r.agsrfaiLaaswfcji4'3v.y THE HERALD All Sorts. One jrrts a grcit !ti1 of ci-cd.it by jiayinjf a very small tlcbl. Out of 1,015 convicts in the Texas I'cuitcnliarv, 915 caning read or wrkc. It is evident tliat v.'ic earth 'is femi nine, from the persistence with which ehe renin's to tell her age. The height of the passion for music : To await the last judgment with the utmost impatience, in order to hear some angelic trumpet playing. The Yakuts of Siberia have enorm ous appetites ; and Uaplain Cochrane Ptatcs that he has repeatedly seen one person devour forty pounds of meat a flay, and that three" of those gluttons consume a reindeer at ocs meal. The Rev. Mr. wa3 once called upon to marry a man to his fourth wife. As he approached the couple he said : "Please to rise." The man wig fclcd about in his chair a moment and Jinally spoke: "We've usually 6ol!" "Ma," said a little jrirl, "do men want to get married as inucli as women do?" ''Pshaw! what arc you talking about?" "Why, it.', the ladies who come here lire always talking about getting mar ried ; the men don't." Mutual instruction. Ifrmnntia per nnce,& small hoy of live ycirs and a Fmall girl Of fix. Tin hitter questions her companion : "What is vour mouth for?" "To cat with! "And "And your vour eves?" "To sec with'." Jiosc?" "To put your lingers in!" A well-known local preacher in a fcubmban town, while instructing a class of urchins in the catechism, told Ihem that God could do everything, whereupon one of them asked : "Can God make a rock fo big that he can't lift it?" The boy's question remains unanswered. "You made a fool of me," said an ir ritated man to his wife, "and that's the way you got me to marry you." "My love," sweetly responded" the wife, "you do yourself an injustice. Call yourself a fool if you please, but re member that you are in all respects a FClfj-iuadc mnn." Common rc"in prevents the forma tion of acetic acid in fermented liquids without disturbing the process of al coholic fermentation, and it is thought that the peculiar effect of tlie hop is due rather to Us resinous matter than to its oils. The Creeks add retin to their sweet wines. "Tell mc," he said to the doctor, "toll me frankly, is there any hope?" "Yes, sir, a grc it deal. The statistics fhow that one out of every hundred rilectcd with your disease recovers." Well?" "You are the hundredth I have trente.1 for the malady, and 1 have liot cured one of them." A nostrum mined "malco" much vaunted in some parts of Europe as a jirophylactic against the plague and all infection, peases, consists of a little carboi.atc ammonium, scented with oil of roes, and carbolic acid. It is put up in a small leathern case, and is worn susicnded from the neck. The average of mortgages upon the farming lands of France is about o j er cent. In England it is The Unit ed States have but o.0U0,00 proprieta ry agriculturists. France with a vast ly smaller area, has G,0O0,HM ; 5,000,1 00 of whom are small farmers. England lasbut 250,000. landholders, and 12 per cent only of the people till the soil; the rest ate engaged in manufacturing and other i)iirsu its. One million are paupers. THE SJN rFOR 1880. The Sua will deal with the events of the year 180 ia its own lusniou. now pretty wen under rttoud ly everybody. From January 1 until December 31 it will be conducted as a newsna !er. written hi the English language, aud irint ed lor the eile. Ah a newsiiaiKT. TV.e Sun believes In petting ail the news of the world jiroinntly. and present ing it in the most intelligible shape the shape that will enable its readers to keep well abreast m the age with the least unproductive expendi ture of time. the Kie;itet Interest to the greatest number that- is the law -controlling; its daily make-up. It- now lias a circulation very intu-li larger than that of any other Ainerean newspaper, and en joys an income which it is at all times prepar ed" to spend liberally for t he benefit of its read ers. I'eople of all conditions of life and all ways vl tlilnKing buy ana reau inehun; and they all derive eatislaction of some sort from its col umns, for they keep on buying and reading it. In its comments on men and affairs. The Sun believes that the only puiile of policy tdiould be common sense, inspired by genuine American principles aud backed by honesty of purpose. For this reason it Is. and will con tinue to be. absolutely independent of parly, class, clniue, organization or interst. It i for all, but ot none. It will continue to praise what i good and reprobate what is evi!. taking caie that its language is to the point and plain, be yond the possibility of being misunderstood. It is uniiuhieiiced by "motives tliat do not appear on the surface : it lias no opinions to sell, save those winch may be had by any purchaser with two cents. It hates injustice and rascality even Mre than it hates unnecessary word". It ab hors frauds, pities fools, and deplores nincom poops of every species. It ill continue through out the year lsso to chastise the first class, in ftruct the se.-ond, and discountenance the third. All honest men, with honest convictions whether sound or mistaken, are its fi lends And the Sun makes no bones of telling the truth to Its friends and about its friends and whenever occasion arises for plain sneaking. These are the princoples upon which The Sun will be c iidueted during the year to come. The year isso will be one in which no patri otic American can afford u close his eyes lo public affairs. It i impossible to exaggerate the Importance of the political events which it has in store, or tlifl necessity of resolute vigi lance on the part of every citizen who desins to preserve i he Uovernnient that the founders gave us. The debates and actsof Congress, the utterance of the press, the exciting contests of the Republican and Demot-raOc. parties, now nearly equal in strength throughout the coun try, the varying drift of public sentiment, wili all bear directly and effectively upon the twen -ty-fourth Presidential election to lie held in November. Feur years ago next November the will of the nation, as expressed at the polls, was thwarted bv an abominable conspiracy, the promoters and benellciaries. r-f which still hold the olhces they stole. Will tne crime of 1S7G be repeated in lsn? The pas decade of years opened with a corrupt, extravagant, and insol ent Administration intrenched at Washington, The Sun did something towurd dislodiring the pang and breaking its power. The same men pre now intiigui'ig to restore their leader and themselves to places from which they wero driven by the Indignation of the people. Will they succeed? The coining year will bring the answers to these momentous questions. The JSiiu will be on hand to chronicle the facts as thev are developed, and to exhibit them clearly Hiid fear'essly in then relations to expediency' and right. Thus, with a habit of philosophical good hu nor In looking at theminor ulfairs of life, and io great things a steadfast purpose to maintain t lie riht of the people and the principles of the Constitution auaiii-t all agcressers. The 'Hun is prepared to uri.e a truthliil. instructive. J j;mi at tlie same tune e.itenaiBing History oi Isiso. mur rates of subscription remain unchanged. For Jhe Dally Sun, a tour-page sheet of tweaty HgUt columns, the price by mail, po3t-paid. is tScents a nu-nth, or iG..r0 a year ; or. Including - 1 !ie iuad.iv p.ipi'r. aa ci-'ht-pae sheet of fifty-six columns, the price is 65 centsa month, or 7.70 a year, postage paid. " Tlie Sunday edition of the Sun is also furnish ed separately at l.u a year, jnistage paid. The price of the Weekly Sun, eight pages, fifty-six columns. Is $1 a year, postage paid. For clulisof ten sending $10 we will send au extra copy free. Address I. W.ESiI.AKD, 25t Publishers of The Sua. Kew Nork City. J0IIX SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED Carriages always on Hand AND HEARSE FUNERALS. TJUZ NOTICE! I want all of my accounts settled to date, anrt I shall do no more credit business. All old accounts must be settled up. and no new ones will be made, t nless such accounts are settled riattsmouth, fteB, Of Ten Ycar&rDy:!0,-!. Ths Dis charges Thick, Bloody, aid ci Fou! Odor. Senses of SmeH and Tasio Wholly Gone. Enii.-ely Cured by Hcwrs.Wf lt. ft Totter j Orr.tlmr-n irr.flccm Eelled to aO.nov.1 ill-.; -, i , jm.t ben-6t bAxrOKD's IUDl':l. f r-ie lots br.cn to "-. For sn years I li.'.re Ix i .1 nfljl(;ir U v ICi i'.t.a ln.nli.vimo (JlBCkJe, nd c?crl)'y iu Ihr mi. r b-.J it born mott serrrr-. Tfce iM -cunrgc Im-a ui 't n1 Moofly, einltttiiir a f n! Iiir o b.l !'. n.y firence In a room wKa o!h"Tri vtt oJi-tisIvj o tlirm. Onr Wfck aftrr ro TC'Pt;l:K lur 10 of Eaufokd'h Kapicai. CiHK I n-.g iiot tro-ib.l tlij It at all. I.'ys f t it ia :.n5 une.l, w:sl U tnr vhnUj) jroiii-, liv.i tmw fn'ljr r' tcrii d. nr.'l my gco. ral tlCditli la uiucU l.i r; v. it V' U ", MELi.orNTi 1;. roT?r. G kaxs HAPine, Mien., Kov. 8, iuC LATCr?. Vr.t1rTnen; Thi rr.'-knr" cf f:AT"m,a fro arrived bcroto-ntirht nil right. I lnulknow whia I lionld hari donrt ICIt hmi i.iitbTn firi!i!rcraf!y. I have trtPflNllou h'-siuid evrryihliiieiHc.aiil Hhouiili I have Iwcu bMc lonnp ctti'rnMva li Charffu, I havo nnt h'rn nhh- lor' rttvrnir mmis tasto and smll until I trlcl f.v ;F.i:r's.rui. Y'n Can rtfrr any r-ni von cliocwi to m, nnd I wilt ctiecrftilly lnlVrui tln ia 'n cviil a loilic bcucas tii tvnielf lias eca to no. VVrr.' MKi.T5ori;v ; u. fohd. Gxajtd KaPIDS, MlCir v li, latf. SmmWS RADICAL CURE Kot on! v rr'Tnyitly nrrrst". th ccrTrltnr' d'sf hrp lu Calarrli.but, y sympathelic a'tlon, it restore to ouml hco'tli nil td.i crmm of tlif bf't thnt luvs beconic atTcte' 1 by It, aad cxlubll any ol tlie lullo w Inc affectlou: Defective Eyrsfct InP:m-d tnit STaitery Kyrs, l'ninful unil V.it ry tjvs Jom of IIoMrln Earache, Ncuralpiu ol'tb" V.ur, DlacharRCB from t hollar, Kitiiusf N'oUci In tlio iiead. Jjlziiiioi'. X ttou Heiul cbe, l?sin in the Templen, Iaxh of I ho tvensf-8 cf Tasto t1 Hmcll, i;io:igit Ion of the Uvula, Influinmation of tl-.e Tonsila, Putrid KorftThroat, T'ckHngr or If iwUlnit Coucrh, Iironci.itii, wud i;iovl!aj; cC tiio Luues. Karh pm-lcae fnntaini Pr. PAnford's T'nr'rovpd Ir.lm'.lnK 1 ubr, w t.li tall : id circiady ijrp)rcl i:t T ctloi'.kfor uo la till a- a. I'lic-.tl. Ivrsnlby all wh'liabj sn'l retail drtiiri;l and rt.-alcrn t'.riipboiit tho t't'ite.l ft at' )! C -:a . Wf F.KS lul TKT, O-cw.al Aicuti hui. JjIo L rU( frl.rts, lioaou, i ,ira. Voltaic Plasters AW E"rtro-Olvsn!c ratrr. combined Tlita a lilK'ilr Medicated Planter. r.nijlDe tba fTani-t curatlvo aKLUt la tlio world f med'rlne, and utterly f urpaisinif all other 1'iastrre liertoforo In w. 1 hey AC-on-.pl 6l ni"re In one ieelt than the old IMAfters In a wliulo y-iar. Tney do not poll lltla, Uiey ci. They Kflievo 14.11 -ve l:ilcvo Krlicve lvelljvo K?lieve I.'tillevo J-:M-..!va r.slevo A!Tcctlcr.3 Afections Aircctlon A!Ti-ctions AffcctioiiS Chest, Hear- Liver. fplaen. Kidueys. Pploo. Nerves MuacI'j. Jointn. U ne. cfthe Oil.'.! cftlu of tlio Oftlill cft'ia of tlio Au;ctlon Affections AttVctiona ACcctlons Afiectlo:. A fi'-rtlons AllicUous ofth'i of the cftti VftliJ Keilcvo 17o inrtter whe. ir .ir - he the xto-t r.f vour mjfT'P. i -.e.'.rv oic t il i-M' l'laMPr. Heli f t l.-nMnwruv oi.s, a latt mpporlcd by liiniirc.ls of testimonials ia cur piittfMdun. 15.-i.ri i i::md t iat V.f most impor tunt Qiboovcrli'slu pliurmncy lifitv luick lees than ten TArfi. n:id t!itt r- i:ilii'ai:o:!s:l' guaia ami rsenect of ljlants tr.d niirubt w 1 .-reia uidteii xvl?!i fAro. trlciiy It f,-rai 11 ur.itlvo Pl:i!rcr, l.i gootlilnz. h.-ol-lue. tau stn l.lh.-ni::x properli'H a l.ir uniieritir to fclloftii-r i'laaii-i-a Iit. tot on 1:1 u-i tj liio BCiuuUUo pUjL.L.l 1 t lrloo, C5 Cents. iTiiin um m im iiii ir-l j r.rfht to rati f-r rOT.LTVB VOT.TAIC TT-Aa-TElll -Kt yon ctaotne wrilil si lndt.it ion. Sold liy I I Who!- tul.j an l K -t ifl 1 1 liroiiirhoc t!.o l'nltel Mnt o:m! anndns, a -d Ly WilKS ii l'OX I"ro;)r:elor, liob on, -Mi-t". Millions of Mothers express their de light over Castoria. It is nature's remedy for assimilating the food. Unlike Cas tor Oil, it is pleasant to take, and unlike Morphine Syrups, it is harmless. Castoria regulates the Bowels, destroys Worms, Cores Sour Curd and fjmd Colic, and allays Feverishnesa. What cives health to the Child, promotes rest for the Mother. Children Cry for Pitch er's Castoria. It is the most reliable, effective and popular article dispensed by Druggists. Since Healing romedics have been used by SUFFERING MAN has there been known such absolute Pain relieving agents as the Centaur X.iniments They soothe, heal, and cure. They MEAL-CuU, "Wounds. Galls, Old-Sores, Broken-breasts and Sore Kipples ; CURE Pain in the Tack, Rheumatism, Scia tica, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Ear-Ache, Tetter, Pimples, Itch. Salt Rheum, and all Flesh, Bone and Muscle ailments of Animals : SUnDUE Inflammation and Swellings; RELIEVE Boils, Fclons.Ulcers, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Croup and Quinsy ; EXTRACT Pain from Burns, Scalds, Stings, Frost-bites, Sprains and Bruises. The experience of centuries has made the CEMTAUR Xtiniments, the most speedy and effective - ourative agents for MAN and BEAST the world has ever known. The Cental- hare relieved more bed-ridden Crip ples 1 healed more frightful wounds, and saved more valuable animals than all other liniments, ointments, oils, extracts, plasters and so-called "pain killers" and "skin cures" combined. Physicians and Veterinary Surgeons en dorse the Centaur Liniments 1 millions of men, women and children in all countries nse them, and Housekeepers, Farmers, Planters, Travelers, Liverymen, Teamsters and Stock-growers, are their patrons. They are clean, they are handy, they are cheap, and they are reliable. There is no ache, pain, or swelling which they will not alle viate, subdue, or cure. Sold throughout THE HABITABLE GLOBE for 50 cts. and $1.00 a bottle. Trial bottles, 25 cts. A. G. HATT JCST OPENED AGAIN", Kew, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on Main fttreet Comer of 5th, Plattsmouth Everybody on hand for fresh, tender meat. U8T1.06 Including Shooting Outfit. I Every Gun Warranted Hgartii Voyre Jk BrouVs St. Xoia l&sfor 1 1 W2ifi3y K 53 tpr S U .- sr. 1 1 -Kff- -.c, , .r . --a THE mi R MILLER PIAXO-FOKTE Are not only first-class Instruments, but this Establishment may he Justly regarded as one of tlie leading l'i.mo- Forte Mauiifai-torics cf the World. THE FAVORITES IN THE CONCERT HALL. DuriiiK the Season of 1875-1876 the Henry F. Mliler Pianos were used in IJostou and vicinity in more than 1545 t'oiiecrts. Season of 1677-17!. 175 Concert. Season of 187S-lS7t Month of October. Concerts; Month of November, 45 Cone rts None but Hrt clai Pianos tould gain such n quetimed popularity. TIIES& PIA.XOS HAVE RECEIVED The Highest Praise From the Most Eminent Musicians. Of late I have had many opportunities of usinir your Pianos and can stay with pleasure, they 'have no superior in America, and my long experience abroad justifies me in placing them ahead of any foreign instruments of their kind. CllAS. It. ADAMS. Madame Koze and the other artists of my company are delighted with tlie"Miller" Piano, for its rich purity of tone, and the wonderful manner in whicli it sustains the voice. H. Maplesos. In behalf of the Barnabee Concert Company, and particularly myself as tlie pianist of said company. I wish, to express many thanks for the beautiful Grand Pianos of your manufac ture, with which you have furnished us so far this season. With your fine instruments con cert giving becomes a jmsirive pleasure and de light, "so tay we ail ol us " Howard M I consider no other "make" with which I am acquainted, can excel it in any of the qualities tliat constitute a perfect instrument. As an accompaniment for the voice, I know of none I would prefer to your. Mrs. n. E. II. Carter. I take creat pleasure in reeomniemlins the Henry F. -Miller 1'iauos on all occasions where a lirst-class piano is desired. Mrs. II. M. Smith I have known the Fiano manufactured by mt. Henry r. tinier ior many years ana 1 ao not hesitate to say that they take hih rank anion'' the first-clius instruments of any of the best-matters. . caul zkkraiix I consider the Miller Piano superior to all outers 111 tunc mellow ana cintiine; quality fo ac ceptable for voice accompaniments. Mr, is. ALi R Osgood. We were delighted with the Pianos of your manufacture wluch we used during our recent tour in the Lniteu States their charming sing ing qualities rend, ring them especially desiia tie tor accompanying tlie human voice. TllEOlilCINAI, SWKDISH I.ADlliS OUAKTKTTK. form's International ExMMtion 1876. This establishment was tlie only one out of more than forty fiano-torte exhibitor, wnich wh deerecd two awauds for its single exhibit of I'taiios at the Centennial Kxhibitioii. This im the only Extahlixhmcnt that Received a Fpcctal Award for a Xew Invention i'lic Patent Pedul Upriglit Pin no-Forte. Tin Hesry F. Miller Pianos nave received the endorsement of the State of Massachusetts and the CITY of BOSTOINT. They are LEADERS among the FOREMOST riAXUS of Tlie WORLD. HENRY F. MILLER Boston, Mass., U. S. A. JAMES PETTEE, Ag't.. Plattsmouth, Neb. 521y James Pettee DEaLEK int Musical Instruments, Sole Appointing Agent for The furl vailed Maioii A. Hamlin CABINET OliOAKS. Also, the Steck. Ilrnrj- F. Miller, and Ilallet ,t tiiinston 1'iauos lor cass aud arpy counties. ii. Ail i 1 1 VI SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at office. Sixth, one door south of Main St. PLATTSMOUTH, NEK. 3Itis!c .Scholars Will do well to examine our New Mason & Hamlin OUa-AUIUSTBTTCTOE ..: 1 : .1 J t ,1 -. w a 1 i.i S f i 1 'j .' i r . JLjVZH I.NVIiOKATOr.S Ziz -x Utx.l.:?l Faral'.y r..?ra,l for ilia-.-as-.-s of fie L,; vcr. So-i ich JJ -jiuu boC:t. It ia l'urcir 4 v. cr;n lt r r i r r n i T w v v t ;i u u l, rv T( , J A"T P!? .riT Willi TCLI. ITS KEITTATIO. J t J t Vogetibla.-It ncvr-r Q $ JH . s ti ki r trvr 06f 5 STomo. li M M p M Hp?-J, i T e rj H 6 &55 ij8S n 8i5 PPiOF. HARRIS RADICAL CURE 'aiPEIATTOSnffiA. thl; - A aJii !-'- jisi cC:4 . ft "1 fcVur lctrti ir ! : t Nf arid p.iitp yntL i ie ltti ; vfi' i erf t'nc i:i(t.f:r iiu1.rii. J-f tiintl V t$ .t i.i'.t? nl. torjr jUc-t., in.t at fc!natnd l'r.1J.r Tin- nr t Hit- if ' t- d4 Wttn bd t iu r ik irt. i; ctr. it is lirhlr dif(vi-d nJ ri rl. -trJ, r-iu ii' imraetliAMj ftooiluMjc ni4 rrf:o:rie r!-c-; ;.t:: .iir . ul tend. crruu urai -iain.ii v.rtJt.'t4 k-m 'Uk(jU iiistlte mintl to n jit'i ir-firfTr. rh: tN D:mn iA ctit, I'-'Tt-- t 3 thiV i.v. Co ft.. X -x-o rf prn'urfi f r ' rr v . r t'ii trb, n4 Prt.iri '-. f-ii i Vifr, iiTr u ).$ b-en rtmant t-r 1 ii of fc -i.i:r .-vm' tHt-t.n Tfif rrt- ; i.ut f-u fc-; ;ci iKt. E 'ti arc I ( l ;f' "t-r.f 4-I i.r iTit iri.X ; . lid, It : :- - vi:r ti.. r.it ift f y pf'tn.nw Uit4. T'' - : N't ! hit t"ik r:'fl' liuti, Hi'-.-.r;-' . .flM' ! fi. tnr jrw.' i.:'. t that It F' taAfat ft. - I-triig mc UV. TlaT r'-llt it h-lvfc C'll JJt !i: . ikt- i. ..! ot t-:itit.tla ibcv t; 1 1 i tw or rd ly Md;.! VrUf 1 b r? r.t.t ra-Jita iana tH iiBrove.-i 4 t n-t .-nt C t: i r-. : !.; Tt - jr-'t-v-aicnt doubts- t 3t i w:!' ucv fi I be Ihtf" r c-r"m mjM-ryijfti i::v, d rvii ' q.;rekfc f1 t (ht- in. a r.o-.n'i n'4 1 . x f-;.-.. lit .ilj i-'j;- t if ill A I b x, r vn.siti 10 It T (mH k li j . j nl-. rficr t7 A:l -Iwi tf fc To liytr f -v i t- ftfo t a prum uft ru.A ,,r in rrir v) J 5 T bosr Wt::i2 ilr. f'i ( : I- v i.T t.t n r re vVr Ir- - ""Pfi't 7- Fv. U 7iiJU.i.w-.Cli:. fi IliUltralimi, Nu 'i .'4 rt:. ;r,. tr. fiio c. ;,'.:-5! g tat th'-v ri ;. i i;-fft i-jvin, fi:!ri for r dt,,:- .f :,t . - ii ?: ' r;-ii. 2 HARRIS REU71CDY CO. r.rG:CHt.-i:TS- ik the k t fi it ticswrsfc; U H H .lrT Kv,dpiHr ft Vnriniir. Tom- i. ,,t ' Sf 5S aii lent, ruiufUblc KLd ifiVfjni;!t- i. -.lu. iu. .vi ..e n hr.Ut if rocm. Active to hu-hrtd?t 4.'jTir tc .ves. 2"ro:i;u.JM, its roAjv. CV-bity itii:r-a;ty compnri. iViucl iluf.r. 4.utt prion, Q-:n-t, i' m-!-t, Lov a:iJ CurTnip, iHipdimnt to M-rmc, r.i n.iie a J ti-iii'. , Kv-iinct 4-U-irilumior, ti :n?ae r-urv-J, Law ;w u. law .l Itrcf, lz.' 'ijhta T n?,a wMinfUf e. iiruui.j; IjtcaBt.n !-. u!Lt to ? tUPtr cpui..- a :d tivft4n.ctt. A hV- !r p.-:ita ftlj l ft ; 4r-1 VTCTLAU I t't 3'. O p & i: - i, V lUl U-i i iJl Vtt- CaA.ar. bv itit:l. ar&.cj -'r tO CiUj. 4t Th PrWat Medical Afvlar." fcc.t ft o SpfrinAt"rtiQi Rf Erruttl !Vblity, anl 2a f vrii i-htm?e a.'ii ... cntii.fc 3-;.iii.a! Hi--' t. ?C; rot.ni. Arcr-Oit lo tSorirty, Conf us in of I.!?, l-,tri-s! J- cy, ajimua-tpof ft'tflit, Licftdv Mrmorv, Jita t, c. iMk-.tif niarrinfrc impropfr cr hatf.-'y, ri'iit "m-r.t, a jnat u-rT t-i-J, vVT tyJj'lsUft, t J cc.ft. a en VivUooi ai1 Woniit.xu.rfl, rrra ; or iwt tu -r low j i iiLfttxaiit-us, rrb-fit n.jf evrry tjirtfjoti tl: p:'irn ' fvsU Ht that i t-v" kaw:njc, sji4 r:u. n li;t i. t f ubii-h. J i.i nvhrr urk. rl'-iccio-Ll'i.-a vniuinc ftil,:v .y f'O tT ritilar Muit&l ii.fc j.U'..:iiet ai 1 1 odi?i!:iiJ after gettin it can have taajr muy lciimtivH. Tk Author ii c-i rxpricced I '-yiciaiitfiany )-ara prAdit-, (raiac';I ki;us,) i c adv'c r- v-n, B'U liv'.v fur tn-it;nit.c .aid duvn, viU ItUaitd t tfrratTftinc to hoe ti. i j f ota impurittA tuwT,r'y rrroM,'rt :&r, or i"r rt tii ci.vMer ru trr-'jt;ca cnai:.2 i"-r 1 )Md f Irivte" or ' CTtrftic" -Si in m; evVumM.ofcnmjilete iaorw, 1.r Iri In frtairpv tilvT t-r C urreu. CotuI Utioa eur.eafrUijJ. ir4 ..tN-rt i-i '--n;p'Ir'i'' tnn-.:; ft?wrr-jSout chft-r.) Aarr; P-. But' D-AriT- PriTftt HospitftL tuS S. C lark St..4.btcfto. 1II.CCTStiftltT.ftll I'riTftCe. Cbrtmt and F o m ft I DUf-atra. CoiiBiiltatttua f r e . Laditia and Geo tie niD. ftftDd oca dollar fttr ftftOiplM ftf UtMl rubber r-x4, and Tftluftt'. Suormiioa br cpra. Kflia- A new work, prk-e &0 entft t-r mutt. Mrsta riea of ?ttire, Fksi. oIok jr of Mftrriajce, Or gfttift of ftienvratloB, UtBCftftC- f Ynutb Aod Manhood: a wealtb of, choir Aad vftluab in forsiftiinu, of interftftt to bfib ftvxeft. Nc'htrc erfftoaiv U food tic and rffluetue&i. I ft for Btmtf'tB n r txtora pubti-hed. No familf ftbould b wi'.cut iu C"7Aiiareft, Dr. A. O. OLIN. 30-1 Clark St. ble t' lUAtePiiU, S5B ict w. ft rnpw horns and uunte fr !,al ift d uri ag oa- flDJTin t. f3 a' MORPniNE habit lately anJ areedily cured. Vaya 4rs. No itulilicity. band stamp r fullparticu'ara. T-r Caritoo, 9C3 3. Clark itn cnieaca, u. Ifl K MTC eomp'ltnl busi.-ie-i mau ine'b VV Alii I CasaT county 111 the L. S. to nil tb 1 rrluueUia f 1 btu Hwrth ksuwlny by subrr;tian. To.ucli Itirn. v. it b gotxl r,-r.'rrtceiv wc furi.i9!i lle vuttli free. a.n-1 i;ive tinis that will iii.sre a w orker over aio.l a nistitk. AJdrca. IM tKM 1 10 At fill. ID, Uui 2i2, at. l.oui. Mo. Platte Valley Herd of PiOLAND-CHINA T. CLARK, WEE1IN( WATEK, - NEK tr-Hegistertd Stock for sale. 13:a O. F. JOHNSON, - DEaLEK IN Drugs- Medicines r-AND- ' '! .' " ' - '' 1 .... .1, -. 1 -ri . i .."---J All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IN Stationery, Magazines, Latest Publications. Prescriptions CRrefuIly CorapoiiartcJ by an Experienced Drnesast. KEMEMBEK THE TLaCK. Cth ST., 2 DOORS SOUTH OF.3TA1K rLATTSMOUTH. NEB. .MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLJ1 CKS3I1 Til HOUSE SHOEING, AND WAGON KEPAIKING All kinds of FA KM IMPLEMENTS mended Keatly & Promplj). :0: Horse, Mule& OxSlioein, In slicrt, we'll shoe anything that liar four feet, from u Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JKTETW SHOP, u Fiftli St between Main and Vine Streets. list across ye corner from the new HEliALf okkix'e. toy ROBERT DONNELLY'S "WG-OXnT AND BLACKMITIi SHOP. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general Jobbing I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing wiaciii anuuiiicr niacninerv,- M mere is good latUe in my shop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker lias taken eharge of the wagon shop, -lie is well known as a ' " KO. 1 WORKMAN. V Kew Wagons and Itasrsiet. made to wraer. SATISFACTIOlN GUARANTEED. Shop on Slxthstreet opps'!t Streiffht's Stalie I t . 'jiB - f F or trio ty Newt Dnc!rt. AGCNTS irvantsd. fl'Tt. rTTS itr::. all rst n-'rj fnm "V KT.'iTIi"I?E to a hKi t:.tr kidm Ad i J r-. 3 V e,,,t hw!y if ri t "m t-"T wTi iM-T, g -in mi 1 1 ' ' 1 11 I a i ii M. WHI'f fflt 617 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, Ho. A nmilar irraduateof two Medical Collrgea, has been longer Dfraged iu the pccial treatment of all Venereal, Sexual and Chronic IJiaeases thin any other Fhyaician in6u Xouia, aa city paper ahow, and all old reaidenu know. Byphilia, Oonorrbaea, Gleet, Stricture. Ckrchltia, Bernia, or Rupture, aUl TJrlnary Diseases ana BypriUitic or Mercurial Affections of the Throat Bkm or Bones, are treated with unparalleled aucceaa, on lateat acientillc principle. Safely. Privately. Spermatorrhea, Sexual Debility and Impo tency, aa the result of rklf-Abuae in youth, aczual ex ceaeea in maturer year, or other cauaes, aud which produca omeot the followinit effecta : DervoAifineas, aeminal em ia ioua, debility, dttnneaa of aight, defective memory, pimple on the face, phyaical decay, averaiun to aociety uf u-malea, eoniuaion of ideaa, loaa of sexual power, etc., rendering xnamfl f?Q Improper or unhappy, ar permanently Cured. Cuuaultation at office, or by mail fire, and invited. When it is inconvenient to viait the city for treatment, sedicine can be eeut by mail or expreaa evervwhere. Cur able caeee guaranteed, where duuLt exist, it ia frankly stated fimphiei let 1 E--mp ; J-r Wcmea, 1 Cusp ; fftrasn, tar th, 2 Ciznt. tt Fae-t. IV3ARREACE ! pIBFs. pSSs. i CUBDE. lieKant cloth and C'lt blndintr. Sealed for BOc, In poataire or currency. Over firry wonderful penjpictures, true to life; article on the following cubjeeta: who may marry, who not, why. Manhood, W omanhood, Fhyaical decay. Who ihould marry; How life and happineaa may be increased. The Physiology of Reprodmiion, and many more. Those married or contempint'tna; marriage ahould read it, then kept under lock and key. Popular edition, tame aa above, but paper cover, tW page. itt rt. by mail, money or po.twpg. Cheapest poofl rnidein America. PRESCRIPTION FREE For the ecd7 cur of Seminal WeakrveAa, Lost Manhood, I rem tu re IVbility, Nervou sneaa, lr-pondenry, i'ontiiftion of Ideas, Aversioo to Society, IV'tertive AlenuirT, Aiid All Xiortera brouhton hy Secret Ha bit and Excesses. Any drujrtrist has the inrredicntft. Addrvas, OR JACQUES, 706 ChoaUiut St., St, Louia, BAST'S RIDING SAW MACHINE Xbe BST XxiXNU UUT.1 Will SAW anv aiao loss in tnv position, -xnouaanas in use. Weight of tne oper ator does all the work. Send for Circulars and Prices. iENTS WANTED. Addreu V. H. Manurg o., Chicaso, nia QCE HERE! S5 ia E0093 for S3 cts. 13 4L Satlidrll-m rnrMlH-l. liONT MlKS IhU ( hanrv iwiT i H valusLle monrt -iHikirc Secrets; lt Hich I turpi. Mine fotmUiR l'e ; 2 5feel fens: I Silver-pfite! Holder; I i lam Holder; I Rut.her-t'p Feocil ; 1 fine EnveU opr; 12 shecti fine Paper; I 1.20 Hook that funny Poem, and Claitese Secret for rlntsint; line, (bif money letlmr se cret. ) All sent for Fifty Centa. Stnips taken. AdJres. IiUb. tbTg.j IMO-S IfUOsi VO sWnicuiowa, htw 4ry. A few of the articles you ill Cr H on an H cf p W CD 2 w R S i i Ico g N . P 0 H 2 Qx si w a a? ri N I , I I at the live progressive DRY GOODS and CLOTHING" HOb'SE' OF SOLOMON For $1 00 you can buy 22 yards strnd;trd ii mt$. " 47Jc pound good all wool yarn. 10 cotton batting. 8,3 per yard domestic gingham. 8 " " cheviot sliirting, very good. ". 7 " " brown and bleacbed muslin, can'l be beat. M -jr M Canton Hannel, superb. . " 8.' " " ticking, no better. " 1 00 a good comfortable. " 1 25 per pair up, splendid blankets. 44 12)a, 15, 18 and 20e per y'd, alpaca lusties, all colors, best ever offered - 2210 up, black and colored alpacas, double width, best in the city. M 45c per yard up, black and colored cashmeres, great bargains. 8l to 10 and 12 to 15c per yard up, suitings iu endless varieties. 20c per yard up, ail wool flannels, best ever elTered. " 50c " " " waterproof, an excellent quality. 20c " " " cassinieres, 'well worth double.) " 3 75 up. Ladies cloaks, tlie finest assortment in the city. " 1 75 up, Misses and children's cloaks " -- M 20c per yard up, hand made zephyr fascinators. " 75c up, a great variety of shawls. - " 25c up, perfect fitting corsets. " 50c up, two button kid gloves, fine. A full line of Ladies and Children's underwear, (very cheap.) The finest assortment of Ladie's, Children's and Infants hand-made hoods, sacks and shawls, zephyr, ever known in Plattsmouth. UVC X XriiLi X 1ST IE IR "3T- " a. s, Sr " V " " For 75c, up, Ladies' trimmed -hats, nice. C5c, up. Children's hats. '. Jewelry and notions at prices that defy competition. $25,OOp "W" O.jEvT jx3l. Of Mens', Youths and chifdrjens clothing, regardless of cost. We ;ire go ing to close this branch of our business. So look out for bargains. For 63 00 and up, Mens' overcoats, hard to beat. - " 4 00 and up, Mens' suit's-. " 1 50 and up, I'oys' suits. FURNISHING GOOES IX. PROPORTION". .. - For $1 75, up. Mens boots. Mens' shoes, SI 25 up. " 1 00, up. Boys' boots. Roys' shoes. 85c up. 1 00, up, Ladies' shoes. Childrens' shoes. 25c up. Tffe largest and roost elegant stock of mens' and boys' ftlt and stiff crown licits in the west - Take advautage-of the great inducements we offer in zephyrs, all color, 12J contsjier ounce, Full line of Germantown and high colored yai n very low. Finar4t4 Jai-a Honey Comb and plajd-canvass at leduced figures. FIKE DRESSING SjLOVES, GLOVE&FCtibllZfi&A D MEN, LVVES 4s isW.s iT" In fact w shot'tUe"irrcfttest variety of gloves, for special use, to .be found, and we call specja-l'afftgfition to them. . The above list eCrveVs oniy'a small portion of the many articles which Ave offer as BARGAINS. We guarantee the public the retailing of all goods at wholesale prices, and we defy anyone in the business to compete with the above figures. . . SOLOMON & NATHAN.! t ;s fe2 .The Jshhson Revolyiss Boox-Case. JOB Latvyert, Clergymen, Physician; - Editors, Hankers, Teaeltsrs, SJerchant, . Students, and all who read boots. Holds more l ooks in 1iks ppaco than utit other device Kotutess at a filler's touch Shelves ad justable at heights desiml Each slielf is IS inches square, noliin a Bet or A;.ileton a l vclonnnlia. tladeor iron, it cannot warp or w ear out. Beiiuti- Jiily ornamented, making a handsome and novel piece of furniture. Sizi?s for table hold 1 or 2 tiors of book : siasfcr tloorhol.l 2, 3. or 4 tiers of books.- as desired. Send for deacripti ve prico list. Send cents for onr New lu-rsriiATED Catalogue, with over &J0 lilustrat;ons ol Uducaiional oi.d useful articles. BAKER, r II ATT V CO., School Furnishers, and Dealers in erervthlutr in ths Book aad Si&tioaerv liAe, fADQUARTERS FOR ALL SCHOOL SUPPLIES," 142 A 144 Grand St., Kew York. MONEY TO LOAN OK IMPROVED FARMS FOR FIE YEARS TIME. TE.V WAX C'fiXT IXTKREST. NO COM MISSIONS. Eaqnire of D. II. WIIEKLEll & CO. Plattsmouth; or 11. E. MOO HE, Lin coln, Nebraska. 21tf ABBOTT'S PATENT OBTLAND GISTTEH Ths Strontrest Sleigh In existence. Fins Cnixh. lit,' lit. cheaper and more durable than other Sleighs. Also, AlMt's Patent Runner Attaclmients, Vor wheeled vehicles of every description. Per fectly practical; fits any axle; tracks It country roads. Over four thouaand in use. 4sTdcndlor circulars aad learn yunr nearvat asrent. A. A. A3SOTT & CO., 800 AValtaali Ave, CUIcaso. GEOltGE EDGEKTOX. Wi nes, Liqou rs AND CIGARS. - Main Street, opposite the. 'Court House. This place is just opened, neir, good goods 'of all kinds. We want to keep a good house aiid please our customer. REMEMBER THIS. 9!v. "FT" V5 Br"rsv tot cMr-ysns P"4. Vtar asnJcMuattran :.w arid Npi yu.y Si. whvii a itfw i;rj m vi Aar, VtiikLers ur a.- ualscx.es is ariuaUprtKlic't L-wo.- u. u Co., 3 CXiuUja Jlxac, KiW Tort. - If w -bt xfcT 1st an Ba 1.1 can buy to the best advantage & NATHAN. ULUV.S tun 2JlliJilLi:cs, " BRIDGE MEN, FOR LIVERY MEN. t. f miSi EtMmMmd IHiiy- OYEB 2.000 Jfare f(;Ti(i the following remarkaUe wijxr, the nitjnnturr of u-huh can he een at mir office Jcsr. SEAUVR V Jt JOIIXSOX, lil J 'a .SX A"u York: Oe.nti.km ejt : "For the past few years v.e liave ko11 vailuus brntul-j cf Porous I'I:tUrn Physicians and the Public preftr IIKSSOX'! C'AI'CIXK i'OIIOI H 'L.1NTK U nil others, - AV consider them erne of the very few reliaMe liouseholil remedies worthy of eoiifiilci cr. They are Suixrior toall other Porous Phtniersor Mcdulncsfor External u-r." FIRST OLA-S Clothing House! C. G. HEROLD, - Proprietor. FIRST ESTARL'D IN 1856. Keeps a general large stock of Men's, Youth's & Boy's and has Just received the fineet lot of French and English Silk WORSTED SUITS, THAT EVKTi CRtJSSEO THE MO. RIVER. Hi different styles of Miats d Gaps, are surprifiing, and hi stock of Furnishing Goods ! FANCY GOODS, ANI SIlq w Case Goads IsJIarge enough to supply any demand. Call and Examine the UEW STYLES. BEFORE PURCItASTXa ELSEWHERE. , C. (J. HEH0L1). CLOTHING! Sehluntz & Dewev t 7 Godar Greek, Gas county? Vcfr DEALERS IX are, A fr n Mm) CJap3 Iis)f q SIm.,, Highest m.'irket price paid fc- a kinds' of Grain, in Cash, or will tokr produce in exchange for goods. Having now got our Slock lirly opened, we invite all to call and ex amines 1T MAFTJFAOTOBY. s il l II H pi!rtniii; ; "J rr ; LU Sv,v W1"'sr v. v-r- - :v :- v i K I ri i o Wipp & -:i ? II o mmmmfmtA 55" """" j6:xiil v'tM''ir'7,r Sherwood Keeps the Biggest "Line cf Boots & Shoes In Cass 1 ' T. -V - - " esVI tZa -X S nil 4 s ass' i v ssPk t: T3r te-fi' 9 r 4 a v j . it - .'j FOR PARTICULARS -"wb(ak- ADDRESS: Ww WkiteSewimg Machine Co. TEE r,SADY PAHIIi'Sr SO A3? EIAKKR: LEWIS' rm pt4 ct'.i r? r. r. rr?l s,s t,l Ifj J IS, U if IT. I r r jt -ska r i tt c. j l -jrs - ATA es STilSIIOEST liiiA Ull f Any portion of contents of ccn may be uwl tvitLout rTiciling bal 13 pounds of rrrfiimtd Hanltonp raa.le in Uv dy minutes out boiling, nd your wash will be s-w.-ct un.l -loon to u, wi ;'-.-i??'iv-i..y tliat nrvny fmcll produced from other Lye. ajns -rmiui win ioi.cn fle Rallonn of Imrtf Ta(rr. LEWIS' IYIJ is S irr cent, itruuztr than any other I.ve cr so-Ciiled Iloclt or Call PutorlK. t MANLKAtrLllUi ONLY II T GEO. T. LEWIS a EVIENZiES COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, l'A. 22 . I -. C.Ta htf V I ' riftVtV S DA" M 1' aii iw cait 'j vj. , i. tv mMM Villi;iA. ft. H UAUAtU ..IIO t' . O. V ii 1 ...1' ' DfUaGISTS - STOVES ! ih::e:d"wa:r:hi AND ssiaa U.V. Mathews, On Main St., opp. I'latte Valley IJau.i-j, Jjarbbare, SlMs intem. A lartre assortment of SnlCI.K 1IAKD NAKK, jut received and -w ill he sold low. WOOD STOCK' AND IRTN,PUMP;' FIELD AND GARDEN' SEEDS. ' Ammunition, Hails,--Lov,r, AND A'SI'JKCIAL'iY. Itememher, we keep a good tlNXKl. t'.l are prepared to do all sort ol '1 D-wcik. lintwu's Corn Planters, and alljilriil of Futy TooU, . V. V. UAfllKUN, i'l.itti.utuli. .Nc: 2Hi J H. A WATERMAN & SON. Wholesale and Uclail Deters In PINE LUMT.Ell, J.ATJr. iJASH, DOOUS, BLINDS, ETC., j:tc. JJT. Wai.i :tit-.-t. Corner tif l?t!i. I'LATTSMOUTII, - - . vj;:, Still Better Rates foiLumbcr stoneware, Aft. r7 rQ1 1 Ml County. 24!y WAIM '"i MB CHS Cleveland, omo. er Cent Pnro. AHD PUREST LYE f-lACE. Id Q I'llllj rUlTlJljii. with. tlio ' whew vithig ready-made Soap cr ;J.p lumj . i. . .. ...r-, T ..T , r. r-. ......... mm fl r l-s I