Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 12, 1878, Image 3

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At. e .'4 - A. a. m. J 1e'V.,rt l I ;
Arrive at 14:30 a.m. lepart at - 2 :15 p.
.'.rrlTe at - 3 :ie p. m. Depart at - 10 0 a. ni.
WKK.riNO tvATrn.
Airlve at 12 .-on m. Itepart at - 1 :P. n.
iiHt 12 in. Depart at - 1 :00 p. m.
Transient. 35 cent a line. lkiular adverrls
vs. 19 ccuh imt line. No advertisement iusert--1
for leas than 25 cent.
Legal notices at Statute, rate.
AtUirtieys anil officer of the law will be field
r apun si ble for all legal notices they hand in,
:.:.1 all parties demanding ,a proof ut putdiea
1' n of any notice will be beta for llie puulica-i.-
u fe of such notice.
An our spac U limited, all conitnmiicaons
muat te brief aud to tha Mint, with no want
of words.
The paper I responsible for the correctness
according to copy of paid matter and paid 1-e-gais.
1. Any person who taken the paper regularly
from the post-office, whether diiecied to bis
name, or whether he In a subscriber or not is
responsible for the pay.
a. If any person ortlcr Ills paper discontin
ued, be must pay all arrearages, or the publLth-
r may continue to send It until payment Is
mad, and collect the whole amount. 'whether
tbe laier 1 taken from the office or not.
S. 1 he rouru have derided that refusing to
take newspapers and periodical from the post
ffiee, or removing and leaving them uncalled
for. Is prfma facU trtdence of i.ntkstiuxal
run d.
They've got poor Cal. Partnele's
cow, horse, buggy, Ac, for taxes again.
Commissioner Wolfe's second child
a boy of 13 or 13 years of Age, died on
Tuesday morning last.
Tha merchant' of Plattamouth
trill close their stores for the entire
dayt of Christmas and New Year?.
It it getting close to the holidays and
now is the time to purchase winter
goods of Frank Guthman at low down
Mr. E. H. Hemming, teacher at
South Dend, was in Saturday to eee us.
He has a good school and likes Ne
braska rery much.
If you want a good pipe, a real meer
schaum, go to Schlegel Bros.
Take Laimhiiig Uau of Dr. Richey
and have your teeth extracted with
pleasure, instead of pain, at Stadel
tnanu's from Dec. 1U to 24.
O'Nrill & Marthfs will in a few
days hare out a fine lot of sugar cured
Hams and breakfast b;icon of their
uwn mako. Warranted first class.
A new sign reads Miusly:
Candies and ornaments for Christ
mas Tres at the 1. O. News DejK)t.
Very many of our teat citizens no
doubt remember how busy Dr. Kichy
was while here last, having to stay five
weeks instead of one as at first advei
(lied and will be glad to know that
ho will be at Stadelmann's from Dec.
10 to 24tU.
Wm. Herold has a large assortment
of Tinware, which he will dispose of
cheap for c:tsh. Don't fail to price
It. 3tl
See Mr. King's Ad about
Nurseries. SStf
Cigar Holders of all kinds real
meerschaum, suitable for Holiday
presents. Call at Schlegel Bros.
The headquarters for Toys is at Os
wald Guthhmau's, you can get any
thing there in the liue of Holiday
goods or Toys at bed-rock prices. No
charge for examinations, Please give
me a trial. 88t2
New "Scritf three "fonts" of
the latest styles, on the road from the
Chicago Type Foundry. Don't forget
to leave your orders nt J. I'. Young's,
who has on exhibition various designs
of New Year's calling cards, at prices
within the reach of all.
A good milch cow wanted, inquire
at tho IIkkald otHce. S7t3
Fred Gorder, office- on Main and 3d
Streets, north side, with Wackbach.
Coal of all kinds, soft coal a speciality.
Com now while the price is low, with
old weather it will raise.
Undo Stephen Ilobson left us
some of the finest apples again last
week one uiagniticieut Bell flower,
and a pear equal to any California va
riety we ever saw, both for size and
Itemember the New Years calling
rards to be had at the P. O. News De
pot, in a large variety, cheap.
Herman Herold has on exhibition
a very large variety of Toys, of every
description, which he will sell at cost,
as he wishes to close out his entire
stock bv New Years to makd room for
other goods. 3t2
Choiee sweet Oranges and Lentons,
large hickery nuts, and other kinds of
nuts at the P. O. News Depot.
"With a few notable exceptions,
says the Philadelphia Press, the ad
vertisers of four years ago are large
advertisers to-day. Amid the business
wrecks of the past four years only
those who understand the value of
printer's ink have safely withstood the
Plattsmouth merchants will do well
to remember this.
Subscribe for the New Tork Tri
bune with J, P. Young and get Web
ster's Unabriged Dictionary as a prem
ium. Fred Gorder keeps soft coal cheap
Send iu your orders at once. 8St3
Cigar Cases in great variety and very
cheap for Holiday presents at Schle
g'Uros. J. P. Young will sell his Toys and
Holiday goeds way down to suit the
Remember Fred Gorder when you
want soft coal. 38t3.
Santa Claus has come, go and see
him at the P. O. News Depot where he
makes his headquarters and you can
p-reat bargains in the Toy and Hol-
, -j J j - 3 n .. -.
T 1 rv
1 i
S. S. Alley, of Wilber called on the
Hekai.i Monday and repre. ents his
town as growing day and night like
Hon. Jno. F. Polk called iu on Mon
day. Glad to see the gentleman Hard
ly had a glimpse of lain since Klection.
Wra.M. Stout Editor " Free Press"
in Saline County, and an Uncle of our
Sheriff Hyers was here spending Sun
day. We want to get better acquaint
ed with Mr. Stout.
Oysters and Celery.
Celery and Maltby's best brand of
Oysters, at reasonable prices, to be rad
at the Express office every wek.
As the Temperance or Red Ribbon
club intend holding a reception on
New Year's day, the same as last year,
of course every gentleman in the city
wants cards for the young ladies, that
will without doubt be there. To sup
ply the demand and furnish cards in
the latest styles, tho IIeuai.d has or
dered New Type from Chicago, and J.
P. Young has samples of cards, and
will take orders for printing the same.
TTlnter Goods.
A good stock of winter goods on
hand. Now is the time to buy, before
cold weather is upon us.
Has Frank Morrison really got a
stiff neck or was Cal. Moore joking ?
Wanted to Knew?
The man that got Doc. Donelan's
Well Hook. Joe Roberts says hook
ing hooks is played out if he can't get
even on other things. Hook home
with those grabs. Sonny; whoever you
II. E. Phelps, of Eight Mile Grove,
called and paid up for the IIekald.
come again.
Coal ! Coal ! ! Coal ! ! ! at Fred Gor
der's Now is the time for your soft
coal. Cheap for cash. 48t3
A. I. Patrick, Mail Contractor
was down Monday.
Hoots aud Shoes sold out at cost for
cash only at Maldauer A Herrmann's.
Johnny White came home and the
first thing he wanted to know was
about those twelve weddings. How
the boy grows 1
Large stock of Boots. Shoes, Gloves,
Clothing. Dry Goods and Groceries of
all kinds at bottom prices at Herman
Herold's. 33; 2
And Jerry H.titmaii has come
round to it too. Its a girl Thursday.
Fred Gorder having got all his ac
counts in the Machinery business mado
out now, ho wants his pay thereon and
will be obliged to those owins him to
come in and pettle before the first of
January. 38t2
Hon. E G. Dovey has a birth-day
sociable this evening. 00 years old
and still no snow.
Great bargains in Dress Goods at
Maldaner & Herrmann's. 51t2
The Germans will give a Grand
Ball on New Year's Vve in Fitzgerald
Hall. See programme elsewhere.
At Donelan's.
Call and see tho new Lamps gener
al stock of fancy SUow Case goods.
Now is the time just before the battle
Mother wo moan the holidays-before
all your money is spent, drop into
3SL2 Donfxan's.
Amusements to come:
Sociable to-night; John Dillon the 17;
Dr. Ritchey, 19 to 24th; Masonic
Ball, 27th; German Ball, 31st; Tem
perance Reception New Year's day.
tirand Ball.
Given by the Plattsmouth Lieder
kranz. in Fitzgerald Hall, New Year's
Eve, Tuesday. Dec, 91. 1878. And a
No. 1 String Band of live pieces will
be in attendance. Dancing interspers
e d with Songs and Music by the socie
ty. Light Refreshments iu the ball.
Refreshments in European style, at
Fred Stadelmann's. The best of or
der will be preserved, and an enjoy
able evening is guaranteed to everyone
participating. Tickets, 81.00. 38t2
Bonner and Blltzen.
Frank Guthman, Bachelor Frank
as used to was is the proud and hap
py father of a fine girl baby, born last
Saturday. Frauk says its funny but
awful expensive. The boys ask for
cigars bo often.
Don't Forget It.
I)r. Richey, the dentist will be at
Stadelmann's from Dec. 10th to 24th.
The inimitable Comedian, John
Dillon will be here on the 17th, and
assisted by the celebrated Wallack
Combination, will give that greatest
of Society Comedies, entitled 44 My
Dreadful Dad!' Reserved seat tickets
will be on sale Saturday morning at
J. P. Young's P.O. News Depot.
Chambers the Harness Maker has
now on hand a large supply of Saddles,
Bridles and Harness, which he will sell
cheap. Now is the time for farmers
to buy, we can make harness up cheap
er in the winter while other work is
dull and will sell them way down at
the actual living cost of making the
same. Remember the man and the
place. Chambers Harness Manufactory
on Main stieet, Plattsmouth, Neb.
They that is the fellows that do
such things stole a fat hog from Mr.
Fitzgerald's forty, on Thursday last,
coolly slaughtered it, loaded it into
a wagon and got away. Go slow, fel
lows, we're getting to hang men for
stealing hogs.
Settlement Notice.
All persons owing me for one year
and over take notice. The account
must be straightened up between now
and the 10th, of January 1879, or I
will 6U4 and collect by law such ac
counts as remain unsettled. Remem
ber I mean this. I do not want to
crowd but I must have money to tran
sact my business with, and pay my
own debts. M. ScilNELiaACiIU
'ot the Beanlifal Snow, Exactly.
f)h ! sc the snow as white as milk.
It covers the ground like flossy silk I
On Saturday uiht the ground was bare.
On Sunday morn' the snow was there.
firing out your aleigts, get on your bells.
In xleighiii it'a always the pace that tells.
There goes Strelclit with Brouco Jim,
Aud a dozen more will follow him.
"A Rood ways behind," say Dick, "you bot?"'
For Jim's a horse cn get up and set ;
rot It ! 1 1 oh pshaw !
Just as the machine began to work, there
came a thaw.
Nor a Bene.-This pome Ls a work of art, wc
don't want you to make fun of it. It bas cost
tune and iponey to build it so far. It's hard
work to write such a pome, ft takes time, we
can't do more than one vcrsu a day, you sea.
It's like that sernioa of II. W. Uc'echcr's, Rro.
DeLaMatyr told us about. Sunday. Young
green thliiKs niiirht write this article in half an
hour, but it took us three days ; you can tell
by the verses : Monday the ground was all
white 1st verse. Tuesday It looked like more
snow and we knew Dick Straight would be out,
if there was 2d verse. Wednesday It. set oat
all right to finish up what Tuesday began, but
the snow bad all gone, the sleighs went back on
us, and the divine afflatus all died out. Fixia.
They all Want to Know It.
That Dr. Richey the successful Chi
cago dentist will again b in Platts
mouth from Dec. 19 to 2ith.
-Nathan, our little Nathan, of the
firm of Solomon & Nathaa is the hap
py father of another little girl a hand
some girl they say. Solomon says its
so many pretty girl figurs about the
store does it, Nathan says its all in the
line of business anyway.
Cable Dispatch to the HERALD.
Arctic, Lapland. Dec 9th, 1878.
To-day I put in harness my two fa
verite Reindeer, Flectfoot " and
"Faithful" and shall start with my
mammoth Sleigh for the coast of North
America, via. Greenland and the Ice
land Seas and arrive on time to dis
tribute the holiday presents to my
faithful patrons, at Schlater's Jewelry
Store, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Signed, Santa Claus.
Speaking about that Trunk rail
road from Plattsmouth to Nebraska
City that the Neb. City Press is urg
ing now so fiercely, we happened to
be looking over an old file of papers for
something else, and came across this
heading to an article in Dec. 1872.
"the bonds.
Listen to the News.
Those Holiday Goods of Chapman fc
Smith are being carried away as fast
as three or four can wrap them up,
and this is not strange when yon see
how cheap they are selling every tiling.
One Lady says, why, that Doll, what a
beauty, one half cheaper than other
houses are offeiing, another says what
a fine large Selection of vases. Cups
and saucers, cheapest we over heard of,
and so of books, Wagons &c. To be
lieve is to see and if you wish good
bargains and fine goods call at
3812 Chapman A Smith.
Capt. Paine hasn't got a baby
We knew it, we felt it. Somebody
told a whopper nbout that baby too
paineful to repeat.
II. Miller, a fellow who has been
stopping round here lately found a
brother German from the old country,
got him fuddled, took all his money
and lit out over the river. Marshal
Murphy uabbed him, however, and
brought him back. He says the old
fellow gave him the niomy to keep,
but Judge Sullivan bound him over to
appear at the district court, in the sum
of 8300.
What is the use of getting up these
cold nights to look at the moon and
stars to guess at the hour, when you
can buy a good time piece for a mere
song at Schlater's Jewelry Store. 3813
Harry Howlaad has fenced in the
lot by his Bhop, Corner Cth and Vine
Street. Glad of it and its a nice fence
too. when Harry does a thing he does
it up brown.
Fickler Bros, have built ft vcry
substantial Slaughter House out on
the Avenue. Its a No. 1 building
surrounded by good yards, well fenc
ed aud is a credit to them and the
town. Success to all such business
men, say the IIekald.
In regard to the Masonic Festival
on Dec. 27th, we are requested to sav
that all the invitations are numbered
and a record kept to whom they have
been issued. No person will bo admit
ted without presenting the Invitation
at the door and they cannot be trans
ferred .
riattsuionth Manufacture.
harness shop.
The shop of Streight & Miller is just
crowded with new Harness, Saddles,
Bridles, Blankets and horse equip
ments. Dave Miller, the real genius of
the place and head manager always,
to hum," (for Uncle Jason Streight
has other irons in the fire and several
halters in his hand elsewhere all the
time) knows just how to sort up and se
lect a good stock of goods for this mar
ket. Then too, they can make them up
in style.
Among their Specialities just now
Blankets and Lap-Robes very low.
Heavy Harness must be sold. Ass't.
Saddles, Bridles and halters at way
down prices.
Good horse blankets at 81-75 pr. pair.
Never so low before. A new polish
for buggy tops, or harness, makes them
look as good as new.
Now is the time to buy, once, twice,
three times and out.
Streight & Miller,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
A common sense Boys and Girls
paper. The American Y'oung Folks,
published by Hudson & Ewing, at To
peka, Kansas, comes to us for Decem
ber beautifully illustrated and filled
with entertaining and useful reading.
It is really a common sense paper that
parents need not hesitate to place in
the hands of their children. It con
tains 10 pages and is sent one year to
any address for $0 ceuts. The pub
lishers offer to send a sample copy free.
Prof. Aughey has promised to
come and Lecture for us on Friday
evening (to-morrow.) The Lecture,
and in fact a series of Lectures it is to
be hoped, will be given for the benefit
of tho High School. Prof. Love de
sires to procure a skeleton and other
things necessary for the best advance
ment of the scholars. The Lecture ls
on the " Bad Lands" and is one of the
best ever delivered in this part of the
Country. It will be at the M. E.
church Friday evening, Remembor.
Hon. Jos Gilmore gives us the fol
lowing: Ed. Herald: Reading of cattle
dying by eating smut on corn, I am
tempted to give you my treatment of
cattle in the fall and I have never had
one die from eating smut yet. Turn
your cattle in where there is plenty of
good corn or stalk, they never 'eat
smutty corn when there is plenty of
good. Let them run from seven to
ten days; put up in the yard and give
as much hay and corn only as will
keep them quiet, with plenty of Salt
aid good water, then turn in field again
for eight or ten days and so on. It
keeps your cattle looking better any
wav than being in the field continual
ly. Good Cider
all the year round can be had by the
use of the Neutral Sulphite of Lime.
Thousands have used it with perfect
satisfaction since its introduction I y
ns in 1858.
The Sulphite of Lime is designed to
keep good Cider good. It will not
make good Cider out of bad, neither
will it change sour Cider into sweet.
The later in the season Cider is made
the better it is; and the addition of
the sulphite preserves it perfectly.
Pu the Cider, as it runs from the
press, into clean casks, and place casks
in a cool place. Watch the progress of
the fermentation from day to day ; and
before it gets sour, when it tastes just
right, mix with it the Sulphito of Lime,
first stirring it up with some of the
Cider in a pitcher. It will soon settle
clear, and the Cask may be bunged
tight, and kept through the winter, or
it may be used as desired. If the Ci
der is cloudy or turbid, beat up half a
dozen eggs, shells and all, turn into the
bung-hole and let it rest a few weeks.
It will make the Cider very nice and
clear Jour. Chemistry.
Monthly iTcathcr Report, November '78
Mean temperature 37.16
Lowest mean temp'ro on the 20th 7
Uighest - 5th 70
Rainfall l
No. days rainy 3
No snow
Cloudy days 7
Mean temperature 34.19
Lowest mean temp're on the 30th 5:13.
Highest " " 10th 64.
Rainfall 2
No. d:;ys rainy 2
No. days snowy 4
Cloudy days 8
Mean temp'ro for three fall months.
1878 -"" 52.84
1877 """""" 48.74
Warmer, less rain this fall, than last.
Interesting Reading Matter for every
Who among the living is there, who
does not look forward to Christmas
and New Years time, with a feeling of
happiness and pleasure not superceded
by any other event of the year. It is
a'time of social enjoyment, giftgiving,
family reunion and friendly greet
ings of "A Merry Christmas" and
"Happy New Year." There is surely
a serious flaw in one's nature who can
not bo happy during these coming
holidays. The Father and Mother of
every little one in Plattsmouth look to
those days with more than usual pleas
ure. They are no doubt suggesting the
propriety of presenting Son Thomas,
George or Harry, with a new suit of
clothes, a nice hat or cap, a pair of
new boots, a handsome neck tie or oth
er articles of useful nature, aud to
Daughter Mattie. Annie or Mary a
nice cashmere, Bourette, or Lustre
Dress pattern, a beautiful Lace Scarf,
Nubia, Shawl, a lovely Felt Hat or
Velvet Bonnet, Cloak or a fine set of
Jewelry, probably "Pa" will need a
new suit of clothes, likewise "Ma" a
new Dress or a Set of Furs to appear
at church Christmas morning, and hero
is the young gentleman who will en
deavour to present his fair Jane Ann
with something suitable to her taste,
probable with a nice Lace or Silk hand
kerchief, or Zephyr Shawl, Kid Gloves,
Mottoes, Card Board designs. Album,
Glove or handkerchief Cases, &c, and
she in turn will present her dear Au
gustus with a nice Cigar Case, Tie,
Scarf, Cuff Pins or Slipper patterns ; in
conclusion, we will add that the time
is short for the selection of your holi
day presents and further that any of
the above can be found at Solomon &
Nathan's, at prices within tho reach of
The Magnificent Crops
Are heard of everywhere. And it is
equally well established that for cur
ing Coughs, Colds and Incipient Con
sumption, Brown's Cough filal
nuiii has no equal among the prepara
tions sold in the West. This popular
western remedy contains no stupefy
ing opiates, that deceive the patient,
but cures by relieving irritation and
producing an easy expectoration. Just
now it is dangerous to neglect a Cottgh.
For clearing and strengthening the
voice and curing hoarseness and sore
throat public speakers, singers and
others will find Hrown's Tar
Troches a reliable Remedy. Price,
25 cts. per box.
Brown's Arnica Salve is without
a rival for removing inflammation and
curing old sores, ulcers and frost bite.
25 cts per box.
All of Brown's Popular Family Med
icines for sale by Dr. W. E. Donelan,
Chapman & Smith, J. II. Buttery and
O. F. Johnson.
SStf Plattsmouth, Neb.
BROOKS WOODSON. At the residence of W.
L. i'urdy. In Plattsnioath, on the 9th Inst., by
A. N. Sullivan, County Jude, Mr. Cnag.
Brooks to Miss Mabv li. Woopsox.
There, the Judge has gone and made
another couple happy.
i. im dowo wnrH. 4ni W.tvt4 Fbsk -m
adcsqw, a. COVLTfcR a co taicMo, lu
Importers aud retailers of
Offer the most attractive Fall and Win
ter stock ever shown in Nebraska.
Guiuets Black Silks of our own impor
tation, 81.00 to 83.00. Silk and Wool
Dress Goods. Black and colored Cash
meres 5Hc to 81.50.
We have largely increased this de
partment and will duplicate eastern
prices. Beaver Cloaks from 82-50 to
840.00. Matelasse Cloaks from 85.00
to 850.00. Cloaks or Circulars will be
pent on approval to responsible parties.
Ladies in tlit habit of sending East for
Goods are particularly requested
to give us a trial.
33tf. A. Cruicusiiank & Co.
a fine White Setter Dog with brown
spots, about one third brown. Knows
his name Fido any information
that will lead to recovery of said Dog
will be suitably rewarded.
Wavkrly Allen,
at Tewksbury mill, AVeeping Water.
For Sale.
A part Clay mare, 5 years old. Is
kind every way. For sale cheap or to
trade for smaller horse to mate
another. Inquire at Herald office.
To Rent.
Forty acres of Land within three
miles of town, and a pair of horses to
sell witli the same -on time if desired.
Inquire at the Herald office. 36t4
The undersigned respectfully an
nounces to the people of Plattsmouth
and Cass County that he is now receiv
ing the finest and best selected stock
of goods for the Holidays that ever has
been displayed in this city, consisting
of gold and silver watches, fine jewelry,
clocks, silverware, speciacles, pocket
knives and razors, fancy goods, music
al instruments and toys; which will be
sold very cheap. Thanking my friends
and customers for past favors, I flatter
myself that the old standby will not
be forgotten. Come one, come all, no
trouble to show goods. Respectfully,
36t4 Jos. SciiLATER, Jeweler.
Cheaper than the Cheapest,
Never Umlersold
in Boots and Shoes at Merges. 31tf
Horse for Sale.
One bav mare four years old for sale.
Time will be given. Apply to Mal
dauer & Herrmann. 34tf
Remember that for boots and shoes
Rockwell cannot be beat in price. He
has a large assortment. 28tf.
F. S. White is looking for another
car load of those fine Michigan apple's.
Don't fail to be on hand. 31tf
Belmont, Cass Co. Nei;., Nov. 18, '78.
Ed. II era ld : Dear Sir I hereby
notify tho public against purchasing
any paper or papers against me held
by the Iowa Central Iron fence Co., of
Marshalltown, Iowa, or any person or
persons claiming to represent said com
pany; said paper or papers bear date
Nov. 13;h, 187S.
35t4 G. W. Swaetz.
A nice assortment of Repellents
Cashmeres, American Dress Goods,
Ties, Ruchiug, Silk Handkerchiefs,
Scarfs, Ladies and Children's Hosiery,
Felt Skirts, &c. &c., at
E. G. Dovey & Son's.
U. S.P
1 1'.3 Bri k v.c k k it St. . N . Y
Manufacture of strict
ly first -class Pianos. Wc sell direct to families
f irom our own Factory at lowest wholesale pri
ees. Beautiful new 7S Octave. Rosewood ll
anos. Sent on trial. Thousands m life. Heavy
discount to cadi buyers. DON'T buy until yon
read our Catalogue. It will interest you Mail
ed free. 33t8
Rockwell has a full line of Grocer
ies. 28tf.
A fine assortment of Blankets at
2tf E. G. Dovey & Son's.
Rockwell, of Louisville, has just fin
ished his new store, 23x35, which he
has full of new goods. Be sure and
give him a call we know you will
buy if you do, for he sells very cheap.
Fou Sale. A wire plant stand
with trellis, at a bargain. Inquire at
the Herald office.
Boots and S?ioes Cheap,
call and examine prices at
31 tf Merges'.
Ladies, Gents and Children's Under
wear, Cotton Flannels, Red Flannels,
Linsey and Jeans, at
E. G. Dovey & Son's.
. by buying
31 tf at Merges'.
Rockwell keeps hardware and
queensware, and by Jove he keeps ma
chine oils too.; and I declare, he keeps
patent medicines also, so there is no
use of staying sick. 28tf.
Good second-hand organs and melo
deons for sale or rent low. Leave ad
dress nt Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drug Store
cor Cth and Main Sts.
James Pettee,
9tf. Dealer in Musical Instruments.
Rockwell has just received nine
chests of choice teas, which he sells at
from 25cts to 81 per pound. The best
bargain in teas you ever saw. SStf.
We see that Merges got the premium
again at the State Fair on his own
work for beauty and durability. He
really does make fine and gooxl work.
See E. G. Dovey & Son s assortment
of Lady's cloaks before purchasing
For Sale or Trade. A Bargain.
Eighty acres of choice farming land,
partly under cultivation. Inquire at
this office A rare chance. 36t3
"Do you like the codfish balls, Mr.
StubbsV" "I don't know. Miss, I nev
er attended any."
Don't be Deceived.
Many persons say "I haven't got the
Consumption" when asked to cure their
Cough with Shiloh's Consumption
Cure. Do they not know tliat Coughs
lead to Consumption and a remedy
that will cure Consumption will cer
tainly and surely cure a cough or any
Hint; or throat trouble. We know it
will cure when all othtrs fail and our
faith in it is so positive that we will
refund the price paid if j'ou receive
no benefit. Is not this a fair proposi
tion. Price 10 cts. 50 cts. and 81.00
per bottle. For lame chest, D;wk or
side, use Slnloh's Porous Plaster. Price
25 cents. For sale by Chapman A
Smith. Druggists.
W 1 1 y will you sutler with Dyspcp i a
and liver complaint, constipation, and
general debility when you can get at
our store Shiloh's System Vitalizer
which we sell on a positive guarantee
to cure you. Price 10 cts. and 75 cts.
For sale by Chapman & Smith, Drug
ists. ' II AC KM E TACK" a popular and
fragrant perfume. Sold by Chapman
& Smith, Druggists, Plattsmouth, Neb.
34 ly eow.
Caution to Smokers.
From and after the 1st day of Ma'.
1878 all boxes containing cigars of my
manufacture will have my name bold
ly printed on the inside of the lid. This
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, with an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by some unprinci
pled manufacturers. None aro genu
ine unless plainly labeled:
Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska.
An Astonishing Fact.
A large proportion of the American
people are to-day dying from the ef
fects of Dyspepsia or disordered liver.
The result of these diseases upon the
masses of intelligent and valuable peo
ple is most alarming, making life ac
tually a burden instead of a pleasant
existence of enjoyment and usefulness
as it ought to be. There is no good
reason for this, if you will only throw
aside prejudice and skepticism, take
the advice of Druggists and your
friends, and try one bottle of Green's
August Flower. Your speedy relief
is certain. Millions of bottles of this
medicine have been given away to try
its virtues, with satisfactory results in
every case. You can buy a sample
bottle for 10 cents to try. Three doses
will relieve the worst case. Positively
sold by all Druggists on the western
continent. 281y-eow
Rockwell has the neatest assortment
of lady's dress goods ever brought to
town. Be sure and see them before
the assortment is broke. They are go
ing off fast. 28tf.
Thirty of the1 bent orjjan makers of the
World are comiM'titor at the lari Exposition,
a cable dispatch, to the Associated I'res say
two highest gold medals have been awarded to
the American makers. Mnsun & llamlln.
The Atlanta (a., Constitution,
Recently published a long account of
the destructiveness of the "Sherman
Hut which is 2 to 4 times as largo as
the Northern Rat. On the 17th of
Sep eniber. 1877, the Manager of this
celebrated paper having tried Centen
nial Rat Exterminator says: Gentle
men your "Pizpn Stuff" knocks "Sher
man Rats," still and cold.
Osage, Iowa, Dec. 20, 1S77.
Star Manufacturing Company, Fort
Madison, Iowa; Gentlemen: The Cen
tennial rat poison, received last Mon
day. Wc have given three doses. On
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
nights, and we verily believe there is
not a rat or mouse left. The saw mill,
feed, custom and merchant's mills were
full of thein, as were also our houses,
cooper shops, barns and hog pens.
Since giving them the poison they have
been running round as "crazy ns loons"
and the river bank is line with dead
rats, in fact it has created a terrible
commotion among them and they have
all left, thanks to the "Centennial Rat
Exterminator," each box of which is
worth a twenty dollar bill. We will
see our druggists and have them send
for it. Thanks, thanks. Very respect
fully. E. M. Britts, & Co.
This great economizer for property
holders, farmers, et is for sale by
druggists and general dealers every
where. Price 25 cents, large cans 81,00
Pension Papers.
Those wanting pension papers ac
knowledged will please remember that
J. R. Toman, Notary Public, Louisville,
ha3 a certificate of the county Clerk
filed with the U. S. pension Agent and
can attend to all such business. 5itf
Just Received
At Rockwell'h, a very full line of Mil
linery goods of the very latest styles,
such as flowers, ribbons, plumes and
tips, silks, velvets, lady's ties, bonnets
and hats, an'.I many other little novel
ties that cannot be had at any other
place in town. SStf.
A Gentle Hint.
In our style of climate, with its sud
den changes of temperature, rain,
wind and sunshine often intermingled
in a single day, it is no wonder that
our children, friends and relatives are
so frequently taken from us by neglect
ed colds, half the deaths resulting di
rectly from this cause. A bottle of
Boschee's German Syrup kept about
your home for immediate use will pre
vent serious sickness, a large doctor's
bill, and perhaps death, by the use of
three or four doses. For curing Con
sumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia
Severe Cough-s, Croup or any other di,
sease of the Throat or Lungs, its suc
cess is simply wonderful, as your drug
gist will tell you. German Syrup is
now sold in every town and village on
this continent. Sample bottles for tri
al, 10c; regularsize, 75c. 38tf-alt
Prwcrlpttnn r... lo any
Ipraon wnw will acre lODir
S I . tn a nrw yrowUt tl, W hlsk.ra lt JJuftacbea
to actually product.
tiaaclaraea Si Co., 1 Culnton Flmce, Hew Tork.
fit OHO HI ( worth of Farm ruonrcE
s5.Via . J ai,ne can be saved by using
Centennial iiat Extcrmivoaui. 20
Rockwell keeps clothing and gent's
underwear. 28tf.
First and Last time take Notice.
It i3 now nearly six months since I
went out of the Store and general mer
chandise business. Many of those ac
counts are not paid yet. I must have
these accounts Settled and the books
of that concern closed by tho 1st of
January next. Friends please come up
and settle this month; for all old ac
counts unpaid on January 1st, 1879
will surely be placed in Collector's
hands and collected at the debtor's ex
pense. 37t8 V. Weckbach.
Those wishing Oysters can obtain
them by the can or dish, of the best
brands, cheap, at Henry Thierolf's, two
doors east of the P. O. 34tf
PRrwtrw vf itch" at rnnv-e.
arpni-wiDder.Frer wtthevcryortlnr. Out
fit free V. ii. Oeylord & V. CUvazo. III.
mEsu $
Announce that thov are prepared to furnish all kini'i of
At Wholesale or Ketail !
Hoqs Killed and Packed
JjAMBzzt Wholesale and ISetail.
Given to HOTELS.
SHOP North side Main, Between 4th and 51 h Streets.
0TC11 & Marthis,
Sheriffs Sale.
Br virtue of au order of sale Issued by Wm.
L. Wells. Clerk of tha Dist. Court wlthlu and
for Cass County. Nebranka, and to me directed.
1 will on tho lsiti day of Jauuary. A. D. ls7i. at
10 o'clock a. iu.. of said day, at the south door
of the court house In said connty, sell public
auction the following real estate, to wit : I.ots
(410) four hundred and ten, (4W) four huadred
and forty-nine ; (4S0) four hundred and fifty :
4."1) four hundred and flfty-oue. tu the town of
Louisville, Cass Couutv, Nebraska ; the same
beinc levied upon and taken as th proper
ty of G. N. Clejjhorn. defendant, to satisfy
a Judgment of sutd court, recovered by J. J.
Boos, plaintiff.
I'lattsmouth, Neb.. Dec. 12th, A. D. 187.
SStO Sheriff. Cass Co., Neb.
In Bankruptcy.
In the District Court of the United States for
the district of Nebraska. In the matter of
David It. Holt, bankrupt.
United Btatf.s District CoritT Ci.kuk's
Omaha, NritKASKA, I
JLHe. 9, 178.
To whom it may eonrtrn:
Take notice herebv. that a retlltn ha been,
to wit. on the 7th dy of December a. D. 1878.
filed in eald District Court by David K. Holt, of
Kalis Citv, in said district, who has been here
tofore duly declared bankrupt under the act of
Congress entitled "An Act to Establish a uni
form system of Bankruptcy throughout the
Uuited States." approved March 2, 1667. and as
amended, for a discharge and Certificate there
of, from all his debts and other claims provable
under said Act, aud that the 2fith day of Decem
ber, 178. at 4 o'clock 1'. M. at the oflii-o of J.
L. Webster. Esq., tho Register iu Ilankruptcy
for aaid district at Omaha in Paid district, is the
time and place assigned for the hearliii; of the
same! whau and w here you may attend, ami
show cause, if any you have, why the prayer of
the a:d petition should not be granted.
38t2 WA hON B. SMITH, Clerk.
Sheriffs Sale.
Rv virtue of an order of sale issued by Win.
I,. Wells, Clerk of the District Court, within and
for Ca. County Nebraska, and to rue. directed,
1 will on the JUith day of December. A. D. 178,
at H o'clock a. m. of said dav. at the south door
of the tSurt House. Iu said county, sell at pub
lic auction the following real estate to-wit :
The north-east quarter of ccliou thirty .'Mi
township twelve (12) rautce thirteen d.D ea-t
I". M. in Cass County, Nebraska. The fame be
iii levied upon and'laken as the property of
Henry Snyder and Nancy C. (Snvder. defend
ants ;"lo fiitisfv a judgment of said Court recov
ered bv O. H. Ueisrhard. plaintiff.
I'lattMnoulh, Nel., Nov. 2xih, A. I). Iti7.s.
3ott K. W. II vKita,. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale.
i4. ai i'jo ciocK. A. i. vi fain r.aj . ;ii souin
door of the Court House in said County, sell at
jMlllut: uili ituil lilt iwiiiMiiiu I I t--Mnr, it u
ilit;ei , iieiciiu.Mii ; iumu-ij jim,iiin:iit tit .imi
'ourt. recovered by William H051;. plaintiff,
liattsuiouth. Neb.. Dec. 5th, A. I. !s?s.
- 1 XV UVL'liv'
Sheriff Cans Co., Neb
Probate Notioe.
In the matter of the estate of Hiram Hogan.
doe'd. Iu Co. Court of C.s Co., Neb.
Upon reading aud filing the dulv verified pe
tition of Harvey Hogan praying tliat adminis
tration of the estate of Hiram Hogan mav be
granted to him : Ordered, that notice of the
pendency of said cause be published iu the Ne
braska H Kit JlI.h. a weekly newspaper piinted
and published and in general circulation iu said
county, and that the hearing of paid :uue be
ect for the dav of December A. D. 1R7. at
3 o'clock 1. AI. on said dav, at the ofllce of the
Co. .lurige, at I'lattsmouth, In said county, at
which time and place all persons Interested may
appear and bliww cause, if auy they have, why
aduiiniHtiatlou of said estate should not be
granted to the said Harvey Hot'an according to
the prayer of said petition.
4 Cu. Judge.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Estate of James II. Tucker,
dee'd. In Co. Court of Cass County, Nebras
ka. Upon reading and filing Use duly verified pe
tition of A. C. Tucker, praying tliat administra
tion of the estate of James II. Tucker, deceased,
may be granted to Sarah R. Tucker and pe
titioner . Ordered tha notice of the pendency
of said cause be published in the Nebraska
IIkkald. a weekly newspaper, printed and
published, and in general circulation in said
county, and that the hearing of aid euue be
set for the 20th day of December, A. I. lsS. at
one o'clock I. M. on sain day, nt the oflice of
tho Count v Judge in I'lattsmouth : at which
time and place all persons interested may ap
pear and show cause, if any they have, why
administration, of said estate should uot be
granted to Ihe said Sarah It. Tucker and A. C.
Tucker, according to the prayer of said peti
tion. . A. X. SULLIVAN.
County Ju lge.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that default having
been made iu the payment of a cei t.iin note and
chattel mortgage made ami duly executed by
S. W. West to Robert T. Maxwell, bearing date
August 9, 1S77. and filed in the oltice of the
County Clerk of Cass County. Nebraska, on the
10th day of August. ls77. and in aid mortgage
the said S. W. "W est did sell and mortgage to
faid Robert T. Maxwell out; mare. gry color,
eleven years old. blind iu right eye. That af
terwards, and before said note and mortgage
became due and payable, to wit., about the 1st
day of October, lx"7, said R. T. Maxwell, for a
full and valuable consideration, sold and trans
ferred said note and mortgage to J. M. Patter
son, and there is now due on said note and
mortgage the sum of $51. yo. Now. therefore, by
virtue of the power of sale contained in said
mortgage. I will proceed to sell said mare at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash,
at the hour of 11 o'clock a. in. on the OTth day of
December. 1S7R. at the front door of Heed llru'a
store iu the tow 11 of Weeping W ater. Ch Coun
ty. Nebraska, to satisfy said debt and interest
and costs.
37t4 ' Assignee of Robert T. Maxwell.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that I E. f. Dovey,
In pursuance of an order of the Di-triet
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, will sell at
Public vendue at the 'front door of the Court
House at I'lattsmouth, Cass County. Nebraska.
011 the 12th day of December. A. D, l7s. at I
o'clock. I'. M.. the following described real es
tate to-wit ; Eat half of lot one (I) in lilock
thirty-three t.TJi one I'.riek store ana twenty
two (2-J) feet front, ou Main street, adjoining
Henrv lloeck's store, laving across lots s, 9 aud
10 in block (31), 28 feet 611 Main Street, laying
across lots 8, 9 aud 10 in block (31), mis hou-e
ainl twenty-two (22) feet frout 011 Main street
laving across lots ii a. id 7 in block (31 (north half
of lot 5 in block (3i. lots 7,8. 9. lo, 11 and 12 iu
block (223). all In the city of I'lattsmouth s
shown by the recorded plat'of- said City.
lots S.9 and 10 in block 8. in Thompson's Addi
tion to the city of I'lattsmouth. Also tho 'ast
halt of North east quarter cf section No. 24
township 13 north range 12 east of a 1. M., all
in Cass County, Nebraska. The terms of said
aale will be as follows : The purchaser shall
pay one fourth cash in hand, one fourth iu six
months, one fourth iu twelve mouths, and one
fourth in eighteen months from date of fale, the
purchaser Khali give his note draw in;; 12 per
cent interest from tue !;ttes thereof, secured, by
a mort-rage upon the real estate so sold for tho
deferred payments. Said sale will be held open
for one hour, from two o'clock until three
o'clock p. 111., of the same day.
35tl E. 05. Dovf v.
Adru'r. of the estate of II. Arui--ot:, decM.
l'.y irl tie of a decree rctulei'etl at the Septem
ber ndjntin-.cil lerin of the District Court within
and for Cass County . Nebraska, ami to me di
rected. I will on IheG'li day of January, A. I.
1 Jtr vH.J Il1ltllllt.l tint iitiii 9 1 iti. . in'
south-west quarter (') of sect inn lifteen ( I ".).
town twelve (12), nortli of range twclv;' (12),
eat of the i;:ii 1. M. : the same beiuj; levied
upon ami taken as the property of Hem v .Mie-
n: I . r.. .. . . I ......... Z.r ..(.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Charles H. Wins
low, dee'd.
Notice i. hereby given to all persons having;
claims anitln.l tire estate of lUiarleS H. Wins
low, dee'd to tile the samo on or before the lltlr
day of Mav. A. D. i79, in the office of the Co.
Judge, at I'lattsmouth.
SMS Co. JudfO.
Shenandoah Nurseries,
Mr. King desires to thank his old pa
trons for their favors the past season
and to state that he will be heic about
the Holidays with a full supply of
He earnestly solicits your patronage
for the future; relying on tho reputa
tion of the past. These nurseries aro
near you, the stock is acclimated and
does better. Call and see. Mr. King
will canvass Sarpy County as well a
Cass. Kemcmber the name and the
place. a4tlC
Wholesale and lietail Dealers In
Main street. Comer of Fifth,
Still Better Rates for Lumber.
Again taken tho
Brick Livery Stable,
The old Runner St?bles. In Ilattsmontti. ar
now leased by Wm. D. JONES, and he lias ou
hand new and hand nine accommodations, u
the shapo of
I am prepared to keep UORSE3
And will
Train and Break Colts
On Reasonable Tcrmi.
That with p'enty of room (that every ono
known I have) in my stable. I can get Faimcr
stock and wagtns. loads of hay, &c, tinder cov
er, where they will keep dry.
Tliajiking all my old patrons for their liberal
ity. I solicit their trail" for the future, satisfied
that I can accommodate llicm belter aud do
better by tlmiu than ever before.
Tour Wife 53
Better than Ever.
I Wante It.Z
full riain, Practical, iceltabl.
, m v m mm. w mm a at 1 P..
rATinu nir ututiH 1 iuii
for West, Et, South, Korth. For every Owner
of f'sitle, Korses, hh's-n. .wliie. or n Kacm,
Garden, or Vlllnirn 1 .01: lorrvi-ry Housukeejert
for all Uoys aud Oals ;
bntli Plcnulnir sn'1 InrtrDCtlre.
All tlio above, aud mure. Iu two
"Vol. SS.l From X010 vp to 1!J, pott free, lisrat
Only II Each,
to Clubi of fen or more.
5 coptisi, $!J50 rsch ; 4 eoplM. f l.fSeach. Plngle
uiMcripuona. i-rn. online nunmcii u cia. Tm
One I'ecimen. poet-free, llie. mZ
Jt. to tUoie sending Clubs of Subscribers. Lj
Issued in English L German at same Price.
C Trylt-VOM'H Like It-It Will PAY. Hj
Children! ;ompant. Everybody J"
JwantltJ wanUIt.g
Drugs? Medicines
-ft - Vn -. -s....
All Paper Trimmed Free ot
Stationery, Magazines,
Latest Publications.
Prc4rlptlotM Carefully Compounded
by an Kxperlcnced Ifrugsint.
1 n