X ft i TJrtE HERA LI). LOCALADVKItTISEMENTS. Tiaiudent. 'JT, cents a line. Regular arlvertls ni, Kt ceim per Hue. No adverliseuieut luert i tor less than 25 cents. 1.4 KaJ notice at Statute nitc. . AUoriif ts und olileers -tt I lit- law will be n',a reiHiii'-ilifft for ull h-tral notices tliey hana lu, tid all parties demanding, a proof of I'u, J, " f anv notice will be held for tbe publica tion lee of .such nti:?e. COMMUNICATIONS. Asnnrspnee Is limited, communications ust be brief and to tbeiohit. with uj waste Ttieta'iHTts responsible for the correctness aocoiumi to coj yol paid mutter sind paid Le- fc'als, only. 1 nv person wli takes the paper regularly froni'tlic inr--oin-c. whether ilii-eeied to his name or witet her lie Is a subscriber or not is responsible for the pay. j. If any person unlets his paper discontin ued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publish er may continue to send it until payment is wade, aii'l collect the whole amount, "whether i.e pikier is taken (rotn the ofiW or not. lue courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals from the post uince, or removing and leaving them uncalled for. is prima facie evidence of imkstional m w ii. XI. R. TIME TAKLE WKSTWAKD. Kx press Mail. oopm 4.r.am .1'iHII) loam X.am l.'.pm lftpm Oopm X.'. re f'Mcsjrn- Meudola :aleimrK .. I'.m In itwll ittuiuwa Chariton CreMon lied aW I'lallsmouth to ) lain 10 1 sr.pur 1 4 r.r.pm ' 5 7 401.ui 8 lo.'iopm.ll 1 L.aui 2 4 a.iarn ft 7 main , 8 9 ttjuin ; An EASTWARD. Express . . i a .vpm ! B ..is uopui ' 8 . . 1 in :-.pni 11 ..12 Wain 2 .. 3 aiam ! 5 .. j 6 .jnaiii ; 8 . . ' 8 ,Vam 1 1 . . ! l i .'pin ; 3 ..i 3 3..piii i 7 Mail. 30;tin ttlllll 15am lfipin oftpin 4upin (5pru loam uOain I.ee. .e riaitmouth... tit i it ik Crei-ton charit'Mi Oiii.uiw; I'.in iii'.uton --lieMnin; Mendota Arrir. Chicago. - - B. & M. R. R.Time Table. Corrected Thursday, Januaiy 10, 18T8 run omaiia fkomI-i-attsmoctii. I cjm s 7 :() a. ni. 2 :Jo p. in. Arrives 8 :-S5 a. in. 2 :M p. in. FKOM OMAHA FO.1 FLaTTSMOFTH. Iav.-s 1 :W a. m. Arrives 11 :20 a. m. 6 : X) p. in. ' ! rOU THE NY EST. 1 .- I'i.ittsnioutli lo jMi a. in. Arrives Lin- mi, 1 j l i. ; Arrives Kearnc's, l: to p. in. freight leaves :K a. m. Ar. Lincoln 2 :4 p.m. FKOM THE WEST. Leaves Kcarnev. :40 a. m. leaves Lincoln, ! p. in. Arrives I'latismouth. 3 :10 p. m I ri'iuht leaves l.ii -cola 11 :25 a. m. Arrives I'LUUiuouth, 4 p. ni. C.OING EAST. :.pr( ss. C -.11 a. in." I'a.-i.er. (train each day.i 3 :. p. m.. except v.,tur.l:i. Every third Saturday a triia con-i.cci-. :i:'t:r- umi.'.I t'..i:e. . si Y "i: T ) St. l.ons y the new IK i, ,,e:,ed i: !M IN MOI'TII. l'LLI. ,t v i'AI.ACt: Sl.EICriNl I AKS run from I . - - i i i -ton t.i t. l.ouii without chanae. r.Y fiwiNc .i.ttsm)UT!I at .i:rso p. M v.m arrive la St. !.nl' IS t lie next evening at . e i-i t k.u i.u M. E- ..s at a. in., you ar- , .cVi i-i.UI-.inoutli :V) t next inori.iu. (..'' 'uTu-Urts fors;-.lc lor a'.l points North, 5.:v.::.: i:.t a:ul e,t.sAMrKL voEUj 1 NY I!I1 rliiloi K. 1 i.-Kct Afccnt. ;c.i. Y -:.-( i n P:'S. A -cut. J M. I.KLHTAt. A.-i.t. na!U. .oi;t!l. r; . i V V 1 . IH- PA KT f P. !C O F I'l.ATTS )W Ml M-'i U S- ; He part at - ." a. m. xr:ur at - j :' a. m. j .. . a :oo p. rn. OMAHA VIA K. .t M. y r. ivc at 10 :m a. m. ! i ".'.'i i at - 2 l V- ni. T, KSI!"l;" VIA H. X, M. A : . Ac at - 3 p. m. Iev.r! at - 6" :!0 a. m. W KOTS 'l TT.Vi Kit. A. live at li :. m. i I H ,.;.H at - 3 :00 p. in. it..i'K im.vi-ks& r.Mv : i ' Wiivcat IU:uiu. i De-.aitl - 1 p. in. .1. V. MAi:-!lAU.. I". M. LOCAL XLWS Mr. M ic Dun of tlu; Watchman :.; I ivn quite - ick. Coon Kii'S'k-, tin- Ilrewer is put .iiij down a i.fw ccilai o! - 'ci iiai!, cv':ir.s loliiwis ainl liq-i.-i.s. two stums on Main t. 1n C.eorge, five us your l'rtsy the i ;xt tiuie. Vou'il have a"gooJ tiian'' to . ote it then. -ltiMUfinher Dr. chil.lknci.hfs oftlce now in Cliaputau & .Snath's Drug .': tore. KYerj tliiin; new in tho line of Millinery at Solomon Xathan's .'..Hi. 2012 Keenan & rJrace, hillianl hall, on .Main Street, just eait of Tirst Nation- The Johnson boys are putting a .ew roof and other improvements on luu Masoric Hall buildins. Harry Ilowlar.d has a new triple rins and is going to make a very i..-.;.Jsome hussy cu ;l nc'vv Plan- Weclzhaoh's new efiico looks splen : i and he ar 1 Fre.l C.order can just :! house together as handy. The Woman's Christian Temper .;.;o L'nion will meet on Tlsursday af - ruoon Oct, Ud, at four o'clock, in the 1 . E. Church. New poods are just rollins in :: ."i.mon & Nathan's and they are sell ; them cheap. 20t2 A sranchild of James O'Neil, Esqr., ':: , iir on the Iowa sido of the river - .1 Sunday and was buried here on Z :-?:iJay. -All the boys got home from "Wcep r Water safo Saturday night. Tlie i-;...iJ3 Nvere good and the moon shone : ;j;lit, oh so brisht. Ties, silk handkerchiefs, combs' j vtlry and all kinds of fancy goods ;.ap at Solomon & Nathan's. 2Ct2 -Keenan it Grace, ales, wines and h-.;..ors, at lo ver store, east of Post O:,; -e, ami at billiard hail east of Bank i.i Main St., Plattsniouth, Nc'o. -Fred Gorder, Machinery man, has ::u;vcd into the new ollice on the cor ner of 3d Street, v ith Mr. Weckbach iud will hereafter be found there. Collections on the yellow fever r:'verers were taken up in the Fresby teiiian end Episcopal churches rtsult ir.T in $20 in the former and j10 in the 1. N .w Dress Goods at Salomon &Na : in's, Knickerbocker Waterproofs, ourettes, cashmeres and all the lat i yles, more coming. Call and see ;y cheap they are. 26t2 i'eter Bates has been building r. . :y window on the north sids of Mikj Schnellbacker's shop. Acd Mike n re'.v Ii.T-Ttorr.; r 'jtlt. vfj tvM The Fair opened Tuesday with a fair amount of entries, fair weather, and fair prospects, It is fair to pre sume that fair week, will be a fair time all around. A delegate from this town says part of the delecation from town had some sense before the Convention and the rest learned sense afterwards that's all the difference. A runaway team on Tuesday, scat tered things on Main St, upset two cows, knocked tho horn off of one, and left the lumber they started with at the corner saloon to get a drink. Latest Styles of Millinery at Solo mon & Nathan's, Gilt and Silver braid and cords, gilt woven silks, and all the latest shapes of hats. Call and se them. 26t2 We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of some very Gne game, duck, &c, from Dr. Livingston, Sam. Chap man, Geo. Smith and others who went hunting over in Iowa last week. Next Sunday is the day appoint ed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Nebraska to celebrate the annual Har vest Home Festival ; St. Luke's church will be decorated with fruits and flowers, and special services held. A newspaper exhibiting senti ments of so low a standard as the Ne braska Watchman, deserves the cen sure of all women possessing even the least degree of modesty, and refine ment. Mrs. Delia Norvell. Sam. Chapman says he has a knife (about a yard long,) that he borrowed of some man in Convention at Ween ing Water and forgot to return. It is a regular scalping knife, the owner can hare the same by proving proper ty and sending Sam the history of the knife. E. O'Neil, carpenter and joiner, is one of those you must know to appre ciate. Elisha is one of the boys, and a good workman to boot; when he un dertakes a job it is done. Now O'Neil h.'us undertaken to help build more houses this summer than any other man and he has come mighty neat fill ing the bill. O. M. Streight took the premiums at the Neb. City Fair, viz.. Gist money in 3 minutes race in three straight heats. Second money in 2:"i0 race and first money again in 2:40 race, shut ting " Yankee-boy" out and winning that in 3 straight or Streight heats. Lack of space this week prevents us from giving details. Rockwell, at Louisville, is build ing an extensive addition to his stoie and expects to put in a new and hand some stock of goods, as soon as the room is finished. It is going to be the largest store-room in Louisville. Rockwell feels sanguine of a good trade this fall as soon as he is ready for it. His improvements will be quite an addition to the town. We are requested bv the Commit tee on fever relief fund to add to the liitnu's of tie donors. Wm. Gilmore, 2o cents and R. Morgan, 1, accident ally left out, while W. Blunt, 50 cents, should have been ouitted; Lafe O'Ncii should have been C2.0D and his brother 2j cents. This is published simply to correspond and show how the money was raised and what the committee had to dispose of. Tlie La.lies of St. Luke's Guild met on Tuesday last, and appointed committees to canvass the town to ob tain bedding and undergarments for Southern Yellow fever sufferers. Any not reached by the ladies soliciting, and who are desirous of doing their share will please send sheets, pillow cases, blankets and any articles of un derclothing useful in the sick-room, to the residence of Dr. R. R. Livingston. Half worn garments and bedding are quite as acceptable, as all articles used by patients have to be burned, after using. The following resolutions were adopted by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union at their meeting Sept., 12th, ISTe. Whicrkas: Our brother in the Temperance work. Dr. G. B. Chapman has been severely and maliciously as saulted and injured therefore. Resulted: That we consider the midnight attack upon Dr. Chap man an outrage that demands severe punishment of the offendor at the hands of the law. Rrsolted: Huit for this affliction, the brother and his family have the hearty sympathy of the members of the W. C. T. U. Rtsolced: That a copy of these res olutions be furnished each of the city papers for publication. Back r.gaiu and busy as ever is Dr. Richey the Chicago Dentist who will remain until the 19th ; " a word to the tcise is suffi cient." 2512 Notice is hereby given that the .September Term A. D. 1S73 of the District Court in and for Cass County, Nebraska, is adjourned to the 11th day of Novem ber. A. D. 1878 at 4 o'clock P. M. By order of S. S. POUND. Attest; Wm. L. Wells. Judge. Clerk. Teacher's Examination at StOTe Creek. I will be at the Stove Creek school house on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 27th and 28th for the purpose of ex amining all who may apply for teach er's certificates. D. D. Maktixdale, County Superintendent. Fine work Appreciated in Plattsmouth ; you would think so from the number of our Uest citizens who visit Dr. Richev, the Chicago Dentist who remains at the Saunders IIoue until the !Pth. 2t2 t i Personal. Mrs. Hayes made a flying visit to Plattsmouth on Saturday last Mrs. John Chapman i3 visiting in P. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chap man. Miss Mary Ruby left ou Monday last to take a position iu the schools at Denver. M. II. Hathaway of this office left for Seward Tuesday to take a few weeks vacation. II. C. Brome, a young gentleman studying Law iu Hon. Sam. Chapman's office, proposes to cast his lot in among us for the future. R. O. Fellows comes back to the Herald printing shop and Nvill take charge of one end of the machine dur ing Mr. Hathaway's absence. Gen. E. E. Cunningham and wife came down to Plattsmouth on Tues day last and Nvere warmly greeted by their many friends here. The General ljoks hale and hearty after his sojourn in the Black Hills. Mr. J. W. Moore, brother of our J. B. Moore, of Rock Bluffs, is visiting his friends and relative.1), here, during Fair week. Mr. W. lives in Des Moines, I jwa, and says he must get home in time to hear Blaine speak at Burling ton, Oct. 2d. Mrs. H. E. Palmer and son returned to Plattsmouth last Saturday from an extended trip in Colorado, where they enjoyed a sight of cooling snows while we poor mortals sweltered with the heat. They, in company with Mrs. Hayes, were detained between Omaha and Fremont some ten or twelve hours by the collision of two trains on the U. P. It. R. Miss Anna Gyger bid adieu to our city on Monday last, and is ere this well on her way toward California, where she has long been contemplating a visit. She will be sadly missed, as was testified to by the goodly number of friends gathered at the depot for a last farewell, and a last heart-fe.t shake of the hand. The countenance of each expressed grief similar to that shown by her parents and hrr brothers and sisters, who were quite overcame at the thought of losing her. and were only reconciled, probably, with the thoughts that her happiness and en joyment would bo complete when she ha3 at last reached her destination. Those left behind can only wish her a pleasant journry, a happy visit, and safe return, as scoa as she has tired of the far, far west. Lost in the city or between the "ity and Noah R, Hobbs below Rock Bluffs, a morocco pocket book containing about 8250 in currency and valuable papers The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at the office of G. S. Smith. Lost Sept. 18th. The Fair. The attendance was not as large yes terday, as of course is expected to-day and to-morrow. Our space being lim ited this week, we will give synopsis of proceedings in our next issue. Notary Public. J. 0 Newberry, Notary Public, and Real Estate Agent, Weeping Wa ter, Cass Co. Neb. Letters answered promptly and all business attended to at once. 26U VICTORIOUS AGAIN. Latest Honor Paris Exhibition of 1S78 i wo Highest (Jold Aledals Awarded to .Mason A; liamlin Organ Company. The Mason & Hamlin Organ Com pany have the honor to announce that they have been awarded the first prize gold medal at tho Paris Exhibition of 1873, for the superior excellence of their Cabinet and Parlor Organs. Thirty leading manufacturers of reed organs from all nations were among the competitors, and the various juries who have made and ratified the award were composed of the most eminent professionals and experts of their re spective countries. gin addition to the above the DIason & Hamlin Organ Company re ceived the distinguished honor of the award of a separate Gold Medal to the superintendent of their factory, Mr. W. O. Trowbridge, in testimony of the excellence of their work in its detail and of the completeness of their sys tem and thoroughness of factory ap pointment. This is in accordance with the uni form experience of the Mason & Ham lin Company who have been awarded First Medals or other highest honors at all World's Expositions for eleven years, viz: at Paris. 1867; and Vienna, 1873; Santiago, 1875; Philadelphia. 1875; and Paris 1878. Messrs Mason & Hamlin will be hap py to send descriptive circular to any applicants. Address, Mason & Hamlin Organ Co., 154 Tremont St.. Boston ; 25 Union Sq., New York 250 and 252 Wabasu Ave., Chicago. 26tf University of Nebraska. Instruction given in all the branches of a liberal education. Open to both ladies and iientlemen. Candidates for admission to the Pr-parutory Department must pass a fair examination in Orthography, Reading, Arithmetic. Geography, Eng lish Grammar, and tlie History of the United States. Instruction is given in i her Arithmetic, English Analysis, and Physical Geography, cash for a single term. TUITION FRKE TO ALL. Fall Term begins Tuesday, Sep tember 10, 1878, and ends Friday, De cember 20. Winter Term begins Thursday;, January 2. 187'J, and ends March 21. SriUNG Term besrins Anril 1 ani closes on the Second Wednesday of June, the day of the annual commence ment. Catalogue, containing full informa tion, can be had upon application to E. B. Fairfield, Chancellor. Lincoln, July G, 1877. 17m9. Good second-hand organs and melo deons for sale or rent low. Leave ad- cor ot tith SPECIAL NOTICES. Stoves put up and blacked. Pipe cleaned and all fixed up in apple-pie order by Chas. BroNvn. Leave orders at Bob. Sherwood's store. 25-tf Go to Schlegel Bros, and get the int tag Lorillard smoking Tobacco. To Let, Two or three rooms to let near the ra'lroad. Inquire at this office. 25t2 ETEIiY FA3MLY IN THE WEST. Says Brown's If Iaclinerry and Ginger is a safe, pleasant and reliable remedy for DiarrJuea, Dysentery, Chol era Morbus, and Summer Complaint. Procure a bottle of this Celebrated Family safeguard at once. Delays are Dangerous. Price, fifty cents per bot tle. Ilrown'K Vegetable Liver IiIIs are the standard remedy for tlie Liver and Bilious diseases of this cli mate. A trial establishes them in tcei-y Western Family. Hrowu'S Arnica Salve has no equal for removing inflammation and for healing old sores and ulcers. All of Jiroicn's Popular Family Medi cines For sale by Dr. W. E. Donelan, Chapman & Smith, J. II. Buttery and O. F. Johnson. 15tf Plattsmouth, Neb. Horses for Sale. Jones & Stroud have 18 or 20 head of good work and carriage horses for sale. 10tf. The Atlanta Ga., Constitution, Recently published a long account of tlie destructiveness of tlie "Sherman Rat" which is ? to 4 times as large as the Northern Hat. On the 17th of Sep:ember, 1877. the Manager of this celebrated paper having tried Centen nial Rat Exterminator says: Gentle men your "Pizen Stuff" knocks "Sher man Rats," still and cold. Osage, Iowa, Dec. 20, 1877. Star Manufacturing Company, Fort Madison, Iowa; Gentlemen: The Cen tennial rat poison, received last Mon day. Wc have given three doses. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, and we verily believe there is not a rat or mouse left. The saw mill, feed, custom and merchant's mills were full of them, as were also our houses, cooper shops, barns and hog pens. Sirce giving them the poison they have been running round as "crazy as loons" and the river bank is line with dead rats, in fact it has created a terrible commotion among them and they have all left, thanks to the "Centennial Rat Exterminator." each box of which is worth a twenty dollar bill. We will see our druggists ami have them send for it. Thanks, thanks. Verv respect fully. E. M. Britts, & Co. This great economizer for property holders, farmers, tt al., is for sale by druggists and general dealers every where. Price 25 cents, large cans J?1,00 20 tf. Slippers 35c a pair at Merges'. 8tf CHEAP BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Serge Shoes (30cts. " Slippers .... 50 cts. " " Leather Shoes 75 cts. Shoes and Boots are down to rock trices. Mens Buckle Alexis 8 1 Prince Alberts 1 " Whole stock Brogans 1 These goo is and others including a large stock of an lands of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, must be sold. No trust. Ctf Peter Merges. Smoke the B. & M. in Nebraska ci gars at Schlegel Bros. Prints twenty Rockwell's. yards for 8100 at 15tf Five pound of best rio coffee for 81 at RockNvell's lott Send your orders for cigars to A. Schlegel d- Bro. they guarantee satis faction in price and quality. 14tf Pension Papers. . Those Nvantinsr pension papers ac knowledged will please remember that J. R. Toman, Notary Public, Louisville, has a certificate of the county Clerk filed with the U. S. pension Agent and can attend to all such business. 52tf Go to Jones & Stroud for a good team just now. lOtf. Settlement Notice. I shall be found at Fred Stadel mann's Bakery for some time to come for tlie purpose of settling all my bus iness, collecting my debts and accounts and paying my own. I want my busi ness affairs wound up as speedily as possible and would thank my friends and lato patrons to come around and help me to square up by settling all our accounts. Very Respectfully. 20tf Wm. Stadelmann. Money to Loan. We will negotiate loans, iu Cass County on improved farm3, on five years time of TEN TER CENT SEMI ANNUAL INTEREST AND 1 AND J2 TER CENT COMMISSION EACH YEAR. Funds obtained promptly, call on or address Moore & Ocobock, south side Gov't Square, Lincoln, Neb. 20m3. Caution to Smokers. From and after the 1st dav of May, 1878 .all boxes containing cigars of mv manufacture will have my name bold ly printed on the inside of the lid. This is to prevent counterfeiting my brand of cigars, with an inferior quality of cigars, resorted to by some unprinci pled manufacturers. None are genu ine unless plainly labeled: JULIUS PEPPERBURG, Manufacturer, Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska. White fish at 80 cents a kit at RorV- nv ell's. lotf Go to Rockwell's for all kinds -- - -r t v a j goods and groceries at bed rock prices. i f0ft (U1 w?rthf Fah.i Vwv A Gentle n Int. In our style of climate, with its sud den changes of temterature, rain, wind and sunshine often intermingled in a single day, it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglect ed colds, half the deaths resulting di rectly from this cause. A bottle of Boschee's German Syrup kept about your home for immediate use will pre vent serious sickness, a large doctor's bill, and perhaps death, by the use of three or four doses. For curing Con sumption, Hemorrhages, Pueuinonia Svere Coughs, Croup or any other di, sease of the Throat or Lungs, its suc cess is simply wonderful, as your drug gist will tell you. German Syrup is now sold in every town and village on this continent. Sample bottles for tri al, 10c; regularsize, 75c. 38tf-alt Liver is Kin: The Liver i3 the imperial organ of the whole human system, as it controls the life health and happiness of man. When it is disturbed in its proper ac tion, all kinds of ailments are the nat ural result. The digestion ot food, the movements of the heart and blood, the action of the luain ami nervous system, are all immediately connected with the workings of the Liver. It has been successfully proved that Greene's Au gust Flower is unequalled in curing all persons afflicted with Dyspepsia or Liv er Complaint, and all the numerous symptoms that result from an unhealthy thy condition of the Liver and Stom ach. Sample bottles to try 10 cents. Positively sold in all towns on the Western Continent. Three doses will prove that it is just what you want. 51y-alt.2w RAID on RATS. Use Centennial Rat Exterminator. 20tf Go to Rockwell's at Louisville to buy your millinery goods, they have just receivetl a large and well selected stock of ladies hats and trimmings of the latest stvle. 15tf Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, har had placed in li is hamls by an Kant India nussonarv the formula of a simple vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure for coiiHuiiiption, bronchitiH, catarrh, asthma, and all tliro.it and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure fox nervous debility and all nervous complaints, sftcr having tested it wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, lias felt it his duty to make it known for h: sufferiuu fellows. Actuated by this motive, anil a deeire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charpe. to all who desire it. this recipe, with full directions for preparing and tisiu". in (ieriuan, French, or English. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this pa per, W. W. Sherar, l-t'j Powers' liiock. Roches ter. New York. 26U LEGAL NOTICES. Sale of Common School Land. Notice i5 hereby given, that on Tuesday, the iid day of October. 1878, all the School Land in C'as county remaining unsold, (except that which has been leased.) will be offered at public sale to the highest bidder, at the office of the county Treusurer. of said county, said sale conuuencing at 10 o'clock a. in. and continuing until all of said land has been offered. Full de scription and appraised value ot said laud will be found at the county Treasurer's ofliec. Dated at Lincoln. Nebraska, this lUth day of September, A. I. By order of the Board ol Educational Lands and Funds. F.M.DAVIS, Com'r Fublic Lands and Buildings, J. M. Pattfkson, County Treasurer Agent. -0ot Master's Sale. ' District of Nebraska : In the Circuit C'ouri of the United States, for the District of Nebraska Jkkkmiau NVatekmax) v. vlu Chancer William r. Bauijovk ft al. ) FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE. Public notice is hereby given that in pursu ance of a decree entered In the abovo cause, ou the 17tU day of May. Ikts. I NVaton 15. Smiih, Master In Chancery of said Court will, on Mon day, the Uth day o"f October 1ST8. at the hour of 5 o'clok in the afternoon of the said day at the front doorof the District Court House iu tho City of Seward, Seward county Nebraska, sell at public auction, the following described prop erty to-wit: The east half of the northeast quarter of section twelve Hi) in township num ber twelve (li) in rauge four, east of the Ctli P. M., being eighty acrea of land in Seward coun ty Nebrlska. NVatsojt li. Smith. Omaha. - ept. 10. 1S7S. Marer hi Chancery. H.tittrooD & AMIS. 2St4 Master's Sale. District of Nebraska, ss : In the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Nebras ka. Jeremiah Waterman ) vs. V Iu Chancery. John Massovust ) FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE, Public notice is hereby given that in pursu ance of a decree entered in the above cause. on the lTlli day of May 1878. I Watson H. Smith, Master in Chancery of said Court, will on Tuesday the 15tli day of October, 1878 at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. at the front door of the District Court House In the Cily of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska fell at Public Auction, t tic following described property to-wit : The north half of the north east quarter of Section number twentj'-six lu Towusiiip number seven in Uange number seven, cast ol the ixth Principal Me ridian, according to the Government Survey, of tue State of Nebreska, in Lancaster couuty, Nebraska. NVatsn b. Smith, O.uaha, Sept. 10th, 1878. Master in Chancery, HakwooD & Ames, Solicitors for Pill'. 20U Notice of Assignee of his ap pointment in Bankruptcy. . District of Xehratka st: At Lincoln the day of September. A. D., 1S7S. The undersigned hereby gives notice of iiis appointment as assignee of J utiles II. Mc Murtry ot Lincoln in the County of Lancaster, and Slate of Nebraska. w ithiu aid District, who has becu adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by J. L. NVei-.stek, Register in Bank ruptcy for said District, J. M. Knox, i3t3 Assignee. In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United State, for the District of XebrarJta. In the matter of C'hurico Steele Uaitkrupl. lAxtrict of A cbra.ha, ss; A Warrant in Bankruptcy has been issued by said Court against the Estate of Charles Steele of Falls City id tlie County of Richardson and State of Nebraska in said District, adjudged a Bankrupt upon iietition of His creditors and tho payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him, or to his use and tlie transfer of any prop erty by bi;u are forbidden by law A uteeiinz of the Creditors if the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choooe one or more Assign ees of hi Estate, will be held at a Court of lianKruptcy to be hoIUen at Omaha, in said District ou tlie 30th dav of September. Is78. at 2 o'clock P. M.. at the onice of J. L NV'kbstkr. Esq., the Itegietei in Bankruptcy of said Court. William Daily. 25U U. S. Marshal for said District. In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United State, for the District of A'ebrosfca. In the mazier of Au gust Aleyer liankruvt. AiMntT or euraKa.ss: This is to give notice, that on the "1st dav of August, A. D.. 1878 a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the United States for the District of Nebraska against the Kttate of August Meyer of Lincoln in tlie County of Lancaster in said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own peti tion : That the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to said Bauk rupt, to him, or to his use, and the transfer of any property bv him are forbidden bv law. That a meeting ot the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Baukruntcv to be holden at Omaha, in said District on the 23d day of Sep- minuer, is.s. al o o ciocx, 1-. at AO. 244 Douglas Street, the office of J. L Wfhstfr. Esq., the Register in Bankruptcy of said Court. WILLIAM DAI LI. 35t2 U. S. Marshal for said DUtrict. In Bankruptcy. the District of A'ebraxkit.. In the matter of ili randit AT. Strrle liiinhruit. ut.-iru-ior i r orrMta, ss: A w .. n ; . . i. .... l. ....... .... i . i . i , n. ..aiidiit iu nan i i ii uvi nrt'u issueii by said Court against the estate of Miranda M. til.lu .1, W..1I.. .,,. it! tw. '....n... A. DI.. 1 ..vti i aiw mi iu tic viaill J 111 1. 1 1 lliir'l - son and State of Nebraska in said District ad- i:ion ox ner cteai- t'i !,?: ..T',1 Lvcry of ;:r. v V i .: ,rr; v t.--i.:;;:jia to s ,i l ie-Bar.k- r:::, to h-r" c r t any : rc:.cr:v bv tui 'Uvz "f t!.e i': ;'Cf.-vs rh-;r :r.e r cf :'.?r art ::J,:cii I v of Bankruptcy to be holden at Omaha, In said District n the 30th day of September. 1878. at o'clock P. m.. at the office of J. L. NVkbstkr, Esq., the Register in Bankruptcy of said Court. William Daily. 25t2 U. S. Marshal for said District. In Bankruptcy; In the District Court of the Unitci States, for the District of Xebraka. In the matter of Stc phen Urock tiankruiiL District of Nebraska, at: This is to give notice, that on the 3fst day or August A. D. 1878. a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the L'ui ted States for the District of Nebraska against the Estate of Stephen Brock of Lincoln in tlie Couuty of Lancaster, in said DUtrict, w ho has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon bio' own peti tion : That the payment of debts, and the de livery of anv projierty belonging to said bank rupt, to him. or to his use. and the transfer of any property by him Is forbiddu by law. That a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy to be holden at Omaha, in said District on the 2".tli dav of September. 1878, at 9 o'clock A. M.,at No. 24 Douglas street, al tne office of J. L, Webster, Esq.. the Register in Bankruptcy of said Court. William Daily, V. 8, Marshall for said District. In Bankruptcy. In therHMrict Court of the United State, for the IHttrict of Xebraska. In the matter of Ana himcreon Btinkruit. IHstrict of Xt-braska, .. This is to give notice, that on the 31st day of August. A. D.. 187S a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the I til ted States for the District of Nebraska against the Estate of Asa Emerson ft the county of Johnson in said District who has been adjudg ed a Bankrupt upon his own petition : That the payment of anv debts, and the delivery of any provcrty belonging to said Bankrupt, to him, or to his use. and the transfer of any property by him is forbidden bv law. That a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bank ruptcy to be holden at Omaha, in said district on the 27th day of September. 1878, at 4 o clock P. M., at No. 244 Douglas street, at theoftice of J, L. WmwTKii. Esq., the Register in Bankrupt cy of said Court. William Daily. 2it2 U. S. Marshal for said District. In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United Statft. for the lUstrict of Xehranka. In the matter of J ohn athan HUiginn liankrwpt. District of Xebraska, ss. This is to give notice, that on the Slst day o. August A.D.. 187S. a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court otjhe United States for the District of Nebraska, against the Estate of Johnathau Hig eins of Howard in the county of Nemaha 10 said District who has been adjudged a Bank rupt upon hisown petition : That the payment of any debts and the delivery of any property, belonging to said Bankrupt, to htm. or to lus use. and tlie transfer of any property by rum are forbidden by law. That a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankrupt cy to be holden at Omaha, in said District on the 24th dav of September. 1878. at 2 o'clock p. m . at No. 244 Douglas Street, the office of J. L. NV fbstkh, Esq., the Register in Bankruptcy of said Court. William Daily 2M2 tT. S. Marshal for said District. In Bankruptcy. In the District Cmirt of the United States, for the IHitrirt of Xetraka. In th matUr of Sam uel Ij. Arulerson llankrupt. District of Xebraska, ss. This is to give notice, that on the 31st day of August. A. I).. 1878, a Warrant in Baukmptcy was issued out of the District Court of the United States for tlie District of Nebraska asrainst the Estate of Samuel L. Andews of t'Vete in the countv of Saline In said District who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition : That the payment of any debts, and t lie delivery of any property belonging to said Rstukmnt.. to 111 111. or to his use. and the trans fer of any property bv him are forbidden by law. That a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy to be holden at Omaha, in said District in the 24th day of September, 1878. at 9 o'clock A. M., at No. 214 Douglas Street, the office of J. L. Wkrstkk Esq.. the Register In Bankruptcy of said Court. William Daily. 25t2 C. S. Marshal of said District. Sheriff Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by Wil liam H. Hoover. Clerk of the District Court within and tor Nemaha County, Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will on the "tli day of October A. D. 178, at 10 o'clock, a. in., of said day, at tlie south door of the Court House in Platts niouth, in said County, sell at public auction tlie following Keul Estate to- wit : The south haif (s. ) of the south west quarter (s. w. U) of Sec tion number twenty-eight (2S) in Township number ten (10) north of range number nine (0) east containing eighty acres the same being levied upon and taken as tlie property of Josh ua P. Burdick and Debora Burdick, defendants ; to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by George NV. Keed & Company Plaintiffs. Plattsmouth, Neb., August 2-.)th, A. D. 1P78. R. NV II vers. Sheriff. 23t3 Cass Co. Nebraska. L L rt. T DICK STREIGHT'S LI V FRY, FEED AND SALE STA BLES. Corner 6th and Pearl Sts. HORSAS BOARDED BY THE DAY, WEEK, OR MOTU. HORSES BOUGHT. SOLD OIR. TBADBD. For a Fair Commission. TEAMS AT 4LL HOIKS. Particular attention paid to Driving and Training TROTTLVC STOCK. Also A hearse furnished when c a FRESH FRUITS -AND- VEGETABLES, ETEUY MORXIXCr -AT- MONTGOMERY & SON'S, One Door East of Dovey & Son's. MAIN STREET., - - rLATTSMOUTH, NEB. We Pay Cash for Produce! F. S. ECK0LS. Dealer in JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS. NOTIONS, CANDIES, CIGARS, TOBACCOS. At Louisville Neb., call and exam ine the stock. 171y KEEN AN & GRACE. Retail Lipor Dote CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. PLATTSMOUTH - - NEB. Also Billiard Hall and Saloon on Main street, four doors from Sixth at Neville's old place. Store and saloon on Main St. two doors east of the I'ost office. BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS, ALES, WINES, dC, AT BOTH PLACES. ItemeKjSjes ' .ae and 2Ia?-. ELI PLUMMER, Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Store opposite Saunders House. Main St, IMaltsmoutb, Acbr. 201y. CMgeeq Bnrlinstou & Qnincy R. R. IS THE- DIRECT ROUTE BETNVEEN THE East andWest, RunniDg Through Cars CHtC&OO-- Coukcil Bluffs, CONNECTING WITH THE Union Pacific Railroad FOR ALL TOIN'TS IX XEBRASKA . COLORADO. H 1UJU.1U, UTA II, MOXTAXA. X EVA DA, ARIZOXA, IDAHO, AND THROUGH C A K S TO KANSAS CUT, TOPEKA,ATCHISON k St. JosepH Through Cars to20UST0Naud 4111 Poi,,tsou MIMSOl'RI, KASHAS dL. TEXAS. AND Houston & Texas Central Kailltoads. IT IS THE EIBECT laOTJ TIE FROM THE Yf&st tQ the East AND THE EAST TO THE WEST. All Inf irmation about rates of fare will be ch'jciiuliy given by aninyniR to I). YV. HITCHCOCK, Ocu, NVcs. Pass. A't., 42iy Chicago. &TiVl : : C? H U O V V V V -- - - C x- 5 - . "2 5 2 :e. O to - H H H 4. nr. 3 bJ3 a '.' L rt 83 Mi C o n o en 5 3 L p CQ c3 ; 1 xJs fc 5 Itr m 0 1 o, 5 3 l mm r I J: ar. J - is f- . i. : o w i - tiXiiX w mi 1 r N CQ 'mi J r. mt 3 ? i. 5p r. -r. 5 2? a, ii i S S J K K i 5 5 2 - K fs; r' U.1T EHaiEiews HARDWARE STORE, In Plattsmouth, Neb., on Fourth St., about the MIDDLE OF TnE BLOCK, you will find : Corn Planters, (Iiand &. horse) Silrrlngr IMonvs, Sulky I'lowR, Cultivators, and all kinds of Farm Implements and Shelf Hardware, Tin Ware, &c, &c. ALSO, Hungarian and Millet. Seed for Sale S3 COLD PLATED WATCHES. Ch-it lu Uie kbovn .or.il. S.Mria W tcw I'k.k to A.um. lUilL, A. COb'LTtK A CO. Cuiw, lu. 23t4 A PHYSIOLOGICAL Viexy of Marriage ? A Quid to Wed:uclc and '-unfttiiitial TrttiH on in duties of marriag and tba cauaetthat utiflf ttiriC: tt se cret of Rprodiict1on and In. Uieen.ee of Women. I A book for private, consid erate readiBjc- 2U) pafte, prica A ffilWAI EMtDICAL ADVISER! . On all dianrdtr. ol tTriraw Natar truing from 81. i n . Abuae. Exeessea, or Secret rjiaoaae. WU& tha beat neaiie of cure, ;srenje. price AO cts. A CLINICAL LECTURE on the a bo re disease and fboeeof UieThroaAand Lungs, Catarrll.Buptiiro. Ui Opium Habit. ac. price iOci. Luh.r book sent posipaidon receipt ot price: or all thro, onfaininir VJf beautifully u;ustra:n. lor 76 eta. JUldi &. BOUTS, 12 N. Ui a. BL. Lou:, Xo. 23t2 Dr.A.G.OLIN'Sl ate Ho.pt ud. List v aMi.g-r-1. t at. xtrn.. Is f" tu. cur. f ft I DiHMaM of m PrlTatte uiort, fnultinr trmn early tfcb r:m1io UMvfHrnorN, lianatlrrd lbt Manhood or lnpelenfi, Nrrtoii iN-bllltj, rrrrnar ttenlly cured ; 4iaeM of tt BladSer ik. Idary 1,1 rr, I.anr, Anhrti. f'varh, tfl. all b.i.ic Oianam. and IUH F f".fc!4 iOT fKJJALFA jli to bu trtruuMOU Ir. Om bit bad ft titVIooc xixrUeoc mud cvrm mltmn t-itm fail. H k m frwlumtai of Itm ItrTurtnod S hol nMs mef urr. i.M tit lanral nrmi-tir la xitm V. S. LA IHEtt recnirinc ttvmiawnt with pHmtc borne an.l board, or mnim. Every coDmrtio U patieou. SeoaJ fifty rwnto for MiTtpl of Rubber xm1 .n4 rir rjlar of fmportaiit lnformtifn by txpnmn. AIC OX,lA't rmahf fllU. $5 per Box. ConuItation frea. MAEEIAGE GUIDE f;. youiafr mad miti-ii metd of both Ses o all dMatn of a privrat Blure. Valoablo aivire tn the inamcd mod thorn rooteinptatittg niamava. How be healthy and truly h. prij in th ruarriajd reiar ik-q. Evmrftody tiiouiU gai Ukd bocal Iru 50 atuk to may mdr tkae leajaq. A YEAR. Aarents wantesl. Lugl- lczltlmate. Partlealarsfreo. Asilraaa J. WORTH CO . St Lonia. Ha. tr 1 J SZS -"' "',ivt:-...t. f X - . iJ' V t::::t?3 ;.t lit. ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PIANOS Retail price flooo only 17!. Parlor Or;;xni. prle Ji(i only St:ir. Pnuer free. D:in- "iel Ceiitty Wiwhiiigton.Ji. J $6 A lA V A rent's, I'roflt rmvaiiti fitr Xassau ll)),t. (umiitle free. Fretl Jones, NiiKsau, N. V. SANFORDS JAMAICA GINGER The (inly eoniliinntinn f th I rue .lanuilea Ulniter wit h cbl'-e Animal ! ami French Kraudy Ifur t'holers. C'linlera Morbus, fruiiipH hiuI l'lilna. Diarrhoea lnii.1 Dysentery, DvHpejila. Fla ttileiirv. Want of Tune and A itlvlty in Hie Stoinnoh anil How ieN, uU itvolilini: the ilnucursuf it 'bailee of Water, Food aud Climate. Ak fur i8ASKniH J amaica Oistasa. SPECIAL OFFERS FOR NEWSPAPER ADVERTIS'G We publish a book of li Paire RN'o. (no advfr tUlnu) a;lvliijr leril offer! for tilvfr tlin nil orr I lie cnunlry. Prle lower than ever offered before. The last edition sent post-paid on the reeeipt of V cents by DAl't.'H V A CO.. VruiterV NVarehou.w and Advo'tlsinK Agency, 119 Fulton fit., N. N. SWEET HAYY Tctecco! AwjrJril 'u "t f"M at C'eiiU-i.iiial r.ipyins cAr..;..c;il ami ts.r leni nn.l i.u.v.y tT aff f rirttuniMt on.1 dir.i. Tlie be.t tnbaata ,r m U. A. ir blue .mp n.le-maih lecloeelf luiltate'l nul l""- lt. see thai .i-fn-s hmt U one.erTl.lm. Sol.l ! al I -al.Ts. ren'l ..r saanp.e. .I'jutuiaU., Uli,, leleiataij. Vs. tree, w v . ! 111003! I'arHona' lursntlT ViWn make New KU-li lilood. will eouipU-teiy -h;uu: thtr Mood in the en! Ire svtcm in three inoi.t lis. Any liri.011 who w.ll take 1 pill eaeh nlRlit froni 1 to li et-k may be rertolfil to sound henlth. if such tlmu; be possible. S.mt by niiill for 8 letter stamps. I. H. JU11.VMOX at. CO., Daiior, Me. Marshall & Son's. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. WEEPING WATER - - -NEB A new and full stock of EASTERN WOR1C NOW IN, call and examine. We make and sell boots and shoes at the lowest casli rates. After a number of year experience in the Boot .Hid Shoe Busines we think vre know what the people need. Give us a fair trial any way. 231 f Marshall & Son. 33. .A. NOEL. DL.VLKU IX DllY GOODS. GHOCEIHKS. Ll FtfN'SNVAKK. CUTLERY. TIN" WAKE, P.DOIS. BllOK. HATS. CAPS, AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. PIHCE LIST. Prints 10 to CO yards for 81.00. Coffee, 5 ll.s for S1.00. Tea, 40c to 1.00 per lb. Peaches, 12 lbs for a 1.00. Snsar, 10 to 12 ll-s for 1.00. Cheese T5 to 20 cts per lb. Pears, o lbs for ."?1.00. Prunes, lbs for 81.00. JJeans, IS to 20 lbs for 81.00. Greenwood, Neb. lay MIKE SCIINELLBACHER, BLA CK83II TU iiorsi: U0i:iNr AND NVAOON' KF.PAIKINO All kinds of FAUM 1MPLEMKST mended Neatly tt- Promptly? Horse, 3Iulc& Ox81iocin?r In short, we'll shoe anything that hay four feet, from a Zebra to a GiralTu. Come and see us. ISnETW SHOP, on Firth St.. between Main and Vine Street", just aeross the corner from the KW IIKUAI.J 0ICK. "y' HENRY BCFCK DEALElt IN PIUL2?Elitlla?e:j SAFES, CHAIRS, Lounges, Tables, Bedstea & ETC., FTC, ETC., Of All Descriptions. 2ET ALLIC BURIAL CASES WOODBlSr COFFIN'S' Ol all sizes, ready made andsold cheap for cash. With many thanks for past patron e. 1 Invl invite all to c;ill and examine my LAKGE STOCK OF 40tt. ll'RXTI HK AM COF fN WILLIAM HEROLD, lcalr iu DRY GOODS, CLOTHS. BLANKETS. FLANNELS, FURNISH IN G GOODA :o :- GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Large stork, of BOOTS and SHOES to la CLOSED OUT AT COST Notions, Queensware, and in fact everythrtif; you can call lor ia the line cf qas.ii Vim-it roii in L'i-i ;.:Vj y:i.s. i A Mrs VtZIVAZ, 1 ? i " 1 T --- .- r ft) i -rs c. -t r la ,,' t:- f ill lio '.-i uf-1 V- J 1 r.s :-' i-Ls. .'. i i---J. ' m- r