Sneezing Catarrh, Chronio Ca tarrh, Ulcerative Catarrh, permanently cured by GArJFOD'S RADICAL CURE. ertAin. and tiwratinent cure for Catarrb of every form, and Utne mwt perfect remedy ever derlsed. It 1 purely a vopetnule distillation, and In applied locally by lnanfflAtlou, and constitutionally Dy In kernaladralaktratiun. Locally applied, relief tl in mtarttaneouM. It aoothfs, lieuta, and cipaium'S tlio naaal paasava cf every fepli;. of heaviness, ob traction, dulness, or dizziness. CoustUatlouallr admlDiMered It r"iovatn fie Mood, purluei Itcf ttie acid poison with nim ! it U alwa charged la Catarrh.atUnalatcstiie Blomacti, liver, and kidneys, terfecta digestion, innkea nc-w blood, and ijermita Ih formation of Bound, dealt hy tissue, and fical! nit obtains cornrl'-to control over tiia disease. TUo remarltalile cnrallvo power, when all otiier remo dlei uuerly fail, of 8aj.fokd's Judical ti'Ei, ara attested by tiiouaunua who irratefnlly recommend. It to fullow-anOerera. No statement it mtulo re pardlnir It that cannot bo substantiated by ttio tnoft respectable and rellubl-j references. It is s Srcat and good medicine, and worthy all confl pneo. Eacfc packaire contana a Treatise on IV tarrb and lr. Kaufnrd'a Improve 1 Inhaliufr Tabo, itud fail directions for its ua la all fcueca. i'rlco f U An Enthfisiasllo Friend of Ss.nfbrd'8 Rsd'os! Care. ZICHaTTo:, OitAKT A Down's Free ajtd 1 Marine i siua?:ck AtiHscy, 9ZS Vine btreet, bu Louis, Mo., Feb. 7, IST7. ) A. A. Mxixifb. WashfnRloa At., City. Dear Melller: I bavo for some years ben troubled wit li Catarrh, and for l jf i-n-t two years bavo suffered erlously wltli it. Koi li.lnfr your advertiw mi'tit of FiKruiD'a IiMETT (Km icalCi bk), I decided to try It- 1 bave uvd only two bottles, and as a result I reel so much relieved that I presume on onrner, sonal relations and write this to you and ask that rontakeaomemeaiurcstOKOtlcinore prominently efore the rnblic, tbst otiicia may have such relief mslbave. Thavo ri-eotm:inclcd H to quite a mi ra ider of my friend, all of wlioin have expressed to mctbelr bltjb estimate of lu vluo tad ood clIcCU with them. 1 really think It rartlrtjlarlr adapted to wsn'i of vt. Louts people, au-i t!iey r.U onjtit to knoviTH, and those who need ltshotild try it, I will risk tho iwmtuuji ttttkt l r.. via) ( as a sample) to bo given away v. Hlbc'l as mar.y bottles. Trysome plan. Let tltf i.eMo have It : theytlec't ft. I believe I could ttr) bottles myself of course yon could larcoly lacrcate this number. iVby not try It ? Yours truly. ViH. BOWO. .Sold tT ell Vliolcsalo and T?a!l DrnpfrMt and Dwnlcra In Met", trine tLriiKhoiit tue Cnit' d States andCanadns. WEEESit t ITTI 1:, General Agenld tud Wholesales LiUgi4ts, Cotton. Ut3. MOI VOLTAIC l EASTEE3 Mauri. Week Poller: Ouffenwn, One year vo I was seized wltu atfevere attack of Utieiiraa tiaiatn myrit' vraiclt I wasvubject. I tried the varfons liniments and riienmatic cares, but without the Icat beneHt, when my son, a druggist, pnngeeted one ofyourCoLLiss' Voltaic TLAsraFs. 3 he effect was almost Musical, for, to my Kfutcful surprise. I was ulmont inimediatcl well ajjain, and was able to work upou my farm at usual, whereas, tefore thu ai.p'.lcntion r tiio Tlaittr, I could do nothing, and every step cavo me pain. A few weeks elnce, one year from the f.m attack, the diseasa returned, hMt I nro hnpov to say the second I'lahtcr proved asclllraciouius thefirt.nn.l I am now well, ily wife wi!us me to 6.!d that .no I'laster has) cured her of a very Ip.rvj back. V'o think there lit nothing In the world of rcmrdics that can comparts with the Colxikb' Vultaio I'LASTERsfor Iihcuma llsin and Lauin Hack, and cheerfully recommend (hem to the suffering. Yours very iepectfully, QHLASD. Ms., June 6, lbTC. KOBEIiT COITOJT. MOT A QUACK NOSTRUM. Cfnt!fmen,l hereby certify that for several years past I bave used the Voltaio Plasties la riy practice, and have never known the.n to fall la afford in speedy relief in those cases for which tlicy are reci.unnended. They are not a quack nostrum. Cut k lemedial agent or erent value. Very trul a Ul-CHSPOST, Ms.. S'ty 27. te-A. ,-VJ-UA-, PRICE S3 CEXTS. Be careful to obtiin Collins' Voltaic Pt.AST. Bcombination of Electric uud Voltaic I'lates wltu a hlKhly Medicated lrl:uter, as seen In the abovo cut. Sold by all Wholesale and Ketai! Druptrista tnroairhout the ITnited States and ( anadas. and bT WEtka &. I'tiTTEU. Proprietor. Bo.ton. Mass. PI! L Fop TEN YEARS Tl'TT'S III.LS have been the recorjiiizecl etnnd&rtl Family Medicine in nil the Atlantic ainA trrt-m Wfnins tn i " O , scarcely a family can lo found that does not uso thfn. It i3 now pro posed to mn!;e their virtue kuoivn in the WEST, -with tlio certainty that as eoon as tested thoy will be come n popular there as they are at the ."forth nuil South. . O riLLOii DO THEY CUBE EVERYTKIHG? NO. They are Intended for dis eases that resultfrom malari r.l Poison and a Deranecd Liver. PR. Tt'TT litis t'.votp;l tvonl v-fi ve years to the ntcdr of the I. iter and the rei.ult bn.-s (leuioiinl rated that it exerts srrcnler infiucurc over the vvKtcnt than uiy tither oiiran of the body ; IrUrr-Mtiou nod AMiinilaiinn of the food on vbi U, Uepvnda the vitajity vt the body. in rnra ried on tbrouuli it ; the rrtnlnr notion of the bovvrlM ! prnN on it, iind when thoe lauritons are drraniiril, I lit- Heart, the Jtrain, the Kiilneys, ilie tkin, iu luct the rutlrv organiKirj ia aiiectcd. SYMPTOMS OF A DISORDERED LIVER. Dull Pain in the Side and Shoulder, Ios8 of Appetite; Coat! Tongue; CoftaveDov.-ela; Sick-headacho ; DrowBinass ; Weight in the Stomach after eating, with Aridity and Belching up of Wind ; Low Spirits ; Xiosa of Energy ; Unsociability ; and forebodings of Evil. IF THESE WARNINGS ARE NEGLECTED, SOOX FOLLOWS DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUS FEVER, CHILLS. JAUN DICE, COLIC, NERVOUSNESS, PALPITATION OF THE HEART, NEURALGIA, KIDNEY DISEASE, CHRONIC D1ARRHCIA, AND A GENERAL BREAKING DOWN OF THE SYSTEM, 1IEED TII1J WJLliXIXGl TUTT FILLS. The first doso produces an ef fect Avliicli often astonishes tlio siill'erer. ivm;? a cheerfulness of nund and bouyancy of body, to wh ich he vaslctore a Strang ?r. They create a Appetite, Cood Jisrestion, and SOLID FLESH AMD HARD MUSCLE. A LOUISANA PLANTER SAYS I ? ' "My plantation i in a malarial district. For several years I could not make half a crop on account of sicknees. I employ one hundred and filty hands, often half of them were sick. I was nearlv diteotirsTed when I beirau the use of TITT'SIMLLS. 1 used them na a pro caution as well us a cure. The result was marvellous ; my laborers became hearty, robust, and bappy, ami I have had no farther trouble. With there Fills I would not tear to live iu the Okolouokee swamp." . F.IVAL, r.ATOC Sara, La, i "BEST PILL. IN EXISTENCE." I have nsod your Fill for Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach and Nervonenes, ami luu Hay I never had any tliinir to do rue so much good in the way of medicine. They are a pood as yon rep resent them. I recommend them ad the stent Pill in existence, and do all I cua to acquaint OUicrs Wltii their good merit." J. W. T1UUETTS, Dacota, Minji. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, 25 CENTS. Office, 35 Murray St., New York, BEST FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA, FOF. SALE BY 23. IMo. S3L. TEL. ix xr.i:i:.vsK.. Great Advantages to Buyers IN 1877. Ten Years Credit at 6 per cent Interest. Six Years Credit at C per cent Interest, and 20t- eeut Discount. Other Liberal IH-seoiintM For 'tteli, lie bitti'w oti l ares nu-1 I'mshis, autl I'reuiiuiii-N lur Improve uieiits. Pamphlet? and 1 apa. confainirii; fuli pf:rtie aJars. will be inai!ert free to any part cl the wror'd on ai'Plicatioii to COilJtlSIOXEr.. ILJtM. R. II. 2l L0C01.X, jSiLElCArKA LAND.LAND! THE HERALD. EvcntMo. BY J. T. rit;LDK. Tliicctl:ia-i' do ir, this tif ntll irnlo H.i.t-'. ciilf.l. w 'r ns romvt, Y ii ;! rf-ii-, thai down vulo It; ! ":-s t iK--itM- front t he Krmiifl, ! th:t: '.should rroni the ijull.-st cIm! Invite a th::ti'irul l)i-.trt to lio'!. Iiu. I.or.1. Ihc Viol-'t hi-.-i'iiti'Jr 1W, f-inu Ih 'tor inovoil lo prniw; F." 'ii lis n li-t . ii ty tili--'iii.- flow, If '-.v v.-I'-'do.-n ilnxo iisir 'i.iy-; F":itl:T, r v.- i.-.-i. Kil l til.: Ho nors Si xii I a 1 it I'i'.o cr I'm v--j,or liuurj. 'The Inter Ocean" and t!ie Tartj-. SotiK' 'jf tiic iKV.vspapcrs i:nl jioliti ei;tiis ;ire r m :!. tilling (if The Inter (ic:m L.'r:insi; of its rct iib.tck tloe trirr.'.s. Tli'y s:ty it is furnishing um nr.iTiiiioii ftr t h; (Irtrrnhafk uiriy of the WYst. fiiis iioiait3 in to .say -t wni.l or two in relation to that sulj j"t. For six yi'ars The Inter Ocean has fought against thu schemes of hullion ists, l for La:; r:'Cig!iition aii'l elevu tioii of t!ia jjruenback currency. 1L has seen its views pass through the various stages of ridicule, misrepre sentation and abuse, until finally the3r have been adopted by seven-tenths, at 1-jast, of all parties in the west. Slo w ly, but steadily, tne republican party h:is moved toward the ground we have all uing occupied, until hardly a con gressional tlist riot iu the west would dare to signify its opposition to the principle that greenbacks shall be hon ored instead of degraded,, and received by the government as recommended by Secretary Sherman, for all dues the same as gold and silver. The sm ut p'n :i.; of 'Ti'.g baby," is hushed and forgotten, and the doctrine of contrac tion is opposed by all parties. At this juncture the Inter Ocean is called upon by a certain few to hi Id up on its greenback views, and turn in as the apologist of money scalpers; and this because, forsooth, a continued ad vocacy of the principles for which it has so long contended may help the cause of those who. growing impatient ac the slow progress made in currency reform, have gone off to themselves under the title of Nationals, or Oreen b.ckers. We respectfully decline this invita tion. AVe fight this campaign as we have fought the campaigns of the past half-dozen years, as a Oreenbaek-IIe-public.iu newspaper, and in tliat we are ri accord with our Senators from Il'in iis, with the State platform for the li'st live years, and with nearly, if not all, tli Republican delegation in the lower house of Congress. The man who is making the a hard m or.ey, or anti-greenback fight inside the republican ranks in this state is misrepresenting the party spirit and i nperillir:g the "Republican cause. Ve are not. with him in sympathy or in ac tion. . The two great questions before the pjo; !.. tu-d.y are : First, wkeiher we will have a gov ernment at all; and. second, whether vj will have a government of the peo ple, by the pcopl-j ami for the people, or one devoted to the interests of mon ey jobbers alone? The Inter Ocean wishes to decide the former question first, doing what it can incidentally to solve the hitter al so, but keeping the foimer in view as the paramount issue. AVe sincerely believe that the Federal (Jovernment, weakened by concessions and admis sions, is in danger of being made the tool and mere convenience of local oli garchists, as it was prior to the rebel lion ; and our first duty, as we see it, is to do all that in us lies to prevent such a rt-lebascment of the Federal power. To this end it is of prime importance that Republicans should be sent to Congress Greenback-Republicans, if possible, but Republicans anyway. "We have to guard against the supremacy of bullionists and contraetionists in the national Legislature, but we have a graver and more imminent danger to confront in the possible return of a majority in both houses practically opposed to Federal unity, leagued to gether for the purpose of public plun der, and having for ther object the sac rifice of all the substantial fruits of the war for the union. "With this in mind we would vote for a Republican tlreenbacker, if we could, but we would vote for a Republican any way. Fnrrife Leslie's Sunday Magazine. The September number of this admir able publication abounds as usual w ith good things; it is really a "marvel of periodic literature," for tin talented Editor, the Rev, Dr. Deems, fills its pages with original and select matter, not only of unusual merits, but combin ing in a very remarkable degree, enter tainment, instruction and edification. The magazine particularly commends itself to heads of families; as a family publication it has no superior, and it should be found in every household, for the pure and healthful character of the literature can scarcely fail to exert a highly beneficial influence. The present number opens with an article by Rev, Theodore L. Flood, A. M.t "The Summer School at Lake Chautau qua," which was established with the design to bring about a revolution in the use cf methods and means for reading a knowledge of the Scriptures. An article descriptive of "Country Life in Sweden," is highly interesting, and is admirably illustrated. A new serial story by Mrs. Frosser, is com menced, entitled "Michael Airdree's Freehold." and the beautiful temper ance story, "The Mapleton Flan," is concluded. Among the short stories are: "Five in a Peashell," by Hans Christian Anderson ; "The Escape of Grotius," Ry Alfred II. Gusrnsey; "How he Learned Charity" (a story with a moral), by Frances E. AVad leigh; The "Novice of Jerusalem," ranslated from the French by the late Rosalie E. "Nairne etc., etc., etc There are several skatche of peculiar nterest. "Schille," "Sir Tomas Moore, and his Daughter," "The Last Ascent of Mount Ararat," "Lady Stranglord," etc.. will well repay the reader. "Hours with English Sacred Poets" is contin ued; and there are also some charming poems by Alice Carev. James Mont- gomery, J. E. Rankin, 1). D-, Mrs. S. E Sells, Meta Thorne, Mary Sherman and others. The editor preaches elo-r qnently from the text, "Jesus said, Take ye away the stone." He contin tinues the Popular Exegesis of several passages of Scripture, and his Port folio affords pleasant reading. There are short articles on a large variety of subjects, and paragraphs, anecdotes, etc, almost innumerable. The number contains 128 quarto pages, and there are over 10 illustrtions, portraits, mottoes, etc. The price is only 2-5 cents a copy, and the annual subscrip tion sent postpaid. Inclose 23 cents to the Publisher, and a specimen copy will be sent. Address, Fiiank LFS LIE'S PUBLISHING IIOVSE, 53, 53 and 57 Park Place, New York. On: convictions on the greenback questions are admirably expressed in the words of the Hon. Schuyler Colfax in declining a nomination for congrress tendered him by the greenbaekers of the. Kith Indiana congressional district. After stating he had no desire to re enter politics, Mr. Colfax continued as follows ; " I must add that., having been a greenbaeker from the outset, and hav ing for long 3 ears vindicated green backs before the people, w hen many who now claim to bo their special champions were deriding them and the sacred cause to sustain which they were issued, as well as predicting their ultimate worthlessness, I am, very nat urally, an earnest adherent still of the republican party which authorized them, championed them, ami has, by a maintenance of the national faith ami credit, brought them up in purchasing value to an equivalent with the best dollar any nation claims to have." Wauhoo Ind. Large quantities of celluloid goods have been onleied for Spain, South America and Australia. Seven out of ei.'zlit giraffes imported last year for menageries iu the United States have died. The climate docs not agree with them. Portland is exporting Wisconsin deals to Scotland aid England, where thv sell for per thousand more UmUI ihosv? sent from Quebec- 1'e'ore I-StJO no pors-n could buy less than a quarter section of Uniled Slates laud but in that ye.-ir t Ley were divided intoeiglitiis, and iu lMlJiutosixleeuths. Injects were once given as medicine ami by regular physicians. T! rec gnats were given us. a doso, just as three now. rrab-s of calomel might be gi en When a " wished to perma nently alienate the properly of a ban is ed foe, he dedieab-d it to a god, n very neat way of combining revenge and reiigion. A young man obtained employment on a i audi in Tmekee, Cal., the other day. and was discharged just becaits; he tried to unscrew the oxen's horns to get tie: r mime s off. St. Paul's Cathedral, London, was le'.run and finished by one aichilcct, : ie , under one n iister mas. ;n,Mrtng, and during the episcopate of one Riah on of London, Coinpton. To.- twenty-four ho irs after farrow ing it SOW faliouid be fed on soft food or slops, which sho.iM be rfiven in a warm !i,oug!i not hot, slate. A ma.J,!i cf ran or meal answers very well. "Landlord, that's a dirty towel fe-r a m ui lo wipe his f ace on."' ell, ou re mighty pailieular; sixty of my boarders have v. ipedon that towel moi i: :ng, and you are tin; first one to imd land.' A p't rson isiti:ig the London .Mus eum, w;is shown tiie slu!l of Oliver Cromwell. "It is extremely e-mail," said the visitor. "Oh,"" said the guide, "k was his skull when he was a little boy."' A correspondent w: ites from Pa! ma : "There's always something io cl the eye, delight the ear, ami vlir i: m the soul iu Italy. The :nt ro-' :ct ion .f (be seru Miing brush would ike it a para dise." Pastor Thomas preached, in the Lutheran clinic t, of Newport, Ohio, that there was no heil. 'J he trustees met immediately alter the services, and adopted a resolution requesting him to it-sign. The famine in India is slowly dying out every wheie; the survivors are re covering health ami strength, ami the small quantities of food imported sh v that the people have u suiliciency of grain. Here is a recent Parma advertise ment: "To be sold, or let, for .July quu:ter, a church with bell, sacristy, pulpb, ultar linen, tapers, incense, burners. &c, all in g oJ pre. ervation. Apply, cxc." The water for garden plants should not 03 very cold; rain water is the best and it may always be obtained by hav ing a hocshead standing in some pi ice out of siht, uiiJl-i a spout connected with the roof. A young lady said to her lover: "Charley, how far is it around the world?" "About twenty-four inches, my darling," replied he, as his arm en circled her waist. She was all the world to him. Educated farmers and educated me chanics, who are in good circumstances and do not need office for a support, nor make politics a trade, will stand the best chance for honesty am -ngst the governing classes. Mr. David Geer, "regular down Eas ter," headquarters, R uston, age seven, ty, is reported worth $luU,OU0, ail made by peddling honey through New-England, often having eight to ten wagons on the read at one time. "A bigger man than Edison" is the inventor of a "cross-eyed" opera plass, by means of which you can stare at any one in tin1 audience you ple:ise while appearing to be direct ing your gaze in an entirely different direction. The Russian Government has order ed steps to be taken for the construc tion of a l ail way from the Russian frontier to the Prussian harbor of Me mel. This order has been given in pursuance of the resolutions of a com mittee to consider what measures should be adopted, in the event of a blockade of the Russian ports on the Eultie, to enable exports from Russ;a to Le conveyed across the frontier. The line will be built at the cost of the Rus sian Government, and the same gauge will Lc adopted us that of t!:e Prussian lines, so as to prevent the necessity of unloading at the frontier, According to Dr. Fleischmaun, the access to milk of dust from the chaff of smutty grain caused it to turn sour. In milk thus spoiled, he has discovered fungoid spores, and therefore recom mends that food in this condition be steamed or boiled, or allow, d to fer ment, so as to insure the destruction of the fungus. To find the area of a triangular sur face by the length of its sides, from half the sum of the three sides subtract ach side .separately; then mu tiply the half Mini and the three remainders con tinually together, and the f-quure root of the product will be the area. It requires S pounds of Newcastle coal to form a cubic foot of water at 5-d-gives into steam atO degrees. The same can 1m performed by the use of JO pounds dry pine wood, or 12 pounds dry oak wood, or 31 pounds of peat, or ii pounds of olive oil, or 9 pounds of coke. According to recent estimates wine is annually consumed as fodows, per bead: Spain, 10 litr s; France, 113; Italy. 10): Portugal, 103; Greece, Si; Austria, Go: Switzerland, 5S; Great Rri tain, S; Russia, 4; Pn-.ssi i, 4; Sweden, L'; Norway, li. The litre is a little less thu'i ;i quart. "Moonlight Leaning on his arm, with her head almost touching his shoulder, she said: "Mr. ik, I know what makes you catch cold so easily." "What is it, ?" "l ecause so much of your body is on the ground! ' Mr. 1. at once returned to his boarding-house, and ordered new shoes. Miss Nellie "Ves, the letter is all right, IJri.lget; but don't wait any longer. If yon cro d-iwn the road you are sure to meet mamma, ami then you tell her youiself what your mother says." i'.ri-Iget "Shore, an t at s true for e. Miss Xelli -, but what shall 1 tell her if I don't meet her?" Frederick Jenny and his mother-in-law livid in New Red ford. She was 70 years old, neivous and feeble. He was a drunken bully. One day he swore that l;e would kiil her, but did not use any violence except iu language. She was so frightened that she fell dead, umpiest oi.ubly Killed by his words. While paint foroutsMe work should be made up iu the pi portion of So parts w hite lead ground in o"I, T li- pait.s of boiled oil and S parts spirits turpen tine. For outside work the pro; ertiou -.liou'd be changi-d toMi parts white lead sroun i in oil t parts boiled oil, mparts raw oil and 1 parts spirits turpentine. Lead-coloml paint is composed cf white lead ground in oil sevrnty-ti e pa: Is, lampblack one pait, boiled lin seed o 1 twenty-t' rec p its, litharge one-half part, Japan varnish one half part, and spiri'.s turpentine tw and one-half parts. Tho turpentine and Vi inish are added as the paint is re quired for use or transportation' General Wolfe hr.ppeni- g tower' ear a ymng olli f r t id of him in a very familiar manner, as Wolfe ;r- d I drank a bottle of wine together," and so en, appeared and sai I: "J think you inighi say General Wolfe." "No,'' replii d liiesub'lte n, with a happy presi-nce f mind, "did you ever hear of General Achilles, orGtncral Julius Ca-?ar?" A I "!.(-!' in ! nngor a Utile jjirl U eausesht her hand Willi li.e i. que!' t s w I .en . a t the e; ;i!i I l.o.-i' W i.o had his! their c!iiS:-es were eailt but rl.e, wlih ;,-.e!y Me., upbraided e did not led up : st of th- tieliu-!o-e of the day, t ih' ;r ph. cis in cd i:po:i !o do so wit, respoupvd: ;t !osj mv i-lace; "I'lease, !, 1 did an' ho'.v" could I when Vui at the toot?" In a case tried at the Old llailey, Lnmb-n, u kite ennm-nt Ji'.dgu deter mined that the test of ci i ninality, where a ''jan :'s killed in wrestling, should be wnet'.er the struggle took place iu Hin:er. I,:-! Mr. Justice I opes, in a recent case at Liverp o!, hel 1 that to cause ihe death of i-nol'i'-i' even in a perfectly aru'e.ible wrestling match is manslaughter. The magnificent new bui'dings at. Kebie College, Oxford, may bo said to have come out of th-? manure heap They were the gilt of two members of a family mimed Gibbs, who had for many years the c ntract with the Peru vian Government b r guano, a-d made out of it a fortune, which now helps to commemorate the author of "The Christi .n 1" ear." Zinc was first discovered in lRO, by no less ;i personage than Theoplaastus Aureolus bombastes Paracelsus, the wild, fantastic hero of lhow ning's cele brated dramatic poem. It will, per haps, be new to most people to 1 e in formed that the very word "bombast'" took its original meaning in the great and swelling words of vanity" uttered by this singular genius. The Mitiullaneoiis experiments of M. Cailletet a- d M. Pic el, in li.j efying oxygen gas, add another instance to the anions list of important scientific discoveries made at the same or nearly the same time, by persons who had no know ledge of each other's researches. Each sent an account of his discovery to the French Academy, and both com munications were read on Dec. .21. Germany has made great progress In the manufacture of sugar from beet root. Twenty-five years ago there were only lbi factoiies, working about SOS ,000 tons of beet-root, whereas iu 1S73 there were 331 fict, consvur ing 1,37s ,610 tons. Moreover, in 1S30, it took fourteen hundred weight of roots to produce one hundred weight of sugar, wherea3 now ten hundred weight suffice. Un il within a few ye.irs'he streets in Easton, Pit., bore the name of mem bers cf the Penn and Fern. or families. One of the L'enns having married Lady Juliana Termor, daughter of theEirl ot Pomfnt. Easton takes its name from Easton-Neston, the se it of the family iu Northamptonshire, England, which was rented two years ago by the Emperor of Austria. The I'omfret ti tle is now extinct. A New Sewing-Machine Motor, cheap and simple, consists of a tubular boiler IS inches high, incased in cabinet work through which steam is engender ed by a small parlor lamp being placed underneath it. The apparatus which connects it with the sewing-machine is very simple, and consists of only three pieces, it takes only a few minutes to get up steam, and the speed is regul ated by a little spring. The invention is compact, neat and clean, a great silver of health and strength, and in ap pearance resembles a little parlor stove incased in cabinet work. Tho UKony column of a recent issue of the London Times contains tho following : " From H. to L e. Your letters are destroycl, naJ you have nothing to fear front my iuiii.erctiou. l'our ring-, ic, is reaily packed, and will be s at when opportunity ofTcrs or you chooso to indi cate a way. Your 'over' lasted live months, and 1 was a fool to expect it would be otherwise." More co-operative associations exist in Paris than is generally supposed. At a recent banquet, twenty societies were represented, viz: Furniture carv ers, coachmakers, shot-makers, two :-o-cieties of workeis in tin, typographers, musical instrument makers, laundry workers, lithographers, spectacle makers, stonecutters, marble workers, joiners, opticians, house painters, pi ano makers, tailors, clothing cutters, and two companies ..? file ir.ak?r . Twelve years' experience on a f i ni has satisfied an English w riter "that Great Eritam and Ireland might be turned into gardens, and thai work might be found therein for every able bodied man in the country." He adds: "Nothing but a reform of our whole system, commencing with the land system, can save this country from ruin. Nothing can save us, us said the kite noble teacher, Frederick Robert son, but a return to simpler habits and purer lives." A few evenings since, a father ami daughter at Well sley, Mass., we:e mu tually recalling incidents of the 1 it er's childhood. "1 shad never forg. t." said tho young lady, "how you took me, oat of ckureh one Sabbath, when I was about three years o'd; and puni.-died me for playing in meeting, lean leinem her the tingling of t uit peach tree switch to this day." "Very str hgc. very strange," said the father; "1 don't recollect theeircuins'.a'e e a all." "Ah w II, p.:,a, you weie at the ct- or end of. the switch! ' A good aneed te is told of a house painter's son, w ho used the brush dex terously, but had acquired the habit of putting it on too thick. One day his father, after having frequently scolded him lor lav:.-.h daubing, and all to no purpose, gave him it severe riaggelia lion. ' "Ther. you young rascal," after performing the painful duty, "how do you li e that-' ' "Well, I don't know," w binned the hoy in reply, "but it seems to me that you put it on a thundering sight thicker than I did." A Justice of the Peace in New York has given a warning to the c;li-: s who, having recovered stolen property, fad to appear and prosecute th j thief. A wealthy eitiz was robbed of a quantity cf lead pipe, and the police succeeded iu arrowing the thief and recovering the stolen propeity. Tiiere upoa the man vho was robbed declined to preset ute, but tho Justice ' decided th;tt,a there was no proof of owner ship of the prop-riy outdde of tho fact that it was in the possession oi the thief, tho h.iler must be di.-.charged and must be nil iwed to take away the lead pipe. It h id been in bis posses sion and ho was legally entitled to it until proof oi ownership should bo j submitted. If I his rule should bo more I strictly followed out by Aldermen and I Magis'ra'cs tin re would be fewer cases J f stealing "set; led'' outside of the j -jour's, and fewer I o "settle" any where. 1 TH S3 71 has once more FRANK who is, :i :;ud after NMW GOODS, ELSGAiNT STYLUS, "Mr. Weckbacli having gone into the Lumber business I propose to nm the old EMPIRE awhile myself. 3z3 -A. IE-w Gr We are in almost DRY AND FANCY GOODS, w hich we ofTcr our friends and the public at WIioIealc at prices Caslnneres, Alpacas, Delaines, &c. Calicos, from 12 to 16 Yards for $1.00. Muslins, from G cts. a yard upward. BEIDSPRBADS ! The finest stocli of White F.edsproads ever brought to tiic City. Buell's Cassimeres, Tweeds. Jeans, and Cottonades in full Stock. Mats aeael aps9 C aceries and Pfl.vfisiaB OF ALL KINDS. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. I desire to see till my old patron3 back prcenst ones as I can REM EH HER THE PLACE, 201y H. A. WATERMAN & SON Wlioltsalc and Ut.-tull JValcrs in PINE LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES. SASH, DOORS, RLINDS, ETC.. ETC.. ETC. Malu street. Comer of riftli, PLATTSMOUTIL - - - - NEE. Still Better Rates for Lumber. C.-t Z. L ?1 T DICK STREXGHT'S L1YFRY, FEED AND SALE STA PLES. Comer 6 'a and Pearl S!s. Hoi.sf.s i'.oai:ii:d hy uik DAY, WEEK, OS ZUOATII. HOr.SES BOUGHT. GOLD OR rZJJJDHlTD. For ;i Fair Commission. TSUAiMS AT ALL SIOl'I'S. Tai iu-ular attention paid to Driving and Training TEIOTTIIVG .STOCK. A licai-sc furnished when culled for. JONES & STROUDS' lirick Livery Stable, PLATTSMOUTIT, NEE. Tke nil! r.OXNF.K STAW.FS in Flat t-.iiuniHi Ni-li., aiv linw leased by Jones ,t Stroud and they are' a new anil haiid-onie lively in 1 !:;- well known bai ii. Tie finest and best of horses and c;irn;!;j;cs always ready to let. .s.vuLd.ii !oi:si:s ciikaf. Horses kept for ait A A '1 or to Trade. HORSES TRAINED AND I1ROK E. ALSO AV desire to rive notice tl at we have a laisre, handsome brie!-: barn, with plenty -f r"i i b l horses a-id WiiL'ims. 1 run pat Tinners Meek an I wa.'ons, leads nl" ririin oi ar.viioi. all un der t oer, m the dry. i:-n:einbe'r this. 'I'ltankiiiLT all old ;.-;tn!is b-r ! heir inanv fa vors, w solicit t heir trad;" for the future", sat isfied we can aeeoinnicdate them hotter and itu belter by them than ever before. 3-vl. E. PARKELE, SALE, FEED d- LIVERY STABLE 'n Main tireet noarlv opinsite tlie Court House, Fhittsinouth, Si b. HorsEsfoR Sale. The Iniyini; and selling of yood l:or.-as made l lie specially el tiie ba.-.i:iess. New Horses & Carri acres, find penile hordes, for Ladies to drive arii ket.t ill t his Stable. A!-o a can v all. wldeh runs to the depot, and w Ml carry pa. - teicis from ii.iy place in low;, u.i Cil'l. FAR:-! EES CALL AXD EA'AlflXi: JIY STOCK FOR SALE. Syl E. PARMELE. HJ " come back" to GUT 1 1 MAN this date sole proprietor. - Z - x. IL daily receipt of mul CtlSlJl, to suit the times. and want to hold as many of the j 1'kAMk GLIIDIA. OXE DOOR WEST OF P . O., . P LATTS1I O UTLT, NEBRASKA 111 7 ; . Iff- t 5 t-r-CD c c 5' 5 i C- Ji X O o 2 I B CO ?? a o SX S M CO CD CO Tr. A. G. HATT, jfst er::NKi acain, Xtir, Clam, Fir-si Circs Jf.-it Simp, on Main Sheet in Fred Knx hh-t'.i eld stand Everybody on hand for l: tsh, tender Meat. h;i.j c,ir.c v v y Vs- t .- . . iu.x And he has brought the finest I : j o of Dress Glo-ods, StiipIo Good:;, l?i:icy Goods and Kolionsyois ever i ;; 7" j;".! . n ' o o r. . "i i V; T f: ?(T T R r r r.T 6T- n T.t -"a A '-. " ; ' 1 - ! 43Si. hu-Ci-J . f " ri T1 " Spring and Summer Goods Xorc i i it'iu r 'Inn' ') !! .v-.7 - Vj. tr'i,t t' 'jo Jnxt BOOT -aot SB:o:;ii :r- - C"1 i. l '-.7 i-3 l.U no o -3 r O ':3. O O K u. j - b l3 01 i pj o MANUFACTORY. - - "Qxx . .:-';, V t .. - r -.. l r-, " - ' ' , r-'r" if;..;-' ' ' v ji.-- . ; ." I u r " ft Vv . 2 d 5 - - ..... n'A .. c-o I Cf-: V-7 V ' v t ' ' ? " I-;:. t-tsLiSjLila j vJJZZl tuiKsjts uizs tz . and more, by buying a uiMhiae that will la3t you a lll'o tl.c, Lz-.l tliut L-.z Cl f - j latest improvements. VICTOR SSVTCSa HACinNE CO., LtberaJ Terms to Agat. 1';a;o" 1 Va::.s.i Avr., Bet! ftr Ciii'-Mi, Ctr. Auiiis . ; , cLicr.-... i: GHEEP: & 13L0VEHT, is o i; s v i ii j: t: . s i i, r, i UEi'AiEixit Jioorryi a. X TOUT IX'.'. First Class Stock. F. S. TA K0LS. le:ilcr iu d EWE LR, WATtMIES, CLOCKS, NOTIONS, CAXDIES, CICARS, TORACCO-s. At L uisville Neb., call ai d exam ine the stock. i',lV- ROBERT DOHMELLY'S A XD r-n klaca::;iitii x.--, ... t;i'i:i, J!" ';", .V. i , ',.' (i,id I'l rn j tii in;, un 'j' h- -. J- ' I am i-i --. !;;. .1 t . -. o l.irni a'nl ma ' 1' i as i . rr.TEi: i: irrx, The old Helia 'olo V.i;; on ::.Cr !i: t :.!:!! c'..: v; e eT f. v.: ; :: ' . ;. lie i-. v. i- l ' -. n : N-.i. i v,'i.!:;,'! t. IVi'v; ii'i t f - ; iooJc. (o i.-v.u Ti:. :.-.': ::: :. "l.'iji on s; ..ih : Jr. o ; : S re';, i. : ' . Si a.' a! hoiiie, c--,.'i ir P ' ' Fv i " "" cycr and ever y.i i p and .-?..' .' '.'..' '.'.''. ,-,-, ifjttin i.'.i l .-.. .'.-. 7 r ? r -1 I r fV fj-klhi Li Lild . " : '