Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 18, 1879, Image 3

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Co to t lie Fair.
rntri?3 coming i: t'licfc .iml fast.
The ljri.fce is rapidly progressing,
llepnii ii pc done good at Merges. 21ft
DM you see the raml Procession.
Cash for dry or jfieeti hii
at 1'. S. White's. 1
-Prints at Solomon A Nathan' 13
yarJ.i for a dollar. 1
-iioe"A.I"of RassorsLek 15ros., ia
atiolhvr column.
--!:":!: !ini of pound prints at freh
ta'jn Sc N.tthan's. 1
(J.nirud Hood. of (;ery tlcscrip
tiou at F.S. V.'liitc's. 1
Thu-fi ard Monte :ntn were in
abundance around th circus.
Last Monday was the liveliest Manila'-,
I'latt.-iiiauth has sftn in a gfcod
Geniine Miciii'an a'.joles "' har
rrl c r basliei cliCip for cash rt F. S.
While's. 1
A new restaurant is . o:n to b".
opened uo in t!:u oM store cf H'escott
-('..i Tii i nis Vt'oif;, Crawford
and were ia .-- it, thr- J
lir.-t of tho Vt?v:k. !
- . t1.5 at ' V Cilh'.'.c church fjr
tha i-a--'t fe-.r i.'ys hava occupied . ina
j ri :y of each d iy.
Mr. Murtoi of Factory ville, among
th". .5, V 1 m 1 1 v soijrt.s uj tto delegates
fio'n that prtcinvt.
Aa-.tiicr oj;;j add-u to the T.Ut,
"The Lono Fisherinau" ha3 tatted hi.;
lij h :-.t Soiith I'h.ek'ii.
1 I
Ilefsr ii .'.riv::;d agiisi, um" looks
h at 1 :- success ia currying off
p;.'iai.:in at thoiuate fair.
Ve rail psrticidar attention tothe
Ad cf Mr. '"us. Ilera which wti l.y
fiij- .'.':: .:':? out la it week.
4j ue o:io faked the hold-back
st: .T M il fc Herrmann's de
livery w;.-.-n in front of Drew's stable.
('. il. I'l' cf South UenJ has
thn r. i! u , his rorre-power in hi.- el-cv.'.-.i:-,
ra-.d .'-it ii twelve boric
v v. or . -i;;..! j
Jo-.c h .-i-;il -it'.T ha just received
a -'.rt e:o!;t f Mi-vie"! Intrn-
V, 1 1
r Hi.
to Si.O'.V
h.'i-h r.nrt a h;i-f of Tne
. ai; 1 th-.- N ''bra-kin:; print-
.; .-.' f. '.l.;Vt ttUd'-;l.:ok t; get
u .-.!-. w.f h a 'iu, b'it I'i.'i.l: ('
pul 1 h'.; l a iit an ' d-.'.a in u-i i'm
v, herewith or tla pin. lie got it.
Y'e ro rv to learn tu-t Mike
has b;n qu
r e
l- oa th- i-und oucj more, however,
Th" !!::. ;i::d piles cn th
,!i p-Mid brid.c? arc rapiJlv neproa--
eac!! othv-r, froei either -i of th
. e! , a'
: oss.
'V v.Kl
'oil I;.:
Wh says cur i:i.rciaBt are nor
waking up as to valuo cf Ih Inter's ink
For instance, see Frank Carruth'j one
b.iif ( four colui:i:i "Ad" ainl then go
i.'.d s . e i is a t' :k.
We will puU: At the '..:;mirs -o::-.:'s
j 1 ; i."' t o a i g s in I ha next ! -so.;. Loth
lr the reg'-.hir ses-ioa of .'tptw-i-ihei
lt, and el C;. adj j;:T...d h?-ic;i thr.t
1 thi-j wei
A h.jr.-;; '.v-hee.-ie.g to Snaford Lew-
i... who i3 wcrkive; on th, hrmg.
r;-e.S,h, jun-red o:t t .e ,lnsup ad j
.e: UJ; richt ,id. p sixteen feet below. .
and never broke a kg
Oar row Avooa Correspondrtnt
:i".id : ightly little .n-count of
hi l'rofehsor's trials r.t.d tribidstions.
- ' ..-'1 , ti ll . . " . 1 .
11 o v. LRt.C oit U'J jvi; ji lw L.ia j ,
1 i f.KA i.d correupoud nt corps.
Several cnyss in pi-lice court this
: : rs.ii.u'. for lrt;:.L; ni.t-as arid disor
.'ily :;.':". Thite (;f them p:J
their .;uf. ar. me s:-:itc need to ': days
in the iron c-..?. "o mote it h-."
W-o k..l! eertaln'y huva to ehisi
v.'urfiien i V.'oi'.ry th? yeerg man,
that don't knew iiis o.mi friends." We
think he male a mistake at thnprima
lits Situtday, prejudicial to his case.
G ill! -man!! i. Weckbaeh havelecn
fitting up every deprir'iaent of their
mammoth store, and have a grand dis
play of Dry goods, greet t hr., n-'liou.
c-:c, an 1 will tell as cheap tho cheap
est. VJCtl
Smith A Black's 5th ordr for
f; --hool I ' ks is being tilled and in a
few ! iy- th"y will receive the J-ia1,
which will -j-np7'.t.! th-ir seho d de -
p-irtmeat t. perfection. Any ihing you
wani come and gi.t it. I
We nee'- -:; M l-m w?ck to call at- !
teatioa to the nov
J. of Schluntz A i
Dewey, Ced r Creek, which appeared
iu our ccl'i'ims. 'f her are two reliable i
business moii aud will r.iet with cuc-
css in their new venture.
All cur merchants seem justja
busy as they can Is unpacking new
g jo Ji. They have reason too, to calcu
late on a big trade this fall, if the ap-
pr cf our streets is anv crite
rion of th amount of tr l ie. From
morni5 until night the streets are
lined with wagans. ;m l the scales are
k3pt ba.-y weighing the graiu which
r!ls in.
Frank Carra'h comes out with a
rousing big advertisement this week, i k.s tho Wheeler's had requested him to
Looki as if he meant to take possess- j keep a lookout for the boys, was about
ion of r ur columns and run the pi-per j entering the yard tocaptura him, when
himself. Hi wavts to know what v.- ! th. youag man, who had been watch
would d if all cur bnsin-'M men pat , ing the tramp from inside, shot tilling
ia as tig Jin Ai;.-1 ust try it en and I
s.o. Get a power press and run oppo-
i .tionto Oa.i'n and I.i i - dri. Why
shouldn't wt .- V"e're fdtin. a bridrc?
Charley Clapp wa3 in town Tuesday
Mrs. J. I. Young has gone to visit
friends in Queen City. Mo.
U. V. Mathews sUrted on Monday
last, on a businass trip to Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin returned
ob Monday last, from a visit to Lin
coln. Mr. Fred. Herrmann returned on
Tuesday last from a trip to Chica
go aud Wisconsin.
Miss Anna Dakin left on Friday
last for Decatur to make a few weeks'
visit, stopping at Omaha and I'lair on
the way.
Mr. Blake Ilildebrand, who is con
nected with Mr. A. li. Fox, of Louis
ville, Neb., called Monday, and orders
the IIkkald.
G. W. Worley. of 3 droves, called
Tuesday and Isft $2.00. He reports
vrhent on Lis farm at least, better than
ever before. Good for him.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Aguew started
last Friday aftcrnooa, for a visit to
Chicago and Wisconsin. Billy having
finished up tho trip3 wf the excursion
train, which ran during thu fair.
We barn that Mr. Calkins of Eight
Mile, a:t 1 a portion of his family h;ve
be?a B,)end:ug so my ti.ue very pleas
antly in K;ms:es, lately. 1I.J did i.ot
for-ct iha IIkkald tlicu it stems,
tLrouli fe never received iu letters.
T. C. the V.'iller Hec
or 1, ci-.Iisd on thtt H::::ai.i. He had
come as far as i'latts:nouth, with his
wife, who go.s o:i further eist cn a
visit. Mr. Mcllroeu thinks it zeuires
s'jti.e tiave'.iing round to see all of
Mrs. U.K. Livingston and Mrs. F.
Latham spent Sunday aa J MociJay in
Liticol!!, tlje gue:'.tr; of Mr. arid Mrs. 11.
C. Cu.-rhing. Mrs. Livingston reports
that The'd passed his f xamiiation for
admission to tho I'aiversity, and is
fairly launched upon Uh widj r?:i of
of learning, pic-pard to tak unactivo
hand ia the cruise.
The C'uaty Fair
Opened y-tiday with two hundred
entries, of course but liWie, was I'.oas '
except getting really. Some tine stock
are on tbe ground, a good deal of ma
chinery and llorai I T a I pariially filled.
This aftemoun is a double team ri'ce
aul County trot, a:i- to morrow iieo
for all b 'tween .Judge Kinney's h"isj
and our homo i::es, at wLioi if the
track is go-id at all, quick time will be
The Cath-Iij mission inu.t- bo a
Lf' St S,..:.-Ct;3-'f 111 itU.', jlldglUg frOPl lllb j
n . I : . e - .
.'..; 1c r.-;u ;:o at ait hwurs
:o at
1 tiio svr vices
W'v rr-ccived copy fcr the Teraper
::;ve c :di.;rai, V:dnesd.y corning, at
10 o..:"i k. t.j'J h.t j for this week; we
are very sorry ;;s tLe ma'ter, a review
ot t!e-j ltv. I'h '.i.ey's h-elure, and. an
iiti-h1 o:j ti.' Heading Iloom,
t iy mid
- Wo are s ; i y to h nra that t'r.f;
! Heading U.-uln vill havi t 1'C closed.
' ; t' :.iru:-;'; ;!v. at h- est, m TJr. WLiie is
ob'.ig.-.i t " have th" rp.icn o-;cp:ed by
the taii '-vay to thro -v into hia f.iles
tc. ;n. It ii h- ii j :-d another rorm
will Le found s in.
Dr. Di N'ise of Omaha made a pro
f .5si:::.;;l visit t- our city Monday last.
Ilavsag inar1.- n speciality of diseases
cf th ; eye, he -s as called "by Di. Liv
ingston ; tako eh ir- e-f the case f
j Mrs. ('j:;i.-.d Fip..!2 who sometime ago
j destroyed the fiht of hir eyo bystiik
' iii it agii;:t tie.- h-.tch of a hc,r. It
i nas since ca...-e i ni-r innc.
tic n h o a;;d
I.I..Tl,..! .. .
Jel'!?u t '-:. I
.' ',' - ' ' "
an o;erat: ;:i usu-t oe p.'rfcrmed which
jirs.'llipri vUt to Otaaha t rubinlt
U) on ..a:i.!;iv w j i wjll
ha ,h;tL Mrs. Papnle may
b, relieved from further sr.fT.riag.
L.i. ;i.;ej i,.Ui
Ti-r statement in tho Ku'r-rpri'-5
! t t!;c prit.iarics resulted in general j
! satisfatiijii and the deleg.tes were
elected by large writes, repress nta
tive men. i not true of the first
V'ard. There was, as there has been
lately a packed majority there, it is'
true, but a strong aud able minority
opposed the kind of election held, and
the delegates with two exceptions are
nA roprtst ntativeo of the true liepalv
lieans of the Ward, have not been iden
tiilcd with the Wiiid, or with the par
ty only by' fits ae.d jerks. The crowd
ing off defiantly as staunch and true a
republican, an old resident, a good tux
payer as Julius Feprerberg was not
good policy. It was a stupid blunder,
engineered by stupid aud spite-ruad
men, and may result iu great injury to
he party. Mr. lYppei'oerg is almost
tho only proiniaent German Ropubli-
j caa we have. Tliere are no Tlep ubiican
i German otes to throw away he re, and
j v,o should not wonder to see scarcely
j.a German Republican ticket voted ;
i .Tulius would have been almost the
i only repnblican German delegate in
the Ciunt-V. should have been elect
ta cocci luii--.
. r - i. r. , i
An Unfortunate Occurence.
Last Thursday evening, during the
absence of Mr. and Mrs. 1). II. Wheeler
at the fair, at Lincoln, Myron Wheeler,
their sou. idiot at and quite severely
wounded Mr. Schlegel, our favorite ex
pressmen, mistaking him for a burg
lar. The night before thero had been
persons trying to get into the house,
aud Mrs. McNiel had sent for
protection. On the night in question,
there was a party, supposed tramp or
burglar, prowling round the yard and
looking in tho window. Mr. Schlegel
saw him, as he came up the street and
his arm and shoulder with bird shot.
aud Riving hiru a Terr tender remrjn-
i Lrauee of the ocr-asfon. Fortunately
tkevouuJ are not sen cos.
By the barrel or bushel at F. S.
White's. 1
A small Ad. in the IIekald would
have secured a better attendance at
the Ball last night, from the country.
"We are sorry to learn by postal card
from E. A. Kirkpatriek that his house
and contents hurneJ to the greund on
Moeday last, loss about $300. This is
a pretty hard blow for Eddv, who has
been but a few years gathering his
household gods about hia.
Louisville, Nkb., Sept. 10, '79.
In compliance with tho expressed
wish and advice of many friends, I
hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Superin
tendent of Public Instruction.
1). D. Martixoale.
Merchant T&ilorb.
Itasgorshek Bros., Main Street, one
door cast of l)ovy's, are getting on a
lino assortment of domestic and im
ported cloths, which they invite every
one to ca'.I and examine. They guar
antee good work and lit, and will en
deavor to give satisfaction to all their
customers. Theirs being the only ex
clusive Merchant Tailoring Establish
ment in the city, they are able to give
their undivided attention to their
work, and their patrons may. re3t hs
sured that every effort will be made to
please. Suits and single garments in
the latest styles and tho best of work.
Call and seo theia. 25m2.
Police to Teachers.
I will be in Greenwood on Friday
and Saturday, Sspt. 23 th and
27th for th9 purposo of examining all
who may apply for teachers' ccrtiii
cates. Also at Stove Creek School
house Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 2Jth,
and 20th. D. D. Hartisdalk.
County Supt.
Among the humorous diitortiorrs
causi-d by the lato accident to Mr.
Schlegel, uoue show more clearly how
a plain story gets twisted in traveling,
than the following:
Last Tluusdav evening Mr.Schlegol,
of I'Iattsrnoath."fat:ier-i:i-!aw of D. II.
Wheeior, went oef to the latier's resi
dence to see if every tlong was all l ight,
::s .".Jr. Whre!?r was absent at the State
fair, 1 lull left two sons at home.
As Mr. S. entered ths gate, one of the
boys shot him in the left arm, tilling it
full of shct. A tramp had been prowl
ing around the houre and the boy tok
his Grandfather to be tho offender.
tfngs Brothers
Havo on hand the largast and best
assortment of Pumps ever brought to
Piailsn. oiith. Tho wo: Id renowned
doiible and singh; acting force pump,
for well or cist.-rn. porcelc.ia cylinders
for a well of any depth, from li ve ft. to
seventy-?! ve. The b-t wood pump
ever manufactured, of Lavaity's make,
cf St. Pau!, Minn., which are a!r?o por
celain lined, making a pump that will
last a life time. In tho aa r.e room
will bo f.n:e1 STOVES f every
description, and iiu.ndiieds cf t em.
The wsi! k n o w 1 1 A rj i n ', and 11 1 li
anl still loom up, every variety
of Cooking Stoves, coal or wood, from
a two hole up to a six hole stove.
Don't fail to interview their room be
fore purchasing elsewhere. . 1
Ji:A'-SNYiKK At Hi In i-Ie's rsiikiiv.
c.u tliw tt? i of August. 1 f7'J. ly the hev. ti. W.
liel-aM ityr. ."Mi: U. ui.K-j L. Jkax aud MlSB
AMixm .- i'Kic, ;U1 nf iJit.- C omity.
The liaipy ;:'.rli"S uitiilioucd aio ujom
; r of wi; -va nr. .1 j resittcut families
Ciis C'ouu'.y :u:d ol ! fiioudi cf the itel:A!.o
which wishes the uiariied i&uplu much joy and
PI-.JtlK Tr. :..:i.;. a iUh. Jer l. I'lli. 1 cr., at 10
(', ' .. :; ;. in., .u iei:!.j-!j;.rr:tis, Maoci.-;
i. VK-.ii:. e.-:y i;i.-.!il;- of A . :u-i E.
r :.i I ; 1 :o:tr.k! ?-ii vic.-s ai the re;;-
l.'lcii-.; ? Mi;. ;.U!i-i, Stii!i5.!;;y, ,c t.
17i.):, al It - !.'!: A. :J.
T';; a r li'iock to a fami!y from!
n.: I.-; .te.-.ta :'reaJy taken bat recently a
LlIi-.tiL'i'. Lio.-.i.iiii 11-!L the o!dui, tliari l-a
yei'u.-:;.-.;t ,- gat!iL-ri:i; imt only t!ie liponei! fruit
rr n!y f !' the ti-.uvest. but the t-jadcr baj jut
t'.i ,;; liivuiUa at btuMsota and fruit In UA
-.n.r'.l. 'let U it b to blouta m gieater jMitec
t'oa ia a:i-j:';jr ii.ere, wheia Uiero U no idCer
ii! and be.eht, : hould wo mvriaar at suc'i
sf-eniiiifely ciutl uecrtcs, or avisU to cn!l it
YAXDA-At rt;Llth!i:Out'l. Nebraskn. on Sept.
Sil, l."7. .I'fSK.en Vano.a, 17 years ;.ud
C uioiithn.
The dei;a.s9l ha I b.-e-i ;it La PUtte visiiiaj
f.-ieads :.nii reisrives a'-ci o". Sundoy mor-un-;
!ia 1 rtarted for his bo:ne iu Duke's Adciitii.-n.
As he jei-ssfd hk h a wlro isnce at the norlU
eud of tUe ri.-.tic bri-.Uo. a shot j;ua U; v. as
l'r:a.;i:i,-; l;o:-.e with him rev ".d jrit.iliy dis-eharc-d,
tJsc .saot ta'rtia:: ?'T-c n ttie left una
;n 1 sii.; -.vhicJl iia;.'. y ri-.-.i.t'.-J in his deutil i,t
11 u'v'.as.X o.i tho I.hovii; TuosJay. The de-c'i!.-a
1 . r : i ;.t " in i:iUe:i:!:i o.i t-t, 1311 ;.r;d (sim: tj this country with
h. ':..!. r fci:t tl.:ce Lrthon o;i t!s firvt day !
lat AtijH it ; !;:i;:e- !:::te:y o.i his arrival lierol.e
aud Lis f iv hr.-it!iri- rizc,d v-'i.-.l is knowu
a- tho 11. i-c-iro.i i ;i.-.:i !, i',tii-t a'nitty s musi
cius liii- bo -u fvorahly est i!is!ied. The fu-r.t-::tl
c.;rt :)io:ii.-) were c e.ij.icted by Father
L'licli, v. hilo nuc.y t.f it; warui a::. I lo '.:-z
fifiidi be lei l nrnio ia his short cc-;-:ai-t ir,''e
here, hciidd by !ii br-'hi-rs of th j, fol
lowed his remains to the cemetery. After the
funeral ceremonies wtr- over the J rotliers gatb
ered around thenrave and played a msst toucb
inp; and pathetic fum dirje oror th remains
of the dcuu I r'Uber.wl.ich r ss one of tlie hnnd
onipst l.naherly tributes tbut couM bare ios
Mt ". l-et-M .ixA to tii. ticcea-;' i. lie us a kiud
'. r...ii; r und lovin ; friend, a teitriot to the
c::::--i cf eiu'i iry und a disc;; !e to thrift. The
gci-.t i.i.iuly iicri e i'.is;'iuvfd in hts laft lubf-or-tiiLt",
niiido him u:i houxr to bis newly adopted
country, r.n.l r. murtyr to bis will. lie sleeps
no v mid the eleiiiout f cluy, mnlsTtieJ Ly
the tears of muuy friend., mourUi.d 1 all that
knew Mm. Soa, I'riend. Brother, fu:a thee
w ell.
Ladies you cunnot make fair skin,
rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes with
all the cosmetics of Franc, or beautifi
ers of tha world, w hile in poor health,
aud nothing will give you such good
health, strength, buoyant spirits and
beauty as Hop Hitters. A trial is cer
tain proof, hee another column!
.Notice to Icadici'SM
Examination of persons wishing to
teach iu Cass county, will ba at the
following times and" places:
At l'lattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday nud Satur
day iu March, June and s'epteinb:-r. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Noticy of
other examinations will be given.
D. I). Maktindale.
4 1 i u r j Su!)ijiictndent.
Boots and Shoes made to order and
vrarran ted at Merges'. 21tf
A good second-hand mower for
sale cheap for cash, or to tiade, by
20tf Y. S. White.
K. liosenbaum has on hand fresh
Milwaukee beer on draught, daily,
cool and nice. 14 If .
Schlitz'Milwaukwe beer on draught
always, at E. Koseubuui's saloon,
l'lattsmouth, Neb. 14tf.
Some Bankrupt Hoots and Shoes at
Merges' below wholesale prices. 21tf
Nebraska I'eer,
at Antelope Brewery, Lincoln, Neb.,
orders received and promptly filled.
Agents here, Keenan & (trace. tf.
Ann A WKKK iu rour own town, and nocap
Sinh itil' iked. "Yon cjiTi I'At business a
I jjjjj trial wiiiiout expense. 'I be best oppor
1 t unit v ever otlercd lor those willinii to
work. Vim should try nothing cN: until you
see lor yourself what you call 'so ;U the business
we oiler. No room to explain hero. Voij can
devote all votir time or only your spare time to
the business, and make icc-: t pay for every
honr voii work. Women make as much as men.
.Vend for special private- terms nd particulars,
which we mail free. $3 outfit free. Imn'tcom
idain d bard times v bile vou have sncli u
b.ance. Address II. HaLLLT fi; CO., Tort land,
TTlilrty of the lu'Ht orjm M iners of the
World are competitor at the I'aris Kxposiuon.
a ca!)le dispatch to the Ass iciatcd l're-s says
t ao !iiu'h-s't rol l medals havo been awarded to
the American makers. Mason f. llama;:.
Louisville White and r iro Brick Work?.
Cant. J. T. A. Hoover, Prop. Brick
of every kind Wall, ornamental ; fire
brick especially for Bakers, Brewers,
Foundry men, cio. Write to J. T. A
Hoover, Louisville, Neb. lotf
Antelope Brewery,
Lincoln, Neb. Fresh good Beer on
iand all the time. Order at once of
tho Company, or Keenan & Grace,
riattsiiicuth. 13tf
Bneklen's Arnica Salve.
Th Best .Salve iu the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sore?. Ulcers, bait liheum
Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains
Corns, and ali kinds of skin eruptions
This rfalve is guaianteed to give per
fect satisfaction in every case or mon
ey refunded. Price 21 et i-its per box.
Fcr sale by Sniiih e: Black, AVholeeale
and BeLail, l'lattsmouth, Ntb. 241y.
Beul Fst.'.te.
rity ltv teisiness ami ivsi.l.-nee, laiproveil
and uuimpK-Vdl. Some tine improvetl farms
and al.iO 'ild but.'.'!, ail for cheap for ca-h
or p..rt or: tiiv.e. I can nil y,u if you v.i.-b to
buy. . Wil l. S. Wish.
i'ligeraM Block.
Ter Sale t'f.cap.
A wire plant s'.m 1 large and hand
some; also a window garden, contain
ing some llouiishing plants, which will
be allowed to remain. laquirc of Mrs.
J. A.MacMurphy.
Slock IVrni for Sale,
rami -io acre-, f! ve :::i!es fiom city, (J-3 ::oi-s
spiondid pra-- land, TO a. r.'-1 timber, rennini.'
water, spri-ic ;:nd well, small (new), gran
ary, -ie. o.c. !2.i'0 p r acre, time five years,
interest 5 pc-r cc:;t. 1'or oilier tartieulars. s'.-e
Wii.n r-j. Wisk.
is herrby given to my many customers,
that 1 have moved my family nml
hou.c-hi.hl effects ever my shop, on
t lower Main Olivet, whore I may be
I fwiin 1 '.;ei now on. nrglit or day, rea
i dy lo at. end to all o'.i'.eiii promptly.
C-VL-i lirixnr Boii' K.
Si-n Thut f;nTh.
1 f yo;r are :-:l
,ir.- - ill:
n . t.r.
Co'.d .'..-thniii, Mreie-iti; i.-. II -iy Fever.
CoRsnnintion, bc of voice, ? id. 'ins In
tho t! rort. or uny h'i'i-etion of tho or Lmiga, use I)n. Kixg Nl'.v
Discovrnv f r Consumption. f!;i is
the prent remedy that i3 causing go
much excitement by its wonderful
cures, enrisg thousands of hopeless ca
ses. Over one million bottles of Dr.
KiNei'.s I)is'oveuy hiivei been
used within tfae Isist year, and have
given perfect siilisfacti-m in rvcry in
st.inee. Ve cm un'usitiitiiijrly say
that ; hi-? is renilv tho ot,! .' sure mre t
for thri ft mid l'-:n aiTrti -jus, and cun
chet-ifnhy rccor.sinc nd i; lo sill. Call
asd ret a trial btdtlr- fi e cf cc?t or a
reulnr size for l.inj. rriniili it Hlack,
V"hole?a!o and Ketail, lha'.tsnioutli,
ci-u wly.
Cantio i to Nmoher.
From and after the 1st (lay of Zd ay,
nil boxes containing ci.irr of my
manufacture .v ill my mime, boltl-
ly H inted on the inside: of the lid. This?
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, w it!i :;a ii.feri .r ouality of
cijnrs. rt-sortcd to by :--,iuo unprinci
pled ntanufa"tiirorR. N;n;! ;ire genu
ina nnl-'.--s i-loinlv lal.i.'h il :
JUI.ICS i'lUTKRilUlli",
M AN L' FACT li.ilU,
rh'.tls'poufl:. - - Nebraska.
This is W" h.y.
You 7i-vj your l;o.i.-e insured, be-
i cause it may mini, an-i you hum i. khoav
j ir.'uii. You want to be safe, lio you
know irhat- diseaso will hltaek your
I self or child? To be safe and save life
aud Doctors' bilhs, ktiep on liand
(int.v.u, a safe, h'-.s:;;it and reliable
remedy for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Chol
era and ali too l:sen.-;t!3 of the stomach
and bowels. I'hysicians and Druj
Isto indoibe it everywhere. Ask your
Druggist aho;: i's i-u-rit, he ketps it.
Why shake, v. hi .; II; i.m... Aoi'K
Tills will cure you? WIiot-i taken in
connection with 1!;:o'.vn's Vikietatile
Tills, they never fail to cure, and you
suffer none of the bad cife- ts that re
sult from dosing with ; ;i:iiue. All of
llrown's familv Me licines.
For sale by lr.Vv. K. Donelari, Chap
man irc Saiith, J. II. Uuttery r.nd (. F.
! Jchiison.
lltf Tlattsmouth. Xeb.
Auviii. r on lower M.iiu St. lor 200.00.
Vacant half lot only .5"0.00.
Vliolo lot at hi-ail of r.I.dn St., improveil only
lli-salcliccs und Jweliiiig from -f 300.09 to.?2,-
Fitnn cf tw-j h':rr.'.rl .iorp, runiiins water
and timb.-r. forty mre-i fi-nci-J, l.-aru, house,
grove anil fruit trees, wc'I anJ other narirove-mi'i-.ts
t i rico thp.t eaan.-t fail to euit.
Wild iau.l r.n-.I imjiroved, ia iliil'ereut parts of
th( County.
CzXl anil see.
Attorney at Law ami Ileal Eiile A.ct.
l'itijuriilj Eloti.. i';at; -muutli, ?5e'u.
Dexter spring buggy for rough
grauB.l " th j,l's the taniy."
Esad3 and don't "miy a Dollar's "Worth of Goods until you havo
You can get a good Watch, silver case, and American movement, from
$10 to $35, warranted for or.e year and a good time keeper. Clocks from
$1.50 to $5, each.
Cuff Pins, Nock Chains and Jewelry, from 50c to $2.50 per pair and set,
A Iarn;e assortment of Silver and Plated Ware; good Castors for $2 each.
Knives, Forks and
VrtT ?,l -
and the celebrated
Pocket Knives from 10c to $3 each.
C flXttftZ S;Tvir tfUm alul a 7
for 3 ncr h und red. And in the
-MnvTiVir nnnvlrv-1- vou can get One Dozen line Retouched Cards, for
AluOl)U)JW vliaVtnulu, 2 5() -Cabhiet c.irds 84 pei. dozen. Gems, 50c
to $2 per dozen. Fr&me& q nil llilldM Good 8x10 Fivnnes, fine pat
terns, from 50c to 75c, fit led with glass, complete. Velvet Paspartoots, and
UiH U a; i illllbS, llUltl
.A r?i -
xi, m tite ; h H p H r h h h B I
Wc mil not t-o
ij iui-.t y j.eJMj j.
T .i.en Li. I'.-.ii.. . l-7, by t'.ifl Sii!i-;i,rit.'i-,
liv.'i.; ij'll initiM moiii n: l'lutl: r.i.iiil'.i. t'a.s
( 'y " !'. , ' n! . i)i" 'ii'mv i ,:iaio. Imt ! i lil!:..l ff-1
i ii'l.i i r -:" "t w liile a;i.i .smali v.-hilc l't
t i, : .i t- v.K : .-cive Vcais M.
j. ' J. I". Cock.
A .'toorl ;irl, who understands cook
ing. Good wages and steady employ
ment. Inquire )f
2 1 tf II us. It. II. Newell.
CS 3J ere -Yi u -oi in:i!;e ni.uvy liy selling
J i mrst i -i linir 'In n::c:il W ii l-'Xcvcr ih-imIk
t ii a i i i i T: si No s-.iKikf or smei! 10 i-onis cmi-'i. U
; - "i i i'h: i. .ii i. I ; i'i;i I. .r r:-t i u:u- -
ril"! i I' '. i. :! M: -:, - :i . 'ii- :llli ...!:!; '! !!. l';ii'-
Misis, i-'esii-r & t o., m.- chiilc st., " .,i:-iii. imG
An-r-i A M' N'TI! -:i:'.i-..i! - 1. -:ja Jay at
V ''i !: !"-. iiei'li' I'V I'u iii'liiMiioi!-;. ..-i)-ri
;' I -; I i. r. iniivil ; w; .-.t.-ut yn'i.
V "- J '-' ' ' . '- is n .!!. lin - Ai-.f make iiumi
. f : -: j- ;i t ! U f,.r e fliiin :ii ;Oi yt li iiii i-Im-.
'i hi- i il k l- lii: t alul .h-a-;'. :it . :i:ul n;u-!i ii n'.ij
uiii-( hi rl.i'i! TIum' who an- ivi' vim
m's t !os i t i -.? i'l -'i-!!il K5 their jnl!rfvM' at
u'lri- aii-t -'' t hi'l:.s.-!v.-c. Citiv om'iH ami
ttii-i;.. ! ;i f. Nn.vis I : i i- liniii. Tlic aireaily
;it v-: U a v - li.y'iej: i l.-irue piihis f iiiMii y
A li.rt.-s : Xitt'K' & CO., Ausjusta, M:.iuo. toly
ihtroj'can Hotel.
This is a new 1 old, opposite the
Academy of Mude, ( ) street, Lhicrdu,
Nebraska. !' is f:rst class in every
respi'et. loi'd .-iii.'.i le rooms fur coia
inereiid men. Tci ms, r - per day.
si'ENCFi: & T.!:on::s,
-lily TrcprUtors.
VV w.ii l"i Aei-uis' . - 'i y of ,.; .. r inunl'i
m l ox :--. . ' r -i t i-i i.. i -u, !t si : f-i.r
rt'T pr-.-i v.-u:r..-' fiti 11 ' t -rt'ai uh-.t cy,
t.MU'W tiv. a.iw.Aa Cu.. Uirgl;ll. ilicli.
11 r.nn xami;. ,.t i.v;.u--;.t-i ror l-.
iUiUeJ i: t::i. s i.inl n.'i ,'::t , , will s.-ntt
' you a f s!l.c J-.:!:iik,:-":e-f. t'xrry
t'ureuil y'k. V. . -:.!.. .;:' '. I .. : . V.'. l .
it Co.. lJ3c'l::rk ilr.-'.-t. Cliioao, 111. ln.O.
Corn, woo-l and oats wanted right
here, t i: .-uhieri jd ion.
Temomber f h;.t for b-o. ts and shces
ltoekwei! e un.ot beat in j-iiet-. ile
has aiiif-;1' n -1 1 e. i-i.t . oif.
A -
5i-.'.1li- ' '' ' .--- '
rill: l!ii!i;.',; i.i,':,. .'. n:v in
, xUoU,,lo,v tii!, tlv .!iiuUi.t stale.'. a'..'."...
No i.i. " '.ui fail t- l"'.! i- i.i-.!ioy last. Aay !!!:
r.n. i;o ll;r wo-.-!;. Vim -.ia ui..h' f.-om :,i rr'in
t i i an iioar ny 'l.-vniiiii; your rvonini's ami i' i iim' to t !l : !'t!i;.c
I i in-!.- not liin
try t hi. !'. s. Ni.a:i liU.-'.t :-r luiva-y
itiaxniLC " ' '1 ln'l -'" -. t ' .:..iai-is ph'a. : : ; t
,i!n! .lri.-;! lw-niir !.U-. lli' a" you -. r..ii to
know all ahoi't lii !n-t p,l iur lll-i:.-s In f.,n-thi-
.iioiif " iMl i;s y.iir aiiiiivss ;t..1 wo v.i.l vou j'iil I !'0'- i. 'ii!a rs an 1 1 pri va't' tonus f ! :
run. ""ii". i" ,,v..iv.ili-iiiii..r- i
. l t . I I . I.-, .1. T.-
ll!iy.l!I liliilO OU IUIIIM II. .'IIIUItM Ul.l'
bTlN.S' SN & Co., rorilaiul, Maine. lily
Dou't be Deceived.
Many persons say " I haven't got the
Consumption" when asked to cure their
Cough with hiloh's Consumjition
Cure. Do they not know that Coughs
lead to Consumption and a remedy
that will cure Consumption will cer
tainly and surely cure a cough or any
lung or throat trouble. We know it
will cure when all othtrs fail and our
faith in it is so positive that we will
refund the price paid if you receive
no benefit. Is not this a fair proposi
tion. Trice 10 cts. 30 cts. and t?1.00
per bottle. For chest, liaek or
side, use iihiloh's Forous Fiaster. Trice
2o cents. For sale by Chapman &'
Smith, I;rucrcri.sts.
Why will you suiter with Dyspepsia
and liver complaint, constipation, and
general debility when you can get at
our store ;hi!ohs System Vitalizc-r
which we sell on a positive guarantee
to cure vou. Trice 10 cts. an I 75 cts.
For sale by Chapman & Smith, Drug
ists. ' 1IACKME1 ACKI' a popular and
fragrant perfume. Sold by Chapman
& smith, Druggists, TlrdUmouUi, Ntb.
."illy cow.
(jLefiely Haaapfivesilo) It sneers bb sulyrd5slosg5 mz& &
2a'2afl3 an the repz&teM t Use ssaacMe escees3 aU
tines, Call assi se eisesaso
Spoons, cheaper than ever.
v.xsa 1 ioHon & Accordeons from 81.50 to $10
I i ;il "O
Silver Steel Sirmgs.
V1 1 o liu i riinoiiu u v i v; i i v . - - " 7
Cartridges and ammunition; Shells for shot guns loaded
tv; 5 t;mi,
Undersold in any Lino cf
Probate IJotieo.
In tlie niatl' r i-f tl.p
IN'nto c-f ! '!i:.rits V. W.
Kaster L'i-
1. Ia Hie County
outirt of !:..,. Co. ill' V. 'i'!-r:lkJ.
I'l-oa r-a.lii,.: ;.!..! llli::- the !:.? verifteit ie
titi'.H of John Uan.-r juas mirthiO jol'iiiiiistration
of the estiiti "t Charle- K. V. Kastcr Lt!iel,
il.-.'can-ii. be prai;ti-tl to tho ,;:i' .I;i'.;n I'aufr.
Oriit-rt-il t ln.r '.lotH-i; of t lie ii'.-iiili-iii-y of fill-.!
cause i't.' oiihlishiu ia 1 1 c Nehra-Kii Hkkalii, a
wct'kiynisi;(r, i rii.n-ii, tiul.iishu. so.! in
treneral i-iroulation in iiiil ooioily for tiirs-c ooa-.spi-i:i.v
weeks, aiut tl-af tho liearin f sah.t
jaiise lie i-t t for t in- 71 Ii uay of ictolitr. A. !..
lf ry, at oii o'i luck I. M., at the cilice of the
Cojiit.v .In. ':;. at i'liittstuouth. at wlih h tirno
anil jihii-e. person, interested in iy siorii'ai
iool shi.w :oi-e, if any tii.y have, why
m!ir. Hi Wtr.o i.;. i of faiil esrti" should not lm
j.-r;it::cii r- thesrad John ih-.uer, aec-jrdia to
tho j.r.t ycr oi siid ietuio:i.
Counry Ju i.
l'liitt-'i -i.i-iith, SepteaiSur 11th, 17U. n-ia.
Notice ! herchv civt n rh.t hj" vil lus ot a
Chattic Mm t.-a-i- Diauc bv M K. 'h -. ro-it in
fao.ror ta.i i.a.I: s. ;o A--.ri! 1-U, 1879
! : itopy of v. ica -::id c h ii .'! Moi i ua : ; locil
I it, tin 4 ;. ikv nif.iv oi (.Lo Coiiiiiv, "j-. '..'..sUa.
Mi tfJ i li-iy of .x!a. '.-.'J. ui'ou which fi;i
ln.'ii raic t !: is du." thii l"-l h ilav of .S;-p-cia-bfr,
U-7:. iiiiiuiiiu c:-ht-to .! f.-nauien
oi.e hiiLtiridths i.'ol.'ais (I'C.Ii: I
will s.-tl . t pal-li'? iita-tioii i i tho l a.l .O.-.c mm
; orcui'icu !' said tron.i... :a ti;-; inwa of O.-eea-
wood, Coi.ii ;v ain't .Slat- ;:0mti:-1 n tHo 'J:u
! day oi 4.-t--.l..-r, IsVJ. ill u. .- o'cloe'-. 1". M . tho
j 'ro;-.oi ty itrsi ilie.t hi s ;-. 1 laoit-iao lo-.'.it:
II;;.. stock ot Rno.Is iU.d ri'hitii'il-O rjn-iitiiij;
i ol st ; pl i.iiii y j.:n .( ,-i -:fs, i ir:.-s am! toh.n--;
("-. at ( . i e.'a-.vo )il. , chra.ia. to pa y I he aiooui-t
I dil'.l a - AiOfs.-n-l Oil t'lrt i'.e!t S-.-Cuied bV SiOtl
I'.uirl'. a ie i.d t he c..-i.i of t :.'-; iii t.i'coi::;-; ud-ti-il:
;.itii Se-i'ilS said il'i-iiy.
N. W. 1'AYN'E,
liy r.KK.iot Ac 5 rr-.'-AHT, Mrtfliiigee.
-;a I. is A'ii.n.eys.
Lc-cai Notice.
In the '. hs'rji.-t Coia't vllhl:! ;.'.:.. 1 ;'.' ti'.P COie'.ty
oft'.! s : :nl M:. of Ni-i.:.'i.
: :.;-. i :-!'-i-i!ai!d;Ui.
tn.ic.-. aii.i Ado.;.. i Mill i ", )
I,;. -i'mi: l-'ro't. i.uat-.v A. rrost. r.y- )
r '. !'. I'm l:i x.iii :o.d A,-.el;i: 1-. I !i'i"s.
L-':ii.iil. t
'I'l.i; ,i'!,vv. r. -1 Dof.' r-ni! pnrlicular
ly ityi-.ii K. 1' ir'ne.lii oi to.' Stan: !' Colorado
lii h'.k liol icr lirii ih- .o'O . n '.-.iod ph'.i-ir i'f J
il!:li-;ii-r:i!i.-vt th' 2o 1 e;'v -i July is.n
th: i;- i.i'l:.'i ", :.:.! 1 ). -Irii l C.iurr v ;!! iir.i!
fur thi i-..l;iiy ',' C.i ;.! .1 si:. to of Nt '. ; a.
.'l'.uii-t th" hi id I. Vina i'lo-.l. I.aei.i a. !'::;.
r.-.-io.i 11. Pur'tumu Voi-'e..'. li. .vniiii. IV-
!-.-a.'.,.iiis. s.. . -;i ;.i ! i a;i'. I,m:ni i.o t
-,s i ho i al .. o I h-'i: h t - ... -1 i ihe son. a
.a -i oiiai t'-r is .- ; i f si-'-r . oi i t liii : ;. -out"
to'.-.-u h.i,. t'.vt !ve l; ra!!-.- ulu. ".'. lit-'. C-,-s
I .-it-:: y. Mi-lCl-!;:!, iO 0 (li Ml 'I 'l tt.:lt t 'o s:if.:9
: . : o: O.-i-i :1 :in 'i ; o-.-l ''il to sold ;od u'-i-jicid
! o t ii- i ay incr.t J satit;ici ioi; ol cci
1 o.i. ji.diiH :. v. h'a-ii iii" saiii l'l.oiitilis 1 1 ; : I iad ihy ool.oi.i d against li e
Mil id l.y man Frt! ia l.:.oe.iS!-i-e-',iny, Nohras
ka. : l d pia ir.j: :.; -o ! .at ;t eel lain deed hki I
liy i..ii;::i: lVo-a l.'iai'a A. io'-t.'iivo 'i-.'
slo-l .1. ..,.!''! p-.-.-iis!.. t. sai.-i 1 :v run M. l'ai-ii-
l:i-.;t i. . " -il t i'l.' Mi!...yn' May. 1 7". . bo rt
a-id.-. ;; ih'd a::-! d i-r.-ed to be-1, .' I : -. 1 1 . 1 void
Da aii'i :u:t of : ;a-n that H certaOi mori
jrasro 'undo aiid o-oii.ted liy -aid l'so'iiroi
tii I'lin-h hi- ti; oi !: o ,! A'lei'aey l.s Ma't I'o-.r
lo s.i! i A astMiiu il. iiiiiii ou orai-Jal l-c.lier
li! !i, 1 -70 iacuu;'.!' ri.i-C s;iid i-tvuiisei. he declared
aiiii. void ai.d fraudulent, and crin-ch o ,t rc
eord, tetlit r with oilier redei to --. .;i..U p -tiiioii
;i.e i-:i id i ioliid:-iiris are l i-o-i rtd for
turfher pat tienl :rs. And the aid I'yroii K
I'll! lini:;!! i- M-tif'-ed 1 !i I i.e is ie. di.'il t- a'-n';ii-;.M;i
ui sui'i s'-.'il t i 1 ion oa i r ln-'in? the
si .-oiU ioaii:i v ill V.'V.-M.Vr, is.- ! : t'oj
lol ay u Siihl luoath. i'.M Jl A l.ct: i-liT
Aloi i:ey lor I'laimUls.
l.-.ted Supteml-er l7ih .V. 1
Road Notice.
T" 'dl I'dinm it may f, ,m -i ru:
Tsotice is liorehy -iv; u lin t i-;)' .1 ioi; h.-.s
I it- en in ado f-.r tii op.'io ir; if a .'. .1 '. ci ir-i d
as follows : 4'ir.ii.ioi;-io.t at ii.csi i.;':i -i i.-,-li'-r
ot l ho ii-.i ; a v. i -t -i : I. v. of tin-
lioilli west ijiiurter i.e. '.i '.lo! n-if.o:. thhli-oi;
(lo1 town I v i I . e 1 1 ; i rid. a.- t .. ol;-i-.i ! :. ei
imtlil !..- Ii.lie aad u:i ;n.u !: .oi.: en i :o; a
till' I'l'll!. !' lilMTli'll.-; 1. J. 11 i'::l V.'T.OAI! 12
raieze 13 ; oiidias for daiua-e-.- ..iii.a h..; :"!eil hi
llir l.u!-.:ti t Ink's i l.n.'i'. Ly i:ui.ii ... ti:.' iili
day of Nov. in! er. A. I . W:i, or mii Ii roiid v.ii!
he opeiied vilhou; rel, n aeo tu. ieio.
1:115 J. 1 . Terr, Cmiptv ";prK.
- iSiieriu s Sale.
liv virtue of iin ordor of s;i!o isae 1 hv V.'iti.
I,. Vt-lis. C.erk of iiie I'lvji-iet r ( art within
and for.'itss 4'ouiOy. Ncln:i-.'.i, ;nnl tonic
rected, I will on the 6ih ihiy of 'eiu!ier, A. 1.
l ;.. at h o'clock, A. M.. "f said il.u, at the
Sioit ii door of ill." Court House in said ':iii:ii y,
ri.'il Jit piddle ;OK".ioll tin- lodo villtr i'.-iil ll-li.le
to-wit : TI.i- ii'irili v, .t (a. w. !i -f
scet'o.. tioity-ti'.e u.i tov ii-.h ;p t l.ii ii-en i.iio
liollii of laiiiie twelve i li-i i-;.; m" li''.- et'l 1. M.
in 4'i-sK Cuiiiiiy, Nil'ia-ka. The saixo I -fit- '
levie.! t:po!i a-.-.l !.ik'-n :.s ! iie pio.T:y of C-i, ! -erin :, I'ir.iii'.iir : to s.oisf a j.l-..'t. ul
of said Cw..:'t, rvj Ji fled bv Jo.O! rditrA. 1J -li'U-ihial.
" 11. V. f I V Kl.s,
2-'.!.- Sh -n.t. 'asv i ...
l'litt-.iu,..-lll, -ilw.iJi, A. L, li'.o.
7 "
UJ3JV7 1 tillOJii; v
Harmonicas from
Razors, Strops, &e.
Revolver for 82.75; all kinds of
Jul. u a ct vl.
mm -mm im T
Seeds. Watch Work Done,
-! "I '.. T V?
Sehluntz & Dewey,
G'edar Creek, G&m, County, Web,
E-:,liMOV7 i'U-Ool(.;-
IT-IT cn t f -1 fP' tt. T7Z 0
Highest market price paid for all
kinds of Grain, Cash, ir will take
produce ia exchange for goods.
ilaving !uv got our Stock fairly
opened, we invite all to call and ex
amine. 2tf
Legal Notice.
To Mofps W. Ssivjeiit. 11011-residciit Iiefendjuit.
Vou are l.erehv iiotifted that on the 22m day of
A:a:nt. A. 1 . 1k;s. i.ih-v F. Seadlr lh uinhT
iH'd I'liailitl. did Iili her pf-'itiou m the
i Mtl i.-t Coal t of tiio Zd J H(l:r-i il District of thr
trte i.f Ntshr-.sUa held in .-ad for this Coin ty
of Cass in aid St.ite of i-tii-akn. njHi.Mt you :
The ot.j-ct ion ol aid j.etii a.ii iind ii.-tioi. - t
s:li!i-li .siiid tdaintdi's at s..l!iio r.wnt-r-l.i a m
u::il lo !i:i' N"li!ii'!n. '.- ol tile lo.llli
" est ;ua. lor 1 11 w '-.;) ol si-clio'i tidrty (::i la
township ch-voii i li , n! rli i.i r.u.iie uiu' o r.u!
01 ite i!h I'r.i'o.; il .!; iii.-nt in iue eoimtv of
C in t'.ir- St-ito' of Ni l.rtisk.i : naid nctition
I'.d-'i-.s ('on vim: hive i ii s! ! s.i al !'!a: at ff's
luoii -y ;o t ile amou,' t of -l,a'i i'J in s.o.i i.;il
estMe toi J I svu taken ti:e hiciil tlili tl.etvof in
v..i.r o, a oa-iK- v. itlioul the eoi. ":! of said
Via i i: ' an 'I i no ju ;i . or of Siild p 1 i; .;i is l iiat
said plr-i a! i T !' decreed i hu lie; aii--dul o on m
oi oi said re it estate ami that you t la? -aid !.--ltrtUaiii
hu forever excluded .'bid harre.i from
M'.y interest or claim in er to said l ea! estatn.
Vou iii e reiii:red tu answer m s ud action on or
before tlie -j.h ilav oi OcloU r. A. I . tsri.
I.lCY 1". bt I UDliA.
IIONTKit & SAWVKK. AttOliieJii for I'ljop! ill.
l)nted Sxptcmber 6th, ts7y. L'. 14
Notice of Incorporation. !
Notice is hereby civen that the South Head i
P.ridnc Co. have Died with Secretary of Slate!
and in the counties of Cass and Sarpy, article- j
of 1 iieorpont Ion. 'lllo principal pliico of lii!si
nessof said I'oinp.iny sjNiIi bo al .-south llei.d.
I';i County, NeiunsKii,. Th- i.biict of said I
C lopi'iiy i- to leiil.l a id .iiiiii!;ii'i :i w ajoii toil '
1 rid-je ai ros- the i'hiti . rivi I . at or near South i
Heel. 1 lo; aiiioun: '.i Cajiiii'.! stock i- at leo
-d is slfi o 0 v hi, Ii is lo In- pi. id in on lim isu- j
ance o! stock. The I hue of conoiieneeiaPiil of i
linsi.H-ss was May Slii, Is7:i, ternmiat ion rof 1
ihi' hi-he-t atoou'ut of 1 lideliteduess to which
i.od Incorpoiatioa i-; at any tiiin to uhj-.-et il- 1
s.'i ;' is si,..',i.ii..0. "
i lie ol'l'-co of rrdd CV-infany : lia'! ecn-ist of '
a i.i...rd ol se tu d iioeiors. ironi uliom h:iil be 1
eleeled ;i i'lesidriit. f eeretarv and 1 rensuier.
T. V. Kol.M'AlX, l'le-idtlit.
4". II. 'I reanrer. !
CI'. '. 1!. I'l vn n v .1. Secit tary. ;
Legal Notice. '
To Abiioii I., lliuke. iroi-reiii. nt, r.'etVud int. ;
Vou ar iierohv noofied that on the 2.M day of .
Asi-'iist. A. I. Is7:. Anuii 1C. Harke. th" ei. fei
st. M:od Plaint ill did tile her pnuiou in i:.e Dis- .
I'.i.-l Court of the 2d Jiuiiiial h:!i!rl oi the'
Slate of IS'elira-ka hold in ami fur the County '
eft asi-in the Si aio. of NVI'r.-.:i, in t you":
The obieci of Ha i.i pot il ion :.m i ; ;. .:i i -, I o oo-
taia it d.eit'H ol divorce, d .s .: v h;:; ;diol at :ly
tiie lii.u riiine i-omiaei exi l:ii lietween your-
self and i-;t id ri.iiiit if . and to obtain the eaie .
and eutsdy by said l'laitu lif of the minor eh i 1 - ;
dr-n of "ncii i"ii-ri. i;.-.. i.i" n thu V.H und li'.-.l 1
you bein,' of sith.i o nt aoiuiy h, prov hb--tot -
aide naifi.tcimuct- for said 'i'l ahilih ;::.d her
lour chlidreii. bo i n of her mai irt hli vou, '
yuu lmie for over two years i i -ed .!- ly.
".aiitordy and cruellv refused sn.-i in nil -cle.t m. '
do. You ai e reijiiiiej ;o au- w . -r : aid pt-t unei ,
on or btfuie the ix.h (i.iv of iK-toher. A. 1.
A.N.NA E. lil'ltKK. ;
ri.uinij. I
lie - rr.i; t Sa'1'U, hjr Attorneys. 1
WWl 8
-'- - n 7
5c to $2,59 each
If eall. IBs, susad
22 fdu e ?3
and Warranted.
1 liii-di?VLyi
Estray Notice.
TV Vou m by tie .nlisi fiber iu Oicenwnfxi
1'iveiiu-t . Vi Co., Ncii., titive; ealve.
oho i. d r.ian. t mi rod. iiiiiked vvilh ri),'it tai
cio..r.i'd and slii in th? h-fi eur.
L','0 , A. li. liAICM.
Sheriffs Sale.
15 v virtue of m order of Md" ivs : 1 bv Win. I..
We.N. Ch-rk of the liistiict Co.nt v. in in and
for C.i-s I'leiiity, .Neiii :.k, iiiol Ui I: directed.
1 will on l lie C.'i day of icloiii-r. A. 1 ,J, .It
!1 u'diifk i.i. of sail dt'.', the South
l,.(.r ot the Couit l.'onse i.i (.aid
Couiilv, sed ;.t n-.-.h!i"' ai;--: .vu thu fo'h.wimj
Ueai V ' 'eto-wit : 1 lie. a !iIl of ; h south
oat ip.iiili- :o l !.; f .se.-ti'-Ii tell ( Vl I ll
'1 tw n - !o ,i i i ( :e ; l h oi IM'i;:.. ti III ei i eHSt of
tiie Hli p. m. ii' -ether v;tii tho appu : tence
the Siiuie U pi- b-v'.-l -in anil tal-'-!. i.- 1. !'t J
oityof Win. li. II. V:oi Kpr". Admmi.iti-tor t
t hec-;::tc of S iM i;. i .'Mav. i'. ceased, Abih'al T.
;d.-o. 'I h arris,.!. T. II -rthiway. m ney lilt
hn.'iSv Oi'ea. Sara V..:..-r. Chuile Mav, 4iiver
S. .Mav. lb Men 'w ii K p I'i'vtiii l'j .er met
M:trv .Muv I'y .er. 1 o teud.-.i:;'s ; t i-atisfy a
j'idimer.t' of t'Uil Court, recovered by A. 1
; C hi'.l. I lahit.:;. il. NN . M i KHf,
lilta Slieritf. Cjs C"., el.
I riatunio'.dh. Neb.. Sejiteiiiber ild. A. V. 179.
Estray Notice.
Tali en up by tho m'-scrihe;- iit h'i plaC
noiltli i .?"f of i '. ! I' iiumt !i. il loan 1, use eolt
lielVl el !. tWO i.l.'l li.. 1 e VI ai S o!-i. Ic't hillli flJOt
l'.'i" L"t t oal a ei;t l.y '. r. e. i'i.e dwiii
i-.tu hav the mu:iis bv provme prop, rty :ini
payo. t i'3la A C , l :.I lil-.l Ni.
Mortgage Foreclosure.
Vim iii" bin by i, .: la d thot .lane I'iekr.rd
has e.'iiin,. need a ivil ; erjon :.ahi-t vou und
Coi ic .v. H it. tend a. id 'fiarler A. liuhbard til
t In: Dis! i i-', Coei t of N"l i iiskii. a :t liln ;-.lid for
(a-,- C. ii .t . '11k- ohji-.-l and pra T of t!l
ti.-i.lion b: -.ii.': ;e-li..!i ) . li;'- 1 ne-ln :.r of
I la:i, lie. 1 1; I.v l.t'lii: A. and ('carle- A.
lint !:.:-, 1 1.1 lite i'ia in: ... on i Ite c-i- : 1 i f of the
s.i'.ith . i-t 'iaarl' i- of v cilou ivel.e. and hit
,vii.i ui'l a -!i li-.ihi- ii eej.; icu iiert oh from
th.-ca--t end '.' s . id h.t t ...... aiid t -- i2i acren
o!V floei the v -i c; ' ef f.tid h.i tv.o, and thrt
i ';;ht of :iv of t.ic '.. t-l :i .v Mi -.'uri ihver
l.'roii ..d ( n:a;i. .i.y. a i i i t.'-vi .-.i.:,i i i '.e, north
o; r.::.i c:i t..e --. u.t.l ot the,
I'.orth 4.'.--i i. alter ot s ei:e:l -fun, and tho
v-.l mil i ''-.I on:. iter oi M'clioli
seven (cie, .t t ti aeu-s iu the South i :i-.t corner
of the M.'iib v,i t .'.L'tiltT of (he --..iili ucfit
oealti r of aid sceCn-li n'trii.) aed 1 ' . ' o ;;'lc
i -a it uei '. r t v-r-i -I'lv i i t he :u 1 ! Il a-! ' piar'
of tin: seei h ".. e-t -pouter of s.. hi ei ;. oi h-e.l
ad hi I 'M . -Ida twelve l oil'.i of i:. ; Iw
ril -i oft l- -itii I'rii-eip.d .M.-i ah.-.n. In,
C ao.t . .ii. it .-'..le i f Ne! : asi.;i, 1'ii en l' S
the o- a ,-n i t.f v nr ieiui-oiy i.ote (.'
i ' . 1 . . i . : l lor Ss. a. .1.1 ; i,!eleI. i.l.d loi'.'f
Kite ol said proii ily iei are t.pi ir. d t a"
sv. i-r said w: ion on or before th. '..ih il-.-y
i.ictobcr A. I. 1-7:'. .l4'.i: I t- KAl.o.
it i liy Ktccdy : Giii.ei: .i.;.oit',s.