-CI v. w , 3 i i V- ! 4 1 If' 4 E II , 7 THE HERALD HIT A3 IIUMOK. An Illinois racehorse is named Chi cagoGirl. Of course it is very fast. Jioston Post. ".Mike, did you ever catch' frogs ?'; "Yes, sorr." "What did vou bate with?' ."Bate 'em -wid a stick, sorr. It is a poor rule that won't work both way. There are savages with Christian hearts, and Christians with savage Hearts. You can't suit a man anyway. He will scoff at the microscopic bonnet on me street, ana growl at the aspiring one in me incaire. 'Squire "Got your eye in mourning irani, l see, 1'atr7 lat "Oi have it s in mournnr for the batm I gave that brute liafferty this day P In order to induce the ladies to vote the Elmira Fret Press moves that the polls le established in a millinery store where there is a perpetual open Iner "Wliy is it that a woman's heart beats lilteen times less per minute than man's? Is it becaase her tongue beats thirty times per minute more. Detroit m ree 1'ress. A voung lady in Ohio has been ad judged insane because she felr in love with a college professor I This isn't very complimentary to the college fac ulty thereaway. Jioston 1 ranscript, Nobody except his immediate friends cares d cents at what hotel a man ot brains puts up, but the whereabouts ot a scullers, a rower, a walker, or prize-fighter is a matter of the deepest interest. "Oh 1 Mister," said an old lady after a bicycle had passed her, "just now l seed a wagon wheel runmn away with a man. l ou kin believe it or not. I wouldn't if I hadn't seed it myself." - . . A Philadelphia sign-painter is so honest that he won't touch his brush in canvas, lie savs he rrnints so badlv that he is afraid future generations may get hold of his pictures and pass them off lor old masters. The journeyman tailor who went to Leadville under the impression that ho could make a fortune in a few -weeks, ays he is a gone goose, lhey looked uoon him as 'a pilgrim, and a strange lour." He savs he is niore of a sold jour than he was in '61. . There is probably no habit more abidin 'than that of mendacity.' The babe lies in its mother's arms, and after a long life of diversified laUehood the old man lies at the point of death And more : A monument is raiset where his body lies, bearing the vica rious fib, "Not dead, but sleepeth. The editor of a newspaper that has adopted phonetic spelling, in a meas ure, received a postal card from an old subscriber in the couutry, which read as follows : "I hev tuk your paper for lcven yercs, but if you kant spel enny better than vou have been doiu for the las to munths you may jes stoppit." Cincinnati Saturday Night. Just before a prominent ex-olli. e- holder of llarttord retired the other night, he got down on his hands and knees and peered anxiously under the bed. "What in the world are you looking lor, Kdwardi' inquired his wile. "Looking for a woman," promptly replied her husband. "You've been looking for a man under the bed for fifteen years, and 1 thought I'd start a hunt for a woman, and I'll bet 111 find the woman before you do the man." Hartford Post. It was all the fault of the newspa pers. They said the new coinet couldn't bo seen "without a glass." Mr. Starlington wanted to see it, so ho took a glass. It still eluded his vision, and he took two more glasses, till he couldn't 6ee it; and, after taking seven glasses altogether, he fell down four steps into an area, and was re warded with a sight of the comet. Uut he is positive that just as he caught a glimpse of the celestial visi tor it burst into ten million pieces, one of which struck him right be tween the eyes. Norriatown lleralcL A remarkable collection of auto graphs was recently aoid at Lepke Germany. It coinnrised a i:iinlnr f letters by" the he rue of the Thirty Years' War and the iiieat uoeLs and aotors oi" Germany. A let ter of Aiiselm li.oi-.iv nud lelLMitM Lii: cnot'iuus sum of $1,-1)0. It h id re.erciK-e lu a loan WiiiCii oii:i -of th;.' pel ty sovereigns ot tuTinaiiv nail eU.-e.ed With the foil n lev k the gri'al bankiii house and w n it-h lie ul.i n t u.tn. t, return. His .-'.ivne lli;iiii.-.s is li.in.lic-.l witli o:u i.ivr.-, an l itv-'ives s mic whole boiin: adv'ie-.:on llio principles of com mercial tii.ei'itv. A Quick Retort. Foote, the famous comedian, wa more noted for his wit than his cour age. He onqe gave offence to a famous duelist of tlie day, who had vowed vengeance. Foote was told of it, and kept out of his way for a Jong time. At last they met at an inn. Foot saw his dauger when it was too late; but, as his enemy said noth ing, did his best to entertain hini. No one could be more divert, ing when he chose, and" he was no! only very anxious, but very successful. He told one story after another. II kept the table in a roar, and th fire-eater forgot bis rancor. At lasl Foote-took -to imitating different people. The other guests got quit uproarious with the fun, when sudden ly the luckless actor saw from the face of his enemy that he had inadvertently imitated one of his friends. The duel, ist was, in fact, putting his hand in hii pocket to pull out a card and present it as the preliminary to a challenge when he turned round to the mimic and said In a dry, satiric voice, "lieally. Mr. Foote, you are so uncommonly clever in taking other people oil", J wonder whether you could take your self off." "Oh, certainly," said Foote and he walked straightway into th street. Here his readiness probably saved him his life. Postofflce Salaries in France. New York Times. Few things are more striking than the relative meagreness of the salaries fyhich, in France, are found adequate to insure a postal service quite at prompt and more trustworthy than our own. It is true that the Postmas ter General receives $10,000 a year, and that his four chief assistants "get from $2,500 to $3,000. Chiefs of bureaus, on the other hand, are deemed well paid with an annual stipend of $i)00 to $1,800, and the clerk employed in the central administration are glad to ob tain $320 to $900 a year. The chief postmaster of Paris is content with a salary of $2,000, the provincial post masters are satisfied with stipends ranged from $1,600 in the largest cities, like Marseilles jr Lyons, to $1G0 in the small towns. The pay of subor dinates la much lower. The wages of mail-route messengers, for in stance, range from $20O to $3G0 a year; those of letter-carriers, in cities, from $160 to $360, and in the rural dis tricts from $80 to $180. As regards postmasters, it should be said that an addition is practically made to the sal aries above named, owing to the regu lation which compels them to live in the building where their ollices are sit uated, and of which the rent is paid by the government. CHILDREN Cry for Pitcher' Castoria. They like it became it is sweet ; Mothers like Castoria because it gives health te tve child ; and Physicians, because it contains no morphine or mineral. Is nature's remedy for assimilating: the food. It cures Wind Colic, the raising of Sour Curd and Diarrhoea., allays Feverishness and Kills Worms. Thus the Child has health and the Mother obtains rest. Fleas' act, Cheap, and Reliable. CENTAUR mm Th most fretiT Pain-relieving asanti for . . MAN and BEAST the world has ever known. Over 1,000,000 Iiottlos sold last year ! Tho reasoii for this unprecedented popu larity, ara eTiJviit: tho Centaur T.ini ments are mil: to deserve confidence i they are aj .oi-bcl iuto the siriieture; they always- eui'D .tiel never 1 '. uppoint. Ho purson lived lunrfr tutlYr will) PAIIJ in tio HACK, Rheumatism or Stiff Joints, for the CENTAUR- Liniments will unrcly extorminato the pain. There is no Strain, Sprain, Cut, Scald, Bn rn, Bruise, feting, brail or Lameness "to which lfankind or Dumb Unites oro subject, that loos not rosponi to this Soothing balm. Xho Centaur -LINIMENTS'' not -only , relieve ruin, V ut Uiy incito ioalthy - actio;!, subdtio iu3a.m.maticii. and cure, whether the symptoms proceed from ie-okjkIs of tho fle&h, or NeurMcia of tha Jfarve t from contracted Cords or a scalded hand t from a sprained ankle or a cashed foot ; whether from disgusting PIMPLES on a LADY'3 FACE or a strained joint on a Horse's Lc. The arrony produced by a Lurn or Scald; mortification from Frost-bitos; -Swell ings from Strains; tlio tortures of Rhen matismt Crippled for life, by gome Bcelected acciileot: a valuable borso or a Doctor's Dill n:a7 nil be saved from Ono Dottlo cf Centaur Liniment. NoITousckoeper, Farmer, riantcr. Teamster or Livervmn. can afTcrd to bo without thca roiia;rr;il Liriironts. Th-ry c.n ja procured in pay rcrt cf tlio r'lobo f"r CO cts. and Sl.OO a bottlo. Trial bottle 25 cts. N.W.AYER&SON ADVERTISING AGENTS bJixo PHILADELPHIA Cor. riiestnut and IlLarlitli Sts. Receive Advertisements fir this Fapcr. CCTIMATrQ at lowest laui Kates L.O I I IVIM I LO free for Jiewmnjwr Adrertiiir. Send 25C. for AYER &SCN S MANUAL GEOltGE EDGEUT0N. Wines, Liquo r s AND CIGARS. JIain Street, opposite the Court House. This place is just opened, new, good goons of all kinds. We want to keep a good house and please our customers. REMEMBER THIS. 91y. "BJ1 IIsK. J. F. BAUMEISTER Funiilics Fresh, Pure Milk, ih:livi:ki:i iiiiv. Special calif attended to. and Freli Milk Iroiii same cow lui uislicil when wanted. 41y NEW HARDWARE STORE. J. S. DUKE Has just opened an entire new stock of hard ware, on Next door west of Chapman & Smith's Drug More. -.. -A Full Line of ' ' " ' SHELF HARDWARE, SHOVELS, RAKES. SPADES ana ALL GARDEN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, ly the Ktf, or Pound- ROPE, POWDKR, SHOT, GRIND STONES, WHEEL-BARROWS. A Full Line of CVTI.ERV. Special Rates tc Guilders and Con tractors. AH iroods sohl!as lov s thev nossiblv can b ami live. 4iv MINNESOTA BEST THRESHER OH WHEELS Is not a Vibrator nor an Apron machine. IB wonderfully Bimple and adnurably pertfect in its thrcshmir ana wparating' qualities. Saves all the (train, and cleans it ready for market. liuuB easily, is coiMrtructed durably. Is linisnt-d beautifully. Is tho mcxt economical, l-ast expen sive, and inoftt satinfaetory machine in the market. Will handle wet pram aa well as dry. Has no equal in threRhinir flax and timothy, thrown, in? and cleanlnir both as well and nearly as rapidly an wbe&t. and requires no chame except the sieves. Bom inarm tguart jTael qf irpamti" tuul cleaning rur. foe than any other machine made, and can not b OTerlnndfd. Is both over- and nnrter-blast Our C.1.0VE11 HFI.I.INti ATTACU3IKNT is new and very deuirabla. Does the work mora rapidly and bettor than an exclusively Hulling Machine. SEPARATORS of the various sizes JUUdfor Steam or Hor l'mtrr, as desired. An Improved Pitts Power, an Improved eodbury Power, and the El word Equal izing Power, all mounted on fonr wheelx. are manufactured by us, ami art not nrpasstd by any in th market. We are aluo rrepared to furnish flmt-claM Portable Engines with our Separators. Far Price-List s,id Circulars, address -seymc ;r, CABIN & CO. Manufacturers, Stiiiwater, Minn. IMl TS Excelsior Barber Shop. J. O. BOONE, One door west of SolomonM.Xathan's Store HAIB-CTTTTrtsTG, SHAVING AND SHAMPOOING Especial attention given to CUTTING CHILDREN'S AND LA DIES' HAIR. ALL AND SEE BOONE, GENTS, And jret a boon in a ' CLEAIST SHAVE MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HORSE sIIOEINUf A X t) WAGON 1EF.PA IKING All kinds of FA KM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly tt- Promplp. : 0 Horse, 3Iulc& OxShoeini:. In short, we'll shoe anything that liar four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JZETVnT shop 11 Kit th between Main ar-.t Vine Streets. ust across a corner from tue new 111.1IA1 Oi kick. ki" iatmmiW s. TAKI2 Till: mmmmmm NO CHANGING CARt - ) FRl.M ( OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS. NEBRASKA CITY or PLATTSM0UTH to CHICAGO, Where iliicet connections aremaile with Through Sleeping Car Lines TO NEW YOKK. KOSTON. nilL ADKLrillA, li A I.T I M O K K. WAMlI.NtilU.N, AND ALL EASTERN CITIES T7hc SlhOT-t Liixa Via PEORIA for IXDTAXAFOLIS. LOUISVILLE. CIXCIX XATI, and all fioiiitin the SOUTHEAST- T1IK 11KST I.IXE KOK ST. Lours, Where Direct Connections are made in the I'NION liEl'OT with Through Sleeping Car Lines for oil points. l. J 11. The Shortest, Speediest and most Comfortable via HANNIBAL to Ft. SCOTT, DEXISOX, DALLAS, 1IOCSTOX A USTIX, SAX A TOXIO, OA LVESTOX, an all points in TEXAS, Tnllni:in lt'.-Wiieel Palace .Nleeiiinsr Cms. ".. B. & O. I'itlitee lJi-itMiim-lCooiii Cars, With Hoiton's Keclininf; t'liairs. .otKxtra. I harire lor heats in ix-limn;? l nans. The famous t'., li. &. U. Palaee Dining'C'aiv. Fast Time. Pteel Kail Track and Suiienor Ktinipnieni eoiiihined with their Ornif ltirowjh Car Arrainicmrnt. makes thin, above all others. the favorite Route to tue r-.AST, JMU'TH OKSOITII-LAST. THY IT, and,ou will find TRAVKLI N(J ;x Lux ury. instead oi a inseonnort. All information about Kates of Fare, Sleep ing Car Accommodations, and luue lables. will he cheerfully given by applying to James It. Wood, Uenerari'assenger g't, Chicago. C.W. S3IITII. Traffic Manager. . e. A Uree, Driv auJ C'linptete t. nJc to Vd lock, cv:i!i nine, with nianv oii rt. the fnl- lwinr cbar-ier : A ConiwtenI Wooianhood, ScIpcIiob at Wife- Teninrin.tciB. ctiiiiuAlih)e and ibcuiut.AUb.e. Str-rilitv in Women, cause- anj treatmn.t. Ad ice to Bridegroom, Advice to Huibandt, A ivice to Wivv rrottitutioa, iti ciuifi, Cehbacv and Matrimony comjured, Ctmunl DutiM. Confiatmcrtt. Lot and CourtiLm. IniDrt')fnnu to Mftr- Vtf ScinMof RvproJuctloa, SmfW Life oundervd. La of M&rriacr fcDl 1iy(wm. Ll nshta mt tamd omb. c. iacludmr IiuratM m ubar to WtMD. their aaucaad treatment. A book fat yirivt tod evnatden. naoiBg. oraia pacta, wiia rait riAta aarariaci, ttj mail. vca.MJcactm. " THE PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER" Ob 8ypailis. Oonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, vanoo cele, c. aio on Spermatorrhoea, Sexual pebrlity. and Impotency. irom aeIIAtuc and i-iccttr. ciunt.c 8mlBt EmuaioDf, N'rvouanea. ATttaion U8ocity, lbjical Icaj, bin bh of Sifhi. Dfeti Mrtoory, Lot of 8ual Povar, etc., Btakinc taar fiC iespropar r onbappv. ffiioc trattnui,ad (tat ma"j TaJutLU r lp for U our ef all pnrau diaaaiaa; S54 pagaa, over 6o pla.ua, bu eeotav 1 Helical Alvlce Lecturt on liinhccl & wexanhsca. lCs. popular Medical Book published. The author il an eiprri aced phyatciaa of many year practice, (at is well known), aaa w. Htm fisa, ana raim rof ml nlu la inoaa muWenam fna aad th, aaria, firva, and ralm for tmiam lanl d..n, ill b. f.iuua of Ciat tlw la tnoa suarriaf rraai latpunue, or ui Titrm. rrl, ,rror, t rier. or an, of tb. travbUs rantn. nDdr th. bred ot ' tltlVATH Iol Ti fir. or any of lh travbUs rantac nnd.r th. b.cJ of " titlVATK " or u CHRONIC " rllnaaas. Postfa atamp, takea la pajneat for Woks. p Rjyrrj sji pi pe n s a ry ,Di,,,;,uhr;, cvtiHii.iiea iMac. AaI dibriscs reaultifiz" from Impure aexual association, aelf-abusr nr sexual ?xcrtt-t. rairnta irarea Djr man ana rxpresv. wner prnin .?. frr aonal cnasultatioo la preferred, Inh is free and mvifdt. t rona lo be answered by pattenta dekirmc treatmettT Rait i . . Id any ad ire at on apilicatioo. Fr booki nr treatment a.i..t s JICTTS, 12 North Kill Su 1 ouia. Ma in entiraly New and pout i rely effective tamed (or tbe eueedr and permanent cure of Seminal Emissions and Impotency ty tbe oc!r trua iy, tu., Uiract AppIcaiio to U. pnaotpaTbeat of ta Iiaeaaa. Tba ua f tba tMsady la acutvlaa with no paia or iDdoovaataaea, and dtjaa bo iulerfara vita La orrfamaxy puraiuta af Ufa, TLia mod at traauaant baa tool tba taat in vary sarar win, aad tM now a pronounced eucoeaa. Tbera aa aa aoaaanao about trua prvporatios. Practical bavrrauoi. a&aUcs ua ta mettiTclT cuaraaCae thai te will pre parfeat aauafactwa. It m eoa aalod by tba MocUcal Profeeiioa ta bo tba moat rational owaos Tat diacov rod of reaching aad tnru tikis Terr prvTaien t truabla. Tba Ranwdj kj X-a p m MM UlM, of IkM MM. h. 1 lMtin BMIi ). J. Ko. 2 t&iMt a fact a pMraMMat mrm mIm im taWW cm ; $j; H. 1 Ua-rif or ttu aBontha. wiH Mop iiiniaiii m4 nart ifu tia Mm mm, ST. hf euJ, aaai m t'ati vrapfaar. Fail riUaa fan fl&C IMiSpUf sl(k tsn. aW t IWrtptfW haUlini AtMrrtl UMtFtW wffl OTO M tth 8M ahtflium tkM Vbr b rwortu, I -rft aotuiMwt, teal Oft. d for li AuUm at lifW. auM aa if nr alTrlwt. aMlid for mtan, HARRIS REMEDY COa WF'O CHEMIST6. Market end th 8troeU. RT. LOCIa MO. I HMoTSritetl tatimonfj to Ffflcnni if froith lsettf rf4rtl rom Mittroivt Indiapa, April i ah, isTSK i be re me -If is working perfecti". Had eJiic)Sjr (rornetreToeM Chlrarn. Anc. U, 579. I am Itiort-ueiily curer! and fee! tip lop. 1 iic ywuu mn tn the ctin'rr ts relT-ny belttr. Missouri, Sept. IS, Js79. 1 received so much benefit from the iie oi yr remedies Uiat I want to try them in another case. Tan i of lou& stir-itrr. ani will Tirl Tn"thiog very itrofeg Sch., Jan. 25, IS79. I have used up your packare of n,a.di c.ne; tend Rie another as aon as possible. Tt.it tartars si 'j prn an apparent irnacie. t-ui mere aa wraicnMi ycl, auj a Miso juu won n y"" tT Tf rurr oi mat DR. BUTTS5 DleaM ZsUUei 127 at 12 . Zih Ztzizt, ST. LZ71Z, 111. THE Fby-if tana in charr f thia oi and well kn" a .1 ii tution arc trccular araduatea in B FiIiciba and mrerv. Of ExparietMtt in th trrarmesil of Chronic ltwa t'v cuid thctr saiU and ability aoDitwCb auperior it that ul we unlit ar; practiuoner, nLat tney have ac,uirvd a ttjtmujl ftj.uu.jjn tnrouh 'heir I'estnicnt f c-"n; vicalf ) rf. IN DISCRETION "r EX POSUSC Bu-iici a nhili. fsiiM:rrtn o. sV-tt-tt. Mnrluif. tirt hi Li-. ttU Iriaarv TrouUtra aud Svih.iil.f r,r Arrrnri.il mrni r. it.a thruaU akin fir boaea, trea't -J v.ii!i luicr.., mi rrrt:t.f't (.'.a eip'M. -.!( ninr MnriiTr or oti -r l i-cri-iui M'-n.H.r. YOUNC (Yi FN r'1 '" of n"1-" " re iLf. ipKaarjaaiMBamMbisSS3aM Icrii.r; fmm ue rUcrr of Spi'iK.itur- rava or JS'.-aadial .'iMkan-s, li e rt-sult of feit aHu-n: i: y u it or txce in ntatured vnr. are f.rrnj3-rr y turd. Tf iJia taa produce aooie of the Kilnrir euccTs n. k !. H-'r' ea, d.szineaa, bcrvouanraa, dimrcrrti i4 ,;hi. c-n-f'.-. i;.o. tUKu, CuitatipaUr.n. dcponJcncT. cor.fu.irtr ot )ira. er:o;i n . Cirty, dcftrct.e memory, arxui fihif'ni, ir.p.i'ei;rv rr It-si oi imiiiv i:.t, vn en iitip-- t;.c ti--?-" i t DUrie- or irarriare. PATI ENTS TREATED""'"111"1 K' aarafayaat.wtfL,-.jai-'i jaayjaw a- - rT-tvfca-. bur n rre fMillrv lcuo., ii in; i'iiui( m i-' . i.-'' i- I, in -.ii i it r. i, i d u ii- Sairnt oiaild 'r-r- tn any a il t an ai ; dratj -n. rrrvaa anfrrrlac fruaa Ittipturr -Imuld aml fMreiWrf., an 4 I ram o an r thine ta llirir alartnrr. If at a trn.F Conn::u'iir3Ti -ps 'ru iiv rr.r.ri r T '. d -n t i - .-swvd 1:2. Ul TTS I -..rtia rili M., S ouiw Ala. r3 'X f! ,:v -vcr;i.. ? v. f-y .cyi ' r;. n-'e 9- i3 rl if-. Inf. rt.s- li.d-.t.alrl. f V-v rn,ill'l sM f-ie on Sfl ic:...n. tr ii vi:i;ih i:evkby .. aH a n i . :j j:aar j t oeuiuiv, m h as jiara. t si. B LiiM S-t. Louk Ma. 11 PCMTC WANTED the Best aod Fastest- f ULlt I Q Selling flctorial Books aad Bibles. Price fa rluceiL33 ycr ct. KationaJ Publish 'f Co., St, Louis, Mo. 4 fmim&sfgm&Wfo Yi i'A s-m ir.'siViV--s? "fttC'ral. is l. A 1 1 Inwa, Ot. Ifllh. Ij.T9.I am almost sunrt-lstj al Toor Tas. SCathartlC and sft 1 1?5 , . a I I Hive wwltil like a charm no me. I tun SbT J f4 rir 4 Xrf ft I.. r-in.ithf imin n I j. M;e HI,:;. I was or. Iha STflnifl avL Z9 1 M IS T 't vl v.--r cf l'ie -ravf. I Ihouelit. aod Itere was cure fur a. Si" av 3 "J mNO 1 U ' Ul.,.1,,,1 """rr. ' JTRY 1 II H P Vl0 S Vrst Virginia. Auf. ii, lj.79. I n-ceiTed year inrtiriip, mj IT 7r4 lift- 3 ajrSV V.lS i e , S I li. :rt .1 his cu-rl me. r. r which I am err Ihaakf'.l. In. E f3V ? XSv . V I "1" rV S t' . 1 p ca-.e f-nrl i, f..r which rrase send me another box nU, J fcTT- v 8 . - I . .. ?i f .r a fii-r. . Vou have doae a great thiuf Cur bus. 1 j&f iA 5-r8 1 ' K e3 S r, .!.- ilV;.;s,rmi.nmI irf,Mn. fyW-A - Vm?V IlS ' S V.. J i:-e 3MH. leTH.-l-leaaa ..-rwanl m u once aisMrie 2 E? tfVi f0 0 PV 0 l 0 . 5 r i The patient on v-lmm I have used mol of - f-J fJ-JSa (l u V ' a W I & fo'? , '; ::::: y-Ktzyri:-""---1 Je "ft.vo pv t dwis ' ..' " n . 2. 9-!s,t J.:1rv re rot from Ton 0 V V , 0 tlU U vl T. l'ir r. i r uiir tr.l .lurrt, n.J H lu mij eiW -f,"' -A0 ,,B , ol Sfc a V. c U-rj ai.r r ctst,r now suffer. t j 0,01, n'i1 lr,V S c . e . J u b r;ciu umil oue No.3bo " i v ) p CXO 0 fV S AT All S HAMLM CABINS James Pettf.e IiCaI.'JU' in f:1usica fnstrurrienJs, Sufc Apr. it:iii"j A'yent ) The- 1 tn ivnKt-1 , ir.iN i:t f.'.v.i.v.s. Al-o St.::.- A-'i- if t'.i !!' r'.-!.: v r . i:.er ;in,l VV. f. Kni:4t!i I .1. I t i s. SA.Ml'l.K ilt'.MKXTS f.i ofiice. .-lixtli. one i!oor mv.i! !i of Main X. I-LATTSMOL III. N I"!!. ll!rl- S Sli3tl9'S Will do well to exainiiif our New 31i!Soii & Ifiiiulin OK,C3-l.JnE IITSTETJCTOB NEW BRICK YARD. I am ,'oin to JsT A T7 TTj BRICK, this spring and want to MAKE THEM CHEAP, that people can build BRICK ITOUSES IXSTEAD OF FRAME. I shall contract and Build BRICK Houses. the coming year and would like those Intending to Uuild to --give me .1 call before Iookiug elsewhere JEIIRY IfAHTMAX. At my place ou Wa.-lnsigton Avenue or at F h. lute 6 Store on Main .Street, riattsmouth. Nebra-ska. jsm:! New Firm ! JOINES & 4 V I.-'l' at the Brick Livery Stable, n.Aiis.Monn, - - m:i5i:aska. Tt. . 1, .. r. . ... i ut- oui liouuer m ; u cs. n I'lalfsinniit i. are now leased hy Jones & Ajrne'w, and tliey live on nana .ew and Handsome accommodations. in ine Mupe oi HORDES, C A 11 R I AGES, BUGGIES, and SADDLE HORSES. We are prepared to keep HOUSES FOR SALE i TRADE! And will Train and Break Colts On Keasonahle Terms. also uEsioim-:.;, That with nlentv of room ft hsit. everv niw knowf we have) in our Mnhle. we can iret i'.-irni- ers' stock and wairons, loads of hay, cc, under i"ivi, Mi'if nicy in kc' iiy. aiiiii.M-! an me oui nairoiis lor t heir 1 iera i- t v. we so.icit their trade fortlie fnlure. sa'isllcil t U -it ve eaii accominodale 1 hem hot ter and do lictier hy tiirin tlmii ever lie fore. 01y JONES ct AfiXEW. WILLIAM HEROLD, (It'altT in DUV GOODS, cloths. blankets, flannels, FURNISHING GOOD. :o: GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Large stoi.-k of BOOTS and SHOES ! 1.0 CLOSED Oli r AT COST :o: Notions, Queensware. iind in f.u-t I'veryiiiiiiij y u c.r.i c.iil fi.r in III.' lillf nf General Mercluindise. cash iAii) Viii m:K.s anj wha. All kinds of roun y i-ii. ill. i i:ik n i:i ex fli.iiic for coiids. S ULU ;f:J hhtl A t Lfc , 5 JDn. San-koti.d's Livek InviuoratorJ is a Standard Family Rimody for j5 jiUseasGs of the Liver, Stoui:u.'li gM and Bowels. It i3 Furelv $ - eiit-'uiuie.- ...3' Jvv, . s XD. fl VJ au av 2 a r V . 1'C. P.O. V& - p,' 2 W.Vc6V6M5 r - , eC3 . 1 . ' CIRCULAR ,Os Is Mi OK. L..J, Iri.U,, MWYCiaCa'rf Vnu: ,ls;r T!!LLTLLV01 ITSUEI-riiTlU!!. B-i-'l i-??T 'J J' ,t-;iwlfi'i.'5vv(5S.''- ? V - -.-, -''. xt never .t rT h ? U L7 ii J a H V fill I J$ S B invigoratorS '!'fi3fl0r-' in my practice Jfir". 2 H nd by the pnblic.J -"lor more than 25 ye:ra,J Sf1.- Wlt'1 unprocPutnteJ rcsnifs.? WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE o c. c o v w. AAmin 1 nj CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND h PACIFIC R. R. IS THE GREAT CONXKCTIXiJ I.i'K Its lu:un lice riu:i ft -'.v. l'iji:-.i?.y ' ii.:.':;-il BluITrf, pasiim llirtiilt!il .!i-iicl, Oti.iv.-::. Mt.Ji., G(meco. lolii-e. H--t 5t lhiml. !;i vnj-i t Liberty. Iowa I u v, AI rcriK'-'. lir.4.1. ! .. a. i-n;: :i, IK'S Moinea ithe c-n 1 -i i ti I -f lu-vti .Stiiur:. Ail. 1:1 t.c, nnU Avoi-a ; witii lr:i!ii-lis in-u i;i: :ui Junction to IVorin ; Wilton Juin-ti u l- tine, Washington, Kairlli-1,1, 1-;-ih-t. I;--.:. . ;i, Centreville, Prim-eton. Treiiioii. ; u I l-:i I fin, Ieavcn'-vortli, At-!iisui i-i-n-.-m .!; HsuuiKton to fMt-'ou-.'i'.ey, -.-k:iIi ::i. an: l.:i. : ville: Kotikun to r nriuiiiu'Hi'i. r'iiiii;;r: toiixport. Indem1cr:t. Kl! ti I )t ti:n. v. :.. i;.i..v -ill.lnkalootit, l'el!:i. i nro.-. : mi 1:. s ?:.. Newton to Monroe; I-3 M ii;u-s r 1 .1. 1 i;; : i .:,. Winicrset: Athmli.- to 1a-vis xiu I AiiMum .:: - i Avoca to llurhin. This is i- .:.vi ly li.o . : .v KailroaU, wliicii ivii. tmA oih-iai.i. 11 t:i--' -I: line from C'Iiichko into Hie St ..!-. 'I'hroUUlt Kxpress 1'HSsCtitfl- 1 ;:.-. if, 1 a- man lalace arHltriitfi. ::n- r.ut .-.i,.!' .:: t y between Chicago ami 1':: t;i . 1.: -. ; y'. Council lii.vrea, Luav,:. .k-.i; ! r i POS. Throin-'hcarsat'ou'or.:!. i';. - n Y.i. . t. ' hee and K:;nsns I nr. t:m ".Mil-.:.unt liok Island Short l.nn'." The "Great Ilok Island" is n::i-i;:i-'-:.!:v quipped. Its road lu'd i- simply yei t..-.i, :it..i its track is laid with steel rails. What will please you most will he the plensuro ef enjoying your meals, v.-hi!e p:is.!;u nvor beautiful pratnes of Illinois nnd lov,-;:. 111 ot.e of our maeniticent Oinum Cars tii:it ac.nn.,.n-v ui unrouKa express j rains. lou pet ; meal, as Rood as is served in any lirsi-c lou pet an entire ULiV llrst-CiaS holc-t. foreeventy-tive cents. AppreciatinB the tact that a major. ty of th people prefer separate niiarttuenis tor n.a.-iviit Durnoses (and theiininen.se uassenuer Imsiuess cf this line warrantinu it . we are rhsas.-d to an nounce that this Company runs J u.'iiniu '.i!.i At Kansas Citt, with all lines for tho West Sleeping Cars tor sleeping purposes, wU 1'uiuce and Southwest. FtLLHAX P.VI,iCE ( Alts :-.r-o ruu tht-ouirh to PEORIA, 1ES MOINES. COT MIL, BLVKFS, IkAXSAS 11 IV, AT1!IM), and l.EAVENWOKTH. Tickets via. this Line, knou ii sh the "(Irfiit Kock. Island JSoutc," are sold bjT All Ticket Agents la the l i iir-d Sn.tes rind l.'anada. For Information not obtsainuVie. i t your hoiuo ticket ofllcc, address, Jm.. KIMBALL. 12. .TOHN. tien l Superintendent. Gen'l Tkt. and Pass er Agt Chicago, ILL S87.50 CHILD BEOS D. E. CHILD, .t-uOTua? IB .3 Krf.'TKT. Kiii Ul J?rv;. V.7L ' . 7 . a 2 o o o w w o M Ph 3 '3 ?-i a o o STYLE PFSCKirTrON'.-ThHtsa fine Cuttiufe ( mrnn. Two full s"iof rttl rw. nine slops. raim otcln'sir d mtsry-- -m ClIAI'KL. (IliliANS.-We It av Hplc-iulid Chapel Hrinis, biwk lini.ilied like fruiit, for liiun nm, i-ii i ii lit v iiwn, v ., i ir . THi K. While we jmy due nrteniinn to ontwnl ip;fnmnop. we fvr tiearin niiiul that the Tone Is the Kll-iniporuiitt reiiiisin'. I f this. Hi ure. Hie st i. nf un or-ian. he deficient, the iiiHtrumeut Ls oC liuia Worth, however fair U.e exti-rinr. We tivaiitiry ihe cits", hut not at the expense or the Tone. CASH TKKMS We will s- iaiis iiiMrtiri.eiit to iiuy respntmtble 1'icrt ror them to examine, and If p 1 ea.se J, to pay for within te:i d;i;.Ty seuUiir,' .Irmt on .e.v v nrk, or 1'. u. order, or express Or, lr aat pleased. 1 will p:iv the freight m: f avh hih! il cm lie reiurii'Ml u nie. CltKIHT TK1U1S. W'e w ill TTso ijlve from three to twelve liionll.s er.vlit. with 8 per cent Interest, to any party w ho ow iw real t stiue u the ainntiiit of !S. :i. ovit uikI love liii timhraneea. We will ala Kive time on tlie inositlily p:iyinent pian. fj" down anil Ij per month. 8 per cent interest, to those wha have uot the amount of real estate xpokeu of. All we desire is satin, actory evidence of iesvoii.iihllity. Give the uanie and P. O. address of K.iuie hank. nid business linn, muster of tranye lode, or justice ut tfce peicce, wild can rocommeud you. bend fur circular. A ddres XJ. J CI 1 1 1. 1), Uaj-ton, Olno. BATES & KOHKKE. New Carpenter Shop on Main Street, Corner of 7th. BUILDERS CONTRACTORS GENERAL AV 0RKMEN lu the Carptiiter line. td M 1 -c) r pa sec" IT r ,j 2 -35 ? 02 CD ?d - O O 5 . 2 r- ET. -t : s 2 - 3 S i - o- -r $2 CD r s o i 7; -J. ' 'f. NEW FIRM. JTBW C3-00 DS I ! JXO. 150N8 & SOX, BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS. At O. Ciitlnnau's ohl store. - A FULL LINE OF Staple and Fancy Groceries, new and ri:i:sH. BREAD STUFFS, of every description. Choice and Fancy Candies and all kinds of Canned GToods. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, of trie best brands. CHRISTMAS TOYS, dC, dC, ia endless quantities. Fresh Bread Daily. Don't fail to Call. SSly J. B03TS & SOX, Prop s. 2 CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL t n 1 j imwr, in mi 1 n g. RFTV.TES THE EAST & THE WEST! Iniu.u) 1 tor eatm? purposes only. ineoiner frt':.'. l, :-.i:': e of our I'aiace Cars is a SMOKINU .- A i v.lu-i-e you can enjoy your "Havana" ill ::A it i:rs of lite i!hv. ;.!.i -:.u, vnt Ir.-u HriOt'e span the Mississippi :oi .'.u so!i; i rivers at u 11 points crossed by tni t.-aiisfors are avoided at Council 13 luffs. i'i.::s.:.- ity, Leavemrorth, and Atchison, con-i.-v tx-iMXinaue in Cnion Depots. i'l't; l'KI.N. U'AL, It. It. CONNECTIONS OF 1U1.AT TiIKOLUli Artl AS :- ' 1 OU.OWS ,i iit."At;o. with all diverging line for tat :.ui1 xmiiIi. ;..:..i.i:w t.oi, Tvitu tha L. S. 4 M. S., and P : i. il . !l. lids. .' i u .'.-iuMiiuv lii-icnis, with P., C. & St 1. K. ..i i. Si t.::. v.ith 111. Cent. It. It. At. I'. : a v.ith I". H. i J.; P. l. 4 E.: I. B. 4 -' : i . 1.: :nnl --. 1. A W. Rds. .'; .ik .i 1st. ami. wuh "Milwaukee & Rock 1- .1 .-iio; t I. me," and Rock Isl'd A Peo. Rda. .,i : '. v i. .-. ;i'oiti', uu tho Davenport Diviaioa c. a. .v m. r. n. i:. a: . v i' i.ihKiii v, with theB., C. R. N.R.R. At t : ::is'. r.i.i.. with t entral Iowa R. R. .t I ...s M.u.VKS. with I. M. K. I- K. R. At ocxi IL lli.t-FFS. with l-'nion Pacific R. R. .itiiAHA. with B. A Mo. R. R. R. In Neb.) A 1 1 f i.i'.i nis J r notion, with B..C. R. A N. R.R, AiOi rirMWA. with Central IowaK. IL ; tt. I.. A Pac. and C. B. A Q. It. Rds. At icLOKt-K. with Tol., Peo. A War.: Wab., 81 Louis it 1'ac, and St. I., Keo. A N.-W. R. KdS. At camf.kon, with H. St. J K. R. At A lciiisox. with Atch.. Topeka A Santa Fe: Ateli. A Neb. and On. Ur. V. P. R. Rda. tao ! At j.la vknwokth, with Kan. Pac., and Kan. - Cent. It. Kds S87.50 ORGAN, DAYTON, OHIO. u o e 13 P M r O O o H S 9 e 5 B 5 ; - 1 il 5 S s - 0 H (0 7 9 m. 3 112. liavintr ft finp tone, an. thbot Ktotv.-irtlon in una. svill. nmsir rw Hver. kikuii rov'r. vntnHl punl 1 imne Lotlg ea, SAGE BROTHERS, Dealers in S T O "V IE S , s IaJ as -SiaVaji,. .-Ttt U K Mr; ETC., KTC, KTC. One Door East of the rost-Oilico, Plattsmonth, .Nebraska. Practical Workera in ! SHEET IRON, ZINC, TIN, BRA ZIER V, dc, de. Larjje assortment of Hard aim Soft Pumps, Gass Pipes and Fittings. GOAL STOVES, Wood and Coal Stoves for iIi:ATIN(; Oil COOKING Always on Hand. , ivry variety of Tin. Sheet Iron, and Zinc Work, kept in Stock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done cm Short Notice. STEVEIIYTHIXO WAIIRAXTED ! i'Ri:i:s low down. O. F. JOHNSON, DEALER IN Drugs Medicines WALL-PAPER. -.iv(. - -y3 - Ail Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IX Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest Publications. I'resrriptions Carefully Compounded by an Experienced Drasstat. KEMEMI3EK TUE PLaCE Gih ST. DOORS SOUTH OF MAIN PLaTISMOUTH. neb. ftrCH&LS, SHEPAftD & CO. Baltic Crect, Mlcft. -r Vi T rjirVi V ' ,:' - " . ''"vol K!.-M.rrrr,rtioH Aetonlshlncly Durable and uomlrrf i r. i-k th.in half tim u-:ird rwm and Imlu. PORTABLE, TRACTION, and STK A K I NO STE A V.-EUCIWf S, with ptN ud fffatnres of lowr. lur.il)iljty, Sale! v. KNtl:'m,v, nnd Hi iu:v i .iv!y tii;kfifin iti other ntikfxi. K(emn l ower OuttitN uud NieniM -!' r Si'tidrniurx t-i-inliy . boor - of .a. p.uaUjt. (ruca u i ureivK uorsn p:wnr; also rwo mi inirty-Two Years of Prosoerouc iiU C'c iVir.v-y or name, location, or inanugcninnl. h.riiii.r- n Htn.1-4 ira&rante for s-jpenor kn1 .nd h"i i.r-i.;, rt,"ihns. PAIITinU I ti w..i.rr.,i i mil 1 Uiaaj: our to build and Palm off lororlor an J . ;rl i what Was of A,! H"-i,''.'-r !?."Jr'''i;? ' jUmZli be -not decejved iJs'i rt:HiCttt:'&M: by net ei,wimnral an.1 worth! nin..lilt., r. I' raa bc . i -' " -.'-"r--?-' -t i.-.' 'it Vr'Mr9 it-V thf "riClul"i h-"Jpni!ll'elruui u.. - Vty .ii- V, ,. -"f Clor full vrttf-ulura cnll on w..r draii-r.. or w.it.. , r-,,l" r t'm -V" to ua for Illu.ir;ii.1 Circular. lii.h luail nr. . A.l.i.t-i i.VS -j k J - . KICH0LS, SHEPAKD & CO., Battle Cr.v!,. .d I fi.fi-' .-: vA-LiZ:-... I tM4i Jib '' Jki THE ltAEVILLE ST()( Ik FAHM," al.lIIO.V, IIOOVi: (OI Tl, XIAt.. ESSEX SWINE. AVe liave now ov a very choice lot of piirs, of 1i for breeding, and wanant can thus mate iMtici: or One to two months ol.l sir. each, or ?ir ier nr rivo" seven " " $3$ " ".5 NUMBER 27, FOR f800. Please observe that our P. ice List, No. 27, for Spring and Summer 1880,2nd illustrated Gun List arc now rea dy. It is embellished with cv:r 1,203 illustrations, and con tains prices, with descriptions, of over IO,G0O articles, useful and ornamental, such as Dry GeoJs, Noiicns, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Saddles, Harness, Crockery, Clocks, Watches and Jewel ry, Musical Instruments, G-::n3 ar.-J .rc:cutcrments, Groceries, &c, &c, all of v!.ic!i v3 offer io the co.isu.ier only at wholesale prices, in any quantities to suit th9 requirements of the purchaser. Tha only Iigjso in America who make this their special and exel asiva L-u. Liecs. Price Lists, Order Blanks, and Samples of Piece GjjJs 3?i7 Flluto any address upon application. Wo are the PJonoars or' ihi pLm cf direct dealing wunine cons.iT;e.'. tti&A mjjA v r a. 'a ia - 2J7 REFER ENCT T!m Ti ft! 53 JUST - OPENED AO A IX, New, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on Main Street Corner of 5th. riattsmouth I. very body on liand for fresh, tender meat. 2iTl.'-sJ psr DAV GUARANTEED using out WCLL AUGER & DRILL in good territory. Endorsed by Governor cf IOWA, ARKANSAS & DAKOTA f iiTr-aV ' T-"-TTITTnrn irWaMaf a aSi 617 St. Charles Street, St. Loais, UTo. A rt-it'si i .sili :.: of t o ! dirBl Co!, ;(ii, hnib-?n lonw eu,;i-c. in ti.e imt!,i. tu ar-m i t ''t all V t rifi cal. Sexual ftiatl Chicij .: xj 8',;.i:c. thunar.v othrr ThTairtau la bik Lout, at citv j.p-r sfiow. m.ri a.i old rt-siiienu know. fiyphiiw. 0.ji:o:iiiu.-u,Ca"..t. tLrictui e. Oi chitis. Xlej-nia, or llupturo. nil UririHry U sensfs ana Bvpliilitic t-r Jtt. cvi il AffoctioDs of tb Throat Bkia cr Ecnrs. urr ir oti.tl witli unparalk-leU ucccu. on latrst ciciit;ii. prii.'-i; . svafiy. I'rivaui.y. brra-ro! t xiai Xetjlity and Tm po tency. o tf result of aS?Jf-Abu in youth, M-2u.1l n civ3 in i.iaiujvr vra s. or oihti oum-i, ai.U wlikli prinluce aonir at tin- Jo. lowing etf'-t-t: in ruJim-a, anuiital rinia iuu, rttn!ity. dimrM ofil.l.- li 1 tiie uifmorv. uiutpiea on the tu e, phvucai iomy. nvvri-inn Ut noiTy ul A-itiDlV ou.ii!i..n it iijrno. loss f v 1 a i p-iucr, tc , rtleriiic marrw fre iinno)r or i.ai:'n "re iK-i-niam-inly ur d. ComultaUoti ot offi'i. or n pil f uixl itivitpif VbB it it itn-iivo!i (it 10 i-.il tl.e ( i:r f.r ir utn. nt! mrdirmr ran be vtit hy iintil m fx r ji furvirlicir. i ur-alicca-4 guaraiiHi ij, u tu n d..utt -x.: it i; fianIy Uuid racpilai Ijr.Lc: 1 ar.S; V?.s::a. 1 lusi ; Peraia, far b:t;. 2 :;r.r.s CI T:; j. A rat ra e a id re 2BO S9S.Iru&.-, S-AGV3- nNr. i CU1DE PLATES. a i-iewtautcioth p.r.d p.!, 1 'id: n-r. Ef r-rt fr f.Cc. more, i no- i i 'l or . ,. . 3 i.mir.a-r a!.nld ' i" r n:i.i-r i.h r -. ri v. l'..jn:i;.r il;ion aain as alxivc. Imt M,rr .,.-.;.: pj . tt, rl i v It ai1' IiiikiiwwI.. I - ... .. , .. ,1 n.,.,l-in An.rV, '' saHaaTiTTgifg ffa sr. y.- .s--.- - w-rg5ai.-.y-ra PRESOEIP For tha -pdy cuie of -mii Premature lability, Nrv.r fl'itra. AvirVoti lu riordr bronl.tei 1 y V (ftru'at ha liic i'-jr; 4 OR. JACOuilr.. : il.-r i a t V ... . I I r t- I i.i t 1 " c ; I. r-1.1 , : AMLvi nf 0r .1-. A. 11 Arm. II,. ti. ' .1 ' J ft ,rr f I li,lii (f'ln't 1 iv-1 I:;ki i t fjr. I t, ,i it I - . 'f H"f)'M aV tU.. rice str t, r. njtino. NOT FAIt to sxn4 for our Price Klst-fur 18HU. Fuel tc any aili e upon a p. iliiMtoi.. Confaliia tie-r!ptijjns of every iljiiiif rMit!ir''l r..r r rinal or family ue with oer 1.200 Illi:str.-itloni. We o' mi Kooil.a at wholcs.i'e prir- In iiianiiiiei i .j,,,. tlm p'lroliaiwr. The only lintli ution in A merles Wlio inali. I li ' ?l....r .j.'-ela! lti:nH Aiiilri.Aa MONTIiOMI IIY VVl:iVIO it! & Uuluah A vei, ChiiaKo. liL ;,f f n 1 aw mm a comix Ici.t ti.u.'m turn in raca VsrMi J I kLaf cntr m t;-e l. . i, u 44 Cj doptta a 1 aua Wwrth kawln by uLttcr.i.t.vu. Takuca ioea. witii ftMJ rcfereuet we luiauh tt.c twlhi lrrry anJ ITivc trrgtf that will Inur a worker over KM a mom tit AdUrcM iTU ATlOAAi ft B. tO-, ilo bt. Lvuaa, Ma. A. G. HATT $2 af tVS E?i 1r in I'M.,..- v, iuuriic. t" ty wun'irrrul prn pu-turra truslo lif; articlr-aon t!..- ! l,. .,.z ,i,l.j.,.ts : W in, m-y aliarry, who I...I. liy. it..i,.. I. W a n:t ,l, I'l.r-Mal dooa.r Who !iou..l n.n:.v; i U- n. l I upi-im n',. Btmsrfsil. T:,.rl:,ui., ..! .. ..!... I' . ..,,! ......i UhtWIAL AliO OfiLV GENUINE T.'-.ti Hortablo fflr-w4ho:t th rr- I I. i l 111! .i-i.lv kllU'vn utblllil .Hrri'a.f ! ini'irci eii .jkhi.-ii-ii norsr l itwi rn. S Bu!nos4 hy ih.t Uimmi, wilbont cbanffa -AT- all aces iiml froin six distinct in.iiortatious : wi eveiy jiin pure Ks s, or no sale. i:ssi:x ih.s. ; two to tha-e months ohl jn each oi J-juci hi Vount; Sous hied 10 to " 1 1 ' ;..ti cJ i'is system in 1872. ;av WAHD a CO., ;i A;;iE, niiQiio, ill ! r?nn'-, Chicago. NEW Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE Or au Old Stable in in-w hautls tut i rely. The New Finn of lI()L3Ii:s & MX0X, o;trii the old ST HEIGHT BARN, on theConicr of Clli and Pearl Streets -w Ith a New Livery OulfiL i ';)) imi!si-:s and cai:i:iaci:s at all 1 iiiiei HOUSES FOR SA EE, HORSES V.OUQJIT AXD SOLI), HORSES KEPT IIV THE HAY OR WEEK. Call and pi e IIOLMKS & IUXOX. i ''""'"n'hly. lgo-paite fccrnp H'mknf ihitcrfamof .lie Worlil a I.it. rat ur.i. Single :ijiy. 2lic., r,r il pr yt-ar. An Oil Cliroino 'llzJU iik.ii--i of "Vo rint V aKcy." priw. $1; "Black Hli.-.-p." a l.5ii hiA. in paper binding; "Christian Oakli'y'a Miatako." a l rxiok. in iiaiiKr biniiinic, and a aainple enpy nf " Wood a HuuxvhoM Maa7.in ' all pcmr-paii, for only 3o c-nt in inonuy, or in one-o-ut pola!n atamp. jttDU -aniaid. Mot liberal t.-nn". 1ml notlntiK m'nt fiv Acklref,s8.b.WooU "V'buu4jlui.Jini,.New iurkl ila. 33EST IS CHEAPEST! LEWIS'J CONDENSED STRIC1XY PURE! IF aire $ KHIO.OO for any Alum or other frrftiltfmtintt 'miiU in thia J'O n jtJJC. s Iri'torsed hy the r.rtVikljm r.rnrrt! W of Healt h, and by thu best cheu0iu la the United States. It la KTKOXCF.R thnn ny Iravat l'owilcr la io TvorliL It A'KVRR VAtl.H to iake lltlil bread when .'d (ii'r-i ted. O M .IIKXIIKIltiT every- - hOU.seiLeeiHr w ho Ulla riven It a fair tii.iL IUsanrntlrv-JjrXmVIVVEX-TIO.V, wlUiout.ii !iy of the b;ul n'lall tles of wvla cr Siler.ituH, jeaat or other brikiriir jiowdeiH. i It huH la ltf -if a terclencT to antaln and liuui lali liiO svKtein. Goorl food ma!:es gixd health ; nrjfl health ls Improved or 1npaireJ In ;..(. u.rt'iin ajtuo lood wc eat ls Jiutrttlinn or .r:ierwl Lewis' I.akinu I'ut. i ui liwaj t snalieai rood food. One can of thH ls worth two cf tay other l)aklii(r comrKniieL ' It makes oread wittier jinI i Irhrr. Moretaan half tLo eoin.il. itjta of liad f!inr rl.-iO Xrrnii tho Uie fif itiiiih,ii bukln" th)-.--ders, which often iiiai.e lUu U-bt o 1'oilr turn out darlc treail. " The mM a !!cat persons ran eat food prej-arerl with It wttl.out injury. Nearly every other bakii li.wdnr in adultcraie.1 and Is ehsolutxiv I'tn'j.-jiil T h!SlJ luade from I'rr.neri -r,'c rr.sn r Tartar, and H I'EUI KCIXY I'VttK. iutrtS,tt UtST' "uu BREAD, BISCUIT, CAKC, CRUI I PDQ BUCKWHEAT, INDIAN, AND .FLANNEL CAKES. .Epf trlilwUI prove the auprlorly if this I'ov.'Ufcr. VAwrrirTCKEa ovi t bt a0.T.LEWI3 & MEKZIESCO. 1I1TT- A Ti KT.PH f A - fSr-Fi.r -ale t.y K. : hOVKV .t -OV. f;l TII MAN .t S hi KliAril. F. !v UHI'li:. initl VV. II. BAKK1! & CO, and dealer iu iri neral. 1MI v 1 ! i 1 4