC. in endless (quantities. Fresh II read Daily. Don't fail to Call. 381y J. I50X.S & SOS, Prop b. JOHN SHAMIOTS LIVERY SALE AND FEES Carriages always on Hand AXO " MEARSEI FUNERALS. T ATZtt InTOTICE ! I want all of my aecoimtH eettletl t l3tf. aiM I shall do ni mole ereilit htii-iiiesi. All elj accounts must he setlleil up, anil no new onrj will Ue niHili'. I nlets such accounts are ceuf( itiertly they will he cued. J wish te mt a lriet!y c:v.h business in fut ur J ( ' 1 1 X SHANNON, i'lalkaiiiculh. N wb. A- PATS C20NTHI A32::i3 VAHTttl 79 UWt hUlM 4nltls la fKi World ; a ain- h-e. A4.J AT WKWaiUi, lJ "ITrn f"" K:,K, ' Klerhd, of vau-a I If Mil I lij "Jf Til, )u Uu.-al.Wu.-r.iiiudta ilflk. AAk. wnfL iu,, lr. J. M . "I'-.b:-, M. l.wua. Ma. -JafJ-i tXlvl aatlaai J. F. S A U W E I S T E ft Ftmii.Hiien Fretli. 1'nre Jilk, i i:t a vi:KEn iasi.v. Special callB atleinlod to, unil Kreh MIIIc from same cow fui'ti-hcd when wanted. 4!y 1 .IE h?r.DY FAiiliLY SOAP fJAKER: ? F.3 71 'A H i '-V f;? S8 Pm CilXT.PUHS. (1'atciittd.) PESTLY POv.VTJKrr. uoin.y iT-irrr.iinn. Tlii htrcupoKt r!.l pnr.if !.' r.;f v'-:l Inukc Li iiu juh f tji'i r-t I' .'f ..oji Lu.iU b In i uniiiitt-4 v:tloi;t liflltn.v. 'J'lie ?t watfr-n.illi'Jier LidJ. Tim l"t tiiHiiili-etiil.I. 1 do f'ljlowiiur arn miiih cf thfl o! vrT.tnsfm !itu;uei by lAVV.io' iii 1'.! Cunl. I rirft. Tt iBrarVnllntT: !? ""fi'B Tyft jitr miii-itl.i l.'i. 'u'; ' 1 :,"'! ' 2-y-- t .... .1... 4-...1.1.. ,1 T"..'n m.,-1. r.. 4 JXiZ-f? 'tlJ orljer I-t. fci: K I : -rf icA 'i-T. :'jp fA Ji 1 e l r"ir out l 1 1 iii. f. .- -.t .a tr i.-l LkmIimt aiuma lt it ft.p " " Tffth. Tha KM i ron I i. r ui fror i t a lo twenty uiinr.t'-H with thix I fiixth. . tailuro ix itil j in i. wJtii Una I.yo wtca lio fc.mi a i ju, t are followed. Seventh. Or.o ran of t:,; )v.r '. r K twenty iuiiviH i.r t-i fa. c Kiarhtb. Ono ean f.f t'i;3 I t , pouii l luomof arreSMutL-', s - J. i Ije, Hell Prah. ct Sa- o- X-miii. Thla I.yo U ii i i. ..t i :. ny ataW I.ye or l'nt.-u it. Tenth. One to two tf i-ro:,.'i: . '. aul of th hi.rrl.Mt wnt. r. Kleventh. ia t elrjJiHe Kmkilir.ir.i. . : t Invalnahlo f.ir kiliit- T . " TlMJ Ut axucio (ur 1.: .... MAKCTACTt Ci;r CM.- PIirLADrr.:'-1 ;t--k..i sai. l.v K.r;. iovi:y so. utth MAN t W Kl'RliAl II. I'. Will I K. and V , H. BAKi:U CO, unil dealers in iteucial. t"l f " X vael. at in v:.N;i-s.' i:i :i t h riil.b-: ' J ' I etc.ariil tiifi l:l r.-t;.; r.ru to tlie -.:, an I . Uit-riy cttvn tJ:o Ijm!:;ik- n; .; . ,,, jaj With other I.jvi nil ttrust I..- ! . 1 11 J at once and i;-.l 1.1 n aaui t t,.u, ... :Ua i nf-j- atrv'ii.rtli Ih rr"!e. TOia i ,'our,,I,r A! li'lTri'L'- I ' a imin ail r.1.1 i, .-r.i o r a y, . . "