riiE HERALD. All Sorts. William Lontruian, tiie English u lihlii'i. left tn .! ate of a million iUuis. A small hoy and a gun arc harmless vhen hj ait. lut they make a teiiil!c (.i'lilhiuilCU. "Vouruf swell 1 thouUl like to have my moustache Uyeil." l'olite barln-r "Cer laiu'y. DM you biiiij it with you?"' Av.stii.i, Enirlam1, nuiii, Tuik-y ami Itiily liiive conofntoi to taku ;ut in t.ie mixrl occupation of eastern Kouiuuiiu. TI12 London Times reconiir.einl.s tlint the City of C:lai;iv hank crcilitots uc cc'l 10 b!iiliiiis on th-j oiiikI Mcrling. Tnc sun Ixiru; 1G.OOO,0OO of miles from the earth, a ray of liirht i estimated to travel from that lxx.lv to tho earth ia eight uml outf-third minutes. In lKJU there w.-rc 1-.?07,0:JS slircp in Hie United States; In 1-7?, ,74i,."jj(). It is estimated tht.t tiierc; ::rc i:i the woihl, Si,WV,KiJ of tl.ese litihiirjj, Tho pioiluttion of tin in Tasmania, (formerly known as Van Dic:ntm' l.nl) had during the ast four years increased from $-2jJji) tu $,,-W,00U. "Vhtire will you put mc when I coma to see you at your castle in t lie airi" asked a jcntL-iiian of h witty girl. "In a brown study,' the resiled. Hartshorn will restore tliy color of wool en garments without injury, 'i n rj online icintca grea-e or pnint from cioth aj liy till jiaiut can ho bt raped off. It is imjio.ih'.c to make people under stand their ignorance, for ii requires knowledge to perceive it; and, therefore, he that can perceive it hath it uot. The following suhlirne paragraph is from one t f the later-1 fashionable novels: "Without; haml he heM In r beautiful heal above the chilling waves and with the other called loudly for assistance. The question of tiie construction of a railroad from Matamoros to Jesus Maria is again being agitated, and the Mata mororf pajHirs sp-ak hopeiullyof the proj ect. A Japanese paper states that Japan has already JS bank, and that t others aro i-eing ftab'.ished, while oilier linance companies are applicants for official li cense. -Sir." said a lady to a would-be wag, vour jokes always put mc in mind of a tphere." '"Of a spnere, madam! vYl)y to, pray?"' "Because they never have any point.' "Och,' (.aid a love-sick Hibernian." what a recreation it is to lie dying of love! It -sets the heart aching 10 delicately there's no taking a wiak of sleep for the pleasure of the pain .' Wit loses its resnect with th COod when teen in company with malice; and to Kinile :d the j-.-st v.hich plants a thorn ;u another's 1 rca.-t. is to become a princi pal in the mischief. l'linee Ii.iis Nnpo'.con it is said r.ims fit making a co:i-,uet of tiie lViinos I5(atrico of Enghu-d, and obtaining, by Lis exclusion to Z.tlulau l, the Qucea's consent to their union. A gentleman had occasion to correvt his daughter, ag?d four, recently. After it was over and she had sal a.vhiiu, she went to her mother and inquired: 'Don't you think it would do papa good to go out dooiaf ' A punster, after calling for some pic9, complained liiey were too soon, iiie waiter said that thev had no others, and thai those were just come in. "A 3-," said the wit, "I see your master Las not Lought them very long.'' Young lady 4 just commencing lessons in painting) "Look I. tie, "m;".; s?e my painting. Can you toil what it is.' ' 'Ma after looking at it s me time; '"Weil, it's elt.ier a cow or a nebu.l 1 am sure 1 eati't Uil exactly wnicli of the two.'' A small loy in I5elfaf, whose deport ment at school had always ranked 100 ,,cr cent can.e home on-day recently with Lis standing reduced to '-Wha thave you Wen doing, my son,' asked the motner. 'lk-cn doing," rcplhtl th? young hopeful, been doing just as I have all a.ong, only the teacher caught me this time." The? following we copy from th Danville, (111.) Commercial, kindly sent un by Claude Champion formerly of this place: Lost and Found. A few days ago .1 lady by the name f Sirs. Kinkade, accompanied by two small children, one ;i boy 5 years old, started from Zelaska. Ohio, to go to Plattamouth, Nebraska, where her hus band was, who had preceded his family west and secured a home at or near that place, and then sent lor them "Wednesday was the third night the la dy and her children had been on the journey and the woman- bad become paite worn out from loss of sleep. Short ly after leaving Indianapolis the chil dren fell asleey, aud as there was a straight run from that point to Peoria, the mother thought no harm would come of her trying to get rest in some sleep. Just before the train arrived at Urbana she aw oke and found her little loy gone. At Urbana Gen. Pease was telegraphed in regard to the matter, and the lady with her other child, re turned to this city on the first train east. Gen. Pease telegraphed for the section men and miners to look out for the lost boy and bright and early the section men started on the search. Just before the 7:20 a. in. passenger train arrived here a man walked into the I.. IL & Wr depot who had come from Hillery with the information that a lost boy had walked into a house near the track at Hillery a few minutes af ter passenger train Xo. 1 Lad passed that place. From the description the mother recognized her boy and every person in the depot was glad that no harm had come to the little fellow. "Not long after Pat Murphy, section foreman, brought the little fellow from Hillery on a hand car. lie is a bright, independent looking little chap and when questioned as to whether the train was moving or standing still when he got off he said it was standing still. Our opinion is he was asleep and did not know what he was doing, as the train does not stop at that station except it is signaled, and think it very providential that he was not either se riously hurt or killed. The Library Magazine. The current number of this mRga zinc contains ; The Uef enso of I.uck iiow, a poem by Alfred Tennyson; The Difficulties of isocialisu, by John Stu art Mill; Biographies of the Season, from London Society; The Choice of Jiooka, by Frederick IlarrUon; Homes and Haunts of the Poet Tasso. by Trances EleanorTrollope; Plain Words About the Afghan Question, by Archi bald Forbes; Fresh Assyrian Finds, by 11. II. Ooper, B. A.; The Study of Etomolojjy, by V. S. Dallas. F. U.S.; Art Education ia England, by Sir outts Lindsay; Toilers in Field and Factory, from London Tims; Wagner as a Dramatist, from Eraser's Maga zine; The Keyal Wedding, by II. C. Merivale. Ten cents a number, or gl.00 avear. American Book Exchange rjub'ishers, 55 Becknian street. New York. Sold only by them direct to .purclinsere. IS IT CURABLE? rrUIOSE who bare trofTerrd from the rations and -L complicated forma of diee wumed by Ca tarrh, ana hare tried man 7 physicians and reme dies wiUiont relief or enra, await the answer to this question with considerable anxiety. And well they way ; for no disease that cau be mentioned Is so unf- Yersslly prevalent and so destructive to health aa Catarrh rh. bronchitis. Asthma, Cnnirlig, acn serious and frequently fstal affections of the lanjrs follow. In many instances, a cae f.f elmple but nelecteil C&tAi-rfL Other srinnathrtiG affections snch as dealness. impaired eyf8!:ht, nnd loss Y aense ot Smll. may be referred to a minor bntnrertheless serlons results of nciclect?d Catarrh, bad enough It themselys, but as nothlnir compare! with tna danerous aSecUon of the turoul and lungs likulj to (allow. IT GA3 EE CUBED. ITeanbecnrel. Thrr!nor!onMabonttt. Tha lrumedlnt-i r. -lief nllordnrt by Hamfokd's Radi oai. Cl'bjk ran Citahku Is but a slight evidence of what may follow a persistent uso of this remedy. The hard, lncrusted tnaUzr that has lodged In tha csjtaliiauaKes is removed with a few ar plications; the ulceration and Inflammation sabdurd and healed : the entire m?tu'ran"a llnlneuof the head are eleansed and puriiiej. Constitutionally its ac tion Is that of a powrfni purlf in Sient. destroy ing: In Its course thrnojrn tie system the acid pottoa. Vie destructive ageDt ia catarrhal diseases, A COMPLICATED GASE. Gentlemen. My case Is briefly as follows 5 1 hars had Oatarrh for u-n years, each year with Increas ing severity For nine years I bad Dot breathed Uironun one nostril. 1 had dropplr.n tin the throat, very bad cough, r.sthma so bad us to be obliged to tke a remedy lor It at night before being able to lie down and eU-ep, and a constant dull pain In my bead. My bad was ct times so full of catarrhal matter as toinjnromy sense of h earing and compel me to -t up several times In the night to clear II and mr thioat before I could sleep. Every one cf theso dlstrewIng symptoms litis disappeared under tijo ua of not niite three bottles i f Banfokd's KapicaL Cmi. Iy hesrlnu Is fully restored. I Lave 1.0 asthmatic symptoms, no congh.no drop pings In th-j ihrmtt. r,o lieadach, an l In every irsy tetter lhn I have been for years. 1 could feel the effects of the lf on my ipP'tae. 011 my kidneys, and. In fsct, evry part of my system. What has been doie in my rwi is wholly- the effect of the runic l O'rs. Very respectfully, i iicuavua, Oct. H. C. 11. LAWEEXCB Indorsed by a Prominent Druggist. I hereby certify tbnt Mr. T-awrence purchased the KaoiOal. Cum of me, and from time to time Biade ine familiar with hlscAsa. I believe bis state. B'tit to be true la every particular. JTlICUBl-BO, Oct. 14. J A3. P. DEItDT. Barn paclrage cor.tslns I)r. Fanford's Improvefl Inhslior Tubu. and lull directions fur its use In all cases. Trice, f.. For sal bv all wholesale and re tail druggists a iid deulers throughout the United States a. id Cnnadas. WKF.KS f'OTTEK, General Ageots and W bolesale Drugglsu, iloston, Masa. VOLTAIC PLASTER An Electro-Oalvanlo Battery combined with highly Medicated StretiRtbenlng Plaster, forming the bet Plaster for paUaa utd acbee In the World of iledicinc, REFERENCES. Pr. E. M. Rlkr. Montgomery. O. Mrs. Frances llftrrlmaii. Orison, Mo. ilaskc-ll Lewis. Esq., Mllford, Del. Mrs. lilehard Clorman. Lynchburg, Yft. J. B. bammis, Esq., Winona, Minn. Mrs. J. A. Tuzr.le, Memphis, Ttnn. 11. B. Ooorh, Kjq., Oswego, Kan. lr. Willard Collins. Bucksport, Me. ). W. Tlostwlck, Esq., Mt. Sterlirg, O. Mrs. F.llza Young, Cambridge, Mass. Frsncls llaker. Ksq., Cincinnati, O. Iis. J. M. Itoblni-oi), E. Orrington. Me. K. bhlverick, Esq.." Independent" OfllCO.N.T. Mrs. Elira J. Kullield, Hume, 111. Jeo. Grav, Fsq., Montlcello, Minn. Mrs. Cli'ts. H .uihU. Woodhull. 111. W. II. H. Mc-Kinney. Morrow, O. Mrs. K. I.. Stevens, Fort Wayne, Ind. Wm. S. Slmms, Madisonvllle, Ky. Wr. E. Bredell, St. Louis, Mo. ilortuuer Lyon, Esq., San Francisco, Col. And buuiireds of others. COLLINS VOLTAIC PLASTERS Cnre when all other remedies fail. Copies of let ters detailing some astonishing cures when all other remedies hud been tried without success, will be mailed free, so that correspondence may be had if desired. For t iie, euro of Lame Buck and Treaknestes peculiar to leuial&s, Collins" Voltaio; Plasters nre superior to all oUitr external remedies. PRICE. 25 CENTS. Tte careful to call for Collins' Voltaio Plastsb lest you get some worthier imitation. Hold by all -wholesale and retail druggists throughout the Tntted States and Canados, and by WEEKS & POTTEK. Proprietors. Boston, Mass. . W p ..r li'" ".-V- THE HENRY F. MILLER riAo-FoitT 1: Are not only first -c-l;i!'S In-trnnipiits. Imt tliii E.st:i,.lisliin'i!t may lie iu.-tly rfirrmlcd ad one of ilic Ifadiii rintio-Forte iVlai)uf:("-l'-it., cf the World. THE FAVORITES Ul THE CONCERT HALL. rniiii!r tli Srason of 17"-17( the Henry F. M'.iier l'i;nios ere usfil in linsluu anl vicinity i:i nuic tli:m I'-tS riuorrtt. St-ufou of lsTi-l-iTS. 175 .'!icr:t. ht-ason of lxTi-17!' .Month of October. 35 Concerts; Month of November, 45 C'oucert.t- Xunc but firxt rf.xs Piano rout I (rain xuch un q'uMioncd xiultiri!ii. THESE '.1-VOS HAVE RECEIVED The Highest Praise From the IYIosl Eminent Musicians. Of late I have liad many opportunities of using your l'iaiios and ean sny with pleat-ure, they have 11 sii(erioi- in America, and my long experience abroad justifies me in placing them ahead ol any foiei,:ii instruments of their kind. I'HAS. K. ADAMS. Madame Unc and the other artists of my couipnny are delighted with the " Miller' I'iano. for ils 1 i" li purity -if tone, and the woudciful nianuer in winch it sustains the voire. 11. JlAI'LESOX. In behn'f f.f tli? Uamnliee Concert Company, and partietilarlyT.ivself as the pianist td said company, 1 wish to express many thanks for the tieautit'ul tlrand I'l.mos of your iHanufac ture, with w hieh ym have furnished tu; so-far this se:ison. Willi your fine instruments con cert giving becomes a positive pleasure and de light, "so tay we all of us." IIOW AUD M. l"OW. I consider no otlier "make" with which I run actpiaiuted. can excel it in any of the qualities that constitute a perfect instrument. As an accoinpaniiiieut for the voice, I know of none I vuuld prefer to yours. Mrs. V. i;. II. Cakteb. I take groat pleasure iu recommending the Henry F. Miiier llano on all occasions where a rirst-clas pi;;no is desired. Mrs. II. M. Smith. I have known the IMano manufactured by Mr. Henry F. Miller for many years :.nd I do not hesitate tu sy that they take high rank among tiie rii.st-eiajS iuU uinents of anv of the 1 i hist makers. L'aki. Zkkmahx I consider the Miller I'iano stiperior to all others in that mellow and Miming nullity t-o ac ceptable for voice accmpaniuicids. Mr, is. Aline Osgood. We were delighted with the llanos of your matiiifaeiure wliich we used during our recent tour iu t lie I'nited States their charming sing ing qualities rendering them eecially ilcsira ble lor accompanying the human voice. 'i UK OiiKilNAI, SWKDIMI I.ADIKS' tJL AltTKTTK. Woria's International Eiliiliition 1878. This establishment was the only one out of more than forty I'i.mo-foi te exhibitors, which warf decreed two aw Altos for its single exhibit td I'ianos at the Centennial Mxhibiticii. Thin irti.s only Ettahliehmcnl that Received a XjkcUiI Auanl for a Xcw Invention Tiie Patent I'cdnl Upright Piano-Forte. IB Henry F. Milter Pianos nave reeeived the endorsement of tlm Stale of Massachusetts and the CITY of BOSTOIT. Tliry are LEADERS among the FOREMOST VIAXOS of TUV WORLD. KERRY F, MILLER Boston, Mass., U. S. A. JAMS PETTEE, Ag't. Plattsmouth, Neb. 62! y The Mason & IIamlix Oroax Ixsjuuctor is the title of a New Work .11 ranged expressly for the use of iSchohirs liy Mr. Trowbritlge whose Musical ability an4 lo.iy; connection with the Company has eminently fitted him for the work which he has leen so successful iu arranging; the. : tidies are very progressive and complete and Cue collection-of music throuirhout is (inc. Our Musicians are a. unit in lt-c-commendinjr it. Books can be obtain ed at Mr. O. F. Johnson's I)ri2 Store. Jajjes Pettee, Acent, 44Lf I'hUtsinouth, b. NOV HARDWARE STORE. J. S. DUKE Has Just opened an entire new stock cf hard ware, ii AS'TW sfcrf .'bT' flat MO BStEP Ne.xt door west of Chapman Smith' Druz Store. A Full Line f SHELF HARDWARE, SHOVELS, HAKES. SPADES and ALL (HARDEN TOOLS. XAILS, NAILS, NAILS, by the Keg or l'iniiul ROPE, POWDKIt, SHOT, GRIND STO V Es WHEEL-3ARH0WS. A Full.I.iue of 't'TI.!:ltV. Sj"( ialRatts to Builders and Con tractor. AM good sold s low as Ihcy poft-ibly can be and live. Hy A. G. HATT JL'ST urKN'i:i) AflAIX, Ncic, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on Main Street in Fred KroehlerV old stand F.verj bud v on iiand for fresh, tender meat. aovl.ws HENRY BGPCK IMCALIiU IN SAFES, CiiAIRS, ETC., ETC., y.TC, Of All Ihwiptions. METALLIC BUM AL CASES rJ f. - :- v-'; " Cif a'! sizes, read y uiae an 1 olv! c!iea; for ca.sli. With many thanks for past patronage. I invi invite all to call nnd examine my I.AUCK STOCK OF 40t f. V f K T I - 1 1 : AM) Fl I ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND I LACK SUIT II SHOP. Yuyrn, Bwj'jii, Mat-hine and Plow re 2airiwj, aud general jobhinj I ai:i now prepared to do all kinds of repairing of lurm ;iid other niachinei v, as there i.- a goinl lathe in my shop. PETER RA U EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken ch-rge of t!i3 wauon shop. He is well know n as a NO. 1 AVOHKMAX. Xew Wajons ami IlusicA made to Order. SATIS FACTION G V A RA XT EE P. Shop on Sixthstrect o'jpoiite Strei'ht's Stable hi l M S 5 2 S 2 1 -d a -s P CD SO O o 3 IK 2 2 CC f: 3 J -i o a c fa r. 3 ? w CO c - CD CO O T j y .r if mm?' UPPER JAV BIT, CAHLETO'M PATENT. For breaUins nnd driving Colt A. Uore. Rendorin? r:te. ni.nn:i.!ieat)le and pleaant to lrive all kicking, pulling, fliyin. stuinbliu Mnd hitehing lmrses. Tte Best Eit to Brealc tiie Colt, teaehins him more iu three hours than ean be taught in three davs with any other, making linn trot faster ani( e:i-ier than by auy other )roee-s yet known. 0: triI Irnt for yearn tit tandlc iiiM number of horse or colli. ' Anv one denning fafetv, eomfort or speed, should bv all means use this Hit. For eaniae horses, giving them style and eomfort. it i in valuable. Hit. Hand and Loops (all that is re quired to handle any horse or eolt aside from a eummon harness with sdd cheek rein) will be sent anywhere, with full direction for ailjut injr and ti'e, postage paid, on receipt of .. If 1'. o. orders .ire Kent thev must be drawn on "Station w York City. Liberal arrange ments made, with the trade. Agents wanted. All persops are eautioued asaiust infrintftnj; this iiaten't Address . C:. CARJLCTOX, Southwest eorncr 121st Street aud 3d Avenue, .New Yorfc. m HUBS?. J C5 P5! ijMjdy i TX I KEEN AN & CHACE. BB no tf itil ! r i r I CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. I'LATTSMOUTII - - NEB. Also Billiard Hall and Saloon on Main street, four doors from Sixth at Neville's old place. Store nd saloon on Main St. two doors east of tiie Post cilice. BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS, ALES, WINES,dC, AT BOTH PLACES. Kcinrmbt r The sine aud I'litce. 2,,y Keenan & Grace. THE Ciiicago Burlington & Qnincy R. R. is ti I IN DIRECT ROUTE BETWEEN THE East and West. Runniflg Through Cais " CHIOAaO1- Couhci:l Bluffs, CONNECTING WITH TIIE Union Pacific Railroad KOi: A I.I. l'OI'TS IX XEIIRASXA . COLORADO. irrouixfj. HOXTAXA. XEVADA. ARIZOXA. IDAHO, AND 2? T 11 11 O V i El C A R S TO KANSAS CUT. TGFEKA.ATL'HISQN k. St. JosepI Aud the SIIOKT LINE to all points on the illssor IU. KANSAS KX AS. and liOCSTON TEXAS (JEN THAI. i:aili:oais, Pallman Palace Sleeping Cars. AND THE CEI.EBATED C, 15. & Q." DINING CAES. BY THIS KOl'Tl All infos inatton about rarer cf fare will he eheerfuily iveu by ai lj ir.; ii C. Y. SJIITI3. Trafll I;inager. James 11. Wood, 4g't, Chieato W. D. JONES' Again tuUed the Brick Livery Stable. rLATTSMCl'TH, - - NEB II A PEA The old llnniit-r St.Mbh-s. in T'U-.tf inf.'il !i. au now leased by Wm. I. .MINES, ami he has on hand new nnd h;i!id-uine ueeoiuiuudulicus, in the shape of II OR ES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, v.iul SADDLE HORSES. I am pn-pai c-d to keep HOUSED FOR SALE s TRADE! And will Train and Ereak Cots On Ileasonab'.e Terms. ALSO KCIIEMRCR, That Tvith "jiU-nty of room (that evorv one kniw I liavei in my r-tahle. 1 can Fannors' t-tock and wajruns. loads ot hav, &c., under eov er. where tiiev viil keep drv. Thanking nil mv old patrons for their liberal ity. 1 solieii their trade for the future, satisfied that I e;in aeeoiniiiodale tbem bttt'.r and do better by iheni than ever before. 3yl WM. D. JONES. JOHN SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED Carriages always on Hand, AND HEARSE FUNERALS. T-A.K:E3 IsTOTICE ! I want all of my aeeounts nettled to date, aii't I shall do no nioie credit business. All old aeeounts must be settled up. and no ner ones w ill be made. I'nless such accounts are M-ttlcd slmrtiy they will be i-ued. I wish toUo astiictlc.isli business in future. JOHN SHANNON. 4.jly l'lattsmouth. Neb. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH liORSE nllUEING. AND WAGON REPAIRING All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatlg cf- Promjitly :0: Horse, 3Iule& OxSlioeins:. " In short, we'll shoe anything th:it hu? lour feet, from a Zfbra to a Ginille. Come and see us. IsTETW" SHOP, on Fifth St between Main aid Vine Streets. Just across .e corner from the xkw 1IEKAI. orricR. ioy" CM Z. X. M T DICK STREIGHT'S LI VERY, FEED AND SALE STA BLES. Coiner 6tU and Pearl Sts. HOKSr.S EO.VHDEI KY THE DAT, "TCei, OU MOMII. HORSES BOUGHT. SOLD 0R X,'RJA.IDE3X). For a Fair Commission. TE.t31S AT ALL HOIKS. Pellicular attention paid to Driving and Training TIlOTTI. STOC. OPIUM nrf Morpnln Tstbt nSMiintgly mnA P'y -Of-!. l sUl; nupiMititv. -r.rf mu tot narJ-lr. 1 st Cju.Tur. HUltlil III 1 IJ 1 ai,Mrl WHO 18 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE "S " .f,Cjiv im"'''"''""" '" jl rooM'"fe' CHICAGO, ROOK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS TIIE (J RE AT C0SNECTINQ LI5K BETWEEN TIIE EAST AND TIIE WEST ! Its tn!n Hue runs from Chicago to Council Eluffa end Oiuulia. passing Uirttuch Jolict, Otmn, Ia Hullo, Gentneu, Mohne, lt.ic-K ll:in., Iavenporl, Wks Liberty, l.jwn City, Marena.i, UrooLlvn, Grlnnell, and es Mnlnes, (the cupitol of Inwa) with brnncbos frum Hurean Junction to Peoria; Wilton Junction to Moscntine, Washington, l-'air-fleld, Khlun, ltclkuup, C'entreviil, I'rinct:ton, Tren ton. Gallatin, Cameron, liivenworth anil Atchison; WashiiiKlou to Sipfiurnoy, knlKs and Knoxvillc; Krokuk to I i;ra,mtuni. llonapurto, iientousport, Indcpenilent, Kldoti. Ottumwit. Kildyvillc, Oska loori.o. I'elia. Monn e, and Ics Moines; Deatlolnes, to Iiidianolu and Wlntert; Atlantic to Anluhon and Avoca to Harlan. This Is positively tl,o only Kallroad which owns, controls and operates a tbrouxh line botwren i'hicripo and Kansas. Tliis Coajpany own and control tbi-irblo-pinp Cars, irhirh are inferior to nono. aud eive you a double berth between Cliirapo and CouimmI UlutTs ,uvcn worth, or Atchison for Two Dollin and KirtyCents; and a section for Hvc llollars, wh le ull otbor lines clmrpe bPtwceu the name point. I hrea Hollars for a double berth, nad R;x Dollars f.i a oo- ti"n. What will plense you most will b t"io picasiirw of enjoyiiiR your munis, vlulo nassini; over t hs lauti fuf prairies of Illinois and Iowa, in meof our mus nitlcent lnnina and KostiaurantCiirsv hct accompany all lhrout;h Express Tiiua. You Bfct n triiire meul, us Rooa as is served in any first -cl-s hotel, for seTenty-fivo cents ; or you can order -tail you like, and pay for what you ptt. Appreciatinx tho fact that a majority ,t the people prefer separate apartments for rtiilerit purposes, (and tho enormous pa.sseuer burinesb tais luirt warranting it.) w ar pleam'-.i to nnniiiie th.it this Company runs Its PAJ.ACh: Sl,KKi'I.N CAi:.S for Sloepin purposes, and its 1'AI.ACK MM S1 CAl'.S for Eatuiij purposes. Oue oilier fcToiit fcuiuru of PAIAfS CARS nrf mn thrntui to yEOBIA, ES MOIXES, COPXCIL BX.17FFS. AT) IIISOA nud I.EAVIlVWOiiiTil! Xlctets -via thi Line, kaown u the "Crfat Kock Island Route," are sold bv ull Ticket A are n Is In the Vnlted Sltattta and Cunndu. fur laformatlvu not obtaiaatao at vur Ituotc tlclket office, address. A.. KIMIIALL,, iC. ST. .TOTIX. Gen l upcriutocdent. Gen'l Tkt. and I'ass'tr Aat., ClucuKO, TIL THE CELEBRATED Dexter, Dexler King and Dexler Queen OAERIAGE SPEIFC-S Are Unsurpassed for Iva.sy Riding, Durability, ;.nd Beauty. C M :nv Thousands Send for Circular Giving Price and Full Description to Near Pittsburg-. yi James Pettee DEaT.EK IX Musical Instruments, Sole A ppointiny Agent for The Inrivallcil Jlasaii i Ilaiiilin CABINET ORGANS. Also, the Ste k. llcniy F. Miller, ami Hallet .V CiinistMii l'i.-'.nos fur (.'ass ami .Sarpy couiitie, "eb. Ci'il ami see SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at ofliee. Sixth, one Uoor south of Main St. 1'I.ATTS.MOl'TII. NEB. WUPdo well to examine our - Xcw 3Iason & Hamlin 0"KC3-JSEXlsrST"RTJCTO"EL WAVERLY ALLE1T lias just bought fut the CASCADE MILL, XEAli WEEriXd WATEU, From Chae a Tewksbuiy, anl with un entire new run of machinery, i prepared to furnish the uei-t ot FLOUR. FEED, &c.f At all times. Mr. .Vilen has been Xine Years milling in this county, ami is well known as a good Miller. jylle takes possession the 1st ol May, 5ni3. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE . HISTORY05" TEE W OR L D v"iv-i W.Sf?-. ?' "7.-r5 14 ?'-.Q?t t tv I I MIC 1 our PaTnce Cars Is n PMOKIN'O PAIiOO? where you cau enjoy your Havana" at all hours ol the day. Masmittcpiit Iron Bridges span the Mississippi and Missouri rivers at all points crossed by.thla line, and transfers are avoided at Council I'.lurls. Leaven worth and AU-lilttou, connuctioua being made la Uni)n deptit. TI1K ITIINCTPAL R. R. CONXECTION'3 OF THIS GREAT TH KOl'till l.IXK ARK AS KOI.IxnVS At Chicago, with all diverging linos for tho Kast andirouth. At KxuLEwoon, with the Lake Shore Michigan Southern and t'lrtsbuot. Kt Wayne A Chleaeo R, Rds. At Washington Heights, with I'ittuburK. Cin cinnati & bt. I.ouix R. it. At 1. Salle, with Illinois Central R. R. At l'EOKIA, with 1'.. i. 4 J.; l. 1.. & Lt.; I. B. 4 W.: 111. Midland: and T.. P. & W. Railroads. . At Rock Island, with Wcs-teru L'uion R. R. and Rock Island A F-oria Rnilroadn. At DAVKNPOiii, with thw Davenport & North western R. R. At West 1.IBF.RTT, with the EurlinRton, Codar Rapids A Northern R. R. AU:RirF.LT with Central R. R. of Iowa. AtDtj MoiNFS, with 1). M. a Kt. lodt'R. R. A CoPNCIL. Rl.rrFr!, with Union PuciUc R. R. At m aha. with B. A, Mo. R. It. Ii. (in Neh. AtCui.r.Miirs JcNcTiox, with liurliuk'tun. Cedar Rapids Jt Northaru 1L. 11. At OTTT-MWA, with Central R. R. of Iowa; St. Louis, Kan. City & Northern and C. It. Jt (J. R. Rds. At Keokhk. with Toledo. Peoria and Warsaw; Wabash, and t. Louis, Keokuk & N.-W. R. Rds. At Bevekly, with Kan. Cilv, M. J. fc V. R. R. It. At Atchison", with Atchison. Topeka Santa Ke; Atchison Neb. and Cen. Br. I'nion I'ucitlc Ii. lids. At Lkave.v ivuhiu, with K. P. aud K.Cvn. 1L Rda. Now Use. in IIULTOX, PA. J. G- CHAMBERS, Manufacturer of and Dialer in" SADDLES, COLLARS, r r i t fry r- t i f l.lll IliO, WHIPS ETC., ETC., ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatness! Dispatch. 1 i e on!v place in town where "Turlcy's pat- cm sen adjustable noise collars are oi.i. ' 4.IIHC PAPER HANGING ' AND jP .A. 1 2sT T X 3ST (3-. M, McEIwain. t--Shoj) over ROXXER STARLES, on PINE STREET. Satisfaction (juaranti'l-d. rnn', O. F. JOHNSON, DE.vI.EK IX Drugs? Medicines Ail Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALEll IN rTT? sTi "Z 2 Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest Publications. Prescript lon "arefully Compounded by s.u Kxiirricnfcd Ilrusslst. kememi:ek THE TLaCE. th ST., 2 DOORS SOUTH OF MAIN rtATTSMoi'Tfj. yy.B. "PuRNITURE Omaha, Furniture Establishment 111 Tlioy Invite Everybody Visiting Omaha, to ( all and Examine their Large Stoeh. L'" 187 FAR NAM STREET, SPRING IS COMING! F'miSIgS SalS 2E23ESS5L Agricultural Implements, From a IMi resiling Machine; lo a Hoc AND AY DOWN CHEAP. I SO fL3 vL The King of Corner oil aiu" IS HEADY TO TALK ! IjEcurTo xrs, CulLL citoi w, Shovels, t.Soos, Spades and Haiici-rakcs, Buggies and SprinG Wagons, All kinds of HARVSSSTIKG Machines, Mo. Tfors, Reapers & Headers Vibrator Threshers, SSliL & V V has come iiomc, And he has hrouilit the finest line o Dress Goods, Staple Goods, Fancy Goods and N otionsyon ever saw. P ay EHf BMSDg i glsGeCIi' 5e hj Siae &eFV)hts aBucH Siiee fill ydiua vskH rsa lmi mtti caps tUl ymn mum hmjof Spring and Summer Goods ever and ever so cheap Now isyour chaneo hound lo sU and under. 1 1 unylodj. Hurt g up. I want to go Eat again w.rt month. THE BEST III TEE MANUFACTURED JtV Geo. W. Pitkin k Co kzi fcr Sinple Cards and Trice Liite. THE DCS T The would SOLD BY Wh'teSewing Machine Co. C kA wr" - SK1 i r --m u ; , Vk-N" 44?i ALEE Nebraska. W2M2 --o- Plow Sellers. Main Sf rcct, TO TIIK FA KM El IS X C7 J NICHOLS SIIKIM'AIJD'S, THE j'KST MA DM Will i V WORLD IS THE 53 . CO SIMPLZ K WARRAHTIO Cleveland, chip. J d3)