Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 26, 1878, Image 3

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Arrive at - u :So a. m.
Iefirt at - r, :rw a. in.
" - 3 :to I. in.
Arrlfc at 10 a. ru. Lep;ut at - 2 :l p. in.
Arrive Rt - 3 its p. m. Depart at - 10 :O0 a. m.
Awlre at 12 :uo m. I Depum at - l .-oo p. ni.
Anneal LJ :00 m. l.;rnut at - 1 art p. m.
Transient. 36 cents a lin. advertis
ers, 10 cents per lin-'- advertisement iuseit-
1 lor !eM than cents.
IrtvI notices at Statute rates.
Attorneys and officers of th; lnw will be field
rt poiisibfe for all legal notices they hand in,
Mia all parties demanding ,a proof of publica
tion tee of sucb notice.
AsmirRpace is limited, nil coniinunicafiong
giutit be brief aod to the jioiiit, with uu tviuie
af words.
TU paper Is resioiiRilil for the correctness
according to copy of paid matter and paid l.e
gals, only.
1. Any person who takes the psper regularly
from the pos-o(l":ce, whether l:;ec;ed to his
name, or w nether he is a subscriber or not is
responsible for the pay.
2. If any person onlfis liis paper discontin
ued, bo must pay all arrearages, or tim publish
er may continue to send U until payment is
made, and collect the whole amount, whether
the paper is taken from the office or not.
3. I lie courts have decided that refi:sinjr to
tske newspapers and periodicals (mm tlie post
Bice, or removing and leaving them uncalled
lor. is prima facie vid;nce of imtentioxai.
umjt""."""'" mm "' 1
It keeps patching tho sleighing up
a little all the time.
The IIkrai.d house will receive
calls as usual New Years day.
G. W. Thomas and Miss Sallie
"Wright will bo married this evening
we undei stand.
St. Luke's Church was h;nlme
ly trimmed and services at 11 o'clock on
Christinas day.
The thermometor stoo l jCP below
0 on Sunday morning, but by one
o'clock was up to 20 above.
How soon the New Year will be
here, 179. How short the time since
with equal zest we wrote 1873.
A. V. Dawson pays up for the
Hekald with "joy and glee," and
looks just as "young as he used to be."'
Frank 13ossmer froze his ears very
badly, driving from Weeping Water on
Saturdny. Tie 'em up hereafter, "lloss."
Lawyer Stone was married to Mrs.
Williams nn Christmas eve, the 24th,
by tho Rev. Mr. Burgess of St. Luke's
T.elmhoff has rrot him a new s.oiirli
for the children, very pretty and use
ful. Charlev Hoffman built it, bo he
Somehow wc forgot io say last week
that Mr. and Mrs. Mart. Cutler were in
town and looking as charming as pos
To-morrow iii;;ht the great Mason
ic Festival takes place on St. John's
4-ve. It will be a very brilliant affair,
we expect.
Don't forgo t tocr.11 at J. I Young's
iiml examine those. New Year's cards,
and you will be sure to leave orders
. for having some printed.
An air hole in the Missouri extend
from the B. A M. Depot to the transfer.
It is about thirty yards wide and hugs
the shore clear around the bend.
The Herald of last week had by
nctual measurement. 15,r,i0 "ems" more
of original home matter (si t up here-)
than both the other papers combined.
Our poetry is getting so famous
that the boys are speaking it in schooi.
The boy stood on tlie burning deck"
will soon be nowhere if the Herald
keeps on.
There is some awful poor coal oil
being sold hero. Fvery one is com
plaining. We'll have to get Capt.
Palmer's coal oil law enforced if it
don't grow better.
The bridge men failed to find bot
tom in the old Muddy Sunday morning
with a thirty foct pile. The nigbt be
fore there was only fifteen feet of wa
ter in the same spot.
We are now prepared to print Xew
Year's cards in the latest styies. Xew
type, different styles and sizes, appro
priate for long or short names. Leave
orders at Phil Young's.
Lots of immigrants here every day
trying to cross the river. Have to put
their stock on the cars. A few days
like this though will closo the old
Muddy up so they can cross on th ice.
Marshal Murphy had a lot of hard
un Friday morning, but had t
let 'em go, as they had no money for
fines. But it is a good thing to let
them know that arrest and punish
ment is sure.
The onlv place in the city where
you c.-u get the latest styles of Xew
Y'ear's cards is at the Herald office,
j. p. Youug keeps the cards, and we
do the printing. G and take your
choice of cards, and Phil will get them
printed immediately.
There i3 a man in Cass County who
is related by marriage to Gen. Lee, of
revolutionary fame, the late Gen. Lee,
Gen. Jackson and Stonewall Jackson.
It is needless to say he is a democrat,
but a sound man withal.
Tb Liederkranz Ball comes off
nxt "Wednesday evening, just before
this paper goes to press again. Our
German friends are anticipating much
pleasure therefrom, and it will be a
jolly New Years party.
RnaVinsr of razors, said John
Boon, as he made change for a quar
terr "Adam and Eve were the first rais
ers" "How so?" asked the customer,
"Thty raised Cain." As the man put
on his coat he asked : "Are veu Able
to make another joke like that.
Our merchants bave been very
busy this Christmas week. The stores
vrtie full of the finest goods and toys,
and we guess every one did a fair busi
ness. The town never seemed so live
ly before. Merriness and good feeling
appeared to reign supreme.
Mr. Love goes up to Omaha to spend
the holidays.
Hon. Joe. McCaig was in town Mon
day and Tuesday.
Anderson Root called Monday and
left the Herald a sub. better off.
Young Mr. Young brings 113 some
very nice honey for the Herald again.
Mrs. Hayes is spending the holidays
with her relatives and friend3 in the
G. C. Harmon W. V. takes a Ilrn
ald and Inter-Ocean foi another year.
Hoy. D. Marquette and wife have
been visiting at Mr. Montgomery's for
a few davs.
The Rev. Mr. Burgess, of Sr. Luke's.
went to Lincoln, Christmas to olliciate
at the marriage ceremony of Miss Cat
Mr. Simon3 is enjoying Christinas
and Xew Years with his friends here
and looks as smiling aud pleasant as
Mr. Curtis "Watson an old subscriber
of tire Herald called on Tuesday and
we were pleased to make his personal
John Christiansen, Esq., an oldtime
residtnt here, and former Master Me
chanic at the 15. & M. shops passed
through here Thursday.
Mr. Drumrnond is spending the hol-
idavs in Plattsrnouth among nis
friends. He seems to be pleased with
his surroundings in his new home and
work at Fremont.
For Window Shade3 and fixtures go
toShrytck's. 3H2
Schools will be opened on Jan. 2
1S7D, and there will be three days of
school that week.
Fred C order keeps soft coal cheap
S.Mid in your orders at once. '-telS
They say John Dillon played here
week before last. We have no knowl
pdn of it. The John Dillon we used
"O -
to know traveled with gentlemen thia
outfit had better hire another manager,
or advavce agent. We rather guess
John is about played out here, any
way. Wanted. Corn, oats, or wood, on
subscription, now, at one-. You that
have accounts overdue, here is your
best chance. After January these old
accounts will be sued, sure.
A huge lot of fine Chromos, Panel
Pictures, Mottoes and Frames for the
Holidays, at Shr jock's. o'Jt2
ClirLtnins Eveuiug in Town.
The Presbyterian Church had a very
handsome Christmas tree, chuck full
of presents, which Mayor Johnson,
Andy McLaughlin, Cap. Palmer and
others handed down to the happiest
lot of yoai'g and older children yon
ever saw.
St. Lukt's church gave a supper
down in Duke's 1LT. where a merry
crowd sored away heaps of turkey
and chickens and hul a merry time
The M. E. Church programme for
Christmas night wa3 the most elabor
ate perhaps of all. An arch in front
of the Altar was filled with presents
which were duly distributed by the
dignitaries of the church and Sunday
School. Santa Clau3 appeared, they
had singing, speeches and a general
Christmas welcome for all.
Uarrie 1.
The Herald receives the following
Elegant Card, "Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
White." And every one knows what
that means. Arthur White has been
getting married just before Christmas,
to Miss Eva A. Corn well, at Crete, and
the happy couple have come homo to
spend Christmas with Father White.
That's a nice Christmas present, Ar
thur, to bring home to Father and
Mother a now daughter. We are
afiaid no oue will ever bring the poor
old IIeuald such a present, but luck
is luck and wo must all take our chan
ces in this world, and the next too, for
that matter.
Every year since our connection
with tho IIeuald as Christmas day ap
proaches a substantial looking package
is handed to us with " Kind wishes
from Mr. and Mrs. Stadelmann," and
that package contains a delicious fruit
cake, which we always enjoy with
manv kind wishes in return for the
welfare of Mr. and Mrs. titadelmann
and their family, and we hope that
many Merry Christmases may dawn
for them in return for their efforts to
make it happy for others.
The Musicale given by Miss Simpson
on Saturday evening last to show the
proficiency and progress of her pupils.
gave a very pleasant evening's enter
tainment to tlie parents and friends
assembled. "Wo have long known and
appreciated Miss Simpson's ability as
a teacher and on that evening our ap
preciation was enhanced as we observ
ed ia the performances of the pupils,
the results of patient training, and cul
tivation of a taste for what we might
call standard music. This class of
properly instructed pupils growing up
will help to elevate the musical taste
of all around them, and thus the ef
forts now confined to a few individ
uals will have an influence much wi
der in the future. Lack of time aud
space incident upon the holiday duties
prevent our mentioniag the perform
ances of the pupils in detail. v e can
only commend the scholars to persevere
as they have begun and their progress
will be much more rapid the higher
they go, under such traiaiug. To Mis3
Simpsoa we 6ay, the people cf Platts
mouth will appreciate more and more
as time passes the opportunity that is
offered them of gaining for their chil
dren thorough musical instruction, and
a reward better than the pecuniary
one for honest work will cm Booner
or later.
Since our attempt at poetry has
been adopted bv the schools, as i
you may say, we have been thinking of
writing a Primer in verse; one of the
good old kind, containing moral senti
ments, something like this:
Children he good and mind your teacher.
Say "tl'iink you, sir," and "mam" go hear
the preacher.
Cet well yc-nr lemons every day,
lint mix your study with some play.
"All work no play," you know thu ret.
And wise folks think this is the bert.
The exact apportion we'll not state.
You- teacher's sense hhould know the rate.
Don't bite oft more than you can chew.
Doc'tciam. but learn things through and
Thus will you mind and body strengthen.
And wiser grow, as inches leufethen.
Coal ! Coal ! ! Coal ! ! ! at Fred G or
der's Xow is the time for your soft
coal. Cheap for cash. 4Sto
-The Livingston pony is the most
useful r.nimal in tlie business. The
children have it hooked up to their
small sleighs, and it paddles all over
town, pulling from three to half a doz
en small sleighs, and a3 many more red
nosed, red-flngered but happy young
sters of both scies.
Don't forget to call on the old reli
able, Anthony G. Ilatt for your Xew
Year's Turkeys. Geese, Ducks. Chick
ens, or in fact anything in his line
that you happen to want, you can get
by ordering.
There will be no issue of the
Chronicle this week, owing to remov
al of office,
Dr. Clutter is fixed up nicely in
the old Shryock rooms, and seems us
happy as any body.
The IIeuald returns thanks for
line roast of mountain sheep, from
the Black Hills, the gift of II. Mc
Maken. The ladies of the Temperance Un
ion, will receive calls on Xew Year's
day, in tlie Beading room, from two
o'clock, p. m., until nine o'clock p. M.
Dr. Kichey the denti.-t, leaves here
to-morrow, "for Malvern, Iowa; but
will return in the spring.
Some fellow from the construc
tion train struck Charley Nichols ( by
mistakc it is supposed ) with a sling
shot, on Christmas night as he was
going in to Leach's to 1 uy some can
dy i'or his children. Too many
drunken men on the street for Christ
inas boys. It won't do.
His name is John Groghan and lie
was hauled up before Judge Sullivan
tliis morning. Trial at 3 p. m.
Three bummers we:.t into the back
door of a certain Saloon Sunday night,
to i'ft a drink. When they came out
they thought it would be fun to knock
a couple of barrels of salt off the plat
form of an adjoining store. Marshal
Murphy gave them their choice, of
sleeping in the cooler or returning the
salt. They concluded to repined the
barrels, and found it was not so much
fun after all.
We saw a very fine gray stallion
on the street tlie other day. On in
quiry, we found he belonged to Mr. A.
M. Holmes, of Rock Bluffs. He is Eve
vears old, half Norman and English
Coach Horse, is not so stocky as the
pure Norman, with plenty of bone and
muscle; he has more life and action,
weighs 1500 pounds, and is not fat.
Altogether he seems a mighty likely
horse, and the kind that our fanners
need, to improve and give weight to
our present stock.
Cut Flowers for the Holidays.
I shall be aide to furnish as follows:
Vat ton Hole's, 23 to 50 cents each.
1..VJ to S4.50 per doz.; Hound l.ou-
luets.Sl.jO to S5.00 and upward; las
ets S1.00 to $10.00 up.; Smihix 10 to
3 cents per yard according to density
of foliage, l'rice for flowers in other
forms will be given on application.
neeial rates for large quantities. Or
ders by mail must be accompanied by
Cash, can send with perlect saieiy.
Lutton Hole s will be on sale at j. i
Young's, leave orders with him. If
anything special i3 wanted call at the
Green house. L. A. Moorh.
yut2 Plattsrnouth, eb.
Lost ! !
on Tuesday forenoon between the Sey-
bolt place and Plattsrnouth, a pocket
book containing considerable money.
The finder will bo suitably rewarded
by returning the same, at once, to tho
IIekald office or to the owner
40il Lvmis Latehk.
Market Gardeners, send for Root's
Garden Manual for 1879, full of in
structions on gardening topics, and
price list of Choice seeds, both sent
FREE, Address,
40tl0 J. B. Hoot, Pock ford, 111.
Settlement Notice.
All persons owing me for one year
and over take notice. The account
must be straightened up between now
and the 10th, of January 1870. or I
will sue and collect Iy h ir such ac
counts as remain unsettled. Kernem
ber I mean this. I do not want to
crowd but I must have money to tran
sact my business with, and pay my
own debts. 21. Sciinellbackkr.
For Cash.
Louisville, Neb., Dec. 2d, 1973.
Having found by experience that I
cannot do business with satifaction to
myself or customers by giving credit;
I shall, on and after the 1st day of
January 1879, sell goods strictly for
cash ! So do not asK for credit, as I
shall positively refuse every one.
39t6 J. V. Glover.
Mr. King, the ag;nt of the Shenan
doah Nurseries is here again, ho has
been canvassing Sarpy county with
good success and will now try Cass
awhils. Give him a call. 40:2
Keenan & Grace Good wines and
liquois for holiday use. Botled li
quors and cigars for family use. Eith
er at lower Store or at Billiard hall on
upper Main street. 40t2
Settlement Notiee.
rLATTSMOUTn, Dec. 19, 137S.
Notice is hereby given to those in
debted to the undersigned, to come for
ward and pay up on or before January
1st, 1379; as after tl at time all my
accounts will be placed in the hands
of- proper authorities for collection.
Come one and all.
! yo'.'HI :.M-WA(;NEK At i'iau--rnoinn.on me ;
23d tuft., by the Kev. Mr. Steinhardt. T,i-!
ruEN YocHUMto Mis.Mfc Wagxek, all of j
Caas County.
Ma kshall riAi'iGEK At the residence of i
bride's father, near Weeping Water. Cass Co. j
Neb., by tlie Kev. Mr. DoennUthorpe. ou Mhe j
.Miist.. Mr. alkuki. Makshall, to Mus j
Barger ; all o Cass County. :
PLAVEr.-SMITU-at the residence ic:tr ,
Heaver. Com old, Cass Co., .Neb., on tlie 21ft
inst. by C. II. KiDg, J. P.. John H. KtAVtn
to llAJiKirr Smith both of Eiht Mile
Lonj; live the Beaver Family, and may their
numbers nerer grow less. C. U. Kisu.
Kingville. Dee. 21st, 1S78.
Amen ! brother Kins, and w hile Denver is not
worth as much in the market aa furmeily, our
Beavers are better stock than ever. They don't
xactly build dams like the otter kind, but
they can all do their owu paddling, and seldom
get in too deep watur.
MoNHai.MK.KV On the 24th inst.. at his resi
dence, in 1'latf smontli. at 8 :53 p. in., of Con
sumption, 11. K. Mo.ntoomf.kt ; ed 61 yrs.
5 months and 14 days.
The deceased was oue of the oldest settlers in
riattsmouth. an exemplary Christian, and a
kind-hearted uentleman, whose p!eis;int face
we shall miss lor many a day. lie leaves a
large grown up family.
Some 'ew Christmas Gifts.
Mr. Plummer doesn't mean that
Plattsrnouth people shall have to go
away from home for Christmas pres
ents 'this year, and has laid in some very
line and new lines of goods, a few of
which we enumerate:
To the lover of
he will display
Tea sets in Majolica wore,
Handsome Majolica plates,
Beautiful fancy plates of I.ava.
Cups and saucers, tea sets and other
articles in old fashioned Lustre ware
of the days of our great-grandmothers
now the rage.
Chinese Kioto ware, of odd designs.
Imperial stone ware tea pots, lire
proof, to step your tea and look beau
tiful, both at once.
Match and smoking set3 of P.ussinn
Smoking sets, &c, of Lava,
Prouze card receivers and other ar
are represented in
Jewelry cases,
Handkerchief boxes,
(Hove holders,
Ami a number of other things
which must be seen to be appreciated.
swiss cAuvnr goods.
are fast disapft-aring, but lie still has
Mime, vases, na; kin rings, card receiv
ers, easels, .'cc., .tc, which are extreme
ly prettv and graceful.
' He has a complete line of zephyrs,
and wols, and '
in all the opera shades, for evening
wear. Two and three buttoned. -as
Importers and retailers of
OM All A.N Ell.
Offer the most attractive Fall and Win
ter stock ever shown in Nebraska.
(Jniuets 131 ack Silks of our own impor
tation, $ 1.00 to 53.00. .silk and Wool
Dress Goods. Black and colored Cash
meres oOc to 1.50.
We have largely iiu leased this de
partment and will duplicate eastern
prices. Leaver Cloaks from $2.y.) to
S40.00. Matciase Cloaks from 3.00
to SoO.OO. Cioaks or Circulars will be
sent on approval to responsible parlies.
Larfi'-a in tht hal!t nf s:wliwj East for
Goods are particular! rcqutahd
t't glee us a tri-il.
G:ltf. A. Cri'ickphank & Co.
Tlie undersigned respectfully an
nounces to the peoule of Plattsrnouth
and Cass County that he is now receiv
ing tlie finest and best selected stock
of goods for the Holidays that ever has
been displayed in this city, consisting
of gold and silver watches, fine jewelry,
clocks, silverware, spec acles, pocket
knives and razors, fancy goods, music
al instruments and toys; which will be
sold very cheap. Thanking my friends
and customers for past favors, I flatter
myself that the old standby will not
be forgotten. Come one, come ail, no
trouble to shoA' goods. Respectfully,
o3t4 Jos. Sen later, Jeweler.
Cheaper than the Cheapest,
Never Undersoil
in Boots and Shoes at Merges.
One ba- mare fouryers old for sale.
Time will be given. Apply to Mal
daner & Herrmann. oltf
lleinember that for boots and shoes
Rockwell cannot be beat in price. lie
has a largo assortment. 2Stf.
WJ?TIIF. IIOI.IHAYS. Ileautiful Tine
Rosewood 7S Octave Improved New Scale
Acratfe. 1'iauos, only si!. Sent on trial at Catalogue with thousands of ref
crcuos. free. ltO'Tliuya I'iaoo until you
read our Catalogue. It will iiUcrmt you. Ad
dress . H, P1ASO CO., MAM Ct Acruu
EUS, 163 Illeeker St. '. Y. S31S
Kockwt.ll has a full line of Grocer
Kockwell, of Louisville, has just fin
ished his new store, 23x3-, which he
has full of new goods. Bo sure and
give him a call we know you will
buy if you do, for he sells very cheap.
Boots and Shoes Cheap,
call aud examine prices at
31tf Merges'.
Ladies, Gents and Children's Under
wear, Cotton Flannels, 1'ed Flannels,
Linsey and Jeans, at
E. G. Dovey & Son's.
by buying
31tf at Merges'.
Ilockwell keeps hardware and
queensware. and by Jove he keeps ma
chine oils too.; and I declare, he keeps
patent medicines also, so there is no
use of staying sick. 2Stf.
Rockwell has just received nine
chests of choice teas, which he sells at
from 23cts to $1 per pound. The best
bargain in teas you ever saw. 2Stf.
"We see that Herges got the premium
again at the State Fair on his own
work for beauty and durability. He
really does make fine and good work.
Don't h) Pt ceirt I.
Many persons say "I haven't got the j
Consumption ' when aikevi to cure intir
Cough with Shiloh's Consumption :
(ur i, they ,lol know, that Coughs .
lead to Consumption and a remedy ;
tj,.lt win cure Consumption will cet-'
jajnjy llu,-J surelv cure a couglt or any ;
j,,,, or throat trouble. We kliOW it i
wilf .,., wlit. ;;n m lit rs fail and our !
faUh jn jt i3 .() 1K)sitive that we will 1
... n(1 the Plico paid if VOU receive
j no benefit. Is not this a fair proposi- 1
: tiou. l'rice 10 ets. w cts. ana isi.oo
per bottle. For lame- chest, Lack or
side, useShiloh's l'orous Piaster. Price
21 cents. For sale by Chapman &
Smith. Druggists.
Why will you sutler with Dyspepsia
and liver complaint, constipation, aud
general debility when you can get at
our store Shiloh's System Vitalizer
which we sell on a positive guarantee
to cure ou. l'rice 10 cts. and 7.1 cts.
For salj by Chapman & Smith, Drug
ists. II AT -KM E J ACK" a popular and
fragrant perfume. Sold by Chapman
& Smith, Druggists, Plattsrnouth, Xeb.
34 ly cow.
Caution to Smokers.
From and after the 1st day of May.
1S78 all boxes containing cigars of my
manufacture will have my name bold
ly printed on the inside of the lid. This
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, with an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by some unprinci
pled manufacturers. None are genu
ine unless plainlv labeled:
j r li us pe pi i : n i u no ,
Plattsrnouth. - - Nebraska.
An Astonishing Fact.
A large proportion of the American
people are to-day dying from the ef
fects of Dyspepsia or disordered liver.
The result of these diseases upon the
masses of intelligent and valuable peo
ple is most alarming, making life ac
tually a burden instead of a pleasant
existence of enjoyment and usefulness
as it ought to be. There, is no good
reason for this, if you will only throw
aside prejudice and skepticism, take
the advice of Druggists and your
friends, and try one bottle of Green's
August Fiower. Your speedy relief
is certain. Millions of bottles of this
medicine have been given away to try
its virtues, with satisfactory results in
every case. You can buy a.samplo
bottle for 10 cents to try. Three doses
will relieve the worst ease. Positively
sold by all Druggists on the western
continent. 2sly-cow
Piockwell has the neatest assortment
of lady's dress goods ever brought to
town. lie sure and see thorn before
the assortment is broke. They are go
ing off fast. 2Hf.
Tit i ri v or t'.ie lst orttan makers of the
World :n'e competitor-' at the I'aris reposition,
a cable dispatch to the Ass ici.ited 1'ic-s says
two highest Kold medals have been avardod to
the American makers, Mason & Hamlin.
Atlanta Ga., Constitution,
Recently published a long account of
the destructiveness of the "Sherman
Hat" which is 2 to 4 times as large a
the Northern Pat. OTi the 17th of
Sep ember. 1877, the Manager of this
celebrated paper having tried Centen
nial Pat Exterminator says: Gentle
men your "Pien Stuff" knocks "Sher
man Pats," stiff and cold.
Osage, Iowa, Dec. 20, 1377.
Star Manufacturing Company, Fort
Madison, Iowa; Gentlemen: The Cen
tennial rat poison, received lat Mon
day. We have given three doses. On
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
nightsand we verily believe there is
not a rat or mouse left. The saw mill,
fi.'td, custom and merchant's mills were
full of them, as were also our houses,
cooper shops, barns and beg pens.
Sii ce giving them the poison they have
been running round as "crazy as loons '
and the river bank is line with dead
rats, in fact it has created a terrible
commotion among them and they have
all left, thanks to the "Centennial Hat
Exterminator" each box of which is
worth a tweutv dollar bill. We will
see our druggists and have them send
for it. Thanks, thanks. Very respect
fully. E. M. Br.iTTs. it Co.
This great for property
holders, farmers, if ah, is for sale by
druggists and general dealers every
where. Price -3 cents, large cans $1,00
Pension Papprs.
Those wanting pension papers ac
knowledged will please remember that
J. It. Toman, Notary Public, Louisville,
lnu a certificate of the county Cleric
filed with the V. S. pension Agent and
can attend to all such business. 5lt
Just Received
At Rockwell's, a very full line of Mil
linerv troods of the very latest styles
such as flowers, ribbons, plumes and
tins, silks, velvets, ladv's ties, bonnets
and hats, and manv other little novel
ties that cannot be had at any other
place in town. 2btf.
A (ieutle Hint.
In our style of climate, with its sud
den changes of temperature, rain,
wind and sunshine often intermingled
in a single day, it is no wonder that
our children, "friends and relatives are
so frequently taken from us by neglect
ed colds, half the deaths resulting di
rectly from this cause. A bottle of
Boscliee's German Syrup kept about
your home for immediate use wiil pre
vent serious sickness, a large doctor's
bill, and perhaps death, by the use of
three or four doses. For curing Con
sumption, Hemorrhages, rnemnoniu
Severe Coughs, Croup or any other di,
sease of the Throat or Lungs, its suc
cess is simply wonderful, as your drug
gist will tell you. German Syrup is
now sold in every town and village on
this continent. Sample bottles for tri
al, 10c; regularsize, 73c. Gtf-alt
d'X t(l if i worth of Fakm monreit
C5'JvW.M JJah.neean he saved ly using
Centennial liat E.rtcrtnivaui. zotf
Kockwell keeps cluthins and pcent's
uudervvear. ' 2Stf.
First and Last time take Notice.
It 13 now nearly six months since I
went out of the Store and general mer
chandise business. Many of those ac
counts are not paid yet. I must have
these accounts .Settled and the Looks
of that concern closed by the 1st of
January next. Friends please come up
and settle this month ; for all old ac
counts unpaid on January 1st, 179
will surely he placed in Collector's
hands and collected at the debtor's ex
pense. 37t3 V. Wkckpach.
Those wishing Oysters can obtain
them by the can or dish, of the best
brands, cheap, at Henry Thierolf's, two
doors east of the 1 O. G4tf
A nice assortment of Repellents
Cfi"5hmeres, American Dress Goods,
Ties, Ruching, Silk Handkerchiefs,
Scarfs. Ladies and Children's Hosiery,
Felt Skirts, &c, &c, at
F G. Dovey & Son's.
A fine assortment of Blankets at
29tf E. G. Dovzy & Son's.
Ordinance No.
An ordinance to amend Sec. I ot'an
ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to
amend se-tion four of ordinance No.
71, regulating the salary of the city
Be it vrduiitcd h the Moiivr aud
Coiifu-ilweii cf the City of Platts
itiijuth :
Sr:c. 1. That Section o::e (1) of
an ordinance entitled '-An Ordinance
to amend section four ( t) of ordin
ance No. 71, regulating the salary of
the city Marshal," bc and the same
is hereby amended so as to read as
follows :
Section No. One ( I ). The Mar
shall shall receive for his services a
salary of Forty Dollars ($10.00) per
This Ordinance to he in force
from and after its passage and pub
lication asrenuired bv law.
riattsmouth. Dec. "jr.. 1S7S.
J. I). Simtsox, Mavor.
See Mr. King's
N urseries.
Ad about Shcnando; h
Pemember Fred
want soft coal.
Gorder when you
The Magnificent Crops
Are heard of everywhere. And it is
equallv well established that for cur
ing Coughs, Colds and Incipient Con
sumption, Hrowii's t'tigl Bial
hiim has no filial among the prepara
tions sold in the West. This popular
western remedy contains no stupefy
ing opiates, that deceive the patient,
but cures by relieving irritation and
producing an easy expectoration. .Tint
nam it i dair rous t'j nojlect a Cowjh.
For clearing and strengthening the
voice and curing hoarseness and sore
throat public speakers, singers and
others will find KrownN Tar
TrociJt'Ji a reliable Itemedy. Trice,
23 cts. per box.
liruunN Arnica Salve is without
a rival for removing imlammation and
curing old sores, ulcers and frost bite.
S3 cts per box.
llof Dro'cn'.s Vopnlnr Faiiiil; ?J-d-fr-ines
for sale bv Dr. . K. Donehm.
Chapman it Smith, J. II. P.uttery and
O. V. .Johnson.
y.vtf Plattsrnouth. Neb.
The co-i;n t!ierlii lierctoioK" curding under
the iinn name of Clapp X Gicciw.atc. l.tinyo,
Nebraska, is disrolveu uy m.ioiai cwiieein.
it A I ; i.r. i i ,
F OreenMate Mfumes all liabilities of said
firm, ami will carry on hii-ines at the oldMand
imd. r the n; me oi - -
Limwood, Cat ( o.. reii., ikc. ift.s.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of i!it -d;i!e el ;r;Hi i,. i-io.
ecr'd. I n the o. Conn oi c '.ss v. o., .x o. -w-tiee
lor ti'.i:i elaimv
Notice is ht'irby i;ivcn to all .-isoi:s having
clami swttiiM the estate of Sarah I., states. ie-
iti d, lo fl!-i the S.-Uii.i in tne .! i'i n;i---w.
.Indue, at riatlsmonth. in said e-miuy.oii .i
before the lsii day f .lime. A. I. 1 . '.
mc t fit? eteeutors at one o chv-k ji. li'. on said
d-iv. for allowance or tiisallo-vatiee of t ,ie same.
Co. Jud;.,e.
Attachment Notice.
Ilenrv W. Curtis and Win. A. Ilarnsln-igcr. 'o
int:"liusiii! ss as li. W. Curtis i Co.ts.Jlmv-
aid S;ne;iH'. lii'ioiv a. ." nunnau, , "" j
.litdgc in and for Cass Coi.i.'. ebra-ka.
On the 13!h di-.v of Deromb.-r, A. I). lTS. paid
Cuntv JiHl-e tssaiMi an order oi at iacuo;. r.i
he above net ion for tlie nun fit n oo ami m-
leresf. frovn icio'kt. j-'i. h,.i, ;u i" ' -"i-
and att'v fees, at in per n lit
Said eaiise is sit
for heaiinv; on the
Jd dav of .l.'Miarv. IsT.t.
A! N. H l" I.I.I VAN,
County .Irule.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate or Charles H. Wins
low. dee'd. , ,
Notiee is hereby sjlven to all persons P aylnj
.a .it. !.t:hikI tlip estate of I'iiaib'S 11. S in
i.V.v .:..i-Sl i., n; tlii's.iiiu: on or Ik fofihr ltilt
rt .v'nf v-iv v I 'ST'.. in the office of the Co.
Judge at Pfa.tM,outh.A k scXi,I VAN.
3St3 . Co. Judge.
Leiral Notice.
To Seidell X. Merriaui, non-resident defend-uit.
Vr.ii nre hen lv notified that on tlie 2.'id da
of.lnlv 4 1) isf.s. KineM A. Wim.'eiiliorn filed
his petition in the District Court within and for
the County of Cass, in the State of NeluaskM
against the said Seidell N. lUriiani. defendant
i-ettin forth that he is the owner ami m pos
session of the foliov.ini; duscrihed tracts of land
situate in said Cass countv, Nebraska : The
south-west quarter of the south-east quarter
of section tweniv-iii'ie (-, and the north-west
punier of the "north-east quarter of section
thirtv two i :rj. all in township number tweHe
(I". i?,rtli of r:iii!-e iiiiieirn. east of (th 1. M. :
anil that said defendant hwlds a tax deed on I
said pi nni-es, which said ta.v deed is a cloud
on plaintiff's title, and n-kinjr that said tax
ded may beset aside and cam-filed, and that
the lew "and sale for delinquent taxes, of mid
tracts of land for t tie vrar lsTJ i that Pehe,' the
year for w hich said tax deed was ";!veti be de
clared r.tdl aud void. ou are required, to an
swer said petition on or before tho bd day of
February, A. . ,Tvvr.v
i;y T. R. VVii.K, his AiTy.
Chattel Mortsagc Sale.
Not ice Is hereby piven that default liavins
been made in tlie payment of a certain note ami
chattel uiortmme made an 1 dulv executed by
S. V. West to iiobert 1". Maw ('117 Ixvti iii'-' date
August 9. l'TT. and filed i:i the otnee ol the
County Cleii; of 'a.-s County, Nchri'ska. on the
loth dav of Ai;--u--t. lsTT, and in raid mcifuee
tse sab'l S. W.'West did sell and iiiormiij: to
Miid Koln-rt T. Maxwell one mare, gray color,
eleven year old, blind in ricbt eve. 'lhat af
terwards, and before said note and monetise
became due and payable, to wit., about the 1st
day of October. 177, said K. T. Maxwell, for a
full and valuable consideration, sold and trans
ferred said note and inortat'e to .1. M. i'atter
soii. anil there is now due on said note and
moi t'ae the Mini of '!.:. Now. therefore, by
virtue of the power of ale contained in said
tnort-aue. I wiil proceed to -U said mare at
publie auction to the highest bidder for easli.
ai the hour .f 1 1 o'clock a. m. on the St!i day of
1 (eeeniber. lsT.s. at the front d-ool of lieed llro's
store in the town of Weepi'i- H'aier. Ca-s Coun
ty. Nebraska, to satisfy said debt and in u-rest
and costs.
37t4 Assignee of Hubert T. Maxwell.
Sheriff's Sale.
F,v virtue of a decree rendered rvtthe Septcm
lier a'ljoerned term of the UiMriet 'ourt within
and for 'as County, Nebraska, and tome di
rected, I wiil on thecth day of January, A. I.
tsT'j. at 1n o'clock, A. M. of -aid d ay. at the soi.ta
door of the Court House in said County, sell at
lub!;e auction the following real eslato, to wit :
lheeiual umlividiMl one-laird C-j) part of the
south-wot i j carter t V I of section fifteen (l.").
town twelve il.'i. noith of raiu'e twelve 1J),
ea-t of the P. M. : the same heiu levied
upon and taken a- the iiroperty of Henry Mie
sii.jier, Urfendant ; to sati-fy a judruent of said
Court, recovered by 'William Ilor-, iii.-.iiitiff.
Plattsiuoutli. Neb.. Dec. . I. is:s.
3710 K. Vv'. HYKi;.s:.
Siierifl C:'.s Co., Neb.
Shenandoah Kurssries,
Mr. King desires to thank his old pa
trons for their favors the past season
and to state that he will be here about
the Holidays with a full supply of
lie earnestly solicits your patronage
for the future; relying on tho reputa
tion of the past. These nurseries are
near you, the stock is acclimated aud
does better. Call and see. Mr. King
will canvass Sarpy County as well as
Cass. Remember the name and the
place. 34tl3
s3't& Stiff
Announce thai they are pieriued to runiUh all klndn of
At Wholesale or llelail !
sin a
y com mi ss ity.
at Wholesale and Retail
Given to HOTKI.S.
SHOP Noith side Main, Pet ween !'. !i and
no cman;k or caksi
one koai,oni: mana(;i::.ii:nt!
vt ."-x ar a 3 lo
Fiiisliinili. H&rrislra,
Baltincire. Mtetoii.
FMMeipiiia & Nev Yoii
;ja Sliurl I. Site
nil Points in E,
Uiltl Nl IC J I li' II.
Uls't C4')ll'l
Pullman Palace Cars
KIMI'1T.1 WITH Tilt: (H I l.UM ! '
.Janat New Patent Safety rialform
and Coupler.
Elegant Eating Houses
H.O0 A. M.SI'KCIAI. FAS I l.M to.s?.
With the popular Vestibule Slr-ejnny Car
lb-aches Fittsbnruh. :::u a. in.: Tle.i t i -bur-,
11 a. m. ; l'liilailelphia, 4 :im p. in. : New oil.
r. : ." p. m. : Hoston, r. :1." a. m. ; I! ill 'eime ti :'M
p. m. ; WasluiiKton, J :) p. in., next day.
5:i.- 2.. 31. Atl::lic 5:i. (S?;!ly;
117(74 Drawiny-liuom :nl IIol.l Car.
r-.-ehes Filtsbui Ldl, 12:13 p. in. : 1 !' 1 1 '' "! -'.
M:..') l). in. . Philadelphia. 3 :T :i. m. ; New oiR
i, :1. a. m. : Special i'iiiladelpin.i m epint-
en this Train, which reinaii s in d. poi ni-ld 7
a. in., atlording I'hMadolphia j.. li;.,! is a U.i
ii i;;iil's rest.
!:Ii 1. II. Night Exp. Except Saturd'y.
With Drariuy-lluoiii Slvi piu;j Car.
Ileaidies I'ittfbnrith 7 :.'Ui p. tn. ; Haf i i ;
:s :;u a. III. ; baltimore, 7 :45 a. m. ; W ..sliin -ton
!) :e", a. m. ; Philadelphia S :.ii a. m. ; New oi k,
10 ::!." a. in. ; I'.o.stou.x -AO p. in. Tlireinh Palti
hkIic and a-.i.ii.i;toii Sieeriu; Car on this
;v -Through TickeU for Sale at all Pi
Points ia tlie W e-t. A-U for I hem via t he l'UKr
f. u. :i vi:i:s.
y Gen. & Ticket Att., Clilc'AiiO.
Druos? Medicines?
Paper Trimmed Free of
Stationery, Magazines
Latest rublica lions.
I'rewviiptlonH Carefully Compounded
foj- an Exprrienced Iruy;K'"t.
- a ,
Hast of l'I-it;.j Val'.oy Ilouie.
In the Town.
Good Team A I tray. t on Hand.
Careful Drivers sent with car
riages if desired.
Carriages sent to Depot to meet ;ill trains
whenever ordered.
Funerals attended aad Ci'.rriafres furnlslied to
irielids. Address, J. W. SHANNON.
4-j-ly I'llatUluOUtl), Xel
t, Oo rHr rkfi
aim t auivcu
.i.y ri: r the
.h Streets.
' O'Isill & Marthis,
rt't tor.
A ain ti.Ucs the
Brick Livery Slablet
I'l.A' n, - - m;i.i;ama.
The o!d r.ciiiirv Stubli s. ia l'l.-.t! tiioulli. ate
now le-i-e.l t W M. ). .11 INKS, and li"' I. ts
hand neu ami h.intloiue ari iotiinodat i.iis, ia
the shape oj
noii l's, c. i nr. i a i; u; ; i es,
I aui prepared to keep lit ;gSKS
Aad will
Train antl Brcwk C)3t '.
On Ke.-w:i k!le Terms.
ai,s Ki. iLMni.i;,
That villi plenty ef i"oni thai i". ; v ie
knows I li;ii'i in ley stal'ie, I ean y.i-V I' l eicis'
rtoek and inn -.. loads of hay, e.. under cv
er. 4 here t hev n ill keep dry.
Ti'ai.l .li. all n, n- old p-tr..ii.s f r tli"u liberal -it
v. I s.iiieit I lieii l.a.le l.n tu: ai c. cal i -led
licit I can iiec.u" da!- I hem better aid d
1-ctllT bv lil-l.l l.l.itl Cvl le leic.
v, :i. i. .i(: i:s.
REDUCED. I Want It. S1
i;:iicr iliun riv.'i'. JII.11
1 Ills.
aj rtnai, lYart'ftil, ..'(', M
f,r Wmt, l":it, Ponth. North. Vctcvrry OwnT "
of llt'ie. Il'iisi .-. Me-ep, Inc. or H l'AI.M, "B
tZ O nr. ten, or Vilaiu" Lot : lorevery HuUock.t'vr i
l'r all boys and 0 il ls ; fcg
l.olli I'lt-ntiiiK a"'t llistnielive. m''
a Ail llu uLn,e, :iui iieiro, iii I he mm
Tm A U
Vol. 33.J From Xow up to lsfd, j)-ttfr'f,
Only ?! Each,
tu cn.ii oi ten or uioru.
2 B ronton. cell ; 4 r"pl-, f 155 rncli. FlIU'li
C iub.ciii.ti"". l-r''. Uneln li d.
Ouu ui'Liiiiipn, p.irt-frco, 1UC.
Ji to tlioto tteinllns Clulia of Subucrlhcri.
!lisucil in Enclish & f-errnan at amft Price.
2 Tryll-Vou'll LIUo It-It AVI11 PAY. Pd
I ) OU II 1IHU i I ! .
I OKA NOT. .Tt'PI) r r
renl comi'anv, :volybody',
It. I ''''".. I Wants It. 3
,Want :
. , , ... -
- H(. S.t',tJ
' A N O F O R T E S
Eoston Public Schools,
Mass. State Noiinal
The New England Conser
vatory of Music Ex
clusively, Tw!0 AWARDS DECREED
Philadelphia Exhibition '76
No i.tiif r I'Uno l'urto lioi!s;, w.iii one txctp
i.jii, cccivcl more tii.ui oiic
Dnriirj the Concert H-won olSTC, '77,
tii.e rkni'.s wcru U'-. d in !; -toii unl vicinity
iu more thau 1-1 coiiccrH.
Tin; seas,u tl UW uj:(1 'TS .i dnis a still
greul':!' iiUiiilir to be al l;l to the list.
'Notices of onccrts.
-s of tor.e.
r i: i i.:.i:!y, rl- hurts Jin-l cv-
- MoMuil Joul
eat. i
No VI. li iiisiruinoiits l::i"e 1 -n li":rl in a
I. r.t v. ; I ro ;, rt room L"-i ,re." i-oeil k .Mu-.
I.n;j Cllien.
Siir,.:uss Hant1ili:r f tli l :nl previously
he.iiU m our t. 1 ell 'ox foi.u;i.
Tn.'.ii;in"d l.v anv Hint liavf been ii-t'l 1U
o;ir concert.-.'' I'xuisvllle Uaiiy (Jount-r.
Iims lif-cn s.iM.:i.t-'l a
for tl.'.r.; (.vk-U'raiei
I'ianoi. 13enI forciMl' L'
Plattsrnouth, Neb.