I. I Fair lie and II- V I If The' Herald. I.'K'AL ADVtKTISK.MKVTS. Tra'.isi-nt. 2" f-!i! a line. lP-gnlar artvertls- rvs. c i ; mis r line. No advii ti.-nrmii.it ir.sert- .- I 1..UI 1j CliltS. 11. i gal notices :t .Statute r..t . toi.nvs and i.rti. ers .if flu- 1 i.v v.Ki lie neld i t : lol :;i leu. it llo'.ice II, i y hand ill, .1.; .i: t.es ueuiai.it.ig ;t pro'd "' publlcu .l ;;n notice wnl be ,'.cid tjr the uublica- ice vi nonce. C ) M M V N 1 OA VI N'S. A our space Is limited, nil comniiinlea'fons mist be brief auvl to tin '-. nt. wall no waste 1 words. The paper Is responsible- fur the correctness Ofmr III; r to toj:v of naitl nutter and paid Lc 11. lis. oi.ly. Ai-.v ih-rs.Mi who takes the paper regularly , tin- !' -i.!"';.-"-. -whcnier ijnec'.ed to his 1 ii .mi tin- i rmtnc. ii". whether In- is respoiisible for t!u' pay. 'I. It any person or.h'is his lied, he must pay :sl arreara r m;:v colli nine M send il i,i:i1c.ai:.l collect I lie w hob subscr.bcr or not is paper discontin ue or tin? publish- . II.:'. il paviueiit is 1 amount, "whether the iiiiur r is t ikeu trom the olhee or not. 3. J In? courts have ili-' i.ii .1 t !i;it refusing to take new simpers ami oihce. or reiuov iiia fc.r, is iirim'i jci'e evidence of IMKSIIOSAL IKAL'D. jit-rii i.l d:eals from the post ivm-j t li-tii uncalled LOCAL NEWS. The best Flour in the ciiy at I . .S. White's. 1 cvcrv description at 0t2 Revol vers J. S. Duke'u. The choicest wt oi can coous in town at F. S. White's. 1 IleaiJauarters for school hooks 13 opio:ite the Saundcr.-4 IIou.se. 20t 1 The "C. K. Feck" left at 1U a. m vesterday, witk six hundred tons of corn. Corn mpal. 25 and 50 lb sacks, at tho well-known store of F. S. White. 1 Otoe County Fair, at Neb. City, Sep. 1 C. S1.045 premiums on speed. Jlaces overy day. 1 I'crsoual. Ti. S. Ttamsey was in town this week. Mrs. O. F. Gygor returned home Sat urday last. Mr. W.J." Ilesser has returned from his visit in the east. Mr. J'luinnier, we see, is back on oar streets again. -Henry Watson called Monday tr help the IIeuald along a little. Mrs. J. M. lieardslet, of Weeping Water, was in town over Sunday. Prof. Ashmun and wife of Weeping Water are attending the institute. Kev. F. A. Shearer, D. D., and wife of Iowa, arc visiting their son, Dr. Clutter. Mr. James Wooley, of Grand Inland, brother of our Mr. Wooley, visited tho city last week. Commissioners Wolfe, Crawford and Richardson are holding their monthly seasion this week. Mr. M. A. McKinnon returned to FiaUsniouth last Thursday, after a short visit at Fremont. Fagett & Stinchcomb, the- immigra tion article writers are here and havo begun to write up Cass. . Emmttt Kennard, one of the man a- gers of the academy at music, of Oma ha was in town yesterday. Frail Shiider, of Weepinrr Water, called Friday. Very glad to see Mr. Js. and Knit: he will call arain. Fagett and Stinchcomb, twe jolly bovs who wiite obituaries, and sach things, on halves, came down yester day. in Evaporated App3, fur 2 lb boxes at F. S. White's. Fhil Young has 1,090 of those Chi nese paper Napkius. The latest and cheapest thing of the kind. The finest assortment of station- eiy ai'.d box papeterie, is at biuith Black's school book house. 20tl A good second-hand mower for 'sjle cheap fr cash, or to tiade, by 1 F. S. White. Cnttle ase dying in and about Fin- C'.In in great numbers. Some line herds havo been ahno.-t entirely lost. Dry goo. for tin next Weckbach's. Is a:ni notions sold at, cost J uavs, at ( I uthiuann 20t2. & Ashley painted tliat new Dexter buggy, and a mighty nice job it is too. Now you just examine and see if we lire iwiiig an v. (In to Smith .rc Flack's for K )vl books and school supplies. your '1 hey L.e the !ai-est stock in Flattsmouth. "liaus Morgan ru.ns the eld icire Ferrv yet. and it is the best and most reliable Ferry Fltttsiuouth ever had. Kt member t hr.t. J. O. Chambers has ono of the fin est stocks of Harness, Fly nets. Whips, &c, in Flattsmouth. Good workmen always kept. 1 Somebody ran into Ilees'n's wagon yesterday morir.: and knocked a wheel oil. Too bad for ITesser, he seems to have bad luck all round. fc-J. S. Duke has on hand a large s'ork of powder, shell cap, sholis, rods, and will soon be prepared to load the fchells on order. 20t2 -Felice Judgo Viv'an had a room fril, yesterday morning. Four ordi nary drunks, two extra sinners, and a saloon firm for keeping open past Lours. All kinds of dry goods and notions sold at Gulhmam) & Weckbach's at prime cost, in order to m.ike room for Winter 20t2 a largo stock of Fall and goods. We Lave received the premium list of the Fair of the Otoe County Ag ricultural and Mechanical Association, to be held at Syracuse. Neb., comnifne in; September 3d and lasting three day?. The farmers will find it to their advantage to call on Iluber & Fro., of Louisville, and get their prices on dry coods and groceries before purchasing elsewhere. 20tl F. J. Metteer started out to run a thresher this season, but Tuesday he bad to go to the Poor Houso 1 thresh however. lie reports wheat of a good quality, and the yield fair, considering ani juut of straw to the acre. Twenty-three dozen school books just received at Smiiu & Klack's drug and book store, all of which will be sold for the fall school, with an addi tional substantial present given away to each purchaser. 20tl. A gentleman at Lincoln (name not !iecp.-;sary aikeil after cur Institute here. We told him it was running all lovely; when he remarked. "How in j lue worm do they got along without McDon agJi to teach 'em grammar. Sage F.ros. are moving into tho old Post Ollice buildiug in Masonic Flock, an J wiH have a very fine sto:o then. It is In zer and more commodious eve ry way for their business. It is ru mored that a restaurant will be open ed in the present Sage building. We again call attention to our County Fair matters. The track ous'.it to bo put in shape at onco and other matters attended to, this will bo 8. beautiful harvest, all the counties and towns around us are making great preparations and expect to make a inosL excellent showing this fall. Let us not be behind. The Lawn Sociable last Friday evening, owing to the slight rain which fell in tho early evening, was not st suc cess, although, we believe nine dollars was realized from the salw of cream, but the I;;l:s with. c...:....-udable en ergy aunjaneed the s.l:..- programme Mr. J. IL Hoiliday, a carpenter from Indiana, une to Flattsmouth hist week, with the intention of settling here. Joe Berry wh has boon handling Dan Johnson's and other fast horses this summer, passed through town Tuesday. Nick Holmes, a farmer living out towards Concord, fell fronr his wagon near ScUildknecht's bridge Saturday, and was quite severely injured. Mr. A. W. Frole, formerly a resulont of Flattsmouth, now of Osceola, Iowa, has been visiting our cit and looks well and hearty. Wo wera most heartily giaa to see Air. rrole once more. Mr. G. T. Hochschew, a St. Louis Grain and Malt Agent was in town last week. We were introduced to him by Mr. F. E. White, and the Her ald is glad to see St. Louis business men among us once more. Miss Leha Wightman, who has been visiting her many friecds in Platts moutk for the pat two weeks, left for Omaha Wednesday afternoon where she will make Mrs. Calvert a short vis it before returning h me to Fremont. Mayor Chase, of Omaha, and wife, made I'h'ttsmouth a Hying visit one day last week, and the Mavor looked in upon the Herald cilice a moment. seemingly in as good spirits as usual. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Wheeler. Somo of old I5urt Co. friends, Mr. and Mrs. Rjers and familv. made the Herald t f-iee a very short call on Wednesday noon. They were on their way down iiuo Richardson Co. to visit a daugiiter, with their own convey ance, and were eujoving thsmselves immensely. mouth last Saturday for Lincoln, where they will make their future res idence. Mr. Cushing's removal is a great loss to Flattsmouth, he being ono of our most enterprising and ener getic cit izens, and in our social life Mrs. Cushing's loss will be equally great. While regretting our own loss, however, we wish them all success in their new home, and as many friends as they had in Flattsmouth. 'ew Bridge Ofer the Missouri iS'car Omaha. The Furlington and Missouri Rail road Company in Nebraska are about to build a new bridge across the Mis souri River at Flattsmouth, about ono mile below the mouth of the Platte Rivor and 22 miles below Omaha. The entire-bridge will be about 3000 feet in length, about 1,000 feet being over the present bed of the Missouri River. The bridge is in charge of Mr. George S. Morrison, chitrf engineer, who will personally attend to its con struction. The contract for the beton and concrete work has been given to the Xew York Stone Contracting Com pany and will be done under the sup ervision of Mr. Joan C. Gooaridge, Jr., president of the company. The other contracts are not yet made. The foun dation in the river bed will be 55 feet below low water mirk; the bottom of the bridge o.i feet above high water mark. It will take about a year to complete the structure. The Union Facific bridge at Omaha cost over 82, 000,000. Trie bridge at PlattsmoBth is expected, from superior engineering, to cost much less. The Missouri "River in the vicinity of Omaha is noted for its shifty character and treacherous quicksands, The river is now a mile further away from Omaha than it was last year, and has formed a new chan nel or cut on! through the Oxbows, making the river aboutsix miles short er in length. The above is from the ScientiGc American, wV.ich knows no point in Nebraska but Omaha like most east ern papers. It also does not know that while the river has changed its course near Omaha, the channel near Flattsmouth has not ch'anged for many years and is not likely to, as our banks are materially different from those near Omaha. The Fire. About three o'clock Monday morn ing the citizens of Flattsmouth were wakened by a loud shouting and then the clanging of the Presbyterian bell, ad observation speedily convinced them of a lively fire on or very near Main Street. It proved to be the black smith shop of Robt. Donnelly which was so far gone as to prevent any pos sibilitjtof saving it with all its con tents, books included. Tho fire soon enveloped Rauen'g wagon shop, John son Bros. Carpenter shop and stable, and made strenuoas efforts to tackle White's warehouse, which a bucket brigade finally managed to save. Had this gane tbe fire would have inevit ably reached Main Street and many more valuable buildings been lost. It seems probable that the fire origi nated from tramps sleepingon some hay which they ignited by their pipes, al though many thought it was set to af ford an opportunity to rifle deserted houses, but as no such cases have been hotiid the first theory sCems the more correct one; either easo does not leave a very comfortable feeling in regard to the safety of the town which without any fire department and with a busi ness street composed principally of old rrame ouiiaings is a lair prey lor a grand sweep cf the destructive ele ment. The loss was probablv in the neigh- borh:od of S? 00, but vro are pleaded to see that the losers are not disherit cned. Mr. Donnelly, as our readers will see in another place, having com menced tho erection of a brick shop wnicn win render turn comparatively safo from another destruction. The lectured given ou Monday and Tuesday evening, by Profs. Aughey and Wilber,, under the auspices of tLe Institute, although fairly attended, es pecially Trof. Wilber's, which was giv en at tne At. i. Church, ana conse quently was more accessible, ought to have called oat a much larger audi- .ence. The lectures both treated of the geology and general characteristics of Nebraska, subjects which should in terest every citizen of the State, and treated by mea exceptiotiably well ia formed on the subject which they treat, and from which all, in every kind of business, may derive benefit of one kind or another. Nebraska ia a state or wonaerrui extent ana resources, which have been, as yet, very slightly investigated or explored, and these pi oncers in the research into her store house, open up a field which may well cause any Nebraskau to exult at the future prospects of this central State of the Union, whoso soil is of such wonderful fertility. Prof. Aughey tells us that it is capable of supporting fourteen millions of people, and so in exhaustible that only till the bills are worn to the base will it cease to bring forth in abundance. Prof. Wilber gavo an interesting de scription of the methods of the forma tion of coal beds or basins, nni encour aged the belief that coal will eventual ly be found in Nebraska. Lack of space pro vents further re view of the lectures, which we should be glad to give. Prof. Aughey will give us another lecture week after next. A short notice of Prof. Piper's lecture will be found elsewhere. Barned out but not Discouraged. Robert Donnelly desires to give no tice, that owing to the fire fiend, bis old shop is non est, but that from now until his new brick fhcq is completed on tho old site, he will be found by his old customers, rerrdy for" business, at the shop of A. D. Despain, on 7th St., and Chicago Avenue. He also wishes to state that he needs money badly, and all those knowing themselves in debted to him will please call and set tle as soon as possible. 20tl Genesis and Geology. I- T 1IT M1 A -m w uy rioi. v noer next v eunesaay ev ening, under the auspices of the Insti tute. WHISTLE S0W1T SHAKES ! AND SIDE TRACK IN FRONT OF 2LM'JK a i i ii n yescou ana roweiraH ESCOTT AND ESCOTT & POWELL POWELL 9 9 if Estrdy Notice. o JDXJD .17. .1. .1. Jlouthly Weather Report. JLLY 1879. Man tPinprrature 72 IliKlit'St mean temperature, on the 2itli..5; " fit 11 M Hiliect temperature ou t lie 11th 92 Lowest " " " 30th 4 At and over 80 Uaiu lull, inches 41 Sixteen stcrin. ten of them liirht. Twentv- rlrxt was very sultry and not. day una night. Heaviest M.onn ana ruin full ut the 7th., IV JULY 1S78. Mean temperature Lowest " Hisrhest " Ruin full, inches See "STOTX Such a Stock EVER Takfli up l'y the ml.kfi II. rr liilo;- In PUtU inn.itli, priTinrt. T:m county, Jul-.- 2. K7'j nun i-u;lil l..y 11, .in-. whit.. Imiil f . t , und Is'uliat 11 Known :t ;i slump sucker. WM. II. .SUKl'HKKIi. Attachment Notice. St.ite of Net... t':ts ( I o .lus 'mil l o- fore K. .I. Mai this.. I. P. !:;,., Co., plumi- lrlsv. Patrick hiteraM, d. I t. On the -M iUv (A July. A. 1. l7 .iid .limtic lcsiu'il an order of iOluchiiicut in t lit- alio ve ac tion for the .sum of .-t"i.oo. . , , , KV'AXSIt CO , I'laiutiffn. lit'cenwoou. July , Istii. Attachment Notice. r.u4ru a. i.iiiiTvs. pi. 1 otinL'stcrtt. ctiicneo. in .. ...f. I'l.:.. . .. v i.iii"i. iM-tnj u i.'jn 111 iit';u v. .J . l ' 111 :u:il 1 t ;iv Co.. cl). uy, J. J ., in ;u.d Goods? ZE3I A. T ! ? 1TEYER? ..78' . .47 . .95 ...87!',. Well, Hardly Ever I I -o- Fhe'im (to tourist who has taken shel ter in a leaky shebeen) "Dad and it's soaked to the bono you'll be gettin' wid the stliruinea through the roof. Come outside, sorr it's dryer in the wet!" Funny Fvlkt. We are tJie lenders of the style, as you may plainly H luy oar elothitty all the while, of WKSOOTT d- P.; 'Tis there we yet ovr Shirts, our CoaU, Vents, ami Pants, "And so do our Sisters and our Cousins and our Aunts." -o- Sam Barker bought cattle, too fat, last week. -100 head of . Hank Vallery's threshing machine was burned the night of tho fire. It is a bad loss for Henry, although it was an old machine, as it kuocks him out of his fall's work. E. ilayfield, the "Young Ameri can," begs leave to say that he has not represented himself as the "owner and manager of the largest publishing house ia America," and would have further to say, perhaps, if ho did not thoroughly agree with the Hon. Judge 01 mis lusirict, mat tne utterance QX a paper of the "mule ear pattern, (ac cording to the Iloa. District Attorney of this district), is not worthy the at tention 01 a straigut-lorward person. who intends to mind his own business and do the best he can in the world. Pcspect fully, E. May FIELD, Y. A. Ordinance No. OS. ivn ordinance proviaincr for coverins certain "Unexpended Monies" from the"City Fuud"known as the"Fund- lng Bond i und to the "Special Li cense Tax Fund." lie it ordained by the jfavor and Couneilmen of the City of Plattsmouth, Section 1. That seven hundred dol lars of the money remaining in and be longing to tho "Fund" levied for the purpose of paying the interest upon certain illegal funding bonds of Flatts mouth Citv. be and the same are here by covered into the Special License Tax Fund of said City. Skc. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication according to law. Read and approved Aug. 4th, 1879. Attest: J. W. Johnson, J. D. Simtson, Mayor. City Clerk. 20tl SPECIAL NOTICES. Nobbiest and Latest Styles of Suits Awful Cheap. ENGLISH WORSTED SUITS, FRENCH DIAGONAL SUITS, SCOTCH SUITS, CHEVIOT SUITS, CA SSI 31 ERE SUITS. STRAW HATS, FELT HATS, PILES OF HATS. BOYS' AND CHILDREN CLOTHING, TRUNKS AND VALISES. o fy-Will m il you ready made suits, or take vour order aril mr.ke vo:i a uit or sell vmi tho piece good. The well known cutter and fitter, Mr. M. O'JUmrke, will execute't heir w 01 k in that line and uuruntee satisfaction. jy Tire alioe-ii..meif defendant will take tiMtlrv IttHt the caid Edwin Je-iry, .Justice of llor Peace, l-iiic.l ;:u order of attachment in thw aliove action f .r llm toim i f fl.t. and tiiut Hie said eauc is continued until I lie y .ih day of Ai.Kit, at one 'clock p. in. on -ai l day. ei)vai;i a. i : v l 1 1:, l"t Plaintiff. Probate Notice. In the matter of the Estate of M.ilhias Tyson, deceased. In the County Coin I ol Cass' Co . Ncluasku. Notice is lierel.y ejven, that K. W. P.arnum, Lxecntor of the last w ill ami ti Muiiient of llio aid M.itli'as Tvsoh deceased, has made appli cation for final settlement, and that said cans Is set for hearing at my oiln-u al I'Ullsmoulh. on the .".'th day of Aiiut A. !.. lsW. at one o'clock I". f t., on said day : at whinh time and; place, all persons interested may he present aiiii examine said ace. uuts. A. N. St I .m van, i'lattsinuuth, July 2.id, Co. Ju.lce 1814 Sheriff's Sale. Xu Western Family can afford at this season to be without Etroun's Itlarltberry and iintrer, a stife, reliable and pleasant remedy for Diar rhea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint and Cholera Morbus. It has been tried for ten ywars, and i endorsed bv phy sicians and dnifrirists. Procure a bot tie at once. Delays are dangerous. For sale everywhere, $1500, MONEY TO LOaJJ O.N KEAL ESTATE. In amounts of 8400 and upwards, on live years time. Interest to be 10 per cent., payable semi-annually, as accrued. No Commission charged the Dor rower, Apply to D. II. Wiieelei: & Co. July 10,1879. 17tf. To ilkHMl A V liA K. or ji" to ?J0 a dav in yoiirown luealitv. No risk. Wo men do as well as men. Many make more than the amount stated above." No one can fail to make money fast. Any one can do the work. Vou ean make from .'.0 eeut.s to $2 an hour by devoting vour evcninirs and pare time to the business. It eoM uothini; to try the busim ss. Nothing like it for money liiiikinir ever offered before. Business olcasnnt and trietly honorable. Koader. if you want to know all about tile best paying business before the public send us vour address and we will send vou full pa ri iculars and private terms free ; sampler worth A5 also free ; vou can then make in. vour i ni u.l for vom self. Address t! K ) K'i K STINSON & CO., Portland, Maine. Ulv Take Notice. just received, a large stock of horse shoes, nails, iron and steel, and a com plete line of wagon and buggy stock, at J. S. Duke's new hardware store, chearer than tb rlinaapit "iif A MONTH Guaranteed. 12 dav at. home made bv the industrious. Cap ital not required ; we win start vou. 'Meit. women, bovs and Kil ls make mon ey faster at work for us than at anvthini; else. the work is bnit and plcv-ant. ami such as any one can po riht at. Those w ho are wise who eie tins uut ice will send us their addresses at once ami ev for themselves. Coolly outfit and term free. Now is the tinio. Those already at work are laving up laiv:o "urns ol money Address TUCE & CO., Augusta, Maine. 131y Caiition to Smokers. From and after the 1st day of May, Ihts all boxes containing cigars of my manufacture will have my name bold ly printed on the inside of the lid. This is to prevent counterfeiting my brand of cigars, with an inferior quality of cigars, resorted to by some unprinci pled manufacturers. None are genu ine unless plainly labeled: JULIUS PFFPFiniUllG, M A N V FACT I" 1 1 M It, Flattsmouth, - - Xebraska. Administrator's Sale. Notice hereby given that in accordance with law and au order gianted by the jude of the 2d Judicial liisirict of the State of 'Nehras ka, I will on tlieanth day of Auur. A. I . 1 :(. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. rn. of said dav. at my residence at Mt. l'leasaut. offer at tmb'lie vale tlm real estate belonging to the estate of I has. ii. v iiisiow, aeccoed, known and described ioiiows r llie Kiutliwest quarter (s w 'o of the ooruiwrsi quarier (n w 4) of section ei-IH is) ionMUp ,,0. ten (in), range No. thirteen (l.ii ea-si oi tne wn i: si. froceeds of jsalo to be appueu 10 payment or debts. SAIUII N. WIN SLOW, I,t3 Administiatiix. Ity ii tue of an order of .ale Usiiecl by Win, L. WeilK, clerk of the I ;slru t ..in I w ilhin ami for Cass counlv. Nebraska, aii.i to me diiected. I will on the 1 lih day of Amut. A. I . is. i, ;it II o'clock, a. in. of haid day, at the soi.tii .N... of the l imit House, in s.iid cinmu, s. II a! pub lic auction the following real eslaic. t it: T he noi l iieast ; l :i i lei i n. e. ' 1 1 oi : ,.- soul h west quint er is v.. ', of ec!...l I .will -1 wo C2I, towiisliip eii , !(U lll'ltil i r.llie No. nine no. east of lhei! It I". M.. to ,1 .ici u il h t Inv r.iiiIenaiiC' s ; The same bein ' l-n.-.l in.., v and taken as the pro'.ertv of V. illiaiii Tii;;!it, J.linheth Wright an i Mary M. M k. il. f. ud- ai.ls, to sati .iy a j imminent of sa id rout t recov ered bv Nicholas flieppiiil Co.. . ' ;t i f 1 1 1 r j. i:. w. iiyi:i;s Siiei ill Cass ( o.. Neb. I laiTsmoiiin, Neb., duly Vth, A. 1' 1-li;t5 J. Sheriff's Sale. Sheriffs Sale. Ev virtue of an execution isii.i w i Wed. Clerk of the Oisttiet Court w ithin and tor Yr 'u,,,ll, iei rasKji. ana to me directed. "in ii i ne i ii :iy oi feeplemher, A. II. IsTft. at ii oeiocK. a. si., ol said day. at the South door cf the Court Hoiue. In said Count v. sell at public auction the following, to-wit nine 91 tacks of wheat and two fa stacks of baiiev! said bai ley and w heat is in stack on the north easi quarter Lii. e. J or section eleven 1 11 town eieyen (Il range twelve 12l. The same being levied i,j.o!i r.nd taken n the property of An- ui'iw ivein. Uetf iiuaut ; to satls!v a judgment ",' eot;rt. recovered by Joliu Tewksbury, tl. Y. llvi l.H. A. , Sheriti. Cass Co.. Ni.b. riatt.siiioiilh.Ncb. August Vth. A. I), istj. -Ci2 Sheriffs Sale. N. JToir is Vottr Time to purchase a good washing machine 'The Park hurst." Try it and be con vinced. A free trial will be given to all. 1Y. II. Pickens. Ag t. 20tt Flattsmouth, Neb. Wanted. A good girl to do cooking and house wort at tne urana Central Hotel, at South Fend, Xcb., immediately. 131.3 II. A. Kiuke & Co. $66 for t: c:ov, P.J 11 -x resp even i'l;. an. dlv Mr. Corbuie!, a brother-in-law of Jas. Grac", from Mj'itreal, Canada, has come among us lookinj for a place to locate. He will probably enter into some kind of business in Flattsmouth before long. Mr. Xcvil'e is having some repairs put on his house, and the Herald cor ner again listens to the tap of the ham mer, but this time it rejoices that it is bringing confusion elsewhere than within its limits, and only wish Mr. Neville and family the consequent comfort. We took a little trip dowa to Iles scr's the first of the week, and w ere delighted with the beauty of his flow ers, which were very brilliant. Three beds of the different varieties of eo leus made a bright show a3 they loom ed up in our path, and the .verbenas were magnificent. Getaniums were just coming into bloom and roses too. aad Mr. Hesser with his customary prodigality loaded us with blossoms, which have graced our rooms since. Mr. II. had just returned from a visit to his parents iu Indiana. Prof. Fipor delivered the third lecture of the High School Institute series at the M. F. Church last even ing, subject, The Philosophy of Hi3to iy. The lesson sought to bo taught throughout was most excellent, and too generally is lost sight of in the study of history, namely, that not principally the committing of clale3 to memory, or the order of wars is tho object to be attained, but that the stu dent should strive to draw a lesson of good, should learn from the history of other people and nations to regulate tho life of individuals and the life of the community and nation. A fair audience greeted Prof. Piper, but his lecture deserved a much better one. The next of the series will be given by Trof. Wilber next Wednesday ev ening, subject, The six Days of Crea tion, cr Genesis and Geology. J! ore Uoats. The steamer, C. K. Peck came down the river last Sunday morning, and commenced taking on the graiu which was stored there ready for shipment by J. A. Conner and Messrs. Parmele & Darrah, COO tons of corn, and left on Tuesday for St. Louis. A U. S. Lieu tenant was on board with tea Xez Perees Indians, remaining from Chief Jo.sop'f.5 band, on their wav to tho In dian Territory. They wero stalwart looking fellows, and the blanket and moccasins looked very natural. The Dakota arrived yesterdav, also from above. This i3 one of the largest and handsomest boats oa the river, a conn icrpart oi me intsna, wmcu was blown up at Sismarck. June 30th Capt. X. Fuesen kindly showed us over it. They will take on 1200 tons of grain if our dealers can furnish them The Dakota . started from Pittsburg this spring and made the trip to liis marck, then plying between Beaton Sft , , . ana msinarcK, ami now win make a trip to St. Louis and return north. ' City Council. August 2, 1S79. Met in regular session. Mayor Johnson in the chair. Present Coun- cilinen Fairfield, Pepperberg, McCal- lum, Sharp, eckbach, Pollock, and Clerk Simpson. I lie following bills were presented and referred to finance committee: Tlilrty of the best organ makers of the World are competitors at tlie Paris Exposition. a cable dispatch to the Assjciated Tress savs two highest gold medals have been awarded to the American makers. Ma.son & Iiamhn. Schlitz Milwaukee beer on draught always, at F. Posenbaum's saloon. Flattsmouth, Xeb. 14tf. Call iu and see Fred Goos' new store in basement of Xew City Hotel. 14tf A w PICK in your ow n town, and no cap ital risked, i ou can give iui lotsiness a trial without expense. The best onpor tilliit v ever oil- red for those willing to work. You should trv nothing else until vou see for Yourself what vou ean do at the busiui s.s we oiler. No room to explain here. ou can devote all vor.r time or only vour spare time 1 : the biiMiie-s, and make great pay for every hour vou work. Women make as much as men. .Send for special private terms and particulars. which we mail free. So Outfit free. Hon t com idain of hard times while you have such a chance. Address II. HaLLET & CO., Ton land, Maine. uiy p-,-i j-g - j- .! :'KJi -7rg IlVViltiie Of an eree.itlo Pllliivan. I'Otini V Jlld-e. wit i n :md for l'-x County. Nebraska, and to mc !... -i..h i uin the lsth day ol August, A. 1. Is7:. at 1 o'clock, p. m., of said day. at the storeroom of It I' leomans in the town of Wepi.m . vv-.....- ... said County, soli at uilbl ie Auction 'the ti l low ¬ ing to-wit : one billiard table, commonly called pin pool,' table No. S..JJJ. The sa.ne being levied i-oii oiei uuicii as me properr v or wm.Jlatold Defendant : to satisfy a finiin'cnt of so, I ,., rt recovered by Alexander Schlegel. Plaintiff. ' K. W. HYEK8. , 20' 2 Kheriff. Cass Co.. Neb. riattsuioutU. Neb., August 7th. A. D. IsT'j. Sheriffs Sale. . 3 . 5 . 9 13 23 40 40 50 50 75 10 00 50 00 00 School Keport. Weeping V ater school primary de partment. During the past term Fdith Clizbe and Willis Rexford have been present each and ever day. Those hav ing the highest standing in their stud ies aro Fanny Davis and Herbert Ilex ford. Miss Fanny's being 87 and Mas ter Herbert S2. Superintendent D. D. Martindale honored us with one visit, Director, Mr. James Clizbe, has credit for two visits. We were also pleased to receive visits from t he following la dies: Mrs. Clizbe, Mrs. Peach, Mrs. Pussell, Miss Helen Ashman, Miss Flo ra Coglizer and Miss Ella Thorngate and ethers. Anna Calkins. Now Barber. John Boone, the barber has obtained the services of a new barber from Des Moines, Iowa. He is represented as' beinj a first rate workman in his line, and Mr. Boone hopes all his patrons will give him a trial, get a good job, go away satisfied aad let "John" go to dinner in peace verbum sap. Lost. A hound pup about five months old. Either strayed or etolen. If the same is returned to E. P. Todd, the person returning him will receive the thaaks of owner, and a reasonable reward. Respectfully, E. R. Todd. -Full Hooded Houdaif rooster lor sale. Notice. Elder John Taffe will preach at the Christian Church at Fairview, every alternate Sunday, commencing June 2?Lh. All interes ledplease read this notice and remember the same. P. m irci r. M. L. White, lumber F. Goerder, wire J. V. Weekbach, lumber J. E. Barnes, labor , H. A. Waterman & Son, lumber State Journal, records P. B. Murphy, salary J. D. Simpson, salary J. D. Simpson, settlement with 1 reasurer 25 CO On recommendation of finance com mitteo the following were allowed Jno. Ilohlschuh, work on St $20 90 F. S. White, moving lire eng 10 00 All deeds for right of way to bridge obtained and iuonev paid over for land: so reported by mavor. Alter some arguing as to propriety of granting license under old law, to Edgerton, on grounds that old license had not expired, it was submitted to vote. All in faver except Mr. Pollock Dr. Richmond and Jos. A. Connor, were elected as members of boaid of health, to fill vacancies. Messrs. Sharp, Pollock and Pepper berg were appointed to investigate ti ties of Merriam for lots now owned by R. R. The resignation of R. C. Cushing was accepted. Adjourned. SriXTAL MEETING. Monday, August 4, '79. Meeting called for purpose of pass ing an ordmance for borrowing 700 from the funding bend fund, to open up 4th street south of Alain, prepar atory to grading an avenue sometime this fall, in lieu of old Lincoln Ave nue, which has beon donated to R. R for shop grounds. 4 . 1 . si - unnnance was introduced, ana on motion was placed upon its first read ing. tin motion, rules were suspend ed, and ordinance placed upon second and third reading and passage. Passed unanimously and publication ordered according to law. Mayor and clerk were empowered to draw warrant for 450 ia favor of and take deed from Wolcott, for tract of land inright of way, and from J. D. Simpson for .$30. On motion, committee of three, with Mayor as chairman, were appointed to see about the printing and procuring 25,000 G per cent, interest funding bonds to exchange for the $50,000 bonds now held by the R. R. Co., con sisting of Pollock, Weekbach and Fair field. P. B. Murphy, marshal, asked that an additional wan be placed on police force, but for want of funds it was put off for the present. Adjourned. County Ordeks will be received at this office in pay for subscriptions, at their market value, always. Remem ber that. 4!tf. Nebraska Beer, at Antelope Brewery, Lincoln, Xeb., orders received and promptly filled. Agents here, Keenan & Grace. tf. fresh daily, 14tf. E. Rosenbaum Milwaukee beer cool and nice. Iui3 en hand on draught, TJic Old Settler and .cw C'Omcr are deciding that eastern medicines are not adapted to western diseases, and that Krown'S Vege table Liver I'll Is are the only reli able remedy for relieving Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headache and Tor pid Liyer. And that Lurcca Ajrue k'ills never fail to cure ths chills when taken as directed. For sale by Dr. W. E. Donelan, Chap man $: Smith. J. II. Butterv and O. F. Johnson. lltf Plattsmouth, Xeb. 'ew Saloon in the basement of tho Xew City Ho tel, where all the choice brands of Wines, "Liquors, and Cigars will be found. Don't forget the place, Fred Goos, Proprietor. 14ti Louisville White and Fire Brick Works. Capt. J. T. A. Hoover, Prop. Brick of every kind Wall, ornamental ; fire brick especially for Bakers, Brewers, Foundry men, &c. Write to J. T. A Hoover, Louisville, Xeb. ICtf Fnropeau Hotel. This is a new hotel, eppositc the Academy of Music, O street, Lincoln, Xebraska. It is first class in every respect. Good sample rooms for com mercial men. Terms, $2 tier dav. Spencei: & Brooks, 441y Proprietors. OliPrr. Yc u can make money by selling our Merliug Chemical Wicks Never need trimming No smoke or smell 10 cents each, 3 for J" cents. Send stamp foreatalogue of Won derful InvilitioiK.staple and fancy goods. Par cons, foster a Co., 2j Clark :t.. Chicago. lnnJ It nnn XAMES t residents wanted. For 25 1U.UUU names and 25 cents we will send ' von a tine si ik Handkerchief, everv thread silk. Regular price, l.oo, G. W. Eost'-r. & Co.. 2o Clark Street. Chicago. 111. lmG. Autelope Brewery, Liacoln, Xeb. Fresh good Beer on hand all the time. Order at once of the Company, or Keenan & Grace, Plattsmouth. 19tf There is a rapidly increasing de mand for our Xew Styles Mason & Hamliu Organs, Best, Most Dur able and Cheapest Organs ia the market. Call and get information in regard to them, at Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drug Store, or at my residence (two minutes walk West of Streight's sta ble.) 19t3 James Pettee, Agent. Carpet Wcavinsr. -Mis3 Agathe Hansen will from now on be ready to do all kinds of carpet weaving, at the lowest possible rates. Leave orders at Maldaner & Uerrman's store. lGtf Don't be Deceived. Many persons say "I haven't got the Consumption" when asked tocure their Cough with Shiloh's Consumption Cure. Do they not know that Coughs lead to Consumption and a remedy that will cure Consumption will cer tainly and surely cure a cough or any lung or throat trouble. Wo know it will euro when all others fail and our faith in it is so positive that we will refund the price paid if you receive no benefit. Is not this a fair proposi tion. Price 10. cts. 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle. For lame chest, Back or sile, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by Chapman & Smith, Druggists. Why will you s infer with Dyspepsia and liver complaint, constipation, and general debility when you ean get at our store Shilohs Svstem Vitalize r Aotice to Teachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st i riday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, Octolier and ISovember. At eepiug Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Xotice of other examinations will be given. D. D. Martindale, 41m6 Superintendent. LEGAL NOTICES. " Estray Notice. Take, i up by the subscriber one black stiw, with tliree pigs Poland China breed two bar rows ami one how, and the fow pig has a crook ed nose. The owner can have the same by ap plying at my place, and paying the charges un der the Es'ray Law. J. II. Mkisi.nhkk, Plattsinoutli, August 2d, Is7:i. 2013 I!y virtue of .ui execution issued by Win I Wells. Clerk of the Djsli u t tourl. uPhin au.'i for Ca-ss County, Nebraska, and to me diie. le.l I will ou the Klh day cf .Si;otemhL-r, A D 1S7' at 10 o'clock, a. til., of said dav. at "(.lie "south' door of the Court House. i:i said County sell at pabdc auction the following re al estate to-wit the north west ,uari i tn. w. i,j ot section' seventeen I7J township Xo. tu-.-lve jr.' i n No. nine 91 id Cass County. Nebraska. The same being levied upon and taken as the prop erty of 1 A ami A. II. Gould. Defendants ; to s,il, JY,lt-'"'e"1 of haid Conn, recovered by John Uiaek, Plaintiff. l:. w. Hifkh , ,, . , Sheriff. Ca-s Co . Xt:b. Plattsmouth. Neb. August 7th. A. D. 1S7. t5 Est ray Notice. i aKen tip by the subscriber. living five miles north of We-ping Water Kails. Cass t o., rveb one Texas steer, brand of letter "IV on left cide. T he owner may call, prve property, pay eharges and take property a ay. 1:'5 Wn. Paxkomn. D. Legal Notice. fault having been iiiado in tlm condition juiy aoin, and tiled and indexed in the recorus or e:ass eoiint v. Ncbiika. ou the 2,:d day of October, ls77. at 11 -l") o'clock a. in., on which there is due at the date of this notice, the sum of one hundred and two dollars and thirty cents i.c luJ.W) : -.-iiil uiort'tage being giv en by ,1. C. Noel to Ann Allison, and duly fold tin. I assigned for a full and valuable coiici.br ation, ou or about the mn dav of March, isr:, to Weed ISrot hers : we will se'll at public auc tion to the highHst bidder, at the front door of the Pot Office, ill Weeping Water, Cass county Nebraska, on the lJth dav of Augn-.t, A. 1. IS7!i, at 1(1 o'clock a. m. of .i:.: d.i t he uroncr- ty in said mortgage, described, to wit- line Woostsr threshiiiLr machi lie. With I':IS..V l.iwnr and the usual appurtenances thereunto betou-'-ing, to satisfy said amount and costs. " l KKKDB30S. P.y virtue of nn or ler of sale Issued by Win, L. Well.., Cleik oft he I is i nt Coin i w ii hiu ami tor Ca-s Count v.Vcbraska, and to l ie directed, I will on the ! 1 ; 1 1 dav of August, . . j .;, at. 1 o'clock p. ui. of s.ii.l day. at the s u! Ii door of the Court Hou.' in s.iid county, s.-li at public; auction the following real estate, to wit : Tho south half is. 'ii of the bouth half ei. 'y of the southeast ipiartcr (s, e. 'i) of section No. four ( I), and the northeast ipiancr (u. e. l ) of rlT l.ou No. ninettfi.all iti ;owns!iip No. t w ele t north of range No. thi" teea ( e:'sl of the Clh P. M , together with the appurtenances; 'J he k.iiiic being levied upon and taken as the prop erty of Henry II. Pettit. IJizu L. p.-tut and .lohn Fitzgerald, defendant., to satisfy a Ju.lg loenl of naH eirt. rtrmwmd by l'obt.'O. Doom, assigned to T. U. tlorrtou. plaint ill. K. W. HYF.IW. .Sheriff Cass Co., Nob. Plattsmouth, Neb., July 7lh, A. D. Is7:. Ift5 SiierifTs Sale. P.y virtue of an c.vecu: ion i-su.-d by Wm. I., W eils. Clerk of tho I i -t lift Coin t. within ami lor Cass coir ty, N.-bianka. and to me direct ed. I will on the ,'icih day of August. A. D-lT-.i. ai Pi o'clock a. m. of fail day, at the couth door of t he ( 'o'li I I louse in s.iid i o::i;ty. sell at public auction the following real est it to wit : Lot icii i lio. block fourteen itii m the city of Pliitt-fii'.iilh, Cass (ouiitv, N'.-bi' i-ka : Tho same being lev icd upon and taken as the prop erty cf Mm. Anii-tioiig and Kli.i AruislronK, defend.niU. to sati-t v a judgmriit of s;;id court, recovered by Jacob V ailoi v Jr., plainl ilf. U. W. 11 VKtiS. Sliei i ft Cass I o.. Nelj, I'lritlsmouih, Neb., July isi, A. D. :w"y LS15 Slierilf's Sale. Uy virtue of an order of inle Issued by Win. L. Wells, clerk of the District Court within and tor Caso county. Nebraska, and to ni directed, I will on t lie 1 ft day of September, A. 1). 187U. at 10 o'clock a. in. of said di. i.l the south door of the Court Houso in said county, elt at public auction the follow ing real estate to wit ; T he northeast uuai ter. (n. e. U) of tectlon No, nine touiisl.in No. twelve ( 1J) : ulso. tli south hall is. of the south half fs. ", of the- soiaheai-t uual lerls. e. '1 cf .section four t4i. towhship t welve i l-'i. uoi 111 in i ar .e t nil teen ( to), east of the t: h P. L, being the property of the plaintiff : The same bein;' levied upon and taken asllie property of II. II. Petllt, plaii.i i if. to sal Isfv a judgiiiei; t of s.il 1 com t, le- .VLi'vd bvJol.ii Ulack, defeii'lam. II. W. H KKS. Sheriff Cass Co., Neb. Plattsmoutli, Neb. July "01 li , A. D. lb7U. i5 ShenH 's Sale. Bridge Notice. Notice is herebv ntveti that bids for the con struction of Two Combination Li idces. one 1 and one 50 feet lomr : Tin. teen Pile I'.ri.lee. 2'!. -Ii. 'JO. 20. pi. 20. 20. 21. 20. 2o. 22. 211. .-net '!) feet. rt'siiectivel and I M. lir.t.r r.rotfr.. i r..ut i.....r w ill be leee'ivert at the County Clerk's oflice up' i "iu m .-epiemner 2d. std : a so rn s fur construction of stone al.utimiits for bridge across Wilson creek on south side of section 2S. town 10. rango is, will be received up to same date. Said bridges and abulia. -uts to be built in accordance with plans and siecilicatiotis now on file in County Clerk's oilier. The Coun ty Commissioners reserve tho right to reject any and all bids ; also the pi ivilege to add to nnmber of bridges to be built at contract price fur bridges of like class, i'.idders will aceoni pany bids with plans and spe?ifieations. iy order oi county CouuuisBiouers. J. I). TL'TT. Co. Clerk. Cass Co. Xeb. By .7. W. Jkxnis6s, Deputv. 17U Sherilfs Sale. Road Notice. llemember that for boots and shoos Rockwell cannot be beat in price. He has a large assortmenh 2tf. winch, we sell on a positive guarantee to cure you. Frice 10 cts. and 75 cts. For sale by Chapman & Smith, Drug- ists. IIAClvMLJ ACK" u popular and fragrant perfume. Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggiots, Flattsmouth, Xeb. Slly tow. TnU w hom it may eoneem: The Commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing forty Moj nxle north of the east cor ner of sections eleven (lliand fourteen (U town ten (to) range twelve il2 in Cass County. Tun ning thence nort Ii and connecting with the es tablished road between the north half and the south half of the north east quarter cf see. ion eleven (11) town ten (Hi) range twelve (I2i. ami terminating at said point, lias reported in favor of the ei-tal.lishnieiir. theieof, and all objections t hereto or claims lor damages must be tiled i.i the Couiitv ClerkV oflice on or beiore noon of the 7th dav of October, A. D. 179, or such road will be eslub.isned without reloience thereto. J. D. TL'TT, Uy J. W. Jknings, County Clevk. Deputy. 20to Road Notice. J"" all to irlfin it in a? conrrrn: The Commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing eighty (.hoi rod 4 coulli of the north east corner of section twenty-three 3i town twelve (12) range eleven ill), in C:iss Contitv, riiuinng thence due we-l on said line through the north east (u. e. Ki) of section twenty three (23) town twelve (12) range eleven (11) and through the east half (e. of north westc(iiHr trr (u. vv. 4) of said section and terminating at Mb. street iu the town of Louisville, has re ported in favor of the establishment thereof, aud all objections thereto or claims for damages mu-t be filed in the County Clerk's oflice on or before noon of the 7th day of October. A. D. lt7s). or such road will be established without reference thereto. J. I). TUTT. i liyJ.W.jESMM s, CoLiuvCleik. I Deputy. ZIJ. Py virtue of an alias execution is.ued bv Wm. We.lis. Clerk ol the District Court, w.th'in and for Cass countv, Nebraska, ami to rn.' directed. 1 will on the 3(lh dav of August. A. D. 17!. at 10 o'clock, a. in. of said dav. at the soulli ilooi- oftiic Court House in Plattsmouth. in said county, sell at. public, auction, the follow ing real estate, heretofore levied upon, to wit: Sixty-fi. C) aeies of cioun.l oil of liie east (e side of the f.iuthwcM quarter (s w .i oi the nort n west quarter u vv t, ) am! the northwest quarter (n w 4) ot the soiuhwesf quartcrtsvv ) of section number twent y-.six (26), in township N. twelve (12) north rango thiit.en ti:) ea-t of the 6th P. M., In Cass coun ty, Nebiaxka, aud more particnlarly described as commeiieing at a point thi-i ( ? chains and seveyty-nme (7i) links east of the noithwest (n w) corner of the southwest quarter (s w v4) of the northwest quarter In w !) of said sec tion uumber tweiitv-fix (26), and running thence east, in the eighth (h) section line bixteen (16) chains and twenty -five (25) linkf, to the northeast (n e) corner of the soutliweet quarter (s w 14) of the northwest piarter(n w !4)of said euiiu, mence soiuu, in me eigutn (sin) sec tion line, twenty (20) chains to the quarter section line east and w est 1 hroiigh f.-iid section ; thence running west, sixteen (Iri) chai'.n and twenty-five 12.'.) links; thence north, twenlv (20) chains, to the place of beginning; said tract ol land thus described containing thirtv two and bfty oiKS-Iiutrlredths i2 Ut- Ii u acres"; also iiiiiuiic ncing at a m:u; three i chains and eighty-one ist) links vct of the quarter 1 fiset'tiou corner on wet side of j-aid sect ion tvvmy-six 20) ; thence east on the quarter 1 ) section line, sixteen (l.;)ch.iins and iwcntv-.'ivc (25) links, t the north. -itst in ei corner of the southwest quarter is w i) of satd section; thence i-outh iu eghilj isth) section line twen ty (2.) chains, to soiuheast s C) corner of the northwest quarter (11 w 'j) of the southwest quarter (s vv i) of said section twent v-six (21,) ; thence west, on the eighth (sth) section line, fixteen (b'.i chains and twenty-five (2..) links; theuee norih twenty 120) chain, to the place of beiiiniiiitg. and com aim 11 g thirty-1 w o and rift v one-liiin.li t dtlis .;2 &o-l'jo acres, making in all Sixty-live (iT) acres of land, tlm same being t he sixty-live acres oi ground heretofore, on the2ithday of July, li7f . advertised for sale under iui execution issued in tins cause, and the sale of which wa enjoined by defendant, and which injunction ltas been Ity the court set aside aud held for naught. The same being levied upon awl taken as th property of Win. P.. Porter, defendant ; to sali.- fy a judgment of sai l Conn, recovered by i-"iit National Lank of Platlsioooiii, Nebraska, plailitill. ITutliinouth, Ncbljj:..i, Juiv 2UI1. A. D. ls'J. K. W. HVKKS. 1315 Shciil Co. Ncl . Lv Virtue of an order of -i1r Usiind tiv Win L. Wells. Clerk of the District Court within and' forCas!. county. Nebraska, ami to Die directed. 1 will on the Hlh dav of August A. D. 1 M7: nt 2 o'clock 11. 111., of said day, at llie south tor 01 ine court House 11 said vomit v. si nt niiblie auction the lollowing real estate to wit : Southwest qnaiter (s. w. 'ji of section No. thirty-three '.'. m lownshiu No. eleven 1 II). north of range No. thirteeu (1:4). cast of i t h p. m.., and the iiorlb-ea- t quarter ii;e'4) of .section four (4i i'i'townshi No. ten 10 noi Hi of range thirteen ;pj! east of the 6th pruuyplc meinliaii. und that t.art of theuorthwest ouait.-i- in. w. v of section four (D, towiiHhii tMi tlO). north of ram;e thirteen il.'ti east Clh P. "4.. oiilineneiiiL' as follows, to-wit : Cniiiiiiciicing at the i.ortii- west corner or i-aid sectmu ; thence oa-t to the-noi'thea-t eoiher of said i.uarter section: thence south one hundred and tw cuty-loiir (121) rods; thence west foilv-lilnt.' ( 1:1) rods; thence run i h si. t y-1 hree ((..-.) ioiis t en and one half 1 HP 1 1 links : thence west one hi iiuied and twelve (M2i rods and live Cii lit. ks V the west line of aid quarter sect ion ; t hence nort Ii sixty ;n) rods fourteen and inc-hatf i4' ,i links t t he place of start ing. t ..ntaiiiiug i'K) neres more or less, together with the nppui tenaii' es ; The ami: being levied upon and taken as the prop en v ol S. A. Osboln. Mary II. I'licluid, Sns.iii .1. 1'i i. har !. .lo-cph ;. Pi i.-hard, (Jcoive A. ITichaid. Mary Nettie a. Piiehard. Marttu Ib.waid i'liehaid und Lin er luto:i Prii liarii, :. fendaiit-. to satlrfy a judgment i f said 1 mut recovered by Ihtivey M. i;..ii!i--iv el!, t.l.imtitf. it. w. 11 i:iis. Shei itl Cass Co.. Neb. riattsniouth, No:... Ju.'vTtli, A. D. lt-79. 17t5 CRAY'S TRADE MARK. SPECIFIC MEDICINE The Crcnt Koglitb TRADEMARK. Itpmedy; An uufnlllog curt for S.rulD.1 Wnk nM, SpttTiustor. rhea, Impouoc, sod all dlwctes Uut follow & a m- tMM Of Slf-' Before Tsklair. Aim; .i.o,r Afur TuVirnr. If tiDorr, rslrarut Lusitud. Psia in Ui Uaek. OioiDtu ot TUloa, Prrmaturt 014 ( sikd Lib; ulLrr ltoew thAt to InMohy or Conn tyU . and a Pmviatwr Gro. 07 Fun partlcalars la amr pamphlet, .Lie a v 4otf to end Iroo br maU to cTrr oae. CjTTa Roctn krfldo.U sold bj all drueciatt atf 1 ln package, ar li parkafoa tor f$, or will b acut free bj mail oa roorit of th 010Q07 by addroainif TUK tilt IT 9E0ICI.VK CO., Ilsca4i.iea Buci, Dsrecrr, llica. rSold in Piatt-iu atli and eve ywheve, by ail Drugg.i-ts. itly. CD in 5" CD H a on H CD V3 w - s 5J M