'J THE HERALD LOCAL NEWS. -Culer and Vinegar at F. S. "White's. 92 - Xice Christmas Slippers at Mer ges. 39t3 The "Gabblers" next Thursday Might. Frssli Chestnuts at the T. O.News Depot. s3t2 Keenan & Grace. Head Ad. else where. 3SL3 Quite a henvy all f snow, Tues day night. See KeeHan & Grace's Ad. Holi day goods. 38t3 Shell Bark Hickory ttuts, at the P. .O.News Depot. 3t2 Choice Raislts aad Bates at the P. O Xews Depot. J9t2 ' Did you read "Santa Claus" letter ju aather colucaa. "812 Presbyterian S. S. bare a Chriat ia tree; Christraas eve. Call oa Mr;. Capt. Marshall and gt the new Organ Tntr. SStf Janauscbek the great living ac tress. Philadelphia Times. Pare apj! Vinegar and Michi gan sweet cider at F. S. White's. 39t2 Jaiaauschek Is oue of the jjreat thiois of the stage. -Chicago Tiuips. Don't fail t take a look at the 2fewT)rgn at Mr. O. F J ohusou'slf. Christmas Tsys, sixty par cut cheaper than ever at J. F. Be us & Son. 39 12 Den't fail t read the letter writ tea by "Saata Claus in aoether coi ns a. 3812 Bay year sweet heart a bouquet r basket ef fiwprs, at Muora's Gretu- lieue. Saata Class says in his letter that his hdquartrs are at the P.O.News Dopot. 382 Order year cat flowers early, so I shall be able to furnish yeu just what von want. Llewellyn Wooke. Jiessiua Iiaoas aa Valeccia Oranges for Christm. at the P. O. 7ew Depat. 3St2 We nudarstand a supper lit t be &ivett the Episcopal Snncly School. HiristMias ere. Everyoae indebto4 to Smith & Elack are requested to settle by tke first of Jauuery. Stitf - Everybady rush iate Swlth & Klack's aad get your choice of Books bfwre it is Wo late. 83t2 The raail'cauie wres the river yesterday Morning. fr tLe first tim .ioe the river froze. Doa't forget to pay p aad in hJ auc, s,nd then nnine your Christinas or New Year'j preasat. Lhrga'. Stock ol fine caudle aad 7Tevsver exhibited ia Plattameutb, kt the P. O. News Depot. 33t2 -The enerinous stk of fine woel jjeocla for ladie' wear kejit by Win. Xeroli is faat goiug; call. - Little Fannie Gibb fell ofT the Cth Street bridge, near Vifte, ou iiouday iiad was picked up unconscious. Dwn't forgot to read the extra, kre will bp foflnd the Toiuperancs Column, local and regular ad3. If.yu want to save Kinney go to the P. O. News Djpot, fur your Toys, aad Holiday goods, caudias. etc. 38t2 We shall try aad got the paparout n Wednesday before Christina , Bring your Ads in Tuesday. Roiuem br. 33t2 Get your teilow a button-hole bou quet for the "Masonic, and Moore's 3reauIiouse or at Pkil Yoang's is tho place to get it. Natural flowers for Christmas, the Vfasouic Ball and New Year. Leave orders with Phil Youug, ot come to the greenhouse. . Lew. A. JiwoRE. The Lincoln Democrat steuis to tare an informant froai this city, and that informant dratra pretty largely a his imagination for items. - Phil Young cau supply all these withiug Toys, Candies, Nuts, Ac, for Sunday schools, or private families, Christmas Trees, &c, aad have you .money. 3SU Hold your orders for Candies, and Christmas Tree trimmings, .until you see Phil Young's Stock in that line, largest ever offered in the city at low piicee. 33t2 Two drunks last week before J edge Vivian ; one of thern lauguish ttth ia the cosier for 30 days and and the ether oue more fortunate, got off for 81 aad costs. Bottom Trices for Holidays on Masou & Hamlin Organs, apply to or address, .Iamks Puttek, Oftice ia O. F. Johnson's Drug Store, Plattsmouth. Neb. oCt2 Several complimentary seat3 have been reserved for the minstrel show to-night, but those engaged for 5)c are scarcer thaa hen's teeth. That wines from not advertising ia the Herald. Grand opportunity to get a first class Organ for the Holidays. Ifason Hamlin expelled by none. 8Gt3 James Pettee, State Agent. - One theatre-goer in Lincoln bought twWe saats for Janauscheck, before breakfast. Like to gee Lim buy 'em her?, before or after breakfast, unless he likes the Gallery or top ef the stair way. - Remember Phil Yenng makes a specialty of Toys, Juvenile Bootes, Pho to nnd anthograph albums, Dolls. Doll Heads and Bodies, China ware, Vio lins, Acfirdeo:i", and Harmonicaa. O.mdiKS, Nuts and Fruits of all kisds, j will be nndei-.-rj.. Personal. J. W. Jennings adds hi3 name to our fast increasing list for the Her ald and Chicago News. We neglected to mention last week the quite serious illness of Mr3. Love, which necessitated her absence from the school room for seme days. We are glad to leara she is somevVhat better. Mr. Tajlor Ray, who has been farm ing near South Bend for some years, has gone up to the Niobrara to hunt up a homestead. He stopped at the Herald long enough to order the same for his father in Mo. Success to you, and watch out for the Ked skins. Prank Currutk Will give a grand shew To-morrow afternoon and evening at his store of Christmas and Holiday goods. S9t2 Smith & Black have received taather invoice of the Many Goods consisting of wagons, sleds. Ac, also they have some perarabulators for "Our New Baby." 3912 Charley Gygcr is going to follew ia the footsteps of his brother "Will, judging from appearances. Jin opch piHS the saice position with Mr. Beeck in the cabinet dfpartm6nt. Don't forget to go round to Frank Cnrruth's and see the Grandest Dis play of Holidav gods ever shown in thi city, Friday p. m. ad evening. Ducks! Geese!! Turkeys!!! Chick ens!!!! and in fact anything aad every thing in the meat lice that heart coald wish for Christmas "wear" at the old reliable, Anthony G. HattV 39t2 People in ge&eral must remember that the only place in Plattsmonth where yeu can get all kinds of books for a Christmas present for both young and old i at Smith A Black'. 39t2 January is fast approaching and oar old accounts are not being paid up. We have boon very leuient but do need money very badly aad after Jan uary we shall collect by law if possi ble. Tinnell, the peripatetic, tumbled off the bridge on Cth street and con cussed his shoulder. If somebody dou't fix that 'ere bridge there'll be a compound concuss on general princi ples soon. The new bakery of J. Bobs A Son is being re-painted and otherwise clean ed and fixed up. A vast change is al ready discernible, and will be a deci ded improvement to lower Main, when completed. Phil Young received a telegram to back the Hall on the CSd. for the "Gob blers." Who or what it is no one seems to know. If thev are genuine (turkey) gobblers, they are coming just iu time for Christmas dinner. We call attention t the Ad of Mr. T. II. Staneiforth, Proprietor of a new no sat market. Mr. S. aims to pre pare himself to aupply the war.ta ef the commusity with anything in his liite. Give Lias a trial. The "C-Be-Joyfui" dance was rot very will attended en Thursday eve list, and t'hwse who did attmd almost wishtfd they had fctuyci at home, as the Kail was colder thau four barns. It is t be !:ped that the new Janitor will attend to basiarss ad "bar the doers." A change- in'ths time table ef the B. A M. went into effect last Sunday, by which the laorniijg freight leaves here at 7:10, a. m., thirty ninnies .ear lier than heretofore, and the evening freight from Omaha leaves there at 6:80 j'. m., and arrives here at S :t.i, a half an hour later than previously. Thera is a store in Chicago called the "C" Store, because the man's name tuat keeps it is nanied "See" They keep an infinite variety and quantity of goods of all kinds and descriptions aud a Nelraskan who weut there thought it was the Sea Store, because they hail evory thing to sell from above the earth, under the earth and on the earth. Mr. F. J. Holmes an enterprising yung Farmer, located 3outh of Eltn wood, called on us and ordered the Herald. Mr. Holmes is working iuto fine stock qaite extensively, among which are the Canada, Poland China Hogs. He has just 'purchased from Mr. Pettee the Hue ICssex Hog, from Vandoren's Stock, "the original Im porter" of the Essex breed. Only five days more in which to take advantage of our Christmas Pres ent offer. HERALD CHRISTMAS TEESENT OFFER. Five days more and the time to take advantage of our Christmas present offer will bo up. Hurry in your sub scriptions, for we are exceedingly anxious to give every one of our sub scribers a Christmas present. The lecture delivered by Mrs.Nin de last Thursday evening in the Pres byterian church on the subject of "Ja pan," and its missionary work, was not largely attended owing to the bad weather and other causes but was much enjoyed by the audience present. Mrs. Niade devotes the proceeds of these lectures to the purchase of extra grounds for the children's school in Japan, which is under the chargo of the Woman Foreign Missionary Soci ety of this country. The Reading Room. According to previous announce ment, a meeting was held at the Pres byterian church, Tuesday afternoon, which was attended by a goodly num ber of ladies to devise ways and means for re-opening the reading room. The great difficulty seems to be to obtain a suitable room. A numberof projects were talked up. and committees ap pointed to make further arrangements, and report at a second meeting to le held Saturday afternoon, at the Pres byterian church, at 2 p.m. All who are interested in this subject are earn estly invited to be present, and aid by their presence and counsel tbw import- Rilt.SUtijett. Jap Tear; Ahoy. The young gents who will keep "open house" on the first day of Jeap Year. 1880, should furnish us a list of names, so that the girls may know where to call, Eh? Christmas Goods! Must be sold to make room for a large stock f groceries, regardless of cost. J. Boxs A Sox. 39t2 Dress Goedi. No end to them; nobby patterns for Christmas trade. Don't fail to call and examine, at Guthman & Wertc bach'a. Everybody lavited Friday afternoon. and evening, Dec 19th, to witness the grand display of Holiday Goods, at Frank Carmth's. 1 BOOTS AND SHOES down! READ! READ!! Women' warm slippers $ Men's wool lined ahoes 2 " " boots 2 " beaver " 2 00 00 00 Christmas slippers, lots, cheap and beautiful. Peter Merges. 39t3 Christmas Eve at the M. E. Church. There is to be a children's reception at the M. E. church Christmas Eve. FarenU and friends of the school in vited"" to bo present. A Christmas Praise Service, consisting of songs, re sponsive reading and declamations by the children, will occupy the first part of the evening, after which the chil dren will bs served with refreshments Ac. Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned is this day dis solved by mutual consent. Greenwood, Dec, 16, 1879. A. Beeson, 39t3 J. W. Stewart. The Tragic (Jaceu. Almost within our own time, there have been four, Siddons, Rachae, Ris teri, Janauscbek. Ristori lias gone to rest in her sunny Italian home. Siddons and Rachael are rusting in the heme that is beyond this world. Janau scbek remains alone in Lei glory, in comparable and - unapproachable. Through the grandeur ef her acting, there shines constantly the light of genuine womanliness. In no charac ter does she show this more than in Lady Macbeth. Her imperiousness at one moment, and the subtlety of her persuasiveness at another, are beyond description. Those who havo heard her before will be sure to bear her again. Burlington Hawkey e. llihcst price paid for Hides. Fur. Wool, trte.: t F. S. White'. 2f.tl Guod Kami Mat! Rll Calf Bot tor at, ileivea'. 3iit A Lady's WLh. - "Oh, Low I do wish tny skin was as clear and soft as yours,' said a lady t her friend.' "How?" iuqired tho first lady. "By using Hop Bitters, that makes pure rich blood and blooming health. It did for me as you observe." Read of it. SANTA CLAUS. Little Roys and (iirls Everywhere. Snow Castle, Iceland, ( Dec. 1st, 1S7.). My Dear Children: Once more I greet you with the "Merriest Christmas" and "gladdest New Year." Don't fail to see what fine present I have for you in store at Phil Youno's Headquarters for my Christmas presents. New, my dear children, you must lemember that I am getting old and feeble, se that I cannot visit you all as in lij younger days, sol would beg you to lighten my burdens, by going to J. I'. Young, at the P. O. News Depot, and select such gowds as you want me to. bring you for your presents, ask Phil to la bel them plainly, or write me a letter in care of Phil Young and my word for it, yoa shall have everything you ask for. But be sure aad don't forget the place, and by being go.jd children you shall bt rewarded accordingly. I am as ever, yours, affectionately, 38 1 2 Santa Olajus. Rev. Wm. II. Chapman, Pastor of M.E. Church, Georgetown, D. C., writes: "Having had an opportunity to tet the excellent qualities of l3r. Bull's Cough Syrup, 1 hesitate not to say, it is the best remedy I have ever used iu my family." Card Writing. All those wishing calling caris, written either with plain black or col ored inks can obtain the "same from the undersigned, at the following prices: Gold or silver edge, round corn ers, 20 cents per dozen, or two dozen for 33 cents, plain white Bristol 15 cents per dozen or two for 23 cents; 10 cents per dozen vr three for 2." cents where cards are furnished. Satisfac tion guaranteed or money refunded. W. H . Pool, 39tf Eight Mile Grove, Neb. Sherwood's Boot aad Shoe Factory still carrips the Lead. 37t2 Gloves and Mitts, a fine line kept at R. Sherwood's. Christmas Presents. Fancy slippers at Sherwood's cheap. 37t2 One pair of boots or shoes saved every year by using Lyon's Patent Metallic Heel Stiffeners. " 37t4 The Rest Sewiug Machines in the Market at Merles'. MtX Tor Sale. Two splendid building lots, No.'s 9 and 10, block 4G, beautiful location on hillside, northwest of Congregational church. Apply to O. L. Palmer, Chariton, Iowa. For hale. Two splendid building lots, No's 9 p.v.d UK block 46", beautiful location on hillside, northwest of Congregational church. .Apply to O. L. Palmkk. C'vtntort. Towa. Obituary. Died thte month, Mr.SanticIause after a long and fatigued journey, lad en with Christmas Presents on his way to Plattsrhouth and ordered them sent on to Smith A Black. to be sold at Bottom Prices, they are also adminis trators of his estate and all persons having claims against said estate will be justified by railing Yours Respectfully, Smith A Black's. For al. Dwelling bouse, brick and stone, 2 lots in block 30, next block southwest of Bank. Apply to O. L. Palmer. Chariton, Iowa. Hogs ! Regs ! ! Dead hogs wanted immediately; the farmers or others will Gnd ready sale for all hogs that die oh thir hands, at prices varying from to 1 ents per pound. Bring them on to 37t3 Miller A Co. at Streight A Miller's Harness Shop. r- (f Heaver Opera Boots $2.00 a? 5-.U. Merjres'. 34t Farm for Sale I Consisting of Eighty two acres under cultivation, with a good dwelling house and substantial outbuildings, on Section 30, Town 12, Range 11, Louis ville Precinct. Enquire of Sltll J. SCHLATER, Flattm""t.K. For Sale. Dwelling house, brick and sfone, 2 lots in block 36, next block southwest of bank. Apply to O. L. Palmer. . Chariton, Iowa. W a will ;y AKt'iiUH s-tury oi Luu per mouui ai tiuMf, or mi low 1sjh cui tiiuaton, lo our Be md wtmuvrful in vnlivu. i u?tv ukai uecay, enaUUfiftA. A4Jlj4Seia4I 4 CX- M"tAidL, iallflU. FOR SALE. Business lots, ssuth east earner Main and Fifth sts., cheap far cash. Apply to O. L. Palmer, Chariton, Iowa. Xotire Is hereby given to each and erery one knowing themselves indebted to me to Kettle prior to January 1st. 180, as after that date all accounts will positively be placed in th hands ol a col lector. W. H. SCHILDKKKCT, 85tf OiTiee at Smith & Black's Store For Sale. Two splendid building lots, No.'s 9 and 10, block 40. beautiful location on hil! side, northwest of Congregational Church. Apply to O. L. Palmer, Chariton, Iowa. Bucklens Arnica Salvo. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions This Salve is guaranteed to give ier fect satisfaction in everv case or mon ey refunded. Price 2." cents per box. For sale by Smith & Black. Wholesale and Retail, Plattnuuth, Neb. 241y. For s.sie. Dwelling 1 and stone 3 lots in block 30, next bbck southwest cf bant, Apply to O. L. Palmer. Chariton, Iowa. For Sal. The eld Platte Valley Hotel, comer Main and Fourth s!s., lot 00x140 feet, title clear, possession given, cheap for cash. Apply to O. L. Palmer, Chaiiton, Iowa. For Sale. The old Platte Valley Hotel, corner Main and Fourth sts.. lot 00 by 144 ft. titlj clear, possession given, cheap for cash. Apply to O. L. Palmer, Chariton, Iowa. New Lot ef Case Goods for Christmas and Holidays, Brandies, bottled, Scutch whisky, Irish whisky, Boutben and Ales, bottled beer and wines of all kinds, at 38t3 Keenav & Grace's. For Sale. The old Platte Valley hotel, corner Main and Fourth sts., lot GO by 140 feet, title clear, possession given, cheap for cash. Apply to O. L. Palmer, Chariten, Iowa. Dr. Zing's California Golden Com pound. Is a strictly vegetable preparation, and will positively cure Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Acidity of Ste:nach, coming up of Food, Pain in pit of Stomach, Low Spirits, Biliousness, Constipation. Jaundice, Liver Com plaint or any affection of the StKiach or Liver, in the shortest time possible. Yeu are not asked to buy until you know what you are getting. There fore, aa 3'ou value your existence, do not fail to go to your Druggist and get a trial bottlertff of charge, which w ill show what a regular ono dollar bottle? will do. Ask for Dr. King's Cali fornia Golden Compound. ad takn no other. Sold by Smith & Black, wholesale and retain, Plattsmotuh, Neb. 27e6wlv For Sale. Business lots south east corner Main and Fifth sts., cheap for cash. Apply to O. L. Palmer, Chariton, Iowa. Ton Must Cnre that Congh. With Shiloh's Consumption Cure, you can cure yourself. It has established the fact that Consumption can be cured, while for Coughs, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma, arid all dis eases of Throat and Lungs, it is abso lutely without an equal, Two doses will relieve your child of Croup, it is pleasant t tafce and perfectly harmless to the youns-it child, and no mother cau affoid to .i v. i hunt it. You can use two thirds of a bottle and if what we say is not true we will refund the price paid. Price 10 cts. 50 cts, and 1,00 per bottle. If your Lungs are sore or chest or back lame use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggists. Have you Dyspepsia, are you Consti pated, have you a Yellow skin, Loss of Apptite, Head Ache, if so don't fail to use SHILOH's SYSTEM VITALI ZER. - It is guaranteed to relieve yon, and will you continue to suffer when you can be cured on such terms as these. Price 10 cts. and 75 cts. Sold by Chapman Sc Smith: Druggists. Well's iVisian Perl ume "11ACKME TACK" is rich and fragrant, try it Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggists Plattsmouth Neb. 331yeow UEAL ESTATE CITY AND COUNTY, IX ENDLESS QUAXTZTIES. sti WILL. S. WISE. tlffWffP fffi flip! PFfllltl Hr II ,jins Asking all to Call a fl H & ep 2 na ft? eve? 3 &3 iby y -eiat9 golsl w m mi E M I M Mm I articles Jfor the purpose of presesat Esaalkf aag9 a & 4 tt 3 r;i f?A 'k J3 b w y LS B'iIiesit styles Ladies' Sets, -i m. , v v. J-J "yj '"Ski KsJ Via Vh 'i- asad all articles-1 fee foBiaid isa a Fasaey partlcealasiy iawltea! toe aanrel jn will fee eejfsn&Iiy n welc5i2 wlaetlEep jm deir t pMBSias u&to "1T. B. I have a First-Class Engraver in my employ, and all Goods "bought of me will to HICELY CAUSED, FREE OF QUAEQEv satis eeepypnWjyl Everything Hts siicl A"Eece sfias'7 & uie TI T Jt . c2 p V p9 o Kl DO Q O o o CO P 0 .sbi EH 2 aS -SI Pi Hi r3 O o .-5 OJ3 Q c TO as C O w E-4 5 K - t- f s 5 S the hest plae jm eaia. We thlaak . air Uraaa i the hest place t haay tliesia, and dosa't fFgetit. We have a mBM of Ready Made Goods G JEjSTTS' lUtjsrxSMXJVG- GOO(DSTJHjIJJJVSJ3. OUR mir upon Us during the Holidays, and View Our Stock of ILadles9 ssasl ms&r opts an plated elaafgas"BS2ai(q5s a n w 1 mm . p.atterias, fsosas fkse sasakers.' in Cameo & Colored Trimmings, -rv f. f for MEN'S" and BOYS' Wear. nitotoer gecl Clf.ii9 fr islf 5 K j iiinciM me at reaeauDne rates mui imwe a. large iiej are good V: . ' IWESCOTT t Pi & -f , OWELL, 'A I . mlt? -0 Ni PLATTSMOUTI NEBRASKA. sancd we wrosEsSBl them here t are lia that fei3Isfie !$i3B!9 i to iseK to toisy tlseii2 eisd NAME IS WESGOTT & POWELL TTF1 TiF w-eees9 Use gM t call asaai ffisesf iarBCS -SST! 0 p1 in! i 6' D- o I I i ;f-1 a n 1 1 O a !2 11 o fT O 2' o rr O O T sell.. We ool 9 to feo? fiieiM at 3 el silver lea sleslgsn tre. view tlse Ml mo ease n. -m V. CO P CO CP w FT E2 C5 S2 O a 0 o i-t w X o tr1 o B ' 1 CO P c p CO 5o "5 S3 fd ai