Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 01, 1880, Image 3

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Call this ETninr.
The IlERAl.n house will be happy
to receive nil its gentleman friends
tl.te e vexing from seven to ten.
Mrs. J. N. Wise, receives calls from
cne to eight p. in.
Blind Tom on Ja. 3d.
Commissioners meet Monday.
Go and hear Blind Torn, iuat once.
TLree new firms to commence with
A dance at Bock Bluffs last Tues
day nijrht.
You can't get 312 teams on Main
St., bet n it.
Liederkranz Ball, last night Gra
cious! what a good tira.
The wonderful rianist.Blind Tom,
will be here Saturday, Jan. 3d.
"Wonder if the hard-eaters will be
out to-day as laBt yar. They're rnest
all married.
Mr. Thompson, the new janitor of
the Hall, deserves great credit for hav
ing the floor and room so clean and
waxed bo neatly, on the 29th.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stadelman, and
Solo man & Nathan remembered the
Herald, Christmas.
Matt the butcher has two little
kids that are too cute ''for any use," as
the girls say nowadays.
Thirty teams stood round Bob
Donnelly's, Saturday, waiting to be
lat bored and shaved, &c.
Mi-. Frank Gregory goes to Chica
go to take a position in the Union
Stock Yards of that city.
Covell is here ; so is Boss Mar
quetteOtoe "agin" Casa and Lancas
ter on some B. M. land suit.
The matrimonial boom was a live
no last week. What won't it ba for
the first week of Leap Year?
The Fish Commission met at Oma
lia Tuesday, and Dr. Livingston is t
prepare the annual report, which will
l exeeediHgly interesting.
The reliability of the Sentinel was
plainly illustrated ly the publication
last week of an obituary of one of our
citizsns who has not even been sick.
Phil Young can supply all those
wishing Toys, Candies, Xt:t, &c, for
Sunday schools, or private families,
'Christmas Trees, &c, and save you
noney." 33t4
As no cue but Chaplain Wright
iias attempted make a report of their
improvements thin year, guess you
don't want it very bad. Give you one
swore week.
Mies Prenger returned from a
ihrrs months visit Christmas, and
feund an elegant Piano waiting her.
Xow. that was a Christmas worth
Mike Sciincllhacbcr has four horse
!ioer3, runniug all the time, including
Dick; and when they're crowded
Dick shoes a foot with each hand, aad
raps the heofs with his teeth.
This Manitoba wave business
ought to be abolished; Congress should
annex Manitoba to some cId country
and let her wave, we want none ef her
qaivers; they give us tlis shivers.
Gale.our Jnnetion Conductor don't
take much stock in the Maine business,
Jale was in Louisiana, deputy sheriff,
o nee and the honest democrats-took
tho ballot boxes away with shot-guns.
Saturday and a part u Sunday
nrere n delightful change from our re-"c-.nt
cold weather, but Sunday night
the wind changed nttrth again. ad an
other Mauitoba wave swept down ou
lfcndrieksoa & Dutj.11, eivil and
raining engineers, and Deputy U.S.
.Mineral Purveyors, ju3t had 1,000 let
ter heads printed, which will be ship
ped to Doadwcod immediately for
their use
The well known livery and feed
stable of Alva Drew is still open nd
Mr. D. invites all farmers to call &Hd
receive the good feed for their horses
and charges will ba reasonable and
ftiirtoall. mt
W call attention tthe very well
written article oa the business -of n-4fr-making,by
Julius Pepperberg this
wtsk. A general review of the busi
ness of the town is omitted for lack of
room and help.
A lady in our neighborhood who
Jiad suffered for over three months the
most extreme torture by a violent
cough, has become completely cured
by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. For sale
In every drug store. 1
We ask our correspondents from
Avoca, Threo Groves and Louisville,
with others to have patience until next
week. It was impossible to set up"
their coaimunications this week, cr
account of sickness of help in office.
Lost Ou Christmas eve, some
where, a small buckskin glave, right
hand; has a brass button on wrist, and
the back is stitehed with salmon col
ored thread. The finder will be paid
for fie trouble by leaving the same at
this office.
Prof. Love has just had some "Cer
tificates of Promotion" printed, which
are well worth the trouble of working
for. They are priuted in two colors
n parchment, and can be kept a life
time by those who are so lucky as to"
be promoted.
We hear of but very few ladies
who propose receiving New Year's
rails this year, and bat one or two have
seat in their nnmes to the IIehrld,
The gentlemen Loo so far as we have
heard, have not acted upon the plan of
f 0 h
is ft .':';?
fi:;;i lC?w Y-.-r't c,l'!s will
L. W. Giberson of W. W, was in
G. W. Johnson catne 27 miles last
week, to take a Herald.
Capt. Marshall has been under the
weather, but is pretty lively yet.
L. S. Ilo'verstadt called Monday,
all the way from Avoca, if it was cold.
K. G. MeFarland, which the same is
P. M. at South Bend, was down Tues
day evening.
Mr. Geo. Shrider made the Herald
a very pleasant call Tuesday. So did
J. M. Young. Esq'r.
Mr. W. B. Thomas, returned to
Plattsnv,uth, Christmas day, after a
long vacation in the east.
L. B. Brown, Esq., of Rock Bluffs,
called yesterday and made the Her
ald a New Years' present.
B. Siebold and Levi Churchill called
Saturday, in fact, lots of old friends
dropped in, while the warm days last
ed. Mrs. Woods, a sis'er f Capt. Mar
shall, arrivrd in Plattsmouth last Sat
urday and will make hor home among
Mrs. Milo Fellows and daughter are
visiting in Plattsmouth, the guests of
Mr. D. II. Wheeler and Mrs. Wm
Mr. George Douovan, of this place,
who has been in Omaha sometime past,
came down to eat Christmas dinner
with his parents.
Prof, and Mrs. Sturges of Omaha.
came down to spend a portion of the
holidays with their .friends here, and
attend the Masonic Festival.
David McCaig was in town Tuesday
and the Herald and Dave fought a
duel with- well, with our native wea
pon. There's peace among the "Macs"
Prof. Loves brother-in-law, a Mr.
Newell, was in charge of the train and
teams captured by the Utes lately.
Ho has been unable to hear of his fate
as yet.
Johnny White came down from
Friei dville to see tho. folks, and eat
Christmas cheer. He is so large, we
shall not dare to call him Johnny mnch
The next trial between the bar and
the press (Schulhof vs. Thompson)
nee Morrison, iacontinued next Satur
day, when we slall have a short-horn
reporter on hand.
Mrs. Beardsley, Mrs. Dr. Living
ston's mother, is quite ill, we are sorry
to learn. Nebraska's cold weather
and the change of climate affecting
her lungs severely.
W. II. Newell moves up to town
again, and will buy grain with C. II.
Parmele in the future. We wish Mr.
Newell success in his now venture and
gladly welcome him to Plattsmouth.
James Tucker, son of V m. Tucker,
Esq., an old resident of Plattsmouth,
returned to speNd Christmas with his
friends. James is married, getting
rich and fat, and good-looking all the
Mr. Win. B. Wheeler f Minnesota,
better known to old Plattsmouthians
as "Birncy Wheeler" is visiting his
brother, and looks as if Minnesota
cold weather, which t cold weather
agreed with him.
We are sorry to learn of the severe
illnes3 of Mrs. French, at tho Omaha
Barracks, last week, Mrs. Wise going
up to care for her. She recovered suf
ficiently to come down to Plattsmouth
this week and we hope will soon bo
quite well.
Last month sometime the boys of
the A. F. & A. M. persuasion issued a
writ of Habeas corpus for M.- B. Cut
ler and wife. The writ wa3 made re
turnable on Monday evening, the 29th,
and the defendants both appeared to
answer. By the way "Marl" can stow
in Oysters farming must be a healthy
The Manitoba ware came down hero
and caught Cap. O'Bourke off guard.
The m. w. made a feint and Cap.
a false parry, with a lef Molaeux, old
in. w. twisted his comforter away aud
rushed at his threat, whereby the same
means that he's caught cold and is
turned Igosq in a box stall, at home,
on bran mashes for a few days.
i ;
HJXKLKY DEI.ANEV In riattsmouth. Ne
brufka, December 2')f!i. I87s. at the house of
Mr. Wm. HeroUI. bv Kev. II. B. r,.inres. Mr.
J. T. Hinklev. of Ahl.uit. a:l Miss Nalhe
DtfLi:ieyf (Las Count V : M!e Einiiia Ilerold
a;ul Mr. Frank H;iger ofliuiaiins an brides
maid und grconissiuii .
The bride U wt 11 kuowu to Plattsmouth peo
ple, having resided here. ndifTereut times ; the
groom U traveling agent lor a dry -goods firm
in Council Bluffs. The printers showered bless
ings upon them while faastiiis on the bride's
cake, a generous share of which found U9 way
to them. After the ceremony, which made
them oue, Mr. and Mr!. Hlnkley. with Mr. Ila
ger and Miss Ilerold, atleudfd the Masonic
Festival, where many of the friends of the hap
py couple congratulated iem and wished thcin
much joy. They left Tuesday niormus for their
home in Ashland.
WAKliEX- WILES At Liberty Chapel, near
Phittemotith. Ne 1).. Dec. 25, 1879. on tne occa
sion oi I'ubiie l'reat-hiiig. the following per
sons were joined in marriage by Kev. J. A.
keiinfton -Mr. Charlei II. Warner and Mim
Barbara E. Wiles.
After the services of the occasion the mar
riage parties repaired to the residence of the
bride's father, Mr. Stephen Wiles, Plat tsmotuli
where were iret the numerous friends of the
family, who partook of a repast that would, in
point of plenty, do honor to the feast of Cana.
All hearts were happy, and every countenance
looked cheerful as a merry Christmas and a
marriage feast could make them, especially
that of the bride and groom. May their day
beftmg and happy.
M EEMAN-BEAVER At the residence f Pe
ter T. Heaver, Dec. 22, 1379. by C. H. King,
Jiuti'-e of the Peace, Hamilton Weemaa to
Mary M. Beaver.
This makes the thlid child I have married
out of L'ncle Peter's family, aud still there are
more left for others. Watch out, boys, for your
chance. C II. Kino.
CRABTKEE CM BLAND At the residence of
Cyrus Alton, of Elinwood. Dec. 25, 1879. by
Elder Alton, Mr. Allen Crabtree. ot Hock
Bluffs, to Miss Eliza Umbland, of Tipton.
ALLOWAY JOHNSON On Christmas night,
at the Saunders House, by the Rr. J bo. 8.
Gallagher. Mr. Job. Alloway to Miss Mary .
Johnson, all of Cass County.
( The hitching post at the corner f
Fifth and Vine sts., seems to be a fa
vorite place for runaway teams to
bring up at. Last week Cheap John's
team run away and brought up with
the wheel so securely caught that fur
ther progress was impossible. Yester
day a lumber wagon and apairef horses
tried the same dodge and again failed,
being caught befr they had succeed
ed in extricating themselves.
Mr. Secretary J. N. Wise hands us
the names of those entitled to Her
ald's as premiums at the County Fair.
It was thought best to have them com
meace with the year. Their names
are Alvi3 Gramlich, Birdie Irish, E. K.
Parmele, E. B. Sampson, J. Vallery,
Sr., Stephen Wiles. As all these par
ties are already, taking the Herald,
we suggest that they leave the names
f friend3 east at this office, for the pa
per to be sent to, and thereby help ad
veriice the Countv and Towa.
The Masonic ball was more than
atrul if wja iiuf tliA Tioh nailirpn
'.'ji - j w i
best fiddled, best danced ball of the
season. That band was immense, that
caller was immenser, the dancing (es
pecially '"The Lancers,") was still more
immenser; and the way we all went
hrare in the morning at, an early hour,
was exhaustive ef our enjoy mf-. We
sigh for next year.
Quite a large number of the Her
ald snbscribers have been in to pay
us tho compliments of the season the
past week, and substantial compli
ments, too, which we appreciate high
ly, and which were in the shape of a
subscription for the fellowing year,
cash in advance. We should like to
mention their names, but space forbids.
We are always glad to receive a call
from our subscribers and learn what
isgoiagouin the county, and keep
"open house" fr them all the year
We learn from Chaplain Wright
that the opposite ef a Christmas Gift
came to his son-in-law, Mr. W.N. Buell,
aboat Christmas time, in the taking
away frem him by fire f the exten
sive woolen mills . of which he was
proprietor, and which are" known as
theBucll MTg Co. of-Blue Rapids,
Kansas. The fire toek place Dec. 23d,
originating in the fourth story from
some cetton stored there. A portien
of the machinery was saved and all
the wool, but by the lsss sixty-five
men are throWn oat of employment
and their families left witheut a means
f livelihood in the winter-
Amusements to Come.
Blind Tom, Jan. 3d. Emma Leland,
Jan. 5th. T. Tilton, Jan. 21. Goblins,
Jan. 29. Homemade dramatics x x x.
Ladies Leap year parly ? ? ?
Our Goblins.
Of all the really good, and meritorious
amusements we have had here, the
"Goblins" took the lead. It was the
cutest, neatest, 3ost;natural business
we have seen on the stage lately. The
troupe deserve the utmost praise and
the kindest reception wherever they
go. We have not space for a a extend
ed criticism, but assure our Goblin
friends that if they will return to us,
we will give them au overflowing house
Will Bay Highest Cash Price, or
sell on Commission all second hand
Goods, Furniture, &c. To merchants
wishing to close out part or whole of
stock, we guarantee satisfaction. Sales
free for charitable and religious pur
poses. Leave orders at J. Bons & Son.
Grocery and Bakery. 41tf.
It. Dew itt Newton, Auctioneer."
Guilty Of Wrowy.
Some people have a fashion ef con
fusing excellent remedies with the
large mass of "patent medicines," and
in this they are guilty of a wrong.
There are some advertised remedies
fully worth all thatjs asked for them,
and one at least we know of Hop
Bitters. The writer has had occasion
to use the Bitters in just such a cli
mate as we have most of the year in
Bay C:ty,'and lias always found them
to be first-class and has always found
them to be first-class and reliable d
ing alt that is claimed for them. Tri
bune. A CMLB001l.
A Mammoth Coal Compauy tebe Organized.
IT at last:
From the Ottawa (Kas.) Republican,
Yesterday a Republican reporter
met Mr. A. J. lleid, attorney of Kan
sas City, and agent for the Golden
Eagle Mining company, of Central Ci
ty, Black Hills; Mr. Iteid's business
here so vitally interests Franklin
county, and especially Ottawa and
Williamsburg, that it may be well to
give S'me details.
Last spring Mr. L. P. Johnson, vice
president and general manager of the
Golden Eagle Consolidated Mining
company, of Central City, I). T., went
to Kansas City, and went Into the real
estate business on a very extensive
scale. His principal plan was to ex
change the stock of the company for
lands. In this, with the assistance f
Mr. Iteid, and sub-local agents, he has
secured valuable tracts in Kentucky,
Missouri and Kansas. Through Mr.
E. M. Bartholow, of Williamsburg,
this company has recently purchased
the "Kuster property," adjoining the
burg, which comprises some 1,91 acres'
of choice coal land, and is also well
improved with goed buildings orch
ards, timber, water, etc.
But this transfer of real estate does
not constitute the chief interest. A
powerful company is now being organ
ized to develope the coal mines under
lying all this land, and as soon ad the
organization is thoroughly effected vi
gorous operations will be commenced
St. Paul. Mix. January 4th. 1378.
James L. Fellows, Esq.
Dear sir. I have deferred writing
to you ere this that I might be able to
give an account of the effect of yor
medicine. I can now safely say that
it is undoubtedly the best I ever tried
as there can be no doubt that my little
girl is in a fair way ef recovery, and
you must bear in mind, that hs was
a very bad case, and I do honestly be
lieve that had I not given it to her, she
would have been dead ere this; now
she eats hearty and is gaining in flesh ;
the fits are oalr Dartial and rha nfUnr.
of the heart is less terrible ; I am, air
yours very respectfully.
4lt DWaltkr Oaks.
A Itochcstcr Physician's Experience.
- It. Caulkins, M. DM of Rochester, N.
Y., certifies Oct. Gth, 1879, that he has
used the Sale Kidney and Liver Cure
in his practice for diseases of the kid
neys and livt r, and the result has been
satisfactory in the extreme. He says:
"I would now prescribe the same rem
edy to all similarly afflicted, and you
nre at liberty to so state in your testimonials."-
41 12
Nothing is Uglier than a crooked
boot or shoe ; straighten them with
Lyon's Ileel Stiffenera. 41t5
Me"ns' Fine Warth Slippers for 6o cts
at Merges. 34tf
Thirty of the bst oncan mal;ers of the
World are coiupetlture at the Pari Exposition,
a canle dispatch to the Assiciated Press says
two highest gold medals have heeit awarded to
the American makers, juasun a uaninn.
80 r;A Good Hand Made all Calf Boot for
O0J s.90 at Merge'. Hit
Elegant Styles Mason & Hamlin
Organs on hand and corningi
36t2 James Pettee, Gen'l Agr.
$) fi Reaver Opera Coots G $2.00 at
Merges'. 34tf
Highest price paid for Hides, Furs. Wool
etc.. at F.S. Wuitk's. 25tf
Q nfi Oood Hand Made all Calf Roofs for
tiv $3.50 Bt Merjtes'.
We wiii pay Ar:iiU a Salary ot iiuo permouih
ad npiwn, or allow largt eamniaaioa, la cell oar
Bw tad woadarnil ioTtnnoin. H Man c y,
ftaaisi fraa. Addr riMA ACa Mara hail. Miek.
The Best Sewing Machines In the Market
at Merges'. . 34tf
Call on .Mrs Capt. Marshall and
get the new Organ Tutor. 38tf
Remember that for boots and shoes
Rockwell cannot be beat in price. He
has a large assortment. 28 tf.
Collection .Notice,
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to Maldaner & Herrmann, are
requested to settle their accounts on
or before Jan. 1st, 183D, or they will
be placed in the hands of a collector.
40t2 Maldaner & Herrmann".
Farm for Sale !
Consisting of Eighty two acres under
cultivation, with a good dwelling
house and substantial outbuildings, on
Section 3G, Town 12, Range 11, Louis
ville Precinct. Enquire of
31tll J.-SCH LATER, Platt'!"rt"th
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned is this day dis
solved by mutual consent.
Greenwood, Dec, 16, 1879.
A. Bekson,
- 30t3 J. V. Stewart.
Biickleu's Arnica Salre.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions
This Salve is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction in every case or mon
ey refunded. Price 2-y cents per box.
For sale by Smith & Black. Wholesale
and Retail, Plattsmouth. Neb 24Jy.
Free r Cost.
The most wondeiful remedy of the
age is now placed within the reach of
all. Be he rich or be he poor," it costs
nothing to give this great remedy a
trial. Dr. King's California Gol
den Co3IPound, for Dyspepsia, Sick
Headache, Low Spirits, Loss of Appe,
tite. Sour Stomach, Coming up of Food,
Yellow Complexion, General Debility
Inactivity and Drowsine., Liver Com
plaint, Jaundice and Billiousness for
which it is a certain and speedy cure.
No person should be without it. In
ordei to prove that it will do all that
we claim for it you are given a trial
bottle'ree of cost, which will convince
you of its truly wonderful merits, and
show you that you what a regular oue
dollar size bottle will do. For sale by
Smith & Black, Wholesale and Retail,
Plattsmeuth, Neb. 29eGwly.
You Mast Cure that Cough.
With Shiloh's Consumption Cure, you
can cure yourself. It has established
the fact that Consumption can be
cured, while for Coughs, Bronchitis,
Whooping Coughi Asthma, and all dis
eases of Throat and Lungs, it is abso
lutely without an equal, Two doses
will relief e jour child of Croup, it is
pleasant to take and perfectly harmless
to the youngest child, and no mother
can afford to be without it. You can
use two thirds of a bottle and if what
we sny is not true We will refund the
price paid.' Price 10 cts 50' cts, and
S1.00 per bottle. If your Lungs are
sore or chest or back lame use Shiloh's
Porous Plaster. Sold by Chapman &
Smith, Drugtfists. . ,
Have you Dyspepsia, are you Consti
pated, have you a Yellow skin; Loss
of Apptite, Head Ache, if so don't fail
ZER. It is guaranteed to relieve you,
and will you continue to suffer when
you can be cured on such terms as
these. Price 10 cts. and 75 cts. Sold by
Chapman & Smith. Druggists.
Well's Persian Perfume "11ACKMF
TACK" is rich and fragrant, try it
Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggists
Plattsmouth Neb. SSlyeow
The Latest Disco re? j.
Of more value than any Silver Mine
in Colorado, is German Catarrii
Cure: a remedy prepared especially
for the cure of Catarrh and severe
Colds in the head, that invariably lead
to Catarrh, which are so common in
this climate. Remember that Catarrh
if not checked promptly, goes to the
lungs, and ends in Consumption. Each
day's delay, lessens the chances ef cure.
Price only 50 cts. For Sale by the
Manufacturers, Brown Medicine and
Manuf'g Co., Leavenworth, Kansas,
and all Wholesale aud Retail Drug
gists in the West.
h vim? till vi n3
fins 111
Frill f I
Brown's Cough Balsam.
Will enre that cough. It cures by al
laying irrritation and producing easy
expectoration. It is the most reliable
Cough Cure In the West. Beware . f
remedies that Contain stupefying opi
ates. . Is your thrtfaf sore? Are you hoarse?
Are you not neglecting what may lead
to a bronchial or lifngdisease ? Brown's
Tar Troches will cure that hearseness
and soreness and strengthen the voice
For sale by J. IL Buttery. Smith &
Black, and O. F. Johnson,-Plattsmouth
Asking all to Call upon TJs during the Holidays, and View Our Stock of
nnn ILad!e' aud (breotfs9 firae gold and silver
JUL Y7"r v I5 Kof or StonA B SlTV v
akef9 Mugs5 Jfapkitt Hng9 efco ILasMes5 acMl
K-eiat9 golsl and 'plated cliaiHfieiaiQl4niae Sib leigDa5
t!Mi9 lMiftoo9 Ioei&et9 rng9 pbb9 and aBnot of flee
airtiele for the psarpe of pseeiat eaiaikiBsg
richest tyle and pattern from the Iiest nialker
Ladies' Sets, in Cameo & Colored Trimmings,
an.l all articles to foe found in a IFancy torco All
are partaculariy mvfited to call aiad view the
f New and Elegant good9 and
he assured you will he eogually a welconn
whether yos desnre to purchase or not.
"2T. B. I have a First-Class Engraver in my employ, and all Goods bought of me will be NICELY
jgjsr- ij3j?jsrsj stock: ojt clotsijstg-
Everything for MENS' and. BOYS' WearV
Hts and -rMtpbep gd?d ; 0tBaj fr miit 5
"Piece god" f the fi!iBet fafefi'les in tho
lasid, Eisade sip at seaiBale rates aa&d
li Traawaid a no sale
have a large tocl of good9
they are good god9
asad latet tyle
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them here to sell. We
are n that business ; 3Dnr
business is to mBm mMfra uoisrs
f to feny them9 aeel to buy tisenai at
'the feest place yn caaa. We tMsiIs. 011a firsaa
I tiae be'st place t hsay tlae3aa9 and dosa't fos'gef It.-
of Ready Made Goods.-