THE HERALD Headquarter for Campaign Goods. We are prepared to supply clubs, usalers, azeuts or individuals . Willi Caps, Cae, Torches, Flags, Banners, 2Sagta, rortraits, etc., at the luwest cant, raits. We have best English Bunting Flags from $5 to 375 each. .Best sawed muslin flags from 92 to $18 each: Printed Atnencan muslin flags from 53 cents to 3150 a gross. Fine ilk flag, 5x7, for 330. Caps of any col or oil clelb, 34 per dozen. Capes ol aay cIor oil cloth, 34.50 par dozen. Torch s, 313 to 329 per 100. Fiae campaign badges, printed on ribbon, with por traits of aimmiea and gilt pins, 25c each er $1.50 per dozen. Crayon por traits of candidates, President and Vice President on one card, heroic size. on fine tinted paper, 23x23, 25c each or 31.25 par dezea. We have 25 different styles of badges for coat, from 10 cts to 25 cents each. Agents wishing to eu gage in the sale of ear goods can make f rem $5 to 320 a day. One agent sold 35 -worth in one day, making 330 clear. Any agent or dealer sending us $5 to 325 we will send a selection of goods that they can clear from 8 to 4 times these amounts. We want agents in every town and county to sell our goods, and we can furnish profitable and permanent employment to all who wish it. Take an agency now and send 3d, CI" or 325 at once for a selection of goods you can make 300 percent. profit on and sell to every family. Send now and go to work at once. Address U. S. MANCFACTCKiNa Co., 116 Smith- held Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. fTCut this out and tcrite to us. Republican Campaign Manual. A "Republican Manual" fer the cam paign of 18S0, is announced as in print and very soon to be issued. It is writ ten by Mr. E. V. Smalley, long known as a brilliant newspaper correspond ent, and fer many years a leading edi torial writer en the N. Y. Tribune. Leading features of the book will, of course, .be biographies of the candi dates. It will be the most authoritative and most complete sketch of Gen. Gar field whic will appear. Mr. Smalley was at one time the General's private secretary, and has been his intimate friend during the whole of his public career, awd is therefore qualified b special advantages as well as by talen. and experience fer the task undertaken. "Garfield as an Orator and as ii Statesman" is a special department, containing extracts from the Gcrifr.ilV most celebrated speeches, upon topics of the gteatest interest in the present campaign, and representing the best efforts of a brilliant scholar, an orator of rare power, and a statesman of con summate tact and skill, it will bo read with great interest. Another depart ment, not only of great present inter est, but of permanent value, is a full history of the Republican party, its principles, struggles and victories, with important statistical tables, particu larly valuable for reference in politic al campaigns. It is a book which earnest republic ans will delight in, and find the best of all arsenals from which to draw am munition for campaign use; a book which. the independent and conserva tive voters will study with interest and profit; a book which the independ ent and conservative vetars will study with interest and profit; a book which email democratic stump speakers will steer clear of when they can. It is published by the American Book Ex change, New York, whose "Literary Revolution" has been the wonder and pleasure. of. book buyers for mouths past, aud its price, therefore, is only 50 cents, with 7 cents extra for postage, where seat by mail. Leading book sellers,' agents of the publishers, will have it. A mulatto woinin in the Philadel phia house of correction is saM to bo gradually turning white. Siie says the change began six years ago. ITEMS OP INTEREST. Several sharks have been recently seen in the waters of New York bay, and their presence is attributed to the practice of dumping offal too near shore. According to the latest order of Gen. Melikoff, all vessels arc forbid den., unde. the severest penalty, to anchor opposite the Winter palace on the river Neva. Two old jiontlemen smokers on tho way irom Wingham to Belgrave in Out., net the buggy on fire, and the ho roe rutiuing away tho concern wa3 badly wrecked. A census ennnierator got a terrible "whipping in Pittsburgh because he pressed a stalwart Irish wounn for an answer to the question : "Are you white or black?" It costs 25 cents to ship a barrel of flour troiii Mciina to Wcedsport, on th- Now York Central raiiro.d, ami only 2o rents to ship the same iroiu Chicago to New York. A firm of Texan wool growers have lately bought a 300,000 hciv ithcIip, bor.. rin about twenty miles aio:4 the Rio G ramie, on which they ii:eu i to ifzo about 200,000 sweep. A wrangle over the $l,0u j;U0 es tate of the late Leonard Chve, f Cleveland, seems inevitable. It it is iu-.iw l toinui that he lelt no will, his sup, icU bequest to science comes to H:UI-ht. Gaiubctta's presence at the civil marriago of Gen. Gailiffet's daughter has produced a bad effect in Paris, as .he general distinguished himself by In ferocity toward communist pris oner at tho end of the civil war. Sixteen years ago when Turin lost its rank ua capital of Italy, tho popu lation dropped off one-third; subse quently it recuperated, and now amounts to 240,000, about the same as that of Lyons, France, which it pro teoses to rival in silk and other manu factures. A two-story well is a curiosity in the town of Erin, Chenung couuty, N. Y. Tho two parts are one above the other, and separated by ten or twelve feet of hard-pan. Water can be pumped from cither well, and the lower one pumped dry while the up per one has incxhaustivc supply John Ilalvcy and Mrs. Anthony, of Albion, Miss., niado up their minds to elope. Each had a lawful consort and; four children. They decided to take two of the young ones along, and drew lots, the woman winniug, us to which should make the choice. She tookt wo of her own, of course. John Francis, an old "resident of Skaiington, Conn., died recently at the alleged ago of 108 years, lie was a native of the island of St. Helena, and was at one time in Napo lean's service. He emigrated to Stouiugtou about forty years ago, being then to all appearance of advanced age. In London 63,460 women arc cm ployed as milliners and dressmakers, 26,375 as shirt-makers and seamstress es, 14,780 as tailorcsses, 10,721 as ma chinists, 5,272 as book-binders, 4,60'J as bootmakers, 4,3C0 as artificial flor ists, 3,716 as boxuiakcrs, 2,8 as up hoisteresscs, not to mcutiou a" largo number iu various other industries. UNDER TUE SEA. The Sanger to are tin Lbjee-ted nM Haw X)-vaT-a ava TCillod' Strange a!"'bit-itj f the Deep Exploring Wrecks-Tbe Dead. George W. Townsend, a well-known submarine divcrt has been Interviewed by a representative of the Boston ZZer ald. lie said : "The first time a man goes down he is apt to be considerably scared on account of the pressure. If a man is lowered too fast it will kill him. Divers are seldom if ever killed by drowning, but by an unequal pres sure. A direr could cut a hole in tho lower portion of his suit without dan ger of being drowned 60 long as he stood erect, for as long as the air is supplied by the air pump the water could not reach his mouth. In deep water the pressure is usually very great, and a diver can descend as deep as he can stand the pressure. You see we are in a vacuum. There is no pres sure perceptible to us on the copper helmet about our heads. The pressure is all upon the lower garments, and. if it is too great it drives all the blood in the body to the head and the result is death. I have seen men killed in this way whose heads were fairly split open and whose eyes were driven from their sockets. A more horrible death could not be imagined, and I and al most all other divers have narrowly escaped it. When a diver is ten feet down the pressure to the square foot is 6,250 pounds; at 30 feet, 18.7S0 pounds ; at 50 feet, 31,250 pounds; at 70 feet, 43,750 pounds ; at 90 feet, 56, 250 pounds ; at 110 feet, 63,700 pounds , at 150 feet, which is thegreatestdepth to which I Iiavo descended, 83,750 pounds, andatl60 feet, 100,000 pounds. Divers seldom descend over 1U0 feet, and rarely as deep as that. Under the water the cars feel stopped up, but sometimes we can m iko ourselves un derstood by putting two helmets to gether and snouting, but then it tloc3 not sound louder than an ordinary whisper. A man who went down for the first time would be likely to sig nal to come up after feeling the pres sure m the cars, which is very un pleasant until you aro used to it." "llow about the fish; do they ever molest you?" "Very se.dom. You see wc make it a ruic not to disturb them. We know that they are in tueir element and wo are not in ours. As lor sharks, wo uon't care for them. They are cow- juuiy, ana eusiiV frightened oil". We Me much more uirai.i oi lue bar;ciLii, titttiri.u-o fisn, with usetu three inches ion liui aoout ti-u. why, one can t liuve any conception ol the in until he nu-i bt-en unuei lim water and seen til in oi ait ait t ali the colors of tiie rainbow. Tlie noiso made bv a chool ol sounds under the water like the rumbling ol thunder. One oi' the a Tea test on rios lies iu this line was tho Jew lisii 1 encountered when diving iu the Bay of Cainana, on the coast of Venezuela. Tho lisli aro from bix. to lil teen reel in leiutii, and have a largo mouth and email teeth. The Jew fish have a great deal of curiosi- lv more than any woman I know of ana used to eye us while we were at work e were a little a Ira id ol tli vni at first, but found that they would not harm us. I suppose you have heard ot the electric eel, which has power to give a shock equal to any oattery. Wheu avc were diving at the West Indies one of our divers received a shock Iroiu an electric eel. and lor a time ho seemed almost para lyzed. Mules and other animal.-, when fording stream iu this country, often receive a shock. "It depends how clear tho water is whether it is dusk or not. I have been down twenty fathoms where I could sec to read the finest print, and 1 have been down teu loet where you could not see your hand beiore you. It is not very pleasant exploring a wreck, especially whero mure are dead bodies, when you are in utter darkness. We get used to those, and, while 1 can't say wo don't mind them, 1 can say that they don't deter us from goin? down. I am one of those who believe that drowning i an easy death comparatively, because I have noticed that the face of a drowned person looks as if he had trone to sleep, and seldom denotes wain. but. when the eyes are wide open and glassy in ap pearance, and the gas in the stomach makes tho body stnn 1 bold upright, it is rather trying to the nerves. Sometimes we find drowned persons with a death-grip upon a piece of. rigifin? or the side of a bunk, and it is difficult to unloose their h-.lJ. Be fore we see a body or an objoct . under the w'.er we always sec tho shadow first, in looking lor a body not on a vessel's wreck, we sometimes find it by closely following the sediments in tbe water. "In many places the bottom of tho ocean is beautiful, especially where the coral reefs are. Coral looks like a forest or trees that have been cut down, lustead of stiudiug up it lays down. I have seen coral as largo as the stump of any tree you ever saw, with fiiirmju.s liuiis running down w rl, llmiruiik and branches being of .iu jmrvsi w hilt: coral. 1 have cu coiint ;r-.i ac ml re -.after descending three iaik-jjt.s. :ui.i a I'Ottoui oi pure niiiiv :uti.i' ndiag two fath- . ... t vino i.sui e. A men iicant millionaire was before the Port Hope, Out., police magis trate the other day. lie had $30 or $10 on his person, and acknowledged Uiat ho had $oOO in the hands of a sis ter, besides property and mortgages scattered abroad, in deference to uis wealth he was discharged without costs. The turbot, a fish highly prized by English epicures, has made its appear ance within our borders. One was taken in the Chop tank recently, and another was caught in Atlantic city It is described as sixteen inches long and ten inches wide, mouth small, filled with sharp tecttf, round at tho end of the nose, while on the top of its head is a sharp thorn about three inches long. The li.licrnien that caught tln;m exhibited the curious creatures as great curiosities. The supreme court of Massachusetts has decided that the pedestrians must look out for themselves in Boston common. One of the paths in winter was arranged for the convenience of coasters. As a man was walking along a sled came down behind him, struck his ankles, and knocked him down, and he was hurt and made insensible for a time. The court holds that thero wu3 no evidence that the footpaths on the common have ever been laid out as highways or townways. The city holds the common for the public ben efit, and not for tho emolument or as a source of revenue, and has constructed and kept iu repair these paths as a part of the common for tho comfort and recreation of tho public, and not as a part of its system of highways or streets. Tho city Liy legally set a part of tho common ibr tho recreation Vf the youug. Tne most original ui alverlbemcnU appeared lately in ti; Newark papers, ll was put iu by u wo;.jau who noti fied her absent husUiu.1 mat if ho did lioi return within -three iys she vvoulu marry auotner iellow. 6uj is iiuin Poian.i, is tuis determined wo ii an, an : H wouni s cm that sho is f OliOWUlJ U CUotOUi. Cost of War. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat, iu commenting upon the cost of the War of the Rebellion, which tho Secretary ot the Treasury, in his report to Con gress, put at 7,000,000,000, concludes that it is a total loss to the country. It argues that the total valuation of the country previous to the war wa3 but Sl4,000,0u0,000, and that, conse quently, we have expended in cah about half as much as the country was worth in order to save it. Now, this reasoning is extremely superficial, as not only theory, but facts, will dem onstrate Thus, the valuation of the country is now over $ 30,000,000,000, which is more than double that of the United States when the Avar began ; at the same time, its producing powers, which arc at its real valuation, the other being only the apparent, aro im mensely increased. Now, tho war has done immensely toward increasing those producing powers. It stimu lated production iu every department of agriculture and manufactures; it gave a fillip to inventions and machin ery of all kinds for economizing hu man labor; it created a debt which is of itself the basis of a financial credit, that is virtually so much added to the fixed capital of the country a capi tal which is rapidly producing otuer capital in every department of indus try. i mally, it gave us a circulating medium, which is just as useful, just as potcutialas respects tho operations of industry and trade, as the gold of Great Britain or tho silver of France, Ocrmaiiy, the Indies, or China, to say nothing of its beiug of equal value in every portion of the continent, thus giving us what we never before en joyed, a uniform and unlrcikable "current moneyof the realm." But for the war we would never have had this great increase iu our miles of rail ways, this immense emigration t tho Territories, this unexampled develop ment of our mining industries, and that incentive to human industry at the South, which has produced far more from free than from slave labor in the palmiest period of its existence. So far from the war bein our impov erishment, it has added even more to our wealth than the wars of Great Britain between 1736 and 1815 aducd to her '3 and that wai simply enor mous. A larc plate-.-iass win iow on Tre- niuiit street, Boston, was broucn in a singular manner. A. passing norse car strucu a peuolo in tne street so hard that it was projected through tne win low with the force of a musket-ball. Millions of Mother eipu their Ue- tigbt over CastorU. It is nature's remedy for assimilating the food. Unlike Cas tor Oil, it ia pleasant to talze, and uclike Morphine Syrup, it is harmless. Castoria regulates the Bowels, destroys AVorras, Cores Sour Curd and Wind QoVic, and allays Feverishness. What circs health to the Child, promotes rest for the Mother. Children Cry for Pitch er's Castoria. It is the most reliable. effective and popular article dispensed by Druggists. rn u LsliB Since Healing remedies have been used by SUFFERING MAN has there been known such absolute Pain relieving agonts as the CENTAUR IflNIMENTS. They soothe, heal, and cure. They HEAL Cuts, Wounds, Call. Old-Sores, Bro ken-breast and Sore N ipples ; CUKE Pia in the l ack, RhcumatUm. Scia-. tica, Lumbago, Neuralgia. , Ear-Ache, Tetter. Fimples, Itch. Salt Rheum, and all Flesh, Bone and Muscle ailments of Animals: StTKIJUK Inflammittion and Swelling; RELIEVE Boils, Feions.U leers, Sore Throat, Broncbiti?, Croup and Quinpy ;' KXTBACT-Tain from Burns, Scald. Stings, Frost-bitce, Sprsiusand Bruises. The experience of centuries has made tho CENTAUR Xiinlments, the moct speedy and effective curative agents for MAT! and EEAST the wurld has ever known. The Centaur L-INIMENTS liuve relieved more ted-riddeii Crlp plc3 iieaioil u:;re frJslitfiil tpounds, and savcil mora valaal-lo animal than all other liniment-'. oiriiim:ir.c, oiV.-cxtrai-t.- H.-irier i.t:d i"i-i;tl!il i..i: ! ii'.ors"' Mid "skin tnr:s'' c ir.?iii;td. l'iyj-icians u;l Veterinary Sintci'r.s cn .ifii!" tho C iriartr JL.ixtiTCQV.ix ; raillion- c f mm, n i.r.'i c!.iMrm in a. I oiunirw is.3 nr..l 11. - U.-tp'-r F:irnv, rijntci. Tr.iTfii-'S l.ivs-syiiun, ,'! ' rn-trr an4 Pt"r!;-prox-cr, nre t!i"ii' p : : -. T!:"v ar clean, the- r- Kami;.-, th- y i-io cl--r , and they ::e" reliable Ti. r i; i r.cVo. na?j3,:r ETr-pLMf; Ji it'll th-y wil i.-m ai-. vi it, sn'itiut . r cure. JmiM iHr..:.; !i.-;-t f .r r.O ' - "! 1 OO 9 "Vi-. NEW FIRM. UNrZETW" GOO DS ! I JNO. BOSS & SON, BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS. At O. tiuthmau's old store. A FTJXX LIKE OF Staple and Fancy Groceries, NEW AND FRESH. BREAD STUFFS, of every description. Choice and Fancy Candies and all kinds of Canned Goods. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, of Ike best brands. CHRISTMAS TOYS, dC, dC, in endless quantities. Fresh Bread Daily. Don't fail to Call. 381y J. BOXS & SON, Prop s. BJ A MTCI A eotjeeBl tmiliKM nuhnck VyAIM (CU u t. s- k u "IjtliijriU at Tktc Warth Kmawiac" bj abacnptiuB. To uaca Ma. wttfa good faturaaa, a furaba tla aatat ra, aad rtva Kraa that will taasra a wotkar ow SUM a Maata. Ssstoris jiiiii rHAMLH CABINET aM II BPHIaaal -IL - ' -t,--Z- J AMES PETTEE DEaLEK IN Musical Instruments, Sole Appointing Agent for Tlte UiirlTAlled Slason 1 Hamlin CABINET ORGANS. AlfO State Apeut for the Henry F Miller and AY. C. Etnercon Co. I'iamis. SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at offlce. Sixth, one door soutU of Main St. PLATTSMOUTII. NEB. Music Scholars Will do well to examine our New Mason & Hamlin oisa-isr IUSTBTJCTOB mg ESasi. T.AKK TIIE NO CHANGING CARS ) FHoM ( OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS. NEBRASKA CITY or PLATTSMOUTH to CHICAGO, where direct connections are.madelwith Through Sleeping Car Lines TO- NEW YORK. BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE. WASHINGTON, AND ALL EASTERN CITIES. T7ia SlxoTt Line Via PEORIA for IXDIAXAPOLIS. LOU1SVILVE. CINCIN NATI, ami all points in the SOUTHEAST- THE BEST LIXF. FOR ST. LOUIS, Where Direct Connections are made In the UNION DEPOT with Through Sleeping Car Lieet for oil points SOUTH. The Shortest, Speediest and most Comfortable via HANNIBAL ia Ft. SCOTT, DENISON, DALLAS, HOUSTON A VSTIN, SAN A XTONIO, QALVESTON, .an all points in TEXAS, Pullman lC-Wheel Palace Sleeping Cars. C, B. & Q. Palace Drawiug-Room Cars, Wit-h Horton's .Reclining Chairs. NoExtra marge lor beats in ilecliinnn cnairs. The famous C, B. & Q. Palace DiuingJCars. Fast Time. Steel Rail Trark and Runerior Eiiutpment combined with their Great Through Car A rrangement makes thie, above all others, the favorite Route to the r.AST, HOl'TH OUiHOUTH-EAST. Ti:Y IT,and,ou will find TRAVELING a Lux ury instead ol a .Discomfort All information about Rates of Fare. Sleeo- inf Car Accomniodatio is, and Time Tablef, will be.cht'erfully given by applying to James It. Wood, General' Passenger g't, Chicago. C.W. S.U1TE9. Trafllc Manager. JDB. SANFOKD'a IjIVEIt iMVivJUItATOIl JJia a Storiilar;l Family Kiuedj for diseases of tlie Liver, Stoaiati , jand Bowels. It ia Purely t"a Vegetable. It never T JDebilitatea It is 3fi M 5 . a.: J 9 U fij'vfl CiV v- . r 'a ii urn h&.z ",vo 0 J .as VA. I IVJ a my practieeS y and by the pnblic.i for more than 35 vearn Jgp with unpreocdented resalts.J SEND FOR C1BGUUH.J S3. T. W. SAilFORD, M.D., ifBT5 AST Blrt UiltT WILL TIIX tOC ITS CiTrTATICBu J ml J m A DAV GUARAN1 ZZO nAag WCLL AUGER & DRILL im good territory. Endorsed by Governor of JOWA, ARKANSAS &DAK0T4 tit 1" - -iv?--- s - ' - - - . - v.-. r-f- - .- -' : i3 t.-vZ., ;VS ivsm 6 5TRY aft a s -Wa UltJ PC IViW . mCHCLvH'EPARD & CO.Battle CreeMIcll. i -. EE,i5e ORICINAL AND ONLY CENUINE V T - Astonishingly Durnb's ad iccmderfultu PORTABLE, TRACTION, and STRAW-BURNING STEAM-ENCINES, with apacial ratrTa of l"onr, Durabilitr. cv:ety. Kconomy, and Baauty eutirly enknown in other makea. Mean. Kyrt"r Ontdtii and Meam.l'anrr Senaratnnt a specialty. Four aizea of Separator, irom "Si tw'Te. horea power; aim two Mylt-Ji Iiiifroved louuied Horse Powers. Thirty-Two Years of Prosperous and Continuous Business by thia houae, without ehaafs , . ""flin'ii , i u ; ii u-1 1 ia:. a mcunv troarantAa for aupenor a-ixxl-i ac;i hnor.ii.-- du.-.!inc-f AIITf flM I The on.lerful maxa i of wr-aw m awiv a iiaaA-ma -icri n-r on unv, - auehlaea to tlu wall : hence Tariuii QlA-L4 aVTt l.bT buiw at.d palm off inVior ud moo?r.l imi:atliui nr nmwu gooat. BE NOT DECEIVED 3 tT waaM xerimcDtal and worthies c:ftchinerr. If yo CC7or fall iwirticulMrs call oa our dealer t, or t os for IilQktrmtMi Ctrfulsfa. wbinh mi-il frr AAA, HICHOLS, EIE?AfiD 4c CO.. Battle Creek. NEW BRIOK YARD. I aia goinj to BRICK, this spring and want to - MAKE THEM CHEAP, that people cr.n build BRICK HOUSES INSTEAD OF FRAME. I shall contract and Build BRICK Houses, the coming year and would like those Intending to Build to give tne a jail before lookiug elsewhere- JERRY IIARTMAX. At iny plate on Washington Avenue or at F. S. White's Store on Main Street, Plattsinouth, rtebrxska. 45tn3 MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, Bi (2VKSfgTH HORSE MHOEINti. j AND WAGON KEPAIRING All tinds of farm implements mended Neatly Promplp. :0: Horse, Mule& Ox Shoeing; In short, we'll shoe anything that har tour teet. from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JLTZETW SHOP n Filth S' between Main and Vine Streets, ust across e corner from the new HEli.L ofkick. loy" J5 -3 r 22 (fc S.B si" o t a 52. at C5 l S. Pa O o B CO o5 C CD 3 p O 2 " ST fS p. O ES Ma J5 2 5" a e 3 -t 2S - r. iA tL e- -i iZ. O cr co ; c a p p "i 3 LJ B 3 -ei H 3 p & S3 CO -t SS 5. feu- Co Cs cr co CO CO jr co XT " S"2. cr. 5" CD 2. e C C5 cure A ticmuil m.V:oiiii cu ? IjiajtOcrv h- its c iT'at JirtW -iVlr-w.i 1 fit p. M-at.NatUTlk. .tactf. fit of mam j U ' K-'.ei wtj) ta v O l- frnc. mmi tf p lastrrfcrv wit tbcrUaaw p Y;-. imMi at Uctvttnai boa too4 tnl La r7 Is " j1. - -mi anoen. TV. r H 1 IM llll C.'N.t tSl T j .IVM. 1 " 4A. --rrtattsM BAU:J tM M atiJ 17 l l!t.'j Si r-VMM ll, t I red itt r4W h.t 4VJ carT? tu .ry fe. tiu: V. IV Rccmc? Wtl ksW S.. t Vai.- ..' ml" - I . tXb K-Saa, saJaai d . ?urW' J'ewij.i;? 'lir-'zc. l;.Vr:j 7 t t . hi;. j .- 1 f tv f j -r i. r:--4-.- t I "-at r t re m m L-t.Sa:i c.r. 'r. ''.V': ,! 1 kry itrKf. M-tfc.. r. I h.rcJl up yt.r px).fi:r is..?!- : '! "! -r"i t t. ru '!. i ' tv-r? t v. m j t , i -a, . ftf r- ! a cJrn lis j..f : Tif, ! lh'ii, r. l,.c Vii tu circ fwr e. A: . , I o ,1. -.i f T r if , l-. i i I .. f r I a, (hmkf' !. " .'.'. !i-s5 sr aaa. i - ' nr.' -a ! f ".. . i-' .. '''y. -I . I r .. .iH i .,- r, r : jnrtrs, 1 i 1 1 u v. r.jft 1 h.'vs- i'sJ r.!s v i; I r, j- rtcovcn-.-:, aa 1:1; r. ru l i: I p.aJt i f.ii ii-r ; 6 iS "4 if. C bos - . - ' . . .. r . tU -J- "A - .. - - .. 1 - ; . the W- 'i .;..-" a - Al f;. .'.r I " tacUcod. Vi" . -" " . jir;tfl",fc ii)-iliWl i wi-P, c---f C I Irtk'mrrt, a- . : ;., . f- 2lw-t J) f5. At'(C tj V. 1T ... t '...'.- a.. ; Mriuss- ciBi:irda t -i j -vft. j. l'- S"mm V MmJt- - s .-r - . . I :f !., Lar wf Xamag aasj V-i. - v t -.-.. . . triuini I ts') it-uliar x i-'-tv j. ;. a f. t r tii4 !im a. ?.U('M,, Ij SMlattl.iCtfr. , -. a 4 '.OfCAL ADVISER9 v -.t-- iif ?!. btii:ture, Vanoo- .v, . it- 1 1. r.;o?ii x.a. SrintU Peb'lity. a i r, : :.,- . t.t ( itrir, iiinj ..-.. N t.. Scci.'v.iliytkski Ic7, Dim- it f .v- V it. i . I. S. 1 wtrr. rte.. vivkn- . .-f.-..- .-a..-,---. t.4ft sjrrat nvtv-5 f An tlOa ra : ."- --M ' - -e. ilv lAffl.iMI tW' fa) Mtat, ':''-'. sf. rr?ct KiaiKi&eaithecd, lCo. - x -"f sV.'''iCij4j bTe ticrrifcetl booki, fcict 7C - i--"-.. "T -lj....c. 5o6 pare, ever 10 .T- " I h:- I V.l lUf I pstfitiVClf the KKMt -f 'ii- i: h t th:Uhi. Tr a!hor r ib experi ! i .i . nr (irnri'fe. ( M well known), .. . eT-s. .- ... ?. r rr--. sr.. U 4 wiU W mt - - - -- ." f - ; jsixir!: 4 'ha Ttr, arT TTsT i - ' .v r4 t t:apt Uk to pAfBrBt fw btk -'r-. t --v-.;,--.... a-.i-- , sea UlUKtl rrAiitiat 4 -iu .: Jv-t.t'w :( iUe fr cttil eictfHi. -. l - a.--t r)r . Wherp pkit;ie, r- ' "i.-ji:-..!-- r r f.--. !. f:vail ifVMfd. W-r. a v. ;-r,-.- t '"Pir laf tr-ala.rBf Utatlar't lr JW ..ft:---- :;. ! i - t -rm.n StlO'Ca DR. BUTTS' KSilM IjUUiae8ilSi7 it 15 iT. Strut, 3T. UCU, THE FfcjrticUas ia chaif ( thit M .nd well ktiowa inattw tutioa are rcf t4ar srsduatea i Bit1iciae ar.J iur-fenr. Yean mt Es)Mrltaee ia the trearnieit A t brer4 Pt kavc bavde their avkili a4 atulifv to ahuck eupcrlor le It at T the rdirj rectaUeer. Ikwl ut-ey kave acquired a iuaieiai revUUica throve their treetmeot ol conplieaietl e. nlOOas!BlOaf?tNa all li-lmary Treablee ane SjrpkiHtle nr BtrerieJ aifecuii of ffia threta ekl er, Ueaied rth auct-csa, o Kientific prier CttNe. wittiofji vttnf Mrctiry or owtrr rn.aotiot Nelicinra. A up, u C" pj aA thru of einluie fc t:0 are ul MbTimVi 1 1 1 Pi H ri"ff fri t!-e effect of Uyvrmmtmr- re r Meeauial tne rrsuu or tae t-ai.cM ia -fovitt r exeeaa 1 matured yeare, are fenureftry currtt. Tbi die eaee produce waw tue foilow mg- rflrm bihm m . tWiche. Uttiaeea. MrvotavaneBat dmneM of .bt. c gh, ii 4tfctioa ooaettpattoe). etportdet)Cf, cofifialT " He-i, avcrvoM to cwtf, defective nifa-T, kxuiI rht iojofctir or loet of anaulT T'Cor. r'h u-fiU Iheiier-T- f liuit or KiarriAjra, pAflEHT3jrRSATPD K.i pcrftouAl cnN,it'in prerVT., m Ri A li ed. List of o?rturas t tf arw-rr i tw pntu -l de .mt trcaU Bkevt aiaiteJ re t an aMrr-ia an; Uufin. li mw e-iffpriix frta Kalarv kMiM ar- tr-4r ddeaijtk end Irara tkaar4a.Mf- ! tttsrir adMtitf. II irtm itU W3T1 14 rli ea at.. Ffe auolc S t it e. i nf. V -rr:' III 3 . : -t nt rWr ea ri l!luftrt4 ! icatMMk -o.. J S -Oinf 3 ii-!itv i r.rW Sk, AGOJTS WANTED fr tha Beet sad Vlllac arfefl B"t araj BlWea. s-'ct. NOosTFubTrui'j Cit I Labiaai ( f ssj. a avta4 M t.-sM la) ea Tf 'a t a r' aahapal. aaal - j . 'it t-a .aa f W IX .f ? t-AT t'4 (as- a3i-. J BS33i .Ihreshin Machinery and Portable end TiractionEng!nes. THE STANDARD of ezeolleuca tJirovohout lAa Orui-isl1.:lna V'orlri, MATCHLESS for Grnin-SaTinp. Tima-STinr. Par. lwcl. UlwmiDM, Stupid nnrf l'horouyk Work. INCOMPARABLE in OitaUty of MUrial. PtrtctUm oVrnrU, 1 horouyh V. urkniacaliip, Slegani Finuh. and tuu ily of Mod-l. MARVELOUS fnr vattly luperior work in mil kimdt of Ornui,ani universally knmra u the only anccewrfnl Thresher in Flu. Tiinuthr, Clover, and all other Seeda. rimpU, nim 1km' than half tho uiraal rears and bella. a otBsr tt?tiiuV of bur writ Mich.ti G.E0UGE EDGERT0N. Wines, Liquors AND CIGABS. Main Street, opposite the Court Home. This placels just opened, ncir, good goods of all kinds. We want to keep a cood house and pleaie our customer. REMEMBER THIS. Sly. J. F. BAUMEISTER Furnishes Freeh, Pure Milk. DELIVERED DAILY. Special calls attended to. and Frosh Milk from same cow furnished when wanted. 4iy Hew Firm ! JO.NES & AG NEW, at the Brick Livery Stable, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Tlie old Bonner Stables, in riattxmouth. are now leased by Jones & Airnew. and thev have onnauutsew and handsome accommodations, In the shape of ' I HORDES, CARRIAGES, BUQQIES, and SADDLE HORSES. We are prepared to keep HORSES FOR SALE TRADEI And will Train and Break Colts On Reasonable Terms. ALSO UE3I EMBER, i nac in riapniv or room rtnat vrv one KiiDws ire nave) in our stable, we can cet 1' arm ors' utock and wukoiin. loads of hav. ic.. under cover, wlu-ie they will keep dry. -Thanking all the old patrons far their liberali ty. we so. it-it their trade for the future, satisfied tim we can accommodate them better and do better by them than ever before. 501y JONES & AGNEW. HENRY BCECK DEALER IN IE ii 27 i t ia n? e SAFES, CHAIRS, KTC, ETC., ETC., Of A ll Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES WOODEIT OOFIFHsrS Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash. MY FINE HEARSE 13 NOW READY FOR SERVICE. "With many thanks for past patronage Invite all to call and examine my LARUE STOCK OF 13tf; FCIlXTI'tK AU COFFIXM O. F. JOHNSON, DEALER IN Medicines, AND Drugs PAPER. Ail Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IN BOOKS, Stationery, Magazines, . AND Latest Publications. lreKoription Carefully Cempoandesl by an Kxperieneed lru;lt. REMEMBER THE PLACE DOORS SOUTH OF MAIN PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. mum 1 TA BEST THRESHER Of! WHEELS la tint n Vi roe- nar fan Anroii M suTilnti. Ts wonderfully simple and admirably perfect in its Uireohinf and separating- qualities. Hayea all lMuttfuJiy. I tbo mot eormotoicaJ, )t expen- save, and vat antiafa.ctorT cnavcliine lai the isirket. V5U1 handle wet grain 1 nana ia m rnui aa weu aa ary. : thronhins: flsi sod timothy, thre'!!. Has no equal in umMuaruiuaE i -w and cleanina both aa weJl and IM aa whsU, aud reqairaa no caaosre except Uie i A7oa aaora mnmr eat of rtnaratima emd elaaatna ne. ac (JaM aviy otaer aiaKAiaa aaada, ama? aa aal aa oa-rVKiel Is both ow- antl tinder-blart Onr CIjOVEU lltTIXJG ATTACHitlENT ia new and very deairabi Doea tbe work mora japidly and better thaa an exoiaalreljr Huiilna; HKFAItATOR-S of the Tsrkrna abea A'u.r i aat or Borm rowr, aa rlewirea. Aa Inrorwred Phta Power, an Imprw-red Wooibnry Fstreri and toe tlwsLrd KasU. Iztosr Power, ali luoBBted oa four wheels, are nianaferart by na, ami art not tmrpmd y awa is tAa saaeaeC Wa are alno prnpared so famish flnt-claa rortabla i:aaTiof-a with oar Separators. For frfce-Us vd Circulars, addrww 8EYM4 JR. SASIN CO. Uonufttctuvrs, etOwater, Minn. aYWjli-lt-J s--m av'.Mt-:. V'W --- ITff -rrirn t r in - ' WAUL Vv a,,t-.r.VJ- . ZJ mm,m m n PI T I 9 P Jc3 ea va. vf ci hs u r.f- WHO IS yNACQUAJNTED WITH THS r . I r CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS TIIE GREAT CONNECTING LINK It main line run from Chicago to Council Bluffs, passing through .lollet. OUawa, !.a 8a(lt, Goiieseo.Moline. Kf)tk Ishirnl. Uavcupoi t. ' ct l.lbortr. IowaCttr.MarciiKo. Uiuuklrn, Ui-i:ini-ll. Iea Moines (tho capital of lowm, Sluurl. Alum- tic. and Avoca; witli brauciivs from Hu.euu Juaclion to feoria ; Wilton Junction lo Vusco- tin. Wasbtncion, Kairiirld, Khlou. JWlkiiup, CentreTilla, Prinreton. Trenton. Uallalin. Cetin. rnn, LeaTenwortb, Atchison, and liamas Ciiy; Washincton to Slcnurncr. oskaloosa. and Knov Tllle; Keokuk to t'uruiiiiKton. Donopurte, ili-n-tonsport. Independent, i.llon. Ottuuiwa. K iJy tiiik. uiuiuots, t-eua. Monroe, anu iw Atonies; Newton to Monroe; lxa Moines to In!innota and Wlnteraet; Atlantic to Lewis and Au!uim; and ATOca to Harlao. This is positlTely tiie oi.It Ballroad, which owns, and operates a thrr.utli line from Cbicaeo Into tbe State of Kanxns. Tbrouuh Express Passenger Trains, with Pull man PalacaCarsattaclieU, are run euch wajr dully between Chicago and Peoiiia. Kansas City, Cockcil Dt-rrrs, Ljcatenwohth and Atchi son. Tbroueh cars are alao run between Mil wau ke and Kansas City, via tbe "Milwaukee and Rock Ulnnd Short Line." Tho "Great Hock Island" Is tnam!:U-cntty quipped. Its road bed ia simply perlcct, and Its track la laid with steel rails. What will pleaso you most will be tbe pleasure Of enjoying your meals, while puasine over tlie beautiful prairies of Illinois and lows, in oi.e of our masnincent umlnucars Unit accompjiiy all Througu Kipress Trains. Yuu vet an entira meal, as good as is aeryed In any Url-clas Lotel, for seTenty-Uve centa. Appreciating tbo fact that a majority nf tho people prefer separate apartmeut fordiSerent purposes (and tbe immense passenger busiueas of tnu line warranting it), wu are pieused to an nounce that tbis Company runs Pullman Palace SUtpint Cart for sleeping purposes, and 1'alact FntafAK PALACE OA IT nrf mi throuch to PEOHIA, TiV.H MOINES. COUNCIL BLUrFS, KAXNAM CI TV. AT'HIM., nA LFA VF.jfwoKTH. Tlekcta !" thla Lint, U. noun aa the "tirt-nl Kit L lalaud Ituute." aald bs All Ticket Assau In the Valted Istutea and xnaOa.. mn u ' Wor loroi-samtion not obtAiaavblc at JL. KIMBAL.I,. Gen'l Superintendent, Painter Grainer. ALL KINDS OF fainting, raining, (Slasing, Alo, Oeeoi-atious of all kindn. Painted in Good Style. FHESCOING A SPECIALTY. REFERENCES I A. B. Tatlor, N. IIolmks,. J. Vauleuv, Sk., E. UlKBNEU. 44 tf 2 A. G. HATT - JUST OPENED AGAIN. New, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on Main Street Corner of 6th. riattsmoutb Everybody on hand for fresh, tender meat. MTl.C MONARCH BILLIARD HALL! In the basement of Merges' Stois, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - NEBRASKA. Oue door east of the P. O. Rooms Newly Fitted up With J8W JtXOXAItCII TADLKK. Cigars & Temperance Drinks On hand at the counter. It Is a wide and spacious Hall ; plenty of room for player fcud seats for visitor. Ed. Olivek. p. B. MURPHY, Manager. litf Prop. S350f: MONTH! A3IJTT3 WASTTtst 7 S Baat ailla AetlU. 1. IkaOTU . . pis ft,.. AdJAT BR0NS0, rsit,klea IVal HTFIl -?L ,C8H,- "rcincYEa, of ich I If Hit I tllmskt Buckeye Pile OinUnent.Warraattd to -cars i-ilaa. aVaSraat with nmaip, Dr.J.S. Taslar, u Lsaat, Ma. pvasw ssjav ata, (sla4,aaafliiiiin u will arras u oa i . when a rn srrowih af Hair, Whlaasra or kliiaiacl.aa la -a .a. j inini al la)ll. tirflorwB ft Co., B CUaton laoe, tfmw Tork- aa?ggsv!tr,r.-?' aaaai Be. f MTT 817 St. Charles Street, St. Loals, Mo. A rrrularti-uii'tirottao o.llenra. liat ben loBfar enrared i tbe .rera: iieai'tivRi of ail Vc-nereal Sexual Sfid ChlXl .U- L .R-. t.r. Ihlfl inr nf h Pk...i:.. u u. luit, at city jtxM:r thow.and ailoid miaHUknow. Syphilis. Os:uot-rhua,Oirt.t. Stricture. Orchitis eeaae. m maturer year, or alherrauM. and athirh produce Someol liie foUoa-iUK eBe-t: n.:mnrH. aeiuinal enwa. aiooa. ebilil. liuir-. of.iKht.drnn.v. nmn..., pimples a the face, plirui-al iiij, aveirioii tu ata-iei it frmalea eontution af lilraa, Ivm ut arxual power. ete rrfMlerlna inarriee lTrT.icper tr in.. Pt y.,ii5 cured. Conmltatioii al oS-e. or hy n.uil tree, and tneited When it ia inentK-enieitl in visit !. cilj f.r treatment' aiediomea can b aent by mail ,v exfr-f evrrvwlH-re fur able caeca guaranteed, lcre doubt exi.n it i. frankie'.laird aiARREACE pFs. PLATES, i GUIDE. Xiesrantcibth and sr'tt rjidlctr. Bealea for rCc la poMare er currencr. Onr Aftv w..Fwt..: . IT vry. a in rffuil Ol Or.T-Anj.r in votith. tniakl life- arlu-lo ... is . .Jf."-"" anarry, arho not. why. atsiiri'Ad. ft omaiihood. l'ld ' - in. .11 U" . I n no vubjecta j 'mauhoo4 tVb ahouiu marri t I w fife aud hapin.M anay The -hjrHu.y .f I'enroduetion. and many married T mn;- -p c;ir marriatte ai:eula ept un.Vr I.rk a-J see. hWiiar e,ltu,B. aaarc. '1 he v iHaieaaLu. i ne n read it, thm kntt aamc aa mow, bui uai-r ci r. :i paKr. :-. ft eta by mail. aS5SiI,:i-th"5,t' l"""Lui"r Aiocri-a. ' aatnc aa abore. but aaer r PRESCRIPTION FRF n 'Paey cue. l aeminul Wokwu, Loat Manaod r??at,,re liability, Nerruu.iK-M. lX-.ix.i,U.-nry. ('urt:tlua ridaaa. Averaion to Society, I.-. t.t, Mrni-r. rid .1. Diaordara braMnjIitcn be Secret Habita and kx... f.rf aruuiat aaa tlie inrrcliet t. Aullrro, ' tR. JACQUid, ;S Cuestaut 8U. St, AGENTS lL,"a.a ABVE-ITntMaf WANTED I jKe JAHIESl Ta Xatrd We.terai Oatlawa. Be Ha. J. A. Daeira. J"a.D. a liu i.t ihnlliBr ao-Mial (IllailraleO af taeir bald apera. 'r IS yeara ia 2u iitatca aril Tartaeiea. aaAier Seleelieea aa4 af In. la a-. He.1 allla( aal af th. rru. fO.OOe aol-i ia (hre. aM.atla. aO .mu lir .! : ae aaainla e. Mbeesl m ta THHI'1 A .' PaUUUcrASv Jlaatreal.BT. LOIIUU. OT FA II. to en r-ir ou' Cru-t Uat fur lfo. Vitas t any a-liltw upon an. a-. -.- - ' vii4iug K :f .fc-.l ' Ui'tloiis f eerry. VAf r-iilrer f0y n:.i... fontalua ra i-al.r family a. with ueet f cil- i a : lie ftf-ritjh- I .'k- ' 1.1 . - . 1 lie ' , .,. vt se I I i :: It es to .-Mir 1.'''.'.': .t"tlrea. '-'. mo u .ivu,, Chicago, IU. s V V J I LiCr v. n nuoviium of tot i nroat Bkin or Boi3b. r tr-tcd vth ui.prKt,ed suckm Utpt xieiitiac prim: . 6lrir. Pnvtit;,. uu 11.1 iw W M a. -4 f. &Vc2 WZ? 'h'' 7 COCApi.Y OF THIS rOUflTRY, WILL BETWEEN THE EAST & THE WEST I iin(.i7 Curt for cuttnir purpurea onir. Oneothcr freul f-uii!: t of our Tuiui c Cars In a 8MOKIN saIaxi.N wIkti yt-u can I'liloy Tour llavaIltt,, ( uiu!l hui.rtuf t.;. i.'ot. ' h:'!iii;ic,-i.i lr-:i i;r:j if spun tlje Mlnslsslpnl mi:l Hnn.a r-.v. i - ! a:l points croaaed br tint i Iuk, iransfi rn 10 :ivoi led at Council UlufTs. , Ka-iNu ' nr. -i:-.i rtli, and Atcbiaoa, cou ; lit i-.i.nm !..-it,a i.imlo in L'i:i-)n lDots. i 'I Hi. J'l ll'Ai, it. K. CONNECTIONS OB" ilii (-KI..H' THUUltill Lisa AUK AS At U:I:ai:j with nil dn-nrcrinir llnca fer Ilia Eat ami :-"iith. a: i::.i.i:v. oiir). with the L. S. Jk M. 8., and P- At WAbui.voio.v Uek;dts, with P., C. & St. it. ll. At I. a Sam r.. vlth in. Cent. R. R. At PKoiiiA. wit'.i P. I'.XJ.; P. D. 4 K.; I. B. W'.i 111. Mid.: T. P . .V. W. lids. At Ht.w-ai Isi.ani:, wf.h "Milwaukee & Itocl; Is:und" : n.l Itotk laid Peo. Hda. At lfAVK.vroitr. w:tli tu tiavnport liivisloa C. M. M. p. it. t. At V kst l.l iilkty. with then.. C. Ii. N.ILR. At CiilNNKi 1.. with t entral Iowa K. It. At lits Moi.vkh. with I). M. it K. 11. II. R. At t ofM II. ill run. wuu L'nton Pacific It. It. At Ouama. nli 1J. t. M.. K. It. K. in Neb.) A i I'oi.iTiin; sJrNCTioN.wub B .C. . N. H rt At unfsiv.i, Willi entral Iowa K. H. : W.. St. L. i. I'nc. au.l C. U. A V K. Jlds. At IvLom k. with Tol.. Peo. ft War.; Wah 8L Louis K Pur., and St, L, , Kou A N.-W. 11. Hds. At I AMI.iiov. witli H. St. J K. R. At at'ii;mn. witit Aicli.. Topcka A Esnta ea Atch. A Nel. nn-1 en. Hr. V. P. K. Hda. At l.KAVEXwoltru. wub Kan. Pac.. and Kan. Cent. K. KiU. At Ua.vkaS Citv. frith all lines for tho Wcs sod bouthwect. your boote tl--l-tt office, andresa. 1. KT. JOHN. Uen'l Tki. aud Pass er Act.. c hiCUKO, IU. JOHN SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED STjaalSaaLlaES, Carriages always on Hand HEARSE FUNERALS. TAKE itOTICE I I want all of my accounts settled to date anl I shall do no more credit business. All old accounts must be settled up. and no new our will be made. l?nless snch accounts are settled shortly they will be sued. I wish to do astiiotlycsh business In fut ure JOHN SHANNON, l'lattsiiiouth. Neb, NEW Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE Or an Old Stable in new Itands entirely. The New Firm of HOLMES k DIXON, - open the old ST HEIGHT BARN on tho Corner of 6th and Pearl Streets with a New Livery Outfit. GOOD HORSES AUD CARRIAGES at all noitsES Fan salmT " IIORSBS BOUGHT AND SOLD, HORSES KEPT T THE DA Y OR WEEK. Call and see HOLMES & DIXON. PEUSSIWG'S fy CELEBRATE! L""7 AS ABSOI.ITKI-Y PI JiK AIITICLK. Warranted to keep pick Ira for years. TUirty-ona years la Insrki-t Containers should loist upon seeing our brand oa tli barrels -alien buying. MOKItIS O'ROUKKE again comes to the front with his lare utock of piece goods, and maKcs his stand lug offer of a FIT ORNO CASH OUT! on every suit that he measures for. You cau't miss the place as you go down street, Opposite the Court House. stt (Sail anb stt jim t Or sot other M',i, you r i 11- i,,t,-Mfl f v-ii I, ,..M MneJiiuwi ia Ih .l :l i li. :tri' r ICvrtr. Tlia tu il.will ail rvttin .;! - ,.. .! lie. Kent frr on rtri,,t o, i,-;.-, t , Jinrl of tlie 4fiiti-i Slat-a. Iff i-t , r.-i 4 .'-e-. fJomt A of utm irmiferf j - ow'n -, . i 1'iui.H ais. A-VJI cV aVJ.. our Machiaa sbua.jr uuu.J i,,h i .. THE READY FMJILY SOUP MAKER: 98 PER CENT. PURE, (raxented.) FINELY POWDERED. IIICIIXY miFDIED. Tho arronrt and psrett Lre m'H Will make U imunat f tho li-st 1 rf un.c-J Kara Suap 111 ail UiUiutea withoaC boiling. The best wsteriorieoer tutui. The kxKt dlxlnlectnnt. The followiiur are some ef the sdrnntntM obtained by uaiug- Lewis1 ts Per Cant. lodurud Lye: a slip or removable lid. easily tski a oil mrul. itlsparreomanimnranwiin a. anil leaeinir IhArvinAnrAexrweil.thtf're- by aavinir tbe trouble, annoyance, anr dantrer (frotu Byina: i-articlec). as wiui aiurr iie. wmc-'i. le-na- aoii't in trie cans, muni tie broken with a hammer to rot the Lye out Krrond. Tt belnpr a fine powder, you can n:movc the lid and txiur out ad the cn. t.-nts, beur always ruiu tot DM Third. A tPaspoonful or inor csn be nsud,aa in water-ai'ftetilna-, scrubbing, etc., aud the Ud retumtxl tu f he can. and thnreby save the balance cf con '.-cut a, With other Lvea nil mnet be rliMMsiivrf atoooe and uaeJ in a short Uuc, cr tho BL-' ijk 'i aa V fin. Fourth. A brohite pwrify. Free from all aUulteratlora Fifth. The bejt Koap can be mado in from tea to twaoty miunta with thia iath. No failure im ait le In niftlHnar Rn. witii thia Lye wheu tho aunile oUxoUcu ir-.."a are followed! a'1 Herenth. One can of tb's rrT''ere.l T -. ' Jgusi to twenty pouuds of bj boJ or Kthth. Ona can of this I.veivn a-e-i'-'i'e t"rof areaae than an , i.iWc" te Ji i kt-; - -i: lu'thet - -Kles-rntb. f)ne tea.-iviTif.' trl'! ! . - 'r eisjeBmka. Drsina, or c . 1 1. InrahiabaB for kiUinir I? j'U-- "" - . Iba bos arucia tor x,tt -. atajrtTTACTCKXO OXIT r r PHTTi A Dnr.TIla rrT-For sale by E. C.DQVEV & POV. CUTH M AN A- WKfKBAt H. K. . WHITE, aad V. il. BA-K-EK & CO, aad UeaJcrs in KOtieral. 2 fc. f M at aa t i 1,