li THE HERALD J America Spans Half The Globe. Wt lister's eloquent description of the Krilish Kiniru is familiar to every reader, but we doubt whether it isgen erally realized that we, too, have a do minion on which the sun never set. It will hardly ho believed, perhaps, with out an examination of the maps, that fjan Francisco, instead of being at the western of this dominion, is on ly bout midway between our eastern and western limits; and yet it is a fact that the farthest Aleutian isle acquiri d in our purchase of Rnssian America is as far t the west of th-it city as East port, Me., is to the east of it. Ketwetn the north w estern limit of Washington Teritory and the southeastern limit of Alaska there is a break of a few de grees, but with the slightest deduction, our territory extends through l'J7 de crees of longitude, or IT decrees nore than half way round tlieylobe. Hence, when the sun is giving its ood-night liss to our westernmost islo on the routines of Delirium's Sea, it is already llooding: the fields and forests of Maine with its morning light, and the eastern part of that -State is more than an hour high. At the very moment when the .Aleutian fisherman, warned by the ap proaching shades of night, is palling his canoe toward the shore, the wtrod choppcr f Maine is beginning to wake the forest echoes with the stirring mu sic of his ax. Kocky Mountain Pres byterian. All Sort. Whlrle.l without eml : Tlie waters of Tiajrara into Lake Ontario. An old woman in North Carolina fainted a few d;ijs ago at her l'rst siht ot a railroad train. A liostou cliild remarked, nftcr r:iiii" earnestly at a man wlio was bald, but had heavy whiskers, '"JIU head was put en up tide down, wau't it!" Crandmiithcr : Now, Minnie, what is the plural of penny Minnie: 1'iural of Icniiy, grandma.' Why, twopence, ot course. London Fun. 2so matter how bad and destructive a boy may be, ho never becomes so degrad ed or losses his self-respect suflieieutly to throw mud ou a circus poster. A Philadelphia litigant visited every juror at his home while (lie trial was in piogros, jut to argue the matter quiet ly." lie bays that he meant no harm. It is a fact generally observed, says the Troy Tillies, that the man who denounces the institution of marriage is generally the person who thou lit ho was getting a rich widow and didn't. "Papa, they don't have any stone in Ireland, do tlieyf ..sked a little Hank street loy the other day. "Yes, my boy; but why do you ask such a question :" "Uecaa-e. papa, I thought it was ail sham rock over there." A gentleman, being aked whether ho was seriously injured when a steain-boil-cr exploded, is said to have replied that he was so used to being biown up by Ids wile that mere steam had no t licet ou him. A bright little miss of 2s apa, Cal., noted for her quaint sayings, said to her moth er the other day: "Mamma, when you went to Heaven to got me did you pick out the prettiest baby ou God's floor?" Of course mamma said yes. Messrs. Scribner te Co., recently re ceived tlie following bona tiiL order from a country Sunday-school chori-ter : Sirs: If you have anything n-.w iu the line of t-acfcd songs, c-jmtr vr tntiuieitti!t will you please send mo s' me sample shvcls." Ik-mar l Van Uen-se'aer, who has held a position in the Slate Engineer's and Surveyor's oHiee at Albany, N.Y.r for lif-ty-six'year.-', or s:uce w hen he was aiiMiiuted by Surveyor Genera! Simon De Witt, has just tiied In Alba.iy in Lis 7.;th years. A swallow has built its nest under the guard of the Hudson river steamer Mary i'owell, and rides daily to and from .New York. Most steamers, by the way, are great places lor "swallows" of some spec ies or other. "Glad to see you up so ourly," said the young lady board- r iu the countiy as she eucoturU red the "hired man" in her morn ing walk; "U.e crly bird catches tha worm.'' And to her too fusion he inno cently answered: "I didn't know they were catching, inarm." The Charities Coi.fcrcnce would have been encouraged in its great work could it have known the newly-revealed statis tical fact that the insane in Massachusetts are nine-tenths uneducated pauper-, as also are .7.1.00') of tha UG,W- iu nsyiuins iu England. The Sultan of Turkey has instituted a new order tor women, an order of "Chari ties" hi recognition of the great services of ladies toward tick ami sutlering Turks during the late war. lie has appointed Uaroness Uurdett-Coutts a member ot this new legion of honor. The tramp's last dodgo is to ak your advice aliout going to iho nct lowu, and when you warmly advise him to go, he says he has much confidence in your good judgment, and will emigrate iurl.ier at once. "Uut," he ad. Is, "wouldn.t you ad vice me to borrow ten eeuts lieforu 1 btart." An American writing from Spain urges the shipment of la! h .r saving implements there. Spanish fanners plow with the end ot a piece of wood about five inches thick, as was done in the Middle Ages; sowing and reaping machines ar-i un known, ami grain is not threshed. Oxen tread it out, and it is winnowed by wo men, who toss it into the air to scatter the chalf. GE0KGE EI) G El IT OX 7 Wines, Liquors AND CIG-ARS. Main Street, opposite the Court IIouso. This place Is just opened, ruir, good got H of all kinds. We want to keep a good house and please our customer. REMEMBER THIS. Dir. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BL.I CK8AI1 Til HOUSE miokim;, AND WACON UKl'AIlUNd All kinds of FAi::i IMPLEMENT? mended Neatly d- Promptly :0: Horse, 3Iulc& Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything that liar four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. ITEW SHOP, nl-ifthSt, between Main aud Mne Streets. ut aero e ortier nun the SEW IIUKAL &rri.ri. 10i' li il JyjjJ SneezUg Catarrh, Chronto Ca tarrh, UloeratJvo Catarrh, permanently cured by 8 AH FORD'S RADICAL CURE. ivran RiMniCrnfni Catabss i ear, aertala, and muroaixnt car for Catarrh of mrtrf form, uid it tha mott parfoet romady err dartMiL It U paraly Ycgelable dtstSBatlnn, and to applied toraliy r maumauoa, ua couuiauonaity u in ternal administration. Locally applied. relief it in- muaitarumtu. It aoolhea. neala. and cleanses too paal paaaMT?s of every fueling of neavlneaa, ob struction, dalnCDS, or aiizlneu. Constitutionally admin Isiorcxt It renovate the blood, purlflea It of (lie ucM potion with htch It la always charred la Cutarrb,mlmulatesthBtomaeU. liver, and kidneys, pnrl'ccts dlifeition, makes ctw blood, and permits the toriuatfon of eour.ct, beulthy tissue, oncf Canlly obtulns compl: t3 coutrr l over the dltcm. TU remarkable carailre power, when all ot!ier remo dlM ntterly fall, of Bahtorb 'a Kadica.1. Cubr. are) attested by tlioiixands wlio irratufully recommend it to rellow-aiiQ'erer. f"i (tatement la niule ro frardlnic It tont cannot he aubfctantlated by tUa rcspectablo aii'l relUMo reference. It la a Sreat and aood medicine, and worthy all cona ence. Each pooliace ror.tnna a Trnatlee on Ca tarrh and lr. Panrord'a Improved Inhaling Tube, sad full d!xcctU;u.ror ita ue la aJlcaaea. frlcatl. An EnShJ3ia3t?o Friendof Ssnfortfs Radical Curo. KcIlAnwf, Guvt Dowu'j Tm AMD) Umm IyarsAKca Aaiscr, 725 Ptuo fatrcet, Su Ixul3, Mo., Tab. 7, 1ST7. i A. A. HL:.irK, WMhlnnton At, City. Dear alelller: I bave fortome years been troubled with ' Catarrh, and for llii past two years hare snffered surloudy wltli It. KoiIcIdh your m!vert!scm.-nt ct FAxroKn' Katsr-T (KiuicalCuii), I decided to try It. 1 liava used only two bottles, and as a remit I feci so rmch rellevca thu I presume on oar per sonal relatlo-js and writs tula to you and auk tnat yon take some measures to (rot It more prominently before Mic public, that others may hsvoouoh relief ms I have. I bare recommended it to quite a num ber of tur f rlcnda, ail of whom have expressed to tne their Llah csUuuuo of lla valuo aud rood Sect wltU thera. 1 really think It rir.rtlctilarlr adapted to wants cl Bt. Louis people, and t!oy 8llon(rtitto Know of It, and those who need It should try It. I will risk tha awertion that H00 1 oc. vials (a a sample) to b (flT-n away will sell as many bottles. Try some plan. Let tho people have It : trier need It. I believe J could soli 6-U) bottles myself of course yon could largely locrcoeo this numbor. M haoltryU? Tours truly, WU. HOWES. Eold by all 'WTiolesnlo and Retail Drnjnrtsts and Da-vltrs In Medicine tlironghout the United States and Canadas. -W'EKII S & r OTTEK, Ocnerai AgcaW and Wholesale DrugiBtfc. Boston, Msm. E-iEUrilATiSiVi CL'BIU BT COLLINS I VOLTAIC EASTEBS. Jf.r. Weeti rotter- Gentlemen, Ons year co I was seized with a severe attack of Rheuma tism In my rig ) t hip, to which I was subject. I tried the various liniments and rheumatlo cures, but without the least benefit, when ray son, a druggist, merest d oneofyonrCoi.Lis'Voi.TAicFLABTSRS. Tho effect was almost magical, for, to my jrrateful surprise, I was almost Immediately w ell again, ami was able to work anon tnv farm as usual, whereas, before the application of tho Fluster, I could do nothing, and every step cave me pain. A few weeks since, ono yenr from the first attack, the dlseosa returned, out I am hsppy to ssy the second Plaster proved as efficacious as the Crst. and I am now woll. My wife wlsbos ma to add that one Plaster baa cored ber of a very lame back. We think there hi nothing In tha world of remedies that can compnra with the CoixiX9' Voltaio Plasties for Khcuma V)m and Lame Back, and cheerfully recommend Biem to the Buffering. Tours very respectfully. CraXAJtD, Ms., June 6, 1378. RODEUT COXXOX. NOT A QUACK NOSTRUM. Gentlemen. 1 hereby eertlry- that for several y-ears past I have used tho Voltsio Plastsrs In is practice, and have never known them to fall In aflordlnif relief In those cases for which they are recommended. They are not a quack nostrum, but a remedial agent of great valno. Very truly yours. W. C. cm .irTva x. U. JitcasroaT, Urn.. May 77, lSTt. vw-L-t- ' PHICB ZS CESfTS. Be careful to obtain Colli us" Voltaic Plastss. combination of Electric and Voltaic Plates wlta a highly Medicated Plaster, as seen In the above cut. Sold by all Wholesale and Hstall Druggists taronvhoat ton Crited states sad Caaadas. and br WKai POTTEU. Proprietors. Boston, ilass. J. F. BAUMEISTER Fumislses l-"rch, I'nro M:lk, i:i.3Vi::ii:i inii.v. Special call" nttetnlft! to. .tint Vrei-h Milk froiii same i-ow furni-lieil wlu-a auteil. 4!y SIOX, CA Ml I AGE and O UNA HE NT A L PAINTEIir ASHLEY. Shop over the J 5 rick Block next to II IJoeck's, PI.ATTSMOCTIf, 4lly. J. G- CHAMBEaHS, Manufafturer of and Dealer In .SADDLES. VOL LARS, HALTERS. ETC., ETC., ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatness! Dispatch. ' i p only piai-p in town where "Turley's pat ent self horse collarsare ikl." 4'in6 kei:na iV ukacIa. Retail Lipor Dealers. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. I'LATTSMOUTII - - XEli. IJillninl Hall and Saloon on Main street, four doors from .Sixth at Neville's old place. BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS, ALES, WINES, d-C. Itemeinbcr The Xame and 1'ltirv. -iy Keenan & Grace. O. F. JOHNSON, VExl.FAi IX Drugs, Medicines? WAIX PAPER. Ail Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO UKALEIl IN ; Statiouery, Magazines, ! AND Latest Publications. i Irorrlption! Oarfnlly Componntleil by an 1'x.perieiieetl Drusslwt. KE.ME.MP.ia: THE TI.ACE. Gfh ST., Z DOORS SOUTH OF MAIN r L TT S M O L'T H . N CB. OLD kU n-UAFLE. Sam Lavrnt I.vvnioitATOit $is :i St.i:id.u 1 Fa.ntiy II 'ni:Jy for Uh 'fis-'suf tlt-iljivr, Stomach T ail Bovrels. It is l'ur;ly -rv i, 5..ft3' AtC..i r4 v 1st more than 03 roars.? . with mjircedeutoil itkuU.s.J - SEND FOR CIRCULAR. J i T W ef "fn:p if n '03 Bwoan-.vsr.,! Jt 1 Ot'ii Utib ivl.u., HEWTOKKCITIrf im n;:-.i.i.isr nm. mi in; it ir.n titsih. f LOUISVILLE MILLS, A. H. Jackman & Sons. I;iOI'iCIKTOKM. Maliiif;n-tur'rs of Flour, Meal ETC. AND Shippers of Grain. Sj i'i-isl nttenlioii t;lvrii to all kinds of ('lis loin CriiitliiiK. LOUISVILLE. CASS t'Ol'NTY,. .Mf N EI! K A SKA A. G. HATT JUST OPEN El) AC ATX. Ncic, Clean, First Class Mtat Shop, on M;iiii Street in Fred K i whirr's old staud Evrrvhody on hand for 1'ieMi, trndrr meat. -Jhf l.r Platte Valley Herd of POLA.ND-CHINA T. CLABK, WEEl'INti WATEK. ... 'NEB. t2Tneiiitered Stock for sale. 13m''. ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKS311T11 r 1 1 r A I l3l L-V . nryo?t, Brnjtjy, Machine and Plow re pair in;;, and yeneral jobbing I am now rci:irt'il to lo .ill kind- of rppairing of farm ami otln-r machinery, as there is si guml lathe iu my simp. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker lias taken charge ot the wagon shop. lie is well known as a '(T. 1 WOK KM AN. Xrw Vaj;ouK anl Itiissie! made to oi'tier. i SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Shop ou Sixthstreet osvoite S'.reishfs Stable jVVg. hible. Jt never tl li Vl a 0 Ter h l) tv- L i v e r5 . ,- .iMiJn lias ben iismmIS HUBBLE! w I T5 -n G - CO "p li eca - D i e H "g ?1 0 S aL PROF. HARRIS RADICAL CURE rOU SPESMATTOEHSA. " S I JAL."PASTI LLEr: A ahiaMr Diatoovrr) k al lr:-iif , an rntirt-lj Mitllv l r llir t.c(ij rtril rtnat'iit Cure crt Seminal Enii.oii A Im potency br w n!y - -, . Appllcitliott l l lir prtii ripal fmt of tic Pia?c, miin Lv Ao crption. Mtt' ;iC it p'lft- ntJtiirm-o on tw tcminal es c.t- SfrC ulatorv Utsrtd.l rotiato klat.dsmi Urthia. tll Rfiuttly 'i-J'ti-l wifli ih p&in -r j rttin.cKs:. it i quirklv di'lv-sl r! ' fhsurKtl, trMr itjr mf imracdiate i vv!t:itijr itl rtortit- ctturt iiH i m-x-itnl Hud Mfnruti rn niza: ih rt-rkrsj lr ct-ntm e a d vxcrf, lopptit ;hr drum lr-m t p trm, rt -ir-ine!' mnitl t t"-"'! nn sound m-incry. rr -rrvms Ui Diiuuoes of S.rhr. Ift-rvs it . r ;-.. Cofiiion of Ideas, Aversion toSoccty. L,r.Lic.ani !jiraH'r-aiK-e r premature old rr u-h' v n..-.'iiipa.-:.r thu txmS, aii-J ivtjrirt: ir:f- t Fau I Vljror, w ht-n tl has fNn l rnint tar.vttr-i. Tin n - f f ti-aitti'bt ban tfl III- t-l i vcrv Mrri c' '.t i nnvr m pitiruunml tuofs. Drurs re lio n prtr:!Md Iu tliKC trintbi-, ., inrmaV can ir witir- ... .tl. but ict e it my r.. - :tri i.t. 'i ' ' 1 itl..t tItP lfiira t i'n, P- i 'n .'-' r M.i'If I! j tti lr artinr;m- tro tint !? iU pi-- anrmfat Vo:s. Inrit.- r-f eild t.un lliat it a-v i m . t-i at m, v.' J-.m- tuutiiu t '-rittt.t:l v:il;;t-, . t 4 fi m inw .-ir d- cd Lv t'lf M"li"d 1. tt t' be iHj not mi!nu! iiM-a-.nt yt 'lisi'Mvcii. ft ?vair rut ;uc tl.i- rT (in--nit i:l "ttbii?. fiat r -.1 U si'V. ti t be il: y rr.ti of uti'o il uincT t') f innnv, and I'P"" ; m quacks yrrv ttii liir i-i" in"n::: r n.l I' i;; rr-. .I'l..- Kt t U. i - pi t Ml m nut Is s, itit i to Iat a i:n-it !i. and nr a ! a i r i vnpit f I r -it-'d f r f - 3. Two boxr. riitiUi iii te Hl la pr.'in:i v rrr it f. r-rr r ) 5 T -rrr b-tr irt'n Ti'-.t ! I i'iit-t!i- " i I ; .i . ft' ii r orr rswnntMf. r v Pull TIK-C-. ZOiiS for iiMne will nTf-priry EiCA I CX. S i;:uatr;iiitn, liirl f'uvitii-e t'ir int -c plica! i fi'Is-d fort'" iiuf- ,-(' J t , rv-' a ii 1if-rr ff ti;t t. a'rd . ri:r.r! J .nrt -e. 5..1 CILY tv tU- HARRIS REMEDY CO-Kc-G-CHEMISTS Market and gfh. Sta. CT. L0UI3, M0 S'OKSi J L,L20sti L'T 5 "nrc, new nnd ctiipirtc Quid? to 5 r$TflT?Ttl2 i,"rViii'i.S-', -(Hnpat.bV ati.i turnntpiKi- .' j,, . ?r-a.-Arj ts.s-- iTt.ity iii wtTtu-ii, ca;ie ami .r ;.Mui.., u' i itr:d'-jr,.v.iit, ji!vira lo hunatMla. A to :r, 1" -o-:iiiiitti ir rtiMis. CVithucy aitii Uriiii r'it'.p:ir-tl. C' dntit. C'tur pti'n, CMt-iC- iiKi.t, IjtV9 and Court. up, I wtpedimrnt to MarrL.nee, in iii:.ic ami t-.-ii; "c. S-irtirj it ! pnnhn.tion. Smylr life i-.ri .;t --' iJ, I,-i i i:riurf. Law t ( !ivortf, J- ui rihta rt tii ir -.s;.! w !. "ii, ct.. i'jlu!-;: I?;3Cr.f'.. p -tititar to V .u- i, tnir rti and f ratUfCid. A bM-ik for private mil i.r.dr -rrriii: l SrjO p'-, li;t fu.. I ialC iiu f i in : . I, e-ni 1 1 r CO ccnM. "Tho Private rcci:ca! Adviser," ?. .a. on KpcriTiat'orlia a. Sexual Debility, and Im 1 ' ".-.y, f ! l-liuxit '"l, .xi i -a: ruuiie Srinttukl V;i:i -n. N rMiiii . AviTn (u ,Confuitii ot ?4-n, l'irit-n? tl ::. tuiiineuf V A lt-IstcUvv Ivlitory9 Lsta ! .vi mul !" -t, 4c. uiisKii.g ;arrtaro iupnprr or "'ai-v, pi trartifrtf, auiti a j? - nnT :'-jf f"-:rT I'Tt r cf bl p. .-.ate cLccf ; slu.i a 1r":!Ti rn Vin'ro l nnd WoMu.ulioorl, 7ft fwt ct t. I ti-r in n:;y J-und v-luu, if 1. i s y f.- (aia C.'0(i v n- I c-.-r Jllunlrat . n. t-mbrr.ciittf evrry t""i? ou i r"'- --a I- rytri t!-t i- wurt'i ku int. Fiuch tii i i Jt p ii. -.lud in a rctht-r vrk. Iecom liinacl Toiuine : p-tir:rr. jr tM b- l' 1.111 !ur .Vetjirl lilt I ililirhfrf, t !! u'"iitid id f.'u it can have t i-:r in tiu r r--f!inl.Mi. 'i'r-i Aiitbf Is in (.-rpcricnced ) y-U im sf i -.9: y ) i pmc: ', ( in veil kttown.) and t1: Rilvit-e C v. n, md JCf. ia f..r trra:nMnt laid down, will vf.:,i i-t ,-irt ir t-'. ci-.ilcrii x f;m iiMpuritica f nt fyT'-iii, t.- r'y rfr."at ar, r !' ft tn nuujr cia t-nbU-a e-ri:ijc vrd r l!e h nd .f ' Pi ivate or I'fcrwli'.c" H'ar. in in.! Auinf. ar cfnplfic lit for Ii ! .n J-:-.rtt;-', MJvt rr urrrDr. (Cuiui ts'iou aoi:r.:K'.stUil, a: I ittS'inn p -icp.r "anH trajik'y "t-rrrd itSi'iit chr ) Or. Butls Diff eary, 12 . tia St., 5;.1tj, .M (Established 1047.) ' For sal by H Joa:cr. AGLNTa wsntod. w. TT I TS n;v!rm a!l wtotu raiS-rfne f-jm V ! r'l'nttr. tt r' -l h::i l..r I ..ri' fd r I v' , b'-r-l-y o-rr r'i thi-.t l"V t tntB !:. it-. l t'. j" syivant.ii'c Vc . T,-:a Private llopiuil, V A nsw w..rtc. pri SO S. Clark t..t lm-af. lit. CIiItr, all I'rU at, Cb route and F p m a 1 iafO. Coiiauttaii'dl free. anil Gntl'--mtx. wh4 onr il..lltr for niplo t( r u b ti r rt't and ralaahlr irtftirmatino b tmreo. I el lit. enus tr hmX. Myittf nrii ef 'Nature. Phi. olof-r of Uairiae. Ur Eu ff Orni-rtiou, J ! n( Youth aud Mnh..; a wrrilth of ctiidtcairl vnlat.'- in fernmtioii. t-t to Imtb ok. N'ttlitni; otfrnsive lr tf"d tisU! and rsfi'iutMut. Ittfor. mar in n r lWnre tIC K'll.Rr- V.lU, ti I prr tix. rirutc h-m Mt-i nunc for I Ladi duriuf con- f ntii-nt. I pnbli'tud. No faintly 'Ad-lrw. hr. A. G. 1.1 N. -fi t nrk t. THE HENRY R MILLER PIAXO-FOIaTE A P. not only f.rst-cl.os Iii'Iniments. Imt this KstaMisiiiiu-nt mihv lie justly r.t:inleil li one of the !e:'uli:i.: I'!.un- Forte ;..iliif.!-tni'S of i!ie THE FAVORITES IN THE CONCERT HALL. Oui-iiii: the Season of 1 7V I sTfi t!ie Henry F. Mlitcr i'iaiios were used in i;toti aiid icinity in mure than I '-53 t'oneerts. Season of lf-77-lSTs. !75 t'oneerts. fSe;ison of ISTk-17!' Month ol October. 35 Concerts; Month of November. -15 Coiieeils- A"i!f I'td tii ft 7 '"! i"iihl lain rurh un oiiiiii i! iniiiii'.iit i.'ii. TT.'.SK 1'IAXOS 1I.IVK UF.CMVED The Highest Praise From the Most Eminent Musicians. Of late 1 have ha.l many opportunities of iisinsvour Fianos ami can say with pleasure, they'liave no superior in America, ami my Ion;; experience abroail justifies me in plaehn; them ahead of anv foreign instrument of their kind. ClIAS li. A 1. VMS. Madame Kon and the other artist of my company are delighted with t he "Miller" 1'iano. for its rich purity "f tone, and the wonderful manner in which" it mstains I he voice. II. Mai-i.kson. In behalf of the r.arnahee Conceit Company, and particnlarlv nivself a the pianist of said companv. I wish to epress many thanks for the beautiful Crand I'iaiios of your manufac ture, with which vou have furnished us so far this season. Willi your line instruments con ceit Kivii'U liccoines"a iiosiiive pleasure and de light, "so say we all of us." IloWAItll M I consider no other "make" with w hich I am ae.juaiuted. can excel it in any of the iialltlcs that coiiHlitute a perfect instrument. As an accompaniment for the voic, 1 know of none I would prefer to yours. Mrs. II. K. II. Caktkb. I take rreat pleasure in rceommeiidin? the Henry F. Miller I'iaiios ou all occasions where a lirsl-class piano is desired. Mrs. II. M. Smith. I have known the l'ianos manufactured by Mr. Henry F. Miller for many years and I do not hesitate to say that they take hhih rank anions the l'nst-cla.s instruments of any of the best makers. Caui.,Zki:kaiin I consider the Miller I'iano superior to all others in that r-ellow and i-itijiinp quality to ac ceptable for voice accanpaniinocts. Miv. r:. AMXK Os(;oOI. We were delighted with the l'ianos of your manufacture which we used during our recent tour in the I'niteil States, their charming sing i ii vi qualities rendering them especially desira ble for aeooiiipanvins; the human voice. Tiik Ohk;inai. SWKliisrt I.AU1KS' OI AKTKTTE. YTorld's International ExhiMtion 1876. This establishment was the only on out of inure than forty l'iano-forte exhibitors, which was decreed two a w a i:is for its single exhibit of l'ianos at the Centennial F.xhibilion. Z7if- tivw the unlij EsliihliKhinnit thi'.t Il ceived a Sitrciiil Aintrtl for a A'cu' Inrentiun Tlie I'alent lfIal Upright Piano-Forte. Tie Henry R Miller Pianos nave recxived the endoisenient of thu State of Massachusetts and the CITY op BOSTOIsT. Tiny arc LEA nEHS'nvtnng the FOREMOST riAXOS of THE M OULD. HENRY F. MILLER Boston, Mass., U. S. A. JAMES PETTEE, Ag't.. Plattsmouth. Neb. r.2ly I .. - ... t V. 1 .- n.nA-flSrran Runlfnf ttlflCTflamof the World s Liurnturo. timule copy. 20c., or f 2 jxt y-ar. An Oil t'hronio ilixJU inch.?) of "osomito Valley. price, 3: " Black Sheep." a ?1.S0 bo'ik. m rjr bindins: "Christian Oakley's Mistakn. a 1 boiik. in bindinK. and a sample copy of "VJooil s Household MttK2iuo all post-paid, for only 30 c-nta in tno:B.v, or in one-snt pota Htauipe. Axents Mt hlmrsl ternu but notlnni!B.nt frre. AxUlroaa-S. S. Wood- "VnUun Umivluig."ew V rk.Cilft i iy T,.d.M. 0 n ri find MOUIMIINK b.-tMi tjlEl H 0 pA liilriy uJ sirwJi'y cured. A'aio rV 3 R R f'f tljt,,,c,T atunp R W W B ,"r full parncu'ari. I)r ( arltoo, 9 tl B J H Clark Chicaa. ill. vahaar 3aSaWlaV A ij. A4' m. IVtuM, I-U AUilrsus.wihi r j!spas.pjil jiipii.iuMtattwvasaa.. wr:l - PLATTSMOUTH Clothing House! C. a HEROLD, - Proprietor. FIRST KSTABL'D IX IK. Keeps a general large stock of Men's, Youth's&ISoy's CLOTHING! and has Jut received the finest lot of French and Eaglish Silk WORSTED SUITS, Tl TAT EVER CnX-SEf THE MO. RIVER. Ilia different styles of Mats t Caps, are surprising, and his stM'k of Furnishing Goods ! FANCY GOODS, AND IsMarj-e enoiijrh t supply any demand. Call and Examine the ITEW STYLES, liEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. C. 0. HKH0LI). 2ly N.tV.AVER&SOH ADVERTISING AGENTS Bia PHILADELPHIA Cor. Chestnut and EIrHUi Sts. Receive Atls-crtlsenxeiits lor this Taper. COTIM1TCC Ht Lowest Canli Hates to I I ill A I Lo ree for Xewsnappr Advertisines Send 25C. for AYER &SON S MANUAL Ol lid kinds cfc prices l'.r tirur,firltuni,l iwoniiiu & t-imiiir. MAGNIFYING GLASSES for tious in lb. ann,ilincrii. ny,H'ntu-vUur.AmrHl(urc, e, I.KNS KS',S1 Y U 1,ASSI!STKJ.KS 1I rir. Hi 1'AOK llllf.'K I.lsT, full g HluHi utni tent free. MCALLISTER. Hfj.Oli- iun, 49 Nassau St.. N.Y DURNITURE DEALE Omaha, Nebraska. est 21 f II They Invite Everybody Visiting Oniulin, to Call and Examine their Large Stock. 187 FARNAM STREET OMAHA, - InTjE-B. IF The Largest and most Complete STOCK of Dry Goods, Millinery and Clothing ever placed before the luminous orbs of our many Patrons. Weintioiltice all the LATEST FABRICS of tlie season. Our 10, V2K2, 15 18, 20, 2i :uul 2j cent Dress (ioods ;tre well worthy of your inspection. Also. ,i full line of WHITE GOODS. DRESS LINENS, TWO-TONED RTBIiONS, LACES, RUCHEM, CASHMERES, ZEPHYR and SPRING SUA U'.6Vanl countless articles impossible to mention in detail. Our Millinery Einltrurpsall the Latest Novelties in LEGHORN FLAT. FRENCH CHIP and STRAW GOODS. Our SILK TURBANS and PATTERN HATS are the admiration of every one. We also show 1,000 trimmed hats from 61 up. AXE AND FURNISHING GOODS. The only house in the city that carries a clean Fresh Stock of (loods of latest styles and fabrics known of the season. Gentlemen Will find here displayed a fine line of Furnishing floods tnat cannot fail to command their attention and patronage. Suits from 6.00 up "Wo have the best assortment of TRUNKS & VALISES To be foaml, lifCair ami compare onr Goods and Prices,, and you will receive tho benefits derived therefrom, SOLOMON &. NATHAN. CO CD LP o on NSSTSI f-. I & A NKW KXCITIXG IJOOK I'.iistlin with the Wild Al)V KXTl'KES of STANLEY In AFRICA The ONLY authentic and copyrighted cheap edition. Ulves a full history of his wonderful discoveries iu Africa and marvelous journey -iown the Conco. More fascinating than ro mance. Profusely illustrated, and highly en lorsed hy the clergy and press. More AUK NTS wanted. f rl"or particulars ahout the hook, success of agents and best terms, address .N. li. THOMPSON & CO.. Pubs.. 2U4 St. Louis, Missouri. azid. Haa2?sost Department sa Wlif I 1 4 Great Reduction LOWER 4 r Slen' Prince Albert Lasting Buckle " " Congress ' rase P.all Shoes " 'I'wo-Iiiickle Plow Shoes ' Oemiine HhikI Sewed 'lVs " J hunt Sewed Alexis Ladies' Sliiipcrs Jlalf Shoes " l'ebble (.oat. Side Lace " Kip. " " " French P.utten " Coat, liuttoii. worked button-hole).. EVERYTHING ELSE IN PROPORTION. tJta WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THt leCCRAFHY Or TMI3 COUNTRY, WILL SEE B EXAMiJiiK'. THIS MAP, THAT TH Sri CHICAGO, FiOCiC SSLAfiO & PACIFIC R. R. LS THE (iUEAT C'OXXECTIX L2.'K I!i:TWn:M J III! EAS1 AM) THE Vt'EST ! Its main Hue runs from Chi. '.!;. lo ('.iikicM Kind's nd Omiihii. :;piii tlir.nih .I'.lut, uu.ivv.i, J.n Salle, Ofncseo, Molinc, It ck I !: il l. 1 :.yi-;i".n, VNVnt Libortr, Iuwn City, ALim-iiu... J'i . l.lvn, rjnnnoll, nii.l Im-m Jioliu-x, (Hi c.ii.iiul ot ir.wa) nth brandies from ISur.'iiti Jun.'i n.n t Pn'iiii; Vilton Junction to Jltiscnf (no, Vi';i'iiTii..n. I'air- B.-ld, Klilon, l!i'lkiil. Ci'irli'i'VHlis i'rin..! Ti .'ii- toii, Giilhitin, ( siraeroii. l.uuvftiwonh n ul A '.hl-.m : Vanhinttton to Siisuunu-y, l,:!i.:t a:..t K:n..vill..; Keokuk to Forniinrtoii. Iluiiiii'rt... t'" InilepenfUnt. Kl.lon, Ottnmw:!. D.l.lyvii: . dskii lousii. l'elhi, Monro.', nn l Dc-s S!oi;i-:-.; 1 k-.s .Monies, to Indlanola ami Wintt'rPt: Atlannn t . nnd Avmii to Harlan. Thin is .o.-ur.i'y ti-c only Itailroad onus. ontroN mi l "jiei.ito. ii IhrouKlt line ln'twirn I liit-mo nn. I K:'.!)"::. M'lii!C'oiiijay om 11 unit control t liu S.r'.'iii: - Ca:-', wliirli are interior to iionp. iirnl t'iv. viiu ln i ! ) bortli botwccti Cliir.-!.. anrt Coiinfil J:lui;i. I . v:vf n w.'rtli.or A tell in m l..r'l'o DoIIm ari.l i il I ' in s; anil a section tor Five Oollars. wn ( nil i t'ii r lir-f ch.-uve between tlie sa:ii i.oint. fhree !.!!. jrs I. r a double herih. ii'i.l Six iHifkir-. f. ' ti..u. What will I'l.-aii vi. n lTi-.vt will b lie! .ie:i.ure u cnjoviiisf your .ueai.-i. wiiiie jmibis . r tli I u inM I ul ill-nines t him. an. I lmvi, in i neof our niMcent Diriiuirninl Kesiai:"ur:'. 'ar . 'iat :ii'rn!.iuinv all tlirousb Kxpr. s Train.". V .1 1- 1 nn 'in :i lue ;!, at K io-i us is M-rved in nny lu-i- n 'im'l, 1 i-erenty-!ive cents ; oryoucan unK-i vi.;.t you :.c, and jiaV for what you yet. A.u".'i iatina tlm ta.-i t lint a riiaj ' it if i ;.i'. .l:.' prefer nepanito aiiarlinenls for li:ie: if i'.ii-o--'-s, .and this enormous ia--. -i iiu'.-r lui-u:ei- d t.iis linu warranting it. ) we are i.leri.l t o nnivni.-, -c r t his IVimmnr run lis l'AI A( K S1.KKI'!N 1 Ah. ! r rilccpini purposes, and its l'A ! iA 1 ; 1 t I N ; A I! -t lur i-atiut; puiposca. Ouu ot.'n i vvnl li im 1 in'K CR! nr" mn (l.r-Tj- to VX(jHI.V, IM.S SIMI.Vr.S, CrUMiI, TtI.ri'F -AT'lll"O.S sind I.E.I Vfc VV4K'i,il , . TirkrU -i-in lAm.', known ttn tN ' it e:t liocli Iliiuil ltortt-,' ore folJ lv ull TIrkrt Annli In I'nited Ntnl: : d Canaila, for liil'ui-uiu!iu not obi.iiiu.iblo at 1 vur liuutu tlelict ullue, iil.lic. V. 1III5.VTL, U. fT1. JOHN. (icu'l Superintendent. ticu'i Tkt. nu.1 1'ansVr Act., Clin -n:", l;l Prom a Threshing 3iachinn to a AND WAY DOWN CHEAP. IT!) The King of Plow Sellers. Corner 3d ami Main Slrrets, xJ.Trrsjvi:oxjTZ-3:, itbb. IS HEADY TO TALK TUXjIKI"" Hcur'i 'O n -s, Ciilti 1 -alar 'S, Shovels, Iocs, Spades, and Hand-rakes, Buggies and SnzmQ Yfngons. , Mqwqzs, Realtors Readers,, ,r.. . . NICHOLS A. SIIEJ'I'ALD'S, Are yon oiLg; to Pait? THE B2ST HT THE WORLD IS THE zzAxviAvrvnxn jtr . Geo. W. Pitkin $r Co, SfGa for Sample Cards and Trice Lata. " BEST 1 S CK EAP EST THO U3HIT LEWIS' COftSDErJSED -ttt,. mmn ft -TT 9T"1 V. r. 1 POlfiiK Me te mm Graps Lteani et Tartar. Recorouieuded by the Urooklyn (X. Y. Boiird of Hoilth, aii'l Ly tho Crtt cbciuUU iu Uie Uiuu."! huitcA. JFe tiZJ 7r.V $1000.00 for any ALTTJr or other adulteration found in this J'owdcr. SWIS,FLWOR8?TGEKTF?ACTS ! THE BEST AD STR()(TEST MADU. M.VKIKACTVKI.U Blf THE GEO. T. LEVIS & PENZICS COr ' PH2LADLPH!A( PA. fei.';rc;..J Iff ir Sak l.y K. I.OVKV .v SOX. Sil..i (,1' I HMAN - K n Ueab-r- hi Viy!? a.a I sm-y 4 .roc.-i .o li. Jk. i'i:'n:i ii:!:(ii:s. i i in Boots & Shoes 20 to 25 Vcv Cent. tdbzzlnT last -yriiiJxJE ?1 Last Year. 1.2" 1. '.!." " " 1.7". l . -' " " " 1.71 l.'jr. " " 1.7;, 1.(1(1 . . ' 1 . 4i 2.M " " 3.50 4.--I) . " f .', 1..T. " " l,s". l.s-. " " 'J. in lr. " " 2..-)ii " " :,(.ii il.n.i " " -.75 ti t? &hk S IVV) L5GI.I.-.C-N I -1 r ; rmr V : :tro Cvr is a i-'tOKtNO PAI.OflV w le r y.-u c. n e'i joy our "J I.iv;:na ' :i t all bom - oi tli. iiJty ."d.t'i'ilireitt iron Mi ii're .p:in the .il .i"i"-i-j, a" I Mkniiii i l ivers Mi i 1 points criiwi-i liv.liii.i line, n ...I trHefll fir'l avo.,e.l nr ' iuiwil l.iulT", J.ei.rer. v 01 til and At. M?m, co.'iiu-. Liuiui beiiif; niudu ui 1 II .lJiotS. n.ii: PM.vrii'At. r. n ( "N'rrcTi'iNS op n n;s u:i-:at 'i iiuofuii i.;m: aiii; as mi.Muvs At im-.;., v.ita a.i itive.'iui; iiin-s lor t!io I.a. t mitt .-nit h. t i- Mil.rwoon. T.-i'h tbe Lake Sl.or ."t M lehli. nn Boutin 1 11 ; tnl 1 i' t:. V t ayi.e lienco K. I;. Is. t W .1 s i 1 : .'-1. . o. Hi. (.ills, wtiU l'iltbuii, Ciu- Cil.e -M .V hf. l.oliin II. II. A t I iSi 1.1.1 . k i: :i I , ("enli al V. It. At ) , ul,I.. it 'i V.. V. 1 . I'.. I.. A I..; J. 1J. A W. lil. J!"i : and 1 '. .". V.' l!ai!i-..:";s. At 1 m K v.ii, ..oil UoMii i tiion It. It. and ;.). ! laud .V I'. i.-i !--:!ro :.. M Da i i'ui. r, Mu a tliv l'avi -riport S tl.:' W ': cm :. '. At 'ir l.i;i:iiTV. r. iiu tho lltirliiiKtoii, (";dur l!a r's ,t .1 i 11 11. 11. A 1 :' w:.i '., v.i;h rentr.l II. IT. of Iowa. yt Ii.'.- Sl'ilM:--, will' J. .V It. Iiodu'r It. II. Ai. . h'.vcil I. i. I'l l s, v. 'i ;i :i l'- :iic il. i. At OMAHA, . ! :i li M It- I!. It. (Ill Nl'i..) AM 1 ., i;r s .1 . is, niUi Jim liiitou, t eilat li. - pi ! . .'c -' 1 1 h'--i-.i J 1. 1.. t I'm -v.'A, villi t'erdial K. It. f Iowa; H' J..-:i. Can. '! X ."...iia.-rii and '.. II. .V (.'. II. ltds. At K::.KI'K. v.ith ';'id.-'lo, lv-.-ii;! niid Vnrw; Wal.i!'i. and M. J.ouis, Kci-kck .V .N'.- V. It. Il!-. At 1 10 r.i.-i . with Kan. If :-t J. I;. It. It. A t A ! "i:l.-..-.. v :! h A 1 -. In 1 . Ti.pekii A anta l-O' At' -1 1 i 1 .V .V. I. and ' l'.r 1 '11 ion 1'aeilfe It. :rt. A'. 1.1A V! .w. uiilil, wita K. J", and K. cn. H. Hdd. iioe PP. h ti ii w n 1 TO THE FAKMEKS ON' plow '03 2 & E? Xarkst Strict, CLlllgO, LL KAY COST A LITTLE ft 3 RE! IK izh vr era V