Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 13, 1879, Image 3

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    E HE KA LU.
rcm MAI1-S.
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I Depart at - m.
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wrsTKlUf VTA B. ft 3.
at - 3 :13 p. m. t fI' at - 10 o a. in.
tt 12 :( M. I Del ai t f t - 1 :00 p. Bi.
lit Manila, i Dop-ui. at - 1. (rtp. ib.
.1. V. MARSHALL. P. M.
"lit K ' A L A I V L U IT S K M E N TS .
iaiit. 25 e-i!s a line. Iti-gular ad vert Is
eits pr 1 S lie. No advertiaeiimnt iiisi t-.-.
than & cwtis;.
' notices at Statute ratrM.
icts nr.d officers of the la- u-lil be field
bio i..r i.;: a not.ces I i'. y lmnU In,
I art. ('iimiiiir" . pro of pt.liiica
ijortce i!IK' he-ii lor lie tainUoa-
of such notice.
' .. s'xire h limifeJ, H coTiiminiieaMons
c brief awl to the point, with no waste
I'1'm.tIs responsible fr the correctness
fig to copy of paid matter and paid Le-
i Ai:v prison wlio takes the paper rcjra'ar'y
tin" po.;-onV?. wlietlo r oire.'-ted to III'
c . or whether lit; is a subse; iber or nut is
nimble for the pa v.
It anv person r-l'-r his paper discmitln
, t-.e must p:iv nil arrearages, or the publish
lav cout'.nue to send it until payment is
- .'."and col!ct tho whole amount, whether
paprr is t.i'i tioai the ollice or not.
J tie cc.i:i;s have deriilcil that refusing to
V new-nippers and periodicals from tin; post
or lemovin-.,' and leaving them uncalled
is proat fotie uvideiice cf i.ntkstio.val
-Sptlng cither.
It has come once more.
- -Ex-Senator T. W. Tipton.
Hiyh School Hall Friday night.
Ing'.-rsoll's "Government without
i.ic.I," uimiasked.
-Next Monday is St. Patrick's day.
John P.. Finch will be here the
I cr 2 5th.
Mr. Leonard is building a nice ad
.lition on his house.
Milwanh'.? !..-ttIed beer, the pure nr
i if ! at Keeuan & (5racs.
Don't fail to hear Hon. T. W. Tip
ton on Friday night next.
Fx'ttled Ueer, superior quality ready
fcr family use at Keenan & (trace's.
--liosi Eaton at Hock Bluffs has
turned oat a full hedged Doctor and is
us w practicing.
T!;e ferry-boat is just looming up.
Tlitiy'll soon bar: oss up t!iO Iron horse
and well all take a ride.
Mis.; I.iiiio .Simpson will remove mu.iic rooms to hauso next
west of the Presbyterian church.
S:i!it7. Milwauke Iler, for Family
i:se, bottled and warranted pure at
Kkknan i: (lit At i:'.s.
Nearly two haco taken
:h Utnper:inco pledge in Council
jiiuITs under the auspices of John W.
The Woman's Tempi ranee Union
:. f-ts this (Thursday) afternoon at a
o'clock, at the residence of Mrs. K. (I.
People begin to examine their
grape vines and fruit trees and form
plans for beautifying their yards and
There was a full moon last Satur
day night and as it rose through the
t louds, the eastern horizon v; bril
liantly illuminated.
Mr. Fred Stadelmann is buildinga
.mail jtddition to his bakery on the
north east coiner; more rom, and
greater conveniences for his guests.
It looks lively over about the ma
chine shops and in that part of town.
New houses going up and new addi
tions and improvements to other build
ing"?. They h id a comical theatrical per
formance at Ttoek J'ViisiTs on Friday,
the 23th, the actors wcie blacked, ad
mission 1.) cents, and the boys enjoy
ed it hugely.
One train on the C. li. & Q- had
345 passengers bound for Nebraska,
and the other eastern roads are bring
ing them in equally fast. It wont be
-incnless lands" long at that rale.
The Nebraska State Sportsmen's
Association will be held in Omaha a
week earlier than May 20th as first
announced so as iot to conflict with
the Iowa State Tournament at Mar
hhalltown. J. W. Darnes and Geo. Fairfield are
busy assessing the town and this part
of the county, nowadays. They make
a good team for the business and we
think will make as fair assessment as
we have had lately.
Saturday night about nine o'clock
carno our first thunder storm this sea
p.uu, with a good fall of rain which was
much needed and very welcome. The
storm cooled the atmosphere and Sun
day and Monday were perfect days.
A loud, harsh and long continued
noise lat Friday excited the jvonder
uient of many as to tho cause. It
proved to come from cleaning out the
boilers at the Machine Shops by filling
them with sand and gtavcl and revolv
ing them rapidly.
Durell, the man who was taken
to the asylum from South liend last
year and afterward released to visit
friends, was returned from. Maine on
Saturday worse than ever. It. took
two men to hold him and Lis hands
were lacerated fearfully.
- An unknown party attempted to
gain an entrance into Mr. Fitzgerald's
horse ast Tuesday night, but Mrs.
"Fitzgerald being awakened by the baik
i Vfd vrho was there.
Mr. Xathau started for good
lust Sunday.
M. II. Ship-tntm called last week. "He
i3 our famous Weeping Water Wind
mill man.
I), I). Martindale, Superintendent
Public Schools for this county was in
town Friday.
-Mrs. 'IcLntis'iiin loft for Chiraso
on Monday last to make a visit of
several wer-ks.
From our old friend, Charley Lazen
hy, we receive words of greeting and
the wherewithal for more IIkkaldV.
lie has removed with his family into
Donver and reports them all well.
V. I Vallery, who has been in Lead
City for the past year or two, came
in to make 1'latlsmouth a visit a few
weeks ago; before returning to the
Hills he invested in sorno mora IIeii
ALD t(arry him the news out there.
We were pleased to receive a call
from Prof. Wightnian now of Fremont,
formerly principal of our High School,
lie is canvassing the city for Apple
ton's Encyclopedia, and we advise all
our leaders who want a whole Horary
in a condensed form to get one of him.
Uy the number of applications
that are weekly being received at tho
Temple of Honor, one would suppose
that our city is really reforming. There
are upwards of twenty parties ready
to be initiated at their next meeting.
We call attention to the advertise
ment of Cummin3 & Ttichey in anoth
er column. Mr. Cummins i3 so well
known here as to guarantee the reli
ability of any project into which he
may enter Mr. Itichey is from Iowa;
we bespuk for the firm success in
their new enterprise.
The ici bridge bore its last burden
of cars on Wednesday last. On Thurs
day the iron and ties were remoTed
and soon after the Old Muddy toekthe
rest of the bridge down stream. Thurs
day the trains all went round by Oma
ha, but by Friday the boat was run
ning and the trains crossed here as us
ual. Pottengcr was lying half asleep on
the oflice lounge the other day when
Sam Chapman got a young boot black
to commence operations on one foot;
before he could fairly open out, how
ever, " Pot" was over tha table and
backed up in the corner, protesting
that they wanted to ruin his practice
and reputation, by getting him polish
ed up.
The l.durc of the High
School will be given this week Friday
at High School Hall by II m. T. W.
Tipton, a former V. S. Senator, and one
of the ablest men in our State. His
subject is IngersoU'sT "Government
without a GT1" unmasked, and io said
to be the h:-st refutation of tho Inger
solliart doctrines which has been deliv
ered from the lecture platform. We
have no doubi ho will call out a good
Frank Carruth had a little tus
sle yesterday, p. in. with a fed low nam
ed Hendricks who wanted his watch
without paying Sl.TS charges for re
pairs. Frank ordered him out of the
house after havin:tood his abuse for
some time, and as ue did not feel dis
posed to go out, a little force was
adopted and after breaking a glass put had to give in. Pat
took him down to tho cooler, and he
will have his trial to-day.
Coming home lhi other night we
saw the mot beautiful prairie fires
between South Bend i'.nd Lincoln.
Nearly the whole country Lad been
burned over; near Waverly tlte line of
fire was a mile long and very brilliant.
At another place there were thousands
of young trees or shrubs that retained
tin? fire after t lie main flame had swept
by giving the appearance of a vast en
campment viewed from a distance. Al
together it reminded one of old times
when the whole stretch of country to
the west used to burn over every year.
Solid two buckle Plow Shoes at Mer
ges for 81.00. oltf
The Emm v Lelan l troupe gave
four entertainmeuts last week to fair
ly good houses, playing "Fate", "East
Lvnne", "Ten Nights in a Bar Iloom,"
"L'nder the Gaslight". The company
is a good one, much above the average
of travelling troupes. They labored
under some disadvantages of insuffic
ient stage room and scenery, particu
larly in "Under .the Gaslight", buttheh
ingeuuity in overcoming them was ad
ditional testimony to their ability.
The people of Plattsmouth have to
thank Mr. J. P. Young's energy in en
deavoring to furnish them with first
class entertainments, an energy the
more to be appreciated as it brings
him so far no pecuniary benefit.
30,000 bricks at 87.00 per 1000 in
liock Bluffs, apply to It. B. Windham.
The P.. & M. East bound freight
met with a serious accident on Satur
day afternoon last, a short distance
this side of Louisville. Prairie Hires
hud been raging in that vicinity nnd
had got into a bridge wjiich the engi
neer did not diseoverfthc bridge be
ing near a cusye, until too late to stop
the train. The engine and tender
went over safely and then the bridge
went down and the cars to the num
ber of thirteen piled upon it ami
each other. Two or three cars were
loaded with cattle and hogs and nine
with corn shipped by C II. Pinkham
of South Bend. The cars almost im
mediately caught fire and burned
very rapidly, some of the cattle escap
ed by the bursting open of the cars
allowing them to swim to shore but a
number were burned, as also the
! grain. There wps fortunately no
I loss of human life. This is r. ?over
1 to the company. We heard some
. .":..'.."" fhe parties who set
T hd
Cum in im X Illc'iey.
Our well known townsman and Ex
Ceunty Treasurer, J. C. Cummins and
Mr. J. V. Kichey, from Iowa, will open
a brand new Lumber Yard about the
last of next week at J. V. Weckbach's
old stand. They will put in an unlim
ited and selected stock, and will sell
low down for cash. The well known
responsibility of Mr. .Cummins, alone
will insure them a good patronage.
Don't fail to call around and examine
their Ftock and improve your chances
of making a good bargain.
SI. 50
Boots made to order at Merges for
-1.3 O.
82.0C0 & 10 per cent on si: rt or long
time. Apply to it. B. Windham.
Habeas Corpus.
Maurice Fitzgerald who is now un
der indictment for assault with intent
to kill was taken out on Habeas Cor
pus last Friday and tried before Judge
Sullivan. After a prolonged argument
on both sides tho Judge admitted him
to bail in the sum of 81,000. No
bandsmen as yet has appeared. Since
the present iuJictment McNeil, the
man assaulted, has died and his ca&e
is now one of murder. We presume
the state of the jail here had some in
fluence on the Judge's mind in allow
ing bail at all, Fitzgerald claims that
the confinement is injuring his health.
Repairing cheap and good atMergo3
Three good farms, five miles from
Plattsmouth, apply to 11. B. Windham.
Larger Stock of--Boots and Shoes
and cheaper than evtr at Merges.
ingei:soll"s government without
a God
High Srhool Hall.
Misses Slippers for 25 cents and two
Buckle Plow Shoes for 81.00 at Mer
ges. Books to the Highest Bidder.
An I'.y tensive catalogue of new, shelf
worn and second-hand bouks in every
department of literature, offried
without reserve, to the highest bidder,
will be issued March 10th by the
American Book Exchange, jo Beek
inan Street, New York, and sent by
mail to any ony sending a three cent
stamp. Bids will be received only in
writing, buyers one thousand or three
thousand r.iiles away having an equal
chance with those near at hand. The
AiiruiCAN Book Exchange i becom
ing famous for meeting the wants of
people who care fr book?, and thous
ands will appreciate this new oppor
tunity they give.
Election Notice.
Xi'.ie I herol'Y Riven that there will lie an
election lit-M iit tiw jillcren! tvarri of the City
of I hitt-inoirh on Tin sdjv. the 1M ilay of April.
1S79 for tae election of the fllowin e.!y cllie
i'ii. to wis :
1 ll.tyor.
1 Citv Treasurer.
1 Ci"r h-ik.
1 1'oUee .fud'e.
1 Marshal.
1 Cii v Enitiof r,
1 Councilman for Ivt ward,
1 Councilman for 2.1 ward.
1 Councilman for 3d ward,
1 C'liuieiliiian for 4th ward.
2 School Director for the city r.t lir-;e.
The polls will he at the following places :
1st w ird, :it Goer.Ier's office :
2l ward, at brick school home :
3d ward, r.t Knftner & IMaekV office ;
4th ward, at the room formerly occupied by
lenipcl a n nii'al mark"t.
Po'.N to be open at 9 o'clock, a. ni. and hold
open until 7 o'clock, p. m.
"r.v order of the Council.
Attest J. W. JOHNSON. Mavor.
,!. D. SnirsoN, Clerk, 5112
Front Eight Mile Grove.
Report of school for the month end
ing march 7th, 1879.
During the month 44 pupils were
enrolled, and the average daily attend
ance was 34.
On cxaminatioa at the close of the
month the following pupils answered
correctly 7. per cent, of the questions
"A" class.
Simmer Hall 92. Allie Hall....
William W infoid ..:2. Walter Perry.
" B" class.
Eddie GrecrXield... S4
Nettie Greenfield... R3.
J on vie liiciiaidon..i2
Charles Toltnan. .
Emma Hall
John Hall
"C" class.
Kose Tolman. 9'. Dora Root 7
Herdcn Winford 77. Ma P.radshaw 7o,
Major Hall 75. George Hall 7ft,
- llaunah Skiles, 75
From Luella.
March 6, 1S0D.
Ed. Herald: Spring has come and
that "worm" had better watch out.
Considerable wheat has already been
sown. Some farmeis are in I'.oubt
about sowing much, thinking the
chintz bugs are going to damage small
Mrs. M. A. Thompson started for
Sidney, Monday.
Geo Towle moved on to his new pur
chase last week.
The winter term of Luella school
which has been successfully taught by
Mrs. Havward, closed the 7th. She has
reason to congratulate herself, as it is
no small task to please Dist. 48.
Quite :t number of district schools
are being stopped on account of the
scarlet fever.
Geo. Hay ward has rented his place
to a man from Glen wood.
Charles Towle has bought the Riley
Rector railroad land and rented the
same to Harvey Tottenger.
Who got more than his share of
corn on the Newton place, is a ques
tion for the Inter-Ocean " Curiosity
Frankie Pipes is getting better but
is not able to walk yet.
Those who find it convenient to re
ceive their mail at the L. P. O. ought
; to help support the same, by mailing
their letters. &c, there. The salary of
i the P. M. is a rer cent, on stamps can
: . ,v ".-imc!, often reaches as high as
lishing county commissioners pro
ceedings. Tnem's me si.iuaients-
Itad the rate of interest been fixed
straight seven cents, backed up by a
good usury law, we could have said
with feelings of gratitude welling up j
in our heart, "well done, good and!
faithful." I
Can't see the point of your explana
tion about "interest and collection."
How does the high tax of Cass Co. or
State of Nebraska affect that "eastern
capitalist" who may have a mortgage
vf 8509.00 on an SO and receive his 50
or CO per cent, yearly?
Wish the Herald could find lime
and space to publish the act entitled
"Roads," in full. Adirondack.
Wcepir.g Water Notes.
Mx Wolcott's youngest child is a
About twenty applied for certificates
at the teachers examination last week,
Measures are being taken to estab
lish a public library here. We need
one very much.
R. T. Maxwell has moved into the
Quinton house.
Alf Marshal occupies a portion of
Dave Jones house.
L). W. Johnson ha3 moved iuto Mr.
Crippin's houses.
There is to bj a new bridge put
across the run at lngersoll's. It can't
be done too soon as the old bridge is
not very safe.
"Ten Nights in a Bar-Boom" was a
histrionic a3 well as financial success.
Thehwuse was crowded and the receipts
were about $50.
In Mr. Odell's school report in last
week's Herald among the names of
the eighteen whose average scholar
ship was 80 or above we search in vain
for the names of those boys who take
considerable out door exercise during
school hours; while Annie 'punter
who stood highest in scholars, ip is
one of the most regular and punctual
scholars in school, and all of the eigh
teen who passed examination are com
paratively regular in attendance, from
which it may be inferred that scholar
ship and regularity of attendance go
hand in hand. Then w hy shall we not
have a regulation requiring regulaiity
of attendance upon school duties?
Our schools closa next Wednesday.
The Red Ribbon Club meets next
Tuesday evening.
From Three (i roves.
Ed. Herald: Warm weather has
again made its appearance, indicating
the annual return of that invigorating
and refreshing season when the cold
and snowy robes of winter are laid
aside for the freshness and beauty of
spring But though the summer like
weather is beautiful at present, a snow
storm accompanied with a northwest
er may break the stillness at any time
without a moment's warning.
The Odd Fellows at Rock Bluffs gave
a grand supper at Mr. L. II. Young's
on Tuesday night last. The repast
was excellent and the table was boun
tifully supplied with the best of the
season. The attendance was not as
large as could have been expected for
such an occasion. We notictd, too,
that some of the members were very
negligent in attending; in fact, a num
ber of the members weie not present
at all. Notwithstanding all this, plen
ty to eat, and fun seemed to be the or
der of the evening w ith thoso present
and the time was well spent by all.
We understand that Uncle Jimmy
Chalfaut had an arm 'broken a few
days ago. Haven't heard how it was
done as yet.
Dick Oldham returned from the west
on Friday last.
Mr. Edward Wiley is happy now.
One more to be added to the census.
They say it's a boy.
The Rock Bluffs school closes this
Miss Joanna Young returned, Sun
day, from a short visit to Weeping
Quite a number of cattle have been
sold in the last two or three weeks.
More remain unsold.
Considerable sickness throughout
the neighborhood; principally bad
colds and sore throats.
Some few farmers plowing and sow
ing wheat. The amount of wheat
sown this year will be as large H3 in
former sea3ons.
Lucile, of Weeping Water, seems to
keep the school question on wheels.
The readers of the Herald probably
get the idea from his letters that the
schools at that place are not in the best
Can't you give lis item3 about the
improvements of your town, places of
business, etc., etc., it would undoubted
ly be interesting once in a while?
Yours truly. Reporter.
Plain Home Talk embracing Med
ical Common Sense, a book of nearly
1,000 pajres and 200 illustrations, is now
issued in three styles: Half Morocco,
S3.75; English Cloth, Standard Edi
tion, 83.2-3; Fine American Cloth,
Popular Edition, containing all matter
and illustrations, 81.50. This invalu
able work, embracing a practical trea
tise on chronic diseases, sexual physi
ology, and a thousand things worth
knowing, is from the pen of Dr. E. B.
Foote, of 120 Lexington Avenue, New
York City, who has been in extensive
practice for twenty-five years. Books
sent by mail on receipt of the price.
Address Murray Hill Publishing
Company, 129 East 2Sth Street, New
York City. 51 t2
Large now Stock of Boots and tioes
at merges, at
greatly reduced rates over last year, oltf
VALLERY S LAUNDER. On Thursdav, Mar.
6lh. lJ!, at 1 o'clock p. ni.. by the He v. Mr.
fteinhart. Mr. Pf.tkr ts Mis Eva
&LAC.XDKR, all of Cans county,
Tho groom is a son of Jacob Vallery. sr., and
the old ceuUeman waa protil on the wedding
day as it he had been getting married himself.
Tfce Hfrai.d wishes theyoan couple all the
good luck possible.
See Mr. King's Ad about Shenandos h
- 1 XT.
M niching.
The cbject of mulching is two-fold;
first, to retain rnoistuie in t ie ground and
prevent it from lxing parcli'vl by summer
heat; second, to protect th? roots of vege--tables
from the severe fronts of winter.
The best materials for mulehl- g Rre tan
bark, saw-dust, or lxtter still, chaivoal
dust, leaves, straw, or any light porous
substance which will keep the boil looser
and moist. By prop'T mulching ve have
seen potatoes, jvens, beans, cabling-,--, on
ions nnd oilier vegetables maintain their
growth through the driest summer.
Glass Making.
Tittsburg has 72 glass factories, cover
ing an aggregate an a of 200 acres'. The
wages row paid to lirt chiss men rarfgo
from $100 to 1;0 per month. Second
class mi-n gft $05. In thj m iking of
bottle ghxs, from a half drachm vial to a
twesve gallon carboy, American manufac
turers claim to beat the best foreign pro
ducts, with the exception of one particu
lar style of wine bottle, in which (5 'rmai:y
excels. In the manufacture of fruit j-irs,
represented by tea factories in Pittsburg,
the American article is far superior to the
KuroiK-an. The moulded table ware is
good and cheap, so that a considerable
quantity is exported. There ars (.l out
100 establishments in tho United States
digged in window glass manufacture.
The plate glass factories arc all in tha
Making Grape Cuttings.
Few persons understand the import
ance, says the Germaatown Telegraph,
of cutting up their grape win id for cut
tings ia the tall of the year, but leave the
operation till spring, when the cuttings,
though they may grow, never make a3
vigorous plants hs if they are cut into
lengths in the fall of the year. It would
seem as if it ahays took time for the
roots to make up their mind whether they
will start or not, and this time they will
take after they are cut oil", no matter
whether this is in the spring or in the
fall. The cuttings may le tied in small
bundles and buried in the earth, and in
the spring taken out early and set where
they arc to grow. Many set them out at
once, if they can be planted where the
frost will not draw them out; but those
who have tried burying them until spring
planting time, report that on the whole
this is the be.-t way to treat them.
Fish Culture in the West.
The propagation of Salmon fish at the
United States fish hatching establishment
on the McC'loud River promises well. It
is said that the run of fish is plentiful,
and that preparations l-.avc been made for
securing 12,000,000 eggs. Tho cat-fish
placed in the Saeram?nto some years ago
are doing well. No further distribution
of cat-fish will be made, by the Commis
sioners, as they think the supply already
distributed will be sutlicent for the State.
It is said that shad fish tire becoming
abundant. The commissioner expects to
rccciva a suierior carp from the govern
ment sometime this vear. Fish Commis
sioner Parker, of Nevada, has obtained
2,500 cat-fish to stock the llumbolt river.
Nevada also receives this year 500,000 sal
mon to be placed in Truckee river so that
they can go to Pyramid Lake. The Cal
ifornia commissioner will get 2.500,000
vourg salmon this year to replenish the
stock in the Pitt, McCioud and Sacramen
to rivers.
Life's Vicissitudes.
A colored man living in this city, but
who was a slave in V irginia before the
war. still keeps up a desultory correspond
ence with friends in the Olel Dominion,
?.mong whom, be it said to the credit of
1oth parties, arj his old master and his
family. Still another is a colored man
who used to be a slave on another planta
tion, the proprie tor of which, a man named
Smith, had an unoniable reputation for
cruelty to his "hands." This Smith is
now dependent on thelxmnty of his form
er slave and his wife, who have taken him
home to their cabin, and during all -the
years since the War have stood betw een
him and the wor-house. But his Ix-ne-factor
linds him a heavy burden, and ex
pressed hints -If to this ett'ect in a recent
letter to a Springfield friend. The latter
in his reply took a great deal of pleasure
in sending' him back, in real old first fam
ily Virginia style, ul should advise you to
se'll Mr. Smith " Springfield (Afusf.) Re
pullican. Small Birds in Agriculture.
Mr. E. J. Lowe, the astronomer, in a let
ter to the London Times, mentions a cu
rious instance of the value of small birds
in agriculture: ''Thirty-five years ago a
countryman left here for Australia, taking
with him all our popular hardy fruits and
vegetables; but the produce was yearly
destroyed, until the English sparrow was
introduced, after which there was plenty
of fruit." Waterton calculated that a sin
gle pair of sparrows destroyed as many
grubs in one day as would have eaten up
half an acre of young corn in a week. The
swallows. Uvea tellers, and other summei
birds come too late to destroy the grubs
it is only the native birds, like the spar
row, which really do the necessary work.
Frost does not kill these grubs. Even in
the severe frost of lSGO-'Ci, when the ther
mometer stood in some places eight le
grecs below zero, the grubs were not in
jured. It is tho little I'irels which are the
true undcr-gardeners, though they do take
a certain portion of the produce by way
of wages tor their work.
Sooth African Folk-Lore.
There exists among the aloriginal na
tions of South Africa a very extensive tra
ditionary literature. In some of the sto
ries which form a part of the literature
occur terms which no longer ajipcur to be
used in colloquial language and the
meaning of which in many instances are
not understood, so that it is thought they
contain productions of great antiquity
which have leen handed down to the pres
ent generation. The advances which
European civilization has made in South
Africa endanger.the preservation of this
folk-lore, ami ki a few years the opportu
nities for collecting it will Ihj fewer than
they are now. The loss of it would le a
great misfortune to the history of man.
At present there is in course of formation
at Cape Town a folk-lore society, whoso
object it shall be to collect this literature,
and it is intended that a smalt periodical
shall be published every second month.
Besides being given exactly in the lan
guage of the narrator, the folk-lore will
be translated into English or some other
well-known European language. -
J. II. HALL, I. I.
OFFICE with Dr. Livingston South Side of
Main Street, Pet ween UU and 7th street-. W ill
attend calls promptly. 4'-''l
Notice to Teachers.
Puhlic examination of persons w Mini;: teach
ers certificate w ill he held as follows, ia ad
f'liion to those already advertised : tiieen
woid school house, March H!h nnd l !h : S-tove
Creek school house. March -'sth and 21th ; Mt.
Pleasant school house. April isth and :yrli.
D. 1). M AltTIMiALK. .
LUt x Co. Superintendent.
A large and well selected Stock of
Eastern Boots and Shoes at Sherwood's
cheap. 44tf
Remember that for boots and shoes
Rockwell cannot be beat in price. He
has a large assortment. 2Stf.
fff f Tvcrtfi ol Far: Pecdcce j Sold by Dniecists and general dealers. or auill
ul.MUllMJ. Ual'Mierfcn r sated t-v t:s-n : f l.r.x mailed foi eight 3-ceut stamps.
Rockwell keeps bardwar? and
qaet-nsware. and by Jove he. keeps ma
chine oils uo.; and I define, he keeps
patent medicines also, so there is no
use of. fctftying sick. 2Stf.
Reickwell lias just received nine
chests of choice teas, whfch be soils at
from 25cts to 81 per pound. The best
bargain in tens you oyer saw. 2-.f.
Good second hand Orgatis and Melo
dtons, apply to James Pettee, Dealer
in Musical Instruments, Plattsmouth,
Neb. 44 tf
The Mason & Hamlin Oran
iNSTiiUCTtu: is the title of a New
Work arranged expressly for the use
e f Scholars by Mr. Trowbridge whose
Musical ability anil long connection
with the Companifcas eminently fitted
him for the work which he lias been
so successful in arranging; the studies
are very progressive and complete and
the collection of music throughout 13
tine. Our Musicians are a unit in rec-eotnmending-it.
Books can be obtain
ed at Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drug Store.
James Pettee, Ascent,
44tf Plattsmoutu, Neb.
Fine Boots Custom mad ..ta at
44tf Sherwood's.
Caution to Smokers.
From and after the 1st day of May,
lt78 all boxes containing cigars of mv
manufacture will ?;ave my name bold
ly printed on the inside of the lid. This
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, with an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by some unprinci
pled manufacturers. None are genu
ine unless plain! v labeled:
Man ufactu rer,
Plattsmouth. - - Nebraska.
.Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will bo at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
D. D. Martindale.
41m6 County Superintendent.
The Death Bate of
Our country is getting to be fearfully
alarming, the average of life being les
sened every year, without any reason
able cause," death resulting generally
from the most insignificant origin. At
this season of the rear especially, a
cold is such a common thing that in
the hurry of everyday life we are apt
to overlook the dangers attending it
and often find too late that a Fever or
Lung trouble has already set in.
Thousands loose their lives in this way
every winter, while had liowhets Ger
man Syrup been taken, a cure would
have resulted, and a largo bill from
a doctor been avoided. For all diseas
es of the Throat and Lungs, Jhwh'ts
German Syrup has proven itself to be
the greatest discovery of the kind in
medicine. Every Druggist in this
country will tell you of its wonderful
effect. Overt)50,000 bottles cold hist
year without a single failure known.
Rockwell, of Louisville, has just fin
ished his new store, 20x35. which he
has full of new goods. Be sure and
give hint a call we know- you will
buv if you do, for he sells very cheap.
Want a load of oats want some
dry wood want some more corn. Hur
ry up and bring it along. Two cents
a bushel above the market price for
corn brought in on old subscription.
Just Received
At Rockwell's, a very full line of Mil
linery goods of the very latest styles,
such as flowers, ribbon.-:, plumes and
tips, silks, velvets, lady's ties, bonnets
and hats, an-' many other little novel
ties that cannot be had at any other
place ia town. 2Htf.-
A t ani.
The great popularity the
.Mason it Hamlin Organ
lias deservedly obtained in this County
has induced several unscrupulous ven
ders of other oryans to resort to various
tricks to dispose of their organs. The
last that has come to our notice is
informing our friends that they have
secured the agency for sale of the Ma
son & Hamlin Organ, but of course
they assert that they only furnish
them to parties who will have no oth
er. For the information of Friends
of the Mason & Hamlin Organ I will
say these men are Frandu and that
only tho gentlemen named below can
furnish the Mason & Hamlin Organ.
If other agents are appointed in the
County due notice will be given id
this paper. James Pettee, Special
Agent. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, Office
in Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drug Store.
Conrad Schlater. Esq., Louisville,
Neb.; Me. F. I. Tuomi'son. Lush
lniry.Neb. 4 it!
It Is a Fact ! !
lirovi n'S Liver IiIIs cure head
ache, billiousness and liver complaint,
lis own C'otigJi Sulni?i. and
Tar Troches cure coughs, colds, and
throat and lung affections That
Cough should p.e checked at once,
irowHs liafr Tonic prevents
dandruff and loss of hair, and secures a
beautiful gloss.
Strown's Arnica Liniment
and Salve cure sprains, swellings,
sores, ulcers and frost bites.
Sarsajuirilla, Dandelion, and Iodide
of Potassium invigorates the liver and
purities the blood. 1 he GREAT remedy
for Chronic Rheumatism.
For sale by Dr. W. E. Donelan, Chap
man & Smith, J. II. Buttery and O. F.
49tf Hatlsmouth. Neb.
Rockwell has the neatest assortment
of lady's dress goods ever brought to
town. Be sure and see them before
the assortment is broke. They are go
ing oil fast. 28tf.
makers of the
World are competitor at toe Pari KM-iition.
H cal le ilistiatcfi to the .Ass cirttel Pichs says
two highest pohl ineflH!" have In-en awarded to
the Americau makers. Mason & Hamlin.
rherwood's, made to order Fine
Calf Boats $3.QO.
At R.
County Orders will be received at
this ofiice in pay for subscriptions, at
their market value, always. Remem
ber that. 41tf.
Can be saved by usin
II 3 II I II Iklil II
TrtF (tRK vrr.
For Sab I
Seven acres of land, mostly in small
fruits."' one mile from town. lias bear
ing apple trees, punches, grapes, juid
other Iruits. Good house, bam. we!!,
and small out buildings. Will be svdd
cheap for cash, cr part cash and good
notes well secured. Apply to 1'. ,D.
Bates, or D. II. Wheeler fc Co.,.
5otf Plattsmouth, Neb.'
Rockwell keeps clothing and gent's
underwear. x;btf.
Charge oi tlte Rat Brigade.
Half it rod -half s, rod half a tW onward,
Eiulit tiiioali the lu l.'f they made
Stole thlx htiudred.
Too shrewd Tor trap or cat.
ImiLHv the cante ni'd at,
Ei'.tin "Ceiitf mdal R.U.-
E-lerm-hiator I"
Now for fresh air they ma.
ml as they wnihe ami limn,
Fi-ti cas his i.iate in turn.
Is tins the equator?
Then faplcj: Mill and flv.t.
Men crv, r.( l o". iiiLV'l
Was th'.' CVntcMila; Rut-
f.v-tci in-iuator !"
Woen will its triumph vnac?
N-.a the rats remain :
Not Inln itp;o es tlicir bani ;
Sound, then, its so hlsh,
- N ations al'foi.d may cry
Vi e. too, c.itieal to Pr.y
.e;teiinial" Pat-smd-try
JX-UTin-tiiation !
(StarManufaeturlnjt Co., Port Mj-IiiO'i. Iowa,
l-'or sal.: by all DniTi."t. 7L:S
You must Cure thai Cough.
With Shiloh's Consumption Cure, you
can cure yourself. It 1ms established
the fact that Consumption can be
cured, while for Coughs, Bronchitis,
Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all dis
eases of Throat nnd Lungs, it is abso
lute Iv without an equal. Two doses
will ielieve your child of Croup, it is
pleasant to take ami perfectly Harmless
to the youngest child, and no mother
can alVoid to be without it. You can
use two thirds of a bottle and if what
we say is not truu we will refund the
price paid. Price 10 cts. 50 cts, and
61,00 per bottle. If your Lungs are
pcre or chest or back lame use Shiloh's
Porous Plaster. Sold by Chapman &
Smith, Druggists.-
Have ou Dyspepsia, are you Consti
pated, have yon a Yellow sliin, Loss
of Apptite, Head Ache, if so don't fail
ZE 11. It is guaranteed to relieve yon,
and will you continue to suffer when
you can bo cured on such terms U3
these. Price 10 cts. and 75 cts. Sold by
Chapman Smit h. Druggists
Well's l ei shufPei 1 ume "1 1 ACK M K
TACK" is rid. and fragrant, try it
Sold hv Chapman & Smith, Druggists
Plattsmouth Neb. 331yeow
Made to order
44tf at Sherwood's.
Rockwell has a full line of Groccr-
Legal Notice.
I:i t'.'.c Di-liict Court of the 2d Judicial District
in ami lor Ca-s Count v. Nebraska. Clara A.
J ones, iii.iimiif. s. William Jones, Uerend-
uiit .
To V.'ii.l.un Jones :
Vo.l are hereby rotir.ed that Ci.ira A. jones
lias tiled her petition against you lit the Dis
trict Com 1 cf Cass County Nebraska, itfayiin;
that she may be divorced from yon. She avers
s cause of action against you. neuloct and de-
s it ion. ami a failure to provide the necessaries
of Hie for her. You are hereby notified to iip-
ear and answer the naiel petition, according 10
or tiiilcment will be rendered against on
bv default and the prayer of said petition be
ti-ail'cd CLARA A. JONES,
. . .... I ... t Kilt
To Goof). 3 Parker, lion- if-Mduut defendant :
Ton are hereby notified that there was fin
i... ..r ITu!.i'ii .i-u IsTO m iiflilioli fiicil 111
t fie l'i-frict Court of Cass county, Nebraska, by
.Mar I atll, oiaiu- ui.h m ,11. it n
vore'ed fiom you ; and allejjin I i s lid p t tson,
i .4 i .... .... A ..i .... u i ) f o 1 1 il ri-i r li in on
as llrl 1 I Mill VI- lr, ill ......... ... . ....
vuur part, and th! unless you answer said pe-
I 1 I lDll Oil OI 1'1'IUIL- I HIT UMll J i . n .
the allegation hi said petition will be taken a-,
true and judgment rendered :ic( ordinulv.
l',v her Attorneys
CJ. s. .smith and J. fc. :ioii'.iso..
Sheriffs Sale.
P.v virtue of aa order of sale it-sued by Wm. L.
Wells. Clerk of the District Court within and
fort ass Count v Nebraska, nnd to me directed.
I will on the 5l'h day of April, A. D. lsTli. at 11
o'clock A. M., of said day, :t t he t-oot h iloeir of
tn Court House in cabl county, sell nt Public
Auction the follow real estate, to wit: Lot
No one il'. iu block No. I wo hundred and
tweuty-threo i?i) in llattsmoiith city. Ca
count v, Nebraska; The same bein levied up
on and tak. n as the property of J. N. handle
and Altiarv Handle, defcr.clatits ; to satisfy H
ladmneni ol said court recovered by Thomas 15.
Gordon, plaintiff.
Plattsmouth. Neb., March .'.th. A. D. 1T9.
5015 R. W. HYEKS.
Sheriff. Cass Co., Neb.
Sheriff's Sale.
Ey virtue of an order of sale issued by Wm
L. Wells, clerk o(, the District Court within and
for Cass countv. Nehrnsku. and t' me directed.
1 w ill, on the Mb dav .f April. A. D. lx;;i. at lo
o'clock, a. in., of said clay, at the south door of
the Court House in said county, sell at pubic
Miction the following leal estate, to wit; the
west baU('i)of the northeast p,H,'ter Vi of
section iwentv-srx (-''. in township No. tv.i-ive
(P.). north of range No eleven it 1 ). east of the
th 1. M.. together with the appurtenance;
the same being levied upon anil taKcti as the
property of Philip Rihart and Ceoige Sclioe
man. defendant : to satisfy a judgment of sxid
court, recovered by Kdwanf r. Dovey, plaintiff.
riattJinoiith, Neb , March 5th, A. I. 1K9.
U. W. II V Klt-H.
r,oir, Sheriff, Cass Co.. Neb.
SheriiTs Sale.
P.y virtue of an order of sale Issued by Win L.
V. c'i'.s. Clerk of tl'.e District Court within and
for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed,
I will fin the fith day of April. A. D. Iht-.i. at
I o'clock, P. M.. of said day, sit tin- south door
of the Court House, in said county, sell at Pub
lic Auction the following leal estate, to wit :
The norti cast quarter and the fouthwesj
quarter of section No. t inee i.i.i. in township No.
twelve (1?), north of range No. thirteen , t::i. east
of the 6th P. M. ; hv lot three Co. and the
southeast quarter ol 1 lie southwest quarter of
section thiriv-foar c.t). hi townslitp No. thir
teen (t:o north of ranpe tliirteen ( w. ea-t ot the
tith p. M.. iu Cass county. Nebraska, together
with the appurtenances. The same being levied
uioii and takenas the property of Jason i. Mil
ler and Mai v P. Miller, defendants ; to satisfy a
judgment of said court, recovered by Jacob
Lefever, plaintiff.
Plattsmouth, Nth., March A. D. lsT9.
K. W.
COfi Shtrilf, Cass Co., Neb.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of Ealo issued by Win. L.
Weils. Clerk of the District Court within and
for Cass County, Nebraska, and to ine directei,
1 will on the dav of April. A. D. 17'K at
2 o'ebjx-k 1. M.. of said day. at the south door
of th court liouse iu said county, seil at public
auet ion the follow me real estate, to wit; The
s.wtli half of tlte northwest quarter of ceciion
No. eight ts, and the sout!i tat quiMie-r of the
northeast quarter of section No. seveu(7, hud
the southeast q.iartei of c-etion No twenty
four (-'tl. --ti!l a part ot toe northeast quarter
of section No. twenty-live 2."o, described as
follows: Commencing at the corner
of said northeast quarter, and nil nihg thence,
south, one hundred rods; thence west, one
hundred anusixtv rods; theuce no. I h one hun
dred rods ; thence east, ou- hundred and sixty
rods, to the place f beginning, containing one
hundred acres. All the above described land
beini in township No. t-.e!ve (tj.. north of
range No. twelve (11;. e;:-t -f the -;h P. M. :
also the north half and the soiithe.ot quaiier
ot the northeast quarter of fection tc nty-six
Cjm. tow n eleven ( 11 north of tang'" No. twelve
1 12). east of the i;th P. M. in Cass county. Ne
braska, containing in all :.m tics, no re or less :
the mine tieini lev.ed u-o i mi l taken a-1 e
property f-f Kmerson II. Eaton and . M. Kaam.
deteridaiits ; to saiisfy a jm g i'- of said court,
recovered bv Jacob 1 efever. filam'itf.
Plattsiiioa'th, Neb., Matea r;h. A. D. 1 -'.'J.
Slieriff. Cass Co., Neb.
Probate Notice.
In the Matter of th Kstate of Samuel Alley,
deceased : In t lie County Court of Cass county.
Nebraska. Notice is he re by (riven, t hat M - O.
Alley. Kxecutorof the estate of paid Samuel Al
ley lie. -eased, lias filed his account as suefi r.'x
ecutor made application for linal settlement,
nnd that anl cause is SM for hearimr at my ot.
fiec ut Plattsinoutli on the 14th day of March.
A. D.. lsT:). at one o'clock. P. M., od said day ;
ht which time and place. all persons interested
may be present ud examine i-:tid accounts.
A.N. Sl-LMVAN. Co. Judge.
r:aif;Tioutti. Feb. rth, 4Jt3
. !a'" l' M. at 'H l".i'.iii:u Vo.t.!. ' . : r.
ilc-ii !.-f,-r hint 1 .., n . '-.; 1 1, u I'-. X
t' did uu t!.e :t h-5 ay of Vehni ir-. A. I " .
Ills p'-l iliou lu I iu- o.i. en iii loo lei U of J tie
District Coeii. .v'.tliiii av.l l r the . rl Ca
lie1 Mate ft N ' o !if iiiu I'lia et'o V .
ail is .li-lmmia 1'ob. woo uou'ti v. vh -no
l ( (. -.c j:ii-t itskhiKthut b". Ifl.i- I'o' v.
pi aim ill . i..j .ilv.M -I'-l lions lot lrl:r.i.lx-th M..
a'm- .!.-! icua K'.li.-, and I lit) L-ihoio )i ..
alia" Jolii.f'ia l oll b hereby li.i'l'W-d rV.f sin
i . rc'iini' it I" apj.:-ir .tin' munri said potlt'iii
on or i i .i t t!o l ilii dav i t . pnl 15T . )uiU: -i.i.
i.: v 1.-1 he ii.;i i n il i.if.aKst bur fttiil di-H-o
retained according to the prayer i-l mid poll
mi. t i
t.i'i P.y YVIHctt Pottcner. Attorney for IVIf
Sheriff's Sale.
Vv virtue fan order of sain lsued bv Wm. L.
Wells. Clerk l the Dlstli.-t Court wi'.ln lUid
for C:'s.s count v. Nebraska, nnd to inn ulrecteo.
1 will iiu tliPKll dHV of Msac'i, A. I). 17:. t
Id o'clock h. in., oi said day. ut 11. e siri.Ji door
of t he Court h-ui-e ia said county, si II t public
unci: on t tin follow lie real est etc. to w it : Coin
mending at tho .-u' !:wct conn-rot lot No. onf
vVi. ol M-i iioti seventeen till, township twelve
O l). noilh or Taupe fourteen (1 ) easi ! tin! h'h
P. M. ; imimng tL'-nce asl t went y-tr cut
I Otis ; t!lii"e uoith. Kit a::d '.jty--.T I'un
dredths (6ti-le0) iocs; Ho nee we-t. fwonli
foui i 1 1 tods ; thence rout):, Mt nd sixty-H.K
hundred! lis ft; 65 l rod t t he p!ae of In tt:s
uing. co-ilaiioag on" u.'Il" mo-e oi-lcs ; ulso it
ir i -l coiiim-'neiiii at pflnt twenty-tan-o : ';
riM'.s o:t of t ne north i" t romei- ol se lion Nn.
t ..-.-a! v cm. in t') n-.h!; No. twelve (l.'i. r.or'li
ol rai'&o No. fouite.-n (H cast f lh Clh P. M. ;
Ihcncu ii'.nniag so ii li Ii-nyUoi iim!i ; tln-iice
cnt. nineteen M!il rods ; t lioiice nor: !i, fori y M I
rds ; thence west. nineteen lPjro 1", to the h-
gu.iniig. cor,t:-i:i toi.r aad th'-e - fourth
Rcjee ; The name S-ehig levied n?on and I ik-'i
a., 1 1: - p'-opiMtv of lllisi.iua J!.-i:c!w ,t, Whcjt
lev lickf'.wait and I red. MickcKv ait. dcfi'l'd-ailt-
; los tisiv a iiolgUK'iit of "-aid court, rreov-rr-d
bv 'Virv f.Tcott. pl-i'.r.tifl.
I'lattsinoeitli. Nf biasli.i, rcbtusi-v ?-'h IO.
4 i::, it. w. 1 1 V i . !:.
Siierlll. ("ass Co.. Neb.
"1 r.a l uoa; t'Ctlte ; H d'.oe ay's PlI's cave mo
a hearl v one '
"onr PHUare marveiious." .
"1 scud fu: another lJt mioI keep t!i?ni ih th
liouse." , . , ,
"Dr. Ilolioway lias cured my heaJucha that
was chronic." " . . , .
I gnvo one- of yonr PIIU t my babe for c.;oI
era morbus. The little deaf not well in h day.
"Mv nausea ot a luoruiir.; I mi cured.
"jour box of Hollowav's Ointment cured m
of Koiscs in the bead' 1 rubbed fome id jour
uititmeiit behind the eaix, and the iol.e has
' Send me two boxes ; I want one f-ir n poor
family." . .
"I enclose a dollar ; your price i2T centi, but
tho medicine t me is worth a dollar."
S-mi tne Kve boxes of vour Pills.
"Let me have- three boxetof your nils by ru
turn mail, tor Ch.lls and Fever. '
I have over 2t' such tesiitn. r.UiS ti liic.- .i.
but want ot space cniiippb me to conclude.
For Cutaneous Disctrs,
nd !! eruptions of Hie hkin. tl.t- f Ho' me. .
most invaluable. It does riot lieu! externa.
alone, but penel rules with tho most syarchlei;
eltecls to the very root of the evil.
Possessed or this Rf'.MKDV. V.very Man may bw
li s own Doctor. It mv be rubbed into the
system, no as to reach sny lob-mnl comptuiiil
by tltese flieaes it cures .-.ores or I leers I" tl"
!- il i ui - -
. c--i-,,c . i.ii i ii'i-i mlsji- nr nt i-
er parts. Ifisjin Infallible Uemcdy tor HAD
l.i:';s. UAH lUJKASJS. Contr.K'M'd or Si tl
.loans. iiiil'T, ill'Ll'M VTImM, ui.d all ;Skl:
Imi-uktam Caution.-None nre neiiuluo tho signature of J. IliVi'Oi'K, as at;eiit
ff.r th" t loted Mates, siirround cm li I'ut 'i
Pillsand iiiutmciit. Roes ut M cctas, 0.' cenl'.
A"iP There Is e insiderable -saviuK by td- 'n'J
the larger uu-e. Homoi'A'aV Co.. N'.'w 'rk.
Coiner Main ?A Street.,
riattsiriontli, - Xt hr.tsiliit.
And onlv llrst-elam Wine and l.bui'.'s. Mil
waukee Heer on Draught and bottled.
Kami lies sui)l!ed with Mait and yplj'tt
ous "Liquors, bottled, at Low Rates. 4''y
Hefoie deciding v.liat Meat Market you tire co
ins to patronize during 1T!, c all in and we
Main St.. I'lattMnor.tli, Neb.,
Who lire on deck with nice Roasts nnl t-'tcnl'-S-.
l'lcsh Kish. lccf. Pork. eal. Mutton.
Poultry, evfia thiii; in their line.
Vrlct C9 Ijr an tlir lnr. rt; IIUihsl I Vfr
fur Mrt-( I'lxn Xtin 1
fl'Ji"EiM:U 5XHOS.,
...... Pro pile to il.
-. ,
la7 waterman & SON,-
Wholosal!'. and Itetail Dealeri III
15 LI X IKS,
Maistrccl. Corner of Kifth.
Still Better Rates for Lumber
tta l-aej(
Shot) over the Boi'mur Sta
Hair-x purcliased lh!
lock r Goods
I'ol lurr'y ow ned by
Will continue the busliies at the fid staud an;
wail be plca-ed t sec all the former pat
rons of the house and hope by
keeping a
First Class Stock
In Kerry Df-partmemnt. and sowing on eb'
uiaryiiis to merit and secure a lar-e hrc ol th
Trade of Cass Countv
flive us a trial and tie convinced.
South Sirto Main Street
'lift, r-th and cth)
View of Marries-
A OLitd to W' d.
(rtrt' 1 rt-ftt '
crtti tf K prod ti
nt XIEB.Ti-
On :t i nrirril Privnie ta uie .-.
, I fl B.l (jrHiririlin m . ' - - ' " -
bcis. Kxce-. or Secret Dieaef.
tttowbl tbK Tbrort.nd Lunk't. Catarrh.
Olinm Hbit..c.P' Uiri..
i.'hrbuk'ntpo'tKl"n,,'Ptolf, ' '
coT.fainlrit ;) np-i. buotu' r i tr )
'orips, . 55tf
Centennial Rat Eitermtpojiq. Zf