Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 16, 1879, Image 4

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Ca!srr!s cf the Nasal Cavities, Acato,
i vlivtii: -.-.- M's.'.i o-ti
t !
i ?
t t
1 ' r c c : i : I) o ; 4 1 - - '
T!i Iloci e.--!cr ! e!uoei at says Ioil;1.
liiist of Fie.'lM'ic!. 1 1 !!;;; hi.-s was rrccr. t
lv pi.icl in S.Mt'V Hall, of the I'r.i
.V?riiy f liofhc-'i r. Hi. I oi -s
nas not :uii:i '! c:)i :;il i y of U:e i vi'ii;,
an.', tliercioie, i i'ii'.i! in ii" puhlie t'.i.iu-i:-s
take in. (if - of i!. Me w.i-. howev
er, iiifoinu'il v.i-e!y of it iv the .:;
tlcin.'.n flh'W ii'i'ln ; i t'.vcn I'H nv,
:inl rcspoicict to it, i;i't lappilv, :;.s
will hosteii hv li" following lett"i:
WA..l!IN(iTi:,-. 1). ('.. -Is;;; Co. 1: 7:).
Samtki. I), Fouri:::. I.'--. .V; Par
?,. I ;;m extreme !y oMil,( ! I ou
for your kind a:;.! timely nl r v.l:iii
came, tins ii'ui nin , for it was :i relief
i i "tn a real cause of -ml a : r.asincnt.
"W I : t n 1 illst Kit. I of tin' foliilll Ull-
viliij; r. in i'l osentai i'-'ii of my lutst to
t!:n city rf flu lies! cr, tin- speeches
in:!.!" on I occasion ly eminent j;en
tleuien liot.ihlv the ii'inaiks of Dr.
Anderson, tli honorel Fiesii'.ent of
ll'tehester Vu versity. ;mi ii;.-. i'.v.tioM
"viiich has ilnic .-o ice !; io m;iU" the.
name of the city iilusti iocs 1 It-It nu
iilniost irrepn-ssiblf in;:ils' to iU or
sty fnn.'t 1 1 ; 1 1 1;, ont of tiie to!uiiMn
wsv to soniB i!" of i. iv o!'l l;if:!id-i
uimI IV How citi"i s v!,i !i ;-n-H-i.
liowHvcr ci !:! ly, uin-t I . i of
1 he ;ra!'fi:l s;:! iiiu'iit -i'iirc.! i:i n;y
lrea.-t ly tliis ilisiin'j uish: i honor.
iJ at as r.o on of tii" i ;.(:( I '.''.l!..-ni-n
:ii?ti'f in tin- r: u rt-incnt f iKe
1 1,'!!. inionia.l sail a:illii:iu' to nu- jiliin:
it, ;ukI tif-ati-d n,c ;:s if I wen- out of
the worhl, as all ni'Mi sliouM when
they av mi'v roliui'.l to marhli, i lf
p.n at liit ti think that s i 1 i : on my
.rt vas jMM'haji.s 1 1 - !'st way t oh
ifrvt I he propi i'-t irs of fh' oca.-ion.
Noiv, liow ever, I :;in n.-ii. vt I. Von
luivc nnulo it easy for r.f to .speak,
to express my earnest a!;non-iil-lnen'iS
to tlio commilti e r,f ;;on ! iemen
Jiavinjr tiiis m ittt r in chaif a:nl v. 'io
lia vc eondm'ted it. to "( onrpiol ion . In
rilents of tliis ciiar e: r i r i my life lo
ain;tz- me. It is not, however, the
helj-rhi to whieli I !i ave risen, !ait the
dejttli from which I have me, that
most amazes m-. It s:-eins only a lit
tle while a'o, when a ehii'i, I miM
have heen seen l;!:tin with oh! Nt-j,
my mother's !'.::, for a sm.iII s'ea;e of
the few eriini'.s that fell from the
talve; when I ! .! . n t ri hearth,
roverin my fcrt from tlieealil willi
tlic ';il'ii ii'Iir:; .u;i! mv hea.i wl!!; a
rom-ha; only a little wliiie ;tro ii"a'--cl
to prison to he o! 1 to th- J:ir,!u
Iii-hler, expose ! for s tie Ii!-.e a i.ea.-.t of
le.ixlen : later on, put out to live willi
Covpy, thu n":-rro I'le.jkf r: hea!e:i nn-I
alm.jst hroke:i in :-;:! ii. h in' little
l.op' rither IV. r my: - If or my raee;
yet hri(? i am alive an 1 active, atnl
with Miy rae -e;-j. :!' ri:ieThip in
the freest an 1 pi or-j.i! five! y the most
powerful nation on the -'o!e. In :ol
tlition to this, you ami your friends,
while I am yet alive, have l': mht i'
wort h while to preserve mv features
in marlile nn l to p!a them in your
honored institution of '(amir;;:, to he
viewed hy j!eent an 1 future f.enera.
ti'ns of men. I knuw not. r;y friend,
how to thauk you and the t'entlemen
who haf acted Vi ith you foi this dis
tinguished honor. My a'.taeliiaoiit to
Hoeht'.ter. my ho:.!.1 for tnoie th in a
quarter of a eei'.tuiy, v. ill eiaiure with
lny life. Verv iHv and tiuly
joins, 1";:; i K I'?t ',.-.
A SmocI tl Waiil More .''Iijf p.
Tne I'ni'.ed States n.ed more sheep. I:,
aii ji.ats jf lhi j.'ie:it cuuiry t .: i;rt
Iieallh and eoiai.ut jt.s pi-oj le laa. t ha-.e
l'ootl and eio'hin. 'l lie -sheep furai.sle s
tio bert i'.inl luo.-t v!iuV'm;!1 : ;ui!ni:il
tKd, and thi lno.t tomfoitahie clot!ii:i;r
yet tested by the'.s f our i eopii-.
In malarial tlistrieti esp.-i daily' those
where extieinea of le-at and eold r.:e i're
lUvat wooku clothing and a freer and
more common diet of goo 1 yonng- yuit
ton, would insure better health and bet
ter vior than generally eh iraete: i.i's
j'ork eaters and the wtr.ieia of cotion and
line linen.
i'roiu the be.-t data within oar ltneh,
we aseertaiu that there are on the entire
ghhe uboiit live hundred million sheep.
jf these the L'ni.ed Stat.'sh i; ,ut Ih'.rty
live million. Our m:inu!a ;ti ies coir-rim;
i.uniially more than two hu. lied and
twenty-live million pounds of w ol. 11
c;icl ofour sheep i'ui ni-ited live ; ournh
of wool, there wutil l tt be a ye.Ui V ii..--licit
cf fifty miiiioii iOOJO, .Vi) ii-s.)
I onudd.
Here is a good field for c;.t -rprlslng
t'.otknic n. V'e need doal'.e tuir jie.-e..i
nuinbcr of heep. Let no on.; iuil.i ;i
biiile fear of ;ui ver pr ; lacii '.i of i:!:
t r mutton or wool, could our i!. i,:
li'ipled or ijiia i: upl-j 1 lii y ( ui 1 add not
only to the consf.Ji t ;ia 1 iie.:i;:iia;.ie.- of
the people, but to then i.'itcl !i;r lie ; and
tobriety, :t.s weil to tlie prodaeiivL'iiejj
id every lield ucd as .i (laioc.
We hope that i vciy fjMuer t!;oread3
this, will at ton-idjr how nia.-ii hi
iiiteiest.s wuutil bo -aorv l by a idm, j a
t-core of theep to hi eloek. 'i Uu u-i-h
cheieo loo I, a. id ilieir inere!se an I
Jlececs are always in (ieuuiti.i, ;.ud,
too at fair priec. L'.i:c.ijjltx(ia Journal.
The Charities Conference would h ive j
Wcu ei.eouia, tu ia iis ;;ieat work eoul i
it have known tie- new i-ix-waied tlads- i
. tical fact tint tlio ia.-a:i.: ia .a.aehu;:i i
are nine-li nths aiv.d j aepi r-, as j
til are O'J.aja of thj m ji.-yiuiiis !
iu Unglauot.
flfwlej'a I-i-Jy'i book lv .NnveniSH r
is full of interest for the home circle,
wbero it i.s an ever we!co.:ie guest. In
vcry department is shown tin; con
stant effort to improve. The steel
platu i.s one of!e s t.'.st sc enes
'shooting for the I h:inks-i vi: '1 ur'
ke.M Jaulies iuu.1 feed t-atifud wi.h
t . great variety of fa.shion matter
ironi which to select toilets for the
autumn, for there are patterns fiven
for every garment needed in thev. aul
lobc of a lady of taste. The Di sgram
Iittein of a a l.'lstcr for a LittLCifl
will be a treasure to mothers now thai
th cool days neces.sitH a wrap for a
child. Tht Cirls in the Kosidud (
ricn are taken away from the pretty
heme familiar to the readers of this
charming serial, and the ;-.,;thor in ites
them to ero-s the ocean to meet some
of her hn-oin. There is a charming
Thaiik.srrivihg story. "I.ittln P.ed-i.'hl-mg-IIood,"
and a mo.,1 exuuisi-e pot m,
The Legend cf the Lilv,"' with oti er
fUiics and poems of great merit. In
the work department, tl.o p.t--s devot
ed to little people, the housrheepir,
tftlumns. tlie r.rchitcetnral picture, the
1'ome iiciointiif ut, indeed, on every
pago of tLi3 ev-r iiopular magazine
rili be found the most attractive read
ing nnd useful hints. Svn SO cents to
the Publishers of (baler's Lady's JJork.
Pliiladelphi i, I';'.., for a sani"le . py .
and you will get the worth of j.ji r
mono v.
Xew Carpenter shop on Main Street,
Coiucr cf Ttli.
Bates & Kohnlcc,
and reiieral vorl:i:i:m in tlie
(.-arpeutu- linc.-
cr Rose Cetsrs h, CaUrrh of fs Tya M- -V VJ
end Ear, and Catarrh cf tho Thro-t, VJtiKv-'x
A "' e
srctES.sin.L3 theatzd with
ClATARr;'! ia a 'lipase of the nnrcininpmhriiT?.
J 'l'emjvTrunenf.4 nnl con"! II ittious v.iry tt e ver
ity In ln;iivi.u:il r. atarrh ri37 riw from
! I or virrt.wion ( r l lsi, fmn fi:(!i!(D & S3
rf !itinos;'.i"r, w-tI:i wet rlvthir.'. r r cx(K-:in
tn inrlonvnt iKa'ir, n-'d I'vcouiiii tiiomuMy
rhiiK 'l h',n t 'iff !lifC!tIv! oi-";tr art; I:i a i:icrl i 1
T inct:vis rr nfUticn. r..vl t!ii Btr-;: ih nnd v.til
t-,rr xii.i:ie.l. Tti" l;"a-ff limy nrlfc frrm s
i.fmi-iifi" roi.djf ion of tl'.e Iji'.m1, f. 01:1 S'Mrl''
i : v T. o ' 1 I-i.'a'i.. ri i. In vl:;.tl ck 14
T : i t ' ir rr : ' )! .li.'v ir.v. Ivd R':il li'-'-l. ir.r :
;u.iV.;-;" cf :)!.! u-r. 'f ho c!i .. ! s l.-vla t::-5
1 1 "., i! il:si'nc:iv f ii.-e i.i nil : ..:urr'. :ti ca-.( 4
fr.n v. ,:.T t.i:s t fi. y iii'irf j, r.nv lii;tL;i.i hu!
u'-a.'rr, so a-M f t rw. rcJ .fv.-i y.ri'l frx."f
ri-n.'in ( ( tl : bl:::i with whicii t i -y ci.-.. iu cjt;, ..r irarK n '1 vli.jVFtli,fi:iiUu.f n I ..ui i.'i jT,
.r i-lnrtr r:i t r!it.! li!. 3 l i n uf :.n i f n. T:.i r
r::i7 t- K.'i '-Titi.- I:.';k nl n''fr. tion, t!;'. fu--
.zr; -i -.1 l-tvi'n-f.fin f'.c. fr r.t awl upiu r parr
cf tii f,:e'i;if na"or-if rta!.!". mid lis if it w1
-!"ircl :.I by alivn'-.o-ivU Itiinsr L ul. TMslalt.-r
j liu -II1: y fa; n'erh. Tti.i i: t miatt.ry Jrv
t iirj; 5 :.u..rt tdti p ir- i"' s t- nv.)! h .J tn:Cirn
1 .ir'x r. n'l'T.i.ii tin ,-JhitiB- tliforvli t!. n'!
1i:ii-u!t or iniT..( i.t iu' Btil'.- r. r Cncl IS
r.''C'-:7 t t.ri'::!. t(!rfiil'h Tt ' t; -til th-r'tv
r,r!it,i.".src--I I .-Ur t -;. 'lir.-ct Ir t j !' rrr-M I;!. 1
y-f u.iil 'i. -" luxl'-r li.i-i ri'.;r iuvn t.
t t: ..M- a c tv I i t t!.-ir.- t !..ihk r..1 i x-
ctor .t- :o ttir'.vv it off: lm v. hr-n t.i.r in-intir:i
U-iry ;: . f v ri:.;i. I :.Hi ul cf :isit. fN-cly oowa
Ir. v.. t'. . ; i i liir :il., t!m nur!i bcoij .-s l.:ir l
f r;- l-.'o itwra-watlorj'. an.l list I
I jn:ps. .-.ihr tt - I oh.! r. t-'il '!
ft..i I -ro it ii tj r .j.i i r.- vrry r. r;s! .r;.i f'irm u
!i-i.';rr:i t.'i-.-i. Ti.o f ;c h .-::!;tt':y 1coiu- t
r " r- d, w!c. ni l viT ,or i.t tLu k.irnlt jf
f "u li s : i iv I u i.l pt ic 1 t'i" u.iil mit. r
i pi-.7':!.il iriinorx r 1 s fju in. It y. '!'!i! cr :.l- o
b - 4 i i-i.-"!v fcXs-tsl. !trh;trcl:if cnant :tt
t l -.T'Hit r, I; "i.:-:s , ! it -a ! y j :.joM vi-..!.-- t Oifto en:--, rr.'i.' tt-'i-: t.f l.i
t'V:. u.-.-rf.-i-.n. a-ul ' -:aVy i.t ir. M. T!.c,
1 r :.( i ;1 t e.. ,Mt:i !.iciari ! r y c;;t--4 all'. ' '.
f -1 '.y i rr'i, .".!'! v '.'T .-i i f Oi r-
v-" ;-' - i t it- . .;jraU'i J, b i.Ii uU'. vU'i;s 1
'! f "f t'.ii". : iVf'rt !! w tm
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I !!. M. KV.'TH.
i I l!-ivi' llw I'hiti':-' !'".if.:i t'.:r'ii liy
! Mr. !ii!ii V. . Iiilt rloi' hi ,' .y f;ir- :im! I i!n
' '.nl llt'-ilillf lit 'iy ii'.if i,'i:f l:i-h ! :t !. k
' .imi'ii': i'l.- !'i i -; - il:t..s iiir-ti'Un'iii 4 cf .-ii. y of ; In-
j'l :;;..:.ts. ( Al;!. 1: i; i: A ! : -
: I cnisul, r ti-i M;ir I'i:.!in suj i i i '!' lit
: ! lift'.- ill liiiil nu I i":v !..! i-:ii'.: in i i, nui ii V mi i.c-
.:.!;'i'.' 1 - j ! " v.. l-f v.- - i;;;..-.i.;iti:Tts.
j .' is' . f . , i.i r.' i: O:: .o;.
j V v. ..:i ,!.!:-!.:: v.; it. t'i- l'i:M;:s .f ..i:r
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S'.i il. i'i.lll,: l:! l!'l !!.: l.i..i:i!l .:l'f.
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cuf lfi i t:-tT mil ( tii ;. I y V.",S
- :ii.:r-!.'7;v':U:;:;,": K.uitvur :. ii. v.-iii-:k lki: a o. -f '
''V-C'KS IitHaioiiti,: or il. K. MUOi'.i:, i
... (,?v::!ll-;- coll:, .N.'l,r;;ski!. ".tr -(.-T!, riNy i
. v i - ; -i t". ,.K i V'-,-".' : '. . .. . t r-7 ::-:-r. , ' - -V-vM r-ri - '-. !
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fjS S.l li.rt li '1 - . 5 -:
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sat 3 1 ri"iil". c'twnia sr- ' f L o: : riij... l.-
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ii. i.c.i.isf" i i". is h w-f-'i ; J'.'otr.i,: s li o
t'ftsi.-irti l;c:.'use it ;;ivc.s Lt-utOi to
fT c ciiil.l; ?.:iil I'Lj-f irinus, :icom.:-o
ii - r.-Ili4 i i T i. J x-4 . 1 k
Dost on, Mas-., U. S. A.
Flattsmouth, Neb.
C t r?i r? t:- v.
tire focJ. It etiit. Tvin l C'olio, ;.o
ruisnj .- " , Curd ai.l EiiriJ.-j a,
ollays J'evc-.i-i.:;uricK.s " H1U3
I and Ifto r.TolUr'r or;vfi.jis revt. .'.sas-
! cat,, siivl ITlcliaTjlc.
I i I ' t ' ( 1 I.l ; i 1 ' 'i-.!'.
ki:i'N. V.' . !'' T . !.- ;;.:. "
l:i.'ii-i: 1 :;r i",:. ;. : .1: i".
JT.'lf '.'If I' ''' ' ITy
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Brj.KlW 1 tiyl IVl 4 t. .---- .tf?
B i2 B f W Z b-4 3 - Pi --. 4 j : -i . - 1 t -'f-ri:: i - " r -A ' -.-A
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j--;- ..vji.'-S-,-,,- - -.i-
f5JJti-.r V. f-!t :. K t. j-.-....' -v. ; ' -.- I
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V. !t-.-. ."
i il 1:1:
four lot t. I ii.'i ;i Xi l'i'.t to a (lir,.;;.-.
:l"i.lll.S' I.t V. ci.;i T. Si :
I!-t ; I' 1:.;.- t,. 1 j ; 1 , j- li ,,,,, i,it K -. l! Illt.v 1 -.v
) '.- I' ;i..
Tho mujt cH'cclivc Piiiil-roUcvin, ajciiti
th.o -uorll Itas ever 3i3ov.-;i.
Over 1,000,000 J'-ottlcs s.-ia l.i: t j-oar!
Tho TPTSOT4S fnr this ani rrcr.!:'1 r-T-U-larity,
no tv:tl.;.t; tlio Ccutaar Liiii-
Meats :;rc rn i'tj t clcsorvo cciiiitloiico
they uro a1;' cr'sc;! in-n t!ic jtiru.-lurtr : tto y
alivfiys cr: J mil l-.crci- .'a2?'c-;-:'-
Jio iici'n:i nccJ Io:icr iuJ.r v.i.h
PAI I? in i!ic EACH,
Xwicuruatii ir ; ti'.T Jciu'.t--, for tlio
rs L"3 rv "T" A Fir
LlainiJii rill s-rr'y c.-t. riri.ila
thopr.iu. Thcroisiio iifiiji,&'i-r;-Iix, ;
Cut, Ecaltl. Jim i, 13 1 tiiso, i't ii?;-, G ii.ll i
or LM'.tiiCi:! to v;if;li Arlu'i-'tiitti cz1
Duuij lirr.taj uri t1tcct, i':at iloci i
not r::s-oiil to tliia GooC
'C tit-
f". t .. r--a ; iy -v: ft
James Pettee
::a t.i:;: i:
II usicrJ. I n z tram 5 n is,
S'(e Ajiiiilii.;f .'.'j h! for
'i'lw I'jiri vaSIf 1 i",tsiiti 1 Kaciltit
cAinxm' (wii'tAys.
.Ms'i.tlii'S.n'!;, i!.-!'ry I'. M litrr. :.inl K.ilVt
i:i:: -!"li I'i.' in 's 1 .1: (';i - i ; i .1 S.j, iiy .!. i:t:ts(
Ni h. t ' ill ;.ii.l M-r-
t: A M I 'J . i: i X.ST III ".M J' X TS
:.i nil. i'i'. . 1 -. . . 1 . 1 ; k : . '-.!' .-. 1 ; . : 1 in ....;: i i i . i
PLATTSMOf I'il. NT.!'..
Will iin well to x.'.Miim: our
f .iit-'l r rnc; 0 7 7 ! i To ort 1
t. A itj s5 Iti - Jf iJ J-ll ll'U
A N 1
rrji-zr. itotics i
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:( t 1 : 1 s :nii-.t he T '! lip. iin l nr. iif-.v
wit; In" i'i nl-. t ' i:'i'-s 1 :icci : ; : i ; -;: : i' - I s ii il
s!i" i'i ' t ii ' V : ! !; f : :i !.
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);:.' s:;a.xs'.
11. l! li:i'li: II. ?.:.
"". 'A !
. a.
1 If s
AV. 1). JOKL'
i-i. tt:::.:;i t:i
:;:.::i; amca
not only relieve j--i-i, 1. "t thoy in-ito
lic.'.thy :n"i.;-:i, i-.-hvI-o u-.i-i.-n.-.'.r:!,
Ti:" ntit !'.i''i:n':' s!;,!.i.-s. :;i -;;.t : -1 :i :l li , ;i'r
I nin-.' li'M-c.l ! v Vm. 1 i. .1. A t;s -i;i.': In- ii:i - on
-- J lii'i.t! i..".. :oiil ii.f
OSG-AKlHsTSZBUCTOB tin- simi.c
mil cT-.r-, v.lirt' !'..- j; ir.j.lon:3 i.riccc-l i .'
fro:a vrountiJ 1 I :i J'Of.r, fr .cur;i:;;i,i t l
Kcrvci f.-o;.j c -:;rrau!tj 1 Ccr.l-i of a
coaltlo.i 1 ; fror.i a sprained ankJo
or a gasaetl I-ot ; vbvthcr tua u':ju-iiui
riMPJ.r.G LADY'S rAcs
cr a t.tra.ijit:1..ti;i"t on a Horra'a LiC"";.
Tho ap;oi?y i oi-tuccl Ly a Dun t-r ;
mortlScatioix f;'-.rj I'l'.rt liites; Sw12- j
i n frout Etruins : the t.oTturcs of Pllicr"- I
mati,ii; CiipiloA far iil'e, by route j
bcsltK-tc-l r.jti.It'Lt: a vt!ual.!j liars or
u. i3cc lor" IZIil j ti'.I L j tuvcl fi-- i
Ojio Eot'-Io cr Cculanr I.:icn. j
X i Ilou.'c'cccr cr, P.irrnrr, rt.ircr.Ti'ani.-fvr. ,
cr I.lvirytu !. c'fi i-IT.-.r 1 t La mill. out ;
i t : l i t
- - - f -. :-'
t .. . . r. . I
. .-. . i lUI.AlUiijj
... . S
it I' tor
ini.i i.l.:! it.':..-:, I:'
houses, vAiHitAu-Ex, vuoaiEs,
HAM-I.E il (!:'!:;.
1 am i .1 ;; r.-! tn'i' IlOitSIIS
All'l M ill
Train citd JJrcjk C'.li
Vu Ki-.t-.i:::i!'l.' Tt mis.
t-r -1 J.' T
il..-.31itl'. IbiV C:in
bo rrofurcl m r.r ;r j..v.- i tr tl.a , lores 1 jT
50 ct. or.l tl.CO a Loulo. Vil-l lotllcs
! fc:: SALE TRADE!
C t , ::-tk'.::.: . V? : il J
fr- .v's J A?.st, uiimiukk, '
.;.4'"- :'. : : '-: Z-'-'A V0:,S ! Tti it wi:?i .iii'.tvi.f n. n ill. 1 iv.'iy u,
, :.' ' -: 'k 15' 1 U'r.V 'r.:: .v.- 1 lixv.M 111 lltV-tiit. '-. I ''.!.! '.. 1 l'":i.'.l'..'!-
0 () .)(. e,5 j ';'i::i:ii;:-ii'! lov ..M ,.,T;.i. li fnr ir ill-. '::!
- if: -y, y 0r, . -tAi 0J xpt Mt . ity. ! -i'k it :!!:: :r;v!f fur i : li:Mi-''.
- - it.v-wi
'utii.i.. '!.'! ' ilc'ii: li..-::i- ;ui.i tin
at t Iiiiii i' -r lit !n;v.
ts t rr-T fit i m
i k r.'.''J , .--.'w'-, -"- 11 J r.'y.);, J!::. JI.i- !;h:r -n l Plain n-
-:".-y.lC ;ov.::(' rife t: 1 I ?atnn.j, nnr! ua.:-,-.:?j,.i.,Au:f
J 't.'-'j'x.-.'0 - 'r' '? !'''' ! I :u:: ::i".' !)'!"!:. .1 tn .!.. ::!i t.i:i. is of n-ti::i! in-
i ', '--,j S A j;i - "; ,.' L.."-.,?,r, f jf.itl oitifr iii:ir..i'..'iv. ;is
-- 1 y-' ' l 'r " ' --v ia' I i.- u i...-.l !.a!.f iu r.iy slii-ii.
Ji'sr o:'i:n::: acaix.
-v fit':?.-, Vof (,7-f.v.v .Vt..:r A.v.', j
i'i M:i'ti Mifct i'l.ri-i-r 'if .'t'i. l! 't Hi-.u-lt.
K'.tij l.'C'ty tlli I.:u;ii 1,1 li io;;.;, i i,., .a.
- I.t 8 1
N S f J-J " V-f Ly-S; K "-ert ;
l. t- . - y j -t-. .' t. - l.roti ; lwt'
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.'. .t.;
v . - i - .t
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ia' v 1 r.-u-l ici !
i-: .1. l.v tl.o j. :iUix2
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:s -. :
::!;i tl -!:;-e if tlic xv::-mu .vh-h.
I I'c is weil ki:'j.".'n ;us n
I 1 V!tK?.lAN.
. Af.v ;';soris :iti-.! IJit,it-! m;i4e to
" ViJ f.V k-r- V?if - i a i j
tho ic-Ie:- vou cttn ltuv to the ir-l :i:Iv;:;!.;v
at the live jn o;;; e -i vt
D li U V v iJ aim ULt'w i k j Ij i 1 W -
. 1 IV.. i I I'i
ti '-
1 5 X
n rl l
For t?l nil y:ii ;:.,n I;iy ?C y;inl. s j ifil i'r:i:'r-.
47!.c j; :ii'! f mi! :i'i woo vain.
" 1 0 " cot toi, l at t ; i il:.
" ;icr y-irii ;! H'stic viof'.;'T:i.
' s ".. " ci! vi'ii sni! t ii:.r, v t'i y x 1-
7 ' " 1 row:: ;i'n! Mc:: -li' .1 li::!-!,1'. r:u ;."!' ! .
7 " " C:i::io;i 1 1 I Tl : 1 1 1 , : i: 1 ('! o.
t ,s ' . ' t i"l ;''. 1:0 l)x t?f-r.
1 ;.! .1 t;"o i'i. ; a" ' ' .
" 1 '') i'il 11 iii' ti j 1. srli'iiiiii! 1'
I-i i.-;, 1 ::i;.; x'O.- 5 (-) 'u. ;i!o:i'-;i 1 est ir.'-, :oi .!;, ! ' ::( r.r-.
it p. M.-i.-.-k aiid col..r-.l ill -:n-:is. .'cihlc 'A i-l !i. ti.:- c;iy.
.'..ipn- v;ir,l n j-. 1 .;.i'-k ;: inl Colon'. c:isiiui'i s. - : l n. !.':ii ;-.
s' . ., i?' , t. Inc y:inl Jtf. t Mi . lit ci.-Ilrs-, v :t r:c 1 1
2i!.-"i'r jr.r: r.H v-.:l i'i.ii'.ii' ls. l.cst ccr i'-r'.-!.
." " " w;i ! croroof. nil cxcfih'iit j'.i
op,4. " " cassi Mien's, 'well worth tlo'i!.!'' i
:l 7 ") op. Lrxli. s '. iks. tin- Om'st ;in t'litit ii' ".'-'
" 1 7" up. Mioses ;in! ci'i'iiicM's cloaks "
-j if pr-r y.-iiil up. !;,;. :ivu!c zc;.!iyr fiisi iiiat oi s.
7nV m . a ;n"it .i"icty .s!:.-.-,vis.
;"ic iii, jii'i iVct i'ittinir cwsfts.
r,0,- 11:1. txso !intti;i kill :.-ovo.--, t'ir.f.
A full line of Lilies' invl t'hihlrfn's mi.1t-rvc:!r. (v.-rv c. c.-it. t f
Tl.c Insi st a :sri tt;:c!.! of JMli.-'s ('hlMrcn'.- n::! i- ; " ";
sacks aiiil slt.wv.-. z. i.i.yi, ever known in FiiitlMtioulh.
: o -"I. Wc .-ii'(
- 1 ,: i . i i IS .
For I.V, i. Ii 'i-s' trin:m-".l kat. i:icc.
t:-V, ii!, (iiii ! i fit's li:s.
.Ii m !i anI ii :i. in at pricrs tk:t C fy co;-!.'; 1! i--r
25,000 "W o x
Of y-ens'. Vmillb' :u;'. cki'.ncMs cToMiiivr. n ar.;!" ' -
i.rr I r.t,,,i t ! i l:l:ltO'!l I. f OllI llll.stlK S. ' ' "' C ' '' -'
For .i-0-; :r.:l up. Mens' iivrivmrs, tit j
1 ') ;ii l up, M'-iis' suits. ,
" 1 ." ; i : 1 up. IIovs suits. i
Frnxismxj t;oo: ix Fnoroii'nox.
For To. up. Mens' Loots. t,.;iV allocs. iM C". up. !
' " 1 (I ), up. IktVS' Loo's. F.oxs' sko"S. s-.c I M I
1 0(, up. I.:i.lics' sliocs. Chi!, liens' s'lo'". '. .c m.
The largest ami -lcS:.t sttick of mens a.-v! I.o;, s. 1. It . 1 s. !.. - 10 x. n j
liiits in till west. . . ,, - i
Take !!lt:l-f "f tli- pre:;f imlilfM lr.cuts VP O..' 1 ! 7Cp.l!-.. .1 . o (1,
12' , ceots p"- ounce. Full Jin- of (Ii-riiruilowu :r.yl e. i"r-l ' ' j
low. Fino ass't in .lav.-i Honey Coin!., a-cl plai l cr'v.v- i' -iIm-cI i: juus. j
EI. YE Iff: EkXIXO l 1-oV EX. ULnYEX E P FA .'"'' " '''. j
uj.ovi: Fun j:AJLnnM ie:. - - EEiraE .v.w, ;
III f u t wc slimv the .irreatest var'u tv of gloves, for special uh t' l e ,
found, anil v. c cali mtei.t:o:i to tlieni. .
MM.,. -I.,. v lit r-overs uti'v :l sl!l:iI ttoltio!! of HlH I:!:i!!V al'lle: MM I. ;
!- at ir r.r i I'M-: v, t; a i: a Mi;hn.
T t - c A' - J .:!(.., i i
'.'.. 1 1 -;:. -. . . :,a
--..-j. ai j-tS .si.i ) Oii t?-x!ii -y-fW r-iiK-jiU fi.
in t; Sifttf'ilir-i.-.i .ttir..ii.j ........... , , ... I r as IIAHC AIXS. We uparantcc the public tli retaiii.:- o. .ul -;.o. s ... .
wl.olcsu'e prices auu we tk fy attvone in the buit; ess lo comii cm; w ut -i-. ,
Schluntz &
L' ! ti i-i ...
VI x i v -. -t 1 C)
r-t ' i I 'i t i -1 ; t .
i. - v ;C- .i-;,'--
-S 1 - ! -,.
1 1
on :
t : - - '
. .
- - - - . - - ' ... :
x - '
prod 'xc!;:;:;:-i i' r
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