Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 24, 1879, Image 3

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    I Jrl l j SI "JCi IV JU 1.
The dauce.
Friday uighl.
Invitations are out.
-Those receiving them will please
i j in attendance.
- City orders for sale.
--Just see Fred Goerder's new bouse.
- .T. B. "Wilson of Abhland is in town.
e.Tackrnaii'H new Ad., Louisville.
- One dollar for the dance Friday
- . Iiamsey is in town attending
- ce McEl wain's new Ad., Platts-
J. W. Harues is going to build some
thi spriug.
See Waverly Allen's new ad. about
i:s new mill.
No indictments
a:nst Viall.
were found
A few city orders for sale at tke
Herald offiee.
Lots of Mreenwood boys down to
court tli's week.
-iTirctoa lace by the piece or in ties
at W. II Uaker & Co'a. 5-t3
That machine down to the shop
makes a tenible noise.
A rive cent counter to bo opened
at W. H. linker & Cos. 5-t3
E. F. Warren, Attorney from Neb-
ity is attending Court.
YV. C. Showalter renews for the
Herai.ij and Omaha Bee.
Fat Murphy is moving into his
old quarters over the Jail.
The commisioners have been in
session this week, equalizing.
Election of officers at tLe Temple
of Honor next Saturday night.
Handsome black silk dolmans and
visites at YV. II. Baker & Go's. 5-t3
--(. li is. E. I)uk is acting as bailiff
t court, and has iho Grand Jury in
Camel's hair cloth for circulars
dolrnaus, ;n 1 sacques, at YV. II. Baker
& Cos. 5-t2
It is reported that Capt Solliday
will launch and christen the ferry boat
on .Saturday.
A complete assortment of carpet
itjgs at Orchard & Bean's, 187 Farnam
"street. Omaha.
Court has been well attended and
lots of business transactions closed up
this week in consequence.
Orchard & Bean, Omaha have a
cjrnplete assortment of rugs, mats,
hassocks, crumb cloths, etc. 5t2
I'eter Merges still keeps up the
M.4 Shoe trade, we see the sidewalk
l.'.itd with boxes of new goods.
.V complete line of ladies' and
jciHs" hosiery at V. II. Baker & Co's,
;it pliers that defy ct.mpetiiicn. 5t2
W. S. Miller, wLo was bound over
i y JtnJejtt Sullivan in Jan'y last, for
grand larceny, escaped indictment.
Keenan and Grace have just ree'd
a ii' v invoice of that prime Milwau
kee beer, also w hiskies of all brands.
The Grand Jury found Maurice Fitz
gerald guilty of murder in the first de
gree. The trial may commence to
day. Window shade, latest styles, lam
brequins, cords and tassels, cornices,
etc., at Orchard & Bean's carpet store,
Omahft. 5t2
W. II. Baktr & Co. say their prices
on dress goods, ready made suits, and
in fact cn the whole stock, can't be
beat. Call and see. 5-tS
T. F. Welborn, of Louisville,
wants the c unty nsws as well as any
man, and for that reason he cheerful y
pays for the Herald.
The Woman's Temperance Union
will meet on this (Thursday) after
noon, at 3 o'clock, at the residence of
Mrs. Dr. Schildknecht.
W. J. White has the contract, and
has a large force of hands at work on
the new County Jail. The iron cages
will be on hand in due time.
- The Bed Ribbon Club will held a
meeting on next Monday evening in
the presbyterian church. A cordial
invitation is extended to all.
Geo. Dovey has gone to Indiana
for several weeks, rusticating, and he
vi ites the funniest letters home, and
his clothes are getting too small for
-They do say our friend Wheeler is
going to have the nobbiest fence in
town. Cut bias at the lottom, gored
at the top and flounced all the way
round .
Wr are sorry to learn that B. E.
Glass, formerly f this place, now at
Kearney, was one of the heavy losers
List winter by the severe weather on
hia cattle.
Prof. Love has secured for the
High School "Appletoa'a Encyclo
pedia," and is fast procuring the best
apparatus, maps, &c, in the state for
our school.
The High School Exhibltioa last
Triday, after paying all expenses, net
ted twenty-five dollars for tha benefit
of the high school fund, to purchase
apparatus, books, Jtc,
AVe kind'o think Beed Bro's, Weep
ing Water are coming out by the letters
from there an'' somebody's been play
ing roots on our faithful correspondent
"Lucille'. Never wind boya.
The murder case of Fitzgerald vs
McNeil, was called to-day. J. C. Wat
sou, assisted by Gen. Smith and J. E.
Morrison appearing for prosecution,
'Thapnnn :ind TVttcnger for defence.
Miss Sara Baker is very ill with neu
ralgia, threatening the heart.
Dr. Butler, of Weeping Water, was
at Hastings during the Olive trial.
Mrs. Atwood arrived ia Flattsmouth
on Saturday last on a visit to her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Parmele.
J. W. Anderson of Factoryville,
Merchant there, called yesterday and
gave the IIekald good cheer.
Judge Fitzgerald of Cincinnati and
his son, are again visiting Platts mouth
the guests of Mr. John Fitzgerald.
W. II. Baker, who has been East for
new goods, retnrned last week, but not
a Benedict as was first prophesied.
Chas. McDonald, proprietor of the
Ladies' Emporium of Fashion, fand
successor to Welf & McDonald, Oma
ha was in Platttsmouth last week, for
a short time.
Eugene Lewis undertook to fence in
his yard on the square last week,
but his yard-stick broke, his level "giu"
out, and his square got awry. Try
again, Eugene.
Trueman Sampson, of Greenwood,
called in yesteday, together with Mr.
Chevront of that place, who is in the
grocery business there, the Herald
was pleased to see both gentlemen.
Dr. Mullinix and J. M. Darnell. Esq.,
of Worthington, lnd., stockholders in
the new ferry boat, visited our city
last week. They should have stayed
to witness the launching of the boat.
We made the acquaintance at Has
tings, of Mr. Will Watson, editor of
the "Field Notes," published at Fair
bury, Jefferson Co. Neb., Mr. W. is al
so a real estate agent and sells lots of
land, lots, &c.
Messrs J. C. Noel, John Rouse and
Trueman Sampson, all of Greenwood
called to see the Herald but round
ye Editor thereof absent, which he re
grets. They are up here attending
court. Call again, gentlemen.
Joshua Murray called in to see the
Herald Tuesday. Mr. Murray is fix
ing up his place too don't mean to be
beat by William and has a lot of very
nice cattle saon to be turned off. Beats
all, the cattle Cass County has fed this
Black, pink and blue lace mitts,
open worked gloves, lisle thread, cas
tor, anil kid gloves in every variety,
at W. II. Baker & Co's. Something to
suit everybody. 5-t2
Fred- Goi der has the best sulky
corn planters ever mad with or with
out check-row. He wants to close out
that line now and will sell them way
down. Now is the chance.
Barnum's bills are out in Omaha
and other cities, but don't say when
he will appear, thus keeping people in
suspense awhile. Sharp advertiser
he. Sme new dodge every time.
Mr. Mathews has got his building
down on Main st. and it is a great im
provement. The raising of the side
walk helps the walking and makes
both his and Sclilacer's store more ac
cessible. Those wishing refreshments, in
the shape of ice cream and cake
lemonade, coffee, Ac, on the evening
of the Half Hour Club dance can,
through the. kindness of Mrs. Stadel
manu, procure the same.
By mistake, the admission price to
the " Half Hour Clubdanc wasomit
ed from the invitations. For the ben
efit of those receiving the same we will
state that the tickets will be sold for
the small sum of one dollar.
Wm. II. Baker has returned from
the east and the firm of W. II. Baker
& Co. have just blossomed out in a fine
array of ladies' ready made suits, cir
culars, dolmans, and wraps of all kinds
and styles. Go and inspect them. 5-tl
J. Marshall Kirkpatrick.son of the
Hon. S. M. Kirkpatrick was married
la3t week to a lady from Massachu
setts, Waterloo, Iowa We wish the
happy couple happiness and joy all their
lives, and the la-ly a pleasant home in
this great new state of Nebraska.
W.L.Tucker is the man who is
building the boss fences now. He
made Cal. Parmele's and is going to
put D. II. Wheeler up one that will
te the fence f the season. Every
post boxed and waved. If you want a
good yard fence go to Tucker, he's in
the business this summer.
Ice-cream, Lemonade and cake
will be furnished at Mrs. Stadelmann's
Ice Cream parlors, at any hour ot the
evening, on the occasion of the club
dance. Don't fail to improve this op
portunity of obtaining the first cooling
refreshments of the season. Hot cof
feo will also be furnished to those
wishing it.
Capt. Solliday called to see the
Herald last week, and informed us of
tTie visit of Dr. Mullinix and Mr. Dar
nell, stock holders in the new ferry
boat, to Plattsmouth. He then thought
the ferry boat would be launched on
Wednesday of this week, but owing to
unforseen delays the launching will be
postponed uatil Saturday next.
An attempt was made to converse
by means of the telephone between
Omaha and Chicago last week, the tel
ephone in the office of A. E. Touzalin.
Manager B. & M. h. K, Omaha, being
connected with one in the office of the
C. B. & Q. at Chicago. The attempt
was only partially successful, and
another trial will be made, soon.
Finley Johnson bought a new bug
gy and horse, and is sailing round. We
are glad of it! It is healthy out-door
exercise, and we hope a3 more and
more of our citizens keep teams and
drive, public opinion will forco the
crossings fixed, decent drives made and
the children, old pans, hoops and stock
will be kept off the streets, so that it
is both pleasant and safe to drive there,
neither of w hich f rb rat at present.
DONELAN. At hl residence In FlatUrrrouth,
Tuesday evening, April 22. 187. at 8 a'clock
Wm. E. Don klax, aged 6f years, S niontlis
and two days.
Dr. Donelan was bora la Cincinnati, Ohio,
and came to Nebraska in '56. Consequently . he
was one of our very olJest settlers. lie has
practiced medicine here ever since, was a mem
ber of the city council at one time, and always
a prominent and highly respected citizen.
Probably no man in town had a greater num
ber of personal friends, or stood higher as a
neighbor, friend and man. No man can say
evil of him, and during his long residence of 23
years here he scarcely made an enemy. lie
has one brother, John, now In Washington
Territory. HUcousiu, Dr. Ki. A. Donelan, of
St Joseph. Missouri, and another cousin, Doc
Jas. Donelan, of Clen wood, Iowa, are the only
near relatives in this country and who were
present at nls funeral. Our Dr. Oonelaa was a
member of the Catholic church, and was at
tended by the Kev. Father Lynch during his
last moments. Dr's. Livingston and Richmond
were the attending physicians, and give us this
synopsis of his disease and death :
For the last eleven year Doctor Donelan has
been subject to attacks of convulsion ; at times.
In year paat, so stioug as to rupture the mus
cles ef the left arm and side, which gave him
the appearance of being partly paralysed on
that side. His physicians euepcted aneurls
mal trouble, which was the final cause of death
He was attacked for the last time ou Sunday
by convulsion had several spasms ; the first on
Tuesday, between eisht and nine o'clock, a. in
From this he never recovered, but remained
unconcious until sight o'clock that evening,
when he quietly passed away, never being per
fectly conscious during that time.
He married a sister of C. II. Parmele and E
K. Parmele, who, with two sons, comprise bis
family. lie also leaves a wide circle of mourn
ing friends and relatives.
The citizens of this town will miss Dr. Don
elan, few men have lived as blameless lives
He has passed from among us to that great
bourne from which no traveler returns. We
could, perhaps, have better spared a better
man, yet the will of the great Creator must be
obeyed. Peace to his aches.
The funeral will take place to-day from the
Catholic church, at 9 :30 a. tn.
Death of Judge Lynch.
From a teletrram via Chicago we
learn that Judge Lynch, who made a
short residence here, died very sudden
ly at Otero, New Mexico, of Pneumo
nia. Mr. Vf. H. Baker has brought on
a fine line of ready made suits, wraps
circulars, &c this spring, and savs he
is prepared to keep a full line of these
and fancy dry goods of all kinds as
cheap as or cheaper than they can be
obtained in Omaha, if he finds the peo
ple disposed to support him in his en
terprise. From Mr. Wm. StaJelman we re
ceive a couple of I In hi u Co. papers
containing four or five column adver
tisements for Stadelman & Bodien
which looks as if they were doing a
lively business out there. Good adver
tiser, Stadelman was, and believed in
printer's ink, and experience confirms
him in his belief. Success to the firm
of Stadelman & Bodien.
Rt. Rev. Rob'tll. Clarkson.Bishon
of the Diocese of Nebraska, officiated
at St. Luke's church on Thursday ev
ening last, and administered confirma
tion to a class of ten. The Bishop's
sermon was a masterly and logical ar
gument on the greater difficulties in the
way of adopting the atheist's belief
than the Christian's, and was listened
to by a full congregation.
High School Entertainment.
The High School Entertainment on
Friday evening hist attracted a large who went away pleased as a
whole, albeit somewhat lined with the
duration of their pleasure. We have
never known an entertainment of the
kind pass off more smoothly, and with
so little confusion among the scholars
as did this, and this was due perhaps
In part to the fact that the various
pieces required but little scenic dis
play and consequently less confusion
in preparation behind the scenes than
heretofore. The programme was none
the less interesting from this fact how
ever, and the various dialogues, recita
tions, declamations, and musical efforts,
were all so well rendered, that compa
rison would be invidious in so limited
space as we can give.
To Prof. Love and the corps of teach
ers mucii creun is uue lor tue mani
fest training of the scholars and for the
fact that no time was taken from their
studies in preparation, all being done
outside their regular work.
And an
Interesting Tour Through a
Mercliautile House.
From Omaha Uerala
These are unusually active days at
the active carpet house of Jou B.Det
wiler, for another enormous spring
stock is in hand and proprietors and
employes are busy thinking, planning
and laboring to get the beautiful stock
into proper plac-, where it shall show
to good advantage and where the cus
tomer can inspect tke largest number
of patterns with the least trouble.
While the store will in a day or two
be more completely arranged, order
has already been evoked lrom chaos
and long rows of weighty bundles, ar
ranged tier above tier, look down upon
the customers, reaching down to the
floor an end of the fabric for the con
venience of the customer. A Hurald
reporter took occasion yesterday to
look through the splendid establish
ment from cellar to attic, through the
great stock of carpets, of every pattern
and quality, mattings, window shades,
etc and through the manufacturing
department. Of the great and varied
stock there is only room here to refer
the readers to Detwiler's column else
where. This, however, may be said of Det
wiler. He has kent ahead of the gen
eral public taste and has kept in stock
the same variety and superb patterns
that can be found in the large cities.
He has built up a remunerative trade,
extending all through tho state. This
year the stock is in advance of any
thing ever before seen in Nebraska,
and all stuffs are at bed-rock prices.
We give a few of them:
Best Body Brussels, S1.25 to $1.50
Tapestry, " 75, 90 to 1.00
Three Ply Carpet, 90 to 1.00
Best Hartfords and Low
ells, Two Ply,
All Wool Two Ply,
Cotton aud Wool Two Ply,
Hemp Carpets,
Office Mattings.
Oil Cloths,
Good Bag Carpets,
80 to
75 to
40 to
40 to
40 to
John B. Detwiler,
Omaha, Nebraska.
The County Jail.
An old friend wants to know what
the new Jail will cost, how built, fee?
We will try and get details; but when
the members of this Legislature ref us
ed to pay a most modest compensation
for publishing County Commissioners
proceedings, we do not know as we
ought to furnish the information "for
fun." As one member elegantly ex
pressed it:"Let the people come m and
look at the records if they want to
know what the Com'rs are doing; nev
ertheless the Herald will be generous
and give this item next week, as it is
of great importance.
Ordinance No 93.
Read the City Ordinance this week
and see how you like it, and then tell
us that every endeavour ought not to be
made to settle our city debt amicably
and that everything else, reasonable,
ought to be subordinated to the adjust
ment of this issue.
The carpet purchased by the La
dies of St. Luke's Guild for the church
was obtained of Orchard & Bean, Oma
ha, aud owing to the courtesy of Mr,
Orchard at very reduced rates.
Weeping Hater.
April 22, 7Q.
n. G. Race of the firm of Fleming &
Race left last Thursday for Chicago to
lay in our spring stock, which will be
much larger and cheaper thaa ever.
New goods will be constantly arriving
for the next fifteen days.
We cordially invite our customers
(which comprise a larg portion of th9
remainirg J8 of the inhabitants of
Coss co.) and all others to call and exa
mine our stock and prices before pur
chasing elsewhere, it will be money in
their pockets.
Fleming & Race.
Pleasant Itidge Items.
April 20tb, 1879.
Ed. Herald: Mr. Weed has gone
to Rock Bluffs, report says to teach"
The fields of small grain are begin
ning to look beautiful aud a rich har
vest 13 anticipated.
We are glad to say that Sol. Pitcher
is in a fair way of recovery from a se
vere attack of the pleurisy.
Monroe K. Craig is still thriving.
We will have a four months term of
summer school, it will be taught by
L. Gilmoie.
Wils Cunningham has been doing
considerable corn shelling in our vi
cinity. Most farmers are plowing for corn.
etc. Big Feet.
From Three tiroves.
April 21st, 1879.
Weather pretty cold and windy for
crop growing, notwithstanding some
corn will be planted this week. A few
are pretty near done plowing, some are
through and some just commenced.
Small grain all up and looking fine, so
far. A number of farmers are improv
ing their farms, by having their hedge
fences laid down or trimmed. Alphou
so Cole finished husking corn a few
days ago (i. e.) the last years' crop.
Byron E. Young, (and his houskeep-
er,) from Centre Valley came in Sun
day, they report times lively and loom
ing out there.
The Kenosha school district, (No.
10.) are contemplating building a new
frame school house in a short time, a
much needed improvement we pre
sume. 1 understand it will be built
one half mile directly east of the pres
ent site.
Quarterly meeting will be held at the
brick school house commencing on
Saturday, May 3d, and probably will
hold over Sunday. Elder White from
Omaha will be present.
Rev. Denisthorpe on last Sunday or
ganized a Sabbath school, at the school
house, Mr. James Wiley was appointed
Sup't, Mrs. Rebecca Crosser, Assist
ant. Sunday school at 9:30, A. M. An
invitation is extended for all to at
tend. Prairie schooners are quite numer
ous on the telegraph road aud may be
seen at nearly every hour in the day
winding their way southward to Kan
sas and other southern points.
Mr. George Shraderis building a new
house, a frame we understand.
A lady from Omaha has been en
gaged to teach the Rock Creek school
this summer.
The prospects for a fruit crop are en
couraging at this writing. The trees
which are just budding out, promise
a heavy bloom and if the cold freezing
weather stays off a few days longer
"Old Neb.," can exhibit some as fine
fruit this fall, as any state in the Un
ion, and as good a quality.
The Herald's are received at the
Three Groves post office, in a few hours
after they are printed and always reg
ular. We noticed that they contain
the very latest news from the Olive
trial at Hastings that can be obtained
But then you know Mac is out there
and we "spose" that is the cause of it.
My letters will only be sent to Her
ald after this every alternate week
during the busy season, it takes some
time and lots of postage you know.
Prospects for heavy rain to-night
from the south. Reporter.
Good second hand Organs and Melo
deons, apply to James PeTTee, Dealer
in Musical Instruments, Plattsmouth,
Neb. 44tf
Two Teams for Sale.
One No. 1 horse team, good for any
kind of work, and a good" mule team,
cheap for cash, or on time with good
security. Also a lot of fence posts
and wood for sale. Apply to
J. V. Weckbacii,
51tf Plattsmouth, Neb.
Grey Eagle;
The white horse driven by Wm. Gil
mour, will stand this season here See
Mr. Gilmour for terms. He is a good
horse and has an undoubted pedigre.
Ordinance No. 93.
Passed and approf ed April 23d, 1879".
An Ordinance providing for the spe
cial levy of taxes for the payment of a
judgment obtained in the circuit court
of the United States for tho District
of Nebraska by A. H. Andrews & Co.,
against the City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska: Sec. 1. Be it ordaiued by the Mayor
and Couucilmen of the Cily of Platts
mouth that there be, and is hereby,
levied on all the real, personal, and
mixed property within said city, not
exempt from taxation by the laws of
the State of Nebraska, a tax of one
and one-half mills on the dollar, for
the payment of the principal, interest
and cost of a certain judgment ob
tained in the circuit court of the
United States for the District of Ne
braska, in favor of A. H. Andrews &
Co., against the City of Plattsmouth.
That said levy shall be made upon the
assessed valuation of said property as
shown by the assessor's books of said
city for the year 1879, and that said
taxes referred to herein shall be paid
only in money, and shall be collected
at the same time and in the same man
ner as other taxes, as providtd by Sec.
3 of an act to provide for the payment
of judgments recovered against muni
cipal corporations, found on page 935
of revised statutes of Nebraska.
Sec. 2. This ordinance 6hall take ef
fect and be in force, from and after
its passage and publication according
to law. Approved,
Attest: J.W.JOHNSON.
J. D. Simpsov, Clerk. Mayor.
A large and well selected Stock of
Eastern Boots aud Shoes at Sherwood's
cheap. 44tf
Remember that for boots and shoes
Rockwell cannot be beat in price. He
has a large assortment. 2Stf.
Ten and twelve button kids at Mrs.
Johnson's ar.d Miss Sweeney's. 3t3
County Orders will be received at
this office in pay for subscriptions, at
their market value, always. Remem
ber that. 41tf.
$5.00 "
Fine Boots Custom made $5.00 at
44 tf Sherwood's.
New Goods at Miss Sage's Store la
New Millinery Store at Greenwood
attended by Mrs. Green. The latest
style in hats, silks, ribbons and many
other notions. Also Dress Buttons
and patterns. 4t2
Mrs. Johnson and Miss Sweeney at
their new stand, corner of Main and
Sixtli ist's., are receiving new goods al
most every day. Call and see them. 3t3
Sherwood's, made to order Fine
Calf Boots 35.00.
At R.
New styles of Lace ties, ruchings.
gloves, ribbons, veiling, etc., etc., at
Mrs. Johnson's and Miss Sweenev's. 3t3
Why Will You
Allow a colu to advance in your sys
tem and thus encouiage more serious
maladies, such as Pneumonia, Hem
orrhages and Lung troubles when an
immediate relief can be so readily at
tained. Jloschees uennait Syrup has
gained the largest sale in tha world for
the cure of Coughs, Colds, and the se
verest. Lung Diseases. It is Dr. Bos-
chee's famous German prescription,
and is prepared with the greatest care,
and no fear need be entertained in ad
ministering it to the youngest child,
as per directions, the sale ot this
medicine is unprecedented. Since first
introduced there has been a constant
increasing demand and without a
single report of a failure to do its work
in any crse. Ask your Druggist as to
the truth of these remarks. Large
size 75 cents. Try it and be convinced.
Ve will y Agc-ntMiaaiary 01 1A per uiomh
fcnd txp.nit-., or iiow a targe commiftiiin, loall our
DC aitil wouderful inventicii4. K mra vAni irfiv.
bampl. fr... AtiilrMaSniuiia A C-. aivahmll. Jiicfa.
Thirty of the hput nr'aii niakors of the
Worlil are competitors at the Paris K jM)sition.
a ruble dispatch to the Associated I'ref s:iys
two hichfNt gold medals have been awarded to
the American maker!. Mason & Hamlin.
Handkerchiefs embroidered m col
era. the latest style at Mrs. Johuson's
and Miss Sweeney's 3t3
in nflfj NAMKS vt residents wanted. For 2."
lUillUU names and 26 rents we will send
' vou a line silk handkerchief, every
thread silk. Uetrnlar priee. ;. W. Foster.
A Co., 125 Clark Street, Chicago, 111. lmi!.
Breton Lace, the latest style for all
uses, cheap, at Mrs. Johnson's and Miss
Sweenev's. 3t3
Caution to Smokers.
From and after the 1st day of May,
1878 all boxes containing cigars of my
manufacture will have my name bold
ly printed on the inside of the lid. This
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, with an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by some unprinci
pled manufacturers. None are genu
ine unless plainly labeled:
Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska.
Collection Notice.
Persons owing me for colts will
please call and settle with me, either
by note or money, on or before the first
of May, 1879, as 1 expect to go away
at that time and will have to leave ac
counts for collection if not settled.
Respectfully, O. M. Stkeigiit.
Consumption Cured.
An old physician, retired from practiee, hav
ing had placed in hi hands by an East India
mifwionary the formula of a very simple vege
table remedy, for the speedy and permanent
cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asth
ma, and all throat and lung affect ioin, also a
positive and radical cure for nervous debility
and all nervous complaint, after having tested
its wonderful curative powers in thousand of
case, litis felt it hi duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. Actuated bv this motive,
and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will
send, free of charse, to all w ho desire it, this
recipe, with full directions f"r preparing and
using, in (ierman, French, or English. Seni by
mail, addresciiijjwith stamp, naming this paper,
W. W. Sherar. 149 Powers' Block, Kochetder,
New York. 3t4
Made to order
44tf at Shekwood's.
Glfr rr Yen -can make money by selling
our Sterling Chtmical Wick Never needs
trimmiiig No smoke r smell 10 cents each. 3
for 25 cents. Send stamp for catalogue of Won
derful Invention, -staple and fancv goods. Far
eous, Foster & Co., 125 Clark St., Chicago. Iui6
Lime for Sale.
Mickelwait & Everett's Lime Kiln,
south part of town, on the river near
the old saw mill. Good Fresh Lime
always on hand in large or small quan
tities, (.'sine and us. it4
Don't be Deceived.
Many persons say " I haven't got the
Consumption" when asked- to cure their
Cough with Shilob's" Consumption
Cure. Do they not know that Coughs
lead to Consumption and a remedy
that will cure Consumption will cer
tainly and surely cure a cough or any
lung or throat trduble. We know it
will cure when all other3 fail and our
faith in it is so positive that we will
refund the price paid if you receiv'o
no benefit. Is not this a fair proposi
tion. Price 10 cts. 50 cts. and S1.00
per bottle. For lame chest, Back or
side, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price
25 cents. For sale by Chapman &
Smith, Druggists.
Why will you surfer with Dyspepsia
and liver complaint, constipation, and
general debility When you can get at
our store Shiloh's System Vitalize?
which we sell on a positive guarantee
to cure on. Price 10 cts. and 73 cts.
For sale by Chapman & Smith, Drug
ists. HACKMETACK" a popular and
fragrant perfume. Sold by Chapman
& Smith,-Druggists, Plattsmouth, Nety.
341y eow.
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the subscriber, living on the east
Vi of n. w. of section 2. town 11, range a, eat
in Casa county, Nebraska, the 2fith day of
March. 18T9, one bay mare, small size, with a
very little M'hite in the forehead, and a white
spot on the right fide of the body. She also
has a headstall of a halter ou (newish, with
white buckles;. She is supposed to be about
five years old. The wwner ie requested to come
aud pav charges aud take her awav.
516 J. K. NICHOLS.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Calvin H. Blan
chard. deceased. In the County Court of
Cass Co., Nebraska ;
i pon reaoing anu nitng the duly verified pe- ;
tftiim of .lnspnh A IlLinnlmi-il itruvim, rlir uil-
ministration of the estate of Calvin II. Ulau
ciiard, deccRed. be granted to him, ih sai'I
Jo. A. Blanchard, ordered that notice of the
pendencv of said cause be published in the Ne
braska IIkkai.d, a weekly newspaper, printed,
published and iu geueral circulation in said
county, for three consecutive weeks, and that
the hearing of said cause be set for the 9th day
of May. A. I., 179. at 3 o'clock, 1. M., at the
office of the county Judge, at riaitsmouth, at
which tlniu and place, all persons interested
may appear awl shw cause, if any they nave,
why administration of said estate Fhould not
be granted to the .aid Joeph A. Blanchard,
according to the praver of said petition.
Co. Judge.
Plattsmouth. April 23d. 18T9. M3.
Sheriff's Sale.
r.y virtue of an order of sale isued bv Wm. I..
Wells, Clerk of the District Court within aud
lor Cass County Nebraska, and to me directed,
I will ou the 12th day of May, A. 1). Is71. at 10
o'clock A. M., of said day, at the Botith door of
the Court House m said county, sell at Public
Auction the following real eKt;ite. to wit : Tim
west half ('i)of the northeast quarter (,'4 of
section thirty-four (34, in township No. thir
teen. (.131. ni"th of range No. twelve (12), east of
6th P. M. ; alo, the following described real
estate eituated in l'lattsmout h city, Cis cmiu
tv. Neb., to wit : Lots one (1), two"(2, three C3
fouril). live (.") and six (t). in block two (2 in
Young and liays' addition io said city, togeth
er with the privileges and appurtenances there
to belonging ; t lie same being levied upon and
V: ken as the property of Peter T. Heaver and
Man' L. Beaver, defendants : to satisfy a judg
ment of said court recovered by Luther It. Ken
dall, plaintiff.
Plattsmoiuh, Neb., April 7th. A. I). 1879.
310 K. W.HYEKS.
Sheriff. Cass Co.. Neb.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virt ue of an order of sale issued by Win . L.
Wills. Clerk of the District Court within and
for t'aos County. Nebraska, aud to me directed,
I will on the I2th day of May, A. I). 17:. at
II o'clock. A. M., of faid day, at the south door
of the Court House, in said county, sell at Pub
lic Auction the following teal estate, to wit :
The norti. east quarter t'a) of section No. one
(1) iu tow uslitp No. twelve (12), north of range
No. twelve (12,, east, lt'rfi acres more or less, to
satisfy a claim of plaiulifT, J. C. Cowan : sur
plus, if any to apply on claim of George Hub
bard, defendant ; also the west half (Hi of
southeast quarter (U) of the southeast quarter
(i) of section thirty-f'ix (:;, townMhip thirteen
(IJj, north of range twelve (12) east of thetiih P.
M.. containing 20 acres ; also the tract of land
described as follow, to wit ; beginning at the
northeast corner of the northwest quarter (Hi)
of the sout heai-1 quarter O4) of section -ix ti) in
township t w eive (12) noith of range thirteen.
(l.;eat : running west, thirty (W) rods ; thence
south, eighty isoi rods ; thence east, thirty c;0)
rods; thence north eighty 0) rods, to the
place of beginning, containing 15 acres more or
lest? ; in all lUo acre. The same being levied
upon and taken as the property of VI. VI. Con
nor, Nancy Connor, John Taylor, ficorge Hub
bard. John Black and John "llarback. defend
ants to satisfy a judgment of said court, re
covered bv "J. C. Cowan, plaintiff.
Plaltsmouth, Neb., April otli. A. D. 1870.
3t5 Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sa'e issued by Win. L.
Wells. Clerk of the District Court w ithin and
for Cass County. Nebraska, and to nie directed,
1 will on the Mb day of April, A. D. l7;i. at
2 o'clock P. M.. of said day. at the south door
of the court house in said county, seil at public
auction the following real estate, to wit: The
south lialf of the northwest quarter of section
No. eight (s). and the south east quarter of the
northeast quarter of section No. seven (7), and
the southeast quartet of section No twenty
four (2l, ami a part of the northeast quarter
of section No. twenty-live i2"), described as
follows : Commencing at the northeast corner
of said northeast quarter, and rurning thence
south, one hundred rods: thence west, one
hundred and sixty rods ; thence north one hun
dred rods ; thence east, one hundred and sixty
rods, to the place of beginning, containing one
hundred acres. All the above described land
bcitn; i:i township No. twelve (12). north of
range No. twelve (12). east of the Cth P. M. :
also the north half and the southeast, quarter
of the northeast quarter of section twelitv-six
(2(i). town eleven dl ). north of range No. twelve
112). east of the uth P. M. in Cass county, Ne
braska, containing in all 500 acres, more or less ;
the sjiine being levied upon and taken as the
property of Emerson H. Katon and S. M. Katon.
delendants ; to satisfy a judgment of said court,
recovered bv Jacob Lefcver, plaintiff.
Plat txmoulli. Neb., March r!h. A. 1. ls"9.
50t5 K. W. HYEKS,
Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb.
This sale is postponed until April 2t'ih. 1879.
at 2 o'clock p. 111.. by request of E. II. Eatou, and
consented to bv Jccob Lefevrr.
Plattsiuoui", April !, liJTU.
Sheriff Cass Co.
Estray Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
Justice of the Peace w ill sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the
2."th day of April. is::i, at 1 o'clock, p. in., at the
lesidcnce of A. J. McDonald, in W eeping Water,
Cass County, Nebraska, cue (1) sorrel horse
eiht years old, taken up as an estray on the
2Uh day cf September, A. D. 17. bv A. J. Mc
Donald. A. CAKM1CIIAEL. J. P.
March 21th. 179. It 3
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue f an order vf sale issued bv Wm. L,
Wells. Clerk of the District Court w ithin and
for Cass couty, Nebraska, and to mc directed.
1 will on the 2d day of May, A. D. 173. at
2 o'clock p. m., of said day. at the souih door
of the Court house in said county, sell at public
auction tile following real estate, to wit : Com
mencing at the sout hwest corner of lot No. one
(1 ). of section seventeen (17, township twelve
(12). north or range fourteen (14) east of the (ith
P. M. ; running thence east twenty-four (24)
rods ; thence north, six and sixtv-six hun
dredths (u-loo) rods; thence west, twentv
fotir (24) rods ; thence south, six aud sixty-six
hundredths (fi tW-h)u) rods to the place of begin
ning, containing one. acre more or less ; also a
tract commencing at a point twenty-three. (23)
rods east of the northwest corner f section No.
twenty (20), in township No. twelve (12). north
of range No. fourteen (14). east of the 6th P. M. ;
thence running south fortv (4i) rods : thence
east, nineteen (19) rods ; thence north, forty i40)
rods ; thence west, nineteen (p))rods, to the be.
ginning, containing four and three-fourths
acres; The same being levied upon and taken
as the property of lllisiana Mickelwait,
ley Mickelwait and Fred. Mickelwait. defend
ants ; to satisfy a judgment of said court, recov
ered bv Marv Wolcott. plaintiff.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, April 1st is?!).
2t5 K. W. HYKKS.
Sheriff. Cass Co.. Neb.
Has just opened an entire new stock of hard
ware, on
Nert door west of Chapman & Smith's
A Full Line of
NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, ly t7ie Keg
or 1'ound
A Full Lice of CUTLEKY.
Special Rates to Builders and Contractors.
All gool
ftrct Ine.
cM a !c' as !?jv j;t.i
"as r
The' Largest and most Complete STOCK of Dry Goods,.
Millinery and Clothing' ever placed before
the luminous orbs of our many
We introduce all the LATEST FABRICS of tlio season. Our 10, 12;, 15'
18, 20, 22 and 23 cent Dress Goods are well worthy of your inspection.
Also, a full line of WHITE GOODS, DRESS' LINENS, TWO-TON 1,)'
SUA WLS, and countless articles impossible) to mention in detail.
Our Millinery
Embraces all the Latest Novelties in LEGHORN FLATS, FRENCH CHIP
the admiration of every one. We also show 1,000 trimmed h:tU from 81 up,-
AND FURNISHING GOODS. Tha only houao in the city that carries
clean Fresh Stock of Goods of httetft styles and fabrics known of the seasow.'
Will find here displayed a fine line of Furnishing goods that canuot fail to'
command their attention and patronage.
Suits from
We have the Lest
To be
C-ifCall and compare our Goods
benefits derived therefrom.
Great Reduction in Boots & Shoes!
20 to 25 Per Cent.
Menu' Prince Albert
Lusting lttickle
Con nivs!
Fuse Rail Slum
" Two-luckle Plow Shoes
Gemini H;inl Sewed Tis
llund Sewed Alexis
Indies' Slipper
tlalf Slioes
" Pebble Goat, Sile L:ice
Kip. " "
" Fn-tieb Button
" Goat, Button, (worked button-hole). .
-T C - CO
73 n H gg
fa 15 -2
jc . rag
n B s 3
?h ot
$6.00 up.
assortment of
and Prices, and you will receive t:.
-. "-?-W'.' -','' '
.$1 00. .
. . 1.25..
. . :r..
.. 1.25..
. . l.(KJ..
. . 2..r..
.. 4.C0
. .2V.
. i.:..
.. 1.85.
. :i..v..
. . 2.00..
.Last Year. $1.25
. " ' 1.75
. ' " 1.7!S
. " " 1.75
. " 1.40
. " " 3.50
$ ..13
J. W. Anderson,
Dealer in
BOOTS and SIIO:. -.
Hardware and (Jiieeii
Market Price I'aiJ iw
We Sell Good,
At BED ROCK Figure.
Come all, and see for ym;
Comer Main & 3d Str. :
I'lattomoutb, ... Xrbrekr
And only first -clas Wines and J.i '.. rs. Mi.
wauke.e Heer on Draught and . :rk !.
feFuiilIies .supplied with Malt a:d - pir:U
ous Liuors, bottled, at Low hates. 46ly
Shop over the Bonner JSti