r -J 1 il ...j THE !i ii I! A J, I). Al! Sorts. The ceiistis or lTOtjlves the popula tion of France at G.9U-3.7.S3. A man in Virginia conn's up five hundred juhI fifty lineal de.seendants, all living in a. radius of Uve utiles mound him. The editor who saw a lacfy making for the only empty seat in a car found himself "crowded out to make room for more interesting matter." Marriage is hccomin. very coiurnon Hinou tlio (.'at!.oii:prit'hl.s in Germany. Eclectic" Magazine OF Foreign literature, Science, inJ Art. Thirty-fifth Year. TIip Ei.kiti-' Makazink reproduce from foreign pel -ioiiicali all t lnse articles which are valuable to Aiiierititin readers. Its fields of se lection embraces all the leadln;; Foreign ke Yiv, Magazine ami Journal ; and while th taste of all elates of readers are coin-lilted nothing trivial in character, or of merely tran sient interest is admitted ft its pane. It llan includes KSSA Y.S. HEVIEIVS. HlOC HA I'H 1 CAl. SKETi'HES. nfsri'HlCAL I'AI'EKs T'iA ELS. i'OETIi V, A'OI'fLs, and SJIOHT XI OKIES; and in the cae of SCIENCE (to , . .m .11 1. W t . , n iiii.ii iiiui;ii nfit;u jiuu it lieu l ii ll ait p. I t-ii . uu ji.iu.ij iiwi ;- '-.jioi.hij iv. tun ji mat, uie i ecl;l proniinemice is allowed to any particn- civil law protect 3 them. ' ,V,'i - tiaily to the most valna In Southern .Madras 1(5. 000 nut ivr-s ?ie of the great themes of scientific discunv i . . . . navo i-een cur. ion to ciirisuaniiy. The following list comprise the trineiial ie- rinsieals from which selection are made and the name of some of the leading writers who contribute to them : lF.ItIllCAIi. Quarterly Iieie-. I'.rit. Quarterly Keview. Rdliilnil'4 lteview. West iiiiuiter fceview. Con temporary Keview. fortnight Keview. ho Nilitecntll Crnt'y. The kin -J lies of tlie Christians, during the famine, h is won their hearts. The reek peasants speak a Ian ,511 a ten which a ol'ee--rained man can easily Comprehend, after he has mastered the peculiarities of tin ir pronnn -iation. The French Dictionary wh c i the members of the Fiench Academy are 1'opniar Science Kerie'w prepann has co t 7I,-l:!, ard is now ready as far as the letter "'IV Cincinnati wants to;.iavo a jrrand ju bilee in September, and invit s leO,iHX) soldi r in tlie late wa- to visit I er, by way of a grand peace demonstration. The U3ual pay of a Sepoy Is about l:e spectator, etc,, etc. I'.Iaok wood's Mns.izine. Coruhill Magazine. Macniillan's Macaine. Fraser' Matrazme. New Quart. Magazine, Temple r!ar llelgraviu (iooil Won!. I .!: il mi Soeiefv. Sat unlay Keview. AI'TIIORN. ITo:i. VT. E. Gladstone Alfred 'i'eiin ysoii. Professor lluiley. Professor Tyndall. Rich. A. Procter. I?. A. .1. N. l.ockyer. F. R S. Dr. W. It. Carpenter. K. It. Tvlor. I'rof. M"ax Muller. Professor Ow en. .Mat hew Arnold. K. A. Freeman 1. C. L .la's Antony Kroude. Thomas Hughes A 1 1 1 1 1 1 y Trollope. William I'.la. k. Mrs. (iliphant. Turjrenieff. J!is Thackery, Etc. V't-UIln'c of ierlu.se. IIw fotvibly the truth comics hotin !o 11s in these times that the rich of to day are the poor of to-morrow, t'oine of the millionaires of a few years an can be found doin duty as clerks in our postorfioes and custom houses; the daughter of a deceased Uostou banker. who died a millionaire, is to-day work- j ins witii tlie needle to support herself and child; a former Wall street broker, a friend of the late Jim Fisk,once rich, is now beinnin life anew as an actor; the city horse cars are manned by men who have, many of them, seen better days, and the recruits to tlie dry goods counter are frequently from the same class. J5ut many of the unfortunates of city and village life are returning, lik tlie prodigal, to the "old place." Al though money is scarce, and taxes often oppressively high among the farming classes, there are few farmers, who liavu attended striel!y to their l;?g timatu business, who lind themselves so utterly beief t of tlie means or' getting a com fortable living, tu do many of tha deni zens of our large cities. 0 Of Ten Years' Duraf hn. The D.c cfrarges Thick, Bloody, and of Foul Odor. Senses of Snail and Taste Who!! Gone. Entirely Cured by SArlFOHD'S HDIOAl GU fourteen shillings per month, out of f,?; which he has to buy his own food, verted Irom the w rit imr of books to contrihutinff boitritit .-? lVltfn nr n,.tinlcflfi,.D ; o.rtf l? ,he I'e.nodicaN. The Eleeetie garners the , 1 ' ' When on activeservice his pay is about choieest h doubled. The Courier-Journal says that Ken tucky raises more hemp, nee 'h more of ft, and iis-8 le-s of it, according to pop ulation, than any other State in the Uniot A New York truekinAii bears away the palm, in announcing in his adver tisement that he is prepared to "move furniture so that it will show to the best advantage." A leading Xew York journal humor ously says that "Culver asserts that the female corset contains a huge 11 timber of bones which are not found in men, for the simple reason that men have 110 Buch organ as the corset." A Iligganuin, Nonn., couple have been twice separated by law, and were recently married for the third time They had better make a contract with eonie clergyman to perform the mar l iage ceremony semi-annually. A robust fellow, meeting a physician, ran to hide behind tlie wall. JJeing asked tlie cause he replied, "It is so long since I have beea sick, that I am ashamed to ko!c a physician in the face." Gardeners and farmers should, as far as possible.raise their own seed, whelh er for the farm or the garden. Good seed planted in well tilled loamy soil, with moisture and mild temperature. Will eusur ood plants. Lime has been used for apple or chard with great benetit at the rate of tweuty oushels per acre. One who lias eaves from thi rlfh harvest. STt:iX.i:(;itAVlt;M. Eaeli number contain a l ino Steel-Kn-ravinu usually a portrait exeeuteit in the hrst maimer. These eiiravincs are of permanent value, and add luiieii to the airractirenen of the Magazine. TKItllH : Single Copies. 4 rents : one ropy tion for three' month. The ECLECTIC and I embossed pictures ill the Center of a ariT magazine to address, vx. I'cstage free to all fc'ihsei l'(ei. E. R, PELTOX. riihhslicr, i Uolid Street. New Vork. Spatter Work-Iiugs. There are many pretty, dainty flow ers ami leaves which make nice designs for spatter work when properly ar ranged. For paper receivers, card baskets, e c, use white pasteboard, l ay 01 the lowers, etc., in wreaths, vines, or some other pretty design, and thou .spatter with couiuion black ink, using an old tooth brush and meal sieve. Tie the parts tog'liier with bright colored ribbon or braid, instead of sewing. Bright deealcoinanie, or fin TlnTinlnTi flninnnn HXnn-rMn iJicrujJiiiiirobMbOffiiiJiuiij J3ti CONnCCTKO 1!V K. I4. ami IV. J. YOIMAXM, Containing luctrnetive and Interestiiijrartleles and abrtrarls of artirles, ori inal. eleeled. and illustrated, from the pens ot the leading scien tific men of different eountrien ; Accounts of miiK'it -lit scieiitlfie dife.vfilei The application of science to the practical ducking will do for the foundation. 41 I , wreath, are pretty. For mottoes in spatter work cut out large ornamental letteis, lay them on the cardboard, embellish with leaves, vines and tiowers, as niay suit your taste, and spatter w.th common ink. taking care not to blot. If you wish some parts of the design sha led, re move the leaves and spatter slightly. To make a pretty rug, cut out of old cloth oblong pieces, three inches long by two or two and a half wide. Old ITosrrs-Wects f-, TV-frr: Critlnipr, I f-1 rm pelled to ar'::i'jr.l'-:v t vm t.t,; ( rc.it b!i--i)t EiASroEn's H.Blii. ritii Jirji I., en to ni". For tn yearj I liuv 1" t n r'ilic.:i- j ; t ta. !i, i;!i-oiin diocese. ad cfr-etluVy Ir. Hi" m-i.t t'Mm li is it beunifwt bOViTr. 'Ii:o tl-s;:4:.ri;c itiwi l.i-.-a l..l'i nt bioo1r, pmlit! a f :;I I'llrr o bail t!it u:y frescnce la a rn-im w 111 ofnrrs wr- v rv oiicnt-'U'fJ o tlieni.O:n w rk afii r i ' ric.i! tli nn of Bakfoud'.s Kahici. Ji i:- I v.-. :..it tro-itJi d u-l;i It lit nil. My i5ff trtTTl tri-ll, widcfi rt vh'tUn fro::. . havi no.- -i!'v r turacil. ,in,l :r. erul hcall'a Is i.'.ucli tuiprv. l Vmin. iitLornvK n. kott. ."! i- fan i tt i iter. Gbakd H-vpidb, Mich., Kst. 3, LATCfl. OTtnfn: T?'n purine? of fsw"rrf Cr"R rriv d h-Toto-nlyhT (.11 riyt.t. I dim't knw wh:tt I should hnv .t (lon! ii'fthr.l i;ot :-n for tlircnifiy. I hvntrll Niual Iou-'iii s: ni tv ryiiii-.elu.ii:ul a!thnui;!i I have locr nlilc io iop Th oitfn.tx'o tlii chfirjrc, I liav-i not :tU t" rrcnr-.Tiiivn'-ns of Carte aiul rihII utitll I Xrlvi rkj C t:k. V'l Cftn rcf-T aiy rn v.u clu t iih-. atjtl I will Cheerfully inform tfirm 'n tlctull a io ttic t:ncUS the rvmccy cca to inf. Y up. GSAIO ItPH;8t Mien., Nov. 25, lrdw Kot or.'y tiromii'tr rrrestj! thr rorr'vUniT d!:li.ir3,,,il In C'eturrfi, but", liy syniftHiliet in r.cl Ion, it restores t-J or.n-1 Iwn't'i u!l llm or-ir t-f tie- iir.l tn:tt h :vi nrcomc nir etc i iiy it, ai.il i SIHDiloay ol t.it .olWv- DefeetlTo T!vc!lirT!?,Tnflar.ir(I nnfl T.r.'trry Even, I'ainfiil ami Watery t:yK, Ls o( llfaring. taiicar, iNenriilirta orton .ar, Xifc!iarfreH Trtiiii tlivlisir, ltinin?' 'o!-e 8 la ta ij-Hd, li..siies, . rvourt li-!U-nrho, Pni.s ill ti Teu.pli'S, Loss of 1 1:3 Senses of Tastonnrl Smell, tlonfrntlon of the II to la, I ntlaimiiftt ion of tl'o Ton iili, Futrla Sorn Threat. T'ckliiifr or Ilae':lTr ("on-ch, Iironchitit, aai Ulovtiirif; vi tiio I:ihiilli;ir Tabe. wli'i full h-ij carclVll .' it.-ii ro l Ul- rrelior.s for UBd li all s. I'r!r.vi. 1- cr Siilf by 11 v.'i'il!.iH mid r- t iil drujrr'-ts rn i i"!li-ni tlinnrtittD t::iitel lstni i .. W- F.Kd IO j 1 ill, if .crul A juutp u..a x.auii-lo I-'rUii- Hie latest views nut forth rniwin:iiir r-ihinl phenomena, by savanU of the likrheju' author ity. , ; I'romltient attention will a1n- be given to tlio.se various) sciences which help to a better ttndcrstaiidins of the nature of man. to tlie beatings of science upon the ijtiesi ions of societv and government, to scientilic education, anil to the conflicts which spring from the progress ive nature of scientific ki:oledse. It is .id instructive ami vah.aHe inonthlv. ami at :i roi;seienee, ! eontiuitally increash.;; in circulation and intiuenee. Tltr roiTl.AR Sl IEM'B MdVTIM V U now a large octavo of l' pages, and w nl bo consider ably enlarged, beiiiuini; with the issue fnr January. 1T: ; liaudsomely printed on clear ivpe. and. when neeessarv Io fanlicr convey the idea ol the writer, fuilv illustrated. TkumS; Five dollar per annum: or. fiftv Sew a row of the pieces around the outside, then overlapping rows until the centre is reached. Ilun a thread of bright (iermantown around each piece near the edge, and through the founda tion, to hold it in place, and also a cross stitch in the center of each one. The wrong side of old cloth coats and vests, with a little bright colored ilan nel, makes handsome and durable rugs in this way. mum T3 I0LTASC PLASTERS l A tilnlily IoUiCrttcI fio-stor, I ranr.if fftanrifei i-urnlivo uvitt la tlui wirl.l t laeilirlr.n. nil utter'y Rtirpu.-vii nil other )'iHst,rii lirrtoforo In ufto. Tficv nori).ril:s!i n r in one vrc' than the old Pl-.-trrs hi n wl.ule yc-r. Tacy lo Uut pul- liuic, uiwy c-jy.z. lacy To Hoosiers in Nebraska l-'oriner residents of indianfa no-.v living in the West, desiring to obtain the news fiwm their old Hoosier Home, xhould at once sub scribe lor the best of all the wet kly papers. The Northern iiidiauiiiii. fJKX. KEUIJ. WILUA3IS, Editor and Prop. AVithout a doubt Tn k Noktii an Inoiamax is the best weekly paper published within the bordeiN of Indiana. It is alarms, loity-coltimn folio-the larirpst in the eountv Hiid each niini- ber if filled to repletion with Indiana 'ews. j Editorals on every subject. Choice Fragments! of History. .Select Sketches, and letters from its I own refpoiMlents in the East and West. I he treat size of Til k NOkth kux Imhaman en ables il to furnirdi its reader with a splendid Continued .story, in addition to Us lari;e amount of Miscelaueous Keadin mvtiter. and it is con ceded by everv one to be the best paper publish ed in the old lloosii-r State. In the first num ber of the year l;y, will be coiumeucel a new storv entitled. ItOXlK, A TALK OF TH EII AKKISON CA3I I'AHiN, l?y the Kev. Edward EjrIe-ton. author of "The Hoosier Schoolmaster." "1 he Circuit l.'ider." etc., the plot of whieli is laid in Indiana. :;iid which will far sin ias any tale pubiislued in a western .lournal. At the befiiidiit; f the new vearTn k Into av ian niil print a manifth Double ihect lloli.iay Number, which will be the i.Ai:;r.sT e.vi-Ki: kvki: i-ki ntkij in a.vkimi-v. This double ii it iii I -r will be sent to reclar tiliscrsibers tiie same as its usual is-uc. but sia- jile cop.es of tiiis sK-elal issue wiil be iciit on receipt of ten rent. THE TICK. MS OK THE INDIANIAN A EE : Three months (on trial) s m Six mouths ni Imp year, 2 iH) Addles (I EN. EEC 15. WIM.IAMS. I.VIIIANIAN l;cil.lINO, W'AKSAW, 1.V11. Zi-it. THE Ciiica3 Burlington & Qnincy R. R. i ti IE DIRECT ROUTE II ET WE EN THE East and West. Running Through Cars Council Bluffs, CONNECTIXC. W ITH THE Union.Pacific Railroad KEEN AN & (iKACK. Retail Lipor Dealers. ; CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. PLATTSMOUTH - - NEIJ. Also Milliard Hall and Saloon on Main street, four doors from .sixth at Neville's old place. Store and saloon on Main St. two doors east of the Post oflice. It EST JIRANDS OF CIGARS, ALES, WINES, dC, AT HOT II PLACES. ItfinenibcrTlic ?Vame ami I'lure. 241y Keenan & Grace. HENRY BCECK DEALER IN SAFES, CHAIRS, ETC., ETC., ETC., Of All Descriptions. QttDn ANNUAL ANNOUNCEM'T! We are pleased to inform our many Patrons that we liave opened for "inspection," the largest, cheapest, and most comjdete lino of KY (JOODS Xotions, Millinery and Fancy articles ever shown in this city. ' Special Attention Called To our ma;rni!ic' iit assm tiin nt nf am 3Ua -1 ft . T? T, 7 T7 TSO if-K , iho embrace twelve grades, ranmj; in pii,-, liuia t METALLIC BURIAL CASES Of all sizes, ready made ami sold cheap for cash With many thanks for past patronage. I invi Invite all to call and examine my LAKCE STOCK OF 40tf. Fl'HXTI 'tEAXIl COFI. ltulli'vo Ahcrtior.s oiltn! l.lve ! i-1 U: v c A . c t i '. i : . s I" Ci o Kn! oi iolb ve Atructini.sorthi! KHu rii.'ve AfTortl. rai t't!f spin ISellevo Air-ctifins of t'.io Nirv 1'he Sun Tor 1.S7J). The ?rx will he printed every day during the year to come. Its piinose $2n.0l vier annum. Tiie l oi'Ci.Ait Scikxck SIonthi.v and Ap- rt.KTox's Jocknal. together. 7.f per annum. 'I he volumes beirin .'.lav and Xovember ol w.icn j car. ."subscriptions nny becin al ny time. frio.l if f,,r ... .... -o .1 ., . "eiiiue:anioseiiiiour rono.lical Cata- . j i.vchjo a, t-iy i.vyue. ircc, upon application uenencuii, as ins trees have been very a club o: live win befent to .my .-uMre.ss for and method will be tlie same as in tin past: To present a'l the news in a rea dable shape, ai.d to tell Lho truth though the heavens fall. The Srx has been, is, and wil con tinue to be independent of every bodv It llrvo AT.?cl!.!ii? r ff li Hicft. itcli vc AKi-'.tions I'tli.? Kuni. It- II io Aii'cctions ort'io Ii'T.r ltulli-vo Ah'cctior.s ofltn! l.lver. : t-plocn. 1UCVB. ;lne. verves Jtcln v Atfctioaa c I t!i i Mnscl?3 lie li--v.- Airctmi. -i tli i Jniatj. Iti-1! v ! A tn-i-rions of th r'3. XhslicVC AtSzcth-Ui bi'lao LlaCWS. sr. n.trr Ti nt m-v the extir rf vonr stifTcr. inr, trv o:. of 11 -s.-I;;.ti-rs. la-i;- 1" In inw.titt.! oi. A f.i.-t i.cii;crii -11 y litav.lrtiu.-i f tr?l umnais i.i cur intr.li'ii. il- r i i I twit t i:est iiupor. tir,;itiC:vrri i-Ii-.TiMiary i.af nr.rk T sisl :ian .1 yenra, s:al ih;;tc mill. r,f;v ; !"-::;!i n:i '-s-ic of p'ais Htil ii.ir-i:-s :.r n rm a:ilica vi:.i r i--c-triclt v ti for i ri.mtlv- 11;. sr---. In Htot!ii-!. ti--r.l- InK. ui.-.l ftr- ni'tln-i.l.i' prir. r'li vs r.ir ru:eri-r t BU 'ti'-r l'l:l -rr. Ii. r t'-lr-itr i-i uo tjc bClcauQo (jL-U'mmI is Vj t.:u u- r.-.-ic cl. Prlnc, C"i Cents. Kolt A LI. POINTS IX SV1SUASKA. COLOR A DO. MrO.V7.V. UOyTAXA. AHIXOXA. JPAITO, AM) T ".rf.i! to f r CO tt.TV " VT.TAIC TI A9- TI-.K K-:"l iu t-i-t i'!ii-- vor. all s- mui it Foul ij r. l Win-.-!. ..l-i.:-. I l' t.::l l ii;i-i:!s-s 'liro.n.-hntif Cm I r- i i-.-t .!-.:- i-s. I i.l. w.uSil'Or- nd I were the heroine!" Kate: This paper has acquired a wide pop- ' F f "' " "o .! with her persecutions, her ula.ityfor the tiieside enjovment it 'n! V 'n"'Sl .. . ,, , . , . ,, ', rr....t. ,,ii..u . : i i- , Kepuulican against thet ishoiiest Dem- " Laura: "Ah, but lien dear, affouU .11 ul as .oi, me an estal.hshed oc,. U doA not talie its cue frolu ber she does tret a husband afLer uthonty w ith tlie ladie?. . 1 . Lven- r ing Post. is productive. It is said that while the Koh i noor i3 at the Paris exhibition some Hindoos will make an effort to steal i', on ac count of the superstition th-t India will be suhje t to i;n land while the Koh-i-noor is in the uueen's oossession. A Plorentine friar has constructed a good time-keeping watch only a quar ter of an inch in diameter. It has many indicators, t esides simple hours and minutes, such as days of the week and month. Tha end crowns t:se work. I.nura (with novel): "Oh, if this tale were onl true, and I were the heroine!" What misery remember she does get a husband after all!" When reproved for failing to krep an engagement with another gentleman yesterday, a brave hut devoted Utah husband repiie 1: "My dear s r, my in tentions were excellent, but a man with a red haired wife is liable to break many engugiii.tiits nga!::st his will." Prown's wife went to the dentist! lately, and took gas. The new set of teeth is not ready, nor i.n she ready; and so there lias been p;;ace in tho fhown family for several days. As Ptown f fit . " joyiuiiy remarked. "Her mouth closed for repairs.'' Tlie rootl. t3 thrown out from n-alt during germination and afterwards separated front the grain contain iron: twenty-four to thirty per cent of al lmmen, and laj bushels of Bprouts (l,2)0 pounds) arc, therefore, a? faed, equal to 4,G2S pounds of hay. Can our readers fmly lealle the Idea that tlie telescope reveals the fact of there being 1.s,(ui(!,i-uj of sta:s in ihe milky way? According 10 Ilumboldk there- are 1.0?, in the whole heavens, more than about t,0oj htars visible to the naked eve. Air will support a creature much heavier than itself, but water will only support a iish of about equal weight, bulk' for bulk. A t'.sh bearing the same proportional weight to its elemental medium as the bird do.-a to theatmos phere, wou'd be heavier than platinum. What a beautiful ex.-.mple of simplic ity in dress is shown some of tlie fol lowers of fashion by that domestic an imal, the cat, which rises in the. morn ing, washes its face with its right hand, gives its tail three jerks, and is ready dressed for the day. She asked the clerk if he was positive thoroughly convinced the eggs weir fiesh. (Jh, yes' sai l the yo.mg phi losopher, "1 know they are. why, the farmer said none f his liens were more than a year old." She bought a bas ketful en the ?ict. An English grupa grower, whose vines were uiuch affected by the mealy Lug, applied, with a small brush, a luixtuie of a pint of sj irtis of wine and four ounces of petroleum. He de scribes the result as "wonderful." The insects were destroyed and the plants suffered 110 harm. A lawyer once asked the late Judge Pickens, cf Alabama, to charge the jury 'that it is better that ninety and nine guilty men should . sc .pe than that one innocent man should bo punished." "Yes' Faid the witty Judge, "1 will give that charge, but in the opinion of the court the ninety and nine guilty men have already escaped ia this county." He hiid proposed to her, and now with fear and trembling waited for her answer. "Only one word," ho said, "il but to keep a'ive the tires of hope with in my bosom' Sh h-oked at him ten derly, nay, lovingly, and her lips moved in accents that went to the depth of his soul. She had asked l.iin i.o w much he erii-il Wtf-lr . 37t4 I). APrr.ETOX & CO. rublN!-.eM. 5U & ,r51 Broadway, New York. Harper's Bazar. ivj:. illustbai ie id. 2?oti:es of thi Press. To dress according to Harper's Pa- zar will be the aim and ambition of tlK? women of America. lioston Tran script. As a faithful chronicle of fashion. and a newspaper of domestic and social character it ranks without a rival. JJrooklyn Lagle. and everything save the Truth and its own convections of duty. That is the only policy which an honest newspaper nee 1 have. 1 hat is the poncy which has won for this newspaper the conti deuce and friendship of a wider const i tnency man was ever enjuycu by any other Ameiican Journal. Tin; Sen is the newspaper for the people. It is not for the rich man against the poor man, or for the poor man against the rich man. but it seeks to do equal justice to all interests in the community. It is not the organ of any person, class, sect or party. Then need be no mvsterv about its loves ami hates. It is for the honest man against the rogues every time. It is for the honest Democrat as against the dh tlie uterance of any politician or polit ical organiza'iou. It gives its support iinriNHiviiillv ulicli nn-ii nr lm-:i cui-i.u llie VOIUme.S Or tllO .bazar bemn hiro in ii-rriiwiimit wit h tin. I'mint it nt with the first Number for January of on.i with flit, iiviiu i nlns mum mIiw.Ii .. . - ...... ...v. ... ... ..t-.-.. .....V.I e. en jeai. nen no time is mention- ti,js republic was founded for the peo- , 1 u. ..iMumvisaiua ui;ii me suti- piP. V Jienever the Constitution and sci iber wishes to commence with the , .institutional iiriiii-iiib-s :!l vin!:iii..i 1 . ... . . . . ... 1 1-- 1 " - - - .M .uoei next alter uie iecoiit of his as in the outragious conspiracy of I81O. by which a man not elected was placed in the President's Ollice, where T7A"RPF;R'i PTTPTOriT A T Q he still remains it speaks out for the order. HAH EE US MACAZIN E. One Year. . HAEI'EIt'S WEEKLY, ' ... HAIirEK'S EAZA It. The THl.'EE, one year Anv TWO. one year SIX subi-criptiuiis. one year Terms Tor large chibs furnished on aiiplication. Postrrje Fi ve to nil snhsrribrrs in . the Unittil States or Camilla. Tlie Annual Volumes of Harper's Pazar, in neat cloth binding, will le sent by express, free of expense (pro vided the freight does not exc.ied one dollar per volume), for $7.00 each. A complete set, comprising eleven vo'-um-s, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of -"5.25 per volume, freight at ex pense of purchaser. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of SI. 00 each. Pemittancrs should be made bv Post-otlice Money Order or draft, to avoid chance of loss, NucsjHipers are not to copy tins arf rrrtiseimnt rrithout the ejprtxs order of Haki'ki: & I5::oTiiKKs. Address HAurizn & IJrotiikks, New York. Inference lias been made to a breed of swine in Texas, whose hoofs ate not cloven. Kncli a circumstait e might have caused some confusion if the breed had been known to the fram-r o the Levilical law. Dr. Cones has r ceutly examined rpci;iien.s of these swine, and lie declare i tint "the ani mal iscomplelely solidungulate' The hoof is perfectly solid, and on its sole there is a broad, angular elevation uf horny substance, which is curiously like the frog of the hois-."s hoof. The breed is so firmly e.-dabl.shed that no tendency to revert to the two toe,! form is observable. In case of a cross between the solid-h ofj I b ir and a sow or the ordinary typ., the- m .ijorit v of tlie progeny have the peeuli triti s of the ma!a parent. Dr. Cones say? that there is, i-i this instance, a c ce o! change from an artiodaciylj m.immai to a perisso l isly'e f from even-toed io idd-toed.) Ihst Professor J. D. Dam contends th-.t t"n- pig is nolens nrtio dactyle than be fori, since, although the two toes are coalesced ift!ieit e tremity, tr.ey are slid pirsent, and t!i outer one of t!i two equ ilstlie nn r whieh, he m iiiitains, is tiie c.'riraetet ibiicof the even-toed miurii.i s. Al-oi.t ett.iy t'.ree per center the population of New York city are for eign, or of foreign parents, and o ly "v. i;teeu percent p ire and unaduit--raieil native. Forty-live per cent of the whole 1. umber were born abroad. right. 1 1ns is 1 he rx S idea of mde- .st no pendence. In this respect tliere will be . 4 go no change in its progrpmme for 18.!). . 4 m The Si n has fairly earned the hear .in no ty hatred of rascals, frauds, and hnm- 7 00 bugs of all sorts and sizes. It hopes to --'0 00 1 deserve that hatred not less in the yoar l-Tt), than in 1S7S. lSTT, or anv year gone by. Tiikm x will continue to shine on the wicked with immigrat ed bright nes. While the lessons of tlie past should be constantly kept before the people. The Si;x does not propose to make it self in 1ST!) a magazine of ancient his tory. It is printed for the men and women of to-day, whose conceiii is chielly wiih the affairs of to-day. It has both the disposition and the abil ity to afford its readers with promptest, fullest, and most accurate intelligence of whatever in the w ide world is worth attention. To this end the resources belong to well-established prosperity will be liberally employed. The present dis.i- i.ited condition ol parties in this count:', and the uncer tainty of the future, lend an extraor dinary significance to tne events of the coming year. The discussion of the press, the debates and act of Congress, and the movements of the leaders in every section of the Republic will have a direct bearing on the Presidential election of isso. ;m event that must be regarded with the most anxious in terest by every patriotic American, whatever his political ideas or alle giance. To these ekments of interest may be added the pi nhahiliiy t hat. the Democrats will control both houses of Congress, tlie increasing bh-ness of the fraund'iieut Administration, and the spread and st renghtlu mm: eery where of a healthy abhoience of fraud in any form. To presence with accuracy and clearness the exact situa tion in each of its varying phases, and to expound, according to its well known methods, the principles that should guide us through the labyrinth, will be.an important part of TiikSi'.n's work for lbTi). We have the means of making The Sex, as a political, a literary and a gen eral newspaper, more entertaining and more useful than ever before; and we mean to apply theiu freely. Our rates of subs ription remain un changed. For the Daily Srx, a four page sheet of twenty-eight columns the price by mail, postpaid, is 5-3 cents a month. or S0.5O a year; or, including the Sunday paper, an eight-page sheet of fifty-six columns, the jo iee is G cts. a mouth, or S7.70 a year postage paid. The .Sunday edition of Tun srx is also furnished sepcratly at .si.'O a year, postage paid. The juice of the Weekly Srx, eight pages, tilty-six eolunms, is ?1 a year, postage paid. For clubs of ten sending ."?!() we will send an extra copv free. Address I. y. KXCLAND. Publisher of The Srx, X. Y. Citv. 34-fit. TUTTPS fiM'irgLzssjrg--j-,-',,ifr',-rTir ftb PI L LSI t :j p. o f a :i c .1 1 s TO KANSAS CiTi T3PEK A, ATCHISON & St. Jescsfe the SIIDKT LINE to all points on the .ViSM.riM. K VSAS VS.;'I EX AS. anil HOI STUX .v TEXAS! E.VIKal KAIi.KOAi'S. FulimanjFalcee Sleeping Car?. AND THE CEI. EI'A'i EI) c. r.s& q. DINING CAUS. UY THIS 1 OUl Ail illf Iitritirvn ntinnl r-.(.w .f f . .... .m i. fheerliilly liven bv ai-olviii" tn e-e 2 CO ; I Ji 11 " 2 1-. S ;b rs t 3 as . t rf j O tT.S v -J-. P3 o o B 00 tr -l C 1 3 cr 5 7' zr. ' 2 2 ' r' J . ir- i vi 5 Kl I 4 Back c0 Colo id Apneas, Rourettes, Barpors, Lustres, Kensington Plaids, &c, in Great Variety. REPELLANTS, WATERPROOFS, LADIES' CLOTUS, in tlie very Latest Styles. A very fine ami liir-e seh-etion. in Heaver. Diagonal. Ilasket ami Cor.te.l .pi .lities. from to up. Shawls, riannels, Illankets, Comfortal.les, at Keilueeil l'iyures. I O.M E.STICS, ot a!i kinds. NEW LACE SCARFS! Ties, Bows, Crepe, Ruches, Etc., Etc. AX EX D LESS VAIUETV OF Ladies' Misses' and Children's all Wool and Fleece Lined Hose. Anything you fail to se.!, ask for it, for ue have it, at BED BOCK PBICES ! A Muck Weeded Want Supplied CLOTHING, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. WC "aVe tltia indent. ZA. ZlX.W "No Discarrtcrt, Unnknipt, or Scrifiid Hand CIothiiiiA Hcit!" All new Fresh Gou.ls ilirect It-mi the Manufai t;iy at piiees that .lefy C j-.-t i f 1. v,. A handsome selection of White and Colored Shirts, over shirts Punder wtar, Hosiery, Ties, P.ows, and etc.. Hats and Citps, l', ts and slioes. TBUHKS JlSrjD VA.LISES An inspeciion is respectively s.diei!d whieli we tiusf will ne lit M-nr t.at- rona-e A NOTED DIVINE SAYS THEY ARE WORTH THEIR WESCHTin GOLD READ WHAT KE SAYS: Dr. Tctt : Dear Sir: Fortcu years I h.ivn lieeu a martyr to l)y?peri!--i:i, Cotrijiation mil l'iles. Ijst S;;:n your Pills were rii-omrieu ;1"1 to in.;; 1 ns, 1 laem ( hut vvitti lit:!.; f.sitli). I Bin now weil man. linve umI n;;etlce, s tiou js rf.-ct, r-'ulur pioos, pih-s one, mni I haw turned forty pounds eoiid ll-.rh. They aro worth their weight in iroM. Hey. It. L. SIJU'KOX, LoiusvilU-. Ky. C. K'.rKUii I?. TraHl 7 tiirSlS ! Wk are Dcti tih -nr! to I;ndrsiH nil roipcliJors. SOLOiuOK & HATHA PI. Manager. liieai;. TUTT'S PILLS CUILB bICK IlAI-1CUC. TUTT'S FILLS Cnu: DrsrErstA. TUTT'S P3LLS C'CUE C'ONSTtVATIOX. TUTT'S PiLLS ClBE 1'H.ES. TUTT'S PiLLS Cuus Feveh and Aucrr Dr. Tutt n.-:s W-n e!i-iM:r- il in t.a: iiraetieo of ni'.'iliehia HO year, nn I for a long time was Demonstrator of Anatomy in the Illetl .cnl Collejre of Geor- iii,hence pi-rtoiid xipiujr Ins I'uis have the tniar- nnteo that they arc prepar,sl on tcieutitli: iriiiclp!es,und are free f mm all f;ni.ikc-rj-. He lias enccewled In roaihiiiing in them tl'.e hetvtufore antagonis tic qualities of a ati'l a piitiifit.g U'Htc. Their lirst tieiMin-ut effei-.t is to increane the appetite hy causing the fiMul to jiroperly ns similate. 1 hui theeys teia is nourislietl, iind hy their tonic action on the digestive or- jmns, regular a ti d itiuns TUTT'S PiLLS Iim- CuiaBaan-iCuwc. 2 T!'! rnp.dirj wii TUTT'S PILLS Cure KidsetCos- TUTT'S PILLS Cl RE Toupiu LlVilll. which jKjfunx take on tl.: h. while under the Intiuenee of these pills, of itself iudk-ateg tlirir adapt ahility to nourish tin; hody, and hence their efiicacy in eurin uirrvons debility, mel ancholy, dysjiepfia, wastin'i: of tlie musclca ghiginshtiiissof tho liv er, chronic constipa tion and Iinnartm oca.iii ana Firengtu to the system. A DOCTOR SAYS. Dr. I. Guy Lewis, of Fu'tou Ark., writes ; "One year ao I v as taken t-ick, a friend craned so htronsjlv in favor of Tntfa I'ills that I wai iu-duc.-l to nso t!.em. N. ver !ia in slic-n-j have a happier effect tliau in my rase. After a practice of a quarter of a century I proclaim them tho be.-t unti-biliou i metlicineever iistil. I haw pre scribed them in ray practice ever pince." SUPERIORITY OF TUTT'S PiLLS. Taey ar coiiiiioniidod from medii ina! sulj-lan-cen that are positively free from cny proju-rtiea that c:m in the least decree inian: tli'e n:cB-t deli cate organization. They s-aivh, cleans,-, purify, uud inviirorate Ihe entire tem. J5y re!ievhi" the cnorgisl liver, they cleanse the i:o.id from JiOisoiiouB lmniors, iii id thus impart n-intied health end vitality to the lxx'.y, causing the Tkjw rls to actual urally, without vhich no ouo can f-1 well. A TOPPED LSVZR 1,. ..... r .--.i - - i ii- i.ii!..iiissjarceot iaaie-i...-s.-a.--, proniluent ainwng whic h are Dysp. psia. KicW-ileadathe, Costiven.-ss, l.'yf.nterr, Kilioas Fevi-r, Atii and Fever, J::un.lice, I'iles, Kjemiuiism, Kiduey Coniplaiiit. Coac, c 1c. Tutt'j r.'Ks xn t a din-ct and powerful influ ence on :1k- I.iv. r. Mid v ill, v.ith certainty, re!.-ve that Important or-an t;o.n ti..-ea', aiid restore iu noinial functioi.s. SOLD TJVEKTV. HZSE, fXIICZ, S3 SIUH2A-1- ST., NZTW YOIUC' i j ' m tikJ A. G HATT H'ST UI'KN! 1) ACAI . Xtir, Clean, First C ass Hint Shp, on Main Street in Fred K i .. ,d.! taa.l Everybody i n h.-.tid f, r tioh tender meat. 28 I.'jC ELI PLUMPER, Running' 13 i f.r1 3 9. ted Dealer iu James Pettee DK-VMIi: IN r?lusical Instruments, Sol," App'oitinj Ajent for The I'ririvHi:el ??;im!ii A Hamlin CA BTNET ORGANS. Also. t';e Steek, He -rv F. Miller, and Hallel X Ciiei-'toii I'ianos for Cass and Sarpy counties. eli. C ill ami .see S A MI'L i: UMEXT.S at oflh-e. SiMli. one door south of Main St. ri.Arr.s.Moi Tii. ne. Tnniei; ami rrpaidni; Pianos Mm Orfr.uis a specialty, under the skillful hands of .Mr. S. M lirowii. a. luaerwf mil ly-tlne Vears epei in'ee. flERCHAMSH. f '8 P ROBERT DONNELLY'S AXD BLACKSMITH Wajou, Ii it ;;;, 21 whine awl Plow re pairiwj, anl ijem ral jobliug. I am nr w I'leprt-.l to do ;i kinds of rep liiin tf lai::i ami njiier machinery, as t'.K-iv i" a i;'nn! iall-.t- iu in v si:ou. PETER RAUEX. The old Reliable Wason Maker has taken charge of the wa-.-iy -diop. lie is well kno-.vii us a .'U. I '.Vt.nXMAN. Xew Vatr. ami ;:frt:e iai to Older. S A T i S H ACT U 1 N lil.U: A TlIK.D. Shop on Sivih sliect o-iji-jsite Stre-ijht's St Vol J K T AND SIIO STOIl -A.rJ? Weeping Vater. We h.ne jtist n eeiyed a full stock of Boots and Shoes vJiieh we are selling at UEI) KCCK rKICKS r'or ea-li. Will: oiirsiaa!l epci,scs e can c iki K-te with :e:i-re in pri-.-e and M't-'Iilv. W e aK. im'tinf.K ttire it m.;s and Shoes in all ' the latest siyu-s. and iiisiiif h tii ami sat is: eel ion. lim ns a trial, l.'euieiiiher tie; n;.n:e and place. 2:" Marshall & Son. RKl'AlIilXO DOVE XEAT ANI CHEAP. Store opposite Sannileia Iloufe. Main St, IMaffsmoiith, olr, 20Iy. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, B LA CKSJ1I Til iroiisE .-siioi:iN(;, AM) wacon i:i-:paii:ini All kindsj of fat: m iMn. v.v. i :. t. memled Neath;, tf- Prompt hi :0: d - hf LJ .in. i t: j and more, by buying a mac Line tliat will l-iut you a life tiuie. ukii lmprovemeais. VICTOK SEWING 21ACIIIXK CO., (UbenJ Terms to AgenU. I'J'J ami )l VAini'it Av::., fienfl for cirttiflr. L'"r- ' ' "-" ' P. MKK(SI-:S, AiiOiit. IF . WfflSTB lias come liomo. And he has brought the fine Ii 13 Dress Goo(Is, Staple (ioods, Fancy Goods and IV otionsyou over saw. '..1.. a s in uxsiiooinir. In short, we'll -slioe anything that 1 1 -ir four feet, fi oin a Z'ui a to a (Jii all'e. f'o.ne and see us. rnzir shop, tiFi'thSf.. li-Mvei-n Main an. 1 Vine Streets, ust across the comer from the sv.w 11 EKA l, .iFiei.. y f VA 1 sea sir t-. m s Ises till yo?B emuH rest t'.V Z L T DICK STREIGHT'S LIY FRY, FEED AND SALE ST A HLES. Corner 6th ;md I'earl Sts. Ifncsr.s i:oai:ikd t:v tiik R.tr, viizhil, on ..tij h a n S E S D O U O H T . For -i Fair Co:ni:iissk).i. TIM 52 S 4T ""i'Le. "lOIKS. Fa: ,;-.:::;: ;: : p.;: I To and caps till jon must foaaje Spring and Summer Goods eyer and ever so cheap Non is your ;haw.o lou?il to sl! uiil uwl'-rs' 11 uuyiaifj. Huriy up. traiit to 'jo E-, t ay tin next month. N T?. ST ?1 ' ' R CT2 TO TcT TLroat. I-iiae.'. Asthma, ani III laeys. r " CeBESlLUi THE W0RLDV& 4 erect Tar fBo!ut:on;j or Inhahnim for f-itarrh. Cocauci; tija, ilroiici.itlB. and Atitn... j r -a rorest n ar b rccsi iB crt-iTTi; i lirijEi, jio.na tscs", i.c j - i'ur:: u;f tli-; Ure-.ta. z.r Cough aai or iiahuc ln!-,u.at tcr-T. t'lrcri, C:::. i jT 1 i t s. iramiiij ' 3 OT ''!cpr'l Ila-.t!,-. Kali I:i.cku, sila Din: tr-.e loilct aria iiata. 3 or tor C&tarrfc, Ccr.Etn.ptlon, A. tli.iMi. ! Few York Office, 27 BEEZMAN ST. Sale by mil T'rtiUts. I I ! 6 'I