THE ,JIEHA LI). LOCAL NEWS Dust in abundance. Flics are putting on their war paint. Slippers 85c a pair at Merges. 8tf Oranges under an oak, Sunday p. in. Slippers 33c a pair at Merges'. 8tf Congratulations and cigars at the I'. O. store. Slippers 3 a Pair &t Merges'. 8tf Bill Bryant Is going about with his arm in a sling. The Occidental Hotel, Fremont, has its card in the Herald. Let us hope the Missouri will over flow Main St. aid settle the dust. Handsome new pattern hats at Mrs Johnson and Miss Sweeney's. 9l2. Croquet in Plattsmouth is not as it U In other towns, the order of the day. F. M. Young, the butcher, has been quite sick for several weeks, but is about again. Billy Neville shaved his whiskers off; he looks 40 per ct. younger, and 50 per ct. fatter. Our little friend. Trow. Fettce has been so sick he couldn't play with his bat and ball. The old watchman says Dublin Jack better shut his eyes and look a leedle oudt! Weckbach is building three new houses, and Plattsmouth is improving A, No. 1, XXX, all over. The Temperance Billiard Hall is flourishing under its new management, and is quiet, orderly and well kept. Last week the yard engine broke the turn-tabla at the engine house, but a couple of days, work put it in repair. M rs Johnson and Miss Sweeney keep rolling in new goods. Their line of fancy goods is very complete. 9t2. More livery teams were out Sun day than for two months past, and more the week through than in a long time before. Julius Pepperberg, Esq.. is about to remove his house to the centre of hi lot, and will add to the dimensions f his H'Hidfiice. A fishing party went up on the Pl.ttte IJuUom lat Thursday, but re turned minus any fish, which is about :i. might b expected. The iron column and arches for th round houio are being fitted ready to I t- placed in position, and the brick work i. well under way. An extra force of men are at work in the K. II. yard here, leveling and putting new tie in the different tracks and repairing sluice ways. --i'rof. Prummond. late principal of the Ili-h School, will o;en a private hcI.ooI in one of the ro.:::is of the High School building, ou Monday next. A mnn crazed with whiskey, creat ed a ripple of excitement on the street a few nghts since, and in the vicinity of a festival, until he was placed in our 1! istile. Besides handkerchief, parasol, gloves, itc, Jones & Stroud have quite a lot of hairpin, collected from their buggies and awaiting owners. "Who'll call first. The "Star of Hope Regiment" (Cold "Water Army) will meet Satur day, June 1st,, at 3 o'clock, in the M. E. Church. All members urged to be present. The body of Mershon, one of the parties that wero drowned near here this spring, was found near Peiu. this week and returned to friends at Cilenwood. Charlie "Warren has engaged a new Tonsorial artist from the east, and his customers now will get agood shave at any time without the inconvenience of waiting to hear next! Whrn Fred. Mickelwait came up on the street the other day, and stood in front of the Saunders House, the boarders all thought it was sundown, it suddenly became so dark. By ji little united effort the busi ness men on Main St., could procure and operate a street sprinkler, which would save a world of annoyance through the summer months. Plattsmouth was unusually lively last week. The Methodist Festival, the High School Exhibition, and sever al pleasant parties filled up the even ings, and waked everybody up. The Saunders House is again being swept and garnished, by the proprie tor. Mr. Gregory, this time it is because the printers are coming there to board and he, wants things to look nice. John Boone, our old and well known barber has taken to himself a help-meet in the barber shop. A very clever assistant in short, and now you can all get shaved any minute, without waiting. The Missouri is running high the present week, it being the annual June rise; driftwood is coming down in con siderable quantities, but no danger is apprehended at the different towns along the river. The long looked for and pleasant weather has come, and corn is looking much better ; small fruits, strawberries, cherries, &c are ripening, and show little or no injury from the heavy frosts and cool weather. Schlegel Bros., are busily engaged m manufacturing their now standard brands of cigars. New brands will be aided ia tiiue, and their patrons will always find agood reliable article wtea purchasing of the Urea.- "We neglected last week to mention the return of Frank "White, Jr., from a trip to Chicago, accompanied br Miss Jacobs, who is now making her second visit to Plattsmouth, having been here once before some years ago. Rev. Mr. Burgess will continue his private school in the First "Ward school bouse, during vacation, or until hot weather makes it advisable to close. He has been very successful and his pupils have made rapid progress. We tried to find out of Dan John son what they did down at the meet ins at Weeping Water, the other day and he said he'd be if he'd tell us anything about it, and that is the reason we can't give any report of it. Did anybody ever notice the in crease in hones and carriages in Platts mouth. This Bpring every thing and every body seems to be out riding. Every youngster, almost, in town has a pony, and evenings our streets are gay with equestrians. Capt. Palmer informs us that when Mayor Johnson, Dr. Livingston and himself attempted to get some of the small Babcocks for use Friday evening, they worked a long time and then only found one in eight that was fit for use. This is not as it should bn. Mr. Jno. Fitzgerald and Mr. Cush Ing will soon leave for Colorado, to begin the railroad work they have there, part of which consists of an im mense Tunnel. They will begin the hole iu Colorado and strike sunlight again in New Mexico. The new model upright Piano, of which Mr. Pettee is agent, was used at the Hall the other evening, and proves a most excellent instrument, filling the Hall with music. If these pianos turn out a lasting success they will super cede all others, and organs as well, very soon. McDonagh has been called in "In jun" Shoutahellahoohoo or "The Man That Whispers." By the same token, we might call the other man Wishwash dryupaquit "The Silent One," in other words the editor Wheeler swallowed whole and alive, a feat never excelled in Nebraska before. Bast week was one of the liveliest weeks in the grain trade this seon. Corn planting is over, and in the inter im between it and the cultivating, the farmers aro marketing their last year's crops. We counted 9 teams at one warehouse waiting to unload, and that was about U o'clock in the morning, before the rush of business. The last week lias been a busy one and male business correspond ingly lively. Good and judicious advertising circulated throughout the county to subscriber would bring many items before the eyes of the fanners who come here to trade and materially increase the trade among the different merchants. When sha'.l a meeting be appoint ed to perfect arrangements to celebrate the 4th a become citizen of a republic, that has stood the battles of war, and the opposition of other nations, 103 years. What is to hinder the citizens of Plattsmouth and Cass Co. from celebrating in a rousing good old fashioned way. Let u think about this matter. The following are the officers of the T. of H. tT. Council: W. J. Agnew. C. C; Wm. L. Wells, S. C; S. S. Ilinkle, J. C; Geo. E. Dovey Becorder ; J. P. Young, Treasurer; J. A. Connor, Manager; M. B. Murphy, I). M.; D. II. Wheeler, Chaplain; E. D. Stone, Protector; Isaac Wiles, Watch man. The regular meetings are every Tuesday evening in T. of H. Hall. We had a very pleasant call from Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Young on Tuesday. Phil finds that duties increase upon en tering the matrimonial state, first house hunting, which was his duty Tuesday, and then furniture to buy and carpets to put down, and so one thing after another, until wrinkles, the proof of all this wear and tear will be gin to appear, and prove him a verita ble Benedict. The Strawberry and Ice cream Fes tival, given by the ladies of the M. E. church, in Duke's & Wheeler's Hall, last Wednesday night, was a success. A large number were in attendance and all appreciated the refreshments served by the ladies. Instrumental and vocal music helped to while away the hour, and we venture all pronounced it a success. The receipts, we understand, were nearly fifty dollars. Lost: Sunday morning May 12th, a small bible bound in Turkey moroc co. Ou a blank leaf in front was writ ten, Jane F. McCormick. It was left iu the Christian Church accidentally. It may have been taken out by some child. Being a gift from my mother in my childhood, I prize it very highly. Will feci grateful to any uno return ing it. 10t3 Mrs. W. H. Schildkxecht. The complaint of the Lightning Rod man and his swindlers is abroad in the land. Near Schluntz mill they have put up numerous rods under con tract with the farmers, so claimed, of 37 cents per foot, but when the bills ; are presented by charging for balls. braces, and ornaments, they run the bills up to one or two hundred dollars. The farmers in that neighborhood talk of combining to test the validity of the contracts. They should never have signed the notes, that's what's the matter. - On the Friday morning train was the largest body of excursionists that have passed through Plattsmouth this season. The party occupied several coaches and numbered between two and three hundred. Three baggage cars were attached to the train in ad dition. At Lincoln about one half the party stopped, while the remainder pushed on to Hastings and other points est.- The excursionists were a" good appearing body, and all possessed of some means, which will be invested in Nebri-ska lauds and will allow them to commence farming under favorable auspices. We took a trip down to Hesser's last week Saturday, and he treated us to roses, paeonies, syringas, heliotrope, spireas, and all sorts and kinds of gor geous blossoms until the ladies of the party looked like huge boquet holders. He tells us the demand for bedding plants and the various products of the greenhouse exceeds the supply, and du ring the last ten days his daughter has potted three thousand cuttings of co leus, geraniums. &c. That looks like success and a new house, and more greenhouses and wealth and riches for Heseer, all of which he deserves for his indomitable energy. Master Ward Skinner has left Plattsmouth along with the window garden, and the boarding house on the corner of Sixth and Vine is all forlorn. No mora small boy to send of errands and then go and do them yourself, af ter waiting long and patiently ; no more velocipedes in the path; no more beg ging of nickles to buy candy; no more wonderful excuses for small derelic tions: in short, no more small boy with all the small boy's wonderful tricks to amuse, annoy, enrage or worry, to make you laugh or cry, and to cause you to wonder "what the child is coming to anyway ?' To involve you in endless and abstruso meditations on original sin, heredity, facility in acquiring evil, and difficulty in acquiring good; and when you at last comprehend that there is no more small boy, you awake to the fact that he had worked his way into your affections after all, and left a ten der memory there. About 8 a. m. Tuesday morning Mickelwait's ferry took aboard three emigrant teams and proceeded to cross the river. At the point where the fer ry ia made the current at all times is swift, and now with the swollen river is powerful ; when about half way over in the middle of the current, the boat commenced sinking, and seeing the danger the boat was cut loose, but not until it had nearly sunk; as it was the boat filled with water, it rising to the wagon boxes on the boat; in this manj ner the ferry floated away downstream. The men from the transfer boats saw it all, and immediately the yawl and life boat were manned and started down stream to the rescue. When the host commenced sinking one of the women was so excited that she threw her young child overboard; a man jumped in after the youngster, seized it, but not being able to swim would have sunk if a boy, on board had not pulled them in. Among those who went after the ferry were, Capt. Butts, Alex Hudson, Fred Palmer, John An derson, Olney Graham. A. Mitchell. W. Chambers, and others whose names we did not learn. Besides tho boats from the steamer several skiffs went along. All the wagons and four of the horses remained on board; two of the horse hung to the side of the boat swimming, but after a while they were looH.od and reached shore. The life boat overtook the ferry about two miles down the river and succeeded in land ing tli3 women and children safely. The men remained aboard, ?.nd by the help of all the boats, the ferry was landed near Bock Bluff, and every thing brought .ashore. After the trans fer of the passenger train, the "Vice President" proceeded down the river searching three or four miles. When about half way to the Bluffs the yawl and crew were met who reported all right, and with them aboard they re turned to town. When the condition of the parties and the height of the riv er is considered it is almost wonderful that some or all were not lost. Too much credit cannot be given to those who went to the rescue and labored so hard to save everything. The whole affair might never occur again and end so fortunately. If the ferry was over loaded and put out in such a stream, the managers deserve the ill will of ev ery one, and the occurrence should never happen again under any circumstances. To All Whom it may Concern. A Greenback meeting will be held at the Court Uouse Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, to organize a full working Club and for the purpose of furthering the interest of the Greenback party. AI interested in the welfare and pros perity of the people, are invited to at tend and join the club. We want to organize and be ready to-tlo something for ourselves, as neither party will do it. All are very cordially invited to attend and hear the truth and know what this rising party want. John Wayman, Prest. G. W. Kixzek, Sec'y. The High School Entertainment The closing of our schools for the vacation has become the season of ex hibition and in pursuance of this plan Prof. Drumraond and his corps of As sistants gave the annual exhibition of the proficiency of the pupils, at Fitzger ald Hall last Friday evening. The nouse was jammed as usual, every one seeming to take an interest in what the scholars have been doing the last year. There has always been a disputed point of just how much or where the exhibitions, of this class do exhibit the proficiency of scholars in the ordinary branches of school study. There is no doubt that these exercis es can be carried to an extreme and be allowed to inlefere with other duties and lessons, but taken in connection with the rigid and thorough examina tions in school during the last week of the term, and the fact that all prep aration for a given event teaches the scholar that life Is bat a great prep aration for one success or failure af ter another, they may be safely claim ed as part of the training school of youth. If passed, with success they stimulate to greater1 f fforts- ttpxt ysar If a failure, taken rightly, they should teach a lesson and show weak spots to be guarded against and the danger to be avoided next time. More than ordinary preparations were made Friday evening to secure the comfort of the children, and the convenience of the audience. In such a jam it is impossible to have all seated as they would wish and we think for a school exhibition it would have been as well to have no reserved places but let tho audience seat themselves as they come. Ample precautions against fire were also taken by the Mayor and Dr. Livingston, Capt. Palmer and oth ers, which fact ought to have been sta ted from the stage as we find since some were uneasy on this account. The rendition of the various pieces on the stage was excellent, and the Herald would like to mention each one with words of commendation, for really, taken all.jin all we never saw scholars do better. To do this howev er would be impossible in the space we have and then a3 each individual spec tator would want to vary our words of praise, perhaps it is better to say that the whole performance was very cred itable to both teachers and pupils and certainly seemed to be to parents and spectators, for when a large body of people will maintain even their seats for three hours, on a warm evening, there must be something to interest and instruct. It is due Prof. Drummond find the teachers generally to say that the schools seem to have prospered this summer, that the instruction has been thorough, harmony has prevailed in the councils and the schools were never better or more correctly graded than under the past management just closed. Personal. Alex Schlegel has gone to Sidney. Mrs. Hill went to Beatrice last Tues day. We noticed Charley Yates genial face in town last Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Messmore and Miss Mamie Gil son left for Grand Rapids on Tuesday last. Hon. S. M. KIrkpatrick visited Platts mouth on Friday, and made some changes in his newspaper affairs. Ex-Judge Newell was iu town Tues day, looking as brown as a berry and had a word of good cheer for the Her ald. Mayor Chase of Omaha and pros pective governor of Nebraska appeared on Plattsmouth streets last week, but did not look in on the IIkUald. Rev. Thos. Bett, father of Mrs. Walter White visited his daughter and officiated with Mr. Burgess in the Episcopal church on Sunday last. Mis Holdrege made Plattsmouth a very short visit last week Thursday on her return to her Massachusetts home. She was the guest of Captain and Mrs. Palmer. Mrs. E. S. Parenleau a friend of Frank Carruth and other friends of the Herald, went west Monday, to locato at Hastings in the millinery business. Mrs. Pepperberg returned with her mother on Tuesday last to St. Jo., for a visit, and during her absence Julius proposes to build an addition to the house and fix things up generally. Mr. Brown, of the Beatrice Express, came down with ye editor on Thurs day evening last from Omaha, where he had been attending the Diocesan Council of the Episcopal Church, and spent the night at Plattsmouth on his way homeward. Jos. W. Fitzgerald, from Cincinatti Ohio is visiting Mr. Jno. Fitzgerald here. Mr. Fitzgerald is a prominent lawyer of his city and is now and has been for some time President of the city council. Although of the same name the Messrs Fitzgerald are no re lation we believe. Prof. E. T. Simons went east yester day to Albany, X. Y. He will be ab sent about ten weeks, and will then re turn to Plattsmouth to engage in the public schools the coming school 3-ear, his many friends wish him a pleasant visit, with his friends of "Auld Lang Syne," and a safe return to Plattsmouth. R. Pedersen (mason 2 times) lias just returned from a continental "tow er," where he has been to see the old folks, lie enjoyed himself hugely; among the bright spots of his visit were the da5's that brought the Her ald, giving news of little old Platts mouth far away across the big waters. Fred Dorrington, councilman fourth ward. Black Hills pioneer, first settler in Nebraska, part owner of the Rhode rick Dhu mine at Deadwood, Dakota Ten, United States of America, return ed to the buzzum of his family last week from an extended tripdown east, where he had been to attend to the mining interests of Cunningham Dor rington & Co. Wm. R. Davis, of Seward, gave the Herald a pleasant call, and financial lift, last Thursday. Mr. Davis was one of the early settlers and business men of Cass county, and for some three terms, one of her representatives in the Territorial Legislature, and is now here accompaied by his wife visiting friends and relatives near Mt. Pleasant. Mr. D. thinks Cass county has made many substantial improvements since his last visit, but has great faith that Seward is fully as much advanced, in proportion to her age. For sale, cheap, 150 Desirable build ing lots in the city of Plattsmouth, Title perfect. Taxes all paid up. Terms easy. Apply to A. W. McLaughlin Cashier 1st National Bank. 23tf Oh Say, if you want a square meal for 25 cents go to John Leach's Restaurant one door asfof Fitcerald's" Bloc kv 52tf SPECIAL NOTICES. ALL. nervous, exhausting, ami painful disease peedily yield to the curative Influences of Ful vermacher's Electric Belta and Hands. They are aafe, simple, and effective, and can be easi ly applied by the patient blunelr. Book, with full particulars, mailed free. Aldre Pvlvkk macukr Ualsakic Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. i8yl-alL "German Syrnp." No other medicine in the world has ever given such a test of its curative qualities as Boschee's German Syrup. Iu two years three million four hundred thousand small bottles of this medicine were distributed free of charge by Druggists in this country to those af flicted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia, and other disease of the Throat and Lungs, giving the American people undeniable proof that German Syrup will cure them. The result has been that Drug gists in every town and village in the United States are recommending it to their customers. Go to your Druggist, and ask what they know aout it. Sam ple bottles 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents. Three doses will relieve any c:ise. 38tf-alt CHEAP BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Serge Shoes COcts. Slippers ... .50cts. M , Leather Shoes 75 cts. Shoes and Boots are down to rock prices. Mens Buckle Alexis S 1 50 " Prince Alberts 1 50 " Whole stock Brogans 1 50 These goods and others including a lurge stock of all kinds of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, must be sold. No trust. Ctf Pkter Merges. Improved book binders at this of fice, tf Sweet Potato Plants. Delivered at the express office in Glen wood Iowa. Packed free at $2.50 per 1,000. Address. L. A. Williams. Also plenty of cabbage and tomato plants, cheap. 7t4 Liver is King. The Liver is the imperial organ of the whole human system, as it controls the life health and happiness of man. Wlten it is disturbed in its proper ac tion, all kinds of ailhients are the nat ural result. The digestion ot food, the movements of the heart and blood, the action of the brain and nervous system, are all immediately connected with the workings of the Liver. It has been successfully provpd that Greene's Au gust Flower is unequalled in curing all persons afflicted with Dyspepsia or Liv er Complaint, and all the numerous symptoms that result from an unhealthy thy condition of the Liver and Stom ach. Sample bottles to try 10 cents. Positively sold in all towns on the Western Continent. Three doses will prove that it is just what you want. 51y-alt.2w Caution to Smokers. From and after the 1st day of May, 1S7-S all boxes containing cigars of my manufacture will have my name bold ly printed on the inside of the lid. This is to prevent counterfeiting my brand of cigars, witli an inferior quality of cigars, resorted to by some unprinci pled manufacturers. None are genu ine unless plainlv labeled: JULIUS PEPPEItBURG, .M ant factukek, Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska. THE vrONDLFUL SUCCESS Whieh has attended the use of Drotm's Liter Pills has demonstrated the fact, that medicines prepared for eastern diseases are not adapted to the diseases of this western climate. The people of the west would do well to bear in mind that headache, biliousness, pain iu the side, indigestion, constipation, etc., result from an inactive condition of the liver, produced by the mias matic influences common to all new countries: A speed y relief is obtain ed by the use of Brown! s Liter Pills. The great remedy for inflammation is Arnica, liroien's A mica Salce is con ceded to be, the most reliable prepara tion before the public, for curing cuts, bruises, burns, frost-bites, and old sores and ulcers. All of Browns Great Western Reme dies for sale by Dr. W. E. Donelan, Chapman & Smith, J. II. Buttery, and O. F. Johnson. !)tc. Plattsmouth, Neb. Bring in your corn or oats to the Herald office. 41tf. TO TIIK AFFLICTED. Act wisely, and at once procure the following itxmderful Family Medicines, Dr. Fitler's Rheumatic Remedy and Liver Pills, a positive, permanent specific for Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, pain in Back, Bead, Heart, Lungs, Limbs, Nervous, Blood and Chronic Dieseases. Dr. Fit ler's Kidney Cordiil removes deposits of Gravel. Albumen, Alcali Acids, re tention of urine, high colored water, and strengthens the Bladder and Kid neys. Dr. Fitler's Calisaya Tonic, for debilitated constitutions, increases vig or, strengthens the system, tones the stomach, and increases appetite. A pleasant substitute for Iron, which constipates the bowels and destroys the teeth. Dr. Fitler's German Pectoral for Lung Diseases, Bronchitis. Coughs and Colds, a superior combination which acts quickly and relieves rapid ly. Your druggists, Chapman & Glass are agent3 for Plattmouth. 20-yl Eighty acres of Land for sale, near Green wood, Cass County, Nebraska; all under cultivation, good small hojse and young orchard and grove Time on two thirds of purchase money. Ap ply at Neb. Herald office. ltf. Geo. II. Shafer & Co., Manufactur ers of True Pharmaceuticals. Fort Madison, Iowa. 34tf. New Restaurant. North side Main St., one door east of Chamber's harness shop. Meals at all hours. Give me a call and get the worth of your money. 3tl3 David Cais. The grandest bargains ever known in this town can be had for the next 60 days in clothing. Boots and shoes in cluding a superb stock of ladies and childrens shoes, which will be sold clear nown for cash. Such bargains were Cever known before, At Stadelman's clothing emporium. 20tf Notesreceipts and bill3 for sale at the Herald Office; also scale book3 for r'titn and cattle ''erln. Use "Centennial Rat Exterminator.' Another jjpod farm for sale in Cass County 100 acres; good house, six rooms, frame stable, 125 avres broke, fine cotton wood grove ten acres, Apply to Neb. Herald office. 4Gtf. Jno. A. MacMcrpuv. You can save a large per cent of vour corn cron bv readinr "Three Illind Mice," and following advice. 34tf Vnr rJroepr!e of :tl kiml-i ami :it lo w figures the Louisvillians will find ockwell on hand every day. 52tf Rock For Sale A good Portable Pipe Organ, manu factured by the celebrated I.Dennett Nutter, entirely remodeled and good for twenty years. This beautiful in strument has 4 stops and 3 registers of pipe, and for quality and power of tone cannot be surpassed by any Portable Pipe Organ. For particulars enquire of S. M. Brown, tuner and repairer of pianos and organs, Creston, Iowa, or to JAMES pettee, dealer in musical instruments, Platts mouth, Neb. 47tf. Pension Papers. Those wanting pension pajwrs ac knowledged will please remember that J. R. Toman, Notary Public, Louisville, has a certificate of the county Clerk filed with the IT. S. pension Agent and can attend to all such business. 5?tf Dry Goods are one of the most es sential things in keeping house and people who want anything in this line can find Rockwell of Louisville, ready for sale at low figures. Hardware is plenty, heavy, cheap and good at Rockwell's Louisville. 52tf Corn and oats taken at this ofiice on Subscription at market rates. 4 ltf -Magazines bound here. tf Grand reduction in Blankets, Scarfs, Caps etc atMaldaner & Herrmann's. New price, Old price. White Blk'tS2 00 2 75 a pair, S2 3 OO " 4 00 " 5 00 " 2 50 " 3 00 M 2 25 " 5 00 " " 6 00 " " 3 50 " - 4 00 " " 3 00 " " tf Colored 44 .4 Horse Rockwell of Louisville makes a spe ciality of teas, don't you forget it tf Go to Jones & Stroud for a eood team just now. lOtf. Patterns for sa'e at Mrs. Johnson and Miss Sweenev's. 9t2. Billey Stadelmann has eot a new stock of clothing, just received, for summer wear, and will be soM as usu al, way down low- for cash. lOtf. Good spcond-hand organs and mf.t.o peons for sale or rent low. heave ad dress at Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drugstore cor 6th and Main Sts. .Tamfr Pktt;:?:, 9tf. Dealer in Musical Instruments. A choice, selected ard new stock of clothinsr just received at Stadelmann's ; go and look at them before you buy from any other man. lOtf. The Victor, the simplest lightest running and best working SEWIXO MACHINE IN THE M RKET. Perfectly noiseless. Call and see the beautiful Sample Machine" at Merges' Shoe Store. Merges & Pfttkk, Otf Agents for Cass Countv. Just roll your gimlet eves toward towards those new ten dollar flannel suits at Stadelmann's. lOtf. New Potatoes, raised by Alvers Mo rev, 9 weighing a pound, for s:th at Weckbach's. May 21st, 1878 tf. If you want to look as pretty as a new sunflower, go and buy one of Bil ly Stadelmann's nobby summer suits, for from six to ten dollars. Horses for Sale. Jones & Stroud have 18 or 20 head of good work and carriage horses for sale. lOtf. LEGAL. NOTICES. Legal Notice. In the Ca County District Court of theSoeond .hulii'ial District ot Nebraska. Edmund li. Woolxcy, iilaintifT vs .losepli Shen. Annette Sher:t. bin wife, Joseph San. Ruck. Md'oina and r.itlersou. and R.iiley, Townsotnl . Co., defendants. Action in foreclosure of mort gage. To the nTmre name-l Jfneh. ytcComa t- ratlfron and Iiilr.y, Towmend t C'. Sou leaident defendants. Yon and each of yon are herehy notified that the above named plaintiff did on t lie 21th d; y of May. A. 1. 1878. file in the office of the I'lerK of the above named Court, his petition f'r the foreclosure of a mortgage, executed oy the s: i I Joseph shera and Annette Shera, his wife, to Joseph Sans, who assigned same to plaintiff for a valuable consideration, the object and prayer of which Is to obtain a foreclosure thereof, on and against certain real estate, situated hi tiie County of Cast anil State of Nebraska, and a fnuliiifr of the amount due tlirieon. wllli attor neys fee, and the barring and foreclosing of all your l ight, and that each of you. as suli.seijueut Judgment creditors of Joseph Shera ct al. in or to said land, or lien thereupon 1-y reason of your aid judgments, obtained long subsequent to the execution of said mortgag.-. You are hereby further notified to ai . !:.( or demur to the petition n me pUnntiil in this cause, tiled on or before Mondav July l'th. A. I). 18TS. or allegations of plaintiff hill against you and each ot yon will be taken as contested and a decree rendered accordingly. Kkmund E. Woolsey. By Covei-l & Ransom, ni Atty's and Solicitors. Plattsmouth, Neb., May 24. A. I. l7s. lots Probate Notice. Notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of Z. J. Qulnion. de ceased, to file the same in the office of the Co. Judge, iu and for Cass County. braska. at riattsmouth on or before the 2xth day ot No ember. A. I. 1878, and meet the administrator at outr o'clock p. in. on said day for the allow ance or disallowance of the same. A. N. SfLLIVAK, Co. Judge. Dated May 22d. 1878. ut3 Master's Sale. District of Xebraxka, en: In the Circuit Court of the U. S. ) , rtmnw for the District of Nebraska. i ,n 1 na"ccr. The First National Bank) CI Omaha, plaintin, v Ira Waldo and Geo Tt Sco I fi-ld, impleaded with Kli cross et at. aeieuaam. FOKrcIX8UKE or MOKTOAOK. Tltllto nut lA 1rtiv iriran tllnt In n .1 . .. .....I rn . i . ' i . . ..... I I1III.C VI ' I ' 1 I . r- ciuuilTll 111 .IJIT Ull'ir lilllM;, the loth day of September, A. IX 177. I Watson li. Smith. Master in Chancery of said Conn, will on the twenty-fifth day of Jure. A. D. H7. at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the north door of the United Statcn Court House, in Omaha. Nebraska, sell at pub lic auction, the folium in" described nmiMTif. to-wit : All those eeventl pieces and pn reels oi j land situated in the Cltv of Beatrice. In the ; County of l;uce and Slate of Nebraska. kno-n a lots number five (5) and sU ( in block seven- 1 y tour (74). .. Watsox B. Sm lTir, J. M. YTooLtroRTir. M:is'r it C'inn"erv ! S'::;. ;-ir j. t r.'.Jai:.!. .-w ; Siierilf s Sale. ... '.! . nun 11 I v C -i. tu. ot .aiti day. to satisfy a jmltiieiii recon-red liv Id virou.i P.n.'S. I W. HYf'tir-. Shciifl Ca-s Co. Dated May st. 1 .:;. i Administrators Sale. Notice is hereby i;iven that tli pursuance of ft decretal order made bv his Honor S. B. round. Judge nt the Second Judicial District. 11 and for Casa Co.. N l.. at Ins chambers In the City of Lincoln, on Satt1rd.1v I he S'th d.iv of March, A. D. tsrs. I wH on Saturday, June sill, 1S7S. on the I'-t IU Weeplnjj Water t:a Co.. Neb., offer forsnioat i:ih!;e uiiciioii. at the hour of two o'clock p lit., of said 1l.1v. to tne lushest and best bidder fur rash, ad I In light, title a!"l ni-teie-t ot Kiiz i De I. in . K!l. Maiti, and James Hmtitv Jr., heirs of James M. Bnn.ty.Vlereased, of Cavt t 'utility, Ncbra-Ka. I.i and to' the follow ing dcscri'i-ed real estate. sit!i-i d in Cass Co.. Nebraska, to-wit : Twrutv-I .-'.'J' f- t off of tUe West side of lot tlliCC (" III block I'l'ltV- uliie (4:i in eepiag Water. Said saie wt!i re main open r bidders for til - j"..;"e of eric lunir. Terms c.;sb. yt. 'I .1 AM KS HlVKT, Aitm'r of the Est. of Ja. M. r.uiidv, dee'd. Probate Notice. In the matter of :!i" estate of iTe.,. Shaft r, dee'd. Before A. N. Sullivan. Co. .'udgc, lu and for Cas Co., Neb. Notice Is herebv given that E!i;ibe:h SLifer has tiled a petition 111 the oiiMtv Conn, in ami for Cas County. Neb., to tonve .John II. lieeker appointed admiuisl tator ot the estate ot Ceo. Sliafcr. deceased, and said cause is set for hear ing :tt the ofllee of Hie County Judge, at flatts moitth, on the 31.-1 day of M:iv, A. D. tsrs. at 3 o'clock p. in. on said dav. at which nine and place all persons inteiested may appear nnl show cause, if any they have. hy the id John 11. Becker should not tieiippoiiiteu such admin istrator of said estate accorilU'S to the piaver of said petiiion. Witness my hand Ibis lath dav of Ma , A. 1). ls". at 1 ' isiuoui It. Neb. 8"t3 A. N. SCI. I.IVAN Co. Judge. r Mr wimTr mm, -vc COUNTER.PLATF0RM WAGON &TRACK THE BEST ARE- s -THE CHEAPEST MAKV1M SAFE SCALECQJ 265 BROADWA Y N. K 121 CHESTNUT ST. PH LA. PA. j 117 SENECA ST. CLEVEQ. 3 ; . Tl i . c ; C3 3 1 3 . o fa bXj c c -' ills ; 'i5j- u. - . M 5 o r. H t. Z- 5Ji:, lit p. - r- - Z - 5 . x S r" N I 33 L ' t- 3 1 s r- r1 ' sr. r. f" r. v. ie jj X" v; a. 3 iV. 5 A 3 -f A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage ! A Guide to Wed.ocic tmI 'ontiUt Ui. lrti-:w en lilt iutic of marrli'e ud the ctusri thut mm; tor it the cri of EepiodueMnn and Uitrae or W omrn. lor ptvat. run id reading. kvO lmjci, jvmm A Ktwil- Mt'DlCA i Anvisrp On all d:"rt:r (Pr: rare art- trom 8l Abu be, ixceMca, or Sf-cret Dikenues, vi:a the ict DiretM of runs JfiM :arLppcr. price Mi -tt. A CLINICAL tECT0BS oti The tt&oTP d end fiioee ot tiie Throat end Lunff i, CklArrh.Kupture. the Ojpium Hblt,r..prir lu'i. ,nhT book rot pfpatl on rrceipt of pHce: or all three, Contaimtir b autifuli j it utrair1. lor lb eta. AdUnea XU B CTTb, So. Id N. bltx M. tu Louie, a. 2500 A TEAR. Arents w.sittcd. Hiisl ncss legitimate. P:irtlrtilarfrc. illuJ.(JrUtCO.i,t Luutj. Mil, opiums I. 1 a'liie: 6 V levity, r-eni ;s pullt-ulv. !. C-irTTr-. Il-l M iim in 1 l.i,wi;ll, ill. ren;-Win'jAjl''re'- v .1 arvi.rvo; fl-". OuU ' at Inc. J.T.. buy lord (.u.. Cuiciwo, 111. $3 GOLD PliATEl) WATCHED. ri-..p-t III Th hCltt a WOrl-1. f.Wt-1 K H'AT-M Fhrl Tl. A-.!. lwu-, A. I'OLLTl.K I. O- C-c. . Iu. Dr.A.G.OLlN'S ell iX-e-e ot Private et.-.w. rwltir TVTte Hfepiut, M. ( I irkj-rM., ell Diseases ot Private et.-.w. rwltir fro-n ry tfu r Infection of ntkr J-t. feomlnal U fiil.r.rV'tlrii,r FwlMloBt, Lmi of Mcmorv. I m patrol Mrht, l-t Manho-ofl or lanp-otrnrj, NcrvoMa I'eMlltjr, fwnnr na-htly cured ; dUeo-a of th.- Kludfit r. Kldn-ja, I.lvrr, I.aiiZA. Aith'ii-. I'Marrh. HU, Mi 1 LfimVr i and IrH r If OP PKMALES. jHld to hi fr-tat.r &t. I O u ha a lif-lon4 xirie. ad cute whrrv n.Lor- full. I ' rvnM- of ih Itcfi-niMM i'rl. i o men Hrv. f'-v t:e lvasi frartica in the U. S. I. A IMF--- rrnntrln tntannnt wit private home v4 bnanl, or Krv coeiri for pauaata. 8al fifty reoU for mmie of hauler f.noti tut rlr ruler of Imrajrtaot lornrmaott liVtrrmi. OH- OI.l N'i Fwi!c P1K $i per Bo. ror-i'iLt'V-- W. MARRIAGE GUIDE Hissrli " -"l itinl.!i w-l M K-lh Sv mi !1 itw f pim, nalm-i. al u.Li. M t.i the m-trr kl ui lh. rM.i.u,,.,-Uiin m.-i-TiTC aw lo h M.-IT 14 U-j!y J. tpy lo lh Miar-i.: w.w Una. KTai-jSioJjr.houlil.Mtbl. mWriii.. uuval H. HEROLD, dealer In i:iy C.OODS, LOOTS, PHOi'S. HATS. CATS. GLOVK8. KCRMSJUNG GX)DS. GROCERIES, dr. JEWELRY and 1T0TI0ITS. I have a larze t'ek of Buck Gloves:, of hit own milic in br d.w il otit at e"t. AI kind' of COUNTRY PRODUCE takv-n n c-eL'."i;.;e for M.iin S-Lret t, Cor:icr of l"tUh, I'r. '.TT.cvf.v - - - Yrz I nt!f I Jiereliv riven t'.iat l-v rirtne of mi . excrtiiion liieil o;ii i.i tin I '.tin ic Cmu I ot 1 In: Tl Second .iu.iicml li-tiricl. iu ami lor l.ane:n:er ' r ' I nlii I V :. tl il n i.i .Vlit- .L -t utnl Ift In til I I ! recti it. I lup Ivvli'ri u;;iti .;, muck of j.'i;n;s : of A. I-. Ft hot ia-p, surviving pailtiei r( l.tliT- i.t i-4 ., i ...v.. -; , r .1 . . . ....I.. IHr rnri p'H'nn ..tsil.-.l -4.1 1 ip, III . i.-., I ! I Mints jtinl s!io . !i:-.ti :iiit c.ip. k1"Vk. Ic. :mt ' : n;PM'.TiK. Iii i '.i I ih:! i'hi. itt in!it c ti' I l!:e tiift'l""" '"li-r t"i easii. Ml ore el sa'tl ) . t r ti-.rfii .i In m:.iI f'l.milr nl i'-i.:i .ill i II I, ..-It 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IAK0S .-,; I'laixm nr. $1000 ilorliiHUV .'.'si lU'iiioii t-'iut. N'j money till een. Bc-J ! hind orders. Kcm-mmi Utf l::ri:alii. TlloMAf ! 1K... Caisklll. N. V. t UlUl A llilrc -w LATKM :a TAI.OOL'K anJ l I UK 1'L.VRs,- with tiew Kt.vIM. rrilorril in lce4 and "!! tt tfif r!u..tru:i."c,iil fre. MA SON t HAMLIN O.Ki.Vls' Li " , il.mton. New ork or hic.ijfii. lie,-.:.? AwaidH h W ' . Ci -nfri'til ..r'trw M.e" wiifrf, ai.'i - '.-..; Kit a -rr i ii t V .. 7 'i m uii.e;Hl ,'ii i:.t-iit -!. n- '1 i.f- t'.-l tl'l'"0 !-vir: 1. rl'irrly T Jitrl -wf'i i ti ril l' r .aiui'tc. . I "lmliltrc, Va. on ev"rj i-l m ; . full r- -ieitt r fre, A. Uret .V .. Vc nTUCB KTFP IH SCIfMCf. Hnvui.n w . " - - - - Orat II Alitor Wni'KEua rlninjrtil to iLOM' l;tack lv a b:iik1c nptlicalion ct iA Jvi:. 1 imnort. a Nnturul Color, ctn litautaneoiily. audisan LIiruileiM Fprinjr Ur. Sold by Drun'toWi or wnt- by exiir.-s on recf.ploi 4tIU-e, 3." aiurruy Mrwli New rk. S5G rorCrvtt ot caIAKKH t''iit - IOHIIH liAIIll A L 1 fin tor -I- :arrli will not ii st.mi I v n lie ami MM-cilhy core. IteletcnceH, Henry Ui.t! l".. V.-i: Kiit-vn A Co.. Aiii'M.i. N. V. : Win. I'mmvcii, Kij., SpV j Mr. IL.t'on, t.irtiii r.uMt tt. m. Ulrfiiiis. li--i;ini)iii.ii ;nnl tr.-li.-irt SB HdVlii:til. I'llce. with lniirovel V" Inli.iier, 1. .Sold cvervwlieie. WliliKS PoTTKi:, I'ropnt ton, r.Dtnii Ma.'i PI AN Oh i'xtf ii'r ,V?.V Vv ;? ORGAN wnraMgCTi-,vi;ii ui,,,itioli.ia-'ia rcn.M-.crt. Set; Heti'x lateiil Newspupcr lot full reply Nrut free." Mcftde IhivIhk or CajAU rea l my latent ein titar B-itllvV ce,eui. li ed I'i.tiiiis OrKitns. Iieant if til Instrument! Challenge CoiiiHi'isnn ! Itivula are Jcalttuw of my sucee :.s ! Mont nitcet-s(u Itotise In Ai.ieiica ! Coiiiiiieiiceil a lev eiim ii'-'O witliont a tloilar. sales i:ow iicarly Si.OnO.n'tJ ainiUally. I.owpt prices ever given, rlcunnt ItOHCwuotl I'iatiOH ia5. 16 .slop Cltiirclt 1iaii. (tl I J. irciiienti V'T i VJoii ttaruln now tc.-utv, Atl ire .IIJ i X) W n nrAi.'iiL r. seaTt?, vrttx. x. :. W Mi ' t.'v.- - r ' -a tte .Trail V 1 jrtr ji' , CmSTlMIKM rr. . .i IviMMLiiaUi'UilKIl IfORDISLASESOF BILIOUSNESS. IIVER STOMACH lOIARRHCAJ CliABS IRt 'i"irt r2 - - ' - ' A ' AMES i ETTKE IjKAI.KK in Wusicai Instruments, Sole A ppolntiu'j A gent for Toe I nrlvalled ?IAn A. Hamlin CABINET OFtGANf. Al". the Sleek, Henry F. .Vlller. i im! II .cf Sc f 13 HI -t till i'lnutis fin ( and s:,i y en ntle. .Neli. ( ' ill iml .see S A . ! I ' 1A ' I X S T liU.MKXT s at ofllee. Sixtli. o:;c !n!r 'ul h of Mali. St. i'l.ATTSMP' II!. Mill. Tnninti ami r ji;iii in i'i-ifii nml OtK.'iiti t speel;tity. 1 1 1 1 : 1 r Hie sKil-fi.i : .null i f Mr. Is. M. lirown a tttiici of I !i irly-l ill ft- yt i;l i ex .ei leiiec. "MlkSCKNELLB ACHER," ' 1 i:oi!SE SHOEING, a n WAf.ON liKI'AIKINt. All kinds of FA I! SI IM ri.F.M KNT8 mondcil Neatly it- Promptly :0: Horse. Mnlc& Ox Shoeing,; In short, we'll slioe anything tliat has four fi-et. from h 'Mini U ;i (iiraffu. Come aiul sf e us. ITEW SHOP, on Fiitli St., )ctwcen Main and Vine Streets, just acinus tlie ciuiiir froni tlie nr.w llKliAIJ-okkii-k loj 1 TOOF'S STANDARD RUFFLER - 4 1 t "... t ' Tl i"fcaa -aaaaaal For ALL Sewing Machine. The beet to ne and most perfectly controctel Address E. JT. T00F, " Domestic "Buildinp, NewTork or Newt Haven, Ct. . 3e. THE LICHTEST RUNNINGS,' THE SIMPLEST, THE MOST DURABLE, THE MOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINES.' FofSfenirtntT all the latest and moet 0ea!rabl lmprtnemcnts. . . , , - It Is easily Bnd&rtlood, nake the double tkread ioektiteh. lia- .lr-r;iilatlaar tu loan and takaap. and will do ttis whole range of family work without change. . The DOMESTIC " t nade In tn mot dur able manner, with conical ateel bearing and cotnpensalius l"nnial tbrotihont. - Airents for the D03FflC" Keirlar Jfa elili and tLe " DOM KkTIC " Paper aaltloB wanted ia all unoccupied territory. Adiire. Zeirizi Hacliitia Ccapaiy,' ITer York"' r i : :ti a: o 1.-r' i-::.-vzoy AK'?.'?j 1 1 I -1 1 f. 1 '-i krf ;t (1