--m4r- -r-t ' x -. 5 V 4 : I; t i x The Herald. I .( )( A I. A I t in I s K M I : N I S. 1 ':.iM--nt. '.'" !!! ; iiiu. I:-lt ! l.ir adverils-p-s. 10 -i t pel' line. N o illl ci lis nn. i, t insei t e I i'.l !- Uiiti; i:.'MH. I ir:.1 notice Ml Statute rates. A : ii-novs and iili'i iTs of tin- hi v will h field f.., i.iil.fi fi.l I' il notices they hand ill, a .o a.l paitn-s .h m imbnf :i pi-.-i. of pcblioa t,.n ( :utj not (Mil l if la t.jr ilie vulilica lioii fe ol such not !... com vuNi'hvvrovs. A nnr rpnoo is limit'-d. all on.iitiiiniif.-O'iiiii mist he In n f un-1 to tlif i jjut, v, ith in wxsle ol jwirds. Tti paper is rcponslbb fur the eorn-et nesj :u--. ir.! .i: to copy i)f paid I latter and paid l.e tails, "i.ly. 1. Anv person who takes the paper regularly from t ti i..?'.-t.ni--. whether in"-'.'-d to I: i - ri:t!ii', in v. n. I In r In-li a iit-Tii-r or iml-n n sponsible i .' i r th.- pay. 1. If anv pi is,,;) or p-n his paper ill-mnftii-u. -I. Ii.- im:;-i .;iv all air.-:r:t.---. "i th- pal ii-h- -rm.-v rii:i to Mini :t nil,! pa;. m--at is rna-lc.'and ooli.-rt tin' v. hide ni.inn.i,!. wilether the :im r is t.i'-o-ii i i 1 1 1 I In; oi..ee or imf. y 1 ne com Is l;av e !' f-i '1 t bat r-f':!nz to f.-i'i :" tow.- i. ip- is .in-1 i indie ds from tl-i- post olticc. or i -i-ini lea ami bavin.; tie in i:i.r-:t:; .1 f i.i . is t,i o;i- yrt-i. irvi. !:. imisiionai, I l: VI I'. LOCAL NEVS. Pemoval f "Wc-cr.lt it Powell! To Shryook's oM Stand! Suits It the million at "W. & P. And w7t suit you never did see! Pepairirg done good at ?dercs. '?ltf A few City Orders for sale .'it this OfTW. tivltf ; MlIo(.vr.)naj sweet apples fur pleasure! School coiiimriiri?! two weeks from Mond ay, Sept. Capt. Paine cam? iu fi-ai Lincoln jestori.lay afteruounn. Fttt'r Mi-rfs expects to move into It 13 Dr-w house .S.itiirday. I'hil Voiii's I'inafore i ciir liil takpj tbo le:t'J. Smok? i!. 1 Latest Novelty, the Woo l Tug 5z cif ar at the I. (). Nhws Dei t. 1 -Dill Dun.ston is digglvz a well on nouth xi'h: of M tio Street, opposite the J". (). John Lach keeps soma very nire frni's ir ki-'l. at liis staii'!, foot t.f ." 1 1 1 Stieet. --Tear -'.km examiiiation this :i ftr-r-noon ati'l to-morrow at the School Ifotie. -Hob Io!!Ecl'ys lo'w l'.rick Fh.op is a' most rva'ly to go to wci!; in. (j'-iick joL that. - The "Tir:',i " went down Ike liver ii6 wee an. I 'ol a iol ol Jco. cos. i for hi r i!.o. Mis. K. s. Alpm-li froii! -!J X. J. ivnews L"r .-ul scriptin to the Hi :: a i.i th.i n'tt.-. A t'ht in the Djli-mian Hcttle ir.eut Fr'-lay r i j;ht. No emu s.ri raily mjur'.-il, hovr i r. t:r,( hrii;n'i, i'.iott. au 1 Th'-ias reaiii in I'i-tttsaiout'.j, dK:r; the count in orxi .-':.'pe. - Ji:n S.i -'s t.'.iai ran r.'.v.ir t!;e other '.::y . tiirnin t!'. w:oti nvi r.hnt Personal. - E. M. llartlett, f Omaha, called on Monday. Ilavn't seen him since the 4th of .Tuly, before. Mr. & Mrs. E. IT. Sage, returned Tuesday from a few days visit to Mrs. "W. L. Wells iit South 15enl. Miss Cora "Wells returned yesterday from her Grand Pa's in Jown, and staated for honie this morning. A brother of (3 en. and Chet Smith, Mr. O. C. Smith of Monmoth, 111., is enjoying the balmy alcoosphere of Nebraska. A letter to Mr. Fred Stadelmann an nounces that Grandpa Scfclegel will be home in about S weeks. He is going to drive across the ocean in a a express "wnrjan." Mis' Mary L. Iluby, a Nebraska schoolma'ain who had transplanted her self to Colorado dep.-rted these lower levtrhs for tho higher altitudes of Georgetown on Tuesday ; h aving be bin! the Ir.vurn :iwd many nthor me moiial of afTer-;ion to her weeping friends. "W. II. K:':"vtt and wife, residents of this city in '-"-'J , at pre.sfiiit res id in? iu Detroit. MifU.. are quests of M"r. .t Mrs. I). H. 'vVlif'.-l-r. Mr. IJ. owns K.O nn-f-fi of land near I'lattsinonlh, whieli he pre-empted in '37. He i ; at present ! atter.ded, ar.d the programme so iig:'gl. with tha ass'-.tance of h The following is so rich we can't help publishing it, though' A i the great may tramp on us mit his boot. It was written originally for the Lit erary Society at Pleasant Hill:" How Was Ami Torld, I'a'. That ixvvln c-attel tiim great ! Was be lik; Conr'l Ileisei, l'a. Ills lor-t ;t Uundrr-d weight? Oh. no ! my cl.ihl. about us larze as I or Kupa Snook. His feet were I l,r. of couise, you know ; I knew him like a l.cok. ( "Twas l:im my cliild, I' rt putlerl tlie t:ra-s iind hrwAi up by th root.s. Tlicy c.-.iiC'l him Krumt b or-n;r9 my chil l, he oru the greatest Loot. His boots so larRC, I know tlic-y're long ami hol low Iikr a l oat ; Wlifii t.tooil on enl tticy Iookrl of ronrne like lino'.e Jurnr' coat. He was so large that be couhl stand an '. look you in ihn r yn, And while his fo't w.Tii en t'ao ground h-gl-ovclo 1 in the iis. Twas lo rnv ch:M 1 !'at fonqucred wolves iiud levch-il ir-'.va 1 !o'ir don. Wi'.h f-'iih a'u! ;:i'.ii he at Ilo-ei wei.t adown r. darksome !-')tfn. RESOTED! 1'ItOPO.SAI.S FOR OATS. AUscott 4 IVvi 11 hate Cliaiisred their j ijiiaricrs, umi win non ne louuu at ShryoeV's eld stand. Hoado's 1 ...t. of !h'.' J'lattc. fltirf Q. Msollico, K'UtTIIMAHA. NKK., A I OLSTtlTH. 170. ?lMlHHM'niKlK iii li'ii.lif)..lA i tlic usual endit:oii, will lo ri'-i-i ed at lliis ; nllici'. lintil 1J o'l look. noon. ii Wcdnesdav. Au- j enst 27th. 17:. at which etare iin.l tmu' tlicv ! ill he oiioio il in tlio vrot-i'.ire of l-:i!d is. loV WHISTLE DOvTO BRAKES! ILAND.LANDF If wildcats in t lie cbssd he fu ind. in tirnti ?o tisii-k and diiS", Tll'-y knew tl. it, An. i, iu his wriitti, w.iri come to fc2.Tj them thence. !! con-.radr?, rhi' !. v.tre rec-t.oii. d thr-n a oaiy iliitl '.'n.!oot, Fr in the dr-'ith of e a!i and wolves, rirent Ami earned his l-oots. Tlie Literarv last night was very wife, brother-in-hiw acd v.-ifo Mr. ?c Mis. L. II. Trow bridge, in publishing the 'Christian Herald, at I--troit, one of tho leading J'.aptist papers in the I'nited States. Prof. Augt-ey's lecture Monday nig'.it was as woll alter.de 1 as we can expu'-t hie :u:d very interesting, as usual. It is the last time he lectures here we believe. The Omaha Herald says the Cass Co. Sentinel is iu its second childhowJ. Yes, but it d .csn't live on milk, nor tl;e "cream of county." but manages to survive off the judge's ' hash." Solomon of the firm of So'ornon & Nathan, will start east Sunday to lay in one of the largest selection of goods in their line ever brought to Platts mouth. A heavy petition is out to get the Post ();;ice at Light Mile Grove chang ed bar-k fioui "Kingsville" to its old namo, "lo'-'ht Mile." and f.r the ap pointment of a new Postmaster Two new font3 of the latest styles of type, j . ; a t reoeived this week flora IUachy & Co.. X. V. Don't forg"t that we havo the only Job types, in tlie city, that have seen a type foundry in years. --Tin hill still swanri3 with teams, more and more going on, every day. On .the other side immense engines h ivo been put in for puiopii g and pour.d'.n;', and the work is being push ei liv. I..-. LouisviM" cri V, .ist of a 8o,oOO j fire. Tli" P.. .v M. Depot and ?c7cr;l j cars l ta-led with grain, one or two of j "d an I v : 1 1 pr ib!y t far as was heard, was very good. Pirst on the list was a declamation from Mr. Campbell; ditto. Miss Sampson; essay. Miss Smith ; song, Miss Putter Geld ; declamation, Mr. Manly; essay, Mrs. Powen ; declamation, Gill Hobbs. Owing to absence of several members the programme wai shorter than usual. After recess the discussion waxed warm, but lack of t'me and space will not admit of particulars. Much speculation is indulged in whether the Greenbar-krs ar.d the Democrats can unite. Such men as Wave Alien and other real Greenback er's who believe in the doctrines say "never." OM staunch democrats, also say, th"y cannot agree to be swallowed by the Greer.b.-ifk party. On tlie oth er the ft Hows hand who are mere ly after spoils, or to gain a personal end, want fusion. Time will tell, meanwhile every Republican ii"e.ls to get ready to be at his post. Defeat this fall means despair i:ext time and that is the all in all for our j arty. Pear these truths in mind friends ju-iglihors. ThJa rtiai.itirtlOa fli 1 III ' i i t'le luriii-hni-; nml (lfoYfrv, m iu:tntiiii as manently quartered, awA are busily en- I ro.u:n-'i. m. o htvoiiiii-rr.i-t, 187:.. m imaha gaged in wai ting on thit raanv cus-i l.,'',,tt-t'll:1'-,r :,V M'it,'''119 c1' tl,e l"i,m tomeis. Ihoy loive just xvceived a i .000000 poumu .tt. 810.000 slo:k of goods from the Cede-j TVojirsais for na inliiiei lo- than the whr brated Clothing House of 11. A. Kohn i v,l!1 1"- "'eivi-a. i.iiv. iy of in.- a' -mii. if uluch they are disposing of fearrvjlly fer'-nee wiiu.e gh.-n u. artictes of Comt-stie cheap. Thev also have on the roaj, ' inoiiin'tion. another 810.000 lot from Philadelphia, tJ'r and without doubt will make a "oetter r.;ls. ( or n-diav t o.i.--ttii.-d i.y nit- ciiii-f display of I'IKST CLASS CLOTllISfl than lias ever Lefora been given in i "' 7 :;v!l iri' yr " wiocu the oats proi.s- 1 i ,-,,,,,,,, 1. ..i,-,:, 1 t 'I to ue liinii.-'iei! i-;v iron 11. and shoulu be I'iece cloths never was seen, aud so cheap that even the poorest can tit themselves out at very small cost. Don't forget the place. North side Alain st between oth and Cth. next door west of Saunders House. iX'tf. tcniia.sti-r of the l.t partiiii-iii. at any imn! w uiirt, m .iK iiavs Hlter la?o ot eonrra"t. l.ais lioiilil itati'liio r:ili- rr l.'-o j.mti0 s. ( not i. r endoi ed ou ciivi'toni's "Hids lor .its. l.iililfis are n;.ii-tel id submit prooals for dfliv. ry of t::- i.-a.s In new r.-ewnl l-mlait a'.-!; s of not over four Imshi-N each. : for p-irt or a!i tin- 0.1 1- to ne ilo', in in i r. :.i c -, til'-inaor s i-ks to ho jiroi,lr.il at Omaha lie I'' "T . by the iiaancraii.- . : 's Heriartmenr. Copies of t Ins ai'iViTSH,.n(.i.-';!!1.. of tin- cir cular ot i!i-!nii-tnie.s to hnlJ'-i- r m l,o ol.tam ed on an;.:;.-::! : :i to t !i is oiiice. .vn', ( copv i-at-h 01 sai l a !vr; .1;.. :.; .nni i u.-u) ,r inu-t 1..- a?t.;.i-iie.t ! or ;u' oai-Kiuy each H'O i L'.ite of thi" po;os-il and loiai pari tin-roof. '1 .if ' I'J i! To n-v-t :;:). or hiiU i 1 ( rvi-(1 2!'.. M.J. I-S.l.lN(ir...V, C.ie.f C:i;;,'l,-a.,M,.r. Eeal llstate )"dep. Wc understand Mr. Will "Wise has opened a real Estate office in con nee- lion with his law office. Mr. Vi,e j O.f.Sic means buine.-s iu this and proposes to J t:;m..ii.-'--N.. si.o.kr or sii.-n-inc.M-!, 3 r 1 ! lor J . !.! 1 1. Si i: 1 i : :':p ! n-1- ita ii'uu.' ot V 011 - attend promptly ar.d faithfully to r.ll i 'e-:i.ii ii:v.i;ti..n, -ne.;.; itni f.t.n omN. rar- . . . . , . ,r , 1 !i'i -S I I --!' i'.v li ., l.)(.i;ilN Si..eii.c:i;:i). lM'i bussinesa r'i:trur,tea to 10:11. he a.- - readv has quite a numb.-r of town lots Anpfl A :'oNT'V t'laraeo-ed. si-j a :.i;.- r.t 1 I W 5' !"' isri-!.- tvtiii- iii-owt'toiw. up as well as several farms on his bcok-3. I 1 V jj I e.i :, 1 r-r.neit ; will -I ;! mo. , .,. Y www:..n.v. .!.!. yai.-n-iris liiakcini.u- :uco in r 1; zgi ra m oiocs: 1 r.snii.gs old room. Cuunti'.:ti: ated. 7'o ihr. i-:i!!-.r u.r; u::j:ald: At our hist spring aleci'.oii you, with others, were greatly i:it( restril to bet terthe t:";i;u-ial coa!itin ef our city; yet wo will always ihul some w;:;;ld-bo public rulers while pretending to kelp tlie city out of its financUl embarrass ments, are at tbe s-;m time, trying to extort tlu last dollar from cur city treasury. Not long since the city council ap pointed a srrcial citizens' committee for the purpose of providing certain grounds asked for by the P. kcc M. P. It. Co., necessary foi tha It- K. shops ev raster at work 1 iris ;n:.;i a; an;. I hour e!-e. Tii" v 01 k is ii-! '. ;.:ui pii-a-aM. und mic'-. us any on.- .n ir- r:;-i!t ;-t. 'I lio-e win. are Sm- !i.i m-o t h is !..-t v. iii -.-ml us tleir alire-s a- o::i- : ...l i'fi ! . ! i ii .-in-. ! v.. ... t 'o : : v 01.' I. : i-inl t I ' . I : : 1 1 . . Nil1 1 I.i,. I ! ' i 1 l i:i.., ..." 1 . v at .o;k a't- l:-i':-r up I::!--" 'o- of nionov .'. !ii : i ss Tltr i: C'.. A !!..! t:l. la i lie. Uiy AND SIDE TRACK IN FRONT OF 1. hi w W v t A il WWWWfct m&'i ESCOTT AND POWELL v ESGOTT & POWELL f4) 6 6 m i BEST FARMING LANDS I IN NEBRASKA. K-i ii- See JDT2D 3TOTJ E-V-EE, Such a Slock o Goods r If o ? Never I Hardly Ever I ! i t(."t nhn'nhi -.- i'.v ..- - v?;i:ti), . ..- f.'V-. v' r:.scoT r'- p.: l is t'n ), !,-.: ;. I r..;:r -.'- (,f!fs. I't r',- ,:,,! I'.mtt 'And do 'j a- ii--!t i's cii I ',?; f'.,.'t.-:,'fn anil oar Aunt?. -0 i. M::5KASliA. Great Advantages to buyers Ten Yt:ns Cn tUt ct C, jHrrrnt Inl-nst. Si.i Ytnis ( rttfit at C p, r mit Tnt,.nstf !!!! -i't1-;- r, :,t JU.:;Uuf. if.ii' r I.il ei-.-il lll.i-oii:it-4 l r r.islt :enn- on l-'.w. -i an I I ' ri'li; li 1 ., a.iil I'l t'iiiitifiiH l-.,r S in i- -. 1. ion t-.. I'.ilii; t 1 ! 1 - ;i 1.1 i:i,, eontaiiiin full ii.m;;,'-uii- w :l: ... I..-,,, .-l!t ,,, V I I'll! Oil ' 11) . 1 , . l.A.M I 1 '.li '.; Is.-li !;(;. i. M :. K. I.i -I..-. .N i:i'.l: 1.-10, .5- ' 0-;t.5;"' ;7--. 1: Cv;i-: l .. t'- i.:i I'.r.'l 0 r " in Tliirly nf t!ip l;-t nv.'-.a rii-'a i-i of t!'.e V. ori. 1 .i o en in 1.1 : ; 01 ;.; 1 ,o 1"; 1 is 1 vj.oMti..n. a r-aoif ;: pat eh io the .W ..-iat.-d I o-s says t-.Mi hi-hfsi iroht tm-t-iK have l.coii aw.iriie.t "to t he Ann-iican miikt-K M i-vn ,t liatatia. For Sale or Tra.ie. A line bav tuare six vears old, with cIt cheap for cas!i or urd note; or to trade for tu.i lots, lr.quirt this oliic". Louisville 'tVhiteand l ire Prick Worlds. ("apt. J. T. A. Hoove'-, Prop. Uriel: of every kind "Wall, ornamental ; fire briek (specially for Pakers, Piev.ers, Poun dry men, Ac Write to J. T. A Hoover, Louisville, Neb. l'Jtf Iluropeaii Hotel. This is a new 1 otel, ej.posite the Acaviemy of Music, O street, Lincoln, Netiia-ka. I', is hist class in every respect. Good sample rooms for com mercial men. Tonus, 8 ' per day. SruNcKi: & Uf.ooivs, 4-iIy l'roprietors. Xo:)liipst aiHl LnUt Styles ol SuiU Av.Tul Chpai;. BXtLisir vt)i;:n:i cir., -vj'tc djavlval suit;;, SCOTCH SUITS, oH-JVKr -Si'ITS, CASSJMj;r Si' ITS. STJIAW HATS, VKLT HATS, PILES OF HATS. POTS' AXD VHILDPEXS' CEoTIEYC, TPoWKS AND VALISES. o 'Will M-tl v.ni ro-elv inade sulis. or !!.- the p.oee il. in.! 1. i i,,- - -il l,a... n .-; t a at line and aaniutee sat ; - I act i. n. ,-lll.S. O. y.-ir O-yc- J,.,, ;. , , ,- -:,.. j,.,, '- u,u iiiu i, .n. v. Jloh.1 ke. will cxeciite t In il woi I m - C nai iercial Xoto paper. !y the ipiire or 'I'la iter icon, for sale cheap, at. the Hi- a.vu "llae. irtt Com, wood and oats wanted right here, on subset iptioii. Antelope Prewery, Lincoln, Neb. Fresh good Peer on hand all the time. Order at once e-f bridge. To accomplis! the Company's request, it cost.our city i2.!Q-). Still, we .are deriving more bom-lit in return from the U. A M. P, P. Co., as every citizen well knows that the company, lately, has been vi ry kind to 1:3. Some To.i -ti 1 ! iers of this r.-, rial citi- (l f . . ., i the. Company, or Kcenan fc Gr;ie' zcn committee, of which cx-cou::cu- ... . man P. G. Dovey was ch airman, have pros i-.ted the city cou:.cil wjth bill.-', a"?!.:;!!; 810 pay for each committeeman, for their .services rendere-i our city. Mr. I'd i tor, do you consider such charges just? Thi:k of it! The rich men of our town cannot afford to s; rud ;i little time to help cut our citv S c 1 . 1 i 1 z ' M i 1 w a 1 1 k 1 boer on draught !Mas. at L. f.o.seiib-iuiij s salo. n. Nob. . 1-uf. l'iattsuiouth. l'Jtf I.3ips ?-"f-,v Lumps! The Jones A Sugru portable bracket i.Trip, convenient, nan isomc, safe and Plattsmo; Estray Notice. T.iUi'M up by iU itnh'M't-iner Jivhi r in 1'!.-! I -liioii; 11, pn-ciiic: . 1 u eoieit .1 uiv 2. Is, i. 1'i i.oit bay mare, a inn;c feet, and isViiat is ki.o. u as a stump sucker. !-!" w M. II. Siii;;-m:i:i). Eshay Notice. - . . v - t -, ' . i 0m lilXlAli iSOTIC'KS. Taken npliy tin sul sci jb,.,-. liv : n -r fue miles It ol i-jin Water Fails.! a.-s i . N.-b I on.- I ev.- s vn-t r, nr..i.d ot ictur -li1' en !. u I i-iiie. I ho owner ma v call, pruv e nroin 1 1 . o.i v i-har,es aiul lake pioperty :iw ay. I Ji Vi. 1'am.c.n I N, Attachment Notice. Do Tore Vitliain Smctc-hnatin, ) I . It. Hieiia. M. ( C'b Sheriifs Sale. I'.v in in - of tm a'-.-. r-.: -iit;,,-. .v v.'ia. Cu-rtt ofii.l- I . ...ll Kl 1 if..; . u .1 l.'i.i :,l,,! t I I'-r 'a.-.- eoua t y. eoi asKa. and to me ill .,-e! ( it. On it; :.. .lav of ;i.--isi o-: j v,,,i i,..t.,.- '""..e ...... .a oi aiKoiM. ,. i. :.:. ;,i Soused au order ot at I .vi. i in'iheab.ive ae- on;':";";,".1'; '?.S'' ,'.'. ' i'-P n' ,!"' """l' ie.-ii lo.- t in: 'ini of s;u I.-). - join.' tn.,,1 iiiiim. in I !-.ts;,:t'.. in In' raijhruploy. c!:eai. C";iu be priood anywhere in the reotn. Cotno and see them at th - i .-i i .. - ii i e iiei'-s ii ;.-:t :mm1 iu ) in ! ".-o.: iC-sUtooi liu- .- iii.l il .M:-l iMIIIti-.- fs W iii Ho- I'oi : i; .. e.t liiiaro-r ' -i -.v i.i ;:,., i In the P'diii I e'.iu-t i i" ti.e '.'ni;...; Stat.-s, fur i 'oit-.-.i n o t .-r (u v. .,) of ilo- s net th I l: :et o i ...-:u:.s..i. Iu tti.- na.to.-r ol i .u:irli ri- w '4u,i ceti.-n i,a,al.r i . - ,i .-ilic-t . iroie. i-ri::!.iuM. I ' " '''' "-inp iNo. l.v, oH e I !') Ii.iri.i laiee .-j i a it..-, ; i i at. -. i . it r, ( lk::i,'s i whicii wt re notLi!l'- I x.i be Va loss of tl.o shipp'-t n t learned. St,-., 1 A Picture. Mr. Ilesser gives the 1 1 Kit ai.u a very handsome pirt nre of a familj" gia.-ttp taken iu id J Ind i.ma, censirtiog of Mr. lP-ssers father and mother, broth ers and si-ters, his I'neics ami his cous ins and his aunts. It is a fine view ami .the H.-:kali will prize it vtiy mi::'.; io.!i l'.i itsi-if a-.i : for the giver. from its financial troubles without La ing well paid for it. I r.m told that Mr. D jvey's services anil ti:u. did i:t amount to a doihu'.s V.i)llll. If you desire to know to whom great credit is re illy ! c-- in toy esti mation, it is his Hiiifi, Jos. W.Joiin'-s-o.v. throuul: wh-ote gr-;ith;:i mlv and store. Price, 8-.03. 20tl J.VMiis Pi-:Trr:i:, Ag"t. i li" r,",.". .V.UfW of re-: leas v.autf.i. I'urs IJ.tlJU names and l'S lent s we iii s-ml ' you .1 tine silS liandkercliief. evrrv tiecadsik. Keuular price . i.ii'i, ( ;. y. Foster .V Co.. l.'-.Ctatk S:reet. eiiicicn, III. lnni. k:ud f inieavors n? I'nrti'-ii'.aif i : -n . a " -- Largr st and best ;.-t-.t i'iug.-i i::'-- Co.t. an ! ;i.i.il-.ii!. .at the P. O. News D -pot. Our "D-.-Yil" went oat to boiifs" sti ! fell asie- p i:i the binelled Ue-efsteak a. I . "Ii -II Jerden. r.V" was pieciate '. what there was o: West wni.low Mon lay eve. A little racket o -earn d Mi-. t Saturday night. ', full and f-.t knocked, down. --"Hit: -.i.i ice. . 1 I... ic-o: I Pi wa and s.i! . . .- : t: i! (Vi i ch tiy.-g to ; to. it's ' : i a y loft. -it. t.:.:v. s. e:i in ;, -n about j 1 ' e i ;a CI Pit" ..r C:.i:- c! . hin' that i i 1 1 : . -, i i-)thi:ig : : i'. g.)i ci..;:.i -.1 : -a r s-.t i-fai-t i:-n. We. i as stand ', r p".is!u.! h!i;ing to h g i oar citv a: C. Here; too i.i vi:. a:. I :: I ! . e wi ii :i .- -. i 10 .i iid it.te: t -S oil i e e ) . i I ' i -,:! IU 1 i s. He th rra-s. of the tin-uit'-d - bits ( r.C 1 5 e. c. i ;-c in !i:st class '! tt: I i:as l '-C"i '.'i d ; French ' an ! F:i..iis!i : mem i -. -r t he i lace i . nas ot t n i pii.oei ; v ; ' V e .ii a u;;t. e j At toe same tii.; -vi.I eci:;:-.' to :i ::; v. ; Jtif.ns of ::.ait'-r to nCiiies r j , r tin t of this wo. V, as ! iter the ii titii.-ial 1 hs been ace-vim- I Pi n a ti - u it. i m--;t f the above. v." ii ot: r ct y ! r.iits, for y.it v. c i , -l 1 ef.-. to charge ( of -.!j:i' i.:.. !. i s ' c f t i.: .'" men tap- r ; i 1 a. k c:d : i ".v.;. d their pi t Now is Your Time to purchase a good washing Machine "The I'm kh nrst." Try it and be con-viii-. td. A f ii o trial will be given to ad. W. IL PicKKXs, AFi. -Jt4 Phittsmout!).' Neb. P: tnet.ib. r that for boots ;iud shoes .1 irk wed cannot be beat in price. Ho. i.;:s a hi!':, i's. o;-t!i. cut. :tf. I I I iii (111 I.-o t .1-1 1 Hi,- I . ". l. il, I ;, M nor. .: .a. i. Ni t . A air. 14 1 a. j :.;.. " '''' 'ii'n . a mi in me pari ir-al 1 1 . .i..-.eiii.,. I To n-h- .-) if oi: I rn: a- eoiii-iicin-i-i at a l mo thr-e- li.::,,s ;,t:i y . . . , i T. : i. ;:. eeiei.v i,.! a . iitio:! ;,; heen. sever, ty-ia.ie '. : ,iii.. . :;.( f .1- !:: ntiw.-t J Olins-bl s lit llg ) to--., n. o iae :..;.;;i. ' i in A. i. j I Oi ' oi t oi ti e s ir,; h a, -1 ', i , , , in-.:.i ln-.trbt Coart by Ali-.-it .V. liole f trn- .? i uwei e.r.at o.-i- ii: w ..i .-..;! , ! 1. leiHli. m said 1 tti n-1. wiiu iias l,r.,.p Km number t.eiity--i. -;.-. atui fiitm.nf t hei.ee !:!. l. ivie dulv oecian-d itaiikrapl uiidi-r ?,:'."T-,'" ,'"'' !' f !l (otli c-t-.li,M lm-i....ti '. : a- ae. or e ntro es c mi . led "H:l ,'i t o K-t,,;,. '' ' tf.i.is a.iU twenty -live C- 0 illlks. to iish a ei.iiorai - sioni of Uannipfv f hiou-il- i ' '" s ( " ' "lier or be son! !. v 1 ,pi:r;.-i cur tlie I'ni-.ed .states." appnoi-tl M "eii 2 1 ' ,s ' 'i tf the iK.iih-A. .piarjcriu w '...! .tat. I lMi7. and as ametnie.l. t-u a diseaarLa- :n.i ra. j -: ii. tb.-o vott!t. ltl t !. ii il; i h (. t u , see titieate lli-teof, from i i, Oel'td an i .'tin : i 1 ' l; ! v - haii- to t,,,. . , . i . : i : -1 claims iiiovable uinlei s-:-l Act. :.:i t i.:.;-.: I ! :e ! , 1 : : ; : '' ' -t ;i ml e a 1 1 i . m li - : i.i m ei ion : lttli dav of Septfinbc: 1-7. . :.t 4 p. re. at ttv I " '"" rbii..'! ; west, sixo-rn dill liains a;ni otiieeof.l. 1,. Weiisi - v. - r, j.. tin- i.ojji-. t f in j IM "'n ! V-e , (.'..) iii.ks . Hit-ni noriii. tweiOy P.:' nki uptev (or said ! .i-l riet' at I'nali.i in said : e'.c.:::-. i,. lite pin-.- of bfviunii, ; m.h, Pis! i ii a. is "the time ami p! a. e a.-.-'iue I for lie i "'ar-t oi !-..! Puis les-!ibed ..'it a ii.m,' thiif. In ar.iK of Hie same: w;.:i aan w acre v.ei two ;uk! tifly iu-ln:ti.Iret! h i : -J .n-Mn acres": lie: V aoei 1, and si:ow 1--.U .e. if :,i.v vo l l;iie. 1 ti-so eoiii inene'i: at a p.:i;.t three ,io ciiaim why the pr.yerof the : ai.l petition" stioul.l i,. i J :,b't ei ;( - SI i liiiSs we-t of the ipiaiter lie ii ranted. :2:3 V. a i s i- ' -M i I 11. t it i k. Estrav Notice I o .:.- t -..: t i i. i A VI.: v:t, :: -- .. I. !', tiay. .N o i i :;s w , , j ,e. l:l -:!. ;: the inioii'-.' - t ,; ni-eiev f 1 -! . o-i --ill o, i., !'-,,':: : : ; V" Ji-rr i '. : t. Si:!...-, 'l t . : - I., ,,, j;l. Lr ..,, ,t J ,; i bi llH,'. !., 1-1,1 Take. i up hv tiie subs'-rioer one bh-.-k so-.v. W.th 1 1. 1 ee pi.'- V liai a ; China 1,1 eci - 1 a o I. ir 1 s :.n,i on. .-iiw. and ihe wu t i has a rii.uk- j el ::i 'I'lo- i a . t-i .- in havo tin- s mie i v ap- ! ply lie.- .0 i . v el.ee, and ),a w-i- t ho e'uii :e- i.n j lot the r-'t'-av I :'-.. .1. ll. ilKlMXia It. : - I iai I : -,b,.i-. v i , c- I : Mi to lo-V Sheriifs Sale '.Oil ou r S. .-:ie p ry from Lvingsvilh' wtis Kent iu several wc-iks ago. If the vi'itcr ever sent, his or h'-r i -1 1 name j ve have ln.-;t :t a:: I moreover v;.- are J afraid tir te i ; a cat ia the inr-al-tub on Main i ;,,u; .no i.Xr::Ai.r m: :ht ;-et into a row mt'.n wtt: :t:t t save n ne g;od of the city, ltvver off r t.) pay a c-.'nt. or even j i i - ill the !:. ot i New i:nl.Tprie. j d ud by th - city. 'i A. Marshall, at Weeping Water, will I gi?n as much tin.e, a i ivoru or- j ; paoor has and i.u-'iiev. t r r--.i iii-liUi I . e ..::. ;:.-' ,or. .5 x.ct v. ,c t ' o a ' I ' e ,,'t th,- I f - r p '. id - ii .--s bofei t.i : ,- semi t; .,-.:r s and we v. ill lye-: !u.t p- ft i.-ni. ::-s::a. I private ! rnis fie.- : !: -1 1 1 - 1": . e ; , ,'i r;.!i ;, ., n.-O;.. v ::: i !. r .e!. a :-: 1 r:..( ; i .' ; ia , !; - .- e'e, I-. ia :.;ii,e. i..iv :;..i-i i iM.'i C .i;t. v. ith hi ; a lilt to me li i; ccleil , A. I , 1.-7 I. I - . , t new f ?i- by publishing th-i same - Doc. Jor.t "3 csr.'t b Iitencss ; h? ; j ad-1 t" his Drug b-.!ssi:u-ss, I ture for iho town; viz.: A j v.-her.- all the latest papers, peri jdicais. m. izir.es, ,vc, can bo fen If sup- it from bis chair m t.,e :M"i a room and g tll.ttf.lv ten- !' :o A. Wig-, i.hoi-i. Ashland. Nebra.-'.a." was ti .ins.', red from cur opes to earns ou i u-s .say las,. 1 i:,e H u , . tt, iitfi(. c.i" th- bootblrek. i --cf b isines s cir,l of Vi"l . Wise. ! He !':.'. 1 iv-p. tf'llly decline 1, how In -tm.ther column. .Oi.ic s in room ! ver, thought that ' Pili Jones was! putting up a I,--. : fr r... I ' i 5rt.vl '.t-m.Mrlv Mr. Mars!-.:t!l will add i :.. ..u .. : :.. - . i --- 1'c i me 1 1 y occupied by P. C. Cashing. We v."er down to see the "pit" fo tl e v.o-t abutment whi'-'.i Lit it r wil loom ut .to fee?, and be I - foot s inure Our worthy Po-t;ni-t: e-f. Mrs. Mar 5r. we are sorry to iu-..rd is very io : uiseasa somet'.un:- a-: m ti"ou:nsv. ! Miss I.ou.Shryock b; tho little house known as )b on him ." I Fre'i.i cur Ilo.k F luffs Correspeui : dent w- learn -.vith s jrrow of the (ioa'di i of Mrs. Chalfa.'it. Owing to abs-r.ee j we have not noticed this fact before, j We deeply sympathize with the rrla ! lives and f.un'.ly, many of whom are to the same- from time to time. We I hope ia- car. make a success of this plan, ! as a good news depot is a handy thing to have in the house that is, the town we m?.in. to forward this city man. of anv ;t 1 1 . thought of as".. ii.litteC, a c: ,d.." .at as anv I '.V--At i'.;r.'.ir :. N,-i r::sO -. I " : i s . i.e. r. i;..-c ! i l '. a . , : :.'. .i :: s A . ' s j ' ':rt- ( aittiol! to Si:n?i( ;-s. Prom r.r.d tsffr the 1st dav f Mav. jie-vcr j !'-.'-; all boxes containing cigars of n.v : ;., n-t ,.!c; ;;re win ;.ae :.;v n.u..e i,.,m- i I .r ....i. , .. 1 .... .. :. : .... 4 i i : i ' . - ' i iv i-.i o.i eiit- c.ii.ui; m tiii.u.i. t nis . ii.. c;. is to prevent r---t . ; tt -rf (-it : i r mv brand ! for t a-- of rigtuY, uitli an inferior quality of i I'-L.,1 " : ; , p.' i; i no i -i :"i ei Well :, C! -ii, ,.f ii f I to- a- i ouniy. N ,. bra-;.-I v. ill on ; '! iii ,':,.- . i at la o'clock, n. :n.. t -ail anv. floor of I h- Court It.nise. in -., ill ( 'oaiu ; I ' l-iie a:-.-- ion t lie lei .o -: : .: i e:; 1 es; a; , " 'i !v I ..-ft il est ;,.- ,. -.v i. ; of s.-veioeeii ; l"i to- li-,,;p An. t.-iiv 1 j !;!'. No. r.it-o '," . iii Ca-s t'.naay. Nehr.i-k;'.. '1 i.e sa :!: e, - , U ' led upon and iai.i u as :.. pi op i I ty of ! '. A . aod A. I! . ioul. I. oi'o! .iir.i : i. s.e i-i'y a j : :' : m ,: 1 .if said i oe.rt. i ; - 'V-l - ,, 1 v .John i:l.a-,., i'hnull.t. :. V. 1. !-.!: -. She-: ;!-', 'a-- Co . A. ii. r!:'5tst!!!!t!i. Ni '.. A 1 Ti;i. A. I. is7-' , - j isi ct n -n corner miT,c-t .'!( of said seel I wen: - -. , Jin ; thence ea-t on tin- ipiai ter i : - s.-.-liioi Ime. -ivtcen it -o chain- a,: 1 t , i i Iv -live tf o links, to the iiorllieast in . i corner of tl.e s.Mll i, .rest (jUl.lter IS w h) of S,.id net ion; t hence --n it ii in ei a: h ( - t ii i sei I inn line I a en -I V cj.n eli;:;i:. to s iinlien.t ,s o ciuaer i f p., uoit In. !( i, nai t-r (ii w ., i of the s ii lew, si iie -it ; a- c- w ' . ) r said seciioti t ei v- - i i .. ; t'll-iuv We-i, on the ei.-Uill ( Iii! -,e,-i..; i. ? r-i t e. ll i b i ciini!.- :u:u t v. eh t . -!: v e i . . i Hi:';- s : llieii.-e li...--.-! t w eat v , . o ei :. i 's, to t h , ;-iac of be. iuaiiif. mol c. ra ! :ri V-1 v-.o : I i::' oi.o-l.u-M'-eifhs i.:j r.n-!.i ii ai-n-s. ,.' m ji. : II - ; y -i. v , i acre- ,.f i. i :. ;!,, . ,.t ... ).j ll i ee -i t v -'i v e acre- ot : ), i f, -i- i, ed l y Win. I l on-f e.ii (:,,v of .In:-.-, i -!-.- : : j-. , , s- ! , i lli.i'l .111 CM et.OOll l.-sfi'll I'l ;,fs ;,;, uii' saie oi w iiieli v.a- rn ; : ; ,j : . , ; ,-.', ); ; ,,i , a ii, I wiieb in buiei i.e: ms !,-,' u ! 't he c, :a ; -fie he:.! for i. m i . ; ;ev ic.j upon : : d 1 o..-!. a- I , -,- pi- .... i -j v of V.ho. i :. I'm , r. ii. i -i if . i.i : to - :: i t v a i i-i. v t sai-! ei.nr!. l ecovi-i-,.(! i v I'ir-t ' Nation;-1 Lack oi IT'ltvnotuh. Nebia-!::i. p!fii;,.;i. i'iai t-aiaiu ii, Ni-i.ra- k i. ' e' y p h . .V. i. - ' ' ". ' I'si '.-rX' James Pettee I I usica! I nstru m on Is, s-.:- Aj-p:t'nCi'j A'j ut J' r Tin- I vnll.-il tfasimi tv Il.iiall., 'A 111 NET Ou't.'AXS. A!-o. fhe-i ,-;, Thai p. ..! i ,h i . ;, ,.J i;,, ' ' liai ti I i : i- , ;,M ,,,,, t;iU .iff .. Neb. : iii ...... ee S A M I'LL T NSTP CM I l.N TS at or.'h-e. Sith. one door souih of .Main hi, VI. 'I I SN!i.; - !I. ;;. lusii- lioliti s iii ilo i, . ai,;iue oar OKG-A l-I I1TGTRUCTO lil l;orhrc; Silo also ! lu irs, i esoi ted to by some niiprinci- Of the! 'oC If '..a i -:;i:-l C : u .!--. . . ta. i f - .1,1 ! id. 1 maiiu! turers. v 1 !-;- Wia. r.. " . v i 1 1 1 1 ami to I .:,' (..i.-et-'i:---t. A. i. at i con: a v. st ! 1 -i Sii, ; i,, i I .,. N, b. CRAY'S SFECIFIC MEDICINE 7KA0 fviARKh Th,-crri-rn-li.'b TRADE fA".. Ilonipily; a is " iiiifailinr c ire lor .1 V.-'.ut. .'-.'.-.- uo-H, Fpfrrr,2(or r'f i-S- rhtn. Iiji'si-r, ; jif .if "- e 1 on, ; a ra :.-r,l. tl.: S i - .. it he:. l.'in: v. ha a i i bio an- ti-t i::'a:i .'. r i v. i a inoi-.tn f-.i-tt:-j iiaie . i:u, ;m thi.se ... ; c. P.:., .-i.; ihcy a; ia the care of l. c-h all tS.itii w-.l. ATTOI vi'V AT LAW. li- a: !.;!.:. Tiie In-:rai.-e ii.e! ' ',-li , tin. i A;, -ll'-;-. o i.e. ni i'.t-lal-l s i :..,-):, l'i.i: i-.m u; a, S .-:,r j -;-..i. l':uj If voti will st! a.!! votire a .in to i tiiiisy. ,, .,,,:,...,... ,,.1 r V".l l j'Ll ni.'.l.a .1' u r : l.v. o i. .iii-. i iii'.ii,.j. -Now is the acr.-.tp.l time, Phil purchased j e ( o o ; - r - . , i . r i 1 l ihi'vt wi'I ri',-iiv iii i-fiiii inm for bot,?,.. Jt,st ea.t of Cjpt. t)"ib m.keV. j ti;e ky :l;H se:lli.weoklv Inter- i . i o or.lv c'asi Jo' printing I Ocean dtaing the cmptiign. f ui nisl.c 1 our citiretis for m my a day I Weekly I utt r-Octan Z mo?.ths, 2Zc. lias been exacuteJ at the IIoiiald of- i Smi-Wfeklv Inter-Ocean Z iifiiths. oOc. lice. The firm of Dakia, Arthur Krahn rf D fcatu r an I Oikkiti 1. Neb. are hav- .ept. 1 :i:id wrong notions in doctoring yottr- isive doc- r-urn Pobeit Donnelly iLsirrs to give no tice, that owing to the liro tiend, hi.- old shop is H't.i cf, but that from now until bis rr bii' k .-ii-.-p is completed . T li.. , ,1,1 V.r.-,-. 1 l.r. 1,,, 1 . . I ... . . .... i... . ... ...... , o, . v o...t ... , stli ui;,) iamiin-s witn exn old customers, ready for business-, at the ; 'hop of A. D. Despatn, on 7th St., and Chicago Aventu-. I'e also wislies to state that ho needs rmmey badly, and all those knowing themselves in debted to him will please call and set tle as soon as possible. "Otf a vacant ine u ni ess plainly labeled: J FLIPS iM.Pi'IlllPFPC, f 1 anti -.CTi"i:n;:, Phtttsiiivulh. - - Nebraska. H ou't be i)e;eiveii. Many persons say "I haven't got the Cops!!'.iiptio!i" when asked tor nre their (huigh with Shiloh's Consumption (Jure. Do they not know tLat Coughs lead to Consumption and a remedy that will cure Cons amid Ion will cer- '-(Ti i- !-b' h- ;i;,.-ti..'i the f el iviu' i -.! . - ;:!, j., wit : s ' ' V ! n-ii i 1 1. civ f.eii-teea (1 O in" the citv if i.a.i-iu'ia.i, ca-s eeuti, y, A . a I i -1-: a : I In "line bei- If. Id t: nun and la l i u as t he prop erty of Win. A rin-; ro;c; a ml i iifa A nil- i roi ilet -i .iatits. jo si. I is: v a piu,.a,.cin of s-i ;, court", recover, -, l l-v Jacob V.-.ia-rv p-a-.ittli. li. v.. ii. ri;s. She ! ft ';- Co.. Neb. J'I:iti-:i;o;::h. Xch., Jn'v -3 A. f i -:.j Sheriff's Sale. Py v irtue ;,f :i-1 01 ler of s-,le i.-si;ed Iv 1.;. L. V -n-. eh-i k of tie- l.i-tt i-T oi. 1 1 iihia a: 1 lor ;,-- ce,:-:t y. Mr br.t-ka. :n,,i to in" tin ec-il. 1 v ill n the 1-t ('..'.y 01 Sej.l.-.nl.er. A. 1 1 s7a. at I ol i-ioi-K :i. in. riMiii i,.,i, ,i uie soutii iinnr before Takins. Abuse: i.i-,.f A ft it Takln:-. Motnr.r-, TriivfTs-i. I.nsity If, Tain in the TIji. k. riinn-i nf Viilfn. rr'-mt:re OM fi-i rrr.ny rt'.r !; V.mt li -i I to InmiTy or (V :.ur.'r. ni: ' a i'r- n aturc Ura,-. CT" l"u'' I nr-i'Par in ;r ; -.ir, h1 t!,.i h Wr (, ir tn tnr. 1 tv-i riiil evrrr r-r". f j - r. .lUr M-1!.. ;l- is .-M by all lru.vi'.:s ai Ji j..r r -y-. ct -j c j fir f-", or vM 1-3 jt-nt fr-e l-jr nail u icc..i,t of the! ina-.i- y b .Hrca.iur Tim cuiT 3ii:r:rsxr: ro., Mm-MAic1 Ih.-XK, Dfiriioir. Vrm. l' ' S't. :u l'-;;t t s;;t)UtU P.IkI 0 tT il f - - 1. THE Ciiicao Enrlliion u Qcincy R, R.. is T 1 1 1 -; - DIRECT ROUTE r.:: t v -j u :; East andWkst. Running TLroiiIi Cais ,1:,!M t: i ?. -r, A !S 8-T- " CouiTciL Bluffs, coNj:cn :(. wrrii ii..; Lr :n-s "it f F? n I -a r ! T.tA.t. '.i ;a. .':, ; . i .xa. :f mt n ! - '' ism G. Teaiperanee Kacanipmc-at. The State Temperance Alliance will convene at Tekamah, Part Co., Neb., This offer will b-j withdrawn by loth. Ch.:. llhivrn l;.vs bo't a lot in i-.g s mi. :la.j job printing .lona at this ! i'ke s aihiition, on .Mam t-r., ana win t,pt n j. Vt U- Isi (Ii,v t.;;;,-e. j build him a house thereon. Peter .- . i . o .i . r i ,.:i.4:.. I J:iit-S lias mo iiiiiaiiei JOi nui uinj. iilns .; Kichev furnish the to:s or hum!. ug cure-all, ihatdoharm ! fJli"' a,'a S:ifelt' lrsl,r V a a"-y I VX t-t 'ho c X'i'X- u, - ii'1 alwavs. and uso only nature's simple ! h,.:!f.ur thrVat t,,';i;" ' V, k!:v u 1 Ji n-Lvith.-'i- ' oaV..li-. a. ?.. :.;V,;,- ."rW,.,, n!.! reiit'':e ; for -til o"-r -r-bin-i-ts vi.l cure when ;cl ot ners tail and our ! mm-no. to-.-a,.,- v.. t.u-ivc also. u-. iSi";';; weiimneKmy:;; -- xh x refund the price paid if yon recei .e t.m-h-iiip tu. i.e i :io l euc-ht. Is not tins a lair proposi- i;. e-t ii all in r.iin:e tiiii t.-i a trreat expense. The "Teati si retnei ....!.:. .i. : " . . , . :n leueiit. Is not tins a lair l.ronosi- i 1 ' '''' e: n i - .u.. m.-ia a n.a pi op.-i ty lot ii.i-, iii.-kn.il, i.M.!..llil goo-U m ,j ... i,..:.. ,,i ... . . , ' i tin-n 'aiiin;! ; lb., -aan- b.-ii;r I.i ui-on cot- J!s,-,. o ir :"" 1 "1-- "" ami taken as tlie or.. t en v of IL Tt. IV :,i. V'.,i I s l.iil re.v on it. S.-e- another c iitiiu. SJ A L NOTICES. Lost: per bottle. For lame chest. Pack or ! side, use Shiloh's Porous Piaster. Price " j ;.'" cents. For sale by Chapman cc i Smith. I ruggists. j Vv'hy wiil you Mtti'er with Dyspcj-si.i and liver complaint, const jpation, and pi.i in 1 i'L t ') sat iiv a t a, I anient of said co:i:i, re- c-e. eieu oy .K'liii i,.ai :y, leieiioa.-.t. K. W. MVligS. Sheriff C;os Co.. Neh. I'lattsmo-.ith, Nel). .Tuiv t'Uh. A. i. !-7). 1 ft- ITlrtrf i.,,;j; .. inn.. ..x k . ioiii.1 i.-i u.i,,ii.i!p i iin.u nine j j ( - ncicguns.opcu u-.e oV.-nne. Don t i Iu:;ibG- Who euvs ur colored broth- t.o an to L-i burnt cut again s, ea.y. , c . . f'orchxn-d and pros wither. ! , penr.g. Sept. 11, 1J, !3. 1-1. lstdav lied P.ib-I ?t raved frn Sfrhetvs Crec-k. seven 1 Kd(-ra11t-biliiy when you can get t r.:i ir:,-:i ;nm bon j.u.-i.h-d over bv Lion. J. P. Finch; l.mihs .-r.st r.f Lmcolti, or.e mare, li-ht i oUI' sl Slnl oil's System Vitali.er j 'I 'n-c.,.,,i ,: . . fn I day T.-mnlo of Ilont r, Gc-:i. A. IL jsoirej. while sja in forehead, strap I winch we sell on a positive guarantee j I';,?,: ','',-Vel lil-eiv. '' Po a ; ; ::r.l dav. flood Templars, Mrs. ;uo:.i:d nook, and a Pghtbav horse two 1 ' c'ulf Vime V) cts. an-l To ots. j t.-n .u.. i.n.ic i .,ei,, Ada Van P.-lt; tth dav. Alliance day or ilw..e hairies-s ?s:ots j :,..-.; toil, rope i s-'-' Y Chapman & Smith, Drug- j j'. 1 ; .fi 'iV'?!' rV.I'.V i! "tJ i.cneL j. li LiuvJ. i t ioeiitP a .;ii i JOHX SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED Carriages alwajs on Hand, ANI HBARSS FUNERALS. TAK3 1TOTIC3 I f at.t t.'l o' iny .T-ct-.ats K-ttl: I (r r-,',o. an I I ,.h:. . i .in ! m... , ci , .: a . ii-,.,, Ill ,,l,i ; -,i i- 1 1 !.-. i 1 1 i .... .. ir;-i a,, n.-w one , i 'A'e are indebted to tho Piatts- -xV tramp walked into Cliet. .smith s mo-.uh Sports-nan' Club for two brae? j tn titer night, picked up an Auto of prs.:r:e chicken?, per express yester- J graph Album, gut something to eat ilsxy afteruoon. I an,i Wf!n o:i way rejoicing. Tho .vlaj. ( i. it. ."-.. i;nitr. 1 lie hncaaipmei'it iii-.J s r:c on 1 will b-- hc.d in a canvass Tabernacle, will be paid for, that will 1 and will be b: illiantly lighted. Tants I r-o very of horses. Ar'dres, Any information o.-td to re- -Ch n'ey Wane:. x:;J Will Ch.ina bers went chicken hunting with D:e. Jones, they sliot ten line fal hen, and were duly gratifi!. P. A. Airkpatrick and Charley Cbipj. are paid to be candidates for 'canty Ch rk this fall before the Pe I ub'Jeaa Convention. - For the f.r?t liin inco living in th County, we this week visited Avo ca and i tapped at the hop:lsi:e jaan feion of Hon. Orhci-lo Tefft. Tirasure-r I'lrtiersc-o -..Y feel no titixiety as regards safety ,.t eotintf r?--cotds, after this woek. T. mt is most t1ni.,hcd an-l is a good cr.t. album was r.:is.-:ci but the Marshal had picked the gentleman up, and or. will bo fun:! -he I at a nominal figure to parties who desire them. P ard at hot' ls will be 81.00 pt r day. Pailroad issues excursion tickets r.t eneandor.e lifth fare, good from 11 tT 15 Sept. Te kamah in . beautiful iittie city on th ). & N. K. li. 50 miles north of Omaha. Fverv effort will bo made to accom- examirivtion. plead guilty, ami the j module tlie large number cf guests ex Judge gave him thirty tlav3 in old ! pcteL Py Order of Committee. Milos' oaII 1 J- itoIER, G. P. IlAI.I.. Secret; it". l'r?idc-r.t. For all that is short cr lacking oi 'A anted. rimitted in this paper our read?rs must j ! blame Charley Holmes and John Let s- 1 - "''' 'itioerstnus cook- j ley. They had a difference of opinion J 's3"- r,g--i an-l steady fQiplcy- about driving some horses yesterday and jiotiued the Fditer that he was wauTtci jsesa arbitratcr, and assurlug ?.: ttii.ui A rvcuLI or.lv tako half an t-int. I: 22tV Dan: iii. Wioi. Lincoln, Xeh-raska. Dexter Spring b-:g.;y ground " thafs tin- tanov." rongii iStS. " 1 1 A C iv M ll T .V C K" a popular and , ';!, i'ragriUit perfume. Sold by Chapman loft Smith. Druggists, Plat to mouth, Xeb. .Illy eow. A good gb.ss door and some 12 light windows for sale, theap. .V good Fecoiid-haud mower for sale cheap for c;sh, or to tiadc, by 2Uf F. S. .VifiTi:. Poots and Shoes made to order and warranted at Merges'. ltf A O p A V ICKK ia your own tev n. am' no cn ;1 Vlf i'al ris!.et. "Vim can mv tie Ini-iin-ss a P)(j JJ tritil without eiien.se. Toe b"sr opi.or- timity t-Tcr e:lcred tor those wilMn.r to '.ci!. Von shoiill t ry iiotiiiiej Is., until yon sec ter yonrselt" what yon can ilo ;ct the Imsiiiess wo nf!er. .No rofitn to eN'.lain i-i-re. o:i can ilevnte si 1 1 voir t inie or oily yni.v spar time to 1111- lOMlit-., o:i: iii.iai- l.M .tt pav lor fVITV j liner v on woi . omen mase as iiiin n as men. .son. I 'for special j-nvn'e teim- and partb-iihirs, which we lii: il free. S5 i) -.t ti-1 f I ee. l.on't com plain ot hard times while oa have such a chance. Addles-: 11. ll.vLl.Kl' -CO., I'ort laud. Maine, laiy - n r: ii -it t..c ea-t c-n - . ! - a 'i I , -,,i , .-en v i i t o n i U im i , - e a .lv . i an ! i -. ii i ..-ot ;i.-r s. ),,. ell I la- no! . .- h;.,i' aci t be I i I.;. , , ot 1 1., - IO ; t a ea.-t . i r f - .,n i nil ' i o-.v a t a i i" 1 i ;.-.,;,-. , ,vc t :....: .. i ai.fi ; ::: .: nict. ; a i. i-ntcd ii :..v .-r ' e - ; .li.t - il ...el i I hereof, a ., 1 ail ooi.-c: i,,ii li, -. r to of cia 1 ii-s f. r 1 1-ia;: ;e:, ia ,;si i.e i.i,,; iu It.-- iiii. .y ( it rk- i oil or beiore i.noa ol . ! 7, il day of ( e l,e-, A. I. 1 or eeii road v. il'. be c.-tabl.she 1 vv alien; i -I .-, ca. I be; fo. .'. i). ii re. 1 J. V. . .li; m: :. Ciuaitv ('! i :;. I'epa'y. e:..-, V the' 1 Ul-i t-ilv ici i v i a.-.: hu -ife- , ia f at ;i. J 0 1 1 N" .-s i 1 A N i i . I'l; : : - i-i -. ni a. N'eh. Frouato Notice. W. D. JONE S A?;ea tat.; C. Brick Livery 5iab!et :;:am: ' T, il'l . I P. If. XrrvrnL.r.. Some Pankrupt Poofs and. Shoes at Merges' 1 : low wholesale prices. 21tf This is V hy. Von knp your house insured, be cause it may burn, and you don't know ! " "-h -d ti. i. o a ty 1'i-ii t ( . if the 1 .: v veri in -.vs v.'ill l-a recei -.-ed at Cot-xtv Or thia oioeo in ;.:;y fur hubser::t!v.n-:' at A? we were ; tht.ir :narI:et Ki.um. short rl iJLit -gjnch "ccpy." I i.rP ut mr t I t l.O. 1 iV.n. 411. HIV, 1,HJ1.1 111.1 I , , . .. , 1 , T. " oiireto 1 e-i-eris. - - -flirt Tio"-(l iT " Ir I 'n-n-i.ir-n " i J.xatninatiDM of t-r-'-tn wis nn? io T--,-ta.t r...... i. . . - - ' f f-r :,n---i'-i who fin rfinr.pri'fi-i ; i , , . , x i --V1-. .I i.hs a Whine c;l .-Zfrt.u j n-.ii.-ii in c,:m oiun.y, win ue z,z in- et the Celebrated C.lid b n I a-bed Fe,'" ' ',-'u Posewatcr the Omaha ; following times and place.-: "Wire, which he ii obli -r-,i !(, a;.,,. f I feral .i ?ars) eap.tsred Lie cutlaw Doc. j '."!- 1- r,u.:r m;v Middlaon. 7e told !;-m Geo. Pair- ri-.-iuary. .vu- r , , .,, , ... , ., , . ! g"st. Oetooer ami ,uvetr-...t-r. At Held sai.l ho had a . gJ. the right man . Weoping Water, Is- Friday and Satur and he said Well it is needless to re- day in March, Jun and s. --nt ember. In the I rat; i r r.f the ;; i t y , I -ceaseil , ; ,s Co. Nebraska, t'p.-p read i-j; a-nl fl, o i ni i oi i i-a-.--. u 1 1... i!,cj'y r.-. vile; I 'on aii iniiiis: rat :nn of t i'e Ks; ; le of .t.,i,'n . ..ni.;i c: v, .I. e. use 1. bo I'r.iiri- 1 to Per t he , i.l.uv i f F pa .ifi .-a-e.u l.rder-.l tea! I- nice 'file pen b lcv oi s:,i, cause bo pubii-. n-a in tlr -biaska II t::t.ia-. a weekly ne-.v-aap -r. print -d. inihiished. a.d ii cci.r.'il -ii .-ii i ii i..n i, --.i-i eo.ict y. for three ren-i eiii ive -.vccivn. ami licit ! ;ii uiLT ol s-M can-e be -ct for tiio d ilav ol S -ptem bt-r. A. 1.. 1 -",:'. nt M ii'c'm A. -M . t oiieiv .oaici'. I'i ,t'o- jVKi. .ou want to hesaA. Do you , ,..,;;.; :;,:: :,XrACrir-v know i'!i- n (l:-.easo will attack vour- i tin-v 1. m-. uh v a-iciin;. tratii ti c ;n o-i.-,t' self or child? To be safe and save life ! , !j' ",,r ''. - oaa.-t t . ri..- s;,, i;.;-.,.tu mid DoctmV hi '.I. la..,,, i.o ,.l ! .,::';--'0-,i-cur,,ii-t,..v.!.ave,-,f.;.!, ,,e- - " " - - l --'i iniini iii,,,ii. . . .s . 1 1 I . I A S , The oh! P.oniie.- r.t . j i f'iar i "i:oi, t !). are in.-.v '.s, . '..'.I. i,. .lii.J-;s, ;,,,,( i,,. ,,,, , ! e.i ..- !,i ;-!,!. I'taiU- ..l.;u u.-Cl:u:i:i)i:.i;:ii;,., i; -H he shape o ;os ;j7.'s.',"' n i r r r i ' r' i i. . r . o p,- i -x i a 1 1 .i ti ii.j, ;iuuio, iia.l SADDLE HORSES. t si u o r a f j c: n s - T. i - KANSAS Clip TOm A . ATCiiJoeiN I St. Vim And tli,- idli;:'l' I.iNli t,. M p.,;:;is ,,u the :ai--s( .col. i,- iM.sf; ti-: s .t-i i lb: .'Mi i.n .v I I .si i i: I KAL j: I i.i.e.Ao.s, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars. AMI Tii i: ( tli:.-. '.t;:i C. 15. kq. DC'LNG CARS. PY THIS POP TP A ii in .-in: eif i :1 u:l . ,.i out -l i ' of f,.u .ill i'. v. smith. 'I'ral.i M i .a; i . .;'!, Chic: ;-i UXOlUii: EiHlVAlTOS. Wines, Liquors CIGARS. Ma. a S!; , , ;, oi pn-.te ! lie ('(nu t, lioaio. This p!ao j.; pi-; opelieil, nftr. food ;;ooiis of allhials. i want to kei-pn .M,t ;.,!i-e and .! a-e o.;r Of-! .:. e;-. HEM EM II ICR TiflS Jl v. Cc.il in and s-o Fred Coos' new store i i i-.iirta o i .ew i ;iy liotel. 14tt 15i.-t,wv's HvtrtrT Ih w-,.-m tvr "" "V. . ,..Tr,"-T OlNoi.it, a safe, pleasant and n ii tble l,t ",:,"'1 ! it nu dy for Diarrhea. Dvseuterv. Chid- at Antelcp2 Prcwcry, Lincoln, Xeb., i era ami all the disease.- ot the s'losn.ieh j orders received and promptly filled. ! ";vtl:'-. Pliysician.i and Drug- ! ?':; J; I'h.tisii.n i?.!. Ai;-e-t lOh, I 'Mitily Jndue. PvOad Notice. i; if u.r, i .(.;..-. rn I am pre-, arrd to ict ;rlioKSl..S FOR SALE s TRADE! And will Train aiivi Erpjk Colts . O.i I'.- H' . -ial-'.e Tennn. ;i Lao 4. 1. ., . . .i a , . , 'I i i . : f i A Agents here, Keemin eSj (;.-aco. if. ni' ox ten ; i . : ... . -. .1 to dispose of y it will b- s-'ld cheap. 22l d o-:r sympathy to Mr. ... Pos?::L :::::ii has ou Land fresh Milwaukee beer cn draught, daily, CO. j :.,) ! i iff .O 1.. .M". ,1 T ........ 1 . . .... 4 ' , f ..- ui'iui.-c ii rii-n n iai c. a.sK VOUl i Druggist about its merits. I.e. keeps it. 1 i Whv shako. w!- n l-h-'-ri.- i t- - !-v ,, " .,, - " " -- i iciiiii..-.' ti:. i ills win cure ynu lu-n tr.kon in the n a i H!tl.-l..-io ' : i t conn r --I' t -velve . if i i-i-ii-- 1 1 ' -r lo-ls .- ft'l . a t ' I 'll V -l tlfe ,,-Vell ill,. ;-. wi. -I oil ;;,' li , I Ol :; .-.-a 1 ii-M-.n i p-c..t ,- - ; ! .. -.. i . i -,- ,,n.. Kiel';. - I ti.'Vfi ill in .-! -.!.,-. I r-,,11 t a i fne:-. ' sO'i-k a 'i ft :ii;ii:i. loaiis .f hay, ve., 1111,1, -r cov er, w in-fo t io-y v- ol I- . ,-ji iii . I haul. ail ir, v t '.! pat rob 4 for t he - r h i 1 ( ' -y. I o;:oi: lin ir ;,.!,. forth..- fat'.;.-, ...!..(;,.. 1 1..111 a--e. ii::i,!i.;..T,i i:.. ,i lie! r a,i-i no MIKE SCKNELLBACHER, BLjSCKZJfiTll noii.si: iioi:in; vi r o 1 lr 1 AM. WAfiON" Itl.l AiniNO All kin. la of y. i'AIl.T I.MI'f.li.MI.N T i iiiend,-.l .Ye !';, d I :0: I 'ilnp'A It l",illi 1 uul 1 -' e'.'n t:i:ll o?I i'l lull-. .V-;! 3'l WM.T). JOXFS il t-M'tit f ' 1 loC New Sal.iOit Hlf- thv never fail to euro, and you pZl I- ei'i l;;;,:;,:; S LUi I ?Uii tU.KU. iJoi-sts jShIca (Si:(v,in2,v 1 v: .- !i-o i. v.c'ii shoe :n. thing that ha 1 iur IV, t. 1" 1-4. i.i a Z'-bra t a (Finite-.-( ' on.-; a '.i i Si i I ,s. IN'JUW SHOP, i t.reenwojil. cn t!:r j-.t tht. If our friend George wants , lA.uisvillo 1st Friday and Saturday in ; in the basement of the Xevr Citv Ilo-! Jh-vC-n- F -uo'iiv X ! '.'m- . : .! ' ''-' -''is e mio.t 1 to s. u:i:d; r any moaev that Doc. Mid- " , l'! ' ' ;'-'.v a::d I ei-ei-iI-or. Aclico cf : t-1. wh- ro all the choice brand- of j Tor pah- bv Dr W P D-o'el i- C h v- i ' 1 e die-uisnot l-ckcd vV ia Cbevmro i "l "f'r "' ;. Y' " V--1-' V b' "-tian Sitii, J. If. Jiuttery and U. i". ; 1 t -i . ., il IL aiai.j iNn.vT.h. U'.Md. Don i i.orgf '. the p rc-e. Fred ; .Toho-.nii 1 .ad row,., the tar,-, tti.iG Snperir.ter.Jc nt. U, IV-prietor. " Utf lUf Tlr.ttsmt.uth.Xc-b. !r;'-;" 'v sui.er no-ie or tno ial elleets tiiat rr- sir.-ei m on- to- a s-nlf. ,',-i;iicT with niO. to.. V tl .. 1 l""'b -l :n fav.-r of i ' i. !:il ei a-i'.s i (.en to or . -I ::: Ihe O.aa ty i oi :: 7: h .i-iv t a, -i a. Oi,: ,-(- .,, :-. . A-i ei 1 c .-.i -i iri-ai nil 1- ii i- fill :. -. -- --.il.1.- riil-'.i' i-'v.r "it.' r -u-1,-1 -.VC.-.-I, e-r M in: 1- h ! . C-1 11 1 1. ; - V if s', -. .-t ov bi-.:;.i " l- ' a , i- : r. AS m'I' nj t-r. y (..-.f.ivv . ' i-smy oe t:: u rr. m wui ... . - - . N V.