im ilmn-f T. 1 ill I 5 4 1 ( 1 1 a I. 7 1 iAEgFOgDaj For CATARRH IKSTAJTTLT rp!!-rf aM pr?nTirnt?f mrtathll luaiiiaoma ii n l l:s viryliif hum. 16 K lae aoot!iiL. a:i.i iiea.'mir nroi,rtlca of .tft, licrba r..i J bark l:i tucir c form, (re a cvrry (li rom centiiiiiiui'.i.. i, and tainiara lK.ct CiiT ra f-oiu cTjry otriiT k::wn remuily. In Cica oit yrar It l:oefuun i i. uay from tiia Ailantlo K t'.- l'wl:iOcujrf, bcrevtrkuoa h. ba conj9 iio etand jr-l i r-::r ! ' f jr tiio treatment tf Ca tarro rt'.c proprietors h v "e-ro w- . jt!(i i'pun liy j!nt';m!ij Tf nulioral r.)putn. n w.i h(iv beta curid by tins remcrttr, eel who l.aYr.nt onnsl.ler bl ripenje on.l pcrnsl frouMe. unrejui tin pood ocv.ii thruTir'iout t!i clrcl-a In wtilcli thiy nwtfc Whpu jrmi l-ar ft -aU: y renUrmnn of lu tlllj?ei:co n'l rcaucirior.t any, I owe my life t. buuorii I:a(l!.".-il Cnro," jrou riiny fori air4 ttia. it la aa article of nt vuiu. r.d worthy to bclroJn:ouj t'u standard luaoicol ipeciflca cf UiO CT'XTR tiefll t derive from l:a fiaHr nsa Uta ma L f-rn-wihl-. ILLZUi WILLS, or Wells, Faeoo & Co. IT h rnrel aflcr tslTO years of unlnter ruj)tl &C?r"c. f GLO. V. IiCGTTCS, TritTEAS. JIas. IPOIXOWED tho direction to tba Wt-r nnd aa bapjy to eaw 1 l.nre Lad a pi-rai-.rt cnro. D. W. OliAY, M. fiitatArxhK, Iowa. v I HATE raemnraPTiflod it toiralto a rmrr.rnr of my friend, all f whom I tj eiprc 'l M mi thlr htU ciOuUa of ii vaIjo good effect V.'M. EOWiJi. 523 rijf 2 Sr., Et. Lena. . ' k i'li.l! us!n; tvo boi;lf I find myself jirwa. Jx. r.-r.t'.j cnr.d. I lia. o amr.o lc"oi::muu1'.'i tvorciio Liicdr-d bn'livs wltli ths frretebt ea seaa. V.M. W. AHtisTUoVO. 1 IIauuioji jivu.. EoTOX. TiRTq aoia FkftoTti'a HxrjfCAt Crts f.-, II rearir oil" yar a:;d cn tav rs-idliliy t!u-i We naTrraoM a .ImlUr r-;.sri.r!..ri tliut r.ieu:U CDlTtrsal sntufuctiuo. Vic Lavo ytt toleara of tba twtror.iplnlr.t. . 1. BAiDTTH; CO., nAsufOTOH, lira. fTTIE enre fifictoij Jn my r r Siyyorn't Ram A I'Al CVfcE fro r.'Itl.'kaMn t!rat It ircmcit aothoso wtio bad FiiUc-n d wli'ut relief from ar.T of the ciaal rcui;di"a tiit it co-iul rot bo true. I tircfora tniiu afti'avit to 16 be'ore 6itU J. CiUljti. LiLNiUlU. DiL-falaT, LusTC7. Zacj partis'! of Pispor.o's RiWAiCrfs co. talus I-r. Eiii.furd's luii r't 1 lul.aliLI cbe, r. 'l lull rtlrwctlorn f .r it u"n? la e!l ohb- a. Ttici, Jl u Foraele tv tli wholrsiil nnd r-tnil dnijrelsis a -! lcrtUrO'ichotit tue Ca.ted ttat ai,d O'i'f'la.i. WEK & FO'i'TKrt. O-n-r.i i-0ii4 Vbal aaia lrt:j;''!' I -t J3t .'!-t3. VOLTiO PLflST with a hitrhlv Ule:'.lrj(;;rl fetrcnKl lienina Planter, forming th'S bz-r.t ftterl'or palu tmxX acUes ia tlxo World ol Ileuiciiio. A KCHZID STvnLETfJ. Tirfiltmrn, I p-nt fir 0-i of COLLIVS VOfi. TA1C PLAhTKRS, sad II hai been of great ben! JS In reducing a swellm in my left fide Unu two p y lclai;a rronoanrcd T.nlnrprrirr t of th'i fcploco, tUid coa pro juuueed It niiuvriim Turner. I . A. ULSTER. CrmUATIA, Lstj March , 137. TUXY AEETHE LEST. Wenf7!n. Enclor1 yea wlU n.2 anl I Wl?b you wrTild J m? aiiot'-ier do-a of your COaJ.IN6' VOLTAIC I'LAbiKiij. 1 y t!se abo 9 f ou will aee I cud dj:nctUlpitv li 'ipot.iem o touio wny cvt a If I am at iblo t 1-: up mid around. There ors a noiubcr v:iu bsvi tritvj rir.r plaaier wn bad pivcu o'l .l:iipr wcra (rood for Dothintr, an 1 i ow Join xrltli mo that they arp the bet they Imv vert. i'd. I hnvn g-t eloL thli wlr.t-r better t!in I boys b fore ia tlirt-a ara. Wlailed 1 conld baa be-rd of y uur r-Is.'itera teore. Vou.-. ic. l.flnETTA M. CW33. EAiOJTOS SA, II. T.. Mrcii 27, liT?. 7rf, Cent. Peari1 tocaH forCOLLnrs" VOLTAIC PL AS. TEK lrL yoa fryl o:;ir wurtnti-H tntu'lon. Sold l y all Whollo and Itetall Drair:dia ltirra?iout thp United btMtre and Canada. r.d by VEi.ii. POTTER. Proprlrtora. Bos r on. Maaa. jii-HTiTif -t rr- Tr--T'"" For TEN YEAtiS Tl.'TT'S 11 I.I.N tin ve been the recognized standard F.icnily- Medicinemall the Allltmic State From niuiue to ffitf-aieo, scarcely a family can bo found that does not uso then. It is now pro posed to make their Tlrtuea knsu n in the "WEST, -w-ili the certniiity that 89 soon ns testedtheywiilbe corr.o u foi'jilAx. tUoro o s they are at the tVortta and Souih. DO T!!EY CURE EVEnYTKIBG? flO. They ere intendod for dis eases that result from malari al Poiscn ?.nd a Doranecd Liver. T)K. TFTT litis cTotrl trpntTflre yrnrt to Ike (study ol" tin- J.i rer and the rt-Hult hat tlcuiciuati'Btcil I bat it u rralrr iufluriice ovi r tlif ytrm than any llirr oi amiii of the lo:!y ; liir-sliuti nr.d .iih:1i.i ton of tin- to..l on whii li, !r-pirntl the visajlty r.l" slst body, i mr l ird on tbroncli it ; the rt-eulnr nrtion of (he bowel tit-jienii on it, and ttlit-n tiif-e fniit'tiona are ilrranxrd, the Henri, the Drnin, the Kidney, the !?Liii, ia la.ct tbe retire oraaiii'i i-- aftectvd. SYF-IPTOEIS GF DISORDERED LIVER.- Dull Pain in the Fute nnd Sbouldcr, lr33 of Appetite; Coated Tongue; Costirc Bo-rcl?; Eick-hoadacbe ; rrfTveiresu ; Weight in tho Stomach after, with Acidity and Belching up of Wirt J ; TjO-.v gririt3 ; Loss of Energy ; XTDsociability ; and forebodings of Evil. IF THESE WARNINGS ARZ NEGLECTED, SOON FOLLOWS DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUS FEVER, CHILLS, JAUN DICE, COLIC, KERVOL'SNESS, PALHTATloM OFTHE HEART. f.ELRALGIA. KIDNEY DISEASE, . CHRONIC ClAidwIdA, AND A OEtiEnAL BREArvl'iG DOV.N CF THE SYSTEM. HEED THE IVAllXIXG! TUTPSPiLLS. Tha first lo?;o produces an cf foot vhieh oftou astonishes tho fuilerer. jjivinar a cli'rliilnss of iniiitl nnd limij ancy or" body, to which he was before a strang er. They create an Appetite, Clood JUijrestiori, nml fcOLiD FLESH AMD HARD KUSGLE. A LOUISANA PLAWTER SAYS : 'My p!ant:itiOii i? in a maliiritil ciinirict. For aV'r,. t'sn, 1 rnnid not maUc li:i!l a crnp on accotint of ?ii kiit-r I employ one hundred and C:ry bund.4, oi ten l:::if of tUem were tick. I was uer.rlv di-Hfnr-ifT'd wlien I iHt'an tlio use of Ti TI'SPIlXS. 1 cscd ti..-iu as a pr rcntion aa well as a cure. The result wai BiErvellous ; i:iv la:v,rvr'.'nn hi arty, rohnst, and happy, I have had no ftirtb'T trouble. v itb tu.pc I'iiia I tould not lear to live iu tlio OtOfOCOVc.' .p." E. I'.IVAL, r.ATor; Sap.a, La, "BEST PILL. IN EX!STE?JC." " I Lave used your 1 ii.: s for Uy p-v.i:i. Weak SfOiUiich and ervo::Uit', ::ii i. u i.iv 1 nev -r liHd ary tb'n-T to tlo me fo r.:u h gooil iu tho v:iy of nuilltiii". Tiiey ere e frood a.- jo'i reI-nt I rocom:ai ud Ib'-m at the Ilevt Pill in existence, mid do ail I can to acquuiut oUiera wilh tbeir pood putIis." J. V. i iaUrlTTS, Dacota. Minn. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, 25 CENTS. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. LANDJLAWDI BEST FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA, FOR SALE BY 6 TOTTS PILLS!! IS Sr.BKAsSiA. Great Advantages to Buyers r; is;?. Ten Tears Credit at 6 percent Interest. fix rears Credit at 6 per cent Interest, and 20 2er cent Discount. Oi-r Lilfral iorount Fop Cash, Jtt-.CbiMet. on Fares ami I'rrisrbtM, and l'reuiium to- improve dent. v' mj hleta land -Vap. containing f aU partic Ulusvtiil be mailed free to any part of tlie wi'd n r-- icstion to 1 A'DC0MMISS10XEn. B. & M. E. P LlJfCOLJT, isrBnASKA fli IS Ji IS It A LI). Ocr Afloa Letter. AFTON Xiic. St'pt. 7th. 1S78. IlrrKALD. S.oikj time ha -l:i!iscJ since my last. Have l-e!i very I'li-'y. For a week or two h ive h il lry south wiudj, whic-!i rip-'niil roru very f.t.-ft. Fo JJer cutting: has hecu ihe tr:Ier fr liith of liine, corn i a ?oo'.l cit)j. No ,'iH-.ho;ier3 yet, hut for two days they have been so numerous over head tluit I coulJ not cant them. Klea ly rain for tlie last two iay, hc-i).; tlieyr;ts5 which i.i getting dry. Health continues Rood. Stock in good orilor, and good demand at 8"2:05 per cwt for feed steers. Iditi?3 rjuiet. Yours, E. Child. Vcom Weejjir. Vi'aler. T!ie recent changes in the P. O. liave i-endnfi'd it very commodious and con venient. Dan Joimson Ins just returned from a trip west. trin,'in with him three hundred and eighty-seven hcv.d of cat tle. D. C. Fleming is lalliii: of leaving AVecpiii Vi'altr. Rev. Wm. .Sinims from California occupied t!i pulpit of the Congrega tion:'.! church hist Sun lay. Thti Line')!;: As3 ciatio:i uierts here t'iirf We;1!; from Tuesday to Friday. Dr. (tihbr-n is huilding an addition to his h-juse. Ditto A. W. i acli. 15. F. IJ.dlows lias lately rtturiicd from :!k east. II v. J. I). Chas? l ite pastor of the Congregational church has gun? t (' .vt" to tak! eliarge of the German .j'iuol connected wilh Doane College. 11. S. llje l is in Chicago buying g;d.s f r the firm of iiee.l IJros. This drill ii::.s ju.:t taken iiossesjion of their n.-'.v h-uilaing which is said to be the finest stt re-room in the coumy. F. M. Vt'o'cott is having l is houe f.xed over. ?.ri?s Eiiu Thorngi'.e began teaching in Q iinton's district lasi. Monday. Misse.s Helen Ash in an, M ary Jenks, ami (da Thr.;g-ttt have gone toTalr College to scliool. 8. L. Graham latelv h id another lit- cheruh added to his iL The same ii true of Ii. C. Yeomans. Mr. Dniell Ked :.s talking of renting the store dwelling directly west of the ..'o:i.''n ;;.r i n:d ci.urvh. Thj fail lerui of Iho l"iiion School coiiimencvd last Monday under the m liiageni.-ut of W. K. Louf'-orrow ; s Prinri;:.l an I Miss Curie Legun as sistant. Tlie s;:l'.ool opened with about fifty scholars. F. r. Klep.ser fomicrly of this place, late of O dorado is in town on a itul of a few wee'.-: Miss Isa. Ite-.'d has just returned from a short visit to Milf'erd. At the primary meeting last Satur day the following t!clega;cs wero ap iMiinted to attend the Republican con vention to ha held hire on tin- 1 1th of this month, :j. W. Deardsley, T. Clark, (leo. Cross. M. M iluth r, C. Kussel, .1. M. Kirkpatrick, D. C. Fleming and J. D. Johnson. Ilespccif nlly, County Cim:nis!o!icr"s rrocte;'in:j. Board met Septend-er 2 ), lyTS. Th Fitch and seventy seven others for the diyi.d.m of II ck bluffs precinct in two voting place?, also the rem-uis'.rance of L. A. Wa'kfr and one hundrel and seventeen olhei. against division of same, p tition i -j;.Ctid. Onler of George Matteson supervi sor Gih dist, was al'.oweil for., C SI Claim allowed Henry IJeyck ffnnl .' io ro J. C. Eikenbury .) W. E. i)one!;in, sundries 2 ." Digiiii grave V, (0 State Journal O.iicial bond of J V Adams up proved. The petition of A. X. Sullivan ami others for exoneration of taxes on es tate of II. K. Ellison was allowed. The following claims wero sdlowed : J. IX Tutt, postage 810 01 Shiiuiiou, i aia 2 03 Fail field, iuap3 50 Co Martindale, Supt 72 CO M -i ii"tt, use of abstract books 20 00 Wells, postage 40 (jordei', coal to I'oor House. . . 7 10 II. D. Kellogg, rejected. Rubin bi'.ii. ling two bridgfj.. CI 00 Jacob Sch'anker, dist. oJ, b-X) It. Lum ber, and James Kjut dist. :i7, G30 lect cf Lumber. . 1'etititr.i of J. M. Ileardsley to ap point Frank Fo wler supervisor dist. 4'J granted. V. J. White to remove two bridges near Enos 13 rger'.s and rebuild same is per August Advertise ment, fur -$0 00 Petition of I). F. IJowen for exten sion of tim? on School lands, granted. John liluck allowed order for 8-07 on account for erroneous tax-tales. J( sss Irwin, dist. 30, 200 feet of Lum ber. Josiah Timblin dist. 21 821 00 11. A. Ashmun, dist, 44, 400 feet of Lumber. Lo kwor.d disf . 3 8:?5 00 Bond of J. 1). Carter dist. oG approv ed and order for 0,000 feet of Lumber and 33 pound of spikes allowed. YV. J. White lo remove and repair 'he bridge at Xikersons and at Cun :iinurham's on the same conditions as dhers. County Surveyor to complete i -cad record of Cass county and to en ter the same on practical maps of this county. W. J. White allowed order of 8500 is part paj on bridge contract. County roa 1 located by Glover de clared open. Board adjourned to meet to inspect bridges and to meet on Tuesday Sept. 10th, 187S for general business. J. D. Tutt, Co. Cleik. Wejaavr) leceived from A. S. Barnes ! & Co., Ill and 113 William St., New t York, a little volume entitled Tori- ! cal Course of Study for the Common j School of the United M tes," by II. C. j Stone, which is intended to aid in es- ; tablishing a common gradation iu alii common schools of our nation. Ap- pen Jed we give the arguments in favor j of mich work: M We have in round numbers, 10,000,- i 0D) pupils enroilel on our free school j lists. Xineteen-t wentieths of these are in districts where the schools are ungraded and sessions are irregular in length, and teachers, rules and courses of st u !y changing almost yearly. The gr.i led schools so far, are con fined almost entirely to the cities, and no two cities have the same, course of study. With perhaps only one excep tion (Xew York City), the courses of study in our graded schools are meas ured by pages of certain text-books, and w here pupils c bange schorls or the School Board changes text-books, new books must be purchased, and not v. ilhstaiv'iiig our text books as a rule are the best in the world, none but those presci ib.-d by the School Board are of any value to tho pupil. These conditions result in a direct tax that nullities to a large extent the freedom ofour common .schools, not unf i eji:en.. ly totally excluding pupils ui.ahle to purchase tho "adopted" books oi forcing them to accept a bounty most of their companions do not, thus ting ling out the reoiiua:i s as paupers. The indirect tux on our people by way of waste of school funds and time and labor of pupils and teachers for want of a simple, uniform sytem. i-i liithcult to estimate from sheer m .g iiitU'le. These evils are partially the result of the tremendous cii .rgy of our eo pU and the uaparallel? I liberality of or nation in providing means for popular education. The growth has been too rapid for perfect restraint. But the remedy h.;s been ripening almost as rapidly. Xearly every prominent educator has seen our need of classifi cation and striven in his or her sphere to meet it. Thes-3 efforts have fur bished abundant individual successes for safe guidance. There is a stiicking similiuritv in th main features of ever' one of our schools that has succeeded in establish ing sat Ufuctory gruda'ion, that cem onstrates the feesi'oiiLy of a coinmo;.' system. The features of which are practiea ly idential are a.s fv)llows: 1. Tlie number of weeks iu asc'i'-.i 1 year and the numher of years i:i Ele mentary an 1 High schools. 2. T.i' subjects that should be studi ed, their order of sequence and relative time for study. G. Th" proportion of tira3 and the place that should be given to the re spective reeitutioi s. A course of study judicioudy com piled from those of graded schools lo cated at all represent a'ive centers giving the Tories treated of in tie most common connection and -der. with reference to the most common calendar and programme, em'd le adopted in every graded school will less dis! urhunce than tho change of one text-book in each; simply because such a course of study, while pivseiv ing the important features of each school's regulations, would iiiah'.'1 ;t:.y pupil, whether at home or in school, to determine what each week's work i. and whether done in one week. 1 -ss more, would depend on sIf aetn-u. Symmetrical cultora v.'onhl ap proximated, for every pnpil woi:". know h;it each wi-ek's work i.'t i -don entire and in or l r b. fore t?-,. grade would opm tho following w. ; to 1dm. This is the work at'emo'ed in IS c i!ipi!ati ;i by Mr. C. St i,: e :u. 1 1 Cilled a Topical Course, the Common S:h ) !s of Stub. '2 nf ll... I'm!',.. a lil. i i i i S.a es. I'ub'.ished by A. S. B an; 'S t'. C X. Y. Of the possible success of such : work an idea may be had by ;,!..n :: at the results from stablilu'ig t'.. systetn of uniform lessens for Sa:ida Schools by use of the Internal ion 3 Lesson Leaves" now the guidance t a most every Sunday School in thh country, Europe, and in fact wherever the Protestant Bible is used. ilie n bee c- tT ti:e first I-'reu-h n that . er an.' iuu-. d iu 1 .o i -r received an invi: atio ; !ii di-m fro n on" of !to ;' .n's 'cits iiium Tracy. The go-vl IJiVouiau, i -.-n- hy the popuiar iKiief f iat Fren..,' .iv t hieily i n frgs, caus.-d ad ti. ivviiu'ips i Cambridge to bo scarchrd i order to l'Uiui-;!i ;i g -Microns S-.tppiy NVhen he 5oun v.-.3 brought np. th ii. st ladled out a supply for Ids guest.1 '. taking care Ui it e--i.-h should hive . -r- g. Tiiu Admiral the first l i! :ul. and, on put iug his soon in, iishe. ip a large fro? "as green and as com jd'-te ;is if it had hopped out of a pom into tho tureen." Xot knowing wk i it was he s:e:cd it by one of its hind legs, an I, h t'.ing it up in front of the whole company, discovered that it w.i a fail-grown frog. As the plates w nr. round, fresh discoveries were made and the uproar grew universal. Mean tim th" ho at kept his ladle going, won dering what his outlandish guest1 in. ant by such extravagant merriurni; -What is tha mat t-r .-" he ashed ai .engtli, raising his head and sui veyii.v t!iO frogs, which, held oat by one leg were dangling in all directions. "V- h don't they eat them?"" h? ex larmod "If t'ny knew thee uifouud 'J trouble had to catch thrun. in order to tren" tht ia to a disa rf tli ur d v.i country, t'tey woui.l find that with roe tit least it uas no joke ", Eggs, hatch muc'i Leder if the ncscs oe made by placing a cut turf, and a hovel of mould, sand t-r ashes in the ox or basket, mid on this a little short j st raw, than if straw only is used. In ' lit s way a convenient hollow is oh- j mmeii, mat prevents tue eggs ro.iuig o:.i from under the setting iu cool weather the eggs are thus kept cf much more equal temperature than in ueids made simply of lxs? straw. U.;0Tes. In tho cabin of the steamer St. John, coming up the Hudson tii3 ether even ing, sat ;t sad. serious looking mm, who looked 3 if lie might have been a clerk or book-kecpsr. The man seem ed to be caring for a crying baby, ai.d was doing everything he could tosii.l its sobs. As the chiid became r sde-s in the berth, the gentleman took it in Ida arms and carried it to and fro m the cabin. The sobs of the child irri tated a rich " man, who tri:ig to read, untii he blurted out lou 1 euougli for the lath r to hear: "What does he want to distmbthe whole cioiu wi h that d -b .by for' ' "Hush babe, hush'"" and then the man only the baby closer in his arms without saying a word. Th;:: the baby so! od again. "Where is the confounded mother that shs el ii t stop its v.-is-y;'' contiu ik1 1 thf prohir.e grumb'er. At thh, th rhf striken fail c.-un:? up to the nui, and with te:-r- in hisevef-". said : " ! ::m sorry to ilisl in b yui, sir, but my dear baby's mo her is i:: her cotTin down in tha baggage room. i"m lakieg back lo her grandmoth er in A lbany, where w.; u.-ed to live."' j lie. h;u (l-he-:rte.l man bi.ried hi? ":k e in shame, but in a moment, wilt d ay the terrible rebuke, he v. a: by the -r 'f i f it e gr'ef st: ickui father. They w, r both tending the baby. i-Vioa J.'li The pioce-sof manufacture of the r mid or bud.! ch'VM s, in S tollaial, so vi lely known as E lani cia t-se:;, is as io io -s: T.'.tf retiiiCt is put Into the milk as so n m it is taken I rem the cow: e.'heu c iguhoed, the hand, or a wood en bowl, is p;:.-sed gently two or three imes thr ugh llvi curd, which is then lilowcd tou.uiid a fen minutes- then the bowl or tin ;-"r is again passed liirough it, and it is permitted to shmd ui.u minutes longer. The whey is a.:.e:i oil whii the bowl, while the eurd .s put into a woo.len ficni oi the propei aiid shape oi theche so io be made i'.ds form is cut out o: the sulhl woo l y a airuor, and has one hoe in th alto c. it' the chees" is of th i sina'i - ,e. about four pounds, it remains it his ioiiii lib-out fourte n days. Its u::ied daily, the upper pari, during as lime, being kepi spriiiAicd with '. ;;t tv.o ouaa.-s of purhit d sa t. It is a n removed into a s- c aid box of the , ;iii;' size, witii four holes in the bot am, an t put uhd; r apiiss of about f;y i-ouii-ls weight, where it remains vi' d hours, ii. is tin n taken out t on a dry, airy shelf in the cle ese i-aittn -nt. and daily turn-.-d for ah nt ir weeks, iieu ild ioi cheeses .ire ,' i" r.J.y dit f -r n n la t. The newspapers are fond of telling -;o;ie.; about the cowardice winch vomen are allai'.ed to si; aw in the pres ence of a n.ouse. A severe masauline . ...-or once ileciared that the most rravs and wise gathering of women. :er tliemo t i a.p..rtant and serious pur aoae, could be utterly thrown o.f its cda.m-e 1 v the letting loose of u ou-ie . the r-ioai. v.-a a :n-u"s th-ory. i' r is a fact: Wiiile a i (oiiio -J u.lgc va- holding court a mous r to-k advau age of his pieoccu;atiou and climbed .n in-.. iiie his panialo-ms. The attor- t , sand alien dan's 1 e auiie aware of '.e sit nation when the Judge st:d-.'.."ily rave a jump, ch; pped his hand to i i: rs and stamped on the tloor. The -.'a-riif rushed io the i s -:;e, lid ihi iect;.!o;-3 rose iu tiieirseais. not know ag what Wiis about to happt ll. The oidge wi,; r -.l to t::e She: iu. a law r .-!.o:h the iuiru !er out, and in the i neral couf is on tn'sm-il, the lou.s" cscap.e-.l. Fancy the howl of ;1 '; ui that wo ihl have gone up fio:: la! -uoei ien' se ."" if t is had happen in ; c urt pres du d ov.-r by a woman i: as A d , ; i g tlur-s. j I:-- ..! o;r! ;f .' lohatua hold . -. !' e -,e.i :u:i i. w ; u'e enae pre ad i-; I .U . : .arid, ' d.g d.e o-.Vl:lU"l' . - j . ; i y to i sprd g gui.s to plot, ct i::--l livs-p s-ers, is i" : -si.-'a 31 ' . : :i our ci -. i n.s and i ' 'tut a: vh:l-a 'i enwiii r :t. ce-sarj aee to p'.e'.i-nt ;i lre.-pa--er i.-'-m ta.v g io; erty, the ru e is !ul-jt ct to the liahde;: ti; n that.heinu t in,t. exc; j t i e ticme cas.-s, eu.huigt r lift r iro'.ict great bodily h inn; aii'.l if, in iM'M to prevent a bare trespass, life i- ken with a deadly weapon, the killing s miudt r; while, if th v.crpon used is tot a deadly weapon, and is suited IVr alarm or chnstis. merit, and here was n intent to kiil, tho killing -v i 11 be manslaughter. Ti e military superstition that it is ing ions to change the color of a ors.e. din ing a campaign has been ilh-.s-..tedly ('eneral Sliohelelf. He does ot iike a gray horse, bin hupuencd to da one? iuthciiist battie, and so on .me to bih ive that he could never be died on a h ie of that color. A car-esponih-iit of a Seihili.t paper, who i ved iiu.l'-r Shelby eiiiring the Amcud an civil war, states that that officer ad a similar superstition, liis color vas so-. rel, and he firmly beleived that e never would 1 e kihed while maunt 1 eu a hor.-.e f that hue. Be w:s oi.n hid tliii-e tiai-'S, but nevi r while ding a reiivl Ii ko. lie had twenty at.- ho-.s -.s k lied uiuler him in the v.i ions inigag nn nts in whi-.ui he was not . u- ! -.J. and in every instance the tiiat went do v. n under him was a urah Once a ball struck the brim f .is lar.e felt hat. ami scratched hia . icla a.d, ami he fell heaviiy from the -! lie; but he was on his 'eet in an in tuit, shout lug to Ids men, "1 cannot e kiiled to day for I am on a sctrtl ors2." A S!agi'.!ar Accident. A singular and fatal acridfnt oc nrred to a lal oier ramed Cavenaih, t Iaii,gtoi, I;ass. A faitiil'ul farm o:se, named Billy, that had do-.e duty thoni the premises for upward of tven y years, having bcnuneold and woith !ess, t his m:;n an 1 another were given onh rs to kiil and bury it. The grave had been dug, the carcass drawn along side, and they wo.e in theact of rolling it in. when soiueliow one of the horde's :eet aught in the fn ck i f Cavcnti ugh iml rolled him in too. As he went lown his I. cad struc k on the side of the tren hand broke hi.? nick. lie ciiod n-- tantly, almost without a gasp. Just before Jie was caught, while they were roiiing in the carcass, he called to Ids fe-I low -workman, "Hire goes your last roll, edd BilU'" Lame and Lazy A FaMe. Two beggars, Lame and Lazy, were in want of bread. One leaned on Lis crutch; the other sat, rubbing his red eyes, and staring in the gutter. . Lame called on Charity, who was standing at her door, anil humbly asked for a crust. Instead of this he received a loaf. Lazy, seeing the gift of Charity, ex claimed, " What a-.k for a crust and re ceive a loaf I Well, 1 will ask the old lady for a loaf; perhaps I shall get a cake.' Lazy now applied to Charity and loud y called for a loaf of bread. "Your damandingv loaf said Dame Charity, "proves you are of that class and character who ask and receive not; so le off directly, and get some woi k to do." L:.y, who always found fault, and had rat'er whine than work, com plained of ill treatment, and even ac-eus'-d Charity of a bre ich of an exceed ing gre it and precious premise, "'.sl:, and you shall re eive." Charity point ml to a painting in her room, which it-presented thiee beauii ml figures, Fakh. Hope and Charily. harity appeared larger and fairer than her slaters. He noticed that her right and lull a pot of honey, which f-. da bee disabled lurvhtg Fat its wings. Her .eft hand was armed with a v. hip lo keep Oi'f the elio.'e s. "i .on t v.ndeista nd it."' said La.'.y yawn dig and stretching his arms. Charity replied, "It means that chad y feeds the lame and Hogs the lazy." Lazy gathered up his rags, and turned to go shambling on'. "Stop," said Charily; "instea.I Of c-iu '. v.i"i' give yen C'."-.- '. Honor, yo and ive on your p or mother, for i v. ill : C.f'. Jul! tO il I :. h "iiich aunt TaaTyhaueS. "Where shall 1 id: .1 her, 1'U like lo know.-"' "You will i'ae.d her in Proverbs, Ct!. . !i iptcr and etii verse.'' ihu tlmt : vh.-io. i i"i"y I -ue'.'i did not io d.; !.e sat down 1 y the e.u.L'.v ;ud rut beu his :'ye: an J iiiukib.. d. A SPccI-'ii farmer sus etu;-t .-hum a Lag liile-.l with iiagsatit iieibs, Leaping the churn ea.refullv closed. Win u chinning !. similai bags to the das a is. cues Tith s of ;ini ;'.i;y are ;e:u ha: ad frou the Spanish government .::: any oi,,-, mercmintab'e arta-h-.aiul alvay s ciiaat tor ( ;:sil. .'he title of marquis liile .'ii - h and c fits jthout i- ',C'. o. When opera bou.Te is presented ai Pet i:i urg, it has to be essentially oral vialcd andnltered. T!ie"("ramh Duela .-se'' was gieutly pruned. Lei ore l was l eriaitted to be performed. 2. A. 7Ai2.i:.IAIT a e-.i-. M)ii'.e'-:de an I l'et.i'1 I'vateis in pi:ii-: LU-.i r.vji. LATH. snixdid doo:;?, iiLIXF-t. h i C. ETC.. ETC. !.!.. Mi-'a-l. Ce.-:e.-r id Ei.'th. ; ' l a t t s m o u t j r , ... - xi:r- jtili ii6ot?i iva:; iOi iidi-i'X lAMIiS j . Li I 1 Rl i: t; M i::: :-. r '"' 3 -J r '1 birhr'n -v-i 5 1- i..! (. Jl 11- 1 bi -ii U.llvi.wj r...!c a!1v;o'."a.;.ly ..' I.s f.-ss-tv.-.i.t-:: T.:: a JI.-.m!!s: cabi:;i:t o::ua:;.. ,U,o. t " " So--, v t iaa- a-n ia a..i 1 a' C . -at t:.-.:-.- a S irav ei..i.;i .Neii. e ill aaa si r SA M PL ll I XSTBUM EXTS at cMife. S:!'a rn: (ioersomli f M; 'a St. ri..vri''dT:t. nei Te.ree'r .ami n ai iiriutr Fi-.Hns uri'l Orcir.s a Mieci.aiv. ir.e.i. r I lo- s -nUnl Iwii'n .f .Mi.'-. M. li;-e.iii,a taaei-eltl.iity-ll.rce.vviusea; -.alaeo. dhN v,::S,:,,;,;va;:-.,:;:-v, f- '" ej . . a leal 1 I'.-r in : .:, tei-.tler n at. wr:-: I .rt;-.--i-j a. - . rs " - r- r c -r f- r lr-d'- 'J:'y, :-; -'.'.-"'?- iE.i.:.q in t . ' ' i--1 - . t ' - a - ' - : a - - y.-i- -- -a v.--'- -'-a: . a- da' .'." r s ' r; ?i , d r ? vi v s.; vyviy fit 1 ; ' -i : has com e home, And he has hrouh the finest line o( Dress GomxJs, Staple Goods, Fancy Goods and N-otionsyou ever saw. T S i - ,n i ' 1-4 foil -filShi Y ' " tJ r- C ia LL - C7 k'& Up y tiuii5 cuCl-L. uiE2(!il Soring and Sumnie? Goods 2ioi isi'our rhanro bound io s-l! up. want to an East Til E 0T..1-) EELTAT3LE tr a -i si a i rv-Jt i i tvi , ft""-,:.-i e'OMIM tfl'S Aid.-liAIL BUFIM! 1NI "I ANCi: OF CAUS! O.N1I KOAI), ONE MAN AC.U.IIENT ! i'r:i;:i ii5 a. vT cr r to IttsI-UTEli, Ilaniuri. Ertir-mnrp V r p o ", Ir, -n UiliiLOiUj - L It d. Pld.hvhn p. "cut Vnr- via i;ev you i v. city. iu-uo.ta, all I'uiitts in Pcnnz'jicania and Jt r,ty. PuliiTian Palace Cars CN ALL EX?i!CS TRAILS! 21 A 0' A" I F 1 c j: n t C A 11 ti j.geiiTKi with Tin: f:r.!U-::ATE! WESTIKGHOUSE AIR BRAKES Jaaney's New Patent Safety Plalferm 2nd (u;p;ar. "tfirtrinf iinrl f-fn'Trnt: V.'!TH AMTLE 'fiV.o fOH h'.ZKLZ. LEAVE IIHCACO AS FOLLOWS c; A. -i. siua a.M. fast i:fi:!:as r.x-ci-.'rr ;;t'X!)AY. With tftej,j::d"r '(! il:ih. fin: Car i.eia-'aa's 1 ; r ! -loi i i.: ti . -J :.'" :n 1:1. : I i:1 n i-l",;r:'. a : a. in. i i';il!;iei''oae i . i i i;i. : .N-.-vv Vm I; 1 :i ."i p. i::. : llo.i !!. e : 1 " .1. ia. ; Ian ' U : 3.' .-. la. ; V;.:a.i;..,tin:. v ;...l J. ill., a; XI (inj. Z'. "I. AJUmlEC LH;). (S):i?!;') 1177 It af.ri,!:-i:oo):i and Hi.Ul Cnr. ;:e;:-1:-x FPi --biiivti. 12:11 p Hi. ; tI.-UTM.;;r;r. l-'.-Vi Hi. , I '::!:.!-';.' : 1. ;. :.. ui. : New V1.1K : -:. in. I 1 "li i 1 1 i 1 i ; i .1 N,.' el:oT i ' ,r M 1 !a - ' ' 1 ii, -v a a !i rein-.: .i.s ia i il liiitil 7 1. ia.. in-.-Ui-.-t i le.:: !e'eai:i ,.!---eii-;er 11 f .i;,.l.t'M' t. I'.M.Xight Ilxp.Fxcent Saturdy. I Car. ;i.-:- i'i'T -' ei . "1 T ra. : ! :-: :i. i-t. : J'.aU ioe" 7 .' a. en: v ;.N'.tic :; ; : ;. ei. ; f!:i: ! !.- .: a s ;.. .:. ia.. : " --o ' o :... a. ai. ; V .;!!!. : ia -.. 'i to-'.i u-'.i .11 a.! i. a-iSii:;" -ai - a n 1 :a .a a a- i r.ii'i. ii;i: .-.mvAYs .v row a n v or ura tavr. ; -"Tie-eji'i 'i !...; f Si.!.. :: . 1 ' s a ' - - ' :., x :: all I'rn.: i 0 : , 1 , ,.'AVM:& i il.N; :. .-..Ni.V !! !-. :. vv;:::s. aiv ijcu. Fa.-. Ti- kt A "U, fit i.Aoo. - -1 -1 A. G All irtipSi" 'i'iiuiiiictt i-iud 0 Ciiarge. . ALcO HEA.EEI! IX tioncry. Llfigasinoc AXD Latest Public;? Ucsis. Erecrii,"," fiirefiilly 'oiOi.-?u:tt. by an I-lA.uvi-b'r."!!l ?i,a-a"".'"'. ;i::::: t-ik rj..u v:. f,n J.'fl-'T'r ,!' If 1 V ,';7 r,T"7 1 - ...i- . j. - a ' n.A'n:s:.;ot"iif. m:;:. P i .j a. oi i :J . T t. ! vi'-ivij CT' i.'5 -i' i- C- "4il iilO. . S Z? vl' ii ii Ai eyer and ever so cheap j i and undersell anybody. Hun y ayain n-.xt uivnth. ' -1 fj'.i;tvSrVA .it ax uii:xrr 1 has once more " come lack" to FRANK GUTHMAM who is, on and after this date sole proprietor. NEW GOODS ELEGANT STYLES. Mr. "WcekLaeh having gone into the Luinbei business I prm.0,f. to run t! t old F.MPIP.i: awhile inystlf. .'l; are in utmost dai'y r.a-. :;a ef DRY AND FANCY GOODS, v likll we (iller our fi lends i.iat the inLlio at TI ji. Kt7 . i LS l.t l.liee.s to Suit ti.O l!:a, s. t ft frtiOf v-o (irrv:.':-i 'v-r 7 V W V v r4 '-.J r.v r- t-p. Casimierer;, Alpacas, IJclniiics. :;. Calicos, from 12 to 10 Yards for $1.03. Huclin:.. frcia G ci::. a yard uiv.aid. S 1' 3D S Jp JB2 a. "JZ'i: t The iliist sei' i; of White I'o.l'in-. U'l - ever 1 i'Oiui.t t.i ti." ilv. Euell's Cassimercs, Tv;cccb, Jeans, nn-l CcttoiitKlcs ia ffJi Slock. r 1 T I ;- pi'':- t-irnrrri ft-? S7i n f i PffT .-Ti: "r--! f. "- CF Al.b lll.VIio. Country Prcc-iic-3 taken in excl!anr;o for Coed 3. I desiie to see all my old pillions back and w; in' to I , i : n - ,.f ,. preenst ones as I can d'AXK .';!.;...'. -' ni:MEM7)nn the place, ?n: !;,-.:: w , ; M., :-'':d P LAZi. ;;;. :ji i:, :; i: -,::a 'JTID v xr IV t'J w u :-- H3 i) ri ft o - H-i O II " hi a UJ - ' o ' OK, b i-3 i r. m V 4 ' 1 s w O t h - nt O U a ZD 4 MANUFACTORY. Li2V. . L I 1 I - i find mora, by haying a rachli.vj tut will L.s7 ycu Ike lk:a, t h-. .... laiCit iiHiJixivcu-fcuti. VICTOR SUTOIG 2-IACHTXI3 CO., Liberal Terms to Asaata.1 VJJ iSD 'l Vdm Ave,, bead Circular. c'jr- Ad-,,a T-' -'-;r'-B", I"- 31EU0ES, Agent. THJi 1 'T'.'N f T w-.iil-i t J; ,j -i "Ti " ' '' r ( V t.uv iii-i -.ti w'C- i ;-v.. r.i?. n.. r ,-,... . -.a !- rT"' i - : t'' -' V t- t i . i a ; - V .- I: f'T- J i ."'? ' . ' 1 - ai . 0 i r