The Herald. The Herald TOBIifiPg" EVERY THURSDAY. FLATTSHOOTH, NEBRASKA. OFFIC22: Oft Vim St.. On Block North of Mln, Cor. of Fifth S'rwk A O V T. I! T I M ?J O l(.Ti4. l'ACK 1 1 w. j 't w. 3 . j I ia. j S in. C 1 !' l e f-0 iX Hi 2 f-1 00 f. ') I t-t 1'n SIS; 2l 6. VI If pi Ii.V STI 4 73. w U'P M V.! : ty! Jntff cl r. (a; 1JW nWL 41 Mi ftj y U!-! loV MM! aSu'l! ift ,-f 3 s;r. 4 tot V r.d. I nil. . ' IT" All Atlrei'iUlng Ellis Du Viuartrr: ; rT Ti-uru'eul AilrerU.aiiU mail b ;- Ill Adriatic. JNO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. J PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS-' (TEPwMS: 52.00 a Year. Term in AdvinMi Extra Copies of ths Hkrald fr s' v J. r. Yh;n. at lbs- i'ait 02ee Now D;j Mala St ret t. it:e copy, six ruoilii,. VOLUME XT. V PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1880. . i.r-0 . . OiM copy, tiire inoulbx, .-. HENRY BCPCK DEALER IN SAFES, CHAIRS, ETC., Kit., ETC., Of All Descriptions. 1 METALLIC BURIAL CASES W jlU izs, ready rasde and sold cheap for cah. MY FINK HE An3S " fiV . T. J Is, Tt IS JiOW JtEAUV FOii fchKVlCiS. ORGAISS & PIANOS C( Every UpsriiiHion, CHEAP FOE CASH. TUe Yelebi-Md Whittlesey Patent Ti'INI)0W SHADE FIXTURES, I.juibrequia Window Shades. A.u4 iAier variPty of Cheaper Shadci, I all varieties. YItJi many lUanks for psst FStronaj. Ki'rfe fill a cwll and examine my . LAKCfE STOCK OF JSTf: FTL:KTt ti: AM 'O P F I X M mt rrv "o1 nu!-7-.j . S vr. b""? "----V'i. fro t Sp-' . r - -K: r. w . . i ! . t : M t Al rrjwy rrine-d. tuinuB 4 Cd.. 3 UIiat?a iTjjm, Te w Tcrk. 5r t ALCABITlXniTIIS. Tf r ;sii'irir?-fr.r";,;-w hwiTtTi, or lactiicAr IIoj liltlrrsTl n Ul t'ure Yon. I" j ot f a n'ii!' r.f'. ATi'I Kre cnrrtrA j-otit. T' r itast ' c j t. . -s. or xiioliitr, nra jas liii : .-.i v'.cif, r. if ycni oro .iiTi;'.jr o'iinia- n; nt:si'Ta YrlSlj-'Itenlor! Y'c Ktp r.Itirr willj'lrensllieij Yon. T? t.-i j-'ir.-c. anrt'i-iorlur f n-m ry inTS- Htp li'fe:" v!illl.c2!pve Yen. VT ii i.-i; -5r: . :rw, r.r. t"i-s f-rm, et tut y-i.pp-n.riti ''''r- il.-t j v j' ' in 1:7 Klf :il !!; VL-iI Yra 'rrd. i-.j . j your f . -i -t..i wo-ui.j, fctr .".i j iw !.!.' til Vlxti. V- r'rS.1:-,IJrrrnK!"rl3'v--l EniiKi aJw - -ri'- .;-,;,-: ? ,- V'";-- --vra Ptifw sua !mir!p0i',t'9 K i... . : . ".-.vid I vf-r, n1 --ir,. I'irt. : r.. i : jriiT-, V ' . :i-7 fcai r.twj'ui ?t t; cv.ii .-. i.: ! w-t-e to r.-.vs s. ri-c en4 fc r'. .-t i. :..-.-. .-it a:iii- ,i ti- j . rf'.T.tii'-:.::. Tr:i't li.?. & Jox. !i . - - ? c :-. t ..:.!- -v. . i.r- Uf-I- ietll fc"!rtt:-. : :-t - ai r-r.rr:;it, brct:si:t ( 'J I .r : t. 'ii 17T r r-jrjr. K '' " J Si rtu -j li i'iiins ( c f fci L-. ii- Mr i juries ti Ciy---'i.. 1 r !-t c-f r-1 -V'.rrlt.riM. Buiiox of ? ; - v-c:J li..'.-. - ' f. l r ,Jir-.r"ti Knfa Krt;":r:':.i.. -vir'Vrfi"? Kmedici nre E t . 5-'-ri'-V. 2 7 Iylsassclsita Proprietor, J TS.-nil for ramphlet n'n.r- Yy - '- Catliarfjic Pills Comn"Ti th cbcicrt cathartic irinoiplfs In nieditine, in j-roortirns accuralely ad jnsreil to sxv.-ure activity, certainty, anii cnilonTiity of effect. They tiie result l yars of curelui stuJy and practit-nl ex periment. a;vl are tl-e lost effectual rem Hly j-t !;b?otcici1 lor Iiseiiss, rawwil ly dera lament f tho stomach, livtr, and LovrI, Tvhioli reQui'-w jiroiiijit nnt eiTeclual treairueut. Aveh'b Iil.i.! are Bie'ialiy ap I. '.Ice Me to cinss X rtUeaea. Tliry act uirci'tiy on t!iJ iljcstive hud ns:n:ilr.tivo procvm-.!", au'l restore rf-ptilar hoaitliy ac- ! tica. Their extf nsive life Ly physicians in tteir practice, an;l by all civilized nations. Is ore of the i.?ntsy jrcofs cf their value aa j tt s.-ie, cure, una jwrirciiy iuij;aino lt!C.1:c;rc. Hi-ing coniptnindcil of the con ecr.trarol virtues of urely vegetable sul. etani-en, they are positively free from calo mel, or any "injurious properties, and can be adifln Li lered to thiidreii v. ith icrfect safety. Arm's Pit.i.3 ar an. effectual euro for) Constipation or Ccstlvenes, Intllpes- Foul rtoin:ich ami Urcatb, Iizziness, '"liliusness, JaIire, liheumatism, "rtipttons and Skiu Iisease. lropsy, 'utnors. Worms, cural-ria, Colic, irises, Diarrhea, Dyeentery, Gout, lies, Disorder of the Uver, and all . dispHse repultins from a tlisordered W U)0 Cigestivc apparatus. -s a Dinner Pill they bare no eqnal. 1 ' "hite Rentla la their action, theae Pills -ae most tlioroucli and searebincr cathar. ' tin tiiat can 1x5 e-ni!loved. and never rivn pain unless the bowels are inflamed, and then their influence is healing. Theystirau- ' late the appetite and digestive organs; they : operate to purify and et?iich the blood, and ' fanriart unewed liaalia and Tis;or to th i wtioi eyfewra. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., imetlebl and Analytical ChemliU, Lowell, Mass. 6 ' ,i: Or nn o'her Hn4, 7011 can L treHrroiih out it XiTtt ftina no that it wll cut lttrr thta frr, tun Ki m wjii J I riiitn of ehi;f. fient fr on rtrljpt of fit., part i-f tin" I Kit l r-tt?. I'iiiKtratpl C.'trrul h lo ihwill all rmin of nre and T.A6I tr any L'lrciUtr. -. V. ha?a h.in1r-l4 of letters from Tin u-fog ur i:ch- who iX tt.t wouid uut t ile f t It. T7IRT3 tfc CCSOI.I.23. So. W Willi! Atwdi. Cbivaco, Fin, lied: a Hi, gil Com mam ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE and -rir Hat of overWl new de&iu UAU.KiJ f Utjtf pen ;U-uivJB. mm , INVINCIBLE" If th beat base bun er for haM coal. 14 styles ani siren, with ! " "tnor talent iraprrT- j menu than anyoltier stoves. Ask tout deil. rriorinc-B, or settlor trc iiiutrtd cir. CMczo & Erie Stove Co. (Limited). CRAY'S 'CCIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK. 0K11k TRADE MARK. fktlltif nn tor VbUaI Wrtik- itw, laPtts-'l WtW tkf fUlf- ErcrTfiklBC- Abi4;MLoMf Aft?r Takiaik; rmor-, CuIt-! Uultu4e, Pain la the Bark. IinBtw TIjIob, Preaauir 014 Apr, ud mi&nj Mfcr Dtre tlui ed c Inauilitr or Oatmmptica. roi a Praaaatart Or. 07 fuI1 prttrMtara la aar iaiapbli. vaitiB 4slra a atwd IVaa by -mall ta avarr aaa. Pt7Tbe Bpeeiflc Kate.aala aotd by ail draiKU at 1 prr parkaca, c ale packafra lr $6, ar vUl aa scat frtsa k y Hail aa raott a tea bo; af ftaAf aastcc TIUC 6BAT BFDinXf CO., Kiuia'i 1mm, ni i. Ifran. 3Tf:oM In .rutt.smoutu ftiid teveiywU(.-ie, ly FIRST CIiAS3 Clothing ' House! C. Gr. HEROLD, - Proprietor. FJI15T ESTAliI.T IN 13.'. . Keeps a geueral larje stock Z Men's. Yoiith's & Boy's F f T Jl 1 w r kU jast rceeiyed the finest lot of French and English Silk WORSTED SUITS, that even crossed rnc mo. river. His diS-r!it sij'.es of e surpns;n", ana his stock cf Furnishing Goods I FANCY GOODS, AND IsTarje enou;b to sv.pply ai:y demand. Caii and .Examine the before FCficnAsryo EiJsF.ariizns. siy i?. 1 t ) i J j e 4 5 feC TP.AHF J C$X MARK Ag?. SOLIi AGENT. J ,1'iT and ??OST POPriVAU frerrls Thread of I2o3eni TtiK. uv K. ;. I'lvcv'-'i: Son, S , i mi. "A'.'Meru; i, W. it. liuker 6i Co., JL. Mtill'-kY & S-jii. .Tv "'V i V 7 3 1.1 4rlil- in ti:-H'.rM . r w pie c... Ad.J y EhOfi S-C-'t) tfiit, tyjj 5JTJ" !, B- SH?, LtvstCH. of h"h I iijiii f a.ii makr Bi:i;ti'Ji-.'!iiaeiit, .rraairt-'o r, T?TTTS vi a. "liVUJil old etand si i 111 kl.l il i.l'.'ltlnj hir'lPiilETO!'.. fiottlft Sid? I.o-c. r'Jfain. tM, Ul Kinds ofGarna & Tteh C tt1t! jl--pvt e;;sh prW paM f :r wrrc n or t'ry '.:. ai( fot- f.i st !efc. 'iiv? !.' a rl-st ! 1 ;i: s,t! 'y t"j.irai.tei j-''''. Mi'esom - ii'i-s. i'Uti T. K.KTAXWrftR'f IS. A M i A J s JJt-.l- a wr.J be niat'.ed, witb I 'Sl'FFt.A r; til c.n:p.ei, fr l. .vi. ,..r., i. . t; t. bVtLj. 1:-K. SI1Mj..( il.. uo riicijrwl ir U r.i -u rr. Thi:!n1-iir ;a f'ftce. tf Tra njr UiiniOn-ve't, lit -t ?e;!3 tffi. crai to paf pr ltin.' a.;d v-; .r J.IJHF vf FOR fc!,,r lico cf full 'nforT:!''-:. 'i.j-iu- r";:. cm. Xou wiil ewr regret 14. -,,tp.r - " . ri4 'f,;,? f r, Manufacturer of and iK-al.- r In 'ifJJ' " S?! v5T .Jc-J i; -i-3 J2s i a." ir4 8ADDLE&, COLL IP ir i'r ttj? tiAUi n . li-i. WHIPS sre, rc stc. REPAIRING Don8 X7ithNeatiies3l Dispatch. e otily p?ace In lonra where "Turlev'5 pat- IT" y2i r i PROFESSIONAL CARDS IMt.J. U MrCRCA, riOMCEPATHIC PHYSICIAN, at Factory ville, Cas county, NetraskH. ally " T. II. WII.KOX. ATTOBNKYAT LAW. Practice In ders Mri Ca C'uuties. AshUud, jetrrt?k. 35tii3 R. It. AVI'IIIA3I. ATTOP.NKY AT LAW, Plattsmouth.Neb. Of fiee Fr.iut loui over Chapman & SinUh's lP!2Stoie. iy yt. A. IIARTIIi.W, ATTORNEY AND fiOLTCITOB. Will Prac tice In lh Mni and Federal CourU. Eesi dnrr. TUttswouta. .'t-jraak. tlty IC R. LIVISTX. XS. OFP1CE HOCKS, fioiu la a. m., ta 2 p. m. ExKiiuiii Surceou f;r U. S. Pension. IK. W. II. WIHMiKXtOHT, PRACTISING PHYSiCIAN. re"i,tence on CMuo Aviune. Plrttf-iimiith, Nebiiaka. tSice in Smith aud I'.lak's U:us Store. 4.'!y J. H. HAM.. M. l. MVSICIAX AM) SfJIGEOJf. OFFICII with Pr. Livingston .utti Hide of Main Street, between ctb and 7tb stteets. Will attend call; promptly. Wltili H. wise. COLL ECTTO.'Ji V 18 CIA T, TT. ATT') UN FY AT LAW. lU'.d Esp-te. Fire In furnncea'.ni Co!lef:linn Agency. OiUce lu I'ltz jpruid'9 bio'k. Pitits':HiiitU, N'elvaska. ?:i3 K. . !W!T:i, . ATTOKNKY AT LAW and Keal Estaf? Bro ker. iS;-ei:l atTPUtimi ivec to Ctilftcioi and a'l Slitters aii-tlirir tb t-tie l r-stiie. ic" on iiU tioor, over liil Othee. t'latlsntiiuili, N'ei:ra.ka. J t. i. ii. a t o. LAV,' OFK1CP lU-al K-ta?. Tire t.d I.ifIn 'ir:tnce Aaeiis,"iniu!i. -ehr;eKa. f'ol lectorj, tax-payers. a Ciciipiecw attr:ict of tit le. Huy and sell real estate, negotiate leiiL. 4c nyl JiH K. JtOKI'lSON. W. L. RltOWKK. Nuli'ry Public. IKOBftlSO.V & Ki'.tUVXE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will rruof!ce in Cas and a-tj'iiiMii; Cour.tu ; irives spefia! :'.ttctioii to ;i;!ecf :nn ai: xiitrj;: of tifltt. Ofl'ce iu Kitiriifchl bloek, I'iutinnioutU, NfcbrwHka. 17 V . tfASf. 3J. CHAPWAS, ATTOHNKY AT LAW, inif oiieitor la Chanctry. Oulce Ja FiUtfer aii! li!nci, lyl PLA1TKMOCTU.NEB. ai IV. rti'Trna. DB1TTIST". tvlHt ti.ittoct it. Xebrnnlts. Oilce oh Main Street ovey !ulo:non & Na- iiiaii s M'j;e. Siiy PLATTSHOUTH MILLS. I'LATTSMOL'TII, NEB. C BCaSKl., - Frepiictor. Flour, Com Heal & Feed Always hand ani for!' at lowet cah p- ir-. Th l.i-i.f-sl iti-te. itu'd lr Wi.rat ar.d (V-Vil. Par(i?'tir iillcutloh aiveu CUrolii tvorS. Toiisorlal Artist. P LA TT nni'TK ;t S'.tlll . 15 A. P':ue of bti:ne. on Mitin St.. i.freen 4!U Hi:.i.;:i ciivi-'.. Sliurnpuuiug. Sbavini;, eliil tiret.'s liK.t ecSf iiig, t to. to. lyiy LE Nil O FF & EONNS, 'Morniiis Jew Saloon ! Oiie door of the S.iur.der House. We keep t:ia bust of Beer, Wines, Liquors & Cigars. 3C-iiit Couftantlv on Hnd. SAU.M) US U0US. J.8. GP.EUOllT, - - - Proprietor . Locution Central. Good Sample Room.. Every attention p&id to guests. 4?m3 Plattsmovth. - - - - - - Nkb 'MACHINE SHOPS! rLAITSMOUTH, NEB., Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Sara and Grist 2IUU iA AS KTSAS Pl !'TNfl, (Trought Iron Pipe, Force enrl Lift Pipes.Ste.ini Gu;j;'s. Safety-Valve tiovernor.-f.anu all Kinds of Brass EngiiiC Fittings, repaired on short Motive. F A H 11 MACHINEHt 2 f" ' a 5S ' , . - 7 fT- 0 ',1 CD o 7, l4 . . i a- t5 - -i rr isi ationai y a n k P F LATTSJiCit.'TH. N23HASK A. SfCt K-ifiOIt TO rJ01X!i. If A St ST A A fl.Wtfi fOHM FlTOlSKALD . K. 1 ",' KV, A. V. !('iHl.lV. JOMI O Kui'Kkr , P-es;."!?! V e.rli -t. "-(-;i vi. ..A.'sisihi:t Ciud..' r. This PiiiiK i now op-.n for i-usin.- ;n their sew rooiM. eie.- Main a;iJ Sitb t ti-trtsi. t:i,l Is pi8p nreo to transact a ;cuer:tl BAIT KING BUS1KSS3. Ctoclti, BnH. Gcl-1, nd Local Ssctrit-et EOrCnT AM) SOLI). Dt posits Received o.nd Interest Allott ed on 2'ime Ceriijicateft. Vv.iiktble In any part of tlie United States ano" Iti ali the Prinelp:-! Toa-ii? arid Cities of i'.'irojte. iccrrs Von izisi CELEBRATED NMAN LlIIE AND ALLAN LINE O" TAMEJtS. Person wishing to brtng out their friends from duiope can I'UUCHASK 1 ICKJCTS A'COII VS Tbjck PlsiiMtIi. OFFl CIAL DIRECTORY. .State 7?ircT-y. A. 3. PADDOCK. lr. S. Sntor. EeatTlce. ALVIN SAl'NDKKS, rj. . Senator. Omaha. E. H. VA LENTINE, Represent a t. West Point. ALBIN CS N AXCE. rjovemor, Lincoln. H. J. A LEX AN DEK, Secretary of SUte. F. W. LF1DTKE. Auditor. Lincoln. (J. M. BARTLKTT. Treastirer. Lineoln. P. It. THOMPSON. uit. Public InetruCtioa. K. M. DAVIS, Land Commiioner. (.T. DILWOP.TH. Attorney iet:eral. REV. C. '. HAl'.KtS. Chat'lain of Penitentiary. DR. H. P. M A TT 11 EWSOS, Supt. Uosp:tl for the Insane. o Supreme f'ourt. S. MAXWELL, Chief Justice, Fremont. (iEO. M. LAKE, Omaha. AMASA CORU, Lincoln. Seconit Judivial 7)itlriet S. Tt. POPND. JudKC, Lincoln. ,T. C. WATSON. Prosteutlnu-Atfy. Neb. Cry. W. L. WELLS. Clerk Dim. Court, PUuhmiowHi. County 'Zireclory. A. N. ST'I.LIVAN, County Jutle. J. D. TC Pj". County Clerk. .1. M. PATTERSON". Couuiy Treasurer. R. W. HVEi:s. h.ll!T. Ii. W. FAIRFIELD. Surveyor. G. UILDERRaND, I'oroner. COI'NTV COMMISHIONERS. HENRY WOLFE. Liberty !te:ict. JAMES CKAV.'FOr.D Stiuth BoTttl Precinct. SAJ11 lilCHAKliSON. Mt. I'iea.ant Precinct. Cry V ire tor r. J. W. .JOTTNPOX. Maror. J. M. PATTFP.SON. Tr-aaurer. J. D. SIMPSON. CUV Cleik. RICH A Ri VIVIAN. Pll- .ruc?. I. It. Ml'RPH Y, City 1' AVM. i V. ELLS. Chief of Fire Dept. roi'M'. 1-t Wrd-.l. PF.PPE17LLRO, V.V.LEONARD, lid Waid (i. W. FAIRFIELD, J. V. V.ECK- I BACH. Gd Ward -P.. C. rt:SHIN.THOS. POLLOCK. 4th V.a.d-P. MACALLAN. E. S. SHARP. 7otr(irtr JNO. W. MARSH ALU Ii. & M. R. KTime Tabie. Taking Fjfcvt May 4, 1S79. TOR OMAHA FROJd " LATTSMOL'TH. Leaves 7 0 a. m. Arrives a. m.9 -00 " a :-v p. ni. " P- FROM OMAHA FOP. rLATTSMOCTH. Leaves 9 :10 a. m. Arrives 1 :40 a. m. " :p. m. 7:15 p.m. FOR THE WEST. Leaves riattsinouth 9 :45 a. m. Arrives Lin coln. VI -IS p. in. ; Arrives Kearney, 7: ,v t. in. Fie'.Sht leaves 3 :oo a. i.-Ar. Lincolu 2 :55 p.m. FROM THE WEST. Leaves Keamev. 6 :W a. m. leaves Lincoln, 1 .i s. m. Arrives PiHttsmouth. 4 :2t) p. ni Frei?lit leaves Lincoln 11 :10 a. m. Arrives PUttsttiouih, 4 :55 p. in. GOl.VU EAST. Express. 8 :15 a. in. lMsienuer. (tr:iin each day) 4 :2C p. in., except Saiitriiay. Every V;rd Saturday a train eou-at-ei at lliti usual time. R. V. U. K. Tint c Table. Tafrina Eject Sunday. 3farch 23, 1873. ftOT.ITH. 5 :5:.pui :27 :4H 7 7 ::ft M 9 :ll) STATIONS liAi-TlNiiS. AYR. EI.CE HiLL. COW LES. RED 1 l.i;p. IN A VALE. LivI.liTON. I- i:aKLIS. BLOOMlNti I ON. SCIETH. g ? vaiti 8 :0i 7 :40 7 :05 6 :-J5 6 :10 5 ft :U.'tni For Cutaneous Disorders, And f' en:ptioris of the thin Ointment 1" moKi i:iva'.i:.i'le. It rioes.iH-t Le;d externally ah.iie. but j ciietrates witli the most searchiKit tbects to luti very root of the evil. HOLLOW AY'S OINTMENT p.,K!irs.(! (,f this REMEDY. Evfry Man may be h s owii ioctor. It may lie rubbed into the ysinii. t-o as to reach any internal eomplaint. : bv these meaiis it cures ore-i or Eleer iu the THROAT, SToMACfl, Ll ER. SPIsE. or oth er parts. It is an JnfstKiule Remeilv fr-r IAD LEliS. IUi lilcKA S IS. Conliaeied or Stiff .loiuts, iOUT, RHECMAT1SM, and all Skiu Diseases. Important Caution. None are penuine unless tne signature of J. Ha not'K. as n.ip-rit tir th; I'fiitcd States, surrot;iiJi each box of Pills and Ointment. Jioxes at mietuu, 62 cents, and 1 each. lr- There is considerable saving by takinir the lai-ger t-izes. Hullo'iVAV Si Co., New York, fitly mx kc&z ic IS Do you feel :':r:t any 'r.e of ywir orrans your fotfiiach. liver, :xv.vvi, or nvrtous nv-kio. f;ilfr ter! in jrs work? II s. 1 -tci j- ... 'iinttr- vuii the most o.i .-.ri'-l, jet h .nnVsv, of n:i-4- or:,.ia. i- no ml it t'.at lrh.!:ty 's the lit iriSMtintr t.f Hie Futl" -' bar i:e " c';-.i. of j-ll .ve.T: aes is a universal paiv !y..l' .it the system and t:r:t 'i.en t.arr.iysis is the immediate pre cuif'or of Death. Forsa!! by ail Dii!";ist and Do::b-rs jeiier:uly. 4Ctl a? VA vRa & h v P -i ? V. ' V. j j P , t- - ;L ., T is AiLin:i) roi: DlSakC- are pr.x' ;i.,-J by I of ,'crv- o.ii1 orr. aiiti coiiseiiiieuiiy .Mucul;Ir Rei.mai ioi. v ii : Ci J.Vi." Vi! fT O V. ;;f . i .V '.'f Tlx. -S i .u A , n i- y f; COUGH, ls-rLintUfxnv ui.i r,:,:.:Lhi j.c'i'iuv'ot t.t HEA.Hr. H"tr-i r.r.. TtdT-.? by Or-rturi'.v; .;... Or r jltirfev, by U.'iri-l iftxi-t, by CUd.l-ttrimt, bf' .V!iri .;.f) L ;,v-;. ,. i ii.t nr ( 'mVfH.')ij Jju-nh-ii've, -y Hrws,itr l.'f nun irraiuir.r.t--c nf life. An e. chain of s,n(J eT..t.t is formed by Feiiows' CrtTiirrt-uiPt - 1 w; -f H i.o;inwipi,u. , and e are s:iu- 1:1 vivi.:.', frai :' exieri enee in i:-,e.!ii Itv v'.-tuf ftrv r.ot 'wwcl liun'-i ulUi.r erni:ptvm. NilTK Hi sui l eio.ts of cersooH who :.rci;ini-n 1 anv .t lier ar- t:rie jm jumis sr.jiini." tr.-:i,.'h learii,r .simi lar itHiwe pi veil 8 IT bu- I.I.-H .u cicrj I8IX" ei-y, Wil-r It Is JtlioWtl, re- 4"t4 cii:iei.d It. Koldby afl DrncJlu..i.50.Pt RaJt'e. Brtrxcar tLL AUQR AUD ' Yti-l. r lrr-i.r,. liiOiJTo ItiowTaJ OsSaJaMMTSM. .UIa.tLWI. Is a Kt: i a. i.h: Lr.rri'-111 - T. V!r.-iu.V('i:. M,i(!'(,", fn vitT niiff.vic j)j niui'KA, i.f.Tf iiu:i;uU ' . ;'i'ii oi : i .-e wim ttier the c iettr ieed artiei". i-' t is univ the iv,, ,... . ll-jti.-teii, :-d ttiwMst f:.tjU-inn v,h. 'ein' :rd to rres:rioe this iv,.i-fiv r. v,or ... roved thi.. The l-' e!;i- n.t..i.-i Tod lAta. T TAITST DKteCOLXW To late yon hold oat :t;er hands to ran. Too lata your l'p breik iiito tender smiles. To late your eys a;row dark and swi with love For time Lata bronchi the pr.tieoce tnat de files; Dsfile, because it hardens hec: Ss to ston, AnJ robs ymilh 0 is i.-ejiaty tni i'.s jrrair. And so, O u e-be!ovcd 1 n ouclicJ, mo. Bioved, I Bidiy ko.naway my te.rles faceu I loved you oijes? Ah, yitl Cod Lnosrs bow wed, I bved yoa with wild psssion aod Rrand With f i my wouiaa'a soul; and yoa wera rajto-i So more Lhaa at ane broken sweet ref ain, H iif-teaier, half ilhe; i, that yoa'd hoar A haiefvOt orpbin k;n ti iu the street. Aod Cm r s. co 11, a g-ail word unyii-tji, l uentur;, sviih etnELa? eye soiie friend to jreet. 0 God! there was no higher love than mine It lifted up my beint; to the skies; at, wlitii I curbt your Litfut, iBliffren'. fiance. It khu.idcreddown into the d-.iet with "irbs. An.!, when you smiled into a fairer face, It coiled lown.hisslns like an luiDgered aoafce, Lw in my bart, auj writhed and l;nUf-I 0!reli:iies, -Gnawing tuid gnt-wlug, only balf-awake. C)uld I but strangle it with wild r?ret, E'en v bile it tortured mu and cit le me ma ? A ill now yon bold oat pleAdiosjaitc .0 uio, Aud I can only khiver, p'.iciid an 1 ta-i. Too late, O oi)ce-belove!l your kisaes fall, T o IaIs you nie i.i y- ur warm embrace. Too late! to-Ute! Unloving and utmoveil, 1 sadly turn a ay ety tearUss tac. TOBIAS J0SES iTATCII-rAIvIG. JET 8. A- M- MOSS. liJ sy." fti& Tobias Jone. r?nirl'r '.Ixi'-vii IPS tiiit on the iliiitk r friiii" nh r.n ci:r.ilni cunii tin? butt ia V;r. lo'ii i's now on tor io rsiiSr to "ibfr ominvtjfly, "I t-.iy, vil, i liittc it iiv." "iUve what?" nskcl Mri. T,.liH liat i .o is'.v, h pi. in. Vuii w'.Il ne v i;i r.u invit.ition to a wo.uiiitcr, iu !iiiii, before 1 he -.vinir is eit k!, or fjiv lLy iHO i- not Toblns .Tones." "What? wii-? whoiv?" 8kcl Mr. Jorffi. "I !!)i tlmiiiiul soiiietiiinsr is oliir to 'i i;ix 11 ; I've stayed at home !i;tii I'll tist'il, aiivl 111 y clot lieu sic lliivC 01!t OI !:l:li'U." -if w-ari jroo-l c!otbo koetw tlit-tu in xVt-i)i.ii yuii miulit thfin h-.Mt; tit hoitiO,'' urgootcJ iicr hus "T'lru's ju-t thn way with yon hk'd, 5iJ Mi's. JtnuM ; "you ettioct us to A-r of.r brrt cloiiies at ali tim-s r.mi j;i iil pLors, nut ct at ail tir-ics look r;5W IVtxliitiinbli:. Uat who i3 go inar to in? married?" "Vv'oll.yon il .ain't a ?tt!e.l f:ict, hut it ii!i;.'ht a well lx. for it" 'Squire (Mi..3 ?:l Vivto7 Iloukpr e'i':i!l h;i;5i''ii to uiH't, it's my opinion they v.v-n'tt mal.e a nwich of it ; an.I," lie a-.t 'ot! he noticed his wifu's length-onr-'i ocsiis;ftfiU'N. "I I hi iik you li id IkhIit se.i.l tor thorn hoth (o cotne heit? to ;t:n to-:no row ni'it. We have 110 cJiiklicn you know, and you ou ji; i. h.ive things iu a?ple--iie or der all the timc." "Cii.idii'u!" f Tcl uu-.ed Mrs. Tobias. V"'.'. ' ;i: if toi-k- wholnveu't chil lin't icivc aiivihinjf to d. For cy p.i!t. I think 1 worktiiil ashiird and ''.' ;nM tis ntiich iroiihlens any of my te-i.'lihc-rs who h ive ehildivu. How- .er. I don't care how ninny you in vite to tea 1'il have enough for them 1.0 eat; but don't think you'll umke .1 initcli for 'Squire Ciiase for I know vou won't." "Well," Kiid Tobias, "you take Dob bin and drive over and get the widow, and I'll tske cai tint the 'Squire is here all r;u:ht ; mid. mind you. IJeSin d v, if t!;ey ere not nianvei-l before the winter is oter, I will o;ive you nv dre-Hs; athl, if tLev are, you bh:tl buy ine a iouud oft ib-e-o." "Agreed," c.tLI iri. Jones, "provid ed ;..? briir about t!ie nn;,-.'i." .Tu-t st eiir.ji.'t 'Squire Cif:e ws reap:n"4" in the field neir the ro-.d A-h.-u. tirippen-J! !o l,oi U; lie Saw iii frienti Jones ieviiinf over the feucy. '"Gt'sv.l even! nr, .Tone-?." ':o-l evening. '.Squire. Ijnst enll ' 1 ov. r to s;iy that my wife is ioin.r to liuvo eotnj.Miv to tea to-itirriw n;:Xit. and s!ie V)n!s yuu to t-.onie over and iiftke 0110 of lis.' "iu-h ohlifot.l, neighbor, but 1 don't kn w about it. 1 ve jd i ;v:ip :!li l his nvl i to-morrow. If I it-: done in si'asi.n pef'itp I'll Ci.ine, btil don't look fv.-r tin. H"!to nri yuu ro- in;; lo have nuv snaiier-?" "VeJl. yes, V.'iduw lb.i.d:er is. a stranger to yo, I su:;pt'c. though p.v wife sims kne wn ir-r i'nr yri?;i, mi.u a slight by her. S -.e lives o-er to the north part of tbe town. I preitun.; villi httve heHrd of her of;en. "Yes. 1 have heard ;' it.-r, sure." s-a"d tiie 'S'piiiv. "I ?u,!',i:) eie'. liie w.. ni;;n who owna the ii-s meadow farm cail-d th: Ov-bow, and iniuaei it ali by her-- If." "IlifXht,-"' si:d Jones. and thinking to make mal.ier.s oettrJie-id i'd,I know y-u wo:.h1 I i ke her, Isqu ire, for most every i niy ioe." "I don t much admire women folks who try to laxe the place that belongs by rbjht to men;" t iid the 'Squire, i-os-iiiteiy. "ilei-e, Silas" he called to his yo'tne-.t fon, who had just reiiiru hI from the pasture -a ith tlie cotvs, id vou h? the brindled ox to- -AO. Hirer l ii'in'rd and lumte.l . l for dm. b'it he i-j -'. R1,n. " 4 -Iiaref tlie luck. That' jipd the J w-iy with tii.c btnii -tie:, lu; iwjver 1 j '.III. Ill UU t"t 1.18 ifV'U iK-irlt:(i IO ''Ct ' . . . - . . . . . - I : : T i-!. I i! ; u i tin u him into tall i r.i." 1Vp.t. Ali. .?( n" arri-fc home he IM . J-.lil t!.t jtiL'll t.) v. ii?x '0.'.i;'!..i. i;:rs fhert time, tid - 4i nsoaey on hand, an 1 "r f-vo. hereon -!ided fer let 1 'l n.tve lue Ul JiteV. tlarifAin e.18 I I"T tuuaiiur ih Loum of Mr. ' XiiliS. Xow thia houfe was not far from Mrs. Honker', and. as- Tobias wn driin;2: leisurely alonif abut two miles from home, whit should he sm? arr-i'in by the rotd!idt? but 'lure Cha.' .brindie ox. Thesxs wr no i:ii;akitjr the iin'nirt!, for there wasn't a bos ler ntr a handsomer one to be ton i;d finywbcie for miles around. It's a to k'uve thit ox to run ofT," said Mr. Jooe to him-elf, "an.I if i wris.d(i.r, ri;ht lio ;e I'd tlri! him nlonif: but I'm not, anl by the !ir:e I'll jfei hack he'll lm gone. I h ive a," he exclaimed, 38 a i'.v hies teemed to enter his brain. "I'll juft let down the bars and let hint into Mrs. Hook er's west lield. The field has been cleared the-e ten days, and bus will never know but he jumped in, and it may save the 'Squire aheap of trou ble." So he drove the ox, alonr for about three-quarteri of a raila and turuhd him into the field; then, alter leiviu the mon -y at illiiVs, he wtut home, well pie:st'd wilh hiiu.-elf iuid the world g.-ner-illy. 'Squire Chase was not r.t the tci party, lor he w-t fully dcD.'rmi:i -d not to 1? the victim of a made mjteh, and he paiher niispeoled that one wu in ;;ro.irres iu the Jope. f imily. The next moruiipx Mr. Jones rappc-d at tiie 'Squire's brick douisud the fam ily were at brenkfasu "I thought I would run and let you known where your brindled ox i. Mrs. Hooker wtyii there ym one jfot iniolp-T frin yesiertttj', ani she pre e irries it'sytxirs." "Much obliged, neighbor Jones. Til ri-.'iit over after breakfast, or tend Ned." But Ned, like most boys of 15, vrri shy of old maids and str.mjre widows, and Ptendily refused to 50; so the Squ're went iiim-fclf. Widow whs making ehee. Tt was Ijie for cijec?-iii;ikin, hut she alvay inftde one or two fall eliecses. The dour x as wide open, but sh ilid not see 'Squire Cha come up the ll'wer-bordered walk; the first she knew of his presence was tt:c exclama tion: "Whv. Pollv Wisrsin! Thi is the prroatest siirprite 1 ever had!" and tiieit? wss a sriett hand-shakiur. "So, iVdly, ou are the famous Widow Hooker, are you? How do you Hue fai.miiijrr" "Very well, Jerry, and if yott can stop leiio; enough 1 11 saw you how 1 manage." Of course the 'S itiirc coul 1 l did stoii, and wa doliiibtoi with" everything. . never thought ft wonwn eouid niitiia-e well," he .viid; "that is in trie hoiine and outdoors, too. I always i.houht tiiat wneii ti'omen, umieriook to wear the that is when " "Oil, I undi r;aud," said Pollv; "you thought iuy huu-e would u""er fr ;n n' if my fanu wa propcriy cared for." "I c-cc, I see. Tolly. I thought rt y littio rsjttl had kepi ho-i-a picuy wt:! .jii!-..-e her juother dfd. but of coiii-' it's njliihi.f like yours. Whon girU of 20 ciiu'l manage ni all, it is not bo Kuppo-ed Ihat iritis of 14 can bj very ;;o fci ni it. Sop;o. e we let by-or-ht by-onos, l'olly. I hnve sud 1 would never marry ailu, but if you H'ill hive ir.c I will brak my woi-d for, for when I said it I didn't e.x peel to meet )oti, :ihd 1 believe we hare both jrrown wiser since our quar rel niueteeii ytuiVi ago." "Do yon think tho children would like me, Jerry? You had better hi iii;r them over first, and then I will give you my aii-wer." "I don't believe Ned will come; he is rather bashful, diut I will brinr,' over the other two. M.ary Ann and Sila', to-morrow afternoon. Gool oiay, Polly;" and the 'Squire drove home with never a thought of the brindie ox. M'anwhilo Ned had fretted and fumed because he had no work to do, and fiualiy he and Silas had gozo fiiii iii'. "I do wish father would get iriit ricd," said Silas, who, at the ae ot 10, had very advanced views of life. "I think Mary Ann makes horrid bis cuits, and 1 am tired oi:iiur hominy and milk for dinner. If father did get. married, an t Ve didn't like our btep-mother, we arc ali bi eaoujjh to run awa v." "Yes"- id matter-of-fact Ned. "But, if you keep talking, you will scare all the fih away, and we shall have to cat pork f;r breaklast." 'Squire ('ii.t: could not give a very good reason why lie did not brin nome tlie brindl'l ox. He told Mny Af.n that li.1 did not see the ox, then told Ned that he forget all about hiia, and finally told Silas that he thought i.f? e uhi not drive him home alone, j-.ud would wait until the net dty, mi ttke !iii;i a.d Mary Ann over to mi,: .Jiiii. T'.e next day Mrs. Hooker had a r... p;v jiartv at tea as ner n jue ever x I : x i ?)ehi. y Ann vTiiite fell in love with every i!? in, ie.eludiiiy; the widow heivcsf, an Silas sai l he never did eat f-ts oil cook i. ; then Mr. Hooker read ton's iciit rs from her son, who was at coilee, and 'Sjuire Cha-e said he neve.- before thought h'vr boys ouirht to ffo to school iu haying and harvesl iii:. b-it be beiieved he should send Ne.: ie-xt year, if Nel wnnied to o. "Will you come over, Polly?" akevl the 'Squire, as he was fretting iiito the wsto!! to drive home. "I will come," was the answer. A month later there whs a grand weddiuz at 0-bow farm hou?, and Mr. Jones appeared in a bindsotiie new dre-s, which i'ie had won fn-m Toiiias. Ixicause slie could not see why he had anything to do with the mak in.r of a match that came about because of the finding of 'Squire C'ha-ie'a br ti ll l..1. ox in Widow Hooker's west lield. a r... c.i . Hill A J U n t 1 I u 1 OlAliMi jAlll, s.taitir.c Am?iican. V, hat H oer-.n-1 ss the largest "tniiiji mill ii the U'wt ha. Ikcii put :.. . . ..-.-"....I J I . II I. f . u I ...-- " i'r ": " "l ' liu,l;-l.inr v. 1.1 I'liV IMIM'S l J '".H I I'OrJ, kJ. 1. tiie (n-icbinery cjnsists ot a turee 'nmdivd lioi-sc jioa er Corliss engine wiiii tf boilers, four Blake i .!: hre ileis, 120 slumps, 21 lleiuly'a 'eli'-lee h rs Iieudy coneentra Th eiiirine cylinder is 2vixiiS. The weight yo.'AtoIb. Tre-.o sre two t!y xvhee each 18 feet iu diameter, whivh nre the driving pulleys of the two lino hi'ts. OjsIv oiip pair of boilers are required,, and 60 fog. of 6 team, cutting oil at one-lift h, ruii the California Sketches. San Berxardixo, Cal. ) January 22, lUi'J. Ed. Herald: It may interest your readers, perhaps, t hear a short de scription of tha semi-tropics of Cali fornia, er, at least, a portion of it, as I will enly describe that portion with which I am somewhat familiar, and which will confine me ta Shu Bernar dino County, where I have been a res ident some twelve months. To leave Hcliciate where dm iu tha winter sen sou the mercury drops ta 2 or 30 de grees below zero, and be placed in one where the average temperature drriiij; this portion of the year is from GO to 70 ilegrees, exceeds one's most san guice anticipations. At the present time we can lok arstiud aud view the snow-capped mountain peaks Gray hack, Mt. San. Bernard! no, Sua Jacinto, Cueiiinongo, Gabriel, etc., etc, isolated peaks iu the Sierra Nevada range, that reach an altitude of from eiarht to ten thousand feet, ami hover around this fertile valley, stud kj 1 here and thtrre rith beautiful greeu field f grain, as if to protect them from the intruding fiesta and snow. To say this valley is beautiful ja iuaieq stale; the atmo Btihere is milder, safter, more pleasant just now than the balmiest Nebraska day in the month of May. Deciduous trees now shoot forth their little buds, and vwry soon will appear the fratrrant blossoms of the various kinds of fruit tree3. Then we have quite a larpa va riery of perennial or evergreen trees, among which aru the pepper, palm, cy press, gum, o ran ere, lemon. lim clive, ttcM which make onr winters, b? thy ever s dry, appear dii-idt tfly cheerful. The familiar cot ton wood has such a rapid grwth that the entire top, in cluding all th8 branches, is cut elf ev ery two or three years, thus affording asuOii-i nt amount ef fuel for severe fceasuns during the year. As for (low ers, roses and several other varieties may b plucked at any tita. They are, cf course, aot quite .'as plentiful just now as in the summer time, but there are ssveral varieties which yield their Ierfumed blossoms every month in the year, and it is amazing to see the en ormous pize the bushes or shruts at tain; it is nothing unusual to see them ten or twelva feet high. The honeysuckle is another note worthy plant. In size,, ehape of leaf, color and shape of blossom, it differs materially from our eastern plant, and is vastly more frasrant. The leaf is similar to that of a peach tree. The blossom, when it first appears, is a pure white, and gradually changes to a love ly orange. Geraniums, verbenas, and such like, receive very littio car and attention, being planted in gardens ami allowed to grow and thrive as best they may; and they are in no way dil atory, and attain a wonderful growth. Some of the more dslicate plants, such us the fuetisia, we are unable to pro duce, owing to the long and excessive heat. With these few lines I will close for tlie present, and, if favorably received, will do better at some future time. A. G. aaii:. Augusta, Me, January 20. In the senate seven fusion senators appeared, were cordially received aud took seats. Aiwell aud Potter of Penobscot t said the interests of their constituency re quited their presence at the boat. 1, and however much might be fcaid in tegard lo the position cf affairs, their duty whs plain. Ia the hotisy twenty-two fusienists took their seats. AroLSTA, January 23 State Treas urer White will turn over the books to the new. treasurer, Iloibro iks, im mediately upon his beicg qualified. The military will break camp to morrnw.- Several additional fusionists are ex pected to take seals in the legislature at once. Arbor Bay, April 21st, 1SS0. The State Bard, by resolution, pro vide that to become a competitor and entitled to the " Day premium, the planting must be doueou tue third Wedaesday of April, 1S30. Premium. For the greatest numbprof tree planted on third Wednesday of April, 1SS0. to include fruit, forest, evergreen, ana ali va rieties $50 00 Greatest number hard wood. ... 23 00 Greatest number cuttings 10 00 For the greatest number of trees planted by one man during tlie month of April, Idyj SO 00 Statements in relation to planting on "Arbor Day" imist be made under oath, with the attestation ef two disin terested witnesses. Four-fifths of the trees must lie alive and in good condition September 10th, 18S0, aud the proofs of "Arbor Day" planting must be filed with the Secretary dur ing State Fair. Premium. For the largest number of foreat trees set out or planted in the p'ace they are to grow, and not less than four nor more tnan twelve feet apart each way, and put out duri'ag.the year 1SS0 830 00 Papers please copy and call atten tion to Arbor Day Premiums. D. II. Wheeler, Secretary. G tApirom, the brumal rhief jut d-;cea--d t AbbiHi2raso, near Mlir.ii fit trie ai;5 of y-, iht; terror of the CampHgiia atooud Home for twenty year, ile was impi Uoiid by Anton el Ji, pllhougli he claimed to ba a cous in ot tiie C.MrdiiiA.1 (!: h writ fr. in r.;.i:o,!, tin til tine capture of 'Home in i ijii', w nc a nc was fc?l tree a mi Rtlowea to pron.en.Hde tho streets of floine, ; where, as (alien hero, he atertrcred j A BILL Introduced hj Ur. Padlock, Jen. S'ltl. Kead twice, and referred to Cea tilt tie oa Public Lauds. To Eqwiltze Homesteads. B3 it enacted by tlie Senate i .. House of Kepiesentatives of tho U'. it ed Stales in Congress assembled, Thac every person entitled, under the pro visions of seeliori twenty-two hundred and eihty-i.ine, chapter five, Itevis -d Statutes of the United Slate?, t eiUti a homestead, w iio may have heretofcif; entered, or may hereafter niter, tinier the homestead laws, a quantity of D i.d less than one hundred and sixty acu-s, shall be permitted to enter bo miuu land as, when added to the quantity pieviously tnteied, shall nt excci'd one hundred and sixty acres: Provid ed, That when such udditiwnal entry cannot be ma Jo f lands contiguous to the original t-nlry of He applicant, 1 t. may select other land elsewhere, L"-S shall not he entitled to a patent ther fr without satisfactory proof to tk General Land ohVe of the planting and contiuuotiii cultivation of fores' or fruit trees on an area of the iauiti equal to ne acre for each forty e.e thereof duriag a period of three year. Crop statistics. Fullep.tox, Xr.B., Jan., 17th, 1830. F.d. Hep.ald: I haye just received the following from Washington, and thinking that it would be of value to your readers, I lake pleasure in for waiding the information to you. DEP'T OK AdKICUETURE. f Washington-, D. C. f B. D. Slaughter, Fsq. Sir: Vat requestor Sunatur Paddock, the follow ing information is furnished you. WJIKAT A ..! IXiRV l'HODCCT KOK 187. U t- 3 j A c W TA V'jtT J.Uf tii iS " Nebrfcka jvansas Wheat I. ir.L.'.bi 1 1 1 3 bu. corn i.w.M.aso Ui " Corn 2.71S.T3f) !33 " ia.043.r: 0S..Vrt.ea ia.hj or rj.7lJ.7V; Very lle;pectfully, Wm. G. L.eDuc, Commissioner. You will see by the above that Ne braska leads Kansas on wheat forl87'j and way ahead en the average per acre of the corn crop. Such statistics as the above are valuable. Yours truly, Gad. (Kd Tfconffhta. . Imag-ce the misery of a prwonsho al ways conceals his re! boif under a niaak; never taking it off even in th mot X iar nicmeuU. DiebS is only an acccory, tiiat should i-cra to belong to tha wearer, and not Lh wearer to ic The hand of Time, imperceptible ia its touch, steals the coior from our opinions; and iiko those who look 011 fadod picture we wonder at kuvhig boon struck wita thtir forc. Au Aucient Odor of Spices. Kature. t An interesting archaeological obser vation has recently been made qui to noi-i. '.cmally. It is well known that urns found on lio;n iu burial grounds, and containing the bone remains of cremated bodies are. often covered with clay cups or dishes. The object of th.e-e dishes was 5'ippoied to liava been to contnin rpiecs, whicdi Bf?ut fwrth agreeable otlors during tlie pro-gre-s of l!:e cremation, lie it Dihiem, a v, el ) a n (lennan aivharologist, wis a:'o to verity thn view in tho fol iov. in ; m-triner : He had obtained a dhli oi li'is kiinl which was broken, A-.'A '.":or ceai'. iitie it, ii i l plaeail it upon a stove for t'jfi purpose of lrv ir.g the cement. Shortly afterward lis noticed a strong and by no means uu-plea-iint odui- provtcdin;; from tho heit.-l dish. It H'teiun, therefore, that the ingi-edi-MiiR btirned in tho dish some centur es go had lefc its. es behind, which announced their prei-ence upon b-coming lieatcd. Herr DThlciii remark that thd odor wasitot unliko that of slorax. Wouldn't Advertise. Inilianapolis News. William C. Ball, of the Terra Hani Gazette, was over here soars time ago, soliciting advertisements for his lira paper. He is a live man and a good Hosteppcd into a large brie X builJinrcn l'eunylvaiil etrcet, be low P jane's run, a td told his story, dwelling on Hie advantac;04 to be ob tained by advertising iu a pa per of th imiiienBe circulation of tho Gazette. Hi bi'duccmeuts were met very coldly, aud his proposals were reftiaed firady, but geiitlemauly. You have no customers LaTemj Haute?" ho itiquired. "No."' 'My dear sir, you fho;ild endeavor to enlarge j-our tiadc. You should make our citizens acquainted with your house and your goods." The fceut'imia'u thought It woul'.' y pay. "Not pay, pir!" Mr. Ball returned to the attack, bripging np statistics from every pocket and giving numer ous cllatious of .successful adveriishig. lie 'ho-re 1 what tJic (Jr.Mtle was ca pable of rs an ad vert idiig medium. "Now, my dear sir, don't you think' by giving iiio au adrertiaeMitnt yoa could extend your buiinees iu Terro Haute?" Then tho man behind the counts? said : "I don't think we can, young maa this is tho gas-works. The Colossal Bronze Statce op Victory which stands in tlie Park, at Lowell, before the tomb of the fiist soldiers that fell in the revolu tion, is a lasting and beautiful trib ute of art. It is one of the first ob jects sought by strangers visiting our sister eit-, which indeed many Tisit purposely to see this elegant object of high art. It was obtained from the king of Bavaria by Dr. J. C. Ay er, to whom His Majesty was espe cially gracious ia acknowledgment of what his remedies are reputed to have (lone for the suflering tick. It wa.4 donated by the Doctor to the City of Lowell aa a permanent and speat-it. emblem of tho victories both of Sei--ence a ad Art. Hoi-stv.R (Mi-) 2euuxe anaithiiassy;