THE IlEI?.A.TZ)-SU&lLEJfEjVTjLir. PLATTSMOl'TII, DEC. 25. 1871. All Dead. e; roil Free I'ltu. Six months ago n colored man liv ing on ludiana street gave a white man living on Third street his note of hand for $20, due in six months. A wni.e inan living on Beaubien street indor.-ed it, and (lie holder soon sold it to man living on Twenty-fourth street. The note fell due last Saturday ami was in the hands of a widow, who-e husband died four weeks ago. In tracing up the note it was found that the maker, the indorser, aud the two men who had held it were all dead, though every one was in good health when the note was made. Learning of this 6tnte of affairs, the widow made no effort to collect payment, but tore the note in pieces, fearful that some bad luck might come to hor. Silvering Mirrors. An improvement in silvering mir rors, by which excellent results are obtained, and which at the same time spares the workman the danger of the exposure to the effect of mercurial va pois, wiys the Scientific American, has jnt been accorded a price of 2,500 francs by the French Academy. The inventor is M. Lenoir, and his proce dure is substantially as follows : The glass in first silvered" by means of tar taric arid and ammoniacal nitrate of double cyanide of mercury and potas sium. When, the mecurial solution has uniformly over the surface, fine zinc, dust is powdered over it, which promptly reduces the quicksilver, and i it to form a white and bril-ij-'i.i "ilver amalgam, adhering strong ly i the glass, and which is affirmed to Si; irifi l'roin the yellowish tint of ordintry silvered glass, and not. easily Hlleeted'by sulphurous emanations. A Dog's Joke o:i His Master. Palmyra (Wis.) Eoterrfrise. A gnutlemnii connected with the U. S. Lake Survey in this city was en gaged one day on the kirt of a wood in Indiana. Near him. sleeping lazily in the sun. lay his faithful dog. Tiger. Thinking to have sou e fun with the dog. he gave a shout and a jump into the thicket as itall the game ever pro tected by game laws fnm marauding tin ter was dashing through the bush es, as he expected. Tit r came hound ing and barking to the fray, and soon delected the tri-k that was played up on him, sneaked back to his lair, aud laid down aifain. The Surveyor re unified Ins "duties, and was hard to work for two or throe hours, when, all nt once, the dog rose from his sleep, set his ears and eyes in the direction of the woods, gave a bark, and made a rush for the former depths. The Sur veyor followed the noble brute to a lrie..up which he was sending canine ongritulations to the prey : but when he Surveyor came, and bogs' n anx ously to scan the boughs for the hid ing game, Tiger gave a sali-fied "ah wooh!" betowed a glance, of con tempt at the Surveyor, and, striding a dignified gait, stalked back to his couch with the appearance of a dog that had squared up all accounts with the Lake Survey, and had left nothing due on either side. A Pica for Smoking" husband. A lady w ites as follows to a western newspaper: "Make a home a home. and make it one in every sense of the' word. .My husband isa great smoket he loves to play cards, dominoes and chess; he is at liberty to smoke in any; room in the house, and I am always ready and willing to join him in any! of the different games. I endeavor to be not only a helpmate, but a compan ion to him. and the result has been that I have and enjov his society I rauuot understand why women will i tin the risk of losing their husband's sueiely and love merely for the sake of gratifying an overlatidious taste. D they do not like tobacco did they ob ; ject to his using it in the days of court ship? And if they objected then and failed why did they marry? If men will not give up such habits at the so licitation of their sweethearts, it is not likely they will Im; persuaded out of them by their wives; therefore I think it unwise for a woman to risk' her happiness by quarreling with her liiuband over a fault, theexistence and! extent of which she knew and perfect-; ly understood be to re she took upon1 herself the duties ot a wife." J&Z DOVEY'S AD. NEW FIRM! tM1 w. !ti! Highest cash price paid fr live hogs bv E. (. Dove & Son. 37l6 AT JULIUS PLPPEIiBERU'S. A new brand of Cigars "THE PRESENT' especially for Christmas gifts, at $1.50 per 1kx. fifty in a box. Also the and Jt-TETW GOO DS I Relations of Flowers and "BUCKEYE," B. & M. It. I "PINAFORE" Bran Is., sold at reasonable prices. PIPES direct from the I in potters, will he sold in job lots or at retail at very low prices. CIGAR CLIPPINGS ! from the very best Spanish and Amki:-- j K'AN Tobaccos, at "3.1 c-tiis per lb., dry j weight. All Goods warranted to be of the Very Best Quality. Remember the place, I :58t4 JULIUS PEPPERBERG. JXO. HONS & SON, BAKERS AND CONFECTI ONERi At O. liuthinan's old utore. A FULL LINE OF Staple and Fancy Groceries,! MEW AND FRESH. BREAD STUFFS, of every description. Choice and Fancy Candies and all kinds of Canned Goods. w. nil. Insects, i For some vears past since the pub lication of Darwin's researches we1 have been accustomed to look on the j forms, colors, perfumes, and nectar- : like secretions of flowers as so manv adaptations and contrivances to secure i the visits of insects, and the consequent fertilization of the flower. Recently j however, an observer lias been found! who is bold enough to challenge these opinions of Darwin, Deljuuo, Mueller, I Lubbock, and others. M. Gaston ! Bonnier, after having observed during j the last seven years some 00 plains j in various parts of Europe, conies to the following conclusions, the details j unoii which he founds them bcinr i 'given in recent numbers of the Anuales ; jdes Sciences Nattirellcsand of the Bui- i jletin of the Botanical Society of I France : ! The development of colors in i flowers has no relation to the develop- i ment of nectar. In closely allied spe- ! cies of the same genus, the most con- : spieuous flowers are not those which; are most visited by insects. "2. In dioecsous flowers provided i with nectar the insects do not visit j first the male and afterwards the fe-! male flower. "3. Bees become accustomed to colors, but as much so to those which are iueou-piouous as to loose which are bnlliaiii. For the. same- weight! of honey a green surface is as freely: visited as u green surface with a back- i ground of red. I "1. The development of fep.ts and stripes on the corolla has no relation I to tlie production of nectar." i M. Bonnier, w ho has studied the : u-rm4intoipn.Wonl, Canvas, lard Board anatomy aui opposition oi me nectar CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, of ike best brands. CHRISTMAS TOYS, dC, dC, in endless quantities. Fresli Bread Daily. Don't fail to Call. I 38ly J. BONS & SON, Prop's. kcr & Do. INVITE THE PUBLIC TO INSPECT THEIR LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF MERCHANDISE, CONSISTING IN PA RT DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, BLANK ETS, FEATHERS, CLOTHS. AND CASSIMERES, BEAVERS, RE PELL A NTS, CLOAKS, DOLMANS KNIT SACQUES. AND JACKETS A FULL LINE OF Underwear. Ladies1, Gents', and Child- rtns Knit Gauds, Such as foods. Scarfs. Niibius,Fanry Hosiery, Mittens, Etc., in ttutless Profusion, Yarns of all !ivds.Zijthyr. 'OUR GROCERY STOCK! j I Is th most complete ill the city, COFFEES, All Grades, j GREEN AND ROASTED. j T iSf (Jtist try 'era.) j S YRUPS, Pure Maple. SUG. R HOUSE, j NEW ORLEANS, SORGHUM, Etc. DRIED FRUITS, Of All Kinds. Canned Goods of ah kindji,Crackers, f resit from Laker y. Choice brawls of Flour. Oat and Corn Meal, Graham, Etc., Tobaccos, all Kinds, PI ug. Fine cut and Smoking. secreting organs in a great number of pl.inis, points out thai these accumu-: iaiions ot saccharine material occur usually in parts of the plant where! development is going on actively; a j :u young leaves or young ovaries. ; Whcu the emission of liquid ceases,' the sacciuu ine matters contained in the 1 ueciar.e.s ivliirn into the plant, aud are probably ited up by the nei boring parts in the course of this de velopment. In tact, the nectaries,! whether floral oa ex tra-floral,whelher j they excrete liquid or not, act as res- i ervoirs of nutriment which is in di- rect relation to the life ot the plaut. J Mottoes. The Best. Line of Oloces. in the City, direct from the Factory, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Etc. Qneensrvare and Glassware, Wood and Willow Wares, Table and Pocket Cutlery, nails by carload, forks, Scoop-shovels, Sjwdes awl Feed-Baskets, Etc. t All of which were bought of First -Hands, FOR CASH. AND WE WILL MAKE IRvG-IILSrS YEBT OLOSEJ. ffjf-Give U3 a call, and we will guarantee to give you satisfaction in qiCki ity and price of goods or no trade. 34-w8 XY. II. BAKER & CO.