Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 31, 1879, Image 3

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The Herald.
local advl:i:ti
:.m i:nts.
l"."jr' lar ad 4 ri i s -
Transient. -" cents l:n
f rs. 10 ( Pit per line.
e I lor less than 2-i
No adTei l-3'i!i.tit i: scrt-
.1 - . I I II'- . ' . ' ''-l' . -
Attol leys Mill ofl;'c-. .if I lie law Will bp Held
repoiisilife for ?o.r:il tioiie.-s lli. y hand in,
nnd all parties ib-mtn!i:u' a i-".f i.f p.tblica
timi of aii not i' - . ill bo .t in lor tin; publica
tion fee of such, notice.
.c.':d nn'iees at Statute r:.tiv
As our pace ii limi'i-d, :i'il c.rn i n ft: irs oji s
l,iis.c brief and to the ijiut, with no w itsle
Of words.
The p iper is resoonsitde for the correctness
accordim. to copy Vif paid matter and paid l.e
guls. only.
1. Anv person wTio takes tiip m-per re-nlnrly
freinthe" .o.s -,!!:.. .wtSi r t his
name, or whether lie Is a. Mlb.-critnT T not IS
responsible for tin; pay.
If any person ordois his paper (livmittii
lie'l he must ay all am ::r:i-es. nr the publish
er continue to send it ui.lil payment is
madc.'an I collect the w!f!i' miKiuiif . whether
the iai-r i tdki-n from tin oillco or not.
S 1 he courts have t4. ct-; : ! t't;it refusing to
tak ncwsnapcrs and p.., j,! i,-:i!s f ncn t': post
nfbce, or remov ii and havum tli-'in uncalled
for, is fit ima fm u- t- ii.-i.'-o of imks i io.nal
Lawn Sociaiili: Thuja y Evening.
Butfgy for .Sale! New Dexter
Choice Oranges and Lemons at the
I O. News Depot. 1
Fitzgerald block has a new coat of
paint and looks very nobby.
Enjoyment for everyflbdy at the
Lawn Sociable Friday Evening.
Doors and Windows, ("second hand)
for sale cheap at IIekald ollice.
Croquet sets and T.oys express
wagons at cost, at the I O. News De
pot. 1
-Pencil tablets of all sizes manu
factured and for Falo cheap at this of
fice. M. McElwain is one of the "boss"'
painiets and paper hangers in PJalts
niouth. Fifteen teams around Mike's shop
yesterday r.oou waiting for repairs to
bo done.
We are sorry to learn that Mr.
Dovey has been fi'tite under the
Large stock of J.ird cages and
bird food just received at the P. O.
Xew3 Depot.
Gil. Ilobbs, picks up jobs, of paint
ing and sic!i, and does Via up brown,
or any other shade.
Suicide, two burglarios and plenty
or news item. this week. Ti;e Daily
ought to huia itsalf.
Uow many wmt down to Masonic
Dlock to th Post 0:rce this week.
I'mno now, no fibbing.
Lawn Soeiab'e Friday evening on
thy High School Grounds. Mu -sic and
Uefrealiinents. All invited.
We can furnish blanks of health
reports to th physicians cheap now,
having the form already set up.
. Mr. s-ii'.on, eniphyed in Sj'.ncke
tanz barber shp and Miss Minnie
Muetze were married las'. Sunday.
The boa id of 1 .U!, Linotn, ar
making d-.'.sp.n-atc etf'rts to cleanse
and purify the city. Gooi no: ion. too.
, 7Judgo Newell, w?.3 up last week,
looking as farnrrr iik? as could be. Th?
.Judge always finds a welcomo at the
II LK A 1.9 Kt'loe.
There was a fellow about here
. llifitr S..ia Wter th" other ilay and
hi thought lie could make more wind
thnn we could He was the biggest
gas bag anyway.
Remember when in Plattsmouth
that Phil Voung has the largest stock
f line candus, choice cigars, and to
baccos in the city at the new sUnd in
Fitzgerald Block. - 1
Wm. Eikenl ary has just harvested
-hty ;ktm of wheal that goe twen
tr bu.-hels to the acre an 1 Pilly is
hapy. All d ne harvest and every
thing in good shape.
Dr. Schildknecht who has been un
der th'? weather for some -weeks now
looks better than ever, and can once
more look after tho host of patients
who constantly demand his care.
Gen. J no. 11. Clark drops down on
.is and returns to-day. He reports
Li:i' "i:i as lively as a swarm of bees,
looks well himself and thinks I'latts
luouth is coming out wonderfully.
-Mort;"' "Al, whcre3 my saw;"
What's become of my shingling kit;"
"I say George hurry n? that lumber at
once." Who says this was ever a dead
town. Awful lively corpse these day3.
Rev. H. U. Burgess left on Mon
day last for a tnp to Yankton and
northern Dakota. Prof. left
last Tuesday and will join Mr. Bur
gesvs at Yankton, and explore that up
per count ry.
Piomemb-r that I'hil Young will
make the School Boks a specialty
this fail. I have a" stock of hooks,
slates, in fact everything used in the
School Room, and the prices will be
way clown, lower than the lowest. 1
Mr. O. F. Johnson left Monday
for a trip to Yankton and the cool
Minnesota for bis health (by Doctor's
orders.) He has been ery poorly this
spting and we hope the trip may re
store him to good health once more.
New Styles Mason & Hamlin Or
?aiis go out faster than I can get them
in?" --Come and leave your orders. Fac
tories are turning out over two hun
dred per wetk. Javks Pettee,
A v ent,
A party of our Sportsmen are
going out to Kearney for a few days
of sport, with the chickens, on the 1 Sth
.f August, cousiatin of the following
named: Dr. R. R. Livingston, L. D.
Bennett, ''apt. O'Rourke, S. M. Chap-'
:n in, Sam. Long, Gen'l Smith, W. D.
J onus, V. V. Mathews. It will take
Only 140 lbs. of powder, 1 1. of shot
ai'.u tO bow.- oi wadi to load all the
-?t Indies they expect to use.
J. Ii. Phillippi was in town yester
day. Mrs. Trench left for a visit f some
weeks in Chicago last week.
Mil's Le'li.i "Wiglitmari is down from
Fremont, visiting litr many fiieml3 in
tliia city.
Mrs. llinkle and family left on Mon
day last for a visit to llr. Clias. Hink
Jo, of Iowa.
Albert Miitz returned from Peru,
last week and is stopping in the city
for a few days.
Milton Polk called Tuesday, in the
interests of the Louisville Stoneware
Manufacturing Co.
A son f II. A. "Waterman, from
Iowa, with his family, has heen visit
ing his relatives in this ilace. Ho re
turned home the first of the week.
Miss Frankie Fellows returned home
Tuesday morning, accompanied by her
niece, Miss Cora Wells, who will spend
a few weeks with her jjrand-parents.
Croft. Eikcnbary has just got
through his harvest and all stacked
and iii first rate order. lie and Wil
liam leave "Wednesday to bring in 134
head of youngj cattle they have ready
out west to slaughter the big corn
with this winter.
"Who didn't clean up the gutters,
Szc, in the different places around
town. Some of them, ugh! "balm of a
thousand flowers," or tho slaughter
housa on the Avenue is no where, and
everbody nose the latter is too fra
grant for any use.
The Ladies of the Temperance
Union announce in their column that
they will give a Lawn Social on the
High School grounds Friday evening.
If the weather is propitious this will
be a delightful opportunity for enjoy
ment. Go and see.
A disease resembling Cholera has
broken out at Centre Point and Walk
er in Linne Co., Iowa, some thirty or
forty having died from it. Our city
authorities had better look np the
places that need cleansing. We don't
want aiiT cholera here.
Smith & Black propose to deal
more extensively in School Books and
better stationery then ever before and
will receive in a few days a complete
assortment of School Books and Fancy
l!i.t I'jp'r, also extra quality l egal
and Note paper for Lawyers' u?e. I9tl
Wm. L. Wells, I. O. O. F. district
deputy, received a telegram from the
fraternity of Lincoln to meet the
special bearing tho delegation to at
tend the funeral of Rev. W.Ii. Slaught
er at Omaha. Four coaefces were close
ly idled with members of the I. O. O.
F. and M. E. Church.
Captain O'Rourke says the "Rebs"
took one good gold watch and chain
from him when they put him in " Lib
by prison" which he never saw again;
now a lot of thieved relieve him of the
one he bought in Washington, oa his
releas", to take the. place of that one.
Hard lines on the - Cap."
Our readeis must bear whh us
this week for any lack of news and
reading matter as we have had so
much else to look after. Next week
we shall pitch into the old Ht::AT.i
again with a vim and if anybody says
Carpenter, Mason or Painter to us
"better as he look a leedle out."
The Pot O.Tice was moved up on
Saturday and tho Captain has a very
nice room of it. Our down town
friends feel rather sad aaJ we don't
blame them. Phil Young also moves
'with the Post OXee of course and will
bo found ready, willing, lively and full
of business as always, at his new post,
on and after this date.
-Georgo Fairtleld. and son Mac,
and R. L. Powell, returned from
he Survey Sunday. George has seen
Doc. Mi Idieton and lots and slathers
of big things out there, and looks as
brown ami sunburnt as a French voy
ager. He reports the whole countiy
west of Sidney flooded and says we
know nothing of raiu here.
- J. P. Young wishes to announce to
the citizens of Plattsmouth and Cass
County that lie has removed his entire
stock of goods into the new Post Oifice
stand, in Fitzgerald Block, ready for
business as usual, where Phil will be
pleased to see all his old friends and
customers, besides many new ones.
Thanking them for their past esteemed
favors and patronage, and hoping by
fair and honest dealings and low prices
to retain their valued patronage in the
future as in the past. I
There is a rapidly increasing de
mand for our New Styles Mason
fc Hamlin Organs, Bkst, Most Dur-
maiket. Call and get information in
regnrd to them, at Mr. O. F. Johnson's
Drugstore, or at my residence (two
minutes walk West of Streight's sta
ble.) I9t3 James Pf.ttee, Agent.
Aa Phil Young progresses with his
usual good taste, in" arranging his new
store room, the nicer it looks, and the
more convincing does it appear that
he will not regret the move. The
riiom is lighter, showing off his fine
stock so much better that it hardly
geems the same store. But when you
see Phil and "Soda Bob," you'll know
you have fonnd the "Cucty renown
ed" P. O. New3 Depot. Everybody
goes there daily.
Call at Herald office and exam
ine the Joiie3 fc Sugrue Pobtable
Bracket Lamt for burning Kerosene
Oil. Convenient.-Substantial, and
Handsome, Ss fe, Popular and Cheap,
altogether the best, most convenient
and artistic side lamp, for Residence
Library, Lawn, Study, Office,' Store or
show window, that ha ever been pro
duced and you are cordiallv invited to
call and examine it without regard to
becoming purchasers.
Jamek Tetter, Ag't for
Cass County.
Last Friday night a regular on
slaught of burglaries was made on the
town. A lot of " crooks" evidently lit
down on us and meant to go through
the whole camp.
They entered Capt. O'Rourke'a hov.3e
and stole a handsome gold watch of
the Captain's and also one belonging to
a relative of Mrs. O'Rourke's, Mrs.
Gilmore, who wrs visiting them frera
The same night' Hon. R. Ii. "Wind
ham's house was entered and some. $35
in money and a set of studs and sleeve
buttons captured ; besides some cloth
ing which waa afterwards found at
Chaplain Wrights'. Getting hungry
they paddled over to Chaplain Wrights',
pulling the tacks out of the wire
screen in the basemeat. The door up
stairs being heard toopen. Mrs. Wright
waked up and spoke, this frightened
them, bat not before they had helped
themselves plentifully to cold "wit
tals." The same night Dr. Richmond's
office was eutered and a coat taken
which was found lay Felix O'Neil near
the Brewery a few days after.
On Saturday night George Levings'
house was the scene of a raid, but get
ting frightened here they only upset
things and hauled matters about and
left in a hurry. Our people are fairly
waked up to this thing now and fictive
steps must be taken.
"With the condition of the city finan
ces no more police can be hired; but
a private subscription has been circu
lated and no doubt more force will be
at once added. No property is safe
as it is going and every citizen should
be to some extent a guard and all sus
picious and unknown characters re
ported and made to give an account of
Let Israel Pitch Their Tenti."
The Lincoln District Camp-meeting,
under the supervision of Prof. A. G.
White, will bo held in the grove near
Mr. Roberts', about midway between
Ashland and South Band, beginning
the I3th of August and continuing a
Persons wishing to spend a week in
the leafy grove, away from the hurry
and bustle of everyday life, and at the
sauio time be entertained from day to
day by the best pulpit talent of the
State, (thiu combining social pleasure
and recreation with spiritual light and
Holy communion with God), aro cor
dially invited to attend.
Tha "State Tabernacle," will be on
the grounds to overshadow the assem
bled worshipers.
The committee cf arrangements will
spare no pains to make it a time of re
freshment both to body and soul.
Let all come up to this "Feast of
Weeks," and render thanks for the
abundant harvest, for freedom from
the cyclone's devastation, and the
Death Angel's plague.
Further notice will be given of rail
road routes, transportation, board, &c.
?liles the Supposed Horse Thief Hangs
The old man arrested sometime ago
and held for stealing Patterson's hors
es, ami who gave his name as M'les,
hung himself in the County Jail, on
Saturday last, abut four o'clock. At
3:10 Marshal Murphy was at the j iii
and oreiylhing was all right; the old
man asked for a book to road and the
Marshal got him one, a novel of some
sort. A little after four, as we were
going into Judge Sullivan's "Drhee, the
Marshal rau by saying, "Miles has
hung himself, come over some of you."
Mr. Jonathan "Wise, Judge Sullivan
and ourself ran over in a few moments ,
we found the Marshal, Deputy Sheriff
Ashley nd Henry Miller; Ashley and
Miller had just cut him down and car
ried the body out into the front of the
Jail room. It was yet warm, but no
sign of a pulse or heart beat. Ashley
tried for sometime to force breathing;
but it was of no avail and all that was
left of the curious, cautious, reticent
old man was cold, cold clay.
The acting coronor Slierill Ilyers
summoned a jury in the evening who
found a verdict in accordance with the
above facts, viz: that l strangled him
self to death, and Sunday morning ho
was buried.
Co. Commissioner Samuel Richard
sou was present a few moments after
the alarm and at the jail. A day be
fore his death it was reported that he
planned an attempt to kill the jailr,
(a fall account of whicb was given in
the Daily here) at least Dr. Warren
said so, and on tho strength cf this,
Murphy has been more severe with tho
old man. This with his constant fears
of mob law (for some reason or other)
no doubt caused his insane destruction
of himself. He tore up his shirt to
make the rope and fastened it to one
ef the ventilators, being obliged to al
most kneel in order to choke; he must
have been determined to die and die
he did.
Nebraska Beer,
at Antelope Brewery, Lincoln, Neb:,
orders received and promptly filled.
Agents here, Keena.'i & Grace. tf.
A young lady walking out, came
to a ditch and asked a youth on the
other side, what the nama of the river
wa that swept along between them,
lie replied "Chockonockaloyamogim-oiamochiowaHgawaugbenobkeniffelar-ercuthiudrjigolakwacythingtiontygy.'
And Hho believed it.
Roll of Honor.
The following scholars have been
perfect in attendance and deportment
in District No. 7S during the month
ending Juiy 10th. Mary Chilson, Ber
tha Chilson, Ilattie Gilmore, Leni
Brookhart, Edith Gilujtre, Charley
Gilmore. Clayton Drake, Frank Deane,
Charlie Gossige, Y'ilbert Brokhart,
Thomas Akerswn, Eddy Ellison. The
following scholars have been perfect"
in attendance during the term, Mary
Chilson, Bertha Chilson.' Leni Brook
hart, Claytsa Drake, Frank Deane,
Wilbert Brookhart, Eddy Ellison.
Amy U. Babcock. Teacher.
Onr N'ormal Institute.
"The Normal Institute, now in ses
sion in our city, increases in numbers
and interest as the term lengthens.
There are now in attendance between
forty and fifty wide awake, intelligent
and enthusiastic teachers from all
part3 of this county, several from ad
joining counties and a few from other
The term being so long they are
able to take up the different subjects
by topical lessons, ad prepare their
recitations the same as in school.
As mentioned in the circular," two
classes are formed, one for second
grade work ; the other for first. Eight
Lave taken up the first grade Btudies
and are making thorough work of
them. The rest are on second grade
work. Superintendent Martindale is
in attendance all the time, and con
ducts the arithmetic, algebra and his
tory classes.
The work for each succeeding day is
outlined and topically arranged on the
blackboard by the instructors, and the
teachers are required to prepare the
next day's lessons on the topics men
tioned. By this means a variety of
text books, various opinions, a compar
ison of authorities, and the most ac
curate and definite couclusions and
fcts are secured.
Mr. Love has the classes in philoso
phy, physiology, geometry, geography,
grammar, drawing and reading. In
these studies as far as necessary and
convenient some good author is select
ed, and his text followed as closely as
possible. However, most of the di
visions or topics of these studies are
scheduled on the board, and the teach
ers are required to prepare definite and
thorough lessons on the divisions or
topics assigned. The recitations aro
conducted so as to secure accuracy,
thoroughness and enthusiasm in the
work. The same subjects arc present
ed to the classes differently at stated
times, and the teachers aro required
to select their preference. They must
select that manner and method, which
most effectually impresses them, and
by which they are most perfectly
taught. By this means the normal
method is secured.
Mrs. Love conducts the botany class,
a Wo, penmanship . and orthography.
The different divisions of these studies
are similarly classified and presented.
We are most favorably impressed
with the class of teachers in attend
ance. Surely they aic far above the
majority of western teachers in appear
ance, intelligence ami ability. They
are neither noticeably young or old, but
in the full vigor of life, and enthusi
ast? in their work. That timidity or
backwardness common in county in
stitutes is not a drawback to this.
During next week tho Institute is
to be favored by lectures by Prof. Au
ghey, of this state, and Prof. Piper, of
Chicago ; and on th-i week following,
lectures by other educators will
given. These lectures are free to ail
members of the Institute, but a small
fee of ten cr fifteen cenls will be
charged outsider, to defray expenses.
We trust these lectures will bo well
attended. Our citizens should in ev
ery way encourage such institutes in
our midst, as they so far advance our
city at home and abroad.
' lVrf.-etinn'' Cruiiu Tint Note pajier for
sale al tlie IIkkai.d office, in largo ur MiiaH
quantities. Ktf.
w Piano!
Grand Opening on fiuturday XijJit.
The proprietors of the above house
have procured a piano, and music will
be given gratis at almost any hour of
the day, from bow on. Saturday night
they intend having a grand opening
and free luncli of pickled pig's feet,
tongue, Sec, which will be interspersed
with delicious music from the skilled
fingers of Mr. Frank May. Tho best
of order will be preserved, and no
drunkenness allowed. Remember the
place, on lower Main street, next to
Donelan's drug store. Call in, every
body. 1
Marc and colt for sale, good stock.
A vory finf! article of French Linen Fabric
Note aer, "Pnticr Cc Litre," for sale nt the bftlce. 17If
Antelope Brewery,
Lincoln, Neb. Fresh good Beer on
hand all the time. Order at once of
the Company, or Keenan & Grace,
Plattsmouth. 19tf
Scale Hook lilanks bound iu pood style at
the lowest rate.-', for sale at this ollice. lTtf
AVedilinjj I'anls, Visiting Cards. ne.itly
executed on short notice, and .s;itisr;u-tion fruiir
anteed. Call and examine eanioles and leave
orders. " lTtf
lam again on the ground filling
orders for our Splendid new styles
-Mason & Hamlin Groans,
and although crippled for the present
and obliged to remain at my residence
(two minutes walk West of Streight's
stable) shall be glad to see any friends
of our Organ, fill their orders, or give
any information that may be desired
James Pettee, Gen'l Agent,
Mason & Hamlin Organ Co,
FAIRFIELD On July 23d.ls7'. of congestive
rhi'ls. lii ur.i, l;uipliter of .Ioeph ami Lena
FairtieM, aged six months and six days.
IIr little life was lil-'e a new born Star that
illuminated the horizon in which she lived.
In the brightest, happiest moment of all her
voyage, slid wu lost in chaos, and that dream
less ?leep tWat k issed her little vyeiids down.
Her ringing cherub laugh drowned every fret
ful fiend of care, and even in her latf-t.breaili,
she used lUe tinseled briieh cf tteath, to touch
the art of liiug puie : She uied iu the arms of
the loved and loving, parsing away as gentle,
us the autumn wiuds would tara a withered
leaf, and while the ehailows of life were fall
ing toward the West, and scarce had reached a
half a (-pun. Uudiiinj; with i!oers, they are
Vitoomins still. 15y the budding twiis, and
swelling leaves ; the sprouting grass, aud the
spreading forest ; by the sonss of birUM.aud the
Hweet perfunies'of gentle flowers, by the throbs
of I ive. and all the sweet influences of nature
v.e bid hr sacred dust adiun.
Honored and lilrssed.
When a board of eminent physicians
and chemists announced the discovery
that by combining some well known
valuable remedies, the most wonderful
medicine, was produced, which would
cure such a wide range of diseases that
most all other remedies could be dis
pensed with, many were very skeptical ;
but proof of its merits by actual trial
has dispelled all doubt, and to-day the
discoverers of that great m"lirinv. Hop
Hitters, are honored and blessed by all
as benefactors.
In amounts of $490 and upwards,
on live years time. Interest to be 10
per cent., payable senii-annually, as
No Commission charged the Borroiocr,
Apply to D. II. "WlIKKLER & Co.
July 10. 1ST!). lTtf.
A MONTH iruamnfoed. $12 a day at
home made by the industrious. Cap
ital not reuifed ; we will t-tart you.
Men. v, omen, hovs and uirl make mon
ey fn.-ter :tt wurk torus than at anything else.
The work i-4 lijiht and pleaatit, and such as any
one e;in po rijjht at. Those who are wise who
nee this notice will rend us their addresses ;it
once and see for tlicmsel ves. Costly outfit and
terms free. Now U the tinio. Those already
at work are hiving up lajge nuns of mom-v
Address Ti:U if & CO.. Augusta, Maine. 131y
All those in want of Letter Heads,
Rill Heads, Cards, Envelopes, c, will
save money by getting first-class work,
which can be obtained only at the
Herald Office, isutixfa'tioii guar
anteed, or not a nickle will be charged.
New Goods.
J. S. Duke has on the road a new
and complete line of goods, consisting
of Iron, Nails Steel, Axles," Springs,
Wagon and Carriage Stock, Horse Shoes
and nails, in unlimited quantities;
which will be sold at bed rock prices.
Don't fail to examine before purchas
ing elsewhere. 18 tl
A good girl to do cooking and house
work at the Grand Central Hotel, at
South Bend, Neb., immediately.
183 II. A. Kirke & Co.
Full blooded Houdan rooster for
"Overland," a fine American Linen Note
Taper, for sale at the Hkhalu ofiice, tog-ether
with other brands of box pajictcric, and wed
ding papers an.i envelopes. lTtf
Notice to Parents and Guardians.
It having come to my knowledge
that quite a number of minor child
ren, whose parents or guard iar.s reside
at or near Plattsmouth, are in the hab
it of playing around the depot grounds
when the Railroad Company is engag
ed in switching and moving cars, often
climbing upon the cats while in mo
tion, thus endangering their lives,
parents and guardians are, therefore,
requested to use theii best endeavors
to keep their children away from the
depot, and they are hereby forbidden
to come there for other than business
purposes. Thomas Mausland.
Gen'l Agent.
P!at:smouth July S, 1873. 10t4.
the latent styles of type are L-eiii!; received
at I'.iis ofiice. and everything that is wanted in
plain ;.:id ornamental Job l'rintm. can be- ob
tained at this the only first class job olliee be
tween Oinal. a and Lincoln. No one will deny
tlie same w ho has had any of our work. lTtf
Thirty of the leir oran makes of the
World lire compHitors at tlie Paris Exposition,
a cable dispatch to t he Ass iciated I'ress says
two ),iv'hjt Kold medals have ben awarded to
the American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
Schlitz' Milwaukee beer on draught
always, at K. Rosenbaum's saloon.
Plattsmouth, Neb. Utf.
Remember that for boots and shoes
Rockwell cannot bo beat in price. He
has a large assortment. 28tf.
Call and examine our new Style
2o0, six stops, Mason & Hamlin Organ
James Pettee, Agent.
County Orders will be received at
this office in pay for subscriptions, at
their market value, always. Remem
ber that. 41 tf.
"Wanted to sell. Agood sound o
year old b;iy mare, good traveller and
kind everv way. AppW to Herald
otlice. ' " tf.
F. Rosenbaum has n hand fresh
Milwaukee beer on draught, daily,
cool and nice. 14tf .
Now Saloon
in the basement of the Now City Ho
tel, where . all the choice brands of
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars will be
found. Don'U forget the place, Fred
Goos, Proprietor. 14tt
Good second hand Organs and Melo
dtons, apply to James Pettee, Dealer
in Musical Instruments, Plattsmouth,
Neb. 44tf
Having secured the assistance of
one of the best carriage, sign, and or
namental painters in the city, I am
now ready to do all kind of work in
that line on short notice. Leave or
ders at Smith & Black's Drug store.
10 4t G. F. Hours.
Carpet Weaving.
Miss Agathe Hansen will from now
on be ready to do all kinds of carpet
weaving, at the lowest possible rates.
Leave orders at Maldauer & Ilerrman's
store. ICtf
You Must Cure that Cough.
"With Shiloh's Consumption Cure, you
can cure yourself. It has established
the fact that Consumption can bo
cured, while for Coughs, Bronchitis,
Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all dis
eases of Throat and Lungs, it is abso
lutely without an equal, Two doses
will relieve your child of Croup, it is
pleasant to take and perfectly harmless
to the youngest child, and no mother
can afford to be without it. You can
use two thirds of a bottle and if what
we say is not true we will refund the
price paid. Price 10 cts. 50 cts, and
1,00 per bottle. If your Lungs are
sore or chest or bark lame use Shiloh's
Porous Plaster. Sold by Chapman Ai !
Smith, Druggists.
Have you Dyspepsia, arejou Consti
pated, have you a Yellow skin, Loss
of Apptite, ilead Ache, if so don't fail
ZE If.' It is guaranteed to relieve you,
ind. will you continue to suffer when
you can bo cured on such terms . as i
these." Price 10 cts. aud 73 cts. Sold by !
Chapman Sz. Smith. Druggists.
Well's Persian Perfume "11ACKME j
TACK" is rich and fragrant, try it
Sold by Chapman Sz, Smith, Druggists
Plattsmouth Neb. 3oiyeow'
IKfTesGoii and Powell9
6 6
i&h&3 & Mitosa kiwi
See Such a Stock o Goods ?
Wo! Never!
W H -A. 1" ! jtSTBEi?
Well, Hardly Ever I !
We are the leaders nf the style, a.t ;u mug plainly nee;
We buy our i-lnlUiiig all the irhile, of V ESCOTT & P.;
"Ti.s thtre ice get' our Shirt a, our Coats, Vests, and I'antu,
"Aud so do oi(r Sisters and our Cousins and our Aunts.''
Xobbicst iiinl Lsitcst Stylos of Suits Awful Cheap.
rT'"'i':l sell yon r"-!ily t!iat su'ts. or take your order aud make vou a suit, or sell yo t
the piece tioo-ls. '!: well known eurter an. I :it;er, Mr. M. ';tourUe, will exeeute their work in
mai nil'- mm iko uuee s.i -f tai-tioa.
European Hotel.
This is a new hotel, cppo.slte tlie
Academy of Music, O street, Liner in,
Nebraska. It is tiist class in every
respect. Good sample rooms for com
mercial men. Terms, i per dav.
zjitncki: et P.noous,
441y Proprietors.
.o M'sl'rn Familj can afford at
this season to be without ISrownN
Hlackben y nml limsc', a soft,
reliable and jrfeasant remedy for Diar
rhea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint
aud Cholera Morbus. It has been tried
for ten years, and b endorsed by phy
sicians and druggists. Pi cure a bot
tle at once. Delays are dangerous. For
sale everywhere,
A i nnn T" 'J"" A ' " ;" "?- a lay
V I Kllll in vourov. ii I'.e.ilify. No risk. Wo
ft I fl II I we'll do as we!! as iii- ii. V. iny ln:ike
V luuuiiioiv l!;a;i the amount slaietl aheve.
No one can fail to make money fast. Any one
can ilo the work. You can maUe from M cents
t- S2 an hour l;y ilevoiiu your cvcuii.tis ami
iiare time to tin business. It co.-ts muhiiiK to
ti I'm business. Nothing like it for money
making evr oiler 1 before, itusine-s '.leas-tut
ami -uit l'v hoaorab'.r. Iteailer. if you waul to
knu.v all about the hr-t pa;, in-. business t.cfor.s
the public semi us your aib'.ress' ami we will
semi von itill-parlicuiarsanil pi H ate terms fiee ;
i-amules worth .?." also free ; you c-tii then make
tin v'. ui r n:iii"l fur yourself. A. hires J I".' K(i V.
S-TiNM'-N ii tO., l'oltiaii.f, Il.itne. l:!iy
Caution to Smokers.
Prom and after the. 1st day of May.
1373 all boxes containing cigars of my
manufacture will have my. name bold
ly printed on the inside of the lid. This
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, with an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by some unprinci
pled manufacturers. None are genu
ine unless plainly labeled:
j u l i u s i i : pp i : ii i u ; 1 1 c, ,
M axi'k.vctv iti:n,
Plattsmouth, - - Xt-braska.
Call in and see Fred (loos' new store
in basement of Xcw City Hotel. 14tf
AflflA YV KKK in vour own town, and no ca;i
Svl'lil ,t:l" i''s':,,(l- "You can ;ive the hueiness a
f) If II trial without exnense. 'i lie best oppor-
tuuity ever ollered lor those willing to
work. Von sliou'd try nothinir olse until you
see for yourself what you can tin at tlie business
we otter. No room to explain here. You can
devote, all vour t ime or only your spare time to
the business, ami make ;reat pay for every
hour you work. Women make as much as men.
.Send for special private terms-ami particular7,
which we mail free. 5 Outfit free. Hon't com
plain of hard times while voti have.sueh a
chance. Address II. IIaLI.ET i CO., I'ortland,
Maine. 131"
Tlie Old Settler si ml Sew
COmer are deciding that eastern
medicines are not adapted to western
diseases, and that ISroivn'S Vege
table I.iver 1111 are the only reli
ablevremedy for relieving Constipation,
liiliousness, Sick Headache and Tor
pid L,iver. And that Eurecu Apue
Pills verier fail to cure the chills
when taken as directed.
For sale by Dr. W. K. Donelan, Chap
man tfc Smith, J. IT. Puttery and O. P.
lltf Piatlsmouth, Xeb.
ri'trTTWTTffMrat -; -uti a v
Louisville White and Fire Urick W orks.
Capt. J. T. A. Hoover, Prop. Brick
of every kind Wall, ornamental ; fire
brick especially for linkers, llrewers,
Foundry men, Szc. Write to J". T. A
Hoover, Louisville, Neb. ICtf
Cllere. Yen can make money by selling
our Sterling Chemical Wicks Never need
trimmini7 No sino'ie or smeli 10 cents each. 3
for 2" cents. Semi stamp for catalogue "I Won
derful Inventions, staple and fancy jjoods. I'ar
sons, Foster & Co., 12" Clark St.. Chicago-. lmO
111 find A'-l-V?.? of residents wanted. For 25
lUiL'UU names ami 2o cents w e will send
' you a line ,silv handkerchief, every
thread si'k. Hetrular price, l.nn, O. W. Foster.
& Co.. 12." Clark Street. Chicago, 111. lmti.
.Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach iu Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June aud"September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
.!. Martin pale.
41mG Superintendent.
PlTJQTnN'sI i'.veiy -.vo;,i,.; or b.iury.f ven
X OJ.VJ11 O.t.y ;,f e'ni,.;:! or rtt.v disusc en
titles a soldier of tiie li;i. ,,r 10 1 All
pensions by the law of .T.'i.. 17!'. nea'ii back at
date of (iisi haive or cica! h of a soldier. Ail en
tilled should apply al once. Thousand who
ar" now dia i-i2 H':iSi'ms are entitled to an in
crease. Soldiers ami widovts of the war of lsi2
and Mexican war, entitled to pensions. Fees in
all cases, only Send two stamps for Dew
laws, blanks and instructions to Nat. Wahu
l-'r t7.of.i;a id, I". S. Claim Att'y, Ikix 5ss. Wa-li-liijiton.
1). C. 15ml
Eslray Notice.
Taken uri by t'.i j subscriier. living five mil5
north of V.e"piii Wat'-r F rills, Cass Co., Neb.,
ore Texas tit eer, brand f letter "W 011 lf
side. The owner may call, provt: property, pay
charges u.:.u tase property away.
1:15 W M. rAXKOMS.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Estate of MathiasTysmi,
tlecta.sed. I u the County Com t cf Cars Co.,
Notica is hereby given, timt E. W. lVirnum.
Executor of the last w ill and testament of the
said Mathms Tyson deceased, has made appli
cation for liiial sci tli-meiil. ami that said ctuse
is set for hearing at my office tit riattMiiouth.
011 the 2.ih day of August A. D.. li7'.i. at tme
o'clock !'. M., tin said day : at which lime and
plaei. all persons interested may be present and
examine aid a-courts A. N. sn livan.
I'laltsmuulh, Juiy 2oa, 1573. Co.
V '9 . V 17
' l
Legal Notici
Default having been inaiie iu t!i condition
of t cc rutin chattel mortgage bearing late of
July -.'Uth. 1 77. ami tiled and indexed in the
l eci-r.-ls ::! 'ass euat) . Nebraska, uu the 2J.I
day of ctole. l-77. at 11-2 ' o'clock a. in., on
which there is dee al tile dale of this notice,
tlie rum ol oi,e hnmiir-i and two dnliars and
thirty cc-r.ts i.cif-..!to : ai I moru-a'f b iv
cn by J. (. oci to Ami Alil .iin, and iuiv Hold
ami assigned for a full ami aliunde consider
ation, on or about the 12th day ol March, h.'.i,
to Keed Hi others : e will sell at public auc
tion to i he highest bidder, at the front door of
tlie I'ost tlliiee. in Wi-.- pmf; Water, (.'ass co-.uitv.
Nebiaka. on the Ulii day of Auiiit, A. 1.
1S7-J. at in o'clock a. in, of .-"aid da', the, propi r
t y in said nioitjaim tit-scribed, to wit: ne
Wooster ihreshim; machine, wiih Cas.-y povcer
und the usual appui Iciiances thereunto b .oui;
in, to f atisly said amount ami costs.
isu . HEkiD n:;os.
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virttm of an alias exer ut ion ismcd bv Wm.
I.. We ils, Clerk of the District Court, wit ifui and
for Casr. county. Nebraska, and to me directed,
I wl" on the ii'j'tli day of August. A. 1. Ml'.i, a!
la o'clock, a. in. of said day, at the south door
i f the Comt Mouse in flat tsmouth, iu said
t utility, st il at public auction, l!ie fo!io-. im:
l-al estate, bcicioiote levied upon, to wit:
Sixty-five (fi.'i) acres ol Ki'ouud o!l' of the
asi (e) side of the t-oulhwfri quarter (s w V,
of the northwest quarter (n w ) and tlie
northwest quarter fn w l4) of the soulhwt-st
quarter (sw of section number twentv-six
in tow nship No. t.velvt ( IJ1 notili laiie
thirteen tl.i) i a t of the -:lh I'. !.. iu Casscoiia
ty, Nebraska, and more particular' riescrilicd
as coinmciiciutr at a point three i3)"chains and
seventy-nitie tlo links east of the northwest
Oi ; c-h ncr of the southwest qu. uteris w 'l
of the uuitiiwest quarter n w of s.ud sec
!:o!t tium her t went v-hix (20h ami rui.iiio-thcnee
cast, iu the el;hth (sthl section iine si.vteen
( 10) chains ami twen'j -Iive ('5) iiukK, to the
noitheasl iu eicorut-A! the sou! h est quarter
is w '.ji of tlie north west quanerin w ') jot said
.eeti'.iti, thcticc south, in the eighth (svh.i sec
tion line, twtntv (20) chains to the quarter
section line east ami west t luoimh naid ion ;
thence rum. inj; west, sixteen i P'o chain and
lwei:iy-fivo ii.) links, thence norlh, twenty
(2e ch-jins. to the place of bcmnini: ; said
tract ol land thus de-cnl cd containieii lhirly
two and tiiiy one-htimlieilt lis i .:2 "(i- p m acres';
also cotniiieiicin at a point t!m (',,) chains
and eijrhty-ouc (811 liiiKs west of the quarter
Ciisei-iio'i eorucr on west side of said section
tvtvmy-six (2m ; thence east on t he quarter i l.i
section line, sixteen It;) chains and t wentv-five
(2.yi links, to the northeast (n el corner of Ihe
southwest quarter is w l-4 of said sect on ;
thence south in eihtli isth i si-ctioit line t wen
ty io chains, to soutlu-ast i s c) corner of the
northwest quarter (n w Hi ! the southwest
quarter (sw '4) of said section twentt -six ciiJi:
thence west, on the eihlli (Still section line,
sixteen (10) chains aud twenty -live (2.-i) links;
thence north twenty i -0i cl.aiito t he place ol
he-.'iiiiiinu, and containing thit ty-two and fifty
ciiie-hundredths (.12 lO-biui acres, making in all
sixty-five (fs7) acree tif land, thv name bcim;
the sixty-flv ,-i:ien of trromel herei ofore, on
the -.nth day of July, isrs, advertised for sale
under an execution issued iu this cause, and
the ale of which was enjoined by tU-fendant.
and which injunction has been by the court set
aside and held for naught. Ihe same beiuj;
levied upon and taken as tin? prop-env of Wm.
Ii. rol ler, defendant ; to satisfy a judgment of
said Court, recovered by First National IJahk
of I'lat tsmouth. Nebraska, plaint in'.
l'lattsmouth, Nebraska. .Jul v 24th. A. I. 1879.
It. W li V FHS.
IStj Slieiill Cass Co. Neb.
Attachment Notice.
State of Neb.. Cass Co. Tn Justice's Court, be
fore K. .J. Marthis. .1. P. Kvans & Co., pla'iit
iffs vs. l'atrick Fitzgerald, deft.
On the 2d day of July. A. 1). 1879 said Justice
issued an order ot a! tai.-hiiient in the above ac
tion for the sum of .sf..ot).
17U k vans & co , I'lainur.
Greenwood. July 8, IS73.
Sheriff's Sale.
r T'rtuc of an order of sale issued bv Win.
I.. Vi ells, fleik of the listnct court within and
for Cass cutiut v. Nebraska, ai.d ti me ii. eetcd,
I v.-ill on the Uth day ot August. A. 1). ls',;i. al
I I o'clock, a. m. of saiit day, at me south dooj
of the Court House, in said county, sell at pub
lie, miction the folinwin; real estate, to wit :
The northeast quarter ( n. e. H) ut the south
west quarter (s. w. '1 of .section twenty-two
l':S). township No. ten (10), north of ranj-e No.
niue 19.1. east of the tub I'. M., loyether w it h the
appuru-iiauci s ; Tl.o same betntr levied upon
and taken as t iie pi oponv of William Wright,
1-Ji7alcth ". r j-ht and Maty M. Snook, dcleiid
anls, to s;it:sf y a jud.t'etit of said court recov
ered by Nicholas Shcppard A.- "o.. piaintifts.
K. W. iiyki:s.
SImi ;a Co.. Neb.
JlattsinoutIi, Neb., July ;tli, A. I). is::.
Bridge Notice.
Notice !s hereby given that hid for the con
struction of Two Combination i'.i idues. 0110 -12
aud one 50 feet Inns; Thirteen File rridH.
2d. 2. 2. 2i. 16. 20. 20. 24. 20, 2u, 22, 2'i. ami 2n feet
respectively, and One ilent Uridine, 21 feel loni;.
will be leceived at the Counly Clerk's otiiee up
to noon of September 2d. Wa; also bi M for
construct inn if stone abutments fjr bridge
across Wilson creek on south -hie of sectioji 2s,
town 10, ratine 1.1. will be received up to same
date. Said hrides and abutments to be built
ill accordance with plans ami specifications
now tin toe iu County Clerk's otlice. The Coun
ty Commissioners Icscive the ri!.t to leiect
any and all bids; also th" priviieui; to add to
number of biid-jus to be built at contract price
1 jr lu iiiL'es of like class, i'.idders wiil accom
pany bins with pians and spe dlicalhms.
l!y onlcr of County l' oii'i.i'"i'!in-i.
l. I). Tl.'TT.
Co., Cass Co. Nt-1).
I'.y J. W. Jexxi'CS, LiepLty. Ktd
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the subsei.'jer lirins ia 1'latts
mouth, prec'uet, Cass county, July 2. ls7J. one
bright bay mare. 2 while liitid feet, and is hat
Is kno vti as a stump sucker.
Attachment Notice.
Edward A. Kyiler vs. M. Younpsteflt. "'Iiio:tf;i.
Illim is. before Edwi 1 Jeaiy, J. I'., iu 1 ,t
Cass Co.. Neu.
The above-named defeni'.act v. ill t;ke notice
that the paid E.Uiii Jear', Justue of tiie
Peace, issued an order of attachment iu tiie
above action for tba sn-n t f"., and that
the said cause is continued until the -l tl day
of August, at one o'clock y. m. o-i aid ilrir.
KD'iVAllD A. KTl'Kl:.
1711 iia:iTtilT,
Sheriff's Sale.
By v it'7e cf an or U-r of i-stied by "m.
1 Wells. Uerk 4f tltu liistuci Coitf t wiihiu and
tor Cai-a Countr. Nebraska, and t me duected,
I will on ihe nth d.iv of August, . I). is;v. at
1 o'clock p. in. of said day, at tho south door d
the Court House iu said county, AimI al puidic
auction thte followim.' rtuil estate, to i! : The
sou til half is. 1 of t he rout h half is. ; . 1 of t lie
southeast quarter is, e. h 1 of seciicn ;o. four
Hi, and the leu Iheast ipiarter (n. e. !4of mc
tion No. ninety vail in townsiii;) No. twelve (12)
'itu-lli of raree No. thirtee'i (l' cast of the tali
1'. M , together .witU. the appurtenances ; The
same ben. n levied rpoii and taken as the prop
erty of Henry H. I'ettit. Eliza E. l"etti ami
Jolin I'itiicraid. defendants, to satisfy a judii
nicnt of iai I court, recovered ly Kobt. tl. Doom,
assigned to T. JJ. Uoinou. .l.iii.ti'f.
Sheriff Co.. Nc
J'l;tt.mouth, Neb., July 7th. A. 1. 1-.7j.
Sheriffs Sale.
, P.v v i ft id .in pvvputioii ts.ucil l y V. mi
l lerk of Mm t'll:icl I'ojit, nlllil'i
bo- 1 ass con- IV. jStii.i-k:t. ami to lie uin-i i
nl. I will on the S'Hli .1a. ..f Anpnst. A. I
l7:i, al In o clock a. m. of "(tul d,iv, at I lie Ii
dour of I lie I'o-'l t lb'!-e i;i said county. fll i
pui'lie hoi Iioi. tiie ;,,'oviiiK real cst:n .. w it
l.ol t n i lo. blot k foul i i-iti tip m i.ii. t,tv III I as county. Nt l i e
same iiein let icil noon ami taUu as Hie prop
eriv of Vi:t. A i mM rem; a in' t.l..t A i no'lrou .
defend mis. to Sal Is) V M j ltd Tliir. ut lif t ui rolu I
recovered by li :;ii l- Jr.. p'n.nii-l
ii. W. Il l i;.s.
jsli frill ( ';, t t,.. N'el'.
Flat billionth. Neb., .Tulv v.ij, A. Ji : "
Slieriffa Sale
l:-v irtm of im oi ler i f m!e l.uod U Wm.
I.. V ells, del k of l lie I H I id Com t U il i iu an!
for "as" comity. Mr lira kit., and ic m5 ' u i . to! ,
1 v, ill on t bo li day ol Set-'i ;r. v 1 . U. I Siw. at.
bl o'clock a. in. of p. aid i...v. j.t the vmli. di.i.i
oltm Court Jlotisii iii gaid -ell al
public aye; lo'l the .lIi.wi. te-i - ie ,, fl' 1 1 ;
i he i 'or:h".ft ipiarler. u. e. 1 , i cf ( I r n ....
lilne (Si, tntti)it'p No. twelve lUltaiso, liio
soul h ha't . , of I he south half is. i of t '.in
sout Itr.ift tjliai tr 's. e. ' ; I of scctmu lour (l,
tow hs'.iip twelve 12i iiot'li all in tame !hite..ii
lU'i. cast ol tb.e f.tb 1. fit.. b i t . u th" ii.p.rlt
of the i.laintilf : 1 lie n,.me U-ui;; levied i:,iuu
anil taken us tlie pro-pel ly of I,. 1. I'tUtt,
plain: t,- sailsfv a imitrment of N,ud court, r
covcrcd by Juiia Jila'-k, defendant.
k. w. iivn:s.
Shcrrl i i,. i Co., Sel)
ri.itlmouth,Neb. July oih, A. I. -.ri
Mortgagee's Sale.
Whereas K. A. Noel, of llrecnwood, C.ts
count V. Nelii asK a. tlid on .lulv 7th, IS79. ce
cutf and d'iVn In A. .1. 1 1)11 c aden a chat
tel tnori cnu'o Mpoii liet n:;re fltakol e,.ll(.,j,
luerchaii'llse, coir; of iiiy coip-K, cich ci -ics.
noiious, M'., te::'.!ht-r :h nil tmaitniu
and fixtures in her stoi c lunlii inj;. and one Hon
safe ; naid tuoiUa-i I tln'v Tied tor i coord
in the oltlcH of tlie Uecoi.-er for Cilss count v.
Nebraska : ami whereas there Is fu !v due ai'4
unpaid on raid iiioiil: . debt the ' oi
$.1 ..; Notice is Iice. : ; ,-cii i oat s.i.l moil
gagcewill loicelo.- u said mi l Sae l :. ;iir
ut public auction said m.i:nei property, or
no much thei col as may be i.eecssai y la pa'
said debt, fmil ;t'.e to i ;ie place at Hip a fore
said. Hi'l'C be.iV.ui;.'. in 1 tie tow n of (iriteii Wood,
Nebraska. on J4h day of Aii;ut, 18i'J :
commencing at ihe hour of 2 o'clock, p. in. of
said dav, and to be at! lo::i tied from d iv to d;-y
until compleU -..1. A. CKITHIN I b. N .
lid 2 Mill. ,ue.
Sheriff's Sale.
l'.y virtue of an orb r.of ale issued 1 v V;r..'
1.. Weil. b-ik ot the lns:r: t Comt nilon ami
lor t 'ass toiiiit jr. Nebi :ei,n. and to me dii ccte.l.
1 wid on l lit- llthitayof August A. 1. I7i,
at 2 o'cb-eli ;., ia.. of ti;tl,l ti;t. at the souiii
com of i ne Court House in said t omit v, ell at
piddu; auction 1 lie Ml,.ring iral citato to wi :
Southwest qitai tcrls. iv. 1 . i of section N i. itur-ty-thlce
t.Tti, ill lownsb'i .'no. t leven ill), liollll
ofraniieNo. thirteen (l. i. cast of p. m..,
and the north e;vt qu.iricr oie'.4l of section.'
four (4i i:i township No. t-n ic north of rane
till It 4i-ll Ii:! e:iM of tllc.i-th mim-mle mi
i and that pari o I he uoriha t oii.u N r i n. w. i
of section . ear (-1 1. towu-iiiji lei tiro, to iibor
ratiue thiitci u (l.ij ca d t;;h 1. ,M.. i oinm.-t cir.r
as follows, to-f. it : Comm, ncbii; at tie iiitn
west corner of k:u, I seel ion ; bem-ci ia-1 :o the
nortiiea-t ceimr of said quarter m i i.i;
tbeiice south one hundred and c.vem v-lotii
(121) rods; tliem-o v.est. fottv-ini e (l..i ro,' ;
t hence north stt -t hree i : :i rods ten .im; m.e
ha'if 1 10' i links : tbeiici' v t st mic l.-au'i land
twelve iHl'i rods and lle ij) links to im- wtst
line of sab j qua rter sect iou : 1 1 1 Mice uort 'i i.lxt V
(till) l.nls lout teen ami olio-half (IP.; links In
t iie place oi startim:. coir .lining I i i acres morn
tir less, loctiier . i;h the appurtenance; ilo
t-auie b inn levied upon and t aken as the prop
eti of S. A. Ostium. Mary H. I'i ichiir.l, Susan
.1. I'liehard. Jo-cp!i l'liciiard, (;eon:e A.
i'richard. Mary Nelti:. A. I'i ii hard. ia-tiii
Howard 11 iehaid ami i''nter Jliii.ei l iiebard.
tleieiiu.'tnts, to salisly a Jcimineiit of said court
It veled i.'V Uarvev M. bcunsavi
ounsavell. pla ut
1C. W. II Vl'Ks.
Saei ill as ( 'u 'i b.
rialli-iioutli, Net'.. July 71):, A. I). J,.
Tha or.t r.nKllib TRADEMARK.
U e in i it j-; An
-mfuCl-if enre tor
-y rr tj
them, ImpottnTjr
and all difaiwi
ttnit f.illow um
auriin frf
Iiore Tftkln. A)ie; hUm nf After lWn.
Mrinor, t'civercftl LtnnHfin, Vmlit In thtBiek, Jtfn n'-f of
Virion, Premature )M Ace. ntid nmur orh-r 17ac ttial
Iea4 to iQaanltr r rnii-umt tt'n. ariif n Prmatur. iir
0y Full pm .iculnrn In tur ymnv, UU-t, ivi.ich W' Avftre t
an(J fre y n.:ul to ncrr iny. C 'Th S-fflriric k1elictu"U
nM by all dru'i.-t ui ft i - r ut- ka-o, ur i i.ikna tut
fS,or ha tent fr-e y mail ou rii.l nf II. Ui- ny fcj
iiik ruiuY j;i:i: ii: to.,
Uiilm.nic' Hi..-. IJirmiT, y'ifn.
IT" Sold in I'lattsim uth and every w her'. 1 ;
all lrui.isls. I;iy.
mi y
t Shop over JlOXSEfl Sr.iP.I.K.-
Sati-fact Ion Guaranteed.
s. . Till'
1 ii'jt ';.-'i'i'fi w'' 1
7 "
James Pettj;;: ix
Musical Inslrument
L'ole A j pointing Ay: nl f' .
The l iir! vallitl .imin r:-t;
CADI NET OR'.' A ir. .
Also. II. e Stick, Ni-nrv f. ?.!"!er. ::. -1 I
s. t iituston l'i:-i.o-.- for ( ass a!.-! a: 1 v a.
cb. Cid a.'id see
amtli: "ixsTr.rMLv;
at ofli-c. Mvtl. cr-f b" r ,.ii:t:t of r.'.dn i
i'i.att'sM' m'tii. n::i.
?rIc Jii-!n.I:ir
Will do wi '1 la e- i-iii.e ou:-
Now ?Iiison v WaiuV
g en
j OKG-7l JL-sZ T'iT EX TiTT r:.