THE HERA LI). BT W. A. H. BonrwhCTf, aornewhero, V . -Lire belnff fair As ever dwelt with ssortaK She 1Ito to bless, to lighten cara. To help rucufclnd, to chuae dospulr. And point to shining- portal. . . la ercry mind la eve y heart, ie dwell, and forms a liviia part, And sets the pulse beating.' JTere It not for her. with lor fnoe dlvics, fo earth no ti our hearts oiUd bind, JJo life could UO too fluctlni. Tto IIopo tb it Blta on the snnnr I J X every rushing, bun-yln lido That roll li Mfu'a doop rivur. . Without bcr prt'enop, pure au 1 brtjrht. This carh wo lid be a chr trios U't t; We'd turn from dvattt with a .Ivor. To her each mortal turns bis eye. And act a home bej-on 1 the !-. Where heart are truo forever. And be thanks a wilonj byind hia own. Tor a preenee bi Ijrht tliat n-.r baa Bcirik That Done from hia hoiu-t c:ia .over. All Sort. They slaughtered a Cape Cod ox fli other day, that weighed 1,990 poun&s oo Um boot. The best time to cut Hungarian grass Is when in blossom, before the seeds are formed; then it - makes good - feed for horses and cows. Yonnj wostn, pnt not on airs Te cause yon wear the high-heeled boot. but rather let your ways be modest, and fceP your eyes om wfcat you walk. "Wearers of high heel3 are easi'y It p- pd. Singing or reading aloud Increases the appetite for food, since the increased respiration which these exercises de mand occasions a speedy waste of the vital air, which requires to be renewed by food. California has 60,000 acres of Tine- yards, producing 10,000,000 gallons of wine annually, besides vinegar, raisins. brandy and fresh grapes. The other SUites produce 6,000,000 gallons of wine annually. - The management of a garden consists in attention and application. Trocrns t in nt.inn ia of serious consequence in Gardening; and neglect of times and seasons is fruitful of disappointment and complaint. : The disagreeable and suffocating ef feet produced by jhting a friction match, is due to lh fact that when heat is applied to the sulphur it in Games and combines with the oxygen of the at- taosphere. forming sulphuric acid gas. During the year 1877 there were but seven States where the receipts for pos tal services exceeded the expenditures These were New Hampshire, Massa chusetts, llhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and 1'ennsyl vania. In a pouna of beef there are 3 ounces of water; in one pound of mutton, 7 ounces 16 grains of water; in a pound of pork, G ounces C9 grains; in a pound of veal, 10 ounces; while a pound of limb contains 8 ounces 44 grains of water. A Frenchman Just back from a trip to Havre: "You will never catch me travelliug by an excursion train again Why, sir, at the station at Havre 1 lost my cane and wife." Then, with hia utterance choked wita tears, A new cane, too." I'rudent mother "Don t look at riof. Von Bungs so, Dora dear, or peo pie will think you are m love with Lira." Dora (who la inconsolable for the loss of hei darling poodle) "I can't Help it, ma; he is the exact image of poor Mousvl" According to the pastoral addresses of successive Protestant Episcopal Con ventions, "gaming," "horse racing," "public balls"' and "theatres" have been declared by that church to be ob jectionable, and have been forbidden to tommunicants. Plant grape vines, foithere arefjw plants that do so well in a variety of soils and climates, while there is no more delicious fruit, or that may be cultivated with less trouble; and yet none is more commonly neglected by the farming community. Deficient food, or what amounts to nearly the same thing food which does not furnish the requisite quanti ties of the nutritive elements required by an animal to meet the wants of its system is a prolific source of loss to the owners of live-stock. iie nose anu root or ine mouth are the sounding-board of the voice;-the teeth, the bridge of the lips and tongue, on whose activity, form and skilful use depend the modulations of tone. The speaking voice is a machine, whose us children should be taught. flowers or ono climate o not open at the same hour in others. Thus, an African plant which opens at six o, clock, if removed to France ,will not open till nine, nor in Sweden till ten. Those which do not open in Africa till noon, do not open at all in Europe. There are otie hundred and twenty five species of grass known to be native in ilaiue, and it Is thought a survey would discover half as many more. Fifty kinds have a high agricultural value. The grass crop of the state is said to be worth S42.000.000 annually. A Texaa paper says: "There is a ro bnpt Christian element in San Antonio. It whipped an in lid el who delivered a lecture against Christianity, and sent him out of town. ith a warning that hanging would be the penalty of a sec ond attack on his rwt upon the Chris tian religion." ' Count Ttumford, by boring a cannon within water, so heated it by friction that the water was made to boil, while be actually boiled a piece of beef in it. The temperature of nine quarts was raised from 60 degrees to 170 degrees In an hour, while in two hours and a half the water boiled. The croaktug of the frog, which is supposed to 5e expressive of pleasure, is produced oy means of the air which it forces into the globular vocal naca, which are situated near the corns of the mouth, and causes to vibrate in them. The female, being without these organs, nroduces only a slight noise. Col. Taggart, of Northumberland, Pa-, provides food and exercise for fowls at the same time. In his poultry yards are several beds about thirty feet square each, in which the Colonel buries oats, several bushels to the bed. Tlie graius, begin, of course, at once to swell and germinate, and the fowls have free access scratching and eating the tender sprouts to their hearts con tent. While the fowls aro thus busy on one bed, a new one is prepared, which is in readiness for them by the time it is required. The idea is a good one. When Iully, the celebrated com poser, wns ' once dangt-rotifcly ill, hia friends w?nt for a confessor; ho ins his situation. critical, and his mind much ngllnted and alarmed, told him tf.ere wat n'y one . way by which he could obtain ab-ol ut ion, and that was by burning all that ho had composed of un unpublished iera. llemnnsTanco wb in Ltilly burnt his music, :iu l the confess r -withdrew. On his ecovcry, a iiouleirau uho was his pat- iom calling lo see him, win informed of the sacrifice wi ivh I e had made. "And s," said he, 'jon have burnt yonr opera; an I you nrt really such a t.Iockhead as to believe in the absurdl ieaof a lu-ink?' "Sto,-, my friend, sto;,'' snid Jjully, whimpering la hU Bar, "I knew very well what I was about I have another copy." The most beautiful Indian fcltl, ae cordiug to all accounts, now living, anil who by reason of her beauty, intrlll gence and spirit, has attained to au mt iqne influence, which is acknowledged by the warriors and defended by twenty fiery brothers and cousins, is Ktlsca, the "White Forehead of the- I'neajw pas." Etisca Is Sitting Hulls niece. She Is only fifteen years old, straight as au arrow, lithe as a serpent, soft its Hero, and eyed like a fawn, ller gsy ety is incorrigible. 'At the battle of the Ilosebud - where Custer wasovei. whelmed, and when alio was a mere child, she laughed incessantly in the midst of the carnage, riding her pony like a sprite. . ' Business before poetry seems to be the way of the English clergy.' A Brit ish newspaper has the following adver tisement: "A clergyman of the Church of England,' thirty-nine, five feet nine Uiches, considered good looking, a wi dower, with au ouly daughter, wishes to hear from any lady with a view to marriage who has from 6,000 to 12,000 at command, and would be willing to Invest about 5,000 in the purchase of an advowson (that is, the freehold of a cnurch, rectory, house and grounds,) in some beautiful locality, to produce 500 a year, l'lease write direct to the above reverend gentleman, as this ad vertisemsnt is genuine and bona fide Address," etc.. ' According to modern Jewish law it is necessary that a weddirg ring should be of a certe'n value, and it is therefore examined and certified by the officiating rabbi and the chief officers of the syna gogue when it is received by the bride groom. When properly certified the ring is returned, to him, and lie places it on the bride's finger, calling atten lion to the fact that she is by these means consecrated to him. So com pletely binding is this ceremony that, should the marriage be no further cor. sec rated, neither party could contract another without a formal divorce. Tne excrements of domestic poultry are the most highly contentrated of any on the larm, anu are computed as oe- ing half the worth of guano. The in gredients are nearly the same as the urate, or the dried urine of animals, since the urine oi lowis is voided in a solid form with the other matters eject ed from the bowels. The - value, as a manure, depends upon the food that is consumed. If fed on meat, blood and Gsh, the dung might be equal to guano as a fertilizer; if on vegetable food, the manure is less valuable. A queer case came before a French court not long ago. A peasant had agreed to pay live hundred francs for a cow, and had placed on a bench twenty 20-franc coins, and a 100-franc bill, when the cow made a snatch a the lat ter and swallowed it. The question arose, who was the rightful loser, and the jndge decided that the buyer, who had held the cow by the halter when it devoured the bill, had not taken proper precautions and must pay over again. Many Instances are given of cattle disease being carried from farm to farm by rats. After devouring any possible remains of the diseased cattle after slaughter, they are known to de sert the stricken farm in a body for another, where there is at the time an abundance of food. Is it not reasona ble to suppose they would carry the contagion with them, and thus mtro duce them into perfectly healthy sheds. Oood clean food, and clean surround ings, make nice-flavored and nourish ing eggs and poultry. The flavor of the flesh of the fowl is very much af fected by the food eaten. The health of the bird also depends on this and clean quarters and pure - air. With a shelter from storms and the scorching sun, to be enjoyed at will, there is nothing better than to give poultry free range in the open air. He was an eut re stronger to the Kins present, anu tne ooys were mean and wou'd not introduce him. He fin .illy p'ueked up courage, and stepping up to a yo :ng lady requested the p'ea- sureof her company for the next dance. Sh looked at him in surprise and in formed h:m that she had not the plea sure of his acquaintance. WelI," re- marked Cazenove, "you don't lake any more chances than' I do ' ; Habi'ual consumers of:- Intoxicating drinks are prone to find abundant ex cusos for the self indulgence of dob.ia- ing appetite. However Mr. KawliiiS r in England, who has spet.t much time and h;bor upon investigations connected with the pol lution of rivers and their sources,' !ia arrived at U e conclusion that the worst town water would be more .wholesome than the best beer for daily use. ' fadame Bahkmateff had for two years a Siberian bloodhound as a con stant companion. He was lost and found again. Delighted to see him again, .Madame 15. stooped to kiss and caress him, when he flew at her face and mangled it severly. Women who kiss and caress", dogs had better look out. - . Clean, sweec water, Is absolutely in dispensable to the production of clean sweet milk. The spores "of fungi and germs of Infusoria taken by drinking stagnant water will pass into the blood. causing fever, and appear in the milk secretions, making them unhealthy for food. Be sure the cows have pure water. A Jersey widower, who bad taken another partner, was serenaded on his wedding night. The parties brought a phonograph, in which was preserved some of the objurgations of his first wife, and when ihey it going under his window the happy bridegroom broke out Lito a cold sweat and crawled up the chimney on a bridal tour. A German has devised a "Bank Note Album" with leaves of Asbestos paper. Papers placed betwixt the leaves will, It is legible e?en after exposure to a fire which reduces them to ciuders. Three Edinburg newsboys have been arrested and tried on a charge that they "did shout and brawl and make a great noise, whereby the lieges were greatly annoved and disturbed." and two of them sent to prison for live years, while the third was released with a fine of 5 unon promising never again to sell a newspaper Itattlebone's youngest boy is a genius. The other day he learned how to whis tle, and in the evening Just before tumbling into bed, he puckered up his little mouth, and began to whistle in a slow, measured manner. "Why, my little sou, what aie you doing?" asked his mother, "Why, ma, I'm whistling my prayers!" Outside the meetht' houfo Deacon Norwood (to KMer Tompkins): "Yes, air: a man with hope and without no faith l.t just like a young man in a row boat, who alnt eot.only one oar, and row a round and rouud In a circle and don't tret now hero." Small boy (at a safe distance): "if he warn t a darned fool he'd scull. luduetua affords a familiar example af an epidemic disease, a wholo com munity being ofteu attacked in the course of a few hours. From this it tnav ln inferred that the occurrence or this disease is connected with some particular condition of the atmosphere. but what that condition Is, Is not yet Vuown to science. An attempt to determine the total Il luminating power of the stars as conv pared with some recognized standard, has been made by Mr. J. J. Hummer. As a result, be estimates the illuminat ing power of all the stars above the ho rizon at one time to be not less than one eightieth part of the illumination derived from the full moon. It Is well known that ferment or yeast Is, in a great measure, made up of a cellular plant, and it would appear that the germs of this plant abound in the atmosphere, and when they him a solution of albumen, fibrin .and the like, grqw in it. In so doing they excite a decomposition of the fibriu, which being communicated to the sugar, causes it to ferment ' ' A good story is told of Ben Butler's sarcastic retort upon a Massachusetts judge, whom he was teasing for a ruling favorable to a cause he was defending In court. The judge got out of patience at last and somewhat testily exclaimed. "Mr. Butler, what do you think I sit here for'f" Ben quietly shrugged his shoulders, and replied, "The court has got me now." It is related that for use on the occa sion of a golden welding down East a supply of "gilt edge" butter was en gaged from a neighbor who keeps "crack Jerseys," and that he slyly ex clianged with another neighbor for Durham butter, which latter passed at table for genuine "Jersey," received many compliments, and added to the local laurels of that breed. W hen distant; oojects appear to oe unusually near, rain may be looked for. because when the air has nearly reach ed saturation there is a cessation of those vapor movements by which the air is rendered, in some degree, obscure, Sir Isaac Newton observed that the stars seemed nearer, and better adapted for observation, in the clear intervals of rain, or between showers, than at any other time. Attention has oeeu urawn to a prac tice prevalent in some parts of the country, which appears to illustrate the power possessed by milk of absorbing atmospheric impurities. It is that of placing a saucer r pan of new milk in a larder, to pvorve meat or game from taint. It is said that not only does it answer that purpose, but that the milk, after a few hours, becomes so bad that no animal will touch it. Typographical Crime. , If one book must be singled out and doomed never to receive decent typo graphical treatment, says Rossiter Johnson, it should have been any other, rather than the Bible. I should like to see what would be the effect of giving it a fair chance. I believe It would be read if it were made readable. We ought to have one edition of it without marginal references aud without foot notesunless in the rare cases where these are absolutely necessary. Where the italicised words are necessary to a complete and idiomatic rendering they should be printed in plain Roman: where not thus necessary, they should be dropped. - Instead of verses we should have paragraph, and all figures or other indications of the verses abol ished. Conversation should be printed in broken paragraphs, with quotation marks, just as in a novel. Poetry should be printed as poetry. Instead of being crowded into one volume, the book shouid be in four or five moderate duodecimo volumes, with large type and good paper, so that it could be at once held without tiring the arm and read without straining the eyes. Fi nally, this book should have a good ana lytical index. A cumbrous concordance is not an index, and does not serve the purpose of one. If presented in such a form, the Bible might be enjoyed as lit erature and perhaps better understood as a divine authority. Pine Apple Leaves. At Singapore, in the East Indies there Is quite a thrifty branch of busi ness in preparing the fibres of pine ap ple leaves for exportation to China, where they are manufactured Into cloth. The process of extracting and bleaching the fibres is exceedingly simple. The first step is to remove the fleshy or suc culent side of the leaf. A Chinese, astride on a narrow stool, extends on it in front of him a pine apple leaf, one end of which is kept firm, being packed beneath a small bundle of cloth on which he sits. He then, with a kind of two-haudled plane of bamboo, removes the succulent matter. Another man re ceives the leaves as they are planed, and with his thumb nail loosens and gath ers the fibres about the middle of the leaf, which enables him by one effort to detach the whole of them from the outer skin. The fibres are next steeped in water for some time, after which they are washed in order to free them from the matter that still adheres and binds them together. Ihey are now laid out to dry and bleach on rude frames of split bamboc. The process of steeping, waslung and exposing to the sun is repeated for some days until the fibres are considered to bo properly bleached. .Without further preparation they are rent into town for exportation to China. Nearly all tho islands near Singapore are more or less planted with pine apples, which, at a rough estimate, cover au extent of two lhous:uid acres A Bird Combat. That trim, gentle-looking, drab-colored bird, erroneously called turtle dove by dwellers in the United States, und generally deemed so utterly inno eent and pure that to kill it for the ta ble or any other use is branded as hein ous In the extreme, is not so innocent after all. Its moaaing, sad-sounding, voice is a mockery and a cheat. Its soft dark eyes aire a sham; its sober Quaker garb is calculated to deceive; its timid movements are not to be trust ed. When it has once been insulted or injured by one of its kind, the dove be comes as cruel and outrageously heart less as any murderer can be. Some years ago I witnessed a fight between two female moaning doves which for utter barbarousness could not be ex ceeded. I was angling iu a brook for sun-perch, half-prone on a glassy bank lost in a brown study, with a cigar be tween my lips, wheu I happened to see a dove alight on a gnarled bough of a plane tree a few yard distant. Imme diately it began to coo in that dolefully plaintive strain so well known to every lorer of Nature, aud was soon joined by a male, who perched himself within a foot or two of her. 1 espied their nest, not yet finished, iu tho fork of an Iron-wood near by. The birds made very expressive signs to each other with their heads by a series of bows, and sidewise motions, of which I under stood enough to know that some intru der was near perhaps they meant me. Tho fish were not biting any too well, ! but the shade was pleasant and the grass fragrant, the sound of the water very soothing, and the flow of the wind steady and cooling, so I did not care to move just to humor the whim of a pair of billing doves. It proved, however, after all, that I was not the cause of alarm. Another female dove present ly dropped like a hawk from a dark, dense mass of leaves above the pair, and struck the first on the back with beak and wings. A fight ensued, wit nessed with calm interest by myself and the male dove. . ' ' At first the combatants struggled desperately together on the bough, fiercely beating each other with their wings, and plucking out the feathers from breast and neck, all the time ut tering low, querulous notes ITering fr m anything I had ever befoi jeard. Pretty soon they fell off Ihe bough, and came whirling down upon the ground, where they continued tho battle with c nstanliy increasing lury, tiuir eyes fairly flashing fire, and cutting and thrusting with their beaks like swords men. Blood began to show itself about their heads, and in p'aces their necks were quite bare of feathers. When at last one of them became so exhausted that further struggle was impossible, the other proc!eled to take its stand upon its help"kss opponent, and would have quickly made an end of it had I not interfered. The vanquished bird wts minus an eye, and was unable lo fly for some minutes. The secret of the battle w:is jealousy. The male sat by ami wa'ched in a nonchalant way until it was all over, when Le very lov ingly strutted upt the victorious dove and began cooing iu a low soothing lone. From that day to this I have re pudiated the figure "inuoceiit it dove." Appktnns Journal. How to Learn to Swim. Every boy and girl should learn to swim. A writer in the American Agri culturist offors tho following sugges tions, by obedience to which the art of swimming may be readily acquired: When I was a boy, I learned to swim by means of a swimming-board. This is the safest method possible. If corks are used, they may slip from around the breast down beneath the body, throw ing the head below the surface, and putting the wearer in danger of drown ing. Some country boys get two bladders and then tie them together with a short cord, and use these as supports. They are the most dangerous things possible for a boy to have. The board is perfectly safe, and one may learn to swim in a very short time by using one. It should be over four feet long, over a foot wide, and two inches thick, made of soft white pine or cedar. , ' To use it, a boy wades into the water up to his shoulders, then, taking hold of the end of the board, he pushes it before him towards the bank, and not Into deeper water springs forward with his feet, and throws himself flat upon the water. This movement carries him along a few feet. lie then draws up both his legs at the same time, keeping the kneis as far apart as possible, and then strikes out with both feet, not straight back ward, but sideways, just as a frog does. me strode is maae slowly, and is re peated again, drawing up the legs slow ly and steadily. The board keeps the head above water. W'hen the leg stroke has been learned, one hand is taken from the board and the stroke learned, or the chin may be rested on the board. while the stroke is taken with both hauds. This is a very good plan, as it com pels the swimmer to keep his liauds under the water, which he should al ways do. By-and by, the board may be pushed ahead, and the young swimmer may swim after it, always keeping it within reach. When a number of boys go to swim, they should always have two or three of these boards with thera for use in case of any accident. The Oldest Meat iu the World. An account in a Russian paper of re cent explorations in Siberia relates that one or the travelers, while proceeding along an e6tuary of the river Lena, found a pack of wolves devouring the frozen flesh of a mammoth which had been exposed by the breaking away of a cliff, and was apparently in a perfect state of preservation. This is probably the oldest preserved meat in the world, compared with which the most ancient Egyptian mummy is a recent pottage. Morejmammoths are doubtless buried In tire same locality, and we may ye live to see the gourmands of Paris in. dulging their taste for curious dishes upon filet d mammoth, fresh from Si beria, after a tew score thousand years of storage in Nature's ice cellars. As the Dilnisierofa country church in Georgia was about to marry a couple, a lady objected ou the ground that the intended bride was not of age, and her parents were ignorant of the act. The clergyman said it wa not a legal ob jection, and decided to put the matter to a vote. A unanimous aye! by the congregation was the result, an2 f,he knot wa3 tied. TUTTO POLLS 1? A NOTED DIVIIIE SAYS' THEY ARE WORTH THEIR' WEIGHT in GOLD READ WHAT HE SAYS Dm-TrTTi Dear Sir: For ten rears I haw been a martyr to Pyspepma, Constipation and Piles. LaatS Spring your Pills were recommended to me ; I uae U them (bat with little faith). I am now a well man, have good appetite, dlgce- tion perfect. regular toola, piles gone, ila, puea roue, and I have Grained forty anas eoua ncaa. They aro worth their weight in pold. Bar. K. I- SIMPSO: N, LooiarlUe, Ky. TUTT'S PILLS Dr. Tntt naa been en-' paged iu the practice of medicine SO years, and for a long time was Demonstrator o Anatomy in the Med ical College of Georg ia,hence persons using his Pills have the guar, antee that they are prepared oa scientific principles, and arefreo from all quackery. He has succeeded in Cuu ICK HAD- Acm. TUTT'S PILLS CUH DTSrXPSIA. TUTrSPILLS CCBS COXSTIPATIOM. TUnPILLS Cvsa FiLsa. TUTFSP1LLS Cuaa Farxa akd Atiuzr TurrspiLLs Ccxx Biuova Colic. TUTT7SPILLS Cuu Kidney Cox- TUTTSPILLS . Ccu Torpid Li van. combining In them the heretofore autagonia Uo qualities of a I Urengt tuning, pur gatim and a purifying tonie. Their first apparent effect is io lncreaee the appeUte by causing the food to properly as- Isiinilata. Thus Uie sys tem is nourished, and by their tonic action on the digesuve or gans, reguliir ana uealthy evacuaUoe are produced. The rapidity with which prrumt takt on flesh, while under the influence of Uieeepilis, of itself indicates their adaptability to nouriaa the body, and hence their efficacy In curing nervous debility, mel ancholy, dyspepsia, wasting oi tne musciea sluggishness of the liv er, chronic constipa tion and Imparting health and strength to the system. A DOCTOR SAYS.. , Dr. I. Guy Lewis, of Fulton Ark., writes ; "One year ago I was taken sick, a friend argued so strongly In favor of TuU's Pills that I was In duced to use them. Never did medicine have a' happier effect than in my case. After a practic of a quarter of a century I proclaim them the best anti-bilious medicine ever used. Ihavepra- sen Dec inem in my practice ever since." SUPERIORITY OF TUTT'S PILLS. Thoy are compoundod from medicinal substaa ceo that are positively free from any properties that can In the least degree injure the most deli cate organization. They search, cleanse, purify, and invigorate the entire system. By relieving; the engorged liver, they cleanse the blood from poisonous humors, and thus impart renewed health and vitality to the body, causing the bow els to act naturally, without which no cm can feel well. A TORPID LIVER Is the fruitful' source of many diseases, prominent ameng which are Dyspepsia, Sick-Headache,' Costivencss, Dysentery, Bilious Fever, Ague and Fever, Jaundice, Piles, Rheumatism, Kidney Complaint, Cohc, etc Tutt's Pills exert a direct and powerful infln ence on ma uvcr, ana wui, witn certainty, reuava that important organ from disease, and restore Its normal functions. SOLD EVERY WHEKE. JCBTZCE, 35 MURK A. Y ST., HEW Y0Xt7 THE CMcago Bnrlmton & Qiiincy R. B. is Tine DIRECT ROUTE BETWEEN THE East and West, Running Through Cars CtttOAfc' TO Council. Bluefs, CONNECTING WIT It TFIE Union Pacific Railroad ' Kon all roijrrs is XEUli ASK A. COLOR A DO. rroMiya. MOXTAXA. X EVA DA, AliiZOSIA, IDAHO, AND Calif a3?Lid. T II II O L' II CASS TO kahsas crrr. topeka,atchison & st joseri And the SHORT 'LINE to all points ou the MISSOTKI. KANSAS &. J KX AS, and HOCSTO at TKXAS CENTRAL llAILIiOAuS, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars. AND THE CELEBATED C, B. Stq. DINING CARS. BY THIS ROUTE AH Information about rare of fare will be eheertully given by applying to C.TT. SMITH, Trafl Manager. James K. Wood, 4g't, Chicago GRAESPION..WA PATENTED OCTOBER 17. 1S71 It ! ft C'o-rip'cte Success! HaTfi Time and ilrgitterr, and the t'atlcue rv, ilac hur this Wiuiher and Ton loanrr k Smillnjz Wifa. It im th boot BJmchin iuvenU"l Is m Twrfn-t for m VTasbnr km a wringer in for a wriusnr. The i;uivrnal iatitnoriy m: " Tin" JJCf1 12 t n'.w-t iu roDCeption, aud hnn n-ured the GREAT; KrfT -0.-SIHl,K AaolSfof WASIUVQ SLBFACB in the LKAST POSSIBLE COMPASS. and U Compact, Liilbt. fciilr fianJIod. n:id to 9- it U to know tht wiil do thrt work with Easb, Economy aid Eracirocr. Thorn whn one tee thin ilachiue work, throw )! th lasibttrlocr. nnwioldr. n-les mar.liiu which hae inul!y failed tatnunirlnh tho oly-ct promised in rrotuinent ud lond aoiiodinf d-tisima. Tlx prie another inducement to purchaser dm bneu placed no Sow tliat it ia wi'hin the learli of eery bonsekeept'.-. an-1 there i no article of domaatic ecou omr whlrli will repay h small inTantment o eoon. .50 i" a I that i aled for tlii (treat lnixir-eaw. Ani watmd ovnrywliero A lioorwl diwoiiut te Anla und tts trn-in. For trnF ed.l efts !tw !lia- c 39 H. CenrU Sc., Chicago, Vtllnad sher mra KEEN AN & GRACE. Retail LiQuor Dealers. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. PLATTSMOUTII - - NEB. Also Billiard Hall and Saloon on Main street, four doors from Sixth at Neville's old place. Store and saloon on Main St. tvro doors east of the Post office. BEST BRANDS OF CI OARS, ALES, WINES, d-Cn AT BOTH PLACES. Kemember The Xauie and Place. My Keenan & Grace. HENRY BGEPCK DEALEU IN F,U2?2aiiii2?e3 SAFES, CHAIRS, ETC., ETC, ETC., : Of All Descriptions. IvIETALLIC BUHIAL CASES Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash. With many thanks for past patronage. I Inri inrlte all to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OF 40tf. FVKXTI B AXO COF1 I A 55 crts 2. S ' n 63 : S3 fr- ? s if bi M o S " a e-3 CO C CO 3 S3 o CD SO o o B -s cs CO CD 3 . 5" ?3 2. o a e s 9 K 2 O CT "D S c o e v TS 2 3 ZZ S o I 5 sr. 5 S " S"2. w 5". c S. & OB 5 "t ST a i S3 E 3 5 o c 5 OSS -4 50 c; . 8 A. JVST urENEl AOAIX. New, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on Main Street In Fred Kroehler's old stand Everybody on hand for fresh, tender niwat. 2yi.oe ELI PLUMMER, Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Store opposite Saunders House. Main 8t, Plattsniouth, Kebr. 20Iy. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HORSE SHOEING, AMD ' WAGON REPAIRIKQ All kinds of FA Kit IMPLEiTENTS mended Neatly & Promptly :0: Horse, Mulc& OxShocing, In short, we'll shoe anything that ha? four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. " Coine and see us. - ITEW SHOP, on Fifth St.. between Main and Vine Streeta. Just across the corner from the krw 1IEKAIJ j orrtcK. lay- ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re- pairing, and general jobbing I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing cm larm and oilier ni;irhinery, tm l a good lathe in my shop. PET Eli RAO EN, mere The old Reliable Waon Maker haa taken charge of the wagon shop. , lie Is wen known as a NO. 1 WOEKMAN. Xew Wagons and ItagzleA made f Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Shop oa SUtb tro4 opposite Straight's Stable G. HATT SttlJIl ANNUAL ANNOUNCE!'!! We are pleased to inform our mrrny Patrons that we have opened for "inspection," the largest, cheapest, and most complete line of DKY GOODS, Notions, Millinery and Fancy articles ever shown in this city. Special Attention Called To our magnificent assortment of JBflfflxElk (DasBnimner The embrace twelve grades, ranging in price from SflDct to S.dDdP per yard Black & (Zoloredi Alpacas, Bourettes, Barpors, Lustres, Kensington Plaids, &c, in Great Variety. REPELLANTS, WATERPROOFS, LADIES' CLOTHS, In the Yery Latest Styles. A Tory fine and large selection, in Beaver, Diagonal, Basket and Corded qualities, from $C.0 up. Shawls, Flannels, Blankets, Comfortables, at Keduced Flyures. DOMESTICS, o all kinds. . , NEW LACE SCARFS ! Ties, Bows, Crepe, Ruches, Etc., Etc. AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF Ladies' Misses' and Children's all Wool and Fleeco Lined Hose. Anything you fall to see, ask for it, for we hare It, at BED BOOK PRICES I A Much Meedea Want Supp iedl IL Blew ESnterprise ! CLOTHING, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. We hayc added to our stock a complete line of MENS', Youths' and Children's Clothing, unequalled in extent. Quality and Trice, by any other house in tho City. "Xo Discarded, Bankrupt, or Second Hand Clothing Here!" AH now Fresh Goods direct from the Manufactory' at prices that defy Competition. A handsome selection of White and Colored Shirts, over shirts, Uunder wear, Hosiery, Ties, Bows, and etc.. Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes. a?TTJ3STICS A-2T2D VALISES An inspection is respectfully solicited which we trust will merit yonr pat ronage. We are Determined to Undersell all Competitors. SOLOMON & NATHAN. IFo has come home. And he has hrouiht the finer lino of Dress Go-ods, Staple Goods, Fancy Goods and N otionsyou ever saw. rm O ra.Tjr rm jtk if U Ui? Jill .a ies by tine acre, amid lBe till yoH cairn9! iresf laatfs asad cap till Spring and Summer Goods eyer and ever so cheap Noio Is your chanco bound to sell arid undersell anybody. Hurry up. I want to go East again next month. WARRANTED r r t WS-TO WATCH ntlon to ttaeae to fju.uj ear-n. iiij iimm xjiiiw ii ii mm '1 WARRANTED WATCHES ONLY 3 EACH. CM X, Z. Ji T DICK STREIGHT'S LI V FRY, FEED AND SALE STA BLES. Corner 6th and Pearl Sta. . nORSKS P.OAKDKD BT THE DAY, TTEEK, OR 3IO.TII. HORSES BOUGHT. SOLD OE TBADBD. For a Fair CommLssion. TKA3IS AT ALL IIOl KS. rarttcular attention paid t Driving and Training TROTTIXG STOCK. 32500 Tn. A?fnta wantrd. Busl- ni-saleaitlmat. rarticularsfree. Addma J. woaru a Jxxua. mo. w Hi fii Ok if TiTvr5krrm"r, MS UJi U. VjVLV1IA U3Z WATCHES ONLY 3 EACH. 3 goes Each. ft BANKRUPT STOCK OF WATCHES, Warranted for One Year. Trtti hfinkrnpt stock mnt rlowl out In OO 1yn. Tl:. firfiaor pi'lr. lVirhri w:a iStH.OO .ft-l. Tucy are Filv.fJ ran. amiI open fa4.;t ail ori. lvj. fiii'l of Vrrnrh iiianufiii'lurt. tUe movnifnt of irJtirh ti'!icr w?ll known th worl1 ov.r for thir flu. I, n sli. 1 liry nrf nwil on riailroiwt auri Uranhoala, w l:rv-. nNiirl lim If fijirrttl, aiul ivp vmk! mu lif.u ii( u. l of it, a ti W'.tu-b for omly 93UM, aud wnrnuatftl oo jeitr for tlm. fi"clNsrTl, O.. -Vy It,1S77. The Waltprn Tmnortlnc Co. ta an ohl ri)iUrt& an1 vry ruiiLiie Uuua., and we cheerfully rwnmnl Uic-m. CrNnvrTi Powr. After the rtonr nf ml of thin bankrupt stork of WMcbci, whlrh will rontinii. OO riars from data of ttil. pnppr, no ot1r will bti nile) at ttjan l?.oo ah ; pleane aend your order at our. Willi racli Watch w. furnlKb our .prrial .arrnBlrr for oa yar r arrunlc lime. We will firrwaM the h prompt ly nn rwelpt or i3.oa, or will iid V.O.V. If ctutom.ra are and remit $l.ui oil arrfMint. .ddrtas all order to Wfiltri- ImnortliiaT C'4 O y.: -o f ( I HO Kim mkcit, Ci.iiiNKiti.O. KPECri.ATni Wecall parUmlar watches, oa Uity sell readily at irom ii iiiii J mmmtn 111!!' L!1 T ST11E1GIIT & MiLirn Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES BRIDLES, COLLARS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly hand. FRUIT, CONFECTIONS T, GROCERY STORE, yUTS' CANDIES. TEAS COFFEES, SUGARS, T0CACCOES 3eC. Kemember the place opposite E. G. Duvfy' on Lower Wain sireev. . STREIGHT & MILLER. 4- b4 Morpnla cu. l'M'