HE HERALD LOCAL NEWS. Ihe Fire Co. loometh. --3;.irjs receive! of J. W. Clnrk. Jisnil installmeat of winter ycs . urday. Verges' new stock of goods havo arrived. New Geod3. Nw Goods, at r. S. "White's. 4st3 Se S;Uo notice of August Btolil man, 23d. More new type on the way from ILe foundry. "Brown Dick," at Julius Pepper berg's 20 cents. 3 Dou't fail to see the quantities of rsjads at F. S. White's. 3S12 Jones & Agnew have another car load of horses good ones, too. All those indebted to me will please call and settle at once. I must have iha money. Tktki: Meroks. F.ard of trade Dir?ctor are re iwi.Bted to ruett at the Council Cham ber at 2 o'clock thi3 p. w. A uew Stack of Uoots & Shoes Hfxtdoorto RceoU Furniture store. (Jiva me a call. Fkteii Merges. "Old Virginia Curly Cut" Smok ing Tobacco for 15 cor.ta ju:r package at J alius Feppeiberg s 43 Henry Eikcnbary id piling up the st?3e, brick and lumber for bi3 new l.oi'J9 and cow residence. -Silonn & Nathan have an enortn om ppring stock of gowds spoken for, and just loak out for it soon. 4St2 Another Liquor Belling casa en Sunday is before his honor. Thi tioue Gftf.Edgerlon is the "wictlin." Fred Gorder Las the neatt, light est, cutest little plow yon ever paw, us ot Dii-era'a ante. Go auJ rite it. Charley Powell is puUhi? up te!e phf 0 that are aaid ta be belter and f-lieaer thaa those previously put up. Job printing from a calling card (.j a sheet I'o.- U r in tba ntaicst pos elllft shape aud ls.;it ttyl&s, on short i otice. A reservoir sa High School Hill is thy talk now-a-days; with a by-irauMc i aia iu the Mullia spring it could easi ly bo C'.lei. Gen. Canningham presented Cap. JfHrshall with a very handsome cray on picture cf the Paatrcaster of Platts innstlj lately. 7e shook olT the nsrs and ar at it .'ijain with an entire new stock at the lowest c-sh prices. Tall before buying elsewhere. Pkteis Merges. Every wagon that crosses on Capt. I'ianey's "New Flla" has one or two Cloth Posters pinned on the sides, just printed at the Herald olHce. Stip that coughing; if you do not it may kill you. A bottle of Dr. Ib-dl's Cough Syrup only costs you 2" cents, a;id its tims.'y use may save your life. 1 Lust Saturday was St. Valei-.tine' ti y and didn't the children enjoy it! n.'i 1 sotcrj of tho big cbildi'e.", too. TVe weaker if the Poatmasterdid, to? Remember that Solomon & Na than are selling off their winter gauds ut greatly reduced prices to make rojui for an unsurpassed stock of Si ring Gods. 43i2 By a mijUke vt on of th9 "Typos" the notice of Ang. StoMsian'a s.ils on ths 3J i3t., wan omitted from the pipr last week. It appears this time, however. "Will Sluyock ha3 Just tini.ed up a City Directory for ladvilie. Send us a ropy Williaui ; we don't got any C12. but Bend it for old acquaintance .sake, s'jceyi Herges opened out with a naw stork af Peats & Shoss next dor to Ba-ck's Furniture store, where ho will no doubt, be pleased to seo ail his old customers aud the new. We approve of Mr. Dawes' notion a late convention ; it will give the people more time to determine who they do vnrnt, aud what kind of dcle fcates Nebraska proposes to send. Herges is really open and ready fr business again, down in the old Amison (now Parmcle) building on Main street next door to Da-ck's, and wo hope ho will do a bettor trads than ever. A complete set of new instruments and new Material throughout lills Mr. Leonard's little temporary gallery. If anyone would have a dozen photos call aud get them there. lie always guar antees satisfaction. Seo advertisement of J. E. Cun ningham in another column. Mr. C. lias been iu Plattsmeuth nearly a year, and has done considerable work in his line of business, and no complaints have been heard of, so far. And Leonard, the Leonard who makes our pictures, has arisen like the famed Phoenix, and planted himself next dure to the Koort House, where ho is ready to see, take and make any and all kinds of pictures as usual. Tly the crowds that gather on the eidewalk to superintend the digging of the fundation of Messrs. Merges & Leonard's nw house, one would think that Architect Thompson did not know hoxr to draw a cellar hole plan and they had U all correct and revise and justify "the proof." Georga Leng. formerly oa the po lice force of the city, wa3 seriously in jured by the falliug of a Derrick at Vivian's quarry, which struck him on the head knocking him senseless, and fracturing his right thigh bone at mid dle third, bruising him in head, should ers and back. It happened yesterday, at 4 :3 ) p. m and Mr. Long was taken to Martin McG aires' residence, where he now lies crippled hi.i1 unable to move Ir the next three or four mouths. Personal. E. L. Peed, ef W. W passed through to Omaha, last Friday. Frank Woolcot was ia town yester day; also It. T. Maxwell. Mrs. Jno. P. Clark and daughter fluent a day in the city last week oa their return from a trip east. Superintendent Ifoldrege peeped in on us last week, and took Mrs. II. away to the village of Lincoln to rusticate. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Chapman and a portion of their family came down from tiie Bluffs laet week to attend the funeral of Mrs. S. M. Chapman. Cen. Geo. S. Smith, our handsome man," returned from Washington and New York yesterday, and there was joy in that household so mote it be. J. O. rhillippi. Haw Ass't Sup't B. & M. II. S., vLjited us last week; like wise Yates, Sup't of Telegraph; and it looked like old times 'round Platts mouth. Gen.Cuuuiighani passed through on the read to WyoHii?jff, on Friday last; and Mrs C-, after visiting Omaha, drop ped down to stje old friends here a day or two. Jua. E. Barnes, our old favorite, af ter a lccgthy visit with our Southern brethren, returns to Plattsuiouth con vinced that Nebraska is the only State in tho Uuiaa fit for a white aian to live or die in. Hon. G uy C. Barton, cf North Platte, former member ef the legislature and now a, laige dealer in cattle and ftleck, visited our town Saturday. Ha waa much Etruck with the improvements taking place in PUtlsRiouth, and the crowd of teams and people always on our streets. Jno. Fitzgerald and B.C. Cushing visited PJattsmouth Monday eveaing rmd returned ou the late train to Lin coln. It was Mr. "FitzV first visit to Plaltstaouth eioce the fire, and he says the finit paper he p:c3:cd up, in Texan, said: "The gauuders Hou6 and six Llo:;7:s were burned in Plattsinouth." He thought the old block had gone for sure. Jco. R. Clark, banker, ex-Surveyar Grneral and politician (now we knew John 'il be Rjad), returned from Obio, Washington, aud other places, last week. lie just port of igu&red hi3 old love, Plattsmouth, and hardly stopped to see Un. Never iniud ! Plattsinouth will beat Lincoln yet, if you don't look out. Our four roads are net consolid ated into vno yet. The Board of Trade Met at the Court bouse last evenlag, at 8 o'clock. Miuu'H-s ef previous meeting read and approved. The secretary reported twenty-nirse new ujembers, making iv all forty-nine. On motiau of Mr. Windham tiie or ganization proceeded to t';e election of oHicers fr the pruning year, which re sulted as follows: Presidaat A. W. WcLaughlin. 1st Victf-Pres'l J. V. Weckbach. 2d " " F. Carruth. St-ret.ii- D. K. V." heeler. Treasurer J uo. O'Ibrmrke. Board of Directors J. W. Patter son, J. W. John-son, if. L. While, F. E. White. F. JLGuihman, T. V. Mathews, Jos. A. Connor. After some discussion as to the du ties of the B-jsrd of Directors tho members of the samo were requested to meet at tha Council Chamber at 2 o'clock to-day. Messrs. Hariigan, Baker and Pepper berg were appointed a committee to conduct he President ami Yicc-Pres-iileLt to their respective places, and Mr. Hartigaa was unanimously elect ed temporary Secretary. On motion Bjard adjourned to meet at 0 o'clock a. m., and at 7:30 p. m., cn Tuesday next. Remember the "Curly Cut pure old Virginia" Smoking tobacco at Ju lius Fepperberg's, at 15 cents. 43 The funeral of Mrs. S. M. Chap man took place on Friday morning, the BUh inst, from the family resi dence, Rev. Mr. Baird officiating; a large number of friends following the remains to their lat resting place. A young house, even to the garret passed through town Tuesday. The garret was used as a dog house, judging from the fact that a huge New Found land lay with his head and foro paws from the window, happy a3 a clam in high tide. Our devil says he's got a local. On inquiry as to sum and substance, . he said somebody's old hen up on the hill had seven little chickens. On being told, he (the Devil; went right up and ordered the owner to immediately knit them some socks. A balky horse, Saturday night backed a wagon up on the side walk in front of O'Neill's shop. He wouldn't go till all the men and small boys in town took bold and shoved wagon, horses and all out into the street, when he went ff a hummia'. C. G. Ilerold is rolling in Spring Goods lively, the finest suits we ever saw in silk, worsteds aud cheviot at very low prices, a tiue" lot of Furnish ing Goods iust received at C. G. Iler old's. 47t2 The cards of the Herald office sent and handed around, give a fair display of the nobby Jap. border, and of the fancy job printing, that can be fur nished all who wish it, on short no tice. We defy competition in that or any other class of work in the way of printing. Major Morris O'Bourk has opened, or will in "a day or two, at the original stand of Wescott & Powell, opposite the Court House. It. is unnecessary to tell the people somelhin"; l h;tt they are all aware of ; viz: th.u he is-the boss cutter and fitter, in -testimony whereof his past work will bear him out. Call and see the Majoir and get guarantee or every fit THE 1TSDDIXG - " !- yhieh tiie Herald Forgot to Chronicle. Through tho most unpardonable neg ligence, we omitted to make mention of the marriage of Mr. Lafayette O'Neill, of Plattsraouth.and Mis3 Han nah Burke, of Lincoln, which took place at the residence of Mr. Jno. Fitz gerald, in Lincoln, Thursday, Feb. 5th, 1SS0. We hereby beg the young peo ple of Plattsmsuth not to be married on Tbursday any more, for then the IIintALD can't announce it until the next week, (or the week after) and by that time it get3 old. A pretty little box of very nice wed ding cake ought to have kept our me mory active, but perhaps it had the opposite effect, too much sweet impair ing the digestive powers, which iu tura ectieg upn the brain, rendered the faculty of memory dsrmaat, and so we forget to make mention of the fact that two of our young people had embarked iu the same boat upon the sea ef raatriruonj'. Mr. and Mrs. O'Neill returned from Llacoln Friday af torncon, and received their friends Friday evening, at the houee of the bride's sister, Mrs. Wm. Neville, where every one joined in con gratulating the happy couple and en joying tba passing hour. In these congratulations the ii.o at this late day joins and wishes them happiness and wealth in abun dance. Public' Sale. The ndersigued, will off3r for sale at his residence, near Four mile Creek, on Monday, February 23, 1880, tt 10 o'clock, a. m., the following property, to-wii: teu cows, six yearling calves, two colts coming three, oae lumber wagon, oae grass ruowec and hay rake, one corn planter, three swarms of bees, eleven steors coming two years old, no span horses, one set harness, one read sulky and haine3s, one seeder and cultivator, one p'sw and harrow, and other small tools and implements, too numerous to mection. Terms of sale: all under $10, cash; all stiraa over $10, fourteen uionth3 tiaae will be given at ten per cent, on good security.. August Stchlmav. Oar facilities for book asd pamph let wcrk are unsurpassed. We had occasion, last Sunday, to listen ta the music at the Catholic church, during the morning service, aad were most agreeably surprised at the new musk-al wonder the congrega tion has lately introduced. We refer to the new Mason & Hamlin oigae, re cently purchased threugh Mr. Pet tee, the agent here. This is a novr styla of organ, called the "Chapel Style," and is excellently adapted fr tLe require ments of church music. The external Swell, the principal feature ot this class of inst ruments is simply grand in effect, aud tbeu the wonderful Sub Base Ptop reminds a persuu of tho'rej ouant podal ncdes of a large pipo or gan. The Diapason, Seraphone, and Mibfdia slops also deserve, especial praise. It is, in short, the "par excel lence"' of church organs, and can sifo ly ba recommended to all chidrs. A little row cccured ou theccrnp.r of Main and bixl'i, on Saturday night. It started through a small sen til o .be tween Charlie Kinser and A. C. Fry, fol lowed by agood deal of chin mu3ic ami shaking of '-fists under noses." It hap pened later that they met o:i the pave ment when tiie fist of th.boy dropped on top of the man's nose, leavirg the imprint of his coat on the walk- The latter was burdened with a jug of 40 cent w vinegar and didn't want to waste that in the squabble, aud after deliberately setting that aside his an tagonist was gone where the woodbiae &.Q., and bas not since been seen or heard cf, ia spite of the warrant sworn out against hire. Pity we haven't police enough to pick up all such par ticipants and cool them off for five or six hcurs. Show This to your Doctor. Clkvklaxp, Nov. 1, ldTS. Editors " Wachteraii Erie" Cleveland : Gentlemen: Allow me, as an old reader of your valued journal, here w ithtosend you a few lines, which please insert iu your next issue. I will vouch for their truth, and know that by their publication a great deal of good will be accomplished. Having been a reader of your paper for many years, I hope you will kindly grant my request. For twelve years I had suffered from time to time terribly with Rheuma tism, te such an extent that 1 was un able to move about, and lost the use cf my limbs. I tried everything recsm mended to effect a cure, consulting some of the most prominent physi cians, and expended large sums of mon ey, Uoping to find relief, but without any swecess. Glancing over the col umns of the "Wachter." 1 read about the St. Jacob's Oil and the many cures this remedy had effected. Hav ing been disappointed- so many times, I lost all faith in any remedy, the St. Jacob's Oil included, until I saw one day that it had cured a well known citizen with whom I am acquainted. Other parties fully endorsed the value and wonderful power of the Oil. tell ing me that it had cured them of dif ferent ailments in a very short time. TI113 brought mo to a conclusion. I said to myself, "Schweizer, fifty cents won't break you ;" so I went to my druggist, Mr. Bock, bought a bottle of the Oil, and must now confess that the result was truly wonderful. I used it every two hours, and found relief im mediately upon the first application, and the pain ceased entirely after a few more applications. Fearing a new attack, I remained in bed and contin ued to use the remedy every three or four hours. All pain having left me, I arose from my bed and walked down stairs without any trouble. Since that time I have been able to follow my occupation, and feel no pain or inconvenience, however disagreea ble the changes of the weather may be. Having thoroughly tested the St. Ja cob's Oil. I can conscientiously rec ommend it to allafilicted with Rheum atism. Fifty cents is a small expense when the services for so trilling an outlay are considered. If I were one thousand miles away from all human habitation I should nevertheless pro cure this remedy and keep it always in my house. Louis Scuweizf.r, Cor. Meryin and Centre St's, 4Stl Cleveland, Ohio. Police Court. A ri! trr skMi i-f a 4 f ia vtl m f rfc a oa f TA 1'"" queer side ef human nature. Our judge and his "Bijah" had a round Monday morning with four mesdames who re side over a shoe-shop on Main street. Mrs. Devore, Mrs. Duncan, Miss Johnson and Hattio Smith, wa3 the way they read on the docket, and Mar shal Murphy had them up for keeping a disorderly house. Mrs.Dev (ore) had a pretty straight tale about herself and her lady board ers, iu which she was backed up by Mrs. Duncan and HatHe S. His Honor then asked Miss Johnson if she had anything to say for herself. "I have, for a fact, by G , said the blushing Miss J., and she then and there streaked the pale air with assev erations of her temperance, modesty, charity, benevolence, and the r thor oughbred qualities. The Judge tried to wedge in edge ways, but it was no go, and nat till af ter she was run down, and the key lost, could his H.nor 2nd a place to speak thusly: "Mis. Devore, it seems te the Court rather einguiar that you should have so many lady friends in such small quarters, viz: two roms; and it also strikes the Court as naomiions that said lady friends and boarders should be visited at evening tirae by bj many gentleman friends, as you hereby Ac knowledge. But as there ia not suffi cient proaf before this Court to show that there has bea a disturbance with in tiie meaning or tne Jaw, or mat yourself and inmates have been disor derly, you are hereby discharged ia this Court." Here the Judge paused, wiped his specs, aud perceptibly raised hi3 voice "but as for Miss Johnson, Ler case requires different treatment. It ap pears to this C5urt that she lias scarce ly jaw enough for two wemeu, and decidedly too much for one. We, there fore, give the 6aid maiden, Johnson, live hours to leave this town, snd if s'ae ia atler that time found within ths said limits cf our pious and virtuous burg, the Court will investigate her case furtlaer, and report a further pun ishment. Five hours, Miss Johnson; remember ! Marshal, Ike Court is ad journed for lunch !" Oysters White's; the best at F. S. brands at 4313 low prices. For Sale. A good No. 6 life saving fire hat aud belt. Original ccst S7.45, for salo at half price. Enquire at this office. Genuins Tirjiitla Snskin? Tobaccos. The celebrated "Brown Dick" brand ef 'Tobacco, at 20 cents a package, at Julius Fepperberg'rf. 43 Sfi'ie fickaellbacljcr Is there at the old place, open and ready for work, but he want; eorr.6 money light away, and all "you uns" that owe him, want to come up to the scratch at nce, as Mike wants tho scads to pay on hs new building. Now don't forget this warning, or there '11 be trouble. Our fanner friends and others. Lay ing friends ahotit to com?in thisdirec tion, will do well to inform them that a first-class eteaui ferry bont is now, and will be in future making regular trips across ths Missouri at this city. Mr. N. 11. Piuney, the captain, promis es accomodation to the public, aad no teams will bo obliged to turn back for waut ef a ferry. Fee of Doctor. The fee of doctors is an item that very many persons are interested in just at present. Vi t believe the schedule for visit3 is 83.00, which would tax a m?.n confined to his bed for a year, and in used of a daily visit, over SI, 000 a year for medical attend ance alone! And on single-bottle ef Hop bitters taken in time would eae the $1,000 and all the vear's sickness. Ed. To-day-'a Eclip-e. Of all other medicines Buown's Pop ular Westkux Remedies, may be sen iu every family where used. For sale by J. IJ. Buttery, Smith & Black and O. F. Johnson, Plattsmouth, ad John Painter aud Elsdge & Co., East Plattsmouth. Browd'o VectaMe X,Ivr Pllli Cara Billiausaess aad Siak head-achs. Heals the lungs and cures coughs and colds. BtlSWS'S TAR TROCIZE9 Cure sore throat and hoarseness, and clear atid strengthen the voice. IIBOtVXS'S AS:S(C'AHALVK Heals ulcer3, cuts, barna and inflam ed eyes. Brown (ierajs C'&tarrU Care Is taking the plaoa of all other ca tarrh remedies. When used in con nection with Comp. Ext.Sarsapak.il la, Dandelion & Iodine ok Potas sium, it has Never failed to cure. 4tf Notice to Teachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October and November." At Weepii.-g Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Notice ef other examinations will be given. E. H. Woo let, 42tf Superintendent. A Rochester Physician's Experience. R. Caulkins, M. D., of Rochester, N. Y., certifies Oct. Cth, 1S70, that he has used the Safe Kidney and Liver Cure iu his practice for diseases of the kid neys and liver, and the result has been satisfactory in the extreme. He says: "I would now prescribe the same rem edy to all similarly afflicted, and you are at liberty to so state in your testi moaials." 41tl3 Winter Goods at Gathman & Wecsbach's lower than tho lowest fm tho next thirty days. 47tf f Our Washington Letter. ! , rR05I OUU SPECIAL CORllESPOXDENT. Tf f . enthn,:,B, ;. Wfii flprtP,i ed the Hon. Chas. Stewart Parnell was a tribute to the cause ha advocates, many an Irish heart must have been made glad by the reception given him by Washington's leading citizens. The train which broaght the distinguished agitator and hi party wa3 delayed about half an hoar, and the eveaing was raw and wintrj-.but notwithstand ing the clouds threatened to precipitato their moisture, and tho wind blew piercing bleats, the erowd at the d pot increased mtib it required the united efforts cf a dczenv extra police caen to make a passage way and pre ssrve order. The party were accom panied by Hon. S. S. Cox, who offered the resolution to permit Mr. Parnell to speak from the floor of the House. They were met and escorted to Wil liard's Hotel by a reception committee, composed of the leading Irish citizens of the District. An enthusiastic crowd of sympathizers followed aud cheered the party to t!ia hotel entrance. The time for the speaking at the Capitol had been fixed for 7:30, p. m. By six, men, women and children were standing outtldo iu the enew, which waa being whirled through tie air by a regular "northwester," but it did not apparently cod the ardor or divert from their purpose th waiting multi tude. At Gi'd'y the outside doors were thrown open and at 7 the galleries. The balls were liter&'ly jammed in bts than tea minutes and whea the gallery door were opsned the crowd eurgbd down the aisles aud spread oat into the seats like an irreeistilda torrent suddenly broken bounds, and in less time thaa it takes to tell it, not a cia- gle seat in the public galleries was va cant and t!;8 aisles were crowded to their greatest capacity : an occasional jar or push woald send the mass ra- eisllessly forward with aa impetus that threatened to precipitato the ones in front to the floor; the other galler ies CllsJ up alniGit as rapidly, but with mere decorum, wiSffi tbe exception of the Diplomatic, whose "blue ribbon ed" sanctuary i not desecrated by a lesser light than a Diploneat. Presi dent Hayes is aot eligible to a seat therein. I am told. By a resolution the families ef aem bars were allowed saats en the iioer, and their bright fiices and brilliant eofltumtis made a pleasing diversion to the uiual prosy appearance t the Nail. Tiie Democratic eido was filled with a faw exception?, illustrating how necessary to tteir Congressional hap piness w&s, not only Ireland's weal r voe, but Irelsnd's American vote. Spa-iker Randall escorted Mr. Par te'l, amid uprearous applause, to a seat betweeu the two leading clerks directly in front cf the Speaker. Ilia speech was short and explicit and met with apphtu.se, both loud and lo:ig continued from tke galleries. His wice is rtiii-iato bet firm and poaetra ting.aud ku delivery, while god, lacks the vehemence which characterizes American Statesmanship; hia dr?s of navy bias with brass buttons was qaite criminal aad causad much com ment. After the speech which occupied about half an hour he wr.s introduced to Members and others by theSpeaker. Ilia stay of four days waa a continu ed ovation aud was rewarded by gen erous contributions toward Ireland's famishing poor. The unprecedentsd subscription cf 3100,000 by the N. Y. Herald is the subject of much comment, is locked upon as a gigantic adTertisiugschemp, &c.,butit will drive the wolf from many aa Imh door, ba its raetivss selfish or otherwise. Among the Nebraskan3 here this week are Judge Dundy, lion. T. M. Marquett and our bid friead and fel low townsman, Gen. Geo. S. Smith, looking hale, haarty and handsome as ever. A .Sen. Paddock's successor will be a South Platte man, I suggi-st Gen. Smith as a successor, who would da Nebraska aad the V. 3. Senate cred it. Catitola. 1.0 LT J STILLS 1TL3IS. Lex oa ilaad Again. Tho Italians may have their soft sky, but we think Nebraska biiats any thing this sido ef China, for clear skies and fiice weather. People are improv ing it by putting tip jjsw buildings on every side here. Hoover & Ward aro making preparations for spring trade from the Stock of Harrows and etfcer implements around their Agricultur al Wigwam. Frank Echals bus just finished a new business house on Main street. Mr. Harrison has his new res idence abont completed. Ben Ward just commenced a new dwelling. Mr. Pitney has built two new dwellings lately and talks of pnttiag upacether. He is building up the town. The Masqurade at Ossenkopp's Fri day was a success aud source of lots of fun. The next regular Sociablo for the beaefit of the Sunday (school, will be at the "Glover Hall", Tuesday evening, February 24th. Each lady,' young and old, married or single, is to make a neck-tie of the same kind of goods her apron is mada of, which she is to wear that evening. She i3 to put the tie in to an envelope, deposit .the same with Mr. Glover at tho store. These are to be sold for fifteen cents each to the gentlemen in the evening, and he is to take for his partner of theeveniag.the lady whoso apron corresponds with the necktie. Much fun is expected. The school hero is preparing for an exhibition to come off this wtek. per haps before this article will be pub lished. St. Valentine's day passed off pretty much unobserved. Shipments of corn have been picking up the last week, but we believe it is a fair estimate to say that over three fourths of last year's crop yet remains in crib?. We will endeavor to give yu a few statistics ia our next, (if onr frieivd Terrain can find time to lsok over his books) which will give you an idea of the shipments of pro duce and receipts of merchandise, Aci Until then we elose. Lex. FroRi Louisrilie. Louisville, Neb., Feb. 7, 1530. Ed. IIep.ald: I saw a piece in the Heeald from a man in Louisville who seems to bo very much interested in a road ru'inii.'g through P.tnkonin'sland to Louisville. I will explain it a little better than he did about that road. About two years ago- Mr. J. Fergu son got up a petition to put a roal through to Louisville. So Mr. Ram-y. after hunting up bis man and telling him where to locate the road, started on the section line, and went on the line as far as Pankonin's ; then he went 3.1 rods east, and then north; then 100 rods eat again, and then north to Lou isville. Mr.Pankonin cannot read Eng lish; so he did n&t know anything about this until they were laying out the read. As soon as he found it out f;e was against it ; but the County Com missioners, to which Mr. Ramsey, of Louisville, belonged at that time, did uet listen to him, but opened np the Mad, and damaged his farm. Mr. Pan koniu did all he could, but it did no good. The County Commissioners did Dot do what was right, but they did what Mr. Ramsey told them to da. Again, be says that he stcod at times at the entrance with a shot gun, and dug ditches, for ail of which he got in to lawsuits, and they had many wit nesses against him. But Mr. Par.konin had oae witness after another on the stand, and they could prove noth ing against him ; but after a while they found a man that would swear just as they wanted him to, :md the jury were all uien from Louisville. And so you can see why Mr. Pankonin got into jail, and could not get a fair thing. I thiuk Mr. Richardson Is a square and honest man, and if the rest of the Commissioners will act with him, tiie road will coma back on the section line, and save the County costs. Mr. Ramsey was a poor Comraiosioner for the Germans, aid they will remember him. They could not get any bridges, and there was no work'dotie on the roads. Since he has been out. there hav been two new bridges put in hero, and the bill near il r. Blessington's has been worked down. Mr. Ramsey would build bridges where there was no need for any -as in Leuisvilie, for his own benefit. It is truo what his la-other said of him, that he was a boy ; arid v. e don't want any more beys as Commis sioners. I think we are gettingmc-n now that will do what is right. Justice demand.-; that Mr. R. would stop his illegal proceedings, and that the road be put back on section line. T. S. Frofcate Noclce. lathe matter either estate of rattick Gijroy, Ia the County Court cf C:i County. bra?ks. L'pon rPAv'.Io'nii'tfniin.tiiP-dulysverifled po tllUiii of John O'Rourke. i-rayirir fii.it a-iiiiinu-nliu of the eMat ot IV.sriok tJiiivy. ileceas nl. granted to lri:i : OrdervU Uif.l r.ntic-c f the pi'iiilfHi-y of said c!i.e t3 i:ihli.tifcl ij: the Nfl.rasK:i JlK:t4i.r, a woekly newoajier i lntd p'lbU-.lii-d.aini iii i;f r.rnil oircuf atioL- in (-aid Co., Si!- tiirc? cDUsc-cutive uet'kri, ;wni tli:tt the l!;i.ri!i; of t:ii! r;i;e be set for tin' xih tl;ty of March, A. IK l-0, i'.t one o'clock", !. !n., :.t the ou'.or of tiie 'iii:ity .Ju Ik-, f t PUttfmo'.iMi. at v. h ic!i ti;:e air! ?i;:uv, jn rsin: iiUriv.-ted may ar;r.ir m: '."!. ho v.- e.u:s". if .-uy ihey have, why ai!h:iiiMt.a!ion of said, jefsiat. should not he yruiited t: the :iil John O'itourke, accoiil iiiif lo liiir i layer of rtkl uctiiiou. . V-'i A. N. Si li.iva.v, Co. Judce. riaUMtiomh, Feo. 18, Ism. W.i SPECIAL NOTICES. Highest price :ld for Hides. Fur. Wool, etc. .at- 1 8. White's. 25tf Remember that for boots and shoes Rockwell cannot be beat in price. He has a large assortment. 28tf. liard Wood For Sale. Gottd hard weed for sale. Inquire at Guthman & Weckbach's store. 44tl3 Ladies' and children's boots and shoes cannot run over if Lyon's Patent Heel Stiffeners are used. 4014 For Sale. 1G0 acres cf land in Avoca Precinct. Cass County, Neb., for cash, at S4.00 per acre. Title perfect. Inquire ef 47t7 D. II. Wiir.KLEU & Co. Tiie Best canned and dried fruits in the citv at F. S. Whito's. 43tf. H3mc-JtaIe Cigar. Avoid smoking eastern filthy tenement-made cigar. Ask your dealers for Pepperbeig's pure brands of home made cigars. If you don't find them there, go where they are kept, and by doing so, encourage home labor. Job bing in cigars and smokers' articles a specialty, at low prices. A largf and varied stock of smokers' goods always on band, at prices to suit the times. 42tf JCLIU3 pKI'PERiJEIlO. BueKlca' Arnica Salve. The Beat Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum Tttter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions This Salve is guaranteed to give per fect .satisfaction in every case or mon ey refunded. Price 21 cents per box. For sale by Smith & Black. Wholesale and Retail. Plattsmouth, Neb. 241y. An Honest Medicine Free of Charge. Of all medicines advertised to cure any affection of the Throat, Chest or Lungs, we know of none we can rec ommend so highly ;:3 Da. Kino's New Discoveuy for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Hoarseness, Tickling in the Throat, loss of voice, etc., This medicine does positictly aire, and that where every thing else has failed. No medicine can show one-half po many positive and permanent cures as have already been effected by this truly 'wonderful remedy. For Asthma and Bronchitis it is a perfect specific, curing t lie very worst esses in the shortest time possi ble. We say by all means give it a trial. Trial bottlex free. Regular size l.oo. For sale by Smith & Black, wholesale and retail, Plattsmouth, Neb. 24eGwly. Thirty of thff be.st oruan makers of tiie Worhl are competitor :it the I'.iri Kxnosition. a cable dispatch to the Associated Press says the American makers. Mason & Hamlin. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARMS FOR Fr'E YEARS TIME. TE.1 IKf CET INTEREST NO COMMISSIONS. Eaiuire of D. II. WIIEELEIi & CO. riattsmouth ; er R. E. MOOItE. IAxi coin, Kebraska, SLltf THK MARKETS. KOMK MARKETS. OKA IX AND rnolUCE. Wednesday, Feb. 18. 1S. !Oci!r KUilS :o . Wheat. XS.2.. i. Con:, ear " shei'.cd O.ttt Barley, ;-.'o. 2 . Uve Native Catth).... Ho.'s Butter Ku-uo i'otatoes .V) 3 7531 (M 3 '.'S 20 1J 40 NEW YORK MARKETS. New York, Feb. IS. i?3t. ?.Ionoy 5(5.i percent. w :ie;it Rye Corn Owl Ejrs l'oric Beef Lard Butter , C!eee Whisky !! ; -iv 4 Ci.ll 75 dull e r -.7f, l ". li 1 11 13 15 11 1 10 CIIICAOJ MARKETS. CnicAOO, Feb. IS, 1 9 duU i scva l a t o'(j ; Flour W ileal Corn O.it Kvo Barley Pork Lr.nl .... . Bui Maf. Butter Firm Whisky -l,'1 7 T ' C 11 40 W.ll 7 10 Wt C 1 7 -'i i .15 ."I! 14 07 LEGAL NOTICES. Probate Notice. STATE OF NEBRASKA. 1 , I'ASSCOl'XTV, J8 In County Court. Wheroa- F. L. !ed, of said County, ha filed in rayolliee mi i;itrmuenl in wriliac. pur Io ti". to 1 the last uud test anient of i.ui'iin V. H.'el, deceased, late of aid County, and staked to have the same admitted to pr bale ; whereupon I have appointed Wednes day, the 3d day of Mireh, A. i). 1SS0, ;u u:u oYloek f, iu.. t i!iy odee lit xald Couiitv, ti thetin-e and olace for proving suid will, at wiiirii time mid ;'.:,ce all coucrined t-.iay jtp pear aiul contest liie pioliale of t!ie briiic-. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set uy hand and ohiei.il eal this lull day cf February A. 1. 1SS0. 47t3 A. N. SULLIVAN. Co. Jud-e. Administrator's Sale. Notice is hereby siven that luaMiant to a decretal order of Hale, made by the lion. It. l ouad, Jinle of tho 2d .ludki.il Dl-trict of the State of Ntotaska. that 1 will cell at I'u'.'iic Vendue on t:i- i;i:i day of Mireh, A. i., l.vo ; at I he front door of the store of Fleming & Iwwe, in lita lew-ii of Weeping Vater. all the ri;ht, title and it.lrret of L. J. guiiitou, de-ctii-ied, iu a:sd to the follow ;iifr described piem ises, to-w it : the wot half ( w'J of t!ie mm ill -.wst iuitr seSl of .section :i.lluitv uuepil town leu 1 1 ( raua t!ve U ea.-U of the till !'. M.. ill Cas-i County. Ncn, .Salt to rcmahi open from e . ei; o'i'li rt 1'. M. to three o' lock I' .Si. on said day. Term. Cash, or ci'edtt as pro vided by Statute iu .such rasm. (J. Y. Johksox, 47t3 Administrator. Frobate Notice. Iu the matter of the estate of Edwin Ar.;ell, d eaed. hi the County Court of Ciss Coun ty, Nebrnska. ti)on readies .".ti! fihnnthe duly ti rifled pe titi.in ot Alary K. AiieH, piiiyiiiK that aiimiiii tmLiou ot the estato of LdwUi Au;rcl!, dereas oil, bte Kia'.itrd ta her : Ordered tht notice of the pendency of f,aid eau.se be puomhed is the Nebraska UtKAi.n. a weekly newt-paper priiit oit. i Lt'iik.'ied Mid iu Keuera! circclatiou iu said eouii'y, for three coiiNceulite vvceW. and that tiie heurhifi of said cauja he .set for the Ud day oi .Maicii, A. 1). 1SH0, :it 3 o'clock p. m., at the oTi:ce oi iue Lounty Jimt'i". at I'lattsiuouth. at which time tiud pluce ull persons iuterwstud may api'e.ir arid show c;iu.c, it rny tiiev have, why auii!ii:is:ratto:i of said estate should not he grunted t tho said Mary I". Aujfi'I!, ajoord iv, 10 the player of said petition. A. N. SCLLI VAN, C. Judf;e. l'hittjmouth. Feb. 6ih, lsbO. 47U Probate Notice. STAT K OF NKr.KASKA. K CASS l.'Ol'STV. 1 I a County Court, fn the natter of the last will nnd testament of Sophia 1. It. iU'iir. deceased. On r:tdini and tiling an instrument In writ ing, pin 'porting to he a true cony of the lat will ami testament ol H.iphia I'. U. ' lUtg. icraed, inn nf Mansfield. Kiehland County, in the State of Ohio, and al au ordrr of court. admiltiiiK the same to pri.-:ate in said ffafe. if is ur!er ed flint not tea of the pendency of said emise lis published in the Nebraska H'ny.i.ii, a weekly newpaper. primed, puhlislied nd in :-ner;il eirou!.iti'!i in the saiil County of Cass, and State of Nebraska, fur three weeks, Fuccessively pre vious to the day of .March, A. 1.. and thr.t t!;e heariiu;if paid cause be set Lir on? o'clock. 1'. hi . on aid iay.at the Coimtv court room, iu vdd County of fass, at w hicii tune anil place -il persons interested, may an;,ear and Siiow cause It any they hat e why salt! last tvil :,nU testament should nut be admitted to irolate. Kccordiiir to the prayer of M.J. It. Adams, vr!iu i named as tele executrix in said hisirnmcut. 47:3 A. N". SL I.I.IVAV. .'(. Judf". Road Notice. To nil ichom U mau Concern: 'Hie C -minis.ioiier aiiiioioted to locate a road commencing on the reel inn. ilne dividing ten tiotis ttiiitcen and twenty-four (13 ( 'JO town twelve ()') north ot ranjre thirteen ( zi e;t at point w here Ohic;tfo Avenue cro.ssesaid line. Thence ea.-ter!y on t tie most practicable route to Lincoln Ateune in section eighteen ( 1) tow n twelve (12) ntt'irc fourteen (M). Se.id mud rut!! as now iMKtcd OTer a part of the i:ortli east i!iartcr (nc') of the north east qu:;r!er (n'ief seef ion I ent y -f our ( in towntwelve (12) rane thirteen (Minnd overtbe north wet quarter diw lt of tiie north west quarter nw of section niiicteeti : in town twelve ratine fimrteen 114) and ver a part of the iiorih east quarter l.ne)! of the ncrfh west quarter tivV of sCiion ljineteen liij iu town twelve it2j north of range fourteen 14 east of the c;h 1. M. ha-s repotted in lavi r of the location thereof, and all ohjerii-,n thereto orolaims for damages, must, be tiled in tiie 4'ounty Clerk's oilSce. mi or before noon on the imu day of April. A. 1). l-.s.t, or such toad will he declared an open and entabli-hrd road without reference thereto. 4713 J. I), i ij i r, Co. Clerk. Administrator's Sale. I?y virtue and in purs:iaiice of an order of the Distric t Court. Second Judicial lhs.net, within and fur Otoe County, Htjttc of Nebraska, dated November 17. A. I. 17;, and January l-o. A. 1. is.su. 1 will ofier fur ale at Fui)lii Auction, on Tuesday, the !th day of March. A.D.1W, at 1 o'clock p. ni. of said day. at the front dor of the building where the !at tertn of the lM'trict Court was held, f.f srtid distriet. iu th city of l'iattsmoutii. Cass County. State of Nebraska, the foiiuwirx deeriLed real ei-tnte, to-wit : The South Ka-t querter ("e1) of section fifteen 1Sh in townsfcip eleven in r;inKC eleven (11); also the North Kat (:ie of North Fast quarter (ne') of ?ertion eiuht , and the North, half (nS) of NorSh West quarter (nw4). and North West (nw) of North haet quarter (ne)4) of section nine (i;. In township e evrn (11). in ranpo el-ven (11) j all of said land lying Fast of the idxth t6lti) principal meridian, ia (. ass County, Mate of Nebraska. Terms of Sale One-third of tho purchase money of said real estate to be paid at the time of tale ; one-third to be paid in one tear ; one third to be paid in two yearn, from date of sale ; to be secured by notes and moriao on the property, a: teu per cent, interest from dale of lie until paid, interest pavabie annually. Dated. Ncbraka City, Nebraska, February Clh. A. I). lfO. O. W. SKYMOt'K. Administrator and Executor of the Estate of John W. Seymour, deceased. 4715 Road Notice. To v hnm it rtttu concern: Tiie Commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at a point .sixty-live (6i) rods east of the north-west (nw) corner o( the i-outh-we-t, quarter (w'). section I wenty-four (24). township twelve ( ratine tea (t", east of the HXth (ih) principal meridian ; thence south on tiie nint practicable route west of th resi dence of J. O liornine. eitaated ou (ection twenty-flve 2.s, townsiiip twelve llj. range ten in : tcnniuatirifc at n.rth line section thirty-six township twelve 1 12J rane ten 10, be established. and the mad now located, coin -ii.eticinn at the no: t h-went nw) corner of the south-west qiiarler swL4, .vection twenty-four 24. township twelve ij. range teu toj. east of the sixth h uriucipal meridian ; running thence soutn between auctions twenty three and twenty- four 23 .Nc 24 and sections twenty flve ad twenty-six 25 & 2, and terminating at north-wert nw corner of section thirty-six (:?). ttiwnship twelve (12), ranee ten (101. be va cated, ha- reported in favor of the location aud vacatiou thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed In the County Clerk's oflice on or liefore noon of the 20tti day of February. A. 1. DiO. or such road will be lo cated aud vacated without reference thereto. 4415 J, It. TUTT. County Clerk. Tours to command, Philander Doosticks. J'roai Dakota County. Ho-MEK, February 17tb. 18S0, Herald: A few lines for you a fil ti Jl si pi ol Ed. Jr. KJitor. who always liked t bear rom old settlers 01 your COHnty. Only , few words you will hear this tuns, luting what associatior.s I am living rith at present, whites, negroes, half tl E ei Yl tl d L nd full blooded Indians; the latter h tribes of Omaha, and Winneba joes who are farming their lands as vhite poi)l9 would, although xcep iions can be given, as seme are more ndustrious than etber3. Almost all ire in posessisn ef good teams and mpbrar-. ide tbea -wa liava 3 Burlington & Missouri llWe? Railroad Company in Nebraska. The Anneal Hcetiiqr tif tho Sfockhe'dem cf the lliniiiiKtiui ;:iid Mturi hlver llallrnad Company hi Nebraska will be held lit the otVed of Do- C .u.iniii , In I'laltsmt uth. Nctiraka, Thiu.sdav, the ;t;;;i day of February, A. D. Js-so, at leu o'clock, a. m.. for tins elec;lon of Direct ors, and atij' t l her hti-iiH ss w hjch r.iav legally come before the niectitiK- J. .n. nKNtSON, Secretary. Dealoii, January 17. loO. -u;n Omaba & SoutbO Western Railroad Company. The annual meeting of the1 Steckhol JorK of the Oinaii.v and South Wetorri Kaiiro.i-I Ccrp pany, will ho held at tho oft'.ce .the. Ilurlut ton and Mm-ourt Liver K.nlroad Con. ta' y iu Netnaska.il Plattsmouth. Nebraska, Thursday, the 2ith day of February, A. D.. lrSft, at Ten th'riy o'cliKk, A. M., for the eiertioi? of Direc1 tor. and any other t.usinesH.w hich mar lcjally come before the n.eeliii' J. N. ?r.!ir!.'secrctiiryr IIostoh, January 17, lsso. 4f.t4 Notice. To owner or occupant rf the fclhiwlnu dc erihel Peal Estate, In the County of Cass and State of Nebraska, to-w it : lad No. 4 in Block No. 7t in the city of riattsmi.ulti. Case County, Nebra-Ka. You are hereby notified that tho fhove described Leal Est ate assessed as helolig Init to n non-resident of Cass County, was, on the 2.''d day of November, 1S77 sold to me tho undersigned, there licini; no other bidders, for the taxes levied thoreou for the year is;r,, and that unles the same is redeemed from micu ale on or before the l-t dav of April. lso, u deed will he is-ued (or vild Peal Estate to 4'tt3 It. c. Smith. J. Cunriiiiglinm, HOUSE PAINTER I AND O H XA M1SNTE R. Crainlu.v nd c;iszinr, A specialty. Also a first class. Piano & Organ Finisher. HP-Would say to the people of riattmoutb, that I fully WAr.V.AXT ALT. CONTRACT. A share of the pr.trnao is solicited. Orders will receive ri'onipt attention. Sm J. E. Cl'NNINC.IIAM. New Dcparturo ! of our well known Tailor, Morris QEourke WHO HAS FEri.fA .VErVTLY LOT A TED. On Lovcf Main i'., opp. Court Tlouset A Fl'LL LINE OF PIECE C3-OOIDS will constantly be kept in slock and all order promptly filled. A Fit Guaranteed ! Iii evry inslanco. 'Doct (oruet tho Location. M. O liOURKE, Trop. 7 tstt Champion Billiard Hall! AND J. V. MURPHY, - - Prop. Main Street, Opp. I'latte Valley. m.'ST MIAN lS OF CIGARS. APPLES. CAXIIK. ACTS. A A It A OKA Ell Ah MUCK Of CUAt LCTIUXEHI LS, Given Out in Exchange KOIt FOOL CHECKS. fe-All Gentb mm are respectfully Invited to c:iil unit nartieiiiiilt. or otherwise, in tlid iinusements arioiUed. The best of order is al- ways plcicrvea una cvci jone.can enjoy mem ne.ves. ' 471y HEAL ESTATE CITY AND COUNTY IX BHDLES3 QUANTITIES. WILL. S. WISE. Wtl! 2iinftr rf Orainer. ALL KINDS OF Raiding, raining (SlasinJ, Slafeontittiur)o $ Wmm Mil Also, Decorations of all kinds. Painted in Good Style. FRESCOING A SPECIALTY R2FEP.LNCE3 : A. B. Tavlor, J. Vam.erv, Sr.., N. HOI.MFS, t. Hr.KB.VKft. 4Ut H. A. WATERMAN & SON, Wholesale and Uetail Dealer In PINE LUMIJEIt, LATH, SIIINOLES. DOORS, BLINDS. KTC. ETC., ETC. dlaia street. Vorut of Fifty. 1'LATTSMOUTII, .... XET Still Better Rates for Lumber WILXjIAM herold, dealer la DRY GOODS, CLOTHS. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, FURNISH IXG GOODS' GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, Lare stock of BOOTS and SHOES to be CLOSED OUT AT COST? Notions, Qucensware, and !a fact everything you can call for la the line of General Merchandise, CASH I'AID FOIt HIDES AND FURS. AH kinds of country oroauce taken la e change for goods. NEW ' Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE, Or an Old SUille in new hands entirely t The New Ffrm of HOLMES & DIX0X, open the old BTREIQIIT BARN, oh tho Corner of Cth and Tear! Streets with tt Nev Livery Outfit. f.'OOD HORSES AND CAR WAGES aS &lf times houses ran sale, HOUSES liOUOHT A AD SOLD'f IIOHSES KEPT JiT THE DAY OR HEEK Call and see IIOLMli.S & IX0, 45 EC 5 v J J J