THE HERALD. An Auger Wblt-li l?orc6 Square Holes. To send a yerdant vounzster in sejiich of a drill wherewith to make a square hole, is one of those time-hon ored workshop jokes, the f reshm-88 and originality of which is perennial with succeeding generations of perpetrators. But the laugh is now over, or at least or. the side of the victim; for, incre dible as it may appear, this apparent impossibility has been accomplished, and in a way so simple and so easy that any one may prove the fact for uim- nelf. As may be supposed, the inven tion excited mre genuine astonisu- ent amencr the mechanics gathered at the l'aris Exposition than any of the other wonders there displayed. There was a constant crowd surround ing the inventor, watching him bore hle after hole square, and puzzling ever the very simplicity of the pro vokingly simple solution of the prob lem. All that is required is an ordinary hand drill-stock. A stationary en with a chuck below for holding the work, the inventor, Mr. Julius Hall, of Ixndon, uses; but he says a common brace will answer "anything, in fact, .will da that will preperly hold the drill." The tool itse'f is the usual form of three square drill, so that it will be seen that bo special apparatus at all is required. Clamp or chuck this anil m its holder so that -it will wabble," and vou have the whole secret. Instead of makincr a round hole, as it undoubted ly will if tightly grasped, whenlooely held it produces a square one. Why it should act thus is at first to all ap pearances an impenetrable paradox, and even after the rationale is discov ered it scarcely seeras quite clear. AN INTEKULTTED STOliT. As Told bv Old Ilodkln in Tart, but Never Finished Madison Courier. Old Bodkin likes a game of euchre, but ho is such .13 inveterate narrator of pioneer incidents that ho of tea makes it unpleasant for others by tn- mg to play and tell a tarn at the same time. Thether evening he began a story just a3 he arid three others sat down to play a social game. lie said "It was in 1849 that a family by the name of Gobins emigrated from Green brier county, Virginia cut for deal- to the elono us west shucka, I never could cut anything bigger than a ten- spot. There were seven in the family : three girls and four boys. The girls were bright-eyed, roey-cheeked I pass graceful gazelles, and two of the boys were big enough to handle their axes and rifles d yo turn it down f 1 II make it clubs and could help their father a right smart chance an ace beats a king every time. Flay on a heart They wound slowly over the Alleghanies, and finally in May 4. pressed the Ohio valley good enough! Hearts are better'n trumps, but I have not any left heading straight for Ar kiusaw, intending to make that terri tory hold on I You don't play that on us, my partner trumped tho last trick their futnre home take it up; best we've got, lead partner, according to Hoyle They got away out there in tho wilderness, and the woather was get ting pretty hot that's itl Xow we'll come tho cross-lift on 'em! Flay on that bower! One evening they stopped near where a spring gushed up -that makes us a couple more! Dog my picture if it wouldn't be a good joke if we could skunk 'em the first game. They thought it would be a good place to camp, and the old man tmhltcned his horse well, well, what a foolish play was that of mine; it give 'em one on our deal and ono of the boys ran to the spring to get a drink pass it was one of the hot springs play. Cap., don't be so undecided and when he touched his lips to the water that's our trick he bounced p and yelled to the old man whose ace is that ? eh ? I'll 3 :il i vat e it with a trump yelled to the old man 'hitch up and drive on dad ! Hell's not half a mile from hare ! How did you come by these points? Seems to mo you're good counters if can't play much. Well sir, it had the effect to diamonds? bavn't any ; pass change the old man's opinion of Ar kansaw, and what led ? Spades. Have a little one he started across the wilds for Oregon." Thus old Bodkin continued the same sarative through thirteen games, and when the party aroBe from the table at 10 o'clock. Bodkin had the Gobins fam ily away out beyond the alkali desert in the sago brush, with their horses stolen and two of tho girls captured by Indians the boys following thePi utes with their ritles, and the old wo man a raving maniac. And yet the story was not more than half c mplet cd when the party walked off on the narrator. The camels are becoming scarce in the East, forty thousand of those beasts em ployed by the English in the ArTghan war, just closed, having died. E Eobbs, House, Sign AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER Grainer, Glazier, KALSOMIUEI ASD- PAPER-HANGER. snor north sixth street. 1GU Tlattsmovth, Neb. GEOHGE EDGEliTON. Wines, Liquors AND OIO-AES. Mam Street, opposite trie Court ITouse. This place is just opened, new, good goods of all kinds. We want to keep a good house and please our customers. REMEMBER THIS. Oly. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLA CKSJ11 Til HORSE SHOEING, AND WAGON KEPAIBIXQ All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly Promptly :0: Horse, 3IuIc&OxSIioeins, In short, well shoe anything that lia? four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JSTEW SHOP, n Fifth St tn,rM,nh"nf.EaL t across ac corner from the kw ulkal if b P t Sneezing Catarrh, Chronlo Ca tarrh, Ulcerative Catarrh, permanently cured by SAFJFORD'S , RADICAL CURE. BAwmot Haotcai, Con to ctbii! aaafs, Mrtelo, and Ptrmuinl car tor Catarrh of ever form, ana 1 tha most perfect remedy evar dcTtaea. ft U purely a Tevetabla dtatlllatlon, and la applied locally hy Inhumation, and cooatltutloBallT oj to. terna administration. Locally applied, rtlltfu it maniaruou. It aoothea, heals, and cleanix s tlio baaal paaaasea of every lbetl;ig cf beaTloeta, ob atraction, tfalnesa, or olzilneea. CoDatitotlonally almlul5Vertd It renovates the Mood, purlflea It of tie fcrkl poison with rblcb It la alwaja charred la Catarrh, stliuulatesth stomach. Ilrer.and kldDeja, perfecta diK-cut Ion, make new blood, and prrcilta Iho format. Km of aound, healthy tissue, and finally obtains complete control orcr tba disease Tha remarkable ciirotlro powr, when all otutr rama dlea utterly fall, of BAjrroaD'a Radical Cobb, ara Mested by thousands who gratefully recommend. It to fcllow-suITcrcrs. Ko statement Is mails ro etrdlno; It that cannot ba aubetactlated by ths oat reftpeelahlo and rellutlo reference. It Is treat and jrood medicine, and worthy all confW flanee. Earh rackiLr contnna A Treatlsa on Ca tarrh end Dr. Bnnfrrd'a Improrfd Inhallna; Tobo. ad tall directions tor Its cso in ail case. fricolu An Enthusiastfo Friend of 83nford' Rsdlc&l Curo. WCllATTOW, GRAVT tl liOWM1! TVS A-TD 1 Uariks IrersAxcs Aoxxcr. I 5C Pino fctreU, 61. Louis, ilg. Fob. 7, 1877. J A. A. llsixtzn. Wasblnrtoa At., City. Dear Keillor: I bavi forsomo years been troubled with Catarrh, and for tho put two years have suffered aerlooaly with It. Kot Icing yocr adTsrtlsement of fcAjrTOBD's Rshbdt (Radioai, C'cbb), I decided to VT It. I have oed only two bottlea, and a art salt I feel so much relieved tlit I presume on oar per. onal relations and writs this to yon and ak that Coo tako soma measures to got It mcro prominently afore the nubile, .hbt ctbeismsy hare each relief as I bare, t have rseomin"udod H to qn Its a num ber of my friends, all cf whom hare exprrd to toe their high etUisMO cf Um value and ood effects Vita them. I really think U particularly adapted to wants of BC Loots people, sad tUcy alloapotto know fit. auia uua wag ncra tisugaia irv i(. i win nea ins) ertlou ibat MOO 1 ex. vls'.s (as a Sample) to bo girsa awaj will ac'l as many bottles. Trrsoma plan. Let tho proplo liars It t thfToeod It. I belioro I could sell StXO bottles myself of course too could largely increase this Lumber. WHBollryUP Voiustralr, Wli. BOWES. Bold tr ftTl Wbolcsala n4 Retail Tyratttf end Dsnlarsin Medicine throughout the United Btctes and Canada. POTTER, General Agents od Wholesale DniffgUt. Boston. Mass. TiATOB-BAjCg iHEUIIf!ATSili 1I1GBLL! S J VOLTAIC FLUSHES Jfurrt. Wtett t Fritter? Gmllrmfn fi rr fcro 1 .was seized with a, severe attack of Khcatua. the various llntmsnts and rheumatic- cares, bat wituuub uie iiraei ueacai. wnon my son, a drog-glht. J2ge6tdoneryourCotLiX3'Voi.TAicFiA9TBs, Tbi ftffoct VM tlmrMt rnirfia1 far Ia m.nrnf surprise. I was almost lmmedlatelwell aa;aln, ac4 woo .uiu '- wui uiiuu wy kin .1: as usual, wnrreoa. before tho application cf tho Fluster, I could 55 Bothlns. and evcrratsneAm mA riAin. A fnwwfra since, cue year from the first attack, tha dlsrasa "'ufuou, uut i aia nappy to say the second floater proved as efficacious as the first, and I am now welU My ir lie wishes tua to add that one Plaster has cured her of a Terr lama bark. Vrm think th.n BOthlno; In the world of remedies that can compart with the Coixiys' Voltaic Plastebs for Rhcama Usm and Lamo Back, and cheerfully recommend "uutJ l"ls- uur very ret-pectiuiiy, Cmxaao. Us., June C, ism. nOBEBT COTT02T. NOT A OUACK NOSTRUM. GtnUtmen, I hereby certify that for several rears past I have usod the Voltaio Plastiss In rsy practlc", and have never known them to fell la affording speedy relief In those cases for which they arereenmmenaeu. i ney srenot a quack nostrum, cut remodial cirant of sroai vslne. Vcrtimi. Toon. r c. CQI.LIN8. fc. fcT Ob(,.aT03T, May 77. 1374. PRICE f5 CEKTB, Be earefnl to ofctiin Collixs- Voit. rr-ir combination of Electric and Voltaic Platos. wltS highly Medicated Plaster, as sen In the show B?I E Zfl IS . J. F, BAUfflElSTER Furnishes Frofh, Pure Milk, DCLIVERCD IJABI.Y. Sitce'al rails attended to. and Freih Milk front same cow furnidlied nhi.n wanted. 4i y fainting, SrUN, CARRIAGE and ORNA MENTAL PAINTER, .A.. ASHLEY. Shop over the JJriek Block next to II Boeck's. PLATTSMOUTH, 4Jly. J. G- CHAIV1BERS, Manufacturer of and Dealer in SADDLES, COLLARS, II ALTERS, WUIPS ETC- ETC ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatness! Dispatch. I I e only place In town where "Turley'g pat ent self adjustable horse colUrsare sold." KEEN AN & GRACE. Retail Lipor Dealers. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. PLATTSMOUTII - - XEB. liilliard Hall and Saloon on Main street, four doors from Sixth at Neville's old place. VEST li RANDS OF CIGARS, ALES, WINES, &C. BemfmbcrTlte A'ame and I'lnre. 241y Keenaii & Grace. O. F. JOHNSON, DEaI.EU in Drugs Medicines AND WALE PAPER. All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IN Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest Publications. Prescript Ions Care fally Compounded liy an Experieucecl lrngrsUtt. ItEMEMCER THE TLaCE. Cth ST 2 DOORS SOUTH OF MAIN PLATTSMOUTII. NEB. nv--r -"'Vfl ")'is 5 OLD AND RELIABLE, i JDn. SAMciira Lrvcii I.n vigoratokJ l!is a StiU'larl Fainilr Km?dv ftr ltdis' of tlia Li v.jt. Stfmooh $k0 syu id Bowels. It is Purely ?Veiret;tble. It ricvor Debilitates It is SCutlitirtiound yrfjg gjS? ivrouic. 2A .4s.ac0!j6 eUrX i 2 A3J8 t 1 SX witli TiDpreccdciitcd resultB.J SEND FOR CIRrill AO T W CIf:'Sl U n Iea BXOADV74T.S 111 nr?il.lilT WILL Tr.LL TOf ITS KKPt TiTIOH. Jj LOUISVILLE MILLS A. H. Jackman & Sons. i no I'll i i:to its. Manufacturers of Flour, Meal, ETC, ANT Shippers of Grain. rtSSpecial attention given to all kinds of Cus to.'n UrioditiK. LOUISVILLE. CASS COUNTY, Stf NEIiKASKA A. G. HATT JUST OPENED ACATX. New, Clean, First Class Meat SAop, on Main Street In Fred Kroehler's old stand tveryijoay ou liana for Iresn, tender meat. Hit 1.06 Platte Valley Herd of POLAND-CHINA T. CLARK WEHl'ING WATER, - NEB. "iteKistered Stock for (tale. l.lme K rj-g. rrl i a CQ o Oh ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKSMITK SHOP. Wagon, liugyy, Mavhine and Plow re pairing, ana general jobbing I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing oi larm ana oilier maruuiry, as mere i9 a good lathe in niy shop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken cliarge of the wagon shop., lie is well knwn as a no. i workman: Xew Wagons and Bagreio made to Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Shop on SUtlistrect opposite Streisht's Stable Sk IT .M FT 1 S -t c mm w &T It 11 II 1 jfk n ii vj, IV r J 111' Ml t VM' m.0 5 aee 01 U M h i tf-3 L, i y e A 'PHF in m7 practice? ffcVl W for more than 35 yenra.J -" ?w PROF. HARRIS RADICAL CURE F02, SPERMATTOEHCEA. "SEIIfAL PASTILLE7' A Vahiib'e DiMOTirt atnU New Impart ui in t ifttl bck-iHC. mi rnttxil New and iitrvry rflcrt- and iMrni&nMit f?isr ol fckrm inal Emiwlom S Xmpotcncy br ttie on)j tra wy, vi: Direct Acijlication to ih irlii- rip! fVftl of the 1cm, actinic by Abi-orption. ml tTrr tir.K it pcific itJluriiev uu the Seminal ee.tMea Ejao ulatorv Iucta,l rotrto tt land and Urrthro. The rnf fthe tlinMtyt atcndtnl with no pain or irconven-Re. it is quickly d'alvrtl and n rIamm.s-sJ, prnfiveinfC immediate aouthioz ami retvtorstlve f ffect noon the iri- uat'and Hvnruui orcanirattmj -rrcketl Irvm wlf-abn ad txrMirs, wppn tue arain wtm te tm, rrtnr inth mind t haHt ami round m-. mcry, reworinjc lh Diinnena ofSiht. h'frroua debility. Confusion cfld?as. Aversion toSocny, Ic.Etc. ami theap-ar-anci f prematuro old ajre utra!'v arrcttifanj-iii; this truubte, simI rrrtttrinj! porf- t Bexual Vis;or. wharc it has - imn iirnmni tor vaara. inn nwKf ti trraiiikawi nas hihmj thttratin wry wirro em, til is now a pronounced rvnM. Drura &re too nvx-U prcrrilrd in 1ta troubl, ftsfl, as many cn bear w:trs to, with bnt lftt!c H any pr-Tiuinsni ffwod. 'Ihcrc it no Nonaoiiar alat this Trepara tin, lritrtical obfratin rnalUus to popitively fuarsvi to that it will icie aatiBfaction. Dtating the eixht T-rs that it ha Wv-cii in gsMicral avr, m Umw thouaanHk of tcatiniomols as to its value, and ir is bow conre-d-eil by the Mt-diral rrof-n to be th most rational moiitii yH lUrTercl it rear h in i; rnl enrinp: t:ij wry prev alent trouble, that is w?il koH t- b the reuse ot unto'.d miarry to so irnixr, and upon whom Qtuioks prey with rhnr n.s nitrii and ft foea.The lifmoih I - put up In a neat lx, fnoin'i to last a month, tnft avnt in a plain wrapper by mail s-a!d f'c SC. Two boxes, (fvtttlvient to rtfet-ta permanent etin nnlrss in seTre eaves) f 0 Thrre boxna wtinj ihr-, fuil month. wtM tp rnii:nnp. ? rrttnre iyor. in t-e worn eats. f .-run I 'iiiitt l iUiN 2 lor uiinj win swempsry .jiuxi Ju.. (8rnd for a IrsrintiTe Pamphlet frivin(t Antom?r1V Illustrations, hich wUt conwnce the most o ptical that they eaa ha restorrd W pcriact manhood, and Q fitted for the duties of l fr, ani a it never atfctrd. W Ser.t Sealed for stamp to any ono. 51U by ths HARRIS REMEDY CO. MF'G.CHEM13T$ Market and Bfh. GH. ST. LOUIS. MO BOOKS. HmiLLfOf f7f)' "$rrfb'jl ncr. new and complete Ooido to f ( & J i 1 odlook containtn. wltn many iaiJulC--WiJr o!hcr, tue tolkwiittf chapters: A romneteut w omanhtxxl, sVleetien ot twrte, Ttatfnres ot irauy. Toivi peraments, eompatib'.e aul ineompati I b.c, Sterility in women, cinw and A'ir cc to brtdrirroont. Advtca to huotsauda. aiviee to wivra, I-aiiiutitn. its eanses, Celebacy nI Ni!r-monT rompard. Conyupal dutirs. Conception, Con fi-nirnt, Ivors aad Counship, Iwrfwdiments to MamaT, in iiij a:)l trm .e. Sciene 4 Iveonnrluttiun, Single life c niiri-rtd, Lairrl lriae, ln w ol Divorce, Lrf al nbts cf mnrvgd wirtrn, e'e, ioc!ud:rj; IicAeca peculiar to Women, thrir caiibs and tr-atniet. A book for prr&e, ad rrtT-.tidrratf rfcacjuifT of 3ilQ pap, WiUi faUl'loM Ka ravu br scaivU f CO cetiU. Ths Private Medical Afv8e,f, mErTAii;i3,UonvrrhaiA. tieet, t tricture. VariOfXrTlA, :.t tin) on FrorinatTorhcca. Sexual Icbility, and Ixn vottcy, f ;m He l-ibuw arid Kxrc?a, rnnvms; rWtninal 3lin:s:-n. Nrmriwiies. Avrou to Soriery, ConfuMoy of JJt-as, liivsiral Oray, iiiitnvsstf iihL, leict-w Memory, loss "t nual hovwT, e c. uialt..ip marrinjt" kupmpar or w happy, pivin treatment, and a frat mane ct'iahie r-ip's f t th cure cf all private Ueses ; aaja sue, cer' a, 4D enttj. lc'iro r-a "ichood a!.d WoKianhrcd, 0 oers; or s'.I thrta in r.e i-kxir honrd Vftlwna, 4,1. 'J hey ewt.tatn f.0 il'- or. r rii JUuctrsucus. cniHr.icmr evere- tirio7i thn r:tera-r-e rv.u. stt iat is wurih tauwinjc, ausi nrn II: 4 Is not pu.?;th-d in frothpr wurlc. 'i be rm- ie m po:c.y t'i brit J wuular Madical Kr.k htshrd, and tuose uitisfifd after trttiusr it can ha-e t:".r niony rciumjut. i MAiitnr is rn vTrTienced 1' rtrina of riviy his practice, (as Is wll known,) and tiic aUru and Hulvu ft r trcamtent laid down, will t-rfnnnd of rrit u!no to t-'i'e sufCrni: fo;ti impuritios tf the Fyttii,.ar'y errors. 3l ii)por, or anv f tl.v nwmtr rns cwmlr-x m lrt tiw hrad ct "PrivBto' or Chronio" c'.'ia- v;it in Mttr'evo'unics, or complete In na, frT I'rir in Man i pa, b;lvrror Cnrre.y. (ConsuU ta;ion confldsnt;aI and Ictrs aro pr.-mpt -y'aiM tnuik)y nwrrfvl vitSmit chBr,-.) Adrvtti Dr. Butls Crspen 3ry, 12 N. 6ta ft-, tr-I-oot, (t:Btablishcdl317.) L.T For sale by Ncwi Dealer. AGENTS wantod Prtrata Hospital. fl Clark hic IM.CSpecialty.all F'riTate.C bmuie and P do a t a blseaaca. rnnallAClaQ ftci. I.adtv and Gentle man, sand ooe dollar nr samples of beat rubber rood a, and raluabht lbnrtnauoa br axpress. ICeUn ble r'malc Pills, ti Pr box. 1'riente) home and narse for Ladira durio$ ouu flnerfint. A pcw work, price &0 Ontt DT MIA. WTBte- riss of Tatars, Phrsi. oloe nf Marriacs, Or Kavim r Gnrtloo. I'laeaie ef Youth and Mantiood ; a wealth of choice an4 vain a bis Ib- C9 CO rornoition, ef fetereat to both exes. Nothing offensive so fod taata ana reOaeaie&L. Inroc- matlnn nttrr before published. No family should be without Ik OVAddreas, Ir. A. O. OLIN. . 30S Clark St, ad IIORPIIIMC babtt mis r cunl. aia Saad staJDp Dr Csrltoa. , jtsaars pYKEdBCARD ELIXIR sxastHBSMBSi rmtjaWIaTa.Tawsai sr rrtiao iasn-l,sw1Bs swan. ij BMaa bks at. 4 atrr Nai iWaak ua' fa i a4 mj asi a-hi IV. laxti. L. L. S U t T B avraiiAs.iii, AUtrswMhs). Soldiers wotinilod or Iiilnred pan now obtain pensions tinder the new law to rinto front dU- chare. Adt res st once, with stamp, for Majiks attu new Moaner? eirctii;irs. IGinl W. C. BESRINGER & CO , Pittsburgh, Pa. Oldest Claim Agency in the State. THE HENRY R MILLER PIANO-FORTE Are not only first-elas Instruments. lut tUi l.atainisMincnt may no justly regarded as one of t lie leading riano-t'orte Maniifactoi us of the World. THE FAVORITES IN THE CONCERT HALL. Purine the Season of 1R75-l7fi Hie ITenrv F. Miller rianos wero used In Hostou and vicinity tn more man IX. t oneerts. Seacon of 1577-18Tii. 17a Concert. Season of 187k-iktd Month of October. 35 Concerts; Month of November, 4j Concerts- Xime but first cUish IHunn cohM yat'n stich ttn- quextumed pupuuittl TI1ESE PIAXOS HAVE RECEIVED The Highest Praise i-rom tiie Most Eminent Musicians. Of late I have had many omxtrtiiuitiea of nxitti: your IManos and can say with pleasure, thev have no superior in America, and my long experience abroad justifies me in placing them ahead of any foreign, instrument of their kind. CI1AS. ii. ADAMS. Madame Hozc and the. other artists of my company are delighted with tlte"Miller" l'lano. lor us l ien purity 01 tone, ana me woucieriiu iiiauuer In w liicli it sustains the voice. JI. MAI'LKSOIf. In behalf of the Barnabee Concert Company. and narltctilarlv mvKelf a tlie pianist of said company. I wish to express many thanks for the beautiful Grand l ianos of your manufac ture, with which you have furnished us so far this seanon. tth your tine instruments con cert giving becomes a jxisitive pleasure and de light, "so say we all ol us." HOWARD M I consider no other "make" with which I am ac)uainted. can excel it in any of the qualities mat constitute a periect inMrument. as an accompaniment for tho voice, I know of none I would prefer to your. Mrs. II. E. II. Carter. I take creat pleasure in recommending the Jliiry F. Miller I'iauos on all occasions where a liist-cU.s.s piano is desired. Mrs. II. M. Smith. I have known the Pianos manufactured by Mr. Henry F. Miller for many years and I do not hesitate to say that tiiey take high rank among the first-class instruments of any of tho best makers. Cakl Zkukaun I consider the Miller Piano superior to all others in that mellow and singing quality so ac ceptable for voice acc.'iiipaninior Is. Mrs. n. Aline Osgood. "We were delighted with the Pianos of your manuiacrure men we used during our recent tour in the United States, their charming sing ing finalities rendering them esecially desira ble for accompanying the human voice. TllK UKlUlNAti SSWKIHHH LADIKS' tJUAKTETTK. World's International EiMMtion 1876. This establishment was the only one out of more than forty Piano-forte exhibitors, which was decreed two awards for its single exhibit of Pianos at the Centennial Exhibition. This wo the onlii Establishment that Tietcired a tijiccial licard for a JVf tc Jnrent'ioa Tlie I'alcnt l'cdnl Up rilit Piano-Forte. Tiie Henry R Miller Pianos nave received the endorsement of th State of Massachusetts and the OITT op BOSTOIT. The u arc LEA DERS awrmg the FOREMOST riAXOS of THE WORLD. HENRY F. MILLER Boston, Mass., U, S. A. JAMES PETTEE, Ag't. Plattsmouth, Ncl?. 521 V r- zirt.t ir, afl r lately iuJ j-rrdih ? I la. No publicity Y J .r full riartira'srs. (13. Clark Su WIT FURNITURE DEALER C Omaha, Fmrmiimre EstaMiBhmemt They Invite Everybody Visiting Omaha, to Call and Examine their Large Stock. 187 FARNAM STREET W)W IimspBttfin)iiii Tlie Largest and most Complete STOCK of Dry Goods, iuinineiy ana Clothing- ever i)lacctl betore the luminous orbs of our many Patrons. Ira 15s7ss H-oosis, We introduce all the LATEST FABRICS of the season. Our 10. 12'.;, 15 18. 20, 22 antl 25 cent Dress Goods are Also, a frill line of WHITE GOODS, RIBBONS, LACES, RUCHES, CASHMERES, ZEPHYR and SPRING SUA WLS, and countless articles impossible to mention in detail. Our Millinery Embraces all the Latest Novelties in and STRAW GOODS. Ovr SILK TURBANS arid PATTERN HATS are the admiration of every one. We also Men's, AND AND FURNISHING GOODS. The only house-in the city that carries a clean Fresh Stock of Goods of latest styles and fabrics known of the season. Gentlemen Will Gnd hore displayed a fine line of command their attention and patronage. Suits from 6.00 up We have tho best assortment of TRUNKS & VALISES To be found. S-"Call and compare our Goods and Prices, and you will receive the benefits derived therefrom. SOLOMON THE CELEBRATED Dexter, Dexter King and Dexler Queen CARRIAGE SFEJITGS Are Unsurpassed for Easy Riding, Durability, and Beauty. Many Thousands Now in Use. ,jgg Send for Circular Giving Price and Full Description tp BETTER SPRING GO Near Pittsburg. 4 Nebraska. well worthy of your inspection. DRESS LINENS, TWO-TONED Department LEGHORN FLAT A, FRENCH CHIP show 1,000 trimmed hats from St up. "STomtia's, Furnishing goods tnat cannot fail to & NATHAN. HULTON, VA. I i 1 II S jm I r--'7- uxy .J M k H Great Reduction in Boots & Shoes 20 to 25 -'Per Cent. LOWER THA1T LAST '2"E!A. : Mens' liinre Albert J.;isting Huckle " " Congress " l? Ball Shoes " Two-lluekle 1'low Slioett ieiiuiiie Hand Sewed l'ii3... ' Hantt Seueil Alexis Ladies' Sliiier llalf Shoes " I'ebble liiint. Side Lace " Kip. " " " Krench Button . " Goat, Itnttun, (workod Imtton-hole). . EVERYTHING ELSE IN PROPORTION. PETER MERGE! WHO 18 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE "JEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL 8t EXAMINING THIS CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS TIIE GREAT C0SSECT13U LINK BETWEEN TIIE EAST AM) TIIE ViY Its main line rnns from Chlcapo to Council ElufTa and Omaha. paninir Uiroufh Juliet, itt:iwa, Ijt Salle, Geneseo, Moliae, liuck Inland. l:ivenport. West Liberty, Iowa City, Miirenno, lirooklyn, Urinncll. and Iea Moines, (the cupitol of IowaJ With branches from Bureau Juneti.m to Peoria; Wilton Junction to MusciUinc, WathinRton, Kalr Beld. Kldon, Bi-lknnp, Centruviilp, l'rineuti n. Tren ton, Gallatin, Cameron, lAfnvenworth and Atchison; Wanhinfcton to Sitjourney, t and Knoxville: Keokuk to arraintrton, Itonnparte, Hetitunsport, Independent, Kldon, Ottumwa, Kildyville, ska loosa. Pella, Monroe, and les Moines; J)e Moines, to Indianola and Winierset: Atluntic to Audubon and Avoca to Harlan. This is positively tlio only Knilroad which tiwns. controls and operate a tbroufh line between Chioneo a:ul K:nns. fl'his Company own and control their bleeping Cnr, which are inferior to none, and trive youadouhlo berth' between t'hicaeonnd Council Bluffs. xven worth, or Atchison lorTwoJKiliim and Jr'iftyCcnts; and a section for Five Dollars, wh In all otlier llm-s chnrve between tho s.tnio points Three loll;irs for rinuiilo hi-rth. nml Six 1 )OIIars f ol section. Whutwill please you most will l tho pb-uinire of pnloyinj? your meals, while pnsslnjr v r the beauti ful nralrtes of Illinois and Iowa, incneot our m:ic- niftcent Kiiiinsr and ItestHUraiitCars i-lint nerompuny all Ihrouch Express Trains. You itc-t n uutire meal. na good as is perved in any iirst-enxs Imtel, for seventy-five cents : or you can order vLat you lil;e, and pay for what you pet. , Appreciating the fact that a majority of iho people prefer separate apartments for riiileieU purposes, and tho enonnous passentrer business of this lino warranting it,) we are pleased t t h.t this Company runs Its PA1.AC II S1.K1 PJN. i CA1.S for SleepinK purposes, and its PALACE I1M.N CA1H for tutintf purposes. One oilier treat Imturo of p,AfE CARS aro run thronirh to VEOUIA, JE:4 MOI.VES, COV.MIL JIM.V . ATCII1!H.N nU LEAVES M'OKTIIi , , Ticketa via thia ilne, known ua the "Great Hock Island Konte," ore aoiU b, Ticket Aeenta In the In I ted Ntntea nU Cnnl.. for information not ablulauldo at y our bopie tieket uUice, addrcm, Av KKHIIALL, 3-. ST. .TOIIN. Cien'l Suucriutcndcnt, Ucu'l TkU aad I'aas'pr Ant . t liicnn ' Agricultural Implements, Prom a Threshing Machine; lo a Hut AND WAY DOWN CHEAP. 1L 1 ilila The King of Plow Sellers. Corner Stl and Main StrcKts, PLATTSMOUTH, JSTSB. IS READY TO TALK TO TIIE FAHMEKS ON IzLasrros, CulLLvciLoi 'S, Shovels, Hoes, Spades, and Hand-rakc Buggies audi SprinG Wagon-u Mo wers, Reapers d& Headers, Vibrator Threshers, Are yon gisig to Paint? THE BEST flT TIIE WOULD IS THE MANVFJLCTURKIi JIT Ceo. W. Pitkin & C,3 Stn3 for Sampk Cards nd Price Lists. BEST IS CHEAPEST THOUGH LEWIS' CONDENSED i IP(5)Vft7B)f?frft Male from ReM Grape Cream ef Tartar. Recommended by the Brooklyn CS. Y. Board of Health, and tjr tho chcuiiaU In the United bUttes. We will pay $1000.00 for amy AZ,TJ3I or otT-a adulteration found in this lotvdcr. LEWIS' FLAVORING EXTRACT TUK BST GEO- T. LSW8S & tVSENZIES Ca PHILADELPHIA, PA C-For Sale hv E. r,. DOVKY & SOX. and Ol'THMAN K y '"'Jw,V UeaJer la hl.iv and Fancy Croccnts, ridU.-iiioutt), .. . .. Z l-s : ... y- '.I? f V iliIlMl; I'ETEK ElKiKS, j .?l oo. . ;.-. . l.-T.. . I.Cj. . 1.00. . . 4.50 .. .Last Year. .1.2'j ... ' 1.7. ... - " 1.75 ... " " 1.7f, ... ... " " 3.5" 1.35... . ... l.(C 3.;o .00 1 r- 2 ' 2.5 : S.l MAP, THAT lt ... our Palp.eo Cars Is fi FMOKINO SAlvOON v youcan enjoy your Ilavuna'' ut ull hours 1 1 l Magnificent Iron Bridges span the Mlslssir MiHSoiirt rivers at ull points crossed hy;thla li' transfers are avoided nt "niiiaJ lilufTs, 1a worth and Atchison, conneuuoos beuiK hir Union deiKits. THE I'HINCIPAI. It. It. CONVEfTIONS Oi GHEAT TIIIlOt;:il LINK AUK AS KOI.UV- At hicaoo, with all UiverKian lines for 11 and Smith. At KNGl.ltwoon, with the I,nko Shore & Mi Southern ud lntshurif. Kt.Wavne Jt t'hlcar ' At Wasuingtii.v LiKlollIS, with l'ltlhhiirt,. Cinnat 1 & bt. Ixiuis It. ii. At J.A S AI.LK, w it ! i Illlnfiis O-titrnl It. It. At l'i:oniA, with P., P. & J.; P.. 1.. & .; I. fl. 111. Miliniid;nnd'J'.. P. A W. U At lcot'K lfl.AM, with Western Linon K. I Rock IihHid i Peoria Hinlrotnls. At JJAVKNfoitT, with tliu Davenport i '' Western 11. It. At Wkst I.uirBTV, with tho Eurllnton Itupirts ic Northern it. It. AtGHIVXEI.U with i'eiilral It. It. of Iowa Atl'i;.4 Moink, with I). M. A Kt. Dodicl A t ( "oi'Nflli Hl.fKFK, wit Ii I n Paciti'- ' At OMAHA, Wl'tl M. .t AJo. It. : K. (i.) AtCni.noir's .IfMTio.v, Willi UujUhiUo. Kaph'. & Nurlhrn K. II. At OTTfMWA, with Central It. It. of 1 Douis. Kan. Cit & .Noi liiern liinl C, II. A. At KEUKt'K, with Toledo, Peoria ntul . Wabash, and St. Louis, KeokuK t N.-W. . At Iikvehlv, with Kan. City, St. J. & C. V. . At ATriiiso.v, with Atelnson. Ttprka A Sfi. Atehisou A Nel. nrei Cen. Br I'ritdi I'urilicH. 1 At Llaviswouiu, with K. I, and K.t cu. I "(3 IS 3 J 87 &hi Sircrf. Kkjo, Q IT KAY COST A LITTLE MORE! AND STROXCKST MADE. HANt KACTi. RtD HY TUB n M ri H n i M 1 n i 4