THE U ERA Li). AKRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF rLATTS MOCTH MAILS. F-ASTEUX, NORTUKltX Si SOUTHERN . . o tn o ... J Depart at - 5 :v) a. m. Arrive ut - 9 : a. m. j '.. .. . g .H) p m OMAHA VIA B. & M. AiTtve a W -JS0 a. m. 1 lH-part at - 2 :15 p. m. WKSTEKN VIA B. & M. Arrive at - 3 :13 i. la. Depart at - 10 :00 a. in. WKKPINO WATER. Arrive at 13 :OU m. Depart at - 1 :00 p. in. lCK lil-VFI S itl'MuX MII-IJ. Arrive ac 12 a.' m. I Dciiart at - 1 :00 p. in. J. V MARSHALL. I. M. I A M 'A LA 1) V LTlT IS K M L N TS . Transient. 2." cents a lie. K-tril:ir advertis ers, lo cents per hue. No advertisement insc-rt-i t-jr less than 2j cents. r.-U notice at Statute rate. Atl-iriK vs and '':n-i-rs of the law will be neld rrs-Mm-ibfe for all l-s:al notices t liey hand in, ami nii parlies demanding .a proof of publica tion r ;m v notice will lc held tor the publica tion fee of such notice. COM M L'NIC ATION S. As mr pa.-c is limited, :ill cotntnunica'ions na-t. Ip hi n-f au-l to the point, with no waMe jf mollis. Tlif paper is n-i'ponsible for the correctness accirding t- copy of paid uiulter and paid Le gal, only. 1. Anv person who takes the paper regularly from tli-- pos -ofii'-e, whether uue-.-ted to his mini', or w n-t her lit- Is a subscriber or not in ri''MiiMllr for the ;:iv. 2. If anv person onli-is his paper discontin ued, he must pav a!l arrearage, or tin' publish er n, a coiit iiiui- to st-ml it until payment is maili-.'an.l c. -1 !.--t t he whole amount, whether Wo- pr.iT is tak'.-u trim tin- office or not. i n-courts have d id-d t hat rcfu-!n to titkt- newspapers an-1 periodicals from the post or rotuovinu and h-avini: tluin uncalled fr, is ;rima facie evidence of intkmI'i.nai. mill). LOCAL EWS New Advertisements. Cummins & Riehr-y, Lumber. I't-ter Merges, Boon and Slioi . Solomon A; Nathan. Dry Goods. &c. J. V. Beaumeistcr. Milk. .1. S. Duke. Hardware. .1. W. Anderson, General Merchandise, Fac toryville. D. C. Carleton, I'pper .Ian Hit, New York. Everybody dance. See Jolm Duke's Ad this week. Ilea l Merges new ad. and go and buy. New Hardware Store John I Mike's. Merges has a new ad this week. .Look at it. Hilly Stadelmann is booming at Uloomington. .1. I'. You us 1ms bought the Mc Crea property. See Merges new advertisement in another column. --C.i;. Palmer has gone west for a three weeks trip. -Co and see John Duke new Stock Selling for cash. Xew Sprtng Carpets (M chard & Dean Omaha, Xeb. Lumber at lowest cash rates at Cummin it Uichey's. Tho Hastings pipers are chuck full of news about now. On Main Street, south hide, New Hardware- John Duke. Bui haii's Mer-'-h andise ear passed Uiroiu'li fn Tui-.--l.iy last. Ti e, Half Hour Club, Fiid.iy eve, April Fitzgerald Hall 41111111)11 s & Itii-liey have now a full line of Lumber in their new yard,. Call at once. " Imitations will be out for a dance undu' t!ie auspices of tho Half Hour Club, next week. Reserved Seats for ti e ITgh School Lxhibitien only 1 cents, for sale at the 1'. O. News Depot. 4tl t)i chard & Dean. Carpet Ware house fit Omaha, one of the best stocks to f-eh-ct from in th west. Tho boiler is being fixed fast to C'apt. Suliday's ferry boat and we will soon "shec wheels go wound." Carpets. Oil-Cloths, Window-Shades and a complete stock of fixtures in this line, at Orchard & Dean's, Omaha. Mr. Georg Mitchell has been ap pointed by the school board teacher in tli.e place of Miss Sutton, resigned. Sixty-eight cars of stock crossed the river here on Saturday. Twenty seven of which werecarried from here. "Dob" has busted the - Alexan drian and ccme out with the "News" a first rate five column quartj paper, j Secure your Seats for tho High School J-'ntertainment at Fitzgerald Hall to-morrow eve, at the 1'. O. News Depot. 4tl Five cent counters are the latest iag Why don't some of our 1'latts mouth merchants open a five cent counter? The Easter decorations in the Ca tholic church were very handsome and special services with music suitable to the occasion were held. - A full line of pipe's offevery de scription, cigar cases of all kinds, ci gars and tobaccos, etc. at 4tl SCHLEiiEL DrOS. Phil Young sells the best 3 aud 10 ct. cigars in Plattsmouth, just lock at his enormous t-ales in less than three years, over Do.OuO sold at retail. 4tl Chif Justice (of police) Vivian is looking up the docket and getting broke into harness. "Marshal Murphy thinks he'll make a pretty good "Jedge." Kemeinber the High School Enter tainmeut at Fitzgerald Hall to-uior-row (Friday) evening, and reserve yoar seats at the P. O. News Depot. 4tl Two of the running horses Mr. Jacobs has at the Lincoln track, Jr. "hoit and Resumption are entered in the four mile races at Chicago and St. Louis. As far as news items, local noti ces and general amount of matter, tho Sentinel got up u fast rate paper last week. We guess "Dick" Claiborne had something to do with that. Now if our contemiKirary will discard his old patent outside, keep some ;ood prin ter. and shove ahead they'll make a lAswspapcr cl it yet. Personal. Mr. Iloss, step-father to Hon. G. S. Smith, has bought the Ilyers house and will reside in Plattsmouth hereafter. Mr. M. L. White, twin brother of our M. L. White, aad having the same initials is visiting his brother with his family. We neglected to make men tion of his arrival last week, owing to press of other matters. General Jno. 1L Clarke, of Lincoln has been quite sick for some weeks with his old trouble, rheumatism. We are happy to announce that he i3 rap idly recovering now and will soon be at his usual post of business. Notice. The lit. Rev. 11. II. C'arkson, D. D., will officiate in St. Luke's Church on Thursday evening, April 17th, for the purpose of confirmation. New Goods at 3Iis Safe's Store in Ashland, ALSO New Millinery Store at Greenwood attended by Mrs. Green. The latest style in hats, silks, ribbons and many other notions. Also Dress Buttons and patterns. 4t2 An entertainment will be given by the scholars of tho High School, to morrow, Friday e vening, at Fitzgerald Hall. See programme in another col umn. It is reported that about 500 ne groes will leave St. Joe this spring on the up steamers, and be dropped off at the various towns between there and Ft. Denton. Tho "('. K. Peck," of the North western Transportation Line, passed this point Tuesday, on her way to the mountains. This is the second boat up stream this spring. Ashley, painter, has moved to the room over Amison's old store where he has a No. 1 dry room and plenty of space, (live him a call and send in your buggies and things to be painte-l. 4tl Two more sensible men in town cause why? they subscribe for the Hkrald. They are Mr. T. L. Murphy the boss conductor of the construction train, and Mr.'E. Schictctanz, tonsori al artist. Mickelwait & Everett's new-patent dra w-Lime-Kilu is a curiosity. Its capacity is 100 bushels pr. day; and we can all get nice fresh lime now when ever we want it, cheaper than ever. See Advertisement elsewhere. Mr. Mathew's hardware store has been slowly creeping along for a day or two and is now placed on her' new foundation. It will ba a decided im provement to Main St.. when lie gets the new iron front put in and once more rtraightened up. The Knight's Templar held service on Go-d Friday in commemoration of tht de,th of our Saviour, in St. Luke's Church, this place. Tho Itev. Mr. Durge.-s oificiated at.d the service was very impressive. A number of Knights atten-l'd in full uniform. As will be -pen by notice in an other column, Bi.-'.iup C'arkson wiil be present this ev ni:ig and hold cin lirmation service at St. Luke's Episco pal church. Dishop Clarkson's elo quence is well known and will caliout a large- and appreciative audience. Our friend at the poor holism (not mi inmate, but Croft the boss), tells us that he has eiht regular boarders. Four insane, two with consumption, one with rheumatism, and old Mr. Ab bot, of old age. He has some nice fat cattle too. but hi boards them outside. " J. P. Young at the P. O. News De pot having sold at retail over 30,000 ci gars since starting in business in Mar, 1870, surely is a very good evidence that his cigars arc of the best quality manufactured. Those who have not tried Phil's cigars will do wellindoing so, aud convince themselves. 4tl For the next 15 days the large stock of goods to be found in F. It. Ciuthman's store has got to be reduced to make room for their enormous stock of summer goods that will soon bt here. They w ill be sold at greatly re duced pi ices, enabling each and every one to purchase. . 4tl All residing within a radius of j ten miles of Facloryville, can now de- j pend upon getting anything they wish in the rnurcfiantile line, without going any further, as there has recently been a good store started there, something which has long been needed. See Ad vertisement in another column. 4tl The best railroad time ever made iu Nebraska was made Friday by the special train that conveyed the troop3 from Omaha to Hastings. From Oma ha to Bellevue the train passed over the ground at the rate of a mile a min ute. From Ashland to Waverly, twelve miles in seventeen minutes, and from Waverly to Lincoln, seventeen miles iu sixteen minutes. Journal. The Episcopal Church Easter Sun day was very handsomely adorned with fiowers, he arrangement being principally the taste- of Mr. Llewellyn Moore which is a guaranty of their beauty. An exquisite cross stood in the font with a fringe of smilax and fuchsias below it and vines below that. I'ink geraniums and English ivy adorned the communion table, smilax and Marechal Niel roses the antependi um, and the beautiful smilax wreath ed every where over the windows and arches. They have also calsomined the walls, newly oiled the seats and fixed things up generally, and whether it was the inspiiing influence, of the new surroundings or not; we cannot tell; but the pastor, Rev. Mr. Durgess, just more than preached a good Ser mon on Sunday. He really grew elo quent towards the end. If making needed improvements warned the cleigyman up so grandly we advise the vestry to keep on improving. The Choir also did their share with liome r.c music. j Agricultural Society ! There will be a meeting of the Cass Co. Agricultural Society, on Friday, 23th inst. at 2 o'clock p. m., at the Coun ty Judge's office. This will be a very important meeting, and every one in terested in the Society should be pres ent. N. li. Subscribers towards the pur chase of grounds are requested to meet at the same time. J. N". Wise, Sec'y. There is another little girl baby at the hnuse of Wells, and her name is Delight. She is a delightful little baby too. New Firm. On and after the 1st of May, J. V. Weckbach will be fouad in the store of F. R.Guthman, as a partner. Guth man & Weckbach. Long may they wave. 4tl. We open this week 300 Ladies' and Children's Linen and Percale suits. Something nice. 4tl Solomon & Nathan. Louisville, April 14th, 1879. Ed. Herald: The Funeral sermon of Leonard Clark, George Edmondand Elmer Leslie Ferguson, who died Feb. 18th and 19tli and were buried in one grave, also Dennis A. Ferguson, twin brother of Elmer Leslie, who died March 10th, Sons of Mr. J. D. and Mrs. M. J. Ferguson will be preached at the Congregational Church at Louisville, Sunday next, April 20th, at 3 o'clock P. M. Friends, acquaintances and the public are respectfully invited. Mr. McPherson, the party who suf fered most seriously in the recent transfer boat disaster, was removed on Friday last to his home in Omaha, a special car being proivded for the pur pose. He made the trip in compara tive comfort and the broken legs are doing well, we are glad to learn. Attention. Call at Mr. O. F. Johnson's and see the New Style Mason & Hamlin Organ, Style 3t58, 12 SU;s including Sub Base and Octave Coupler. James Pet tee, Agent. We learn that some ten or a dozen of our high school scholars have ob tained situations a3 teachers through out tho county and are giving general satisfaction, among them Mr. L. Gil mour, son of J. C. Gilmour, who taught for a few days in one of our depart ments hero ad interim. This is as it should be, fit our home talent to do du ty at home and do it well. It speaks well for our high school. Notwithstanding the inclement weather the Ball given by the Lieder kranz on Monday evening last was largely attended, carriages having been provided by Hut manager free of charge. This club know how to enjoy themselves and their pleasures are en tered into with a zest which might be very worthily emulated by the Am ericans, iu some points. The Herald acknowledges with thanks complimen taik's to the same. Doty's a brick! he crossed the Old Muddy right in the wake of the C. K. Peck, where the waves were lolling three and four feet high, in a common skiff, with 1,300 lath, weighing 750 His, and 10 ) ft. of lumber, weighing about 500 lbs, a total of 1.250 lbs, besides his own weight (and that's some, in his own estimation), and never dropped a lath nor foigot to feather his oars. Billy Arlington tho Humorist. Billy Arlington, the Comedian ind Humorist, will deliver one of his hu morons lectures here sonitime the last of next week, subject "Life's Prob lem." The Alta California!! snvs of him "Far ahead of Billings or Twain. The Milwaukee Sentinel. "When he tooK up his banjo he was at home, and instead of giving one of his songs as he intended, his audience would not let him oil until he had given half a doz en." Further particulars of his lec lure will be given next week. Notice. Council Chamijkr, Plattsmouth, April 9, 1870. The holders of police orders issued by the city of Plattsmouth, Neb., will tiauu same to tlieclerK ot tne city so that provision can be made for the pay merit of the same. By order of the Council. 3t2 J. D. Simpson, City Clerk. DIED. TL TT At the residence of J. D.Tutt. Wednes day. April lfith, at i .30 p. in., John H.'I i tt, axed years. Services" will he held at th residence of J. D. Tuit, at '1 :.' to-day. Thursday. Deceased w as born In Culpepper Co. Virginia, in 1T-JT. and has resided in this city It; years. Siuce the death of his brother, last fall, he has been gradually failing until death at last re released Iii in from extreme suffering and the infirmities of age. WATERMAN Of Rrain Fever, on Thursday ninht. April loth. 1stl, Mauv infant daughter of Dr. J. M .and Kklla R. Watek- ma, aed 1 year and 15 das. Funeral services, conducted by Rev. I!. F. Diffenbacher, were held at the First Congrega tional church at Louisville on Sunday the 13th. A very larue concourse f sympathizing friends followed the remains to the Walradt Cemetery, where all that was earthy of darling little "Dot tie," w;is quietly, solemnly and Borrowingly placed in the tomb. The little darling tabe was taken with that dread disease, the scarlet fever three weeks aso. From this she had almost recovered when she took a relapse, caused liy cold and teething. From thi ehe grew worse until death finally ended her sufferiugs. All that un-dical aid and affection could do to relieve the little sufferer were lavishly given; but the call had come, and a few minutes be fore eleven o'clock, she. gently, and without a struggle parsed into hereternal slwep. Darling little "Dottie' has come and gone. No purer spirit ever visited this earth. With her little childish prattle die was the happiest of the happy. Her mission ou earth was choi t ; but in a short twelve month, this angel spirit had taught the great lesson of Happiness, and then she took her flight away, to dwell in the spirit land. Just as the bu-Js began to burst, she had come ; just as the bud-, in the next vernal cy cle began to burst, this augel spirit went back to its home and its God. Sorrow iug friends gathered around hci little bier. Affection's tears fell upon her stilt cold form ; but a placid smile on her sweet infant face told that she was happier than we happy w itli the angels in the spirit land. A long fare well to tho sunlight of our home to darling lit tle "Dottie." B. S. K. 1 Card of Thanks to the Ladies of Platts mouth. Having bought out the entire inter est of my late partner, Wra. B. Welf. and continuing the business at the old stand 250 Farnham St., I beg leave to express my gratitude fr the patronage heretofore so generously accorded to THE LATE FIRM OF WELF & MCDONALD I hope by the strictest attention to the wants and wishes of my customers by providing a line of goods unsurpassed throughout the west and by fair deal ings with all, to merit a continuance to myself individually of the favours enjoyed by the late firm. very respectfully, 3t2 Charles McDonald. Lime for Sale. Mickelwait & Everett's Lime south part of town, on the river the old saw mill. Good Fresh Kiln, near Lime always on haud in large or small quan titles. Come and see us. 4t4 Card of Thanks. Louisville, Neb., April 15th, 1879. We the undersigned hereby return our heartfelt thanks and express our gratitude to the many kind friends who so tenderly sympathized with us and aided us in our recent affliction and bereavement caused by the death of our darling babe. J. M. Waterman. Bella It. Waterman. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners will meeton Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 21st, 22nd and 23rd days of April as a Board of equilization under the law. At which time all persons feeling agrieved at the assessment will pre sent their complaints in writing to the board. By order of the County Commission ers. J. D. Tutt, 3t2 County Clerk. A Card. I wish to call the attention of the people of Cass and adjoining Counties to the fact that I have recently made arrangements by which I can dupli cate any prices from any music house in the State, and invite all desiring to purchase a No. 1 piano or organ, to give me a chance to quote prices. Thanking my friends for former pat ronage I desire a continuance of the same, assuring them that I can give them satisfaction. Catalogues free. Respectfully, A.H.Bouk, Greenwood, Neb. Box 2. Notice to Teachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October and November. At Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Notice of other examinations will be given. D. D. Martin dale. 41ni(i County Superintendent. . NilVY 51 L SIC. Go. den Years are passing by. A new sur.g and chorus by Will L. Thompson, author of the famous song, "Gathering Shells." Nearly half a mil lion copies have been sold of this thor's beautiful compositions. au- If you want his latest and prettiest song, order "doUlen l ears are Passing Br." Anv music dealer will send it for 33 cents. Published by W. L. Thompson- & Co., East Liverpool, O. Collection Notice. Persons owing me for colts will please call and settle with me, either by note or money, on or before the first of May, 1S79, as I expect to go away at that time and will have to leave ac counts for collection if not settled. Respectfully, O. M. Streight. 4t3. A Good Horse. A. M. Holmes t Rock Bluffs has one of the best horses for farmers" use in the County. Half Norman and half English Coach, he has bone and muscle enough for anybody and yet he, is not so heavy and ponderous as the full blooded Norman or Percheron that is usually brought to this country. We need heavier horses, and want to breed out of the pony stock, too common in this country in an early day, but tho very heavy draft horse, the overgrown dray horse of France or Normandy is not just the best horse for our farmers; good sizeable horses with a quick live ly step and fair road action is what we want. When those very large horses are used they haul immense loads short distances, moving about two miles an hour, or they cultivate two or thiee acres of ground very carefully with one horse.moving very leisurely. Where a farmer has to market his crops ten to fifteen miles from plow from forty to one the farm and hundred acres of ground he needs a lighter, quicker moving horse, provided they do not run into the other extreme of small pony stock. Take a look at " Young Napoleon" any way. Seo Bills for terms, &c. Handkerchiefs embroidered in col- rs. tne latest style at Mrs. Johnson s and Miss Sweeney's 3t3 Ten anil twelve button kids at Mrs. Johnson's and Miss Sweeney's. 3t3 Xew styles of Lace ties, ruchings, gloves, ribbons, veiling, etc., etc., at Mrs. Johnson's and Miss Sweeney's. 313 Star A. Shingles at 3.00 per M. Lath S3.00 per M., at 3t2 II. A. Waterman & Son's. Mrs. Johnson and Mis3 Sweeney at their new stand, corner of Main and Sixth St's., are receiving new goods al most every day. Call and see them. 3t3 Breton Lace, the latest style for all uses, cheap, at Mrs. Johnson's and Miss Sweeney's. 3t3 $5.00 At R. Sherwood's, made to order Fine lltf CiTfjJoctzSZ.OO. SPECIAL NOTICES. II. A. Waterman & Son sell com mon lumber at $18.00 per II, and oth er lumber in proportion. 3t2 A large and well selected Stock of Eastern Boots and Shoes at Sherwood's cheap. 44tf Remember that for boots and shoes Rockwell cannot be beat in price. lie ha3 a large assortment. 2Stf. $5.00 Fine Boots Custom made $5.00 at 44tf Sherwood's. You Mast Cure that Congh. With Shiloh's Consumption Cure, you can cure yourself. It has established the fact that Consumption can be cured, while for Coughs, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all dis eases of Throat and Lungs, it is abso lutely without an equal, Two doses will relieve your child of Croup, it is pleasant to take and perfectly harmless to the youngest child, and no mother can afford to be without it. You can use two thirds of a bottle and if what we say is not true we will refund the price paid. Price 10 cts. 50 cts, and 61,00 per bottle. If your Lungs are sore or chest or back lame use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Chanman fc Smith, Prn'jrgists. Have you Dyspepsia, are you Consti pated, have you a Yellow skin, Loss of Apptite, Head Ache, if so don't fail to use SHILOII's SYSTEM VITALI ZER. It is guaranteed to relieve you, and will you continue to suffer when you can be cured on such teims as these. Price 10 cts. and 75 cts. Sold by Chapman ..v. Smith. Druggists. Well's Persian Perlunie "11ACKME TACK" is rich and fragrant, try it Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggists Plattsmouth Neb. 331yeov We wiii pity AgciilHU Mtiaryol frl-v per mouth and xpcn9.:, f r nliow a ltri;t- coouiii!t:ou, to s-l 1 our aii'l rou-Icrful iiiTentic-ii. Ut wiranv tint wv bample flea. UtluMCUiiiUjCo MaiUli. Alich. Thirty of tUo best otran makers of the World are competitors tit the I'aris Exposition, a cable dispatch to the As.s.x-iated Press says two highest gold medals have been awarded to the American makers. Mason & Hamlin. County Orders will be received at this office in pay for subscriptions, at their market value, always. Remem ber that. 41tf. The Death Kate of Our country is getting to be fearfully alarming, the average of life being les sened every year, without any reason able cause, death resulting generally from the most insignificant origin. At this season of the year especially, a cold is such a common thing that in the hurry of everyday life we are apt to overlook the dangers attending it and often find too late that a Fever or Lung trouble has already set in. Thousands loose their lives in this way every winter, while had Jinsciet's Ger man Hyrup been taken, a cure wo have resulted, and a large bill f: a doctor been avoided. For all dist es of the Throat and Lungs, Uw:h German Syrup has proven itself to the greatest discovery of the kind ii--- CA" be in medicine. Every Druggist in this country will tell you of its wonderful effect. Over 950,000 bot.tles cold last year without a single failure known. 45eowlv. Good second hand Organs and Melo dtons.apply to James Pettee, Dealer in Musical Instruments, Plattsmouth, Neb! 4-Uf Lumber. Cummins & Richey have now an as sortment of Lumber ready for sale. Come and see them; they ness. mean 1 tisi- Cantion to Smokers. From and after the 1st day of May, 1S7S all boxes containing cigars of my manufacture will have iny name bold ly printed on the inside of the lid. This is to prevent counterfeiting my brand of cigars, with an inferior quality of cigars, resorted to by some unprinci pled manufacturers. None are genu ine unless plainly labeled: J U L I US P EPPE B 1 5 1 KG, I A N U FA CTl'KEK, Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska. (Tosinsr Out at Low Prices. I am offering my complete line of NURSERY stock this spring at prices from 25 to 40 per cent less than usual, 3 year apple 10 cts., cherry, plum, aud pear 33 cts., peach from 5 to 15 cts., concord grapes, currants, blackberries raspberries S:c. 75 cts. pr d zen, an 1 only .$4 per hundred. The choicest of crab, bearing size 23 cts. Evergreens at 13 cts. per foot in large supply. Roses, peonies, honeysuckles, snow balls, and various shrubs at corres ponding low rates. Wholesale rates given ou application, address. L. A. Williams. Union Nurseries one mile N. E. of Glenwood, Iowa. It4 10,000 XAMES of residents wanted. For 2. names and 2;" cents we w ill send voil a tine silK handkerchief, evrrv thread silk. Regular price, i. no. c. W. Fost- r. Co.. 125 dark Street, Chicago, Hi. linti. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, hav ing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary t he formula of a very simple vege table remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure for coiisumpion. bronchitis. catarrh, asth ma, and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases. 'has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this nioti -. , and a desire to relieve human suffering. I w "' send, free of charge, to all who tlesire it. th; recipe, w ith full directions for preparing and using, in German. French, or English. Sent by mail, addres-ing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. Sherar, 111) Powers' lilock. Rochester, New York. 3tt 85.00 Made to order FINE CALF BOOTti $.JO, 44tf at Sherwood's. FOK SALE. Hambletonian Stallion CAPTAIN. ' COLOR blood bay. star and w hile heel, l.v; hands high, foaled 1st;". ; weight lntifl lbs ; sired by Billy Denton, first dam by Dekay's Rellfonu der, second dam bv Dekay's Elipse. Hilly Den ton by Rysdyk's llambletonian. first dam by Exton Eclipse, second dam by Dutoc. Record 2 :2 in seventh heat. For price and particulars inquire of A. COOK, Cambridge. Henrv Countv, 111. or S. W. WHEELOCK, Moline, ill. lit TYo Teams for Sale. One No. 1 horse team, good for any kind of work, ami a good mule team, cheap for cash, or on time with good security. Also a lot of fence posts aud wood for sale. Apply to J. V: Weckbach, 51 tf Plattsmouth, Neb. allere). Ycu can make money by selling ourSierliiigCheniieal Wicks Never needs trimming No smoke or smell 10 cents each. 3 for25 cents. Send stamp foreatalogiie of Won derful Inventions, staple and fancy goods. 1'itr Fons, FcMfr & Co., 125 Clark St.. Ch;c:s-v lni6 LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriffs Sale. Ry virtue of an order of sale Issued by Win. L. W eils. Clerk of t lie District Court within and for Cass Countv Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the l.'th day of May, A. D. is;y, at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, at the nontll door of the Court House in said county, sell at Public Auction the following real estate, to wit : Th west half of the northeast quarter (li ot section thirty-four (;M, in township No. thir teen. U;", north of range No. twelve (12), east of utii 1. M. ; also, the following described real estate situated in Plattsmouth city, Cass i-oim-tv,,Neb.. to wit : lxts one tl, two (Si, three (J). fourU), five (5) and six (0). iu block two (J. in Young and Hays' addition io said city, togeth er w ii li the privileges and appurtenances there to belonging ; the same being levied upon and taken as the property of Peter T. lieaver and Mary L. Heaver, defendants ; to satisfy a judg ment of said court recovered by Luther It. Ken dull, plaintiff. Plattsmouth, Neb., April 7th. A. D. 1879. 315 It. W. HYEKS. Sheriff. Cass Co.. Neb. Sheriffs .Sa'e. Ry virtue of an order of sale issued by Win . L. Wells, Clerk of tne District Court within and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the I Jth day of May, A. D. l7".i. at II o'clock, A. M., of said day, at the south door of the Court House, in said county, sell at Pub lic Auction the following leal estate, to wit : The nort ea-t quarter t1! of section No. one (1) iu township No. twelve (12), noith of range No. twelve ( 12, east, 1(K) acres more or less, lo satisfy a claim ot" plaintiff, J. C. Cowan; sur plus, if any to apply ou claim of George Hub bard, defendant ; also the west half of southeast quarter CH) of the southeast quarter (U of section thirty-six (w. township thirteen ila.i, north of range twelve 1 12) east ot theiith P. M., containing 2U acres ; also the tract of land described as follow, to wit ; beginning at the northeast corner of the northwest quarter (U) of the southeast quarter i'.i of section six m township twelve (l2.i north of lauge thirteen, (13ieast : running west. thirty (3ui rods ; thence south, eighty (sin rods ; thence east, thirty (30) rods; i hence nortn eighty (so) rods, to the place of beginning, containing 15 acres more or les$ ; iu all lyrS acres. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of W . V. Con nor, Nancy t ounor, Jolui iaylor. George Hub bard. John PlacK aud John llaiback. defend ants to satisfy a Judgment of said court, re covered bv J. t". Cowan, plaiutiff. Plattsnto'uth, Neb., April yth. A. D. U'9. It. W. HYEKS, 3t." Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb. Notice. Rachel E. Finley, non-resident defendant, will take notice that George E. Finiev did on the lstli day of March. A. 1. 1S7SI, file "his peti tion in the office of the Cleric t-t the District Court within and for the county of Cass and Stale of Nebraska, charging said Rachel E. Fin ley with wilful desertion of plainiff, George E. Ffnley. wit' out just cause or provocation for more than two years last past, asking that he Geor-'e E. Finley, plaintiff lie divorced from the said Rachel E. Finley : and the said Rachel E. Finley is hereby notified that she is required to appearand answer said petition on or before Hie 2sth day of April. 17.. or judgment will he rendered against her and decree rendered ac cording to the iiiaver of said petition. GEORGE E. FINLEY. Ry Sam. M. Chapman. Atfy for Plaintiff. .V2t5 Sheriffs Sale. Ry virtue of an order of sale issued by Win. L. Wells. Clt-i k of the District Court within and for Cass Countv, Nebraska, and to ine directei', 1 will m the ih day of April, A. D. S79, at 2 o'clock I. M., of saiil day, at the south door of the court house in said county, seil at public auction the following real estaU-, to wit: The south half of the noithwest q"uter of section No. eight (, and the south east quarter of the northeast quarter of section No. seveu (7), and the southeast quartet of section No. twenty four cJli, Hiid a part of the noilheatt quarter of section No. twenty-five (25), described an follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said northeast quarter, and rut ning thence south, one hundred rods: thence west, one hundred and sixty rods ; thence north one hun dred rods ; thence fast, one hundred and sixty rod-, to the place of beginning, containing one hundred acres. All the above described land being in township No. twelve (12). north of range No. twelve (12). east of the Mil P. M. : also the north half and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-six (-CI. town eleven (11). north of range "o. twelve M2i. east of theiith P. M. in Cass county. Ne ': aska. containing in all 5ou acres, more or less ; e s;tme being levied upon and taken as the property of Emerson H. Eaton and S. M. Eaton, (ietendants ; to satisfy a judgment of said court, recovered bv .Jacob Lelevcr, plaintiff. Phittsmou'.h, Neb., March Mil. A. D. 1s79. R. W. HVEIIS, Sheriff, C:iss Co.. Neb. This sale is postponed until April 2i'th, ls79, at 2 o'clock p. in., by request of E. II. Eaton, and consented to bv .lecob l.cfever. I', April 4, 137;. It. YV. HYERS, T43 Nherill Cass Co. Estray Notice. Notice is heicby given that the undersigned Justice of the Pence w ill sell at public uuc.tiou to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the 25th day of April. is7!i, at 1 o'clock, p. in., at the residence of A.J. McDonald, in Weeping Water. Cass County, Nebraska, one (!) sorrel horse eight veais old. taken up as an estray on the 2lih ifav cf September, A. D. Is7s. bv A. J. Mc Donald! A. CARMIC11ALI.. J . P. March 24th. Is73. m LeAal Notice. In District Court of Cass County. To Seldeit N. Merriam. non-resident defend ant, you are hereby notified that on the lltll Jay of l-"t l-ruaiy ls.':i. I filed my petition iu the office of Ihe Clerk of the District Court of Cass county. Nebraska, against you, and commenced an action against yon in said District Court, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of tl-.e said District Court setting aside and wholly e nceiiing three (3) certain pretend ed tax, or treasurer's pretended tax deeds. The first ot said pretended tax dewds being made ami executed by William L. Ilobbs tlien couiity treasurer of Cass county to Scub-n N. Merriam. on or about the ."ih day of September. 1 S7.5. The second ot said pretended tax deeds being made and executed Jv John C. Cummins, then coun ty t reasiirer oSfoisf county, toth-said Srlden N. Merriam oil or about the Sth day of May. ls;4. The third of said protended "tax deeds being made and executed by James M. Patter son, t hen county treasurer of Cass county, to the s;iid Seldcii N, Merriam ou orabont the lOlh cay of Julv, 1S7s. All of said deeds pretending to "convey ti you the north (n) Iialf('t) of the southeast is o) quarter i5), and south ) half ( ' , i ot li'.u 111 east ( u e) quarter j 'il of aection .No. t.veiity-eiglit 121, in township No. ten loj. north of range No. nine y"t, east of the Ci !i P. M. lying and being iu said Cas- county and State of Nebraska. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 5th day of May, lsl'.i, or a decree will be taken against" you in accord wilh the prayer of said petition. AN DREW" TYNAN. Chapman & Hhhahv, Attorneys for 1 lainiitff. "2t5 Sheriff's Sale. r.y virtue fan order tf sate issued by Win. L. Wells. Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass countv, Nebraska, aud to me directed. 1 w ill ou the" 2.1 day of May, A. D. 17J, at 2 o'clock p. in., of said day. at the south door of the Court house in said county, sell at public auction the following real estate, to wit : Com mencing at the southwest corner of lot No. one 1 1 ). of section seventeen (17). township twelve (12. north or range fourteen (Hi east of tlia ttli P. M. ; running thence east twenty-four (24) rods; thence north, six and sixty-six hun dredths 16 H6-10O) roils; thence west, twenty four (21) rods ; thence south, six aud sixty-six hundredths (t; 6-hi0) rods to the place of begin ning, containing one acre more or less ; also a tract commencing at a point t wentT- thre "J2) rods east of tne northwest corner section No. twen'v (2ii i. in township No. twelve (12). north of rai ge No. fourteen (14). e;ist of ttieiilh P. M. ; thence running south forty (4 ) roils ; thence east, nineteen it!') roils ; thence north, forty (40) roils ; thence w est . nineteen (imrorts, to the be ginning, containing four ami three-furtl:s acres; The same being levied upon and taken as tiie property of lliisiana Mn-helwait, Wheat ley Mickelwait and Fred. Mickelwait. defend ants ; to satisfy a judgment of said court, recov ered bv Marv Woicott. plaintiff. l'lattsmouih. .Nebraska, April 1st 17:). 2(5 R. W. HYEP.S, Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb. mi HARDWARE STORE. J. S. DUKE Has just opened an entire new w a re, on stock of hard- n m k kc3 crs Nest door west of Chapman & Smith's Drug Store. A Full Line of SHELF HARDWARE, SHOVELS, RAKES, SPADES und ALL GARDEN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, by the Keg or Poiind ROPE, POWDER, SHOT, GRIND STO V FS WHEEL-BARROWS. A Full Line of CITLKRY. Special Rates to Builders and Con tractors. All goods sold as low as they possibly can be and live. 41y MILK. J. F. BAUMEISTER Furnishes Freeh, Pure Milk, DCMVERCI) DAILY. Special call attended 1o. and Freh Milk I frrri :tno ow f u: cisbe-i -hen aiIK, 4lv 1 IFcoif .IimsipecBitfiawin. The Largest and most Complete STOCK of Dry Goods, Millinery and Clothing ever placed before the 1 um i nous orbs of our many Patrons. In Dress oods, We introduce all the LATEST FABRICS of the season. Our 10, 12,, 15 18, 20, 22 and 25 cer.t Dress Moods ar well worthy of vour inspection. Also, a full line of WHITE GOODS, DRESS LfNENS, TWO-TONED RIBBONS, LACES, RUCHES, CASHMERES, ZEPHYR and SPRING SHA WLS, and countless articles impossible to mention in' detail. Our Millinery Department Embraces all the Latest Novelties in LEGHORN FLATS, FRENCH CHIP and STRAW GOODS. Our SILK TURBANS and PATTERN HATS aro the admiration of every one. We also show 1,000 trimmed hats from SI up. Men's, A AND FURNISHING GOODS. The only house in the city that carries a clean Jresh Stock of Goods of latest styles and fabrics known of tho season. Will find here displayed a fine line of Furnishing goods that cannot fail lo command their attention and patronage. Suits from We have the best TRUNKS & To be J-t"Call and compare our Goods bcneh:s derived therefrom. SOLOMON .TV Great Reduction 20 to 25 LOWEB THRUST lenM' Prince Albert lasting Buckle Congress ' Base Ball shoes " Two-Buckle Plow Shoes ' German H nd Sewed Ties... " Hand Sevveu Alexis Ladles' Slippers Half Shoes " Pebble Goat, Side Lace Kip. " " " French Button ri -s fa-Y S v-sv ii-T-.i..J EVERYTHING ELSE IN PROPORTION. PETER nVEERC3-ElS; CO a s i I D H - LO C"l O o Q K era Ei Ho tA O CD 8 WZ)H o O EC -a a. CD h j H 0 .a ' 3 CO ISToufli's. XL 6.00 up. assortment of VALISES, found. and Prices, and you will receive tho & NATHAN. : --. PETER MERGES. )! V j in Boots & Shoes I Per Cent. LAST .i?t 00 - I.2.". . 1.2 . .- . !.(( . 2..V) . 4.50 .8 .1" 1.35 . l.." I..1) ...Last Y'ear. $1.2.". ... " " 1.75 ... ' " 17". ... " " 1.75 ... " 1 40 ... " " 3.&0 1 2.4') 2..r,0 D.O0 jMG-Ety Stoze AT FACTOR YVILLE! J. W. Anderson, Dealer in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NO TIONS, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, Hardware i (Jiiecnswarc. TIIK IIIlir.HT Market Irlce Ial"I for BUTTER and EGGS. We Sell Goods At BED ROCK Figures. Com." out. Come all, and sre for yourslres. 4ra3 EDGERTON & BALL, Corner Main & 3d Streets. Platttniouth, - - - Xebranka. KKKl' .1 FIUST-CLASS STOUE, And onlv f!rst-cl.i-s Wines and Liquors. Mil waukee B.-er 011 Draught and botned. Families supplied with Malt aud Spiritu ous I.l'iuors, bottled, at Low Bates. 'ly IFaiiatiiig-, SIGN, CARRIAGE and ORNA MENTAL PAINTER, A. ASHLEY. Shop over the Bonner Sta bles, VLVTr.s.'oLlH. - - - - 2' 4iiy. 1