THE HERALD, Pigeons In Missouri. The wooda in Shannon, Oregon and llowell couutiesare full of pigeons which are beinj killed by the thousands for liirucut to E&btcru markets, says the St. Louii lie publican, l'iedinont, on the Ar kansas division of the lion .Mountain rail road, is tho shipping point, and lYoni there are shipped every day from seven hundred to one thousand dozen of pigeons, bringing into the county from $i;uO to $ti(H) net cash per diem. The birds sre sent to Itoston and 2s tw York, where they sell at vl.yo to $1.GJ per dozen. The roosts of tho pigeons are fiom tixty to eighty miles southwest from Piedmont, nd the hunter go out in parties of from four to six, piovided with wagons to bring in the game. The pigeons arc continually moving toward the north, but- their pro rcfc docu'not exceed tight, or, at the ut most, twelve niiies per il.iy. With day light they leave their roosts in almost in numerable numbers, and, ai'ter it-cling at iviil during the day, repair to a rooat a day's journey further on their way north ward. The hunters watch their game tet lle down, and then range through Hie woods, looking up, and when a body of igeo:is, settled on th-i limiu of a piue or cak is outlined against thy sky, a hali-doz-cn men fire at a signal in the muss. What pigeons are not leit on the ground ily away, ami the hunters go on following until they get another opportunity for Bhootin". in the moruinor all hands are ect ct work to pick up the game and prc paro for tlie next night's slaughter. fTfeeat Culture. "Wheat is on of the most cxtonsively growo crops of the American farmer, ana its innortauco as a product for export is veil known, 6ays D. Jivanv Jr., iu Ohio Farmer. '1 he ucreage devoted to wheat culture is simply iuiuieiibc and greatly in i reusing, thoug'u ths aveiage yieid per tcrs iu tome sections of our country might be very materia. ly increased, by a 1 t;ter bclection of seed tnd by more cans isid attention to tlw preparation of iha Boil and the harvesting ol ilia crop. la the selection of the seed, due reiereaee laust b; iaale to the toil and the climate if the particular section in whic h it is planted tsowedj. beed wheat, however, should bo changed every two years, or at the farthest eveiy three years, especially tho wh.te, beardless vmieties. 'i his has i-een our experience, and no doubt i f others, for we have found it to he a do lidcd impiovement to tis-j u:w seed, even tuough :t be brought fiom u distance of only a IV.v miles. J.ime in sii. table iuau titiea is invuluablo in the production of a ood wheat crop, as it chevksany tenden cy to go too much to stiaw, at the same lime lurnishiug ths grain with food for iu lropr jjrowth. Military Ptde-ti ianism. Among the most famous of the world s A.alking matclici a;e to. no of thoso re tordel m military history, any 3 thj N. V. Times, where the obstacles of heavy bur iteus end ciiilicuit ground were added to to tiiuso of time end t-paee. 'iic march oi' tiie hsavily-arined bparians in 4'JO il. C IVoin Laceda-inon to Jlan;tiion, covering 15'J Laiies of almost ro.idlcss country ia three das, would have earned high com mendation in an age of sporting papers. The consul Neio's ma:ih to th-j Meiuurus to surprise the C'ar.htrg'nhuss ( 201 15. lasted two days and n r.ight, witii the slightest possible intcrmUsiiu. lha soldiers tak'.'g food from the hands of the country-people, and eating it as they went. Hannibal's retreat from Z.ima upon Carth i;ge brought hi in t: Audrumetum, sixty tiirec miies ihstant, between dawn and nightfall, the pursuing Romans acc nu jiisliiug the sam-j dis anec in even less lime. C'jLsar's Tenth Legion achieved a 1 arullel feat in Uaul, while in heavy marching order. The Lk-ruese Swiss, when suiumoned to aid t!ios-j of Soleure in repelling an invasion, a,e said to have Miswvred the call to piomptly tiiat" tiie i.jwly-baked loaves which they carried with, diem were barely cold on arrival, i'lederick the Great, on the hottest day of t:ie terrible summer of iTco, had a kind of lice with 31arslial l)aii:i for the occupa tion if an important post, both armies making such speed thai Prussians and li'JO Austrians dropped dead oa the maich lrom sheer exhaustion. Frederick's youg cr brother, Henry, during the tame war, inarched fifty hours, with only tiirea in xerveuiug haiU. Nupoljon's "Old Guard'' repeatedly nmdz sixty miles in aday,dur ing the great campaign of ltjij; and oue of the lCuisian regiments in Central Asia is stated, on good authority, to have ac complished seventy-eight. The similar exploits achieved during tho Indian mu tiny of 1337, and the American Civil War of lS31-'o, cretoo well knosvn to need repetition. Eoys ami Siuall Fruit?. Boys on farms, like boys in other places want spending money, and are often torely troubled to obtain it. They scarce ly like to ask their parents fer money to buy aiticlcs that please their fancy, and they have few opportunities to work out, for when neighboring farmers wish to hire help there is plenty to work on the arms where they lclong. Their best chance to earn money appears to bo ia cultivating some crop at home Miat re ipiires small capital to engage in, a small amount for its production, but which pro duces a considerable amount of money. The email fruits are excellent in these re spects. They may bo set out at times when the soil is too wet to be worked to good advantage, and may be cultivated at odd hours when there is little to do in the fields. They repaire but a small amount of laud, and produce more money lrom r.u acre than any farm crop. bmall fruits can generally lie disposed of to better advantage in country villages, or even among neighboring farmers, than ju large cities, as tnerc is no expense for packages, transportation, or for selling. I'he country lxy enn take his own fruit to his customers, sell it by measure and pocket all the proceeds. As a rule small lruils sell for more in the country than in the city, although they pass through sev eral hands in the latter place. Probably the most proiitahic fruits to raise are trawberries and grapes, although black berries and raspberries sell well in their season. As a rule, currants and goose berries are not prolitable, as most gardens contain them. btrawberries oiler many advantages over other small- fruits. It costs little to get a start w ith them. A hundred plants set out in a rich place af ter the bearing season will produce a good crop the year after they are trans planted. 2io implements are required for the cultivation except those found on avery farm. It takes but a small patch of land to produce fifty i;uarts of straw beries per day during the beuriug season, and there are few places where they will not bring at least 10 cents per quart. Uy having late aud early varieties, tho strawberry season may be extended several weeks. Tliere are few lersona who will deny themselves straw lerries if they are to be bail. Grapes have some advantages over strawberries. They arc cot as perishable nnd may be transported long distance without injury. It costs more to get a start with grape3 than with strawberries, liUd it takes much longer to bring tho vines into bearing, ilature grapevines, however, require little care, aud are al most certain to produce a crop every year. There ia little trouble in keeping grapes till Thanksgiving and Christmas, when there U always a demand for them at good prices. Willi grapes aud 6traw!erries to tiposo of any farmer boy can keep him-h'-.i supplied wiih money, and 60uie "to iay up tor a rainy day." IS IT CURABLE? f I THOSE vho hTO niffercd from the Turtont tad X complicated form of dieae wnaad by Ca tarrh, nd bare tried many physicians and reme dies without relief or core, await the anrer to thl aeaUon with considerable anxiety. And well they mar ; forao disease that can be mentioned Is so uni versally prevalent and so destrartl re to health as Catsrrb. llronchltls. Asthma, Conirui, and serious and frequently fatal affections of the lanff follow, tn many inMsnces, a cue ff slmrj'e tnt neglected Catarrh. Other sympathetic affections such as dear-iens. Impaired eyesltrlit, and low of sens of smWl. may be r-terred to as minor bnt nerertheleas serious r-aits of neglected Catarrh, baft rnooeh 1 1 themselves, but as nothing compared with tho dans-rrou aJectlon of th tkroat aud laug likely to follow. IT GAH BE CUBED. IT can be enred. There Isnorlotfbt about it. Tba liutncdlt4 rvller by Bawfobd's Radi cal Ccrb yon Cat Aitan is bat a sUght evidence o what may follow a persistent cam of tnls remedy. Ttie hsrj, Incmsted nmttcr that has lodged In ths B ual .rataaKes Is reraoreil with a few arpllcaUonsi the ulceration and Juflammatloa subdued ana bealed; the entire rormlranns llntnirsof the head are cleansed and puilled. Constitutionally its so Hon Is that of a powrful parifi la airent, destroy bis; I t Its course thronn t le system the aria pcltun, Uit destructlTe Sint in caiarraal disss. A COMPLICATED CASE. Gentlemen. My case Is briefly as follows s I have had Catarrh for t n years, each year with Increas ing severity for nine years I tad not breathed through one nostril. 1 l.a J dropplnxs In the throat, a very bad cough, aithina so bad as to be obliged to take a remedy for It at ulb t before being; able to 11 cava and eleu, and a eonstsnt dull pain in m bead. My bend was at times so full of catarrhal matter ss to lnjoro my sense of bearing and compel ne to s;t up several times in tba nlgnt to clear II and my thiott before I could sleep. Every on of these dlstreeslnu symptoms has It appeared under the ufo of not quite three bottles of Bahford's Radiol Ctr as. My hesrlnfr is fully restored. I have no asthmatic cough, no drop pings iu the throat, no headache, and In every way better than I have been for years. I could feel the effects of the Cub: on my ppet!te, on my kidneys, and. In fact, every part of my syatem. What bas been done In my ensa Is wholly the effect of the Radical Com. Very respectfully. . nrcBBcaa. Oct 14. ' C. &. lATTBESCB Indorsed by a Prominent Druggist. T hereby certify that Mr. lawTenee purchased the Kadical Cum of me, and from time to time made me familiar with li Is case. I bcUeve his statav ment to be true In every particular. ilicuacao, Oct. 1. JAB. P. DERBY. Each pseksge contains Dr. Panford's Improved InLaiuiir Tnbr, and lull dlrsctlous for Its use In all cases. Price. $l. Fur sale by all wholesale and re tall druggists and dealers throughout the United States a.:d Cfmadas. WKEK3 & TOTTER, Oenaral Agents sad Wnolesale L)runi;lta. Boston, Maae. RjsAMiiH .peg- G0LLH1S QJHi VOLTAIC PLASTER An ElectTo-OsJ'raiifo Bttrw ootnblned with highly Medicated Btrengrtbeninsj blaster, forming the best Plaster for pavins and achci In tUo Vorld of Slotilclne, KEFERSNCE3. Pt. E. M. Biker. Montgomery, O. Irs. Frances Harrlma, Orland, Mo. Kaskell Lewis, Esq., Mi'ford, Del. hit. Iilchard Gorman, Lynchburg, Va. J. B. Eamnils, E-tq., Winona, Minn. f(rt. J. A. Tuzzle, Memphis, Teon. i. B. Goocb, tsq.. Oswego, Kan. T. Wlllard Collins, Burksport, Me. ). W. Bi"twlck, Esq., Mt. Sterling, O. Mrs. Kliza Young. Cambridge, Mass. Francis baker, ksq., Cincinnati, o. airs. J. M. Koblnson, E. Orrington, Me. K. bhlverlck, Fsq., " Independent " OfllCO.N.T'. Mrs. tllra J . Duffield, Hume. 111. Creo. Gray, Keq.. Montlcello, Minn, ilrs. Chas. Kouuds, WoodbuU, 111. W. II. H. Mcklnney, Morrow, O. Mrs. R. L. fetevens. Fort Wayne, tad. "Wm. 8. bimms, al adlson vllle, Kr. frs. E. Louis, M. lsorUiaer Lyon, Esq Ban Francisco, CuL ABd hundrsd cf others. COLLINS' VOLTAIO PLASTERS Crcre when all other remedies fall. Copies of let ters detailing soma astonishing- cures when all other remedies bad been tried without success, will be mailed free, so that correspondence mar be bsd If desired. For the cure of Lame Back and weaknesses peculiar to females, Cotxins' Voltakj Pxastbb ut superior to ail other external remedies. PfflCF. 99 CENTS. Be careful to call for Cotxurs' Voltato PLaarn lest you get some worthless imitation. Bold by all wholesale and retail druggists throughout lha Vnricrl states aud Canada, and by WEEKS POTTER. Proprietors. Boston. Mass. THE HBHBY R MILLER riANO-FOKT E Are not only first -:hts bitninients, but t'.tis Lt:ilililiiiient may l- justly if-irnleU as one of th' leading I'iano- t'urte ilaiiuf;n-toiics uf the World. THE FAVORITES IN THE CONCERT HALL. Turinir th Season of 1S7;V1S71 tli Henry F. Miilt-r riitiios were us-il in lUislou and vifinity In iiKiic than t'oiu'eri. Si';im:u of U77-1S7'. 17 l'tirerts. S.-:is;ili of lS78-l7;i Mimlll ill Oplolipr. 3." t'onccils ; !otit!i of Novcliilifr, 45 I Om-fils- .V:ic but ftr.J 7.ts I'iitum eouhl yain nich u'i- tjiuftiinwl jHiiiiiUtrvy. THESE 1'IAXOS HAVE RECEIVED The Highest Praise ' I't'oin tiie fuosl Eminent Musicians. of i;ste I have liad matiy niortuiiitk's cf usiac your I'iahos and r;t say wiili jilt-afure. thry liavK suix-rior in Ainciiva, j.nd iny lon -xjtV rifiirc anioad jn.stitiei rue in l!a'liiK Uit'iu aht s'l ol anv foivi,;!! uistriiiueiits of tlu-ir kind. C'HA. II. ADAMS. Madame l!oz and tli o'iir r.rtits of my roiiiimny are d-Ii,;litt'd with the "Miller" I'iano. for ilt i ii-li mu ity of ion-', ami Hik vvondt iinl iiiauiier in wl.k-h it Mibtuins tin voice. II. Mwi.rso:,-. In behalf of the nam.ibcc i'onoert Company, and lai'ti'iiiarlv inelf as the manist of sai.i company. I wish to express many thanks for the beautiful lirand I'iauos of your maniifae tur.". with hi-h you have famished tis so far tins season, w ii li your line instruments con cert giving becoiiies a positive pleasure and de !ij;hi, "?o iay e of us." IIOWAIll) M. POW. I oonsiiier no other "make" witli w I.ieh I am aci'.iainled. can excel it in any of the iu:i!ities continue a perleet instrument. As an accompaniment for t lie voice, 1 know of none 1 .vould prefer to yours. Mrs. If. E. H. Caktkr. I take great pleasure in recommending the llenry r. .Miller 1 lanos on all occ.tsions where a first-class piano is oeslrrd. .Mrs. II. M. Smith. I have known the Piano manufactured by Mr. Henry V. Miller for many jears and I do not hesitate to say that they take high rank amiin; the first -cia-s lii.-lruincins of any of the lliaKcrs. CAUL iiiiHKAKX I consider the Miller I'iano superior to Hll others in that mellow aud MiiiMiijr iua.lity so ac eeptable for voice acc.mipaiiiniertH. Mrs. rC. Alixk Osooon. We were delighted with the Pianos of your mauuiaciure hicii we used (Hiring our recent tour in the L'nited States their charmiii); .sing ing qualities rcinl-riiifi tiiem erpectally desira ble lor aeeompanyinu the human voice. TllK UHHilXAU SWKKISH LAOIKS' ycAKTKTTK. Boris's IiiternatiGnal EiMoition 1870. This establishment was the only one out of more than lorty 1 lano-loite exliilntoi. winch was decreed two awahus for its single exhibit of I lanos at the C entennial I.xhibitmu. Thin wax the only Establishment tlmt Received a Sjitcial A ward for a Xcw Inrenlion 'i'.je lalcnt l'edal Upright Piano-Forte. The Hesry F. Miller Pianos Have received the endorsement of the State of Massachusetts and the CITIT ok BOSTOIT. Then are LEADETtS auinna the FOREMOST riAXJS of TIIE WORLD. HEKRY F. TfllLLER Boston, Mass.. U. S. A. JAMES PETTEE, Ag't. Plattsmouth. Neb. B2!y Tarties wanting information in re ffard to Styles. Terras, &c of mason a iiamlin organs will lease notice that I slull be at Plattsmouth most of the time for three or four weeks and ready to reply promptly to any calls by postal or otherwise. As my opera tions extend through several Counties and take me away much f the time it will be to the advantage of persons in terested to communicate with me at once. James Tf-TTKe.- Special Afrent Mason & Iiamlin Or gan Company. riattsinouth. Neb., March 19, 1879 M HARDWARE STORE. J. S. DUKE lias just opened an entire new stock of hard ware, on Next door weit of Chapman & Smith's Uruf Store. A Full Line ofr SHELF HARDWARE, SHOVELS, RAKES. SPADES and . ALL GARDEN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, Ly the Key or 1'ouiul UOPE, POWIH'" WOT, GRIND STONES, WHEEL-BAKROWS. A Full.l.lne of ( I TLEKV. Speciulnatts to Builders and Con tractors. All f:oods sold'as low as'they possibly can be aud live. 4i' A. G. HATT JUST OPENED AC, A IN'. New, Clean, First Class Jleat Shop, on Main Street in Fred KroehlerV old stand Everybody mi hand for fresh, tender meat. ' -.'nvi.oa HENRY BCFCK DEAI.EK IN T.H "T T V 2!I TT SAFES, CHAIRS, " ETC., ETC., ETC., Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BUEIAL CASES , -a- rr, -;.--.i t; -.-.v . . 4 WOODEIT COFFI1TS Of a'l sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash. With many thanks for past patronage I invi invite all to call and examine my LAKCE STOCK OF loif. r'ntXTl'tK AXI CO VI- I ' ROBERT DONNELLY'S "w-G-oiNr AND 11LACKSM1T11 SHOP. Wagon, Ttnyyy, Ma hine and Plow re pairiny, and y iieral johbiny I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing in i.tiin .i.iii tiior iti;ifiiiiM-ry. a meie i! a Kood lathi- iu my shop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker lias taken charge of the wanoti shop. lie is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. 'cw W.-VSC1M and Iluxsic mae to Order. SATISFACTION c; V AKANTEKD. Shop on Slxth.sircet opovife StreiiiCs Stuhle hi M 1 Yri " tJ j. cr-t-CD O o B CO o5 5 -i Ji tr 3 S 5. cr oo CD zr. Z 50 c 2 ""- IT- ? zr. t -i 56 S" " 5 T r --i i J. t WW UPPER JAW BIT, CAIt LKTOX'N PATEST. For breaking: nnd drivins CoIt & Rendering safe, manacealile and ilraant to drive all kirk ins, pulling, "hying, stumbling and hitching horses. Tie Best Bit to Break tie Colt, teaching hi in more in three hour than can be taught in three day with any other, making luni trot faster aiui easier than by uy other proce-s yet known. One trill hist for years t- lia utile any ti'itnler f hrrc or cults. Any on desiring cat-.-ty. comfort or speeil, should by all means use this Rit. For eariiai;a horses, giving them etyle and comfort, it i in valuable, lilt. I'.and and Iops (all that Is re iUired to handle any horse or colt aside from a common harness with fide cheek reiio will !e ent any here, witii full direction for adjust ing and ue. Kst:ige paid, on receipt of AJ. If 1'. O. orders re aent thev must bi drawn ou "Station 1" New York City. Llbt rnl arrang menla made with the titide. Audit wanted. All persons are cautioned against infringing this patent Addrena Soutliwest corner l'2lt Street and 3d Avenue, New York.. 314 KEEN AN & GRACE. Retail Lipr Dealers. . CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. PLATTSJIOUTII - NEB. Also Billiard Hall and Saloon o Main street, four doors from Sixth at Neville's old place. Store and saloon on Main St. two doors eastpf the Post office. BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS, ALES, WINES, dC, AT BOTH PLACES. Remember The Xame and l'lure.' 24,y Keenan & Grace. THE CMc20 Enrliniton & Qnincy R. R. IS TIIE DIRECT HOUTS RETWEKN THE East and West, Running Through Cars r,:oM CHICAGO-10- CouiTcrL Bluffs, CONNECTING WITH THE Union Pacific Railroad -FOR A I.I. I'OlNTS IX XERRASICA. COLOR A DO. WroMIXG, 31 OX TAX A. X EVA DA. ARIZOXA, IDAHO, AND fjH It O V G II CA II S TO KANSAS CITY, TOPEKA.ATCHISON k St. Josej. Hid the SHOUT LINE to all points on the Mlssorui. KANS AS ft TEX AS, and HOL'STON & TEXAS CENTKAL KAILKOAUS, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars. AND THE CEI.ERATLD C, B. & (J. DINING OAKS. BY THIS ROUTE All information al on; ratev of fare Will be ,-licerf ully jjiveu by applying to C. Y. 8331Tir. Traftl Manager. Jaic SI. TVood, 4g't, Chicago W. IS: JONES' Again takes tho Brick Livery Stable. PLATTSMOUTH, A?KA. The old Ronner Stables. In l'latlnt'onth, are :iov leased hy Wm. I). .ION KS. and he has on hand new and handsome aeeoiumdatiiis, in I h shape of HORDES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and SADDLE HORSES. I am prepared to keep IIOH5KS FOR SALE s TRADE! And will Train and Break Colts On Uea.-oiialile Terms. ALSO IlEMEKF.i:, That with plenty of room (that every one knows I have) in my ;-talle. 1 can i:et l"ani!ri-' -toek and wagons, loads of hay, under cov T. where they will keep dry. Thankiiiii ail my oll i:iiions for their l:her-!-: t y . I solieit their trade for I he fut lire, sali-'fled that lean ae-i' them better and ilo 'ii-tter hy them than ever beiore. 3vl WM.IX JOXES. JOHN SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED Carriages always cii Hand, AND HEARSE I FUNERALS. TAKE UOTICE I! I want all of my aeeountH nettled to date. itn-1 I shall do no more credit business. All iht aeeonnts must he settled up. and no new ours will l-e made, i'nless such accounts ate cettleu shrtitly they will be pued. I wish to do astiietlycash business in future. JOHN SHANNON. 4Gly riultsinouth. Nob, MIKE SCHNELLEACHER, CKSJII Til HOUSE MIOKINU, AND WAGON KEPAIKING All kinds of FA KM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly & Promptly :0: Horse, Mule& OxS..oeing, In short, we'll shoe anything that har four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. on Fifth St between Main artf Vine Streets, just, across tc corner from the xkw J1KKAI t orritK. lOy C- 1. X. si T DICK STREIGHT'S LI V FRY, FEED AND SALE STA BLES. Corner Cth and I'earl Sts. noiisns r.oAUDKii bt tiik DAY, WECK, Oil 310XTI1. HORSES BOUGHT. SOLD T-A.XDETD. For a Fair Commission. TEAMS AT ALL IIOIRS. raUicular attention paid to Driving and Training TIlOTTB.CJ STOCK. OPIUi ' for purti-clar-. Im Ciwn. J7 V A!jiatT St. - Chvafa, TIL m 1 WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE EXAMINING. THIS MAP, THAT THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS TIIE CHiEAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN TIIE EAST AND TIIE WEST I ! ttiiIti linornns from niicapo to Ccnnoll V.ut? 'I cianliu. p;iftMi Uirmiich J-iliot, t'Ltawn, I,a Kill", liii:woi, MoIiro, I'.ocfc I.dsnd. la-cnport, Wi'st Lllit.rly, Iowa City, Mari-ni-'O, linxiklyn, Griiin-ll. ami I)--s iSioin'.'H, (tlm cnpiiul of Iowa) with branches lrom Bureau Jaiscti'ui to Peoria; Wilton Junction to MutM.inp, WaKliinston, l-'uir-nclil, j:idon. Jliil'n.-tp. Ciintn-viile, l'rinc-tiiii. Trvii-u-n, ial!::tiii. Cnii-rori. Iwaveuwortii nml Ati hison; Wtir'iintflon to li-(iiiri!r'y, iskuloos r.nd Knr.xviih1; Keol-ut I u:n:'floi". It..n;ipario. I$ontonsort, Inilrii n.'nt, IJI'.inri. oituniivn, KiiiljTillo. OUa-Ioi--:i. I'cila. Monro.', rnd l)e Moinc-s; Ios Moinca. l; liiiiirtiioln tin! xN'intcrHot; Atlansic lo A'inuMin and ArK. to li.trl.m. 'i'hia is pnyitively luo only l;M !r -nd v i.ii li oAtia. ci:itrols xml tipcrtc a tliroiiu l:m: ictwcoa u:i K :i;ih. ' lust oiupaiiy owa s.n! t r.lroi tl?-lr.Slr."p:iis Cars, !i;-';i Hro ii)fjri;T if) nMi, find ilivi yoaa iivitilIo D.. t:i iictn !: t'l:ict:: tin-1 Conpcil lslulK. 1:ivo3 wo.'i h, i. r Alch;s.:i f r Tvv.Ioli:i 1- ifly lYnts; nnd ! M otion lor !'.v? 1 loliurs, v l li? ull otluT liti;- ct:s. :o 'jftiv-.' n i!o- (!::! !;('.'. -i, lliri'O l"!ia:5 lor a :nl.I. linMi, and s',.x 1 X. i ;': . V. i:-ti will j.i-:::e 3 .i : t v i'l t t K asnrn of cp joi"Vi j-iiu'' m:i:, wl.iiu i fi-oinovcr t'j i. e::u li ft:! pVi-iri.s ii 1 '.i'.ii.-? i o-d I"wn, ii; n-.i :'t ur iu.iv p:T,; -iit 1 -il i .i ;l".!-'i;r,i::M ::rii hut .jnuur nil Ex.;-; .. 'icn '-'.( t t oiittruiaonl, i:. jm' im ib t. toiy iirs-!! lioti-l, fir f.i'TfiU-ilvott'i-'.s: 'T 3"u can r-d.l ' fi.l you like, . ', l-.r i. . yu V.-'-. . m . iiaiiii ti.. t. i::;.t ri'r-iajorit if iVrpo.'pl. Tv ft r it:p:'.nl? :' ;);:rt:U'-n' s t. -r ii!': ir p":r;to-s, ih:1 t!m i':n:i..u'j r..r.:.:i l.uif.s t t f.'.a warrant il. I w-::re V' M-iron v'' tl:- t tto t"ou.'janv i u ii i' 1 Al. Vi'iJ i.K'.'.l'l'- a; . lor I Vcni:; ; pnr'Mi . inula i'A'.AC'iO iJl.MV'i i 'A US tut Kutia:: iturvti-i. .':u uUiti ae-t Ivi-ro of r'MI K VM ttrt- irf"'j yUSU, 1E3 5SOINES, COUXt'2Ii r.IATi'S, Vidnii -n. !:: i.Tt'. kiiriKn i - t!o 3rat Itock Irlund Jlonle," arc acid by a'A Tif5it i Vu'il Wni J .-I fanri'la. v. laivjA i, l:. kt. .totix. Ot.i'l Stiicr:ituuCcnt. Gm'l 1'ku -ud 1''f r Act., Cliieuzo, I1L THE CELEBRATED Dexter, Dexter King and Dexter Queen CAEEIAS-E SPEIH&S Are Unsurpassed for Easy Riding, Durnbility, and Beauty. Many Thousands Now in Use. Send for Circular Giving Price md Full Description to BMKTEB SPRING GO a-i.tVwC-titX James Pettee DEaI.EK in Musical Inslrumenls, Sole Appointing Agent for The Unrivalled Ms.hoii 5t Ilamllu CABINET ORGANS. Also, the Sleek, Henry V. Miller, and Hallet & Ciirnston llanos for tlass aud .Sarpy couutie, 'eb. CI1 and nee SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at office. Sixth, one door south of Main &t. ri.ATTSMOUTH, NEP.. 55uslc . J::ars Will do well to examine our Xcw 3Iason & Hamlin WAVERLY ALLE1T lias just bought fiit the CASCADE MILL, JCEAIt WEEPING WATEH, From Clme St Tewksbury, rnd with an entire new run of iiiicliiuery. is prepared t furnish the bet of FLOUR. FEED, At all time. Mr. Allen lias ben Nine Year milling In thM county, ami I well knoun as a trood Miller. ille takes pos:.,e.siou the 1st of May. j 5in3. i AGENTS WANTED FOR THE i VA P. m . 'j4,L'U- HIST0RY0RLD ! BY onr ra:c? Cars is a PMOKINO 3AI.OOV where you can euji.y your "Havuiui" ut all hoars ol the lajr. Magnificent Iron nriilucs spnn the MtsstMslppI and Missouri rivers at all points crossed bv this line-, nud transfers are avoidoil at. Conneil I'lulls, i.eaTen wirtli and Atchison, connections bctiiK xuuuo In Cnivn depots. TTTK IMUXCIPAT. It. H. CON"?KCT10XS OK THIS CHEAT 1 liKUfUII l.I.NK AKK AS KOI.I.OWS At i'.tcaoo, with ail UiveiKUiK lines for tho Eust and S'nitli. At tNGLEwnon, with the Lake Shore MiehlKan SoiHiiTn and I'ittsturu. KUWajrue Sl I'IiU uk" 11. Ivils. At Washington Hi iguis, with I'utxOurK, Cin cinnoii ic M. J.uui Ii. K. Atl H.M.I.K. witli Illinois Centra! K. R. At riiOKlA, with 1 V. i 3.-.V., I.. A: 1).: I. B. & W.: III. Midlnml: and T.. P. A W. Knilri:a!. At Hock Island, with Weslutu Luion K. IL and Itoeb l-laud A: IHrin Kitilrnail. At l)Avi:yi"UHl, with tint Uavenport i North-VesU-rn II. It. At Wlst l.tnERTT, with the BurliiiKton, Cedar Itat i:' & Kui tiitui K. Ii. Att-'Rl.vxrij wish t'cntrnl It. R. of Iowa. A t li s Moi.n r, ilh 1). M. A Kt. IiodeeK. It. A t CTNClb r-i.ui KS, with L'ni'.n l'ncitic 1. it. At (.M.illA, with II. .1 l.i. IS. ir. 1.'. (in Xai At"iii.;-Mj;rs Ji'N. tio:s, with iiurli.Htou, i.eUar Itn;-i M N'l.-Uiiru H. lw At OTTPMWA, with Ontrnl it. It. f Iowa: St. Lulls. K:in. City & Nurthi ru mid C, H. Si Q. 1L Kils. .t KcaKfK, v.i:h Tolvl. Pforln nd Viir.:iw; at-n!.ti. Hiid h't. Louis, Keokpk Jt N.-U'.Il. iU.s. At liKVi.Kl.', with Kan. iiv, :-r. J. ,v ft. H. At ATf'HIs)N, Willi AK l.isi.:i, T.iii !.:i .c t.ntn I-"c; At !i:s"n AN' ti.mi'KVn. 1-r I niou I'm-iiii; It. lids. Al L-A VE. oiillJ, wit a K. 1'. uuJ K.Cua. It. KUd. IIULTOX, PA. J. C CHAMBERS, Manufacturer of and Dealer in i&i JL ES. S2? kih SADDLES, COLLARS, HALTERS. WIIIP3 ETC., ETC., ETC. REPAIRING Dono with Neatness! Dispatch. p onlv place in town where "Tnrley's pat ent self adjustable horse collars are oKl " " 41lll6 PAPER HANGING AND PAI 1ST T I ZLnTG-. M, McElwain. rBShop over RoXXER STABLES, on PINE STREET. Satisfaction Cuaranteed. fiillG O. F. JOHNSON, DE.vLEU IN Drugs? Medicines? All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IN Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest Publications. IrorcrIptlOTi Carefully CTompoiiuded by an i:xpcrincetl firusrzlst. KEMEMFEIi THE 1'LaCK. Gth .Sr., 2 DOORS SOUTH OF MAIN TLATTSMOUTH. neb. 11 (FURNITURE DEALER ii Omaha, Tlicy Invite Everybody Visiting Omaha, to Call and Examine their Large Stock. W 187 FAR NAM STREET, SPRING IS Agricultural Zmplomexits, Pron) a riit'cshing Machine) (o a Hoc AND VAY DOVN CHEAP. ' ffpf The King of Plow Sellers. Corner 3d and Main S! reels, PLATTSMOUTH, 'JSTHi: IS READY TO TALK !eelcis anal JzTcL77"ours CizLti xcttwrs, Shovels, I5oc3, Spndcs am! Hand-rnkcs, Buggies aud SprinG Wagons. All kinds of HARVESTING Machines; Mowers, MeajJors & Headers, Vibrator Threshers, mm k Mr o lias toiin; honu-, And he lias broughl the finest line o Dress Goods, Staple Goods, Fancy Goods and N otionsyou ever saw. ie hy th &eve91fot& anad slices fill yoia esD9d rerS hats caps tIM yow isa& fouy. Sprirg and Summer Goods eyer and ever so cheap Now is your chanco bound lo sell and undersell anybody. Hurry up. I want to go EaU again next month. THE BEST I2T THE WOULD IS THE ITS V. if MA.NV FA.CTURKI BY Geo. W. Pitkin & Co.5 ltd for Sumple Cardj and Price Lisia. THFRFST 1.. "V w jr KOTICE con nr-:."uCSlLRS FOR PAP.TICU LARS - ..i,fcr. VhiteSewimg Machine Co. & if fflffil Nebraska. - COMING! -o- TO TIIK FA I'M KI'.S ON tmIE (Dasiltoa's x NICHOLS & SIIKI'I'AliD'.S. Till: liKST MADE win i mm cyi h fttTl 83 & 7 L'irkt Bai S"lO r-4H0v WARRANTED lMA. A. .s. "to aho OWZ, f SACE PL4 rr Xk. - ADDRESS '. Cleveland, ohio. Wlil ut