THE HERALD te u j- - B. &M. R. KTime Table. Taking Effect May 4, 1879. FOE OMAHA EKOM 7l.ATl SMOCTH. leaves 8 nu) a. in. Arrives a. :'20 j:wp. m., " 4 -XA p. in. rKOXf OMAHA FOK rLATTSMOCTII. leaves 9 :10 a. in. Arrives lo :40 a. m. " 6 :3'J p. in. " :15 p. i". LOCAL NEWS. Meals f.t all hours at Davis & Co.'s. Good Cigars, remember, at Davi & CO.'S. Clt2 Maybo thc3Q sleighs will came in nac yet. TVolla going down all alang the sirect now. Frank Hager vreat up to Omaha, Saturday p. in. Kezular cooked, meals at all hours at Davis & Co.'s 5U2 New Maple Sugar, fresh and pure at the F. O. News Depot. Oysters always fresh and good at Davis & Co.'s Kestaurant. 5112 Dr. Warner's Health Corsets at Mrs. Jehnsan & Sweeney's. 5U2 Base Balls and Bats, Marbles and Tops, at tha P. O. News Depot. 1 If you waut any painting1 call ou G. F. Ilobbd at Smith & Black's. F. B. Crarnmar had another of his whispering spoils the first of the week. The Grampion mine in Frisco, Utah, was sold to Chicago parties far 3230.000. You need not come, Dan, we'll be In Lincoln ourself again the last of the moon. Head "Tho Absent To-night" on the outside. It is a reminder of the old war times. C. E. "Wescott arrived from the east on Tuesday last, looking well and hearty as ever. A. liae ef new embroideries, very cheap and in late designs at Mrs. Jehn i5a & Sweeney's. 5U2 Mr. Countryman lost his purse with $40 and Mr. Lee Oldham found it, and returned the same. Current rumour says.Loulsvilleis going to try for permanent Fair grannds again this year. Vv'. II. Baker & Co. will spread thfnmdves again next week in the Hi-:itAi.i. then read their ad. J. V. "Weckbach returned, from Chicago Tuesday and reports a largo invoice of new goods on the way. The Committee to arrange the pre mium list :;t iV.ti County Fair meet at 2 o'clock, .Saturday afternoon next. Ona of the Lincoln papers gets Spencsi from Sauuders County and the ohr uue ;io Spencer from Cass Co. Win. Murray shipped last Friday, thirty-two steers, that averaged 1540 poi'.ud a head. Beat that, who can. 200 Boxes "Excelsior Bird Food," juit received at the P. O. News Depot, it is the best ftud cheapest ia the citv. C. II. Parmela is bringing eouio shelves aud ceuuters from Ashland to .put in his now of;ica very uice ones, The fire company had a littlo hur rah Monday evening, but thoy want to watch out for telephone wires after this. John Bauer has returned from Germany and brought a young colony over to help seltlft the broad acres of Cass County. See tha account of the cars ship pad from South Btnd hist year. It's huge that's only a sprinkling of what's to come. Gilbert Hobbs starts ont new in (louse and ornamental painting this Spring. Kemember to leave calls at Smith & Black's. New and Elegant flowers, also new styles of silks and ribbons iu pol ka Attn, aud brocaded desigus at Mrs. Johnson & Sw eeney's. 51t2 A little ehoot at Milford on the Three Granger brothers shot at and wounded fatally a man by the name of Samuel Bawker. Go to C. G. HeroM for your firs t class clothing at low rates. The larg est stock ever seen in the city and more constantly arriving. 51t4 The Journal Company at Lincoln have bought tho Old Palace ( Atwood) Hotel property and are going to build a big printing offiee on it. Oh, yes! no mere Stale Peatuts, but go to Phil Young and get Warm Peanuts at all times of the day from his patent Peanut ltoastor. 1 Tho building for fire apparatus wh3 commenced on Tuesday, Bate3 & Kohnke have the contract, and we know they will do a good job. Oae of our most estimable citi zens may be thankful for the intro duction of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, for its timely use has saved his lire, 1 Notice change in lime table of Omaha Branch at hsad f local col umn. No more getting up in the night to eat and run for the train. The fire company intend to Laye their first grand ball on All Fools Day, aud a big crowd is of course expected and they also deserve to be patronized. At last the March Enow has come. Whether its going to be an old tanner or only a mild dressing of feathers to old mother earth, wc can't tell until after wo go to pres3. J. E. Cunningham, our young painter tried to ornament his ewu face not lang since. A bad case of neural gia caused him to put a very artistic coat of Iodine paint on his cheek. For A day or two Jim had as much cheek ft tiie proverbial government mule. iMMtummm&rm' Hiiirraataaaaaaaaaaai Personal. Sam Long came in from the West yesterday. Ben Droste and James Wiley were in town last week. John Chalfant came up Monday, likewise Mrs. Chalfant. Billy Wells moves out on his farm soon, and starts a law ofSco in South Bend. Mr. Manion and Mr. Pocock take the Herald to keep em company this summer. Miss Eunice Sage left on the west bound train yesterday moraing.fora few days visit at the Capitol. C. C. Babcock of Weeping Water, takes the Hehald right along, if he is going to visit Arapahoe soon. Jabu Fitrgerald and P.. C. Cushing dropped down on us from some rail road headquarters Tuesday, off again like a flash. Win. Stadelmann, was once more back to lee us this week. We believe "Billy looks with a bait longing eye ou old Plattemouth yet. It. G. McFarland, P. M. at South Band and general good fellow was in town Friday last. On timo as usual and the IIekald didnt get to seo him Wra. Loughridge, a good old fash ioned North of Ireland man, comes to live among -us, with his family. lie is in the Blacksmith department of the B. & M. Shops. Mrs. A. A. White, one of the State officers of tho Good Templar organiza tion, viaited us this week and was-a guest at the Eekals House for a por tion of the time. Hon. J. S. Gibsou, of Omaha, Slate Senator. Committee on Capitol build ing, &.C., vibited us last week. He is now the agent for the great clothing houso of Devlin & Co., New York. New designs in back combs, gilt and jet hairpins, lace and lisle thread of en v.orked gloves at 5112 Mu3. Jonxcos & Sweeney's Mr. Kiag, of the Shenandoah Nur series, moves to Cass County to live next week, and will keep a good sup ply of Nursery Stock on hacd. For Sale Cheap. A good young cow ; is giving miiK. enquire or, or address James Pettee, 51tf Plattsmouth, Nob. Look out for the Boss Cigar, the Plattsmouth Board of Trade" a spe cial brand of Phii Young's, which he will have on sale about March 20ih. 1 Mr. J. W. Barnes, 6tarted we3t Tuesday morning, he will stop at In- diauola, tho terminus of the B. & M., to meet with the South Flatto Town Company. Georgo Hutz fell fiom the scaf folding of Mr. Davis' Ba. n and severe ly injured himself inwardly. He will soon be around again, it is supposed and hoped. Mr. Geo. Amlck brought the fami ly f W. Bates, the murdered man near Seward, home with him. It consists of the'wife. two girls and a boy, aged, 14, 10 and 4 years. G. F. Hobbs House and Sign Paint er. Ornamental painting, Calciinining, &c, and remember Gilbert does it well too. He painted the Hekald house and we were very well satisfied. We would like to know who is running the City council, the elected officers or outside parties. We pro pose to publish those ordinances ac cording to contract, and get pay too. Tho warm weather has made con siderable floating ice in the river. The Sioux City papers report the lowest water ever known there, owing to several gorges in the river above that place. Mrs. Loomis, who has been sick for months with consumption, died on Sunday evening, and was buried on Tuesday afternoon by the Good Tem plars. She leaves three small children motherless. Phil Yo'jng is the best and most successful advertiser in town, and all because he knows what he wants, keeps what he says he will, and attends to business himself, aud he is prospering too, as he deserves. Phil Younjr can furnish all lovers of croquet, with 4, 5, and 8 Ball Sets, of which Phil has a full stockor the spring trade. If yoa want a Cork Scerw free, go and buy a 10c bottle of Ink at the P. O. News Depot. 1 Our correspondents must remem Wr that it is news, facts, which we Aviah to get and not ruaior. All of such a nature we must strike from their li tters. Especially where it af fects tho character of any one. The Sentinel is said to have chang ed hands, a Mr. Biles takes holt." and she will hereafter be run as a Simon pure Democratic Newspaper, under the old name, ef "The Cass County Democrat." Go it Biles, Wise is after you. The Fair grounds business seems to drag so slowly here, that we under stand other localities are going to come in and offer suitable grounds, &c, for the Fair. Wo feared the slow-moving people here would sia their day of grace away. A very good letter from Elm wood came too iate for this issue. We can not publish lengthy matter that comes in as late as the western mails do on Wednesday and get to press in time for morning mails Thursday. "Elm wood Points" will appear next week. The Railroad Company ara grad ing, ditching and throwing dirt over on the old Lincoln Avenue at a great rate. A big Roundhouse, a Foundry, larger Wood shops and various other improvements that are going to aid and help our town very much. Be sides theprivate improvements being made are wonderful, in every direction houses are going up. riattsmonth Driving- Park and Agri cultural Association. The stockholders of the above orga nization are requested to meet at one o'clock, sharp, onSaturday, March 20th, in the Court House, for important bu siness very necessary to be transacted, and a full turn out is earnestly re quested, if tho object of tho associa tion is to be a success. J. Vallekt, Sr., Jno. A. MacMurphy, V. Pres.' 51U Sec'y. Additional Locals on second page. Phil Young distributed gratuitoma ly ou last Monday and Tuesday, 1000 copies of "Golden Days," a paper for Boys and Girls, published by the Edi tor of Saturday Night, aay one wish ing to subscribe for Golden Days, will please call on Phil. 1 Prof. G. E. Fester of New Bruns wick will deliver a series of five or six lectures on Temperance in Platts mouth, commencing Friday of this week. Prof. Foster has the reputa tion of being a very fine orator and our people will doubtless enjoy a treat. J. D. YanDoren, Esq., (formerly of Wisconsin) and tho original Importer of the Essex breed of Hogs, has open ed a farm near Albion, Boone County, Nebraska, where ho has a fine stock of the Essex Swiae. Mr. James Pettee has just received a Pig from him aud if it represents his stockbreeders will will do well to supply themselves. Hon. James Dawes. Chairmaa of Rtpublican State Central Committee, passed through here Sunday. Ed Ruff- ner told us all about it, and we went down to see him. Mr. Dawes says it was Logan, Logan, Logan for three days in Washington. His name and his speech were the theme of every tongue. If Fitz John Porter fails to be reinstated, as he should fail, he can chargo it to Logau. Wo do not believe the Democratic Senate will dare report favoiably en his case after that array of facts. The Good Templars held a meet ing ef their District Lodge, on Mon day evening and Tuesday morning of this week, a part of. their business be ing to hear the report of work dene throughout the district by Mrs. A. A. White, grand vice tencplar of the I. O. G. T. for Nebraska, who has just been traveling through tho county in the nterest of the order; owing to a se vere cold Mrs. While was usable to bo out Monday evening or to fulfill the programme of work as laid out. Quite a number of members from lodges throughout tho district attended. Mrs. White left on Wednesday morning in tending to fctop at Gresnwood, Elm- weod and Callahan unless the storm prevented. Teaiperanec Lecture at tho 11. E. Church, commencing Fri day evening, by Prof. Geo. E. Foster. Restaurant. Davis & Co. keep one of the best Restaurants ever idn in the town. In Ben. Hemple's eld building. - 5H2 To Loan. Money at 10 ptr cent, interest on la- proved farms. Appjy to 51 33 R. H. WlNDHAK. Removed. "Cheap Charlie" of the one Price Clothing Store ha3 finally got his stock in the new building. Corner Cth and Main Streets. Call in. 1 Time Flics. Eart't forget my offer on the Popu lar Style OitaANS. Persons wishi ng to purchase will do well to give me a call soon. James Pettee, Agt. Maaon & namlin Organ Company. New Goods! Jat la ! Miss Sweeney lias just returned from the east, and determined not to ba overtaken by tho early spring has brought on a line of goods for the spring trade which she iuvites all her customers to call and examine. New pattern hats and all the different styles, coming next week. 1 BURGLARS I Equipping for a Trip ! A party of burglars visited the pre mises of Mr. E. Sage on Tuesday night, taking from hi barn two fine buffalo robes, and from the house a rifle, pair of boots, pair of gloves, and a quanti ty of meat from tho cellar. The ar ticles were, not missed till the next morning, and no trace of the thieves has been found. The Cass Connty Agricultural Society Held its annual meeting on Saturday ast, and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President D. H. Wheeler. Yico Pres't Sam'l Richardson. Treasurer J. Vallery, Sr. Sec'y J. N. Wise. v DIRECTORS, Isaac Wiles, K. Eikenbary, A. B. Todd, J. W. Johnson, W. J.'Uessar, Jas. Hall, J. C. Gilmore. A committee on premium list and other matters was appointed, and the meeting adjourned for two weeks, or until Saturday, March 20th, at 2 p. m.; and a good attendance is needed. Mr. Johu Schleyer, the proprietor of the Chilton, Wis.. Volksbote, a pro gressive German weekly, gratified as with the following: With pleasure I add my testimonial to the many already given in favor of St. Jacob's Oil, which I had occasion to test personally. I suffered extrems pains in the back of my neck, which were almost unbearable. Having heard of St. Jacob's OU I dispatched ono of my men to the nearest drug 6tore, procured a bottle, and commenc ed to apply it at once. Thpain sub sided, aud ou the next morning I was all right again. 51 tl Allen & Co.'s Richmond Gem, 35 cents per pound, and Ole Virginia. 15 cents per package, both curly cut, the best and finest smoking tobaccos in town, sold at J. Pepperberg's. DOtf mam Council Proceedings. Saturday Eve, March 6th, Mayor Jobusoit called the meeting to eider. Present: J. Pepperberg, V. V.Leonard, Thos. Pollock, E. S.Sharp, P. McCallan and G. W. Fairfield, Council men ; J. D. Simpson, Clerk. Minutes of previous meeting ap proved and signed. The following bills were referred to the finance committee, tho'firct two of which were reported upon immediate ly and ordered that orders be drawn for their respeclivo amounts: P. B. Murphy, salary for Feb'y $40 00 J. D. Simpson, - " 30 00 M. Sehnellbacker, repairing cem etery gate District Court Costs Drain et al. special watchmen 10 71 21 21 75 50 50 90 Commissioner on streets M. CarrolVpetition for license was referred to license committee. Mr. Leonard was duly authorized to co ahead and procure lumber and workmen and? erect, the building on 5th street, north of Main for the fire apparatus. Mayor and Clerk were instructed to draw for amount wanting on repairs of well on lower Main by Djnelan's. Mr.. Fairfield reported that the sur rey on Billing's Avenue fcweuld be completed as soon as the R. R. Co. had staked off all the ground they desired for adding to their shops. Committee on waterworks reported that cost of pipes and reservoir would agree with figures heretofore calculat ed. A resolution was introduced by Mr. Pollock, recommending the passage of two ordinances to fulfil the contracts for right of way to shop grounds of the B. & M. The ordinances were read first time and suspending rule3. -were placed up on second and third reading and pass age. Clerk was instructed to make an itemized statcment'of business of the city transacted for the past six months. On motion tho Mayor was requested to obtain Hon. S. M, Chapman's opin ion in writing, on the question of electing Ceuncilmen at coming elec tion. On motion of Mr. Pepperberg, one of the ordinances just passed, was or- derod printed in the Hekald and other in the Enterprise. On motion Council adjourned meet Tuesday evening March 9th, tho to '80. A ttest : J . W. J ouxson, J. D. Simpsox, Mayor. Clrk. ADJOURNED EETIXO. Tuesday, March S. as per adjournment; Council met present, Mr. Mayer, iiessrs. Pollock, Leonard, Weckbach, Sharp, Fairfield, and Pepperberg, Council men, and J. D. Simpson, Clerk. The meeting was called, as stated by Mayor, to take up the matter in refer ence to the right of way to Billings avenue. Committee on petition of O. F. John son, asking for reduction on license, was granted further time. On motion Ordinance No. 103, intro duced by the Mayor and Engineer, en titled "An ordinance to locate and es tablish Billings Avenue." was placed upen its first reading. On motion of Mr. Weckbach the rules were suspended, and the ordi nance placed upon its sscond and third readings by title, and final passage. On motion of Mr. Pollock, Mr. Fair field was appointed a Committee of one to investigate titles of property in the route proposed for Billiag3 Ayc. On motion, Messrs. Fairfield, Pol lock, and the Mayor were authorized to negotiate for right of way to Ave. Mr. Fairfield reported that 930 yds. of earth would have to be removed for cut on tho a venae, at a probable cost of 8112.00. The Maor was authorized to adver tise for bids on same. Petition from active firemen, asking that the Council furnish lumber pufli cient to erect the building for fire ap paratus, two stories high, so as to fur nish room for company meetings, they agreeing to pay tho carpenter work from individual subscriptions among themselves, was referred to Committee on fire and water. Mr. Leonard, chairman of said com mittee, reported that lumber and work men had been engaged for buildieg ac cording to tho authority given him, and that, in order to grant the peti tion, it would be necessary to re-consider past orders. A communication from Mr. Chap man was read, to the effect that, in his opinion, two Councilmen from each ward would have to ba elected at the ensuing election. Tho Councilmen were requested by the Mayor to be able at next meeting to recommend judges and clerks of election, and places of holding the election in tho respective wards. Oa motion Council adjourned to meet Saturday evening, March 13th, at 7 o'clock, sharp. Attest : J.W.J OHNSON, J. D. SiMrsoN, Mayor, Clerk. Our old stand-by, Fred. Gorder, has now on hand Sulky Plows, for Spring plowing xx Corn Planters x x Har rows x x x ! ! ? ? But Cultivators to insure the next corn ctp that's Fred's great J'holt." Come and see his Cultivators. 50U Farm for Sale. 320 acres, seven miles. from the city. Improvements first class; 400 bearing fruit trees; Cheap acd on easy term3. Call soon and get a bargain. 50t4 Will. S. Wise. WOT FAIT, tn ion for our Price Llt for 1880. Fill to inr audress upon u. plication. Contain description of er.ri. tUinff required or 1 jwi. M If F I 1 i t ll-lllf t ... . ,.. personal or ImiI tuml with ejTer 1.200 Illnitrtlon. W fl Bwij i wholes' price In quantities to suit ie pnrchaser. Th only Institution la America MONTGOMERY WARD CO.. X 7 ( a 20 Wnlrtisb Art" ClUr in. Surewdncss and Ability. Hop Bitters so freely advertised iu all the papers, secular and religious, are having a large sal, and are sup planting all other medicines. There is lo denying the Virtues of the Hop plant, and the proprietors of these Bit ters have shown great shrewdness and ability in compeundinga Bitters, whose virtues are so palpable to every one's observation. Exchange. A young saw, three quarters Essex, for sale at the Hekald office. tf Notice to Teachers. I will hold an examination at Green wood on tho last Friday and Saturday of March. E. H.Wooley, C0H . Co. Supt. Notie. All persons in Cass County who have hociesteaded, will find out something to their interest by calling on me. Call without delay. Will. S. Wise, 50t4 Fitzgerald's Block, Plattsmouth. Removed. Misses Herrmann & Wurl have re moved their Millinery headquarters to Wm. Herold's store, where they will be happy to receive their old custom ern, and many new ones. 50t2 Allen's Kill en the Weeping Water. W. T. Allen has his Mill in tho very best of running order and wants all the custom he can get. He will guar antee no one will go from the mill dis satisfied, $5 reward for bad Hour made out of good wheat. He has all kinds of stock for sale and the very best, will sell cheap on good terms. Call and see him soon as lie is selling out to move west. He pays his best respects to all of his old Customers. 50ta W. T. Allen. SPECIAL NOTICES. Get Lyon's Patent Heel Stiffeners applied to those new boots or shoes be fore you run them ever. 50t4 Ilighest price paid lor Hides. Furs. Wool etc., at F. S. White's. 25U A young three quarters Esaex Sow for sale. Inquire here. tf Remember that for boots and shoes Rockwell cannot be beat in price. He has a large assortment. 28tf. Ladies' and children's boots and shoes cannot run ovrif Lyon's Patent Heel Stilieners are used.- 4fct4 The Best canned and dried fruits in the city at F. S. White's. 43tf. Thirty of ll lient onjan innkcrs of the World are competitor at the. l'ari- Exposition, a cable dispatch to the As.s.ciated l'res says Two highest Koid medals have been awarded to I lie Ameiicun makers, .Mason 6: lianilin. Honie-JIade Cigars. Avoid smoking eastern filthy tenement-made cigars. Ask your dealers for Pepperberg's pure brands of home made cignrs. If you don't llnd them there, go where they are kept, and by doing so, encourage home labor. Job bing in cigars and smokers' articles a specialty, at low prices. A large and varied stock of smokers' goods always en hand, at prices to suit the times. 42tf Julius PEi'PEniiEita. Bueklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and ail kinds of skin eruptions This Salve is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction in every case or mon ey refunded. Price 2t cents per box. For sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale and Retail, Plattsmouth, Xeb. 241y. Hard Wood For Sale. Good hard wood for sale. Inquire at Guthman & Weckbach's store. 44tl3 To-day's Eclipse. Of all ether medicines Browns Pop ular Western Remedies, may be seen in every family where used. For sale by J. H. Buttery, Smith & Black and O. F. Johnson. Plattsmouth, and John Tamter and Eledge & Co., East Plattsmouth. Drown' Vegetable Liver Fills Cure Billiousness and Sick head-ache. EKOtVS H t'OlWH BALSAM Heals the lungs and cures coughs and colds. BROWX14 TAFl TROCHES Cure sore throat and hoarseness, and clear and strengthen the Yoice. BBOWX ARNICA HALVE Heals ulcers, cats, burns and infl: ed eyes. m- IXrowc'M tieriaan Catarrh Care Is taking the place of all other ca tarrh remedies. When used in con nection with Comp. Ext.Sarsapakil la, Dandelion & Iodine of Potas sium, it has Never failed to cure. 48tf Ifotlce to Teachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October and November. At Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisviile 1st Friday and Saturday April, Jul v and December. Notice in of other examinations will be given. E. II. Wogley, 42tf Superintendent. A Rochester Physician'. Experience. 1. Caulkins, M. D., of Rochester, X. Y., certifies Oct. 6th, 1871), that he has used the Safe Kidney and Liver Cure ia hi3 practice for diseases of tho kid neys and liver, and the result has been satisfactory in the extreme. He says: "I would now prescribe the same rem edy to all similarly afilicted, and you are at liberty to so state in your tes'i moalals." 41tl3 Uetter Than (iolti. The grand climax of success is at achieved. The poor rejoice, the arise and wait, the rich bank in last sick the The golden sunshine of perfect health, physicial miseries of the human frame need n longer be endured. Dk. Kino's California Golden Compound, for Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Head ache, Coming up of food, Jaundice. Liv er Complaint, Uilionsness, General De bility, Drowsiness and Lov? Spiriti. Thin wonderful remedy will positively cure, and that where every remedy has failed. To prove that this wontlerf ul remedy will do all we claim for it job are presented with a trial bottle free ofcftst, by which you will readily per ceive its wonderful curative qualities, and which will show you what a regu lar one dollar size bottle will do. For J sale by Smith & LUack, Wholesale and HetttU, Ptettsmoutb. ieb. 25e0wly. the Markets. home markets, grain' and froduce. Wednesday, March 10, 1S80. to 00 ... ."..'.".".'.".".'.'.'.'.".".".'.".'." 20 a5 40 M 4 M34 3 35 20 25 10 60 80 Wheat. No. Corn. ear,. . siielioa... Oats liarley. No. 2... Rye Native Cattle. Hoii Butter Fjsrs , INlt.ltMS Carpet Weaving. The undersigned respectfully solicits orders in this line, and guarantees com plete satisfaction, or no pay. Charges very moderato. Lnquire at FreuJIIerr mann s store. 49t4 A. Hansen UIDrC ImnroTed Root Brer Park fllilLj s. 3 i'tm. Makes five gallons of a delicious and sparklitip beverasre whole some nna temperate, .sold bv drjgjiists. orsenl hv mail on receipt of 2" ets. Address, CIIAS. E lllHES. Manufacturer. 215 Market Street, l'hll aiWlptiia, l'a. 6Cti:6 LEGAL , NOTICES., Probate Notice. In the Matter of the Etat of Wm. K. Dona lan, deceased. In the County Court of Cass i.miiuy, ieDr:isKa. Notice is hereby piyen, that Alice V. Donelan Administratrix of the. estate of tbo said Wm. t.. Doneian. defeased, has made application for nnai sciiicfueui, una mat s ue u set for hCAringr at my ofllce at Plattsmouth. on the 10m uay or April, a. d.. hso, at one o'clock p n.. on Ki'.id day ; at which tnn and place, all persons interested may be present and exam ine said accounts. A.N. Sullivan, County Judge. Plattsmouth, March 10th, 1880. U3 Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an Order of Sale. Issued by W. (.'. Showalter, Clerk of the Disiriet C:urt with in and for Cass County, Mate of Nebraska, and to me (ii:ee ted, I will on the J7th day of April. A. 1). isso, at lo o'clock a. m., of said day, at the bout 11 door of flie Court House, in the City of i-iausnioutn. in ;;id County. sellat Public Auc tion the follow iir real estate, to-wit : The aoun Hamuli or tne South East quarter e V) of nection t wenty-four C'4), township eleven (11), Eastottlie sixth(6tli) P.M.. situated in county, nenraska. lhe same being levied upon und takeu as the property of Annie P. Ellixon, administratrix o( the estate of Harvey E. Ellieon, deceased, and John Klack. defend arita. to satisfy a judgment of said Court by 1 mhii r. vt iMe, piainim. l'laltsmouth. Neb.. March 9th. A. D. 180. X. W. IIYEKS. Sheriff Cass Co., Neb. 51 15 L'y M. McElwax.v, LVp'y. Probate Notice. In the matter of the Estate ot Stephen Oaborn, accaea. In the County Court of Cass County. Nebraska. Upon reading and filtnir the duly verified pe tition of Elizabeth J. Osboru, praying that ad ministration of the estate of Stephen Osborn, uiTCiro, o eranieu u uer : uruerea mat no tice of the uendenc.V of said cause be DublisLed in the Nebraska Hkiui.d, h weekly newspaper ..-.,..... . . t i : 1 , 1 ...... i .. .... 1 : . . f i'uiiiru, puuii.-Micu, aim iu t.-iiriiit circulation n said county, for three consecutive weeks, ami that the hearing of said cause be set for rae bin oay 01 April. A. i. jix. at ! o'clock p tii.. al the olllce )f the County Judi;e, at Platts mouth. at whirli time and place ail persons in- Tereweu may npiiear ana snow cause, if any they have, why administration of said estate suiu:a 1101 ire yraniea 10 tne ail Eilabetti J. Osboru, accoidui to the praver of aid petition. A. N . S V I.IA V A S , Co. J udee. I'laiisiuouin, .vaix-11 lotn, U8e. oit3 Sheriffs Sale. ly virtue of an Order of Sale, issued by W. C. Showalter, Ks'., Cierk of the listrict Court within and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will, on Monday, tbu lt;i day of April. A. 1). 1P80. :il in o'clock a. in., of said da, at the South door 1 being the front Uy of the Court House, in said Couut v.sell at I'lfblic Auc tion tne following described real estate, to-vvit : Tfio North East quarter (neV and the South West quarter (sw) o section No. three (3), iu townrhip No. twelve (12), North, range No. thirteen (l;i) : also, lot No. three (3), and the South East quarter (se1) of the South West quarter (sw- of Section No. thirt v-four (34), in township .No. thii'teeii (13). North." range No. lliirtton (13. East sixth (Slh) P. M. ; aii lying and being situated In ( iis County. Nebraska ; together with tiie appurtenance thereto be longing The same being levied upon and taken the property of Jason tl. Jlillvr and Mary J. Miller, defendant (in the suit of Jacob I-efever aaicst said defendants, in tile lMstriet Court of Cass County, Nebraska.) to satisfy a judg ment and decree of said District Court, render ed in favor of said Jacob I.efever, r.nd against Jasou (1. Miller and Mary E. Miller, at the April term of said District Coiirt, A. D. 1878. I'lattsmoMlh, March oth. A. I). mo. Mt5 It. W. II VEKS, Sheriff Cass Co., Neb. Administrator's Sale. I?y virtue and in pursuance of an order ef the District Court. Second Judicial Dis.nct, within and for Otoe County, State of Nebraska, dated November IT, A. D. lSTu, and January 20. A. D. 1880, I will oiler for sale at I'ublic Auction, on Tuesday, the Oth day of March, A. I), 18H0. at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. at the front door of the building where the last term of the District Court was held, of said district, in the city of FUttsiiioui :i. CassCountv. State of Nebraska, t-e following described real estate, to-wit : The South East quarter iel) of section tlfteen (15), in township eleven (in, in range eleven (11); also the North East (ne of North East quarter (;ieH) of section eight (8). and the North half of North West quarter (nwV). and North West (nw) of North Eat quarter (neU) of section niue (9, in township eleven (U). in rauge eleven (11) ; all of said land lyinj Ea-itoftho ciTth(tith) principal meridian, la Cass County, State of Nebraska. Terms of Sale One-third of th purchasa money of said real estate to he naid at the time of a'.e ; one-third t be paid in one year ; one- inira 10 on pam in two years, rrom date or sale ; to be secured by notes and mortgage ou the property, at ten per cent, iuterest from date of ale until paid, interest payable auuually. Dated, Nebraska City. Is'obraska. Februwr Cta. A. D. 1880. C. Tf. SEYMOUR. Administrator nd Executor of th Estate of John Yf. Seymour, deceased. 47t5 The above sale ts ndiourned until tho ifith day of March, A. D. 1880, Tuesday, at 1 o'clock p. m., of said day, at which time the North Eaut (ne) of the North E vt quarter (neW) of ectlon eight (3), and the North half (n4) of the North West quarter (nwV). aal North West ttuarter (nwVO, and North West (nw) of the North East quarter (w) of section nine (9;, In townhtp eleven (11), range elcveu (11). East ef t lie sixth (Cth) E. M.. In Cass County, State of Nebraska. Dated, riatlsmoutu. ath dar of March. A. D. 1180, Nebraska. C. W. SEYMOUR. Aaailmti'.rator and Exeeuter ef tha Kstat 6tU of Johu Y7. Seymour, deceased. Legal Notice. STATE OF NEBRASKA, 1 INSURANCE DKP'T, AUIUTOK') OFFICE, V LiM'OLX, February 16, 1880. ) It Is herebr certified thj'.t the Home Inscr- anck Co. of New York, in the State of New York, has complied with the Insurance Law of this State, aud is authorized to transact the business of Fire Insurance in this State for the currcut year. witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor of Public Accounts tbo 1 day and year above written. SEAI' i . XV. Ijkdtkk, ' , Auditor 1. A. 50ti In Charge of Insurance Department. Probate Notice. In fia matter of the last will and testament of Josephs. I pton. ueceased. in County Court - of Cuss County. Nebraska. Notice is hereby given tiiat G. S. Cn'on lias filed an instrument iu writing, purporting to be the last will and lertameiit ot Joseph S. foton. deesed. ar.d asking that the came be a-.! in it- tod to probate, and proved as cuch last will and te.-tanieiit, and that the hearing of said cause n ft for the cm day of April, A. it., lso, 3t one o'clock, y. m.. 011 said day, at the ofiice f the County Judge in t'iattMiiotitli, .Neb., at w hich time and place all persons interested may ap pear, and show cauee if any they have, why said ins' rumcnt shvuld cot be admitted to pro bate. A. '. SULLIVAN, SOi.3 Co. Judge. Fcad Notice. To all uho.-n It m.iy Conrrrn: Die V nnm'.ssiouer appointed to locate a road commencing on the feeilou line dividing sec tions thirteen and twenty-four (13 ft !M) town twelve (12) north of range thirteen (13) eart at a point where Chicago Avenue, crosses said line, 'i aencc easterly on use most practicable route to Lincoln Avenue iu seel ion eigliter n (1:) town twelve (12) raut'e fourteen (14). Said road run as now located over a part of the Dortn east quai ter (nu:a'i of the north east quarter (ne1)of section twenty-four CM) in towr.twelve (12) range thirteen (13auI overlhe north went qu;;rler (cWi) of the north west quarter nwl4j .f section nineteen in town twelve 1-JJ range fourteen 114 and oyer a part of the north east quarter i;t-Jil of the north, west quarter nw?i of section nineteen 19 in town twelve i 12 north of rai!? fourteen M e?st of the fith 1". M. lias repotted in favor of the location thereof. a:d ;dl objections thereto or claims for damages, must be filed 111 the County Clerk's Oiiice. on or before noon on the 1Mb day of April, A. D. lfcrti). or such toad wi!lb declared an omi and eeiabiih.,d road witl-.out reference thereto. 47t5 J. D. Tutt, Co. Clerk. Notice. To owner or occupant of the following de scribed Kcal Estate, in tiro County of Cass and State of Nebraska, to-wit : Lot No. 4 in Mock No. 74 in the city of 1'latt.snn.uth. ("as County. NVbiU'tta. You are hereby notified that the above described Ileal Est:;tf asxi-csed as belong bm to a noD-rexbJent of Cnss County, we.s, on the 23d day of November, 177 sold to me the uudersigncd. there beins no other bidders, for the taxes levied thercou for the year l.7fi. and that unWs the p.uae. is. redeemed from uch sale on or before the it dav of April, 18so, a de d will bs issued for suitl ileal Estate to 4it:3 II. C. SMITH. Public Legal Sale. SALS Or SCHOOL IIOCSK. Rv virtue of a rote or tlie lecal voter of DIs tric't es. In lawful meetiatt assembled. I will, on tli 25th day of March, A. D. 1SS0. at a o'clock p. m., sell itt Puiilifl Auction the School House belonging; to District 05, of Cam County, Ne tnkH. The- sale to lake iilm-e at the door of Snpt. Tub. Inst'n.i'ass Co., Neb. llattstnouth. Neb.. March let. isho. cot Sheriff's Sale. Kv virtue of aa execution issued by A. ?f. Sullivan, County Judge within and for Cuss County. Nebraska,, and to me directed. I will, on thf l.-th iav of March. A. D. 1880. at 11 o' clock a. i:rr. of said day, at the residenro of Joseph Campbell, in Rock lllulTs I'recinrt, la salu ctMiiuv, sen ai 1 uouc .taction me ioiiow inir Derconal property, to-wit ; One Combined Keaier and Mower, and one Threshing Machine ana Iiorsc rower, anu an appuricnauces nnu fixtures for running the said machine. The same being levied upon and takeu as the prop erty ot B. F. Marlow, defendant, te satisfy a judgment of said Court by John II. bachelor. plaintin. Flattsmouth, b.. Feb. 28th. A. P. 1M0. 50t2 It. W. H VERS, Sheriff Cass Co.. Neb Legal. inv.Hpp ts hereby eiven that on the 13th day of September. 1875. I purchased at tx ale the IlOrUI 1 1 ail I 11 t f Ol IOC BI'IHU 'iu.nv V- ' of eectlon thirty (.101. township ten (io), rane thirteen (13) eat F. M.. situate in Cans County, Nebraska, for flic tax or i74. ana taxea 10 . Aud that unless redemption tuerefroin is made before the 19lh day of June, lsso, at the expiration of which date the risen t to redeem will AYiir :mtilirntion will be made to the Treasurer of the above eaid County of f'as for a tax deed thereou, 3. jiuuuah, March 4tli. I?s0. &U13 Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of ale. issued by W. C. Showalter. Clerk of the District Court within and for Cans Couaty. Nebraska, aid to me directed, I will 011 the 5th day f April. A. 1). ISM, at 10 o'clock a. m.. of said day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Flattsmouth. in aid County, sell at Public A ac tion the following real etat. to-wit : The South east quarter (scO of the North West quarter (ii), and thirty-one (31) acies off of the North East quarter (uei of the North West quarter inw). beinK all of laid last nam ed quarter, except what has been previously deeded to other parties ; all in section nineteen (ID), township No. twelve (12). north of range fourteen (14). East or the Glh f. M. ; all In Cass County. Nebraska. The same being: levied up on and taken as the property of James O'Neill and Karhel O'Neill, defendants, to satisfy a judumeut of said Court by Jacob L. Phillips, planum. Flattsmouth. Neb., March 2d. 180. It. W. 11YEKS. Sheriff Cum Co., Neb. Mt5 By M. McElwain, Dep'y. Notice. The unknown owner or owners and claimants of lot No. four (4 in block No. twenty-seven (27) in the city of Plattsmouth. io the county of Cass anil State or eoias:t. win taKO nonce that h the 4th day of April. A. V. ls78 one James Grace purchased said lot No. four (4) in block No. twenty-peven (27) in nam riaas mouth City at Treasurer's tax sale for the de linquent taxes of the year 1876 and look and received from James M. Patterson. Treasurer itt Cans Count v a tax sale certificate of pur- chase for said lot four (4) In block Jlo. twenty seven C7) and that afterwards, to-wit: on the 13th day of February 1873. the undersigned an sijinee for a full and valuable consideration purchased said certificate of sale to said lot and took a due and regular assignment of the same and that the undersigned will on the 2Mh day of May, 1880. present said tax sale certificate to the Treasurer of Cass County. Nebraska, and demand a Tax Deed Conveying to the under signed, the full and complete title to said lot io. lour (4) m uiock iso. iweuiy-scvcu .ai;, 111 id riattsnioutaciiy. 4314 Yalxxtixb Rauex. J. E. Cunningham, HOUSE PAINTER I AND ORNA If ENTER. Paper Hanging, lialxomlntngr, Graining aud Glazing, A specialty. Also a first elani Piano & Organ Finisher. DbT-Would say to tho people of Plattsmouth. that I fully WARttAXT ALL CONTRACTS. A share of the patronage is solicited. Orders will receive prompt attention. 4SmG J. K. CUNNIXGHAU. W. C. Bhowx. Edwin It. Pbics. Edwix E. Bbowx rofon, sprite & Commission Merchants tn LIVE &TQGK, Itoon; 81. New Exehanga Building, Union merit Yard. - Chicago. TtKFKIi BY PF.nWIKalOJf TO E. S. Stick nev. President Union Stock Yards National Uank, Chicago. HEAL ESTATE- CITY AND COUNTY, IN ENDLESS QUANTITIES. WILL. S. WISE. 38t1S W. M. 1BAII&IEI8! & D(D lEegieirv tints space for lEieic TlUFI Tdl (0f ' (Tli IP 7 1 fCJ Ji JL i , J L vrrv (ly .11 . J . OV, n 1ST '"wlO daily expected Wlkesi It comes Fine Showing and read oiar A. I21 ttliese el- umum carefully rJICHOLS.SHEPARD&CO.Battl6CreeU0:L " ' ' am .vii.vj abiMmaI ayi ami w tcyinuv POKTARIJE. TRACTION. n4 ST&A W.BCkUII i TEAB E.tIM, f!cJ,l 1""' r-. a Von of ira.erB. nm4 !!. a. Baalacaa mi, auriaat avrotvx iiriaM por aopcrKiC (ooo aa f J f Tb vtMttrfbl iiKKtM tanl ppl4uiTr IjAIJ 1 lull I wr TiBttamm MaefalDerT fcs 4nrea iicr m bolld n4 palm off Inferior aad BMLfri imiuuiooj f sKm BE NOT DECEIVED by task axperlairBtal and varthlras machinery. If m r at all. a-rt Uaa -OIlltIAL" aad Lka 'CEML.NIC" fram aa. (TT Far fall sartlralani fn aar dnlrn, sr vrlts ta a. for ltluatrated Clrealars, vhick wa alii frea. Addreaa JTICK0LS, 8HEPAEJ) A C0 Bittlo Crek,Mlch. r.iMlliT. SftlT Kaonemy, 1 Bmiit cnclrrlr ..k.o in eta mnkm. . " 1 ' ",r w ' 7 ' " " "J " r"" H. A. WATERMAN & SOtf. Wholesale and Betull Dealers 19 LUMIlERi LATH. tfUlNOLES. KASIf DOOItS, BLINDS, ETC.. ETC.. ETC?. Wa1 street. Corner of Firth. rLATTSMOUTJt, .... NEI Still Better Rates for Lumber New Departure ! of our well known Tailor, Morris Q'Bonrke WHO HAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED, On Lotoer Slain St., opp. Court Jlousdt A FUlib LINE OF PIECE C3-003DS will constantly be kept In stock and alljordertf promptly filled. A Fit Guaranteed! In every Instance. I'V'Dont forget the Location. 4Stf H. O'KOCRKE, ITofl, MONEY TO LOAN ON I U PROVED FARMS VOU FTS TSARS TIMS. TES PER CE.TT INTEREST. NO COMMISSIONS. Enquire of D. II. WHEELER & CO, Plattsmouth ; or It. E. MOORE, Lin coln. Nebraska. Jltf NEW Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE Or an Old Stable in new luinds tntirtltft Tho New Firm ot HOLMES & DIXON, cpeu tho old BTREIQHT BARN, on the Corner of 6th and Pearl Street with Row Livery Outfit. GOOD IIORSKS AND CARRIAGES ot all times nonss for sale. nonsEti nouaiJT and souk HORSES KEPT BT THE DAT OR WEBB, Call and seo HOLMES & DIXON. 4obd0 Champion Billiard Mailt AND J. W. MURPHY, Prop, Main Street, Opp. Platte Talley. tittst urakds (f CIoars. APPLEC. CJitt DIES. A UTS. AX It A UESKllAl HTUVK OF CUSi I EVTIUA Given Out in Exchange FOR POOL CHECKS. rsy-All Gentlemen are respectfully Invited to call, and participate, or otherwise. In tho' amusements anoiuea. 1 lie nest 01 oruer is al ways preserved and oTor,one;can onjoy tbetn e.ves. 4lr - faimtr d Graimtr. ALL KINDS OF fainting, raining, (Iasingr Satsotaittinjjo $ egnpx ganging Also, Deeorations of all kinds. Painted in Good Style. - FHESCOIXQ A SPECIALTY, ' REFERENCES 1 A. n. TATfxa, J. Vaixrrt, Ba., N. ItOLMF.,4. E. JlEKBXKH. Hit looSt ot for s Tkrckie Ickimex7 and Portaol ad TrictioM Enytae. TCX (Till AJU0 ( tiMllm MrMffcmt tU Qrmlmr M tK Si.IM OrJ-STla. TlSM-Sa.lB. Tmtt IMIOMI'AKABIJS V4" lfstwW. r i'uM. Tlmfk HillMMlUf, BUfm rialsli, mm! KTKUX'f fcr mf mtftrivr r fa rTt Wmd ( Or.m. mm mfUt tmmm m IM ilf immihl Tluwbc la rit. Tltolr. C'ttt. ul all thT leda. bT -'"oul aaaac af MB. I .wmh --. fi ...a a- I., mi """'lyT, "