Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 17, 1880, Image 3

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    The Herald.
i, m;.VI. AD r EliTISKM KNTS.
rr.iu.i-nr. jr. (iits :. lino. Regular advertis
tr. ;ii(v,iii ( i o iii.s-i t-
1 1 :t les iii !ti as o t.t.
i.t'iivi :it Si.iMtrH rut Ci.
An. mii- y t;iifi-r of lilt; liiw will be Held
.. iiii: ior all local notices they liainl in, .t.i t es !l',nriiiln a K.f ,l puMie.'l
,! ul :i-y i! tico i!l be tu-ld lur tbe iil!it--a--ion
Jee ul .hi itU notice.
As uur sp;;ce U limited, nil roiuiiiiiuicu'lons
ntiit l- linei tin p tttt. Willi no waste
Of i .Is.
Tin- i;ti t it .e-tonsible for tbe correct itess
-(-..r.;iii to co-y paid matter and paid Le
guls. only.
1. Any Tson who takes the paper regularly
from tlie mw' -oiflce. whether dueled t liis
d:uiic, or wnether tie Is a subt-criocr or not is
responsible (or the ;ay.
2. It ;iiv person ordTS his paper discontin
ued, he iiiu-t pav all arrearages, or the publish
er may continue to m-ml it until payment Is
made, ami rolled the whole amount, whether
the pwt is t .ku from the ofiice or not.
S the courts have derided that refusing to
take ii-vsi;ieTs mid periodicals from the post
oiliee or removing ami leaving them uncalled
for. Is iit iiM facu: evidence of in tkmtioxal
Wet! ' . '
Water? " "
Go to the river! :
-She "riz" two ft. Tuesday I
- fiat she Mrappe'd' again yesterday.
Will. S. Wise sell Real Estate, tf
Sue Great Red Store reduced Price lltf
Mike's nvr store is almost com
pleted. -'.'-
Manufacturing and repairing ueat
and cheap. Peter Merges. lOtf
See the mammoth Grocery Ad. of
Rennett & Lewis.
Greatly reduced prices at Great
Kki Stoke. lltf
Perfumery at cost, at the 1. O.
News Depot. 13U
See grand advertisement of Great
Red Store. lltf
Smith, Black & Co's soda water
advertises itself. 13tl
Don't buy until you have priced
at the Great Red Store. - lltf
Four weeks from Saturday is the
Celebration day for the 4th.
Large line of Roots and Shoes,
cheap, at Great Red Store. lltf
Soldiers who have homesteaded less
than 160 acres write to W S. Wise, tf j
A little boy. son of ne of the co!- j
ored families on Washington Avenue!
died last week. j
You will lind the best brands of .1
and 10c cigars by going to the 1. O.
News Depot, mi
I). II. Wheeler, Jr., experts to
pass his vacation in Michigan witli
friends and relatives.
The boss soda water flows freely
from Phil Young's soda fountain for
only 5c a glaas. 13L1
Carruth's building is already above
the pavement, and those caps of South
Bend marble look nobby.
Everybody goes to the Great Red
Store, where they are treated fair and
square. lltf
The largest assortment of the best
brands of smokiug and chewing tobac
cos at the P. O. News Depot. 13tl
Now open with new, cheap and
good Boo's and Shoes, next door to
Post Office. 10lf
Don't fail to go to the P. O. News
Depot for your fresh and warm pea
nuts, roasted fresh each day. 13tl
Geo. A., son of Mr. and Mrs. I. N.
Hicks, died of typhoid fever on Thurs
day last and was buried on Saturday.
Stiffen your old boots and shoes with
Lyon's Patent Heel StilTeners, and wear
them again. 1U4
Don't forget that the only place
in the city where the Japanese border
is used is at the Herald Job
Merges" Price list of Boots and
Shoes astonishes the nation and makes
peer folks happy. lOtf
The lumber for the first floor of
the Ilereld block is put up and the ad
dition to Wm. Herold's store is nearly
up til second tloor.
Phil Young's new soda fountain
is in full blast, and dispenses some of
the best soda water ever sold in Platts
mouth. lotl
In Mr. King's notice ef nursery
stock last week it should have been
He will canvass, for fall delivery, in
August not deliver in August.
The "Plattsmouth Board of Trade"
6c cigar is still taking the lead, and for
sale at Phil Young's P.O. News De
pot. 13tl
The Masonic Festival Tuesday
eve turned oat very pleasant, though
tbe absence of many members of the
Lodge made it rather awkward at first.
Yeu will find the nicest assort
ment of wall paper at Smitli, Black fc
Ce's; they have just received another
invoice of the latest patterns. Don't
fail to examine their stock wLen you
are in town. 13tl
J. S. Mathews attends to all pension
and bounty matters. Remember this
Soldiers, and lie can be found at Sam.
Chapman's eflice, daily.
Remember the 4th of July is com
ing at Plattsmouth, and Phil Young
has a large stock of fire works, flags,
fire crackers, torpedoes, paper caps and
pistols, and many otVier things for the
glorious Fourth. 13tl
Joe. Fairfield has been adding to
the census ; to save the old man trouble
on the list, we'll state that its a girl,
weight 10 lbs, parents born, Ac, &c.
Put it dov n. Gran'pap Fairtivld,
Clothin-j ! Clothing !! Clothing !!!
cheap ! cheap !! cheap !!! At the Great
Red Store. Money positively refunded
if not satisfactory. ntf
No rest at F. S. White's, for Liey
are constantly busy tying up their ex
cellent line of Groceries, Dry Goods,
&c , Ac. 18t2
Find Good Luck, Keno, Trotter and
Lorillard Tobaccos. Also a full line
of smokers' articles of every descrip
tion at SCHLEGEL & NlEMAX'S. 12tf
Mrs. Geo. Smith has gone to Iowa
for a short visit.
Mrs. H. B. Burgess leaves for Kan
sas to-day to visit her parents.
Rev. II. C. Betts and wife made
Plattsmouth a flying visit last week.
Prof. Love returned home from his
trip east and up the lanes, last Friday.
Rev. J. Marshall, father of our post
master, has been making his son a
Mrs. Hayes made a" flying trip to
Plattsmouth last Friday, returning
Hon. Sam'l M. Chapman and Geo. S.
Smith left for U. S. Court at Omaha,
Miss Grace O'Keefe came dewn frcm
Lincoln Saturday with Mr. and Mrs
Cushing, and returned Monday.
Mrs. Sowden and daughter, of Cana
ada, sister and nieco of Mrs. F. Lath
am arrived in the city Tuesday, for a
visit of a few weeks.-'
Mrs. G. W. Iloldredge and Master
Harry spent several days. 'in the city
last week and -the first 'ef this, the
guests f Capt. and Mrs. IfaliHr.
Mrs French," who has been residing
at the Omaha barracks, has returned
to Plattsmouth, to remain, she says,
which we hope Will be the ease.
Uncle Jake Vallery has gone to Sin
simity too. He wants an Ohio man
or nothing. Uncle Jake, you know, is
a real old fashioned German Buckeye.
II. J. Rohwer, of Washington, called
at the Herald office Tuesday. lie is
an old friend of the Herald's, and we
were very glad to see him once more.
Hon. Marion Richey, Afton, Iowa,
brother ef our lumber merchant, Rich
ey, an old friend of Geo. S. Smith, U.
V. Mathews, and other citizens, has
been in town for a week.
Hon. Sam'l Waugh, former resident
of this town, aHd late of Chemnitz,
Germany, has been visiting us this
week, preparatory to settling some
where in Nebraska again.
Mrs. F. M. Dorrington, accompanied
by Miss Katie and Mr. Allie Doring
ton arrived in Plattsniouth Jast week,
and the family will soon take""up their
residence in their old home fcere. '
Col. Cushing, the tornado editor of
the Lincoln Journal, with Mrs.'Gush
ing, are re-visiting old Plattsmouth, or
wore, till Cushing was sent for "tur
onct" to Detroit, where Mr. Fitzgerald
is working up another big K. R. con
tract. Mrs. W. R. Darling, Biater of Mr.
J. C. Gilmore; and, Mr. and Mrs. P.W.
Darling of the same place have been
visiting Mr. Gilmere's family in this
county, and our friend "Joo" is show
ing them the beauties of Nebraska in
good style.x
F. White, our old Frank, left for
Chicago to buy goods, and from thence
he proceeds to the Demecratic Mecca
in Ohio, where he will be instrument
al in selecting the next Democratic
President from his point of view.
We'd rather have Frank's choice on a
piece- of pretty calico than on a Presi
dent, any day but tastes will differ.
Jimmy Patterson has gone to Ohio,
too. Now, James, mind your P's and
Q's. This isn't a Cass County 'lection,
and your man may get left. "Don't let
m fool you on Grant, or any other
fellow outside of Ohio. No otLer state
has any business meddling with Presi
dents, and we want either Payne or
Th nrman. Let's have an Ohio rattle
all round.
Dr. John Black left for Cincinnati
yesterday. He took a lunch basket, two
pocket pistols, and a soft cushion, de
termined to see it out if it took all
summer. That cushion "idee" he got
from the Herald, who tiied the hard
side of the planks at Chicago, until we
had to breakfast off the mantel when
we got home. Give us a good ticket
now, Doctor, for we're "spilein"' for a
big campaign this fall.
Dan. Wheeler, Jr. and Theodore
Livingston returned last week from
Lincoln and the University, to enjoy
their summer vacation, after a long
and severe term of study. We are glad
to be reminded by the occasional re
turns of our young people from the
various schools that those who are to
fill our places in the not far distant
future, are fitting themselves to fill
them with credit, and that the number
who are obtaining a liberal education
is constantly increasing. '
The Baptist Sunday School had a
picnic at Oreopnlis last Friday.
We omitted last week a notice of
Dr. A. Rogt's return home from at
tendance at the State Eclectic Medical
Society at Omaha.
8,300 people in Plattsmouth now.
and the assessor isn't done yet. This
is in the city limits, and theie are
about 600 more, Fairfield thinks, just
outside, that caunot be included in
his list yet are actually tributary
residents of this town. -
Plattsmouth was particularly for
tunate in being able to watch .from a
safe distance the storm which pa?sed
half way around us last Saturday, gath
ering first at one point and then anoth
er, clouds, coming from the east and
west and meeting in a most alarming
way, but sufficiently far off to make
us safe.
Master EiJdie Schulhof, aged
twelve years, son of Mr. II. Schulhof,
who is eng.tgjd in this office, Was so
unfortunate as to break his arm on
Saturday last. He has been acting as
carrier for the Enterprise office; while
in the office and wrestling with some
of the boys, he fell, striking upon his
elbow producing a compound fracture
of the arm, just about the elbow. The
arm was set by Drs. Livingston and
Richmond, but the prospects are it
will always be stiff, a sad result of a
moment of fun.
Murder Will Ont.
Marshall Westerdahl of Omaha was
in the city Tuesday and among other
things in his lino of business, was in
quiring of our officers regarding a body
found floating in the Missouri some
time about 1875. It seems that two
noted gamblers have been arrested
and jugged for some of tkeir devil
ment in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, and
one of the partibs, to lighten his sen
tence lias "squealed" and affirms that
himself and partner wa3 in a gambling
den in Omaha in 1875, with a cattle
drover,.who had about S'1,100 in cash
oh his person. The cattle man refus
ed to play at faro, but wa3 afterward
enticed out back of the Smelting works
and made to "held up" while they
went through his pockets, at which he
remarked that ke would get even with
them, as he knew their names. Then
the squealer says they killed him, tied
a surcingle around him and with a
large stone sunk hint in the Missouri
River, and says that he heard after
ward that he had been found at a town
called Plattsmouth. Mr. W. thinks
that if sufficient proof could be ob
tained, he would bring the gentlemen
to Nebraska for trial.
Good Stock.
" Cap. Palmer has bought lately of
Mr. Durand, at Racine, Wis., a very
fine Alderney cow, "Alida," with ped
igree in Alderney herd-book as follows:
No. 2629 dropped April 4th, 1877;
Sire, "Napoleon," 1335; grand sire,
"Mark Tapley" (Imported), 151.
Dam. "Idlewild,"2628, by the famous
bull -Litchfield" No. 674. Litchfield
took the first premium at the Centen
nial as the finest Jersey bull in the
We understand that J. N. Wise and
Chaplain Wright will soon have a bull
from Mr. Durand's herd of equally
good pedigree, which will be of im
mcuiso benefit hero in the town herd,
as cows of this herd and breed have
been known to make 23 lbs of butter
per week.
When the gentleman arrives, the
Herald will interview him and give
a more minute description. We may
say here, that we visited Mr. Durand's
herd at Racine two years ago, having
many friends in Wisconsin raising fine
cattle and sheep, and while looking up
the dairy interest there for the benefit
of our readers we visited nearly all the
best herds in that vicinity, and fur
ther north in Wisconsin.
Big Hani of Jewelry.
Last Saturday morning the Jewelry
store of A. R. Tennv, of Council Bluffs
was robbed of 7 watches, 175 gold
rings, 12 dozen gold and silver chains
and other articles. Suspicion pointed
to "Cad" MaGuire, an Omaha crook
fcnt Council Bluffs and Omaha were
searched in vain for "Caddy dear."
Monday noon Marshall Murphy knab
bed two suspicious chaps at the Platte
Valley House and on search part of
the missing jewelry was found. The
Sheriff of Pottawatamie Co., and Mar
shal of Omaha were telegraphed for
and came down Tuesday and the prisj
oners were turned ever to them by
our Marshal. Their names as given
here were C. E. Leslie and Charley Ma
Guire, commonly called "Kiddy.
Boys, better as you don't coom to
Plattsmouth, it's bad medicine for
horse thieves, burglars and crooks if
our Sheriff or Marshal get an eyo on
Club Meeting.
The rain having demoralized the im
promptu Ratification Meeting last Sat
urday, the regular meeting of tho
will take place Saturday evening, at
the Court House, at which time speech
es on the nomination, muic, &c, will
be added to the usual business of tho
All Republicans are invited to at
tend, and a rousing meeting should be
Remember, Saturdat, at 8 p. m., at
the Court House.
To Feeders.
It is well known that cattle needing,
as a rule, has not paid this year, and
many feeders are contemplating
the formation of a "Stock-feeder's As
sociation," to meet and consult for fu
ture benefit, one of its objects would
be by uniting to buy stock cattle
cheaper of the western dealers. A
formal notice of such meeting may be
expected in our next.
A serious runaway occurred on
Sunday last. Mrs. Ilyers, Mrs. M. B.
Murphy and Miss Minnie Murphy were
riaing on the Avenue, and just after
turning the corner on th street fiey
passed an emigrant team with a horse
tied behind. He kicked at tho team
the ladies were driving and frightened
them. As they started to run, unfor
tunately the neck-yoke slipped on the
tongue, and the buggy was pulled right
on their heels. Surging round the cor
ner at Holmes' stable. Mrs. Murphy
was thrown out at the well by Don
nelly's blacksmith shop, Mrs Ilyers and
Miss Murphy were left at the corner
of Main street, and the buggy further
down. The horses proceeded to Jones'
stable unhurt.
Mrs. Murphy is very ser'ously injur
ed ia the spine, being thrown several
feet in the air as the buggy struck the
fence by tho well. Mrs. Ilyers is con
siderably bruised, and Miss Minnie
carries a dark blown cheek as a beauty
mark and remembrance of her ride.
Saved from the Foorhouse.
Fer years David Allingsworth suf
fered with Rheumatism, and notwith-
standing the best medical attendance.
could not find relief. He came to tho
Scioto County Poorhouse, and had to
be carried into and out of bed, on ac
count of his helpless condition. After
the failure of all the remedies which
had been applied, the directors of the
poorhouse resolved to use the celebrat
ed German Remedy, St. Jacobs Oil,
and this was a fortunate resolution;
for with the trial of one bottle the pa
tient was already much better, and
when four bottles had been used upon
him he could again walk out without
the use of a cane.
The facts as above stated will be
verified by the editor of the Ports
mouth, Ohio, Correspondent.
MAUZVVvblmmfOtiiy, Jnne 13,
1S80. at the residence of tUe hridu s brother,
M. W. Way-bright, in VlatWmout h. Iv Kev.
W. H. Jones. Mi.M.Hau.V to Miss IlELEN
Dr. K. R. Livingston and wife, Capt. John
O'Kourke and wife. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Yetiag.
Mr. and Mr. A. Perl. Mr. and Mrs. T B Brown
Mies Louisa Sbryock, Will Waybrifbt, Georc
CaUler, W. B. Sbryock, Miss Rse Erautner.
Mrs. S. Brantner, Mr. and Mrs. F. Latham, and
others were present.
The Herald acknowledge the receipt of a
nico wedding cake which all tnJoyd, wishing
much happiness to the bride and groom, tbe
while they ate It.
The County Commissioners' Pro
ceedings will appear on the outside of
our next issue.
Miss Jennie Peck, formerly of this
city, now of Lincoln, is here visiting,
the guest of Miss Sophie Gyger."
Last Sunday, Rev. W. R. Jones,
Presiding Elder of this district for tho
M. E. Church, was in our town at
tending Quarterly meeting last Sunday.
We have received the wedding cards
of Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel II. Stone, from
Boston, Mass. Mrs. Stone, formerly
Miss Iloldrege, resided at one time in
Plattsmouth. and is well known to
manv of our citizens. We tender our
congratulations and good wishes to
Mr. and Mrs. Stone, and trust that
much happiness is in store for them in
their far eastern home.
Bennett & Lewis, the new exclu
sive grocery dealers, are busy opening
up their new goods, and, iu fact, are
selling them off already. They intend
to keep nothing but the best of every
thing, and we take pleasure in invit
ing our readers to patronize them, as
they will ever find honesty and square
ness when dealing with this firm.
For the convenience of each sub
scriber as well as for our own, we are
endeavoring to collet up our city sub
scription list, to' January 1st, 18S1.
When that is done no one will be at a
loss to know when his time is up.
Some are in arrears less than a dollar
who will not feel offended if asked for
it; others are all the way from 61 to
$10, and all such must be settled up
At the A. F. & A. M. gathering
Mrs. Hartigan and Mrs. MacMurphy
gave a reading, Rev. Mr. Burgess a lit
tle talk, Hon. G. S. Smith a recitation,
Mr. Hartigan recited "We meet upon
the level and part upon the square"
and Messrs. Crites, Wise, MacMurphy
and others promulgated an "idee or
two. Frank White acted as Master of
Ceremonies and Fred Stadelmann serv
ed up the neatest lunch we ever had
anywhere. A vote of thanks was given
to the "Glee Club" and with much
good humour and fun the party sepa
rated at an early hour to meet at Jeri
chowe suppose.
.A number of pleasant social events
have followed each other in such quick
succession lately that the Herald is
hardly able to chronicle them all. Last
Thursday evening a party of ladies to
the number of twenty-five or thirty as
sembled by invitation at Mrs. A. W.
McLaughlin's to participate in a "high
tea." Just what form of social life is
described by that mysterious term has
not yet reaehed Plattsmouth and it is
not in the power of but one Platts
mouth man to describe, as no others
were admitted. He has not been eon
suited on the subject, but wo heard
one lady say high tea must mean tea
in the highest room in the house, so
wo give the explanation to our readers
as the best we can obtain under the
circumstances. At any rate all the
ladies pronounced it charming, the flo
ral decorations lovely, and tho refresh
ments delicious, all of which inspires
us to ask "don't gentlement have 'high
teas,' or something equally pleasant?"
Another event following in quick
succession was a receptiou, last Mon
day evening, by Mesdames Wright and
Wise, at the house of Mrs. Wright, and
here the gentlemen had a better chance
as they were allowed equal opportuni
ty with the ladies to enjoy the delights
of social life. The large and
pleasant rooms were well filled with
a lively company, the Chaplain genial
ly dispensed lemonade from a lovely
fountain of youth which insured us
all perpetual springtime of life, flow
ers greeted us everywhere, music ad
ded its charms, and not "kigh tea" bwt
"refreshments below" completed the
quota by reinforcing the physical man.
Altogether a mst delightful evening
was spent by every one.
Pleasant Point School Report.
The following is the general aver
age of each pupil attending school in
District No. 69, for the month ending
May 31st, 18S0:
Mary Newlan 93; Lillie Towlo 83;
Nellie Beach 97; Mary Towle 84; Eoa
ma VanEvory 96; Elsie Ingram 97;
Ilattie Smith 89; John WTilon, 98;
Henry Smith 94; Oscar Dowlor 90;
Thomas Colbert 91; Alvira Colbert
93; Grace Allea 97; Jaraan Smith 90;
Charles Beach 99; Eugene Beach 90;
Frank Colbert 85; Bertie Edgar; Jo
seph Hess 97; Eddio Wilson 96; George
Hess; Oscar Allen S3; Ina McKay 93;
George Towle 00; Lizzie Allen 96;
Frank Towle 86.
Emma Spafford, Teacher.
Haunted Jle.
Debt, poverty and suffering haunted
me for years caused by a sick family
and large bills for doctoring, which
did no good. I was completely discour
aged, until one year ago, by tho advice
of my pastor, I procure I Hop Bitters
and commenced their use, and in one
month we were all well, and none of
us have been sick a day since; and I
want to say to all poor men, you can
keep your families well a year with
Hop Bitters for less than -one doctor's
visit will cost. A Workingman.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Hattsiuontta and
Nebraska Cty. Neb.
luos. H. Stkvkxsox, I E. J. Mt'HKIS,
Nebraska City, Over Smith & Black's
b. I Drug Store,
13ly Plattsmouth. Xeb.
Bound to Win.
New Goods! Low prices! Small prof
its! and quick sales does it, at the Boss
Clothing btore.
10t4 C. E. Wescott.
A. Household Keed.
A book on the Liver, fts diseases and thetr
treatment, sent free. Including treatises upon
LiverComplaint9, Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Bill
ousncse, Headache, Constipation. Dyspepsia,
Malaria, etc. Address Dr. Saxfobd, 162 Broad
way, Jew York City. M. Y. Iit4
-Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's;
opposite P. 0. 7tt
Strayed from Quarry farm, near
Schluntz Mill, Cedar Creek, a bay filly
three years old, black tail and mane,
and had head stall on, anyone having
taken her up will confer a favor by
communicating with vae, at Cedar
Creek, Cass county. J. E. Noon. 12t2
Read aud See
Women's Cloth Shoes. . .'. . .C5c.
- " Button Shoes SI 15.
" Fine Leather " " 1 25.
Men's Brogans.,. 1 25.
Misses' Leather Shoes... 75.
Youth3 Genuine Calf.......... 1 25.
Others in proportion. Call- and ex
amine, no charge for showing them.
lOtf Peter Merges.
.Notice to Teacficrs, '
Examination ef persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
No one will be examined except at
the regular examinations ; and no cer
tificates from other Comities will be
42tf Superintendent.
It has no Political Sisnifirance ;
But for curing all Summer derange
ments of the stomach and bowels,
Brown's Elackberry and Ginger
has no equal. No family is safe with
out it. For sale everywhere. 50 cents
per bottle.
May be secured, and constipation and
biliousness cured, oy using Brown's
Liver Pills. All dealers keep them.
Use Compound Extract of Sarsa-
DIDE of Potassium.
Cures Indigestion, Sour Stomach and
Dyspepsia. A new and reliable reme
dy. Price 50 cents per bottle. Above
for sale by J. II. Buttery.Smith & Black
and O. F. Johnson, Plattsmouth, and
John Painter and Eledge & Co., East
Biicklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho Best Salve in the world for-Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Tetter, Chapppd Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions
This Salve is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction in every case or mon
ey refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale
and Retail, Plattsmouth, Neb. 241y.
A Wonderful Discovery.
For the speedy cure of Consumption
and all diseases that lead to it, such as
stubborn Coughs, neglecfed Colds,
Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Asthma, pain
in the side and chest, dry hacking
cough, tickling in, the throat, Hoarse
ness, Sore Throat, and all chronic or
lingering diseases of the throat and
lungs, Dr. King's New Discovery
has no equal and has established for
itself a world-wide reputation. Many
leading physicans recommend and use
it in their practice. The formula
from which it is prepared is highly
recommended by all medical journals.
The clergy and the press have compli
mented it in the most glowing terms.
Go to your druggist and get a trial bot
tle free of cost, or a regular size for
S1.00. For sale by Smith & Black,
wholesale and retail, Plattsmouth,
Neb. 28e6wly.
I wish Everybody to Know
Rer. George 11. Thayer, an old citi
zen of this vicinity known to every one
as a most influential citizen, and
Christian Minister of the M.E. Church
just this moment stopped in our store
to say : "I wish everybody to know
that I consider that both myself and
wife owe our lives to Shi lab's Con
sumption Cure." It is having a tre
mendous sale over eur counters and is
giving perfect satisfaction in all cases
of Lung Diseases, such as nothing else
has done.
Bourbon, Ind., May 15, '78. Drs. Match
ett & France. Sold by Smith & Black.
No Deception Used.
It is strange so many people will
continue to suffer day after day with
Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Constipa
tion, Sour, General Debility
when they can procure at our store
Shiloh's Vitalizer, free of cost if it
does not cure or relieve them. Price
75 cents. Sold by Smith & Black.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A
marvelous Cure for Catarrh.uiphtheria,
Canker mouth, and Head Ache. With
each bottle there is an ingenious nasal
Injector for the more successful treat
ment of the complaint, without extra
charge. Price 50 cents. Ceowtf.
Thirty of the bMt organ makers of the
World are competitors at the Paris Exposition,
a cable dispatch to the AssDciated PreHS says
two highest gold medals have been awarded to
the American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
We wiii pay Agent a baiary of tluo per month
HQ vjipvaa,or itivwi cuuiojuwiud, obu vur
Bw and wondarful lnrnliu. !" men ra to My.
fcuuU Ira. AddrM iwiui A Caw Mnhill, Mufa.
Home-Made Cigars.
Avoid smoking eastern filthy tenement-made
cigars. Ask your dealers
for Pepperberg's pure brands of home
made cigars. If you don't find them
there, go where they are kept, and by
doing so, encourage home labor. Job
bing in cigars and smokers' articles a
specialty, at low prices. A large and
varied stock of smokers goods always
on hand, at prices to suit the times.
42tf Julius Pepperberg.
Physician freely prescribe the new Foop
Medicine. "Malt Bitters," because more nour
ishing, strengthening and purifying than ali
other forms of malt or medicine, while free
from the objections urged against malt liquors.
Very Droll to Think or.
If not above being taught by a man, use Dob
bius's Electric Soap next wash day. Used
without any wali boiler or rubbiug board, and
used differently from any other soap ever
made. It seems very droll to think of a quiet,
orderly two hours' light work on wash day,
with no heat and no steam, or smell of the
washing through tua house, instead of a long
day's hard work ; but hundreds vt thousands
of women from Nova Scotia to Texas have
proved for themselves that this is done by us
ing Dobbine's Electric Soap. lout buy it,
however, if too set in your ways to use it ac
cording to directions, that are as simple as to
seem almost ridiculous and so easy that a girl
of twelve years can do a large wash without be
ing tired. It positively will not injure the finest
fabric, has been before the public for fifteen
years, and its sale doubles every year. If your
grocer nas not got it, ne wm get u. a ail whole
sale grocers keep it.
I. L. Cuagin & Co., Philadelphia.
Reed Bros., Sole Aeents.
3-eowly . Weeping Water, IVeb.
Wednesdav. June 16 1RS0.
Wheat. No. 2 7oii M j
Corn, ear is
" shelled
Oats 15
Barley, No. 2 4
Kye Ao
Native Cattle 3 503 40
Hogs . 6i3 25
Butter 0s
Etgs 10
Potatoes 5X& 60
New York, June 19,
Money si.osstsi 03.
Rye ....
1 25
54 55
45 47
t orn . . .
Oats ..
Chicago, June if., isso.
$ dull
27 H
Corn . . .
Hogs, shipping, a . .
Cattle. "
04 3ft4 40
4 154$ 4 )K
3 50 20
To Rent.
A new Hotel, with 17 rooms and
cellar. Esquire of
4tf F. It. GUTIIMAN.
Money to Loan. .
On good farm property on long time.
Apply to . J. W. Jennings,
ltf Plattsmouth.
Uinrp Improved Root Beer Park
niuLj ase, ICS Cts, Makes five gallons
of a delicious aud sparkling beverage whole
some and temperate. Bold By druggists, or sent
bv mail on receipt of 25 cts. Address, CHAS. K.
HIRES. Manufacturer, 215 Market Street. Phll
aduiphia. i'a. . 501:.
"- Unquestionable. -
The Herald. Detroit, Mich., says of Warner's
Safe Liver aud Kidney Cure : "Its efficacy in
kidney, liver and urinary diseases is so fully
acknowledged that it is not worth the question
ing Bona fide testimonials from well-known
citizens in public and private life are evidences
strong enough to convince the most stubborn
doubter." 8tl3
Settlement Notice.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to Jason Streight for services
rendered by his horse, will please call
at Streight & Miller's harness shop aud
settle by cash or note inside of thirty
days, or all such accounts will be plac
ed in the hands of a collector.
Jason Streight.
Plattsmouth, May 1, 1880. 7tf
Fresh Lime.
Fresh Lime by the peck, bushel, or
wagon load can be had at the Kiln,
near west end of the bridge. Lime al
ways on hand and of superior quality.
Inquire of Mickelwait & Sharp,
7tf on premises.
Allen & Co.'s Richmond Gem, 35
cents per pound, and Ole Virginia,
15 cents per package, both curly cut,
the best and finest smoking tobaccos in
town, sold at J. Pepperberg's. 50tf
Road Notice.
To all whom it may coucern :
The section line road, petitioned for by E. A.
Sprague, et al., commencing at the North East
corner of section No. six (6), township eleven
(11), range eleven (11), running thenc South
on section line, and terminating at South East
corner of section eighteen (18), township eleven
(11) , range eleven (11). has been declared by the
Board of County Commissioners an open toad ;
and ail objections thereto, or claims for dam
ages, must be died iu the County Clerk's ofllce
on or before noon wn the 17th day of August,
A. D. 1BK0, or such road will be opened without
reference thereto. J. D. XUTT,
I3t5 County Clerk.
To the non-resident owner of the following
described real estate, situated in th County of
Cass, and State of Nebraska, to-wit : Lot twelve
(12) , block one hundred and sixty-three (163),
in the city of Plattsmouth. You are hereby no
tified that the above described real estate was
on the 9th day ef September, 1874, sold tt Cass
County, Nebraska, for the taxes of 1873, and
that on the 3d day of March. 180. the said
County sold and transferred all its right and
title iu said lot to T. J. Todd, and unless the
sam is redeemed from sucli sal on or before
the 11th day of November, 1880, a tax deed will
be issued for said real estate to T. J. Todd.
131S T.J.TODD.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Estate of William Deles
Dernier, deceased. In the County Court of
Cass County, Nebraska.
Upon reading and filing the duly verified pe
tition of Sarah DelesDeruier. praying that ad
ministration of tbe estate of vV llliam DelesDer
uier, deceased, be granted to herself and Wil
liam DelesDernier, Jr. : Ordered that notice of
the pendency of said cause be published In the
Nebraska Herald, a weekly newspaper, print
ed, publisned. and in general circulation in
said County, for three consecutive weeks, and
that tbe hearing of said cause be set for the
8th dav of July, A. D. 1880, at 2 o'clock p. m.. at
the office of the County Judge, at Plattsmouth.
at which time and place allptrsoiis interested
may appear and show cause, if any they have,
why administration of said estate should not
be granted to the said Sarah Deles Dernier and
William DelesDeruier, Jr., according to the
prayer of said petition.
A. N. SULLIVAN. County Judge.
Plattsmouth. June 10th, 1880. I3t3
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the subscriber, living one mile
north of Grand Prairie School House, in Center
Precinct. Cass County. Neb., one yearling horse
colt, mouse color, very small star in forehead,
little white on right hind foot. Said animal
was taken up June 1st, 1880. The owner is re
quested to claim property, pay charges and
take said animal away. N. J. CALKIN'S.
lAuisville, Neb., June 4th, ipso. i2t5
In the District Court of Cass County, Second
Judicial District of the State of Nebraska.
Clementine E. Sweet, plaintiff,
vs V
Selden N. Merriam, defendant. )
To Selden N. Merriam, the above named de
fendant : You are hereby notified that Clem
entine E. Sweet, the above named plaintiff, did
ou the 24th day of May, A. D. Ikmo, Ale in the
above named Ceurt a petition against you, set
ting forth that she is the owner of aud holds
the legal title to the f llowing described land
and premises, situated in Cass County, Nebras
ka, to-wit : The North West quarter (nwt) of
section twenty-two (22). iu township ten (10),
North of range twelve (12), East of the sixth
((itli) Principal Meridian ; and the general ob
ject and prayer of said Clementine E. Sweet's
petition, filed as aforesaid in said Court, is to
have three several Treasurer's tax deeds, made
by tbe cveral Treasurers of Cass County. Ne
braska, to you for said premises, be set aside,
cancelled and declared void by decree of caiii
Court, and that the sale of aid premixes for
the pretended taxes for the year 1870 be de
clared void, and that the pretended taxes for
the years ls7(. 1x71. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875 and 1876
paid by you, be declared void, and declared to
be no lieu on said premises, and for general and
equitable relief. You are notified that you are
reMUired to plead, answer or demur to plain
tiff's said petition on or before the 12th day of
July, A. D. If80. or the same will betaken as
confessed by you, and decree rendered accord
By Covell & Ransom, her Att'yc lots
In the District Court of Cass County, Second
Judicial District oi eDrasna.
Seta E. Ward, plaintia,
Walter B. Beebe. defendan
To Walter B. lieebe, the above named de
fendant : Yon are hereby notified that the
above named plaintiff, Seth E. Ward, did on
the 24th day of May, A. D., file iu the above
named Court a petition against you, setting
forth that he is the owner of and holds tbe le
gal title to the following described land and
premises, situated in Cass County, in the State
of Nebraska, to-wit : The East half (ei) of the
South West quarter and the West half
(w'i) of the South East quarter(sei) of section
eighteen (18). in township eleven (11). North of
range fourteen (14). East of tbe sixth (6th) Prin
cipal Meridian ; aud the general object and
prayer of said petition is to have three several
Treasurer's tax deeds, made for said premises
by the several Treasurers of Cai County, Ne
braska, set aside, cancelled and declared void,
aud that the sale of said premlees for pretend
ed taxes for the year 1868 be declared void, and
that the pretended taxes oh said land for the
years 1808, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1S75 aud
1876 be declared void, aud that tbe Court shall
declare that tbe same were paid by you aud
those under whom you claim, without any right
or authority to make such payments, aud that
you acquired no lien on said land by reason of
such payment, and for general and equitable
relief. Vou are further notified that you are re
quired to plead answer or demur to said peti
tion o:i or before the 12th day of July, A. D.
1880, or the same wtil be taken as confessed by
you aud decree rendered accordingly.
By Covell & Ransom, bis Att'ys. iot5
THiIs Space Is for
Lower Main Street, l'door west of IT. Boeck's,
Wlao are just opening: a select
toek of
K-irocei;ies aiad Prvlioes
to lie sold at
Is Leased to
wlio will, during: tlte
IWI fill
With their immense stock of
Consisting: of all IPrices5
styles l
W. IHI. IBAKIElia & cn.
Are now located in their
One door.west of their old stand, and are prepared to show you the
Best Variety and Lowest Prices!
in the following lines :
Staple and IFancy IDry (Koods,
JSTotions, ILadies9 cS; (Rents9
IFurnislting: Groods,
Queensware, Glassware,
HDried and (Canned IFruits!
Groccriei, Flour and Provisions.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Estate oTsanford Potten
ger. deceased.
Notice is hereby given, to all persons having
claims against the Estate of Sauford Pottenger.
deceased, to file the same on or before the 16th
day of December. A. D. i860, in the Ofllce of the
County Judge, at 1'lattsm u'h. Cass Co., Ne
braska. A. N. Sullivan,
County Judjie.
Plattsmouth, June 8th, 1880. I2i3
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Estate of Henry Amison,
deceased. In the County Court otCaeeCo.,
Notice Is hereby given that E. G. Dovev, ad
ministrator of the estat,e of the said flenry
Amison, deceased, has made application for
final settlement, and that said cause is set for
hearing at my office at Plattsmeuth.en the 8th
day of July. A. D. 188f, at 1 o'clock p. in., on
said day ; at which time and place all persons
Interested may be present and examine said
accounts. A. N. SULLIVAN.
County Judge.
Plattsmouth, J une 8th, 1880. 1213
Legal Notice.
In the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska.
Edward G. Dsvey and George Iovey,
composing the firm of E. G. Dovey
A skn, plaintiffs,
Calvin P. Moore and Armilda A.
Moore, defendants.
wili take notice that the plaintiffs herein did
on the 5th day of May 1880, file their petition
in the Cunty Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
against yoti, the said Calvin P. Moore, aud Ar
milda A. Moore, praying judgment against you
far the sum of two bundled and thirteen do.
lara and seventeen cents ($213.17;, balance due
on account and for costs of suit. The said Cal
vin V. Moore is hereby notified that he is re
quired to appear and answer said petition on
ur before the Stb clay of July. 1880, or the same
will be taken as true, and judgment be render
ed against you by default.
By K. B. Windham, their Att'y. lots
Attachment Notice.
8oloiuon u Nathan ) Before M. O'Donohoe,
vs V J. P., in and for Cass Co.,
John Elledge. Nebraska.
John Elledge will take notice that on the 4th
day of June, 1880. said Justice issued an order
of attachment in the above action for the sum
of thirteen dollars and sixty-five cents (13.6o.
The money attached being money due and
payable to said John Elledge by the Chicago.
Burlington aud (juincy Kailroad Cowpuuy.
Case set far hearing on the 15th day of July.
18o, at 10 o'clock a. in,
L, c. STiiJcs, Conetable.
n I
I I t I' I
Retail Liquor Dealer,
Billiard Hall and Saloon on Main Street, four
doors from Sixth at Neville's
old place.
flemember the Xante and Place,
James Grace.
Harness Manufacturers,
aud ay kUids of harness stock, constantly on
r hand.
Repairing of all Kinds !
And Satisfaction Guaranteed.
rRemember the place, Opposite Henry
Boeck's Furniture Store, on Lower Main Street,
l'lattsiuouth. Neb.
Carriages always on Hand
I want all of my account settled to date.
an! I shall do no more credit business. All old
accounts must be settled up. and no new ones
will be made. Unless such accounts are settled
shortly they will be sued.
I wish to do a strictly cash business iu (ut ure
ttatuiuouta, Neb,