Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 16, 1879, Image 2

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The Herald.
jIno. ft.. yviACAunnir, - JIditor.
i : i: i u i ; l i c . n t 1 1 k et.
Slate Ticket.
For Judge. t the Si!i'f(ne i'oiut.
amasa cor.u.
of Lancaster County.
'or UegenU of Iliv I niu rsity,
ft Ncill.ltl.1. Cullllij.
.i. w. 'lANxirrr,
of IUiuU Coauty.
.Count- onicers.
I-"or Treasi!: cr,
VM. II. m:vi i.i..
c:( 1;M-J Hi:ttf.
For t'it'tk.
it A. KIl-.Kl'A'l KICK.
r Ki!nv."ot.
l'or Sheriff.
tit Wct-ping Water.
J'or County Jinlo,
of Ml. I'leasai.t.
For Pitriet CIcik,
W. I.. WlXI.S.
'it SoUlll Ilelld.
Tor Ouiaiy Superiiilciidc'it,
i:. ii. wooi.k v.
of I'lat'.siiuMiili.
I'ol Coiudy'iiissioucr. 1st
f riaUoiiioath 1 aTinct.
l'or Coroner,
r. r. :ass,
of i'lalt-inoiil!;.
l'or County Survaj ;r.
;i:;. rAii:Kit;i.i),
f l'lHttSIIIOUtil.
The l:emblica:i Platform.
We. the Republic ms of tlio State of Xebras
ka, a.'aiti ri ne'.v our ph-d.,'es of fidelity to tlio
vricciplei of fri-ciloni ami I i-lit for which wo
have ever contended ; and now ia convention
;ciiillett it is resolved
fir-1 1 lii-so railed States are a nation and
isot inily : l'iiuu! il ."t;it.
Sc. oikI We w.t'.-h ilii apprencusion th ar
rogance and tivasonaMr utterance- of tiic ri b--i
Ln '.i'in rs now in Connies as a thrcatennm
d;iii".er to lids nation. Ami. furl tier, lli Ke
iiiilTicaii parly of Nelirxska proclaim that we
ii ive nn-oi.i-;-sioii- t make t unrepentant
rene!-. Tiiat ue stiil adliere to the principles'
for whirii our lr;tve soldiers have fcmiit.
Third 1 hat a'ain aftinn I he pi indoles of
freedom of the "nail t - and demand at the
hands of the Kxe -utiveof this nation, protec
tion lor the voter of the Soot li. suc.'i as I ac
corded to all political parti. in the North.
Koui'.h s the same i-sjes arc a?:iin bcliiK
presented for deeiioti at the ballot hox for
w'ieh our armies contended so lone; and lailu
fullT Willi confidence we call upon the soldiers
to vote as they fo-.i,'lit. for the preservation of
life ami purity of til-- ioverniiuiit.
Fifth That we welcome wilh much pleasure
the vit;- of returning prosperity, as evinced hy
Ihe increased activity in every department of
no ill-try. the fioicr.ll I'-viva! of inaiiufactui iiik
int-rest's. and the additional confidence ttxlilh
Ited lv all departments ot I. ashless.
sixth That we centra! ulate the country up
c:i the siiceessful rcuuipl ion el specie payment-,
ever 4edL'iri- the support of th'' i.epuli
licans t f Scl.ri-Kji'i all etion- of the Kepul. h-c-ui
t.-irty in tl'.'' nation's councils to protect the
credit r l tiie nation, aai laake it pioinises as
c.iii'l as ."old. . , , , ,,
Sevinili-That we .:,-::i:o..l at the ha".ls of
KeoiioSiciin oili.-ials in" nl most cc.Hi.uiiy In the
adsiinistr.iiion -f all affairs .f Coverniaent .
and that ve pledge ourselves. a party, to a
cartful s ipei vision of H e expenditures in a. I
the department of our .V.ate.
FiL-iilh- lhat we. as Kepul. lieans of the State
f Ne!.raUa. welcome hack to the hores of
America the champion of our I i.ion. the pro
tector of our Nit ion's honor and the hero ol
the great rcbcliioii-llcii. I ly-,-es S. CiaLt.
AlL-uruY won the U'i.ary bet in
the Lite walking match in X. Y., score
503 miles.
We hold the paper a little late to
get tlio correcW returns from Iowa
and Ohio.
ko. Tiioiirsos has vouched for the
I. 1). vote to the f usionists. It. is now
in order for him to deliver it to the
bu vei3.
AVi: only wish rinttsmouth had half
the grit and spunk bouth Bend has
shown, if they had wo might hope to
see a bridge across the Platte at Orea
poli3 soon.
A Dknvfk Tribune Reporter thinks
old "Colorow" Uti ChK-f is dead, and
that a hunter named Stokes killed him.
That's the reason ho has ntt been
heard of in this outbreak.
A TKUiiiiiLK accident on the Michi
tau Central II. II. last Friday, killing
about 20 and wounding a large number.
It was caused by an express train run
ning into a freight.
PAr.or.r: was kicked by I.ollypnp on
the thigh just before entering the con
test for the (lit at Challenge Stakes
and Lately escaped ;i broken leg. lie
will be laid up for several weeks.
VTi: hare received the initial num
ber of the Xdigh, Antelope Co., Re
publican, Dts. Day ha, Seely, and
Fields being responsible ftr its appear
ance in this mandane sphere, as near
as we can find out.
Don't every mother's son of you
Grecr.backei s know that the Democra
cy will mass every vote they have, and
every effort they can, to elect Patterson
ami maybe TutT, and then let the rest
of the poor devils on !h'M tickle me"
ti-ket wiggle for themselves? If, by
chance, they get elected well and good.
If not, why Patterson is elected any
way that is, after he beats Xewell,
which. by the way, can't be done this
fall, not if the "court knows herself
and she thinks sh do." Just waif,
Loje, there's a hen on somewhere.
Juige Sullivan is considered by
all men who have come in contact
with him a.s a perfect gentleman, na
upright man and a very ablo judge,
Ijeing as well posted, or better really,
than the lawyers themselves on all
points of law. The business of tho
County Court is so great, and the
kind ami magnitude of the cases which
the later laws place within its jurisdic
tion, that it imperatively demands that
tke person filling that office should have
a good knowiedg2 of the law in fact
should bo a fair lawyer himself. In
most counties they Io not think of
stepping outside the bar for a candi
date fcr this office; while wo do not
deem that necessary er advisable al
ways we do think a new and untried
man at the present' juncture would
fird himself in the wrong box and the
interests of justice would bo best sub
served by retaining our old and tried
friend. Republicans can make this a
certainly by tiuji.Iy (uruing out and
rotini thd ticket.
r 'jZr-frJi- --ft 'kJ i'i
lorra and Ohio Republican. (Jreat
News, Wonderful Tielories. Read
and Rejnic?.
The election in Iowa Tuesday was a
magniiicent Republican succes.3. Of
course every one will say, why, we
knew Iowa would go Republican, that's
nothing; but. you didn't know that it
would give 00 Republican majority in
the legislature, that it would give the
Republican state ticket 2.,ou0 over
both greenback and democrat, ar.d that
it is a gain of S0.000 republican votes
over the la?t state election. ims
means (hat the increased business pros
perity of the country, and the re-action
from the extra-session nonsense
of the democrats last winter have
cured Ihe lepublican greenbaekers
and united the party more firmly; and
what has been done in Iowa, will pro
duce the same e ffect in closer republi
can states. This is the meaning and
the of the Iowa election,
onio ! !
And from Ohio comes the cheering,
the great the glorious w&rds of cheer,
that Foster, Rep. Governor is elected
by from 2.1 to 30 thousand majority;
that the Legislature is probably Re
publican, and that tho closest state
in the Union, has heralded a Republi
can victory, po overwhelming that the
opposition stand aghast at the magni
tude f the change.
The latest reports which we have
held the paper for, are as follows, and
fully warrant and bear out the earlier
dispatches, and in Iowa the majorities
grow larger and larger. 1NNATI.O , Oct I'bor in. Reports
from all precincts of Hamilton county
except, ten gi ve Foster :J,"'0 m tjoi iiy.
Ilickenloorei's majority, i'.lTti, (4le
vee, republican, for auditor, 2,":); ma
jority. Republican majority on the
state senatorial ticket ranges uom
li,c2 to a.s.iH; on representative. 1,410
to :Tn.. Geo. W. Williams, colored,
renublkan candidate for the legisla
ture, received the lowest republican
vote, which v.-as !H) 2 more
than the
highest ile:n:cratic received. As lor
the state at large, the estimates are
that Foster's majoritv at this hour S
a. m. will vary from U.ouo to :0.000.
It is very gem-rally conceded that the
republicans will have a clear majority
iu joint session of the legislature and
indications will give a majority in
each house.
Willi 3!yself.
Scarcely was the Convention over,
than some one had to trot to at least
one of the candidates, and to prominent
Republicans in PlatUmouth. and whis
per, "MaeMurphy isn't going to support
the ticket, MacMurphy is going to help
the democrats, or go back on tho tick
et. (I know the men) and this fledg
ling of a newspaper hero eciioes the
cry, "MacMurphy is running a Green
back supplement, o;c," because a man
who had often corresponded for tho
paper before, happened to send us a
letter, ia which he spoke a few words
about Martindale.
Personally I should not stop to an
swer this folly, as it is never openly
fathered bjr any responsible man, but
the principal candidates on this ticket
are my friends and I want to see them
elected and stop to give them warning
that if this ticket is beaten it will be
by just such folly as this which gives
aid and comfort to Greenbackers and
Democrats by inducing them to be
lieve that there is a serious division in
our ranks and that they may profit by
it. It certainly looks cheeky to have
men who are constantly trying to sow
discord, to bud this -'daily" into a week
ly, in order to make two factions, and
who have repeatedly bolted their tick
et to shout this. It strikes me that
perhaps I am a Republican, who is
stauding most firmly by the interests
of the p irty, and the IIkrali, the Re
publican newspaper of this County,
and the real enemies of the party are
these my opponents. You mind your
business, as well as MacMurphy is
minding his, and we'll tluct this ticket.
Jxo. A. MacMckfhy.
A Cr.or.r.iA dehation from Hald
v. iu Co., are asking the Governor for
troojis to quell a tl ingeuius insurrec
tion there.
Mr. John Tt r r has made a fair rec
ord as a eii'ik, that is to say Mr. Jen
iiniw has, but v. 0 would like to ask
Kcpublicans and fair-minded ('reen
backers if Mr. Kirkpatrie!:, our nom
inee for the same office, is not as ea pa
Mo a man, as well qualitied every way
to fill the ctlieeas Tutt.
Tiie Eemocrats have abandoned any
principle they may have had in the
contest, any honest ideas about money,
and peddled their convictions (if they
ever had any) fer votes simply to elect
6omebo-ly to office opposed to the Ke
pub'.iean party. That's reform and
hift'.ir if '.i'ical purity w?th a ven
geance. SiiEKirF IIyi:ns has discharged tha
funtior.s tf his of'ico with so much
good sense ar.d tact the great thing in
a sheriff Unit we believe it impossible
to h?at hi& with r. new and untried
man. Ilia re-nomination was so much
a matter of justice that there was no
oppositon and there willi'd oo:ie, prac
tically, in his vote.-
The great Greenback Congressman,
has come and gone and the world i
stands, even Frye has not changed a j
great deal. Thompson of course swells
a little, to think they have had a real
live congressman here to speak for j
them, and a man called eloquent
Well the G. D.'s have shown consid
erable grit, and demonstrate that they
are good workers. The democrats
have never yet had even a fair second
class speaker here, to show their sido
of the question.
Tn lP-ranl to Mr. DeLaMatvr we
were disappointed, his argument is il- j
logical throughout, many of Ins state- j
ments not warranted by the facts, and j
tievoien entirely too mucn iu .iuujc
such men as Dlaine, Conkling and Sher
man, for good taste. Even Grant is
let off easy by the side of DIaine and
it is plain to see where the shoe pinch-
es. Ry Mr. Dlaine's masterly efforts,
Maine was saved to the Republicans,
and Maine was the stale the Green-
backers wanted to fall back on the
most. An old state, generally republi
can, strongly conservative, it was a
grand rallying ground to point a mor
al and adorn a tale with in favor of
their favorite financial folly.
Tiif. insinuation that Sherman, DIaine
and every Republican stole their mon
ey, was beneath the dignity" of an
American Congressman to utter on the
stump, and does nnt deserve notice.
As well say that John Fitzgerald, John
Ulack, D. G. Dovey or Cal Parmele
stole their money, becauso they did
not literally "produce" it from the
ground or the mechanics work bench.
Such argument is pure and unadulter
ated demagoguery. The allusion to
Conkling was in bad taste to say the
least of it.
To make an unfavorable .compari
son between present Republicanism
and Republican leaders, and those at
the beginnin-jrof the war, and to ex
cuse his own unsatisfactory position
now, he lauds Lincoln and states that
he was a man "beloved by the hole
people", a statement that is untrue;
for no man was cursed so heartily by
democrats then as Mr. Lincoln, nor
can it be truly said they ltive him now.
In the early part of his speech he
accused Republicans of cowardice and
says that if Den Dutler was President
no white scoundrel south would dare
shoot a negro "becausa he would be .'-.t
once hung for ii." Defoie he got
through ha accused us of wanting
Grant that we may have a strong cen
tral Gc "eminent and "punish" the
South. How coul d a Greenback Pres
ident hang white democrats for shoot
ing negrees without a strong Central
Government to sustain hira.
The whole bloody shirt argument
was pointless and untrue. Men of
sense, democrat or Republican, know
that we did not wave the bloody shirt,
that a certain class of Republicans
aided the democrats until they had
ridiculed and forced the bloody shirt
issue to the rear and the politicians
who were credited with waving it
most. Blaine, Morton and Conkling
were actually at a discount in the
minds of many until the Drigadieia
tock hold ot Congrej-s. They and they
alone revived the bloody shirt, raked
up tha past, fought over the old issues
and madly threatened to blot out every
vestige of Republican legislation, until
the loyal worth, at last losing all pa
tience, once more stands shoulder to
shoulder as one man for their liberty,
for the results of the war and for Na
tional security and independence.
After Mr. DeLaMatyr, a Mr. Bucha
aan ef the Indianapolis Sun spoke and
then Col. Calamity Pace, as Mr. Gere
calls him
Iho boys say Joe 1-airheid
and Mr. "Wooley completely cornered
him and wound him tip. Among oth
er th ings the Col. asked: "What are
you going to do with all the Surplus
.Silver?" Tat Murphy says: "I can an
swer that, mister." "If there's too much
for money melt it up into spoons and
send them to your Canelidate for Pres
ident, Gen. Rutler, he'll know what
to d with it." The crowd roared.
get Ilaeh 41 Yearn.
"I was troubled for many years witli
Kidney Complaint, ('ravel. !v:c. ; my
blood became thin; I was dull anil in
active; could hardly crawl about; was
an old worn out 111.1:1 all over; could
get nothing to help me, until I got
Hop Hitters, and now I ain a boy again.
My blood and kidneys are all right, and
1 am as active as a man of ", although
1 am 72. and I have no doubt it will
do as well for others of my age. It is
worth a trial. (Father.)
The ticket made at Louisville if
thoroughly ami honesty endorsed by
the different factions would be a strong
one and one that the Itrpiihliaius would
need all their strength to overconi'j;
but if we ate any judge of the county
at large it will be i in possible to carry j and rank of a citizen. You may ask
the positive voters from either wine j what, has this to .da with the .luestion
. ..' . . , , r . , . ,,i and purpose which has drawn us to
to that ticket. Infactthe levet-heau-ip(ithir stimuhite
ed I)emocras do not expect this, taey j t,(,neht and action.
know that such men as Shrader and
Allen will never vote for Patterson or
Tutt, because they believe they were
sold out last year. It is generally uu
derstood at this writing that both
Freeman and Wood do not resign but
will run, so that it will result in the
Greenbackers (outside of the town and
its limits) in the main voting for th
Greenback noaiinees on that ticket and
the- Democrats for the Democratic
, . . , I
An Honest Medicine Free of Charge, j
Of all medicines advertised to cure :
any affection of the Throat, Chtst or j
Lungs, we know of none we can rec- j
ommend so highly as Dk. Kino's Nkw :
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, j
Colds, Asthma. Dronchitis, Hay Fever,
lloarseness. Tickling in the I hroat, ;
loss of voice, etc., Tins medicine does
posit idly dire, and that where every-
tiling e;se ims laiieo. u uiciiiciiie .
. i i i- , i v-. -. . . I .
can show one-half so many positive is this, ihe intense, tho earnest !e
and permanent cures a3 have .already j sire that .every race, every nation, eve
Veen effected by this truly wonderful j ry man, every woman shall have the
remedy. For Asthma and Uronchilis 1 guaranteed right to develop themselves
it is si "perfect specific, curing the very : after the fashion of their highest idea.
worst cases in the shortest time possi- ,
bio. V.'e say by all means give it a i
trial. Trial battles free, llegular size
1.00. For sale by Smith & Ulack,
wholesale and retail, Flattsmouth.Xeb. ;
2ie8wly. ;
Our Temperance Column.
l'KUANt'K t'MO'.
"For Hod. unci I ome, and Native Lantl."
ilt.ATTSMOl-TII LOIX'.K NO. 2. I. O i
Keuular ineetiiniK at CJooil Te?nu!:trs'
I rverv Veilnesdav eveninir.
I K. 11. Wooi.KV, x;.
! Viola V. Babnks, Sec'y.
(. T.
1l.TTSMOt'Tlt TF.Ml'LF. OF
TkmI'KKAM.'K. No. I". Ke:
:u!ar lueetiiiu.
Saturday cveniiii; in Hall in Fitzgerald's hloek.
i'. i: i. ass, . e. i.
J. F. Johnson, See'y.
Delivered Ry Mrs. Dr. Dliismoor Re
fine the Convention of
Die W. C. 1'. V.
An Eloquent and Suggestive Address.
Ladies of thk Woman's Christian
Tkmpeuanck Union: I am .asked to
j voice the welcome which beams in
, wli(.b wi;, gme,y ,iuger hl everj ine.
! ,UOry as a precious benison. I do not
; know which season of the "far yon
j would select as the emblem of your la
uors. x ou meet in common council
in the golden niMiith when the ripened
grains gleam in the sunshine and glad
den the toiling husbajidruan with the
promise of plenty, at the time when
mother earth having completed her
maternal work, pauses in contempla
tion for a season ere she folds her
robes around her for a long, dreamless
sleep. The perfection of (lower and
fruit is the reward of her lahoia, and
smiling plenty weaves a garland of
joy and beauty. Which will you, the
repose of t lie harvest, or the toil and
unrest of seed time?
Ruth gleaned in the fields after the
reapers. Mary sat at tho feet of Je
fus, but Maltha was toiling and carry
ing. Ladies, can you like Ruth glean
thi bound sheaf, or sit like Mary
while others carry on tho great work
of saving men from themselves?
Are you not then rather all Marthas?
Anxious, questioning, sorrowing, and
saying each to their own heart "Who
is able for these tilings ?" Great wis
dom, strength of puipose and untiring
activity, are the conquering forces in
the war you are waging. Your pres
ence here to-night gives evidence that
you do not ask repose, but work; that
you ask not the crown but accept the
cross until such time as . you may
come with songs of rejoicing bringing
your sheaves with you.
I see. passing Lefore me a long pro
cession of living centuries, each centti
tury is marked by conditions peculiar
(o itself yet through all peiiods of
time, in ail" lands, brute force ruled
the world, woman's position was
wholly abject, she served the fatlter
of her children. Xor did she in her j
ele gradation feel tho upward pressure
which was slowly (it is true) but snre
1 changing her condition. When all
Christendom had been roused to a fren
zy of action by 1'eter the hermit, and
the solid earth was trembling to t lie
trace of crudii:g hosts, learning, reli
gion ami liberty awoke from theii
lang sleep. A fresh life skeins infused
into men's numls. There came the be
ginning of another era for woman.
The mailed knihl hastened to place
ii new valuation upon her. Physi
cal beauty and noble blond won fur
her a place in song ami history. This
was her first cmn'inest . The spf-U of
her bondage once broken, arid 1 1 tt- fact
ef her complete emancipation became
a question of time. From that hour
to this, though miitl;'. 1 and briar hedged
has been her way upward, the has trod
den tiie path with an unwavering pur
pose and b.ttd breath. Mew fields ef
labor, grander opportunities for irood,
and higher ideals of excel 'etice have
opened befoie her, and villi the, e a
fuller ec n-:c;ousiiess of her duties, her
powers, her ii;:h:s. While l speak
there is passing through my mii:d. a
a sort of undercurrent, the words of mi
old hymn. "Then watch and fight and
pray." Graud old John Urown accept
ed and acled upon each suggestion f
this hymn. Think you the great ob
ject of our late war would have been
accomplished alone by prayer? 'ot so.
Prayers anil works must go hand in
hand for mutual support to produce
results. Prayer is the lever which
raises us out of ourselves into acondi
tion of sympathy with the grander and
holier purposes of tho Infinite Father.
The mailed crusader when he deliver
ed the tomb of Christ from the infi-
,11 -,,-,1 f.nitrrl.l- 'I'l.n
,.os.s nf ,,.,., .-ho l.rave.1
the tyrant alcohol in his strongholds,
took the initial step, the one of prayer.
And remember that then for the first
time, its an organized boilv, woman
made herself felt in the departments
of the government, l or legislation
pertaining to the temperance question,
pause to await the next movement ot
a band of determined women, who
have so roused public sentiment as to
become formidable. Men realized that
the logical sequence of this newly-
deveiopeel force must be the demand
for all the rights of citizenship. Are
the earnest women of America willing
to lose their vantage ground thus
gained? I-fct them rather supplement
that bv another advance. J would not
depreciate the work accomplished, but
urge that fact as a strong reason why
they should pass forward to the crown
ing result u ulram meleil freedom.
me tiuesiion lo oe answereu is mis
can woman, shackled a? she is, per
form her full duty to others? Would
you expect me to unbind another
while the cords are cutting their way
into the living liesh of my own hands ?
"A oiiiiin hiis become a
fTI'41'1 f f tftilY
in tho wcrld's advance; she is invited,
nay, urged to share the toil. What is
her reward? less than the captured
slave under the tyrant kings, who can
by an act of endurance or bravery, raise
himself from serfdom tt the freedom
v ill you lay oil here anil thre, a
stem of the deadly Upas tree while
the trunk and roots remain intact. I
believe i am m t the only one here
j who fee's that woman's position under
j the law is the basis of hr power, (m-
iluence she may have, that is different).
I To nie there is mucli mock sentimen
! talily, and an aclual bribing of the
question, when men assume that to be
! free evidences lack of delicacy, and
! that woman's duty and highest ple
j sure should be to garnish some sturdy
oak! I have seen the vine, not only "a
thing of beautv," but the chief support
of lhe towering oak sts it leaceil lieuvily
to windward of adverse circumstances,
Th-re arc hosts of "new scanlous."
Think ysu if woiun went ut to do
duty, with a ballot in her hand, and the
prayer in her heart, she would fail .to
stay intemperance and its kindled ra-
ces i "raith without work is tie.ul
to work yen must have liberty.
If there be anv cue sentiment more
biionitin itiv tt.i'uie iiiitri iiuiiit-i, it-
' . . . i n
Ladies. I am to welcome you to Oma- j
ha, and its well-known hospitalities, i
which I do most cordially for myself, I
and others; may your deliberations be j
ma rite1 by christian courtesy and far-j
seeing wisdom.- I
Tq tke RESCUE,
Will open on or siliont the 1t of October alar'e
Stock ot
Dry Goods. Clothing,
TinJTK KrrOKS If IS (..l'S
d:rnts iabics Jrnnnsimm
- ui r, j
GOOD, d C., tt-t?.,
if .... 7.,,.,. ," , Tl,.ft
-'' u'jviv nt"' '
Bo glorc '$iglj prices!
Tlie Mo-t ni'.l ton..!- for the Least Mf.ney,
and S:iiislacliaii .'nai;iiiteed in Kvery
fui o P -0 (qu4 (rt-unhlj
Where von vet more tlian elsewhere for '.'3 it ml
"fl Cents.
Safic Sour 'Mmtxtt
until we op-ii. and fjive us a trial. o trouble
to siiow (liiihl.i. We ope.i i.i the.
Foot of Main St., wkieli lias been newly refilled
for iii.
Sign of the Large Flag !
All coi-utaHy invited to look tlirair.'li 0111
L. Kali sky & Sen,
'J7t f
l'hittsmonfh. Neb.
Election Not!
N:tiee is hereby etven that on the -!th day of
November, A. D. s7:i. at the usual places tit
hoi, i ir. elect ions iu the various I'reeincis. an
c lect ion will be In II l'or tin: purpose, of electing :
iie Siij. reuse J mitre.
Two l.'ecnts of the I'liiversily of Nebraska.
One li: i lift .1 :(-.
( ne County Clerk.
one County Treasurer.
int County siienfT.
One County .lui'jre.
One County Superintendent of Public In
struction. One Clerk of the District Court.
One County Coroner.
One County Conimis.-ioner, First District.
ne Assessor.
..'lie Supervisor for each Road District.
Two .lust ices of the Peace.
Two Constables.
'1 hree .Indies of Election.
Two clerks of Flection.
1" is fiirt her ordered that the following prop
osition be Mibinittcd :
'Shall the County e.'oiumlssinners is-ue Coupon
Bonds to Ihe amount of Ten Thousand Dol
lars IrUi.oooJ for the payment of lU-iristrred
warrants and uutstaiidinpr indebtedness
airainst the County (leneral Fund ; said lo be in sums of One Hi. ml. e l Dollars
each, to bear interest at tiie rate of seven per
cent, per annum, and to run live veais.'
"Shall the County Coniinis-ioiier levy tax of
one quarter of a Mill m the Dollar fr the
payment of l he animal interest on said Coup
on lion. Is until the same arc pah!.
The form ia which said proposii ions sholl be
taken shall be by ballot, on each of w hich (-hail
he written or printed :
"For Coupon r.omis ,ind Levy of Tux to Pay
Annual 1 merest ." r
"Against Coupon Ponds and Levy of Tax to
Pav Annual liitcres-t."'
'I be .lie.lcs and Clerk of the regular elec
tion will receive tic bal'ots on issu a ice of Cou
pon lit mis and Levy i t Tax, an. I deposit them
in a separate ballot box kept for that purpose,
tin y shall be counted and returned the same
as ballots in Election.
Which Election w ill be opened als o'clock a.
m.. and w ill continue open i;n' ii i o'c'oek p. m .
of the same day. l'.y order of ihe County Com
missioners t his l.illi "ibi v i f Sfi't .. 1ST' i.
J. D. Till. I inmt Clerk.
fiH A Wl-.EK in vo ir own and no cai-
ital ris:;eii. on can ir: ve i.u ..ii-iucss ;t
ti i i! wil boa' ex'iease. I he best i.iioor-
tneit v ever oiiered !oi" tl.ose vtiliiiii; to !
work. Vou .shouui try tiothim: c se until you
see for ours- if v. hat you can do at Ihe business
we otic i". No room to" explain here. Yo't can
j devote all youi time or oi:l your spare time to
the busn.e-:;, :u;u mane ".real jay i'r t vcij
hour you work. Women make as much as men.
s'end for special private terms and particular.-!,
which we mad free, s on: lit tree. Don't com
plain of h:ird limes while veu have such a
chance. Address II. 11 A L LET Afo., l'orllaiid.
Maine, bly
Tltlrly of t!i Im-s) "rran niakcrs of the
"World are on. I'd itoi-at the 1'aiis Exposition.
a cable uisiatch to t lie Ass n i i!ed l'l ess say !
two highest "old medals have been awarded to !
13 the be.-t base burn
er for hard coal. It
styled and size, with
more patent himrove-
ments than any other stoves. Ask your deal
er for them, or tend for free illusirated cir
c u In r.
Chicpfjo c Erie Stove Co. (Limited1,
(,i?ice i"l i 173 L(ih SL, Chicago.
J n -s A ?t( iNTl! 'iiaraaiee.:. .' '. J a day at
f V f ' ! !' made by toe in. last: iocs, t'ap
t'"i li Ii I ",,! ree,n:ied ; v .. v.i: -i.u! Villi.
YUUU.Mert. women, boy- ata. .air! m.:l:e iiien
ev faster at woi 1; lor lis Than at :tn tiling cl-e.
'l'be work is liht and i!ea-a..t. and so. li as any
one can H' riht at. Tl.ttst; Whit are wise nli.i
see this notice w ill send lis their addresses at
on. " and see for themselves, t o tly onllit and .
terms tree. Now is the time. Those already
at work are lav;n;r up larnt sums et money
A'l.lrcss 'nU'ii'.v CO., Augusta, Maine. 1 ily
Real "SUNSHINE ASi SHADOW in N3v7 Ycit."
11 JSATH S-'W IIA1.M S"IITI.'r.iirlei-h.'
ff k(L WISH Hi ItVlU-lluw fortune"
FJj are maile ami losr niatii v : iinwsnrewu
men are rniaed in ;i!l Street ; how
count rvmen"' are s indh d by shai )-
eis : how ministers and Merchants are Mack
mailed ; how Vanderbilt made eighty millions
of dollars ; how ptinl.liiiK houses and lotteries
:uo conducted ; how to make and .spend money
in New York ; how miiiions are fed daily ; how
Ihe rich and ioor live.
Kead and learn abort Xew York bankers,
merchants, brokers, gi;t swindlers. 51m biers.
I'.owery. Tombs, elevated railroads, lirooklyn
brii.ejc,' Centra. Park, with b'otrr:irihical sketch
es of A . T. Stewart. James tlor.bni Ih'imelt,
Kobeit It. mi er. the Astors. Yanderbilr. Irew.
Crrelev, Ueecher. Taimaire and hi 1'abcniacle.
Kisk, .(. Could ami many others. In short all
a! out the wca'th and poverty, the mysteries
and miseries of New York. Complete mirror of
the metropolis i' it is t.i-day.
Over '.wo octavo patres, wish fuH-tia'o eiiL-rav-ir.irs.
Now is ihe time f or t net yl ie m -n and
women to make money Agents are :r.'
from 40 to 60 order pet week. Kor terms ad
's lie J. IS. ISI'ItK PI'RI.IKIII i ..
Mi ll.uiTFi.iti, Conn., or CntcAt.o, 111.
Now is tkk mn:.
Fitif business house lot
' " & " S'.'.IHKI.
4 fine business houses and lots-5'2500 each.
Vacant lots ?.":00 and upward'.
Splendid residences from ..ioo to ?2:-0.
Dwelllnj; lot". Improved ;uid unimproved, in
eii.'.lcss var'ety iind iiii shades of prices, from
iin to each.
l'air lots on conier, 4 blocks from Main and
6th ts.. no hilt, only
Single corner. 2 blocks froai Ctli and Jlain,
only $ mo.
Four lot, on corner, near Chicago avenue,
only i?lL'.
Two !ols, on c irnr, Ili.uh School hill, only S60.
Two wla.h' blocks, t.alv bhu ks from High
School imil.Ihii; only Ua for c.vh block.
Cfd acre. 2 miles north-east of "Veoninj; Wa
ter, ninnine; water, tiin'iur, we!!, huase. burn,
hedge, fruit trees, .ve.
J-t think of it! l'.o acres in Mt. rieasant
Precinct, w ihl land, lor only JT.iiu l'cr acre.
Also loci r.cres iu Mt. Pleasant Precinct, all
liiider cult lVaAjtm. luuiiin water, house, &c.
price f l.'.5'.i per acre.
ta acres. miicn from Greenwood, CO r.cres
cultivated, liim iny: water.
Many otht rs not here mentioned. Come rtnd
see me and I v.iil five prices and term.'. I can
suit, you ia city or county if you wish to buy.
In fact if you want to buy
' rent
" ' ' lease any property.
call and see
V.'it.t. s. Wisn.
Atl'y at Law, 1.os Fst. and File. Ins. Aj;'t.
Fitzuerald Bloc';.
Oar 23th Deueriptlr Illus
trated Price List for Fall ot
1S7U will be stent to auy n.l
dres upon receipt of
CENTS. It contains price
of over 10.000 articles with
over l.OOO Illustrations. 0
1-liKSON who contemplates
the purchase of any article
for personal or family ue.
should fail to send for
copx. We pell most every
cla of coods known to the
civillied world. We sell all
onr eood at wholesal
prices direct to the con
is tuner too middle men),
fhe only lione in America
who make this their special
business. One of thee valu
able Price Lists and Itefer
enre Hooks is indispensable.
Artdresa MontsunmrT " artl
& Co.. 27 and iiatf tVabaato
Avenue. Chliaco, Uliaeis. ,
tr.e Amerieaa makers
r r tt C -t'is. :! Tt rreils.2knee
! IKIill U - wells, si oo hook.only
US. 7 oct. Pianos, stool.cov.
j t book, only $14.1 T.". 1 11 ut rated newspaper s -nt
nee. -Anti i e" i'a.m i1.!, r. ir,. i a , t.isiit:i-
1011. .' -'St
AJrTri WAVr.-."l l7.,Y ffi7",7 aid
VtYof-.M. ?.','( 1'ietornl r.oo!;s aed ):ils.
'"'c- -cm per cent. ;.; tonal rnuiii-
i :i lt Co., t'l'.l.viiro. 111.
S1200 zsiru
mi luveted.
informal ion
nee. I.Ike prolits week I v on Stock option of
I0 to Address T.' potter, Wi-lit a Co.
r.;ii!ker..T. Wull Si.. N Y.
VV UK X JlVims riMltstnonth :md jul-
Moliimir towns lor tlir 1. est seising lionseliolil ;ip
uele in the woild. Tip tcif wiitent once
ti W s rl 1 1 lir.inni irf nriin
Co.. 1J2 Nassau Street
Lnwost prlcps ever known
It 1 tie. & Krvultrn.
I ftt prenlly reduced price.
Isen.l Htatnp for our A'ew ,
1 1 histrnl..! C'tttloi?tie.
P. POWELL & kOS, X3S Main btreet, CLSCIXATI,0.
Active parties to act as ;encr- I
il Au'ents for the sa:c of our i
special I ies. liusmess respecta
ble. (ioinN sell rai.idl v. We
pay ;i salary tr a libcal eoiuiv.issioii
on sales. I'roin SKio to ?jw a moaili can be
made by live men. It ire chance for in.tkiii'-r
money. .1. S. M. 1i.n a t.i Co., 1.S
Clark St.. Chicago.
Oureweawo7iieori'fcuu n
lQstinnient9,Uusic,Huitflt L tti-J
Cadi. r.tlLa.Pourhf9.1um- ll I USTR V
and Iiat, Epaulet a, (. ap- Vc-f ? v -ra
Lamp, Stands, ana Oui
Din coniains r pacej 01
Oi.mmwnuti Tor o unci a 71.
UiU'4 froo- Aldrp
LYON HEALY, 1C2 State bt Cbicaea. Hi,
i ABNOM TKI.V JM 'ICK Allllt tlt.
Warranted tt kee; pickips fur Jtsn.
Tiiirt y-!. years In market.
Consumers fiioiil.l Insist UKin seeing our brand
on ll.o b irre'.a l:ci bic ini;.
CrRF.l). A Himulo vecrtnbli rrmrHt
for tho sjxvtly andperrfia'terit cure cf CoiiHiiniit-ff'
Litin,i-roiicxiit:H,tuuirrii.vsLuiiiavi(i an i itroai
ami Lung AJJ ectionm. Alto u. Io?titiv and
rnuirai I urn lor nunu.iH x-eiiiiy niiu tui
Nervourt Coinplaiijt, trhich ha bem tested in
thousand of ftui. lUjci;H. with full direction,
(ia German, Irencli, or Kn."lish) fee rrepar
iin? and tismir. ecnt by mail Tree ot' riiiirirf.
'oti recelT't of CUllnp. name thia paper..
Equal to 141 SIa.rrt7.iiii: Pa-.-B,
v.ith a."SJ i:Zil K A V I XGs"
mid Dcsrripiions t.f
Voi! i- Own V-. fer liOUDW, t"
1VEOUI.VO, & otber I'lSi:sK'TS, yij
t-rpTftc, ana jimv io lrmiu y nv." .. .
,"tc!jta 5 ii fJicm. wit lion! IV;
a. Ycitr.
rtaa, Impouiicr.
cd all disease
that follow as a -Rufnra
of Pr'.f
HeforeTaVinir. Abaw: at t.o.s of After Taking.
Xtamorj, TnlTersal I.asit'.'4., Vmin in the Back. Dimnei of
Vlitoo, Prematura Old Ape, ai,l ninr.v otlicr Diii;is thai
l-art to Inaanitj or Ci'ie.'.mn i.-n, and .t Inm.i:ure f!ra"t.
0rJFull particulars in our purai-lil'-'t, hich we .lesire to
cn4 fre by mail to ercry one. CJ'Tte Si ecific Medicine l
old by all di ujlsts at Jl per p. ka?e. or six packages Tor
5t or will be aeat free by mail oo receipt of the oioat-j b
Vicn.MC'i lines, DsTnorr, Utcw.
i.;V"S.;.-.i in f'latls.noi.'.li and cvt-rj v. her.-, by
all i)i ii.i;,isis. ;.-;y.
lo. ti Wabash atem e. Chicago, iix.
Fine, Medium, and Common
MB a Islli
Hat of over 600 new designs M AILED FK i
two pplictioa. Uieiui for it.)
Acrostic 31 st S i
Use Western lliinitdios for western
."Scitiice dciaoiistratcs LIjO wisdom of
tli is course.
Kxjierienee of every western family
proves it,
"Where Urown's Fiimily Medicines aro
Kurt-kit Ague Pills never fail to euro
the chills.
Salve, like IJrowu's Arnica, cures cuts,
burns, &c.
Tar Troches cure sore throat and clear
the voice.
ackbeii v ar.d Ginger i.s v. safe
Ext. reliable
llemedy for dianlia-.i, dysentery, and
Xo family is safe without it. I saves
Uelief follows the use of German Ca
tarrh Cure.
Kvery trial confirms tho wisdom of
the petiole in
Making Hrown's Liver Pills the Fam
ily Pill.
Each day gives praise to Biown'.s Cough
Doctors and druggists unite in faying
Invigorate your Liver and PIoo l by
using Kxt. .Sarsaparilla, Dandelion and Iod.
Potassium .
See formula on e.v.-h bottle.
For sale bv Dr. V. K. D.'iielan, Chap
man & Smith, J. II. Huttery and (). F.
27tf PJattsmouth, Xeb.
Clothing House!
C. G. HER0LD, - Proprietor.
i n:sT i:.tai;i.'1) in is.o;.
Keeis a Ir.ive stock . t
Men's, lotilH's A: Hoy'
CI f T M I
tai ea JA. ii. J-i ii.
and lias just receive:! tlie finest !et t
French and English Silk
that kvkii r7.vsw-; mi; jio. iiivy;:.
Hi- differ! i:t si y;,-s of
r- ". "- T7"
Si." Cut Ji' O-t $
are .sui i'i isi!
:iei l.i-
Furnishinq Goods !
771 TT"
.1 K g
IsTlari'e etiou'i to supiily any dcniaud.
Call and Examine tho
0. 0. IIKK01J).-
fi&?K ADDRESS wil
fX0y briisg you post-paid v;V
&H fit" 1
Hcfo fall
Dress -
t mm -v nv.i nvi
Domestics, Underwear,
Fnxnlslung; Goods !
Also :i Full I.iiio of
v" i
Wooden ware
5 "i ; .
Ami lvimls of
( c 1 1 c r a t Hit c v c a 1 1 b i o c.
Vt'liii ii c will sell ::t very low fii'j '.ii '. s.
yljd ire. me diriji j: leaded la
A ) t.O
a A A a. s
iiL-l-, WW W-
1 In 1 t . i..l . t tl
!kis oncv more "
who aro, on and after this
: w
j 1
AVif are hi .-.'nuost daily receipt of
w!:ii li c
our friends and tiie
.::.-es to
CasiiiiK-ros. Alpacas, Delaines, kc.
Calicos, from 12 to 1G Yards for $1.09.
Muslins, from G cts. a yard upward
The lines slo.-k cf White IV. Is), read- ever hrotuhi t the 'ilv.
Euell's Cassimeres, Tweeds. Jeans, and Cottonades ii.
A Tl
f 5
- A I.!. IlINIii.
Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods.
V.': de.sireto see all our old tcttrons b:u-k and w:m to hold a- .nany of t!io
present ones as we ciin
i:i:ME3!ni-:i: the pl
. ?Olvr
et"tn nn
If ft Ml H UH
B3 W VMa VM? VV& t'.WJ Lh&
il.ouf.5 !
w " if
Our Goorh-i
AX j ' iV k i 1 .
V s K-A vt" V 'j-' r S
'is 14
coimp l;wk" to
date sole propi ii lots.
anaS MeteSI,
suit t!:e time.
misss mum,
Mnis Bled lnfm
(;i:tiim. .V & v.ixkijacu.
.!' :. ONE DOOR WEST OF V. O.,
- A