1 The Herald.! I'LATTSMOlTTIf ,XOV G, 1ST!. Thanksginug PraclaniatioH. Tlif! following proclamation w.i isMied by the President to-day : At no recurrence of thfi s.vison which tho j devout hnhil of a religion.- nplf has made the ore ds ion fr civtn-K ihanks l Almighty lod, J rid InmiWy invoking IIU divine favor, h.n the , raatcril rusr rity enjoyed 1-y our whole conn- try bin more conspicuous, more man.toM or more universal. I'uring the past ywar. i!-o, : iiiil.mkeii pcac with ail foreign nations, the j 2-neral pruvaler.ee of d.'rnc.ie tranquility, and : the supreme y aiid security of the yre.it iusti- J Unions of civil aint relioas freedom have , pl:i1(lene1 the hearts of our people, ant can- j tinned their attachment to their Koveriunaiit. j ulicli the wi-dom and coiira;:e of our ancestor o fHlv f rallied, and the w isdom ami couraa of j their 'descendant" have so firmly maintained, to he the li.ibil.it ion .f Liberty and Justice to j successive ireneratiun. "Now. then-fore. 1. It'itherford B. Hayes, I rrfsidi-nt of the I'nited Stat., do appoint I Thursday, t lie 27tli day of Novcinln r. iastant, i :v a ilav'of National Tlianksiji vinj: and l'raver. and I earnestly reennui. end that, uithdraw in j themselves from secular rare and labors the iieople of th l'iiitc.1 St:tes do meet together on that d-y n th-ir reective places of wor'fiip. there to'ive thinks mid praise to Almighty (io.l for His niercits.i, and to devoutly leech t .elr continuance. " la witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, ant caused the seal of tho luittd States to he affixed . " Hone, at the City of Washington, this 2d day November in t lie rear of our l,ord. on thou sand eiuht hundred and sevenf v-nine. and of the Indnpenilaiice of the I'nited States, the one hundred und fourth.'' KfTMrHroitu B. LI at eh . Hythe President : W.m. Evart.s. Sc Tetury of State. Chandler Deal. The death of Zachariah Chandler, I". IS. Senator from Michigan throws a gloom over the whole land and tem pers our victories with sadness, if this is part of the price at which they have been sained, for there is no doubt but that Chr.udler's stalwart speeches and positive declarations of right have done much to swell the public feeling th.tt has given us republican success. Mr. Chandler was born in Red ford, New Hampshire, in 1813. and moved to Michigan in 1833 where lie has re sided ever sdHce. After holding many State offices he was elected to the l'nited States Sen ate in 1837 and served until 1875, when duri.ig the days of Republican Concil- Ration, when the public mind was in j loubt, he was succeeded by Cnnsti r.ncy, a conservative. His health not being good he resigned to accept ar.oth vr position and Michigan (with othr statPs) having come to her senses, im mediately select I "iUl wart old Zack," to till his place. He died in harness, after deliTeriag one of the greatest speeches if the hour. In all his pub lic life he never was accused of dishonesty or personal corruption of any sort. Positive, inventive, with ;:reat administrative abilities, he was i - i . t..t..d- .,t I always an advisor, a bulwaik and a, tower of strength to the party and to the cause of free government by law- ! ful majorities. He is gone, and there t ni i ;,.i, is none as vet to fill his place. " - 1 I i ! TELEGRAPHIC. DEATH OF SE3AT0II ClIAM)Li:it. Kt.MKKY YYi:U051i:s URANT. Chief Rig Snake Killed. Chicago. Nov. 1. Senator Zacha riah Chandler, of Michigan, was found dead in his bed at the Grasd Pacific INtel this morning. He had been in Wisconsin, and last night addressed an immense audience at McCormick's Hail in thi3 city, and spoke with his usual earnestness. After the meeting, when he and Senator Eogan and Hon. Jesse -Spaulding were sitting in his room engaged in conversation, Sena- ator Chandler complained of indiges- I tio. As he had complained of the I eame distressing feeling while en route to the city with the gentlemen. Mr. i Spaulding suggeted that ho remain rv.-e in thA eitv until Sitiir.1-j- i..,t Ha hi; busing ufv.i ri"'.;' 1 T A mb M a a s , v a. .lliv HIV UV, J&V1 Mt3l1 een alive. This morning when the ! ihce bor called him, there was no res- 1 '-so iinm. r,.,,Btit: ,.,..,,.! effected an entrance throu-h the tran- son aatl found that the Senator w;ts ! dead. The body was not quite cold. nn.l n l,vi.f :,n h ,vv,c f.L,...f "t ' t ided that death occuried about thiee hours previous to the discovery. The face looked tranquil, showing that a.IIi -. 1 1 ,.1 -. r- . Tl. I . : 1 1 ucaiw jiirt.uiuuei mil 1...T.1 .... T 1 . 1 T-V I , , liold an lnouest. John 1. Drake teln- : 111,1i i,' ;,Tr t iin.(, ' i - . J ' grnplieU 1 leuletst Haves the sad mtel-i m .1 at v! ,.v.i L- i-i-ei lgence about o o clock. ' vFr " vrrti" "Tr""."- vr- icktrs, who was called in, is of opm- i .ui tii .i ii r . I ion that death was the result of sud-' Washington, Xovember 1- The following" executive order has been is- .Executive Mansion, Washing ton. Nov. 1st. 171. The said intelli gence of the death of Zachariah Chan dler, late Secretary of the Interior, and during so many years senator from Michigan, has been communicated to ed Lis attention at home, and the order : ' was given to have him called in the 1 s,;l!lpr .vot un 5''"," ago morning 7 o'clock. His friends T tn,iVrUie? Proportionate') re then bade him good night ami left. I ;luT ' -scratch mg of Lot U tl.ElQt llmnllmtm,!,., ...... ICt'SIIIS UII.VIUI1, llC IUU- J . nA.a : . . , 1 1 . . , 1 1 , ' .'o.iM.ttu u. .111.11 a 1. uuai'ii- den congestion f ti e lungs, Lionel. t ;f .i imn rr, . ,, . . ..1 ... ii , .1 1 ...1 . .1 "7 of 24,000. The Assembly and fcen- t iLAvni'l X iK,,,Was c"ntl;ictV'1 : te are largely Republican. Ex-State rilfuVfnof. Treasurer Kuehn,1 chairman of the held this af.einoon. ! Democratic Central CoinmitU-e. was lV'rZr ai!;1 CrOUntr-V' n',,,I in ;l j The returns come in slowlv. so far proper respect to his memory I here- ; . , Ly order that the several executive de- ; the-v h ire 'een. unfavorable tl R'lub partmenls b closeil to public business : lican nominees, but then all the- demo and their flags and thos'j of their de- ' ocratic stro-tgholds are heard from first pendencies throughout the country be , thi, c-untv an(1 the UepnhUcm aml displayed at half mast on the day of ! , , , ' . his funeral. Greenback last. (signed) R. I. Hayes. ! We shall not attempt to give the Louisville, October 30-Extensiva ! vote ln f,'U' !1 iiU tUe can.rul.itwj. preparations are .making to receive ! nor in order thi3 week, but just set C'rant. The Courier Journal says: It . them down as they come in through is shftlctent to say at this prsent mo- ; ment that we shali nil welcome Gen (irant, tha! politics aside there is not a man, woman, child or dog in Ken tucky who will not be glad to see him : ing.Patterson, Tutt and Weckbach were and to extend him ati old fashioned, j ai,ead on the "people's ticket" aid ccrd: feting. i IIyers un..,, Fairfield, Gass cn the Seme time ago a report was received . Republican side, of course as tlie by Commissioner Iloyt from the Pon- ' morning hours wore along and ltock ca IieBrvation in the Indian Terri- ,, - t c. ,, 15 i tory. that Uig Snake, a Chie of the 'uffs. the Precinct, fcouth Bend and Poucas, was threatening to kill the , LouisTille came; in against us, the op agent who last summpr caused his ar- position crowed loudly and made many rest and imprisonment for a month for ' prophesies that Mac's Rooster would brutal and disorderly cottduct. making j l9 turneJ t;li, TuesJav lligIlt bets himself a terror to the Indians as well , , ' as agency employes. His rearrest was I were "rcd freely on Patterson two ordeied and a detatchment ot Soldiers i to one and sometimes three to one. from Fort Reno were employed to ef- : Wednesday morning however, about iect it uig 6nai:e resisting arrest, was shot dead by a soldier. The oc- currence cause.i considerable excite- "ave bul "'Jty in town, conn ment among tte Indians, but it was I dence fled and as the votes from the txn quieted. j Republican pre'iuct3 rolled in, "we 7 ! t4T - r i 9)) New Ytrk Ahead.' Cornell Elected. , . , . . ,. . . r The telegraphic dlpalcnes from Xcw York are meagre enough, but Cornell is elected governor and Til den's goose is cooked. The rest f the ticket is badly mixed, and seems most ly Democratic, but before we go to press we hope to have fuller and bet ter returns. New Vokk, November .", 1 :3 J a. in. The WwfM admits th it Robinson is defeated, but claims the election of the rest of the Democratic ."State ticket by 30,0:'J majority. It cwnedes the Legislature to the Republicans. Vi.-tt- V,w. .- V..v,,i,il.uv A TI,o Ti l. ! bane says: Cornell has been elected by a plur ihty whicli may reach 35,000 New Vokk, November 4. -Tlie Times savs: In New York tlie Republican victory is overwhelmingly complete. Alouzo I?. Cornell is elected governor by a plurality of 40,000 votes, and the entire Republican ticket is elected. The Republicans elect 24 Sentrs and 85 AssHinblymen. The Republican majority on a joint ballot will thus b 50. NEBRASKA. El.vc'OLV. November 4. Tiie elec tion returns come in slowly. The in dications are that Cobb, Republican candidate fr supreme judge, is elect ed over Wakely. Damourat, by 12,090 majority. Cannett and Carson, Re publican. Regents of tho University, are elected. The total vote of the State will reach (50.000. Republican county ti"ke s are generally success ful. The Crseubackers make a very small bhowing. DOICLAS COl'NTV. The n turns f ro n tho various city and county precincts as f.ir ;n heard frttM indie ites a majority of about 250 for the State Republican ticket. .Judge Savage carries nearly every ward iu the City. On th Cwtinty "Ticket the Republicans elect Treasurer Heins, County Clerk Manchester, Coroner ' Jacobs and County Superintendent Points. Raldwin, Rep. Ju Jge will be elected in tiie Dist. CHICAGO KF.ri IlLICAN FOE TilE URST time in yeaes. Chicaho. November 4. The city ''omplet, except three, precincts, gives Johnson 20.20 l.fiiieii n 15.GS5. Returns , .. ' . T . fiom the county now in give Johrgson about 2.000 majority, and further re turns will increase it to possibly 3,000; making Joliuson's majority in the en tire county over 7.0 ) . The .socialists polled about 4,500 votes in tho city, a very large falling off. The entite Re publican ticket is elected by about the name vote. M.VSSACIirsKET. - t - - Rostox, Xovembor 4. Returns as ! Superintendent Wooley, 2; Mar far as received indicate that Rong, re- ! tindale. 24. publican candidate for governor, is ! District Cltrk Wells. 43; .showal elected by from 10,000 to 13,000 j ter, 27. plurality and this may be increased to i Commissioner Wiles, 3-1; Weck- 15,000 by further returns. The repnb- j bach, 41. l:citn candidates for .State llicers are slt ciifek. probably all elected, and the Legisla ture will be largely republican. The vote shews a material falling off as compared w ith last year, the prohibi tion vote amounting to little and the straight democratic ticket receiving out small support, ineueteatot Uut leris conceded by his friends. The legiklitt ure is overwhelmingly Repub lican. MINNESOTA. t. Rai l, Minn., November 1. Re turns come in slowly from the couu- try, only a few small precincts being "7"; -u1 ' governor. lai s uen.nu urn uke ") mof 1 'cincts but runsaheitd hwl.v in u lew. f.iliuau. Republican, S11 l- a f?r ltemtnt governor, generally runs 'l ,e:l. u 13 1 ?- u 1 10 , l" era? raajlr,t le3 lint , i5ti,te t,c,et W,H MUCll CXCC-ed 10,000. WISCONSIN. Milwaukee, November 48 p. in. i 11 :30 p. m.-Une hundred and thirty- ' ;., .,,,,1 ;ti ;.,t.i tii .....v. ,i -y nu.i 1.1111., lllLinilllll .111- ,.,. 1 . t T, . . waukee. show ;t net Republican gain r u e-- ,..i . 0r ,s(j4 1 rtVfr tiK vote of two varsago. j.. ;,. (T, , ,- . r - f sv;rr,i.r' M, ... , ' r ,,. . .' the State to hear from. II is majority r.,,,.. ..,., ' .J .V.-.f i.i rriiiiiiicu aif'iy, 11,11 it T Oliailll defeated for the Assombly by more than 200 majority. ELECTION RETURNS COUNTY. IN CASS Wednesday .Morning's New?. th d-iv the day. Iu town the vote was not counted out until 11 o'clock Wednesday moru- i0::0. when Patterson was found to! . . . . i I Vflpn t'(l I hatn i twl tn t ti i j uns" began to hope, to wish, to know that we had won in the main, and ! great is the glory thereof. The precints aa hcaid from are about as follows: 1'I.ATTSMOrTII CITY. Treasurer Newell, llo; P.itterson, 313. Sheriff -Hyers, 307; Marshall, 'JOS. J udge Sullivan, 3J 5 ; Allen, 1D3. "Clerk Kirkiatrick, 140; Tutt, 3'JJ. Commissioner Wiles, ,1SJ; Week bach, 322. Coroner (Jass. 23J; llildebrand, 270. Dist. Clerk Wells, 209; Sho waiter, 28!). Superintendent Wouley, 221 ; Mar tindale, 188. CITY OFKICKKS. Constables Stiles, 213; Ilernple. 229; Curron, 231; Frye, 2". Assessor Fairtield 2I!8; Sharp, 201. Judges of Election Streight, 214; Hillings. 214; Wise, 21U; against 257; 258 and 25S. Clerks of Election Fellows, 211; Fairfield 218, against 200 and 255. Justices of the JVucc Wm. E. Hi-owl? 247; M. O Donahue, 410; R. Vivian, 25'J. PLATTSMOl'Tll ritKCIXtrr MA.IOKITY. Weckbach, 21; Allan, 5; Marshall, 14: llildebrand, 40; Patterson, 47; Tutt, 4; Showalter, 115; 'ooley, 18. UOI K KLUFKS. Vu'eckbach, 13; Sullivan. 1; livers, 20; Cass, 3; Patterson, 57; Tutt, 55; Showaiter, 20: Martindale, 30. LOUISVILLE. Weckbach, 32; llildebrand, 43; Pat terson, 20; Tutt, 35; Martindale, 85. ELMWOOI) VOTE. Hyers, 91; Marshall, 35; Allan, 37; Sullivan, 75; Newell. 77; Patterson, 38 Martindale, 51 : Kirkpatrick, 87 ; Tutt, Weckbach, 23; Clemons, 30; Wiles, 715. EIGHT MILE fiEOVE. Patterson. 27 majority; Tutt, 17; Martindale, 6; livers, 38; oullivan, 35; Weckbach, 37. SOUTH BEND. Patterson, 2(5 majority; Wiles, 4; Marshall. 25; Weils, 42; Showalter. 42; Freeman, 27; Clemmons, 34. MT. PLEASANT. Ninety five votes cast, of which Wiles gets 71; Sullivan, 71; Newell, 55; Patterson, 42; Hyers. 73; Cass, 61; Kirkpatrick, 53; Wells, 44; Fairfield, 61 ; Wooley, 59. WEEPING WATER. State Ticket Cobb, 115; Wakely, 13; Carson, 114; Gannett, 38; Rear, 13; Sawyer, 68; Pound, 114. County Wiles, 114; Weckbach, 13; Sullivan, 115; Allan, 18; Newell. U5; Patterson, 33; Ilyeis, 123; Marshal, 9; Gass. 114; llildebrand, 13; Kirkpatrick, 112; Tutt, 17; We Is, 'JO; Showalter, 25; Fairfield, 114 ; Wcoley. 87; Martindale, 44. Greenback vote Freeman, 4; Wood, 5; Maslin, 5; Clemmons, 6. CENTRE. Wiles, 64; Weckbach. 42; Sullivan, 81; Allan. 28; Newell,-65; Patterson. 44; Kirkpatrick'. 81 ; Tutt, 27: Wooley, 52; Maitiud.de, 51 ; Hyers, 91. LIBERTY. Wiles. 106; WeekWaoh. 91 ; Sullivan. 108; Allan. 107; Hyers, 116; Marshall, 97; Newell, 93; Patterson. 98; Kirk patrick, 88 ; Tutt, 108; Wells. 91, Slu walter, 97; Woolev, 98; Martindale, 115. Greenback vote Freeman, 24 ; Wood, 17; Clemmons, 20. AY OCA. Treasurers Newell, 63; Patterson, 13. Clerk Kirkpatrick. 56; Tutt. 18. Judge Sullivan. 59; Allei , 20. Sheriff Hyers, 62; Marshall, 17. Sullivan, HO; Allen, 44; Hyers, 53; Marshall, 44; Xewell, 5(1; I'atterson, 24; Kirkpatrick, 54; Tutt, 30; Wells, 57; Showalter, 40; Wooley, 57; Mar tindale, 41. GREENWOOD supposed to hava 13 for Xewell, and a majority for Kirkpatrick. A still later figuring gives these majorities: Patters!), 01: Tut!. 107; Hyers, 510; Wooley, 170; &ihwlter, 102 ; Sullivan, 444; Wiles, 11. We :ave elected all the Republicans but county clerk, district clerk, and the treasurer in doubt, as Tipton and Stove Creek are to hear from, an 4 no details on (Ireenwood. Stove Creek, 10G votes cast, badly mixed; messenger knew nothing fur ther. At this writing Wooley had 170 majority; I'atterson, 57; Tutt, 85; Wiles, 11 ; conceded that Hyers and Sul livan are elected by good majorities. ilniw1 Vi:tii" Aiili- ,r .. rt. , , , "X mother was amieted a long t.ms .villi V unr.ilr.1.1 ! .l.tll M'itrv 111 ii .1 an .wuiiii;id uu.i, ..tin j inac tive condition of the whole system; headache, nervous prostration, and was almost helpless. Xo physicians or medicines did her any good. Three months ago she began to usellop Ritters with such good effect that she seems and feels young again, although over 70 years old. We think there is no other medicine tit to use in the family." A lady, in Providence, It. I What Spider.-- are Good For. A black hornet, says the Lawrence (Mass.) American, was obsetved a lew weeks ago flying in a sitting-room in Ibis citv.nnd the occupant of the room noticed tnat the ine-tiloposited a small ! piece ot mud on Ihe-wnv support ing a j picture name. As it was not disturbed it repeated the operation live or six times a (1 ty nidi 1 it hrnl built a cell about one inch Jong, with a cylindrical capacity three-eights of an iir-h in (li.mieler,in which an egg was laid and the end was then clo.-ed. Tho process was repeated until six cells had lxvii completed in a like manner, when the t hornet laid aside its trowel and betook itself toothcr fields of labor. . Finally the nc-t Avas removed, find was found to contain larva in various stages of development, from the full-grown chrysj lis in the cocoon to the young larva? just hatched. Thee wore" three larva; partly changed fo lie chrysalis form, ami in these cells were the re mains of several spiders. Iu tho cell with and placed above the youngest larva; weie fourteen spiders, some of them quite 1 urge, and the larvi? ap peared large enough to have eiten half a dozen. If hornets m ikes spiders their favorite food, they will lhd some new friends. Mr. Jostqdi in his history of Triui dad, stales that the eggs of the cftynriu or crocodile mui h i-escmbh; the .egx of the common hen. The P.oston C.bb. Ixrli.ves that young men will winy imw lvidily when yotnig I tdi'" do not dress so cx- I j trav.'.gaiitly, Our Temperance Column. HUITKO 1ST THK WOMAN CHRISTIAN TKM rEKANl.K UNION. "Tor flod. an.l l oine, and Nat ive Land." 1i..TTSMOt in Loi;e No. 2. 1- O ;. T. Kcfrniar ineetinx at tiood Teni'lar' Hull every, w t-uiiejuay cveinuK- K. U. Wooi.i v, W, VlOt.A A'. r.AKNKS. Sei-'V. C. T n: IlHITSMdlTII TEMl'LK .F llo.NOIt TKMl"i:i;Nri:, No. ir.--h'ct'i! ;ir iin iiuu', Saturday evening i;i Hall in ritzacialdV hlnek. 1'. I. Oass, W. C. T. f. V. Johnson, Sco'j-. ill.ATTS.MnL TU !.'Kl IIlftTSON ( 'i.v l;. Keirii! ar tneetiii on Monday eve:ii:i of each week. j:. (!. Lo KV, )'ie:idel:t. H. M. r.fsllNKI.l., See"y. IJi.ati.smouth W. ('. T. I, will meet every idteinate Thursday at a o'clock, in the l;c;:d:ii Kooni, unless other notice is iveu iu tins minimi. .Mus. H. .M. Wisi:, rrofident. .Mrs. K. L. Dl kk, Secretary. pi.ATTSMOl'TII I,i)Im;KOFI1 VKNII.K Ti:MP- i.Aits will meet every alternate Friday evcti in at o'clock in lood Templars ' Hall . Miw. A. Si ni.KOKL. Superintendent. i lie Conflict with Hie Rum Power. IJY KEY. T. II. HERD.MAX. The temperance movement has been a progressive one. Making its appeal first to drunkards to reform, then to moderate drinkers to refrain, it now calls upon abstainers, upon the youth, the women, upon moral and Christian people, to take its pledge, swell its ranks and combine for its works. It has passed through tho stages of in culcating moderation and abstinence, until now it demands in addition the legal prohibition of the traffic in strong drink. The principles embodied in the reform have at each step of its progress taken a stronger hold upon the pc pie. The conviction that in temperance is sin evil has deepened in to its recognition as a crime, while the purpose of society to rid itself of the curse now finds more general, more decided expression than ever before. As a result of such progress the rum power, always hostile, has beOll Stirred up to active opposition. Its own exist ence threatened, if lights for.preserva tion. It resorts to strategy ,as well as to direct attack. Through the occa sional glass it lures the young into the way that leads todesti iiction. It pres ents a false estimate of manhood, and parades spurious examples 01 great ness. It artfully selects as candidates for o:lk:e men of loose habits and elas tic consciences. It Secures their e'ec- lion by treating the pvor Ksaiu, w!io for a fe vv glasses of Leer or whisky are willing to sell their political birth- nglit. lit. It seeks thr-mnh uuibbliuir m;;- It seeks through (piibbling ma- ; gtstiateS to l ender temperance legisla- , I tion nugatory, tin ov, s obst 11. ctions in: ,, c.i . . .,,.1. the way ot tho uj.orcemeut ot such , laws as are designed to promote habits I 0 1 Of SObrietV, exceeds the gi ant of li- ! cense, defrauds the icvciiuc- and d;.fics j alike public sentiment and the civil i power. It brings to its aid gambling, ' Sabbath Iesecr;itiin. perjury. I i cent ios- j ihss. It wages a relentless vv.ii -against j the purity of the ballot box and trie j Sanctity of the ollicial oath. It orpo- j st s everv retorm movement. tt ai- tacks the icligious puss, the Sunday j school, the church, knowing well that i 0 i if these flourish it must llecay, IiaV, J .... ,. ,i- -,i 1 that It these IlVC U must (he. 1 lie rum 1 power has entered into the conflict to J win. nv ilgetlCV that it Call Control will be invoked, even to the suborna- , tlOU ot false Witnesses. It Will achieve . ... .1: .1 ,: ii,.. m, I success, if it must, by .-lighting the ie- putation of its opponents; by the cor- ruption, even the destruction of gov ernment: by theoverthrowtf morality and religion. Rike Pharaoh it increas es its exactions aud intensifies its ma levolence with the progress of the coun ter movement, and like him, too, we believe that as the result of the cen tlict, it will be swept to destruction by the waves of Jehovah's wrath, while society freed from its exactions and threats will give praise to (iod for the gteat deliverance. To commemorate tho formation of the first Temperance Society in the United Kingdom, a great temperance jubilee was held at the Crystal Palace, London, on Sept. 2. The Cincinnati Enquirer, a stead fast upholder of tho liquor dealers sas: "The two main points sought to be accomplished by legislation tire lo cal optiou and woman suffrage at such option elections. Give the wciupu tlie ballot at such occasions, allow them I to have a voice in the question wheth- I er saloons and beer and wine rooms j where intoxicating drinks are sold mav : or may not exist, and not a drop could a thirstv soul cet anvwherc in the State. There is an earnestness in the 'now crusade' we have never before j witnessed, and if there are any who, I think there is not going to be much of j a shower after ail, they will fool them- selves as completely as did the scoffers j of Xoah and his ark. The signs of the j coming slonn are too apparent for any observant mind to mistake their mean- j ing. 'Local option and woman suf-j t rage win oe tiie inspiring motto ot the new crusaders, and the political arena will be m-tde lively with the shouts of bailie cry, and activity of those who use it. And it will worry the po litical parlies and the small po liticians more than any question they have for some time had to deal with. Shall we sav there is fun or dath ahead V We find in the Grant City, Mo., Star, the following points n the great Tem perance Reform. Good for a secular newspaper: "1. Do thyself no harm. 2. Love thy neighbor as thjself. 3. Pray for all liquor dealers. -1. Vole to pr bibit all drunkenness. 5. Vote to pro hibit all liquor crime. . Solicit the religious and secular press to treat the subject with the fairness its import ance demands. recent letter from Atlanta, (J.;.. to ! I the Columbus Knquirer says: "The Prohibitionists seem tube getting bold- ; er in Georgia. Several bills prohibit- 1 ing the sale of liquors in small l:;v. i:s have been passed. A bill, prob;b:r two bills, are pending, which declare k i that after the first of next Janr.arv . 1 no spirituous liqucrs shall be scM in' Ceorgia outside of towi s and cities, and in them- only under crstrun rc- j strictious." LEGAL XOTICES. Legal Notice. To Samuel H. Crceii. iion-roident defendant . You are herchy noritied that on the '-.kl iav of H'toher. A. 1). tSTit. (ieneva C. tJreeii, the iitiiJirbriikd l .1 :i i 1 1 1 i fT f;!iJil litr iicliliitii in tint elel-U-'M iilll.-e i.f tlie llwtii.-H'. i:rf ..I 1 b,. vl Jmiieial Histiict of .el.i;i.sk:i, vitl.ii tuid for tlie eoiintv of Cass a-.-mist v..n I'be ,.bi... t I : i.d prayer of -aid petition is to oht.iin a decree I Cina.side and wtt-dly aiisiullin-; the marriaue ntiaet eisti:i' b-i .eeii v.n.iseif an. I said plnintiff. Also for tlie cu;oily ;iud care i f one Miiuor eliiiil, l;.? fruit d sticn niari ia;:e. upon ..11 sl'"t'.lr'"I';,'ir'i.l-ii iiti.i.ti in llijitl! t he said plaintill 'and her said child. You are re'iuired to plead or answer f ssi.l petltimi on or be lore the fificenlh dty nf Ieei-iuhor. l .?:. CSr.NKVA '. Ckkk.n, l'v Moii-ou iS: Brown. '2tt iter Attorneys. Estray Notice. i.....I..lU ..I' ...i.rK...I .....i ... . t, , 1 I - . ' Taken un 1-y the subscriber on his premises tn W uepii.jj Water picc.net. Sep . .m 11. 1H.H. mil- leu in-ill 1 i-,ii 1 . mi j 1(11 ien ill IU' ..'lilil M months old. Some while on nelly, and branded "A"' on iett l.ip. J. M. H'kakiisi.kv. Wkki'imi W'atku, N i;i:.. Oct. ith. 1 .;!. Probate Notice. Nd ice is hcrehy jriven that .laiiies ra'injf has filed an instrument in wriiin purport in 10 he the last v. ill and testament of Elizabeth J'nliiiK. deceascil. l;ite of said Count v and asks to have t lie same admitted to probate." heienpou I have j appointed Wednesday the Utli day of Novcm- j her. A. 1 1S7H. at one o'clock, p. in. at mv (dliee : in riattsnioiith. Cass Co . Ni l)., us the time ami I place for proving said vt ill, ;;t wliicii ti,:ie .-iml ; p'aoe all concerned may appear and contest j tlu probate of tiie same. '11 tes; iuioiiv where of I have hereunto M't my h.T.nl and omcial se;i! this 2-'d day of Octo'icr. A. 1. Is7:j. lt.'i A. X. Si i.i. I v n, Co . .1 iid.re. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale i-sued Vy VVm. L. Weils . Clerk of the Histrict Court within and for Cass Count v. NehrasUa. and to me directed. 1 will on thejud day of Nou-moer, A. 1., i.-'7n, at 10 o'cl-iek. a. ni. "of anl d;iy. at the south door of tlie Court House In said County, sell at I'uMic Auction the fo!l(iin l.'eal Eiate. ii wit : The mirth halfu''j of the south v. es t ipinrter is' v I of son! !i west fpiaiter (su'il o Seciion No. thirty-four i:vo in Towr.sliii Xo. twelve 1 1J 1101 th of Eali.ue No ni;e !'.'? cast of tlth I. NI. The same l e.11 levieil upci: :-r.d t; k- en as the properiy of Edwin Arj-ell. .:;.iy E. . Au;;e!l. Scorue v. CaIy iiuil tieoi ;c A. JlViaj.- hind. Defendants : to salisfv a judunieiil 01 said I Court recjvered ly Melissa"!.. i:itriek. I'laiut- I ill. 11. . ilVMiS j Sheriff. Ca-s (.'.unity. Neli. ! I'lattsmoutli, Xch, lcto! er i'.d, IsT'.i ;:it.j ! Probate Notice. Iii the matter of the estate of Cha: w. tor Eohede. I eeeaed. Noiiee is heiehv Liven, to ill! nelsons i tivinir : e!ain:s:ijrain.si the Estate of Chas. F. W". U i ;: r i.oneue oeceaseo . 1 o ii le 1 oe n;i jlie on iii ecioie the J'.'il day of May, A. !.. ISsn. iu the Ofliee of the Coiuitv Judge, at I'lilttsmoutll. Cast .';., Nel.ra-ka. A. X. Sl-M.IV.VX. C.i. .I;;d-e. ! riattsinoiitli. Oct., r.d. is::. 3:13 i?robate Notice. Iu the matter of tlie v.- t:.te of Samite May. de ceased. In the County Court of Cass Co.. Ne hrasUa. Not ce is herchy ;iven. That W. II. H. Yan- ; Epps, administrator, with tlie will annexed, of the estate of S mine! .May deceased, has made : I application for Imal settlement and that said j I Pause is set lor hearing at my u.'lice at I'lalts I I l.ionlli on tlo. I I III ii r. e of Vil-i.iiiIi..i- A lb j isry ;ir' 10 o'clock, a. m.".'on said day ; at' which tune ami p. ace, all persons interested may he orese'it and examine sai l accounts. " I I A.N Si. I.I.IVAN, Co. .Eide. I I'lallsmoii'.h, Ocioiici L'l-t. ls;y. MM ; - ; ; AjCcU UtvILU. In ouaty ( oart of Cass Cnuntv. Xi-! n!ui. in ; the mallerot iippiie.'ithMi for the adopt ion. i,v ' Mary c. Yeiie. ot Vcv.t.n v.oi.-v ; Iniiior son of Jaiiif.s .Mill deii:iic lloutll. ' N(,ti,.(. u iyt, , :,1,;i;.;.;;1, j l:::,.V:rX1-'. f.,":-"!',' ,';t!,::,.V,:,: M-'r- I elie. of i ia;;lv 1 vc l;ov.e;l.a miu.u a 1!;! . ! son . t .fames and .len. le Howe!!, atld lli.tt a .' heariai; id the said mailer will he had l.etore in-at 1 oViock ;. e... on the iu;i ,.,- .o- I v .... . cas- ( . A. 11. is. ;. :n j' o;,:c. I'i 1 la:;-. il.lt V. Nl 1:-1 .1- .1. U lie. t ;,l! 1. 1 ; ; !i.o!l'.!l. I .!'!' 1 r - 1 ud. : e-t'il may itttend. ami they .-.lia'i lie !..; 'ctoher .". si , I,- ... A. N Sfi s : .' - 31 Co:-!.. V .1 Legal Notice ' Ti-r. S!.:t' nf .V..Mix'iJ. ('(... '. ' Co i.-f nf He -j f Judu ial isi.-t) i7 A". I a mid i'r Cni!iC'. j George E. Kinlev, l lainflf! i cr-.ii st E:.( 1 '. E. vS ,,, u saient. i- fen.aer. . ;:i tiike t.ottee. t'.i.i: -n E.1.1 .y m- m-.) iay of vcmlicr. A. I. I.:.'.'. t.:e l'iaii.p:i nmne i,ui, will lake the Depositions of Sainael i:. r-eu.li and Eh.ahcl'.i Sin::::s, witnesses, in le 1: .. d as Kvi.iem e on tlie r:ai oi tlk.- at .ove c.i'i .e. a t I iie ,V,"'',,.'1 01 Widiai.i .i;i r-oiiaol. .Jii.v-ii ;- oi (in ill Ne. Mo-e.!. ia t he coi'iit v of (.'o-i:oc- toai.i t.!;-State ol (::.. l.ctweei I he hoars oj e 1 ! 1 1 o clock. A. ..!.. and . x o c ock 1. .V... i t said day. and that tii:- taking of the same will he ildjoliiued fl. ill d.iv to daV. hetweini the same hours until they are compiclcd. SM. .VI. ( 1: Al'MAN. Atlortie f-.r. 3,,3 oe-.-e E. Kin., y. U'4 1 V UlVVl Andrew .1. Swans, noa-residctil, defend.. ii ! . ' v. iH t;iKe notice that on the il-jd day i f .?.. -h.-r. i A. D. 1ST:). Nelson .lean. p'uiiiti.T. liiert i;is ii ! tion in the District Court of tio Scce:-.. .:-,.- i- ciid District id Netini'ka. wiihiu am! I ;,- i County : the ohject jiii.l player of which pen- j tion is' to ohtain iudmciit afiainst. you ( A ? di ev ' .1. Swarts) for tile .sum of $i:r..)0 and iisteies; ! thereon at tiie rate of ten (1(0 percept, per iin- ; ii n i ii from Oct. 21. 17:'. on an account !:: ma.!i- ; tainance. care and e.iu.-alion of George E. j S arts and Grace E. Swart, infant children of i siihl defendant, furuish-d and provided forsavl ' irfaii! children at I he rate of i per week for t wo i years and four 4 ' months last pas! hefore i October --'1st. lsTfl. Ami tlie said p.ni:itl!T has caused the lo'lonin described real estate, as tlie properly of said Amliew J. Swrrt. drfen d;int. to he attached ill sai.l cause, to-wit ; '1 he no'th half iii'iior the southeast ipiuiter (se1.,) of seei ion No. twenty four i '.'4 i. in t o nshi p No. ten i lit), north of ran ;e No. ten (lOi, east of the fixth I". M. ia Ciiss t oiintv. Nehiv.sivii. You are required to answer said petition on or before theeiirhlli day of December. 17:1, or judgment will be taken against you for ;iid sum of yi.fioo with irteiest tiiero'ia". Nki.sov Jkix. Sam. .I. CHAPMAN'. Sl'l His Attorney. HEDUCED PACKAGE RATES Between 3.GOO Offices of this Co. In New England. Middle and Western States; al60 to offices of nearly all Connecting Lines. MONEY mi n r) r N r V AND COLC. -p,v ' not CXCoedine: S2Q. 15c. S40, 20c. " S50, 25c. j Zarje rum in iMu h tmulltT rcporiicn. o I MERCHANDISE. i Lownt sad ltlghl-it C'aanfrs, rtrr0ig Iiltlnnr... I Packages not exceeding I I 11). 5-DC. 1 "s. eoui;. 25io 75c. j 3 " 25 to 45c. I 7 PRINTED MATTER. BOOKS, and oUier mutter, trhotlt, in print, or dered from, or pout by.dualers, &c, PRE-PAID : 2 lba ".T 5 c. 3 "lbw." 2Qc. I 4 lbs. 25c. ORDERS FOE prKCIIASISK GOODS Left with any Ajent of tide Co. will he promytiy executed, lcitwut expense, other than tho ordinary thari;o lor carrying the gooiis. Send your Money and I'arccls hy lixprcps; cheapest and quickest, with positive security. M. . FABUO, Pres't. 3JI1I-' 1. I). I5FN.NKTT. Altnt W. D. JONES' -Again takes the Brick Livery Stable, I'll ATTSMC t"f II, XI". IiU A SKA The old r.onner Stahles. in l'lattsniontli. are i now leased v t . I V .-:.. a-i i It is on ' hand ut:v aud liandsoaid accoiuino iatlous, i.i i the shape of I HORDES, CARRIAGES, HUOiiIES, and SADDLE HORSES. I iiin prepared to keep HOi:sKS FOR SALE? TRADE! And v ill Train and Break Celts Oa lit a-om.Me Trnis. ALSO KK.M1IM 15 2IZ2 , 1!:.:! villi p'. 'i ly of room ('hat fjvery one v d. I;--. .M!:. :i c sr:i!ile I e:i'n .-11 I'-ii-iumi-. ' : i . . . I ........ . j . .f 1. c-.. .... .1 ....... ... . r- .1. i .- .. . ...i . ... lli.a. , UilHUI . IM' j er. i . i l y :.. I e dry. 7 . .v: :r : 'i n y old ;i;d ri.ns for their lil.eral- I i - I . i ... I ' -1 i i- t i . 1 U .t- t i fill iiv.. . t .i...l ' t- 't t -. ' -":':.:e ihem better and v tie;. l., ;c".! t;.: :: t v.i ht tore MM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, ORGANS- '.: stons. -ct I .- eds. 2 Knee se!!s. siool only SfisTTocf. I'i siiis. io )!.-ii . & hook, only SI 1"..7". Illulr::tci! ne,-.-sjia jiei s i,t free. Aihtit-ss H.VNIKI. I". I!K v I I v Washib;; ton. N. .1. L"-! QlOflfl iclnins ii: :io day.s on hi Invested 1 I VlVO Ollicial I'.pi'ils a!bl i ll.'ol Ilia t ioll ' f:,,,'- r','"'1, veekly on Sick ..;.ti.m d ! " ". Addles 1. I otter, li-lit. A Co. I ;uiker'.;f. Wall St.. N. . 1 Clfi V( -l(11flJ Ine:-.teil y Wall street : - J vxvyow, Moeks inaki's ,;tu!ie-: i every tnoi.t'i. I'.ooK .st-iit free e.;laiiiii everv time.'. Address, ha x ri'i: en., hanki IT Wall St..N. Y n T2Q0 PLAN, o.., in it Vt mini h.ial If n r .... 1. 111 lt VAnt Hritn li.it rvrrv .!Vii(IM. il rainul. M H I " lien .tTtiriii. i.i t ) Vrrn-nr. tin In I ' I'lmumtoiss h'iv!l r!l mi' .i'p.I itl Kt(nk .i.-.il . n;i 'lit . 1. ::i.n;"j: 4 i.v., 10 t.un.i : ;r.. t, v w v...::. TOO LATE j Hw (lf ,; M th:l:. half 1:1 1 f ..j.j..,. f ; j ,.,...., t!::'!. vi. p;.:i stand. 1:1 half i:i I'm ii '.civ.-i.eil ! 1 n:e i.e.ly v.e veeieoi- d'? s ;tl "ll pl'ie. S. ;7 : t i'ell ""ll ' m':i sin. All Inui and Steel. Sold en trial freight paid l y us -::i money ask-d 11. 1 trs;ed iiixl lnund fati'-faetorv. All sizes. ,j 1 1 ::s o 1 s! e x a s s a i to " . Iiimjhi'iti!'tii. SV. I". ll "V I.nn .1 irlie ovit k nown fj'J . .. a......L. .....1 Vy itiMe-vA Kciultrn. OUR $15 SHOT-GL'M fit F MS f 3- , ! - I ftS Vm H V1' e:i! ly rcibiced pure. I'j .J.-Hrt. f-i.lnp ler our Mew I S3 Lia V iliuu..l, .i l'rilro 'i;c. ! F. POWELL 4 SOX, Mum Mre.t, CIXCIXSATI.O. mm Id';:; trial wi A WEEK in V'nir o 11 own. :'.:id no eap- ed. You e.iii t,:ve til! I'llines ithoilt e;.ciiv.'. The .est oppor- u-!itv ever oiicrou for tnose v. 1 1 r 1 1 li to work. You shoitld try i.uihin e.se mini pm see for viiiivsi'll what von can do at tile Uiisiiiess ..... . ...'. N ..." 1.,;.. I. ... - m" (Mit i. .o i.'.'im 10 eM.oji iii'ie. i "00:11 to evplalu here. e;i!i it t ime or only yonr sjijue t ime to ainl niaiic ere;:t p;iy for every devote all vour the Imsiiie-s liour vou won;. on.cn m.iue mm .1 ;ts men. .s'eud fur special private terms and particulars, hieh we mail fret. .i Out lit free. Hoii't com- piiiiu of hard times while on liave sneh a chance. Address IE llAl.l.E L' & CO.. I'onlalu!, Maine. ;.,iy ABBOTT'S PATENT $ ' ' -'.Jj 1 1 SJPi; . PORTLAND OUTTEP, Tlie Strongest .Sleigh la exiMcnce. Eir.a flnisli, lipht, cheaiifcr and inoro durable than other Sleighs. Also, Aliiiott's Patent Runner Attaclmicnts, Vor wheclod vehicles of every scription. Per fectly practical ; fits any ale: trucks ia country roads. Over four thousand iu uxe. Td ud lor eircuiars and learn your near- st at nt. A. A. ABBOTT & CO., HOO Wab.isli Ave., Chicago. r- , - - .... i . . . . . 1 1: it :: s ( y. :l't: 1. l"' ! :i ; :'l : 1: ,: l i i r 2 I or l E".- of I Ii-. .;:s. r.s d -i:vd. -i i : !' dcs.cp c; pr:e '.l-t. ' i-d cej:!sfYira:r .-r.w i:.i.i-.st'?at- d ' it :. -c. L. i:h c.v. r :ii (i i!:i.:...ij::.i .: E ;i J-li :.ud U !i ii.'. I"ur::! dicrs, ir :! cii:ci-s i;: ;".cr: ..'.::-r t.i tl;P V,: r.::.l Kiz'.'.n-WTr l::i--, v.::-cy:,".T"z ie. all : c;:o?l il:??L!:s, !;.- lit :r;i::l St., New York. BATES & KOHHKE. Xew Carpenter oliop on il;iin Street, j Corner of 7th. ! ISntes it IColmkc, j Inililci:, j Contractors, nn:l i-C'iicral workman in the j Carpenter lino. ! UVA)lii: KIKJKKTOX."" ; W i n e s, L i q u r s AND X Gr IRj S Main Street, opposite the Court Ho;:-e. This place is ja-: ;;enctl. i. u; to:l to.ms all kinds. W" want to keep il o:..l !ioii-e ;ii.t1 plea-e our c.i -tomer. em i:a i) i: :i this. v. rTf" c IT" ClotMng BTouss! C. a. HER0LD, - Proprietor. ri::.sT 5:s.T.nii in i Ke'fps a tomial kirn stock of Glen's. Toiiiirs Alloy's r ? ati? ir ?! LLy 1 n i ii u i and has in.-t n-cciv.-d the .'iiie. t !o; of : French and English Siikj .WORSTED UITS(- j THAT KV Ell CK'tSSEU TIIE MO. 111VEH. i t i ,u " '' V ' " l" - 1 TJT- fT rrs J3 ecL & KJZ isP C 22? 5 I 7 arc surpri.-iiiL'. and l.i stock or ... n i i FANCY GOODS, A N I Sh q w & q Go. o a s Ia'large ct;onj.'li to supply any demand. Call and Exami; f bo TT BKFcJ'.i: i v f J 1 xt A- gr y mr-" -s l- V ..- ft . - - L 1 i 1 ... M fly .... . ... . . ! for the 1 1 1711! n ar I ! I i r t.i 1 Lriirr iv ! I HAVE .It ST ol'EM H A LALtiE. SUN K.C-1' dlrfu fait iBoo&s! GUCII 3 1 1 fi&e 5 j ! ! TrVT 4 ' I Dress - I f ' r iT-?. hA u ! S I 1 Si S j I I I i ! j I I j j t 5 I S v, m a 1 1 1 1 HI tflfi rl I I llt CASSIME-PjES e. K : C I- t; 0 Domestics, Undorvoar, SUA. I VT.S! . FixzRi&Iiing: Goods I Also a Full Lino of l Wooden ware h ''r T f 1 1 -1 i 1 1 t. v men we v tii s- n INSPECTION INVITED I f'jlfl ICC iiC filll'll' On t ZAe u."A j r- T ir Ilat Isnsoiitl!. J.lLvJ' k . i. has ours more " buinman who are, on and after this d.itc koIo proprietors. - KKW GOODS, ELEGAST STYLKS. HO IrR, 3- Z 2sT i3 . We. a 're In aliiiost itaiiy receipt of DRY AND FANCY GOODS hi'di v. i our friends ; ml the public at pil e's t inmw seess mum. Casliiiirrcs. Alpaciis, Delaines. Arc. Calicos, from 12 to 10 Yards for $1.00. Llusiins. from G cts. a yard niiYanI The finest st-i.-U of White I'.' dspicads nor l.ronzht to li'c ( itv. Buell's Cassimeres, Twe&ds, Jeans, and Cottonade: full Stock. Mi Mats (Daps. OF A I.I. KIN US. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. We desire to see all our old patrons back and want to hold as many of tho piesei.t ones as we can (JUTIIMAN & WLCKRACIL UE2IEMBEE THE PLACE OX E DOOR WEST OF J O., 201y I'LATTSMOUTU, NEBRASKA 9 (ii Qjy o Goods rt's-.'f ?4-2 1 1 j r s -T .Illll-s I'i 1 :a M-vy low i;i 1 Mill's. i S7 1 1 tidO j !.!:-i:.c.l ! o - Is r Of fC niT r rr tt m j - in i .- K7 V VJ i . . -s. Vs. fhrasliis. OJrfijsfp J7J) Tan? come back" to Weckbach 9 siiil tlie times. 1L XS.T ( A V f 4 ii n r 11