in 1 I"5 r -: ! i a A b J. A. MACMUliPIi" EufTou rLATTSilOUTII, Al'Ilin 25. 1878. Tur: proposition of Weeping Water i. to furnish all county bul'din.'rs free for fiv? year?, or to give S5.0C3 in cash mid buildings. It will be published irs fu-I in next wct-V-i II :::: A CJkn. Tiiayeii Wiii ousted from the (iovcrnorshij) of V'yoi,Vm.j. l.:'-e.use. he Fipio I a Mil passftJ Ly two-thirds of the Lecrislat are. - Nov we wonder what kind. of L ills his ciiccessor will ri'n. TliOS'i never pasted at all, pii ha l)v. . Ocr delegation at Washington deny .-ry s:renuor. !y that they hve in any v. ay interfered or o'f :i;.' l to interfere in t-tate polities, and s ly that all such sLoiies au tlio invention of cruel and unreliable newspaper men who have nothing rise to do. Thkui: U tho deepest, gravest, most p.le:an mud-licle on thy high road to Weeping Wat'u", near tha oII Austin place, we ever paw in Xet r.iska. The Supervisor of that "dcc sU iet" wants to loo!c after that hule or there'll be no county seat in Cass county soon. The hoe'il swallow if. Snr.iors cliarges have been made ag n.ii Dr. Lindorman, director of the i I". S. Mint. Whetlvr true or not, th" Dr. is an old iv:nnant, cut bias and I gjrea will, prejudice ,:!' scarce a ; of good modern s-T-e remains. It is i time he was dropped into the rng-bug or made over iutJ creoiihacks. Comb lani'd, show ytur hand, don't b-j bashful, you liave never been noted for modesty before, mvl us you have at las accomplished one of the objects of vour life and gt a wide newspaper to yourself tlo snre;ul roun.l in it :i litt'iT j Tell us. all that S"-rctarvhin auu the county sent anJ so on. It's potting monotonous editing a newspa- per htio the.-je days. Speak up, Daniel, vi e're a'nen. Ir, as the l.itcst dispatch iadicatcr., ihe Congress of ?C;iti:n.s should at last mee t and by any coinprouii-e peace for the fulure be dccland in Europe, it w ould be too late to return t'.osi em jdoyed in iailitary service to indu.atri- .u w.o .v.i ... t . w ... ; . i ,..;i n : . .-a. ..a O. .t- ... OI be consumer:; ir.ii not pro.uic ,. ' i ri-rs i r i . . . . ... i ecme time yet, even v.fcre race d3clar- i ( d, so that we may look for a -oo V- Euroj.ean market for our grain this veur ii-acj or war. SCXATOU oXKLIxr. comes I ..trili f 4- v.ilh a denial of his interview wi'.h the i I u Xew York Woihl correspondent as jf then jus'iee ih r-n su Is a central lo puUisiieil in Ia.-t week's IIek.vlk. That j Cat;,,i,, and every man has an equal Mr. Conking is not in s:.mpalhv with j rlt to ,i0 ., ;n his power to re that the administration is well known, and i t;lP .u-iaantls of jus:ice are met, can we t!t 1m privately h is dl-p ira-ed the I t ause of the adioini -trati-m is t onally t well known. 'While senator Howe pives Ids opinions p't' :i ly and freely, S.nator Onkliiiij attempts to thiow his responsibility upon journalistic cor- j respondents. The Sen.iior miouM state liis liouest convictions open an 1 above ; bjard "though the heavens fail," is mir j opinion, ami all private insertions and I public denials but increase the pit- eiu diincu.tiv.s. The prospect for a mint at Omaha net very encouraging it pre.-rnt ha.5 been recommended in Conciess to re-estabii.h the bramdi mint at New t ' W Orleans, but that Omaha U much the b, t -I'Vee u, t a'l Tf v ml I ' k,t icp l.-oiiivw.i.i t. .1.1. I. .oul I . be muei. better to have the mint at ! cait Lr.ko City than ia the South at j -ieh Ti liiftaneb from the place of j,r i the fuil ieinands t.f justice and to - i to h.v.r Ada Kiehnmnd'.s caruie pera : ; .- .r, ,. ,, e ate the count v --e tf in th" riht nlaee trouoo. It is ffhleiu, if ever, thatsuc'i i ttaetmn. Tim time is as-parenUy cm- l" - n t.i. n.-,at I-au, , , , , ' ing when the AVe.t need look for but j 'e can never reach this much to he . ilt;on ;;lt!;,n tl 1(l..;th,r in ti,, ();.,,;v little I.eio fio.u Congress, even if it has j "J),'"nite Conclusion. I can j Uru en'sucli a tlin'v, rainv, stcVmv ! evcrv advantage in it favor. Present i fpe no other wa' out of thr" -'Culty. j night as that which br-mght m this ; indications aro that Congress preft.-rs ! hat ilac then shall all honest I popular combinatiim. Sine-Lot ia left j 11 l-r'"M,i h-M.hi b . shi-i-.ed f v,.v- "'' whoare(les:rimrto reach this "def- i and our old time ite, Irs. Oat u!l Li.-uimMiDHul .m M.i.i.M'ii 10 Acu l ... es, nntde tlie citv lau;'h aicl be merrv ! Orleans aud the coin reshaped Lack, ! 1:,!t inclusion vote.- If jou will ! j"ro.,(; t0 wesi, we h ive had rmth- ratlier than csiabli'i a mint at a cen- ' tae l'ut on0 ftJil,,ce at t'ie county niaj 1 i.(.ro yhu-h has given us so much tral point and one easv of acc-s fror1 i you will not be long in determining, j genuine onjament a? Adah Kiel.-! " l-.-i . c .l. l',l,inl l,lllj. fl'ie!":! till, lie ill V I"! ..11 ... .. i 1 Jill y Ol L.l" u County Scat. line at --What's the matter with you city folks and uew:,japers. Yiiii haven't said a word ab.mi county seat removal, and none of your people teem to care. New if you don't look out these Weepiu' Water fellows will steal ups une ni.aht and hitch on to the Court House and haul it out to Centre or toinewhcres afore ye know it. I di.n't live in riaUsmeulh. and I'm on ly a farmer kind of chap, but I don't i tli ink that the biggest part of the coun ty should, be dragged west to pay taxes and transact their little cuuniy busu, to the litti-t fend. The W. W. boys keep teliiu' about their place bein in the center so much. How can it be in the center? if you take the map ;o'i will sec that Weeping Water is tin the north edge of the low- j est range of tow n! ios, nearlv in the I ct uter of that range cast and west, "ow, vc have all of the middle range of loiMiships noith of that ami of which W. W. illicit be cuiled tiie cen ter, but whai'" you do with the hull north part of the couuly or the rane alorg the Platte river. Prom Piatts j mouth west, .seems to be left out j f i their calculation, and I think thrv've .ni .-i.ii,;,,', ... i ,. t , . ' got boxnethmg to say a jout whtic tucy . hall go. tp .Court and so on. Ag.HU if you look c.t the jvopulation : m will find tliat ;;l:urt fiiJ? ,J il las in the three t-.b-vrn pi.. -riatls- mouth a..d prccie.c'., Liteity rccie.c:, Liteity and Hock i 'l "luffs. If you ir,r:!uihv.igbt Jlile, c?i h -3 lit'.-i-er to i'iattrfl'y.nth . than ; to V., it !3-' toei. i; .b-rVet I.'.lf ' cf thV'tfriTre lK-;;uh:.:u- et la.-t-c.gai;v: cu fau vi:-lr.itr. cattle an 1 I , YTLf ".-.' 1" ""! , ,., 1 - 1 i.itUiiiOUvatily aaaprecmct auu liogs were killed in considerable i.-tm- it,., ,-,... f;. ., - v, ... -t ,.r it-.. i"'..eo, .1 .. .i . u , . , . . I t.','-f.' iuci!!!-. i "cjng Uk i ;atio j lici. alo-g the track of the storm in a ',0 i.-,l. I '1 iu" ! -r; !.cri j C.' i .!. , y.-..r. !.cj,"i mre ;ibovo the point w here '7. . can possibly be the renter. It may be that some of them don't want tho Co. seat at I'latt.smouth. Tio y would if they was let r..Vmc and consul tt-I tkcirown convenience ami the county's good, iusirr.d of foolish jealousy. Any way. I don't care uiueh, only IM like this thin? fettled, and I don't U-iive jut now the county oulit to, i.r can afford m.-vo Hie county scat. It v. ill cost i;, furnish. ,i. moving, election and all, not Uv.s than S50,0i0 i:rc, V.'hcrc uro oar srumblia tax- havers, who think we ouht to econo mize, when county seat's around. Mr. Editor these air tnj sentimenlf, and I ask you to ni:.t 'cm out ami ohlie, An ()li Fuiknp. Y.'hy ot Ile.u-h a Definite Conclusion. ii. IIekalii: Since leading your short article on "County Seat removal," iv. which on say, ".Such constant ap peals to the passions and prejudices of 1 lie people are not any benefit to I lie county," I have said to myself, too tru?, too true. Why not reach a"D'!i nite conclusion." What is the use of keeping this county in hot water for ever? Men are now selected for oilice on account of locality, and then defeat ed or elected on account of locality or local prejudice, and without u "definite conclusion everything promises to be in greater confusion in the future. ".migration is going around and be yond our county, trade is leaving our coant. our cou:ilv town? can not be s.iid to be more than holding their own i jealousies exist where friendship, j s!,ouU ai,oURjwhere men should he . , , m.. ,..t ir.'s iiHiiK'iiio an t imwiiiji uimi.ucu : building up our county, wo fiud them enemies These things cuglit not so to be. So come let us reason together and see if we cannot reach this much to be desired conclusion. WHAT AllJi COUNTY SKATS? They are points designated by law or chosen by th pr-ple vhero thecoun- ty f.Hicers are to have, their ami whero the taxes are to be collected, ami ht -re the ohivIh are to be held. What classes of phonic have interest in these county seais? All classes, for in this democratic country all pay taxes, which ... i ....... .... j , , i. i Ciiu ouix i; twiiy uie eouuiy sr;u. ;tinl all cither have law suns or are compelled to attend the county courts as witnesses, j 'trots, &.c. If all arc finally iiaMe to visit the co.unty a. at, and as it U for no particular class, where should it be located? It should be located j.u tl c central ic ii ui i lie tou.ii,.. aw i in on:.- . ' . who live in the extreme portions shall j i - ' j in' io uieir couuiv ou-iness. ; ran any other location than a cen tral one meet the requirements of jus tice ? .t- j.nv.-er asnrAfllv irtst ba PKpect the aKSricved parties to cease (hril. stlf0 ,n,tii justice is satisfied': : y0. If t!ie demands of justice cann-.t I Jf, met except bv a central location, and nf. cannot exp.:ct those who live frm ;u to l"i miles from tlie present j county scat to desist from these ' eon- j stant appeals to the passions and invj- j u.ii.-es of the people" of their own free j wnit -s t here any law or any force by ! wl.deli we can compel tiiem to do so j aad to cease tlbturbing tho whole cum in unit v ? Ag-un we arc compelled to say no, fi.r although th,- law allows a verv piuall minority to hold the county scat ,"lt A 1C1I..OV..'. t. I.,: ill n'l, J t t- ic :lft('r il i,;;s 0,1; i... l..,. ,i l a ,-,.f ;i L"n'3 10 U:t oiajmii, ir ia:ge caoui,.i, the power to bring up tlie vexed oaics- ! in. 1 li0n tv' tw" ';-,;?- then we are compi-.h-d to grant ; 1 tie exaeL eenit o oi me couuiv u 1 ! m'oe south of.tiie centre of the north J line of sec. 2, town 11, range 11. I One and one half miles south-east of i tiiis lies the thriving town of Weeping Water, situatt d on the siream of the same name, and famous far its great water powers and valuable stone qna ries. containing a populat ion of three hundred, witli eleven business houses, i blacksmith shop, wagon slum, ic, and I three mills within IC, mile?, with oili er water powers siiil to be imp-roved, two largo stone churches and one two story public school house. -Situated in me. Maaa-.u te.itet ui tin.- tuiiii t , ciuaby accessible to ail, can any one chalienga such a selection'. If you will but candidly and honest ly consider this matter, I have nodoubt but that you will arrive at a "dctinite conclusion" to vote for Weeping Water on the 14th day of May. unsci:ii5E.i. A Disjairo'.:-; Storm. A fierce wind, rin and hail storm passed over northwestern Iowa Sun day evening, and other poinU in the com. try were visited, by the same. The ' storm spread over a large tract of co', from Missouri vailev to tlie northeast. The town of Wail Lake, Io- j . e,.ff,.r..i sm-avoIi. iAn ..r i,n . , , , i a blacksmith s shop anil sat down on a Lovn was ronmh tr v destroed and;..: t i..1 :.... , i... , i ' -' - i:inn people were, injured severely, j trees were uproots.J. houses scattered : ara! eo'.r.ti.e! -! it.-atrri e,I in At. ho:ts i Jctroyed. one member of the- family j ya3 killed and a man carried bodily in i the air oyer Lui id fugs, .and trees un. harmed. At tone Lako "four reno:i3 ! iver. kiM'? , fV.rlv coii,,irJv i..i..i-- i il'::-' -. ef i ! oi... vttif iif'd ! on:' tli-?:;t:?e(j r-v i h . .-ton-. r;!.Hfl .-0"V' e ..!cr ... - .-t Ol sc. v r- . i L..'r e ; to tl:. I ul feet; on the i.lir.-ix l'i : : h-dam- age was very severe ami sutno livca i were lout. After the storm, the town ; of Stoi i i I;i!.e was cr-wdd with m-ut, ! after ?Mrjeo:is to attend tlie putfering. j Tor four dav.s uo (o ni'dit t!io Ffverer.t tor:n evi ranin? :n D.f lii,. known Lad hci n Iliiis, mi:.i:; ' ;I5 ahai:.-t coiiipleteiy sl'j..-d. IV. i were rendered itupa-uhie, lrjd?.-i w;.a..rii away sn-.l pas-.enrers ltrrifi i from place to plare. j Siir.i-y iilht at Galesbar, 111., . the: j rain fell in torrents followed by liaii which increased in si:-:e until they fill tlie size of hens c'r':r: iiuii tui ifii i lit; . . . i i i ground three inches in depth. One j hail stone was ting up which was bur- j ied five inches and measured eight i inelu 3 around. The fruit in the viei:l- is almost totally destroyed and j-roper- j ty of all km lr stiuVred severely. A! togother it is of t!"3 worst stories that often occur?, and ia the places wht-re it was"serist was the v. i::: t ' ever known. i Oar I.oaisville Lrtlcr, LorisviLT.1:, April 22. Kd. IIi:hali: Another week has passed and gone au.l brought about more than the usual number of changes, ! which go to make up the grand pro- j gramme of life. Some who mingb d J with us in the patit have been swept j into Lethe's wave, while others have, j drifted into the great a::d mighty cur- j rent which is so rapidly flowing west- war:!, and have moored their barks in the bar of this metropolis, for they fal- ly realize the importance of seed time, n.l I.:ivp come west t.. sow fro...! seed. " - " - - - - no: on me rocu?, not among morns, out :i the tertite soil ot .Nebraska, waeie Ihey know it wi'l brin forth an j hundred fold. ' i La.-ft wek was a tiyinir tunc ft "r ! school marras here, we understand Mr. j Martin.bile had twenty applicants. It : is predicted that, should there be many j more such satherins, Boon the baehe- lor's club will be nn est "to wuikc'I." I r. . r , , i . 1 n:;t irau l 0:1 nature, ti.e I l.utc, o::a been inuulriniJ too muoa Jattly in an i'.iiialing kind of lwverae, and coir... s down to us terrible hih, attended with all the bo-istL'ioUine s of spreei::!. The yesc are very thick and those , - , . , , . , . um ana mu are too.cui io watiiC iieir powder on jrlass halls. We undjrstand that Hon. J. M. Kcard.; ley lias sold liis farm to one Mr. Vo.s bur of Eul, Iliinoi.s. who moved here last week, brim in considerable stock ,t, lv riiln.hl. . Mr. II. Althouta came in last Friday with a car load 01 moveables from Ab bot, Towa. Tliiou.;'i tlie dominant spirit of Mr. Ifall, io, other Plrueture has been a Id d to oar in jic-asing de mands for business marts. Th? religion interests here are kept up with ability, Itev. Mr. Itokweod r.f Paiillio:i. jiroa.'-hi il yesterday, i. m., and licv. Diffenbacker in the evening, the clouds were threatening and the C(nre.itio:; small, but Mr. D. is a per fect oe-ti'Miome, and begins on liuie ree.rdless of elements, Tlie frecpiei.t Ajuil bowers brinyiiis forth the hidden qu uiiies in j Damo Nature's face in aino;t pleasiiit; j manner, filling the air with rh-rs sweet t and clothing the earth with a carpet of ! elvtt of various and tlelicite tints,, and the birds come in with their s w. t j melodies, making the opening s-.-ei e ! grand o;iera of, liver and anon, T;:an Tho Adah Itic naor. l Traap?. The K;m?:is City Time?, of a late date, "peaking of the t.l.-.rde burle.s- U'rs v-'!" to appear at K le'ir-mi's opera House next .Moudav pulst savs: ' ji.e rain and the storm clouds did noL pri.vent a grand t'trn out last nigfit 1 "-1 1 was something whic'i struck a re-.p -n- J sive chord in the heart of every '., o!' the audience who was not Mead to ( n- j j-nr.ient. It was a bomim tof beauty. a j bouquet of mirth and feast of fon. Thcplaii.--.tif amounts to lit!'.--. 11 mie;ht be calle-l Cinderelhi, Alladin's Lamp or illue Heard just as aj.p.cj rlate I ly as it is called "( how ( how, a 'I ale of l'ekin." The pl.iy is a myth, but i'-e-s are ieaui!.-. nss l.ieu- ijiooo, mane a in in nine i;npi e.ij;ou at the bogmiug. and he'd the admiration of the audience to the close. Her support was very even and well distributed. Miss Su.-ie I'arker .sang excellently, displaying superior vocal tove--i to m'iv in the enst. and the val- (irons iJt ebo, w i t li Napoleon U n:i pane and his forces created uproaions lau ter and applause. The sprightly Julia Si'nr.1.1 ... .-.. lii-itii- ..1" I." I-:.,- ...... ...... .I.. ........ .... ..v.. , vivacious nriuner and grace t'i:I dai.e- ing. (ins jiruno was tin: high ki.-ker of the troUie and his fantastic dancing and dialect imita-ions were inimitable. ! -Chow-Chow" is like "Patchwork"! inasmuch as ti;e plot. is o;i- ! structed m.-relv to siiow off the merits i of the several performers. The ca-t- i , ing and -encral appoiutmeiits of the ; piece are above the usual order. Every- i thing moved saioolhiv, ae.d through- one in.: enure perioi maues ii"i a ci.e was lost or a line forgotten. As a bur- lesipie rodnction ' Chow-Chow is first class, and auv one ' tlesivme' a heartv lauuh should not miss the opportunity oifered. The man who casualty dropped in at .i.e.iexi " iiiit-uiii nun ll .(l ll L j Oil f 11 very good impression behind him. lie took it with him. . . ... . ' t t jo planted oarlv in tho.spihig, in raws about tw., lx-.slcmer--? apart. They i-honh! h' trai.s- I'-anteu m Au-usr, w ..en tonoge pro-. irso:: are on v acaiiou. "What is tli.i dit'Teretie itwefn our V1 l'''?.:in'1 1!:f" elmrc?.. fh..t has the lir-'PSt cl'"-r"vman v CM.e lias tiVi po?t m.Xu-r andThe oth-r has the m-l ms- 111.1HU- aim uh. ouia n" uic inn r. tor. I .v: JVJlTl i ' corn, ; :! .i.i .n-w) i-r. i.iiii ) ... L't lr CO i:"ri,'-j','.(i. u 1 uyc 1 J.aTI". . , . ... .. . oi;x, Aji. : latent M.v;::vi:rs. t'uii.-AOO. April CI. . ':.:Y" 5 OO'-.f : 25 1 1"". r-. .1-. J ' ; o.-"r iJj A PHYSICIAK'S TESTIMONY. 33 Years a Physician. 12 Years a Suf ferer. Tried Regular Remedies. Tried Patent Medicines. Per ir.anerri'y cured by MHFQBD'S RADIOAL GUnL MFSSTIS WT.fK roTTTt. Sirs I liara pra. ii-. il'ie lor tlsiriy years, an. 1 Lavs be.-n a &rti.-r.-r invrl!" f-r t'v.-lo y.-ars wlm Ca tanh In ti.e nsnl' f.i.fcSu-.fu- hikI larynx. I l avcu'(! rvervlMnin t!i" in'tlt-ri'i ne lint with ont suv piTOineiit rullcf, until linntiyl nras induced t. Irv a pttcnt:u'U:c'iiO (s.-i!i'"tni:i li.r.t wu a:.o- SaUiit-U nr -rv loth tr rini. I t ic;l and Irers t!irrs nritil 1 (jot hul-J of ymrs. I f l'owcd the dirrrtior.s tn the 1-trer. Htii um liftppr tn say hnve hHd Your l:AlICAL Cl'KE ii crr.alnlv a t.ppv ciml.iiifttlfm for tha enre of tlml luoi unpieaul biid Uac-crocs o ii4e3t8. ... it. w. g;;ay. m.t.. Of Dr. D. Orav 4 Soi., I'hvslcta.a and ln;'-;sn. 'eiitiiio, lvwa. HCSCATIXS, Iowa. .V ..r.:i. 7, The value of OiU rercct'y Ei'iat EPt be overlookoij In tl.C CUr Of tt.ur'O SYitlPATHETIG !8ERSE, .Af7ct!rr. r.T 1V.-. Vr V.r.r. Throng, anl Broiirtiiil Ti:!i w:::v.i in rjiHP.y c:is s .;c n!pa' y a ,.vcr c,...- . f ::t .;rli. 'i lr;l:.t.i. 'l arid ea5.:,l cij.'jtlo-i cf ;:"; iiim hh mt'nbrr.Ti'j id the caust o.' ts,2 tr.itl : r.r J ui.til I h o rv.;tei.i h.-w hin lToii!it I :( rl" in. l--r t. ! ii.fl'jori.'e ( t the lO.Mi'Al, cr : r. r -. .'-l't frjjSo:a l'roci tkcia Caruut ! re: sor.r.l :y r;s c I. It i .: tint 0 vr f.- : SAVOfD'S TIADT t'Ai, CUI'.f: wji p!:Kv. bi-f.-.r.- ;h . ,nl,!i.-. l.u i:i t'lat. t.irl time it tie i n'.ivi i t, tvav lam iiatn1! l o Canfornin, i.i,d is i v.,vr-. !iere u.lC!"iowlc.ltC-l V-y tliutrvist.i and I l,vsi. i -.e t!,c nti-x m-c. s'ul f rt ; irIi'ii fi-rthct!" rot.!i trc- .l:rri.t of Caiun i cv.-r cinj.'.'i.Hl. .;. ''. r v- 1 V(. t".ciiii.'d o! n.orc i:.;p'r::tti' e x-. i: ! fnr..v ; t tie- r-ii''Jie tr Cntrr!i ! r.e Uc-;a tasal.'1, and I ; to-c'.sv. wit'i Clip cr Mo ti.cT.i",i.:i,i,i ir ! ci.'.t h- r.'(-.,;vi y iv. : r- '1 . pic.; .iTnunst. i bnt.ii- o,- r n ;--s ?-i v?o i Bpeen'n rr.f ':i. & , - o i- p.L';ru.4 iu iuj liilj uii-:.u r. . T'S n.'.riTCAL C'""3 . '.v J i.U13i...j( '1 U,.', I-, r'l t I'r'.c i J ' i P. ;.l jif: u;s uuU Wiicli l'i-. I .-rav-rj .' hi i '! ft-.:- j tYA s. j 1. nlcrs II VI 1 ICS A; i'O'l i f sale i-' : ,-. I- - IS . . - .i. i ;. -.T.'.ro Tl i: . . ri'T, .-. 11.1. 1J a. 5 . V . fcU i 1 u.'.i.i. ;'Trr::?. Ems; v.I :t... tsri.It.t... A'-r.l '.-Ti. S T"'":e IhT.-'i1 1 fci n-i I; 'I t:c7 r.rn t:.- In-; I iv :t.nui, la tlio Wui:.:. to. 1.. -"' f:."Tr,v,-l--J Acr-nt n:v Oi:'.rrV "i- r tlH r-.-i :! v- f: vtii ;'i : t . o Co l.l ys" I'LAiTt.:' i t 11. -3 r.'.na OOiliiFkLTiiTffeSTER Incil piVii, Ivt,'"..,, w. i'.:nc5i, ritmbr.-tu.. i.ti.l 1. fl ir.tii;.; t :.n cf the. lu&y . liver, ki.e.i' v.-. sp,-v-: i i-!-..:.!.-r. ri.'i.r, uit 1 iuu- ri.-'. Qti;.l t a.'i flr:j' ii uJL'tt.ri and uctcj vl J.IUTH? & ;irul.s. fol.1 tiT n't Whoi nn-1 R?t!tll Prn prist tbrii iflnut tin- 1 "ii'.-ii si.iti-s and Caracas. aJ hj WELE.sat POTl I.::, ir-;; i.-tors, Bi.ato.i, .".inm. ii-. i - - . --.:---: - : ,a.;i . -s-f.-4-i . T Tl"? f t p t I 1 . Il i I IL i j nr. u:u hlusical liiSLnniienls, ,sv.;.' Appoint in y Ay lit for TUtf 5'sirivnlied t I!.itntia ' - .l.i.! j: i . . . .i. ..... Al-o. '.ho Sa-i :. I!ri:ry F. Mil'.-r. nii.J Haliet fi:ti!.i I'i.iuos tor (':iss bary cn'mtiee, Noli. C i',i :i:-.,i s.-c SAMPLE IXSTIJ IT ME X T S ;i! if:":re. S ixtll. one tinnr seat?! ef Main Si. ri.ATTSMOl'TH, M-;it. Tuniv.c shkI iviiiiiriier I' :itn Oraans a e.-H-iali;. . c .iler t !i" .skiJi'i : eels ef Mr. s. M. I'rewii, a tti.:er...f I'.a; ty-tl:: e yiaisfxirflitaice. " ' IIAKPWAIil'. STORE, In I''! tt'i. N :i.. en r.iurih St.. about tlie MIIlDLE or Tin: ::i.O(-:c, ?,mH""!"J: I Corn Fiauters, ii;i u.I Isi'Sio) V . r. K , j f ::12i3' riov.'s, i.'ijIJi' viitwrs. i 'd a'.il kinds of Farm Implements and Slielf Hardware, Tin Ware, &c, Ac ALSO, Eunarian Uii Ii. Seed for Sale j PLA 1 i bi'iUU I l'i i;llLLb. . il.ATTi-?.torT!I. i:n. v-. t..-."i l'i CjH mCtor. j j i I i .ur, Com ZilecZ cb Ftt-d - " ' ' ' A.wav leo .1 nu.l fc-wc nt l.-?.-rpr rr-.U i 1 Th- '..'-tw-M i. ul tor We: ; ral ton,. T:u 1 :etih'r rat-nttr.-i .rri r::.,, v.rK. i rs 2 47: C! o -tlk f .' 50 f V'. ; -..-?-! . ;e-.f "---VC ---v t.C''," Y TJ.AXXELS, FUllNISIIIN'O G00D.5. : :- GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. BOOTS and SHOES t le CLOSED OUT AT COST :o: Notions, Quccnsware, an-.l in f:iut cvi-n lliii: vim: can oa:I fori.i the lino f General Merchandise. cash rot: niihs and runs. Ail kinds of country Jiroilsue t;ik'lt in c. cli:ine for !r.iots. :avl Ciiicaza Mfmilri & Qnincy R. R. -IS XI IK DIRECT ROUTE i;::twfxn ihe II AST AND T5 Runnirs: Through Cars IGouitcil Bluffs, COXXUCTINxJ WITH Til!: Union Paoific Railroad I'Olt ALL l-OIN It I y!::;i:ATC.i. roLftR.iTin.;. L'TAU, KG XT. ix. i. -Vi:r.iP.!, Alii .i X A. IDAHO, AXI- rrg Ft . T T S.1 SI O f i E3 C A It s TO Alias CITY, TOFEKA.aTuiIIi.jli k St. ANI Ho:?ten i Texas Central I'laillloa'??. IT 13 THZ DIBZIC7.' BOTJTE I"!'. ;M UIK H W V" JJ tLi K-t' AND THE IDAST "X'O 'aTZXi: All ;t:f thi i: -st r:i; of v in i , :.;-ivitlJ ': !'.. V,'. i t'!I( f n'N. t-r-.i. Vi-. l:e.i. Aa'f., Cill'A'.O 7" r?TT F. TtYT ST T"-r-. COUNTER, PLATFCF.!: VAGOiTRACK THE BEST ARE-- s 1 "T E CHEAPEST BROADWAY N. Y. 12! CHESTNUT ST. PMLA.PA. Ul SENECA ST. CLEVE. 0. SA LE, FEED tl- LIVER Y HT AISLE. ti-.'a s.ti.'ft tifir.v op;ii.-ite the Court '. I'i.r.t.'iit.ituli, .i ;. riorsES iorSale. Ti; li::v;.-.:r :ei. fTIais : c-f cornl .ai:es mittle llie PiM-ciiiUy '...r liiMtaess. New Horses & Carriages, and jTi'iu'e hor-if s. for I.inlirs to drive ar kept at St.iD'e.'. .A1.- n a c:tr: y nU. wl'.ie'i runs tr t!if k-p?. .''.nil v.i!! cany i;:-.m ;i;;i'1' iieia any piaee in tua on -;i!l. FARMERS CALL A XI) ETAZIIXE MY STOCK FOR SALE. Syl E. I'AUMELE. THE OMAIfA REPUBLIC AIT Daily $10.00, Weekly S1.50 l'Ki: YEAK. l'OSTAUIi l'KKl'All).' The n.VII.Y is tlio lier t eiliteil r.ewsn.iner in j Nct.nis!.;;. :'.na i-oia.ons tiie latest ti'legvajihii', ! local, t:ite. and ceiini!i('i'''ial news. Tlie WKKH ;I.Y contains tlie con.lenseil ami -.ii,ii!i-le ih-ws oft ln nci'k. uu.l is tlie ele-aecrt I;ii. 1" el" i' size in !:r;'.s:,. sriXIAL KATES TO CLUKS. to C. K. YOST, Manajjor raii-naicvx, iin:i!ia, Neb. J. C CKAf-lBSRS, I MiTu. :..(! uri r -f atei J '.-aicr In i w A fz 1 ut A. 4 MM tAlt SADDLES. COLLARS, HALTERS. ETC., ETC.. ETC. ' . R II1PZ, REPAIRING Dona ?7ith NeatnessI Dispatch. Tlie i,lv n;-ip in town w'we "Xuilfy's l;it tnt self nth lis: a Mi her."1 collars arc f-ol.t." , M Ft::y a V! tl . Vtci i ;a to;it.Hdi-.t ;-i! f. -r J-'.ii -inr? '. .ink n..- i Hv.'i :-x no, i:.,:iri..:i ju r . y.i.-.ds -.-."ic. ntir: iy r fitted and i ( -1 urnished. and f.:;mrrs are ia ;tiest ed to call and gs.1 ' meals and beO lor il.uO. znvi THE OLD RELIABLE ---i-itfTB riiiY -i " - -- j t'OMlMiit S ALI.-IiAIL IL'ii'i II ! j NO Cli.VN'tJC (.'Alls! ONM K0A1, ONK 31 AN A(ii:5Ii:M! JTiom sbibc nck to Pittsburg!, narrislirirg. Ealiiiiiore, Wasliluton, Fglailoliilna & Uev York. Crist Slsm-l Line VIA NEW YOUK CITY. Hccultcs all Point in Painsylcauia and Xnr Jersey. Pullman Palace Cars ON ALL EXPRESS Tf.AlNS! M A a N I F IV E X T C A R YAi. ii i'ra v. l ui thi: eia.KiuiATrn WBSTIN 3E0DSE AIR BRAKES Jaaiicy's New Tatcnt Safiiy ri.:lfv,:iu and Coupler. Elegant Eating Mouses WITH AMTLE TIMC lOR KEAL3. ! THREE EXPRESS TRAINS I i.i;avk caicA(;o as roi.i.ows A. .":. si'iX lAi. I'AsT LXi'j:;..-:s KX ( KIT St " N i ) A Y. With tii pof-nhtr VislHu!tiSl- f piny Car I i:.-:n-l:i-s I'ii::'i:r?i. S :3: :t. In.: Har: j.-!t;i-;,'. i 11 :!.'" a. l.l. : i'ii!:;t- i.-ii'ii l:i. -I :'iO f. m. : Nov Voi k ii : t-p. nt. ; !:-;, h ; :;. l,:. : i i.!i-To 0:i ,-. in. ; V:i-;.t,..i..:i. V : J ;. l.l., lit.- t i!;;;. . rt:tr 1. 1. tiauiJif S:x. t ;iai2.v Vt'iiii Pirr!r::-Rooni nn I Huh I Car. l:.'-..,Iu s I iUi-l'UV.-tli. 1 :'." t. in. ; l!::!': isl"il '. . t:. , l'l!i;:vi -;i ! :i. :i ;i. m. : Nf.v Vet k pi. : i .l la iiui'.-i .la S:-fi,;z t';.r r.ii tl::-i r:C :. v iii--li' !i il ,i"',t tauil 7 ::.f I a. in., a.i i'.i' .i ieli'l. . a p:t.HSt-i:ji.-i-s a l-ill ! T. M.Night r-xp. Except sjaturd'y. I With Vrairiny-Ilixfm &1 'piny Car. j l!.-:-. ":-s 1 a t".iiiii;i 7 p. in.: J 1 : r;-i-": . i-1 . J '! :" 'i a. n: . ; 1 I ii ini .'. 7 : ' a. l.l. ; V ailiiii 1 1 mi ! ::. a. in. ; rtaiii.U'lj.M:;. ;i in. ; N'-u Vi"K, l'i a. mi. : ;.- 't !-i ji. m. 'I iiOi-.l!'. 1 .all i- i in.-.: s :.!..! s ui a-, i-:uu t ar v a lias : i r ot-. l Alt!'. .MAVAVH '- t.OW AS ANY (ITHH! 1.! I:. j j r-rn-.-otjuii r: ;:: f--r an :v!efi:-i 1 ..' a i fie .. ! . A-. nr tii.-ia vm ::i l-ti: i V.'AYNi: A; l i.NNaVl.V AMA i". i:. M V;:'s. t,''.y ('..-a. IV.----. & T;.!.. t As'.., I Hi "-'.('. LEX II OFF if- F.OXXS, I ili'i., i v V f 1 7 1 i y ' . 1 1 t. e d e:i.-i el !U.- S:M!'.'Mt . ii.jU.-ie. I.i '".1 'rr- !,( -a vl I ::.::;-. Co: a.eelv i; O. F. JOHNSON, !;; i.i-:u i.v liaL-ViicillJ? 7.Vr s 7 7" X T? jr7 S ? f- Z-v . - r: X: Jt-. JP5 r: Ail i apor Tiliiimed Fie 3 of Ciiarec. ALSO DEALER IX e-j.- J.i tJ Slationory, Magazines. A XI La 1 (ks t V n I) I i Cii t Um s . ... , .. , , I'reseriptions -:i:-ffnIl.v t wiipoanilpU l.v ass I-.xperioiiil I; cu.t. ki-;mi-:mi;i:k the placp. COR. FIFTH & 2IAIX S1 REETS I'l.ATTSMOUTH. NER. ioi to Pis ? k. 1 -d i US. -:" CD 2 i a P W 5 o h l7J bi 14 S5 S i-4 J t - cr TEXAS. ! Ar" Ton t haii-.Her of trUi? tf T. a tfi i voi- Wiir.t re!ia:!e iaforu-ut inn in n-r.''I I r.nn.. ,:.r sr rr - i ', ..-r! ! i"f hp fOHT Wr'KTll rK MCWIi T. !-r.'l: f., i-i i.i' ' 'i.:;:." "--ys "it li'--' ! li.-i.-ti'e-'l n:i "t '-. -r tr.e m'-t a'- y y.'.'u i::,!M'i!iens ef ?a I .: :i iri :i ! M.,;e " 'il-.'i-!i.t;ti t! 1 ye:ir. ?.: ; i x montlisfl Vi. Sena 111 oi ntsf.urs:!:!! j j.;,. copy wi;fi T-t- sti't:iwaent. Art'lK.-ri, liRMOi rT. I H !:-T.. LV.t Worth. Tcsa-.. firiD &mtiZ 5 A lull line of notions, Trimmings. a ROC & HI E $ I N GREAT' VARIETY A Splendid Display of Black Cashmeres and Alpaca Bres3 Goods. , a 6'.'iMi" variety oz - STYLES OF CHEAP DRESS GOODS. .1 I.arye Stock of P'laiuulx, v "'' " Yams, and L'lank t, of all Dtmrij'!ion.- i!F? A 7-b. ."i- A.i i3 ; A t-t'g H Wcolen Hosiery WOOLEN DRESS FRINGES, Gouts ' i, O 7 J n ' r- Oil Ti Z ? j MERINO UNDERCLGTM - iiiu. OU l'i A T V A III LTY o P COTTON FLANNELS.' A good soft coal ftove la.rge :. for sale at pltimmt r's. "Winter Apples at I'louiiaei's. New and fresh stotk of buck mit- t ns and gloves . ! A gond .stock of '."inter Apples at J j.j JI1,uer-., -J J I ' J tyr ro Ww.4 bv the J 7" 7"" XT RGEST A SSoltJ'JIEXT OF xotioxs, TimmixGH axd FAXCY GOODS L'i' Ell BROUGHT WEST OF TIIE MISSOURI RIVER, Ail t j !? f. ur-i v.i ELI PLUMPER'S OLD STAND on Main Street. Platis inoivth, opposite tlie Saumhn's 1 ; -iOflES & STROUDS1 lUivk Jiivery Sl:ihj, rLATT-MOUTH, N:'H. 'I'l.iM I.llVI.Iii; S.'! IM I'u ... . I , I., y :io- r-i ;i ;u v. in.J ham's,,.,,,, ' ' 1 ' "'njii IVilUJf t(l f SADDLE IU)I:SK8 CiltAV. Horses kept for Sale or to Trade. ALSO ' .'.; totu!M- e-!..-.. t.:it vk. l-.-.v.- i Hnr. oi..- oi i -i. I.. r:i. ... ii!, v . , n ''irf". llOiMM :c.l NX-O!... 1 ,:, , ' , , , "!', " ;e.i I wau'.uH. l.;i! of j.t.;i. .i :m:, :, , ,. ' " (li-rcovt r. it: th.- ilrv. i; m. tut i n,,, u" riia-.1-isi'i :til i'lt ..ei-.;!!N for t'o ir ,i, ,.v , at s, c Miorlt 1 1n-i i ; l. !'! lor t!i.- f ;i! hi--, Mrt itH ;l V. .' :itl IICioimimoiI.iI c t llflll ln-ttrr itii'd x't li.-tti'i" t.'V ilu-iti tiuiti ever bcloif. 3-yi. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, ilLA CKSJII Til house siioiiim;, A.N 11 WAfiO.N KKI'AIKIMt M All kinds of Hi FA KM I MI LIJML.NTI mended - Xtutltf d- Promptly Ilorsc, Mu!c& Ox Shoeing, ! In short, we'll shoe anything that has j four feet, from a Zi bra to a (Jiralle. I Come and see us. en 1'i'tli St.. between Main anil Vine Strot-i. ji;t aeu.v- lite cm m y !i:t MitV lli:KALI t-'l i I I-.. ii) i BEST FARF1IHG LANDS in NEBRASKA, roi: sai.i: r.v srv ?:r;:i tKSiA. ' i Qre?.t Adiiitacs to Buyers IX 1S77. ! 7';)i It Cretiit at , e nt Interest. j r..';.v .,.-! pi r i! Iiituis', j i. a.' -u y t Dhwunt. i Otlier l,i!,n-.".l !t N(.nnN I'dr :irl, Iti-lme o;i i'cm .'t I iclalil, j i.iiil lic:i.i i. t'tr i it. ii-o - r.tenlw. .'.,....,.... I ,7....-, .... , . t ........ p r.,,1 . . -, ' : u'.ui-i. wii! !. i !:..;,, fi-.e to any j.jirt il t:. . w i'i iii Mi aeu1 mi. ti i.A.Mi i t.MMiS'iux.r::. '.. m. ir. n. j "'Vl l-i m oi.n. -Zl V - ho- .arsi -..- 7 HEFJRY F. FfllLLEI? P 1 A X O F it R T E S BOSTON, ZZJiJ.::. Boston Bablio ilcivj'.ja;. i 3VIass. Stat o Noi mi 1 .' ti-i'J Uto. ! ; The Kfciv England Conr.v vatory cf lHuslo Ex ciusiveiy. 1 i U il M A ii iJ c ii Ij b h it T H 1 S K.ST A E L I S 1 1 M i : 1 ; i;V the Phikdclphia Exhilil: : ;. ...-!, i i. t'':ei ;ie. : ' -r-'ny th.--Cow, rt S i , il.i-v I'!.u:." u.-o- 'i ..-'1 in I'.nt i i,i :.i : :. : ' ' "O' ei ; i. J 'i:..- s ef 1-T7 iai.'. 7-1 ! j 1, .a-'l i.ui:.'. -rr 1 ; I.,; ;.e.!- .1 ii. i ' ;;r:n i I - fcr i: i i 1 ' ' "Nn -'h l:.-aiiii.. nt lei?.'. If.v. roni i; ii-i'l iM-I.-i'i'.' i ..y!:i,,, ,::V11,ir, ,,f i.i ril.,'."- 1...V.I-:: V. "flir i o. ; ' I'V il ll V tllllt lia. ,m;i ri i:ji : i . ' i.t -iii. il !.' lixi l .1 5.hlf PE'' 1 '" lm l'-ti r.'.i.'.ino 1 :ve..t for - . I a;in .Nea.: ar euia:iu:i-. I Plattsmcith- -.vK ' '' 1 r- . tvti" r ; O ' - - LIVERY SALE il .D i i::;- t ot I'latle " V,.- Tin: ('i.n: LIVERY S', In the To G'j'nl Tun 'ft Alv '.'. Careful Drivers s? riages if (. - Cat i i;c-f t si i: t . I : wl. o'n-r oi 1. i . .1. IKw ONt-V r-.f.. i:!" 'ti t'-.l s"l lic-cli Alil'i N t : . v n ,- -j -.. ul; i. d v. 1 U