V ' I ill I I i i s 1: !1 ! I; THE HERALD. All Sorts. It is lx-tter to lie toe Cz:ir whcu lie ij s!ijt at, tli.ui tJiu cro.v.l. Lion ie'e. A .Marion ((ia.) cow, which fell down a nell, subsisted awcokoii a straw mattress. A AYisconsiu farmer says that two or three flax iilauts in each potato mil will keep the beetle ou. An Enrli!Ii naixir tolls of a bl.ick cat wlii-jli dccoynd birds l"'r' its eating l feediuj them on crumbs of bread. The man that got drunk in the nun Mc ' yard explained to the Judge before whom he was taken, (hat he had becu on a mon umental bust. Albany Eft. Jour. An Iowa boy, being upbraided for al lowing an ageii man to cane hint, iein;i:k-i-d: ' H i you suppose I would hurt such an old man :in U.aii Ho'. 1M see him in -lophel Iirat!" Several boys weeding onions in South ern t were pio.trated by a stroke of liiit niii". lloys w!ne fathers own I'lii-iii-beiis, should cut tiii-i out an I pitj it in their fathers' hats. Di ilcrrj Nexs. Why don't you kill o:Tmoreold liens?' inquired a friend to a Mew Jersey fann er. The lati'.r leaned over the fence, and eyeing his interrogator fcr a while, tol euiniy replied: "Summer boarders." What is the difference between a cat confined in a bag and the wind blowing tl.r u Ji a dilapidated house One cries through a sack, and the other fcighs through a crack. A lady who was suffering under slight indisposition told her lm.-li.tn I that it -v.is with the greatest lit:leiiily that .she could breathe, mid the c!lo,-t tlitii saed her ex tee lingly. "I wouldn't iiy lay dour!" he fcootiiingiy res;iundcd. A fashionable it-::ii says: 'CharnuDi; caps for breakfast are of inus:in, have liiol-crowns I ord .re I with .-eaat r.illles.' It doesn't t- li how tliey are cooked, and wc don't believe we could tat 'em, no matter how tl.ey were served up. A Sa!i Francisco barber, formerly n prize tighter, seeing a customer take o.'i Ids coat and pu.di up his shin sieeves, iu ninciively regarded those luovein nts as preparatory to a scrimmage, ami gave him a whipping before an uud.ratandii C could be ttlected. "Is this a foreign country?" nk an American jouin i!. "iiuN'noi l"ather is made in C'onncc' icut, DoiI mux wine is manufac'.urcd in t.'alifoinia. French lace is woven in New York. Itaiian n.arble is dug in Kentueky, ?I.ir- i les Sin -n is pro duced in M iss ;t l.u-i. tts l'.!v'li.-h ca-si-ineie is made in Xcw Ila-up.-tiiire, I'anan a:t work conns Irons a sh"p in Ho.-ton, Spanish mackerel are caught on tie.- New Jeisey coast, an:l !!avana r"g.i:s are roll ed out by the mil. ion m Co.iag'-'- 31. tie Lessees related a c.n ious aaec dote of Lis easiy life in u iccit speed inaoe lje;o;e a scueuti.li: :soeia;ion at Amiens. He said that he came to that tow n in V pas.; his degree of Hich e.or. the Iroiesor :i.-ke.i him which were tlie four cardinal points on a map but he was ob.iged to confess taat he d.d not know, lie obtained good mirks in Greek and Latin but cn.jreiy failed in geography. lie has certa liiy since made up lor los lornier ilerieieucy. A little iioy in Eist Dii Igepor Cnn has a singular ti i.une.ss lor eating cotton in the vaii.jus forms in which it is used, bis parents have to watch him, because lie will chew up and swallow every piece of thread he lmds, and will also much from a roll of coitou batting if opportu nity oilers. Nut iong a -o he ate uuito a hole in a roll of the latter intrusted to him to carry borne. This revolutionary sijic ot diet does not seem to entirely agree wiii nis tiealth, as he is quite ema ciated. The inventor of shoes for walking on the water gave an exhibition at -.Memphis. He stepped boldly .;T the ievee, but the buoyancy of the .shoes was uct equal to expectation, and he mi 1 ienly sank into the river. lie was so neariy drowned when le curd l'r -m the w ater, that they had to roll hi;n on a barrel. No moie successful was the trial of a Hying ma chine at San Fianei co. The inventor starU-d fiom a Jmue top, i'.ut.ered bri.-rly in the air, ami fed iuoj i stream where the apparatus neady caused ids death by sinking hiuu Frank Leslie's Popular Honthly for aer.uiuuer. Ia as r.3ual filled with delightful read ing matter and exceedingly beautiful embellishments and will be heartily welcomed wherever it goes. The ope ninjr article, "Napolpon IV, 13 an ela borate and very interesting history of the Prince Imperial, with his portrait and over a dozen illustrations. 'Pre sented at Court" is an article descrip tive of the English Court and the Cer emo:iT of Presentation. It is profuse ly illustrated, as is also "The Story of the Resolute," the old Arctic exploring ship, which formed part of Sir Edward lielcher's expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. "The Alpine Climbing, its Pains and Perils," "In the Xez Perce Land." by Lieutenant Colonel Costello, and "A (llirnpse at the Inner Life of JJexico." by Nugent Robinson are ad mirable illustrated papers and will well repay the reader. The department of fiction is unusually rich; the interest ing serial, ''The Golden Dawn," is con cluded, and there are several stories by popular authors possessing peculiar merit. Among the most noteworthy are Li Contensa La Varina," "There" 8a." "The Mystery," "A Life SacriGce," "The Young Lady from Boston," etc., etc. There are a variety of well writ ten sketches. Poems by Eliza Cook, Etta V. Pitrco, J. Warren Xewcomb, Jr., and others, and an old style ballad, "The Children in tho Wood," very quaint and very pleasant reading There is s.I.o an abundant miscellany, embracing all sort3 of subjects both instructive and entertaining. The 123 quarto page are. in a literary and ar tistic point of view, super-excellent. The price a single copy is only 2o cents, and tho annual subscription 83; six months, S1.50; four months, 81. Ad dress, Prank Leslie's Publishing House, 53, 53 and 57 Park Place, Xew York. ST ijxe Novgorod Fair. The great market of the eastern world ha.s been held at this junction of the Volga and Olg.i Ilivers in llussia, every summer for hundreds of years. Hero the na tions of Europe and Asia meet with their products for trade. Cossacks, Chinese. Turk and Persian meet the German and the Greek with every va riety of merchandise that mankind employ?, from sapphires to grindstones,, tea, opium, fur, food, tools and fabrics, and last but not least, medicines. J. (3. Ayer & Co.'s celebrated remedies from America were displayed in an elegant JJazaar, where the Doctor him self might sometimes be seen. They are known and taken on steppo3 of Asia as well as Die prairies of the "West, rind are an effectual antidote for ll.o diseases that prevail in theyaourts o the North a. well as the huts "and c. : bias of the w estern continent. Lin- i'TI' 'I inins 'Ji.1 in Fieeiiinensvii.c iives an old no .;io ii):m namei Atiani CihiuiOs, who is in a vei v dirtili;tu condition. Fur some lime l.c had been 1 iv.ntr in a sort ;t it I cut Sneezing Catarrh, Chronic Ca tarrh, Ulcerative Catarrh, permanently cured by RADICAL CURE. Biwrown't RiirrCAtCrTt fob Catabrh Is a earn. Certain, and permanent enre for Catarrh ot every form, and Is the mot perfect remedy ever devleecC v purejy n veReiaDte aisiiiiaiinn, ana 19 applied locally by lnnntnatlon, and coactltntlonally by la ternaladmlnlatratioa. Locally applied, rtlttfxa in- oaaal paaaajres of every fbcliug of bc.ivlnesa, ob struction, dulnpss, or dizzlnes;). Conetitutlonnllr adminMered It renovates the Mood, purilles ttc'f ij.u ikiu w which 11 is aiwaa cnarea in p;rfcct 1! if rat Ion, makes new blood, and Derail tno lormaii.m or sound, healthy tissue, and Anally Obtains comnlcte control over thn rilanann TIia remarkaMn curative power, when all olher remo- uie uneriy iau, oi BtSFOUII HADIOI COBB, are attested hy tlioniands Who rratefuhv recommend It to fcllow-BQlTercrs. No statement is mado re- Karumir ii tnai cannot D autmrantlrvtea br tbo nioet rcspoctabla and reliable references. It U a (treat and pood medicine, and worthy all coufl- ueucB. r..Lco psciavn collars a 1 rcatlia on L a tarrh and Dr. banford's Improved Inhaling Tubo tad tuU directtauii.for its use la all casta. Price 41. An Enthusiastb Friend cf Ssnfcrd'a Radical Clto. UoIlaTTOw, fin.MTT & Dowjjt'3 Pna Asrci MAKINB I.V(.rASCI Aokxot, 7X Pine Street, 6t. Louis, Mo., Feb. 7, 1CT7. J A, A. nKLLiBB. Washington At- City. Dear eiemer: 1 iiare ior some years Deen troubled with. Catarrh, a-id fortlio past two years have suffered serlonply with it. otlcinir yonr advertiscmert of CAnruBU H I.KMHDV (tUDICAL t I'HE), 1 decided tO try it. I have nsedonlvt wo bottles, and as a result I feel so much relieved thnt I presume on our per sonal relations and write this to you and ask tiiat rou take some meenres to et it more prominently before tiiu public, that others may have fuch relief ail hire. 1 liava recommended It to quite anum lr of my frlcmis, all of whom havo expressed to rai their LigU oatlmato of lis value and food effect With then. I really think It partlcu'orlr adapted to w-anM of Bt. Louis people, and they allouphtto know of It. and those who need It should try it. I will risk tho assertion tiiut 1 cr. vials lata sample! ta bo (riven away will sell ns many hotlks. Try some plan. Let the people have It: thernci It. I believe I could sell Wt bottles myself cf conrso you could larpily lucreaee this number. Why not try It? Tours truly, WU. liOWEN. Bold by e.TI TVnolcpcIo and Retari Drniriristn and Deilersln Medicine throughout tho United Mates and C'anadss. WKEK3 4 POTTER, General Agfcnta end Wholesale Drui;i;Uls, Boston, Mass. A3CD CUBIDBT J VOLTAIC PLASTEE3 me?Z - wk' t totter: GentJtmen, One year bo I wm seized with Bevero BttacH of Kbenmni ti-m in my right hip, to which I wMfubjcctT 1 1 J5 i-r.'?K ,',ni.mn nnd rheumatic cures, biit wltLout the least benefit, when my son, a druwlst. ? " J C'Toct was afraobt magical, for, to my irraternl .r.pMe: LWM ai.most "nedia'teiy well IgKi, Ini Jlrf 1 worlt u?on m farn B nual. whereas, before the application of the I'lnster. I could do nothlnp. and every atep cavo me pain. A few week retm ned. but I bid happy to say the second Plaster X v?f?S;?lSou "e flrat. and I am tTow well. Wy wife wishes me to a. d that oao Plaster haa ihn tSlh-a.m B,ac,t' .nd e'lecrtully rccomraeua Ibem to the Buffering. Yours very reipectful! y. BLasd, Ms., Ju.19 6, 1S-.0. KOIJ2UT COXIOV. NOT A QUACX NOSTRUM. Cnrinj, I hereby certify that for several years past I have uod the Voltaio Plastehs lii LIJJ1lac,'c' B?d ''vc never knovn them to fail lit BffordinK ppeedy relief in those cuses Tor which they PEICE S3 CEST8. Ee careful to c hfnln Collikj.' V, ltaT'- Plastt-i combina'lon of Electric and Voltaic PiSt"S; ?ntlK sl liiite,r- B9ieT"a ,n the a-Jovo ent. bjlJ by all Wholesale and Retail Drucirts Vti-t-KS & roTT.ll. Proprietors, Eotou. Mat. "5Q STG'X, CARRIAGE and GRXA MEXTAL PAINTER, Shop over the Urick Block next to II Bocek's. rLATTSMOUTII, 4 iy. J. C CHAMBERS, JIaiiufui-turer of ami Doali rin 51 Ik T7TS iT? SADDLES, COLLARS, JI A ITERS, WHIPS ETC., ETC., ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatnessl Dispatch. p rnly ptai-f in town where "Ttirk v's pat ent ic-lf adjustable horse coll.-irsarc colli." 4rmc KELA.N & GKACE. Innlnnn muui Doaioio. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. rLATTSMOUTII - - NEB. Tim: tt 1 r . . jjiin;tru nan ana saloon o Main street, four doors from Sixth at Aevihe 3 old place. BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS, J LES, WINES, d-C. Kem ember The Xante and I'lace. 2lly Keenan & Grace. O. F. JOHNSON, DEaI.EU in Drugs Medicines; AND All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IX BOOKS, Stationery, Magazines, AND L.itest Publications. aresrriptifit Curffnlly Compoomlcd ln.ioe ot an old bi.inKei, having no In. u.mj. 5,. , J J ' j,Tnn A v!u,,'- iiccvrj All the while he praye-i that it would not ot tlipLtvor, Stomach -iJ ruin until the people gave him a l.ou.se to jand Bowels. It is Purely g&f$ ''v 1,TC?. live in. iMievingth.t his prayer was jVegetable. It never (V1 gf Td " LffKiS S b'tving tne tiesoe-i ik I, tutt ne-'roes Dpl.iiit-iton Tf-ia fr'rj N J '.r ' impoicncj br the only wtni to v. oi iv ami inn.: n.m .i no. o. -, nn- ri .t'n-t;. or. l f fe-t' ' tri 13 V a ' Arni-.oanon tu ihrj.rm- K-ltlllg It Oil .alUIJay. Jut U.ilo. '.Mli.deiy K rl MWjS' 2 U iU .pil.c iiUlur,.. . t..c l-eu:inal 4e EJe- llie In. Use t ail'ht iile ll O:il a stove on 10niC. FT H D 1 3 ?" ' ulr.torr Du.o.f rotrat fc.loi.UauJ Up. tkra. Tl.t Jlouday and burned t) the ground. 1J'i n l.A e f-V hB ) 1 S " qi.-iy ai.iM-a am! .-m h.urh.-ii. jr.,dMCii((n L'i' 4 i V V $ -ci in-.mecliat i(:htn and rrtotntivc .ti'.-cr i:po.i Ut MWHUMMH i ii i Plf.3 fi i V I '-V' uai'and i--rvi.'m orea i. iia: .u-i urerkci l;.jj e't-wl.iie 1 W li f.'.-l t-Vii VLa 1 ' fc,V 3S I-.iiftliaindl.. !.r...ia ..ot.r- inriariv. r.-v,i. .... i ia ii .)i.:i:i'i r.i r-'iTTintr L.m... ir r.-... & nZil U y Om ha E 1 B WALL, PAPER. KLMKMBKK THE n ,u E. , : noons south of main n.VTT'SMOKTH. M".t. i 5 OLD MD HELIABLE. ; Dr. Saxfoki.s Liv-ut Invigoratoh 1 . . C-1 1 , -r - . .-. . . I A 0 "v. Oi We TO 0 0 ftA I a 1 r." -rv r , t t It6 Lns brcu nseiljj in my practice; u 3 i lor more than ?.. vonra .""wirJi uiiprcerao.tc.l rcsutts.'j SEND FOR CIRCULA3.J ni::--..-ir miiTKLiiur its khittitio. T f TT T ft TT XT T TI T T T T T ft I II II I V 1 I I I li I''! I I I U I II M I M V I I . I . I I MII.IA JJUUIU I lUJLIJj IU 1 U U U l A. H. Jackman & Sons. IMIOI'KII'.TOKS. Maniilaeturersof our, Meal, ETC, AND Shippers of Grain. Tir"Specia! attention given to all kiuds.of Cus toiii ;riii(!i!iy. LOUISVILLE. CASS C'Ol'NTY, MCDKASKA 5tf A. G. HATT JITST uri'NE!) ACAI.V. New, Clean, First Class Jlrat Shop, on :.5am Street in Fred Kroe?.'er'n old Maud everybody on hand for fresh, tender nu-af. .'S;l.rc Platts Valley Herd of POLAND-CHINA T..OLARE, WEEl'INt; WATEK, ... xEj. rO"i:ei;isterr-d Stock for sale. lOmc CO -a H 0 H r CO u C3 1 O o is CQ U4 O o CD . a o i2!l O GO C3 C3 GQ O r- O CD C C Oh CO ROBERT DONNELLY'S "V7-A3-OZnT BLACKSMITH SHOP. Witjon, Et.7!7y, Machine awl Plow re- pair my, and yentral jobbiuj I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing oi lann ana otner niaciiim rv, as liu-ro is a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker lias taken ehara of tho wagon shop. He is well knn ns a NO. 1 V.'OKXMAN". tew Uasous mid i:uss,ie made to Order. SATISFACTION CUAKAXTEED. Shop on Sixthstrcet opposite S'rtihfs Stable 20 C j-- "A PROF. HARRIS' RADICAL CURE 103. SPER?.IATTOSH(EA. "SEMINAL PASTS LLEr- f Idc'iS.Avtjrs ou toSto cy, J.ii'.Iio.uHtitiiriint-ar tce vt' protiiatiire old njc i.jtniliv . inj'anvihK tltU trvtiblr, ttiitl rotri;i ;ir:(' C fitf-itirl Vijrrr, wliVn it ha been lfTuant Ior.v-3 Tiii turn if f tnmnnut )m t.-nil thr t"t in vc'V n'vra c:is- mni i: now pnn oittttrd nicr9. Druj; cr- t-o iium-Ii pTr-rilK i in tlitf truubi, t:i, m iiifinv ran h"ir witna- t, vit!) hut Irt'c if nny I--mfinci:t -icm!. 'ITi r i i l: Noun n tb-m tli P:.fara ti. ii, Trif! .tal (j'-"( id'i ri al-li- lit ! ittivrl guai an- tf-e that it will K'r2 sa:islietioa. Durinyr the eipM Tcarathst it hmtn in 'OTnrt ne, wc Imv tiiouui.u t( ffltiniowirl to it vul-tr, nnd it is tr,w couevta ti tjr t'ic Ipti:tiil l'rtfvu ! he ti- iiet rutior.al ntfRis v?t I:4''vcr?-'l ct rt'!i-.ijTi itjwi rnrinj; vrnr firrv Blnt trouble, t-'ial : v ll t. iot. i t ) !xc tl:c ritucr t-t timo d m?scr ti iiii'ir, and iipnn .V.cim qi:acUs rty w ith th.'ir- littHir'iMK f ml I. fc?.T!ic itwmnJ i "put u; in n nnr b c ni t tnt n month. mil mm n; -lniti rrnpprr by wttil fr $ 3. Two Ixtxr. ( .ui"i.j,i tc rT"-;a p-ru;nunt.f curJ nnlr in rrrt're cn ) 5 Tarrt- Imx i r.t-l'i llir.i 1-a I iio.thn. , ,.J ti i-m iinr. rc r,re vlfor. in tWMtenwi. J 7. Full DlUXCI IONS HARRIS REWIEDY CO. MF'G.CHCttlCTS 6ar!etandfifh. Sls. ST. LOUIS MO Oltr:errBig-iO A inrj. new onI rtnplrt Q-uid" to T'. ji - I - a? orhr, t l'liiuwinie cliftitri A riinret4'i t WnfiiftnmiiMl, Vcirctmn ot Wile. K idrtitt ft Vii2ii.i:v. laM- S 7- Z4 t t4 periMiiriiu. r.omat.b'.e sua im'onipoti-74;t-'il--" Steruily in wuu.rn, cau niii .fvir- to wir, f ror it utin, i" ri.UM-, CiH;;cv ami Mftjrtinni-v cijiiip.;.rJ. Cotiipul ilut;--, C'onrt p:iin, 0n- Ji i' it.ri itvo aiui oitr.jit, J mpfuiimnt tu Marriage, ff mir.;vd anj.vn.r c. iimitl Lutonnr prftili.-ir to Women. th?ir caim trinlut' bt. A bok for prtii B'Ki rriiii ratrrcautng dio.'J pair, itii 1 uua ivu .tvu:.". "v mail, alvI T-r CfU ccii. "Tha Privntn Mercal ArfvlRr " e., on jrmr-t'oriiODO. bexuat XctiUty, ar-d Iia- rotsxry, l;fi Sc l-nbuw im. vnn, vtAf.MV Si-miiiaJ Jiiiifct Nrto!ii, Aver 4h to Sovirty, Cftiftihmit ot J Jt at, " it" :calii r:;T, Lunueot U:, UvtvcUvv Mfinorv, 9 of &uul i'ir-r, r . t:iadiii itiarr:r iMiprop r r;in:rv, p rr. k t-7r-.it im-nt, t:-l a p. ct tnanr -ut-.e rr--ip: 1 r tr-'j c :r? ut - pi irate iLit.ci; atmA izJ. ever oju:; i. tj tx-:s. a lrtnr rti T "an hood ai.d WoMaiihori, 7C rrt: or til t!irf ia iioeiv brand Vs4iu:ii, SI. 'lSv rvtitair r."Wpa- s.-.d cvfp TOO J lluaf raurns, rmbrrii.K awry I Fu.-h tiiiit i. fc-jl pub' i ii. J i-l tnrptJirr wurk. Tse fnni- I li''loiumeiiH).:r:jrt:l.v.t r.-pu'.r ik!:c1 Book I r-W:hpl. n.i.l i'low Uijti.lil r:-r K.tliiig U cn hw t ...rnioiuT rrluml.d. TK A'lthsr ia an .xponenced !' iciin ofir.niT vr practice, (a ia rr!I ktiwn.) and tit? adrirt c'rsn. mul ituUt fur trrnfntnit laui down.wflt I f and t( j-rm t to Uit.fT fitOrit f:orri impuriti? of tii rHw,(dr'y rror. 4si ipor, -r ny c( tl' nuntrr- run trouble r" i it iina -r ( 'Private or " Chronia" ?. n. Sout in unrlc oTwm. or coinpln. !n ue, f-r Trir" ii frtnmr. Silver r Ciirn n-y. (Coi.iu! I:iru roiifirlciilial, r. 4 t-.-ttrrg urn pr-mpi tnd tranulT T 'r For fIfl ly Hvs Dialers. AGENTS wanted. i p.riTVIJfc: to f ii hi':i t .cr ii-irr'i t;:l nti-wii, V t v-i fu-I'T o -rirr I'in'i IMut Xv 'rnru HHtt Hospital, Vei j iJ A ni w W'trlt. nrics & cent 1-T nn?l. Mvatr III. GrSfViy. all J Privt. i hr"tic anrt ! ns of Natnrr, Fbii- olocy of Uarrjire. Or. Cnniultaliou free. I.i'iirs aud G''lltiC- C3 I'lMssci of Youtii anj Manhood; a wealLh of O niv n. send one dolttr ' chiU'C au-i iliib in for snmple v( btMl i rmiuaM information j CJ9 rniaiiti, of ir.tert to hoih wiw. Nothing or!i.fi!ivr t-" r-Ki tae aud rrfluenriit. Infnr- ble F- nul- Vitl. f, Diat-tMa v r twre fH-r l'rivtttc f piihlihed. No fHmtiy home Mid nune for f La4tr during con- C7A'Wrs, Ir. A. G. IM.I . 1 l-trls St. and MOt:!IIINEhMli. 1. No iihlcitjr. SnJ stimr. htr ful! uartif i.'ars. l)r arituiw l S. dirk bl CI .cae, IU. HVIr JIDTADn . .war-. fr-T-,., .k.r. I 1.. 1.. I'M 1 iLL iTHin TTTHTTW T7 TTTT T TI Tj inn iiiiiuu r. MiiiLcn riAXO-FOILTE Aro not or.Tv I5rt-el.-if s l!is?nin.e;:ts. hut this EstaMishiiiei.t may he ir.-tiy leaiih-d as one .f I he l.-adiair I'i !."- Km to hini.faetoi ies of tile World. THE FAVORITES IN THE CONCERT HALL. Pnrinir the Season of tsT.VlSTf. the Ilenrv K. .Miller 1'i.uios were used ill Huston ahd vicinity in more man i (ineeris. Season of 1STT-1R7S. IJ. t'oncorts. Season of lsTs-is;; Month of October. 3. Concerts; .Month of November, -f.s t.'oneeits- Xt:ie Lut t:rt iln.s I'iiiun nml'l ttnin tttclt un- jii- st'iiui '! jvtjtiilnriti. THESE riAXOS HAVE RECEIVED The Highest Praise I- rom tlie Most Eminent Fvlusicians. Of late I have had nianv iiiortiinities of nsinjryonr Pianos and can say with pleasure, they have ie -superior in America, and mv long experience anroao jiistities me in plaeiiiK tnem anead oi any foreign instruments of their kind. C HAS. K. AHAMS. Madame Koz and th other artists of mv company are delighted with the"Mi!lcr" Piano, ioritsncn piinly -jf tone, and the wonderful manner lu wlncli it, tustaius the voien. JI. .MAl-LESO-N. In behalf of the r.aruahee Concert Conmanv. and partietdarly nivself as the nianist of said coniiiany, 1 wish to express mauv thanks for the lic.tntilMl (.rand J'lanos of yonr manufac ture, with whieli von have furnished ns so far tins season. uh your fine instruments con ceit Hiving becomes a positive pleasure and de- niii, -ifo cay we. an or us." J IOWA It I) SI j consider nn niner "inane" with wii r i I .-.in acquainted, can excel it in any of the qualities inai coiiKiiiuie ,i pcricci insiruinent. As an aeeoniianiiiient for the voice, 1 know of none I rt ouui preierio yours. Jll-S. I!. 1-.. II. I ARTER. Itaketrreat ideasttrc in recomaiendiii'' the Henry K. Miller Piauo. on all occasions where a hit-class jiiano is desired. X.I13. 11. SI. SMITH. I have known the Pianos manufactured bv Mr. Henry K. Miller for man v vears and 1 do not liesilate to say that they take hiu'h rank amonvr the first-clujs instruments of any of the Ut'M nuiKers. t.U!L Z.KltiAHN I consider the Miller Piano sunerior to all others in that mellow and sini:iim.iuality to uc- cepiauie ior voice acc.'.iupau imei ts. ills. li. Ai.lNE Oscoon. Ve were delighted with the Pianos of your manufacture yiiich we used during our recent t'liiriu i no i nited states their charming siik in qualities rendering them especially desira ble for accompanying tlie liunian voice. Tins oi:h;ixai, Swk.pish EAUIKS' tilJAKTKTTK. World's International ExtiMtion 1876. This establishnient was the only one out of more than forty 1'iano-iorte exhibitors, which was decreed two awaisks for its single exhibit oi rianos at the centennial i-.xliibition. TUL-i teas the. oi,7j EMuhlUhmcttt that Rrccived a Fjicciiil A aai d for a Xeic Invention TSse I'alciit I'edul Upriglit riano-Fortc- Tie Henry H Miller Piaios nave received the endorsement of tha State of Massachusetts and the CITY of BOSTOIsT. Tliaj are LEADERS' aiming the FOREMOST PI AX OS of Tim WORLD. HENRY F. MILLER Boston, Mass., U. S. A. JAMES PETTEE. Aor't.. 9 Plattsmouth, Nob. Is n monthly, -Tao liooknf the cream of th Wvji1' Literature. SinffUj co;y, 2lc.t or 2 per yir. An Oil CLromo CI4"-5J in'h") of YoRraito VaUny, pric , S-'i; " Blck Slw-p. n -TI.EO boxt, in rtrwr biiwi n; " !hrittiii OakU y's M:htfck-.': u ?l nxk, in iafr bindmc, and ft sample eory oi ""VVxd ti lioui-hoJd MaaiDH ' till pust-pnid, for ouly 30 cents in monT, or in one-ceut pote n tamps. Afcenta wanrd. M. lH-rn! i-rins. 1 ut nntlitn -"Pt freo, AOlrcs S. fc. VooJ Xcit aiAC ii-iiiiiiut:w 1'urk.i. its. ('-ni tor nJKa'iptw rampnut giving AnrTntraX J!lutratiunt which wU rtMtvinre the mom tc .ticnl ft tat tht'Vfan ih r:r t Jo pfiluct tnanUoini. Burl K n:trri forl'if tiufif of lit. b it ntwr pf -toil. Pert 8alrl for ttwrp t tny ore. Si!10IH br th' PLATTSMOUTH Clothing House! C. G. HEROLD, - Proprietor. FIRST i:STAI5L'I IX 1856. Keeps a general large stock ot Hen's, Touth's&fioy's CLOTHING! and h;ts Just receiveil the Cuc."t lot of French and E-nerlish Silk WORSTED SUITS, TJ1AT EVER CROSSED THE MO. RIVER. His different styles ot Mats Gaps, are surprising, aud stock of Furnishing Goods I FANCY GOODS, AND &ItawGae Goods Is'large enough to supply any demaud. Call and Examine the UEW STYLES, JIEVORE rURCITASIXG ELSETl'irERE. C. G. HEHOLI). ii tfii ADVERTISING AGENTS bJg PHILADELPHIA Cor. ( Iiritmit and liitlitli Sts. Ilecclve Adrertiiieincnli for this Papct FCTIMATTQ st Lomt Caah Itates Send 25C. for AYER &SON'S MANUAL Ol all kiuiiH fc price lor Ci. Fmilir. MAGNIFVIXS CLASSES forinvtiga- i:oun in tuxanu. MiifTtujy,itirtcvuurt,Agrcutture, AcI.KNNE.h,miY I.ASsh,TEIJ-;i!iCOPKJi It Pack 1'bicr I.i."T, JiUly illuf.tatnl seU rw. MG.ALL18TIR. J2;.Oj.ticn,43NAi-4o St K.Y. nUBNITURE mhwET & Omaha Nebraska, Iciest PI Tlioy Invite Everybody Visiting Omaha, to Call and Examine their W 187 FAR NAM STREET Wmw laasjpectti Tlie Largest and most Complete STOCK of Dry Goods, Aiinineiy and Olothmg- ever placed before the luminous orbs of our many Patrons. We intro'liice all the LATEST FABRICS of the season. Our 10, 123-,', 15 18, 20, 22 and 25 oer.t Dress Goods are Also, a full line of WHITE GOODS, RIBBONS, LACES, RUCHES, CASHMERES, ZEPHYR and SPRING &HA II Lb, ;;nd countless articles impossible to mention in detail. Our Millinery Embraces all tho Latest Xovelties in LEGHORN FLATS, FRENCH CHIP and STRAW GOODS. Our SILK TURBANS and PATTERN HATS aro the admiration of every one. We also show 1,000 trimmed hats from SI up. a tt AND FURNISHING GOODS. The only houso in the city that carries a clean Fresh Stock of Goods of latest styles and fabrics known of the season. Will find here displayed a fine line of Furnishing poods tnat cannot fail to command their attention and patronage. Suits from S6.00 up Wo have tho best assortment of TRUNKS & VALISES To be found. C5T"Call and compare our Goods and Prices, and you will receive the Lenelits derived therefrom. SOLOMON & N AT CP CD o H O 3 P1 rr c It CD HI sa A XEW EXCITING LOOK Bristling with the Wild ADVENTl'lIKS of STANLEY In AFRICA The ONLY authentic and eopyriirlited elienp fiuiioii. i.ivesii i (ti t insiory i ins woiuieriul discoveries in Alriea and marvelims lourney flowrijine i iinun. iiore laseinatinir than ro- manci-. rrofu-iflv illustrated, and Iiil-IiIv cn- tlorced Jiy tlie elerjry and press. Alure AGENTS wanted. l-fiFor particulars about the hook, success oi agents ana nest terms, address N. U. THOMI'SON & CO.. Tuhs.. 21tt St. Lrftuis, Missouri. asieiL laarscst Large Stock. well worthy of your inspection. DRESS LINENS, TWO-TONED Department k DEALER Wllf I Oi" A M 'fi f ft E 4 V? Great Reduction LOWER Mens' 1'rineo AUcrt " l.nl in lliu-kle rtiiiKivs I'.ase Hall SIiim-s " Tm-i;iicklc' I'low S!i(ie- Cciiiiine Hand Sewi il Tl"i ' Jlaiul 8evtd Alexis Ladies' Kiip)-r. II;. If Shoes '. " I'-.-liiile tioat, Side I.aee Kip, l ivm-ii r.ution " tioat, i;mton, (wurked butlon-hoie). EVERYTHING ELSE IN PROPORTION. WHO 18 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL PEE EXAMliilN THIS CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND 1 PACIFIC R. FJ. IS THE GREAT COXXECTIXU LINK Its mnln line runs f ruin Chi ir" 1) (hiip:I r.?u nl t'ninhti, a.sin tiir'UL-h .lolit-r, ni'.i-.-a, li S:illo. Cionesco. JInliiie. ll'.cit lr !;ir. 1. let vi i . t. WfHt Liticrty, lim: City, ii :iri-i-L-o. 1. . I.vs, !irinnell. imrt If' Siotncs. (t'i! f!i.:;u! i . v. u 5rith branches froci Burcnu .Jun t. i l i . . .- .i; rt ilton J miction to Muscatine. ::- ! i r- fleld, Eldon, iii'll.n:i!. Cent. vvid. I'; ,;;' - I '.' r. n ton. Gallutin, C'unier. -n, lA-avcnw. ri i. .". i ; u ; Waphinwtou Io Si-.'. mriiey, vknl..:i jf -v . .ilT; Keokuk to t'amiiiiutor.. iloiiujKirii'. !.-:. f.ii-;t.rt, IndeDCnilciit. KM' :i. (u!iimr.:i. IM.lv. t-,;:i- loosii. l'vlla. Monrce. nn.l 1 x-s i.l-s; J '..'. lo laciiain.lii ami Winurij Alii:ti A i:.Um nnd Avuca to Ilurlan. Tin:, is i.o.-iiivi-r.- li," only HailrosKl wlii.li own?. -ontr.N mid im'bic a llir.'iiK'h line between t'hit -mo an 1 h . 1 1ns I. ouji.:inv.wii an! lonti-. .1 1 1 ( ;itii; i ar. wlii.-h are Interior to imr.iv ami c v.- m; n .lonhl berth; betweefi ( .nca'o :t::. iJji:r; l-ravr i- worth. or Atcliis'n f..r 'i - !.. t v 'vnf : and a seetion f.r Kivo I it. iar, .j 1'- i-! ! t i i W change In tvea 'm' f:i: i ivi;-i:, i 'it't 1 i';ti j i-.r a rlouhlo berth, a i:l Six 1 1 ''!;:;! f 'iff -t i. V. hat will Please yon ni-lMllb Ino l-l. :!S:ro c. pnjoyins year im'.-us. v.'hu.' jas-ini v.-r Ite- l.e.Miti f ul prairies ot lllin- ms unit IwaT in i no ot ' i;r mau nifieent linintr a rei lle-dutiraur ('mi $ - 'eil ti':t mian y all threiiirli i..t rt --.- 'I'rfi.-iK. Von tn -re m:":'I, u Rood as i s served in cny lirt---1-- li-.t.-!, 1. -v seTenty-rivo er't ; (Tyoucm or iei vLat y ja I. lie, anfl pay fT wli:-t j;et. Appreeiatina llio la. 1 1 it;'t a mat'"-il ' 1'ie pe' t lrj rrefer ftnrate; anai tinems l'i ion- rjL t-ur;,o-;es. iand tho t'linrmoun panseinrer lininev if ii.h lw--; warrant inu it.) w; nr.'; pler.si- J t o aniion j t!i.t ( i:u t'oiiipany runs its l'Al..( K M KKiMN I '"A I: 1 l .r leepinr purposes, nnd ii 3 l'Ai.A( '. UIM V'i Al.S lof lalixi purposes. One oliw-r teiit iii.tiiro PT.ArE CAKS aro mil trniah tu J-JEOICIA, IMIS MOI.i:s, nir 11 UM l'I'l AT'liI.O.V nnd l.EU:XWtKllli XI-k.t Tlii thi JLIno, k3'iHii ji the "Ort-nt J'oeli Island ICcnt", ' ro olI lv "II Tlekct .trent In th I'nltr.l Hlntui : 1 ( uniiil.i. l'ur Inloi-inatioi not obliuubic ut four lioiuo tlcUct oflne, aiMi-en, A. KDIRALL, U. tT. .TOTIX. Ueu'l bupcriutendent. Utu'l 'I una l ie 'rr Act.. C'l.u iu;ij. Ill Agricultural Implc men t$r Prom a riircsliin Machine; to a Hoe AND WAY DOWN CHEAP. I If The King of Plow Sellers. Corner Sd and Main SI recta, IS READY TO TALK TO THE FAKMEKS OX JIcutoi rs, CcziLL rectors, Shovels, iloes, Spades, and Kand-rakes, 3q TyorSp Reapers & Headers, Vibrator Threshers, nol'lltt?L MASVJ'ACTVlir.Ii j:r S3 fcr Sple Cards Price LLU. THE IIlJADir FAlIIiir SOAP TASLSR: 5 r fe.t r- b? .;! i:rJ Ii,'.'fl1l'( mJ' ft ' .-r--"- Sis LYE Any r"rtf"n of contcnt.i of osn i.mr l o uh-1 w;'iJ;or:t t ' o-:::: Imlarfa 1-J ioiinil of pTrijtnc.l Ili'.nl ! nap toii'l.; . lv.-,-,.:y mine!, s wUli o;t lioiiiritr. nn l yonr ivn.sh will Ik,- f ect n:i ! tlo.iii to t!e; je.i.-e.s, ithotit tlu.t ii:tty ftiioll i.unIucc-1 v.l.ei Usin ruy-iuiiJo tui. or tu.ip imulo fjol.t i tie r l ye 4- tt-aMtonft.il XII1 softt n fire pb.IloiM of hnril ivalrr. I.K1VIS' M K it & jht ctiit. ktruu-ir Uiju tu.y oilier Lyo cr SO-CaJIud Loci or Xntll l'oi t l;t '. KAMiiAHL'm'.ii o.M.1 iiV rnn r nine 9 fl.scM7.rc rnwpnwv '"f jrvf'4 Vl PHILADELPHIA, HA. rFr SaU-i-v K. O. Jm;VFY S4)X i a liiM AN i. WK KHAf'H. lVrj.!.-- lu !-.Ul'!e aiiU t'u;.ev t.ioeeias. l UMuoutU, tli. - - Z.1! - MTtc.- --. ... - r' . , r inn fin! rr n n; : r; iMnM'iHisbii'ro.: ij: iji .?::! .svslJ li r;-rirT5-nT, nj. ,.-t - J - - in Boots & Shoes 20 to 25 Per Cent. TIHIOSr LAST. YEAB .f'l on. ... . 1. . 1. . l.J.V ... . l.r.o . 2.." . 4.M .Last Year. ?1.'J'. . " " 1 .7-1 . " 17.-. . " " 1.7.1 . ' 1 . " " a III .V) ..1.1 ,x- Ait .'') . 1.73 1.. I S".. . r. ... :i. "(.... j.m MAP, THAI TH JJLTWi.O; 'xllil LMiT .M Til ViT.STJ iii:r !'.;'!"' f irs is ;: i:y, Kl.vr; ?AI."OV wlo rn you :. n(M.,- v s ui- ;i.iv:oi.-r'iu nl! i;. i oi t!ie day MiiL-r in.-, ut ! 1 1 'i l:ii !:.r : .ti n il.o .; i.. -mi. pi kik') M!.-c. i:i i river ail o .i: t.: s n,-' .cl v i ii U: , nn.) tiTO wf.'I'S nr.. av.il.irl ..I ...!!.. l.lnlli, J . . : i v ; t -uoittl lrrl Aieiil.iou, c-iiil:i lii'.'i.l Lei:i luaOij nj l.'nii ii :1. -, mis. thi: iTi.v' ri'AT. n. ir. cts:i:Tms !' t i;i.j GIIKA l' '1 II in i I. if l.l.M'TikliK A ! I.M iWii At i; ;tai.o, w nil ull uiveimii,; ln.es lor tliu Kx-.t oru' Soot li. A! -'."o :.r-voii. wiili -!,' T.a's Slior" .V M ii-'i'nn . l' l.ei tin. I .lt-!n 1 1 !. I i. ,ivii"i .,,.: li. Cis. At w .-. s: i :..' : p.j s, .Ci l ,it.-LuiH-. cm cie. n.-iit .V r t. 1.' lie - 1.'. I;. At I . x - A I l.i . nili i ' - :t ii- ;vi,!i-a! V. !'. At I ! OUI,., i ! I I' . " A .1 I . I. I i., I. J. W.; 111. .Mi l!:oi!: io; i T., i'. -.. i i I r Is. At i!o I - i. mi. v ! i. '. hi u Ln. ei II. It. unj li.'itl-l.ii lMv. .iiaJ!-.::i...'..!4. At l.'Av;:siw, win i.ij l.avi-r.p.,it A Ncith V( : HI It. Jf. At i i r I iiir'rrv. I.'iiiPnrton. Ce.lur Kr:;'i'' s tv i '.'.i i ! i;. J.'. . VI V- Lt.i., ii "1 I .'-;: I II. I: i.f fowl. At !:-' Moi.m s, v j;.. ;,. vi. ,v it. !.. l e i:. H. .At o-r ii. I.i.ri , s, -.vitii i i.i .'i I ii I" - K. it. j t M. l!A. iv 1 1 n l(. I: . I AM .1 I'll! :to:i, I i 'lit I n. i: : t. I. .'.. . i At I'.-.eci- Vi.l.-i-.li. am! At i'.!:vj-.t! At A rein I: Ht. I.. .I S. i.. r, -.t; i ii :v.'.'-. ' . . vr -i A ( ;. I.. in. I I A. .... V, . It. !!. . .. a c. it. i:. ii. ii. "J a A h ,:i,ih I e I i iii 1 in oi.- K. l;.ts. . oi l ik. i . n. K. i.ilit. At' le.-.m .V l.l.AM.M. BJPji 1 1 In 1 n Ir M 3 t? K::t iir-t, &23, UL ;? :j . :- m r v 98 Per Cent Pure, is a HIIS POWDER. 1 V. X