The Herald. A I V Kit T I M I SI U HATCH. Hi'Ai'K 1 w. -i w. ; 3 vr. 1 m.j 3 m.i 6 ni.l 1 yr. I mjr .. 1 no SI .Vt SJ (W) $ mi 5-5 o i" oo $12 (rt 2'i..i J '(mi 27S 3-.' ( .Vr lo(io, ikij4 3 Sip's ; no: .l CUl !t col 1 Col. KIM) If! I til 1 ' Ml 'HllHt M.uil aV . ft - a ... J.ltnj: .HI . ! k iV P.'imi ' i.mhi ihoo 2'no im! fioirt . : 1"II(I Is OH LKIK) aT,iMI 4nno iivoa ' All Advertising Ullto Duo Quarterly. JIIO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. J "PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS TERMS: $2.00 a Year. tf Transient AdvcrtNinriit must be I'alJ tn Advance. Terms in Advance : j One copy. nn year j One copy, six moi.thv l.i0 j One copy, three moniln, - M ; C,"iitra (Topics of tire If kkai.d for sale by .1. 1. Y.i;.'j, ut the I'ost Oillce New Depot, Mala Stieet. VOLUME XV. LATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTQDIjIHj, 1879. NUM1SEK .3.3. The Herald. rUDLISHEU EVERY THURSDAY, AT PLAT TSMOOTH, NEBRASKA. OFFICE: O: Vin St., One Block Nortli of Main, Cor. of Ffth Street. lz Crd:!ia cf rj Fapr in 3 Cm!. K A HEMALB. HENRY BGFCK DffALKK IN Furniture, SAFES, CHAIRS. ftc. ktc, kit.. Of All Dtun-rijtin. METALLIC BURIAL CASES WCODElf COFFIUS Of a'l sues, ready made and sold chea;' for cash. MY FIN IS HEARSE wmm IS NOW READY FOR SERVICE. ORGANS & PIANOS Of Every lescrrj'tion, CHEAP FOR CASH. The Celebrated Whittlesey Patent WINDOW SHADE FIXTURES, Complete with Roller, for 2.VU. Lanlirequin Window Shades. And a Larger variety of Cheaper Shades, of all varieties. With mai.y thanks for past patronage. I I ii ite all to call and examine my LAKCK STOCK OF l3tf. l-Ti:TI MK AMI Or IH brick: bru-k: It you want any Fire cr Ornamental Brick, Call oil J. T. A. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, - - NERRASKJ. HOTEL CITY HOTEL ri.ATTSMorm. xer. Ui:-t Lodging Ro-i:t. F:i"t Class Hoarding. lool Sample Roemi' Eve.-jthini; aud every enmfort A (iood Hotel can Furnish Also, ;.! Wines, ('.ml B--er. Cooil l.iittio's t'oo 1 Lemonade, flood t i ir. Kept at the Vity Fotel. ! IKIIV :!. I'm fi i tur. SIGN. CARRIAGE ami ORNA MENTAL PAINTER, .A.. ASHLEY Shop over the Brick Blocl next to II Bocck's. I'LATTSMOUTH. - -" - - MCI 4tly. A miHwt!i!i cf Ilopa, Itachn. ?" ndrI.. ii l 1 Ilullll3. T i;"i i. if ihn bint tr i HtJ.'a .1 t rlex.l I'nrldrr. I.Itt If rr'otnr, lafe N'l (Ii-wa-w or ill b.-rUth can popsiMy lnna- ex1t 'n-r H ip Pittrrs fcru used, to ViUinl and rlcct TbrT (W mm-m li r im4 Tlpw ti arri sad lii P To !! hnie emjtloTnjci.ts cause li-rcruLinty of H:Ii. rf-eU or nrujary or-ran. or who ruiij;rt mi j ; ; tLz. r.T r.ic an-l miM ilitten) I Nr pisttr whAt your fot.-luss or Fj-TTrptorrn arr whr.t t:'o.ltson or ailuieDt 14, no lUip titt rn- fl ut jour lia. It haa aareil bumlrLk J -"K will b raid foraraaetbry will not mm or 3 IN Po n t 'iiler nor k t your fric:ui sutler, but fj Q llrTirmher, HopIlifteri3iiOTlle.dmeTrl,dnink Hn n.rara. Imt t:i lTirpt anil lst M. .Urine en r Ql.'; the -InTalld'a 'rirad and llapr," anJ t.ct Hme thla day. j ilor Cocoa -a l the Fwertrst. aafeat aixl beat. I The Tlor P r f nr Stomach. Unr and KIiItxt In rW to allot hera. Cores by absorpuon. Ask draxguX. in.L C. lanahe.ihrtandirrr-riiblemreforr'rTiiik cnntfsa, uk tt opLuin, tobacco aad narcotics: iU V dnrt.fc J!.T Bitten Mff . Co. F.bcrtrr, JT.T. nt-- a i - pars ap anil a T -r.nipounl f tlie virtues of snrsnparill.i, MilliMia, niainlrake, yellow duck, with the i of pta-l) and iron, all )xx erful Mmw1 "l:iakin;r. ldooI-.leansinir, and iife-siitaiiiiii'' ( lc:i!.'!its. It is the purest, safest, and in v ry way the most effectual alt"rative medi tiu knovn or available to the pnldie. The M-i.-neea ft medicine and chemistry have Tievcr irluced so valuable a remedy, nor n si Mitert to cure all diseases resulting lr:n imiiire blood. It cures Si'rofiila, and all "Tofnlom disease, Ij siprl; lfose. r St. Anthony' Fire, Pimple and Kace-s:rils, Pustules. Ulotches. Boils T iiimirs. Tetter, 1 1 unions Salt liheum, .Se.ild-head. Kins; worm. I'leers. Sores, l!'iriiin:itis2it, ?Iercurial Iisease, Neu ralaia, Kemale Weaknesses and I rremi lrities, .Eiiindiee, Aftections of the I.iver, Dyspepsia, Iimaciation, and t'.eneral Debility. , . Tv it earcliinj find cleansing qnal:tie i' i;r"-s o:it. the foul corruptions whi Ii rn. .iiuin?.te the bb.xl. and cause deranpv . n.-nr and de.-av. It stimulates and enliven the vital fttn.ri,iw T. ono,? I v-j- ' ni- jrceri' iie:&iiu. . 2 . i itases new life and visor throusliout tlie nh'H system. Xo sutTerer from ariv disease wlifeharis.- from imoiirit v of thp 1.1.' ml n...,l x.-..rt 'til I. . t . T . 1 ' livr:ilr,vh.v'll ffive Ayf.k's Sabsapapilla a ia-r iriai. i.einemher, the earlier the trial, the speedier the cure. I s reeie has leen furnished to physicians everywhere; and they, recognizing its supe rior qualities, adruiuister it iu their practice. For narlr fortr vears Ater's Satji. i:ii.i.A La Iw-t-n widely used, and it now pos- ! the coniMence cf miliw.n of people vim nave exjH-neneea ttneu: ironi its ruar vclloa curative virtues. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer it. Co., Practical mid Analyt'.e..! Chemit, Lowtll, Mats. iUUi Bt AAi PI;VGpTS eVERTWUEKC, A MONTH! A3ZS73 75 Hrl erlilns irtMnta IhvWarMi a Mm- plefrM. AdJAY BRONSOH.Iieu'sikica VJH MTTn ,a""" 1,1 SMF,-S "t CliKVES, of hi. h I If All I LU "''"UuckrytrileOiiitment, Warranted to cura turn. Aa.i(M sLaaip, ir. J. N. Ttlrr, M. Lquis, Ma. CARPEMfER SAIVS Or any nthor kin'l, you can file yoiirarf with ooi .Vfw Jlarhiti so that it will cut Urtte-r than J-'ra-. 'His t.-th will all remain of f-qiial ize and eliape. Sfitt fre ow rript of Qt.&O to any j.Tt r-f tli I'uitt'il Stat.-. llltjftlriitedCtrculur. y-ee. lintut A ijent wBMffrf i n rwru rountuantt rit. .Vllrea J-;. It it HI As JJUO.. Jlrw Our fotit, l'n. .! W hare liunilrc-ia cf li tters from min using our Machine w ho hJ thvy would not take tut iu WIRTS & SCHOLLE, Mo. 222 Wabash atekue. Chicago, ir r Fine, llcdium, and Common URNITU ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE nd nr1ej list of over 500 new designs MAILED FKiCJE non application. (Sent for it.) INVINCIBLE" Is the best base burn cr for hard coal, li strlee ami sizo.o, with more patent improve- riienta than cr for tlipin r.ny other toves. Auk rour deal, or son. I for froo illustrated cir. culvr. Chisago L rZ-le Stove Co. (Limited), njpce. 171 & 17a Lake SU Chicago. A MONTH guaranteed. si a day at home made by the iudusii jou. Cap ital not required; we will i-tart you. .Men. women, lov ami uiil" make lnon- ev faster at work for us than at anvthinir else. The work Is liht and pleasant, and such a any one can jro rilit at. Those who are wise who ee t his nol ice w ill neiiil us their a'1dre"se at unci' and fee for themselve. oMIv xutlit and term lice. Now is the tiaie. Those already atwoikare laving up lai'tre nuns of nionev Ad. I res TRl rC" .V t'.. Augusta. Maine. ISi'v To : litiKi A YEA R. or to ?'J0 a day in yoiirown locality. No risk. Wo men do as wi ll as men. M:;n v make more tiian the amount -I ileil alxue. No one can fail to make money fa-t. Any one can do the work. You can make from M cents to s.' an hour by devoting jour evenimjs a'i'I -pare t hue to t lie b'lines-. It eols nolh'a . trv the tiusiiM s. Notbiiii; like it for u: .:.ey makiii'J ever offered liefore. I'.usi'iess pleasant ami strictly hon ir.iMe. Reader, if you want to know all about the het payinc business liefore t he public s.-n. I us your address and we w ill seinl von particularsand private terms free : sampler v. orlh s.ialso free ; you can l lien make mm voiir niiu.i for vonrself. Aildress tSKoRliF STIN.n'ON & CO.. Portland. Maine. l:;ly SPECIFIC MEDICINE The Great EagUab TRADEMARK. Resnedy; a nnfaiUDf cur for Seminal Weak sraa, Spermator rbea, laapoieaey. ad all 41 laat folUiw aa a aa- - c i r ReforeTakin?. Abnw: aa Loaa of After Takinf. Uemorr, rnlraraal Lauitude, Palo in the Back. Dimneaa of VltioD, Prematura Okl Age, and many etbr piMaaca tbat Irad to Inaaaity or Consumption, and a Premature Orare. 0 Full particolara in our pamphlet, arhich we deure as arod free by mail to ererr one. CThe 8:ific Medicine U aoid by all draerirta at tl per package. ais paekarea for fS, ar will be acul free t mail as rereipt of the monry by addreailoc the Git at Jtnirm! co., klacHaMic'a Bljck, DaraotT, Mtrw. rSoh! in I'la! : viiou. ii an i e-i. n i1 . 1! iie::s;i-.-. Our 5th T)ecrlptlTe Illus trated lrlco tor Fall of 187l irlll b aent to any d ilreoa uKn receipt of MSK t'KNTS. It containa price of over 10.000 articles) with, over l.OOO Illustrations. NO I'KlfsON who contemplates the purchase of any article for p-rsonal or family ue. should fail to nentl for sk coiy. We acll most every elaa of Roods known to the civilized world. We Bell all our Rood sat wholesale price direct to the eon anmer i no middle men). 1 lie only lioase In America who make thin tlilr apecial buine-. One of theae valu ibl 1'rice I.lsta and Kefer ence I took la ind i-ensble. Add res MontRomerr Ward A; .. 7 and 2 WabasJl Avcuue, Chicaco, HUaoia. AGENTS WANTED "SDIISHISE Aal SHABO 7 r N w TrX' :U 7 ATIJ r.W II A I.J. fw.H ITU . Pu: -e!;h ' if rst Vol WISH l KN V How fortmie 9 ilal aM" made ami hid in a day : hmv shrew e! B men ale ruined in Wall Street; how M. at "eo'irtrvuien" are swindled by sharp is : iniisbters and I -.ereliants are blaek na le.l ; how andeilMlt made eighty uiiilious f dollars; how iiamblinji bouses aa lotteries ne conducted : how to make and s-nd money ii New ir : how millioi.sarc fed daily ; how .tie rich ami poor live. Head and ieani ahuut New York hankers, inerehaiits. brokers, pi l swindlers. i;amh!ers. How erv. Tombs, elevated railroads. I'.rooklyn bridge. Centra. Park. With b oraiihical sketch es ol A. f. Mewart, .lame. Gordon I'.ennett. Robert Pom er. the Astort. Vauderliilf , Drew. Irccley. Heei-her. Taluiage and hi Talieriiacle. t isk. .1. tiotild and many othels. In i-hort all about the wealth and poverty, the mysteries and miseries of New Yolk. ."omp!ete mil lor ol the metropolis as it is to-day. t It er ! o octavo paizes. with full-page enjrrav ii i;s. Now is the time (or eiiemeiie men at-d women to make money Agents are aveniniiin f: o;. 4u to 00 rders it"i week. For terms ad- ri'ieS J. It. HI' Hit lriIMMIIIX4 - :m Haktkokp, t'os.v.. or Chicago, III. USB WTR An F MAR K J9 ev awvw OE A. OLARK, GOLE AGENT. Th? TILS? and POriXAIt fev!nr; Thr:al of Modrrn Tlraeau I1KWARK For sal bv K or IHITATIOXS. G. Dovev & Son. Solomon & Nathan. Win Herold, W. II Kahskv & Son. Raker & Co.. L. ADA 31 S WIND 31ILL. 31. Hit I P.MAX. AGENT, VTeepIng Water, Neb. Manufactured by Marseilles M'f'i; Co.. of Mar-eilles. 111. 1 have put upsever-'l in Cass Co. Anions those purchasing are J. M Reud-lev. i. v. Bri--u. and S. Yausen nnd J. H. Yoiine, of Oioe Co.. all of w hom can testify totheirni perior excellence. Tliose wtshinu t9 purchase can address me at W. Water : sat- faction jruaranteed. ''rices from to$H-. M ills wit liout pumps sr pumps without mills. 1 ni3 U 1. EiipaAX. A DAY GUARANTEED ottnea, WELL AUGER AND DRILL in good territory. HIGHEST rtSTlMOXlALS FROM GOVERNORS OF IOWA. ARKAXSA a AHD DAKOTA. Catalvguc tica. V. GILES, St. Uuuia. Mu. STOVES. $300 $1500 CRAY'S TRADE MARK. ..Ml XI PIEST National Bank OF PEA TTS MOUTH, NEBRASKA, SUCfKSSOK TO TOOriiK, 1IAX.VA A CLARK Ioh.v Fit7.;f.rald E. . I'OVK.V .. V. .Mcl.Al fiHLlX. . IOM1 i) RoCKtK President. Vice 1'residpnt. Cashier. .Assistant Cashier, This Rank is now open for business at their iew room, comer Mam and Sixth slreets, and is prepareu to iitiuwv a surii BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds. Gold, Government and Local Securities NOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits Received and Interest Alloiv td on Time Certificates. DRAFTS TDZR-AWITsr, vailable In any part of the United States and tu all the Principal Towns and Cities of Knrope. agcxts'for the CELEBRATED nhan Line and Allan Line OF KTKAMtKH. Person wishing to bring out their friends from Europe can rCKCIIASK TTrKRTS FROM C3 Threuth to Platttmeath. J. F. BAUMEISTER Furnisliea Freeh, Ture Milk,' i).:livi:iii:. daily. Special call- attended to. ond I'reeli Milk fiom same cow liiiiiislied when wanted. iy Excelsior Barber Shop. J. c. BOONE, Wain Street, op2osite Satuulers Home. "FCJVXZR CX7TTIlSrC3-, S H A V I N G A N D S H A M P O O 1 N (i Especial attention given to JUTTING CHILDREN'S AND LA DIES' HAIR. 'JAI.L AND SEE IJOOXK. GENTS. And ct a boon iu a CL3 TnT KTrlJ.7'E- A. JSclilegel & Bro., Manufactiirers oJ f;fs cig-abs, Ai d dealers in 'AM Y SM!Ki:s A II'I'ICLK'S, SMOKING j;:ul CHEWING T 0 IS A C COS. pecbil R"ANIS :.'. 1 sizes of CIGARS made to oidt r. ami s.uMacliou uarantrcd. Ciar clippings eold for smoking tobacco. 'Iain St. t hree dooi west of Saunder House. I'L ATTSMfH'TII, Nl-15. 101 Ml BABDWABB STORE. J. S. DUKE l;-sj: t o i ..ed an ei;l'' e Lew s. 'i t l':nd- e. oil u a .-a iv" 'Zij ! ra" s c at -sz m--tw N-;t door wct of Chapman & Smith's Drug Store. A Full Line of 3HELiP HAKDWASE, SHOVELS, RAKES. SPADES and ALL GARDEN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, hy the Keg or Poiiwl ROPE, POWDER. SHOT, GRIND STONES, . WHEEL-BARROWS. A Full-Ltne of I'T I.Kit V. Sj)e ial,Rates to Builders and Con 1 1 actors. All ooU sold as low as they possibly can be and live. 4ly WILLIAM HEROLD, dealer iu D15Y GOODS, CLOTHS. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOO 1)3. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Large stock c, f BOOTS and SHOES to te CLOSED OUT AT COST Notions, Queensware, and in fact everything you can call for in the line of General Merchandise. CASH PAID FOR HIDES AND FURS. All kinds of country rtroduce taken in ex change for goods. SAGE BROTHERS, Dealers in S T O "V IBS, ETC., KTO-, KTC. One Door East of the Post-office, riattsmouth, Nebraska. -: o :- Practical Workers in SHEET IRON, ZINC, TIN, BRA ZIERY,dc.,dc. Large assortment of Hard ana Soft Pumps, G;iss Pipes and Fittings. COAL STOYE3, Wood and Coal Stoves for HEATING Oil COOKING, Always on Hand. Zyory variety of Tin. Sheet Iron, and Zinc Vork, kept iu stock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done on Short Notice. '9&mEVIlRYTRIXG WARRANTED ! fJ VniCES LOW IIOWX. SAGE EOS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS IK. J. i. MrCltKA, TIOMtF.PATIIIC PHYSICIAN, at Factory yille, Cass county, Nebraska. 2-tly . T. II. AVIL.HOX. ATT.ORNEY AT LAW. Practices in Sa tn ders and Counties. Ashland, Nebraska. 35ni6 It. II. WIMHIA1I, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pl.ittsmouth.Neb. Of fice Front Room over Chapman & Smith's Drugstore. 4aly M. A. IIAKTH..4V ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR. Will Prac tice in the State and Federal Courts. Resi dence, Piatt smoutWf Nebrafka. 311y It. It. MVIMiSTOV. SI. I, IMIVSUTAV A rtflttSF.OJJ. OFFICE HOURS, from lt a. in., te 2 p. ni. Examining Surgeon for U. S. Pension. iIt. W. II. M IULHK.MXHT, PRACTISING PHYSICIAN, will attend calls at all hours, niu'ht or day. Plattdiiontli, Ne braska. Office in Chapman & Smith's Drug Store. J. II. II Alii.. St. I. rHVSKTAW An SlKGEOit. OFFICE with Dr. Livingston Souln Sida of Main Street, between 6tk and 7th streets. Will attend calls promptly. 4ayl WHili S. WISK. COLLECTION'S .-4 .tiClM L TT. ATTORNEY' AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire Tn ftirance ami Collection Agency. Office in Fitz gerald's block, Plattsinouth, Nebraska. ?2m3 KO. H. MSI ITU. ATTORNEY AT LAW and Real Estate Bro ker. Special attention given to Collections and all matters affecting the title to real estate. Office on -M floor, over Post Office, t'lattsniouth. N ebraska. oj i. I. II. WII KKLKK alt 0. r aw niTieif Kvt:itp Fiivanil Life In surance Agents. Pluttsiiioiith, Nebnt-ska. Col lectors, tax -pavern. Have a complete abstract of titles. Buy and sell real edate, negotiate loans. Sic. '') 1 JAMS.H E. MiiKlllSOX, W. L. KKOW.SK, Notary I'uhlic. SfOItKIMOX A IIKOIVXK. ATTOKNKYS AT LAW. Will practice in Cass and adjoining Counties ; gives special attention to collections and abstracts of title. OUUe in Fitzgerald Block, PlattMiioutli. eiras.a. ITYl MA SI. SI. CM AIM! A. ATTORNEY AT I .AW, And Solicitor in Chancery. Office in Fitzger ald Block, l-j 1 I'LATTSMOUTH, NEI..- . w. 'i.iT rrKit. Mat tHmoutli. ebrskn. Office on Main Street over Solomon At Na thans Store. 311y PLATTSM0UTH MILLS. PLATTS MOUTH, NEB. C IIi:iSi:i., - Iropi lefor. Fletir, Corn Meal & Feed x'wavs on hand and for sale at lowest cash p ices. The liitrio st prices paid lor Wheat 0 rn. Particular alleiition given custom work riiTiM.iis .V 4niti:. Tonsorial Artist. PLATTMSIOI'TII Si KB It AMU A. Place of business fn Main St.. between 4th nd.itii streets. Shampooing. Shaving, chil dren's hair cutting, etc. etc. ltfly 7:IISCLVL HOTEL, LINCOLN. NEB., . J. IMH OFF, - - - Proprietor. The best known and most popular Landlord 1 i the stale. Always stop at the Commercial. L EN II OFF & BONNS, 3Iorniiu Dow &1I0011 ! One door ca-st of the Saunders House. Wc keep the hest ol Beer, Wines, Liquors & Cigars. 3."ni'.l Constantly on Hand. SAUNDERS HOUSE. J.S.GREGORY, - - - Pro2rietor. Locatio.i Central. Good Sample Room.. Every attention paid to gnests. 4am3 Plattsmolth, ..... N'Elt MACHINe" SHOTS ! JOHN -wY"ivrv.xT I'LATTSMOUTH. KB Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Sato and Grist Millt 4a AM AMI MTKASI FITTlTVtaS, t'rought Iron Tipe. Fortre ant Lift liies.Steam Gauires.Safetv-Yalve Governors, ami all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings, repaired on short notice. FARM MACHINEK jTIT CHAMBERS, Manufacturer of antl Dealer In SADDLES. COLL A RS. HALTERS, WHIPS ETC., ETC., ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatness! Dispatch. e only place in town where "Turley's pat ent self adjustable horse eohl." 49 cm r S 5 -r. . -1 ? - 3 l tr CD & O o c s 0 S 2.3 2 3 o CB C J3 -J-- 5 2 s 3 I CO a- T CD U3 H. A. WATERMAN & SON. Who'esa'.e and Retail Dealers in PINE LUMIIER. LATH. SHINGLES. SASH, DOOHS, BLI'DS, ETC.. ETC.. ETC. Maiu street. Corner of Fifth. PLATTSMOUTII, - - - - NEB. Still Better Rates for Lumber OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, Slale T)irerlorY. A. S PADDOCK. U. S. Senator, Beatrice. ALVIN" SAUNDERS. U. S. Senator. Omaha. E. If. VALENTINE, Represeutafe. West Point. ALBINUS NANCE. Governor, Lincoln. S. J. ALEXANDER. Secretary of State. F. W. LEI DTK E. Auditor. Lincoln. ;. M. It ART LETT, Treasurer. Lincoln. S. R. THOMPSON. Sunt. Public Instruction. F. M. DAVIS. Land Conm'iiH-iiner. C. J. D1L WORTH. Attorney General. REV. V. C. HARRIS. Chaplain of Penitentiary. DR. H. P. MATTHEWSON, Supt. Hospital for the Insane. Supreme Court S. MAXWELL. Chief Justice, Fremout. GEO. B. LAKE, Omaha. AMASA COBB, Lincoln. o Secomt Judicial District. S. B. POUND. Judge. Lincoln. J. C. WATSON, Prosecuting-Atfy. Neb. City. W. L. WELLS. Clerk Dit. Court, Plattsmouth. 1 County Directory. A. N. SULLIVAN, County Judge. .1. D. TUTT. County Clerk. J. M. PATTERSON, County Treasurer. R. W. HVKKS. Sheriff. G. W. FAIRFIELD. Surveyor. G. HILDEBRA N 1), Coroner. rnfXTV rOMMlSSIONKKS. HENRY WOLFE. Liberty Precinct. JMES CRWFORI. South Bend Precinct. SAM'L RICHARDSON. Mt. Pleasant Precinct. o City Directory, 3. W. JOHNSON. Mavor. J. M. PA'IT ERSON, Treasurer. J. D. SIMPSON. Citv Clerk. RICHARD VIVIAN. Police Judge. P. B. MURPHY. Citv Marshal. WM. L. Vt ELLS. Chief of Fire Dept. 1st Ward.!. PEPPEKBERG." V. V. LEONARD. 2d Ward G. W. FAIRFIELD, J. V. WECK- 1 HAOII. r.d Ward-R. C. CUSHING. THOS. POLLOCK. 4th Ward P. McU ALLAN. E. S. SHARP. 7'omater-3'SO. W. M A RSI I ALL. B. & mTr. R,.TiirieTable. Taking Efftct May 4, 1879. FOR OMAHA FROM I'LATTSMOUTH. Leaves 7 tfo a. in. Arrives 8 -45 a. m. 3 :5' p. m. ' 4 :55 p. in. FROM OMAHA FOR PLaTTSMOUTH. Leaves 9 :10 a. m. Arrives in :40 a. in. :uo p. in. T :5o p. in. tOR THE WEST, leaves Platismouth 9 :45 a. m. Arrives c(dn. vi -45 p. in. ; Arrives Kearney, 7 55 p. m. Freight leaves "J :n( a. in. Ar. Lincoln 2 :55 p.m. FROM THE WEST. Leaves Kearney. 6 :.".n a. in. Leaves Lincoln, 1 .30 p. iu. Arrives Plattsinouth. 4 :20 p. m Freight leaves Lincoln 11 :40 a. m. Arrives Piattsmouth, 4 :oT p. in. GOING EAST. Express. 6 :1 a. in. Passenger, (train each day) 4 :J0 p. m., except Saturday. Every third Saturday a train con nects at'the usual time. R. V. U. II. Time Table Taking Effect Sumlay. March 23, 1R79. SOfTll. ." :.r"pni r. :.'7 6 :4S 7 7 -.rr, x :-J0 8 :.V. D :in STATIONS. HASTINGS. AMI. BLUE HILL. COWLKS. RED CLf'UD. 1NAVALK. RIvERTON. FRANKLIN. BLOOMINGTON. I NORTH. 8 :3.ram ' 8 :0J ! 7 :40 1 7 Mt.i ; 6 :35 : 6 :10 5 :55 j 5:-J5 I 5 :10am 9 :2"pm i V. 15, & Q. R. IS. TIME TARLK WESTWARD. Es uress Mail. Leave hicat'o.. o ,.aui 1 oopm M.nlou ... 125pm' 1 4,".am Gairsiiutg j 4 5 35am " Ruilii.irtoii i 7 40pm 8 10am Ottumwa tO.Kipniill 35am haiit..ii , 1 2 15pm " Crestou 4 2-"ain 5 15pm Red tak 7 10am! 8 Oopm rr. Piattsmouth ', 9 2nanij EASTWARD. Express Mail. Leive Piattsmouth Red Oak Creeton Chariton Oltumwa Burlington. -- " flnleshurg " Mendota Arriv Chicago :i .ipm 8 IXljlUI 10 35pm 12 55.1111 3 'J la I n i aoaui 8 .V.ani 12 15pm. 3 3upm i ;W;ili) 55a in liaiii onpm 40pui 11 oopm 3 loam 7 OOain ONLY 27 HO"'RS TO ST. Lfll'lSbv the new ROl'TE ju-t opened via MONMOUTH. PULL MAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS run from Burlington to St. Louis without change. BY LEAVING PLATTSMOUTH AT 3 :50 P. M., you arrive in St. LOUIS thenexteveningat 8 :2o", and leaving St. Louis at 8 :2t) a. m.. f)U ar rive iu Piattsmouth si :2o the next morning. Coupon Ticket' for sale for all points North, South, East and West. SAMUEL POWELL. D. W. HITCHCOCK, Ticket Agent. Gen. Western Pass. Agent. J. M. Bkchtal. Jgent. Piattsmouth. Tin: fi:ii:.m of allii HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. "I had no ai'pelite ; Holloway's Pills gave me a hearty one "Your Pill are marvellous." "I send for another box and keep them in the house." "Dr. Holloway has cured my headache that was chronic." "I gave one of your Pills to my babe for chol era morbus. Tlie little dear got well in a day. "My nausea of a morning is now cured. "Your box of Holloway's Ointment cured nie of noises in the head 1 rubbed foine of your Ointment behind the ears, and the noise has left." "Send nie two boxes ; I want one for a poor familv." "I enclose a dollar ; your price is 25 cents but the medicine to nie is worth a dollar." "Send me five boxes of your J ills." "Let me have three boxes of your Pills by re turn mail, for Chills and Fever.1' I have over 2oo such testimonials a these but want of .space compels lue to conclude. For Cutaneous Disorders, And all eruptions of the skin. thi Ointment is most invaluable. It ones not heal externally alone, but penetrates w it h t he most searching effects to tlie very root of the evil. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT Possessed of this REMEDY, Everv Man may be his own Doctor. It may be rubhed into the system, so as to re;'.ci any internal,, complaint : by these means it cures Sores or 1 leers in the THROAT, STOMACH. I.IVER. SPInE. or oth er parts. It is an Infallible Remedy for BAD LEGS. BAD BREASTS. Contracted fir Stiff Joints. GOUT, RHEUMATISM, ai.d all Skill Oiseases. Imtortast Caution. None are genuine unless the signature of J. Ha vdock. as agent for the United States, surround eaeli box of Pills and Ointment. Boxes at 2C cents, 62 cents, and $1 each. There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. Holloway & Co., New York. PAPER "HANGING ip.a.1 isr t i nsra-. M. McEIwain, t-Shop over IiOXSER STAHLE5, on PINE STREET. Satisfaction Guaranteed. STItElGJIT & MILLER, Harness Mantifacturers, SADDLES BRIDLES, COLLARS. anif all kinds of harness stock, constantly on hand. FRUIT, CONFECTIONS Y, AND GROCERY STORE, NUTS. CANDIES, .TEAS COFFEES, SUGARS, TORA.CCOES, FLOUR, AC. Remember tire place opposite E. O. Doyey's on Lower Main Street. 21-ly : STREIQHT & MILLER. Her Answer. BY ELIZABETH D. DEEBB. Y'ou, strolling in some classic shade, Beside Home sweet an I tender maid. Will whisper to her willing car The nothings sweet she loves to hear Things that you've said o oft before To girls perchance a score or more Antl dream away the happy hours, Plucking Joy's rarest, golden flowers. The sky will smile upon your suit The maid more sweetly still fans dou'e; Indeed, she never could resist The charms that in your face exist. The spot, the magic of the hour, Will place you solely in Love's jiowcr, You kuow you always were so silly Forgive me if I say it, Willie, And, as you woo with tender glance, You'li claim her baud not for a dance; Vow love undying till life's close To die with Summer's parting rose. Now don't tic angry-w ith me dear 'Tis not in you to be sincere. You say you've loved nie most a year : Well, you've been losing time, I tear. I can forgive you for your taste Bat there are diamonds some call paste. 'Tis not tlie soul you uiost admire So of the clay you hoou w ill tire. You have your answ er, then, fond boy. Some day of days, in future jor, You'll thank me lor thus being kind, And wonder bow you were so blind: And, w hen the stars smile from above, You'll smile and think of this dea l love. THE TRUEST CHARITY. From the Cincinnati Saturday Night. liiiss Laey's elegant carrli"; wns stniitliiur at I he curbstone, in front ofa door on which a silver plate iiiinouiii otl the name ot 'Lyman North, M. I).', linl Miss Laey's liveried coachman sat solemn ami stylish on the box, having about all he con hi do to manage the restlcs, beautiful pair of bays. Miss Laey's footman stood in silent, lvspec I tu 1 waiting, at the open door of tlie carriage altogether making an aristocratic, imposing fpeeuiele, at which Dr. Noi l ls handsome blue eyes wandered occasionally, as, in his oliice, from his seat by the window, he was talking to Miss Lacy. Not that the young lady was not worth all his attention all the alien tion any man con hi pay her,asitle from her position in society, and heralmost unlimited wealth, for a sweeter face was never lifted in girlish enthusiasm than hers, as, her big, gray eyes glow ing darkly, her voice thrilling and earnest, she was telling Dr. North and his friend, another aspiring young M. D., a tale of sutl'ering ami sorrow and want, she had come across on one of her charity visits ; and, iu her sweet, gracious way, asking for their sub scriptions on her list to ameliorate the sickness, the sorrow and the want. Dr. North listened, and looked from Iier lovely face, her elegant toilet, to the establishment outside, and smiled in concurrence with her views. 'Certainly,! will be delighted to do my little share, Miss Lacy. lit me down for $-30 on your list. 1 wish I could make it more. Jasper, hew, will supplement it, of course." Nellie smiled delightedly, showing the distracting dimple iu one peachy cheek, and her beautiful white teeth, so pearly and even. -Oh, Doctor North, what a generous donation! Why, I had no idea yoj would subscribe so largely. No one has been so liberal yet that 1 have asked' Doc tor North bo wed in response to her impulsive little thanks. "Don't speak of it; it really is not worth mentioning. It is a double pleasure you have afforded me. Miss Lacy, that of being of some actual, practical bene lit to your charity cases, as well as 1 hope pleasing you." lie gave her an anient little look, that brought a swift little flush to Nellie's cheeks and a certain delightful quickening of her heart-throbs, timt more than once had similarly happen ed in connection with Dtictor North's li:;i: isonie blue eyes, anil fascinating siniie and melodious voice. "You are very, very good," she an swered, lifting her sweet eyes for just one second long enough t;creute fifsh havtic and new elation in Doctor North's heart; and he glanced from the pure, glorious, girlish face, to the elegant equipage outside, with a very self-satislied expression on his face. Nellie turned to Doctor Jasper, grave iv lined, standing beside the mantel, watching the little play goon, a stern, curious look in his thoughtful, tine eyes. lie did not give her an opportunity to ask him. "Mis Lacy, I regret very much that I am not able to all'ord adding a sub scription to your list. If it were pos sible if I could conscientiously do it believe nie, I would ::ot refuse you ; but it is impossible." His voice was quiet, sel -possessed, and remarkably sweet and manly, and he looked squarely in her eyes as he made his grave, courteous regrets. Just the merest, faintest suggestion of displeasure and coolness crept over her face as she listened, then inclined her head in her gracious, set, haughty way. "Iain sure you know best. Dr. Jas per, l'my pardon me for having an noyed you!'' She stored the fresh, crisp ."?."! green back in her little orle;uonjiaie, bowed her adieu, just tinged with if little feminine pique, to Dr. Jasper, into whose eyes a half-amused little suiile crept as, he gravely returned it then to Dr. North, with a charming grace and a bewitching smile. "I shall never, never forget what a grand, kind heart you have, D tor North. And do be sure, please, and remember to be at iny next Thursday evening!" lie assisted her inher satin-cushioned carriage, and ventured to slightly press her pearl-kiddd hand at part ing, while Nellie, her face j-lightly Hushed, turned impulsively to the quiet-looking, elderly lady, in black silk. fn the trout seat. I sn't he just too splendid for any thing, Aunt Annie?"' Mr?. Laurence smiled oddly. "If you think so, dear. Tastes dif fer, however.'' Nellie flashed an indignant little loot et the calm, gold-spectacled eyes. 'Oh, auntie! "Vyhy, he gave me 50 for the OUannigan lamilyP 'And he'd better have kept it, to un thinking. A ud where next. Nellie?" While iu Dr. Lyman North's aristo cratic oliice, with its velvet carpets on reception and private room, its plush furniture, and painting on the frescoed walls, its rich draperies at the w in dows, that gentleman wt's sitting com placently in hisollicial chair, his hands in his pockets, his handsomcly-hootcd feet stretched out, ami returning Jas per's sarcastic look. ''Well, you lookas though you didn't approve, "Phil." "I don't!" he returned, shortly. "The idea of you giving away the sum of ."0 just because the fair lieggar happens to be Miss Lacy, the heiress! You can no more all'ord it than 1 can, North. Your practice is no larger or better. You told me, not ten minutes liefore she came in. that you were still iudebt for all this," indicating by a nod of his head the adornments of the suite of room. North smiled. "That'-a a fact, Phil. "I'm running behind every day. and I owe the bet part of ?? I ,J0. All the same, 1 never made a better investment iu my life riian when I gave Miss Lacy the last dollar I had in the world." Jasper looked surprised. 'I see you don't take," Doctor North said, lightly. "It's just this, in a nut shell :I'm resolved to inavry Miss Lacy, if 1 can." For just one second, an inscrutable look sweptacross Jasper's line thought ful face. "Or her money which?" he asked, with a little sharp bitterness iu hi voice. 'Moth," Doctor North answered. "Do you consider nie too ambitious?' Doctor Jasper frowned slightly. "My opinion might not be agreea ble, Lyman, and " " North interrupted, with a laugh : "As it evidently was not to the "fair beggar.' How in tlie world had you the courage to tell her .actually tell her you could not all'ord it?" All the nobility in Philip Jasper' nature looked out of his dark eyes. "How could vou give her actually give her money that was really not your own to give?" "I can t see it in that light , Nortl: , retorted lighting a cigar. Then the subject was dropped, and Dr. went awav to his round ot duties that, day and day out he con scientiously performed, making tor Jus name and skill a sii: , if slow, founda tion that would tine d ty be a glorious structure to his credit. Nellie Lacv's gentle eves were full of womanly pity and sympathy, and she sat puticiitlv li.-tcuing to Pannie O'Mrien's story ; and I'anuie was her up-stairs girl a faithful, intelligent creature, in whom and whose atf lirs the sweet young mistress had always taken the wannest interest. "And it is small-pox your mother has? Oh, Fannie, that is terrible ter- ible! Of course it will not be right for you to come here among us f rom her. and of course vou mut go to her and take the best care you can of her. Don't worry about vour wages they will go right on; and, alter the Dr. thinks it safe, you must come back. What doctor have you, Fannie?" "Imlade and that's the s. ire throuble, ma'.im! Its sivni or eight doether I've lieen afther, and nivir a wati'll go to my u Id mother, bekae its a batl disease; and I'll not have her took to the hospital, ma'am, not if 1 dies wid her in the housel'' Nellie's brow contracted in a sur prised, thoughtful frown, and a look of imiiguauou was in her eyes. "No Goc tor will go? Why, I never heard oi'.-ueha thin.:! I thought doc tors went wiici.ovcr they were called, auntie,''' ami she turned impetuously toward plu-id -.Irs. Laurence, se.ving at a window opposite. "What do you think of suc:i cruel, heathenish be havior?"' Mr . Lauren e looked up, a funny little smile on her lips. "T simply think that Fannie has hap pened to call the w rong physician, that is all. Have you been for Dr. Nortli, Fannie?"' The girl shook her head. "North North, ma'am? No ina'ani. It's a stranger he is to me. He'd go in a minute," Nellie said, a dainty little Hush on her cheeks. Ik is n mo of your cowardly physicians, he is a generous, noble, eh irit able gen tleman, a friend of ami I know he'll look after your mother, small-ptix notwithstanding." Mrs. Lawrence smiled ever so coldly- "And then there's young Dr. J.'uper :;iy favorite, you know. He would go, iaiu pretty sure." Nellie's lip curled. "How strange you are auntie! Why, he is the most distant, haughty, proud, stingy man I ever saw! Go? 11 eM quicker put his head in the lire. Mut Dr. North will go. Fannie I'll put on my wraps ami go around to his oliice widi you." And, to the poor creature's grateful deiight, M.iss Nellie Lacy actually "v roinpanied her to Dr. North'r f'.TVf door, when the bell being answered by the colored boy, Fannie, with true Irish impetuosity, blurted out her .Ttessage the message that came so Untight from her true, troubled heart. "li's the docther 1 be wanting' Dr. Nortli to go at onet to see me do ling ould mother, a-dyin' sick with the small-pox. and ravin' like a loouatick, ami" The loud spoken intense words that Nellie could not check in their eager flow, reached Dr. Nn It's ears us he sat iu his cozy oliice, with brilliant gas light, and fne or two choice b loksand a box of cigars, making it very con genial to his tastes. Put her out Lockrey! We don't want the smallpox here! Tell her to go to the police suit ion for a hospital surgeon, biiut the door, Lockrey, if you don't want to catch it. The low, dirty Irish Middies are too impudent for anything!" But Fannie's buxom arm kept the terrified little darky from obeying hia orders, and her voice retorted loud and anguishful, and Nellie did not tiy to quiet her : "And would ycz let nie mother dio like a dog, Docther Nortli? For shwnte merev's sake, so wid us doe .thcr, and I'll- " Nellie heard a quick, angry footstep coming toward tlie door, and shrank back into darkness just as Dr. Nortli appeared. "Clear out, 1 tell you! What do you suppose 1 care w hether the old woman dies or lives; The door was slammed sharp in their faces. For one second Nellie's eyes flashed, then a little ini'ilc crept to "them. Nevermind, Fannie; I am Just n little mistaken iu Dr. Nortli. We'll go to auntie's choice now, ami some how 1 begin to think he's the one." They met Dr. Jasper just leaving his oliice. and, at a word from Nellie, Fannie addressed him, telling her pit iful little story with true Irish elo quence. Doctor Jasper listened patiently, gravely. "You are quite sure that it is small pox?" "The ould woman says so, sir. If yez would only come."' "I'll go in half an hour. Give mo vour street and number, and go to a drugstore ;ind get this prescription tilled, and give it to her just as quick as you get home. Keep her warm, and as quiet as possible. I guess it will be all right; I'll do all I can any how." lie stepped back into the light of his ofliee w indow, and wrote a pre scription; ami Nellie, watching him, wondered where the cold, haughty look was she had seen so plainly be fore. Then he went on, and Fannie escort ed her young mistress home to be well-freighted with needful necessa ries, and a few little luxuries, and a mouth's wages in advance, lefore she went to her own little third-floor rear room. Nellie went down stairs into the dusky parlors, ami thought over the odd little adventure of the evening; and the result was that, when Doctor North attended her Thursday evening, lit; was quite astonished to account for Miss Lacy's cold courtesy, instead of the charming graeiousncss he had ex pected, and almost ardently desired. As he never re -eived a second invi tation he became satisfied that some thing had happened something ho never knew, until a vear or so after, when Nellie Lacy was Dr. Jasper wife; and then, by some mysterious means, he learned how it hail all hap pened. And he knew he was deserv ing of his received deserts. Dog and Badger Fight. Heading Kugle. A highly-exciting "badger match" took place near Shenandoah, Schuyl kill county. The match was bctwi-ert a bull terrier "Dan" and a badger. The dog had to pull the badger out of an empty barrel to win. The dog weighed '21 pounds, but the badger tipped the scale at 17. The novehyof the match caused a great deal of inter est. According to the arrangouienst,!iiado the dog should "draw" the badger iu less than an hour. Neither of the ani mals were to lie touched while they were together. The dog was looktsd on as a certain winner. The badger was a weak and insignificant-looking little animal, but his eyes gleamed viciously and his long, glistening teeth snapped as he was placed on tho ground. T!:;; badger, waddled com placently into a barrel that was fasten ed on its side in one corner. When the dog was unchained heap proaclied the barrel and sniffed at it suspiciously, but the badger's teeth snapped defiantly, and iu a second 'Dan" had entered and they were at it. The badger's tough hide and heavy coat of hair protected him greatly, and as be n-ed his teeth and braced himself firmly against the side of the barrel "Dan's" ell'orts to "draw" him out did not meet with much success. After twenty-two minutes desperate fighting the dog's teeth slipped and ho fell outside of the barrel. Time being called again the do": bolted into the barrel like a shot, and nfier a brief struggle got his badger ship almost to tin; mouth; but by a sudden wrench the courageous little animal freed itself and got back before "Dan" could prevent it. It was now forty-five minutes since the light opened, and the crowd began to think that "Dan" had anything but a soft contract. The dog was allowed to breafho twice during the remaining fifteen minutes, and each time he returned pluekily to the fray; but when the lime expired he was still struggling in the barrel, and the badger was no nearer "drawn than he was when tho struggle began. Five minutes extra time was allowed the dog, but he fail ed to defeat his resolute little oppo nent, and thev were separated. The dog w.-is pretty badly handled nnd received much more punishment than he gave. Two old Texas herders, who had just buried a neighbor, got to discu-sing religion. One asked the other haw pious he thought it was possible for A man to get iu this world if he was in real eirne-t. "Wa'al," said tlie other reflectively, "I think if a man gets so't he can swop steers or trade horses without lying, 'at he'd better pull out for the better land afore he has a re la pse." Positive Kf.sults. Tl.erc are nu merous remedies that cure sometimes and become trusted as useful, but none have ever proved .so effectual cured so many and such remarkable cases as Dr. Ayer's medecines. The Cherry Pectoral has restored great numbers of patients who were believed to be hopelessly affected with consumption. Ague Cure breaks up chills and fe ver quickly and surely. Ayer's Compound Kxtract of Sai saparilla eradicates scrofula and im purities of the blood, cleanse3 the system and restores it to vigorout health. Ky its timely use ruany troublesome disorders that cause a decline of health arc expelled or cur ed. Ayer's Pills and their effects are too well known everywhere to require any commendation from us here. ikrautou (Pa.) Times.