Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 16, 1879, Image 3

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    Til E II ERA LI).
ioum mails.
Arrive at in 0 a. m. 1 1mpart at - S :15 p. m.
ArrtT at - i A3 p. m. Depart at - 10 oo a. m.
wtfxrufa WATKR.
AMie at liiXJm. j Depart at - 1 .00 p. m.
Atrto at 12 jOO nt. I Impart at - 1 :) p. m
TtsuIiu. V cents a line. lingular advertis
rv 10 cent per line. No advertisement InseTt
tl lor lrs than 25 cents.
Legal notice at Statute ratfi.
Attorneys And nlCrrri of the l Hill hrt neld
vt MUMtbfe (or all lenal notices they hand in,
njia mi parties demandlne: jl prooi 01 punuca
tn of any notice will be hidfor tli publica
tiou tv of such notice.
A oiir pc u limited, nil rotiimiinlrt'loin
iuit be In icf and to the point, wan no waste
af words.
The paper Is responsible for the correctness
according to copy of paid matter and paid Le
gal, only.
' 1. Any person who takes the paper regularly
from the post-ofBee, 'Whether oirec'.ed to his
n.iinf, or whether he Is a subscriber or not is
responsible tor the pay.
2. It any person orders his paper dicoi) tin
ned, he must pay all arrearages, or the publish
er may continue to send It until payment Is
mad, and collect the whole amount, whether
the ppr Is taken from the office or not.
3. the courts have decided that refusing to
tak newspapers and periodicals Ironi the post
offloe, or removing and leaving them uncalled
lor. Is prima art evidence ot in xkxtiokai.
Oh! the Snow!
The b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-1 Snow!
--The tramps arc beginning to thin
out a little.
Go to the Lecture a week from to
morrow night.
They have changed round the offi
cers at the R. R. Depot.
Last week the sleighing was slid
ing out. and now its sliding in again.
John Edmonds of Three Groves
subscribes and pays for the Herald
for a year.
Mr. J. Btidenstine left a " V" on
ubaoription last Friday, which was
very acceptable.
Sheriff Ilyers was feeling quite
badly from the effect of hfs wounds
and bruises yesterday.
Burhan's Merchandise Car passed
through homeward bound on Monday
laat. from a trip out as far as Kearney.
Lawyers Chapman, Stone and Pot
tf nger all had some first class brief
work done at the Herald office Inst
Murphy and Wells arrested two
parties, supposed to havo hail a hand
5n fttea!ing-4he overcoats from C. G.
llerold last week.
J. E. M01 ri ion, L. L. D., subscrib
ed for tho Herald for hinisrlf and
k"nds another copy to Ft. Madison to
bis brat her J. G. Morrison. Next!
Two new coaches pissed through
I'lattfiiiiMith on Thursday last for the
IN-publicav Valley H. It., which were
built at I)-1 tun, Ohio. They were very
Siandsome and complete.
Tho Marshal arrested one of a pair
of thieves who robbed a safe i:i Red
Oak, on S-iiurday last. The other,
known as "Tex," was caught in Mills
Co., and they will both meet their just
The lecture by J. II. Kellom, of
Omaha, that was announct-d l;wt week
to take place to-morrow evening, at
the High School Hall, has been post
poned, owing to the anticipated bad
weather, till next week Friday. Janu
ary 24 th.
Miss Anna Gyger is enjoying the
delightful climate of San Bernardino,
California, where the orange groves ars
filled to overflowing with ripo fruit
and tho ladies are carrying parasols.
Ssveral degrees difference in the atmos
phere from Nebraska.
Cuss County's luxurious place of en
tertainment for her law breakers must
be nearly even full these times. One
man for attempted poisoning of his
wife; another for murder; a third for
assaulting his wife, and four far steal
in?. Kight in that building of magni
ficent distances.
Jas. Squires from Kansas City
bought six hundred and fourteen head
of fat hogs from Sam Barker, at his
yards and drove them across tho Mis
BOnri on the ice, and will ship the same
from Pacific Junction to Kansas City.
He got the Btart of the Transfer Co. at
this place, but thero was "Millions in
Stadelmann's Bakery on the corn
er fltu St., opposite the First National
Bank, is the best place to stop for a
good meal. Travelling men accommo
dated, good sample rom always ready.
Stadelmann's is so well known that it
is almost useless to say a word in its
favour, but it is well known that it is
the stopping place of the town.
We neglected to make mention
last week of the departure of Dick
O'Neil from Plattsmouth and the em
ploy of Mr. Carruth. He goes we believe
to Colorado. Dick was a first class
workman being one of the finest En
gravers we have seen for many a day
and his sociability won him many
friends who will all wish him success
In his new home. His place is filled
by a Mr. Toogood.
Mr. Farmer, the man who wa3 ad
judged insane by the camrnissionersof
Insanity last week, was taken up to
Lincoln Monday, t the insane asylum,
There his case can rtceive proper treat
ment, and it is hoped he will soon re
cover. Some talk of resistance was
made, we understandto bis being sent
there, which was extiemely foolish
under the circumstances, as such cases
need the skillful nursing and care that
can best be obtained at the asylum and
which his means or that of his family
or the chance help of outsiders was to
tally inadequate to give, and without
which his presence was becoming daa
.gewwa iiLs oocutfurtity.
D. II. Wheeler lias gone to Crete.
Alx Scblegel went to Omaha yes
terdy. Mr. Wra. Wheeler, father of D. II.
was in the City Tuesday.
Billy Baker, little Billy as he is call
ed, and a printer, from Glen wood was
in town Wednesday.
Mr. Morrow, a brother of Mr. David
Morrow lately deceased, and who had
come to attend the sick Led of his
brother returned to Cheyenne the firt
of the week.
Miss Flora Wise left Plattsmouth on
Monday last to spend some months
with her brother and friends in New
York. Her many friends here regret
her departure.
The Herald office was the recipient
of a very plesant call from Mr. and
Mrs. Race, from Weeping Water, and
a young lady who loft her card, "set
up" by herself while in the office, as
Nelly Y. Oeer,
Hastings, Mich.
Miss G. is a practical compositor.
and said she felt very much at home
in a printing office. She is taking a
vacation from her usual work with her
friends in Weeping Wtter.
Tho Platte Talley House.
This well known Hotel, kept by Mr
Boris, is as well known and largely pat
ronized as any hotel in town. Passen
gers from the train will find good ac
comodations and ready attendance.
Remember to ask for the Flatte Val
lev. The Viall Case.
Viall's case came up for trial before
Justice Stone on Saturday last, and af
ter examining several witnesses he was
finally bound over in four thousand
dollars bail to appear at the next term
of District Court. Failing to obtain
the required bail, he again languishes
in the palatial abode set apart by Cass
county for her guests.
A living curiosity was to be aeon
on our streets Saturday, in the shape
of an old time tramp with a ball and
chain attached to his ankle, and a card
on his back with wire, with ths in
scription "A caution to thieves and
tramps. They couldn't drive him out
of town, so they proposed to wafn cer
tain other parties that are hanging
around, that they will receive the same
attention if they fail to make them
selves scarce.
The case of Mastin vs. Mastin,
wherein the man and wife were di
vorced and the latter was granted the
custody ef her child, was brought up
before Judge Sullivan Mouday, by Joe.
Mastin through Chapman &Pottenger,
praying that he might have the child.
On application of Mr. Smith for con
tinuance till Saturday, the sums was
granted and the Sheriff instructed to
protect the mother and child till the
case was decided.
Owing to absence we have not not
iced the appointment of Chief Justice
(of the peace) E. I). Stone, who has pre
sided over tiie deliberations of the Vi
all trial with great diguity and fair
ness. If the Squire will stand the joke we
should say that he fills Chief Justice
Haines place, not rattling round there
in, but full to overflowing.
All joking aside, it is a creditable
appointment, and llils our idea that if
tho office is worth filling at .ll it
should be with competent men. if not
abolish it.
We are ve ry sorry to learn that
Miss Ann Yallery sustained a severe
injury by being thrown from a buggy
on Monday last, while riding with Mr.
Jas. Morrison and Miss Carrie Bennett.
In falling, she struck the back of her
head rendering her senseless, and rais
ing a lump on her head. The other
parties had a narrow escape from a
runaway ami further injuries, bv re
gaining the lines which Anna carried
out, with her.
Moral: Don't drive horses, so reck
lessly, young ladies, which we hope
the next one wont have to learn in so
severe a way.
The Woman's Temperance Union
met on the 9tk at the residence of Prof.
Wise. The meeting was well attended.
After a season of devotional exercises
the business of the Association was
transacted. Officers for the ensuing
year were fleeted: viz.. President, Mrs.
Prof. Wise; Vice-President's, Mrs.
Delamatyr, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Schild
knecht and Mrs. Backus; Correspond
ing Secretary, Mrs. Spurlock; Record
ing Secretary, Mrs. Duke; Treasuier,
Mrs. C. Parmele; Agent for ' Our Un
ion," Mrs. C. P. Smith; Mrs. Pollock,
chairman of the Literary committee.
Business over, the Society adjourned
to meet again on Thursday the 16th,
at three o'clock P. M, at the residence
of Mrs. D. II. Wheeler. The ladies of
the city that have an interest in the
Temperance work, are cordially invi
ted to this meeting.
The Reading Room on Main Street
is now very tastefully fitted up and
ha3 a very homelike appearance. We
wish it could be patronized more by
the people as an evening resort for a
few moment's chat, and a friendly, so
cial interchange of our wants and needs
from time to time. That fills our no
tion of the best uses of a reading room
and library in a sjnall town that has
no other place of meeting for business
men or public men other than the tav
ern, office or saloon. We hope the Li
brary may be enlarged and made cir
culating at an early date and as an
hesa of better times seem to be
ing, and a better state of feeling, with
more inclination to work together and
to encourage and foster public senti
ment in favor of advancement and
better education on home affairs and
what may be called fireside political
economy, perhaps some one will now
step forward and furnish funds to put
a good Library ea its feet.
In Meinoriam.
iKOtt JlliS. D. L. MORROW.
Ills patient spirit now has fiovra,
To be with kindred souls above :
Wli sing their praises 'round the throne
Of Him who saved us by His love.
His many virtues wcie esteemed
ISy all who knew him here below :
And all the Christian graces beamed
With tender and with earnest clow.
With love It Christ anil all mankind.
He often told the story old :
How Jesus died that we might live
And thus the plan of God unfold.
Vie know h; h:is a home in Heaven,
With all the ransomed spirits there.
For Christ a mansion has prepared.
And given a glorious crown to wear.
Por his bersaved and loved ones here
We'll utter now a fervent prayer :
That God will kindly lead, and gnide.
And keep them in his tender care.
He's promised in his word to bo
A father to the fatherless.
And all who put their trust in him
He'll surely own and bless.
I. M. D.
Murder ear Glenwooi.
From a Glenwood Opinion Extra,
kindly sent us by that paper we glean
the particulars of the tragedy which
took place near there on Friday last:
Theodoie and Mary Bushup, husband
and wife, living four miles north of
Pacific City, had not found married
life all happiness, and finaly agreed to
separate, which they did on New
Years' day, dividing their property.
On the 10th the husband again made
his appeal ance, and deliberately draw
ing a revolver shot his wife twice; one
shot passing through the shoulder and
the other striking in the neck, near the
main artery. Passing into the yard
he met his wife's father, whom he also
shot twice, in the arm and the left
side. He then fled, stopping to tell a
wood chopper near by what he had
done, and cutting his boots from his
feet a little further on. Shortly after
ward his : orse came back riderless.
Immediate pursuit was made and he
was captured on Saturday. Finding
that his pursuers were upon him heat
tempted to cut his throat with a jack
knife, but only succeeded in severing
the wind pipe about one-third, which
gash the doctors sewed upon his arriv
al at Glenwood.
The uiual plea of Insanity was
brought up, but the Opinion seems to
think it premeditated.
Later: Mrs. Bushup died on Sun
Weeping Water Nates.
Frouty and Marshall, Barnes, Yeo-
mans, and Ripley have been laying in
a larce stock of ice to assist the citi
zens of Weeping Water In 'keeping
cool" next summer.
The skating has been good for some
time and has been pretty generally
Tise meetings at the M. E. Chimb
still continue. Rev. C. A. Lewis of
Syracuse, former Principal of our
schools is assisting the pastor in these
The Congregational church is still
with ut a pastor.
Mickle. Bird and Co., are at the
Weeping Water House. They are pre
paring a map of Cass County. The
thoroughness of their work may be in
ferred from the fact that about eight
men will be occupied here for a num
ber of weeks on the map of this coun
ty alone.
The only fire engine which Weeping
Water has, froze up and " busted" dur
ing the extremely cold weather.
From South Ilend.
Ed. Herald: A petition from a
majority of the citizer.s of Plattford
precinct to the Sarpy Co. Commission
ers to grant a special election to vote
on bonds of S5.000 for the purpose of
briogii.g the Platte at this point lias
been sent in. A gentleman from Oma
ha agrees to build the bridge, furnish
material, &c, for $3,000. From relia
ble sources we learn the farmers on
the other side are determined to have
a bridge at all hazards, and to have a
market where they can bring their
produce and get value leceived in re
turn. Should this undertaking prove suc
cessful we. predict for South Bend
great wonders.
Brooks, Esq., agent for the Cole
Bros., the Council Bluffs Lightning
rod firm, has been here collecting dur
ing the past week. He presented a
note of 607 to Mr. Yackmyer for pay
ment, who refused, claiming the note
was drawn up for $17. What an in
significant figure 1 is without a head
to it? Some one ought to put a head
on them we ni&in thosa red buggied
Mrs. McAfTee is here attending her
hnsband, who has been seriously ill
during the past week.
Dr. A. T. Cassell, oir practicing phy
sician reports several cases of sickness
some of diphtheria, scarlet fever,
colds, &.C.,
Come in and make yourselves no
toriously public. II. J. Streight's new
sign ''Notary Public," looms up on east
side Pine street, quite luminous.
Runaway. Ou the 11th iust. Mi
Cavey and others were sledding when
their horses "slid out," leaving them
and their vehicle to mourn their loss.
One of the horses ran home and the
other came to South Benl ou business,
(like all other sensible people,) cover
ed with sweat and his left hind leg
severely injured from a cut he received
The Ladies' Mite Society met at Mrs.
Streights' on Thursday evening last.
We understand it was anenjjyable oc
casion, and every one went home more
than satisfied.
A. flourishing singing school, under
the instruction of Dr. A. T. Cassell. is
in operation here.
E. U. HEillNO.
Rockwell, of Louisville, has just fin
ished his new store, 23x33, which he
has full of new goods. Be sure and
give him a catt we know you will
tuy if you do, for be sells very cheap.
HOLMES. In Rock Bluff- precinct, Cass Co.,
flr;t-i;s. on ihurnuay. Januarr stu.
okorge w. son or Mr. and Mrs. A. Tn
Holmks : ascd 10 years, it months and 21'
The relentless hand of death bits again warned
us that the young may die a well as the old
and has caused the parents of the deceased to
mourn the loss of a dutiful and beloved son.
and the brother and sisters to uiouru the Iocs
of a kind and beloved brother.
The deceased bad beeu sick some time with
diabetes, but wanot thought seriously danger
ous uatil the day he died, when a severe attack
of Typhoid fever set in an J he died very sudden
ly. The funeral services were held at the resi
dence of tho parents at 10 o'clock on Satnrday,
Jan. I2t'.i, 1879, and was attended by a large
concourse of friends and relatives.
Anatomy from a Chinese Point of View.
The standard medical work in China is
entitled "The Golden Mirror," and com
prises about forty volumes. Turning to
this treatise for information concerning
the structure and position of the internal
organs, the student of medicine discovers
that the lungs are six in number, and are
suspended from the spine, four on one
side and two on the other. It is from
orifices in the lungs that tho human voice
is supposed to emanate, while the breath,
as well as all one's emotions of joy and
sorrow, originate in the pit of the stom
ach. The liver, so writes the ancient Chinese
Esculapius, is the residence of the human
soul, all a person's plans and projects be
ing there devised and thought out. The
brain seems to be considered of no ac
count whatever in connection with any
intellectual processes. Of the circulation
of the blood the native practitioner knows
comparatively nothing, although in every
ailment, however trilling, the pulso is very
carefully examined, tho wise doctor put
ting on a most oracular expression of
countenance while engaged in its exami
nation. The state of the pulse is consid
ered of so much special importance be
cause the five points at which it may be
felt are supposed to be connected with
the five planets, the five elements and the
five colors. It may be here remarked
that "the five planets" include Mercury,
Venus and the three others next the earth.
The elements are water, metal, fire, wood
and earth ; and the colors are white, black,
green, yellow and red. All Chinese,
from the highest to the lowest, believe in
astrology, aud when ill consult the alma
nac at once to discover what would be the
most auspicious day on w hich to send for
a doctor. The delay caused by waiting
for an "auspicious day" must often prove
most advantageous to the patient, giving
nature time to effect a cure before the
physician puts in an appearance and
doses the poor victim to death with his
vile mixture.
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
leach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in May, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
D. D. Martindalu.
41m6 Count' Superintendent.
Wanted. Corn, oats, or wood, on
subscription, now, at once. You that
have accounts overdue, hare is your
best chance. Aflrr January these old
accounts will be sued, sure.
Vick's Floral Guide.
A beautiful wr'it of 103 pact's. One Colored
Flower Plate, and 3"0 llluMralinu. with De
scriptions ol too oest Flowers and Vegetables,
anil how to jrrow them. All lor a FiK CaxT
SrAsr. iu English or German.
Tin- Flow er and Vegetable Garden, ITS Pases,
Six Colored Piute, and manv hundred Engrav
ings. For'-o c-nt in paper covers ; $1,00 iu e!
?i;aiit cloth. In German or English.
Viek's Illustrated .Monthly Magazine. 32 Patres
a Colored I'laie in every number and txany fine
En;:iavinx. 1'riee a year; Five copies
lor ... 00. Speciin.-n Numbers sent for 10 cents.
Vick's Seed are the best in the world. Si'nd
Fivk Cent stamp for a Flokai. gi;iik.
cotitaiuin; List and 1'rices, and pleuty of inlor
inaliou. Adli-.'
JAMES VICK. Rochester. N. Y.
Ladies, Gents and Children's Under
wear, Cotton Flannels, Red Flannels,
Liusey and Jeans, at
E. G. Dovey & Son's.
by buying
oltf at Merges'.
Rockwell keeps hardware and
queensware. and by Jove he keeps ma
chine oils too.; and I declare, he keeps
patent medicines also, so there is no
use of staving sick. 28tf.
Rockwell has just received nine
chests of choice teas, w hich he sells at
from 25cts to SI per pound. The best
bargain in teas you ever saw. 23tf.
We see that Merges got the premium
again at tho State Fair on his own
work for beauty and durability. He
really does make flue and good work.
For Cash.
Louisville, Neb., Dec. 2d, 1878.
Having found by experience that I
cannot do business with satifaction to
myself or customers by giving credit:
I shall, on and after the 1st day of
January 1879, sell goods strictly for
cash ! So do not asK for credit, as I
shall positively refuse every one.
S'JtQ J. V. Glover.
Cheaper than the Cheapest,
Never Undersold
in Boots and Shoes at Merges. I
Horse for Sale.
One ba- mare four years old for sale.
Time will be given. Apply to Mal
daner & Herrmann. 34tf
Remember that for boots and shoes
Rockwell cannot be beat in price. lie
has a large assortment. 2Stf.
Boots and Shoes Cheap,
call and examine prices at
31tf Merges.
"German Syrup.
No other medicine in the world has
mer given such a test of its curative
qualities as Boschee's German Svrup.
In two years three million four hundred
thousand small bottles of this medicine
were distributed free of charge by
Druggists in this country to those af
flicted with Consumption, Asthma,
Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia, and
other disease of the Throat and Lungs,
giving the American people undeniable
proof that German Syrup will cure
them. The result has been that Drug
gists in every town and village in the
United States are recommending it to
their customers. Go to your Druggist,
and ask what they know about it. Sam
ple bottles 10 cents. Regular size 75
cents. Three doses will relieve any
case. 55tf-alt
Of the East are shocking the world by
their ghastly work, in the West the
grave of the coughing consumptive is
cheated of its victim by the timely
use of that never failhig lemedy,
frown's Cough Italsam. This
Balsam does not stupefy with opiates,
but produces easy expectoration and
assists nature in her efforts to cure
herself. Do not neglect that cougl
until it is too late. Kvry delay less
ens t he chance of recovery. For clear
ing and strengthening the voice use
Itroivn'H Tar Troches once and
yon will use no others.
Physicians who have tried Bi on n's
Arnica Salve for removing inflam
mation and curing old sores, cuts
burns, bruises, piles and sore eyes, pro
nounce it the most wonderful healing
remedy of tho age.
All of these Remedies for Diseases of
the West for sale by Dr. W. E. Donelan
Chapman & Smith. J. II. Buttery and
O. F. Johnson.
43tf Plattsmouth, Neb.
Yon mnst Cure that Congli.
With Shiloh's Consumption Cure, you
can cure yourself. It has established
the fact xtiat Consumption can be
cured, while for Coughs, Bronchitis,
Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all dis
eases of Throat and Lungs, it is abso
lutely without an equal. Two doses
will relieve your child of Croup, it is
pleasant to take and perfectly harmless
to the youngest child, and no mother
can atioid to be without it. 1 ou can
use two thirds of a bottle and if what
we say is not true we will refund the
price paid. Price 10 cts. 50 cts, and
81.00 per bottle. If vour Lungs are
sore or chest or back lame use Shiloh's
Porous Plaster. Sold by Chauman &
Smith, Druggists.
Have you Dyspepsia, are you Consti
pateu. have vou a lellow skin, Joss
of Apptite, Head Ache, if so don't fail
ZER. It Is guaranteed to relieve you.
tnd will you continue to suffer when
vou can no cureu on sucn terms as
these. Price 10 cts. and 7.1 cts. Sold by
Chapman & Smith. Druggists.
Well's Persian Perfume "II ACKME
TACK" is ricl. and fragrant, try it.
Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggists,
Plattsmouth .Neb. dalyeow
Caution to Smokers.
From and after the 1st day of May,
1S78 all boxes containing cigars of my
manufacture will have my name bold
ly printed on the inside of tht lid. This
:s to pr.'ver.t counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, with an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by some unprinci
pled manufacturers. None are genu
ine unless plainly labelpd:
Plattsmouth, - Nebraska.
A Remarkable Kcsult.
It makes no difference how many
Physicians, or how much medicine you
have tried, it is now tin established
fact that German Syrup is the only
remedy which has given complete sat
isfaction in severe cases of Lung Di
seases. It is true there are yet thous
ands of persons who are pre disposed
to Throat and Lung Affections, Con
sumption, Hemorrhages, Asthma, Se
vere Colds settled on the breast, Pneu
monia, Whooping Cough, &c, w ho have
no personal knowledge of Boschee's
German Syrup. To such we would say
that ;50,0f)j dozen were sold hist year
without one complaint. Consumptives
try just one bottle. Regular size 7-
cents. Sold by all Druggists in Amer
ica. 2;dyeow
Rockwell has the neatest assortment
of lady's dress goods ever brought to
town. Be sure and see them before
the assortment is broke. Thev are go
ing off fast. " 23tf. -
Thirty of tlie let orjian makers of the
World are competitor at the Pari Exposition,
a cable dispatch to the Ass clated I'rcxs say
two hi'hcM gold iiiPdais have been awurdod "to
the American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
The At. aula (ia., Constitution,
Recently published a long account of
the destructiveness of the "Sherman
Rat" which is ? to 4 times as large as
the Northern Rat. On the 17th of
Sep ember. 1877, the Manager of this
celebrated paper having tried Centen
nial Rat Exterminator says: Gentle
men your "Pizen Stuff" knocks "Sher
man Rats," still and cold.
Osage, Iowa, Dec. 20, 1377.
Star Manufacturing Company, Fort
Madison, Iowa; Gentlemen: The Cen
tennial rat poison, received last Mon
day. We have given three doses. On
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
nights, and we verily believe there is
not a rat or mouse left. The saw mill,
feed, custom and merchant's mills were
full of them, as were also our houses,
cooper shops, barns and hog pens.
Since giving them the poison they have
been running round as "crazy as loons"
and the river bank is line with dead
rats, in fact it has created a terrible
commotion among them and they have
all left, thanks to the "Centennial Rat
Exterminator." each box of which is
worth a twenty dollar bill. We will
see our druggists and have them send
for it. Thanks, thanks. Very respect
fully, E. M. Britts, & Co.
This great economizer for property
holders, farmers, ct al., is for sale by
druggists and general dealers every
where. Price 25 cents, large cans 81,00
291 f.
Pensiou Papers.
Those wanting pension papers ac
knowledged will please remember that
J. It. Toman, Notary Public, Louisville,
has a certificate of the county Clerk
filed with the U. S. pension Agent and
can attend to all such business. 52tf
S fifth ftl ( worth of Farm Prodcok
tW f alone can be saved bv using
Centennial Hat Ejktcrmi eo.mj. 20tf
A fine assortment of Blankets at
20tf E. G. Dovey & Son's.
Sheriff's Sale.
Ry virtue of an order of sa'e issued by Wr.i.
L. Wells, Clerk of the Dist. Court within and
for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me directed.
I will on the lsth day of January. A. D. 1ST9, at
10 o'clock, a. in , of aid day, at the south door
of the court house in said county, eell at public
auction the following real estate, to wit : Lot
l4lt)four hundred and ten, UU) four hundred
and forty-nine. (4o0i four hundred and fittv.
(i?l) four hundred and Cftv-one. in the towu of
liouisville, Cas8 County Nebraska; the Same
beini levied upon and taken as the property
of . N. Ciehorn. defendant, to satisfy a
judcnieDt of said court, recovered by J." J.
Roos, plaintiff.
I'lattsiuouth, Neb., Dec. 12th. A. D. 1ST8.
4212 ShertiT. Cass Co., Neb.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of
a decretal order of tale made bv the Hon. S R
Rouud. Judse of the District Court, in and for
Cas county, Nebraska, at his Chambers in the
city of Lincoln, on the tlrrd day of January. A.
D. 1T9. I will on the 2Tth day of January, A
D. IST'Joffer at public vendue, at the front door
of tho Court House in I' turnout li City. Cass,
county. Neb. at the hour of one o'clock 1 M.
of said day to the htsrhest bidder all the ri;jht.
title and interest of w. T. Kthcridge. deceased.
In and to Lot No. 271, in towu of Greenwe.-.a in
said county as desiinated in the records c:sd
Town, together with the store house on said
lot and the appurtenances thereunto belong
ing. Sale will remain open for bids, from the
hour of one (D o'clock I. M., until the hour of
two (2) o'clock. 1 M. of same dav. Terms cash
or short tinto as mav be deemed beet by the
uuderMgned. Eliza J. Ethekidoe.
January stb.,1873. 4t3 Admicistntuls.
Takei upty the iubseriber. one lay mar
and one sorrel horse, apparently about it) yeais
oiil ; weight, about Lew touiids each, 'llmow-
I ner of the above dtMciibed hordes can have the
same by pvovini; property and payniic cost of
advertising and damages. Said horses wore
taken up and are now lielrt at my restdenco on
the east S of n. v. . k of see. town It), range
11, Cass Co., Nehr.ieka.
15y J. Chask. Ag't.
Probate Notice.
In (licWafiT nf thr. txtr.fe J .V nthi-x frhvn,
tfrrre'J; In Vuunty C'oi'i f iJ L'ux Cminty, .Vc-
Notice- is hereby tive.n that J. P. H:nien nd
iniotrator of the 'estate i t the said Matlitas
Johnson deceased, lias m.-nie iipplical ion for
tlnal .seHltment. ;mJ that aid cause is set for
hearing at my oliico at 1'iattsmouth. ou the
31st day of January, A. 1. IsT'.i. at one o'clock
p. m. on said day. at which lime and place all
persons interested may be present, and exam
ine said accounts.. A. N. Sc t-i.i van.
I'lattsmotit'i, Jan ICth, 13T. Co. Judge.
Probate Notice.
In Hie mutter of the ittate of Hiram Hoyan, tie
tensed :
Notice is hereby given to all person" having
claims against the estate of Hiram Jlogan, de
ceased, to rile the same on or before the 3d dav
f July. A. I. 187J. iu the otlu-e of tho County
Judge, at riattsmouth'. Cans Co. eb.
A. N. SC 1.1.1 VAX,
41 13 Co. Judge.
Sheriffs Sale.
Ry virtue of an order of sale Issued by V:n.
L. Wells, clerk of the district court within and
for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed.
1 will on the ;ut day ot January. A. 1). 1879. at
liio'clock, a. in., of said day, al the eoiith door
of the Court House, in said county, sell ai pub
lic auction the following real estate, to wit:
The north half (,! o the north-west quarter
O4) of section x'Jit) Iwenty-Mx. in township No.
(I2i twelve, noun of range (13; thirteen east of
the Gth 1". M., together with the appurtenance,
the same lifting levied upon and taken as the
firoperth ot Eiiabeth iJnmn aud Elizabeth
Jrowu. as executrix of the last will and testa
ment of John L. l'.rown, deceived, and Eliza
beth Brown, as guardian of John Brown and
Erskine Crown, minor hens of John L. Rrown.
deceased, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of
said court, recovered by Susan B. lliumau.
Rlaiutirt R. W. II VERS.
Sheriff. Ciws Co. Neb.
I'l.ATTSMOUTH, b. January 2nd, 1ST9.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Huli McRcy
liolds. In Co. Court of Cass Co., Neb.
I'po'i reading and tilinir tile duly verified pe
tition of Mary K. Mclleynolds. praying that ad
ministration of the estate of her decease d hus
band. Hu;:h McKeynolds, ordered that notice of
the pendency of said cau-e be published iu the
Nebraska Hi RALii. :i weeklv newsnaner M-int-
ed, published, and 1:1 jeneral circulation in said
county, tor three consecutive week. and that
the bearing of said cause be set for the 17th d.-.y
of January, A. I. 17J, at cue o'clock p. m., oti
said day. at the office of the County Judge at
riattsniwuth : at which time aud place nil per
sons interested mav aunear and show cause. If
any they have, why administration of said es
tate should not be granted to the said jUaiy h.
McReyRultis. accoruiuit to the tuavcr ot said
' a. A-
r 4U3
See Mr. King's Ad about Slienandot h
Nurseries. 38: f
Rockwell keeps clothing and gent's
underwear. 2tf.
A nice assortment of Repellents
C.vdimeres, American Dress Goods,
Ties, Ruching, Silk Handkerchiefs,
Scarfs. Ladies and Children's Hosierv,
Felt Skirts, &c. Sir., at
E. G. Dovey & Son s.
County Orders will be received at
this otlice in pay for subscriptions, at
their market value, always. Remem
ber that. 41tf.
Don't buy that nas'.y, dirty, steamed
lard, when vou can take vour can to
I. W. Marlins and have it filled
with prime, white, kettle, rendered
lard, at G3' per lb. cash. 4U4
Rockwell has
a full line of
2Stf. ICS.
Market Gardeners, send for Root's
Garden Maniwl for 1879, full of in
structions on gardening topics, and
price list of Choice seeds, both sent
FREE, Address,
40tl0 J. B. Root, Rock ford, 111.
Just Received
t Rockwell's,, a vcrv full line of Mil
linery goods of the verv latest stvles.
such as flowers, ribbon--, plumes and
lips, silks, velvets, lady's ties, bonnets
and hats, an-l many oilier little novel
ties that cannot be had at anv other-
place in town. 28tf.
Those wishing Oysters can obtain
them by the can or dish, of the best
brands, cheap, at Henry Thierolf's, two
doors east of the P. O. 31tf
Shenandoah Nurseries,
Mr. King desires to thank his old pa
trons for their favors the past season
tnd to state lhat he will be here about
the Holidays with a full supply of
He earnestly solicits j-our patronage
for the future; relying on the reputa
tion of the past. These nurseries are
near you, the stock is acclimated and
does better. Call and see. Mr. Kino-
will canvass Sarpy County as well a3
Cass. Remember the nani3 and the
place. 34tl3
F. 31. COX,
Over Solomon & JTafhan's Store, Main St.,
Between 4th and Sth.
am prejxired to do all hnsiner.s in my
line at Juicing lintes, and
Satisfaction Guaranteed !
In every instance.
Or make no charge.
tCall and examine eoods and snnmles.
Good Stock of trimmings always on hand. 42m3
30vKJ Kiije ravines ; IOJO la"! Quarto.
four pages colorej plates,
a whole library in itself.
For Schools, recommended bv State Supfs of
33 different Slates & by rC College Prest's.
4 bout 32.ct0 have been placed in Rublie
Schools ny law or by School Oiflers.
t'onr.-.ins 3000 illustration, nearly three times
' as many an iu any other Dictiouarv.
rPhe-best family help in training children to
- become intelligent men anil women.
Sale of Wobktcr's is iu times as pi t at as that
of anv other series, of Dictionaries.
Published by W. Mi-rrlsro,
41t2 Springfield, Mass.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Jfciiu street. Corner of KiTth.
Still Better Rates for Lumber.
sat MaaIk4!
Announces that he is pieparcd to fiunish all kiuu of
At W holesale or Kctail !
Hoqs Killed and Packed
LABB-ai WJwIesnlG and Retail,
Given to HOTELS.
SHOP North side Main, Between 4th and o.h Strc. ts.
FittsfcMili, HarrisTjRr-2,
Baltimore, Washington,
Piiilafielpliia & New York.
Great Sliort Line
Rear us
all Points in Peiinsylru-uiu
and Ntic Jenny.
Pullman Palace Cars
Jarinej's New Patent Safety IMatfoi'Li
an-J Coupler.
Elegant Eating Houses
Yiith tho2ojnilar Vtstibiilc Sleeping Car
Iieaehes Pittsburgh. 2 :.10 a. in.: IlarrMuirjr,
It :t."j a. m. : Philadelphia, 4 :wi p. in. : .New Yoik
6 :15 p. m. ; Bustoli.-tJ .V. a. in. ; Hail ibiore C :30
p. m. ; VVxs'.dliijtoii. iJ :00 p. la., next day.
5:1 I- 31. Atlantic i:xj. (Iaily)
With Draw ing-Room and Hotel Car.
Iieaehes Pittsburgh, 12 :1." p. in. ; Harrisburjf,
la.-.V) p. m.-, Philadelphia. 3 n. 1.1. ; .New York
t. ;t5 a. m. ; Special Philadelphia .vieepins Car
on this Train, which remains in depot Mini 7 ::'
a. m.. aJIordlijg l'h'ladelphia passengers a full
night's rest.
G:IO P. M. Night Exi. Except Saturd'y.
With Draiciny-Roum Sleeping Car.
Iieaehes rittsburh 7 :."0 p. ni. : HarrlsbuiK.
3 -'0 a. 111. ; I'.allimore. 7 :4.' a. 111. ; Wa-hinton
a :e; a. m. ; Philadelphia 8 :.'J0 a. in. ; New 01 k.
It) :X a. m. ; Iloston, s -AO p. m. 'liirouh Haiti
more and Wailiinirton slcepim; Car on this
rf-Throui;!! Tickets for Sale at all
Points in tiie Weft. Ask for them vlathel'OKT
r. K. MY KKS.
;en. l'ass. & Ticket Agt., Chu a;.
Drugs? Medicines?
All Pap6r Trimmed Free of
Stationery, Magazines,
Latest Publications.
Prescriptions! Carefully Compounded
by a Experienced Orucsist.
Ka-st of Platte Valley House.
In the Town.
G1 Teams Altwy.t on Hand. j
Careful Drivers sent with car !
riages if desired.
Carnages sent to Depot to meet all trains
henever ordered.
i'nneruls attended and cari; f-im.5f;d to
tiiends. Address, J. TV. .-HaNNO--, I
42-!y Flla3mostU. 5tb
a. w. o'mii,
.rai'i ta' fsi tho
Brick Livery Stable
T!. oY. !'
!.... !(.-' '. !
iii'ii.! new ."
I li sli;. pe i f
-r S':: 1 It
U'M. 1 !. .
'-. I'l
i j ;
. ;.:.d ..e.
!lll. Hl
I aji prepared to keep H.'iilSI'.S
1 ft
And "ill
Train and Break
O.i Ueasoiir.b'.c Te n;-'
ALSO i:E.7lE!5Ml,
That with "plenty of room 1 1 hut ev.i y ono
knows I liato in my ! ubie. 1 can ee: 1 ;uiur
stock and w,,stiu, lends ot ha , ic., niniur coy
er, vt Iir re they lil 1 eep dry.
Tiiaakiiii; ail mv old p.iiroi.s f"i tki-Il IlbeniJ
ity. 1 .solicit tlieir"tiai!c;lorthe i.itur... i.itlof..d
t!i: t I e.di nrcoinmodute the;u belter ai.d do
lClt.'j- ) ti n: tlian ever before.
4 -.11 V
Nicely tyinnd.
IIorsi.8, ('utile,
3liec', Swine,
Uid lUc Lalry.
il ui.i :
rival in
nini. I r eon!
-.mull I'l I lie
aid. now 1ci'hmI t"
:i ! leeiil of .Jo A n:,:
-4 to I laie ''
. Willi a liKlid-nii.i
v :t!inwt
in. l'ac'i
l i-'.l-i.vel.
is heu u t it'll !ly i 1 1 UHti uf I'd, eli-irait CM't'nvliijrs. It is ' -vi.t.-il espe
cially In ldv Mo.-1, and the Hii- . 'xt u
I' AitlDlii n M KICK i ii'i
a Hold to do wit hout it. It diseusSes 1 be i lei; en
of breedi'.i:. the merits f.f Ilia varlue bleed,
the nu-ft approved met hods .! it edinj; a tut
hand! 1 11, and c vi-r t lnuc peit-unin;: to the a no
cessful inai:t'jeiiieiit .f live -dock ou t.' farm.
It ha an i bis conducted Vrlrrinnry Ie.
r: triee t. in -.vl,n-i win be fmnul iii'ltele
upon the laws of health rind direa-o. n applied
to domestic aaiimiN. which cannot fail to be of
irreal value lo nil whoare interested In r.ny kird
o! live Hti.ek. I.'uc-iiii. s lel;i!li:K to n.i'Hiai of
r.ll kinds of ie stock. Hint the rei.o dies for
tiiem. me Mi-'irered in Thk .lot !t:-U. each
mouth for the I c.n-rt of subscrihcis. Il 1011
lain m':i;':::!p iiepni'tuienli. o.evoleil to '.T
I I, K. HOltHK-.. Nil h.V I '!:. .hhI
l hn I A I It V. and lis corps of eilltoi n Hit rec
osnled tliioie'boiit the entire eounliv ; tho
hihI A It I-, wriieis In their sepai M -. depart
iiieats. t hat i'.ui ii.- toutid iu Ameriea. No ex
pense is span l. on the pa 1 1 ol it pu !! Miers, to
made It ; Jii'jh-ltmtit. , Unfile, practical nml lu
xti in live .li;iii nel. Mirli us every llitcliiK'li t farm
er ;;.:d slM i; i n filer v. id find worth ni.iny times
its cost e:iell rear.
run .v.tro.v.i l Mxn stottc jovp.-
A'A I. is the lar.eft as well ys the te;l Stock;
Journal j'tiolisiied.
hubsei ipi; tn price 15 per anntini. po-tfii'p
t-lepald. I'o.slers handsomely lilii'i.ited with
fine -avii.s of live stock, mailed fro on ;ip
plicat Ion to I iio.'.c wln v ill inak't up e' ,'.!ic and
a Zi.'.i r'l, l.-inn ctlrtrt il. Addre- all lel
ters, rejjiterii;e t hose cou'.alalnt; iirn.ey,
iu shape of Posl.ii t irder or Dial I . to
SilK KJOl UXAI.CO., rulilibl. 'K.
3S12 Lakeside HuiMiliK, t'lnc;u:o. Ills.
li.-.- - .
- X 1 '0 , -----
Boston Public Schools,
PTas3. State Normal
The New England Conser
vatory of Music Ex
Philadelphia Exhibition '76
No oiher riar.o I"..ite house, v.iih one execp
io!, rev ived more than on".
During the CoiU-ert Sct-n of 187C, '77,
these I'iauof were use 1 in isnston and vicinity
iu more than S concert .
The fceason of i.t7 and ': ptoiulses a sliil
greater ni;u.ber to be added to thii list.
Notices of oncer Is.
Remarkable for IN pinity, rli 1 nei and ev
eaiie.sf of ton;-." Boston .loui'tial.
"No fiich Irntntmcuts have licni heard In &
Ixe!l concert loom .-.,fore,,'-lwcil iMass.)
Daily Ciluen.
"Siirp'isss anvthlinr of the previously
heard ia our city." Lowell ox I'opuil.
'Tiif giiall.-d by anv lhat bnve t en ucd I r
our concerts." Louisville Daily Loluiei.
has bem appointed aect tvi these Ctltil4 crl for catii'.ojre.
Plattsmouth, 7c.
S 1 pvK a i n-, H ... - ' :.
-or. .- - ' '
.r- rs.