Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 27, 1879, Image 3

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- -
fi K 11 K KA Li).
MtnAuifgL Kfc OF
fastkimt, xfiBTH frix WMHrrK
Arrives - 9-ii m I !. at - i a. m.
3 IX) j. tn.
- .. : OMAHA VIA B. A. M.
Arrive al io x a. m. Di part at
2 :15 p. 01.
io x-o a. in.
irnsTKRN via c. & m.
3 15 p. in. 1 Depart nt
Arrive at
. WfTKlfJfr WATKlt.
Arnre at 12 to m. Depart at - 1 :o p. m
R'KK H1.i;Vl-S & tox MIM.S.
Arrive m 12 :oo in. Depiot :it - 1 :no j. m
Transient. 25 cents a Itrie. Eonlar advcrtis-
Uncut per line. No udvert.sei.Kiiit ii,t l-
1 lor less than 25 ccirts.
I.tS1 notice at Statute rates.
Attorneys ami otllcers of I lie law will lv netd
r.Monlhfo for nil ('"ill notices they hand in,
jh4 nil parties demanding n proof of publica
tion of ny native will he held for tbe puhliea
lion Jej 01 such notice.
An etir rpioe Is limited, alt coiiinuTiic3'or:R
aaust be brief hu-1 Io tbe poait, with no waste
of words.
YLe. paper Is responsible for the es
aeronluiR to copy of paid mutter and paiU 1-e-ral.
1. Any person who takes the paper reu!arty
from the poK'-oflico, whether diie'-ie.l to his
lLaine, or whether he Is a subscriber or not is
rs)niisible for the pav.
8. If any person ortiei his paper discontin
ued, be must pay all arrearages, or tin; puMisli
or may continue to semi it until payment is
ru.nlo. anrt collect the whole nioin,t. 'whether
the paper is U'en front the ollice or not.
3. I he courts liave tU'cnlf'l tli:U refusing to
take newspapers ami pel iodlcals from the post
thee, or removing ami leaving them uncalled
I or, ii prima faciu. evidence 01 in ikstionai.
Fit A lil).
Fnow !
Moro tsnovv !
Lecture tomorrow night Ptireflrit. Luland Combination, 4th,
Cth and Cth.
Wire! Wire!! Wire! !! build your
fences barb wire at ("ioerder's.
Pro. Campbell from South Pend
.was in town from Saturday till Mon
day. (let your barb w ire at Fred dodd
er's. New &ir& wire at Fred Coerd
cr'a. Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, the
flrst day of Lent. Services were held
at the Lpiseopal and Komnn Catholic
Wlo wouldn't be sick, just for the
sake of getting one of thoje neat little
prescriptions t!iat the Herald print
ed for Dr. Don clou.
Judge PeaboJy, of Omaha lectures
to-morrow. Friday evening, cn " Pure
Urit," at High SjIujI JIa!h A gooT
lecture for the boys, and for all.
The lumber for Caj t. .Soli lay's
Boat has cornmt need to pile up on the
liver l ank. The first of May w ill j
show us a lirst-eiass ferry boat on the j
old Muddy.
-Mr. M. Miller, of temperance fame,
will irive a series of temperance h'o-
lures in this place, t!u f.rst to b- deliv-
prix.limtiir.l.vnirlifat. th IW.v-
teriau church. Everybody invit -d.
Married: at Louisville, Neb..
February 25th, by P. (L Hoover, Jus
tice of the Peace. Newton Young to
Miss Jennie Ileim, all of Cass County
The Ih:::u.!) hopes tlij young c.mplo
will live long. prjsp:r an I d- woll fur
iheir country.
An advertisement lVr Dewey
Stone, Furuitiue D-alfrs, Omaha, will
appear in our next number. T:;is firm
carry an immense stock of goods,
and are genial and pleasant men
to deal with. Call am! see them when
you go to Omaha.
A little thre year id girl, a resi- I
dent of Plattsmouth, whose mamma
and auntie sometimes spell words to
each other when necessary the children
should not understand, resents it ex
ceedingly, saying "Now, mamma, don't,
you're saying A. B. Cs about me!"
Circ am-ta-i? ii ov r which If.
Bash h.i fnj cj itrol prevented his b"- j
ing at the l". 1'. and Christian church, j
Pleasant Hill on S.iu lay last as was j
announced but he will be there to-day, j
(Thursday) to assist Bio. Mullis in con- i
linuing the meeting. i5.siEr.oi.D.
"Judge" Lockwood, of Washing- j
ton, is evidently not a student of
human nature. iie placed fl.twers
iipon the desks of Senators who
procured her admission to the bar of
the Supreme Court. She ought to
have presented them with cork-screws.
New York Commercial Advertiser.
Two weeks from next Friday Ex
Senator Tipton lectures at the High
School Hall, on Iiigirs.ii's " Gaveru
nsent without a GjI." Ha h:n been
giving this lecture in various towns
throughout the Stata and all our ex
changes speak very highly of it. nnd
announce large crowds in attendance.
In a primary school not long ago,
the teacher undertook to convey to her
pupils an idea of tbe uses of the
hyphin. She wrote on the blackboard
Bird's-nest," and. pointing to the
hyphen, asked the school. "What is
that for?" After a short pause a
small Fenian piped out. "Plaze, ma'am,
for the burd to roosht oa." Boston
The little social gathering at Ma
sonic Hall on the 22d was a very pleas
ant and agreeable affair. It is proposed
that the Masons hold such reunions
oftener than once a year, and it was
voted that the ladies take charge of
ths next one, famish refreshments and
nvik-o nrncramnie of exercises. When
they get ready for it due notice will be j
. . . 1 - - o
' Marshal Murphy reovived a letter
ou Monday last from E. R. Mathis,
Omaha, stating that a boy was di own
ed there that d.ry, and desiring him to
communicate anything which he
might learn of the body, in the hope of
recovering it. The boy was ten years
eld. He went with some play-mates to
the river bank and ventured too far !
.. . .-Tii i.i,!, TTo
on the ice which broke under him He
Mrs. Marshall and Mis. Barnes visi-
. ted J.mcoia and the J.t'Kailature la-it
j week.
! C:ll is. Palmer went up t
! Li,1L-oll to nttend the Operetta, cn
i ..ion. lay hist.
treasurer Jainc? M". Patterson re
turned yesterday from a three week's j
Visit east, looking well ami just like i
T .... !
1 antes mmseu.
McDonngh went up to Lincoln last
Wef-k" .'ir,.! -idii T..'Tt tut' i-ii.i inif
... ...... .
gave up a;i nopes 01 getting ti:e county
scut bill thrjiij'h.
AmoiiL' those v.-ho took n-irt in Mis
Rostra Opeietta, "Princ-esi Snowdrop."
played at Lincoln last Mouay evening I
we noticed Miss Maggi; Dawson wlio
personated th6 Queen of F.cgland, and
Frank Stadter. Lord Mayor of London.
The Operetta was pa d to be very fine, j
The Drama nl Weeping tYatcr.
The WcA'ping Water Dram.i'is Club
have in rehearsal Ten Nights in a Par
room, which they intend rendering for
the benefit of the lied Ribbon Club at
Weeping Water on Friday evening.
March Tth. Their programme would
indicate that the play was well cast,
and with all the accessories of orches
tra, etc., w ill bo exceeding'y interesj
iug, and entertaining. Wish we could
be there to see.
Tuesday witnessed a regular Ne
braska "blizzard" which, though se
vere whil? it lasted, was of short
duration. It began to snow about nine
o'clock, and until three the wind blew
and the snow fell so fast that it was
almost impossible tu see. Out on the
prairie the war of the elements must
have been overpowering to travellers.
About three the wind lessened a little,
the Know ceased t fall, :;nd the ther
mometer began to descend below zero,
rapidly, aad Tuesday night was one of
the coldest nights we have iiad.
We have before us the 10th Annu
al Ilepoit of the State .Superintendent
of Public Instruction, presented us by
Prof. Thompson on our last visit to
Lincoln. It is illustrated with cuts of
the best Mchoi.l buiidirs in the State,
am!ig which appears our high school
building, at Plattsmouth. Prof Thomp
son says he can hardly supply the de
mand for these reports from those
east win desire to come to Nebraska
and make a home, and wish to know
how our educational interests are man
aged. The Herald Job Otlice (his week
gets out for Mr. W. J. Hesse r a very
fine. -Wholesale price list of greenhouse
and bedding plants. Mr. He.sser is
making arrangement-, to f-uj-ply these;
p'.ant.i in greater ipi.iutiti-.s than any
tu cvious vear, and at prices as low ms
ea.Uern houses. His stock compiises
full vaiicties and hii plants are alu ;iys
Ulli':-V VlH" ff ---
f;f r. II. a big l'lKl of Had;; this
J Spring, and profits enough to build a
mansion on the iiiii, ana
irrecnhouses, and all soils of impiovc
nients. (loin down 'the Street Monday we
met John Shannon who with a g'.ave
face very earnestly asked us if we j
wanted to make wue cf a pasty going
.-. I ho Itt-..Jf ITii's j..vt snider' to s.'av I
i month or two lie r Andy Mc
Laughlin, Capt. Marshall, himself and
several others were
and t!
thought maybe we would like to go
We began t tell about the woik we
had to do and thr.l it was doubtful if
v could leave when John says " Oh
well, if yon can't go.'its no matter, we
just thought Johny Ileffner weut out
there hist year and came back and
found three L abies and maybe if we
went" This is
the meanest town for an unfortunate
man we ever lived in. Some day we'll
get even with these boys and then
there'll be a wail.
I're.l (JoruVr s
wire barbed fence wire the
fence wire new parent b ub fence
wire at Fied GoerderV.
niiiU school hall!
Fridav Evening.
Just before we left for Lincoln,
Tuesday, we were informed by out
better half that she was going to have
a " kettle-drum" at our house, and she
was glad we w ere going aw a Well,
what's a kettle-drum? That's just
what we asked, and on figuring
the thing down tine, not to put a nice
point on it, we found out it wasn't any
thing lurch, only a hen-party, where
they drink tea and things and have a
good time. Now, you just hold on
old lady, sending us off that way, just
you wait till you go up to see your
mamma this summer and if we don't
have a high old stag-party ail on our
ow n account in that house.grass won't
grow, that's all. We'll invite all our
gentlemen friends, the lawyers, the
doctors and the politk-kers, and will
have whis t and cigars and checkers
and will use lots of Adam's ale for cul
inary purposes, and to dilute things,
and when you come home that house
will show the effects of a flood. We
propose to raise you out of the game,
go one better on your kettle-drum,"
and let a whole band chip in.
Cass County Agricultural Society.
The Annual Meeting of the Cass C.,
Agricultural Society will be held at
the Court House in Plattsmouth, Xeb., t,
on Saturday. March 1st. 1870, at 2
o'clock shatp; for the purpose of elect
ing officers, making arrangements for
the coming Fair, and transacting eth
er business of much importance; all
members are requested to b present.
By order of the President.
J. P. Yorxo, Secretary.
C.G. ilerohl
1133 just received 1,200 suits of clothes
Qf a gizeg. poa.fc faU t
o .4ro tmrchasfng elsewhere, and
I'ha Wrestlers.
On Frhiav eve-it.g l ist the far- i,-d ;u;d ph"-ky liUlo Frtnchman
; A1U, t Christ, held a w r, stling match
I witil 1 champion of Nebraska, erdleil
! Ciarei-e Whi.itler. It sei ins tl o men
; iritu a uoai in umaii.i, ani n msuti
j tlirew the Frenchman, but it was
claimed there wai sonio ur.f;.?rncs3
tlout it, and Christol challenged
hisller to ii v it again at Pl it tsniuulh,
i roundftl by his friends.
! 'II,,. 1. .M T.ww'.r :' -j f :-A cnmr
.. . ..
i of oar best eitizens af..-n..;ng, no iaaies
and no children admitte.!. Mois.
! bilSe an'1 "' Wt'le c,10Cn reiCmp'
! a;,J Cait- Solli'la'' l"njfe' V'"
Young read the rules of th match.
! The m.Mi wete stiinr-ed io the Wats;
and were not allowed to cutch nny
hold l.-elow the belt, no tripping, j;o
touching ;f the knees but fair (Iraceo
Itoira ", ma n stivugth wrestling.
Whistler is much the larger man and
threw Chiistol the first fall. Christol
gained the second fall and strained
Whistlei'ci elbow so that he could not
use it in the third round, though Chris
tol was not allowed to catch on that
side. Christol won the last fall, and,
of course, the match. Prof. McCune
gave some exercises with war clubs,
and Christol and W. L. Wells tried the
gloves a little. All was orderly and
quiet and the audience expressed them
selves pleased.
A young boy of about sixteen, son
of one of our most respectable citizens,
was arrested on Friday last, for steal
ing from the money drawer In the tick
et ollice at the depot, i?24.00. He con
fessed his crime and showed the
whereabouts of the stolen money, all
but S".00 w ith which he had liquidated
a. debt at the Teinpcranco Billiard
Hall. His trial before Judge Sullivan
it-suited in a line of fifteen dollars
and costs, the judga stalii'g that had
there beun a reform school in the state
he should have been sent there, but as
the only other punishment wa3 im
prisonment in our palatial and exquis
itely clean county jail, which would
only work hiui evil, he would let him
off this time with a simple fine. This
should call the attention of parents to
the fact that many of our town boys
spend iiltcgetker too many of their
precious hours, which should be de
voted to obtaining an education, or
learning a useful trade, in hanging
about the billiard hall. This amuse
ment is harmless enough in itself, but
the way to make boys and girls temper
ate is to teach then: thlit over indulg
ence in anything is intemperance, and
if they do not control themselves in
iheir amusements, 'hey will weaken
their ability to resist ttmptation nd
thus rentier themselves more liable to
fall into graver temptations, ar, did
this youth, whose over -indulgence in
billiard playing led to a desiie f r
monf y to carry it mi, arid to gratify
a..i i,.;,. i. t. . i .1. . t .. i ..
. . . ,
tlOIl IO I 1 . 1X1 i L l Cl killu li.Sb 1.(13 i:.,ll
liable to the laws of the state.
The steps down .yard are very en?-.
bovs, and seem harmless "rough, but it !
is very hard work t-- tliir.b the path
back to honesty jnd imp-ravv ogain,
one you get started do sv n.
If yen have a chronic disease width
has resisted the skill of your local phy-
sician and your own goad care of your-
self, place yourself in correspondence
w.tii E. 15. FOOTE, M. P., 120 Lexing
ton Avenue, New York City. It will
only cost you the pestnge van put on
year letters, as all consultation by
letter as v. ell as in person are free.
Dr. Foote is the well-known author of
Medical Common Sense, Plain Home
Talk, Science in Story, etc. 40(2
J. II. II A I. L. M. I.
riiY.siciAX and sti:c;f.o.t.
OFFICE with Dr. Livingston South SU'e of
Main street, hctwen ctU and Tlh hlieetn. Witl
atleiid calls proniptiy. !
Notice to Teachsrs.
Pnt.ti ox;!i'1ua:ion of persons wistilnsj te.icti--rs'
i-ertiflc:ue will be held as follows." in ad -(!i;;
)n to tiios,: aire idv advertised : Orecii-
wo ;d s ho I lioiiso, Mandi Hfh aiol l.'.th : Stove j
ITfi-a s.iinoi noi:". .n.urn .-i:i ;iii.i
l't.'.isa'.it Hc'aool house. April l.stlt am
n.i i.'iii : ml
1. I. .MA K I l.S OA I.E.
4jtl 'o. rii;K'i 'lutendant
Fine Boots Custom made !i;5.GO at
44 tf Sherwood's,
Charge oi the Rat Brigade-.
ITa'f a rod- h i!f a ro.J ha'.f a rod onward.
ltiht throiuh tin1 h. les tliey made
Stole t a' six hui.ure.t.
l oo shrewd for traner cat,
Rolilly they came and cat,
E.ttir "Cci.K nidai Rat-Ex-
l'i m-iuator !"
Now far fresh air tt)(v run.
JJnd as tl.ey writhe ami 1 urn,
i .e-li iiis mate in turn.
Is t!n- the e;uato:-.'
Then lal iu r-lirf and fat.
Men crv. aiprovhi.vrhat
Win ill.- t'eutennfal Uat-
E.-trini-ii:!lor :"
When will i(s trinii'phs wane?
Not while the rat- remain i
Not uln'r it proves their ban.? ;
Soiii:.!, th':i. praise so hij;h.
Nations :.i,;oa! may cry
Wel.'O. entle-'t to bi'V
"Centeri:: lap'-try
Ex-tei tii-:nali.:i !
(St:irM..::i:f ict(ai:i Co., F-frt Madison. Iowa.
For s.'.le I y all Dr'.ii:'!sts. 47t5
Coiisnniptlon Cured.
An obi physi-bai. retired frntu praeii-e., hav
:.: had p aced in hi.- hands by an East India'.e remedy, lor the speedy and permit.. i:t
ea:v for cnsaiiip-.ioii. broiichiti-.e:iiarrli. ath-
ma. aad nil ! liro it and lunn nileciionv. aNo a I
povitiea:.dr i.lic..l cure for r.orvoas (,..;)imv
.-aid alt tvrvous eompiaints. ;tfter having tested 1
its wondciful curative powers 111 mono-ands i 1
basfdt it bisdiuvtomal.e it known to1
his suiii rin-fellows. Actuated bvttus mcitive. 1
and adrsiic to retlcve !ni n in suiT.-iini;. 1 wiil ,
si n.l, free if charue. to all who des-ae it. this
re -ifie.witii full dire.-tioas t t pr.-nar 11- and !
lisiu-. in Oeriuan. French, or E.-hsli. Sent by J
on on. ui !...- 11111111:1,1 in a ci sia.wi- ec-
i.iai;. addres-li!" it !l slaa.p. !e.::i! -:-tins r.a.per. ,
W. W. sher.-.r. tin 1'owoiV Ltoek,
ew oik.
See Mr. King's Ad about Shenandoi h
33: f
Made to order
44tf at Shehwood's.
Rockwell keeps clothing and gent's
underwear. 2Stf.
Chea)er than the Cheapest,
Never Undersold
in Boots and Shoes at Mekges'. SI Lf
Roekwtllhas a full line of Grocer-
Masonic Ilr.ll Co. certificates.
In ac-
f ordai:ce with the direction of Platts-
moulh Lode lio. (3, A.". F. S: A. M.-., !
we will mirchase two htindie.l and six-
... ..',, -?.00 .l.-'l us v ortli of :l, us aoe ne heeps 1.1a- H !.. ng tongii. Asiimia. ar.d all dis-tv-.see.n
and ,-.-. o ;..Uis i.oitli ot elline uiis to.,.. an,i 1 declare, he keeps ; ,.ac Af f I i-hC and I m.o s j: u ah
ceitiU-ates issued to aid m the erection , i.. ! ''. : u 1, Ht i-,u,rt,t
of the Masonic anl Odd Fellows' builtl
ihsr in Platismouth.
No cEitTiKicATi wn.r. hk rvu-
j some jikmber ok tiik Masovic ki:a-
i tetinitv. liids will be rewive.l for
! ,l, .. n'il ,f Wit, 1- .,n,l
; those certificates from which the own- j
eis will make ti.e I
:"-t ncr cent, dis-
! , t f . ll,.,f
. .... .: ....
i win lefive pii-.i-n n.-e. a
Ms sliou.a i;e sea e. a mi anareasca to
i nn.tith. Nebra-ka. and t!:e et:veloi en- !
lui:n . .MaiSii.OI, IMMMUIT, J. I.lllS-
i i ii 'ii in.u. '
i V'k- "V"
; the Masonic and I. O. O. V. Hall Co.'"
p.ids must specifv the No.'s of the ccr-, a::d be on ill on or before- 12
o'clock. ii:.;n, March S:l, 1371). and ll.e
awards on the p;.rac will be anriouncri
on Monday, March lOili, 17.
Fit a n is E. Wiiitk, W. M.
John W. Marshall, Treasurer.
Daniel II . W n ei lei:, ?ocrr t a r v.
Plattsmouth Ne'o., Feby tth, 1S7SJ.
'17 Vi
Notice Steamboat Manufacturing Com
pany of i'hsttsir.oiitli.
All the Stockholders and members
of this company are requested to meet
at Geo. S. Smith's office on Friday
night, February 23, 1871), at 7 p.m., to
make a final settlement of all unset
tled laws, and the transaction of such
other business as may come before the
meeting, also for the purpose of elect
ing itlicerrf of the company for the en
suing year.
By order of Board of Directors.
Want a load of oats want some
dry wood want some more corn. Hur
ry up and bring it Wong. Two cents
a bushel above the market price, for
corn brought in on old subscription.
H OOA f,1 fS worth of 1 ai:m rnnmon
"VJ t tWfi V alone can be savctl by using
Cenicunial Hal LjUrnnvuiij. M'.f
County Orders will be received at
this ollice in pay for subscriptions, at
their market value, always. Remem
ber that. . 4 Itf.
Market Gardener?, send for Boot's
Garden Manl'al for full of in
structions on gardening topics, and
price list of Choice seeds, both sent
FBEE. Address.
4'JtlO J. B. Root.i.ockfrrd; 111.
Just Bec?ivosl
At Rock wells, a very full line of Mil
linery go'uls of the very latest sles.
such as flowers, libbons, pimoes and
tips, silks, velvets, lady's ties, honnets
and hats, an-l many other little novel
ties that cannot bo had at any other
place in town. 2btf.
.V Card.
The great popularity the
Mason & Hamlin Organ
has deservedly obtained in this County
has induced several icnscnti'tilon rt-n-d'
rs cf- !h?r orj tns to resort to various
trieiss to dispose of their crgans. The
last that lias cjine to our notiee is
informing our Liends that they have
secured the agency for sahi of the Ma
son Sc Hamlin Org:-.r. of course
. :i v
i ;hev assert that thev o::!v furnisn
i il.e.n to parties who will have no otn-
er. Vi'V the infoimalion of Fiiends
(.f the Mason Hamlin Organ 1 will
say these men are i'i-.-??. and that
only the gentienien named below cat.
! furnish the Ma-;m & Hamlin Organ.
If other aen-s ale annointcd in the
; o-.p.nty li:- eotice will t.e given in
j this pap.-James Fettke, Special
Ai":;r. rlalt.-nicuth. Neorasha, Oilice
i'i Mr. ().
m's Drug Store,
r-. E,-q . L-ndsvillo
Ti:o;ipson. Bush
44t4 Conrad Si n: vr
Neb.: Mi:. F. P.
bury, Neb
It i3 a !V.ct !!
llrown'S SJvcr I'i.Is cure head
ache, billiousness and liver complaint.
EIro?rns t'ctijr'i IJ; Jsani. and
Tnv Trefljcs cure coughs, col. is, and
throat and lung affections That
SSrowis's 2E;i if Tonic prevents
dandruff and loss of hair, and secures a
beautiful gloss.
IIivvi" Arnica Sii.!mcnf
and Salve cure sprains, swellings,
sores, ulcers and frost bites.
Sar&nj,'triUt. Dandelion, ami Iodide
of 1'otassinm invigorates the liver and
purifies the blood. The GREAT remedy
for Chronic Rheumatism.
For sale by Dr. AV. E. Doiiehm. Chap
man & Smith, J. II. Buttery and O. F.
Job nson.
i'Jtf Platismouth, Neb.
Rockwell has the neatest assortment
: - ' , r":
i town, lie sure ami see mem neiore
the assortment is broke. They are go
ing off fast. 2Htf.
Thirty of the ln'Mt or'an makers of the
Wt rid are competitors :.t the Pari Exposition,
a cable uisp.-itca to the Ass H-iated I'ivks says
two tinbest irol.l moitais have been awarded "to
I he Ainen an makers. .Mason & Hamlin.
A Handsome lnconi'i for an Energetic
Lady or Ccntleiuuu.
The Ohio Scale Works of Cincinnati
have just completed and are now
introducing to tbe pubPc allandsome
ly linished Family Scale, an article
that has always been needed in every
household, and in a communication
addressed to the publishers of this
paper the proprietors ask us to refer
them to some reliable party, to intro
duce it for them to the people of this
County. It is very seldom that a new
article steps so suddenly into universal
favor. Housekeepers are loud in its is always ready , there aie
no w eights to get lost or to be hunted
up, is reliable, and will not get out of
order. The description of them is a
handsome base surmounted by a col
umn in which works a spiral spring so
to ioo f i l:r 1 1 I v ;1 il i nc j In i-ui,yl- ,-
,--,-.fciv,,..i. UJU,,U 1, VW 1.111 (IIIJ -
; ihing up to twelve pounds with per-
iect accuracy, on the topof the column
. 1:1 i.
ls l'e PolUOim Oil W U1CU Uie aillCKS
to be weighed are placed, ind thev
1,., ,. ..,1 : ,. ..1 1 , ; ,,.1;.. .- . . , 1
ha e an adjustable indicator so that
you can tank the tare of any vessel
v mav use in wei"hieo- eivir" vri'i
- , . J9 ' Ssm 0.1
Hie exact net Weight. Housekeeper:!
at 0:jce soe their Milue in weighing
r....;., c. 1 .1 - '? .
1 ' uu- o.-,':is and other ingredients
used ill presei V inc. CoOkiUiT etc.. or in
1, e ,
... ...- ...w ' . . . . v. I ....J.. 1 1 ' 1 . 1
Tlie scales are made of all brass, are
highly polished and are finished in a
skillful They are very at
tractive and take the eye of every one
who see3 them.
It seems to us that nearly every
family in this county will want one,
and is certainly a rare opportunity for
some smart and energetic party to pick
up quite a nice little income during
the next few months, the Company has
agents iu other counties who are easily
making from 5.00 to 80.00 per dav
selling them, and we would recom-;
mend parties in need of employment j
to mop tne omo scale wohks. No.
121 and 1st Central Avenue, Cincinna
ti, O., a V'JSttil Card, and all informa
tion etc.. will be cheerfully given them
bv mepf iowitig owr psDer 443t4
J Boots a il l Sho. Cheap,
call and examine juices at
liltf Meiu;ch.
! y
'""'" "- "v
use of staving sick.
by buying
31 tf
I Itockwcll I'as ju:t received n;r.e
chests of t'i'ji".1 teas, hi:
S a.
i fioin Jcts to fc-i poi pou!.'i. II
. , : . : - .
j - .
I i-., I l,-.r M,.iOJ ,, t',f r,r.-.i-.ii'i:ri
........ ... .i... i-..: .:..
! - bty'
V lliJ LV. A till i i .-i 7t. .
and d'nahilitv.
real:" docs make fme :r::d good vvcrk. !
31tf !
Kemcmhcr that for boots and ahoea
Rocivweil cannot be beat in price. IL'
has alari'e assortment. SStf.
Tie Mason & Hamlin Organ
iNiTRre.TOJ'. is the title of a New
Yok arranged expressly for the use
of Scholars by Mr. Trowbiidge whose
Musical ability and long connection
with the Company has eminently titled
him for the work which he has been
so successful in arranging; the studies
are very progressive and complete ami
the collection of music throughout is
line. Oar Musicians are a unit in rec
commending it. Books can be obtain
ed at Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drug jSt'
lllison S DriJ" St' f. I center made application lor li:ia! 8ettlement.
u'.... 4 ,f,.n I COftud that .tid cause is set for bearing at my oi
1ETIEE, .ge . i . at riatt-mouili on the llth dav of March,
PhlttmOUth, Neb. A. T'.. ISTj. at one o'clock. P. M., on saiil d.iy :
A large and well selected Stock of
Eastern Boots and Shoes at Sherwood's
cheap. 44tf
Those wishing Oysters can obtain
them by the can or dish, of the best
brands, cheap, at Henrv Thierolf's, t wo
doors eat-t of the P. O." 3-ltf
Caution to Smokers.
From and after the 1st day of May,
1S78 all boxes contain ing cigars of my
manufacture will have my name bold
ly printed on the inside of the lid. This
is to pr-vent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, with an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by some unprinci
pled manufacturers. None are genu
ine unless plainly labeled:
Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska.
.Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satui
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
J). D. Martindale.
41n:0 County Superintendent.
At R. Sherw ood'?, jua.lo tn order Fine
lltf Ca'f Hosts
Special Notlcs t Farrerr?.
Alt "nt-'rnrNiirl.ii iiier- shoat.'. send to WrtEKS,
Hh.i.,1, iw Li . o.c-j North l'lfih Street. Pbiiadel
p'.na". l a-, lor circular coacet iili: t!:.-ir new Ac
l iciiit ara! Ware roe is;, wnioli they L:uc opened
in tuat city, i hoy ofi'er to shin anythin.n i i
t ae ariili line", no matter bow kiu.i1 t the
old. r. v. :inles.i'.e cost, direct to your homes,
free of ftci:rhl i-iiaria s. '1'hev also offer to
farmers the Surprise Cora Shelter lor the uoni- j
inal sum of two ilo'.l.ns. I; is the best ha: .1 ,
niacblae iii ton inaiket. will slieil one hai-df-d j
I -us, icI- of corn p-r day : :o.y hoy or an 1 on t lie
farm can use it ; it ni-atiy and suhf -.trail ially
made in fact, ii it is the most durable mai. tin,.
in u-e. They also off.-r their I'l.iladelpbia
i'.r.i.tdv-ast Sc'd Sow cr for six dollars, twelve
it ii :i lied ot ..hic! ,-ue aov. ir, use Every farm
el should have one.
Special rates "jivi'ii to reliable farmers who
nils tci Hi :w;e.ilA. Cajii r.Tist aceoaipany or
der. Send alt money by po;st ofl'.eo money order.
U'iiter-iJ lei it r or cpi es-.
i 'ircu'.ars mai'cti free to every farmer m the
fnitud states on .ipolicHil -n to
lit! North Fif:h Sireet. l'bila , I'a.
The Death Rale of
Our country is getting io be fearfully
alarming, the average of life being les
sened every year, without any reason
able cause, death resulting generally
from the mc-st insignificant origin. At
this season of the year especially, a
cold is such a common thing that in
the hurry of everyday life we are apt
to overlook the dangers attending it
and often find too late that a Fever or
Lung trouble has already set in.
Thousands loose their lives in this way
every winter, while had lioschtts O'er
mttn is'imp been taken, a cure would
have resulted, and a large bill from
a doctor been avoided. For all diseas
es of the Throat and Lungs, JJoncJue'.i
Uennun Syrup has proven itself to be
the greatest discovery of the kind in
medicine. Every Druggist in this
country will tell vou of its wonderful
effect. " Over OaO.OOO bottles cold last
yar without a single failure known.
11 l-ias-iriiiii.-ri frre. to Any
&sL7ja4reifi;",i-on wno win hif 1 i.i cur
9 I . w--n r.w growui oi JJir,W l.Uk:s or HuslA-Lttt
jt prml.ic.l.
b.uor.ja it Co., 2 Cliatca. Place, Keir Torfc.
Rockwell, of Louisville, has just fin
ished bis new store, 23x35, which he
lias full of new goods. Be sure and
give him a call we know you will
buy if you do, for he sells verv cheap.
Th3 Atlanta (Ja., Constitution,
Recently published a long account of
the destructiveness of the "Sherman
Rat" which is ? to 4 times as large as
the Northern Rat. On the 17th of
Sep ember, 1877. the Manager of this
celebrated paper having tried Centen
nial Rat Exterminator says: Gentle
men your "I'izen Stuff" knocks "Sher
man Rats," stiff and cold.
OsAcsi", Iow a, Dec. 20, 1877.
Star Manufacturing Company, Fort
Madison, Iowa; Gentlemen: The Cen
tennial rat poison, received last Mon
day. We have given three doses. On
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
nights, and we verily believe there is l i-vrrai.-i. dc-'d. are. hereby notified to ap
not a rat or mouse left. The saw mill, l rr before tiie Hon. s. is. round, dud-.'.- .f toe
fiiprl r.iqfmn nol liL i-ol. -uit's tnilU wei o - 1"",t ''"'I' t. m tlie ollice of the Clerk of tiie Dis-
itin, casrom ami nu lcnani a nuns wne , trb-i coma of Lanca-;er t:..imtv, in tbe citv of
fllll Of them, as Were aiSO our houses. I iucoln. on Monday, the Pub 't.,v of March. A.
cooper shops, barns and hog .Cih. i
1 . . 1 ' ., . . . "
.i ce giving mem tiie poison tney nave
been running round as "crazv as loons"
and tlie river bank is line witli dead
rats, in fact it has created a terrible I
commotion among t-hem and thev have
all left, thanks to the "Centennial Rat
Exterminator." each box of w hich is
worth a tweuty dollar bill. We will
see our druggists and have them send
for it. Thanks, thanks. Verv respect-
full v. f. M. Bhitts, A Co.
This great economizer for property ;
holders, farmers, tf al., is for sale by
druggists and general dealers every
where. Price 25 centr. largecans $1,00
woktii of
can ne saved by usinc;
Gsntennial RAT Exterminator
Sold by Druirgistsand general dealers, or sam
ple box mailed for eibt 3-ccnt stamps.
STaR JI'F'G CO.. Ft. Madieou, Iowa.
r.ia.t Car? that foiszh.
With Sliiloh s Con .'i;n!tion Ciiiv. von
i can care a uin self. I. Iia.s 'stai.lirfheJ
,'tiie fart that Coiistnnpiiya can be
! .or t,ou-s, ionciiii,
1 Jill 'V- Wiiiionu an eti'i a . 1 o 1 ::'S
i will itik've yt.iii" child t Cn :;;.. it
j pleasant to take and pu fccily hai iulo.-s
t to the VOtint Chili!, and r.) IIlotlUT
J CAM 1J,,W !" ' L W1f' ' ll- ,A.otl
: t:--; two tlnr! cl a boMle nnd it what
j we sav is not tn:e we will refund the
Td'j.'O pa;,
if-.' .Oi) y
'!!( IOCS. ri clS. and
10 cis. .V.) els. and
If v.iijr J'.mcs are
o:t it
; S(v ,r c!;r. ;T ,-.r ',).!;; ,;iv:i use .iiMois
I PiiiMiis Piaster. S.d 1 bv rha' Sr
isriiit1' itrr.'fW' a.
1I.1VC o l J.V.--pepsi,i. ;.v you Cons! i-
, pa'eu. UKl a l t-iijw
I '! T
'"'. "'-S'-'
: . ,
( of Apptite, Head Ache, if v.o don't fail
t, .SIT I T Oil's s"ST V1T r I I.
l: . . it :.- gall a ill ee I i'i relieve O U,
and ill ou c.-ntinue to nff.,r when
; , , ,
x ou (.-..a tinea in .a'Il ieii::s as
these. Fiiee i) its. and 73 ets. Si id by
Chapman Smith. Iri:u,.ist s.
Weil's Peisian l eiti.n.e "liACKME
TACK" is i it 1. and fragrar.t. try it!
Kohl by Ciia iran cc Moilb. Druggists !
Plattsmouth Ne!. 3.'Jlveow i
Probate Notice I
In the M.'Jt'f of the E,!a!e ef Samuel Alley, I
rliH-eased : 111 I ho Count v Cola I of C:i"S riimilv,
Nfb-aH:i. Not if. i- lfit-by iriveti. tbat M. ( i.
Alley. Exei iiioi ol the estate ot sid Samiifi Al
ley deceased, has liled his ;ceouiit as S'n h Ex
ecutor made applieatian for li:i;:l Mettleinont,
at which time and place. till Peisoi:i interested
may he preseut ai-C examine n;i:i a 'counls.
A. N. Sl l.l.l van, Co. Jude.
rt.ttt-umutli, Feb. 2;th. is:a. i
Eliriil'i'lh M. aiii.s Johanna Foltz. noa resi
dent Is ii.'ieOv no: iiied that tiavi.l
Foil ii.i on tl t hd.iy of lbrusr. i A. D is.n.
lite h!s petition in the otlice ot Ilie t ierk of the
DImi , t Coial. ithia and for the Co. of Cass
:!:', Male of .S'el'i aska, cliaiiiivf Ehai eth M.,
:i,i;is .1 .'laiiiia Kuit with aduiieiv wiih one
Lev. is Ci ppte and t lii1 1 he. David Folt,
ihiinl ilf. lie divorced Iioiii t iic said l.ii.ahel li M.,
alia" .lohPiiina Foil, iiiui thet-aid l-.ii:iuct!i .M..
alias Johanna Fo!u. isliereiiy noiiticd that ihe
Is reiptire.l lo appear am answer said pctil'on
I ': or befoi c t he 1 1! Ii o;.v oi A pi ;i i'-J. or ludtr-
' ...: i i. , I. I .1
'Il.-Itl Tl;l I. ...iri.1.1 i'rt.ll-l II. I illlO H l ire
rendered accoruiag Io 1 ho prayVr of said peli
lion. David Fui.iz.
i Ij T,v .Vi'tctt r.tu-ru;cr. Attorney for 11 "IT
Sheriff's Sale.
Ry virtue of an order tf sate issued by Via. I..
Wei's. Cierk of the Distii':t Court within and
for Cas e.mntv. Nebraska, and to n.e directed.
I will on the iath day of March. A. D. istj. at
io o'ciocK a. m . sa'd day. at the souih door
of tlie Court house hi said county, sell at uhlie
Kiidiou th follow in; real t state, to wit : C. m
nienciii; at I lie souLhw coi ner of lot No. one
I I oi ct ion scveiitten 17i. township twelve
t not t h or rat-.:" fun teen (14) east of t he tali
P. M. ; ruuuilii: thereo east 1 wenty-four (4)
rods ; tii.-ii. o north, six and sixty-six hun
dredihs (CiSO-IOoi rods; thence west, twenty
four eJ4) rods ; thence outh. si.v and sixty-cix
bund i ed ths i; Co-lo.1) rod 4 to t he p'ace of beeiu
iiinK. coiitaininj; one acre more or ios ;, also a
tract eomm.-iicin : a point twenty-three ii:3i
rods eai-t of tlie northwest corner of section No.
t eut y i L'to. in townshi p N o. twelve .lji. north
of range No. fourf eeu ( 1 i. ea"t of the it h P. M. ;
thence l tinuiiij; south lorty U0) rods; thence
east, nineteen l I'o rods ; thence north, forty 1 10)
rods ; thence west . nineteen dJirod, Io tiie he
Kinninjr. co'itainit !j four and t li ree-foiin h
acres; The same beii.i; levied upon and taken
as t!;e propel I y of I ! ! i ino Mickclwait, W
h y Mi.'kel v; lt and Fred. Mickclwait, defend
ants : to sal ii v a hidmeut of said courl, recov
ered bv Mai v Voicoit. plaintiff.
Rial isiioHub. Nehlnska, Februarv 2"tb 1j-TJ.
4.it5 R. VV. l EI'.S.
Si.crilT. Cass Co., Neb.
j ( nv.V" to r.iy place :Oout tin; lit ,i of J:.:"iary.
lc n jiii iomu cow. aoo.ii t yearsoio. smii giv
ini: n.i.k. 1 huv taken t he .same up and hold
her under tin. est ray hi v. Any person claim
iv.'i t in: ai:! aud pay a:u- cb a ij.-es and provnm
pr. c i ty can b;. e the same. 'My place is four
miles c:.t of W i., V.'au-r.
i;i' t '.F.'K W". ADAMS."
Sheriff's Sale.
Ir vt ; i"..s ,,f order of sate issued by Win.
L. V,-i!s. I'.c k cf the District f.'oui't within and -tor
Cas-i Counly, Nebraska, and toiu.i directed,
1 will on the sth dav of March, A. D. l.-Tii.
nt io o'clock. A.- M.. of Ha::! day, at the south
doer oi the Court House, in sai.l County, t 11 at
I'uhlic An el ion tbe follow in; real est "Je, I o wit :
1 lie north iiuif i lof tiie n o ; beast qaai rer ( U)
of section tw eiiiy-nine (2m. township No. ten
(U;. i:o".ii l r.lne No. t Aelve (!. cast. Also,
lliew-st part, s.xtv ia ici ot tbe Miutiiwest
quarler S. W. v) of sociion twentv-ciRlit (,S
h. township ten 1 1 0 north of laitjte No. tweie
d.'i ; all in e'ass Counl y, Nebraska ; ttie fame
bei'ie; levied upon and taken a tlie property of
S:nu l L. Holverslolt. Sarall llol vt 1 si"t t and
Win. Stadehnaiin. .iefen.'.aiits : to salefy a
lu.l .iiietit of said court, recovered bv Addinou
1'. Weston and Orlando 'l eil t. plaiiuiffs.
Plniisinoatli, Neb.. Fcb'v ua. A. D. ls:!V
5i5 It. W. HYEUS.
Mierilf Case Co., Ne'
SherilFs Sale.
I'.v v inue of an order of sate issued by Win.
I.. Wells, clerk of the disuict court within and
lor 'ass I '(iiiii'.y, Nebraska, and to me di reeled.
I wi, I on the 7th day of .March. A. D. it. at
le;o'clock, a. in . of said day, at Hie fouth door
ot the Court House, in said county, sell ai pub
he auction the follow in-real estate, to wit:
Lois il in four hundred and ten. (4 !:) four hun
dred and forty-nine. (4r0) four hundred and
fifty. (4."d ) for. r"buiidrcd and fifty-one, in the
tow'n of Louisville, Cass County. Nebraska : the
same bein levied upon ai:d taken a the prop
erty of 1..N. C!ee,horn. defendant, to satisfy a
iudixnicnt of naid court, recovered by J. J.
Loos, plaintiff.
It. V,". IIYEItS.
Sheiiff, Cass Co. Neb.
ri.ATTSMOt'Tii, Neb.. Feb. t'th, 1ST3.
hli8riirs Sa'e.
F.v virtue of an ordor ' f sate i-sued by Wm L.
Wells, t lerk f tl.e District Court within and
fort'a-s (.'o'liitv. Ncbr,xl:n. aiel to me directed.
J vviil ou tlie lfrst day of March. A . D. 1ST.. at
lo o'c'ock. A. of f-'iid d-i v. at the soul h door
of tbe Court IIouso. in rial turnout h I ity in said
county, sell lit I'ubhc Autlioa the lollowin
leal estate, to wit :
S veiay-liveiTf.l feet of the north end of lots
four (4 "five i." and six Ob. in block five.
White's addition to tbe city of 1'lattsm iitth,
touetlier w iih the appurtenances thereto be
lon;iiiir : the s;,:,!e beinu levied upon and taken
as the propc-tvof William L. Hotibs,
Noah li. Ilob'ii; and Tbe First. National Hank of
l'lattsmouth Nebraska, defendants ; to safi-fv
a judgment of siid eoiirt, 1'jcovered bv Liiah
W. Wie. plaintirT.
I'lattsinoiitii, Neb , J:i:iuai v Sfith. A. T. 1870.
Sheriff, Cass Co., Neh.
l'er r. H. McHrnv. Deputy. 4515.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby fjvoii pursuant to a de
cretal order oi sale made bv lion. S. K. Pound,
Jt:die oi i he 2ml Judicial District of Nebraska,
at bis chambers in tbe citvof Lincoln. on IheJSd
dav of February, A. D is;:), 1 will ou tl.e 5th
day of March. A. D. lsT't. at the town of Weei
imr Water, in county of l ass and State of Ne
braska. at tbe door of tlie store of Heed Hros.,
offer for sale ad the rijiht. and title of z. J.
ijuii ton, deceased, in ami to the lolio.vini; de
scribed property, to-wit : the west half (w') of
1 tie koiu il-east .iiarter ise1 of section No. 31,
town No. P). ran .io r'eust ol tin; eth principal
Meridian, in Cass County. Nebraska. Sale to
remain open from tl.e hour of one o'clock p. ni.
till two o'clock p. m.. of sai l day. Terms, cash ;
or credit on reasonable time with approved se
curity. Eliza H. Ji intox,
47tj Alniinistratrix.
Legal Notice.
l. n : ... . .... - l : V n ... r r r..
'"': VX)' rsa,,d ufl"
c.ui-e I, an . t ti-i e be v. b v a hci use i-:ii.u;-t not
be L-rant. 0 to Stephen Payne, administrator of
said (liil". to -oil and convey the followinfrde.
scrilied real estate beloti'imc "to s;iid d'-ceiised,
for tl:.: nurnole of Lavii'ir the fiutstaiidiiiir in-
i-i.t. Jaess of saij estate, to wit : The "west
I. ait (iv ) ol tlie norl hwe-t ( n. w.) .piartei ( n ,
and the s. oil beast i s. c .p.; alter (' ., ml the iiortii
west iu. w . i i!i;,uer i l-t t. and 1 l.e Kcuthwest
fs. w. i (piarter i V; ( of the northeast (n. e.) .ptar
ter. H.l section No. ?-.. town No. 12. rane No. 9
eas; of tiie ctii I'. .M., in C.. s Co.. Nebraska.
Sti:ihk. Paine,
Administrator of tiie Estate, of 1'atricK P.
Fitzgerald. 4t4
Sheriff's Sale.
Hv virtue of two execution Nsued bv Vii. I. i
Weils. :ierk of tlus DiMriet Conrt wit Ion and j
forfait ounty.N.:br,-ka. and to tue iliiccle.l.
I wil o-i tbe 4t b day of .March. A. D. 17;.. at 111
o'clock A. M., ot said day, al !i.e foot li door of j
the Coin r House in naid" county, sell at l'uMic
Auction the foilowi.i rt-nt e-tate, to wit : 1 he
north liatft1- of lot No. three (li. sub lot No.;
twenty-six uvo. in section tbiiiy-il.ree f.v?). iu ;
ItlHI'Mllfl l,.-l,T7 ,Il. U"tlil L 1,1111 . ... j
fourteen ( 1 1). east of the Olli 1". ,vl., containing
twenty acres more or less ; the fame tieliiii lev
ied Ukii and taken as tiie property of Thoma
L. Hai ry, ; to satisfy a J'.dirnienl of
saiJ court, recovered by iiie State of Nebraska,
and by .1. p. Acii.-k anil L. Latteer, I'laiutilTi..
l'lattsmouth, Ntb., Jiiuuarv -K.'tb. A. D. Is7t.
4ot3 K.W.HVEKS..
Saen5, t al Co., SeX
SlioriiTs Sale.
j',v Vii'i i'c of ! eve :;l ;.''! ."U.'d !v V.'iil. I..
V-l!s. r;. rl; of ili' Ji, ! t ( w'iiln ; ! 1
ffr t ':'.ss ount y, N iu a-ii.i . aotf to n- il a !.
1 v. iil on 1 iie Otii Jav ot .a -II, .V I . !- .'. M
one o'clock 1. M., tit tahl ?:, eu the pifiaise
e!.w . rSU-J. in s;il co; nIT. .-;;' i! nb!i;-
:tilaii t'.e i".lv.'v. r.i Vict jioj i. : . -e-lu'-i
1 Io kil : 1 lie interest and ari ,ri- - '. t"
f.t 'I'liomas 1 l;ariy ill r.iid Io the r.'ir i 'u M '
:mu; i-i i. 'i ) of -re, !;: t .m i --.ix i .. " . o .ii.ip
No. l irM ii ill'. lioM ii t 1mi;' t u el e 1 1.'! f.:sl
of the Ot ii I". M. in C:is? Con; T v . Ncln -k.i : t
i the name bi-ins !vitd nio! a:.:l Taken ns the
; J-..' fy aj..dt:mel;t of said court rerovcre-l l.y i
i J. v. AmK-u and i. Entteer. pl.t-ntuls.
j J tsmoa: h. . jb.. J.iiti :?;.: h. A ; I). J ,; x j
Sheriff fss :.. Neh. !
Tt whetn il tit a ? ftrcTn :
' s;:, two t-jiH-.ri lac. e-ie I.o- tie: Mini
'.oi - i-f.i i :t:ic, or:, xor i lie ci .-.i.i ,
n.O.'v :. - ,...,,1 ...1 ,..: 1 1 ; -V 11. I f tl I .- I
: es. ati.1 1... noo s l. .i:i N"..-.-. r-.i, i- rs. A!i ; tti.u ii tiiey ljuy tr in a:.y I
. s-j ::i tl..-"r J '!;!. ::s t lie r:.;eis:c,ni"l, wlio in tae
i iVa r t .;ml Imhls n .-iauif which l.e will
' tr:;-.: ir. an oJtx't ac;;it:it ?aiU Liofes at j
i.::ilm It y.
I . . - I ... .1 V.K ...j .l ,-..f!
I'd "v. K. i a. I
Comer Main & 3d Streets. j
r:a-ialh. - - -", MASS,
KEEP A. Fi:iT-CI..- sT't'iE, i
And on'y firt-r!s Wines and Lirjiievs. Mi'.- j Chilili ! T2II
w:u:kte lKcr en Draught and bottled.
o.USM Boston Public Schools
it A waterman & SON. ! Mass. Stato Koimal
Wbolesiiie-and Ihstail Dcalf-m iu
Man. street. Corner of FLftti.
Still Better Rates for Lumber
Am wL.jj V.K, iiiy j
Shop over the I Jon nor .Sta
C3-0 TO
BSeal SlZar&et
Oi. Lower Main Street. South Sido,
EEEF, l'OKK. and VEAL,
Carriages always on Hand,
I want all of mv accounts fietiled to date
LV. l I shall do no niore credit business. All old
accounts must be settled up. and no now ones
will be made. I. such accounts are wltied
sin -tlv thev will be Mied.
1 wish to"do a strictly cash business in future.
461V rialtsmouth. N "b.
All kinds of
Neatly & Promptly
Horse, 3Iule& OxSliocin,
In short, we'll shoe anything that ha?
four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe.
Come and see us.
InTjW shop,
on Fifth St.. betwfcen Main and Vine Streets,
iust across the corner from the ew 1IEKAI
OFKl.'K. my'
Having purchased tlie
Stock of Goods
Fonacriy owned by
ELL PLU3I3n:tt.
Y!ll continue the business at the old stand an i
will be p!ea-ed t ) fee all the former pat
rons of th: bouse and hope by
.-rocpir.2 a
i !
First Class
o LOCK i
In Every Departnicniut, and scl'.iD? on dose
margins to merit and secure a huge Kliarc of the
Trade of Cass Counly
Ciivc us a tiinl und 1a eonvincpj.
,.n fiA ? - s.. 4
OlIIJl bUlO iillll StrCCl,
(2et Mh aui Cth)
48! y
f 1 SB ir- w WELL AUC2R AND
DRILL fa K"od InrPtjr. UICULs r
Catalogue i-va. V. :y r, 6fc lTiit, tit- I'
i If
r-)" rcf ' ?c;it M;ii ! !' Vcn .tie t.r
jr fo :i' ;! .f ..t't'.lir I1-.;', Cr..l III linu her.
FICXLEP. tr.oTHcns,
1 '
T'.i'n .-I.. r!.-.:-ra.
V.i. .ire ti l""'-; w it it iiie" i.o v- is , r" '.ike,
jie,h I is;i. lit. e.-.l. Vn!t .11.
1 oiiit i ) . - I i. '. r. U Milne.
'!-.,. ,t ..,.r ,. ? f je'-. ,1 I . t:.t
tn,- I ir1- 't St..- (,.
lor '
' V -i- ?tvir ;.V- i. ''
r1'-'-? fjv'"L" -j j. j,--
v ' -' W '
'' " '' A"'. . i. j- -'
r ! .t
o r o a r i-
F chools.
riio New England Conser
vator of.. Music Ex
elusive. y.
iiv Tin: v
Philadelphia Exhibition '7(?
No oilier H-ni 1 orc 1-hi, i!i. oi.e 1"i-.i
ton, received iik'K' than oa ..
During tfia Conceit &as n ol-j-'O, "7,
tlicso l'lanos weru used In Hi -itoii ami leiulty
Iti more than l'. concerts.
Tbe season of H77 llud '7 fT'UiliSi'.S H btl'l
greater i.uinber to be- added to the list.
Notices ol4 CoiiCiTi-"'
"IteniaikHblM for lis purity, rl.-hne t..-id ev
ci.ucs of tone." lbisloli Join nat.
-No sucli i is'iutncnts have be.-n h"ud In il
Lowell concert rojin b.jl'ore." Lowell t.M ...)
Di:ily Cilijn.
"Surpasses Hiivthimt of the kind prtivlolinly
heard In our city." how ell Vox poputi.
"l'neruallcd bv finy that have been ned .j
our coiuxiis.'' Lonisillo Daily Courier
has been appointed aent for llieso ceh'br:u:'4
1'laHon. Send for catalogue.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
i r s: !.
'!. ! t to : i :: t
.'.J.!:i. . )
1. " v V, " Z'- t: -i
r ..'-'.' '
"fl-l .1.. .
VK i. I. I.
w York.
t-u,y-vv " frrrr?V''iAsa3e;
h p J r V v ; xeH r?'J rrf 2 fZ.
, f S- V .
iC ''"
5 :;j
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TH" r.C!ir CL'AclLH,
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C , j a - - ' 3 a , f " s . .
:l.-J I'.t t.
i. ;j :'; v.nil rs ''.:. ri..-.'- ii'C i-r.y.
h.r. d l...-)..iirii i v,i:.r,j. t f
i.i.-,. i . h1:.ij.. mi, v. i, y. t i.; oi:-. .
Of I i.. ,-.i V i iTi vt .O." al. I'll nil".
:; k t i : ,' i- :;. '- v r " h.
i.?. e t .aneer. v 'i r-iu'.t :r '. 1 ..I i: v
t.:.::-( r :'':' ji ' o .
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e. , ii : ,t !'' (; fo"'. '"if ) -r
i. a.:-.;d 1.1 ttl i.ia:t.'3. i- i T't.
out any rivcln for capneit. o
qua'ity of -;ovh, &ro
tuycrs this yt ar '.:Ah oev"
vrd rJirr-;:ii"i k
i ;i i ; l wti a r,. .jiiLii a wv t a i x
nisoL-.d on application, p.rni so
tvill bt hold in Ct. Louia
more co-ivi'iiiorit deii very. J.
tie3 i i Micco'iri,, Ecu
rrn 1 1: :ics3. Tc Jir i -.d tb -3 'i
rit-orics viii correrpcud -will
Fle"s aicfit'ca la whctpr.j ir io t.
" s
1 . jiO '
of V
n o