THE HERA LI). LOCAL NEWS.. L(M' A I. A I ) V L P.TIS E M E N T. Transient, l!.! rents a line. Peeular aclverits rs. in cents jicr line. No advertisement insert el for loss than i"i cent. I-etral notices at Statute rate. Attorneys ;inil (intirM of the law will be field responsible fr. -ill leital notices they hand In, :iml all p:irtiH leinaniiiiK ..1 proof of publica tion of an v notice will be hc-ldlor the publica tion fee of .such notice. COM M L' N IC ATI O X S. As :ir space, is limited, all t'oinmimica'Ioris n;i i'" bi'icf a'n'1 to the point, with no wa-ste Of wnN. 1 l.i- pjijMT In responsible for the correctness ' according to copy of paid matter and paid Te fcal". only. 1. Any person who takes the pajHT regularly from tin? post-oliice. whether directed to his name, or whether lie Is a soibscriocr or not is responsible for the ;av. 1. 1 f any person ordeis his paper lisroiitin li. -d. he must pav all arrearages, or tlis publish er 1 1 -1 v continue to send :t until payment is 1,ia:e."iind col!c:-t the whole amoiiiit. whether the ojiner is t ikeii from the of!iee or not. ?..' the courts have decided refusing to take newspapers and periodical-! lroia the post oiti. e. .r reino ins and leaving them uncalled for, is una fticu: evidence of ixh.MIO.nal n Al l'. ONt.Y 2THOrKSTO Sr. I.OflS tiv the TO! I K just opened via M ) N .M l "HI. I'l l. I. MAN r.Vl.Al'E SI.KKPlMi cuts run from Puiinitoti to St. I.011U vvltiioiit clianec. r.Y i.i:avin(; plattsmouth at p. M.. you arrive m St. I.OL'IS t he next evening at h :jn ana leaving St. Louis at w :-( a. m.. you ar rive in I'l,:! ismouth a :Ji tlie next moriiiii'-'. i:o:u.':i Tickets for sale for aU points North,". East and West. SAMUEL I'nWKI.I.. I;. XV. IIITCHiorK. Ticket Aseut. Ceil. Western Pass. A (rent. J. M. 1!k HTAI-, Agent, Plattsiuouth. A PKIVAI. AND IEPAKTCP.l" OF 1'I.ATTS MOLTH MAILS. KASTKKX, NOKTIIKItX S HOtTIIKKN' liepavt at - 5 :.': a. tn. - 3 :0o p. in. Anlvr at - 3 a. 111. OMAHA VIA V-. &. M. Arrive at in :.:o a. m. I Im part at - 2 -.15 p. m. WKSTKIl.V VIA I!. M. Arrive at - 3 :15 !. m. Depart at - 9 :00 a. m. WKKI'l.Vd WATKIt. Arrive at 12 M in. j 1'cpart at - 2:00 p.m. HOCK Hl.rFK.S . INtON MILLS. Arrive at VZ :on m. I Depart at - 1 :00 p. in. J. XV. M AUS1I ALL. P. M. KUOM THE W EST, leaves Kearnev. 6 :0 a. m. Leaves Lincoln, J2 :X p. m. Arrives Plattsiuouth. o :1U V-m Freight leaves Lincoln 11 .:-" a. m. Ariives Platt-sinoiith, 4 :" p. m. (;oIN; EAST. Express, fi a. lit. J";isseiii!ei-. i.train each day) 3 :"0 p. m.. except Saturday. Every third Saturday a train con nects at the usual time. J. 11. &l. K. K. TI.1IK TAKLK W EST W AIM). Kxiress in 1'iaiii . 1 ! 4 ."inn hi .riip:ii 1 1 4:.a.n . 4 iVilil . 7 It-am i it :tiiiii. Mail. ("iplll 4r Oil .':."am lnaui :i.'.ani I'.pm Cr;:m Leav t'l.icaL'o Mer.dota Calcium; .. pin lit. iMou I "Ii uinvra (haiiton I'rcstoii Itcil Oak PlatlMtlOllt ll Arr. KASTW AKD. Express 3 Mtplll h 'nipni l i : j . 1 1 1 12 fi'.im ' -.oain t; K ."mill pj i" :iu .i uOplil Mall. :j.m mi fi'iam l'vini I '.pin ix'pin -i.ipm ."pin Hu:m id. mi I'He PI. itt-l. ninth lied Oak t're-toti ' (haiiton Oitiimwa P.lll ll!l'4t"n ' ialesbui- Mentlnia Arriv. t'hicao 11 B. & M. TL 11. Time Table. Core- ,,l Thnrsihiii, Junn i'; 10, 187s I'O'; O MA I! A 1 K';M IT. TTS.M M'TIJ. leaves r. :ir a. m. An ivc ' a. in. 2 :;i'i p. III. "" " !" 1'- '" Fi:()M OMAHA I'OE PLaTTSMOI'TM. Leaves 9 a. in. Arrives in :" a. m. 0 M l. m. " :" !' "' I )l: THE WEST. Leaves Platt-mouMi y :n a. in. Arri-.i-s l.'.i- ! C in. 12 ." ! in. ; AKnes K -..i r.ey. C :2t p. in. j t ieiclit leaves 1 :1 :. m. Ar. I.iiic.lii a -.:;" p.m. j Mrs. IlilU'lO I;tll.:it(.T hits bC'fll i.sitin: J.i.M-ohi latvly. Soda Vv;;'ir n'y five cents per jilass at the P. ). News Depot. The l!t v. Father I. inch will s:y mass at the Catholic church on Aug. 4th. A man came thirteen miles to see the Eclipse Monday said he heard we had one here. Xext Wednesday, August 7th, Camp-meeting commences in the grove close to til eon wood. Crandpa Schlegel ha.i been qs.ite under the weather lately, and quit driving for several days. Mrs. Win. L. Wells and family are In town on a visit and will stay about a week. Ku-.h is "baching" it. How did that young man Cushing get on the Eegistry Eist, anyway. That's one thing we want to know. There was a snow-storm in Xew York state on the 2oth of July. It was near where Ex. Gov. Seymour lives. Peter Merges has the sidewalk all covered with new boxes of new boots and shoes. Peter must expect a big trade. Earge assortment of choice and fresh candies just received at the P. O. News Depot. Sixty-five railroad hands passed through here Tuesday, on their way west to work w ith Filz on the dump." Mrs. Jas. Grace left last Tuesday for Green wood to see her father who had been bitten by a rattlesnake, it was feared fatally. Prof. Wooley no, Lawyer Wooley, we mean .could see the Eclipse with his naked eve as well as the rest of us with smoked glass. Eigntning struck a pair of horses near Mullen's ranch, belonging to Mr Dimmot, and killed a fine- Norman stallion and blooded mare. Mr. Montgomery's little shop, next to lovey's store, seems to flourish and thrive like a green bay shop. He keeps nice vegetables. Mr. Ferree brought the Herald some of the finest and earliest peaches of the season. Mr. F. has them for sale and they are beauties. Sheriff Hyers had plenty of work Friday. The cases piled up on him, but he wiggled through and fixed his men in spite of the hot weather. Elam Tai mele has got a new team of trotters for the Herald's especial driving. They are beauties and came from Missouri -with otber mules. Kct. Ilefiry Wan! Iloecber at Council muffs. Mr. Ueoclier will doliver his cele brated lecture "The Waste:-, and bur dens of Society" at Dohnny's Opera Hall, Council BluiLs, Saturday evening August 10, 1378. Admission one dol lar, no extra charges for reserve seats. Orders for seats i-ither ly mail or tele graph will be promptly attended to by addressing Erb & Brackett Bros. Council BluffCor by calling on J. P. Young, Post Office, Plattstnoutb. An excursion tram will be run on the li. & M. 11. 11. from Pacific Junction. Fare for round trip CO cts. Train will return the same night after the lec ture. Excursion tickets for sale at the Post OfVice. Plattsiuouth. 10t3 Sugar coated Pop Corn only five cents per box, at the P. O. News De pot. Julius Pepperburg's house is al most done and will be very nicely fin ished. Mr. Swartz, our German friend was the painter, the finish is excel lent. In muddy weather it is almost im possible to get into the western part of town on account of the side walks and crossings being in such a bad con dition. Yesterday morning we noticed a drove of hogs engaged in rooting up what little sidewalk there was left on Washington Avenue. Where is our hog law. Eobert Windham, Esq , one of our prominent Lawyers spent the 2Gth on the top of Pike's Peaks. Hows that for high, lie also saw the Eclipse te-total. We learn that friend Hesser is still quite sore and stiff from his runaway scrape, although there are no serious injuries. The hurt in the neck was the worst. We did not know that Mr. Wheel er at Jones & Stroud's stable was a horse doctor too, but report says he is and that spavin an l "sich" has no show with him. We are sorry to learn that the rain Sunday night did some damage to Dr. Schildknecht's premises again, although slight compared with the last storm. A young son of Mr. Xewell, the plasterer, was kicked by a horso Sun day, fortunately Dr. Schildknecht was handy and the boy wa3 soon fixed al most as good a3 new. It is about time that examination of Mike Schnellbacher took place. About matrimony we mean. Come Mike, Billy begins to look married all over and your turn is here. We acknowledge an invitation to the Otoe Comity Fair from Doctor, Prof. Bigfoot lVann iu, judge, ad vo cal c and manager in chief of Ethics, &c. Thank you, oi l fellow. Soda 'Water reduced to five cents per (5 lass at the P. O. News Depot. The happiest sot of fellows on I are the hunters. They wen; getiing the guns and wagons and traps ready for a big hunt, and by this time are no doubt on the broad plain, bang, bang! Hon. John Chapman of the tip-i- nil, Council Bluffs, V. S. Marshal western district of Iowa, and brother of our Sam Chapman is down to help the hoys hunt the festive Prairie chick kik-kik. A friend asks if Bro. Windham ! was on the road to Heaven when he climbed that big peak Yes, he always is, we hope, and being a good moral young man he don't have so far to climb as some of the rest, maybe. We call attention to the advertise ment of H. K. Montgomery & Son, in another column. They have started in the right way to work up a good busi ness, and we think they will succeed. Give them a call at their stand next door east of Dovey's. If it don't rain and the roads keep good, and the crops are all gathered, and we have no more bad luck, and money holds out, and the banks don't burst, and corn goes up we'll all have a good time yet, this fall. J. V. Weckbacli has bought the corner lots opposite the Post office on Main St., and is grading the same for a new .Lumber Yard. He will fix up a handsome little office and make things look better around there. Col. Vanatta, the bloodthirsty, went west, Wednesday. He first pro posed to stop over and preach our fu neral sermon at the if. E. Church Fri day evening, but thought better of it and went west to giow up, &c. Just received at the P. O. News Depot, a full assortment of Birdcages, also canary and Hemp seed. Jones tells us that Dan. Johnson, of Weeping Water, has one of the best green colts that he (Jones) ever drew a line over. Dan got it of a fanner, perfectly untrained, and it showed a three minute gait the first time it was ever put in a sulky. Thirty Ohio Editors under charge of Mr. Bandall, went west yesterday. They stopped here half an hour and were visited by the newspaper men of this place and other citizens pretty generally. It was the best we could do on so short a stop. Hatt and Pott were standing on the bridge across Main St. back to the rail; a prominent lawyer sighted across and states that there is not one six tenth of an inch difference in their ro tundity and Pott's theory is that bowels beats brains any day, if you have enough of 'em." -Through the Dark Continent, by the wonderful Stanlej, is a veiy interest ing work now being canvassed for by Mr. T. D. Williams of this place. Every one interested in new discoveries should buy the same. Mr. W. is also canvassing for Dr. Phelps Brown's, " Herbalist.- Give Lira a chance. . Doc. Jones, the Livery man, tells us he was out to see Andy Taylor's r.ew barn, which is now about com pleted and lie is very much pleased j with it indeed; pronouncing it one of the best farm barns for general and all purposes, he lias yet seen in the coun ty. Mr. EJ O'Xeil, brother of Squire O'Neil is doing the Carpenter work on one of Mr. Weckbach's new houses, south of the cut. Mr. O'Neil is one of our best carpenters, and Mr. Week bach one of our most enterprising bus iness men who is doing a good deal for the town just now in the way of new buildings. "See the LIOHTXIXO WASHER. Mutz Sz Leesley have secured the right to manufacture and sell the above justly celebrated Washer and will give you a call. Husbands want it, Wives ask for it, Babies cry for it. Don't fail to ;tsk for a practical test of its superior qualities. Jamls Pkttee, Agent. Plattsmouth, Neb. A young man by the name of Lu ther who was supposed to be sleeping in a box-car was instantly killed on Monday evening by falling under the freight train. He was trying fo get a ride to Lincoln, when falling asleep in the car the sudden starting frightened him and he somehow fell out and was killed. He was buried here Tuesday morning. The city have repaired a few of the worst jdaces about town, although there are plenty left yet to operate up on. The bridge by Dr. Schildknecht's is in crossable condition again, and the sidew alk on the west side of Fitzger ald's block no longer trips unwary pedestrians, and affords a tetering place for small children, but wagon makers and repairers need not fear that their occupation will be gone yet awhile, as any one can testify who bumps across a score or so of crossings, and through as many more chuck holes in a fifteen minutes ride around the city. Plattsmouth, July 80th, 1878. Ed. Hlrald, In last week's Chron icle there appeared a version of the death of John Henry In which the un warranted assertion is made that his death was caused by the use of liquor more than by sun-stroke, also stating that the evidence before the jury was "immaterial." As one of the jury, to gether with others, we protest against anj' such statement. John Henry had not been drinking for some time, was not drinking hard that day and the Ju ry took every precaution to elicit the most reliable information it could, and our word, given on our oaths, ought to be better than the gossip of irrespon sible outside scribblers. Ed. Stamm. W itlKHit Pain. Teeth extracted by Dr. Biehey, at Sauudeis House, August 11 to 21. l'Jtf Boy Drowned. Gi::-:exwood. July 2l!h, 1878. Editor Hkrald, At about eleven o'clock to-day my youngest son Dan nie II. Shafer was drowned in Green wood, while in swimming with two other little boys. Greenwood is twen ty eight miles from Sidney. Yours Truly, W. II. SlIAFER. Now AVE CAX TELL YOV, . Iit'cltey the eminent Chicago Dentist, who made such a successful visit to Platts iuouth last December, and for whom so many are anxiously waiting, will again be at the Saunders House from Aug. 14th to 21st. Don't fonret the dates. l'Jtf. Big Document. Our County Clerk is now recording a huge document, being no more nor less than the bonding of the B. & M. road and appurtenances for Fourteen Millions (SI 4, 000,000) of dollars. This means new roads on the Republican, maybe a bridge at this point and gen eral improvements in the South Platte country. If you want some fine dental Avork done, something that is artistic and yet substantial, then remember Dr. Kichey, the popular Chicago Dentist, will be at the Saunders House from A ag. 14th to 21st. 19tf. Personal. Miss Anna Vallery returned Avith Miss Jacobs to Chicago for a visit last week. Mrs. At wood returned home Monday. last Mrs. Fitzgerald and her little neph ew started for Cincinnati on Monday last where she will visit the family of Judge Fitzgerald who was here a few days last Aveek. Capt. Dona van has returned to Plattsmouth, and Ave understand, to remain, having resigned his position in the army. His friends will wel come him back and hope he may find the change to a civilian life a pleas ant and prosperous one. Mr. Allen, of the Saline Co. Union, with his Avife, Aisited Mr. ami Mrs. Eaton Monday and Tuesday of this week. Mr. Allen has just returned from a trip to Utah, and is enthusias tic over the wealth and resource of the Great American Desert, Ave Avere go ing to say. but that is more than Avorn threadbare, there is not a piece large enough to fasten it to the paper by, and so Ave will say the Great West. Hon. John Chapman, Hon. B. F Montgonery and Hon. Thomas Officer, of Officer & Pusey's Bank, Council Bl tiffs, are guests of S. M. Chapman and are out on the big hunt to-daj. Mr. J. B. Ware of Grand llapids, Michigan, is visiting us for a few day. Slippers 35c a pair at Merges.'. Stf We Can't Slop Tin, (nor would Ave, if we could) for Dr. Ilichey's work is so favorably know n that the people Avho need Dental work flock right to him, and keep him busy. He will be at the Saunders House f n m August 14th to 21st. l'-nt CII tKLLS w.uinc.. Tonsorial Artist. I'LATTWIIOt'TII X K II K A S K A . Place of business cm Main St.. letcen 4tli ami .".(li streets. Stwtinitiui, shaving, e'.iit drcn's liair cuttiuj;, elo. etc. I TO Till: AFFLICTED. Act misely, and at once procure the following wonderful Family Me'dicines, Dr. Fitler's Biievmatic Bemedy and Liver Pills, a positive, permanent specific for Neuralgia, liheumatism. Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, pain in Back, Head, Heart, Lungs, Limbs, Nervous, Blood and Chronic Dieseases. Dr. Fit ler's Kidney Cordial removes deposits of Gravel, Albumen, Alcali Acids, re tention of urine, high colored Avater, and strengthens the Bladder and Kid neys. Dr. Fithr'ts iJalisivjn Toiti; for debilitated constitutions, increases vig or, strengthens the system, tones the stomach, and increases appetite. A pleasant substitute for Iron, which constipates the bowels and destroys the teeth. Dr. Filler's German Pectoral for Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds, n superior combination which acts quickly anel relieves rapid ly. Your druggists. Chapman & Glass are agents for Plattmouth. 20-yl Go to Rockwell's for all kinds of dry goods and groceries at bed rock prices. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old ihyMciun retired from aetive practice, having had placed in his hands by an In dian missionary the formula of a simple vegeta ble remedy for the Fpeedy and permanent cure of Consn nipt ion, Rroncliitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung alTections, alo a posi tive and radical cure for (ieneral Debility and all nervous complaints, after having thoroughly tet-ted its wonderful curative poweis in thous ands of cases, feels it his duly to make it known tc his suffering fellows. Actuated by this mo tive, and a desire to relieve human suffering, I ill send, free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for preparing and using, in German, French, or .English. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming tltii paper, AY. AV. Shcrar, 14 rower's Rloel; Rochester, New Tory. 17tl Go to Rockwell's at Louisville t buy your millinery goods, they have just received a large and well selected stock of ladies hats and trimmings of the latest stvle. 15tf Send your orders for cigars to A. Schlegel & Bro. they guarantee satis faction in price and quality. 1-ltf Slippers 'S'ic a pair at Merges. Stf "White fish at 0 cents a kit at Rock well's. 15tf Prints twenty vards for 8100 at Rockwell's. lotf Slippers 3oc a pair at Merges. Stf CHEAP BOOTS AND MIOKs, Ladies Serge Shoes OOcts. " Slippers 0 cts. " Leather Shoes 75 cts. Shoes and Boots are down to rock prices. Mens Buckle Alexis 1 SO " Prince Alberts 1 ) " "Whole stork Brogans 1 53 These goods aiid others including a l'iri' stock of all kinds of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, must be sold. No trust. utf Peter Merges. Just roll your gimlet eyes toward towards those new ten dollar ll uinel suits at Stadelmann's. lOlf. Notes, receipts and bills for sale at the Herald Oilicejalso scale book3 for grain and cattle dealers. 4Gtf Berkshire Hogs. I would respectfully invite the at tention of Stock fanciers of Platts mouth and vicinitv to my fine Berkshire Boau, SBLIM, directly from imported stock. Parties w ishing his services can be accommo dated by applying to Charles J. Pettee at Herald Office or the 1'rojtrietor James Pettee. Residence one block south of High School building. I have also a fine pair of Imported Essex Pigs. tf THIS IS FOR EVERY FAMILY. No western familv can afford for a day to be Avithout the Celebrated Western Remedy for Diarrhtea Dysen tery, Cholera Morbus and Cholera In fantum. Brotrn's Extract Jilackberru and (jingrr. It has been before the public for ten vears. and doctors and druggists join in recommending it to their customers and patrons. Ask vour drutrcrist adout its merits: pro cure a bottle at once and save sickness. the expense of physician, and the life of some loved one of the family. De lays are dangerous." Jirotnis Antibil l iot is Liter Pill.?, an 1 Eureka Ague Pills, are a certain cure for Ague. lor sale by, Dr. u. E. Donelan. Chapman & Smith, J. II. Buttery and O. F. Johnson. 15tf Plattsmouth, Neb. Smoke the B. & M, in Nebraska ci gars at Schlegel Bros. FiA-e pound of best rio coffee for SI at Rockwell's 15tf University of Nebraska. Instruction given in all the branches of a liberal education. Open to both ladies and gentlemen. Candidates for admission to the Prfjtaratory Department must pass a fair examination in Orthography, Reading, Arithmetic. Geograph)", Eng lish Grammar, and the History of the United States. Instruction is given in g her Arithmetic, English Analysis, and Physical Geography, cash for a single term. TUITION FREE TO ALL. Fall Term begins Tuesday, Sep tember 10, 1S7S, and euds Friday, De cember 20. "Winter Term begins Thursday, January 2, 1ST9, and ends March 21. Spring Term begins April 1, and closes on the Second Wednesday of June, the day of the annual commence ment. Catalogue, containing full informa tion, can be had upon application to E. B. Fairfield, Chancellor. Lincoln, July 0, 1877. 17m!). Bring in your corn or oats to the Herald office. 4ltf. SPECIAL NOTICES. Pension Papers. Those wanting pension papers ac knowledged will please remember that J. R. Toman, Notary Public, Louisville, has a certificate of the county Clerk filed with the 1. S. pension Agent and can attend to all such business. 52if Geo. II. Shafer & Co., Manufactur ers of True Pharmaceuticals. Fort Madison, Iowa. C-ltf. Good second-hand organs and melo deons for sale or rent low. Leave ad dress at Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drugstore cor Oth and Main Sts. James Pettee, Otf. Dealer in Musical Instruments. Horses for Sale. Jones & Stroud have IS or 20 head of good work and carriage horses for sale. lOtf. Goto Schlegel Bros, and get the tin tag Lorillard smoking Tobacco. Go to Jones & Stroud for a good team just now. lOtf. Billy Stadelmann has got a new stock of clothing, just received, for summer Avear, and will be sold as usu al, Avay down low for cash. lOtf. For Sale A good Portable Pipe Organ, manu factured by the celebrated I.Dennett Nutter, entirely remodeled and good for twenty years. This beautiful in strument has 4 stops and 3 registers of pipe, and for quality and power of tone cannot be surpassed by any Portable Pipe Organ. For particulars enquire of S. M. Brown, tuner and repairer of pianos and organs, Creston, Iowa, or to JAMES PETTEE, dealer in musical instruments, Platts mouth, Neb. 47tf. An Undeniable Truth. You deserve to suffer, and if you lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life in this beautiful world, it is entirely your oavu fault and there is only one excuse for you, j our unreasonable prejudice and skepticism, Avhich has killed thous ands. Personal knowledge and com mon sense reasoning Avill soon show you that Greene's August Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint or Dys pepsia, with all its miserable effects, such as sick headache, palpitation of the heart, sour stomach, habitual cos tiveness, dizziness of the head, nervous prostration, low spirits, &c. Its sales now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a Druggist but will tell you of its wonderful cures. You can buy a sample bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will relieve you. 51valt2v A (Jc-tle Hint. In our style of climate, with its sud den changes of temperature, rain, wind and sunshine often intermingled in a single day, it is no Avolider that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglect ed colds, half the deaths resulting di rectly from this cause. A bottle of Boschee's German Syrup kept about your home for immediate use will pre vent serious sickness, a large doctor's bill, and perhaps death, by the use of three or four doses. For curing Con sumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia Severe Coughs, Croup or any other di, sease of the Throat or Lungs, its suc cess is simply w onderful, as your drug gist will till you. German Syrup is now sold in every town and village on this continent. Sample bottles for tri al, 10c; regularize, 75c. astf-alt Another good farm for sale in Cass County 100 acres; good house, six rooms, frame stable, 125 acres broke, fine cottonwood grove ten acres, Apply to Neb. Herald ollice. 4Gtf. Jno. A. MacMurpuy. Eighty acres of Land for sale, near Greenwood, Cass County, Nebraska; all under cultivation, good small hoase and young orchard and grove Time on two thiids of purchase money. Ap ply at Neb. Herald office. ltf. A Schlegel fc Bro. have on hand the best brands of Smoking and Chewing tobaccos. 14tf New Potatoes, raised by Alvers Mo rey, U Aveighing a pound, for sale at Weckbach's. May 21st, 1878 tf. F. SL. COX, Tailor has opened a tailoring estab lishment over Solomon & Nathan's store. He comes here from Iowa, and is recommended as a good Avorkman, and deserves the patronage of our citi zens. 18w3. A choice, selected ard new stock of clothing just received at Stadelmann's; go and look at them before you buy from any other man. lOtf. To my friends and Patrons. Owing to my health being so poor I am compelled to go out of my present business, and will dispose of my pres ent stock for the next 30 days at low down prices.'and most of them at cost. Very Respectfully, 12tf J. V. Weckracii. Caution to Smokers. From and after the 1st day of May, 1878 all boxes containing cigars of my manufacture will have my name bold ly printed on the inside of the lid. This is to prevent counterfeiting my brand of cigars, with an inferior quality of cigars, resorted to by some unprinci pled manufacturers. None are genu ine unless plainlv labeled: JULIUS PEPPER BURG, Manufacturer, Plattsmouth, - - 'Nebraska. LEGAL XOTICES. Legal Notice. To Eiij;il Smith and Demiisey Summers non resident lefeiul.-mt-'. you and each t you will take notice that I Nancy Hurler have on this .i ... y..i.. .i ..... .....;..... ... .1,. . . I m ii it ay i t ui ii ii leti iu .ihimi hi tur- m -lice of the clerk of the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska ami coiniut need, an action ammisi yuii in said District court, tne object and prayer of which i. to compel you and each of vou to ulaee a certain conveyance from Eli jah Smith to Deinpsey Mummers to the e ',, of the e of section 12 in tow nship 11 north. rantre 12 east, in Cass County, etira?Ka upon record in said County, and to remove the cloud cast upon Plaintiff' title to said real estate by reason oi jour l, inure nereioiore 10 pi;ice aiu conveyance upon record, riaiuti.t further prays for a decree of court confirming lier title to said real estate. And you are notified that uiile-. you answer eaid petition ou or before the 2d day of September, 1873, a decree will be taken as prayed for in rlaiutiff 's said petition. Nancy Bckgek, Sam. M. CHAr-JtAN", her Attorney. 1C-U Chattle Mortgage Sale. STATE OK NKIUtASKA I Cass c oi n rv, ( ' ' l'.v virtu-of a Ciiaitle Moils'? piveti on the tli 1ay of June A. !. ls;s. by :. II. Uclkn ip to .1. R. "Ran l!ior';ii e. and !".;' li!cd t:i tl.e ofli'-e .-f l!r Couniy Cleik of ;is Court y on .lone i:, ls;-. ot : :N) o'd.n-k. I. M. and :rfau!i 1 i ij maoe in t lie coin: il ion- o .:iul iiiort t';:;t'. N.'t is hereby (riven that the ssM moi l.-'ue wiil be foreclosed by a s. le of the i.ropcny tll(l in il.-s-ri! t ii. tii-v. it : ..ii.' dun Imi-e ?::.'.! to be eiuht year old. one l; l itis Sepal. i tor, and one 14 inch iron bear. I stilling plow, on the -jut !i day of Aui'ii"t, A. 1. Ists. at tne lcs: ilv'iicc of t he subs i r a'. 1 o'clock I'. M. on n w ' oi section 10 tow ns'uip 11 Raie;e it e I". M. for cash to the highest l;iM-r to pi'.y oil the f il!ii of t-M). ;.lil:iunt il 'le i-H s:iid l!U lti;:!i;e it'!. I Meeonipiinyini; note wi'.h i::tc:et and CS pr-ii.-e of sale. J. R. 1. in:. A s;tit l-t. 1S7. l:n.1 Legal Notice. Ti Charles II. Se!;vi.-k non resident lefen-d-nt. take notice that an order of attachment was H-re'! by A. N. Sulliviui. County Jud;rf ol Cass Count y Ncbia-ka on I he mil iay of July l!-T. for t he sum of .".; 4:. in an action in the County Court of said Count v. w herein you are lcf.-!i.iai:t and Lorenzo V. Mi ise is riuii.titfand said c:use is continued mil i! the 'jmii day 01 -vr.iriirt lsTO at 1 o'clock 1 M. on s;,id day. l.uiiJiN.'i V. Moi;si. 1SI3 I'lainti:!". Sheriffs Sale. I'.y viitue of an order of execution issued by Win. II. 1 jams Clerk of the District C'.ll t with in am! for Douglas County. Nebraska, and to me directed , 1 will on the I : ii (lay of August A. D. IsTs. at 10 o'clock, a.m.. of said d.i, at the South door of the Court House in aid Cojiiit v, xell at public auction the following Heal E.tate to-wit : East half of 11. e. Sec. 20 Town, eleven (111 ltan.ue twelve U2) n. w. por ter ot n. e. i1) of section twenty-six (2t;i Town, eleven (1 1 ) Han zo twelve t.12) cst oftith I. M. also south half (s. 'j) u. w. t V of section (S T. (12! Ratine (12) eat. South Kast ipitmer of the north ea-t quart '" s. e. ef n. e. ('4 of sec. (7) T. 12 R. 12 east, all ill Cass County Neb. . he same bciiii; levied upon and taken jus the prop erly of Kiiierson II. Katon deieudaiit : to satis fy a, judgment of saiil Court, recovered by George K. 1'ritchett, plaintiff. I'laUsinouth. Neb., July 11, A. D., 1S7S. I7t." i:. V. II yf.iis. sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. l?v virtue of an order of sale issu-'d by Win. I,. WeiN. Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the loth day of AutMist, A. D. ISTS. at one .clock p. m.. of said day, at the south doorof the Court House, in the City ol riattsmouth. in said County, sell at public auc tion the following leal estate, to-wit : Tlie west half (.'jl of the oiitli-wet quarter i'O ol section twenty-six ( jciand the east half d) of the Houth-east quarter i'.i of section twenty seven (27) in township eleven ill) 1101 1 ii of rane ten (tin east, he i.e.; one hundred and sixty acres more or less, and all the appurtenances thereto beloniaj;. The same beinn levied upon and taken as the pnmcrty of John Newton and Jane Newton, defendants: tonalisfy a iuiiir inent of said Court, recovered by I nion .Mutual I.ife Insurance Co. of Maine, plaintiff. I'laUsinouth, Neb., Julv it, A. D. IsTs. 1013 R. W . livens. Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. I5v virtue of an order of sale issued bv Win. I.. Wei's, Clerk of t tie District Court, wti bin and for Cass County. Nebraska,, and to me directed. I w ill on the Kith day of Aujiust. A. I). ls;s. at to o'clock a. in., of said day. at the soith door of the Court House in the City of riatlsmoiilii, in said County, sell at public auction t he foiio.v in real estate, t.i-wit: Lots eleven (ill iiiid twelve (121 in block number one bu'idre.l and seventy-three (173i. in the Citv of riattsmouth. Cass County, Nebraska, together with the ap purtenances. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of I". 15. Miu pli v and Mar garet C. Murphy, defendant : to satisfy a judg ment of said Court, recovered by John Fitzger ald, plaintiff. riattsmoutli. Neb., July 11, A. D ls7S. 1U15 R. W. II vkks, Shei iff. Probate Notice. 7ii Vte maHcr of ihc J-.rlatc of S. A. iroo.!icinf Ou fi'iii' the duly verified petition of l.y.lia Klausbui;; praiim that administration of "said Estate may lit vranted lleorj" Biiel ; Ordered that August t:;rh. A. n.. tsrsat 1 o'clock, l. M.. 011 said !.!. Is assigned for hearire; said peti tion, u ben all persons in (erest .11 in said n.;itit i nay appear before l!e Coiintv Court of 'ass Count . Noli., at the otliee of the I 0111I y Judge in I'iaKsvuouth. ami sliow cause w hy I he prayer of said pel il ion should not be granted. July 25, lt7s. A. N. .-st:. 1.1 van". ls3 Co. Judge. O. F. JOHNSON, DEALER IN Drugs? Medicines All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IX Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest Publications. . Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by an Kxperieticed Irusslt. REMEMBER THE TLACE. COR. FIFTH d- MAIN ISIREETS I'LATTSMOUTII. NEK. Ciricap Burlington & Qnincy R. R. IS THE DIRECT ROUTE BETWEEN THE East and West, Running Through Cais CouNciL Bluffs, CONNECTING WITH THE Union Pacific Railroad FOR ALU POINTS IX- XEBRASKA. COLOR A Da. niOMiXG. UTAH, MOXTAXA. y EVA DA, ATtTZOXA, IDAHO, AND TUROl'ti II V A II S TO KANSAS CITY, TOPEKA.ATCHIisON & St J3S8P& Through Cars tojjy JJ 0 i U 1 rind a11 IoiBti,m JHMSOtritl, KAXMM A TEXAS, AND Houston & Texas Ceulral liaillloads. IT IS THE DIRECT BOTJTB FROM THE West ia the East AND THE EAST TO TZE3Z:E3 V7EST. All information about rate.x of fare will be cheerfully tiven by hmilyitis to 1). W.lllTCHCOCK, Gcd. Wes. la-s. Ag't., t2'y Cui'.'AOO. TT ri TI A IT I . 1 V. r - y. v. s- s v f. v. " : . . -. ' -- . j - y , . - . i . IIAIUnVAKH stoiji:, In riattsmoutli, Nel., 011 I'ourt'.i St., about the MIDDLE OF THE IiEOCK, you will find : Corn IMaiilrrs. (ir.intl Iiorsr) iuJ3y I'lows, fulfil at ors, anl all Kinds of Farm Iinnlentrnts and Shelf Hardware, Tin Willi-, &c, iS:o. ALSO, Hungarian and Hillet. Seed for Sale AND MACIIIXE SHOPS ! l l.ATTS.Mi iL'TII, N KB., Ilepairtr f Steam Engines, Boilers, Sam and Grist Mill .S AMI NT J' A II F ITT Wrought Iron Pipe, I'on-e :inl Lift Pipes. St. .tu Ciauijes.Siifety-N'iilvi: l lovernoi s. anil nil kinds of l;i ass F.nine FiMins. repaired on slioit nulU'i'. FARM MACHINE H" Repaired on Short Not ire. 4V,Iy James Pettee DEAI.KK IN Musical Instruments, Sole Ayoiiiting Agent for The I'm ivnlleil Vinson A Ilnmlln CABINET OliGANS. Also, the Sleek, H'-iii v 1-". Miller, and H.-illet .V Ciiniin Pianos for Cass and Sarjij- eiu 1.: a -, Nelj. CiM and sre s a m 11. i: 1 xst hum 1 : x t.s at oflloe. Sixth, one door smith of Main St. lT.ATTSMOi. TII, NT.P.. Timing and repairing Pianos and OiR.ins n speeialty, under the skillful hands if Mr. S. M. Hrown, a tunurol thirty-three years ex periuee. A PHYSIOLOGICAL Tiou- oa Marriage I A Guide to Wed!&ck and otihUviitiftl Trt-at:M on the Icftutt-i thnt u t .fit tor it ; the m crcti -t" Reproduction nl tb Diseases of Womea. IA book tor p'ivte. roniid-e-ate rcadiirjE pages, price A HtjVl t MtO'CAL ADVISER! t . On mil d por.ior oi Private Nat ure ariiiy ttom Bel- Abuse. Excms, of Secret I.seases, mdtx Uia Omst UieariB of rurt SK.'4 ptzrn. pricrW ct- A CLINICAL LFCTtTaE on the sbov ditftwi tJ Xhnne ot ti ThrORt ik! Lungs, Cataxrb,Kupture, tht Opinm Habxt,J.c. P' i- Jo ci. tithrr book st'tit poipid on rwipt of pr;c: or a!i thre, containtuif .'hpb?", besutitjlly iliuMtrstnl, tor j ct. AdUresa Ia.ilCaul,d, u. 12 X. 0U1 su tt. Louie, ilo. SATEAtl. Ap-r.ts wanted. linM lK'sa legitimate. Parllciilarsfrco . Airo J. WOKT1I i CO.. St Louia. 11a. OPiUL enn-d. i'ain!."; u p i :"u j t y. hri j (c nrli. ilar. Lin. CARiTr. In! ahlntoii fet C!:u ao, III, $45 PREMTP1I WtTril AM) rill t-in-w.i'.ilfr.Fre.' v,ihet-ryo:diM'. (tit lit tree. J. li. Gay lord A. Co.. Cli.iau, ill. ! 19 S? !? Indutf'B Chootlr.B Outfit. il!Krtrsfcveryuun warrantotl t iicnrUi. Moor Bt JUruo.fl bb. Lou. Dr.A.G.0UN'S! kton hi. Ct.i. " iili. f'tr ill rt:rt of ail in-nw oi a frlVAie oamre. rwuiti-.' ir-.-n tariy atbu or Infcrtlun of eittir -wi. KfinlnHl cuk ruti. rmUt(m, Lo ufMcmorv, ImHirnl felit, lot rfnnhood ur Itnpotrne), Nerou l bllll n-tma-n?i)tty '-ur ; ili-ra of H.r HIuddr, i. Iilr:e, I.I I.tlltir At!i ti-i. itarrli. n,i (,r.iii 1 n--n.-. aaio 11H- rA.SOFKK.MU.fAi ' il to ' -v rnt. Ir.O. : hi) itvi 1 lite-lot' riiiernie, it--1 wi.t.'t olj.m f'l. It U n hjI nt of tiie Iirf.-ntiel Sl --'(. tri-i liitrr. urx. ti&i t' Ivjett vrsu-tuvin the L'. !S. I.AIII". p'iuirir triitnm ritS prlvute ho:nf t.nvd, rail or f;t. r.-.Mv vfuemew- f t fi.ititfiiu. Sn-i f,ftyrinU t arnr!e of Uuxat J a-d ;r cu'ar of (nrtarit Inf-rf-niari.-n bjirr. AJX. F-tiV I IK t'' pnr Hn. CftiuiiitVif.:. tra. MAERIAGE GUIDE r,.?r.7!; y.j-jiif and trnd ii bo'.li Vn, or: a.', ('.. of a n a: ure. ValuS'r aiiv!.-r t thf u-.w.fd nr. lK mnuc r' nitmrw. II.- to htf.iltl.y at-, i tn'.y b .t-r y in ti e i.iv 1 rttrw t; n. fcvyfjcjy vSoulu et tLu Uxrk. 1 riJt J i?e-U, lo a:.y adr ttrtaea caivd. SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABLE, OZnT ILJLUT STBBET, East of Platte Valley House. TIIE OLDEST LIVERY STABLE In the Town. Good Teams Always on Hand. Careful Drivers sent with car riages if desired. Carriages sent to Depot to meet all traias whenever ordered. THE ONLY HEARSE IN TOWN. Funerals attended and cariiafr'1,i furnished to iriends. Address, J. W. SHANNON. 42-ly rUatlsmouth, tb. O H r-4 . u '"; to I r of) I 1 I w i 3 C ; ; t 'N 1 I CJe"t-5S.L.. ;, - i.'"S3:i;'wk'? 1 f k j. .-, j'rU-rvV ADVESTISIiLIEIiTa. ! REVOLVEil REE:;::r;!;:;; : .!:!' s. A r I'M, i', Im 11 .l uii, i.i V I'll ; v. o .i riii i';u ITU -1 Tt I V r ,!,,'.; i.m: . ( 11 'I ll'o, ', '." hil l- U.oi'.i'i: I..'.'! I .-, f CAI Al.'Xil K mi .1 . ;: iT-lJ; :.; i..-v mtylrn. reilii" ! :r;-4 .-!;!.! tie: -!i inr-.-:.i-i;.;. -.! I !!. J' A" - is ..v !iMi.i c::i;.. .(., r...-.-.:j, Y .t I. or CI: ' :io. P I A N 0 !;'JTi'::;,l ORGAN ..'-v.iij jihm.ii,v ... m fe.. .1 .-ii s 1 , . i ri'.'i.o.. i'ii'.- -i.irn only !'.. -j-oil I'i'i :!'.t l-liiiios. pilei- only i s:-. i" t . n'lll ri;u:o U.V'.'J W Oi '.:.ii. : t.;'i vTJ .Hi. !! ! Oirxtil tii-l'i. I'li.-i' .'hioii!) .!l.-i. Kicpn t .T7." Jllr '.''; Or-iiM . t !n.. liuj'f oiiki m il ., ( 1. 1.' .110 if I iitii not ps i.''il. II. R. I .-.! ii-::.! l o- 1 . h ii, T;.'.l. 1 or Ui;;;iu -- v iii-.- ,;.i ' 1! :. S ;.-i;i..- itrt in-t 11... 1 .on : 1 ' i .: oi -j.i hum 4V reniix if t:ri-. !' d.lvi . j lliuuil 3'. Ileat- fl ft MPnTlril Tiie f.!v .'iiil Inrtimi .film U fi 1 U ilDiV 1 1 'I'' .i.nnul a i liiii'i 1 Ml Ii ' lii'irn I .Vroiiintii' an. I l'..-i !i Plainly tin- t li. lci'a. li.'lria .-niirmiN, 'r n:-M .'l Palnn. 1 i.u I Ii.k-.i. T t TT ,' TO A :ii"l l .. I'ti-i V, ! -Mciisi.i. M.i Jl if! ii III A I-:-iiev. At i ; . . i:, i!i- ir..n.i. .1 i'lnl -. i . ami avi.i.lliii; 1 1" 'lair.'i'i ' . ot W.'itiT, l -io l UUil pit nrn .n.nnii... .-u t.r Ulll Ullil SM-.. Ii-., .'.Vi lli A ClN'tiKlt. -.. ,,i ' ,'i''. i.nti.l K i ' i .r .-.r. ,.. ' . ,,'JJui .11. .1 t, r!'l.-r tl:,t li I-'. .",-'- . ,.'.t',i:j ,.' I m. Tl. I' ' J''r" vt.r '. . A i, HI I t,,,. lii I. :uh .!.! i it, i mi I . ii u.:..ri..r !-. i!. ' "v '' oti riTV I'll. '. ' v nV tvnt'-i r-.'i' 1 l-'l ri:n .m, !;., U' i . A. J..::wk il'o., "i I .ifil'Uli, V. l'lir-oii. I'mjrtive rill- make v ICii'li ami w!l -! i ;0-t I V el-.aii'je tlm tili;n.l in iiu- iitiri' svsli in III tlifi-e iiimillix. ii y pi'isiiii v. !ki Will' I fill eaeli lili.lit in.iii 1 tn I ' i'i'h may lie re-lured lo nniiiid heal: li. if Mich a tl-.iiie I . .i-..i :!. Sent Lv mall for h Her Mviai.-. I. !S. JOW.!SO A CO., Pan;i.r, lie. II K. N. II. II AMI'. Medical Practitioner. Th o :n j v n's Addition, Pld Ism ottti. C-i'?"Cal!s ansv. cn'd at all times. 10Iy r. s. i:(;ia)Ls. Dealer in vatciii:s, CLOCKS. NOTION'S.'. CAN' DHLS CIC.AKS, TOliACCOS. At 1a nisvill..' Xeb., tall ;n il cxani iiu: the stock. lly itosl. I.KAl.l"!: IN ii:y :o!Ms. c r:i(T:i:irs, i 1. 1 :n s v a l: i :. c t"H.l"UY, Ti Y ! : i :, i . n i si'.d i.s MAIS. caps. AMI MVIIONS Ol' AM. KIN I :1. ii:icj: list. rri!:ls 1(5 ti ':.) yanls fur C-1.00. CclTee, 5 ll.s for 81. '(. Ti a, 4' to 81.'0 per Hi. 1'. a s. 12 !''. for Sl.". Miar, 10 to 12 It'S lor 81.00. . Clii cse l." to 2') fts per lt. I'.'mis. ." !:is for $1.00: IVoiifH, lis for 1.00; I;, ... .-, IS to 2 ) il s fur i?l.00. GrccnwocO, Neb. i.ljr KIKE S'JHNELLBACHEK, IIOKSK II0LLN(ir WAGON lli:PAIi:iNf All l:in.'ls of tak-m impli::ji;nt5 lncnileil Neatly ! Pronj.!?; :0: Horse, lulotv; Ox Shoeing In short, we'll slioi? anytliin that liu four feet, from a Zchia lo u (jiralTu. Come ami seo us. SHOP, m I'iflll St., between Mailiiii:d Vine Streets just lu-i'iiss the euiiicr fro in the sr.w 11LKAI.J OKhK.K. 1"" SE 3E0THE.RS, Dcalei s In ST O "VIES, KTC, ETC., F.TC. One Iicor I'ast of tl.e Post -Office, l'lattiinoutli, Nel.i;u-ka. Practical Workers ill SHEET I BON, ZINC, TIN, BRA ZIER Y, dc, etc. I.;:r" a' soi tinent of ll.ii'l ana Soft GOAL STOVES, Wood and Col btoves for - HEATING Oil COOKING, Al.vays on Hand. vry variety ft Tin, Sheet Iron, and Zinc "Worl;, kept in Stock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, I)otif on Sliort X' it lee. 'sricvrnrrinyo walkaxted ; :uf3 I'lUCi: MAtW noivv. SAGE BRS. H. A. WATERLUN & SOX Wholesale and Uetail Dealers ia pin'e LUMiinu, J.ATIL fcHIXGLES. SASir. DOOKS, ULINDS, ETC.. j:tc ETC.. Main street. Corner of I'lflU, l'LATTSMOL'TJI, - - - - NED. Still Better Rates for Lumber. GREEK & BLOVEE?, I. O I'lfiVILLC TI X S II 0 1 REPAIRING ROOFING A Nit SPOUTING. First Class Stock. .iTrrTi-rn ITprZi TT A V Y If II ill! Iff N fi 1 1