&JrA Stock oi' Iiev iresii tioous is always- appreciated wy tiie People, fto Old Siiop Wora shoddy .' Goods in Our Stock, Wescott & Towcii. TinT kit. Mali on the i'ost will invite yoii in ,4idc.p. THE HE II AL J) published Vi:i:v thuksday AT PL ATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA OITFICE: Ob Vlrws St., One Clock North of Main, Corner of FifUi Street. THE HERALD.- s i i HE A lVL)tTIMl Jt A T I: N o .r.v.T. I 1 w. 2 w S w. 1 in. 3 in. I 6 t. 1 yr 1 N l! . . '! V 1 M' S2 r.,i!i!2 Ml.?.', fK M WiJ.Jtf! (i iKtv.. 1 'I' u no 2 in not in :is'ir.. 2iki 2 75 -I m i 471: K (to I l.'t not ?n ul 'it'll.. iSC-to 8:' 10 '; (k,1 2i hi) 2 ix) 'i Oil. . I X Ml! 1-' (X1: 1 , (ill IX CO' 2", 0'lj 4'l (HI 1 !... I i.'i cVi 1" 1111, 21 ( ii -i mi; 4.) (; GO tH , "' i i i -1 l. JHO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. J "PEKSEYEKASCE CONQUERS. 99 (TERMS: $2.00 a Year. lAM Advertising bills etuc fiuarlsily. 5 .r-Tr:ni'!:-;-nt aJTerUsemcnls must b pr.li for In advance. It ti I'ST CIlUTIiVTIOV OF AXV MI'KKI.V CAM COIXI'Y. Terms, in Advance : fines rny, on? year One coj y. six months ")nj copy, throe mouths S?.oo ."."..... aO VOLUME XV. f PL ATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1870. NUMBER 10. J nni roj . (,f t!:e IlFi:Ar.-i f .r s,l at .1. mi2,;i!. tlio IVi-toilici; irv !( (iMt, M.nr Stri-i-t. f r4 I y !'" 1 1 .' V ? : r i :i . 1 A. A- u li ft f r n 5 PIBST National Bank fK ri.ATTSMOUTn, NELKASKA, SCCTF.S.sOU TO THTI-i:, 1IASXA A CLAUK JOIIS riT7-.Klt.LI K. I iv hi. A. W. Mi I. M c.Hl.IX... iON II O l'.ol KKK PrsMMit. I"T-siilfllt. ';ishiiT. ..A.ist:i (.';iJi!T. This r.:mk l-i now oM'ii fr lnirif rit their ucw rourii. onrivr M;mi uml Sixth st ttts, anil Iin-j'.in-d to transact a j;riiiral BANKING BUSINESS. Sick, Bonds, Gold, Government and Local Securities I50UGIIT AND SOLD. l'ejK!fitv lli-re i red and luff rest Allow ed on Time Ctrtijbatts. dkafts ?DTZjrvrjr1 AaJ.l.l'J in any part of the Unite. 1 .statet ami !u tl.e rrin-iiial Towns ami fit its tyl Kin i,". ac "roil tiic fKLKHr.ATKD Inman Line and Allan Line OF STKA M I'.ttS. Person wishing to hiin; out their fjii'U'ls from Eii;i;n' ran l'ttCIIA'KTICKKTS KJioM CS Tkroush to (' 1 a 1 1 s m o u t Ii . WILLIAM HEROLD, dealer in DTir GOODS, CLOTHS. 1JLAXKET3, rLANN'ELS, rUliNISlIINO G00D3. :o: (JLIUCEKIES OF ALL KIXP8. I.ar" .-lurk of EOOTS and SHOES to be 1'LOSEI) OUT AT COST :o:- Notions, Queenswaro, j.iul iii faet ovorytbins Hie.in call lor in the line of General Merchandise. PAID FOP. lllliKS AMI Fl'KS. A.i kimls of ooiilitry nodine takcrii in rx e!iii:u'i! lui goods. SAGE BROTHERS, O -i! '.el ill b a? o vss, w Lrr jKii at-j: tve, r ri .. i n'. Vi.,; Dia East of t'.ie Pct-or:ii -!.ra-:.a. 1'lattsfiioutli. Practical Workers in heft iiiox, z::;c, r.v. j:i:a- Z'Ell V, et c, tt '-. f ar-r.' a' -' tL:'-pt . i !l anf. Soft I'uini s, Class I'iiM-s ami l'it'.ings. 0O."J1j stoves, Woed a:.:1. Cnai Stoves f ,r 1IEAT1: Oil C00KIN(S, Always on Hand, r'vry v niotv of Tin. s;eet Iron, ami Zinc MAKING AND REPAIRING, l.me on Short Nmice. tjr f.v fiJi'Tii 1 n p.'.i .'..'. 1 a "ry.ru .'v; i-t.-i'-v ihiv'x. SA GE BBS. .LAND! GEST FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA, FOK SALE EY IX SflBit VSIiA. Great Advantages to Buyers IX is;;. Ten Yearn Credit ett C 2)rr cent lute rest. S'.c Ye :rs Cndtt ul G ) e-nt Interest, and 20jcr re id- Pis- mint. Oter Liberal Discount Vnv a1i Itholiatc 0:1 I'nr't ami l're;;rlit, ivnd l'reiiiii:ii) lor Iiiiprovc ioc;if P.iiiit hlets and Map, containing fall partic tiiars w iii l.e in e to ai:) part of the ! mi on a !!; li :it ion to LAN I) COMMISSION Fit. P.. & M II. E. I I.NU.il.N N K.lll't A .-I. A. A. Sclilcgol & Bro., Manuf utiirvis i f jhnte cig-ars, And dealer.-, iu FANCY SMOKEKS A.'iTK LES, SMOKING and CHEWING T 0 15 ACCO'S. Special P.KAN I S and si.s of C I G A 1 ! S made to older, and satisfaction guaranteed." Chjar clippings .old for smoking tobacco. Haiti St. one dooi west of Saunders House. 1L ATTSMOUTH, NCR. 101y Excelsior Barber Shop. J. C. BOONE, Hain Street, rioite SenrtiJers House. KX-CTJ-,r',T'X3STC3-, SHAVING AND S II a M I'OOl N G Espeeml attenGc-i.-gi-?1, t CUTTING CHILPUEX'ti AXP LA PI AH HAUL err ivn err Iinriw o t-s..' i AL.lv AAi L.l lUt). h, OhNTfc, j ....1 .. 1. ........ ;.. .. 1 "FI ntOFESSIOXAL CAliDS J.I,. MrCRKA, Dr.XTI.ST. and Hnnia palhio I'liy-ii-ian. Of fice roriK-r Mam ainl r.lh st's., over lleroM's store, l'lattsniimtli. Nel. 2ly T. It. WILKOX, ATTOItXJ.YAT LAW. fratlcos in Saun-dei-M ami Cass C'ouutii-s. Ashland, Neblaska. 3,mU It. It. 1VIM)II All, ATTHUNT.V AT I..WV, I'l.tt tsmont h. Xfb. Of-lUc-Krunl ilui'iu over Chapman A- Smith's 1 rtijr Stni '-. 4:iiy Jt. 1C. MVlXtiSTUX, 31. I, OFFICE MOCKS, from 10 a. 111., to 2 p. m. Exaii'inii: Siiiiicon for I'. S. IVnsion. Ilt. . II. NCIUMIKMX'HT, I'KAf'TISING TIIVSICIAX. will atteDi rails at all hours, riijrlit or clay, l'lattsmonth. e- rn.ska. Oli'n-e in t haiimaii cc Smith's Drn storr. 21y AITOKN'K V AT LAW anil Ileal Kstate Bro ker. Special atir-nl.on mveii to Collections and a'l matters a tic rtimj tl'.e title t real estate. OHii-e on 2.1 Iluor, over I'ost Uliice. i'lutlsinouth, c-l raska. 40 I. jA3ii-:s 1:. .flOKKISO.V. ATTOUNKY AT LAW. Will praetic-p in Cass niiil ailjnii'.iiiX Counties ; t-'ives s; ml attention to ciill.-ciinns ami attracts ,,f t it 1-. ittice with Geo. S. Smith, i'it','elaul Uloek, I'l.ltlsmonl h, Nebraska. " lTyl i. 11. t iii:s:i,f.i: a co. LAW tirriCJi. l;, ai I. taie. Fire and Lifeln sur.n.ei; As'i nis, I hitisinnutli. Nc lra.ska. Col ic -T'r-. tax -pavem. Have a com; !ete ab"traet c.ft:;iis. i;ny "and sell real estate, negotiate loans. M'. I5yl .5. if. 11 A t.l,. .'I. I. l HYiCI.VN" jM SL'KCiKON. OFFICE il!i !r. Livingston Sontli Side of Main S'lei t. !ictwceni;ik mid 7th sticets. Will aileiri c alls pi oiiii.tly. 4ty 1 ii AV. l'l,I TT!:it, DEKTIST. 5IaS tsmcMit li. Xcliraska. Office on Main Street over T. Vt. S'.uyork's Fi;ri.n me Store. 3 My JiA5I. ?I. cl'JI AJ'MAX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chancery. Office in Fit7.?er 1 iyl l'l. AT'l S.'-Ic 1 t'TI I, NEP.. I). It. W!l KRI.KU, i. sri'NK. WHEELER & STONE, ATT011NEVS AT LAW, I'lattissuouth Xfbi-asUa. c ::aiic.j;s n"Ai:::.. Tonsorial Artist. !'l,ATT:JIr7H MWSIMSKA. Place of l,t;sfii"srt 011 Mh'ti St.. I ctvceil 4th ; I r i . .! 11 ici.s. Sii.imi'oollij, Shaii:y:, cllil iii 1 :i 's hair cm ! iiu. c lc. c ic. 1 '.'!' C0313IERCIAI HOTEL. .. J. I21HOFF, - - - Vrourutnr. 1 Pi t ki.ou n ali i mot pop'tl.tr Laadlord in tl.e .stale. .M..i.. .-: i'i ai me 1 oaiiMciviul. LEXilob'F tf- i;(f.y;;s. jloruiiiu; , i , "! Ar xi 1 : e c'nx-r of t ! :ii:ai'ii-.j H-;:sc. V.'c Beer, Win e3, Liouois&Cigai. C:'l!i'.t (.: :.:: :" -,:i if -ml. 7 . .n. O'JlEh'OIlY, - - - Fiopritt ir. I.oe.uioti Cc t !;:;l. Oond Sample K00111.. E .! :ttte.:'.i-:n p. id to icsts. 4";:irt Pi. AT T-.J.il Til. ..... N'KII occ i) ev rA Yr:i!0Ti-7L"r i -1 ; r: mo n t, n i-: i i 1 : a s k a., FHAXK FA II'.' ELL - - - Prop. Good rooms. 00;: board, and e very thinjj in aj.plc oi order. G.it.j the (' :: U-ntal when Villi vi-it Fre;f.ont. Mtf PLATTSIilQUTH iViILLS. I'LA'fT v i-1!. Til, Xl'.ii. C. IIYAVA., - Irossslor. Flour, Ciiii :--al d- Iid AIw-.ivs en l:'tid si!,d for -:!'; at pi -a est cash I oi ii'i s. 'i In-fi-l 11 :c.s ni id to!- Wncvit ami Cc-in. Pa.rtlcal.ir atlep.lion lt o c ii-toiu work. XT1 0 TJ XT AD aND MACliIXE SHOPS ! pi. -.7 : ! a 1 :!. 1 r... U'-pnircr .'i'-n.i Fuji. fx, P'd.hrs, .V .'" I (J; i;t Jit' 11 c;as ami nteam i'ii'Ti-:t;s. t'rouv':t Ir ci !':.'. Fere.- an. 1 F.if: Pipes. Steam ..ill S: . 1 - ;.' v e Gov ertioi's. ami all khiesot i';iss l";-,;ine I" i i : 1 r.;;s, H-p-aired on -'ici'l noli FAD ?.t M A C H I M K H A. L. MARSHA Src-i-cssor to Ullklfrrt' . t 1115 IT I k 1KJ Lit J 1 1. UilA ii Ji, -;!cr in iT.iirr m i i:i y:' . sn.i's. ron.yr auti- ff.ys. r.HMS A- OL.V. LAMPS ,r,ld ! r.A m r ( tons, sr.'.rpexyiiv. foyyyc- TioSyUILS, 1 I'.lA ri li. 7C. I US, Ac. Tvo.cr:pt ions Carefully Comoa nlcd day or n:;!:!. l.'eni.-m'i.-r the j. lace, .1 ;;.- h ui "jloot ,v Ma c' & liny S'.o-e. AYcej-.ii? AVatcr, - rVt-lr:iIiR. V.u Till. IftlLNi) of all:: EOLLOWAY'S PILLS. "1 l.ad no ar-tn lire ; Hollo way's Pi. is gave me a In-: It y op.c "' " Vinir Pii'.s are t'i'ii veil ens." "1 scn,l for another bo-x ai. ! kc: p tl.em iu the l:o'.io." "in . II'!o av l-.::s r-ired mv he:i lac ':e that wa- -hroaic." j "I ;:lTe otic of Vo ir Pills to mv babe . V.ol i er e i.iiiiI.ik 1 !, o; 1 le dear i. ot v e il j,, ;. ,i .-, y. ,'iv i::iii-ea hi ;i i,..rii:u' is rmv caied. "Yonr!..,x i !'.,;;:. v.c.v 's ointii'ci.t .-iircd mi of ao.-.-s in ?i.. .,-:,! I'rt.bbc.l M'lia.- of vciir Omfai't.t l-e'ii:ml thecal--, and iii noi-c' ha li li. ' .-!.! me two b- s; 1 v. a:.to;.c f.-r a poor f.;in:!v. -I ,:.y T.,M- a dollar; yo t price centf but the moo '. in" ! i.-.e is -.viiali a eoll.i , .' "Si i:d me live boxes l your rii:." "Let me have tliiec b -v. - of jour Pill l,y ri. ti:;n mad. lor Cbills and I', v -r.'' 1 iiave over 200 sn-li ! i onoiiiafs ai thee Imt w ai.t of s;tc-e compels me to conclude. For Cutaneous Disorders, And all eruptions i f tile l.in. t'd- Oiiiiiiie?t is mo-t inva'i.able. !t does not heal externally alone. I...1 pcin: 1 ai i s v-i'li tl-c nno, st .iieiiing effects to tin.- very root vt the evii. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT Possessed of t';i- KEMED V. '"very Man maybe his own Doctor. It t:..' v be ruM-ad into iiie system, ui as to tench any internal complaint : bv lhese means if cures ;" i.;esor Cleers'iu the Til KO.VT, STOMACH. LIN El:. lTst-:. r otli er parts. It is mi I nta 1 :b!e Kemed v for PAD LEGS. PAD p.K EASTS, C.mtraetcit or Stiff Joints. ccl'I, KHEUMATiSM, and all Skin Diseases. iMi-fli-.TANT CAfTiov. None are genuine unless t In- so-na! ore of J. Havuoc k. as .-cent f"r the l.'niti-l s;,f.,, snrrouuds c;,eti box of l-iils nn.l oitm.,,t. P.ox-s;l! 20 c, tus, r,2 cents. ami each. I Tln'iv i . c otisi.Ien.i.l. saving bv taKio 'in- -r r -1 . it . ? OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. stale 'JJireclory. A. S. PADDOCK. C. S. Senator, ppatriec. ALYIN SACMiKltS. I. S. Senator, Omaha, THUS. .1. MA.IoPS, Leprcseiitative. Peru. ALPINCS NANt'K, Goverfior, Lincoln. S. .1. ALEXANDER. Sec-rel a rv of State. V. W. LEI DTK E, Auditor. Lincoln. (L M. HA P I I. KI T, Treasurer. Lincoln. S. it. Thompson, Supt. Public Instruction. K. M. DAVIS, Land Commi.-fioiier. '. J. DILWOC'I II. Attorney General. KEY. C. G. HAI.'I.'IS. Chaplain of Penitentiary. Id;. II. P. MATTHEWSON, Supt. Hospital for . the Insane. Supreme Court. .S. MAXWELL. Chief Justice, Fremont. GE . I;. LA K K. malia. AMASA COlJli, Lincoln. tecourt Judicial District. S. P.. POT'ND. Jiidae, Lincoln. .1. C. WATSON, Prosi-cntinn-Att'y. Neb. Citv. AV. L. WELLS, Clerk Dint. Court, l'lattsmonth. o County ZJirectory. A. N. SPI.LIYAN, County Judge. .1. D. Tl'TT. Counl v lelK. J. M. PATTElisc ,', County Treasurer. It. W. HYUKS. Sheriff. 1. W. FA II! FIELD. Surveyor. G. HILDEKUAND, Coioner. llll'NTV COM MISSION KKS. 1IFNPY Wof.FE. Liberty Precinc t. JAMES Cl.'WVl oKD. South P.encl Precinct. SAM E lilCilAUDSON. Mt. l'leasant l'reulnct. City 7Jirectorj; J. W. JOHNSON, Mavor. J. M. i'A I I EPSON, Treasurer. J. D. SIMPSON. City Clerk. KICIIAKD VIVIAN. Poli.e Jiule. P. 15. Ml UPHY.Citv Marshal. WM. L. ELLS. Chief of Flic Dept. c: n 1 13! t.s. 1st Vvard-.I. PEPPEltp.EKc:, Y. V. LFONAP.I). 2d Ward G. W. FA1KF1ELD, J. Y. WECK- 115ACH. 3d Ward-U. C. TSIIING. TIIOS. POLLOCK. 4th Ward P. .M CALLAN. E. S. SHAKE. 7WAt-JN'0. W. ?IA1.'SHALL. B. & M. R. R,.Time Table. Tahimj FJ-evt Mety 4, 1879. FOlt OMAHA FEOM rLATTSMOETII. Leaves 7 :(' a. m. Arrives S !. a. in. " 3 :5' p. 111. " 4 :5j p. m. FEOM OMAHA FOE rLATTSMOCTII. Leaves 9 :10 a. m. An ives lo :t,i a. m. " . 0 :eo p. m. ' T :io p.. m. i on THE AY EST. Iea vi s Plattsmoii! h 3 :4" a. m. Anives Lin coln. 12 -!.' p. in. ; Arrive.-- Iveatuey, 7: i p. in. Freight leaves j :no a. m. Ar. Lincoln 2 :.V p.m. FitiJM Tin; WEST. Leaves Kearney, ( :50 a. m. Leaves Lincoln, 1 .30 p. m. Arrives Piattsmouth. 4 :2o p. m Freight h aves Lincoln 11 :4; a. 1.1. Arrives Pia'.tiiMoi.ih, 4 :.'' p. in. GOING EAST. Express. 6 :15 a. m. l'asser.i-r, (train eacli day 4 :2C p. in., except Satuiday. Every third Saturday a train con nects at the usual nm. K. V. K. Ii. r'Ime Talilo. iTahinu KJcet Smuhiil. Airc.' 2.'S, 1370. SMlll. I .r. av.pm ! ti :27 1 c: :,s j 7 :25 I 7 : s a'i) s ;", ' ti :ln i J ;..".im STATION 3. HASTINGS. A IX. l'l. I E GILL. mvi.Es. LED ICl f). 1 A VALE. ' 1 ; i i: 1 ( N. Fi'.A : K 1.1 N. p.;. i ;om i : i 'hi;tii. I 8 :;,."am j 8:02 7 :40 7 ' C ::io ii :ii) ' r -.:: j 5:2.-. 5:1 Cam v. s., .n. . ii. rs. tiis: Tin 2.2: V. i.i WAKD. E;v:s Mail. Leave cb'a . -o l'i js.im to r ipai Me:: ; 1 aspin I t.'sini " Gal. ,,:, - ; 4 ".."pai .ri .':i;m 1 i-:' i i u . n 1 -i'.'iii-x s Man: " l.'.ii.:' .i:i M "";in 11 :.il:i t h i: i; ::i 1 i al l 2 l." piii " C"Iiim 4' i:.i r 1 ! !il lo il c i.i k 7 ! : in 8 j ; m Air. 1 l.iltsjau-itis . U2'iam, EAsfWALD. F.-tpss Mail. I.e'ive PI.o t -I'lotHli :: ."'iipm " "amn ;;.m1 ' ).. ;; oopm s .v.am ' Cie.ton pi .-.;a ii i U l.",am Cii:.! 'i":i 12 ."m 2 I'pi.i 0;iu:uva a io-m iapm P.mlin'tton c; v.tjai l ;p:n " Gch-sliiii j; .. .- iuu li i. .'Jim -ii.'.ot.i 12 t'plll a ie.Mll Arriv hiea.o .;:;np!ii: 7 oeam ON LY 27 HOj:.S To St. LGFiS bv the new Pol I E ji:! i pe: ; d v: i MON.MOL'TII. l'CI.L MAN PALACE SLEEPING CAES run from P.iirli.igtoii to St. I.iiis without chan.ue. P.Y LEAVING PLATTSMOUTH AT 3 :..0 P. M.. you arrive- in Sr. I.oi'lS theuext eveningat K :2( and h'avimj St. Louis at s :.i) a. m.. you ar rive in i ! i: i - inoiit li 9 :-'' t lie next inoi nii;ir. Coupon Tickets for sale for all points North, South, Fast and We.st. SAMUEL POWELL. D. W. HITCHCOCK. Ticket Agent. Co n. Western IV ss. Agent. J. M. l'.F.' il r t. Ajent. l'lattsmonth. CO :- : o tf) . : a , 3 o v-4 N r. s. STII0P A LEEDLE! Pa fore iTecidlng what Meat Market von are gr 1ns to patronie during IS7:. call in and see GODFREY FICKLER, M.iin St.. PlattMiic.uth. Neb., Who is on dec 1: v ith nice i:.uts and Steaks. Irish FIhi. I'cef. Imk. Veal. Mutton, I'ouli ry, everv thing in I m line. Prh-ct a.i L,r a H e f.u ; l, ;-c iinl r I ir(-e n;.,. ,. ,;'y Proprietors. STltKlGKT & jI1LLEL Ifeirnrss Man 'furtunrs, SADDLES r.KIDLES, COLLAKS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly on hand. FIIUIT, CONFECTIONERY, G It OCT R Y STOKE, NUTS, CANDIES. TEAS COFFEES, SUGAKS. TOIiACCOEs, Fi.oun, Kemeniher the place opposite E. G. Dovev's 0:1 Lower Mairi Stii-i-t. ZTllF.iajTT f- MILLED: , The Fanner's "Wife. tJp with the birds In the early morning: The dewdrop glows like a precious Rem ; Ecautiful tints In the skies are dawning, But she's never a moment to look at tliera. The men are wnntin.:; their breakfast early, She must not linger, she lnut nut wait ; For words that are sharp and looks that are surly Are what men give them when meals are late. Oh, plorious colors the clouds are turning. If she would b'.it look over hills and trees ; But here are the cJLhei and here is the ctiuru- iajf Those things' must always yl.tld to these. The world is filled with the wine of beauty, If she could pauS'i and drink it in ; Eut pleasure, she fays, must wait for duty Neglected work Is committed sin. The day grows hot and the fcnndsgrow weary ; Oil, for an hour to cool her head Oat with the birds in the v lads so cheer) 1 Hut she iiiisst gxt dinner and bake the bread. The busy men in the l.ny fli ld working-, If they saw her sitting with Idle hand, Would think her lai'y, and cull it .shirking-, Aijd she could never make them understand. They do not know thjt the heait wit'ain her Hungers for beauty and things sublime ; They only know Unit they want their dinner Plenty of it and Just "on time." And after the sweeping and churning and bak ing And dinner dishes are all put by, Bhe sits and sews, though her head Is aching, Till time f jr supper .nd "chores" draw d:k'.i. Her boys at school must look like others, She says, as she patches their frocks and hose ; For tUo world D quick to censure mothers For the least neglect of children's clothes. Iler husband comes from field of labor, He gives no piaise to his weiiry wife. She's done no more than has her neighbor ; Tis the lot of all iu country life. But after the ttnfe and weary tussle With life is done, and she lies at rest, The nation's brain and heart and muscle Her sous and dal.ieis shail call her blest. Aial I think !he sweetest joys of Heaven, The laiest bliss of eternal life, And the fairest crow n of all will be given Unto the w ay-worn farmer's w ife. California Farmer. CURED OF Jl WATEK-CUEE. Joel Newman clcc-MoJ that he could not be a farmer. His father was ck-votcd to iigricultual puiauita. and beemtd to like the busiuess; but t!iat was n roason why lie (Joclj should adc; t that blanch of industry as-a voo.it icn. I lo tispired to tomcthiug higher, rcgaicliug all ordinary manual labor mititel y below his consider ation. At the age of seventeen. Joel con cluded to choose a iirofcssion, and con sumed the remaining years of Ids minor ity in determining what it should be. Oa the very day that he was twenty-o:;-? he decid-d that all im-io! taut cjiu-s-tiuu, and soiemnly consecrated himself to the healing art. This Avas certainly an era in his existence, and destined to ex ticise a lasting iullueiice oa his future lifu. 1'ut tlp-re Avas yet ar.rilher viiul j-oint to be U rm iaetl what .ai ticuiar medical j-atform would it be best for liim to s!at:d v.j i 11. Mi a;!d he cml.-r.ica allo pathy, hydropathy, c.r beeoioe a regular vegauiiiuii .' it v. as no c:..sy ir.attcr for Joel to ciioiise between Cia.en, Hahne mann, lJie.-!n;., and the various systems of bob-mi o-m-.'iii. al jn.u t:ee. Having considered the iii'.iinsio value ef water as an clement, l.a f.iaily threw a casting veto in favor of hi"drojathy. .Mr. s'ewiiiiin, his father, wiiiing to grat ify his sou's wishes, accordingly packed him oil" to a 'water-cure"' esl.ibli .hinc:it wiiere he mig.U learn theory and practice at the same time. Jcel entered tijon I113 duties with an awful sense of its re? portabilities I ressiug r.pou him. He realized, or tried to, that henceforth he avus to deal with that potcut agent water, wl.icli avuuKI kill or cure according to the way in which it was applied. Place a patient in the water up to his chin, and lie may remain there fifteen or twenty minutes without sustaining iuju ry; but," said, the professor with increas ing solemnity, "just rcvei so the method of application, and put Lis head in for half the time specified, and the conse quence Avill be serious."' Joel ventured to suggest that death might be the result of such a procedure. "You are correct," returned the profes sor encouragingly, "ami that proves that water is a powerful element, and requires to be handled cautiously. Many lives have been lost by water." "At the time of the flood, for instance," remarked Joe!, timidly. 'Precisely, sir; but it was used in that case to elfect a moral cure. It will be Well to observe, perhaps, that Ave do not prescribe for such complaints at this es tablishment. AVc ileal Avholly with phys ical cvi.'s." The doctor paused a moment, and then pointed to a large manufactory not far distant. "There is another Avonderful application of water," he resumed, and xvill give you some faint conception f its power' "It buoys up great ships, also," added Joel. "Ah, yes; it is truly an important cle ment in commerce." "Sailors literally lie on it," continued our hero. "Young gentleman, you arc to learn at this institution the sublime art of apply ing this great power to the cure of dis eases. 1 shall not develop this science to you all at once, but gradually as your mind expands. You may now go and put half a dozen xvet sheets upon that delicate voutig man xvho "came this morn ing." 'Shall the water be entirely cold?"' aked Joel, with a shiver, for it was a freez ing January ctay. "Apply it iu its natural state, Dr. New man," replied the instructor with a gra cious smile, "and don't heed any squeam ish objections that any patient may make. In all cases you Aill please follow di rections to the letter. Tl.e young man who Avill bo. made the subject of your treatment is somewhat deranged iu his mental faculties, cons-quetitiy ids eccen tricities and peculiarities tue not to be noticed. You will lind him in number four." Almost overwhelmed with the contem plation of the power of water, Joel sought the room indicated, lie fouud there a young man about his own age, "who, al though somewhat pale,' h I not manifest any particular symptoms of illness. He ac- knoAvledged the ncophyts presence by a j formal bow; the obvious weaning of i which was: "AYill you be good enough to1 . tell me your business T' that this vatk-nt .,:,l,I"' '-"rr perceived at once ' n-l'r - I per Avorks, and took measures according ly; he deliberately locked the door and put the- key hi his pocket. This proceed ing on his part caused the patient to di late his eyes anel favor him Avith a long and by no means friendly stare. "Pray, sir, why do you lock my door?" he said at length, striving to speak calmly. "iSo that Ave may be secure from inter ruption." "And why do you desire to be secure from interruption in my roomf" a&ked the patient with some severity of manner. "I. at present, have control of this in stitution," returned the other resolving to suitably impress the mind of the invalid vnlh a realizing sene of his importance. "The deuco you have!" 'Please, don't bo profane, sir! Prepare yourself for treatment, said Joel, with dignity. "Treatment!" "Yes ; take oS your clothes." "Me!" "You can't you comprehend?'' "And what do you intend to do?" "Apply six wet sheets in succession; give you a copious shoAver bath ; soak your fee t in cold water; wrap your head in a saturated towel; and "Let me inform you. sir, that I'm not in the right mood for joking at present; so you will please vacate the premises immediately," interrupted the invalid savagely. " i ake oil' your coat, that's a good fel low," added young Avater-cure, soothing ly. '""Will you go, or shall I throw you out of the window f ' reiterated the patient, threateningly. "Come, let us be reasonable. You have come here to be cured, and the professor has given the treatment of your peculiar case into my hands; so let us proceed at once to business. Here, you perceive, are the proper materials to work Avith cold Avater, sheets, and so forth." "Are you a fool or a Avag?" usked the person thus appealed to. "I am :m humble disciple of Prcsnitz, aid hope to be the means, with the bless ing of Heaven, of restoring you to perfect health. Prepare for the sheet." "You are an entire stranger to me, f.nd iierhaps you are ignorant oi the fact that .am one of the principals of this estab lishment," resumed the patient. Joel had heard that it was a good plan lo humor insane persons, so he concluded that it would be the best policy to let the invalid have his own way. "1 Ui.oiv You c.l'O h mailed cohseo UeDce, "i:t liia. u:S .'101 tMiclt the J leSeiit ques- I"""- CO!'-. ci; .'lot neeil lo le i. iiie rules of the by t:.i.s lime .To.-i had prepared a sheet in Avhich to wrap the sick man, and the icy water was trickling through his ling ets. The patient, as if shuck Avith anew idea, began to take oil his coat, but the embryo doctor could not help remarking that there was something sinister iu the expression of his eyes. The gai merit Avas thrown with a jerk upon tue back of a chair, while the own er commenced to roll up his shirt sleeves iu a resolute and cminods manner. Dr. Joel began t have suspicions that the man's intention was not quite friend ly, and not knowing how far his insanity might carry him, concluded that there was not a moment to l c lost, and to open ing the saturated sheet with a sudden movement, ran forward and threw it over his hca 1. and ch.--ped his arm.? about his victim, thus eilectually pinioning him. The sick mm Avas for a moment rend ered helpless, and was in a partial state of suffocation, Avhilc the chilling element, Avhich had been subjected to a January atmosphere, xvas pouring down his per son, striking a deadly shiver to the mar row of his bones. The poor crazy gentlemnn, finding his position Avas dieadiully unplea.-atd. made a tremendous eltort to recover Ins liberty. The doctor and his patient both xvent down together, the latter kicking, strug 'diny, and swearing to the extent of his al.'ilities. They rolled over and over, ups'ot chairs, bowls, and baths, producing a general fu rore among the moA-ablea in the apart nunt. Joel, thinking his reputation at stake, persisted with a pertcnacity worthy of any cause, in keeping the highly medicated sheet e.ver his patient's head, notwithstanding his gurgling, muttered imprecations and continued I'oundering. llendered completely de.-perate at length by the agonic- of suffocation, the derangcel gentleman succeeded, by a mighty convulsion, in shaking oil' his per. secutor, and then rang the bell furiously. The peremptory summons was instant ly answered, and steps were heard on the I'uuiing. "IJurst open the door,'" shouted the In oatie. The order Avas immediately obeyed, and two attendants et,te:ing, fcund the parties staring at each other panting for breath. "Seize this man and prepare him for the wet i.h-eet," said toe patient authorita tively. "He is a maniac, and has just had a violent paroxysm of madness." No sooner said than done. The two at tendants fastened upon voung water-cure like poverty to an honest man, amtiiewas soon divested of clothing, Jiotvvitlisiauding his vehement protestations that there was some mistake. A terrible chill shook his frame when he saw the sheet approaching, fresh and chipping from the water, lie could not lor the Lie ot Lim sen press a nervous: scream when the freezing shroud was un ocicmonlously wrapped about him, and In; Wits bunched h.to a bed and strapped down. "There, my fellow. I'll teach you what it costs to play oil" jokes upon me," said the crazy man, with a maliciou3 grin, at the same time taking his coat upon his arm, and leaving lr more comfortable quarters. "Who is he?" rucked our hero of one cf the attendants. "Why, that's Dr. Fiood, one of the prin cipals of the e-t djiishment "' was the prompt rejoinder. Upon hearing this piece of information Joel's teeth eh. ill .red more violently than ever, and l.e IV It cheap eiio-ugh to be sold lor a very small sum of ready money. He was kept uud-A treatment neat iy all day, and had ample time and opportuni ty to reflect on the beauties of w:;ter-c ute Uefore night the aiiair "leaked out,' reached the ears cf the prof.vsor, and was soon known to all the inmates of the house, producing much talk and merri ment. "When our aspirant Avas fairly released he had changed his mind in regard to hydropathy, and concluded to adopt some i other profession. He was fully com raced tuat water was a potent agent, but must be applied judiciously ; and Avas eiuite as certain mat ne naci mistaken number nve for number four. At any rate, in his own experience, he had found it, as he alihm- ,"! "powerful cold in January." A" b't f!'.-r dark the ensuing iJkt a young man of just Joel's size and com plexion was seen to enter a stage-coach that passed the elder Newman's farm once every twenty-four hours; whether that in dividual was our hero we will leave the reader to judge: SUAXK! Killer 011 tUo "Bucolic Tress." Those persons vrho for same inscrut able purpose of providence are permit ted to bray as editors of the bucolic press in Nebraska, wero, at last ac counts, lost atnongother specimens of the vegetable kingdom in Shaw's grounds at st. Louis. Mr. bhaw will rind great dimcuity in assorting some members of that crowd from the small er variety of cabbages in his kitchen garden. We commiserate Mr. Shaw and the cabbages poor things! Oma ha Herald. The above, while only an averago specimen of Herald blackguardism is especially odious from its contemptu ous violation of those sentiments of fellow-feeling si ml honor1 which should and do characterize the representatives of other professions. If a leading law yer, doctor or clergyman should thus speak of the great body of his profes sional brethren whoso crime it might bo to occupy a humble position, he would verv speedily liud his occupa tion gone. Vhy a man who happens to bo an editor cm better claim the prerogative of egotistic seif-suilicieKey to ubtisi; th rani; and hie of an honor able1 trofc-bsion of which he asstimes to be chii i' ti.s the editor of the Her ald does assume to be chief among Ne br.i.skn journalists is not apparent to the naked eye. Th editors of Nebras ka and especially the editors of "the bucolic press" ate; not in any respect behind Avhat the edifcor of the Herald assumes to be w hen ho affects the role of the gentleman, the scholar and the patriot. They are an enter prising, industrious, loyal ami helpful race. The strength of the weekly press of the state lies far more among the people than does that of the daily press Avith ::11 its pretensions to supe ri r character and influence. No more se'f-saeriiicing and disinterested body of men adorn and honor any profession in the state. They are the bone and sinew of all that is most efficient and useful in Nebraska journalism. -y virtue of their services they arc tl.e humblest of them, entitled equally with the editor of the Herald to the "customary courtesies" of transporta tion and commerce. Republican. COItttESPOXDEXCE. Weeping Water Note. Horse training is the order of the day. liaiii has blessed this part since last we wrote and crops have improved wonderfully. Perhaps it would bo well if I give this week a list of our business firms, so that the. county in general may know that they can procure anything at W. W. We have three mills all iu good running order, one owned by Clinton Sc Johnson, one by J. Tewksbury and the other by Wave Allen (our Green back Allen); Dry goods and groceries, Fleming v'c Itace and Keel Kros; Hard ware. Woods Bros, and Chase ei Co.; Drugstore, A L. Marshall and P. S. Karnes; Furniture, C. Thorngate; Har ness maker, (i. Kerry; Watchmaker, S. K. Potter; Implement store, Karnes fc Parkins; Koots cc shoes, J. Marshall $: Son; Refreshment house J. A. McDon ald ; Meat market, Sam Ripley; Feed and livery stable, Ja. (Tisbee ;ind Ilig ler ; Land agent, F. M. Woleott; Klack sui'ths, D. Jones and G. Lambring; Wagonmuker, Russell; Dressmakers and milliners, Mrs. Joseph, Miss Kates and Mrs. Sayles; Physicians, W. D. Giboon. and J. W. Thomas ; Sewing ma chine agent, J. X. Kr-ithly ; Kuilders, Rutnor and Kivctt; Painter, Krossmer; Lawyer, Udell; Justice of the peace, J. Chase; Weeping Water House, lligler; all of the above linns are doing a :;ood business, am! a number will be added this summer. Mr. Spore's son was badly bitten by a rattlesnake on Thursday last think he will know the taste of poor whisky in the future, and will also be very careful no doubt, where anel when hs sits down, at least he will look first. We noliceMis. 1. C. Fleming taking daily riiles, ja-lge her health is improv ing, tit least we hope so. Dr. Mathews, Dentist from Nob. ci ty, has been making hid monthly visit here this week, we notice quile a num ber of ladies haAe been relieved of their grinders. Oar town board now consists of the following gentlemen. D. C. Fleming; Geo. Lambring, J. Chase, L. L. Reed ami I). Johnson. We noticed the smiling face of Wi ley Khtck in oar town on Monday, guess Yfil-ey stili loves Weeping Water or tit lease some folks belonging there to. Our hotel s it n;i-' again postponed for want of witnesses. Our leading nu n have been talking of getting up a Cass Co. Fair this fall to be held at Weeping Wattr, we all think it a verv good idea and .r, ill be j :r great advantage to our town, and the county in general; if our most wealthy men will only take an interest in it, there will be no clcubt but that it will he a great success. Dr. Kutlcr is preparing to leave, he is going to locate somewhere out west, so we have only two Drs. now left. Cong, church has no pastor yet, think it is time they were getting one. Idie brass band lias been practicing of late, getting ready for our grand I'.h of July celebration, wc are going to have a r.Z oi:e this yea: iNTi.U Nos. Sit. Pleasant Notes. Ed. IIeualu: Farmer are? gener ally done planting corn here; first planting is up and looking line. The cultivator anel harrow tre now in use cultivating corn. Small grain is look ing well. There ia an average crop of small grain sown here. There is a pr ospect of an abundant crop of apples, peaches almost a failure. James Pitman and A7ifo, of Indiana, are here visiting his father, mother, brother and sister. lie thinks Nebras ka the " Koss" grain state. John Lough, fed' Indiana, is hero vis iting bis uncle,-W. J. Lynch, and trav eling for his health. That enemy of man, consiupt ion, has marked liim for its victim. We hopo the Nebraska climate may prove beneficial to him. There is a very prosperous .sabbath school at this place superintendent, A. K. Howard, a young man of piety and promise. Rev. Wm, Worley is the pastor of M. K. church here; there are nearly one hundred members in his charge. Preaching ever other Sabbath, at 11 o'clock, a. m. We have the oldest Good Templars' lodge in the state. The charter bears date of Sept. 1st, lSfif); issued by the It. W. G. L. of North America. We number about GO or 70 members. A'e have had two very severe eases of lung fever in this neighborhood dur ing the last few weeks, viz., Wm. T. Schkoiimier and Tom Carroll. Roth doing well. P. S. Minor .and wile buried their little girl on Saturday last. She died of scarlet fever. .Sckibulek The Nebraska Weal her Service1. SV'IMAKY FOlt APEIL, 170. Tunpvrature.. The highest noun tem perature was t-'l degs, reported from several stations, the lowest was '20 dec s in Logan Valley, Cedar co. Average of nom observations was GO cleg. General Frost on tSth and 17th, lo eal frosts on 1, Z, 0, 4, -"5, 7, 11, lo, 11" n and ClKh. IliinfuU. For all stations east of the C't!i principal meridian, the aver age was two inches, for all west of that line, t .vo and one-third inches. Min den station reports 9.93 inehes, but as tlu.ro may be some mistake abom this, I have not included it in the averages. Most of the raiti3 were l--''l, there having been but two gc r.cnd rains dur ing the month. The rni i. fail of Apli! this ysar AA'as almost the same us last year ; that it seems -.b ier this year is due to the fact that at the beginning of April 17. the ground was well supplied witl: moisture, but in Id, J it was very dry. Frera'di.rj wind, was from tlu-outh east. A severe wind in Kearney Coun ty on the 2ist. Violent thunderstorm in K'lffalo co. on the ('Hi. Haloes w:t n in Cedar co. ou "ith and 'i'.'i. -; 'ati)!i ct-". Plums in bloom 10;h in noitli part of tip; state, Peac' lfhh, Apple trees on -'.'id, Kox Eider on OS iu leaf on 'h. The following items -were ebtained from the V. S. signal service cllleer at Omah i. Highest temperature 81 on 2Jd Lowest " :rj " Greatest daily range aiP " Total movement of wind :Jd oth. during month was 7oSi miles. Highest velocity of wind miles per hour. No. of clear days, 10. S. R. Thompson, Director. THE SOLA RbRAl'il WATCH! Only 15 1.00. A prrfc" t Time-keeper, Ilunting Ca a-, an I Heavy Plated Chain, latest style. We warrant il for five a ears to denote time as accurately as a .-irlOO Chronometer Watch, and will give the exact time in any part of the world. It also contains a First-Class Compass, wort h alone the price we charge for the Time-keeper. For Men. Kojs, Me chanics, School Ti achers, Travellers, and Farm' is it is indispensabl-;. They tire as ges.i-l as a high-priced watch, and in man v eases more reMa'.de. K.ys, thin!; of it! A Huufing-Ca.se Watch and Chain for 1 .';. The, S daigraph Watch is used by the Principal of the Soiiierville High School, and is b. ing fu.sV introduevd into all the sch -ols through the United States and is de stined to become th most useful Time keeper ever inented. The Solargraph W.-c ch recieved a Medal at the Me chanics' Fair, at Roston, in 1878. This is !! toy, but is made on scien tific principles, ami every no warrant ed to be accurate and reliable. YY have made the price very low sin: ply to introduce them at once, after hici; the pi ice will be raised. 'Pi o S 1:. ri:i i IVntr-li on! r'li"!i! i put up in a peat outside case, and .,. by mail lc- anv address for sl.fiO. V. iave made the price so b p.e.tse : : i i ... a. . !. .send t wo stamv f convenient to help pay postage. Aeidrss l;tinly. Eastijun M an t: a ct tr i: i n Co., 10-t Kockiaui!, Mass. Jaelieious IJcncvolcnee. It Is rot always the best kindness to simply iciieve want Avith speciric sup ply; very e.-fp n, jdvin.- uiuiey or means in such cases i au injury. The v, holes in itler is clearly stated in the following p.-iragrai.Ti from the pen of .' Wm. Saunders " ( . "Indisri-iiainat-e (--len-it i,- le:i,tj i., ;L"i. i I less want; and of all charities tho most I j effective are th"s ; which provid.e renr.i- .1 uerativelalior lor the workman, thus mak- ing even charity the means of increasing ! I productive labor, instead of k-ndh.-r its I loHueuce to a system of relief v. LI 1;" de-gra-les labor and crccura- o idleness au l paepcrisni." Udell's Living Are. The numbers of the Living Ao loi the weeks ending May 10 ami 17, re spectively, contain the following ar-t'ek-s: Memoirs and Charters of the Lennox, Edinburgh Review; Cobbciit, Cornhill ; Kiography, Travehund Sport, Klaekwood; Residual Phenomena, Fra ser; Count Leo Tolstoy's N ovel's, Nine teeth Century; Kurma, Fortnightly The Cmbrella Klrd. Hatter's Gazetto; Science and Faith, Sir A. Panizzi, Hen ry James Jr.'s Ideal of American Cha racter, and Karthborn Meteorites, Spec tator; Uphill Work, and Historical Casuistry, Saturday Re'-iew; with lur tber chapters of Jean Inelow's "Sarah le Kerenger;" Jerome Rongrand's Heresy, a Tale about Pnests; and, among other poetry, Tennyson's "De fence of Lucknow." For fifty-two such numbers of sixty four largo pages each (or more tin v. 3,001) pages a year.tho subscription is low ; while for s'lO.r,;) the publishers offer to send any one of the American monthlies or weeklies v. ith The Liv ing Age for year, both postpaid. Lit tell c co., publishers. A Special Oiler to the Readers or ThiV I'ii per. $7.0) FOR (J.ULMS. The American Diamond Dictionary containg oO.oon words, orthography, prontmciut im and definitions accord ing to the best English and American Lexicographers, illustrated with near ly 'Jou engravings ; satisfies the wants of the scholar and at the s:me time is just, what a plain unlearned person needs. It is decidedly the 1 est diet iouary ever printed. Contains 700 double column pages. Superbly bound in doth and edit. Type dear and handsome. Snit. free r any reader of this paper upon reedpt of iii) cents, in pay actual post age ami packing charges. This great) offer is good for thirty days only, and is made-solely for th purpose of intro duction. Kut two dictionaries will be sent to one address. This appears but once OftUr noi.r. Send diver, curren cy or C-ei rit postage stamps. Address, at once. National Jiuufc L'vnipany, lloek land, JIa . . A Great Literary Work. A work that every lover of good lit eratures wants at constant cammanJ,; because, while, it is superlatively at-., tractive and interesting iu itself, it is also a key and index to ail other good. English literature, enabling one to see' and judge for himself what authors and boohs arc most eh sirable for him to read - su'di is the new Acme edi tion of Chambers's Cydopn-dhi of Eng lish Literature. In i'.s nearly ;-l,&00 pages it give s biographies of nil P'deeL KriU.-li and American authors frt.nt earliest t inn s to the present, with ckcice and chai act erisi ic selection! from the ir writing:-, thus bdng a con centration of the best productions of modern intdh-ct. it is published in eight he'i'dy and beautiful lfimo volume.-,, a', p: ices so low as to seem real ly astonishing tn most bll el'S, viz.: in paper, complete. ?'2.t)!; cloth,' 8:;.00; half r OC'-l , I ." ; half moroc- CO, the four volume edition. !?'L7.. From these low rales a discount of 10 per cent, is al'owc d to those ordering, before Tu!." l,;u: ta further discount of Hi p--r cent, when on! .red iu clubs of :'ve ,.; :.: ,;e. It is m,t sold by deal ers or a..-en but only to buyers, di-, rec', by the publishers, the American' Ko;k ie iMa-e, Tt Keeklliail tl--t New Vcu !:, who Avill semi specimen pa ge's, ice., fre" on request. It is : :d 1 i:v;t Germany will f',n:i begin thii coin a ' oi' a large amount of silver. Judge D'lvis, Unite-1 Ft ales Senator from 11;: ' 's. it tneli r-tood to bo a re ally Avcakhy man, the figures being ovi r a million. He is a man of large frame, commanding presence?, uml full of common-sense; and good humor a perfectly' fearless man, as the following anecdotes Avill attest: A well-to-do fanner was once convii ted before hi. a of having counter feit United Slates notes in his possession with the intention of passing thciu. Re fine pronouncing sentence Judge Davis a-ii' il him if lie ha 1 :u ranged Ins si. lairs in aiitii ip.uio i of his enforced absence from home. The farmer replied that tho conviction was a surprise tohim, and noth ing was in crder, but tht lies could settle his biudi -s in about t--n days. N. one was Ibua-1 to go on h's bail-bond, and tho judge allowed him to d put ct I is own recognizaie a. The 1 evy-rs laughed at the ric:i "f tie; firmer b: ing fooi enough to e :.;.ie b:.: l. again, b.tt Judge Davidu-j-is'cd ti...l h ; fid not "taken to the tall limb.r." Hi-i judgment of human nature was confirmed, for th-- firmer f ppra.-'d at the appointed time and re. "iv e l ids sent ence. A loved Virginian oiee begin a suit before i iui for a review d" the proced ure eonfi.sca-Jng ('0,000 in State bonds. Senator el'D- n'tld :.r rued tht.-t as theC'on- li.-e-i'tiou -va t in e.e t ,.. loc hue in the' Latere of an a ii.i'.r.dty s.ei.euv, there could be i:o review. "Vv'ed,'' sai l the judge, "th re may no prccc l-at. as ' M'Douald, for a review in an adn..ra:t ciise. but wli' ii such a thing a ti. s can happen, it is time there was a precedent, and I am going to make one." J ne Aignans. Some old Indian c-JIIccrs call thmi "nig--gers'' or "deini-savages." Yet most of tlieni have fine features and sj h-n lid physique. They are said to call them selves "Keni-IsracI,'" an I to tru e tin ir de- Saul. Th- if Hebrew i vision int tribe i bear i . : .. : ..... !... p.ij-iogi. -l-iv, ce- ing the .':.!!. :li:ir am h:.ir -il oi I -it. I, J U- I. nl Ibrahim, their custom of aveng- ing o.oo i, mr oi c ianguig tin. r oossi s- . ' - ,. ., , i ; ioj,.j v. r, v i v ji't ire ill ' -. at -i iiv.-,iioivj v-a j rupt'.on of the jubilee), make the I ypotii- s;s at teait inte --resting. Th-j hill trib -s who inhabit the borders are j co; le nh.s ; hand is against every man, and. iheii.;'i some e.f tlieia arc iiominally sui ' -e t to I tho Ameer, there is ;: re d sti.e; ain . and no common aatiop.r.I 'e -lir.g. v.t:i: j the universal hostiliiyto the "F ri; i o- f nc'g'ier. ' These" "P.. tl: :!-,' ; i are uu dly eal.'eil, sp-'ak th J P'rdi I gaag.- w hi..- t!ie uauie f A: rliun ' i r . be , they v hm- eh: !-s i i s c f Alia!: ail the inhabitants. tl.e kind wldeli. :dte Tbr-i;- ,,e . ter 1 CU .el g e tue nravcrs. ablutions, and fa- ts siinr eised to I e Ins da-.?, leaves the in five to habrlge tiseir nat'iral in i'.iicts. 'l'i,e,em n, who. a!' Usttaby pretty, are mere horseholu' drudges. They are oft :i, ho-.. ..- , r. tho occasion of arele nle.-: hi - d h d. the prOseC.itl.il; Oi AViin it t:..'Ollg is looked uj a as relg. us r:i. li,' -i. a JI '