Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 19, 1878, Image 3

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    TH E II ERA L 1).
Arrive at - 3 :so a. ui. I 1'"'.'ut 1 " :
I o "U J, in
OMAHA VIA n. ."t M.
10 UW si. 111. I licpnrt at - 2:15 . in.
- 3 :15 p. m. Depart at - 10 0 a. 111.
Arrive at
Arrive at
Arrive at
12 al in. I Oeparl .it
I :'0 p. ni.
Arrive at 12:mii. (I'cpMtat- 1:00 p.m.
J. Y. MAK-SIf ALL. i M.
Tnusienl. 03 cents a line. Regular advertis
es, lo cents ih-T iino. X advertisement iusert-
r i . !,.,,. o-. f..titu
el for less than 2i cents.
Legal notices at Statute rate.
Attorneys and othcers of the law will be field
responsible f'r all leeal notices tliev hand In,
and all parties demanding ,a proof of publica
tion of any notice wiil bo held for tlie publica
tion fee of such notice.
As otir space Is limited, all coiiiir,ni!ies,Ions
must be brief and to iin point, with uo waste
of words.
'1 lie paper Is responsible for tin; correctness
Bcoordinr, to copy o' paid matter and paid Le
gal, only.
1. Any person who takes the paper regularlv
from the post-office, whether dire";ed to his
name, or whether he Is a subscriber or not is
responsible for the pav.
a. If any person orders his paper discontin
ued, he must pay all arrearage, or the publish
er may continue to send it until pivmcnt is
made, and collect the whole amount . " w helhcr
the pajwr Is taken from the ofhee or i,,t.
3. I lie courts tmve ilecided that refusing to
tnVe newspapers ami periodicals from the pot
Dee. or removing and leaving them uncalled
for. is prima facie evidence of i.ntkmionai,
l ..
15 cents for corn on subscription.
Sec riumruer'ij new Ad on the 2d
page of this paper.
Dr. ltichey at Stadelmann's until the
Mr.Shryock comes In at the 11th
hour with his local ad.s.
Don't forpct to order your New
Ycar'K cards in time from J. 1. Young
who lias a lai assortment; also
l'ranji's New Year's cards.
Sre the notice of Eitz. ho;; on the
outside of this paper.
For Window Shades and fixtures pro
to Shrycck's. Z'.tl2
Dr. Chapman has got a new cutter
and "Cricket" can keep up with'llron--o
.1 i in."
Christmas Oysters and celery at the
Express office.
Dick lleese has got a new cast
iron back, and is at work in
Mike Schnelibacker'd as good as new.
IJcii Iletnple will have four dozen
and a half Tut keys for the Holidays.
Don't fail to call around.
The school report from Eiht
Mile drove will appear next week. Too
ninny Christmas Ads this wek.
Fiekler Bros, will have on hand a
jond stock of Turkeys, Chickens, etc.,
f r Chi istmis dinners.
Dr. Cluttei's new Tiooms Shry
ock's building.
i'Mticy Slippers.
I'oit CiiKtvrM As l'r.i:s!::Ts. at
M EKt ;iv-
-Thomas, t he Tailor is reUi!ier up
tome nief soils nou.
l'hil Vomit at the P. O. News De
pot ha the largest assortment of doll
and dull heads in l'latlsuiouth al Hie
low est price.
Mr. Jones, comrnoidy called Doc.
.lone, sends u; a poce of Venison
from a deer shot ia Cass County.
Xot often docs a person jrr-t hold of
a l'r dentist of the first water.
Dr. Kiiluy is one
Di. Clutter mover, into t!;; Sliiy
ock building, family and a! I, and Shry
ock he moves home.
Fresh l'rtinel!?, Eigs, Dates, and a
lnie;t ?-ti:ek of confectionery al the i'.
. XeB's Depot.
Coon Heisfel, has been putting new
burrs in his mill; lie has a t'ood new
corn burr now and is rolling out the
yellow meal, beside No. 1 Patent
O'Xeil & M.ulhis wiM have the fi:i
rst Turkeja for Christmas. Call and
get your Christmas Gobbler.
Chambers Harness maker and first
rate leather hine maker and spectacle
fixer. A!o Saddles and bridles for
t-ale, tc.
Fresh Malaga drapes, large cocoa
nuts, oranges an t Lhuiohs for the Hol
idays, at the I. O. News Depot.
The Old Mi; Idr closed up en Sat
urday, aboTe the new bridge, but Is
still open t.'fltw,
Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chick
ens for the Holidays at A. G. Halt's.
Judge O'Donohue made good wages
lust week, lie bought 81,200 worth of
property for Edward Rosenbaum, and
three city lots for himself.
Christmas Trees from cents up at
O. Guthmau's.
They had John Fitzgerald killed last
weuk down at Red Cloud. "Fitz" is
alive, wo want you to knaw, has plenty
of men and is building railroads faster
than yoa can think.
Everybody is pleased with both
goods and prices, at the P. O. News
Depot, so procure your presents, while
the assortment is good.
Wanted by the Press generally, an
editor who can please everybody; also
a foreman who can so arrange the pa
per as to place every man's holiday Ad.
at the head of the column.
As we cioso our store on Christmas
luy friends in the county must remem
ber to come and do their trading pre
vious to that day. You nil know what
we keep, so come and we will do you
F. 11. Gutiimax.
The officers of Masonic Lodge No.
6 in this place held their election on
Monday night last with the following
W. M.-., F. E. White ; S. W., S. S. nin
kle; J.'.Vt'.: E. Pederson.; Treasurer,
J. W. Marshall; Secretary, D. II.
Wheeler. A. O. Ashley was appointed
S. D.v; J. Finley Johnson, J. D.;
Chas. Marashll and A. Dcspain, Stew
ards; J. W. Barnes, Chaplain and Ja?.
Pallii?, Tyler.
I;. A. Gibson, Teacher of the Hock
j I'd tiffs school, called on Saturday.
John II. Furay, V. S. Post cilice de
tective and Special Agent was down
here Thursday.
A very pleasant little party gather
ed at Mr. Dovey's last week, to cele
brate his COlh birthday.
Hon. H. F. Houseman, of Chicago,
an old Wisconsin friend, paid us a vis
it and spent Sunday here.
George Matteson, of South Rend,
was in Tuesday, and gave us some fur
ther particulars of the P. O. Robbery.
Prof. Martindale County Superinten
dent called on Monday. lie has been
holdir.j his monthly examinations
Mr. Chas. Farley, "returned from
Green Valley. 111., last week, paid up
for the IIeuald, and will once again
live in Weeping Water.
Dr. Clutter's wife and family arrived
on Monday and the Doctor is now a
fixture in Cass county we presume.
Success to hi in arid M his'n."
Mr. II. Ilawley, from Weeping Wa
ter, comes in iiid tries thellEHALn for
six months, cash in advance; and those
are the kind of subscribers that glad
den the IIekald's heart.
We wonder what kind of weather
they are having out at Cheyenne- now
and how our friend Stroud feels in his
new home. Its pretty cold here, Stroud
just read the IIekalu and see. Ther
mometor this morning waa down,
down to the bottom of the Missouri.
Dr. ltichey the popular Chicago Den
tist is now a. Stadelmann's and busy
at work he remains until the 2Gth.
Don't forget to call at J. 1. Young's
and examine those New Year's cards,
and you will be euro to leave orders
for having some printed.
What is the use of getting up these
cohl nights to look at the moon and
stars to guess at the hour, when you
can buy a good time piece for a mere
song at Sehlater's Jewelry Store. 3St2
Dr. Ricbey, the Dentist, whose
live locals and prompt work draw at
tention and assure him custom, arrived
in our town on yesterday, just as the
IIkkai.u was going to press. Never
theless wo stopped the press to get his
news in. Certainly if vim and work
will make a man succeed, Dr. Richey
must be successful.
Phil Young had a largo stock of
Toys and Holiday Goods, which must
be sold, and he will assure you that the
ju ices w ill be so low that they are in
the reach of every body to buy them.
B iots iud Shoes sold out at cost for
cash 011I3' at Maldauer & Herrmann's.
Two suicides in Omaha this week.
Mr. Htiberinau, the furrier, and a
printer by the n tme of Jas. S. Stokes,
Iluberui iu cut his throat w ith a brok
en window g'a.-s and Stokes took mor
phine. Font 1 I '. The pi ice wherrt Santa
Clans gets all Ids nice Toys. Holiday
Goods, iiid Christmas Candies for all
the I'ltle loll. s. It is at J. P. Voting's
P. O. News Depot.
Very many of our best citizens no
duubt reioemVier how busy Dr. Kichy
was while here hist, having to stay live
weeks instead of one as at first advei
tised and will be glad to know that
he will be at Siadelmann's from Die.
10 to 2'ith.
Wecail attention to Mr. Moore's
notice in another column, of cut dow
ers a'l 1 l-iuij ts which he will fuiuiih
to order din ing the holidays. Mr.
Moore's taste in arranging flowers is
well know n and we recommend his ex
quisite litih' bou-juets and baskets of
1 flowers as unexcelled anywhere.
Fred Gorder keeps soft coal cheap
Sep.d in your orders at once.
T!io merchant's of Plattsmouth
will close their stores for the entire
davs of Christmas and New Years.
hi 123
We re now prepared to print New
Year's cards in the latest styles. New
type, different style and sizes, appro
priate for long or short names. 1-eave
orders at Phil Young's.
Take Laughing Gas of Dr. Richey
and have your teeth extracted with
pleas. instead of pain, at Stadel
manu's from Dc:c. 19 to 2G.
If somebody don't bring us some dry
wood, before we have to go down on
the street and buy it there'll bo a row
in the family; and you wouldn't want
an editor's family rowing, would you?
The headquarters for Toys is at Os
wald Guthhmau's, you can get any
thing there in the line of Holiday
goods or Toys at bed-rock prices. No
charge for examinations. Please give
me a trial. CSt2
The only place In the city where
you can get the latest styles of New
Year's cards, is at the Herald office.
J. P. Young keeps the cards, and we
do the printing. G and take your
choice of cards, and Phil will get them
printed immediately.
Herman Herold has on exhibition
a very large variety of Toys, of every
description, which he will sell at cost,
as he wishes to clo?e out his entire
stock by New Years to make room for
other goods.
Solved at Inst! The mystery con
nected with Santa Clans, how and
where he gets all his fancy candy,
Lemons, Oranges. Cocoanuts, Figs,
Dates, Grapes, and. last but not least,
all the nice Toys, and Holiday Goods,
is solved by going to the P. b. News
Cork. We will pay 15ct3 a bushel
for all good corn brought in on sub
scriptions over 1 year old.
Slippers & Gloves,
Fou Chuistmas Presents, at
There is nothing so disgusting in j
society as a bad breath, w hich is cans- 1
ed by decayed teeth, hence the re me- !
dy, call on Dr. Richey the Chicago
Dentist, at Stadelmann's until the
A large lot of fine Chromos, Panel
; Pictures, Mottoes and Frames for thf
J Holidays, at Shryock's. y0f2
Fix Your Doors.
At the last regular meeting of the
Council they passed a resolution de-
daring that ail the doors of public
! buildings must be fixed to comply with
the law, that is, "open outwards," (for
j better egress in case of fire.) The May-
or asks that our people attend to this
matter before the 21st as after that
date ho will le obliged to enforce the
law. The fine is not less than 6100
nor more than 61,000. This law ap-
j plies to all churches, halls, hotels, pub-
lie schools and every place u?ed for
pablic meetings.
Settlement Notice.
Pl.ATTSMOUTH, Dec. 10, 1378.
Notice is hereby given to those in
debted to the undersigned, tocome for
ward nmp'ty n on or before January
1st, 1879; as alter tl at time all my
accounts will be placed in the hands
of proper authorities for collection.
Come one and all.
3!H2 W. II. St H1L1KNE1IT, M.D.
Wantei. CornUs, or wood, on
subscription, now, At once. You that
have accounts overdue, here is your
best chance. After January these old
accounts will bo sued, sure.
First Class Ueferotic?.
Dr. Richey takes pleasure in refering
10 Mrs. Prof. Wise. Mrs. A. Schlegel,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Waybright, Mrs. M. H.
Murphy, Mrs. M. W. Morgan, Mrs. 1.
P. Gass, Muses Gyger, Carrie Schla
ter, Lizzie Ilernnan, A. L. Shrvock,
K. L. Hobbs. Mrs. T. 1J. Prow n, "Mrs.
II. A. Waterman, Mrs. J. A. MacMur
phy, Mis. F. S. White, Dr. Donelan,
Mrs. 1. D. Rates. Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Young, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. McDonagh
Capt. and Mrs. O'Rourke; Mrs. J.
W. Schlater. Mrs. D. S. Liddle, Mr. T.
Pollock and a host of others for whom
he worked while hero last September.
Frank E. White of this place was
elected Grand High Priest of the Grand
Chapter of this State. Of the appoint
ed officers, the G. M. of the first veil is
II. E. Palmer, also of Plat tsmouth.
For Casli.
Louisville, Neb., Dec. 2d, 1S78.
Having found by experience that I
cannot do business with satifaction to
myself or customers by giving credit;
I shall, on and after the 1st clay of
January 1S79, sell goods strictly for
cash ! So do not as'c for credit, as I
shall positively refuse ccery one.
U9tG J.V. Glovek.
Mrs. Mona Livingston, a red Irish
lady who boards with the Doctor, has
a large increase in her family. No less
than eight, and the Doctor thinks they
are good for 825 apiece. Mona must
be a pretty profitable boarder.
The best dentist who travels In this
state. Dr. Richly of Chicago, M as at
the Tremont House four days of this
week. He advertised to be here on the
27th. but having a large amount of
work was unable to get hero until
three days later. While hen; he work
ed day and nignt to catch up. He left
vestetdav mo.uing for Seneca. Ex.
The festive jingle of the sleigh
bell was not heard very much on Mon
day err. Rv referring to the thermom
eter they concluded they were better
off with their feet on the rail of some
Not Hanged hy n Mo'i
the popular verdict is that Dr. Rich
ey does the finest dental work in the
State. Stadelmann's until the 2'Jth.
Rush Fellows went down to Her
old's Monday and said he wanted a
pair of gloves for tlia devil, fat the
Hehald office.) John Raines who was
standing by remarked "'If iL is getting
so cold th-? devil wants gloves I'm go
ing to leave this country."
Cat Flowers for the Holidays.
I shall bo able furnish as follows:
I'uttoti HoleV, 2-i to 50 cents each.
fl.-'iO to 54.50 per d z.; Round Rou
quets. 31.50 to 5.00 and upward; Ras
kets 61.00 to 10.00 up.: Smilax 10 to
25 cents per yard according to density
of fuliagtf. Price for flowers in other
forms will be given on application.
Special rates for large quantities. Or
ders by mail must be accompanied by
Cash, can send with perfect safety.
Button Hole's will be on sale at J. P.
Young's, leave orders with him. If
anything special is wanted call at the
Green house. L. A. Mooke.
3912 Plattsmouth, Neb.
Judge Sullivan does not monopolize
the marriage business of Plattsmouth;
for we find that Judge O'Donohue mar
ried, in his office, on Sunday, the 14th
Dec, 1878, Frank Kalacho and Cather
ine Ilerasky. We wi3h them a Rohe
mian blessing.
No doubt about it Dr. Richey does
first class work and we speak because
we know by experience.
Tho supreme court has decided that
a man is liable for the bark of his dog.
The case was one in which a man's
dog barked and frightened a team,
whereupon the team ran away and
broke the driver's leg.
Won't the Court travel round this
way. The dogs and the boys in this
town make it unsafe to drive a young
or" spirited team. Owners of dogs
which bark and parents of children
who make it a business to yell at every
team that goes by should read, reflect
and act accordingly, taking the above
as a hint.
Great bargains 111 Dress Goods at
Maldauer it Herrmann's. 3St2
. The Post office at South Rend was
robbed on Friday night, the 13th, and
the fellow has got away, so far. He
only got about 310 in money. The sup
posed thief had laid, round S. Ti. for
sometime, is an inveterate card player
and has had a felon on his forefinger,
shrinking it; is about 5 ft. 8 in, 105
lbs., brown hair, thin mustache, dark
colored worn clothes You'll all know
him if you see him. Catch him some
body aud bring him back. Charlie
Pinkham and Jno. R. Furay want to
get introduced to the gentleman.
At Donelan's.
Call and see the new Lamps gener
al stock of fancy Show Case goods.
Now is the time just before the battle
Motlrer we mean the holidays-be fore
all your money is spent, drop into
38t2 Donelan's.
As we were going down the street.
A prettr (?) tall gent, we cr.ance l to meet.
His name was Thompson, with a "P,"
A11J here's hi keard, as you may sec.
tino. II. ThomPso.
Editor o(
riattsniouth, Neb.
Now Thompson's ot to be an Edltoro,
We 'stiect he'll shed good lak, u!oio.
He'll rattle the old thlnj up, we know,
Aud give u? a busJiu' Greenback Mow.
Once 3Iore.
It snowed and Mowed with spit and ti.
Wc guess that "pome" did the biz.
Anyway, it kept a-coruing, little and small,
'1 ill it's pretty fair sleighing fter all.
Dick Strelsht is out with r.roceo .lini
We told you so If the snow is tbiu.
There's 1'armclc, too, with both his greys :
Aud Joues turus out some nobby sleighs.
John Shannon ttood it as Ions as tc could.
And then shouted : "A horse, a horse ! my
Livery barn for a horse and cutter and striu
of bell !"
(Confound the old machine, there she goes
again, oH the track. It's like ioiiw of these new
washing machines, wont work jut when you
want it to.)
John Shannon stood and watched the fun ;
"I5y Jove !" says he. "I'll have just o:i."
"Get out the pcy, brinic 011 the bay ;
I'll haTe a ride this very day."
So, there ho goes, at a trot and paes :
Get out of th way, he wants more "space."
Behind these rattling horsey men.
There comes the quiet citizen ;
Who, with hi wife and daughter fair.
Improves the snow before it's bare.
And every chap takes out his girl,
Round, if the last chance, to have one whirl.
Hurrah for the snow, so soft an i w hits :
It covers a heap of dirt from sight.
N. B. The freiuonu ter has one down again,
audthelat-t verse of this continued tory Is
busted out of our head. You see. the Madame
came home from Omaha, Tuesday night and
found all her plants froze, whllo we were writin
po'try. She put a stop to the machine too
quick. I tell you : the rest of this will probabiv
never he wrote any more. Eu.
Listen to the News.
Those Holiday Goods of Chapman &
Smith are being carried away as fast
as three or four can wrap them up,
and this is not strange, when you see
how cheap they are selling everything.
One Lady says, why, that Doll, what a
beauty, one half cheaper than other
houses are offeiing, another says what
a fine large Selection of vases, Cups
and saucers, cheapest we ever heard of,
and so of books, Wagons Sec. To be
lieve is to see and if you wish good
bargains and fine goods call at
3812 Chapman & Smith.
Prof. Aughey's Lecture on the
" Rad Lands," was delivered at the M.
E. Church on Friday night, last, as ad
vertised. Owing to the bud leather,
but few were out, those who did go
were amply repaid for their trouble.
It was one of the most interesting lec
tures to which we have ever listened.
Very few Scholars were out, siugular
to t;ay. Prof. Love still hopes to con
tinue the course and have a w arranty
of support sufficient and atteudance to
enable him to at least clear expenses.
Coal ! Coal ! I Coal ! ! ! at Fred Gor
iler's Now is the timo for your soft
coal. Cheap for cash. 48t3
Large stock of Roots. Shoes, Gloves.
Clothing, Dry Goods and Groceries of
all kinds at bottom prices at Herman
Ilerolds. 38t3
Remember Fred Gorder when you
want soft coal. :8t3.
A good milch cow wanted, inquire
at tho Heuald office. 37t2
Fred Gorder having got all his ac
counts in the Machinery business made
out now, he wants his pay thereon and
w ill be obliged to those owing hin to
come in and settle before the first of
January. 38t2
See Mr. ICing's Ad about Shenandoi.h
Nurseries. 33tf
Grand Rail.
Given by the Plattsmouth Lieder
kranz.. in Fitzgerald Hall, New Year's
Eve. Tuesday. Dec, 31, 1878. And a
No. 1 String Rind of live pieces will
be in attendance Dancing interspers
ed with Sons and Music by the socie
ty. Light Refreshments in the hall.
Refreshments in European style, at
Fred Stadelmann's. The best of or
der will bo preserved, and an enjoy
able evening is guaranteed to everyone
participating. Tickets, 31.00. 38t2
Don't Forget it.
Dr. Richey, the dentist will bo at
Stadelmann's from Dec. 10th to 2Gth.
Chambers the Harness Maker has
now on hand a large supply of Saddles,
Rridles and Harness, which he will sell
cheap. Now is tho time for farmers
to buy, we can make harness up cheap
er in the winter while other work is
dull and will sell them way down at
the actual living cost of making the
same. Remember the man and the
place. Chambers Harness Manufactory
on Main stieet, Plattsmouth, Neb.
They all Want to Know it.
That Dr. Richey the successful Chi
cago dentist will again be in Platts
mouth from Dec. 19 to 2Cth.
Settlement Notice.
All persons owing me for one year
and over take notice. The account
must be straightened up between now
and the 10th, of January 1879, or I
will stte and collect by law such ac
counts as remain unsettled. Remem
ber I mean this. I do not want to
crowd but I must have money to tran
sact my business with, .and pay my
own debts. M. Sen n el lb acker.
The Magnificent Crops
Are heard of everywhere. And it is
equally well established that for cur
ing Coughs. Colds and Incipient Con
sumption, Ilromi'N Cougli Ilal
sam has no equal among the prepara
tions sold in the West. This popular
western remedy contains no stupefy
ing opiates, that deceive the patient,
but aires by relieving irritation and
producing an easy expectoration. Just
iiotci it 1"? dangerous to nnylect a Couyh.
For clearing and strengthening the
voice and curing hoarseness and sore
throat public speakers, singers and
others will find Urown's Tar
Troclics a reliable Remedy. Price,
25 cts. per box.
Crown's Arnica Salve is without
a rival for removing inflammation and
curing old sores, ulcers and frost bite.
25 cts per box.
All of Brown's Popular Family Med
icines for sale by Dr. W. E. Donelan,
Chapman & Smith, J. II. Buttery and
O. y. Johnson.
3tf riattsmouth, Neb.
Some New Christmas Gifts.
Mr. Flummer doesn't mean that
Plattsmouth people shall have to go
away from home for Christmas pres
ents this year, and has laid in some very
fine and new lines of goods, a few of
which we enumerate:
To the lover of
he will display
Tea sets in Majolica wore.
Handsome Majolica plates,
Reautiful fancy plates of Lava.
Cups and saucers, tea sets and other
articles in eld fashioned Lustre ware
of the days of our great-grandmothers
now the rage.
Chinese Kioto ware, of odd (If signs.
Imperial stone ware tea-pots, fire
proof, to steep yout tea and look beau
tiful, both at once.
Match and smoking sets of Russian
Smoking sets, ivc, of Lava,
Eronze card receivers and other ar
are represented in
Jewelry cases.
Handkerchief boxes.
Glove holders,
A-nd a number of other things
which must be seen to he appreciated.
are fast disap: earing, but he still has
some vases, napkin rings, card receiv
ers, easels, &c., &c, which are extreme
ly pretty and graceful.
He has a complete line of zephyrs,
and wools, and
in all the opera shades, for evening
wear. Two and three buttoned.
Importers and retailers of
Oil AH A, NEJi.
Offer the most attractive Fall and Win
ter stock ever shown in Nebraska.
Guiuets Rlack Silks of our own impor
tation, 1.00 to 83.00. Silk and Wool
Dress Goods. Rlack and colored Cash
meres 50c to 81.50.
We have largely increased this de
partment and will duplicate eastern
prices. Reaver Cloaks from 82.50 to
$10.00. Matelasse Cloaks from 85.00
to 850.00. Cloaks or Circulars will be
sent on approval to responsible parties.
Ladies in the habit of sendiny Eaxt for
Hoods are jwtivularly requested
to gire us a trial.
33tf. A. Ckuickshamk & Co.
a fine White Setter Dog with brown
spots, about one third brown. Knows
his name Fido any information
that will lead to recovery of said Dog
will be suitably rewarded.
"Wavkkly Allen,
at Tewksbury mill, Weeping Wator.
For Sale.
A part Clay mare, 5 years old. Is
kind every way. For sale cheap or to
trade for smaller horse to mate
another. Inquire at Hekald office.
To Rent.
Forty acres of Land within three
miles of tow n, aud a pair of horses to
sell with the same -on time if desired.
Inquire at the 11i:::ald office. 30t4
Tho undersigned respectfully an
nounces to the peonle of Plattsmouth
and Cass County that he is now receiv
ing the finest and best selected stock
of goods for the Holidays that ever has
been displayed in this city, consisting
of gold and silver watches, fine jewelry,
clocks, silverware, spec.acles, pocket
knives and razors, fancy goods, music
al instruments and toys; which will be
sold very cheap. Thanking my friends
and customers for past favors, I Matter
myself that the old standby w ill not
be forgotten. Come one, come ail, no
trouble to show goods. Respectfully,
3Gt4 Jos. Sen later, Jeweler.
Cheaper than the Cheapest,
Jfecer Undersold
in Roots and Shoes at Merges'. Sltf
Horse for Sale.
One ba mare four years old for sale.
Time will he given. Apply to Mal
dauer & Herrmann. 34tf
Remember that for boots and shoes
Rockwell cannot be beat in price. He
has a large assortment. 2Stf.
l'!S U'l KP.rKKK ST..VY
Mamifact ur's of st rict-
ly first-class 1'iunog. We sell direct tn families
from our own Factory at lowest wholesale pi l
ces. lleaiitiful new 7li Octave. Ronowood Pi
ano". Sent 011 trial. Thousands 111 ue. Heavy
discount t eaxh buyers. DON'T buy until you
read our Catalogue, it will interest you Mail
ed free.
Rockwell has a full line of Grocer
ies. 2Stf.
Rockwell, of Louisville, has just fin
ished his new store, 23x35, which he
has full of new goods. Re sure and
give him a call wc know you will
buy if vou do, for he sells very cheap.
Boots and Shoes Cheap,
call and examine prices at
3ltf Merges'.
Ladies, Gents and Children's Under
wear, Cotton Flannels, Red Flannels,
Linsey and Jeans, at
E. G. Dovey & Son's.
by buying
31tf at Merges'.
Rockwell keeps hardware and
queensware. and by'.Tove he keeps ma
chine oils too.; and I declare, he keeps
patent medicines also, so there is no
use of staying sick. 2Stf.
Rockwell has 'ust received nine
chests of choice teas, which he sells at
from 25cbs to 81 per pound. The best
bargain in teas vou ever saw. 28tf.
We see that Merges got the premium
again at the State Fair on his own
work for beauty and durability. He
really does make fine and good work.
See E. G. Dovey & Son 3 assortment
of Lady's cloaks before purchasing
For Sale or Trade. A llargain.
Eighty acres of choice farming land,
partly under cultivation. Inquire at
this A rare chance. G6t3
Yon mast Cure that rough.
With Shiloh's Consumption Cure, you
ran cure yourself. It has established
the fact that Consumption can be
enred, while for Coughs, Rronc hit is
Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all dis
eases of Throat and Lungs, it is abso
lutely without an equal. Two doses
will relieve your child of Croup, it is
pleasant to take and rj fectly harmless
to the youngest child, ami no mother
can afford to be without it. You can
use two thirds of a hUle and if what
we say is not true we will refund the
price paid. Price 10 cts. 50 cts, and
81,00 per bottle. If your Lungs are
sore or or back lame use Shiloh's
Porous Plaster. Sold by Chapman fc
Smith, Druggist.
Have you Dispcpsia, ateyoti Consti
pated, have you a Yellow kin, Los
of Apptite. Dead Ache, if so don't fail
ZER. It is guaranteed to relieve you,
and will you continue to sutl?r when
you can bo cured on such terms as
these. Price 10 cts. and 75 cts. Sold by
Chapman & Smith. Druggists.
Well's Persian Perfume "11 ACKME
TACK" is rich and fragrant, try it.
Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggists,
Plattsmouth Neb. 331yeow
Caution to Smokers.
From and after the 1st day of May,
1878 all boxes containing cigars of my
manufacture will have my name bold
ly printed on the inside-of the lid. This
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, with an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by some unprinci
pled manufacturers. None are genu
ine unless plainlv labeled:
Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska.
A Remarkable Result.
It makes 110 difference how many
Physicians, or how much medicine you
have tried, it is now an established
fact that German Syrup is the only
remedy which has given complete sat
isfaction in severe cases of Lung Di
seases. It is true there are yet thous
ands of persons who are predisposed
to Throat and Lung Affections, Con
sumption, Hemorrhages, Asthma. Se
vere Colds settled on the breast. Pneu
monia, Whooping Cough, xc, who have
no personal knowledge of Roschee's
German Syrup. To such we would say
that 50,000 dozen were sold last year
without one complaint. Consumptives
try just one bottle. Regular size 75
cents. Sold by all Druggists in Amer
ica. 2fdveow
Rockwell has the neatest assortment
of lady's dress goods ever brought to
town. Re sure and see them before
the assortment is broke. They are go
ing off fast.
Thirty of t!i let orsan makers of the
World are compel itor :it I lie Paris K posit ion.
a cable dispatch to tlie Associated Pro say
;ro highest gold meilals have been awarded to
the American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
The Atlanta da., Constitution,
Recently published a long account of
the destructiveness of the "Sherman
Rat" which is 2 to 4 times as largo as
the Northern Rat. On the 17th of
Sep. ember. 1877. the Manager of this
celebrated paper having tried Centen
nial Rat Exterminator says: Gentle
men your "Pizen Stuff" knocks "Sher
man Rats," stiff and cold.
Osage, Iowa, Dec 20, 1877.
Star Manufacturing Company, Fort
Madison, Iowa; Gentlemen: The Cen
tennial rat poison, received last Mon
day. We have given three doses. On
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
nights, and w e verily believe there is
not a rat or mouse left. The saw mill,
feed, enstoni and merchant's mills were
full of them, as were also our houses,
cooper shops, barns and hog pens.
Since giving them the poison they have
been running round as "crazy as loons"
and the river bank is line with dead
rats, in fact it has created a terrible
commotion among Mteni and they have
all left, thanks to' the "Centennial Rat
Exterminator." each box of which is
worth a twenty dollar bill. We will
see our druggists and have them send
for it. Thanks, thanks. Very respect
fully. E. M. RitiTTS, & Co.
This great economizer for property
holders, farmers, et al., is for sale by
druggists and general dealers every
where. Price 25 cents, largecans 81,00
Pension Papers.
Those wanting pension papers ac
knowledged will please remember that
J. R. Toman, Notary Public, Louisville,
ha3 a certificate of the county Clerk
filed with the IT. S. pension Agent Hud
can attend to all such business. 52tf
Just Received
At Rockwell's, a very full line of Mil
linery goods of the very latest styles,
such as flowers, ribbons, plumes and
tips, silks, velvets, lady's ties, bonnets
and hats, and many other little novel
ties that cannot be had at any other
place in tow n. 28tf.
"German Syrup."
No other medicine in the world has
ever given such a test of its curative
qualities as Roschee's Geiman Syrup.
In two years three million four hundred
thousand small bottles of this medicine
were distributed free of eharye by
Druggists in this country to those af
tlicted with Consumption, Asthma.
Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia, and
other disease of tho Throat and Lungs,
giving the American jH'ople undeniable
proof that (lermau Syrup will cure
them. The result has been that Drug
gists in every town and village in the
United States are recommending it to
their customers. (lo to your Druggist,
and ask what they know about it. Sam
ple bottles 10 cents. Regular size 75
cents. Three doses will relieve any
case. astf-alt
$ OHO fti i w-orth of Farm Pboihc
jlffH sraioneeaii be saved by using
Centennial licit Extrrmiwu-uf. 2olf
Rockwell keeps clothing and gent's
underwear. 2Stf.
First and Last time take Notice.
It is now nearly six months since I
went out of the Store and general mer
chandise business. Many of those ac
counts are not paid yet. I must have
these accounts Settled and the books
of that concern closed by the 1st of
January next. Friends please come up
and settle this month; for all old ac
counts unpaid on January 1st, 1S79
will surely be placed in Collector's
hands and collected at the debtor's ex
pense. 37t3 V. Wlckhach.
Those wishing Oysters can obtain
them by the can or dish, of the best
brands, cheap, at Henry Thierolfs, two
doors east of the P. O. S4tf
A nice assortment of Repellents
Cashmeres, American Dress Good3,
Ties, Ruching, Silk Handkerchiefs,
Scarfs, Ladies and Children's Hosiery,
Felt Skirts, &c, Sec, at
E. O. Dovey & Son's.
A fine assortment of Blankets at
2Jtf E. G. Dovey & Son's.
Announce hut they are prr-pared" ff funmh nil kiili! of
At Wholesale or Itclnil !
Hoqs Killed and Packed
ZARB--at Wholesale and; RctaiL
Given to HOTELS,
SHOP North side Main, Retwcen 4th and 5;h Streets.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of ihe state of Sarah It. Slates,
dee'd. In thet'o. Court of Cass Co., Nob. No
tice for filing claims.
Notice is herf by given to nil persons having
claims against the estate of Sarah B. Mates, de
ceased, to rile the same In the olllce of the Co. Plattsmouth. in laid county. 011 or
before the 18th day of June. A. D. I7i. and
meet the executors at one o'clock p. ni. on said
dav. for allowance or disallowance of the same.
SOtS Co. Judge.
Probate Notice.
In the inattsr of the estate of Charles H. Wins
low, dee'd.
Notice is hereby given to all persons having
claim against the estate of Charles II. W hit
low, dee'd to file the same on or before the 14th
davof Mav. A. D. 'x7. in the office of the Co.
Judge at Plattmnouth.
A. N. S VI.!. I VAN.
3StJ Co. Judge.
Legal Notice.
To Seidell N. Merrlatn, non-resident defend nt.
You are hereby notified that on th 2.1d day
of .Inly, A. D. 1S7S, Truest A. W Igger. hern fllod
his petition in the District Court within and for
the County o Cass, lu the Slate of Nebraskfi.
against the said Seidell N. Meiriam. defendant,
n-ttiiig forth that he is the owner and In 110s-e.-sion
of the follow hut described tracts of land
situate in Kild Cass County, Nebraska: The
south-west quarter of the couth-east ouaiter
of section twenty-nine and the north-went
quarter of the north-east quarter of section
thirty two (22), all in townMiip number twelve
(11') north of range nine 00, east of r,lh P. M. ;
and that said defendant hwlds a t:n deed 011
said premises, which said tax deed is a cloud
011 plaintitPs title, anil asking that said tax
d.-cd mav be set aside and cancelled, and that
the levy and sale for delinquent taxes, of faid
tracts of land for the vear 172 (that twins the
year for which naid tax deed was Kiven). be de
clared null aud void. Vou are required to un
swer saiil iK'tition on or before tho 3d day of
Fcbruarv, A. D. ls::.
By T. B. Wiijsov, his Al ty. JUi4
In Bankruptcy.
In the District Court of the United States for
the district of Nebraska. In the matter of
David U. Holt, bankrupt. N
Omaha, Nkiikahka.
9, 1878. t
To ti .Vmi it miy concern:
Take notice hereby, that a Petition has been,
to wit. en the 7th day of J lecember A. D. IS7H.
died ill faid District Court by David li. Holt, of
Kails Citv. in said district, w ho has been here-toton-iliilv
declared bankrupt under the act of
Congress entitled "aii Act to KM.iMisli a iini
form system of P.ankruptcv throughout thn
l iiited'states.-' approved March 2. 1V,7. and as
amended, for a diM-iiarirc and Cert 1 Ileal e t here
rf. from all his debts iiud ot her claims movable
under said Act. and that the '-'"111 day of Decem
ber. 1S7K, at 4 o'clock P. M. at the oflico of .1.
I Webster, l.q . the Keister in Bankruptcy
for baid dit tricl at Omaha, in said di-trict, is the
time and place assigned for the heaiiuu of the
same: when and where vou may attend, and
show ruuse. If any you ha've. why the prayer of
the sa;d petition shcnld not be granted.
3S12 WATSON H. SMITH. Clerk.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued bv Vn.
L. Wells. Cleik of t lie I istricl Court, within and
for Cas Count v Nebraska, and to me directed.
I will 011 the I'Mh day of December, A. I . 17,
at P o'clock a. m. of said day. at thn south door
of the C'liut House, in faid county, sell at pub
lic auction the following real estate to-wlt:
The north-east quarter 1 '.i of vction thirtv i?o
inv. -..ship twelve (I'J) raufie thirteen ( 13 cnl ot ti
P. M. in ( 'ass Comity, Nebraska. 1 'he :;tti be
in;; levied upon and taken as the property of
Henry ftuvtler nud Nancy C. isnyiler, defend
ant' :"to naiisfv a judgment of said Court recov
ered bv O. II. Ileigliaid. plaintiff.
PlntUluuulh, Neb., Nov. 2stli. A. D. !7..
3014 U. W. II VKloi, MierifT.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a decree rendered at the Septem
ber'jidjourned term of the Distvlct Court w ithin
and for Cyss County. Nebraska. Jind to me di
rected, I will on the Cth day of January. A. D.
H7. at 10 o'clock, A. M. of faid day. at the south
door of the Court Hoiie In said County, sell at
public auction thejollowiii'; real estate, to wit :
I he equal undivided one-third part of the
i-outh-wcst quarter (,'i) of section tifteen ( l.M.
town twelve (1, north of range twelve ilj).
ea-t ofthef.thp. M. : the same being levied
upon and taken as the property of Henry M10-
iiicr, defendant ; to sati-fy a judgment of said
Court, recovered by William lln'K, plaintiff.
Plattsmouth. Neb.. Dec. 5th, A. D. t7.
3715 K. W. HYKJtS.
Sheriff C'as Co., Neb.
Probate Notioe.
in the matter of the estate of Ilirani Hoan.
dee'd. In Co. Court of Co., Neb.
Upon reading and filing the duly verified pe
tition of Harvey Hogan praying t hat uiimnos
tration of the estate of Hiram Hogan mav be
granted to him : Ordered, that notice of the
pendencv of said cause be published m the No-lia,-ka
H Kit 1 i.l. a weekly newspaper printed
and published aud in general circulation in said
eountv. ami that the fieariiur of ;iid taune be
et for the 2r.l dav of December A. D. Is7s. at I
J o'clock P. .M. on said dav, at the oflice of the
Co. Judge, at Plattsmoutii. in said county, at
which time and place all persons interested may j
appearamiMiow any tney nave. nj
adminixirat lou of said estate should not be
granted to the said Harvey llo.m according to
the prayer of said petition.
Co. Judge.
' L. li.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the UstaJe of James H.Tucker,
dee'd. In Co. Court of Cass County, Nebras
ka. Upon reading and filing the duly e-riSed pe
tition of A. C. fucker, proving that administra
tion of the estate of Jaiites 1 1. Tucker, deceased,
may be granted to Sarah U. Tucker aud pe
titioner . Ordered tlu notice of t lie pendency
of said cause lu- published in the Nebra-ik,
JlKt!Ai r, a weekly newspaper, printed uml
published, and in general circulation in. said
county, and that the hearing of eawl eause be
set for the 2nth dav of Decciiiber. A. I. 178, at
e o'vlock 1". M. on said day, at the oflice of
the Coiinly Judge iu Ilatl-miouth ; at which
time and place all ihtsimw interested ixay ap
pear and show cause, if any they have, why
administration of aid estate should not be
crante4 to the said Sarah K. Tucker and A. C.
T acker, according to the prayer of said peti
tion. A. N. SULLIVAN.
County Judge.
r si
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Notice is hereby given that default having
been made in the payment of .t certain not Kami
clmttel mortgage made and duly executed by
S. V. West to Robert T. .Maxw ell, bearing date
August .. Is77. and filed iti the oflice of th
County Clerk of Cass Count v. Nebraska, ua l litr
loth day of Amrut. 177. and In mortgage
tk said S. W. West did sell aud iiiortgae In
said Robert T. .Maxwell one mare, gray odor,
eleven years old, blind iu right eye. That af
terwards, and before said note and mortgage
beenmo due and payable, to wit., about the 1st
dav of October. W7. said 11. T. -Max well, for a
fuil ami valuable' eoiisideratltm. sold and trans
ferred said note and mortgage l J. M. 1'atter
r.m. and there is now due or said mte and
mortgage the euin of .'!. jo. w. therefore, by
virtue of the wwor of sale contained in said
montane. I will jH'oceed to ell said mare al
public and imi to the highest bidder for cash,
at the hour of It o'clock a. in. ua tlve-JSLh day ot
lleceinbr 1S7S. :it Ihe front door of Weed Klo'a
store in the town of Weeping M'ater. Cass Coun- j
ty. Nebraska, to satisfy said dtot and iulerest I
and costs.
2;tf Assignee of Uohert T. Maxwell.
cmiFlKceTl; I
O'Heill & Marthis,
Attachment Notice.
Henry W. Curt! and Win. S. rJarshrger, t'o
ing business as II. W. Curtis U Co. vs. Ilow
nrd Spiiigiie. Before A. N. Sullivan, Comity
Judge in aud for Cass County. Nebraska.
On the 1st It day of December. A. D. 1R7H. aiI
County Judge issued an order of attachment li
the above action lor the sum of fcui.ou and In
terest, fro.-i October. 22d, ls;5, at VI per cent.,
and att'y fees, at 10 per cent. Said cause U net
for hearing on the Il'd day of January. 17!.
S:tt County Judge.
Sheriffs Sale.
I'.v tlrtuaof an order of ale Issued by Wm.
I. Wells. Clerk of tho Dint. Court within aud
for Cass County. Nehra-ka, and to mo directed,
I will od the lsih day of J.iuuaiy, A. D. 1k7u. at
lOo'iSoi k a. 111.. of oanl day, at Ihe south door
of the court house in said co-inty, sell at public
auction the following real estate, to w it : Lots
(4I( four hundred jiikI ten,(MJ' four hundred
and forty-nine; omi four hundred and fifty :
(4.'d 1 four huiidrtot and fllty-one, in the town of
Louisville. Cass County. Nebraska : the anto
being levied upon and taken as the proper
ty of ( i. N. ('leghorn, defendant, to natisfv
a judgment of nnld court. reco ercd by J. J.
tioos. plain 1 1 if.
Plattsmouth, Neb , Dec. 12th. A. D. 1S7.
3st5 Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb.
Shenandoah Nurseries,
Mr. King desires to thank his old pa
trons for their favors the past season
and to state that he will be hcio about
the Holidays with a full supply of
sifi:rris,'riEEs,Ayr stock of
He earnestly solicits your patronage)
for the future; reiving on tho reputa
tion of the pasd. These nurseries aro
near you, the stock is acclimated and
docs better. Call and see. Mr. King
will canvass Sarpy County tis well as
Cass. Remember the name and tho
place. yitl3
Again takes the
Brick Livery Stable.
The old Bonner Stables. In I'latUmouth, are
now leated by Wm. D. JONKS. and he has on
hand new and hamlxome accommodations, In
the uliape of
I am prepared to keep HOT.SKS
And will
Train 2nd Break Colts
on Ileaanab!e Terms. ur.HEMnr.R,
That wil'.t plenty of room (that ctery nnf
know I have 1 in my stable. 1 can get Farmers
Hock and w.ii;nis. loads of hay, &c, under cov
er, where tbev will keep dry.
Thank irg all my old patrons for their liberal
ity. I solicit t heir t rad e for the f ut ure. tuitlsfleiV
that I can, accommodate them better and d
better bv them t iian ever befor .
fKitt I Your Wife V
REDUCED. Want8 lt. j3
Kg for West, Et, Sonth. North. For every Ownr
C of Cattle, HomfS, hliej, bw,ne. or A KRM,
ky (,rUcn, or ViHsir" !." : lor every IIouBckccper ;
BC (ur all liu) s and lairls ;
2 All lite above, uud nioie, ki the
a'ol. 53.1 From Xow tip to 1X0, put free, (.1S79 i
5.J From Vtw p to pott free.
Only $1 Each,
to Clubs of ten or uioro.
5 roplos. J .?0 rsf-h ; 4 enfl'S. !.?5rti. FIrrlo
g tlliMcnillHi., f mere iiuimimt u cis. rja
Olio rpeiiiiion. tt free. iu, mZ
p" to tbofo sending Clubs of Bulcrilers.
Jjllssned in English St Germrm at fame Price. JjH
5 Try It-VouH Like It-It Will PAV. jj
-Children I com pan v. lEverybody
Sw.ntTt. Publisher.. 4 I Wn It. "
Drugs) Medicines
r- -"-, i.i i i i "i 'I J.
All Paper Trimmed Free of
Stationery, Magazines,
Latest Publications.
Prescription- 'rrfiII' onipnudet3
by an ".rerieue-l lrutct.