ai-aaf f ' 1 .1 i i i THE II E UA LI). All Sorts. Madame Bonaparte left $1,400 to buy a suitable monunieut. There are six Virginians and five Ken tuckian in the United States senate. The poorest farmer in the land, if una ble to feed his calves, can always graze hi shins. One hundred and fifty thousand barrels of flour are annually made into crackers at Chicago. Water aoaorbs its own volume of car bonic acid, and 4S0 times its volume of hydrochloric acid gas. The man who can hum a hymn while jointing a stove-pipe is good enough to walk right into full membership oi any Church, without probation. Opium emoking finds little toleration in Japan. A man was recently sentenced to ten years' hard lalor in Yokohama for Violation of the law against the practice. A farmer found a potato bug on liis din ner table the other day, and thus to the lu" he ejaculated: "Good heavens! have you got to have your potatoes cooked this year? English farm laborers make no more than a week, and eat coarse bread, American cheese, a very little American bacon (once a day) with turnips and man gel wurtzel beets. A girl may be too busy to dust down the mantle-shelt, but always has plenty of time to devote an hour to tying u cross legged bow-knot in a wide pink ribbon with blue ctUres. A "Western clergyman's wife received thirty-six sugar spoons from different per sons as Christmas presents. They hadn't a iound of sugar in the house as she counted up the spoons. By order of the Italian ministry of agri culture, eucalyptus tries are to be Illicitly planted in spots throughout the Campag lia in order to give the sanitary properties of the foliage u fair trial. More than 100,000 tons of Algerian and Spanish iron ore will be imported in to the United States this year. The iron will Ije used in Pennsylvania, in competi tion with Lake Sujerior ore. The Caughnawaga Indians of Canada are organizing a troupe, w hich has bceu cnga"ed to exhibit in the United States and urope the peculiarities and customs of the North American Indians. As the leaves fall from the trees a good opportunity is afforded to go through the orchard and clean of all nests of insects, cocoons, etc. It will save lots of trouble, and very likely insure fruit next year. Dr. Janes, the Georgia commissioner of agriculture says that there is a true rust proof oat, largely grown in the South, which resists rust even when sown with other varieties which are cut down by the disease. Australia has carried off the highest di ploma for wheat at the Paris exhibition. She gained a prize for each of seven bam ples of wheat and flour. Adelaide wheat gained the gold medal at the Loudon ex hibition of 1831. The phylloxera seems to have lately as sumed a malignant form in the vineyards of Spain. It is said to be making very terious ravages among vines, particularly about Malaga, the richest of the wine dis tricts of that country. During the Winter some enterprising church committees packed away g-. c;it avalanches of snow in its natural ttate. The idea is to preserve it, and sprinkle su gar on it in the Summer, and sell it for ice-cream at 23 cents a dish. At Baltimore during the past month the Shipment of flour to Europe in bags reached four thousand eight hundred and titty bags, of one hundred and forty-one poundsach, and the quantity will pioba bly be increased hereafter. Barthelemy considers that the true re Epiratorv act of submerged aquatic plants consists in absorption of air in solution in the water, probably by the roots. In the normal state they do not liberate gas even in sunlight, anymore tliun aquatic ani mals. Loving Husband (not at all married for money certainly not; going away by himself for a Tittle holiday). "Forget you, my dear Forget its popsy-wopy altogether, and never think a bit about her?0 Hang it all, no. I'll tie a knot in my handkerchief." Out of 3G2 members of the present Congress 241 are lawyers, 10 are editors, audlS are gentlemen of leisure. In the Senate there are 1J ex-Confederate sold iers and 4 Union soldiers. In the House there are 58 Confederate soldiers and 51 Union soldiers. An examination of the salaries of cler gymen in Virginia, South Carolina, Geor gia, Kentucky, and North Carolina, show s a lower average in North Carolina than in cither of the other States. Georgia sup itorts her ministers best, Kentucky next, Virginia third, and South Carolina fourth. Nearly four hundred thousand black birds are annually exported from tiic Island of Corsica. They come to the island in vast numbers every winter to feed on the terries of the myrtle and ar butus, with which the mountains are cov ered. Here they become very fat and their flavor causc3 them to be nigniy prized by Parisian epicures. An adeot in ocean travel urges those -v.r fl-nr siokness to take a tcn-nrain blue pill the night before sailing, and a dose r.f ritrate mairuesia the following mora- in. Then eat breakfast ami go on teurd. lie has followed tlii practice for several cpars. and been entirely lice lrom quaiius, All those who have imitated him have beca equally fortunate One of the small s.?cds of a grnpo has caused the death of a resilient of San Francisco by bulging in the intestines and forming an ubcess. Fatal results, more especially in children, are known frequently to have followed the swallow ing of grape seed:?, which pass out of the stomach undigested, irritating tiie small intestines, and producing inflammation Sylvester Zeno finds that oxygen may be readily obtained at common tempera tures by the mutual reactions of two oxy- - . .. 1 c 1 ginated compounds iormcu oi several atoms of oxygen ; that is to say, by hy pochlorate of lime and jxroxide of bari um; and he infers that die phenomenon is due to the neutralization of the electric polarities of the oxygen in the com pounds. The cloves of commerce are the unex panded flower-buds of the Caryophyllut aromalicus, a tree native of the Moluccas and other islands in the China seas. The avera"C annual crop of cloves from each Sreeis, according to lJurueit, two or two mid a half pounds; but a iiue tree lias lrn known to yield l iotinds of spice toa Jn; but us UoO buds c!uly 1. there must have been ot least V2o,VW Ilovvers uion uii sui-ie tree. Frtmce produces an annual average of 55, C01 000 hectolitres of wine; Italy, 31,500,- 000 Spain, 20,000,000 ; lortugal,5,00',000 ; Austro-IIungary, 12,040,000; Germany, C 501 000; Switzerland, U00,000; llussia alid Kuroican Turkey, 1,134,000; Greece, 1 115 000; Itoumania, 07,571. Altogeth er the Euroiean annual average yield of "vine i3 lAwm hectolitres. The Yearly average in France since the phyl loxera's invasion has been diminished by ?..x n,vi ..r i.tolitres. A hy-t'!itre i atarrIK IS IT CURABLE? rTUTOSK who fcara Buffered from eratom auestlon wit- considerable an xi e t y . And we I line y bTti for no HIkim tht can be mentioned U " Teriily prevalent and o deatructi -a to health "J 7-VrJtr: 'H-nn-hitiii- Asthma. Cmirhs, and aertoua rri- f.t.i .faction of tfio InnRB follow, Uunsorine iunK 1 , . f in many instances, a case ol aimpiepus ut-iri'' KJ. other Sympathetic atfectloot such a deafness, impaired eTeslirht. and loss of sense ol ell. nTiy bVAferrerfto as minor but "the Lrions results of neglected Catarrh, bad enoogj fn themMlTes. bat as nothing compared with tba d'anlre m aaecUoM of Ua turo-t and longs lUetf IT CAN BE CUBED. t. cvin i fob Catasbh Is bnt a ellKht evidence of what may follow a persistent iw of this remedy The hsrdf lncrnsted matter that bas lodtr'A In tha Basal jaMapes Is removed with a few ar plications tha ulceration and Inflftmmatlon subdued and a'e cleansed and purifle.1. Constitutionally Its ae Won la that ofi powerfnl purifying Bajent, .destroy. Intr la its couria throuifU tuo system the acid A CQIV.PUGATEQ CASE, li severity For nine years I had not Dreatueq ? eT"i? .....n ,i.nnr.inuiinth threat. down end al.-ep, , .na ?,, u neaa. iv ri J!'" ""Tr" i,.:, n7l rnmnel mailer es to injure 'I ;;-.".v - iT .t i rlrlt Kel tip peverai iraci ly thiont before I coul! lltri iin(rvmotom8 b ine use ui i. " v ...w .... . , , - ..... th.n havo no asthmatic symptoms no cotijrh. no drop. Clnw in the throat, no headach. aul In every way b. tier thnn I havo been for years. I enld feel the effects of the Cube on my ippetlte. on my Sidneys and. in fact, every part of vt"f been done In my cage Is wholly the tffect ol Uio Radical (tin. Very respectfullv. lncBBCBO.Oct.Ji c. H. LAWKEACa Indorsed by a Prominent Druggist. i i?C thit ure. T.awreneo purchased the Kadicai. Curb of me, and from time to time made mo familiar with his case. IbeUuve LJ state, mcntts be true in every particular. i iitiiacBo, Oct. i. Eneh tsclcar contains Dr. Banford's Improved InhallUK Tube, and Jull diractlous lor its use in an cases. I'rlce, l. For sale by all wholesale and ro. Agents and Wholesale Urcyglsts. Boston, ainss. VOLTAIC PLASTER An EtccTro-Galvnnlo Battery combined with a. liiirhlv medicated Strensrtlienlng Tinati. fnrminethe liest Plaster for pallia And aches in tlie World of .HetUcine, REFERENCES. T)r. E. M. r.lVrer, Montgomery, O. Mrs, Frances Harrlman, Orland, M8. Kaskell Lewis. Esq.. Mllford. Pel. Mrs. Klchard tlorman, Lynchhurp, VS. J. B. 6ainmis, Esq- Winona, Minn. Mrs. J. A. 1 urzie, Mcmpnib, leiiu. H. B. Ooocli, Esq., Oswtgo. Kan. Ii. U lllanl rnliinn. linrk.nort. I ort. Me. O. W. Bostwtck, Esq., Mt. Bterliiifr. O. aira. Kim Voudk. Cambrlilee. Maii. Francis Baker, Esq., Cincinnati. O. Mrs. J. M. itobinson, E. Orrinifton, Ms. K. 6hlvcrlclc, Esq.. " Indopenifent " OIUC0, II. Z, Mrs. Eliza J. Dutlleld, Hume, 111. Geo. Gray, Esq., MontlcJlo, Minn. Mrs. Clias. Uuundri, Woodhull, 111. XV. 11. H. MoKlnney. Morrow, O. Mrs. R. L. btevens, Eort Wavne. Ind. Wm. B. Simina, Madisonville, K.J". Mrs. E. Bredell, ht. Louis, Mo. Mortimer i-yon, Esq., Ban Eranelseo, CoX. And hundreds of others. COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTERS Cnro when all other remedies fail. Copies of let ters detailing soma astonishing cures when all other remedies had been tried without success, will be mailed free, so that correspondence may be had If desired. For the cure of Lame Back and weaknesses peculiar to iemalcs, Collins' Voltakj Plasters axe superior tu all oilier external remedies. . PRICE. 25 CENTS. He carefal tocall for Collixs' Voltaic Plabt lest you net some worthier imitation. Bold by all wholesale and retail ilrr.rgists thront-hont the t'nitd States and Canadas. and by WEEKS POTTEIt. IToprletors. Iiof ton. Mass. i. r jutt ..-.jT .. - .- - ifJ-wiaaKi.-r. rr? R ri PIAXO-FOKT K rc not oiilv liist-fliifs In.-tmit!r:!ts. Imi this K-.t.i.lisliiiiit may lif justly r':ii ilctl ;:s one of t In? l';ilin;r no -Forte M:iin:fa-toi ies of llic World. THE FAVORITES IN THE CONCERT HALL. niiiiiii? tiic Sciisoii of Ist.visti; the IJotiry F. Miilt-r I'i.'inos wi io used in I!oton iiinl vicinity in mure than t:iH Court-its. s..: s,.v. if iT7-1stk. l ... Concert. Si ;.s,.:i of lsTs-ls7f Monih of October. 35 Coiuvrts ; Aloi.iiiot ovr!iiliT, concerts Xih: hut tivt rfws 7 Win o. mull tain Midi ia- . ionc'J fMijiiiutrttt. TlflZK i'.l.Yo.s ua VE IlECEIVED The Hinhesl Praise From the Flosl Eminent Musicians. Of late I have had many opportunities of usiimvoiir Pianos ami can say uUu pii-a.-ure. they have !! .superior in Ainei lea. and my hsui: ..vii.Mii i.i i. alu.iatl l.isllllci' ine 111 teaeiiii: niein alieail ol any loiein in.sii uiium.s oi 1:1-1. iuu CHAN. li. -1.M Madame lloze ;tnd the otlier artists of my eoiiiiiany ai e deli'liteil v itli t he "Miller Piano. fonts lie II miliiv "jl lout-, ami ine luuiiniiii! innaner in vlii::i it sustains the voice. II. M ai-lksox In behalf of the P.amabee Coneei-t Comoany anil narlii'iih-.i lv invi-elf as the iihinist- ot saiil company. I wish to express many thanks for l ie lieau'Hlli liiailll I i.mos in oiii iii.iiini.u - ture, itii which voii have furnished us so far this sea-on. Wit li your line instruments eon- e i t t; I v i n n le-oines a )Osii ive pieiLsure auu tie liht, "m say we ail of us." HowakoM. Dow. I consider no other "make" with which I run ac.inaiiiteil. can eveel it in any of tiie ipialittcs tliat eoiislitiite a oerfect inst nniicnt. As an aee'imnaniment fur the voice, I know of none 1 .vould prefer to youiv. Mrs. 1!. E. 11. Caistku. Itakepreat plea-me iu recoiiimeiidin the Ileni'v F. Miller Pianos m u'l occasions w here a first-cla?s piano is desired. Mrs. II. M. Smith. 1 have known the Pianos manufactured by Mr. lieiit v F. Miller for many years and I do not hesitikte to say that they lake liiirli rank anions tiie liist-clajs instruments of any of the best makers. c'.wtl. Zhhkaiin I consider the Miller l'iano siiperior to all others in that mellow and --iii-'i:! quality o ac ceptable for Voi' C ;;ec..lli!i;tii i.ilt i t . Mis. t.. A i.iN r. Os;ooi. AVe were ilePulitcd with the Pianos of your mamifacnue wineh we u-e.', during onr recent tour in ine I'ni.ed ht.ites. tlo-ir charming sins in oiulil ies ri tid.-i mj; them e.-peciaiiy tiesira blc ioi' iicco.npanviiii; the hiiinaii voice. Th e Ouioi nal swkiiisii I.AK1KS" tvl'Al: 1'K'ITK. World's International EiMMtion 1676. This establish!. lent w as the only one out of more than for: v Piano-forte exhibitors, wiiieh wa- I'lO-reed tw o awai:is fur its single exhibit of Pianos at tiie Centennial Kxliibilioii. Thi mvis tin; win Ertnhl'txhmenl Ihot lU ixivrd o Sjici iul A iranl fitr a Xar Imu ntUtn Tiic Pii.eut II p ri 3 : 1 : t Pi a 1 1 o-For t c. F. lliu UiilJ nave n eeived the endoi sement of tlw State of Massachusetts and the i rTrTl"V" OF "RC I TUcU are lE.DE 1 EOSTOIT. .ir; the FOIiEllUST 1'IAXOS vf THE WOULD. : u , v i, IjH j t K M. Jl 1l A i M. J.1 m. Boston, Mass., U. S. A. JAMES PETTEE, Ag't.. Plattsmouth, Neb. 2ly and my tni oat b. fore I could Every on",? ti...n .Ilntri iin(fvmntom8 has disappeared under hntt ra i f QAVFOKD B ana- . The Iason & Hamlin Okoas Ix.sTitUCTon i3 the title of a TeW Work arranged expressly for the use of Scholars' by Mr. Trowbridge whoSo Musical ability and long connection with the Company has eminently fitted him for the work which he has been so successful in arranging, the studies are very progressive and complete and the collection of music throughout is fine. Our Musicians are a unit m rec commending it. Books can be obtain ed at Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drug Store. James Pettek, Agent, 44tf Plattsmouth, Xeb. NEW HARDWARE S! J. S. DUKE ITa just opened an entire new stock of haid- ware, on imm ss. -jm-iu ar,K:sra'Br" Next door wust ot Chapman & Smith's Drug Store. A Full Line of SHELF HARDWARE, SHOVELS, HAKES, SPADES and ALL GARDEN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS. NAILS, hy the Keg or l'ouud ROPE, POWDER. SHOT, GRIND STONES, WEEEL-BARROWS. A FulljUnc of ( I TLESV. SpeciuRates to Builders and Con tractors. AH good sold. as low ns they possibly nn be and live. A. G. HATT J l' ST UTKNE!) AfSAT.V. Nam, Clean, First Clasa Meat SJiop, on Main Street in Fred KroehlerV old stand Everybody on hand for Iresii, teimer mrai. HENRY BCFCK DEA I.Eli IN SAFES, CHAIRS, kti, inc., nc, Of AH Deicrijitions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES -V7"OOTDH:2ir COFFIUS Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash. AVith many thanks for p.lst patronage. I invi invite all to and examine my I.AKllK STOCK OF 4ntf. rritT'ti: ,m off i ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND HLACKS3IITH SHOP. Wagon, liU'.HPj, JIa;tiuc and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing I am now iirepareil to ilo all kinds of repairing of farm and ot her iiiaehin"iy, as tlieie ir-- a ond lathe in lay .tiiop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the winn shop. He is well known as a NO. 1 W'OKKMAN. ev TVusroiii and linpit'n uiade to SATISFACTION J V A I? ANTKEI'. Shop on Sixthstreet "positn Streitfiit's Stable Hi X 'Jl CO rr CO ! 03 1 14 ry rjtmw . tnj UPPER JAW BIT, :a i: m:t pat kxt. For broaUinjr nisil ilrivin Clt Tternlerinq: fafe, manairealde and lc.-.ant to drive all kicking, pulling, sliyiug, stiiiiilliug and liltclimg lioi'ses Tie Best Eit to BreaX liis Colt, ! teacliini: liini more in tliree lmiir than ran lie taitirlitn tliree ilav with any other, making hint trot luster and easier than Ity any other iiroc-c-s vet known. One trf Iff tor year f handle timj nm.'.r of 1,'irm-x or ("". Miv nun desiring cafetv. eonifoit or sjieed, sliuiiJd 1V all means use this int. l'ur earnau'O horses, ivint them ntvle and -oinfort. it n m va'.uah'le. I'at. I'.amla'nd Ini.- fill that is re quired to han. lie anv lo.ise or coil aside friii coninion liai-ness w ith hide check rein) will he ent anywhere, with full directions for adjust ing and ne, Mstaire paid, on receilit of . It V . orders are sent tliev must be drawn on 'Station J.." New York I'itv. Liberal arranjte!! the trule. A'V'iiis wanted. All persons are e:iut iom d against nilruiiiiK this patent Address :,j:,.,r.t .rn'r1-tst Slreet and "d Avenue, New oik.. ::t - If, &&d'& I'fV I Iff I t I r F Retail Lionor Dealers CIGARS AND T0BACC0S." PLATTSMOUT1I - - KEB. Also llilliard Hall and Saloon on Main street, four doors from Sixth at Neville's old place. Stoic pnd saloon on Main St. two doors east of the Post ofllce. REST H RANDS OF CIGARS, ALES, WINES, C, AT EOT II PLACES. llcnicmbcr The Xarac nurt l'luce. 2,,y Keenan & Grace. TEE IE " CMcap Burlington & Qnincy R. R. IS TUE DIRECT ROUTE BETWEEN THE East and West, RnimiBg Through Cars TO Couiicil Bluffs, CONXECTING WITH THE Union Pacific Railroad KOK ALL POINTS IN XEDIZASKA. COUUHA1XK irro-vjvcr', 3OATr-t-V-t. XEVA.UA. ARIZOXA. IDAHO, AN I TP M l O LT i SI C A s TO KANSAS City. TOPEIAATCniSON k St. Josept And the SHOUT LINE to nil points on the jlissoi i:i. Kansas i r.... ana IIOl'STO.N TEX AS ( EM UAL KAI LKOAliS, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars. AND Tim OKI-EBATKl) C, 15. & 0. DIMXU CARS. i;y this iui:tj3 All information sihout rate- of fme will he eheeiiitUv ziveu hy applying to C. W. S3! ITII. TralVi Manager. Jaiios It. We?, 't. C'liiea;-ro W. D. JONES' Attain takes tho Brick Livery Slab!et PLATTSMCl-iH, The old Ilonner Stables, in riattsinout ti. art now leased bv W'M. I . .IONES. ami lie has on liand new ar.d haml oaie aeeoiuiuodatioijs, ii. th shape of II OR VES, CARRIAGES, JiUGGIEs. and SADDLE HORSES. I am prepared to keep HOK5ES FOR SALE i TRADE! And will Train and Break Colts On Uea'-ouaHe Terms. also i:i:.iii:isiii:n, That with Miientv of room (that every on knows 1 have) iu mvi-table. 1 enn -ret Karmei Mock and wagons. loads of hay, &e., under cov er, where t'nev will keep dry. Thank im: ail mv oh! pttroiis for tin ir liberal it v. I solicit their trade. lor the future, iatls!:ec that 1 can i:ecoi!Uioi!ate th'-m better and do better by thein than ever before. !vl Yi'ir. D. J ONES. JOIIX SIIASX0XS LIVERY SALE AND FEED Carriages alwa3-s on Hand, AND HEARSE,? FUNERALS IJI! ITOTICE I T w:.i.t :.U of mv accounts scttleil to lat rm.l 1 s lull lo no inoie ereilil business. All obi accounts must be settled tip. and no new om will be made. I'nless such accounts ate ct!i iir,r!v lliev will lie Mietl. I ;'; ii to'do a sti ietly cash business in flit are JOHN SHANNON, 4oly l'lat;s;iioi:th, Nrb, MIKE SCHNELLBACIIER, BLjICKSJIITU HOUSE MI0EIXU AND YACON r.ErAIKING All kiiuTs of rj FA KM IMTLEMKI mended KXTS Neath; d- Prompt! g :0: Horse, jlulc& OxSliocinix, In short, we'll shoo anything th;it hur four feet, from a Zebra to ;t (JirnfLV. Conic and see us. JSTJUW SHOP, on l'i:tli St between Mam ard me streets. just across OK KICK. e corner friiiii tlie xv.vr 1IKKAI ' liy c?i z z, r DICK STREIGHT'S LI V FRY, FEED AND SALE STA BLES. Corner 6t!i and IVarl Sts. ncntsns ruAitnrn n'v thk DAY, WELK, Jl 3IO.TH. HOHSES BOUGHT. SOXilD OH TBA3DED. For a Fair Commission. TClS AT ALL HOrilS. I'auicular attention paid to Driving and Training I. I unit-.: n,..iirt'.v. S-lhl vrjrfrli-!... "n I "'f" , til 0 f. H V -41 aVMO IS UNACOUAINTZD WITH THE ItOCSAPHV OP THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMiNJ?J'. TH53 K.AP. THAT THE It line ron f :ct: rh.-sr' ! ami OiiimIim, ii)-i:i: u.:. . : Fullc, (Jene.-ico. '."'.p.- i.-s ! i: West J.lUertv, !.. Jbo Urinnell. ::! l J -s iv.: :es. ,l: with brandies li-:u :i.u;.;'i -io:. Wilton Ju:iutrn i -:; ; field, I-:id'.n. li.-piiwp. Ci':.ii'C.'is ton, litilliitni, i 'i'U'.'.'io-i. 1 .":; " Wat'ltiuaiouit-i ire'-y, (' ..! Keokuk to l-urr.-a .io.'. i-l-'v eO:u i'clhi.,- ni.. ; - i to lui'.lanoi.i i 1 " '.'l.c ' : ,- ' nnl Av.ic.'. t Uuil-ir.. Ti.? : I;:iih-,M.t,''ll ...Vl.v. C.I 1 throiiiih luie let - i. ' '1 liisCoUiimav.iHi, ci Uc v ; trUi-ll ii'tert-ir t- i.-:-v ..!. r: berth tetv.-?ea C'ca : a.: ! . ut:..:. r.-ort ll. or A uiK'illr ami a section fvr 1 ivo i !'. ' tli:'.rse l"et-.e:i ti: ;e-? i Wiua win i i ':1. j i.. i TiO. iHt V'Uril! i'l-'. --p ii i.'r.iii t" r l:-r ::: ! b niile-'iit 1-a '... till thi'i;'ii !:..""'' " ns - - ' ''' ' ' sovi'ii!!-. o -i ; .r l u.'il . f -rr. i .- y.': - Al'.'r.vl: !-!-' 1 ' t.-: . nrt ii" vi'i.: :t - : t '" 10 aud the e.ioi-;:' - wnrn:;.:i:: 1 V ' '' ' . t!i:i;.'ny i ' - ' .': xy' lur r-i.:v:;:,; - V cr. V.--J . r....r.,. A1't'?i .. -'- I' -! .-A v 1 icic -li vo. .-- - . 'X'iei.ei At'ii.t.. j: ti - S i i.e. V.ii .i i THE Dexter, Dexter King and Dexter Queen CAHHXAGE SPEIlTaSi Arc Unsurpassed for Easy Hiding, Durability, and Beauty. Many Thousands IVow in Use. Send for Circular Giving Price and Full Description to DEXTER SFBIEG GO? Near Pittsburg. a . Will a 5p- T - - .'.i.-S J James Pettee i K a Li::: in Musical Instruments, Sole Appointing' Agent for Tv I'nrivalloil Jfjisua & Hamlin CABINET ORGANS. Als. the Sleek, ITrnry F. Miller, and Hallet .S: ('imisto'i l'ianos for Cass and Sarpy couiilic, N'clt. C':iUandsee SAMPLE 1XSTHUMEXTS at ofUoe. Sixth, one door south of Main M. l'LATTSMOFTIl. NK1. Will do well to examine our ew Vinson & Hamlin oegauiitstetjctob 2 Pri v ate. C t rotlic 3Jnl I ; oli'jrr ff .Mumse. Or enu f U i) -r a-ion lis.-.-r- of Y..':b -n.i MatiUnod : m w. :ilth of chi-t. e a-i I ,11111:'- ln-Inruiati-n. 't ii.t-r-.'.t to l,tlt h-t. Nit!.;n offn.ive t- pto-d tn.tu and r.-ttnmioul. Iufir-lnci'-ri noT tief'.rc luMi'Ue.1. f-mll .l.-.uij t. witlTOUt iu CA1dri.. !:. . O. Ol.IS . 1 la'k ct Knual Ulf.. s - -, Iiii.,n frfl-.I1 '! Lilies stud Oc.le- m.D, M)d one doiiar j for ianiiki of bei rvttbc r prtn-U, and .lti&l, ii!fomia'i.u I CJ3 l ht rxprru. Iti'll"- 4 OS ble fill", s j r-r-f i lr t.x. FrlvBteS. f 1rs during ccn- ! f)T,(V!ll. " tixi'v:- "-'-V 5 r.Vsj Sv? nil ;i:tvli::; t-ie imt and hie west ! .. C:.r m S? ?N!". PAI.OON wlirro . c-.i y . .--it ''lli. v.i::.i' ut uil hoars et the day. tt. ': ; i-;-f! -,-.4 . ;..;n thf Mitssiiii ami : r. v"-- t ; 11 i ; . i-i! T-v this line, ami . ic 'l 'e l (it f.,iii!.-.l lefts, i.eiiven i. I j. i- iu;-' ii, c -euj!i; L'.-iiii naU'j in '"'. ;r. r. ; i: -.::.: -xtioxs this . ; t .i.K At i; as h-u.u'.vs "' . - ',.' a ii.'i C:ver;.i:!ii Hik.'s lur tilts Kat t ;. .: v . : t i j r-; it . v.-ith ('.-.' ike Shor" .t ?Iiehienn i e t '1'U"ICi ii. Ie1s. v, aa r.iisuiK, Cm- :i:e . .V . ' rentr I I, u. a !.;!. n. & W-; I::- .'-'till Linen It. It. tinJ ' 1 -lice' . ; : v v n : tr -1 i;. .. err:'.- t. i!r..-ui';. ..i t!n .Oa'.'iiij.oi-t i Xorth- tn tho i:.i:''.:: '--ton. Cedar ; - :-:.! !: o. r !;. ' ) " - . H. i...':t'i It. It. . V r 1 : ;.'!::t . . i '.IL . ;.;e It. i. '.. ! v. 1 1. ia .) v. -tii iurii';;:tun. Cedar r of !.-v;l: ft. : -i l-iei '.. .. i . , '1 JVei-1 : rirl Wurst.w: ., ... ;..' ...i;! .V .V.-V- . !t. It:.!-. i . t .m , - .:. t 1-. i. n. ! A'. T...VI.I! Si-.l.tM i e; i ll- I :.e.:l l-e-Mr!" !;. 1J.N. i;, : I'. :.e.t K. i'i.-n. ! i'.-is. ctivxcir, :iii.t.rrji, . t--U.:-,'' ' scld Ity ttl .TOTT, A;-:- tlcl ui! Go rr:.i. :.u.; i-i , Act.. t'I.i.-:;o, lit CELEBRATED HULTOX, PA. J. G- CHAMBERS, Maniifactiiier (f and Deal r in ' -TT' tV tVSN rV.'Q jf ' r''- T-- lAl teS-S w"l COLLARS, HALTERS, W II IPX ETC., ETC., ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatnessl Dispatch. , . . i.-r l ..V. . .4 1 .ulv nl:iee in tiiwn where 'TlU'lfV s lam ent self adjustable horse collars are i-old " 4u.s PAPER HANGING AND IE3 Z IKT T Z ZLSTGK McEivain. J.'SUo;i over lUjXXEIt STAULES, on PINE STREET. Satisfaciion ('.uarantecil. Siuit F. JOHNSON, d::ai.i:k in Druqs? Medicines? -AXD- WAIiIii F ':-Zt -3 Ail Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALEll IX Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest riiblications. rrewcriptloits t'arefiil.3- l!l-"',, by an 5:xieiIoiiroI Irut:iit. Kr.MHMr.Ki: Tin: flack. ! use N7,2 DOORS SOUTH OF MAIN runsv.!ii.i'H. .r. PAPER. 1P0RMI If n -r Te Iciest IB maha, Nebraska. They lin ite Evcrj liody Visit ins; Omaha, to Call ami Examine iheir Large Stock. W" 187 FAR NAM. STREET, SPRING IS gxic nUiiral Imp Jem en t$r From a Threshing Machine lo a Hoe AND WAY BOWK CHEAP. i Ho The King of Plow Sellers. Corner GJ and Main S!reois, IS HEADY TO TALK TO TIIE FAUMEKS OX ,71 T'. seeders anaaii Shovels, Lsoes, Spades, and Hand-rakes, ktsja a.Ai Wb tiaVaWatVM Latf Lr J ak IL3 Wr? '- Buggies and gjiziiiQ- Wagons . All kinds of HARVESTING riiaeliines, 3a vsers.f Renjierz fi Ke riders. Vibrator Threshers, x,rlIOI!!r;A lias come And he has brought the finest line of Dress Go'ods, Staple Goods, Fancy Goods and N otionsvon ever saw. shoes $im Tiesa esuss9! Ecst laaty usssl caps tilli Spring and Summer Gcods ever and ever so cheap Now is your chaw:o Invnd to s 11 and tinders, U anylody. Hurry up. I want to go Eat again next month. As? 7i8. gsdsig; to Psdat? THE BEST I1T TEE WORLD IS TEE 2 TA U Vi'A . Geo. W. Pitkin C Sen- for Sample Cards and Trice Li.-S KyY WhitcSlwikg Machine SOLD BYT-x tzSZ Lij ft;f r" rieNir. ran PARTICULARS ---.,--..- (7 rrrrwy IE DEALER TT -H aaaaaaB . esid. Eiarscst Will 1 COMING! ,1. T! i .4 .. &ia&frw IfylyfLiLLbll IpM ft: q .1 fV kkiiai Li ilk i;onio, 9 CT VI: Ki H 1' U li j.. n.av ,f ai ADORES Co. Clf.vklan d, cnyo f1 j I? J. t.. cival-nt to uUut L'H.ns. 1 1 1