Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 29, 1880, Image 4

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    The Herald.
r:T.:is: nt. 25 ontx r. tine. Ilerrular advents-
-s, ii)i-.-:iis je-r lint. No aJrevii.,! ructil insert-
1 i Mr !c-s -Jj cents.
stature rote.
ill itj jf t!s law wlil be iifltl
i :t4.U IH'liCfS tilt) III,
c;a a ! t-.i p iiu:a-
n. tf ..i' y ;
.ioi: to ui Mu ll unlive.
As or.r r pare is limited, nil co'iMhunicaMnns
m;: l be b.Kf aid la Ine p Vint, with ' Wtisle
Of -.VOi'OS.
'j p'r is if "ponslbls fur tbe correct ness
I.; 4 to coiy ! paid matter and paid Le
yal , o!.ly.
1. Ai-y person who takes the paper regularly
frutnli.-e pos-nl!lee, whether diiecli'rf to his
name, or wn.-ther lie Is a subscribe r or not la for the pay.
2. II miv person ordei his p',Hr discontin
ued, he must pay ull arrearages. ir the publish
er m;:v continue to send It until payment Is
made.'an.l collect the whole amount, whether
the paper is t .lk-n from the oillee or not.
3. me rou 1 H have decided that refusing to
tnt-e new!.ip-rs and periodicals from the post
orbee or removing and leaving them uncalled
tor, ii prima faeii evidence of intentional
Order in the Court.
Virginia for Grant, last Friday.
The city council ieets Saturday
Straw Hats fr Planters, 10 cent
tacb. Grxat Red Store. 6tf
Hovel's Batterys for sale by Smith
& Black's. 4t8
The Merges building is receiving
its first coat of plaster."
For good 10 and 15c cigars go to
smith & Black's. 4t3
JL Largs line Ladies Fancy Goods
the Great Red Stor. etr
A. child of Wm. TTttencarur died
f EC irlet fever, Menday.
Se Fnrnitur at the Great Red
Stor and dn't forget it. 6tf
Summer undtrwsar 55 cents a
Suit at tbe Great Red Store. 6tf
Engineer Cob. Connors is again
running on this end of the road.
Twelve or fifteen boxes of oranges
and lemons just received, at F. S.
White's. 5t2
Work has commenced in the old
Hotel lots, removing ashes, rubbish,
McEl wain, deputy Sheriff, Vronght
Mr. Willett Pottenger, Jr., in on time
A. large line of Boots and Shoes
at the Great Bed Store, at makers
prices. 6tf
A daughter of Jaraes Kennedy
(Ethel) died yesterday mrning, ef
Latest Styles Mens' Spring Hats
aad Straw Goeds at the Great Red
Stoee. 6tf
Fire meeting next Tuesday even
ing; all of the firemen are expacted lo
be present.
The best Xew Yerk apple vinegar
in the market, guaranteed strictly pure
at F. S. White's. 4t4
Oregon goes for Blaine, in conven
tion but Cronin's Ghost says she'll
vote for Tilden.
"Our new Baby" cigar is still the
Standard Bearer. Smith & Black gua
rantee the Brand. 4tg
Jerry Hartraan commenced on
Iike SchnellUacher's new building on
VIonday. Loom her up.
Factotyviile flour warranted to
Lve satisfaction, or money refunded,
.c F. S. White's. 4t4
Merges and Leonard's new build
ig is nearly done, and a very nice lit
e store it's going to be, too.
Loren Davis and A. B. Smith went
ut to Arapahoe yesterday, looking af
er land and lots of the former.
J. S. Gregory and family have set
.led at Central City in this state, but
re visiting here during Court week.
One ef the bridge men had his
t hand badly crushed on Tuesday,
le falling ef a piece oi trestle tisa-
M"r. T. W. Shryo'ck will be glad to
any or all of his old friends and
ns at the Great Red Store, where
as charge of the Furniture de
nent. 5tf
Tva. Gilmore sends us some new
)f seed potatoes, which we test
ind they are Xo. 1. For sale at
The Grand Jury holds its rueet-
g3 in the Liederkranz hall. Tboy'll
ak sweet (?) music for some of the
ys pretty soon.
Herrmann's window presents one
a handsome display of curtain
ings, and the next a fine assort-
of hosiery.
)ied: Elma W., son of Wm. and
M. Wettencamp, aged i year, 7
hs and 10 days, ef scarlet fever,
e 27th of April, 1830.
The Murphy vs Murphy case win
g tried Friday. For the present
have let Dave Miller out and now
he "praties" for the game.
Mr. W. B. Shryeck has severed his
ction- with the Flattsmouth
int. and will probably sooa seek
lver fields of the carbonate camp.
.Vt. F. Hobbs is having very good
.ccess at his trade this Spring; has
its of work, and wants lots more. He
Iwill be found in his new shop, under
Dr. Livingston's youngest son
Stewart, has been dangerously ill, a
relapse from the measles and is still
quite low, but hopes are entertained
that he may recover.
According to a rioted astronomer,
the next Presidential . inauguration
day, March 4th, will be g-lorieus-ly cel
ebrated by the old coraet striking the
"yearth" and burnin of 'or hup.
A fine iinn of lisle glovos.
A complete asaoi tui-iii of wen's and
boys hats.
Xove!ti3 n hanging baskets, win
dow boxes and orn tint-ntal flower pots
tt W. H. Baker & Co a. 6U
T. X. Bobbitt of Tiptoa is in town,
attending court and called on the IIei:
ald yesterday.
Miss Mamie Gibseu left Wednesday
afternoon for Adrian, Michigan, to
Bpend the summer with an Aunt.
Mr. C. M. Huebner, former clerk of
Mr. Merges, now of Omaha, has been
visiting in Plattsoiouth and vicinity
for a few days.
Mrs. A. McLaughlin in company
with Mrs. Jno. R. Clark of Lincoln,
left last week via the C. B. & Q. for a
visit to Chicago.
Mr. J. Tance Lewis of Washington
was in the city last week and the flrst
ef this, the guest ef his brother-in-law,
Wes. Montgomery.
M. L. Thomas, whilonse publisher of
the Cass County Chronicle, and bow
steering the Red Cloud Chieftain
craft, is in town a "coortin."
Mr. Geo. E. Thomas and family left
for their home in Chicago last Tuesday,
Mr. Thomas having completed his
work upon the bridge here.
Mrs. Capt. E. B. Murphy, of Arapa
hae, is visiting her father, Mr. S. S.
Billings, and sisters, in the city. Her
first visit for fowr or five years.
Capt. John S. Wood, organizer of
posts of the '.'Grand Aimy of the Re
public," visited Plattsmouth, Menday,
and organized the above order in this
Andy McMakin's "whoop la ! !" has
bten heard threugh the land. Andy
looks well, feel3 well, and is for Blaine
all over; got corruptee! since he went
to Kansas. 'He returns this week.
Dr. Livingstorr-wTis telegraphed for
on Monday last to visit Lincoln to see
Mrs. Cushing, who was reported very
ill. Owing to the sickness of his son
Stewart, he was una"ble to answer the
Mrs. S. S. Hinkle and family left
Plattsmouth yesterday for Battle
Creek, Michigan, where they expect to
make their future home. Their many
friends here will regret to lose them,
but all will unite in wishing them
prosperity wherever they may go.
Mrs. J. S. Tewksbury, Miss Tewks-
bury, Mrs. Robt. Maxwell and Miss
Grace Maxwell, teok the afternoon
train oa Monday last for an extended
trip to Xcw Hampshire and the old
home, which they have not visited for
ten years. Their visit will be contin
ued most of the summer.
R. H. Oakley, the Grand Master of
the Ancient and Accepted 0rder of
Free Masons in Xebraska, "visited us
on Tuesday, officially. The Lodge met,
was reviewed, re-iustructed, taught its
paces over, and returned thanks to the
G. M. in good order. Personally, War
ren desires us to say that Oakley is a
good fellow, a Xo. 1 Mason, good-leok-
ing, euergetic, and full of the spice of
this life. Everybody is glad to see him,"
and where Oakley walks the daisies
grew. 'Them's our sentiments," but
Warren's responsible for this "notiss."
Lawyer Warren, of Nebraska City,
and Junior Grand Warden of the Gr'd
Lodge, is now looming and practicing
at his trade (Masonry) about town.
Warren is a good fellow, too. not so
good-looking as Oakley, but there is a
style about him that takes; that is, he
takes ta fee a joke a smile most
anything he can get. We like Warren
first-rate, and we knew he likes us, be
cause he said so that is, across the
street, or up at Plattsmouth when he's
down at Xebraska Citv. That's the
way he likes newspapor men.
From Rounds' Printers' Cabinet.
"Mr. MacMurphy, of the Herald
at Plattsmouth, Xeb., seuds us some
very pretty samples ef his commercial
work ; among them his own office sub
scription receipt, neatly set up and or
namented with tho Japanese herder,
and printed in carmine."
'Mr. Rush O. Fellows, foreman and
printer of the Herald ollice at Platts
mouth. Xebraska. sends two very orig
inal and tasty specimens of his card
work, which are among the very neat
est and most judicious exemplifica
tions of the real use for which the new
Japanese ornaments are intended, and
show very plainly that Mr. F. is a
good printer."
;The above complimentary notices
from Mr. Sterling P. Rounds, one of
tne best if not the best judge of fine
printing in the United States, gives s
no little satisfaction, and convinces
us that our efforts to do justice to our
customers are appreciated by at least
on who knows. Mr. R's Cabinet is al
ways eagerly watched for, and the
large amount to be learned therefrom
is at once "swallowed up." The Job
specimen department, which space he
generously contributes to the public,
and which shows the handiwork of the
best workmen in the west, brings him
thanks from thousands of printers.
Tire 7a S. P. 11.
It's Cotue.
The rain, the gentle rain, it pattered
down like dew from Leaven, only a lit
tle harder, and a few drops more; yet
still we are encouraged to hope for
belter things.
The Greenback Delegates to their
State Convention at Columbus are :
Owen Marshall, of Salt Creek; T.
W. Wilburn, of Greenwood; J.
Roberts, of South Bend; John Tewks
bury, of Weeping Water; J. S. Greg
ory, of Plattsmouth ; L. G. Todd, Lib
erty and G. W. Shrader, of Rock Bluff.
All except Elm wood, we could not as
certain them.
Knights of Honor Celebration.
The gentlemen belonging to this in
stitution met in social conclave Satur
day evening, with many invited guests.
The Herald very much regrets that
it could not be present, but every one
present says that it was no of the best,
the pleasantest.raost social reuniens we
have had. Prof. Jno. Marshall acted
las masterof ceremonies and D. II
: ff heeler, Gen. Smith and others mad9
I speeches suitable to the occasion. "K,
O. H." Kee tT Harm -that's what
, these boys d-j, and gama thaps they
are, mostly.
New Restaurant for Sure.
Mr. Frank Stewart has bought out
Davis & Peterson in the Restaurant
business and will run the same here
after, and by the way he keeps a good
place too we supped there the other
evening and it was A N. 1.
Rev. J. Gallagher leaves to-day for
Evanston, 111., to pass his examination
and obtain his diploma of graduation
in the Biblical school there. He will
be absent six weeks.
We had the score of a Glass ball
shoot, but after Bill Jonas treating
us as he did about the wind, Ac, yes
terday morning, be hanged if we pub
lish it till next week.
Wm. and Gus. Ilerold, we under
stand, intend building a handsome edi
fice on the old Saunders House lots.
A hotel some say if they get any en
couragement, two stores if not.
- Court adjourned yesterday after
noon and held a short session in the
evening. The Grand Jury have pre
sented nothing sa far but we under
stand have plenty of business before
Frank Gregory was married at
Central City last week to Miss Cox.
Hurrah for Frank,.' and 'hurrah for
Mrs. no, let Mrs. Cox Gregory hurrah
for herself, we never trespass on a
ladies' rights..
The wife of F. W. Fairbanks, one
of the Coarant printers, arrived last
week, and Fred knows how it is to
have a house of his own, with no
Board bills, wash bills and "sich" toJ
fret about.
From seeing Mr. Wm. Ilerold aud
Messrs. Davis and Xewell examining
the Id walls, etc., of the defunct Saun
ders Ileuse, we are led to believe that
the building of the "Uerold Block"
will soeu be commenced.
Court week always bring a big
demand for hotel accommodations, and
the lack of them just new is so muck
felt that it has caused numerous de
mands for private board. Where is the
man that's going te build us a "hash
ery?" . .,
The town is full of friends of the
Herald from the County, we can't
remember all their names and haven't
type enough to "set 'em all up" in if
we could, just consider this as the
warmest kind of a "personal" and be
lieves us yours truly .
The physicians iu the city have
had their hands full of patients lately.
Measles have fairly taken the town,
whooping cough " skirmishes about
and fever of various sorts have been
more than usually prevalent. Is it
the dry weather or the comet?
An old time tramp was dragged
to jail on Monday by indignant citi
zens, while the Chief of Police was at
dinner. He was a "b-a-d" man, that
tramp. While on the street aud in jail
ke would call everybody everything
he could lay his foul tongue to; He's
pounding reck now.
RJ. Rev. Robt. II. Clarksen, bishop
of the diocese of Xebraska, visited
Plattsmouth last Sunday and preached
in St. Luke's church morning and
evening. Four persons were confirm
ed in the evening and large congrega
tions listened the Bishop's able and
convincing discourses.
Frank S. White, the old man, you
know, has got home, and, you'bet, Chi
cago had to take it. A committee of
discovery was just going to be started
out when Frank reported, right side
up with are. Great old boy, Frank is,
and if any sucker in Illinois wants to
get ahead of him. he's got to get up
The show for fruit seeius most
excellent thU season, and we never re
alized before how many fruit trees
there were in Plattsmouth. Ridiug
west on Washington Avenue, the
yards are a mass of white blossoms.
Hurrah for plenty of peache3, apples,
cherries, plums, and ail kinds of good
It is impossible for U3 to give the
Court proceedings this week, as we
generally have a great deal of local
matter Court week, anyway, and so
few cases come to a definite conclu
sion before Wednesday evening, when
we close the forms, that it is almost
useless to try and give the record un
til the succeeding week.
Samuel Ryan, of Tipton Precinct,
was damaged by fire last Thursday.
His house caught from a defective
flue, tind destroyed the entire building
and almost all the contents. It was a
severe loss for Mr. Ryan, but by the
aid of kind neighbors it is hoped he
will soon b on his feet again, and
ready for Spring work.
Miss Lena Armstrong will lecture
at the Methodist church next Sunday
evening. Subject: "Ciphers and Fig
ures." Miss A. is lecturing to obtain
funds to complete tho medical educa
tion required of missionaries to India,
sutscient t enable them to treat the
families of the natives. Lecture free;
collection taken afterward.
The improvements in and around
our city increase and multiply contin
ually. Our manufacturing interests
are enlarging daily. One of the latest
additions to our producing capacity is
a New Brick yard in the hollow go
ing to the Brewery, run by Peter Reu
land, where they think they have
found fire clay of superior quality.
This has been the week of Jubilee
and reunions. Satarday the K. of II.
had a fentival ; Monday the G. A. R.
was organized in Plattsmouth, the I.
O. O. F's held an anrraal love feast,
and the A. F. & A. M's. under the
charge of Grand Master Oakley, went
down to Rock Bluffs and had a "spiel"
after old Solomon and those chaps we
read of. Tuesday evening the Masons
of Plattsmouih jubilated, and Thurs-
I day the Herald came out bright and
; new, and Judge Pound's Court did
mure uusiness in a -minnii man any
common court could in a wetk.
Organization of a Post of tha Grand
Army of the Republic.
A post of this organization was
j formed in this place on Monday ev
i ening by Capt. Wood, of Omaha. The
old soldiers rolled in to the number of
thirty, and a very pleasant meeting
was held. The officers of the pust are
as follows :
Commander, Gen. R. It. Livingston.
Sen. Vice Commander. John O'-
Jun. Vice Commander, Sam. M.
Quartermaster, Jno. A. MacMurphy.
Adjutant, Jno. W. Jennings.
Surgeon W. II. Xewell.
Chaplain A. Wright.
OtBcer of the Day, Edward Donovan.
Officer of the Guard, J. B. Strode.
Asst Adjutant, M. McElwain.
Asst. Quartermaster, M. B. Cutler.
After the inauguration ceremonies
the party adjourned to Stewart's Res
taurant, where a neat, collation of
hard tack, mule meat and other com
missary store awaited the bovs. We
hopa much for this post. It has been
well organized aud competent Officers
elected and wo hope it may be kept
up as it should and succeed nnd pros
per to the end.
George Donovan spent Sunday in
Plattsmouth with his parents.
The Cass county Agricultural So
ciety and the Plattsmouth Park aud
Driving Association both met last
evening in Judge Sullivan's room, and
held very satisfactory and interesting
meetings. One hundred dollars were
subscribed for the purchase of the
new Fair Grounds and the fairgrounds
located threon. Full particulars next
Another sen of the colored family
living n JVaskington Avenue, died on
Sunday night last and was buried
Monday. He was a brother of the
one who died several weeks ago and
both were said to have had lung fever.
The little fellow just dead was a
bright boy of five or six years, with
a talent for singing sweetly, such as is
often found among the colored people.
We notice on the road leading
east from Judge Maxwell's corner the
dust laying thick and deep, clear across
the road like a drift of snow. It is a
foot thick in places. We believe after
it rains and before it is packed down
we would haul that rici) black "illi
gant" alluvial soil and top dress the
orchard or some grass land. It
couldn't bo boat and oh, what a crop
of grass it would bring!
ENGLisn Jackets, Walking Coats,
Circulars, Wraps,
W. II. BAKER & CO'S. 6t3
A burglar entered Dr. Schi'.d
knecht's house Tuesday night and
tried to hook, cribbage, steal and get
away with his coat, pill box and sun
dry other effects and chattels. The
Doctor or rather Mrs. Doctor heard the
noise and awoke Doctor S. who fired
four shots at the scoundrel, one of
which took effect, enough to cause
said thief to jump about four feet per
pendicular and drop the Doctor's coat.
Xo further clue to the party can be
- Tho use of St. Jacobs Oil is indeed
followed by the mtst wonderful re
sults. More than a dozen caes have
come to my knowledge, where St. Ja
cobs Oil effected speedy cures, but I
will mention only on instance. A
man suffering fnr fwrntv-four years
from Rheumatism was induced to try
tu St. Jacobs Oil. He used "a few bot
tles of this truly wonderful remedy,
and is now entirely well once mere.
W. KnixiiAKDT, LI more, Wis.
On Tuesday evening a surprise
party, gotten up by Miss Minnie Mur
phy for Miss Emma Hinkle, met at
the residence uf Mr. M. B. Murphy.
The evening was spent very pleasant
ly with games and other amusements
and the company began to disperse at
about the witching hour of midnight.
Mis3 Emma was to start the next after
noon for Michigan and the assembled
company all joined in wishing her a
hearty farewell.
IIskrt Lear, Patriot, Ohio, writes:
1 was taken sick last. Wednesday
with a very severe Rheumatic pain in
my left shoulder; 1 was sc unwell that
I could not even turn mrself around
in bed. Having heard of the curative
qualities ef St. Jacobs Oil, I concluded
to try it. Tho first application brought
relief, and on the subsequent day I
was aide to go to work. I therefore
recommend this excellent remedv to
all sufferers with Rheumatism.
Dr. Dio Lewis. the Grahamite, vis
ited us, that is the folks here and Mr.
and Mrs. Dan. Wheeler.; in particular,
and he looks first rate. The Doctor
informs us that he lives once more in
"Bosting," that he bids defiance to hay
fever, having materialized to that ex
tent that he fears but little from the
powers of miasmatic protoplasm, his
conscience -being so serene that
he fears no ordinary mundane
troubles and wags his pow in happy
cordiality with all old Boston and a
great part of the rest of the United
States. He is practicing medicine again
and informs tis he has his hands full,
but not practising his own theories on
his horses (as we have his word) but
instead of feeding them on good "bran
and sawdust meal at ten cents per day
he crammed them full of good oats
and corn (very expensive in Boston)
they run away with him, threw him
out aud sprained his feelings badly.
He lays it to a big black dog of his
neighbors, but we believe it to be a
clear case of too much oats and too lit
tle bran. Xow Doctor, come and see
us again and don't get wrathy at this
notice, because iF we didn't sort of
half like you we weuldu't waste this
space to tell this story on you.
"Croaked Haertel."
Aecept a t'.ieusnr.d thanks for that
Golden Remedv. I saffered many
years with Rheumatic pains in my
limbs, ray lets ware drawn together
and people called me "Creoked Haer
tel." I used SU Oil, and was
cured, and cow .frel -au well that I
think I could dance as in my young
days. Joitn Haertel, Fremont, 111. 1
" Genuine Hop Bitters are put up iu
square paneled, ambr-colored bottles,
with white label on one side printed
in black letters, and green hop cluster,
and on the other side yellow paper
with red letters; revenue stamp over
the cork. This is tho only form in
which Hop Bitters are put up, and the
sole right to iaake, sell and use them
is granted to the Hop Bitters M'f'g
Co., of Rochester, X. Y., and Toronto,
Out., by patents, copyright and trade
mark. All others put up in any other
way or by any one else, claiming to be
like it or pretending to' contain hops,
by whatever names they may be called
are bogus and unfit for use, and only
put up to sell and cheat the people on
the credit and popularity of Hop Bit
At W. H. BAKER & CO's,
Dress Goods :
Silks, Buntings,
Satins, Cheviots,
Fringes, Seersuckers,
Ribbons, Momie Cloths,
Laces, Cashmeres,
Passementeries, Suitings.
Trimmings. Ct2
To Rent.
A new Hotel, with 17 rooms and
cellar. Enquire of
4tf F. R. Gutiiman.
A young sow, three quarters Essex,
for sale at the Herald o'uce. tf
Allen & Co.'s Richmond Gem, 35
cents per '4 pound, and Ole Virginia.
15 cents per package, both, curly cut,
the best and finest smoking tobaccos in
town, sold at J. Pepperberg's. 50tf
To the Ladies of Cass County.
I have moved my millinery establish
ment into the building formerly occu
pied by Mr. Feeling as a shoe, store.
I have a new stock of spring hats, bon
nets, vails, ties, gloves, dress buttons
and many other notions.
Miss M. A. Sage,
5t2 Ashland, Xeb.
Thirty of the- best organ makers of the
World are competitor at the Pari Exposition.
a cable dispatch to the Assaciated Pre says
two highest gold medals have been awarded to
the American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
To Loan.
Money at 10 per cent, interest on im
proved farms. , Apply to
51m3 R. B. Windham.
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on longtime.
Apply to J. W. Jennings,
ltf Plattsmouth.
G. F. Gyger.
TTnM?f Piiintiiic. CVirrinirn nainlinrr.
- - r- n - 1 n -
Graining, Calsomining, Paper-hanging.
YY 01 k warranted and specimens shown
ut J. V . Weckbach s and It. JJ. Wind
ham's. 52raG
Mi o rpp Improved Hoot Iteer S'aclt
rl 1 tl il3 aire. 5 '. Makes five callous
of a delicious and sparkling heverasie whole
some and temperate. Sold by flrjgists. or sent
by mail on receipt of 25 ets. Address, ClIAS. K.
HlUES. Manufacturer. 215 Market Street, Phil
adelphia, Pa. 50tiJ
Paintinj, Kalssniinui, Decorating.
Dovey & McElwain having had
mnch experience in these branches are
prepared to get up your rooms in the
very best and latest style. Leave or:
ders for them at Dovey's st store. 5t2
From J. II. Becker's farm, half a
mile north of Shat'ers school house, a
roan cow, both horns sawed off, a hole
in each ear. A liberal reward will le
paid for her return.
otf . Henry J. Miller.
Dj you Bel ie ce it.
That in this town there are scores
of persons passing our store every day
whose lives are made miserable by In
digestion, Dyspepsia, Sour ar.d distress
ed Stomach, Liver Complaint. Consti
pation, whQ for 75 cts. we will sell
them ShileHi 3 Vitalizer, guaranteed to
cure them. Sold by Smith & Black.
IIome-3Iadc Cigars.
Avoid smoking eastern il 1 1 1 3" tene-ment-uiade
cigars. Ask j our dealers
for Pepperberg's pure brands of home
made cigars. If you don't find them
there, go where they are kept, and by
doing so, encourage home labor. Job
bing in cigars and smokers' articles a
specialty, at low prices. A large and
Varied stock of smokers' goods always
on band, at juices to suit the times.
42tf Julius Pepperberg.
C. R. Dovey & Co.
C. R. Dovey & Co. have samples of
the very latest styles in wall papers,
which they will be happy to show to
any one desirous of paiering. Orders
may be left at Dovey's store. These
papers are all new in design, and com
prise dados, friezes, panel papers, &c.,
which they are prepared to put on in
the very best manner and latest style.
From a Distinguished Physician.
Prof. Green, a distinguished allopath
ic physician, wrote to the Medical Rec
ord to tLe eifect that after alt other
means had failed, he sent for.the Kid
ney Cure (Safe Kidney and Liver
Cure), and to his astonishment cured
a serious case of Bright's Disease by
administering it, and afterwards found
it equally beneficial iu other cases. 2tl2
Bttcklen's Arnica Salvo.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions
This Salve is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction in every case or mon
ey refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale
and Retail. Plattsmouth. Xeb:, 241y.
Cure sick head-ache, and prevent
summer sickness and chills.
Cures Dyspepsia and restores appe
tite. Try it; it cueks.
Is Brown's Arnica Salve. It has
no equal for curing burns, cuts, bruis
es, and inflamed eyes; Good for man
or beast. .
TKti LlVUIt K1X(.
Samaparilla, Dandelion and Io
dide Fotassicm invigeratt'S the Liver
and purifies the blood; it cures scrof
ula and Rheumatism.
All of Browns Popular MepiciijEii
for sale by J. H.Buttei y.Smith & Black
and O. F. Jehn3on, Plattsmouth, and
John Painter and Eledge & Co., East
Wednesday, Apiil 2.S 1880.
... 40
s w
'.' 3 I D",3 50
40 60
Wheat. No.2
Corn, oar,
" shelled
r.:u lt y, No. 2
Nalivo. Cattle
New Yokk, April 2C, isso
Monev Sl.03
1 31
40 42
Chicago. April 28, lSo.
$ dull
1 13
?4 2lK"j ?4 50
4 00:, t 4 85
5 NK 0 25
Hops, fdiiptrfng.
Row ta Make Soap for a Cent a Pound.
- Shave lato small pieces five bars of Dobbins'
Electric Soap, and boil in three quart of wter
until the toap U thoroughly dissolved, so that
uimu straining through a s'eve nothing re
main ; add to the solution or "suds" three
jiallona of cold water ; stir briskly for several
minutes to mix, and set It away to cool. Al
though it will look like nothing but soapsuds
while warm, a chemical reaction will take place
and iu twenty-four hours' time wiil develop
foil y or l'Uty pounds of masnilicent and white
s,ft s..i, ousting lei's than one cent a pound,
and as as many ol the adulterated com
pounds culled soap, and sold at 7 to 10 cents a
pound. How lout; would 4t take for any either
soap used the same to become anything but
'"soap-cuds?". Any housewife knows that it
cannot be done with any soap she has ever us
ed. See if it can be done with Dobbins' Elec
tric. Foi sa!e by all grocers.
IIkkd Hbos., Sole Agents,
4-eowJy Weepini; Water, Neb.
Notice to Teachers.
. Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and Xovember. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June aud September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Xotice of
other examinations will be given.
No one icill be examined except at
the regular examinations ; and no cer
tificates from other Counties will be
42tf Superintendent.
Dr. Kin it's California Golden Com--
Is a strictly vegetable preparation,
and will positively cure Dyspepsia,
Sick Headache, Acidity of Stomach,
coming up of Food, Pain iu pit of
Stomach, Low Spirits, Biliousness,
Constipation. Jaundice. Liver Com
plaint or any affection of the Stomach
or Liver, in the shortest time possible.
You are not asked to buy until you
know what you are geHing. There
fore, as you value your existence, do
not fail to go to your Druggist and get a
trial bttleyee of charge, which will
show what a regular ono dollar bottle
will do. Ask for Dr. King's Cali
fornia Golden Compound, and take
no other. Sold by Smith & Black,
wholesale and retain, Plattsmouth,
Xeb. 27eGwly
V.y TirtTi of a vote of the leiral voters of Dis
trict C5. in lawful meetlnc assembled. I will on
the 21ft day of May, A. I. lss, at 3 o'clock p.
m., sell at Public Auction the School House be
longing to 1 Hs-t rict H5. of Cass County, Nebras
ka. 'Hie ;de to take place at the floor uf said
school house. E. H. WOOLEY,
Sunt. Pub. Inft'n, Cas Co., Neb.
riattsmouth, Neb., April 28th. 1S0. 6t5
To owner ot occupant of the following de
scribed real estate in tho County of Cass and
State of Nebraska, to-wit : Lot eiaiiteeu (18).
section twenty (20). township twelve (12), ranije
fourteen (14J, ueing two 12 acres, iu cuss jo.,
Nebraska-: You are hereby not tiled that the
above described real estate, assessed as bc
longlnj; to a non-resident of Cas County, was.
on the 2lst day of September, If ?5, sold to Cass
Couuty, Nebraska, there being no other bid
dcrs iherefor, lor the taxes levied thereon for
the year 1874 ; and that unless the same is re
deemed from Eii sale on or before the 1st day
of AUj-'UJ-t, Ikso. a deed w ill be issued for said
real estate to M. W. Morgan, assignee ef said
Cass County. Ct3 M. W. 'MORGAN.
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern :
lhe Commissioner appointed to loc.te a road
commencing at 1 lie South East coiner of sec
tion 1hirty-two (32, township twelve (12;, north
ranjre ten (!0). East; running thence on said
section line North one (Dmile and one-half
(i) ; thence East eight v (so) rods ; thence north
one (1) niiie, to intersect w ith the road running
K:ist and Wtst, lias reported In favor of the lo
cation thereof, and all olilet tioi.s thereto, or
claims for damages, must be tiled in the County
Clerk's ofnee on or neiore booh, on the 2ui
day of June. A. D. lsso. or such road will 1)2 lo
caied without reference thereto.
u;5 J. D. TL'TT, Couuty Clerk.
Road Notice.
To all whom it may Concern :
I lie Commissioner appointea to vacate a ro;:d
now located from south east corner of south
east quarter tse?) of north east quarter (neli)
uf section tw enty-even (27) town twelve (li)
ran;;e liiliteen us) itieuee north citnen (15)
chains thence north east to the north east cor
ner of the south eat quarter (so') of the north
esst quarter (neUjef said fection and to locate
a road from the south east eornercf south-wett
quarter (sw1) of noilhtast quarter ue?) of
said section twenty-seven (7) to the east line
l section twent v-scven (7) north
twenty (Ctj) chains, has reported in favor of the
vacaxioe and location thereof, and all objec
tion thereto or claims for cianiaxes. must be
filed in the Conntv Clerk's oflice. on or bsfore
i;oon an the Shi o day of Juno A. i. SO. or euch
road will j vacated and Smutted without refer
ence thereto. J. 1). TUTT.Co Cletk. t5
Attachment Notice.
Josiah Cliue, plaintiff, vs. James W. Stradlcy.
nou resident, ui'icuuaui. in justice s t.ourr,
before Edwin Jearv. Justice of the Peace in
and for Salt Creek Precinct. Cass Co., Neb.
To James W. Stradley, non-resident, defend
ant : You are hereby notified t hat the above
named Justice of the Peace issued an order of
attachment against you. on the day of ism1, in t u" amount ol eij:iit dollars and
illtv-livi! cents (?s.r.i. and said cause Is eon; lu
lled iint U the !;)! day of June. A. 1). Ism), at 1
o'clock p. m. Josi ah CLINIC,
(ireciiwooti, rtu., April jyth, lsso. 513
Attachment Notice.
William Paul, liaiuliff vs James W. Stradley,
nnn-resident defendant. In Justice's court,
before Edwin Jeary, Jttsiice ot the Peace
in and for Salt Creek Precinct, Cass Co.. Neb.
To James W. Stradley, unit resident Defen
dant : You are hereby noti-'i'-d that the. hbove
named Justice of the Peace issui-d an order of
attachment on tiie day of April, lUio.
against you in the amount of seventeen (17)
eollars and said cause is continued until the
9th day of June, A. D. laso, at 1 ::iu p. m.
William Paul.
Greenwood. Neb., April lath, is. 513
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Estate of E. A. null, de
ceased. In the County Court of Cass County,
Upon reading and Clint; the duly verified pe
tition of Ilarmaii Maxwell, praying that admin
istration of tiie estate of tz. A. Hull, deceased,
be granted Edwin a. Jeary ; Ordered that no
tieu of the pendency of said caiue be published
in the Nebraska Ukualu. a weekly newspaper
printed, published, and in general circulation
in said County, for three consecutive weeks,
and that the bearing of said cause beset for
the lltli day of May, A. D. ls. at 3 o'clock p.
m., at the ollice of the County Judce, at Platts
mouth, at which lime and place ail persons in
terested may appear ai;d show cruise, if anv
they li ive, why administration of said estate
should not be grauted to the S:iid Edwin V
Jeary, according t the prayer of said ret'.'.icli.'
A. N. SULLIVAN, C.y.ujy j udtfe.
riattsmouth, April 15, ' r-tH
Road Notice.
To all idtoi.i il trinj concern:
The section like road, eotr.menciiif: m x'c
North West n-. ) corner of section ti.rl: i v-t v.'o
l.'i, ev,'M:nn te: tloj rango twelve fi', ;u:d
UUfchig 4;t: iht osi il vjme, has ljt l ;i Ie-
t mi open n;-. A'l objections llJereiO. or e!.;:a.s
foi damages. iuiL-.t be fj.ed in ti;e Count
r Clerk's o3ice on or before no u. on xkr i;t:i daV
: of June, A. D. IS50, or such roud wlil be opem i
I without reference thereto.
I 313 J. D.TUTT, Couaty CU Ik.
With their
m Consisting:
Styles ISesigias.
W. Mo, UBAIKIEilS. & ,
BEeserv tills spate for tBaelr
ft- LI P"jLPv
clstlly expected
Whcia it-eomcs !oo3k out for it
Fine Showing
iesil oui in tliese ol
unans9 carefully.
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the subscriber, 011 his enclosed
premises. 111 Eittht Mile throve Precinct, iu Cass
Couiiiv, Nebraska, bit the 3d lav of February
lso. one brown heifer witli red and white head
and white tail, Supposed, to be one year old.
No marks. J. 11. MKIblNtiKli.
March 20th, 1SS0. ats
Master's Sale.
In the Cikouit Cockt ok the Unitki
The Union Mutual Life 1 T
vs. llisnr:in(A Tn V n
Livonia Becker, ct al. L "-'-'ry-
Public notice is Iierebv iriven that in nursu-
anee of u decree entered in the above cause, on
tliei'iitli day uf June, 187'), I, William Daily,
Special Master 111 Chaucerv in said Court, will
on the lull day of .May, 1S&0, at the hour or 10
o'clock in the forenoon of the said dny, at the
.uiiii imui ii iue t uii-u oiaies vouri itouso
in the City of Omaha. iState of Nebraska, sell
at public auction the follow-in" described prop
erty, to-wlt : The West half fwl of the Nona
East quarter iie'il. and I lie North West quart
er inw4) of the South East quarter se1) of
section No. six OJ. in towuehip No. eleven 11
-ortii raiiue lotu teen ill . i-iisi mviii 1 1 r.
M. ; situated iu the Count v of Cass. Slate of Ne
William daily.
Special Master in Chancery.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Cornelius Maho-
ny, aeceaseii, in the Couuty Court of Cass Co.,
Upon reading and filiiie the duly verified pe
tition of P. 11. Mahonv. uraviiiir that admini
stration of the estate of Cornelius Mahoiiy. de
ceased, be granted M. O'Connor : Ordered
that notice of tne pendency of said cause be
published iu the Nebraska IIkkald. a weeklv
newspaper, printed, published, and in general
circulation iu said county. for three consecutive
weeks, and that the heai ing ol -said caunr be
set for the 7th day of Mav A. D., I8R1). at one
o'clock P. SI. at the office of the County Judue,
at I' which tinreand place, all per
sons interested may appearand show cause, if
any they have, why admiuist rat 1011 of said es
tate should not be granted to tl.t- said M.
O'Connor, accord In : in the iraer of said !eti
tion. a. N. SULLIVAN, Co. Judae.
riattsmouth, April 2 th. isw. 613
Master's Sale.
N EBltAftKA, J
In tub Circvit Court of the United
The Union Mutual Life I ,
.. . vs- Insurance Co.. -... , .
.Agues C. Carper, et al. f Chancery.
Public notice la hereby given that in pursu
ance of a decree entered in lhe above cause,
on the 21,1X1 day of June. ls7'J, 1, llliaru Daily,
Special Master iu Chancery 111 said Court, w ill
on the 11th day of May. lsso, at the hour of 10
o'clock in the ion 10.011 of the said day, at the
Not th door of the. United state- Court House
ip the City of Omaha, State of Nebraska, sell
at public auction the following described prop
city, to-wit: The North vt cm quarter nWI
of section No. thirty-one 31 J, iu township No.
eleven 11 North in ran- NO. twelve lj East,
beiii on hundred and sixty Uhjj acres ac
cording to Covei'hiiient survey, more or lc-ss ;
situate in Cass County, Nebraska.
31j Special Master in Chancery.
Master's Sale.
In tub Cun-lit CotiiT of the United
The Union Mutual Iife
1 Mutual Life 1 -
Insuiuiice Co., yn,,... ., ...
E. Fiemir,.-. et. id.. (Chancery.
Granviile E.
VOlir.i l.flL'KK US' WllllTC.AIlK
Public notice is hereby idveu. that In pursu
ance of a decree entered in the above cause, on
lhe -ith day of Jnce j. 78, 1, William Daily,
Special .M;:ru r 1.1 Cliaccfi'V in s:id Court, will
011 t jir nth day ot Mav. isk, at tiie hour of 1Q
oVlock in the forenoon o tiie said day. at the
nouh door of the United States Court'llouse In
the City of Omaha, state of Nebraska, sell et
public auction, the following described proper
ty, to-wit: The south cast quarter seUJ of
ettion twenty-niue 2V and the north east
quarter ne:iof the north west quarter fnwV of
ection thirty-two 22 and twenty-five 125
acres off the nest pait of tiie iiortu
haif u'il of the north east quarter
iieH of section thiitv-twy and the souih
half s'jl ef the in rlii.v.-a qu liter i.r 1 i of
seel ion twenty 20 ad iu u".'iiii:j elcve-i '! 1 1
uonlioi rti:e ihd n en 1131 east 'of ;h si"tn
ftij lVil.'ii;U Mendi .u. cuhUidng in ail 1 Live
huuored and live I -.' 5) acres more or le-s ac
cording lo the original Oovemment survcy.sit
uated 111 the County of Cii-ss and state of
fcraska. William Dailv.
3t5 Special Muster tu Chancery.
Leased to
immense stock of
of sail BPrlccs.
Road Notice.
Tit nil u hnm it mmj concern:
The Section line road commencing at the
South Easftse) corner of the North East quarter
(ne'i). of Section twent v-scven (27), Town
twelve laiie eleven I'llj, running thouee
north on section Hue. to (lie south boundary ut
tho town of Louisville has been declared by
the Hoard of County Commissioners an open
road, and all objections thereto, or claims for
damages, must be filed in the County Clerk '.1
ollice, on or before non on the 12th day of Juno
A. D. lsso.or such road will be opened without
rufrrence thereto.
:5 J. D. TUTT. Co. Clerk.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Joseph S. Upton,
Notice is hereby given, to all persons having
claims against the Estate of Joseph ij. Upton,
deceased, to file the same 011 or before the loth
day of November, A. I).,lso, in the office of the
County Judge, at Plattsmouth, Cass County.
A. N. Scli.tvax, Co. Judge.
Plattsmouth, April 14th, 1860. 4t4
Sheriff's Sale.
Iiy virtue of two Executions issued by W. C,
Show-alter, Clerk of the District Court wifhin
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, 1 will on the 24lh day of Mav, A. D.
Isko, at lo o'clock a: in., of said day, at tho
South Door of the Court in Plattsmouth
City iu said County, sell al Public Auction the
following Keal Estate to-w it : The south west
quarter (sw)of section thirty-one (31) town
ship eleven (ll) range thirteen (13) east at the
lith P. M.. all in Cass County, Nebraska. Tho
Samo being levied upon ifud taken as the prop
erty of Thouia L. p.errv. Defendant ; to satis
fy two judgments of said Court by J. V. ;as
lockand '1 nomas Dryau, Pl.-jutifTs : assigned
to L. T. A h ton.
PlaUsmoulii. Neb., April 19th, A. D. l&Sfl.
Mo it. W. II if Kim, Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb.
Master's Sale.
States, 1 on tjie Disruitx of Seuhaska.
The Union Mutual Life 1 ,
v. Insurance Co.. 111
Wm. 11. Detwller, rial. f Chancery.
Public notice is hereby giveu that in pur
suance of a decree entered iD th above cause,
011 the li day ol June, 1S79. I, William Dailv,
Special Master In Chancery In said Court, will
011 the lllli day of May. 1K80. at the hour of 10
o'clock iu the forenoon of the said day, at the
North door of the United Stales Ci url House
in the t ity ot Omaha, State of Nebraska, sell
at public auction the following d scrbed prop
erty, to-wit : 'Iwenty-cightt'jxj rods and nine
teen 19 lii.ks East of the North West nw
coiner of the North West quarter uwl4J ot the
North Wesl quarter of section seveu I7J, town
ship ten loj. Notlh of Range twelve U'J Ea-d.
thence South fifty-two OiiJrodR, thence Last
twenty-four 2J rods.' 1 hence. South twenty
eiuht t'sj de-roes East to the South line ot the'
said lorty acre hit; thence North to the North
line of said lot ; thence West to the" place of lc
giiiuing, .!, f :i. 1 1 ii. nineteen f 1 y J acres, more
or less, situate j the County of Cass, State of
Nm.'.sl.;t WILLIAM DaIJ.,
''j Six'iini .Master in Chancery.
fn the District Court of the Second Judicial
District in and for Cass County, Nebraska.
Elias Solomon and Isaac Nathan, 1
composing the firm of Solomon
i- taia.-iii, t laiutins,
John C, Ward. StteSght & Miller.
The srad John C. Ward.' non-w shlr-nt !
fendant, will take notice that the above named
pl.iiatiin c!idonthe 20th dav of March. A. D.
lSi-ii. file their petition iu the District Court f
Ca-s Count). Nebraska, against you, the-sah
JoiiuC. Ward, and streiglit A- Miller, piaymg
for a foreclosure of a Morig;ige, given by you
on the !ith day of March. ls77, to one Jame
Eix'oy, for the sum of scW.OO, and which mort
gage was alterwards assigued to thee nlain
tihs. lhe same beiut; given on one acre of land,
described as follows : Commencing at lh
South West (swi corner ol the South East
quarter (se1-.,) of the North West quarter (11 wU)
of section five th). township twelve (12). range
thirteen (1, Knst sixth (lith) P. M.. running
North twenty (21) rods, ; thc-ucaEast eight
rods thence South parallel with the West lino
twenty (20) rods ; thence West eight (3) rod t
the place of beginning, being in Cass County,
Nebraska. On the ail day of April. l0,aid pe
tition wits amended by making Strelght & Mil
ler defendants, they claiming to bold a rubse
tiii'Mit inorl 'it;,'e on lhe sain piemi-cs.
" The p:-.-iyr of plulnlifTs' f-ii:iu is that said
premise he ti.U to snt-sfy their c-im n,ram-t
y-ni. to:.eiHer wil n iuleiesl and cost. Yu aie
liiert fore 1 iilfie that imless you appear aud
answer said petit ion, rs required ly law. de
f tult wl.l l e taken against you, and decree
rcuJercd accordingly.
iiy E. B. Wis DUAii . Att'y. at 1
Dfalll r !
wlll9 (luring ttlae
(or kmp