PL.YTTSMOUTII. OCT. 9, 1879. CORRESPONDENCE. i'oiu-ord Items. 'iug into to develop the unseen of the future. ! Peter T. Beaver has bought things tigued and excited he declared that "if a horse had stumbled, the driver, pas- new senders, horses and vehicle would not We are pleased to learn frol lain Wright that after sevemte' of arduous and active service lain in the army he, in compa two other Chaplains, has bee upoa the retired list, and is Give your mon- liberty to do what and go vi Young is feeding 150 head of ey to a good cause. Give yonr mite when he pltases. As a testi toward the support of the ministry in '"is long and active service th cane crusher and an evaporator, and isihave been worth 25c per bushel when making sorghum molasses by the: they arrived at the foot of the moun- wholesale, with the assistance of Prof. Hicks. J. II cattle. tain." Again, I say come. Ed. Herald: As we have not Lad any thing written from Concord lately. 1 thought expedient to write something for the Herald from here, as we are in a dark coiner, to It t the IIkkald know that we are yet in th land among the dying, but striving ! get to the land of the living. I said , we are in a l irk c utier, hut at the s.un tiuie we are trying ;o bring light in our midst by bringing gospel light to bear through the instrumentality of Sabbath School, which we have been For want of space I must close. More'your own town. This, in a pecuniary from Adj't Gen. E. D. anon. Your friend, G. A. Creamer. j point of view, "will pay." as the Wes-J command or len. bherman ternersays. For never has a hamlet, ;Ppers announcing his retire, town, city or nation prospered with-j most flattering and fitting. out the saving, refining, purifying in- "Iu thus performing a duty. The M. E. Concert. Mr. Editor: In scanning vour in- fluence of the preached gospel in theiri!" law imposes, the Secretar terestiheetof last week .nv -ves ' midst. Straxoer. d General of the Army take fell upon these words: -. to the con-! This is published by request, we doto express their regret that in cert." I obeyed. At 7:30 harp I was't very gladly, only we pity the yaang:tural course of things the Ion in in v sent. Knoti looWintr un.. mil I i lady as we did the pro tern editor ;.m:..l r., i.,.t :. ,.. i,,LiMirr f the Enterprise, because we are afraid. V on lDe Part or uie omcers W; of uance of most faithful devoti an andieiK-M instead f a deling ;.s I will lie disappointed in trying to,-""" had expected. "What means -this?" stir t,lis town UP to a sens of its duty. I8, if not in all cases, a res running here for years, and have had !"'" 1 l" eiuen. - u, was me, public preachitte every tw weeks.! ''""Hy. "if it were a negro minstrel: This ta-of unceasing toil and respensibi he grateful if not necessary c it dues in this involuntary fc Little Feet Iihs no ax to erind. unless: n;knt .. i - - u uuuiii n 'oooi ui 1 1 .j v. H she grinds very slow. Iproach' The best wishes of K jrht Mile Grove Notes. Rev. J. A. Kenaston being our pastor! "P oni oe crowned. for the present, but can se but verv "Hht t so to be." s-. -id I. I had .. .' 1 1-. . . ; . . . 1 . A i . . i I.ttle difference from darknes, to UgliUj " , Whjll hiiS bf.come of liig Feet ? Plese!eruraent for t,,eir future C0IE i. e. gospellight. We believe the Sab-:y and song when I first gazed up-; . once more aB,how; correspond-!ha,linps, frtow the d bath School to beoneof the best means-'' shade, hill tops and utilued, R is like editing J ot promulgating iiio'e minis, oi rais-i ... w.,. .n ; ing the standard of morality, of ad-i" "-"ops in me lorm oi traveling me vancing the Redeemer's kingdom, oty,tres' eircuses, and so on, it behoves the strengthening and building up ol jtl,e West to encourage home effort his church, and of bringing out and jin talent; and have it, if we will utilizing (torment talent to the glory ;bllt support it. liy this means our of Go.l and the salvation of souls i j"loose change" is nt carried off by l.rirnrinfT tlipm from fhn Vnsa to liirht .i hundreds of dollars, but is retained in - - - --r- 1 . . . .. '.,ii,mi.lj- M. 11 1.. t e nad a glorious &ai)U. in cnooi pic "- more i,a8 pved himself as a verv nic here on A up. 30th. which resulted jtlns n view when emp;oying teachers.! , teacer Hnd c;in chrfullT be re- in a srand success, gouen up umier u..uriiiuw uiai mat , , , wl..,nT in Wllllt paper, you have all sorts tf people to lease, and it is an old saying, in pleas ing every one, you please nwne, w find an Item which is true from Alpha to Omega and give it for the benefit of tirement from all service to t of their choice As Uncle Saw cares for hi veterans during the remained life, the prospect of a comfort i peaceful descent down the skeptics. The District School at I'leasant Kidge0f ,fe seems to yl9 before t has closed for the term. Mr. W. E. Gil-;iMi. .and his manv friends wil ed to hear of it; among thoa most assuredly count the fill the name of Mount Olive Sabbath fen is to be repented, I would like towf a School . hp decHued tlie offt.r for a School, for the encouragement of the,s:J io inegoon cnizens or nausmouin. ... t . School Reportof College IlilH The Society o" the good Templars is For the month ending OcU Xo. enrolled, 37; average atf school. Programme made out in ordr,Come to te concert." The greeting and strictly responded to by the schol-song will welcome you. A bass solo! hin,r fl)i ward. ! 17 9-20. Average monthly ars in declamations, essavs, and select w' l nxt, perhaps the melody of jateR aud Kohuke, Carpenters 0f tion, grade of those answeringy reading. Sabbath school called to or- which still floats on every l'1 r t,,ati voui City ar buildiding a nice iesi-;Per c-nt. of nil questions iske der at 9:30 o'clock by G. A. Creamer; reaches my enchanted ear, ai.d whis-j-j foj. Mr j,hilip it", j A Grade Flora Davis, 98. J read second chapter, 1st Peter. Pray- unto ine -i am ureaming. -i.ive . More Axox. er by Father Isaac Seybert. Programme me the liowl, is a soul-stu ring piece, read, then came the essavs, declama-'and should be heard by all. If you tions, &c then we had pic nic dinner in baskets, which we enjoyed muchly, after that was had speeches from dif ferent persons on the scriptures of di vine truth, and the ' genuineness and authenticity of the bible, on which the estimable lady, Mrs. Spurlock, gave an able address, which will live long in the hearts of the people of Concord, and MissDennison.of thePlattsmouth High School, who was our chief corie ter assisted by the young ladies of Concord, and ably and efficiently done. In the winding up Father Isaac Sey bert, now 81 years of age, gave us an old fashioned experimental speech on religion, and exhorting; people to 'seek Christ. We had good singing, all of Gospel hymns, by Miss Denison and others, and all went off well. Thanks to Mrs. B. Spurlock and Miss Denni son for their efficient aid in speaking and singing. The people of Concord are in better want to laugh listen to "Jolly Jona than," and you will without an effort; and certainly 3'ou wil! "smole a smile" to bear the ladies get the last word with "Profundo Basso," and to enjoy the strains of Orpheus' fabled lyre, hear Mr. Weaver render "Home, Sweet Home." The string band kindlv as- Frem an Obi Farmer. Mount Plkasant, Neb., ( October Cih, 1879. B Grade Frank Schlatttr, 9i C G rade Frank Lonsdale, 70 ; Blair, 94: Anna Osenkopp. 82j Stander, 85; Belle Johnson,8. We would also report tLef Ibuildinc iu cood condition. If Editor Herald: Having had my:1;.ge aud commodious house, vf jttntiiMi rvillil tit llifi Mart imljilf i i....t. :.. -.1 . .-v .. f HtiviiiiuM ' " - " m.'siieti. i f tj i ii in 1 1 l.ii i iu araio boom published in vour last issue of the Herald, I felt, it rny duty to add a few lines in behalf of the aforesaid sisted and added much to the pleasure boom. In the first place no Ilepubli- of the evening. Many and beautiful were the selec tions made bv the chorister, but the grandest to our mind, the Grand Sierras." can of acknowledged principles can support the Greenback-Democrat can didate who has twice been beaten in a was "Crossing Republican convention, only to seek a "All aboard"! nomination somewhere else. paratus. Respectfully, II. W. ZiNK, Tel Hard Honey Han. Call at Merges Shoe Stoij' you will get the most and bfl aud Shoes, for that kind oi town. shouts the conductor, and off we goj Mr. Wooley, though a young man, with a hum-drum and a lightning! has had no small amount of experience speed of a lightning train. Our na-jas a teacher; and his success is only tional pride inflates as we reflect up-second to his ability as an educator; ok the brevity of time in which those! besides he is the regular nominee of grand old mountains have been subdn-j the Republican party; stands square- j t ' TT T T TtnifVU A V 1" XITkll all wool ladies' cloth suits, t . : i :.. .:n, ...... I II iilimeu ill niitv, rtim fiHTuiii ih, from 82.00 to S7.50 per si Solomon & Na( Notice. Wm. E. Tucker, the well kno ed and made subservient to our will ly upon her i rinciples, and is not sac-jpenter, who has long been est suggestive of the energy and powerful irificing everything for' the sole pur- jn this city has just returned fr. resources of our country. Ipose of gaming an office. Country, where he lias had a i Mount Pleasant will send up a solid of work. He will hereafter b We well remember in '59 how Hor spirits than usual. Prospects of a mar- ace Greely traversed those same rug-'vote for honest principles wnen tne at his shop every day. ready ket seems flattering. We are rather'ged mountains, and when, upon reach- time comes and don't you forget it. U,ess and respectfully solir itif an energetic psople here; we are pry-J ing the base beyond, being much fa. An Old Farmer. of townspeople in his line. A