Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 28, 1878, Image 4

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    . M
flic Drtttlo.
TTrnvy nrvl solemn,
A cloudy column.
Through the rrveii plain they marctitng cnml
Mennurolps pprwiil. Iloii tulilo droftd.
For the wild ttriin liie of tlio Iron frsme.
Look are Ix-nt on tht Finikin? g-ruunl,
Herts bent low wit li a trie! Hi w wound;
Pwlft by tlit l,ront that inu.-t teiir tho brunt.
Gallops the Major along tho front;
Ami fettered thty eland at the stark cominaoa.
And the warriors, klli-ut, hiUt.
Proud In the bhi.h of morning (flowing-.
What on the Mil-top shin sin tlowinfc?
Se you the firman's b.inn -rs wavlnar?"
"We w the fonman's batnu r wavinjrl"
God be with yon, children and wit'f!"
Hark to th rnusie the .'lruin ami life
How they rinjr throusfli tho ranks, which they
rou to the tit i if el
ThrHlinir tln-jr sound, with their glorious tons,
Ibriiiiiiff they go through the uiurrow and
Brother. God irrant, whfn thU life Is o er,
Ia the life to ootne that we meet once mure!
800 the smoke, how the Iihtuiny U cleaving
Hurkltho kuh, pfnl on pen I, how thf:y boom
in tin Ir thundor!
From host to ht with VindHni? sound.
The shout-d clonal circles round:
FrvT already breathes tli breath!
The war 1 wavinir, slaughter ruirlnsr.
And heavy through the reeking pall
The iroridi.-aliiHlii.-o fail!
Nearer they cUm-i fix- upon foes
'Keady l"-froui square to square it goe.
They kneel as one man from tlnnk to flank.
And the fire cornea sharp from the foremost
Many a soldier to nrth 1 ?ent.
Many a rap by tin: balls i rent;
'or the corpse In-fore sprimrs the hinder man,
That the linn uiuv n-t fall loiho f.-iirl'-HS van,
Xo the rUht, to the left, and iiround and
Death whirls In ts daoe on th Woody ground,
Ood'S sunt Kht 1-i pu:nehed i t the fiery lisjht
Over the liost.s f.dls a brooding iii-ht!
Brothers, (iwl jrratit, when this 1 to Is o'er.
In the life to come we may meet once more.
The dead men arc bathed in tho weltering
And the living ore blent in the fI)pp"ry flood.
And tho feet, u they reeling-anl sliding go,
Sfumbln still on the corpse thatslec-ps lelow.
"What? Fmnciil Give Charlotte my last fare
well." , t M
As tbo dvingr man murmurs, tho thunders
"I'll give )h God! Pr the run o near?
Hoi comrad.-fl! yon volley! look sluirp to tho
Til givto thv Charlotte thy last farewell!
Sleep soft! where death thickest doocendeth la
Tho friend thou forsakcth thy alio may re
pain!" nitherward, thltV-r aid reels the flht;
l)ark and more darkl .- d-iy glooms into nlht.
Brothers, .i x 1 (tranf. wlion this life is o'er.
In the life to come that we meet once in re!
Hark to th hoofs that pnlloplu gol
The adjutants Myinif
The horsemen press hard on the panting foe.
Their thunder bo ids in dvlnr
Tremor has sehtcd t n the dastards all.
And their leaders lad!
Closed is the brunt of the frlorl.ius lltsht;
And the city, like a cou'iucror. bunts ou the
Trumpet and fife chrnl nlon ',
The triumph alreadv sweeps man hinsr In onjr.
Farewell, fallen brothers; thou h this life be
There's another, lit which Ave shall meet you
once in re!
Tcaul.alcI from ScliiUerbj Dulirrr.
A Vfonl to oar Contemporaries.
A Lesson to Fathers.
The great secret of success in bring
ing up children is to establish and tiro
serve perfect confidence between pa
rents and children. If the falhwr is the
hoy "a best friend, a ;dl wise mothers
are the girls', there is no trouble .-.bout
keening them from bad pssot'iales.
whose vicious examples and silly brava
do have a lasting effect upon their char
acters. Fathers, in your efforts to se
cure fortunes for yocr families, remem
ber that money will not save yon from
the heart-ache if your boys go wrong,
and that their only safety is in being
kept close by your slue, helping you in
business, and you in turn sharing theii
fun and play. Nothing is so flattering
to -boys as the society of their fath
ers, and nothing makes a man so popu
(From the Vawnce Kcnublican.)
There seems to be a- misunderstand
ing on the part of our brethren of the
state press in regard to the aims and
intentions of the Nebraska Press Co
operative Union. At the late editorial
association a committee of four was
appointed to confer with brother pub
lishers in regard to the propriety of or
ganizing an association lor the purpose
of having our co-operative printing
done within the state. The matter
thoroughly discussed, and the project
was pronounced feasible and practica
ble. The object of this combination is
to control foreign advertising, thereby
placing in the pockets of Nebraska
publishers what now goes into the
pockets of eastern co-operative pub
lishing houses. One gentleman pro
posed to publish outside matter, with
out advertisements, for GO cents per
quire, provided twenty papers could be
secured, with an average calculation
of twenty quires each. This, with the
revenue, from three columns of foreign
advertisements, would reduce the cost
below that which most of us are now
paying. Increase the list to forty "pa
pers, and the cost of composition would
be proportionately reduced, so that we
have every reason to believe that we
can eventually gt our paper, one "half
printed at Lincoln or Omaha, for less
than the first cost of the blank paper.
It is the. intention of the association
to employ a first class agent to solicit
foreign advertisements for those who
go into the co-operative union. And
to make the project a success, those
who publish their papers all at home
will probably go into the union, which
will make the :issociation a strong one,
and foreign advertisers will be obliged
to come to legitimate terms with the
State agent if they wish their adver
tisements to be read by Nebraska read
ers. Many publishers have failed to
respond to notices sent them and some
have, perhaps, not been notified. All
who have interest in he success of Ne
braska journalism should not lose a
moments time in signifying their wil
lingness to co-operate with brother
publishers in this grand enterprise.
The committee appointed by the asso
ciation to confer with the members of
the press, are as follows: Mr. Hall,
of the liurtonian ; A. L. Wiglon, Hast
ings Journal; 11. V. Kisley, Table Uock
Enterprise, and A. E. Hassler, Pawnee
Republican. It is desirable that we
have a meeting some timo in March,
and those publishers who have not
been notified will do the committee ar.d
association a favor by notifying eilLer
one of the committee of their inten
tions regarding the matter. We t-Jui
make ourselves ;i power by c-oria-tion.
.et us do it, and the swntr the
better for the financial interests of ev
ery publisher in the State.
has come home,
And he has brought the finest line of
Dress Goods, Staple Goods Fancy
Goods and Notionsyou ever saw.
rPD ay Hollaing of grocer-
ie by t lie &se9boof and
shoes till yoaa emiH rest
Isats and caps till
you' must buy.
Spring and Summer Goods eyer and ever so cheap.
JSoo is 'jmr vJianeu bound to sell ami itu'.hrst ll anybody. Hurry
tijy. I leant to jo East ayain next month.
At the Old Stand 1'itzgcrald Block, one door cast of First National Bank
Having bought out the entire stock of Schnasse fc Gramberg, in this city,
will during the next thirty days offer the balance of their "Winter Stock at
prices lower than ever before seen in this city, and invito the inspection
of the ladies of Plattsmouth and vicinity, as they feel assured that their pri
ces cannot be undersold.
3?eat 'Bargains in.
Adulteration uf Flour and IJrrad.
"While it is certain that nt-etTk-ss alarm
is frequently excited by exaggerated
statements regarding food adulteration,
there can be no doubt that many of the
articles of food met w ith on our tables
often contain, foreign ingredients, which j
are introduced either for the purpose of J
lessening their cost or improving their
taste and appearance.
Flour is subjected to adulteration with
other and inferior meals, such as rice,
beans, rye, potatoes, and Indian corn,
the addition of whrch cheapens the price
and in some cases bestows a good color
upon a damaged or inferior grade, or
causes it to take up an abnormally large
quantity of water. The addition of for-
4 1 . i : . . 1 : 1 1
lar with them as his joining in their L" ,s I'lacucuu, ""
VI, il;IIKfel C.C1US1 t'lV 111 lUIl.'1't-, il3
amusements. Try to do this and your
sons will try in turn to understand your
cares and troubles. Take as much pains
to preserve them from contamination
in the shape of immoral companionship
as mothers do their girls, and you will
find them growing up to be ra -dest and
virtuous young men, fit companions and
husbands for girls who have been care
fully guided from all knowledge of
evil. Icvote yoxrs evenings to family
amusements and pleasures. Invite
young people to your house and pay
them atteiiti-'ii, instead of going off to
bedor shutting yourself in another room
the moment they rnrd;e their appear
ance, as if there was, an 1 could be, no
thing between your manhood and their
youth. So shall y u be kept young in
heart, and the uiexpei ii-nc of your sons
will be tempered with s 1 e ing of the
sobriety of experience.
Taking the Chances.
The following announcement pub
lished in a Portuguese newspaper con
tains an ingenious idea. AyH-nglady,
aged twenty-two, possessing all the
qualifications necessavy for making a
goo 1 wife, poor, but accustomed to a
certain degree of comfort, desires to
most of the substances of this class
used, have in this country a greale: value
than pure w heaten flour. A more prob
able illustration with us is the use of
alum and mineral substances; the form
er is occasionally eui ployed to impart a
white ol'r to flour, the lattei, w hich
include sulphate of limo, kaolin, chalk,
and bone (lust, being used to produce
increased weight. It has quite recently
come to light that a t'.or.r containing
ten per centum of u mixture of ch ilk,
plaster of Paris, and barytes has for
some time formed a steady article of ex
port from Ib.l'nnd into other Fu'opean
countries. The presence of such sub-stan-cs
as these can be detected by plac
ing the l! ur in along tube nearly filled
with clii at-form, shaking the mixture
and allowing it to stand, when the pure
flour w ill rise to the top of the liquid,
the. heavier rahieral adulterants sinking
to the b.-Uoni.
Bread naturally contains the foreign
in -"dients ad le 1 to the flour from
which it is made; but in addition to
these, other substances a r& sometimes
used in its preparation. Alum is em
ployed to prevent the action of the dias
tase u.ion the starch, and to prevent
the bread from becoming sour and
mouldy; and aiti.ouhthissilt undoubt-
manj; navmg oeen leit in a tmiicuu i edly tends to those results
Iosition by the Jeath of a lady who has i imai ts a fine white abearance to
i - i t l
the bread, its use is nt justifiable.
? .S3. ;A&my0l t-
en . teg t -misi?'P :.
j&?4&M&&t .-' ''tt, J
W2r'Zt3rY' f3- :& S L-J;?" &t4Z' rC" i"t-J
ttt.? ill r T ST 2sa 1 n fFW' in h C--:4Jm5? 4
A 'fi IMMlMe
E II AVE NO O L I T O C K I) 11 O I. I) S T Y 1. K S
f 5rf -ar Vr r-. V r h t( ic 9
new goods,
eli:i;aat styles.
We are in alianst .l.iily n-eeil of
wlifch we offer ur fiieud- am! t!ie public at
Wholesale asai ISef nil,
at prices to suit the times.
A Complete Assortment of Boots and Shoes which we will
Sell Very Cheap.
Gents' Caps, Scarfs, ' Cardigan Jackets" Underwear, Etc.,
Which We will Close out at Low Figures.
Cashmeres, Alpacas, Delaines, iVc.
Calicos, from 12 to 1G Yards for $1.00.
Muslins, from G cts. a yard upward.
fim-ht stix-U. ft White l'.filsrf;nl- i-vcr liroiijht to tin il.
Euell's . Cassimeres,
Tweeds. Jeans,
full Slock.
and Cottonades in
Bfflate Head CJsips,
anal WuriMslnm&tM
Coimtrv Produce Taken
for Goods.
in Exchange
fit' A 1.1. KINDS.
Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods.
Tli a uk fi;l for pa.--! favos in l!io jviir ui.r y . I r-spi-fl fully :i- U a cumI U'linn'- of I In- s.-uo -v
i'. i: i i s v i i.-i' i . in a i.i. -.vr. .n.J i-i i ' s to p.i -f in.iy In- t f-t-!
Willi -jii ( -f.s. I n iL.iia as ( r. .!. V. V ' K l; A ( 1 i .
j'LATTsMorrii, xj: hi: ask. ?
Qo! a m n M & N' A T F-I A M
The Cheapest Book in tho Enlitli Liui&ungt
W't-liJiiir to n-dai-f llu iV
i ' A T
i:o:Ts ,v MIOKS.
Nearly 000 1 LSUSTli ATE I) ira-c
limiiiil in J 'I. i in !i, ;i:)il .-iiiL y mail. n. -.( a;.' p: ;i i i !, 1 r hm.v
in oi:I r to i!i:iko rouin for th'i'r sprin in;ch.tsi-s. w:: f 'inv t!;i-.' il.ile uffvr
splci'iliil iiiIi!;"tjiin'ii;.s to i!u; jtiililic, i:i f-v";'? lfyui !:;-!it. Wt assure voir
tliis is a i'.-ukI clfjtrain:c sale, ami we will i.-iT.-r io,ls at jaiei's that wiU m.t
fail to jilease t lie closest luiyer. A visit to our elegant store K.iums will eoii
vince you that we have the largest and uios! complete stock ot iu our
line in ti.e ci::r, which mast he sold to iaal:e room for our
l'l.vr-: ffonie 'J'alk, einhraciiig !oli,
er one hiimiicil thoii.-.aud ('
at tinee iloih'.rs a;i-i . t : t y -1 : i ?nts
the .standard ulilimr-: entire.
1 Cumiiioii S.-nse. for 2.-tO!!
ies of the lalidai Ivijliuli
'I'he new t.t'lc contains the
!( it A
in. U h i
We have just
, a full line of
03 irK
rece'ved from our nti-re. formerly located at
St. Joseph,
Item to lies :.y a rw-ther since her birth
She desires to bring to her husband a
marriage portion of 10,000f, ;nd in or
der to do this she will marry anyone
who complies with the following con
ditions : The man who wishes to be
come her husb ind must take tickets in
a lottery which is about to 1 e held, the
price of each ticket being lOf. When
Sr'j00 tickets have been disposed of, the
amount duo for them will Le collected
and placed in the Hank of Yizeu, in
vested in the ni'ine of the civil govern
or of the town, if, as may be e xpected
will be the case, he will g ve his con
sent. The numbers will then be drawn
In the presence of the judge ft the dis
trict, the director of the asylum of
Vizeu, and of the civil governor who
will preside cn the occasion. The
drawer of the winning number wili re
ceive, immediately after the celebration
f f the marriage, 40,( Ouf, and aiso the
inters Jt of the other 40:0itf w hich will
Core the dowry of his wife. Should
the winner be unable from any cause
to marry the person making this an
nouncement, ho may cede his ii;ht;
wr should the marriage net t ike place
at all, the sum subscribe i will le hand
c d over to, a charitable 'i.aiiluti on in
j When taken into tie' s.onlach it is lia
j ble to occasion acidity and dyspepsia;
I furthermore, it prevents the solulionof
j a large proportion of the gluten of the
j bread, thereby causing a decrease in its
nutritious value. A far more reprehen
sible adulteration consists in the addi
tion of sulphate of copper, which has
thg-So'me effect on the color of the bread
and on the diastase. A!th:ugh this salt
is but Ftliioni employed, and then in
very small amounts, iu us.- is to be enn-3-?nined
in the strongest terms, as it
acts as a virulent poison, and its effects
axe cumulative. A simple and delicate
test for detecting the presence of copr
per is to moisten the suspected bread
with a few drops of silution of ferroey
anide of potassium, w hich w ill cause a
pinkish color to become apparent if the
metal be present JYko York Evening
in workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch,
and as elegantly finished as r firsteSarj Piano. It
received tho highest awards r.t tho Vienna and Cen
tennial Expositions. IT SEWS OME-FOUttTH FAST
ER than other machines. Its capacity is unlimited.
There are more WILSON M A C l i 3 a Q sold in the
United States than the combined sates of all tho
doing all kinds of repairing, W2THOUT PATCHING,
given FREE with each machine. A Certificate is given
with each Machine, guaranteeing to keep it in repair,
free of charge, for fivo years. It requires no special
instructions to learn how to uso it. Satisfaction
guaranteed, or no pay. Machines delivered freo of
charge anywhere in tho United States.
Send for Illustrated Catalogue, and ask for sample of mending
and our Circular No. 197 for further instructions for buying machines'
upon terms stated in tho Catalogue.
ZktbI whson mnm machine go.
827 &. S29 3rcadwcy, New York; New Orleans, La.;
Cor. CtCLts r.r.d r.ladieon S?s. Chicacp, His,; and San Francisco, Ccd
Government Liinl Iaieut?.
An Iowa coi respondent of an Eastern,
paper litres the importance to home-3lcad-stttiersand
land-owners of secur
ing the Unitl vines patent deeds
thereto.andsHys that the Tact is reveal
ed by investigation at the United
States Iind Ollice, ti:;.t in hundreds,
and probably thousands, oT cases.owing
to the ioor ink used in the oflices. at
Washington, the descriptions of lan t in
these patents have cnMrely faded out. so
3to become perfectly illegible, and it
?s only by the lilin on the outside-, mad3
r. the State otr;?e, that cve the name
:f the y crs on. ati t?.vn and ransre, can
a l non u. This i? a f-erious ilitH-'ulty,
wili ro.ptire a full res.-atelj of 11
(.JiC ri ' at Y:i: hbiton. and 1 1 ie is
itii.'iO; eta i-.c-w patent, all of which only
-U.t -:-. s ; In- chances of. c-i cor.
Cars ir's lVeatlJu
Julius Ca;.sar. like Wilkins Micawber,
Es., was "continually incurri g pecu
niary liabilities thai le: tound diHicnlt
to" He set a hijh value
upoiv fi ienoship, haTiu? pureliased that
of Lucius l'aiilus for ?l,.Xli,H, and
that of Curio for .2,'.,'0,0W). llev.asa
terrible spendthrift. lie fore he had
succeeded" in obtaining an oihee, he had
am ussed dtlt3 to the amount of $11,
UTj.UOO. liut o:iiceho!ders ha 1 pood
p eking iu those days as iu cur own;
and a-j soon as Juiius got his hand iu'.o
the public treasury his debts bv-gan to
diminish. He s on became rich. He
! gave Servillia, ti e mother of lirutus, a
: ioarlof the va'ueof Ji.Ml.OCi). He would
i d ubtless have ben geiltj; of m u:y r extravagauee-i had iKt"t!i be
. l-'V. ! I'.rutu-.' given him tnat cruel st if;
! und -r the f t ri!. Ou the day of the
! a--sa-?sir.ari"-n, rsir"s fii-ttd, llark An-tf-r.y.
o .ved fl,' ).'), v.hi.-h ail
paid thirty l.. ...:'!. r r.v.r-J.":. Thir i!!,
: M rk Antony snbst.-if-'itly swa'lo.vf.d
a peail, dissniu.d in vin.gai- (wuich
i (.'ierpatr;' ;?dnii'itered to him), worth
j -'M)A.m He a!s i squaTulert'd f?J5,0G0,
PL0 of thv public troasnri. .
v-.v !-;atM .S t -'i' - 5
Ai. e.
V. 1'..': '
-1 is t:.
.1 iv.Mv
to -Lip
et to 'i.
l.l. 'e
: . f r.
re I m
8. fx Bisiliici Imp a
li uni
r.on:e of whicli ar; tlio
purest and bes. Dii:::.'T
i !t sri:
fi rm bii'ii
IMI.NS eel
in joittd. 11 i;u want
il l :n
::ir.s not akii
Kid'.-. C
.1.1). VANbOllKN
w.Av j .).(!. igo t'o.:,W.
O A '1
inerv rancv iircici
J s
for the Ladies, htautiful iu design and pattern, at exceedingly lo? iTgurcs. In
Gents' Clothing and Furnishing Goods,
W'o c;ii -rv a eivinpli't" Ifm '. wlieri' ovei viliinjr eaii ' tu'iml to Mlit tlie iiut f t-tiiliniis j;'ii!k'
ntuit i" I'as (.'(uiity,.rht bottom lljrurtv. "ur li;i. of
is ui-li that we !cfy coiiipctil i"n ia style am! x""''- e iilso Imvc a clioi e Kc!tct .iia of
Berlin and German-town Yarns in Great Variety.
IJelow w e attach prices on our goods, and judge for yourselves
."ion yds. Woolen Dress (Joods, Kemnants at 10, 15 and 20c; formerly
10 and abc per yard..
500 yds. Ulack and Xavy Ulue, CashmereDress (loodsat 25c; formerly 50c. .
5oo yds. Jjeauliful Patterns in Jluchhtgs, from 10c u;v.
500 yds. .lap. Striped Wash l'oplin at 15c per yd.
A beautiful selection of Hamburg fillings and Embroideries frai 5c up.
Cents' Overcoats from .?.00 n-,
Euil Suits from 5.on. rip.
Ladies' Handkucliiefs 5c apiece (i for 25
laulies Merino Hose ; pair for 25c.
All Wool Elankets from ??1.25 up.
Horse Blankets -S2.40 per pair.
lied Spreads White and Colored 1.00 up.
Celebrated Hip (lore Corsets :J5c.
Madam Toys Corset DOc.
lieautiful l'atterns in Cassiiner t5c and Si'.dO..
Kentucky deans 25c per yard up.
Kid Gloves. 50c per pair.
Ladies' Merino l nderwear .;0c ajueee upi.
Mens' lioots ,s2.00 a pair up.
JJailies Shee.T.1.00 up.
Ci:iidr lt's Shoes 25c uij..
Hati from -5c in,v-
Caps 10c up:
Lleached and Drown Myelin 12 vds. for&l.Oo
Canton Flannel 8c. yd up. all Wool,
s, for .51.00 up.
And other Articles too Numerous to Slention..
M-iiu Sii.eU lluladeljhUv SXore.-
If.scas(; xi 1 1 2 ils Causes.
Prevent ion of Disease.
C0111111011 Son so Uomodios.
Chronic Discacs oft ho (lilferont Organs
of t ho Hotly.
Private- Words for Women:
Priuate for Men:
Hints to tho Childless:
Impotency of Males & Foinale
The Habits of Men and Women; the Natural Delation of .Men and Woiie-n
to each other; Society, Love. Marriago, Da rentage, etc.
The Sexual Organs, their Influence, upon Development, Health, Social l'u.v
lion and Civilization.
HUtorv of Marriage among all Nations and in all Times.
Sevuaf Immoralitv; Sexual Moderation ; Sexual Indilf renee.
Adaptation in Marriage, M.u.lal, l'iiy.-.ieal. Magnet ie. ami Tei-i'eramei:tal.
Happiness iu Marriage; flit ei nnii 1 iae of Delativcs.
i:.ssas for Yoivng stud Old, Marri"-1 and Cnm u ried, an 1 many other top.. 3
x o xeei) or lending youii coi v
O-f I'lain Home Talk, for the I'uichase 1'rice is within the reach of all.
Scvil Xecd to Consult Your Physician
T'pon any of the Subjects mentioned, for you can h ive a oniplff e know!
of the .same, and of mmiyother matter at less than his consultation fee.
?o Xoed oi' Pie diinr Ignorance
In advanced Life for the sufi'eruiproc;liiseil by the fillis of je
aguhen a .single book will put yo on the light track.
.'a and mid-
And the best way "To put money in yoi.jt purse.
Copy of the Popular Lditiim of Dr. Fuute's I'LAIN
then preserve
is to send at once f-r a"
HOML TALK. Vou can
Dy knowing how to prevent diseases, save .IS.5J by purchiaing with ouly Si.-'
50 littrature that iou wiil upon reading say is worth S-'O.
The vluapfst lock, iwdica or h:rl ' wi-, fmV'. '-. in th- v, id'-
Try Canvaj,sing, and if you snctegHting four subserii'tion-s and wil.-remit-the
sLx dollars, we will mail to ea h sub.-ciiber and youitelt included a
copy of this popular work. Contenfo tab'e of thi.J bock tent tite. Addrss
Kn.-- .. .m: sni Kt.M-w v.i.-i cm -